clacclo · 2 years
Francesco Guccini Cirano
Venite pure avanti, voi con il naso corto
Signori imbellettati, io più non vi sopporto
Infilerò la penna ben dentro al vostro orgoglio
Perché con questa spada vi uccido quando voglio
Venite pure avanti poeti sgangherati
Inutili cantanti di giorni sciagurati
Buffoni che campate di versi senza forza
Avrete soldi e gloria, ma non avete scorza
Godetevi il successo, godete finché dura
Che il pubblico è ammaestrato e non vi fa paura
E andate chissà dove per non pagar le tasse
Col ghigno e l'ignoranza dei primi della classe
Io sono solo un povero cadetto di Guascogna
Però non la sopporto la gente che non sogna
Gli orpelli? L'arrivismo? All'amo non abbocco
E al fin della licenza io non perdono e tocco
Io non perdono, non perdono e tocco
Facciamola finita, venite tutti avanti
Nuovi protagonisti, politici rampanti
Venite portaborse, ruffiani e mezze calze
Feroci conduttori di trasmissioni false
Che avete spesso fatto del qualunquismo un arte
Coraggio liberisti, buttate giù le carte
Tanto ci sarà sempre chi pagherà le spese
In questo benedetto, assurdo bel paese
Non me ne frega niente se anch'io sono sbagliato
Spiacere è il mio piacere, io amo essere odiato
Coi furbi e i prepotenti da sempre mi balocco
E al fin della licenza io non perdono e tocco
Io non perdono, non perdono e tocco
Ma quando sono solo con questo naso al piede
Che almeno di mezz'ora da sempre mi precede
Si spegne la mia rabbia e ricordo con dolore
Che a me è quasi proibito il sogno di un amore
Non so quante ne ho amate, non so quante ne ho avute
Per colpa o per destino le donne le ho perdute
E quando sento il peso d'essere sempre solo
Mi chiudo in casa e scrivo e scrivendo mi consolo
Ma dentro di me sento che il grande amore esiste
Amo senza peccato, amo, ma sono triste
Perché Rossana è bella, siamo così diversi
A parlarle non riesco
Le parlerò coi versi
Le parlerò coi versi
Venite gente vuota, facciamola finita
Voi preti che vendete a tutti un'altra vita
Se c'è, come voi dite, un Dio nell'infinito
Guardatevi nel cuore, l'avete già tradito
E voi materialisti, col vostro chiodo fisso
Che Dio è morto e l'uomo è solo in questo abisso
Le verità cercate per terra, da maiali
Tenetevi le ghiande, lasciatemi le ali
Tornate a casa nani, levatevi davanti
Per la mia rabbia enorme mi servono giganti
Ai dogmi e ai pregiudizi da sempre non abbocco
E al fin della licenza io non perdono e tocco
Io non perdono, non perdono e tocco
Io tocco i miei nemici col naso e con la spada
Ma in questa vita oggi non trovo più la strada
Non voglio rassegnarmi ad essere cattivo
Tu sola puoi salvarmi, tu sola e te lo scrivo
Dev'esserci, lo sento, in terra o in cielo un posto
Dove non soffriremo e tutto sarà giusto
Non ridere, ti prego, di queste mie parole
Io sono solo un'ombra e tu, Rossana, il sole
Ma tu, lo so, non ridi, dolcissima signora
Ed io non mi nascondo sotto la tua dimora
Perché oramai lo sento, non ho sofferto invano
Se mi ami come sono
Per sempre tuo
Per sempre tuo
Per sempre tuo
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demiurgee · 2 years
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A commission for Mariana, a friend of mine. She commissioned me to draw one of her characters and let me choose what costume to put him in. We arrived at a Tudor-era inspired outfit that I loved to draw.
Image description:
Digital drawing showing a man against a dark green background. He is white and has dark wavy hair and beard. A lock of his shoulder-length hair is braided and tied with a green ribbon. He wears a brown long-skirted doublet with dark green sleeves, a fur-trimmed black overgown, white hoses and brown boots. On his head is a dark flat cap and he holds a glove on his left hand.
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sadness26sworld · 2 months
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• Francesco Guccini •
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moongvf · 8 months
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This is my first time writing obscenities here and I’m still a little nervous. English is not my native language, so forgive me for possible mistakes. I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you like it too.
Summary: You have been friends since high school and a memorable event has always kept you together. After a fight with your current boyfriend, Jake comforts you and some memories emerge making you question your real feelings about him.
Characters: Jake x Fem!Reader
5k words
Warnings: 18+ as always. Obscenities of all kinds, body insecurity, bullying.
