#that autism is a children’s disease and that adults that have it are like children
ahmed0khalil · 28 days
Hello, among the hundreds of tragic stories, I am sharing my painful story.
My name is Ahmed Khalil, I am 6 years old. I was at the beginning of my education, trying to learn, participate, and play with other children. My family consists of 8 members, including my mother and father. My father has diabetes, my brother Fathi is blind, my other brother Abdullah has autism, and my brother Mohammed was injured in his leg by shrapnel from rockets.
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On October 7, 2023, the war began and has not stopped since. The airstrikes and Israeli shelling caused fear for me and my family. We could not endure the massive explosions that felt like recurring earthquakes and the red flames sweeping through the area. We were forced to flee to southern Gaza based on orders from the Israeli forces, leaving our beautiful apartments behind. We went to a UN refugee school in Deir al-Balah to escape the terror and death.
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We stumbled into a different life full of suffering from every side, living through the most painful hell of war. I developed malnutrition due to contaminated water, poor hygiene, and the spread of infectious diseases with no suitable medicine available.
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The situation is catastrophic and unbearable. “There is only death left in Gaza. Even death has become a privilege because it provides a sense of relief.” My older brother Mohammed and I begged our father to leave Gaza, but it was extremely difficult due to the high costs. My father lost all his property during the war, including his electronics repair center and apartment, which were completely destroyed, so he has nothing to help us travel out of Gaza. There is no safe place in the Gaza Strip.
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I pray every moment for the end of this war and a ceasefire. The ceasefire is not just a call; it is a desperate cry to end the helplessness and despair spreading to every corner after more than 11 months of war. We flee from death every day, only to wake up the next morning to try to escape it again. My heart is heavy, unable to bear the recurring nightmares, and the overwhelming flood of news about blood, displacement, loss, and despair pouring from Gaza.
Every minute feels like a struggle. No one should have to endure this injustice, segregation, and discrimination. The ongoing shelling in southern Gaza and the intense bombardment of residential buildings in Deir al-Balah make everyone feel unsafe, believing they might be the next to face tragedy. Communications are cut off. We are exhausted and cannot bear more tragedies and losses. We are currently living in a classroom of the UN center, which is crowded with people, including my relatives and cousins. My poor father sees our pale faces and weak bodies and stands helpless due to the lack of money and resources.
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I am still six years old, and I never thought I would witness such a brutal attack with complete disregard for human values. I am deprived of my basic rights, including health and education. I need to rebuild my life with my family abroad and receive better healthcare. Traveling to Egypt would cost at least $5,000 per adult and $2,500 per child, which is an enormous amount given the harsh living conditions and the blockade that has lasted for 17 years.
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Therefore, I ask you to donate so that we can evacuate Gaza to safety. Please continue supporting our campaign by donating if you can and sharing it with your friends and family. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps us get closer to our next goal and brings us nearer to securing a safer future for my family.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
If you only have three minutes to watch Tucker Carlson’s latest podcast, this is the three minutes you need to see.
The Vigilant Fox
Aug 17, 2024
Stanford-educated surgeon Dr. Casey Means and her brother Calley Means took center stage in a gripping interview with Tucker Carlson that aired on Friday. The health duo didn’t hold back—tackling the dangers of Ozempic, the vaccine industry, birth control pills, and more. But the topic that really grabbed everyone’s attention was how sick America really is.
Like a human encyclopedia, Dr. Means listed an array of alarming health statistics, and you won’t believe how bad the numbers are until you see them for yourself:
• Autism rates in kids are 1 in 36 nationally, compared to 1 in 1500 in the not-so-distant past.
• In California, it's even worse: Autism rates are 1 in 22.
• 74% of American adults are overweight or obese.
• Close to 50% of children are overweight or obese.
• 50% of American adults have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, when only 1% of Americans in the 1950s had the disease.
• 30% of teens now have prediabetes.
• Infertility is increasing by 1% per year.
• Sperm counts are decreasing by 1% per year.
• 40% of 18-year-olds have a mental health diagnosis.
• Young adult cancers are up 79%.
What's causing all this? It's simple: “Our toxic food system and our toxic environment.”
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vistandsforvillainera · 8 months
CaitVi Headcanons Round 2?
Your reminder that it's okay to have different opinions.
Food Preference:
Vi: Enjoys spicier things and savory dishes. Def took inspiration from her shots in her Sessions video.
Caitlyn: Inspired by a few LoR lines, Caitlyn has a sweet tooth. She loves biscuits, cakes and the like.
Child Rearing:
Vi: Oh, Vi does baby talk. She loves doing baby talk, but especially with her own kids. She's good with kids in general, so she gets along with them pretty well. Aside from that, she has experience raising kids, from helping out with Powder, so she'd make a great babysitter.
Caitlyn: Caitlyn does not do baby talk. She is having full blown, adult-level discussions with a babbling tot. While she doesn't mind children, she's far from skilled at dealing with them.
Physical Weaknesses:
Vi: Vi has a history of heart disease in the family, so she's at risk for developing one herself (mostly I headcanon this because it's ironic that Vander said 'you have a good heart'). I also imagine Vi would end up with a lot of physical pain as she ages, in the shoulders and joints mostly, because of how hard she pushes herself athletically.
Caitlyn: She's far-sighted, so she needs glasses when she reads. Although, I imagine she'd be too stubborn to use them. I think she'd end up with shoulder pain too, from the recoil of her rifle.
Vi: Mental health issues run in the family, but she most definitely has ADHD.
Caitlyn: Autism, for sure. She masks a lot but she feels safe enough with Vi to let her guard down.
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evilguywhoisevil · 16 days
harukAUTISM? its more likely than you think
he has not been formally diagnosed up until being in zool, as
kujo does not know or care much about autism.
neither does his grandmother, and she wouldn't be able to take him any specialist appointments either.
haruka only gets diagnosed in the first place because his PCP has seen him long enough to recognize his autistic tendencies (quick to frustration, difficulty with expressing emotion/communication, nervous avoiding eye contact, "immature" for his age, etc) and suggest he see a specialist.
he would ruminate on it for a bit, and would open up slightly after being prodded to because touma noticed he was feeling nervous. haruka doesn't state that its an autism diagnosis he's seeking- haruka isn't 100% certain that he even has autism in the first place (he doesn't know much about it), and he doesn't wanna look like an idiot if it turns out he doesn't.
so he goes to the specialist right. alone. which makes him nervous, and especially since he's the oldest patient there. (he can't seek an adult diagnosis yet, and the only doctors office within range is aimed at young children and toddlers).
by a stroke of luck, the doctor he sees actually can recognize autism in teenagers, and is easy to talk to. haruka still has to be probed a bit, as otherwise he wouldn't report traits that he has because he's autistic. ('huh??? most people can tolerate clashing fabric textures and temperatures *without* feeling constant discomfort and pain?? what do you mean teens my age don't cry so easily??? n-not that i cry *that* often!')
