#cinn replies
justanartsysideblog · 3 months
I can already tell that I am going to be back on my Dragon Age bullshit the moment the game comes out. Can't believe my love for the series just sucker punched me in the stomach after that trailer.
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Uhm ship charts I did
Woah... Happy Alecody week everyone.
Very cool. 👍
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cocogrrrl · 1 year
cause and effect
turns out the repercussions of kenny's immortality is more than either of you can possibly fathom. frankly, it terrifies him.
kenny x gn!reader cw: breakdowns, loss of memory, mentions of scars (focused on) wc: 1389
an: based on my hc that every time kenny is revived he looks slightly different, retains scars, and memory is a lil messed up 😇 shoutout to my boo boo cakes/arch enemy cinn-anon 🧍‍♂️🎗 for carrying the plot!!
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You can’t really say you enjoy just one part of Kenny.
I mean, of course, you loved every inch of him, but a part that came to his powers was that he looked different every time he came back from the dead.
You felt guilty, but you don’t think you could even recall what he looked like the first time you two met.
Or when he asked you out.
Or when you guys had your first date.
Or when you shared your first kiss.
He always rocked his messy blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. Asides from that, nothing else remained consistent with his appearance.
Some days freckles would cover his face. On other days he’d some awful stubble growing on his chin. There was one time he was shorter than you. Another time his teeth were awfully sharp.
All you had to remind yourself of what he looked like were old pictures you had on your phone or photographed lying somewhere in your room.
Despite how often his appearance will change, you were certain that each time he was just as beautiful as the last.
Now you’re lying in your room, idly waiting for him to come. Had he passed recently? Yes, but you were sure he’d always come back.
As you expected, you heard a familiar set of knocks on your door.
“Hi, Ken,” you smiled, quickly pulling him into a tight hug. It’s been about a few days since you’ve seen him.
He looks different, as per usual. There was nothing of note for you to take notice of. Maybe it’s because you've seen him in so many different ways that any change was normal to you now.
“Hey, sugar,” he hummed, combing his fingers through your scalp mindlessly.
“I missed you.”
“You know I do too.”
⋆。˚ ✧ ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
“I got this one when I was a kid. I got stabbed by a cult leader!” Kenny beamed, his fingers grazing over the faded scar on his chest that was adjacent to where his heart is.
One more thing about Kenny’s appearance is that the scars he would obtain from his gruesome deaths would appear every time he’s revived. Not all of them were etched onto him, but there were still a lot of marks that littered his body. Currently, you two were looking at said marks in the comfort of your bed.
“What?” That was the only thing you said in reply. Did you hear that correctly? You knew he often got in weird situations, but this was just concerning. 
“Yeah, it’s a long story.” He said, laughing your worry off.
“I wonder how you even get into these types of,” you paused, trying to find the best word to describe Kenny’s unfortunate predicament. “Misfortunes so often?” Misfortune was likely not the word you were looking for. It felt too soft. Tragedy is the word you should’ve used.
“Wish I could tell you that.” He sighed the faintest hint of exhaustion underneath his breath. ”I was pretty reckless as a kid, but my friends were more so.” 
“How so?” You hummed, burying your head in the space where his neck and shoulder met.
“It was Stan, I think? Definitely not Kyle. Maybe it was Cartman.” He spoke slowly, trying to recall the memory as he told you what it was. ”Basically, I have this friend who tried resisting an arrest back in 4th or 5th grade.”
“For what exactly?” 
“He kidnapped another friend, not sure who, so that he can have dinner with us or something.”
“Jesus.” You mumbled. You knew that some of his friends were rough, but this wild this early?
“Yeah, I can’t really seem to remember the story. It’s weird because I was there when it happened.” He was more caught up in his thoughts now than invested to tell you the story.
“I mean, a lot of things happened when you were younger, so I don’t think it’s impossible for you to have not forgotten that.”
“No, but I swear. I used to be able to recall that to every single detail.” You could hear a hint of dread and terror in his voice, but you didn’t want to press on the wound. You were scared you might make things worse.
“Babe, it’s alright.” You reassured him, giving his hand a squeeze.
“Let me excuse myself really quick, hold on.” He said, entangling himself from your embrace. You were a little worried, but you let him go ahead.
You didn’t pay too much mind to it, just finding the pillows and sheet on your bed a lot warmer. The emptiness only felt a lot more concerning when he spent a rather long time in your restroom. It didn’t alarm you, but it did worry you.
You walked to the door, knocking on it. “Kenny? Are you okay?” To your surprise, the door knob was unlocked. “I’m coming in.” You said, opening the door.
You found him on the tiled floor, a few tears streaking his face. You weren’t sure if he didn’t hear you or if he meant for you to come in.
“Dear, what’s wrong?” You cooed, finding yourself kneeling beside him and pulling him into a hug.
His eyes were only focused on his scars. “How can you even love me?”
“What do you mean?” You raised a brow.
There was hesitance in the way he moved. “I look different every time I come back, and I can’t help but feel bad for you. Sometimes it feels like I’m not the same person you fell in love with. I don’t think I have an idea what I’m supposed to look like.
“I think I’ve lost my memories because of all the times I died. YN, what if I forget about you? Or Karen? Clearly, I’m already losing my best friends. I don’t think I could handle losing you two, though.” He choked out, arms snaking around your waist as he held on to you tightly—like you were about to disappear into thin air.
“I’m not sure how you love me. I don’t even look like the person I was a few days ago.”
His words were spoken with bated breath. You could just feel the tension and worry coming from him. 
You were only looking at him while he was focused on himself. You felt his confession tug at your heartstrings. You didn’t think Kenny would actually keep his feelings from you. He was usually honest and happy with you.
Apparently not, but that didn’t upset you or break your trust. You were just glad he was even okay to open up to you about this.
“But that’s the thing.” 
“Huh?” He breathed, turning his gaze back to you.
You find yourself tracing the some of scars that covered his back as he basked himself in your touch. “I’ll be honest with you: I don’t care what you look like. I don’t care if you show up one day on my doorstep with a different nose or something. All I know is that I’ll love every version of you no matter what you’re like, yeah?” You whispered, lips barely grazing his as you straddled him with his head in the palm of your hands.
“If you’re scared that you’ll forget any of us, just know that we’ll be here to guide you. For every memory of yours that might fade, we’ll always make a new one. Whether you forget us or not, we’ll be here to stick beside you.”
He only looked at you in silence for a few moments. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking at that moment. “YN?”
“Have I told you how much I love you?” Instantly, you felt your lips curl up into a smile you know you’d have no chance of holding back.
“Yeah,” you answered, a tiny giggle coming out of your lips as you did. ”But I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of it.”