You're in your room dressed in a Rolling Stones t-shirt, which is your favorite. It's late and you just hope to end this exhausting day by reading a few pages of your bedside book before falling asleep. The next day you have to go to work. You feel bad because you fought with Mike, your idiot boyfriend, for the tenth time. “He won’t change!” you think.
You don't understand because you always forgive him and each time you tell yourself that it's the last time and exceeding your personal limits only makes you more distressed. You take out your book “Cirano de Veryerac” and sit down with your legs on top of each other. You open it to continue reading, when the sound of the doorbell interrupts you.
“Is it him? I hope he’s not such an idiot!” you think. You get up, putting the book aside, and put on your cow slippers. Well, they are the most comfortable. You open the door to your room and walk down the brown wooden stairs.
When you reach the front door, you let out a soft sigh as you open it. You are surprised to see him there in front of you with that beautiful smile and those caramel eyes. His hair is slightly disheveled as if he hadn't combed it since yesterday. He wears a beige fabric shirt and moss green vintage pants along with his old Vans flip-flops that haven't been white for a long time.
"Hi! I brought your favorite ice cream! And these chocolates too! Can I stop by?" He says without stopping smiling.
Jake, your best friend, your lifesaver, is always there when you need him. He is like a hero to you. You've known each other since high school. He has always been with you in the best and worst of times.
Even though he formed a band with his brothers and his friend, Danny, he always worries about you. Even though he's on tour, he's always there. "You don't know how happy I am to see you!" You tell him, throwing yourself into his arms. You almost dropped your ice cream, he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a tight hug. "Calm down, honey! I'm here because I know you need me." He tells you in a sweet voice. As sweet as those chocolates he gave you.
"Thank you! That idiot!" You tell him as tears start to well up in his eyes. He supports you in his arms and takes you to the living room towards the couch. You both sit down and he brushes your wet hair away from your face. "Don't cry about that asshole, honey. I don't even know why you're still with him." He tells you, frowning.
"You're always right!" You tell him, opening the box of chocolates to devour one. You take one that has a rectangular shape and put it in your mouth, it's delicious and there are almonds inside. "Honey, you're too much of a woman for him!"
"Yes, I know! He always finds a way to convince me! But I've had enough! And this time I won't forgive him!" You tell him, leaving the box of chocolates on the table in front of you. You are so upset with yourself for letting your feelings get away with you. Jake watches you silently, he always does this. And sometimes you feel like that look undresses you. He makes you feel confused.
"Next Friday we have a show. I'll send it to you. Richard will come and get you." He says breaking the silence and changing the subject to distract you. "Great! The tour for the new album has started. I'm so happy for you." You place your hand in his, grateful that he insists on your presence. Possibly this is more for you than for him.
"Say no more! Be ready at 6pm. That's not an invitation!" You always felt protected when he was around.
It was late and you could see the tiredness in his eyes, but he still came to see you. He knew you weren’t okay without you even telling him. He always knew when you were sick, if you felt bad or just hurt. You don't understand how you got to this level of connection.
You feel calmer being with him, always showing you his support. You get up and go to the kitchen. Before the ice cream finishes melting, you put it in the fridge. You walk out of the kitchen and grab him by the shoulders. "You look very tired. Stay! Let's go to bed. Then you can get some rest." You tell him giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Okay! I'm exhausted." He lets out a yawn that was heard throughout the house. You laugh loudly, holding your belly, you can't help it, you look like an animal. "You are a bad girl!" He tells you, laughing too.
He climbs the stairs after you and you walk to the room at the end of the hallway.
"Now I'm one of your grouppies!" You scoff at him as you open the door.
"You were my first grouppie, honey." He says throwing himself on the bed.
“The best, the most special,” you reply.
"Then I think you're already deluding yourself." He pulls you by the waist and throws you onto the bed right next to him.
He strokes your hair and starts giving you small kisses on the top of your head. You feel so safe in his arms, you know that nothing and no one would hurt you being with him. Suddenly you remember when you were eighteen and the secret that brought you together. "Jake, make love to me."
He looks at you in surprise, his eyes light up as he looks at you with a sideways smile, he continues stroking your hair. Letting out a soft sigh he stops you. "Kitten, we swore we wouldn't do that again."
"Jake, I know! And I don't think you've ever forgotten that." You tell him, rubbing circles with your finger on his chest.
"Kitten, how can I forget this?!" He says with a mischievous smile and your cheeks turn red.
Letting your horniness and impulsiveness act, you run your hands down his abdomen and shyly stroke his cock.
You feel him hard under your touch but he puts his hand over yours and brings it to the pillow between your faces. You feel your stomach in your throat as you see a slight smile form on his lips as his eyes look down. A memory perhaps? Nervousness takes over you and you carefully calculate your next words, but he seems to read your mind and comfort your restless thoughts. “I still think about it, Y/N.” He seems to be waiting for your response. You have a lot to say, but your embarrassed version is definitely not the best articulater. He looks at you for the longest seconds of the night and the light of his phone notifying you of a message disperses your vision of him. You instinctively look for your cell phone between the sheets and see above your eyes “Mike❤: I miss you…”. He seems to have seen it too because he gets up and heads towards the bathroom.