some sessions pass. they're kinda expensive but haruka is learning so much and is both relieved he has answers and is frustrated he just didn't know this sooner. ('it's his fault, right? i mean, the doctor mentioned a lot of people turn to online support groups if they don't have anyone else to talk to about autism... he could have done something like that and saved himself so much issues...')
he opens up about the nature of the sessions to touma- after a few sessions, zool would have known he has doctors visits *for something* but would not have cared enough to ask for more information. (before zool becomes real friends obviously). the thing is, touma talks loud. not on purpose. haruka tells him to keep it down (he doesnt want anyone else to know just yet). unfortunately, someone does overhear. torao. he didnt hear much, but he did hear touma ask haruka how long he's known about the autism. (not super long, haruka would reply). torao knows very little about autism outside of the times hes heard the related slur used as an insult. even then he hasnt heard that term much. what torao *does* know is that autism is a 'disease', and given how often harukas been going to the doctor for a while it must be at least somewhat serious... it is in these circumstances that torao makes a fatal error of assuming that autism and aneurysms are related in someway due to how theyre spelled and pronounced. he also doesnt know what an aneurysm is, only that its lethal. later that day, after zool is done practicing their choreography (which torao struggled with, distracted by the idea that haruka has some kind of fatal disease), torao talks to haruka in private. haruka does not know why this is happening or why torao is so serious for once. torao offers to cover any medications, visits, or hospital stays haruka needs. ('did he find out', haruka thinks, 'but how?! i was so careful to be quiet about it. touma must have told him, jerk... but why would i need a hospital stay...?') it is not until torao also offers to help haruka experience more adult things (alcohol and women mostly) in case he doesnt make it long enough to experience himself is that haruka suspects something is seriously wrong. 'gross! dont just bring those up for no reason', haruka begins, 'and im not- why are you acting like im dying??' torao frowns. sure, he doesnt know haruka well (at this point in time), and what he does know about haruka paints him as a childish, immature teenager, but hes still a kid. he hasnt even had the chance to grow up, and he doesnt have any guardians that hes mentioned that would be able to properly care for him. haruka is trying to navigate having a terminal condition (the deadly disease known as autism aka an aneurysm which is definitely a progressive illness and not something you die very quickly from) all by himself. hes not that heartless, of course torao would want to help him out. now more so since haruka seems adamant on pretending like nothing is wrong. torao just shakes his head at harukas response, tells him he doesnt have to explain the details if he doesnt want to yet and that he wont pry. haruka is still terribly confused and hopes that torao isnt doing some weird form of pity towards his autism... or that torao thinks hes dying. unfortunately, ryou, out of the goodness of his heart (and not out of boredom and desire to torment them in a group setting) was there to pickup his favorite idol group and invite them to a delicious dinner at his apartment! they'll come, right? its not like they have anything better to do, right? it's not like they'll be somewhere where he can't find them, right?
he has minami and touma but goes back with them into the dance room to get haruka and torao (he notes those two don't interact on their own very much, this must be something secretive? how fun!) and the three of them end up overhearing the entire conversation.
ryou is mad. its not like he cares about harukas health that much, but he put in so much effort into finding and training his guy to be an anti-idol and he's just gonna die!? asshole, how could he just leave like this. (at least when momo did it, he wasn't on the verge of death).
touma cannot hide his shock, and probably ends up barging into the room koolaid man style. 'HUH??? ISUMI YOU'RE DYING???' minami is considerably less emotional but is still visibly worried (as much as she can she's willing to show at least). haruka starts sputting out a defense, a clarification, an insult- his brain takes too long to decide what he will say and ryou cuts him off. basically blames haruka for dying and starts whining that itll be so hard to find another boar in his place and that he could have at least waited until they finished doing their upcoming music video. touma reasonably gets mad at ryou for this and asks what the hell is wrong with him and ryou threatens him with murder (again) and is getting the sickest side eye from minami and torao. haruka just blurts out that he ISN'T dying and he cant believe that everyone in this room is so incredibly stupid (minami will remember this) to think of something so crazy when all he has is AUTISM! and immediate regret. ryou gives haruka a distinct look, probably disgust and annoyance. minami is quietly relieved, touma is overtly relived, and torao doesn't feel any better until after ryou says 'that's it? but i was looking forward to seeing you in a hospital bed! you got my hopes up for nothing, all you idols are the same.' and his mood is sooo sour that he doesn't even want to torment zool *at that moment* (the plans he had for dinner wouldn't be good enough at this point for the level of disappointment he feels) and ends up ditching all 4 of them. torao, who is still somewhat unaware, asks why ryou was disappointed when haruka still has a 'disease' and then has to be explained by all 3 of his bandmates that autism doesn't kill you. ('and stop talking about it like it's contagious! ugh, you're so dumb sometimes you make touma look smart.' -haruka).
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shiftingwithmars · 16 days
Why Anti-Vaxxers are ableist: From someone who’s mentally disabled
This is something I was thinking about last night, and so now I have to talk about it.
Now of course this doesn’t apply to all anti-vaxxers, but instead is focused on the ones who don’t want to get vaccinated because “vaccines give you autism!!😱”
In order to explain why this is ableist, we have to first understand what the initial problem with this saying is.
Anti-vaxxers often say that “vaccines give you autism! I don’t want my kids to have autism!😡” which would of course just be a parent spouting their Facebook bullshit.
Now, as someone who has two cousins on the autism spectrum, multiple friends on the spectrum, and I myself show symptoms, hearing people say shit like this is very hurtful. The problem with saying something like this is that it paints autism in a bad light, essentially villainizing it and seeing it as something “evil” or bad. This way of thinking seems to be becoming more common, especially with Gen Z. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve heard someone at school use the word “autistic” as an insult.
While yes, autism can be a very difficult disorder to live with, there’s a difference between recognizing the struggle of being autistic and just outright seeing people with autism as some kind of “abomination”.
Another problem is that these “adults” clearly don’t understand how autism works or what it actually is. It’s not a virus or a disease that can just be given to you. It’s something you are born with, often something that can be inherited.
Parents refuse to vaccinate their kids, essentially risking their lives in some aspect, just because they’re paranoid and see autism as some horrible freakish thing. Which, it’s not. Autism is a mental disability that 1 in 36 children have. Which, while that may not seem like a lot, is actually much more than you would think. I know multiple people my age with autism. Is it really worth your kid getting sick just because you’re ableist and see autism as some evil or horrible thing?