“Well, I love you then.” He spoke, leaning in to close the very small gap between you two. You quickly pulled back after a brief second.
“Let’s get you cleaned up first. You can love me later. You’re all sweaty.” You laughed, giving him a smile and a squeeze on the hand. All he did was nod and smile, gratefulness hinting at the glimmer of his eyes.
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cinnamaldeide · 3 years
When you get this, feel free to respond with five things that make you happy~! Then if you're up for it, send this to the last ten people in your notifications. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity~! (No pressure though!)
This is such a lovely idea, it's always nice to share some good vibes around ❀
Being able to write and read fanfictions more or less to my heart's content, although I recently changed fandom and am still a bit disoriented about what I want to write or read specifically, makes me really happy. It also makes me happy to know that I can write in calligraphy quotes I particularly liked from a certain fanfiction, and if I share my efforts I might please a fanwriter out there. I'm happy when I find a new script to replicate, and I have to pick interesting sentences to practice, or when I go back to my first drafts, back when I started, and notice my little improvements. I'm happy when someone else does, and compliments me for what I've done.
It's not easy to stay positive, but little things like this help, so thank you for including me :>
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cinnstuff · 6 years
Hello! Sorry to bother you with this, but do you know what happened to feynites? I love the world that you have all created together, but she hasn't updated in a while and I don't know who else to ask
It isn’t a bother at all!
I think tumblr’s new system has really hit all of us, creatively, and it has led us to seeking new areas to post our works. Unfortunately with our base of readers moving around as well, it can make it difficult. It oftentimes feels like most of our reader base has left tumblr, or, if not, simply don’t feel like re-blogging or liking things. And while that isn’t the major reason we haven’t been posting, it has definitely hindered the creative juices. 
Feynites is ok, though! We still throw ideas and plots around together, and she has posted a few things over on her pillowfort and her Ao3. None of us have gotten back into writing and updating on our old schedules, and I’m not entirely certain when that will happen. 
But thank you so much for enjoying the content Feynites and the rest of us have created, and I hope we can share more of it with you soon.  
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remorseful-fugitive · 4 years
(@candylandonthefritz) "Hey, Cinn?" Pepp's question was answered with a gasp and a demand to know how she got here. "Well, I followed the smoke trail left from the space ship crashing into the rocky road. Obviously." Cinn, the person Pepp was talking to, sighed and shook her head. "Ugh. Just keep quiet and stick with me, okay? We don't know what could be in that ship." And then the two went to investigate the ship that crash-landed.
“Come on... work for me,” Snowy pleaded, trying to get her small ship back up and running. Unfortunately, no matter how many times she press the buttons or flick switches, the ship just wouldn’t go. She needed to get off this planet somehow and fast, before those space pirates realise how long she’s being gone for.
Eventually giving up on the controls, Snowy decided to head out to check for any damages outside of her ship.
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nighttimepixels · 5 years
if a pepper naruto runs in the woods and no one is around to witness it, does she actually kick blacks ass?
Trick question, because Cinnamon has ensured there is always a camera available to witness Pepper kicking ass especially Black’s. ✧( •̀ ▿•)ゞ
the secret is that the camera is probably being held by Cinnamon
.... or is on a drone piloted by her, gotta get those dramatic swoop shots
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mirshroom · 7 years
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justanartsysideblog · 2 years
I just found your blog and I was scrolling through it and... is the qunari fog warrior still with us ?
She is! Areca is surviving through sheer spite right now, and going through it emotionally, but she is still alive and kicking. We are about to have a six month timeskip so she will be able to gather herself and get ready to continue being a badass in the future.
I am so glad you like her!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Seven Deadly Sins Survey survey by pimpsurveys
Who did you last get angry with? I feel bad for saying this, but Reena. So a bit of backstory: Angela’s cousin got a K-pop album fully signed by all members thanks to her dad who is currently in Korea for a work engagement; Angela was excited and I was excited and we excitedly told Reena, only to receive the driest response from her saying she doesn’t care for people who have the right connections.
I immediately found it off and I messaged Angela privately, who turned out to be fuming lmao. We never said her cousin used her connections? The signed album had been a kind initiative by the dad’s interpreter and the interpreter alone since he happened to know the group, and that was all there is to it. The dad never directly asked for signatures and was even planning to fulfill my cousin’s merch wishlist separately. Anyway, we were thrown off by the remark and the two of us didn’t touch the chat until the following evening.
What is your weapon of choice? Idk. Happiness? I’m not a very violent person.
Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? Yes.
How about the same sex? Sure, if they were being racist or hit me first.
Who was the last person who got really angry at you? Only my mom scolds me these days, I believe.
What is your pet peeve? My mom telling me how to spend my money. Like? Mind your own business?
Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? Grudges are the way to go.
What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't? I skipped a shower because it was super cold today. I’ll just take one later today before I meet up with my friends.
What is the latest you've ever woken up? The latest probably would’ve been 10:30 AM. This was back at the veeeeeeery start of the pandemic, when I completely wrecked my body clock what with all the free time I suddenly had.
Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't? My aunt Claire, who recently asked me to join an audio experiment for an upcoming podcast episode she’s producing. I submitted my file early, but I was never able to reply to her followup email in which she asked me how my experience was. I keep saying to myself I’ll reply by the end of the day, but work keeps me busy and leaves me exhausted, so it’s easy to forget. I feel like shit about it but I hope she’s not the type to be dramatic about this kind of thing.
What is the last lame excuse that you made? I’m not sure about the most recent one, but the lamest excuse I’ve made was when my mom caught a hickey on me and I hastily explained that it was a mosquito bite. Those two things can’t look ANY MORE FUCKING DIFFERENT
Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through? Yuh, I did so a lot as a kid.
How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning? I didn’t have an alarm today because it’s the weekend; but yesterday, I hit it once.
What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? Ooooh I’m not super picky or adventurous when it comes to drinks, honestly. Milk tea is the trendiest I would go, but most days I would just go for water.
Are you a meat eater? Yes.
What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event? This would have to be during my ex’s 20th birthday when one of her friends suddenly had the batshit crazy idea that we take a shot of tequila every time an airplane passed over us. Unfortunately that area happened to be under an air route so there was a plane passing by literally every 120 seconds. We finished two bottles of tequila in no time and me, having the lowest alcohol tolerance out of everyone in that group, obviously suffered the most lmao.
Are you comfortable with your drinking and eating habits? Sure? I mean they’re my habits; I wouldn’t be keeping them up if I found them uncomfortable.
Do you enjoy candy and sweets? Uh not so much. I find desserts a little blah, and I can only have little of them at a time, i.e. one slice of cheesecake, one tiny cinnamon roll here and there, etc.