"Great!" You groan, leaving your cell phone on the bedside table, setting the alarm clock and leaving Mike to answer tomorrow. You take off your leggings and cover yourself with the duvet, turning to Jake's side. You hear the doorknob click and try to read his expression as he returns to the bed taking off his pants and shirt, leaving him in just a pair of boxer shorts. You watch his back facing the light from the window as he folds the clothes on the dresser. “It’s not polite to watch, princess.”
“Great… again!”
(One hour later…)
You move around during the night looking for a more relaxing position in the small space, you tend to spread out more on the mattress but you are afraid of waking you up. It doesn't seem like it helped much because you hear him say in a whisper, extending his arm toward you, “Come here, kitten.” You look at him, his eyes still closed, and align yourself in the space between his arm and his right dorsal, resting your head on his shoulder. The warmth of his body immediately comforts you. You try to focus on his breathing and how his chest moves beneath your hands. His skin is tanned, his nipple is small and pink. His eyes roam his body in your line of vision. His neck with a few strands of hair falling out, his Adam's apple moving to the rhythm of his slow breathing. The musky smell of tobacco cologne permeating his skin. Your pussy is already wet and your thighs contract in search of some relief and your mind visits that night when everything happened.
Graduation was in two weeks. You've decided between three acceptance letters from different colleges. Studying art history has always been a dream since your father took you to exhibitions and museums and it was also one of the best memories of your childhood before he left. You could dedicate yourself to studying something that really makes sense to you. Jake always supported you in this decision, he knew what it was like to pursue a career based on passion and intuition, going against people's expectations. You always wanted you to study at university together, but he got a contract to record an album and decided to dedicate himself fully to the first step of your dream. You believed in him and clearly saw a future rock star in the countless rehearsals in the garage where you spent the afternoon with him and his brothers. Jake was always your best friend and your shoulder to cry on during the many romantic disappointments you had as teenagers.
It's not like he never has girlfriends. On the contrary, you saw him receiving more and more attention from girls as he adopted his own style and gained the confidence of a boy who was becoming a man. The time he joined the football team was especially hectic. He dated practically every girl in your year, some of the most popular ones, which made you constantly compare yourself. But he was always by your side and having him as your personal protector made you be more careful about being around any boy at school. Some of your friends on the team had already asked you out, but he always seemed to make you unavailable to them. So he let them think the two of you were dating, not that there weren't already rumors about it. One time, Jake got into a fight because one of the guys in the locker room made disrespectful comments about your body. Jake didn't give many details about it, he wanted to protect you and you didn't ask anything else.
Jake's biggest fear since then was seeing boys share the intimacy they had with you. He said you were too good for anyone there. You had a few dates with guys, but nothing that lasted longer than two weeks. Some of them Jake met and you used to take them on double dates with Jake's girlfriend of the week. You, however, were always reserved with sex, it didn't go much further than kisses and some caresses in the back seat of your car. You wanted your first time to be with someone you trusted and who didn't just want to fuck you. Jake, on the other hand, has always been very sexual and you've heard of some of his exploits among the girl group at school. This made you curious and a little jealous, but you preferred to keep those things to yourself.
And everything was relatively easy until that night. Their parents were away for a family reunion, but the boys preferred to spend the weekend with friends. Josh was at a party with his theater colleagues. Sam was going to spend the night with some girls at his friend Danny's house. Jake, on the other hand, was going to a party with his popular friends and invited you to join him, but decided to spend time with you when you said you'd rather enjoy these weeks before graduation busy with your things.
You knew that within a few days you would have no reason to keep in touch with almost any of these people, so there was no point in engaging in any more of the boring gossip and potentially dangerous nonsense they would do after the third glass of tequila.
Jake suggested a quiet movie night at your house and you reluctantly agreed, feeling guilty for messing up your plans for that Saturday. But he insisted and said he would add some of his comforting films to the evening's itinerary.
And you went there. It was 6pm on a hot night and you decided to wear one of your summer dresses, one of the few that Jake hadn't seen you wear yet. You thought you would end up sleeping there and warned your mother not to worry. You figured you'd end up wearing some of Jake's old band shirts, so you didn't bother packing something more comfortable in your bag. You decided to make an apple pie, Jake's favorite, a simple thank you for doing something so kind for you today. He would probably end up devouring this in less than an hour if he spent the night smoking joints.