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butterscotch-brigade · 5 months
uhh ig i should make a Proper Introduction Post 4 all da newcomers lol
first of all free palestine, love trans ppl forever. pr*shippers gtfo.
anyway hi my name is ava but u can also call me vani or lucas or luke idc. im a lesbian but my gender is whatever u hc me as. i have Autism Disease Disorder among other things. i mostly post abt my special interests/hyperfixes. i like sonic and vocaloid and bluey and various other shows and games that tend 2 be primarily aimed at small children. despite this i am an adult who swears a lot and may occasionally reblog the odd Funnie Sex Joke but never anything super explicit/graphic. id prefer if anyone under the age of 15 didnt follow me (speaking as someone whos had this blog since i was 14 lol).
my gf is @/charcolor and u should listen 2 her music NOW!!!! she makes glitchcore vocalsynth stuff and does her own music videos!!! pls check her out i love her :)
i also do art c0mmissions and write fanfics sometimes if ur into that!! feel free 2 check that out if u want!!!
i have a couple sideblogs but my most active ones are @/violetshine-appreciation (warrior cats blog) and @/sparklecatkin (aesthetic blog, mainly scemo/furry/webcore stuff)
ok i think thats all. enjoy ur stay everypony
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queerautism · 2 years
I finished my speech! And as promised, here it is:
Autism Speaks and the Stigmas They Create
One day, you are searching for a video on YouTube. You find a video with a well-known storyline. Videos of Autism Moms bragging about how "strong" and "brave" they are for having to deal with these autistic meltdowns. Everyone praises Autism Moms for raising the child and says that she is a wonderful mother, yet they show no sign of concern for the child at all. This child is obviously upset. The mother should intervene and assist the child instead of recording his tantrum and putting it online to garner attention. Autism Speaks, a public charity for the disorder itself, is a hate organization that educates parents to believe their autistic children are a struggle or a war. Autistic kids are just kids! Just because their mind works a little differently than allistic, or non-autistic kids, doesn’t mean that they aren’t worthy of being treated like normal people.  This type of demonization of autism largely serves to dehumanize autistic individuals and render them as the terrifying "other." It isn’t right. And the world needs to know that the charity they are supporting with such large donations is genuinely working to eradicate autism.
I realize that many people consider autism to be an "illness," but have you ever wondered why you feel that way? Since the dawn of humankind, this condition has existed; however, until very recently, it went unnamed. All it is is a rewiring of the allistic brain and there is nothing wrong with it. Simply said, autistic people cannot function in this world. It wasn’t built for them. It is loud, scornful, and vehemently opposed to them. Nothing was built for them because of the way allistic people think. Dylan Matthews, an autistic person, wrote an article about why his
autism isn’t a disease. He had said how, “We believe that autism is a natural and in many ways desirable variation in how people think, not a great evil to be stamped out.” In fact, one of the main reasons people perceive autism as a disease is because of the man who discovered it. Hans Asperger was a Nazi who conducted brutal tests on people he suspected of having autism. The Nazi had essentially made it possible for the allistic society to find excuses to abuse and mistreat autistic human beings. Human beings! Why is it accepted that such a claim is true while Nazi idealism does not constitute the norm? There is no way this atrocity can continue!
Asperger's method of thinking has been adopted by Autism Speaks in an effort to "treat" autism. Many people are unaware that autism is a spectrum disorder and that people who are non-verbal are not the only ones who have it. Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Tim Burton, Charles Darwin, Sir Isaac Newton, Elon Musk, and many others all have autism. You should give them
credit for using their original thinking to create services you use every day, like Google as well as some great movies. We shouldn't continue to view autism as a disorder because their frame of mind has impacted the world. It simply represents a distinct approach to thinking. People's perceptions of autistic individuals are of these completely non-verbal children who are constantly slamming their heads against walls. Why did the stereotype become prevalent? Why do people's perceptions of them shift so much from the truth?
The Autism Self Advocacy Network, an organization run by autistic people, states that only 4% of Autism Speaks’ budget goes into ‘Family Service’, which is supposed to be for financially aiding families with autistic members. They take the majority of the funds they get and use it to pay their executives about $600,000 annually. Why isn't that money used to support autistic adults or families with autistic children in need of financial assistance? They spend their money on vacation homes rather than on charitable causes. Why don't you realize that this is wrong? The fundraising tactics used by Autism Speaks encourage stigma, fear, and discrimination towards those with autism. They don't even employ autistic individuals to provide advice on how they manage things. Wouldn't you want a say in the creation of something if it was intended to aid you? Even though Autism Speaks is perhaps the largest autism organization in the country, they don't particularly concentrate on assisting families of individuals with autism. I am unable to support a group that pays its CEO such a scandalous salary while ignoring the actual needs of the families it claims to help.
Additionally, some of Autism Speaks' logos ought to be updated. The puzzle piece stands for the fact that there's a piece missing in them. Nothing is wrong with them. They are full human beings who need to be treated as such. And wearing blue on April 2nd? That also has to change. What shall we put on in its place? Instead, the Autism Self Advocacy Network urges us to wear red to show our support for those who are autistic. And how about using the infinity sign, which is something the autistic community uses to illustrate the wide range of experiences found within neurodiversity, in place of the puzzle piece?
Autism Speaks also encourages mothers to abort their autistic babies before they are born. Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice, everyone agrees that this is wrong. They are putting research into prenatal testing to find out whether or not a fetus will be autistic. Do you endorse mutilating your unborn autistic child? If your child wasn’t autistic, you wouldn’t be forced to abort it by an organization that claims to support the disorder.
While Autism Speaks claims to be for raising "awareness" of autism, in reality, all they are doing is instilling fear. They have created some truly appalling videos to promote their group
over the years, portraying autistic children as something to be feared. They also produced a film called "Autism Every Day" in which women discuss how tough their lives are as a result of having autistic children while their kids were in the room. Including a mother who claims she considered driving off a bridge with her autistic child, but decided against it only because she also had a neurotypical child. This is what Autism Speaks promotes. It promotes these harmful stereotypes to eradicate autism. It promotes these harmful stereotypes to make the world in their image. It promotes these harmful stereotypes in order to end the lives of millions of kids around the world.
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center conducted research on the statistics surrounding the suicide rate among autistic people. Participants comprised 6,559,266 Danespeople living in Denmark between 1995–2016. 35,020 study participants had an ASD diagnosis. Individuals with ASD were over three times more likely to attempt suicide than those without ASD, even after adjusting for sex, age, and time period. This disparity was more significant for girls with ASD, who were over 8 times more likely to try suicide than females without ASD. In contrast, males with ASD were 1.93 times more likely to attempt suicide than males without ASD. What I’m trying to tell you with all these statistics is that autistic people are more likely to kill themselves than non autistic people. Poor mental health support, which is brought on by Autism Speaks, is one of several causes. Autism Speaks created the stigma of what an autistic person looks like, making it harder for girls and people of color to get a diagnosis. Not everyone looks like Rain Man or Sheldon Cooper. It is called a spectrum disorder for this reason. This is why you need to immediately stop giving this group your support.