Which do you prefer: sweets, salty foods or spicy foods? Salty, then spicy, then sweets.
Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"? Or child?????? Wtf? No.
How many credit cards do you own? I don’t even have any haha but I have an app with their own credit feature that I refresh every month; I guess that kinda counts?
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay off my sister’s remaining tuition and file a month-long leave to travel to a different continent.
Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich.
Would you accept a boring job if it meant that you would make megabucks? Old me definitely would’ve said yes to this, but I’ll have to change my mind a bit now because I think it would ultimately depend on the job. I don’t think I can take a job that will eventually make me go crazy because of how uneventful it is.
What's one thing that you have done that you're most proud of? Raise a dog in the last 13, almost 14 years. All of Kimi’s siblings have passed away now, so my grandma’s been super impressed with his long life. 
What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of? Get admitted to and graduate from the university they’ve always wanted me to attend. At least that’s what I think they’re proudest of in terms of my achievements.
What thing would you like to accomplish late in your life? Spend my retirement traveling. I don’t have to be consistently in a cruise or in a different country, but it would be cool to travel every once a few months.
Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? Yes. I would rather come in like, 8th than 2nd.
Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were the best? Hmm maybe not a contest, but when I enrolled in Korean lessons a few months ago I had a level of awareness that I might already be better than some of my classmates since I could already read Hangul and had *some* grasp of Korean grammar, whereas most were starting from scratch. But it didn’t make me sit back and relax haha; on the contrary it made me want to study harder so I can prove to myself that I actually do know Korean as much as I think I do. I ended up placing Top 1 in the class so at least I didn’t embarrass myself haha.
Have you ever cheated to get a better score? Yeah. I’m not proud of this.
What did you do today that you're proud of? It’s only 8:30 AM, but...I like that I washed my face? Self-care and all haha.
How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies, family, strippers, locker rooms)? I dunno, I wanna say at least around 20. Some of them were street children with no clothes; I’ve seen others from one of my university’s traditions wherein frat boys run around the campus naked; and then one past partner.
How many people have seen you naked (not counting physicians, doctors, family, locker rooms, or when you were a young child)? Just one, I believe.
Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a person of your chosen sex during a normal conversation? No. Sometimes my eyes will naturally wander, but I’ve never ended up staring.
What is your favorite body part of a person of your gender choice? I don’t have a preference but I generally love thighs.
Have you ever had sexual encounters (including kissing/making out) with multiple persons? No.
Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? Nope.
What item of your friends’ would you most want to have for your own? Privilege. I’m aware that I have it too, but some just have more and they live slightly more comfortably than me because of it.
If you could be anyone who existed in the world, who would you be? HAHAHA I have an answer but I won’t be saying it out loud on here.
Have you ever been cheated on? No. At least I don’t think I’ve been cheated on.
Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? Yes.
What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? The ability to cook, if that counts?
What deadly sin...
Do you do the most often? Gluttony.
Do you do the least often? Lust.
Is your favorite to act on? It would have to be either gluttony or greed.
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newsies-of-corona · 4 years
@cinn-a-mom here’s my part of the trade!! I hope you enjoy it!! (And thank you again for that beautiful Letter to the Refuge animatic!)
Broken Pieces
“Hairstripe! Hurry up, you slow poke!”
Hugo runs through Old Corona village, Varian trailing behind him carrying as much glassware as he possible can.
He tediously walks, one step at a time, trying his hardest not to drop any.
“Well...may-maybe you could give me a hand instead of, you know, yelling at me!” The glassware pile says from behind Hugo.
Oh wait, that’s Varian.
The beakers and vials begin to teeter over in the alchemist’s hands and almost hit the ground before Hugo swoops in and grabs half of the pile.
“Oh. There you are Hairstripe! You’re so short I couldn’t even see you behind all this stuff!” Hugo jokes with a smug smile.
Varian rolls his eyes, “Shut up, heh.”
He looks at the situation they had gotten themselves into with a small frown.
“Heh. Note to self...next-next time we definitely have to bring dad’s wheelbarrow when we buy glassware, heh.”
He almost drops a vial but steadies himself and continues walking.
“Yeah, no kidding. Though we wouldn’t need so much if someone didn’t blow everything up every two minutes,” Hugo remarks snidely.
“Hey! The last time was with your compound!” Varian fires back.
Hugo opens his mouth briefly, but remembers Varian is indeed correct.
“Touché...” he grumbles.
The two continue walking until they finally pass the marketplace. It’s only a couple more blocks to their house. They can make it without breaking any beakers, right?
Suddenly, a loud crash resulting from a broken flask causes Varian to whip his head around to face Hugo.
“Heh, now who’s-“
The alchemist immediately cuts himself off when he sees the boys’ biggest nemeses walking towards them: Hunter and Curtis.
Hunter is taller than Varian, but a lot shorter than Hugo. His brunette bangs swoop in front of his eyes on the left side of his face, covering one of his hazel eyes. Hunter’s father is a close friend of Quirin, and Varian has known the boy since they were kids. Only recently did he team up with Curtis when Varian exploded the town yet again. Curtis, a fiery red-head with a temper to match acts as the brains of the team while Hunter acts as the brawn. The two have been tormenting the brothers for about a month now, practically every time they leave the house.
“Right on cue...” Hugo whispers as he kicks away the glass.
Hunter is the cause of broken flask, and he stands there blocking the Hugo’s path along with his partner in crime.
“If it isn’t the Old Corona Menace and his assistant...” Curtis mocks, moving to block Varian’s path directly.
Hugo isn’t one for conflict, but he doesn’t like anyone insulting Varian either. And he especially hates that nickname that the village generously bestowed on his brother. He’d gladly take the fall for that one. He shakily delivers a snide comment.
“Oh, come-come on, fellas! You really need to step up your game on the insulting nicknames! I mean, Hairstripe may not look like much at first glance but he’s no assistant-“
Hunter laughs cynically and steps closer to Hugo. The brunette boy is significantly shorter than the blond, but he still intimidates Hugo enough to make him back up.
“You’re the assistant.”
Hugo stiffens slightly and gulps as Hunter gives him a shove, shaking him up and causing another test tube to crash to the ground.
Varian narrows his eyes at Hunter and grits his teeth. He’s heard the “Old Corona Menace” nickname multiple times before. He deserves it, but Hugo? Hugo should be allowed to have a better reputation.
“Sorry, what-what did you say to him?” Varian asks slowly.
Hunter starts to walk away from Hugo but Curtis stops him, enclosing in further on Varian.
“You heard him. That weakling orphan you call a ‘brother’ is just adding to our problem.”
