cithaerons · 2 years
the terror of hitting unfollow on someone who looks 100% unfamiliar assuming they were an accidental follow because what if actually secretly a mutual who changed their entire blog style
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typewriter-worries · 2 years
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I am both wound and knife
Maria Nephele: A Poem in Two Voices, Odysseus Elytis ( @feral-ballad ) |  Giuditta con la testa di Oloferne, Fede Galizia | Judith, August Riedel | Ideology, Aria Aber ( @cithaerons ) | Courage, Anxiety and Despair: Watching the Battle, James Sant | Vigil, Clementine von Radics
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llovelymoonn · 6 months
favourite poems of december
a.r. ammons collected poems: 1951-1971: "dunes"
jennifer robertson shrill shirts will always balloon
n. scott momaday in the presence of the sun: stories and poems, 1961-1991: "the delight song of tsoai-talee"
ted berrigan the collected poems of ted berrigan: "bean spasms"
natalie diaz when my brother was an aztec: "abecedarian requiring further examination of anglikan seraphym subjugation of a wild indian rezervation"
greg miller watch: "river"
joanna klink excerpts from a secret prophecy: "terrebonne bay"
dorothy dudley pine river bay
brenda shaughnessy our andromeda: "our andromeda"
frank lima incidents of travel in poetry: "orfeo"
lehua m. taitano one kind of hunger
no'u revilla kino
linda hogan when the body
paul verlaine one hundred and one poems by paul verlaine: a biligual edition: "moonlight" (tr. norman r. shapiro)
mahmoud darwish the butterfly's burden: "the cypress broke" (tr. fady joudah)
mahmoud darwish the butterfly's burden: "your night is of lilac"
amir rabiyah prayers for my 17th chromosome: "our dangerous sweetness"
sara nicholson the living method: "the end of television"
charles shields proposal for a exhibition
ginger murchison a scrap of linen, a bone: "river"
tsering wangmo dhompa virtual
anne carson the beauty of the husband: "v. here is my propaganda one one one one oneing on your forehead like droplets of luminous sin"
muriel rukeyser the collected poems of muriel rukeyser: "the book of the dead"
anne stevenson stone milk: "the enigma"
david tomas martinez love song
robert fitzgerald charles river nocturne
thomas mcgrath the movie at the end of the world: collected poems: "many in the darkness"
linda rodriguez heart's migration: "the amazon river dolphin"
donald revell the glens of cithaeron
sumita chakraborty dear, beloved
angela jackson and all these roads be luminous: "miz rosa rides the bus"
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geryone · 1 year
What are some of your favorite poetry accounts here on tumblr? If you don’t have any, what are your favorite accounts in general to follow? You’re honestly one of mine right now—i just adore how thoughtfully curated all your posts are, and it feels like we have really similar taste in poetry 😙 I’m more of a prose gal myself, but I just bought Bianca by Eugenia Leigh because of your blog, and I am planning to get something from CT Salazar ehehe. All my love <33
Hello!!! I hope you love Bianca!! I adored that collection. ❤️
Some of my personal favorite blogs are:
@tonybalerdi @orpheuslament @soracities @weltenwellen @iloveyoumorethangod @emiliosandozsequence @macbethwitches @boymartyr @mothprincess @firstfullmoon @calvinandhobbes @verberation @lifeinpoetry @cithaerons @chateauofmymind @saintmelangell @sweatermuppet @discopoem @swear2g-d @saunguine @auesten @thedearidiot @godlyrot @godsopenwound @bloedkoraal @icaroid @typewriter-worries @iccaruus @briarhips @shirleyjacksons @woundthatswallows @vjecitiapril @tybalts @devouringheart
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tylermileslockett · 1 year
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Herakles 3: A Fit of Rage
               Now a young man, Heracles embarks on heroic adventures, hunting the lion of Cithaeron for King Thespius, and sleeping with his fifty princess daughters over fifty nights, before capturing the lion and wearing the hide and scalp as a helmet. Returning home, Heracles finds himself defending Thebes against the warring Minyans. Victorious, King Creon’s daughter Megara is given in marriage as a reward for his valor. By her they have three sons.
