sephys-hubby · 2 years
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Birthday Art for @citrus-selfinserts !
I had a lot of fun drawing these two, and I sincerely hope you enjoy this! (Sorry it's late, that was due to poor time management on my part!)
I hope the cake is to your liking! Also, I hope I was able to capture the look of Sal and your insert correctly. I won't lie, it was hard drawing them, but that's just bc I need to get the hang of drawing them more plus I'm still refining my new art style in general.
And your outfit in this pic was inspired by the outfit you drew for yourself in a drawing for White Day, I believe? (I hope I'm right!) Either way, I hope you enjoy the look!
Again, I had fun drawing these two and would def like to draw them again someday in the future. Lastly, here's a transparent version in case you wanna do something different with the background. :)
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plimchi · 2 years
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"I missed you too!" 💚💜
full picture here, NOT for minors!!
depiction of oc x canon. if you’re not into that, simply dni, thanks!
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shibasparklez · 4 years
your death note insert and ship w misa sounds really cool! if its ok to ask, what sort of dynamic do the two of you have? what sort of activities do you like to do together? (citrus-selfinserts)
!!!!!!!! @citrus-selfinserts thank u for asking!!! Right now everything is super new hehe.
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This is Cherie! She’s a well known interior/set designer for TV shows! Mostly soap operas and dramas. Eventually she meets Misa when she’s hired to design a set for one of her shoots. This is a pretty vanilla nothing bad happens AU for death note btw.
Misa is suuuuper flirty and open while Cherie is super shy/awkward. Since she’s never really been hit on by anyone, she doesn’t know what to do. Which Misa thinks is extra cute! After they get to know each other, Misa helps Cherie open up about her interests. The first pic is Cherie at one of her jobs, she dresses brightly but generally professionally. While the second pic is her at home/around Misa. A lot more casual and pastel! She wears headphones to help her focus on her work/calm her down when she’s overwhelmed.
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092219archive · 6 years
this is technically cheating but ephraim sends you frog pictures and always calls them "pepes", he also sends you other pictures of things but calls them by kind of the name of a related meme or other thing, the man is trying (trebl)
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trying but not trying hard enough–
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kinsbin · 6 years
hey, sorry to bother you but was wondering abt maybe an oc matchup if youre still doing them? im in my 20s, on the shorter side, intj + taurus, i tend to like characters that are kind of outcasted? or not really in close relationships with others, and like being able to help others get through things that might be troubling them. ive got a kind of childish sense of humor but also can be fairly serious, and love music of all kinds, both playing and listening to it (citrus-selfinserts)
I ship you with…
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Outcast you say? Honey, Xanthus is the definition of it. Not only does he have difficulty socializing, he ran away from the cult he and his brother were child-groomed throughout their lies in in order to find himself and retrieve his own destiny. A user of shadow magic and demonic forces, Xanthus has a constant fear of being discovered and dragged back by his twin brother to a life he hates. He keeps people at a distance and is worried their involvement with him will incur the wrath of his mother (a powerful demoness who is always ready to kill).He sings very well though. With effort and careful consideration, however, he’ll allow you to get close and finds your appreciation for the arts to be heartwarming. He’ll share his troubles with you and worries about not being himself, and in return will ask for assurance that he can find out who he is with you by his side. He’ll cherish you forever if you do.  
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haruhiheart · 6 years
“Another day, and I’m still here. Not going anywhere either. And apparently, so is my favorite good-for-nothing runt! Looks like you found yourself a woman to settle with, Cu. As long as you don’t try to fuck the entire country again, I’ll cheer you on all you want. Ha ha ha!” -F
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sweettoothselfships · 3 years
hi, hope its ok to ask! for the platober prompts, 🛍 🗝📝🏝 for any of your Gothic literature f/os, or anyone you'd like to answer them for! (citrus-selfinserts)
hiii @citrus-selfinserts Oooohhh boy i got too busy to participate in my own event which is fine it’s been fun seeing people participate anyway but i’m gonna answer some old asks now :33 thanks for asking, answering for r.enfield my best friend re.nfield 100 years arthur and renfie.ld
🛍 What kinds of things do you like to imagine you and your f/o doing together in this universe?