“Yeah and that’s you Vari-jerk!” Hunter speaks up.
Hugo rolls his eyes and scoffs.
“Oh come on, that’s not even clever,” he voices under his breath.
“Shut it, Huge-o!” Hunter yells, trying to regain his ego.
Hugo resists the urge to roll his eyes again in fear of being beat up. Hunter may be shorter than him, but he and Curtis together can do a lot of damage. Especially considering the heaps of fragile and dangerous glassware that the alchemists were carrying.
“Listen, guys, we have a lot on our hands right now, literally,” Hugo puns. “So, maybe we can move our weekly bullying session over a day?”
He starts sweating nervously and backs up more when Hunter smirks at him, drawing even closer than before.
“Uh, or-or a month?”
A cynical laugh on Varian’s side causes Hugo to shift his focus away from Hunter.
“No this is a great time,” Curtis replies mockingly as he snatches up one of the flasks on top of Varian’s pile.
“Heh, uh, please don’t touch that...” Varian asks, trying to bottle up and distract from the anger he feels.
Curtis looks it over and tosses it back in forth in his hands.
“What is this anyway? Some kind of jar for your magical spells?”
Varian corrects him, just like he does everyone else. Even if this time it’s a little more strained.
“Heh..technically it’s not magic, it’s alchemy, and-and that’s actually a-“
Curtis drops the flask on the ground before Varian can finish, and it shatters into a million pieces.
“Ugh you’re such a nerd. Both of you. Let me let you in on something: no one cares about your sorcery-“
“Alchemy.” Hugo speaks up under his breath, but unfortunately Hunter hears him. He rolls up his sleeve, jumps up, and punches Hugo straight in the face.
The blow is so unexpected and so forceful that it causes him to stagger back. He drops all the glassware and it shatters around his feet. Hugo holds his injured cheek which most likely contains a bruise.
“Just another one for the collection...” he whispers, trying to stay strong.
“Maybe that’ll teach you to keep your mouth shut, Huge-o. You should have just stayed an orphan. You’re more of a nothing now than you were before.”
Hugo tries to keep in his tears, but Curtis’s words cut deep. He simply looks up at the boy with hurt and angry eyes.
“Awe. You gonna cry?” Hunter taunts, glancing kicking some of the glass in Hugo’s direction.
Varian stays silent through this whole exchange...but livid. His eye begins to twitch as his grip on the glassware tightens, causing some of the beakers he’s holding start to crack from the pressure.
“Whatever you call it, we’re tired of you morons blowing up our town! And if we get all your magic stuff out of the way...” Hunter moves over to Varian and grabs two test tubes from his pile, smashing them both to the ground.
Curtis crosses over to Hugo who’s still holding his injured cheek. The red-head threateningly stalks closer and hits the inside of his hand with his fist.
Varian can’t hold it in anymore and he throws down all of the glassware he’s holding. The sound of the glass shattering causes both bullies to stare straight at him.
“Don’t you dare touch my brother again,” he warns between gritted teeth.
Curtis and Hunter glance at each other nervously for a moment. After all, this is the kid who blew up their entire village only a month prior. Both of their houses were damaged in the explosion. There’s no telling what the “dangerous wizard” could do to them.
“Hairstripe, don’t-“
The desperation in Hugo’s voice seems to push Curtis on, even though he’s still wary of Varian.
“Wha-what are you gonna do? Explode us?” Curtis asks with a nervous laugh.
His comment gives Varian an idea and he readies a smoke bomb from his pocket.
He glances to Hugo behind him and backs up.
“Come on, Vari-jerk! Show us what you got!” Hunter chimes in.
Curtis shoots him a look. As far as they knew, Varian could kill them if they weren’t careful. However, this doesn’t stop the bullies from cornering the alchemy brothers anyway, their fists dangerously close to the alchemists’ faces.
At the last second, Varian gives Hugo a short nod and throws his purple smoke bomb on the ground. Before it hits, the brothers sprint away as fast as they can, leaving their attackers coughing and surrounded in smoke.
The two run all the way back to their house, stopping right outside of the farm to catch their breaths.
“Varian...the glassware-“
The alchemist cuts him off, still angry at the bullies.
“Hugo, I could care less about the glassware. We can buy more...eventually...”
He trails off, knowing it won’t be any time soon. They were in danger every time they left their house. He sighs and continues voicing his grievances.
“But Curtis and Hunter have-have been tormenting us for too long. I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing!”
Hugo rubs his cheek, his fingers hitting an old bruise next to his fresh one. Varian sees him wince in pain, and furrows his own eyebrows.
“We-we’re telling dad what happened.” He states matter-of-factly as he marches towards the house. “He’s the village leader, for Demanitus sake! He-he can do something-“
Hugo catches up with Varian and stands in front of him. The last thing he wants right now is to cause more problems for his family...
“No, Hairstripe. I’ll just say it was another acid burn...if he asks.”
“But Hugo-“
The blond calmly cuts him off again.
“There’s no reason to get them into more trouble. I mean we already destroyed their houses, which they won’t let us live down...”
Varian starts to raise his voice, not understanding why Hugo doesn’t agree with him on this.
“Hugo, that-that was my invention. You had nothing to do with it. But Hunter hit you! Twice in the last week! And the things Curtis said were...were inexcusable! Don’t-don’t you think they deserve some form of punishment?”
Hugo notes Varian’s tone; he sounds actually...angry. And when Varian was angry, the only smart thing to do is to listen. Hugo carefully considers his brother’s words. Even though Quirin adopted him years ago, it still feels weird to have people standing up for him. Almost as if he didn’t deserve it.
“Maybe...” he trails off.
But what would happen after the boys were punished? The bullying wouldn’t stop, that’s for sure. Everyone in the town already hates them. If Curtis and Hunter were taken down, there would surely be others to take their place, most likely targeting Varian. Hugo couldn’t take that chance. He could deal with a couple dumb bullies for his brother’s sake.
Hugo takes a breath and shrugs, standing up straighter to show he’s okay.
“But it’s just a bruise! Plus Hunter’s punches are wimpy anyway. Same with his nicknames,” the blond jokes.
Varian’s intense glare softens and he chuckles slightly.
“Yeah those nicknames are pretty dumb, heh. I mean ‘Huge-o?’ Really?”
Hugo smiles, glad that he successfully changed the subject.
“And ‘Vari-jerk?’ That’s Vari-insulting to many other Vari-interesting words that flow seamlessly with your name.”
Varian rolls his eyes but ends up laughing. He can always count on Hugo to cheer him up. Even if it’s with dumb puns. But that doesn’t erase that matter at hand.
“Are you sure, though? About keeping it a secret again?” The alchemist asks, hoping for a different response.