Autistic people are human beings. Autistic people are worthy of the chance at life. Autistic people deserve your support. This isn’t just about how Autism Speaks is a hate group. This is about how we need to change our perspectives on what autism is. People with autism must be treated with dignity and respect. The Bible says that hatred is the same as murder. God views all sins equally. This ought to be obvious to everyone, regardless of religion. Autism wasn’t built for this world so we need to change that. We need to stop organizations like Autism Speaks from having such a grip on our worldview. We need to help the kids having the meltdowns instead of posting it online for clout. We need to change the world. Autism Moms brand their puzzle piece symbols and ‘light it up blue’ for Autism Awareness day, but aren’t we already aware of this disorder? Shouldn’t we instead work on autism acceptance? On April 2nd, we need to show our support by wearing red. We accept autism because we know that they deserve the respect they so desperately deserve. Their blood runs red, the same as you. You are human, and they are, too.views all sins equally. This ought to be obvious to everyone, regardless of religion. Autism wasn’t built for this world so we need to change that. We need to stop organizations like Autism Speaks from having such a grip on our worldview. We need to help the kids having the meltdowns instead of posting it online for clout. We need to change the world. Autism Moms brand their puzzle piece symbols and ‘light it up blue’ for Autism Awareness day, but aren’t we already aware of this disorder? Shouldn’t we instead work on autism acceptance? On April 2nd, we need to show our support by wearing red. We accept autism because we know that they deserve the respect they so desperately deserve. Their blood runs red, the same as you. You are human, and they are, too.
Lots of great stuff here! I hope your speech goes very well
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chocolatepot · 2 years
Some disjointed thoughts on diagnosing fictional characters (particularly with autism) ...
So it's generally understood that you can't diagnose fictional characters or historical figures with any disorders or diseases, physical or mental. You don't have access to all the details. You can't run the kinds of tests you need to run. Fictional characters in particular may not have a coherent set of symptoms at all - they're not real people.
(This got long, so it's under a cut.)
However, the thing that has me thinking is that autism and ADHD are ... collections of traits. There is not an autism chemical in the brain that you can check for to see if a living person is autistic (or an ADHD switch) - psychologists observe children and talk to adults to figure out if they have enough of the traits in the bundle to be considered autistic(/ADHD). And that is mainly for the purpose of determining if they qualify for assistance of some kind, not to make an absolute proclamation. There are certain issues that will get them to that conclusion faster because they more clearly require that assistance, like being non-verbal, but that doesn't make those traits more or less essential to the condition itself.
And the fact is that a lot of the traits are generally considered part of normative human personalities. Probably everyone diagnosed as an adult has spent a lot of time considering themselves insensitive, stupid, careless, forgetful, messy, selfish, etc. Being able to pin these negative traits to a diagnosis often helps people stop castigating themselves because now they don't have to blame themselves for these things - it's not my fault, I don't forget to do my homework/misunderstand what people are saying to me/etc. because I'm a bad person on a moral level, it's because of the way my brain is.
I feel like a lot of the hullabaloo over self-diagnosis comes down to the idea that people with negative personality traits are trying to wriggle out of being held culpable for them. You see it from both sides. I am constantly forgetting things because there is something wrong with my brain that prevents me from retaining that information OR I only forget things when I'm deliberately not paying attention: you need to stop claiming that there is something preventing you from retaining information and accept that you are careless and choose to forget stuff. It only counts when you spend $1000 on a psychological evaluation and basically list the symptoms you found in the much-derided social media posts and have a doctor confirm that yes, those are all signs of ASD/ADHD and yes, you do seem to be describing incidents where you displayed them. (And also talks to your mother with you and the whole thing is incredibly embarrassing and your insurance decides they just aren't gonna pay for it!) But do we actually need to parse out who's "allowed" to be forgetful, or to have any other traits that can be seen as symptoms of neurodivergence? Isn't it possible that we are all at the mercy of our brains' mechanics to some extent? Again, there's no autism chemical that makes a diagnosed autistic person's natural bluntness more "not their fault" than the natural bluntness of someone not diagnosed.
Or, to bring it back to fictional character diagnoses, which is where this actually started, this turns into the idea that fans are trying to help the character get away with something by imposing a diagnosis on them, often with a side accusation that people are just projecting their own disorders onto characters they like (which in fairness we ND folk do joke about doing). But the thing is, if you've been dealing with your neurodivergence your whole life, you have quite a lot of expertise in what it looks like, and again, all psychologists do to diagnose ASD or ADHD is observe and compare what a patient does and says to what they know about how ASD/ADHD present ... which is what fans do when they watch a show or movie or read a book and come to the conclusion that a character is ND.
This feels unfinished but I can tell I have a headache coming on and besides, my lunch break is ending, so toodle-oo.
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russilton · 7 months
Sometimes with the vaccine stuff you just can’t convince some people to get vaccinated, my moms best friend is anti-vax (corrupted by facebook) and my mom has tried to convince her to get vaccinated so many times and she just refuses. I don’t blame jenson for his wife being unvaccinated(as long as he is) sometimes the people you love are idiots and there’s nothing you can do.
I’m aware how easily fear mongering and internal bigotry can twist even the most well meaning people into ones we don’t recognise, my own mother has made more than a few genuinely shitty comments about vaccines and chemicals being a possible cause for my autism since I got diagnosed, because it absolves her internal guilt about it. But it’s also been on me to shut that shit down each time. Not every situation will be that simple, I know.
It’s not always a yes or no solution, sometimes you can work on and convince someone over a period of time. Sometimes you may be in a housing situation where arguing puts you at risk and it’s completely understandable to avoid it then. But vaccines aren’t a simple thing to muse over like the right age to talk to kids about death or how much screen time they should get. Not getting vaccinated kills people.
It could kill you, because vaccines aren’t developed for just any illnesses, they’re developed for the ones that have the potential to kill. But you also risk hundreds of thousands of disabled people around you who need herd immunity to be able to integrate into regular society. You owe it to them to not flex on these issues.
Disabled people tend to befriend other disabled people, and while not as severely as others, I was immunocompromised enough to receive vaccines at the same time as most 70-60 year olds during COVID. I have friends who would be at severe risk if they got covid, of death or further debilitating illness. We had to spend the height of covid shut away inside worried that a trip to the store could kill us, I still worry about potential catching it again while many people got their last shot over a year ago and moved on.
But there are thousands of adults and even more pressingly, children who deserve to be able to go out in public and enjoy the world with a general hope they will be safe with herd immunity. Kids with cancer or auto immune diseases that have to miss out on social development because some adults take a look at the incredibly low risk of vaccines, and decide that it’s simply too much for them to bother, when they take bigger risks with cars, or in the case of Jensons wife, cosmetic procedures, because they view the benefits as more valuable. “But I can’t get around without my car it’s worth the risk” disabled children can’t get around without you being vaccinated
Jensons wife isn’t just his friend he hangs with, he’s raising children with her. He’s the one that has to have these hard discussions. And maybe he has, maybe he’s convinced her to get all their kids vaccinated and she’s the only hold out. I did my due fact checking diligence before I posted the other ask and he did seem to be quite vocally supportive of vaccines in 2021 because “he wanted to go back to normal” and that is commendable of him. I do not know the nuances of their homelife situation, and that’s why I still cautiously support him distantly while scrutinising his opinions fairly heavily. He is a person of influence, there are people who look to him for how they form their own opinions and standards. I don’t know you but it’s likely your mom’s opinion on her friend isn’t being seen by thousands.