You arrive at the Kiszka house around 6:40 pm and Jake greets you with a tight hug. The way he places his hand just below your waist on the thin fabric of your dress, unintentionally groping for the strap of your panties makes a slight shiver run down your thighs. He takes a good look at you “Kitten, all this for me?” The question makes you blush because deep down you know that today it took you longer to get ready than the other days when you showed up there in sweats and he seems a little perplexed by that. He thanks her for the gift, taking the pie to the kitchen and smiles “This will come to an end later.” You'd rather wait for him on the couch, snuggling between the pile of pillows and realizing he favorited “Vanilla Sky” on TV.
You love naive Sophia and how she and Dave really connect in a universe of superficialities. "Did you find what you were looking for?" Jake laughs and walks over to you to lean next to you on the couch. He starts the movie and you get lost for the next hour in your favorite scenes. Every now and then you catch him distracted, looking into your eyes, fascinated by the lines that you have already memorized after having seen them dozens of times.
"What is wrong?" You ask him.
“Nothing, you're cute when you're busy with something you like,” he replies, “sometimes I can't believe this is one of the last times.”
“Jake, I’ll still be in town. The university is only 2 hours away”
“I know, but you will be busy with your things, you will have your new friends and we will end up seeing each other only on the weekends, and then in a few months and finally only at Christmas.”
“Jake, don't say that, you know that It's not going to be like that and besides, the one who's going to end up traveling the world on tour will be you, Mr. Rockstar”
“Hey, that still scares me...” He pauses in reflection for a few seconds and adds “Whatever the case may be, we will still be here for each other. Promise?"
“I promise, Jakey,” you lean back into him, falling with your head on the pillow in his lap. He stretches a little to the coffee table and takes a small joint out of his wallet. He lights it with his lighter metal in your mouth and take a drag. From your angle, you are distracted for a few seconds, looking at him as the smoke slowly leaves your lips. He hands you the joint, placing it between your lips, holding it in your mouth hand. You feel your stomach drop as you hold his fingers that are brushing your lips for a moment. You're not sure if it was intentional or not until the second he breaks the silence and says "Do you think you will meet someone in college?"
“I don't know, Jake. I think I've lost hope." Taking a little more courage thanks to marijuana, he adds: “Have you never been curious?” A little nervous about the unknown territory of this conversation (Jake has never gone so deep into his intimidation) you say nothing “I prefer not to think about it” and the other question catches you completely off guard “Have you ever imagined us?” You feel the blood in your temples and when you look up you catch him staring at your exposed legs and back up at your face. “I don’t know, Jake” and let a hint of jealousy that you hide so much take over your words “No more than what I heard in the gossip in the bathroom mirror from some of your little friends.” He laughs in disbelief and struggles to understand what's behind your taunt. “Does this make you jealous, kitten?”
“I’m not your girls, Jake,” you assert yourself, “I don’t want a boy getting into my pants like you or anyone else at school.”
Only after you finish do you process the poison of your own words. But you prefer silence rather than apologizing. That’s why his next words give you a pang in your chest “I never gave you reason to think that about me, Y/N. I’m really sorry."
Seeing him so vulnerable disarms you and you seize the moment of sincerity and say “I'm jealous, Jake. I don’t like imagining other girls touching you” and so you protect yourself once again, “but I know we’re friends…”
“I think about you too, Y/N.” His confession takes you by surprise.
He loses himself within himself for a moment and adds: “— I think I never let anyone get close to you because I wanted you for myself.” He gently runs his fingers down your face and presses your lips against his. It's sweet and pleading, your tongue silently asking for permission to explore your mouth and you let it do so. It tastes like mint and marijuana. He makes love to your mouth, his tongue caressing the roof of your mouth. You give in and are at his mercy, reaching out to feel him, one hand resting on his neck and the other on the back of his neck, gently squeezing his hair, a few strands falling onto you. When he pulls away from you, he gently bites your bottom lip, leaving a light strand of saliva between your mouths.
He presses his forehead against yours, his eyes never leaving yours, and whispers into your lips, “Can I touch you, beautiful?”
You nod your eyes, but he wants to be sure “I need you to use your words, kitten”
You feel his hands on your bent knees sliding up and lightly caressing your thighs. “Have you pleasured yourself yet, Y/N?”
You give the answer with your shy look and he brushes your bangs out of your face with his thumb and kisses your forehead. He gently brushes his nose against yours on his way to your mouth and kisses you again, this time with a little more fervor and you a little more used to his tongue deep and warm inside you. You can’t help but wonder how this could be a glimpse of his cock meeting you.