         But Hera still plots vengeance against the descendent of Zeus. She curses Heracles with a fit of violent rage, and, thinking those around him are enemies,  he brutally fells  his own wife and children with bow and arrows. When he finally awakens from his madness, and realizes what he has done, he is inconsolable.
         He exiles himself and finds refuge and purification with his ally, King Thespius, then journeys on to Delphi to consult the Pythia priestess of Apollo, who orders him to atone for his atrocity by serving his cousin, king Eurysthius for twelve years. If successful, he will attain immortality.
         According to Apollodorus, the war between Thebes and the Minyans is a grim affair, with Heracles treating his enemies with cruelty when he “…cut off their ears and noses and hands, and having fastened them by ropes from their necks…” Apollodorus also mentions Heracles receiving divine weapons here: a sword from Hermes (which Hermes also did for Heracles great grandfather Perseus), Bow and arrows from Apollo, A golden breastplate from Hephaestus, and a cape from Athena.
When Heracles kills his family he shatters his own Oikos (paternal line/household), a crucial building block for ancient Greek society. There are two major reasons Heracles is ordered to serve his cousin; first, to atone for the murders of his wife and sons, and thus attain redemption and second, to prove his worth and attain great Kleos (glory/renown), and achieve his highest Arete (potential for human excellence) that the gods will allow him to join them on Olympus as an immortal.
Thanks for looking and reading Tumblrs! xoxo
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legendary tree deities (11)
Echo, the “sound” – How did she end up with only 'sound'?
Part2: Pan
In Greek mythology, Echo ("sound") was an Oread who resided on Mt. Cithaeron [Part1].
Among the many nymphs who Pan, the god of Arcadia (utopia) fell in love with, was Echo.
Echo was a nymph who sang and danced well, but refused Pan's advances because she did not like to fall in love with men.
The arrogant Pan, in revenge for her rejection, drove the shepherds and goatherds under his command crazy, partly because he had long been envious and jealous of her singing of her musical performances. Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs. He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as the fauns (a therianthropic hybrid goat-like creature, god of the forest) and satyrs (bellicose, drinker, therianthropy).
They attacked Echo and tore the poor woman to pieces (they dismembered the verses of the 'song' she sang). At that time, even though Gaia (Earth) hid Echo's body, the scattered 'song verses' remained, and when Pan played his flute, the song verses came from nowhere in the form of an echo, often frightening him.
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伝説の樹木の神々 (11)
エコー「音」〜 彼女はなぜ「音」だけになったのか?
その2: パーン
エコー (“音”) はキサイロナス山に住むオレード・ニンフで、ギリシャ神話に登場する森の精霊たちのひとり(その1)。
アルカディア地方 (理想郷) の神とされるパーンが恋をした多数のニンフの一人のなかにエコーがいる。エコーは歌や踊りが上手なニンフだったが、男性との恋を好まなかったのでパーンの求愛を断った。尊大なパーンは振られた腹いせに、かねて音楽の演奏で彼女の歌に羨望と妬ましさを覚えていたこともあり、配下の羊飼い、山羊飼いたちを狂わせた。パーンは野生の神、羊飼いと群れの神、素朴な音楽と即興の神、そしてニンフたちの仲間である。ファウヌス (ヤギの半人半獣、森の神) やサテュロス (好色、酒好きの半人半獣) と同じように、ヤギの後ろ足、脚、角を持っている。
彼らはエコーに襲いかかり、哀れな彼女を八つ裂きにした (彼女のうたう「歌」の節をばらばらにした)。すると、ガイア (地球) がエコーの体を隠したが、ばらばらになった「歌の節」だけは残り、パーンが笛を吹くと、どこからか歌の節が木霊となって聞こえてきて、パーンをたびたび怯えさせたともされる。
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mask131 · 5 months
The myth of Dionysos (7)
I covered before two articles of the "Dictionary of Literary Myths". Here I bring you another loose translation of a thorough article covering Dionysos' legend, myth and god-self. However this time, it is an article coming from Félix Guirand's "General Mythology". It is a bit of an old article - originally written in 1937 - so some elements might be lacking or outdated, but Guirand's book and studied stayed a very influential and referential work when it came to mythology studies for a very long time, up to the early 21st century, so there is a legitimate interest to put it alongside other Dionysos articles throughout this series.