These kinds of disagreements show who a person is. I would be horrified if my partner thought this way (she doesnt) and i certainly wouldnt want to have kids with someone willing to put other children at risk like that. my partner and I disagree on things like if the five second rule is true (it is) and if big bird is a puppet (this argument genuinely ended in tears), but we agree firmly on bigger issues and I wouldn’t change that. Some people get very comfortable with having friends who do shitty things because “not my monkeys not my circus” but if those monkeys are climbing into the stands and punching kids, you should probably step in and talk to your friends or at least make it clear you don’t support them. This is how we can affect change on a small scale.
This is a lot of mixed metaphors for 8 am I’ve had a very long week, but you get my point. It might not always be something you completely divorce a friend (or wife) over, but it’s also not something to throw your hands up and be apathetic about, that’s an energy I hold the people I support to because I want us to live in a world where we care about these kinds of things.
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animemadonnafans · 1 year
Apologizing For My Mistakes Online
I am sorry that I waited so long to do these apologies for all sorts of mistakes that I have made through the years.
I will now be going through all of them that I can remember, one by one.
1. On two different forums on two occasions back between 2011-2013, I made the claim that I got Autism from getting a Vaccine when I was young.
I stopped believing this crap back in 2015 when I found out it was based on a heavily discredited, debunked study from the late 90's.
I am sorry that I EVER actually believed this crap.
I was wrong, There is NO connection at all between MMR Vaccines and Autism.
Andrew Wakefield is nothing but a con artist and a fraud. Shame on him and the anti-vaxxers.
This is a VERY dangerous Conspiracy Theory that is causing children and adults to die from preventative diseases like Miseales.
I was BEYOND wrong to even think that there was ANY link between vaccines and Autism at all.
Vaccines save lives, period.
2. Back in 2012 I think, There was this guy from China who was raised in Canada who I didn't get along with online and he insulted me by making oatmeal jokes about me for being a Quaker.
He would also say bad things about Quakers just because of me saying things like, " Do I look like a Quaker to you?"
These weren't normal, friendly jokes, they were meant to insult me. (Though this in no way excuses me later making those jokes about him)
So I made one of my worst mistakes ever online and made a joke to get back at him by saying on Twitter that he probably eats his sushi with syrup.
This joke was completely racist and way out of line on my part. This joke was much worse than the jokes that he had made about me.
To anyone that is Asian, Asian Canadian, Asian American etc., From the bottom of my heart I am very sorry.
Making this joke was wrong and completely unacceptable.
And to the guy in question, I am sorry that I did this.
It was horrible of me to make that joke to you and it was stupid and never ever should have happened. It was racist, hurtful, and wrong of me to make that joke about you.
3. I made a tweet back in 2011 or 2012 comparing Jury Duty to slavery.
This was unacceptable, and no comparison should be made between Jury Duty and Slavery.
It was a stupid comparison on my part and I completely apologize for it.
Slavery was horrible and extremely racist and for me to even compare it to Jury Duty reflected very poorly on me.
4. Back in 2012 in the first episode of my Fanfiction Reviewing YouTube Series "Fanfics With Jonathan", I voiced a Chinese Character, in the Fanfic that I was reviewing, (It was a bad Garfield fanfic called Garfield: Sushi Sensations), with a Chinese Accent.
It was in bad taste and very racist of me to do that.
To anyone that is Asian, I am very sorry that I voiced the Character in that Accent.
It was wrong and I shouldn't have done that.
I am deeply sorry for doing this accent.
5. On some voice acting forum there was a thread or something like that back in 2013 I think, and it asked something like if a Tsunami happened would you risk your life to save others?
It might have been a poll as well maybe.
I answered no, I wouldn't.
This is one of the worst things that I ever said online and it was horrible and completely selfish of me to say that.
I am different now, I would risk my life to save others because it is the right thing to do.
I was completely stupid and wrong for saying that on that forum and for that I am completely sorry.
6. On one Forum, back in 2011 or 2012, I said " The media is dangerous to Society."
That was stupid and very wrong of me to say.
A free media is essential and is a good thing and important thing in any society.
I apologize for what I said.
It was dumb and I am sorry for it.
7. On one forum, Back in 2013, I defended 4kids and said that "I support censorship."
This is also one of the absolute dumbest and worst things that I have said online.
I was stupid for saying that, Censorship is unacceptable and wrong.
I never should have said that.
I was wrong for this and I am sorry that I ever said this.
8. Back in 2012, I had an Improv Sketch Series on YouTube called "The Funny Show" where I made certain jokes in several episodes that I now deeply regret making.
In the first episode, I have Elmo laughing at the Main Character Jonathan for wearing a rainbow colored hat.
In the fourth episode, I had Elmo making a joke about Bert and Ernie getting their own spin-off show and the Jonathan Character tells Elmo not to give people ideas and "that Bert and Ernie are already controversial as it is."
In the sixth episode, I had Elmo telling a story about going into an elevator and a guy being there who mentioned that he used to be a male Cheerleader years ago in High School.
And then he starts doing a cheer in the elevator and Elmo says that he wanted to get out of the elevator and then when Elmo leaves the elevator he accidentally opened the door for the guy and he tells Elmo "Thanks Buddy!" and then Elmo screamed and said " I better go!".
This last example was based on something real that mostly happened.
Back between 2008-2010, when I was 16-18 years old, I was going to a Community College at that time.
I went to go into the elevator on the Second Floor of the building to go to the First Floor.
There was this dude talking to this other person in the elevator and I overheard him talking about how he had used to be a male Cheerleader years ago at his High School and then he did a cheer in front of this person.
Then after I left the elevator I opened the door to leave the library on the first floor and he walked by and said "Thanks Buddy!"
Though unlike in the video I had kept my thoughts about him to myself and I never spoke to him at all.
I deeply regret all of these jokes.
The last example that I gave is even WORSE.
I now support the LGBTQ Community and I even now consider myself Pansexual.
Nevertheless, that is no excuse for the jokes that I made because they were still wrong and homophobic.
I am very sorry to the LGBTQ Community for making these jokes.
And I especially am sorry to the guy I made fun of in the video for being a male Cheerleader.
I doubt he will see this, (I only saw that guy that one time and that's it. I never knew his name and I don't even remember what he even looked like ), but in the unlikely chance you do. Then know that I am very sorry for making those jokes about you.
It was very wrong of me to do so.
9. Back in 2018, I strongly disagreed with people who claimed that Ronny Jackson was telling the truth about Trump's weight and height.
I retweeted a tweet that said "The fat shaming shaming is odd. The PC Crowd frowning upon the word fat are the same people RT photos of Trump playing Tennis."
Fat Shaming is a terrible thing and the fact that I retweeted this is unacceptable.
Making others feel bad about their weight is horrible.
People should be treated equally regardless of weight.
I am VERY VERY sorry for retweeting this stupid tweet.
It was in very poor taste and very insensitive of me.
10. In 2018, After someone in Donald Trump's campaign named Corey Lewandowski made fun of someone with a speech disability by saying "Womp Womp" imitating the Adults from Peanuts, which was a horrible tasteless offensive joke, I saw that a Twitter user that I used to follow made several tweets in response to this and then for reasons I can't remember she started criticizing calling Trump a Psychopath or a Sociopath and then saying that it was ableism.
