furrypawsitive 2 years
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All courses on @tromplo Tromplo.com are 15% off for Black Friday! This includes my Kitty Kindergarten course. If you work or live with cats (or just an enthusiast), take this chance and register today! No code needed, just register through the link in bio and the discount is automatic! Happy shopping and studying 馃槉 #CatLover #CatLovers #CatLoversIndonesia #CatKnowledge #Kucing #Cats #CatFacts #FaktaKucing #MengenalKucing #IlmuKucing #TentangKucing #PencintaKucing #LatihKucing #CatTraining #TrainYourCat #MelatihKucing #ClickerTraining #PositiveReinforcement #ForceFreeTraining #RPlusDogTrainer (at Kota Wisata Cibubur) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClYPm4-rMpY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive 2 years
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Perilaku kucing, fakta atau fiksi? 馃樅馃樅馃樅 Mitos perilaku kucing: Kucing yang buang air sembarangan di luar kotak pasir sedang balas dendam. Penjelasan yang lebih mungkin: 馃樉 Stres atau gelisah 馃樉 Kondisi medis (terutama jika terjadi tiba-tiba) 馃樉 Kotak pasir yang tidak cocok/nyaman (ukuran, tipe, pewangi) 馃樉 Kurang bersih untuk standard si kucing 馃樉 Dijaga oleh kucing lain (jika ada lebih dari 1 kucing di rumah) Saran: 馃樃Evaluasi lingkungan melalui perspektif kucing dan hilangkan sumber stres atau kegelisahan. 馃樃Perubahan perilaku yang tiba-tiba harus diperiksa ke dokter hewan untuk mengatasi penyakit atau rasa sakit yang menyebabkan perubahan perilaku. 馃樃Carilah kotak yang sesuai untuk kucingmu berdasarkan ukuran tubuh dan material yang disukai. 馃樃Bersihkan lebih sering. 馃樃Sediakan kotak pasir lebih dan taruh di berbagai lokasi di runah, jangan berdekatan. Ada mitos seputaran kucing yang konyol atau lucu, tetapi kita harus berhati-hati agar tidak menyakiti kucing, sengaja atau tidak sengaja, karena salah asumsi. #ForceFreeDogTraining #CatTraining #TrainYourCat #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #JakartaDogTraining #DogTrainingJakarta #jakarta #BogorDogTraining #CibuburDogTraining #cibubur #BaliDogTraining #LatihKucing #CatLover #CatLovers #CatLoversIndonesia #CatKnowledge #Kucing #Cats #CatFacts #FaktaKucing #MengenalKucing #IlmuKucing #TentangKucing #PencintaKucing (at Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpCS1QfLBKB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive 2 years
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Cat behavior, fact or fiction? 馃樅馃樅馃樅 Cat behavior myth: Cats refusing to use the litter box are exacting revenge on their humans. More likely explanations: 馃樋 Stress or anxious 馃樋 Medical conditions (especially if it's a sudden change) 馃樋 Unsuitable/uncomfortable litter box (size of the box, the type of litter, fragrance) 馃樋 Not clean enough for the cat's standard 馃樋 Guarded by other cat (if multi-cat home) Suggestions: 馃樃Evaluate the environment through the cat's perspective and remove the source of stress or anxiety. 馃樃Any sudden change in behavior should be checked by a veterinarian to rule out medical conditions such as illness or pain. 馃樃Find the right one for your cat based on body size and preferred material. 馃樃Clean more often. 馃樃Provide more litter boxes and spread them out around the house, not grouped together. Some cat myths can be silly or funny, but we have to be careful not to (intentionally or unintentionally) cause harm because of what we assume to be true. #ForceFreeDogTraining #CatTraining #TrainYourCat #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #JakartaDogTraining #DogTrainingJakarta #DogTrainingBogor #BogorDogTraining #CibuburDogTraining #cibubur #LatihKucing #CatLover #CatLovers #CatLoversIndonesia #CatKnowledge #Kucing #Cats #CatFacts #FaktaKucing #MengenalKucing #IlmuKucing #TentangKucing #PencintaKucing (at Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpCSGi_LeUI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive 2 years
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Cat Behavior Myths: fact or fiction Cats refusing to use the litter box are exacting revenge on their humans. More likely explanations: 鈻禨tress or anxious 鈻禡edical conditions (especially if it's a sudden change) 鈻禪nsuitable/uncomfortable litter box (size of the box, the type of litter, fragrance) 鈻禢ot clean enough for the cat's standard 鈻禛uarded by other cat (if multi-cat home) Suggestions: 鈼紼valuate the environment through the cat's perspective and remove the source of stress or anxiety. 鈼紸ny sudden change in behavior should be checked by a veterinarian to rule out medical conditions such as illness or pain. 鈼紽ind the right one for your cat based on body size and preferred material. 鈼紺lean more often. 鈼絇rovide more litter boxes and spread them out around the house, not grouped together. Some cat myths can be silly or funny, but we have to be careful not to (intentionally or unintentionally) cause harm because of what we assume to be true. #ForceFreeDogTraining #CatTraining #TrainYourCat #PositiveReinforcement #ClickerTraining #ScienceBasedTraining #ModernDogTraining #FearFree #TrainWithoutPain #AnimalTraining #LatihKucing #CatLover #CatLovers #CatLoversIndonesia #CatKnowledge #Kucing #Cats #CatFacts #FaktaKucing #MengenalKucing #IlmuKucing #TentangKucing #PencintaKucing (at Kota Wisata Cibubur) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf_t5AerGVF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive 2 years