Suddenly everything seems so right. Jake, the boy who was always with you and now the man you saw him become and desire is the one you trust with your body. You try not to get lost in your thoughts and focus on him in your mouth. You feel your body go cold as you feel his warm fingertips tracing the edges of your panties across your crotch. As he traces your covered vulva you notice that your wet pussy has flooded the fabric and it makes you nervous. He feels your body tense and breaks the kiss. “It’s okay, just relax for me.” He slides his fingers with a little more pressure on the wet cotton and the contact with your covered clit makes you let out a moan straight into his mouth. He moves with you still lying on his lap, pulling your skirt up to your waist and watching his fingers massage your bundle of nerves.
The position allows him to look directly at the your lying face and see its reaction to each his finger movement. He takes his fingers to his mouth and moistens them with a generous portion of saliva and passes his hand under the waistband of your panties, making the first contact with your naked pussy. The thumb remains making circular movements over the clitoris while the index finger descends towards its entrance. Your soul seems to want to leave your body, but his other hand rests on the side of your head, stroking your hair. He looks at you and you understand what he is asking of you, his index finger penetrates you and you feel yourself contracting “So tight, kitten”. The feeling of him stretching you for the first time is without a doubt a memory that you will always revisit in your thoughts, you are sure. He moves in and out of you with his finger forming a hook until he touches a place that you didn't even know inside of you, but that makes you contract more each time he touches it there.
You close your eyes and try to savor the new sensation and you are sure that his eyes are attentive to every expression of pleasure you make in his lap. "Is everything okay, kitten?" You feel the loss of contact when you feel him slide your panties down your ankles. You help him release it and he thrusts into you again, this time inserting two fingers into your opening. He enters with a little more difficulty and you feel a slight discomfort but the feeling of pleasure of the two fingers exploring you is overwhelming. He pumps them at a slightly more steady pace. The wet sounds coming from the movements are pornographic and would make you embarrassed with anyone else, but it's him and you decide to give yourself to him and everything he gives you without reservation.
You feel like your body wants to explode as his fingers continually hit that sweet spot inside you. You instinctively try to grab his hand to slow down, but he grabs your wrist and you open your eyes to see him with his eyes closed and his mouth open, his cock completely rigid beneath you "Just let it come, beautiful."
Seeing him like this for you is what makes you fall apart around him. “Jake, I’m…” He kisses you and silences you as your body calms down.
He moves your body along with his and stands in front of you, picking you up and hugging you and aligning your legs around his waist, carrying you on his lap. He drags you to his room, you get rid of your dress by pulling it around your neck, leaving you completely naked to him. He lays you down on the messy bed and hovers over you. He immediately gets rid of his pants and shoes, leaving them lying on the floor. He looks at you, exposed to him like never before, slides her hand down your breasts to your belly. “ You’re so perfect, Y/N. Every bit of your body.” He takes off his shirt, leaving him only in his underwear and a drop of pre-cum is visible. He kisses you once more, trailing down your neck and gently sucking on the flesh. He positions himself between your legs, placing one of them on your shoulders. Just his hot breath on your wet pussy makes you shiver.
He calmly devours you, as if touching something sacred. He brushes your clit with his tongue in circular motions that make you squirm on the bed. He places his hands on your waist, holding you on the bed for him in that position. He takes your left nipple between his fingers, making you hiss. As his tongue moves down to explore your entrance, his nose brushes your clit.
The double contact on your sensitive spots drags you straight to the second orgasm. You tighten your thighs around him and cum hard. Without control of your body, your hands grip his hair to steady yourself. Jake looks at you still between your legs, his liquid completely covering your lips and chin making them shine.
He runs his fingers gently over the surface of your open, quivering pussy from overstimulation. “Calm down, kitten. It's okay". He opens his mouth and runs his tongue along the long strip that runs from your clit to your ass, collecting the rest of your juice, looking directly at you. His tongue is dripping. He kisses you tenderly, making you taste yourself on his tongue.
He whispers against your lips “Do you still want this? I can only have this, S/N.” “I want it, Jake.” You see him drop his underwear revealing his member, it is pink, thick and bigger than you imagined, which scares you a little. He pumps himself three times, his cock dripping from the tip and leaking between his fingers. His mouth opens and his head falls back a little, revealing his need, he has been hard for a long time and has allowed himself to just take care of you. He places his hands around your head and brings his face closer to yours. His stomach feels cold when you feel him lining himself up with your entrance.
“I won’t hurt you, I promise” and he kisses your forehead “Tell me if you want to stop.”
“Okay, Jake.”
He presses himself against you and you feel the head of his cock opening you up for him. He stops there, giving you a few seconds to get used to the new sensation. He continues sliding into your opening, his thick member stretching you, your wet walls welcoming him and easing the slight burning sensation that takes over when he reaches your collon. “You’re so tight, Y/N.” He moans into your ear. You run your hands down his face as he rests his forehead against you, “So hot, kitten.” Your mouths meet again, he gently sucks your tongue and begins to caress your entire face with his open lips, his warm wet breath touching your skin. “Can I move?” You nod. He runs his hand down your back and hips and aligns your left leg around his waist, opening you up a little more for him, stopping his hand on your thigh, gently squeezing your flesh. He hits you once weakly, as if testing if you find this bearable.