Hugo’s face falls, Varian isn’t going to let this go so easily, but he can still try to avoid the subject as long as possible.
“Yeah. I’m sure.” Hugo stays serious for a moment before his tone flips back to joking.
“Plus I’m sure you already scared them silly with that smoke bomb stunt.” He elbows Varian in camaraderie and the alchemist returns the gesture.
“Well they literally asked for it! And you can’t say they didn’t deserve it, heh.”
Hugo shrugs in agreement and the two walk a bit further to the door. Varian starts to walk in when Hugo stops him by putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Hairstripe...Varian. I don’t say this enough but...thank you for sticking up for me. It means a lot,” he tells his brother sincerely with a slight smile between the pain of his bruise.
Varian is slightly surprised at this out of the blue gratitude from Hugo, but smiles back and shrugs nonchalantly.
“Of course, Hugo. That’s what brothers are for, you know? We stick together,” he tells him, bumping him on the arm.
Hugo rolls his eyes but still maintains his smile. This is getting a bit too sappy for him, even though he secretly enjoys the affection. He tries to change the subject again.
“Ha, yeah. So much so that I’m apparently your ‘assistant.’”
He smirks, elbowing Varian again.
“I thought that was Cassie’s job!”
Varian immediately turns red and elbows Hugo.
“GAH! H-hey-shut up!” He retorts.
Their little episode at the expo is not one to forget. And Hugo will never let him live down the “Cassandrium” incident. Luckily, they both know he’s joking. Hugo’s comments aren’t painful or cutting like Curtis’s, just mildly annoying. But Varian wouldn’t change it for the world.
The two stand in an awkward silence for a while in front of the door, when Varian decides to go for it. He suddenly wraps Hugo in a hug, causing the taller boy to tense.
After the initial shock, Hugo’s wary at first, but he hugs him back. Like it or not, he really needs this.
“I-I just wanted to say, even though you’re adopted, I still love you as my real brother, Hugo,” Varian tells him genuinely. “Nothing is ever going to change that.”
Hugo blushes nervously, but the corners of his mouth start to turn up in a smile.
He sighs, and finally gives in to the “sappy” moment.
“I love you too, Hairstripe.”
And he means it. Their glassware might be broken, and even their reputation is shattered into pieces, but they have each other and that’s all that really matters.
I hope you all enjoyed this one! It hurt me to write those bullies...haha, but I actually loved writing the story!! Thank you so much Mom for asking for this!!! 💙
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sagey-writes · 4 years
at the end of the day
Here’s my part for the trade with @cinn-a-mom who requested some Best Friends AU. Hope you enjoy 🥰
Ao3 Link HERE
“...I choose you.”
Quirin stopped in front of the door to his home - wooden, scratched, and worn with age - as his hand rested on its handle, hesitant. 
Could he, of all people, be able to do this? Could he, a single father and much needed leader of his village, go through with this? 
Could he, Quirin, with a gnawing void in his heart, be able to make this decision? 
Laughter rang out, muffled through the oak and stone walls and he felt a smile grow, the weight falling off his shoulders. He pushed the door open and he was no longer Quirin, beloved leader and no-longer-warrior of a fallen kingdom. 
He was Quirin, tired farmer and father coming home for the night to his family. 
It could have been worse, he thought. At least the house is not on fire. Again. 
He lunged over fallen chairs and blankets, eyeing the way crates had been stacked over each other and the few books they owned were strewn across the floor. Before he could say anything, the sound of childish banter reached his ears. 
“And with a SWISH of his sword, Flynn Rider cut through the rope and went sailing through the air, escaping those roguish thieves on the back of his trusty steed as he rode back to the Isle of Ruddiger with the stolen treasure-“
“That’s not how it goes!”
“I’ve got the book so I can make my own ‘bellishments!”
“Not for long!” 
The clang of wood and metal echoed as he heard the boys clamoring over the continuity and inconsistencies of the story, voices raising in the way he knew would spur another competitive game that would last through the night.
Ulla would have loved this. 
He made his way towards the commotion, unsurprised at how Varian’s room had been turned inside out, the faint makings of a fort and walls half formed from pillows and the bed standing out. The two boys in question were locked in battle, wooden spoon against a ladle, propped with blankets and clothing sashed around them like capes as Varian climbed onto a stool.
“It’s over Hugo!” he taunted, brandishing the book in his hands like a shield. “I have the high ground! You can’t reach me!” 
Hugo dropped his arm a fraction, squinting through dirty lenses before a smirk crossed his face. “Oh, are you sure about that, Sir Bertilak?” Varian only had a moment to gasp before a pillow struck him directly in the face and knocked him off his throne. 
(Even after seeing that he fell directly onto his bed, Quirin’s heart would not stop pounding). 
Varian sputtered as he sat up, frowning as he glared at a snickering Hugo. “No fair! I wanted to be Flynn Rider!”
“You got to be him last time, Hairstripe!” 
“Fine,” A mischievous grin then lit his face as he pushed himself up, pillow in his hand. “Then have at thee, you fiend!” He lurched from the ground and tackled a surprised Hugo, the two of them tumbling to the ground in a mess of flailing limbs and shouts - and Quirin had to hold back from chuckling. To see the blissful happiness of childhood, a moment in time, unburdened by worry or fear for what was to come…
It was almost as if he could feel her gentle hand on his, prodding him forward. 
Varian saw him first. “Hi Dad!” he chirped, pushing off of Hugo to bound up to him as Quirin knelt down to greet him. “We’re acting out Flynn Rider and the Knights of Cleaves,” he exclaimed a little too loudly in his ear as he threw his arms around his neck. This time, Quirin let a soft snort escape him.
“Yes, I can see that,” he said, glancing around the room with a raised eyebrow. Books, paper, blankets, kitchen utensils, all discarded and red creeped up his son’s neck as he ducked his head with a sheepish grin. 
“We’ll clean it up after,” he mumbled, already knowing what was coming as Quirin ruffled his hair. He glanced up and saw Hugo getting up onto his feet as well.
“Hi, Mister Quirin.” His voice was now quieter in his presence, bending over to quickly clean his glasses. Even though Hugo saw him often, had come around often enough to get used to him, there was still an air of wariness around the boy - never too open, never too unguarded - and it tore at Quirin’s heart. 
(Where had he been staying all this time whenever he wasn’t around Varian or wasn’t around the house? An image of a faded cottage, abandoned and falling at the seams entered his mind. How had Quirin not wondered this before?) 
“Hello, Hugo,” he said warmly, staying on his knee as he pulled back to look at them both. Hair in complete disarray, cheeks flushed from laughter and play. Varian struggling to untie a stray blanket from around his waist. His own blood pounding in his veins. He took a deep breath. “I actually wanted to speak to you both.” 
