thejadecount · 2 years
Dipper, walking into the kitchen: Is something burning?
Bill, leaning seductively over the counter: Only my desire for you
Wirt, monotone: The toaster’s on fire.
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xdreamer45x · 3 years
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With all the insanity going on in the world, I totally forgot to acknowledge Nomi’s birthday last year, and nearly forgot again this year too ^^;;
For context, since I’ve been doing this for 7 years now and have gained several new followers who probably have no idea what’s going on, April 10th is the day I posted my first ever artwork of Nomi, hence why I refer to it as her birthday X3 Nomi is very special to me, I’ve had her for a very long time and she’s gotten me through a lot of things in life, so why not celebrate her a little ^v^
Just a super quick sketch so that I could get something posted, decided to draw Bill and Nomi having a lazy snooze on the couch since that’s been the big quarantine mood lol XD It’s been literal ages since I last drew them together and that is such a crime XDD
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thejadecount · 2 years
Don’t you just ever get so engrossed and focused on the plot of your fic that you never describe what the characters actually look like?
To this very day I don’t what Dipper, Bill and Wirt have been wearing for the past ten chapters of my fic You’re Here Again and honestly I think I never will. I know capes and general shapes of clothing and that it.
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thejadecount · 3 years
Fight! Wirt Headcanons
Y’all know from my reverse! Wirt Headcanons that I was gonna do one for Wirt in Fight! Falls
So here we go
He’s Wirt, but more emo and dark
His favorite poet/writer is Edgar Ellen Poe no doubt
His poems are constantly about death, nightmares, forests, ‘beasts’, and all that good stuff
Even Kill is kinda creeped out from them
He’s much more quiet and serious than regular and reverse Wirt
Like he barely talks
I’m talking a few yes’s and no’s and maybe a sentence or two each day like Ferb (Phineas & Ferb) shit
He wears much more darker colors and a lot more black
He has the classic e-boy aesthetic: dark t-shirts with a long sleeve under it, tight black ripped pants, occasionally dark camo pants instead, black plain turtleneck long sleeves, black long sleeves with a white collar
He has dark eyeliner and eyeshadow, a chain or two on his pants, maybe the occasional ring that has a skull or looks like a vine with leaves, a cross necklace or cross earrings, one bar earring on one ear.
He is a True Neutral. No one is more neutral than him. He cares about Kill, Tyrone, Gregory, Fight! Mabel and all of the rest too much. If you hurt them, he kills you. But otherwise you’re okay. He’s not going to get in a fight they’re (Kill, Gregory, Tyrone etc.) in unless they’re seriously injured.
He’s the peacemaker of the group and prevents them from all getting killed/caught by the police from their crazy schemes.
But not like peacemaker and prevents them from getting killed in a motherly, ‘don’t do that again way’
But more like *loads gun* “God damnit you little shits you know, I was having a good day why do I keep saving you little fuckers”….
A few hours later, currently shoveling dirt over the body: Seriously I should just let the cops get you by now, I was having a real good fucking day until you bitches had the audacity to ask me to help you AGAIN especially after since you still own me a favor after I saved your asses from the FBI last time….”
But everyone knows including him that he would kill himself before giving up them.
He regularly has a weapon on him. Some kind of weapon. A small gun, pocketknife, taser. And no, not several weapons and it’s that meme where it takes him forever to unload said weapons from his body (that’s Fight! Mabel and Tyrone, definitely) but the meme where he’ll a pull a weapon from somewhere that’s physically impossible to have one.
He regularly has to knock one of the twins (or both of them, in some cases) out to prevent them from following Kill into some crazy-ass suicidal plan.
If you need a body hidden or someone poisoned, he’s your guy. No one knows how Wirt knows so many poisons and ways to hide a body.
He’s very sarcastic and officially Tired With Everybody’s Shit™️
He has the miraculous ability to pass out on command, watch *his head proceeds to slam down on a table as he goes unconscious*
He needs approximately a gallon of coffee each morning to stay awake (no one knows how he’s still alive)
When was the last time he’s ate or drank water? No one also knows! (Seriously Fucking Kill is considering bringing this man to the doctor)
He’s a Fucking Cryptid™️
Does he sleep? No one knows!
This man needs help.
In a situation where him and the Gang is in prison or a dungeon or something he’ll suddenly pull a knife out of no where and he’s like, “Well no time like the present for a suicide pact, am I right guys?”
He isn’t suicidal. He would be, but 1) he doesn’t want everyone on Earth to suffer with Kill and the twins unleashing their chaos with no restraint such as him and 2) his family really didn’t like him that much and kinda thought he was gonna end himself so now he has to live just to spite them.
And he has to take care of Gregory of course.
And he likes Tyrone and Kill, so there’s that too.
But seriously how is this man still alive?!?!!!?????
Also in addition: He’s the dom of whatever relationship: pinescone, cipherpinescone, ciphercone
And I know that seems unrealistic because Kill is the most violent and aggressive of the three Ciphers but also: he’s a sadomasochist, and Wirt is constantly tired of his shit.