ohhh i wanna take this man somewhere NICE i wanna go Sightseein there’s this super neat old fashioned carousel in my city. i’m taking him on that, at night with all the pretty lights. i just wanna see him relax and have a good time tbh. i would also like to take him to some kind of animal sanctuary NOT to eat any of the animals JUST to hang out i will be keeping a very close eye on him. but personally i would like to hold a bat and i think he would like to hold a bat too. i’m gonna take him to a movie since he’s an olden times man and he’ll be just nuts about that. also i think we should have a sleepover
🗝 What kinds of things do you like to imagine you and your f/o doing together in their universe?
[redacted] well let’s see. travel would be nice. perhaps by train. lots of time to sit and chat and maybe play card games. also what if we went to the beach. what if he had little sunglasses huh what then. what if he had an ice cream cone. also we should be like ghost hunters together. well not hunters we just go look for em and not ghosts just all manner of spooky shit. we should look for spooky shit together is what i’m saying. and i still think we should have sleepovers
📝 Does your s/i’s presence in the source change your f/o’s story, and if so, how?
oh yeah definitely i’m saving this man’s life. (dra.cula spoilers but it’s a 124 year old book so) my gothic lit s/i’s whole point is to try to get these people to get along as much as possible so i’m either just rewriting the source so’s as drac.ula never tries to kill ren.field in the first place OR i will have my s/i kick my other friend dr.acula’s ass myself if i have to. but one way or another i am keeping the dear man alive.
🏝 Where would you like to travel with your platonic f/o?
oh HEY i mentioned this earlier didn’t i. well first of all i’m taking him here (city in france where i live no details 🤫 ) cuz it’s nice and i know the city. then i wanna do italy. but also i’d like to take him to new york because. bless him but also talk about a fish out of water it would be very entertaining for both of us even if i have to keep him from accidentally starting a fight. also while i’m throwing places out how about morocco that sounds nice :)
thanks again! ask meme here
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t-citurnity-moved · 6 years
-eyes emoji at ur new f/o- if you aren’t ok w talking abt him i understand but if you do, maybe what’s he like? What sorta job/world/personality? And what is your dynamic together like? I feel you abt the new fo stuff, I caught feelings about a week ago for someone who I did not think was my type at all and now I’m buying comics just to look at his face (Citrus-selfinserts)
You got a new boy?? Tell me about him!! I gotta know!!
dgidbgfib I wouldn’t mind talking about my boy, but I share him with a mutual and it’d be really awkward for me to suddenly start talking about him soo. BUT as long as I leave things vague, I guess it doesn’t matter?
He’s kind of fits the trope of me liking characters who are really aloof and not the type who seem like they’d be into people like me? Since I’m kinda the same way? And I guess we just wouldn’t work together if they were real? He’s kind of a confident asshole too, which is apparently my type.
Can’t really say what kinda “job” he does, since that would kinda give it away, but if “asshole with little to no morals” was a profession, he’d be one.
Uhhh, don’t really know about dynamic yet, since I only fell for him today, but I’m working on it! I’d like to think... that we’re both just dudes who are kinda angry, kinda sad, but mostly emotionless on the outside. But when we’re alone, we crumble together and just kinda? Be depressed. We talk sometimes, but most of the time it’s really quiet and enjoying each other’s company; it’s hard to really talk about how we feel to one another, but that’s fine - we just... kinda get each other in a weird way.
Even out in public, we can kinda empathise easily; we notice when one another is feeling one way and know how to fix it, albeit it’s done awkwardly when in public since we’re not big on PDA? I dunno what else to say, but! Yeah! That’s kinda what I’m going for. Which is a huge trend on this blog, oof.
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infernalyearning · 4 years
hello! hope you dont mind the message out of nowhere, i saw your jojo ships and if its ok to ask abt them? are your self inserts stand users, and how do they fight alongside your f/os? do they use their stands for any day to day things as well? for whoever's in your heart at the moment! (citrus-selfinserts)
@citrus-selfinserts (for some reason its not letting me tag you?? but ill link the text anyway so at least people can click over to your blog)
Cassidy, Jessie, Caligari, and Diren don’t have stands (at least they don’t currently, I have been considering giving Caligari and Cassidy ones) and primarily just take part in slice of life shenanigans with the rest of the Morioh cast.