I agreed with her that what Corey Lewandowski joked about was in very poor taste and was horrible.
However, I took issue with her claim that calling Trump a Psychopath or Sociopath was ableism.
In response, I made one of my worst most awful decisions ever online to make 5-7 tweets to her criticizing her over this.
I accused her of being a secret closet Trump Supporter because she said that calling him Crazy, Insane, a Psychopath, or a Sociopath was ableism.
And also because I thought that she had defended Ronny Jackson's claims about Trump's weight. Though I might have remembered wrong and it might have been another twitter user that either made tweets or retweeted tweets about Ronny Jackson.
I had also accused her of not caring about short people because I had never seen her tweet about them
As I said before, making these tweets was a terrible idea on my part.
I was completely wrong for insulting her and making all these tweets about her and for that I am deeply sorry.
I was wrong to tweet to her 5-7 times.
I was wrong to accuse her of being a secret closet Trump Supporter just because she didn't like it when people called Trump Crazy, Insane, a Psychopath, or a Sociopath.
I was wrong to accuse her of not caring about short people just because I had never seen her mention them on Twitter.
I was wrong to do any of this at all.
From the bottom of my heart, I completely apologize for these tweets.
I never should have done any of this at all.
It was one of my absolute worst moments online and one of my dumbest ever as well.
If by some unlikely chance that Twitter User sees this, I would like to say to you that I am completely sorry for how I acted toward you on Twitter.
It was very rude and disrespectful of me.
I should have made this apology to you back when this happened but I didn't and I admit that's on me.
I am truly sorry that I did this.
I was completely in the wrong for not apologizing about this much sooner.
And for all this and so much more.
I am sorry for those tweets years ago
11. In 2019, I made this tweet, "How is a church telling it's members not to eat McDonald's because supposedly McDonald's is Pro-Gay any different that Pro-Gay People telling people not to eat Chick-Fil-A because they aren't Pro-Gay.
As a Bisexual myself I find both of these types of people annoying."
The reason that I am apologizing for this tweet is because the way I worded it makes it sound like I was saying both were equally bad when that was not my intention with that tweet at all. I meant that I disagreed with both, not that I thought that they were both equally bad.
Obviously a Fundamentalist Church telling it's members to boycott McDonald's for being Pro-LGBTQ is worse than LGBTQ people boycotting Chick-Fil-A.
I still disagree with both of these types of boycotts, (Though I believe the LGBTQ boycotts of Chick-Fil-A at least have good intentions. Even if I disagree with methods like boycotts.),but I am sorry that I didn't make myself more clear.
And for all this, I apologize for how I worded that tweet.
I should have been more clear from the start.
12. Starting in 2017 I began judging Bernie Sanders Supporters very harshly. ( I had supported him from 2014 until 2017.)
I still disagree with him on a lot but I was wrong to judge all of his supporters.
Plenty of them are good people with good intentions and I respect that.
So to these type of Bernie Supporters, I am sorry that I was so harsh toward you.
I was wrong to be that way toward you, It never should have happened.
Sorry that these apologies got very long, I just had a lot to apologize for that I should have apologized for years ago. It was stupid of me to wait this long to even do this and for that I apologize.
Again, From the bottom of my heart I am VERY sorry for every single one of these mistakes.
They won't ever happen again, I assure you all.
I won't just say that I will be better, I WILL be better.
For those that choose to forgive me for my various mistakes through the years, Thank You very much and that means alot to me.
And to those who choose not to forgive me for my mistakes, I understand and I respect your decision. You are not obligated to forgive or unblock me and that is totally fine.
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agoraphobiclapine · 2 years
Do you have any more drawings of the stardew boys? They are so cute :D
Oh wow!! Thank you so much!! I think they are pretty adorable as well. I do have quite a backlog of drawings, but I wanted to make sure I did an introduction post before sharing any of them. I guess here is a good of a place as any to do so! Apologies as this is going to be very lengthy and a bit lax on info regarding @girthleng 's character Judas, I don't have a ton of info on him pre-farm. (Also forgive the boxing glove lookin ahh hand i messed up when lining and things w3nt to heck)
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First, let's start with Fletcher (Ronan Fletcher Murphy III), the inheritor of the farm. Fletcher is 27 years old and spent 22 of those living on the farm. He is slender, 5'4, has reddish brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and has freckles. The farm was owned by his maternal grandparents Bernadetta and Phillipe Lapine. While his mother and uncle are both still alive, neither wanted anything to do with the farm and the Lapine's were very proud of how much he loved it so they left it to him as the oldest grandson.
When he was born, his parents and grandparents all lived in the same big house on the farm. They continued living this way and had two more children, Conor (he/him 22) and Cleo . Fletcher loved taking care of the animals and being a little farmer, going on little adventures with one of the other local boys (Judas). He was a bit of a sickly child but would always power through. That was until age 10 when his parents split up, and his mom took the kids and went to live in the city.
His mother very quickly remarried and, after 2 years, had another child named Esme (she/her 15). During this time, Fletcher's mental and physical health started to tank. He was having more breathing issues, had a lot of anxiety, fainted a good bit, and struggled with keeping awake most times. His mother chalked it up to him being lazy until one day at age fifteen, he ended up in the hospital. After a few months of testing (that his mother begrudgingly took him to and made him feel pretty bad for) he was diagnosed with a connective tissue disease (causing the heart issues, chronic pain, stomach problems, and more), a condition that caused him to have random allergic reactions, asthma, narcolepsy, and c-ptsd. His mother eventually decided to get into contact with her parents (who Fletcher hadn't been able to see for the past 5 years) and out of not wanting to handle raising a sick child, sent him to live with them.
He goes back to the farm, and while it is really difficult going through all that change, the animals really helped him to thrive. He worked and showed most of the animals (especially the horses) when his health allowed it and has continued living and working on the farm until today. At age 20, to help him with his disabilities. His brother Conor gifted him a standard poodle named Thlayli that he had trained himself to aid with Fletchers disabilities. His full siblings would always visit every summer and had a blast in the valley, and that year was spent showing fletcher how to handle the dog and how the dog could help him. It was also around this time that fletcher got diagnoses with Autism and started to learn that things he did differently didn't make him a "weirdo" or a "freak". He was having thr time of his life with his dog, his farm, and his loving grandparents.
Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, and his aging grandparents end up passing away a few days before the summer of this year after being hit with an illness. It was a terrible time, but like always, his siblings came to spend the summer. Even though they all were adults, it had become a tradition, and all of them needed each other now more than ever.