In the section about Greek mythology, Félix Guirand classifies Dionysos right after Demeter among the "earth gods" and "agragrian deities".
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I/ Traits and attributes
Dionysos (etymologically speaking, the “Zeus of Nysa” seems, by analogies of his attributes and legends, to be the Greek version of the Vedic god “Soma”. His cult seems to have been born in Thrace: brought to Boeotia by settling Thracian tribes, it was then carried to the island of Naxos by Boeotian colonizers, before it finally started spreading over the entire archipelago, before returning to the continental Greece – first in the Attic region, and later in the Peloponnese. The character that was the primitive Dionysos complexified itself by borrowing traits from foreign deities – most notably the Cretan Zagreus, the Phrygian Sabazios, and the Lydian Bassareus. As such, Dionysos kept gaining new domains and powers as his characterization grew. It seems that Dionysos was originally simply a god of wine. From the spirit of wine, he became a god of vegetation and hot humidity, and from this point he evolved into the god of pleasures, then into the god of civilization, and finally, according to the Orphic traditions, he reached his apex as a manifestation of the supreme deity.
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II/ Cult and depictions
Dionysos was honored throughout all of Greece, but the nature of his festivities and holidays varied depending on the regions and eras. One of his most ancient celebrations was the Agrionia, that came from Boeotia (most specifically Orchomenos): in its primitive form, the Bacchants killed a young boy in honor of the god. Human sacrifices were also practiced at Chios and Lesbos – they were however replaced by ritual flagellation. In the Attic region, it was the rural Dionysia that were celebrated: in December it was the Lenaea, holidays of the wine press, when the god was offered the first products of the wine-season. Then, at the end of February, came the Anthesteria, or “flowery celebrations”, that lasted three days during which the wine of the last harvest was tasted – in the Lenoeon sanctuary a procession was organized, followed by a sacrifice offered by the wife of the archon-king, and concluded by the offering of boiled seeds to both Dionysos and Hermes. The most famed and renowned celebrations of Dionysos were however the Great Dionysia, or urban Dionysia, at the beginning of March. It was during this festival that theater plays were organized. These nobles and respectful ceremonies were coupled with orgy-like celebrations all throughout Greece – such as the orgiastic celebrations on the slopes of the Cithaeron.
The physical appearance of Dionysos changed as his legend was modified. He first appeared in the same of a mature, bearded, middle-aged man wearing a crown of ivy. Then he became an effeminate and beardless ephebe, sometimes half-naked, barely covered by a “nebride” (a panther’s pelt or fawn skin), other times wearing a long dress identical to those worn by women. His head, which sported long curly hair, was crowned with vine and grapes – he was holding in one hand a thyrsus, and in the other either grapes or a drinking cup.
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(Here I cut off parts III and IV of the article - I'll post them separately)
V/ Foreign deities associated with Dionysos
This exuberant wealth of legends is explained not only by the great popularity of the god, but also by the fact that Dionysos’ personality (as said previously) absorbed several foreign deities. Three in particular: the Phrygian Sabazios, the Lydian Bassareus and the Cretan Zagreus.
Sabazios, who was the supreme god of the Hellespontic Thrace, was a solar god from Phrygia. Very diverse traditions surrounded him: sometimes he was the son of Kronos, other times the son and lover of Cybele. His wife was either the lunar goddess Bendis, either Cotys/Cottyto, an earth-goddess similar to the Phrygian Cybele. Sabazios was depicted with horns, and the snake was his sacred animal. He was celebrated through nocturnal orgies. When later Sabazios was assimilated to Dionysos, the legends of the two gods intertwined. Some said that Sabazios has placed Dionysos within his thigh before entrusting him to the nymph Hippa ; others claimed that it was the opposite way and that Sabazios was Dionysos’ son. It is because of these parallels and links fome between the two that ultimately Dionysos’ native land was considered to be the Hellespontic Thrace.