Your hands are on his back, your nails lightly scratching the skin as he begins to thrust at a slow pace. It's soft, like his dick is getting to know you. He opens his mouth slowly and your eyes roll back as he intensifies the pace a little more. “You look like satin, Y/N.” He pulls away from your body and lifts himself up a little, looking at where your bodies are connected, admiring how his pelvis meets yours and how deep he is in you.
Suddenly it all seems too much for you to take in, the sight of his cock glistening with your wetness sliding in and out of you, seeing him working so beautifully for your pleasure with a fucked up expression, not believing that you ended the night giving for your best friend.
You want him less gentle. “Faster, Jake. I need you more deeply.” He looks at you with bright eyes, revealing the effect your blatant request had on him. “Y/N…” He speeds up his thrusts into your hips, his gaze never leaving yours.
The sound of your wet bodies colliding, the creaking of the mattress and headboard hitting the wall with your labored breaths add a more chaotic atmosphere to the crying mess you've become. Your moan is obscene and fragile, which awakens Jake's dominance even more, who now eats you with more urgency. His strokes are longer and harder, the head of his cock frantically hitting the perfect spot on you. Every time he hits you there you wince at him making him back away just to hit you again. He aligns himself in the space between your head and neck, his sweaty hair plastered to his forehead and his eyebrows creased. “Fuck…” He’s close but he wants to make you come before him “Y/N, come one more time for me… on my cock.” The pace is unbearable, your pussy clenching around him. You feel weak and break down screaming his name. He continues to fuck you through your orgasm, his thrusts becoming more languid and erratic seeking his own end after you. And then with a grunt of relief he cums, leaving you filled with him, painting your walls with his cum. He stays inside you for a few more moments, while his breathing stabilizes and he recovers... Your head is still foggy with what just happened until he kisses you and pulls out of you. The sheets beneath you are wet with sweat, your mixed release and some blood, as well as the length of his cock. You look at him in amazement and he touches your face tenderly: “It’s normal, it’s okay”
And that's how you remember falling asleep, curled up in his arms, like now...
You push away your distant thoughts and turn to him. He has his eyes fixed on you. "Kitten, why are you awake?"
To be continued... maybe
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carboncinicolcaffe · 5 months
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🍋 Prompts sulla canzone italiana 🍋
In onore dello speak your language day, ecco una lista di prompt da usare a vostro rischio e pericolo <3
Compilata in collaborazione con @greypetrel 💛 -> la sua lista frizzantina <- 💛
Nel scendere le scale ci metto più attenzione, sarebbe imperdonabile giustiziarmi sul portone (Il Bombarolo - Fabrizio De André)
Chiamami tormento, già che ci sei (Parole Parole - Mina)
E senza fame e senza sete / E senza ali e senza rete voleremo via (La Donna Cannone - Francesco De Gregori)
Non so quante ne ho amate, non so quante ne ho avute / Per colpa o per destino le donne le ho perdute (Cirano - Francesco Guccini)
Siamo nella stessa lacrima, come un sole e una stella / Luce che cade dagli occhi, sui tramonti della mia terra / Su nuovi giorni (Luce 'Tramonti a Nord Est' - Elisa)
Le parole sono parole / E tu puoi anche non credermi / Ma fa niente, non fa niente / Che vuoi che m'importi / Un tuo dubbio se resti con me (Io Ti Darò di Più - Ornella Vanoni)
Se quel che fai fosse un po' mio / Da te mi lascerei bruciare (Amore Stella - Rettore)
Oramai l'hai capito anche tu / Che l'amore per me non c'è più / Ma vorrei che l'orchestra suonasse per sempre così (Tipitipitì - Orietta Berti)
La parola non ha / Né sapore, né idea / Ma due occhi invadenti / Petali d'orchidea (Ti Sento - Matia Bazar)
E continuo sulla stessa via, sempre ubriaca di malinconia (Minuetto - Mia Martini)
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takeyourtime72 · 3 months
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sophiamcdougall · 8 months
saw your recent tags about italian pop music hyperfixation and remembered it was thanks to you i started listening to fabrizio moro. any other recommendations? i particularly like it when he does eighty syllables in a row with perfect metre without stopping for breath. loved your wylmere woods story btw
What a day-making ask! Thank you. And I sure have! Hmm, first of all, there are a few songs that I made translation videos for here -- you could do worse and they'll introduce you to the GOAT Franco Battiato. They're not fast but they sure are lyrically rich. You've probably already found 'Pensa' and 'Non Mi Avete Fatto Niente' but I have translations of them both here. If you like the latter you might like other Ermal Meta songs like Vietato Morire. If you particularly like that maximalist "words are for winners breathing is for losers" lyrical style (I do too,) you might also like Zen Circus, perhaps try Viva and L'amore è una dittatura.