Fletcher attempted to just work through the pain but kept ending up sick. While his siblings were there in the summer, helping out and keeping him from feeling lonely. The reality was that they had to go back to their real lives. Cleo was in school to be a teacher, and Conor was a military dog trainer who was going to be deploying that fall. When summer came to a close, Fletcher turned into a bit of a hermit and fully threw himself into working himself to the point of being sick quite a few times. It is one of these times that he reconnects with Judas. His best childhood friend that he had never really connected with. Judas came from a pretty rough home and was falling on hard times. Fletcher was lonely and really needed help on the farm, he had this huge house with plenty of rooms so he offered Judas to stay with him for as long as he was willing to work on the farm. Judas happily agreed, and they've been helping each other heal and grow (physically and mentally for Judas, as Fletcher is so used to making lots of food with farm fresh ingredients and Judas LOVES to eat)
Next up, we have Judas, a 25 year old man whose family.....well, we don't speak of them. He is 5'8, a little on the softer side, has darker brown hair, brown eyes, and skin with a slight tan. All of Judas's life, he's been a bit of a wanderer, an adventurer, an explorer if you will. When he and Fletcher were young, they would spend hours exploring the valley, only popping back to the farm for meals and sleepovers.
When Fletcher left, he became a bit of a loner until one day, exploring the sewers, he meets Krobus. They become quick friends and start hanging out quite a bit. Krobus introduces Judas to the wizard, who he very often attempts to learn everything he can about the world from. When Fletcher first came back, they never really reconnected. Fletcher seemed so distant the first few months of living there, and by the time Judas worked up the courage to start talking to him again, Fletcher was hanging out with one of the worst bullies in school, Alex. Alex had done quite a bit of picking on Judas for things like his sense of style and his size (which, honestly, he wasn't big at all in school. Definitely not compared to when he moves onto the farm and DEFINITELY not compared to now. Alex was just a jerk). It wasn't long until that friendship fizzled out, but Judas was so unsure of anyone that would associate with a guy like that, so he decided to just keep his distance.
One day, a week or two into the fall after the Lapines had passed away, he was walking in the cindersap forest on his way to the wizard. He heard the crashing of some type of animal through the fallen leaves and stopped, looking around, he knew that on at least a few occaisions a bear had been spotted in the area...he saw a flash of big and brown and panicked until he heard a whine and a bark. Seconds later, Thlayli came running up to him without Fletcher. That was never a good sign and was something all the towns folk knew meant he needed to follow the fluffy dog because he was trained to get help if Fletcher fell unconscious or worse. He ran with the dog (although a bit out of breath...yeah he hadn't ran in a while but.....he was just anxious for the man....right?) Until he found Fletcher on the ground and one of the horses saddled and standing nearby. It appeared Fletcher had fainted while riding or been bucked off....regardless, he was injured, unconcious, and bleeding, so Judas scooped him up and rushed him to the doctor.
Harvey (the doctor for anyone that has gotten this far and doesn't know much about stardew) stitched up fletchers face and popped his shoulder back into place while the man was unconscious and gave him fluids and other appropriate care. Judas wanted to stay there and make sure he woke up fine, but he knew without Fletcher at the farm there wouldn't be anyone to take care of the animals, so he decided to go back to the farm. He remembered some things from the past, but he decided to give Cleo a call. She walked him through the basics, and he did his absolute best.
It wasn't long before Fletcher woke up and, in a panicked state, attempted to rush out of the doctors, which Harvey was not going to allow. This was the third time this month that the boy had been rushed into the office after an injury or medical episode. Harvey told him there was no way he needed to be running the farm alone. It was around this time that Judas returned to the office to check up on Fletcher and let him know he was doing his best at taking care of the animals. Fletcher asks if Judas would be willing to stay with him a while. That he would pay him for his time and make sure he had food and a room of his own at the house. Judas happily agreed as it got him out of his toxic home life, and kept an old friend from getting hurt....even though they weren't super close anymore, he still cared for his old friend.....plus he had been meaning to reach out after the mans grandparents had passed, he knew how much they meant to Fletcher and the entire community.
It was only a matter of weeks before the boys became inseparable again, and it really did become very beneficial for them both. Fletcher was still grieving, but he wasn't lonely doing so, Judas was living a comfortable life with a bit of hard work. The rest of the story is to be told at a later date. Just know between lots of food and friendship, that snug hoodie won't fit by spring ;)
Tl;Dr: Fletcher the farmer gets hurt and Judas moves in to help on the farm.
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the-bee-graveyard · 2 years
Wait hang on
So I'm having thoughts about innocence and autistic children being seen as these perfect victims of a cruel disease that need to be coddled and protected from the big bad world vs. Autistic adults who are either villians or just irrelevant depending on who you ask.
And then I was watching one of my fave episodes of btvs "Dirty girls" and there's this misogynistic preacher dude who hates the slayers and there's this one line, "you were born dirty, born without a soul." And that made me think of how the creater of ABA therapy was quoted saying basically autistic people are soulless and not really real people and you have to shape us into people or whatever.
Honestly I don't know where this is going I'm just having big brain scrambled thoughts on autism gender and dehumanization again. Like something something innocence and purity something something only afforded to women and autistics under certain circumstances something something idk. Something infantalization and control something something.
And then there's also race to consider and how kids of colour arent really afforded "innocence" in the same way white children are.
I'm still incapable of having a coherent thought lol idk if these meds are working.
No I get what you're saying.
Young autistic (white boys specifically) children are coddled and preserved and told they are geniuses and they'll be the future. They are so so innocent and the world is out to get them.
When you're older you're abandoned by the system. When you're not a gifted kid, when you're not special anymore. When your a woman or a person of colour, you've always been abandoned by the system, they don't give a shit about you if you don't fit into their little box.
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darkmaga-retard · 30 days
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spent decades as an environmental lawyer fighting polluters and supported 'green' organizations for environmental justice. He is now setting his crosshairs on the pharmaceutical industry and cleaning up the nation's food supply chain of ultra-processed foods and seed oils that poison consumers. He has determined that suspending his presidential campaign to team up with former President Trump will be necessary for the strongest success rate in making Americans healthier again, not through big pharma's Ozempic shots but instead revitalizing small farms and shaking up corrupted federal agencies.
Lifelong liberals like RFK Jr. backing Trump is one of the strongest indicators of just how extreme the ticket, unoriginal Vice President Kamala Harris and Democrats have become. Harris' team recently announced their first proposed economic policy, which was rooted in communism and included disastrous price controls. It appears the far-left ticket is being advised and heavily influenced by Marxists. 
Between RFK Jr's special announcement earlier Friday and his speech at Trump's packed campaign rally in Glendale, Arizona, the liberal with millions of supporters nationwide appears to have made a deal with Trump to join the campaign with a shot at waging war against corrupt federal health and food agencies, resetting the nation's poisonous food supply chain, and launch a crusade against big pharma if the Trump team wins in November. 