Varian’s eyes lit up with curiosity as his grip slipped and he landed onto the ground. He ignored it however as a little gasp escaped him. Whether or not he remembered the conversation - more of a wondering musing that Quirin had brought up one evening after hearing his son’s antics about what had happened that day - Quirin knew what his answer would be. Hugo on the other hand… 
The boy halted before him, almost hesitantly glancing up at his looming figure, even though Quirin was resting on his knees. 
(And wouldn’t anyone seem too big for someone so small? He tried to make himself as non threatening as possible, burying the thoughts that tried to piece together the reasons for such a natural reaction.
But it was his eyes, the look that betrayed a small glimmer of unintentional fear, that sealed Quirin’s decision).
You’re making the right choice. 
Mustering a gentle smile, he gestured to the floor in front of him - come, he thought, you’re welcome here - and Hugo carefully sat down. Varian immediately scooted over to his side, throwing the undone blanket over the two of them, which got a laugh out of the boy. The little tension there melted away, and Quirin felt himself grow softer as he saw the scene in front of him.
“Hugo,” he started, inwardly wincing as Hugo flinched slightly, and he tried to keep the deep rumble out of his voice as much as possible. “You’ve seemed to be a frequent visitor here…” Hugo’s eyes widened slightly, darting around to read his expression and Quirin softly cursed. 
No, not that way dear. 
The familiar presence of hands around his shoulder, a smile pressing up against his neck, filled him with the courage to start over. 
“Hugo,” he began again, his eyes meeting Varian’s eager ones, and continued, letting himself feel his words. “I want you to know that it makes me happy to see Varian as happy as he is with you. And I’m glad to see that the two of you have formed such a close friendship.”
A tight-knit bond, one that reminded him of another life, another him.
“You’re always welcome and safe here, no matter what you need. We will always be here for you, whenever you need us, you understand?”
Just like the opened arms of a border village that welcomed a refuge from a fallen kingdom. Just like the open doors for an orphan who had wormed his way into a place in his heart. 
“Now, I don’t know what the future holds or what may come,” Their eyes met again and he made his voice as tender as possible, “but while those will come in their own time, I- we,” he corrected, glancing at Varian, whose face brightened up as realization crossed his face. “We would like it if we could share it with you. If that’s alright with you.” 
A moment passed as Hugo furrowed his brow, unconsciously drawing the blanket up to his chin. “What… what do you mean?” Quirin couldn’t hold back the smile as he saw Varian bouncing up and down before replying.
“If you want to, we would love it if you became a part of the family.” 
He saw him mouthing the words to himself before his eyebrows shot straight up to his hairline. “You- you mean… like…?” 
“A family!” Varian couldn’t resist holding back, a wide smile stretching across his face. “You’ll still be my best friend, but you can be my brother now too! And you can stay here whenever you want! And we can share a room, and-”
Quirin didn’t ignore the tears forming in Hugo’s eyes as Varian continued to ramble, watering to the point of falling over, but before he could intervene - Varian got too excitable at times and Hugo was just so much more sensitive - Hugo nodded once. Then several times, each one more vigorous than the last. 
“Yes,” he whispered before his voice gained greater strength. “Yes, yes, yes!” There was a laugh as Varian immediately threw his arms around his best friend - well, brother now, wasn’t it? - and Hugo hugged back, tight and unrelenting.
“Are you crying?”
They continued to break down in laughter, mixing the joyful noise with tears of their own and Quirin took in the sight before him, a warmth spreading in his chest, a feeling he hadn’t been able to feel so strongly since her death. 
Unable to hold back, he reached over and brought his own arms around them, cradling them close to his chest. Small, they were, but so full of life. Full of sorrow and joy. Sons of his blood and choice. Broken cracks of life began to be gradually filled.
He might have given up his life as a warrior, but here was another mantle, here in his arms, that he was willing to shoulder. Another calling to take up the arms of protection. 
“You’re one of us now,” he whispered. And oh, if only Ulla could see them now. He would give anything to see her smile again, to see that her dream of a family, to see that their dream of a loving home, had not died with her.
I can. And I am. 
He kissed the crowns of their heads, his own tears adding to theirs.
I would never let you go.
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cinnamaldeide · 5 years
I just wanted to let you know that your story, ill fitting lingerie, is amazing! And if you ever post another chapter or something I’ll be the first to read it!
I don’t regularly check Tumblr anymore lately, but God, am I glad I came back here and found your message. It pleases me immensely to know you enjoyed my story enough to seek me so and tell me how you felt about it ♡I’m not sure I’ll expand it in the future, I’m currently revising all my fanfictions to eventually collect them in a little Hannigraham anthology, but if I ever do come back to it, you’ll be the first to know. For now, just know that you made my day, so thank you very much for your kindness ❀
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cinnstuff · 6 years
Psst gothic vampire!Melarue (for the spooky season!) coming across Totally-Not-Suspiciously-Fleeing-From-Her-Shit-Husband-With-Child-In-Tow Kass, who's carriage (cheap, possibly stolen?) Has broken a wheel in the middle of a dark and stormy night, conveniently near the opulent but haunted(?) chateau Melarue uses as a (lair) base, as they Robin Hood their way into infamy. Cue shenanigans and fancy dress and soooo much pining :D
This is perfect for the Halloween season and is 100% my aesthetic, let’s do this. Sorry for it being so short but I wanted to get out a little bit now while I felt inspired. One Vampire AU coming right up!
Kass and Ash belong to @scurvgirl.
Not many people comeby their chateau. It is quite out of the way, which is how theyprefer it, far enough from any of the nearby villages that most don’tremember it exists at all.
It means Melaruemust travel a bit, to feed, but they enjoy it that way. It is safer,and it lets them get some fresh air. They miss being outside morethan they’d like to admit, and take every chance they can to seemore of the world that they’ve missed over the centuries.
It is storming morethan usual for the this early in the season, the rain pelting the topof their carriage like hailstones as Morwen drives it closer to homeand the comfort of a glass of mulled wine and the company of theirchildren.
They have been gonefor several weeks, meeting with a member of their old coven toreminisce and hear the news from Nevarra City. It will be nice tosimply relax for a bit.  
Melarue smells thema moment before they hear Morwen call to the horses, and thecarriage lurches to a quick stop: two individuals and an injuredhorse. All of them reek of fear.
“Is everythingalright?” Morwen shouts over the din of the storm.
“Yes, I... Ourwheel—it is broken.” The voice is female, hesitant andfrightened. Whoever her companion is, they do not speak.