Ariem isn’t a stand user but does have similar supernatural abilities to the other pillar men (specifically water-based abilities). He doesn’t get much of a chance to fight alongside Caesar and Joseph but does try to help them where he can as an outcast from the other pillars, only really getting the chance to truly step in during Caesar’s fight with Wamuu, helping to save his life (this is actually something I’ll probably get more into in some later posts, I’ve thought alot about what happens in a timeline where Caesar lives).
Orion, Taralli, Amaretti, Vitello, and Torrone are all stand users so I’ll go a bit more in depth with them.
Orion’s stand [Apophis] is a highly destructive and barely controllable force, making it a powerful if dangerous ally to have alongside [The World] and the other DIO devotee stands. He’s primarily a researcher but he’ll happily fight alongside whoever DIO instructs him to, though he prefers to keep his distance. He generally doesn’t summon his stand for everyday occasions since it brings with it all the trouble of being wrapped in a living Tesla coil with fangs but it doesn’t stop him from occasionally manifesting [Apophis]’s head on his shoulder to serve as a reading light when he’s in hiding for the day post-vampire turning.
 Taralli primarily works recon but he is Doppio’s boydguard/assistant and works to protect him (and by extension, The Boss). Both he and Doppio primarily rely on their own physical strength and use their stands to give them a better edge in the fight. [Radio Star] isn’t a very offensive stand, but it’s always useful and Taralli uses it often in his work. Some of [Radio Star]’s abilities involve disorienting enemies by blinding them with flashes of light, helping listen in on conversations, turning your hand into a one-way walkie-talkie/cb radio, and bending light to camouflage it’s user and anything close enough to him.
Amaretti, Vitello, and Torrone all fight alongside La Squadra after the deaths of Sorbet and Gelato; Amaretti and Torrone work as a duo (similar to the other duos in the group such as Prosciutto & Pesci or Melone & Ghiaccio) while Vitello works closer to Risotto as per his assignment. Even in duos, assassins generally work one on one unless circumstances call for a break in that habit.
Amaretti loves to have his stand out all the time! He doesn’t really care whether or not it’s useful to do so. And while he knows it can be dangerous, he hates the idea of [Blue Oyster Cult] not being around. He likes to think he and his stand keep one another company so whenever he’s somewhere safe and not working, odds are [BOC]’ll be out and about, either lounging with him or wandering around on its own to scope out the room. 
Vitello prefers to do things on his own, but he isn’t above summoning [Iron Maiden] if he’s in need of a few extra sets of hands. [Iron Maiden] adores tasks it deems soothing and repetitive, making it helpful if you need to get some cleaning or cooking done or just need to carry a lot of stuff quickly. 
Torrone finds very little use for [Guns N Roses] outside of a fight or mission and he doesn’t usually bother to manifest it otherwise. However, his stand sometimes seems to have a mind of its own, appearing when Torrone’s emotions begin to run rampant or he begins to run himself thin in an attempt to defend its user regardless of whether or not he’s in any real danger.
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sephys-hubby · 2 years
For the space asks, Moon, Nebula, Black Hole and Milky Way for you and Sephiroth, and Star and Neptune for any ship you like! (sorry there are so many, if its too much you dont have to do them all! from citrus-selfinserts)
Hello, @citrus-selfinserts ! I really didn't mean to take so long answering these. Either way, I would still like to thank you for sending in these asks!
Moon ~ Did your love for your F/O come all at once or in phases?
(Sorry, I'm about to get kinda detailed)
It's incredible how my love for Sephiroth kinda came all at once (like before, he was just "the villain from FFVII" in my eyes and that was it. Back then, I didn't even think he was as good looking as people said, lol). So I saw his Smash trailer streamed live on YouTube on Dec 10, 2020. I thought "wow, cool!" but that was mostly it.
And then a few days before he released, there was a "Sephiroth Challenge" thing where you could fight him as a boss in Smash in order to unlock him early.
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(The image alone is my phone's wallpaper!)
