#claim that stimming is a behavioral challenge on par with self injury and pica
“ABA therapy is fundamentally ableist and harmful/abusive”
“ABA therapy is often the only type of ‘help’ for autistic people that insurance will approve”
“People who genuinely want to help autistics can be easily persuaded that ABA therapy is necessary and useful because they don’t have the right context”
“ABA therapy specifically touts itself as scientifically based and approved, and it can do this because there are actual scientific journals saying this”
“Those scientific journals are written by neurotypical people who are investigating reduction of visual symptoms instead of reduction in stress”
“ABA has some aspects that are generally considered good, such as helping kids communicate, and this helps it mask the screwed-up and abusive sides of the therapy”
“Some institutions will say they offer ABA therapy and then actually offer a completely different type of treatment”
“The ABA therapy offered in schools is usually even crappier than average because it’s focused on making kids quiet, not healthy”
and gosh I’m so fricking tired
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