Melarue findsthemselves curious, and pulls back the curtain to see what has causedMorwen to pause. The carriage—little more than a wagon, with nocover from the rain—is leaning on one side, a shattered woodenwheel lying in pieces in the mud, the rest sinking into the oozechurned up by the rain.
Standing near athin, aged horse is a tall qunari woman. Her white curls areplastered to her face, her cotton dress soaked through. She’sshivering, one arm wrapped tight around a smaller figure pressedagainst her skirts.
A child, wrapped ina cloak much too large for her, looking up at Morwen and Melarue’sfour black horses with a mixture of fear and curiosity, bare feetsinking into the mud. She will catch her death in this weather,Melarue knows, and their heart aches at the thought of a childmiserable and cold.
“There is nothingto be done for the wheel,” Morwen exclaims, looking over the pieceswith a shake of his head. “I do not have the tools necessary toreplace it here. Is your destination far?”
The woman swallows,and shakes her head. “We were...”
“Morwen,”Melarue calls from the carriage, and their trusted servant turns.“Gather their things, we can house them for the evening and aidthem on their way in the morning. It is too cold for a child in thisrain.”
“Oh we couldn’timpose,” The woman holds her daughter closer. She is still afraid,which is understandable. A smart woman, who knows to be suspicious ofstrangers on the road at night. Still, the longer she and herdaughter remain out in this storm, the likelier they are to becomeill or worse, be set upon by highwaymen.
Melarue leans outfurther, feels the drops of cold rain on their neatly pinned hair,and catches the woman’s gaze. “I promise no harm will come to youwhile you are in my care. For the child’s sake, stay the evening inmy home.” They use a bit of influence with it, enough to assuagethe woman’s fears, but not enough to control. They do not enjoythat type of manipulation on those undeserving of deceit.
The woman’sshoulders sag a bit in defeat, and she gives a small nod. There isstill distrust in her eyes, but her love for her daughter and a bitof vampiric magic have settled her nerves enough to accept the help.
Melarue opens thecarriage themselves, while Morwen gathers the soaked belongings from thewagon. The little girl leaps inside with a quick “thank you”,nearly slipping on the wet carriage step. Melarue reaches out an armand helps the taller woman steady herself before she does the same.
“You are verykind,” The woman murmurs in thanks, settling on the seat oppositeMelarue with her daughter curled against her side. Close to the door,in case she needs to make a hasty escape. Melarue settles into thecorner furthest from it, to make them more comfortable and nods. “Donot burden yourself with worry. It is but a small thing.”
It is odd, to becalled kind, but it is a good feeling, they find. There is a softthump as Morwen places the woman’s belongings in the luggagecompartment, woefully little, by the barely discernible movement ofthe carriage.
“What will happento Happy, mama?” The little girl asks, from beneath the folds ofher wet woolen cloak.
“Your horse willbe tied alongside the carriage,” Melarue explains softly, “Andhoused in my stable to rest for the night. Do not worry, we will notleave the animal alone in the rain.”
The answer seems tosatisfy the child, who leans back against the seat cushion and seemsto fall asleep, as the carriage lurches forward and begins the trektoward Melarue’s home. The wordless look of gratitude upon hermother’s face makes something go tight in Melarue’s chest.
They are not certainif it is a wise decision, to bring the two home, but a part of themis certain it is the right one.
I set it in Nevarra because Nevarra just gives me that vampire vibe, I dunno. XD Hope you enjoyed it! I may have already started drawing vampire Mel...
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whitecatindisguise · 4 years
The Sundrop Alchemist (14)
This chapter’s first scene is a bow towards @cinn-a-mom, who greatly influenced how it came out. (She simply said “I want hug and tears” and the scene fought me tooth and nail to deliver.) Other than that... whump and angst.
Summary: Hugo and Varian have a talk. And Donella is still out for the Sundrop’s power.
TW: Donella, mentions of past injuries, drowning, torture.
AO3 link is here.
Chapter 14: To Survive
Hugo let out a sigh of relief when he finally noticed Varian stirring awake. The blue eyes fluttered open, hazy and unseeing.
“Hey, Goggles…” The teen said with a slight smile. Blue eyes locked with his green ones.
“Hugo…?” Varian’s voice was raspy from all the screaming before. He tried pushing himself up and hissed in pain, as he felt his left arm burning. 
“Careful! You’ll break the stitches!” Hugo reached out and helped him sit up, drops of sweat visible on the younger boy’s forehead. 
“What sti-?” Varian started before his eyes widened as his memories reemerged. He trembled uncontrollably as he remembered Donella making him heal one of her men, before plunging her knife into his arm.
“Why didn’t you heal it?” Hugo’s question caught him unaware. Why didn’t he? It’s not like he didn’t try, though…
“It didn’t work.” He said quietly, instinctively pulling his hurt, now bandaged arm to his chest. “I don’t know why. It just… didn’t.”
Hugo stared at Varian in surprise, before humming thoughtfully. So, it seems the healing magic works on everyone but the one who held the power. 
“Why are you here?” The boy asked and this time it was Hugo’s turn to look away. Varian noticed the teen’s reaction and backtracked quickly. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, but… Just talk to me, please.”
When the teen didn’t answer, Varian reached out his healthy hand and grabbed Hugo’s. The bespectacled teen looked at him, shame visible in his green eyes. 
“Hugo, please…” The long-haired teen pleaded. “Donella, she… said some things… things I don’t want to believe in…” He took a breath and continued. “I want to believe in you, Hugo. But you have to tell me what’s going on.”
“I’m so sorry, Blondie.” Hugo whispered, looking away. “I should have known she will come for you sooner or later. I tried to stop her, to make her think I’ll still take you to her, but…”
“Would you?” Varian asked and Hugo shook his head. 
“I meant what I said back then, Goggles. I didn’t want all this-” He moved his hand around to point at the cell and his injury. “-to happen. But, the truth is, I don’t know what can I do. It’s not like we could escape Donella. She- God, Goggles, I’ve been stuck with her for years now. I don’t think there is any way we can escape.” 
Varian gasped as he saw tears falling from Hugo’s eyes. He pondered only for a moment, before closing the distance between them and pulling him into a hug. 
“We’ll get out together, I promise.” He said, closing his arms around the younger teen. “We’ll figure it out. I know we will.”
“How… How can you stay so positive?” Hugo asked between hiccups. Varian chuckled lightly in response. 
“I guess this is what happens when you’re stuck in the tower for your whole life.” He replied with a smile. “You can’t help but see positive in everything.”
“I still don’t get it how you didn’t go insane in there.” Hugo let out a watery laugh. 
“Maybe I did and you just don’t see it.” Varian responded with a laugh of his own. 