Either way, that day was pretty hype! My brothers and I all sat together and took turns trying to beat Sephiroth. (We all sucked, lol. I myself wasn't too good at 1v1s in smash bros yet.)
It was a while until I was the one who finally beat him (using Toon Link, my old Brawl main). After that, we each took turns using Seph, with me being last. After I won the match while using him, I honestly don't really know what happened. He just did his victory—the one where he walks away into the flames—and my heart just swooned for some reason, lol. (I legit blushed pretty hard irl. Good thing no one saw me, haha).
Either way, since I never really cared about FFVII before—thus feeling like I didn't deserve to use Seph for that reason—I made up weird excuses on why I kept wanting to use him. (Like, I kept saying "I just think his sword's cool, that's it." Stupid stuff like that.)
In about one day, I was already crushing hard, which has never happened before, lol! It's silly, but it is what it is. In about three or so days, I was already madly in love—albeit in heavy denial, lol.
Nebula ~ If you could take your F/O anywhere where would you go?
As you know, I love liminal spaces and stuff! There are just too many cool liminal spaces and/or Backroom levels that I would love to explore with Sephiroth (everyone else, too!). There's this specific Backrooms level that comes to mind, though. The Grassroom Corridors.
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It is just so cool looking, in my opinion. Like, something out of a hazy but pleasant dream. There's a found footage video for the Grass Corridors (you don't have to watch the whole thing! It's like 17 minutes or so). It was cool and pretty spooky!
I remember when some monster/entity thing formed on a wall near the end of the video and my only thought was, "that's just the Demon Wall from Final Fantasy IV!" So, if Seph and I encountered that while exploring, all I can say is: cue the FFIV boss music! (To clarify, I think a different song plays during the actual Demon Wall fight in FFIV, but this is the song I thought of first and prefer more, tbh!)
Edit: the wall monster was actually in a sequel video to the original video I linked. Oops! But it was still in the same location, I believe, so yeah. My point still stands, lol.
Black hole ~ What's your favorite thing about your F/O's source?
My favorite things about FFVII is the materia! They're basically these orbs that you can insert into equipment to cast magic or use other unique skills and stuff.
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They are just so satisfying to look at due to how pretty they are.
My favorite materia is the Black Materia! It's the one Sephiroth uses to summon Meteor. It's so cool looking, and I actually have a look alike irl!
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It's so cool to hold in my hand, I love it.
Milky way ~ What's your favorite daydream you've had of your F/O?
I daydream a lot with Sephiroth. But I believe my favorite—and the most intricate one—is the one where me and Sephiroth (the others were there, too) explored the Backrooms! We basically followed the path shown in this video (again, you don't have to watch the whole thing!). It was so fun, just walking around, seeing the cool sights and enjoying the isolated feel. My favorite part was when we explored this one strange area:
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(It looks kinda like a hotel to me? But I'm not completely sure. Either way, I think it looks cool.)
Star ~ Do you have a specific song that reminds you of your F/O?
So I have plenty of songs that remind me of Seph and I. But as for everyone as a whole, the song Maze of Life really reminds me of us (you can just listen to just the first verse/chorus of the song if you want!). The lyrics are basically talking about how much of a great time we're all having. (Plus it's the opening theme for a crossover game, which is pretty much what my selfships are since I love to imagine Cloud & Seph interacting with Monokuma and Stubbs, who are from different series!) The first couple of lyrics really fit us.
Ain't it great, how we met each other
On this wild and crazy carousel of life?
Ain't it cool, how it changed the paths of our lives
Set us off on new adventures?
This verse in particular kinda hits me in the feels because of how much I feel it applies to us! Also, I must admit that when listening to the song, I love imagining an anime opening but with all five of us instead, lol.
Neptune ~ Was there ever a time that you had a dream about your F/O?
I've had so many fantastic dreams about my faves (especially with Seph)!
Since I've had so much, I would like to talk about the FIRST major dream I had with Cloud & Sephiroth!
I was in a Little Caesars restaurant (it was about the size of a McDonald's inside) and I was casually hanging out with Cloud and Sephiroth inside!