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Apakah urinasi atau spraying? URINASI 鈻禟ucing mengeluarkan air seni dari kandung kemih. 鈻禟ucing dalam posisi jongkok. 鈻禟ucing urinasi di permukaan horizontal, seperti kotak pasir, lantai, karpet, dll. 鈻禞ika disediakan kotak pasir, kucing akan memilih untuk urinasi di dalam kotak. 鈻禞ika kucing menolak untuk menggunakan kotak pasir, cek apakah kotak pasir memenuhi kebutuhan kucing (lihat post tentang kotak pasir). SPRAYING 鈻禨praying merupakan bentuk scent marking (yaitu urine marking). 鈻禪ntuk menandai teritori. 鈻禟ucing siap kawin. 鈻禟onflik antar-kucing. 鈻禟ucing yang merasa stres atau tidak nyaman di lingkungannya akan spraying agar lingkungan lebih berbau familier. 鈻禟ucing dalam posisi berdiri, ekor diangkat ke atas dan bisa bergetar. 鈻禟ucing spraying pada permukaan vertikal, seperti pohon, tembok, atau sisi-sisi mebel. 鈻禟ucing jantan dan betina bisa spraying. 鈻禨praying bukan permasalahan pada kotak pasir. #CatLover #CatLovers #CatLoversIndonesia #CatKnowledge #Kucing #Cats #CatFacts #FaktaKucing #MengenalKucing #IlmuKucing #TentangKucing #PencintaKucing #KucingSpraying (at Kota Wisata Cibubur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeDhviELv8h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive 2 years
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Is it urination or spraying? 馃惐 URINATION (or PEEING) 鈻禖at is emptying his bladder. 鈻禖at is in a squatting position. 鈻禖ats pee on a horizontal surface, such as a litter box, carpet, rug, grass, etc. 鈻禝f a litter box is provided, cats will choose to use it. 鈻禝f a cat is refusing to use a litter box, evaluate if the litter box is to his liking (see our litter box post). SPRAYING 鈻禨praying is a form of scent marking (i.e. urine marking). 鈻禩o mark their territory. 鈻禖ats ready for mating will also do this. 鈻禖onflict between cats (indoor/outdoor) 鈻禨tressed or insecure cats will likely do this to make the surrounding environment smell familiar to them. 鈻禨praying is done in a standing position, tail lifted straight up and may quiver. 鈻禖ats mark on a vertical surface, such as trees, walls, the sides of furnitures. 鈻禡ale and female cats can spray. 鈻禩his is not a litter box issue. [Image Description: cream colored background with photos in polaroid frames and texts in dark brown corresponding to the photos. Slide 1: Text reads "Is it urination" with an arrow pointing to a photo of a black and white cat using the litter box and another text reads "or spraying?" with an arrow pointing to a photo of a brown tabby cat in a spraying position. Slide 2: a photo of a black and white cat using the litter box on the top left corner with the text "urination" pointing to it and the text description of urination below it. Slide 3: a photo of a brown tabby cat in a standing/spraying position on the bottom right corner with the text "spraying" pointing to it and the text description of spraying above it. Slide 4: call to action slide with the text "found this helpful?" and the corresponding symbols of Instagram "likes", "comment", "share", and "save".] #CatLover #CatLovers #CatLoversIndonesia #CatKnowledge #Kucing #Cats #CatFacts #FaktaKucing #MengenalKucing #IlmuKucing #TentangKucing #PencintaKucing #CatSpraying (at Kota Wisata Cibubur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeDhF_Grpb5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furrypawsitive 3 years
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We don't scruff cats. . . #catlover #catlovers #catloversindonesia #catknowledge #kucing #cats #catfacts #faktakucing #mengenalkucing #tentangkucing #pencintakucing #cattraining #latihkucing #fearfree #trainwithoutpain #animaltraining https://www.instagram.com/p/CVwTIqHPTuo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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furrypawsitive 3 years
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Scratching is a perfectly normal and natural cat behavior. Invest on good cat trees or scratching posts: 馃惐 sturdy (doesn't wobble or fall on cats) 馃惐 long or tall enough for the cats to fully stretch their body when scratching (even if they don't use all of it, too long is better than too short) 馃惐 the material is preferred by the cat (usually sisal rope or cardboard box, experiment with your cat) 馃惐 positioning (horizontal, vertical, or at an angle). . If your cats already scratch on your furniture, the type of furniture can give you a clue of the kind of scratching item they prefer: - if it's a carpet (or the top of a couch backrest), look for scratching mat, or cat trees with carpeting. - if it's the side of a couch, look for something vertical, long, and sturdy. . . #catlover #catlovers #catloversindonesia #catknowledge #kucing #cats #catfacts #faktakucing #mengenalkucing #tentangkucing #pencintakucing https://www.instagram.com/p/CVofslXh3WR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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furrypawsitive 3 years
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Fakta Menarik tentang Kucing 馃惐 . . #forcefreedogtraining #cattraining #trainyourcat #positivereinforcement #clickertraining #sciencebasedtraining #moderndogtraining #trainwithoutpain #animaltraining #latihkucing #catlover #catlovers #catloversindonesia #catknowledge #kucing #cats #catfacts #faktakucing #mengenalkucing #tentangkucing #pencintakucing https://www.instagram.com/p/CVcjlqwJdah/?utm_medium=tumblr
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furrypawsitive 3 years
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Fun Facts about Cats 馃惐 . . #forcefreedogtraining #cattraining #trainyourcat #positivereinforcement #clickertraining #sciencebasedtraining #moderndogtraining #trainwithoutpain #animaltraining #latihkucing #catlover #catlovers #catloversindonesia #catknowledge #kucing #cats #catfacts #faktakucing #mengenalkucing #tentangkucing #pencintakucing https://www.instagram.com/p/CVci-Z-p7WQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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