Sometimes the Bacchants were called the “Bassarids/Bassarides”, and Dionysos himself sometimes wore the epithet “Bassarios” when he wore a long dress of Oriental style. One theory, presented by the lexicography Hesychios, was that it was a reference to the fox-skins the Bacchants used as clothing ; but another theory rather proposes the reading of these names as an allusion to an Oriental god absorbed by Dionysos. In Lydia, there was a god similar to the Phrygian Sabazios. This god was worshipped at Tmôlos, the same place where (according to the Orphico-Thracian tradition), Sabazios gave a child-Dionysos to Hippa. The Tmôlos later became one of Dionysos’ favorite residences. If this theory is correct, what was the name of this Lydian god? The hypothesis is that it might have been Bassareus – this Bassareus might have been a conquering deity, and it is because of him that the “far-reaching conquests” of Dionysos might have entered his legend. It was also probably because of Bassareus existence that Dionysos became involved in the legend of Aphrodite and Adonis, and maybe it was even because of this Bassareus that the legend of Ampelos came to be – this very beautiful young man that Dionysos was in love with, but who was killed by a wild bull he tried to tame. Dionysos, full of sorrow, asked the gods to turn Ampelos into vine.
As for Zagreus… Zagreus very probably started out as the Cretan equivalent of the Hellenistic Zeus, but under the influence of the Orphic mysticism he was identified with Dionysos, and this resulted in a new element of the Dionysos legend: Dionysos’ passion (in the Christian sense). Here is what was told about the Zagreus-Dionysos: He was the son of Zeus, and of either Demeter or Kore. The other gods were jealous of him, and thus conspired against him. He was ripped to pieces by the Titans, that then boiled his dismembered corpse. However Pallas saved the heart of the god: she brought it to Zeus, who destroyed the Titans with his thunderbolt, and from the still-beating heart he had Dionysos be born. As for Zagreus, whose remains were buried at the foot of the Parnassus, he became a chtonian deity qui, in the Underworld, welcomed the souls of the dead and helped their purification. To these sufferings and this resurrection, the adepts of the Orphism gave a mystical meaning/reading, and this deeply changed the character of Dionysos. He stopped being this rustic god of wine and joy that had descended from the mountains of Thrace – he even lost his trait as the “god of orgies and madness that came from the Orient”, no, this new Orphic Dionysos was, to take back Plutarch’s words, “the god who was destroyed, the god who disappears, the god who abandons life and then is reborn” – aka, a symbol of universal life.
As such, it is no surprise to see that in the Mysteries of Eleusis Dionysos was associated with Demeter and Kore ; because, like them, he embodied one of the great powers of fecundity in the world.
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cregan-starks · 10 months
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tagged by: @carmybcrzatto tysm!! 💖
no pressure tags: @axreliono @lavendertales @aemondtargaryen @mandaloresson @roostersrocket @revolution-starter @camiladnne @agirllovespancakes @mitchi-c @fairysluna @salome-c @acourtofsnakes @cithaerons
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monstraduplicia · 10 months
Do you have any favorite blogs? People you’re recommended following?
so many!! these are the ones i can think of: @emiliosandozsequence @sourkitsch @weirdbrothers @hangsagirl @wombesties @holemotif @hudbannon @iphisesque @iphyelly @macau1ay @hostilewomb @hatchet1976 @celibatekenobi @maimedcanine @taxidermychrist @gorydean @geryone @judas @charlestrask @70sporno @twinwound @finalwoman @ambergreyowl @sparrownatural @antigonewinchester @cruelfeast @bluebeardsfinalgirl @fleursdesmorts @litterae-ignotae @cithaerons @cor-ardens @sharpmouth @woundthatswallows @rapturousrot @orpheuslament @roadmotel @brigittefitzgerald @alaynestone
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bluestockingbaby · 1 year
15 Questions, 15+ mutuals
Thanks for the tag @mariacallous
Were you named after anyone?