It was so much fun being with them. I remember at one point, I told them to go get some napkins, and so they did. They went over and while doing so, they suddenly got into an argument (as expected with these two, lol). Upon arguing some more, they then headed outside the building and proceeded to do the whole Advent Children fight sequence again!
The best part was how everyone else inside the pizzeria didn't even seem to care, which implied that this was actually a common occurrence! (I do actually imagine any silly arguments they have occasionally leading to them fighting outside just like this with them re-doing the whole AC fight and everything!)
As for me, I received the pizza we ordered and sat down to eat, watching everything through a window! I woke up soon after that, so I never saw who won (it was probably Cloud tho, lol).
And, that's it! Thanks a ton for these asks! I really regret the fact that I couldn't answer them sooner though. Sorry about that! But like I said, thanks for sending them in the first place.
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plimchi · 2 years
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steaming hot! 🔥♨
full picture here, NOT for minors!!
depiction of oc x canon. if you’re not into that, simply dni, thanks!
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shibasparklez · 4 years
for the magical girl asks, 1,2,5,6,7! (whichever ones of those you would like to do if its too much!) (citrus-selfinserts)
Thank you sosososososo much omg @citrus-selfinserts you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to answer these for!! 💕💕💕💕
What would your color scheme be?
Pastel pink!!! Soooo much pink. Also some white and maybe a little periwinkle?
Would you have any sort of theme or gimmick?
Snow/ice! My dress has glittery snowflakes on the skirt and sleeves!
What would your transformation be like?
I’m going along with the Star Twinkle Precure line of thinking for the transformation. Or Precure in general since their transformations are much longer and more dazzling! Each part of my outfit would appear in a puff of sparkles. I’m thinking that I would be spinning around in a glittery pink void, with a puffy cloud letting sparkling snowflakes fall on my dress. As I spin around singing a little song of course! I also want a ribbon in the middle of my dress to be wrapped around me like a present during the winter holidays! Oh, and I would for sure strike a cute pose at the end!
Would you work alone, in a duo, or in a team?
I’m all for working in a team!
Would you have any sort of familiar/companion?
Yes! I’m thinking that my favorite plushie Cupcake would come to life and be by my side! She’s a pastel pink bunny build a bear who usually wears pajamas, but I think she would be in a similar dress after I transform (or maybe just have a cute ribbon on!).
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092219archive · 6 years
hewwwooo ewen! love of karnas second life! i was actually going to ask you about (magvel karna) ephraim since im nearly done w watching through sacred stones, do you have any particular moment of his in it? ive had a really great time getting into it and seeing everyones faves in action! (from treble)
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the moment when he shows up on screen
AND I WISH I WAS JOKING BUT the first thought that came into my head when [he was like “we’re going in” and his solders + friends are like “??? what the hell ephraim there’s like 42 of them and there’s 4 of us” and he responds with “did i fucking stutter?”] was he’s so fucking stupid i love it
and that was probably When It Started WHICH SUCKS… FOR ME… BUT Y’KNOW………………. WHAT CAN U DO………………. things just gradually went downhill uphill from there n my feelings don’t know what to do with all this love now…
but i’m glad you’re enjoying sacred stones! it’s a cute and bittersweet game and, i personally believe, does well with the whole concept of sacred stones + general fe plots? protags are almost saving the world, they get into a really big problem, and now they have to find an alternative, then they Win - the plot of ss shoves that whole shtick in your face compared to other fe games i think but it’s still good despite that!
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tarubunart · 5 years
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A commission for @citrus-selfinserts of their SI and Okada Izou from fate/grand order~! But in special festival wear~ tbh I’m still super happy with how this turned out and how cute the outfits match!
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swordwife · 6 years
I feel like you might like midnight Cinderella! It’s one of the games from the same series as Ikemen vampire and has a nice storyline, at least from the route I played in it. I’ve also played destined to love which is also really fun! its inspired by/ based on historical figures as well! (Citrus-selfinserts)
how did you know that was the one I was eyeing… 
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blueshipstealstars · 5 years
your love for goemon is so good it gives me life ;w; and i know you mean the world to him as well! (citrus-selfinserts)
Ya know /////// 
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But yes he does thank you seriously @citrus-selfinserts we know how much I adore him ;w;
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