'Viva' references Francesco Guccini, now a classic of leftist Italian folk-rock. So why not check out L'avvelenata, Cirano or Don Chisciotte (Yes, the last two are from the POV of Cyrano de Bergerac and a duet between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza respectively. Also more political than you'd think).
I'm sorry, I've tried, but I don't like J-ax young and hungry, I like him middle-aged and mournful and fucking around with pianos. (Intro ft. Bianca) Still all the words! in none of the space!
To bring it back to the present, Lamette by Rose Villain ft. Salmo is catchy as fuck and the lyrics (while rather ... Linkin Parky??) just come at you breakneck and relentless.
I love La Rappresentante di Lista, particularly the album 'My Mamma' particularly, Amare, Alieno and Religiosamente Eden and Sangue di Drago by Rancore
"Loving you is easy ... like hating the police": La tua canzone by Coez has not only a killer first line but a wonderfully epic video. I love how common duets and team-ups are in Italian music. If you like Diamanti you now have three new artists with extensive back catalogues to check out (Negramaro, Jovanotti and Elisa).
It's not particularly Fabrizio Moro-esque but everyone interested in Italian pop music has to see America by Gianna Nannini if only to see a girl doing "sexy bad boy" better than any man has ever done it. Also because 'America' is a metaphor for masturbation because ... because it just is.
I'm going to finish with Ora by Aiello, bisexual disaster anthem, famous for giving us the mystifying howled refrain "Ibuprofen sex!" which is how a lot of us found out that certain rare people experience longer lasting erections when they take ibuprofen, which one can only assume Aiello did not know was not an everyone thing. It's more poetic than I'm making it sound.
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vaccagare · 1 year
Spiacere è il mio piacere, io amo essere odiato.
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dkingsphoto · 1 year
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Alejandro Neyra Cirano, tallador de mármol de la Marmolería El Nazareno. Recoleta / 2022
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anamn3si · 1 year
Perché oramai lo sento, non ho sofferto invano se mi ami come sono
Per sempre tuo
Per sempre tuo
Per sempre tuo
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10 favorite songs with names in the title, in no particular order:
anna verrà - pino daniele
morning elvis - florence and the machine
the mary ellen carter - stan rogers
candy's room - bruce springsteen
holly holy - neil diamond
annie, heart thief of the sea - kishi bashi
django jane - janelle monae
meri luis - lucio dalla
eric's song - vienna teng
cirano - francesco guccini
+ bonus: hero and leander - adam guettel
tagged by @puentera tyy this was a lot of fun! 💕
tagging @pansypipedream @missionlameturtle @huldraism @laexploradoraaa zero pressure!
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aseparatepeace · 2 years
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khelkid · 18 days
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The Khelkid universe is growing! Here is Khelkid: Second Earth.
Fresh from the defeat of the infamous mob boss Cirano, Rose faces her biggest challenge yet as the hard-hitting sequel takes her to the dimension known as Second Earth. Although the town is saved, the universe remains under threat as The Baron and Baroness have staked a new kingdom fueled by the pursuit of godhood. Khelkid: Second Earth pulls no punches in an action-filled story, where two mysterious beings named Khelkid and Xutza offer their aid to the young woman, for a price. At Second Earth, Rose and company are rightfully out of their element, but one mysterious magician named Maya allies with them to liberate her world from the clutches of The Baron and Baroness! Prepare for a world of the strange, mysterious, and sullen as you unravel large existential questions and embark on a legendary quest!
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meteorsage · 2 months
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21: I'm going to do it, I'm going to ask her out. The Stars Are Right
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24: It's about time... Please don't tell me you're inviting her to steak from the microwave. Also, what do you mean, 'the stars are right'?
21: What I mean is that The Moon is charging up in Cancer while Mercury is entering retrograde, this means we're both feeling cozy where we are and also having clear insight into what's OK to for us to change and what's best to leave the same. Plus, she said I was 'Mountain Pretty', and I think that's from Dungeon Meshi
24: Look at you, Lisan Al-gaWeeb! So what's the know, Cirano?
21: Brown bagging it at a park in the evening. Maybe a smoke instead
24: Really?
21: Look, I did a tarot reading about it, queen of cups, that's "Yes and maybe drinks"
24: Are you sure that it's not calling for you to be empathetic and straightforward about how you're feeling and thinking, even if it's embarrassing and results in loss, because it's a much more liberating existence to be yourself than it is to always be on the defensive... Like a crab?