“A-are you telling me I’ve spent last two days with a lunatic?” The bespectacled man was trying his hardest to not laugh, his eyes still a little bit teary. 
“You said that.” The blue-eyed boy responded with a smirk. 
They laughed for several more minutes, before Hugo finally took a deep calming breath.
“God. And to think I came here to comfort you.” He said, wiping the rest of the tears from his eyes. 
“Y-you did?” Varian looked at him shocked and Hugo blushed, turning away. 
“Y-yeah. I mean… It is kinda my fault you get caught.” He mumbled. “And Donella isn’t really subtle in her work.” He vaguely motioned towards Varian’s bandaged arm. 
“Does… does she know you’re here?” The younger boy asked, eyes filled with worry for his friend. If she doesn’t Hugo might be in trouble, and he saw first hand how the woman deals with people who disappoint her.
“Y-yeah. I told her I’m going to take care of your arm.” Hugo nodded. “Said she would probably need you in good shape for… whatever she plans.” 
Both of them shivered at the thought of what more could the woman be planning. She said she wanted to get the power of the Sundrop, but Varian didn’t know how she wanted to do that. It’s not like he can give it away. He didn’t even know how he gained it in the first place. Mother never mentioned that, always saying he was simply born with it. Talking about Mother…
“Oh no! Mother will be furious!” He suddenly cried, eyes widening. Hugo gave him a surprised look. That’s what he was worried about now? “She’s going back today. I was supposed to be back in tower before that so she doesn’t even know I went out!”
“Goggles… are you sure this is really the time to worry about that?” The bespectacled teen rose an eyebrow at the younger antics.
“And Ruddiger! He must be worried sick, too!” Varian went on, as if he didn’t even hear Hugo’s words. “I hope he’s alright. But, by the Sun!”
“Ruddiger is fine. He’s hidden safely in my room.” Hugo spoke up and that caught Varian’s attention, blue eyes darting towards the teen’s face. “Got few scratches and bumps but nothing serious. I managed to sneak him out when Donella was busy with you.”
“Thank the Sun!” Varian let out a relieved sigh and leaned against the wall. They stayed silent for few moments, before he spoke out again. “So… what’s the plan now?”
“I…” Hugo faltered and looked away. “I don’t know yet. I want to help you escape, but we can’t do it now. It’s too risky.”
“They are still on guard.” Varian nodded in agreement. It was the first time he was in the kidnapping situation, but he was clever enough to know what to expect. “Do you know where they keep my stuff?” 
“Not yet.” Hugo shook his head. “But I’m searching. In the meantime…” He faltered, searching for the right words. 
“Try to not die?” Varian supplied with a light chuckle, although you could sense a hint of fear in his voice. 
“Yeah…” The bespectacled teen nodded and leaned to pick up the bandages before standing up and moving towards the cell door. He stopped with one hand on the bars, his back turned to the boy. “Goggles, hang in there. I’ll get you out as soon as I can.”
“I’ll do my best.” Varian replied with a small smile. “Thank you, Hugo.”
The teen didn’t reply, leaving the cell and locking it behind him, quickly moving up the stairs and into the main building. 
“Don’t thank me yet, Goggles.” He muttered as he walked towards his room, brow furrowed in determination.  
It hurt. It goddamn hurt. His lungs were on fire, oxygen not getting in. His vision was blackening. He trashed about, trying to escape, but a strong hand on his neck didn’t budge one inch. 
Is this how he’s going to die? But he promised, he promised he won’t die. Hugo was doing his best figuring out a way for them to escape. What good would it be if he were to die? But he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t breathe, hecouldn’tbreathe-
He was suddenly was forcefully pulled up, lungs filling with so-much-needed air. He coughed and spit, water dripping from his hair and face. His lungs still burned throat dry but he could finally breathe. 
His chin was gripped by a gloved hand and he was forced to look up into green eyes, so much different from Hugo’s.
“I’ll ask again, darling.” Donella said, her face scrunched in grimace. “How to extract the Sundrop?”
“I… don’t… know…” Varian wheezed out, throat hurting while speaking. He was breathing heavily. “I… already… told you. I... was… born with it…”
The woman clicked her tongue in anger and released her grip, letting the boy’s head fall down. She motioned for Cyrus and the man grabbed and dragged him to the chair. He was quickly strapped to it and the backrest was pushed down, so that he was lying on his back staring at the ceiling. 
Varian tried to understand what kind of torture the woman came up with now, when suddenly a black cloth was pulled over his head. He tried to shake it off but strong hands gripped his head and kept it in place. 
“Last chance, darling.” Donella’s voice whispered into his ear. 
“I don’t… know!” He growled in response. 
“Your choice.” She replied and he heard someone else approach him from the side. 
He felt something wet pour on the cloth and his mind went in complete panic mode. They were trying to drown him. They were trying to drown him. 
He trashed and trashed, the water filling his mouth, his nostrils, his eyes. It was far worse than being held underwater. The hands holding his head were strong, preventing any movement. The water kept on falling, drenching him, entering his body, filling him from the inside. He screamed but it only made the things worse, the wet cloth entering his mouth and water pouring inside. 
He didn’t even register when the torture stopped. He didn’t notice the binds being undone and Cyrus dragging him back to his cell. He didn’t feel the pain as he was thrown on the floor, soaking wet and eyes widened in terror. Unconsciously, he curled on himself in the furthest corner of the room, shaking uncomfortably, the feeling of water filling him in from the inside still fresh in his mind.
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yienbot · 4 years
hello new ahgase here! i'm trying to get into got7 and i really love your blog. do you know any blogs that strictly only post got7? hope you have a nice day ~
hello!! I’m sorry for taking so long to reply, I wasn’t feeling so well these day
I don’t any blog that post only got7 :( but I can recommend you some blogs that post at least most got7:
@yuqyxom​ @poppin-cinn​ @yeabeom @poc7 @imjaebumaf @prdsverse  @atlasbeom @gyeomdiary @ohyoungjae @downofus @gyeeom @axizzles @girlonpanic @arsvirgo @def-ars  @lovtalk @tuans @01fly @tuanm  @m-yien @marktodef @lmjaebeom @tuanyiems @01degree @defsbeom @imjaebeoum @twinmoles @ahgastarlight @06oct @crescentmoonlikeyoungjae @pja2jae @theresamoonlikeyoungjae @icarusmp3 @drunkonmark @gotseventeens @imjaebeon @ahgar-mark @seunie @parkhabits @tim3out @defdoubleb @prdsgf @beomspage @madeitwang @rozegolden @7for7 @moonlightars @2jae @mydarlingtuan @jackbamiels @theprinceofdaegu @jacksennn
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