Saint Mary Magdalene herself
When was the last time you cried?
Listen, I’m not proud of it, but yesterday there was a video of the Wikipedia page for CBT (NOT Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, the other one) vocoded to the US National Anthem and I laughed so hard I cried.
Do you have kids?
No. I’d like to eventually someday, but I’d also be fine if it never ends up happening for me.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I use it sometimes, but I’m way less defensive than I was as a teenager.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
How they’re acting. I’m not very good at putting names to faces, but I wish I was!
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Any special talents?
Speed-reading? I have many good qualities, but they’re not really the kind of talents that would be fun to show off at a party— unless we’re having a trivia night, and then I do pretty well in everything except the sports category. I can do decent impressions. Many people say that, but I actually can.
Where were you born?
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, editing, cooking, hiking, tabletop rpgs, being silly on tumblr and discord. I try to have a balance of many different things!
Have any pets?
No— my apartment is too small right now.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I am not a sporty person, but I did small-circle jujitsu for a year and a half before I moved, and I loved it! I would like to find another dojo, but I also can’t really commit to anything right now. I was forced to do Scottish Highland dance for a few years as a child, which I was not particularly good at. I also was involved in shooting sports through 4-H for over a decade, first as a safety thing, then branching out into other disciplines.
How tall are you?
5’ 11
Favorite subject in school?
Dream job?
Forensic Psychologist with a particular focus on policy advocacy, developing community-based solutions, and making services accessible to under-served and isolated areas— with a side of fiction writing under a pseudonym for fun.
tagging @theboarsbride @atomic-two-sheds @mad-prophet-of-the-airwaves @crocodilenotes @sarahchagalls @meme-streets @knifebucket @palis-delon @thatsonebigoof @greetings-from-mordor @curly-cottage-girl @tybaltsjuliet @mllecosettefauchelevent @forthegothicheroine @gorevidalscaligula @hunterbiden @stripesysheaven @gracefullysaint @tanaudel @pendraegon @cithaerons @lovelyamneris @hotcassavetessummer @changelinq @sweetfluffernuts @mifhortunach @emiliosandozsequence  @laurabeatrix
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cithaerons · 2 years
sorry but i think some of you have been watching too much anime and have no idea what real-life shirtless men look like
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segretecose · 2 years
went to cithaeron’s school of football witchcraft (having moroccan mint tea) 🇲🇦
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
Hi, if possible could you do a web weaving about loving someone who moved before you got closure? Thanks
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leila chatti night lament in hergla (via @cithaerons) \\ taneum bambrick this breakup has me believing in god \\ sara riches sacrifice \\ john murillo upon reading that eric dolphy transcribed even the calls of certain species of birds, \\ katy tackes feeling blue
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geryone · 9 months
What are some of your favorite blogs?
Hello!! There are literally so many blogs I adore!!! But if I was doing a quick list
@jockpoetry @orpheuslament @tunisian @emiliosandozsequence @oliverisms @iloveyoumorethangod @stuckinapril @soracities @hauntologist @sweatermuppet @briarhips @mothprincess @boymartyr @chateauofmymind @girlboyfriendpdf @heartmailbox @heartcarabiner @celibatekenobi @macbethwitches @saintflint @arthuriannas @soulmvtes @sourkitsch @typewriter-worries @incarnatedevotion @taxidermychrist @shriekingpyre @unmarrow @calvinandhobbes @verberation @cithaerons
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[on the phone, filing nails] heyy, hi, so your boyfriend followed me up the cithaeron and then got stuck in a pine tree. yeah, yeah.. and the other girlies kinda didn't like his vibe...yeah yeah. so can u like come pick him up? he's all over the place..yeah..
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ecto-stone · 2 years
Sam: According to legend. Hercules at eighteen, went alone into the wood of Cithaeron. And killed the Thespian Lion. Sam: and for the rest of his life, he wore it skin. Vlad: You think the little girl is the ghost of his Pant ? Danny: Cloak, Plas. He wore the skin as a cloak. Vlad: still..
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