21: I mean, yeah, that too probably. Hey, when did you get so insightful?
24: 💀
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lavozdelquequen893 · 2 months
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Actitud Solidaria volvió a recibir una ayuda récord en su décima edición Actitud Solidaria volvió a recibir una ayuda récord en su décima edición Durante una maratónica jornada en el Centro Vasco, la colecta anual de K2 Radio recibió más de 41.400 prendas de abrigo, 2.350 juguetes, 3.530 litros de leche larga vida y 3.200 alimentos que serán donados a 12 comedores, merenderos y hogares del distrito. Atravesada por la emoción de donantes, voluntarios y destinatarios, la décima edición de Actitud Solidaria, la colecta anual de K2 Radio, culminó este sábado con la satisfacción de otro respaldo récord. Cientos de voluntades con un mismo objetivo. Una actitud que nos unió nuevamente. Durante una maratónica jornada en el Centro Vasco se recibieron 41.400 prendas de abrigo, 2.350 juguetes, 3.530 litros de leche larga vida y 3.200 alimentos que serán donados a 12 comedores, merenderos y hogares del distrito. Otro récord para la organización significó el respaldo de un centenar de voluntarios, entre particulares autoconvocados, referentes de los comedores y hogares y estudiantes de la carrera de logística de la UNICEN. Ellos fueron los encargados de recibir las donaciones, y afrontaron luego la tarea de clasificar la ropa por talle y género, y los juguetes por edades, armando más de casi mil bultos de ropa y juguetes que serán entregados este lunes a los distintos destinatarios. El listado de comedores, hogares, centro educativos y merenderos a los que llegará Actitud Solidaria 2024 es el siguiente: Solidaridad en marcha, Merendero Frutillitas, Envión Quequén, Comedor “La Tana” (ex Mate Cocido), Merendero 200 Sonrisas, Murga “Hoy Bailaré”, Asociación Yipuy, Hogar “Preciosa Semilla”, Merendero “Barrio Los Malvones” y los Centros de Educación Complementaria N° 801, 802 y 803. La jornada, con los preparativos, comenzó cuando no había amanecido e incluso con las primeras donaciones arribando antes del inicio pautado a las 9 de la mañana. Fue toda una señal del impulso solidario que continuó durante más de 6 horas, con muchos que también llegaron y dejaron sus donaciones cuando pasadas las 15 horas ya se habían cerrado las puertas del Centro Vasco, que una vez más generosamente volvió a recibir la colecta. Transparentando la campaña, toda la jornada fue reflejada en vivo con un programa de radio transmitido simultáneamente por seis frecuencias de radios: K2 Radio 96.3, Radio La Red Necochea FM 90.5, La 100 Necochea FM 98.7, Radio Rivadavia Necochea FM 97.3m K2 Música 106.3 y Urbana Play FM 103.1. Y además por primera vez en imágenes vía streaming a través del canal de YouTube de K2 Radio durante las seis horas de la colecta. Además de las familias, personas de todas las edades que se conectaron llevando su donación durante la jornada este sábado, en esta edición se contó con un notable apoyo con distintos puntos de pre acopio que recolectaron donaciones en las semanas previa, como en los Colegios Danés, Nueva Pompeya, Complejo Educativo Italo Argentino, Nuestra Señora de la Merced, Pio XII, Ikastola, Instituto Humboldt y Cavagnaro, el Centro de Estudiantes de la Escuela Técnica N°2 Mariano Necochea, la escuela de danza de Vale Pessacg, el grupo Zumberas de Cintia Andersen, Colegio de Abogados, Colegio de Magistrados y Funcionarios, la Unicen Quequén y la Cátedra Abierta de Diplomatura por la Paz, Hipermercados Toledo, Las Farolas, Tabacalera Necochea, el equipo de fútbol FC Ventarrón, Distribuidora Anidar y la Agrupación Cardinal Sur, entre otras. Asimismo, empresas se sumaron donando packs de leche y alimentos: el Consorcio de Gestión desde el área “Puerto Ciudad” que conduce Camilo Vidal, Camuzzi Gas Pampeana, Oscar Merlo, titular de las firmas Ford Balcarce y Helados Cirano, Tabacalera Necochea y otros que prefieren permanecer anónimas y que también colaboraron sumando su aporte. Una actitud que nos une, como desde hace una década.
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socscilearn · 5 months
Le CIRANO and @lautorite offers several English versions of their webinars this month on Teaching Financial Education and Contemporary World using FinÉcoLab Educational Games at https://t.co/BrBVzzkDLG (starting May 8th, so sign up now!) — Paul Rombough (LEARN) (@paulrombo) Apr 29, 2024
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