He’s always wearing steel-toe boots, high tops or doc martens.
Anyways, like the last one, reblog/reply with any headcanons of your own!
And if y’all see any of these as different or wrong I really want to know why because I like knowing people’s headcanons and the reasons why they do/don’t agree with others.
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thejadecount · 3 years
Reverse! Wirt Headcanons:
So I’ve seen like one post about Reverse! Wirt and reverse Pinescone and how he’s a tall, messy crackhead theatre kid
And I would like to add my own
(I may have done this before and accidentally deleted the post idk I thought I did this once but I couldn’t find the post so if I did do this before someone tell me)
I’m also gonna do one for Fight! Wirt
Because if there’s a Rev! Wirt, there’s one for Fight Falls
His poetry is good, but not the slow, romantic gentle kind normal Wirt likes. His is more sensual, visual the kind to start a hook up. Like you better watch out for poetry man or before you know it you’ll be in his bed
He regularly reads and quotes Shakespeare and no Romeo and Juliet isn’t his favorite (it’s his second favorite)
His favorite is A Midsummer Night’s Dream because crazy witch and fairy shit just happens in it and he loves it.
He has a habit of running his fingers through his hair when he’s nervous and usually doesn’t do this in front of people which is why his hair is constantly messy
He constantly flirts with Mason but it either fails to land everytime or he just flats out ignores it
He likes to dramatically spread himself on those long velvet chairs when he’s upset
He definitely spoils himself during Mason’s parties and uses the “I-know-the-rich-guy” advantages to their full extent
He (this is going with a Will Cipher Headcanon I mentioned sometime ago) definitely knows Will is a masochist and Mason has no clue and just finds it really fucking funny and regularly congratulates Will
He likes gossiping with Rev! Mabel a lot.
Abstract art. Museums, making his own, he likes it. It’s chaotic, colorful, and random. Perfect.
Whereas Wirt is naturally more romantic and sexually awkward, it’s the total opposite. He can get laid whenever he wants with whoever he wants, but the moment he gets romantically close to someone he panics.
He’s an expert on tropes and cliches, and can quote any vine from memory. Anyone who has had a good 10 minute conversation with him where he’s not flirting with you can vouch, he is a fucking meme dispenser.
Mason and Will always fret over his messiness and he knows he’s messy and half of it is just because he knows it ticks them all off and he enjoys every second of it
He and Bill would be best friends though—gay wingmen. They would regularly complain and whine about their Dippers if they met.
Never give him those long stripes of streamers. Don’t even think about duct tape. You don’t want to know the damage he can do with glue involved.
He and Regular Mabel would also be best friends.
He enjoys the sweetest and coldest tea ever! He will physically cringe at the smell of coffee get that shit away from him.
He’s very flexible. Very flexible. And yeah, good for in bed but what he does to stretch is the TRUE HORROR.
Y’know silk dancing? Where people wrap themselves on a long strand of silk really high in the air? It’s like pole dancing but with silk. I don’t know if it’s supposed to be erotic like pole dancing, but I just think it’s pretty cool and elegant, so yeah. He can do that.
You also know acrobats and all those stunts Zendaya pulls of during that song Rewirte the Stars from the Greatest Showman (which I think is a great movie, great music) with all the ropes and the hoop and stuff? He also can do that.
Someone do an animatic of him and Reverse Dipper with that song. I would, but as I mentioned several times before, I can’t draw worth shit.
You know those white silk shirts with low v-necks and very loose and float long sleeves? He’s almost never seen without one. His addiction had become an urban myth. No one can figure out if he has several of the same shirt or constantly washes that one, not even Will the demon. No one knows and no will ever know.
One that ominous note, y’all reblog this with your own headcanons
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thejadecount · 3 years
Rev! Wirt: I wasn’t that drunk.
Will: You colored my face with highlighter because you said I was important.
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xdreamer45x · 4 years
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Finally got this thing done! Funnily enough, the drawings themselves were completed fairly quick; the thing that ate up all my time was placing the gotdamn watermarks XDD Gonna try and see if this style of watermarking is more effective than what I’ve been doing ;P
For the ships I chose from what you guys sent in, I went with:
- Vegito/Zamasu (which was the ship that got the most requests, a pleasant surprise cuz they’re my fave XP)
- Nomi/Bill (it’s been ages since I drew them together and I miss them X3)
- Mama/Inky (another popular request)
and as for the last one, I decided to do my own thing and pick Ben/Rex, using my older designs for them ;D I had recently binged all 3 seasons of Generator Rex and I fell in love with the Ben/Rex ship all over again X3
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xdreamer45x · 7 years
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so I drew these like over a year ago but never posted them???
have some long overdue ciphercon y’all, I’ll bet you missed them XP
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xdreamer45x · 6 years
there was a rerun of the gravity falls finale on tv earlier and I was suddenly hit with a lot of ciphercon feelings aaaaa
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