RFK Jr. informed journalists at his special press conference in the early afternoon of Friday that America's health crisis stems from ultra-processed foods pushed by giant food/pharma companies that have corrupted various federal agencies: 
Autism rates were about one in 10,000 in my generation - in my kids Generation 1 in 34. I'll repeat in California 1 and 22. Why are we letting this happen? Why are we allowing this to happen to our children? These are the most precious assets that we have in this country how can we let this happen to them. About 18% of American teens now have fatty liver disease, that's like one out of every five - that disease when I was a kid only affected late stage alcoholics who were elderly. Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the Young and the old young. Adult cancers are up 70 79%. One in four American women is on anti-depressant medication. About 40% of teens have a mental health diagnosis and 15% of high schoolers are on Aderall, and half a million children on SSRIs. So what's causing this suffering? I'll name two culprits first and the worst is ultra-processed food. About 70% of American children's diet is ultra-processed that means industrial manufacturing - these Foods consist primarily of processed sugar, ultra-processed grains, and seed oils. Scientists who, for many of them, formerly worked for the cigarette industry, which purchased all the big food companies in the 1970s and 80s, deployed thousands of scientists to figure out chemicals new chemicals to make the food more addictive, and these ingredients didn't exist a 100 years ago. Humans aren't biologically adapted to eat them. Hundreds of these chemicals are now banned in Europe but ubiquitous in American processed foods. The second culprit is toxic chemicals in our food and our medicine and our environment pesticides food additives pharmaceutical drugs and toxic waste permeate every cell of our bodies. The Assault on our children's cells and hormones is unrelenting - name just one problem many of these chemicals increase estrogen - because young children are ingesting so many of these hormone disruptors, America's puberty rate is now occurring at age 10 to 13, which is six years earlier than girls were reaching puberty in 1900 our country has the earliest puberty rates of any continent on the Earth and no this isn't because of better nutrition - this is not normal - breast cancer is also estrogen-driven and it now strikes one in eight women. We are mass poisoning all of our children. 
RFK Jr. then touched on the processed food industry lobbyists who have corrupted Washington, resulting in a food supply chain filled with poison that is killing Americans. He said several federal agencies that are supposed to protect consumers have also been corrupted. 
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shapingtherapies · 2 months
When can you need occupational therapy?
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Occupational therapy (OT) can be beneficial in various situations where individuals face challenges in performing daily activities due to physical, mental, or developmental conditions. For instance, after an injury or surgery, especially involving the hands, arms, or upper body, OT can help regain strength, flexibility, and function. Individuals with chronic conditions like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease can also benefit from Occupational therapy, as it aids in managing symptoms and improving quality of life. Additionally, children with developmental disorders such as autism or ADHD may require Occupational therapy to enhance their fine motor skills, sensory processing, and social interactions. Occupational therapy is also essential for older adults experiencing cognitive or physical declines, helping them maintain independence and perform everyday tasks safely. Shaping Therapies is the leading occupational therapy facility in Thane and Powai and is very competent. We offer occupational therapy that have an excellent outcomes depending on the condition.
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Facts About Occupational Therapy in Baltimore and Arlington
Individuals are sure to face several physical problems as they advance in years. Slowing down of activities is often noted in the elderly and ill. Even simple activities such as dressing properly, shaving, and tying the shoelaces may become challenging. Being diagnosed with debilitating problems that affect both the body and the mind may further aggravate the problems. Such issues may also be evident in people who have sustained severe injuries. ​ Moreover, children may be born with genetic defects or have problems adjusting to life, making intervening of an expert imminent. A  doctor may provide the diagnosis and treat urgent health issues. After that, it is the onus of an experienced therapist to take over. Undergoing occupational therapy in Baltimore and Arlington is often the best way forward.
 It is essential to understand that occupational therapy (OT) is a type of rehabilitation that helps one to overcome daily challenges and improve the lifestyle. The concerned therapist is well-equipped to address the related problems. The general medical practitioner or a surgeon may advise occupational therapy for patients who cannot complete routine activities at home, school, or workplace. While a majority of the problems occur due to physical weakness or injury, others may be more of a mental disorder.
 The therapist is responsible for providing therapy as part of the ongoing treatment plan suggested by the doctor in charge. Therapy is never a single process, as the patient requires other types of support in addition to occupational therapy.
Patients battling any of the following ailments or injuries are expected to improve with this type of rehabilitation process:
· Congenital disabilities · Autism · Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) · Fractures · Traumatic brain injuries · Vision changes · Cerebral palsy · Carpal tunnel syndrome · Diverse Types of arthritis, including rheumatoid, psoriatic, and osteoarthritis · Chronic pain · Severe burn injury · Recovering from surgery such as a joint replacement · Sensory processing disorders · Multiple sclerosis · Alzheimer's disease · Cancer · Stroke · Parkinson's disease
The therapist's objective is to ease the discomfort and help the patient relearn certain activities with alternative movement and training. More specifically, the therapist will enable the patient to do the following without requiring assistance:
· Development of  fine motor skills · Improvement of hand-eye coordination · Mastering the lost activities such as showering, getting dressed, or eating · Help with recuperation after surgery · Identify and reduce fall hazards, thus preventing fresh injuries · Provide ample support to manage the condition as best as possible · Use of adaptive equipment like wheelchairs, communication aids, or bathing equipment · Ensure effective cognitive functions · Train the patient to improve mobility or flexibility via regular exercises · Adjust to changing health patterns
The needs of a patient come first. Adult children and family members are well advised to consider effective home care in Baltimore and Washington, D.C., by hiring a skilled home health care provider.
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Insights into the Importance of Preventive Care
We usually go to the doctor when we are not well or have a disease to get treatment for fast recovery. If it is a common disease like fever, cold, cough, etc we get well soon without any adverse effects of the disease but when it comes to deadly diseases a person faces a lot of pain and expenses which in turn affects their lifestyle. One common mistake we make is that we do not realize the problem until it is too late. The famous quote on health – “Prevention is better than cure”, needs to be applied in our lives to be more cautious in our healthcare.
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In the healthcare sector, there is a routine called Preventive Healthcare Service that is provided to people which identifies and prevents the occurrence of diseases and major problems. Through this, you can gain awareness of diseases that are in the early stage and prevent them well before facing adverse effects. In this article, we focus more on delivering insights about preventive care which is also followed by its importance and its benefits for the betterment of our lives 
What is Preventive Care?
Preventive care refers to healthcare services and measures aimed at preventing the onset or progression of diseases, illnesses, and injuries. It includes the process of regular healthcare screening, vaccinations, lifestyle counseling, and health education which is done to promote the overall health and well-being of the people. Preventive care is the key that helps you to be healthy by detecting diseases in the early stage and preventing their deadly effects.
Adult preventive care is a routine that comprises screening for health problems like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and many more, it also provides counseling for bad habits in smoking, increased alcohol intake, losing weight,  treating depression, and practices in following a god-balanced diet. Some examples of preventive care are annual check-ups, flu shots, birth control, cancer detection, dental check-ups, and tests for sexually transmitted infections and chronic diseases. In children, screening for lead poisoning and autism,  regular well-baby and well-child visits, vaccinations, etc. 
Difference between diagnostic test and preventive test
When a doctor asks to take tests, it may be either diagnostic or preventive tests. Preventive tests refer to the tests that help to detect health problems that are in the early stage and do not even possess any symptoms. Were as diagnostic tests are done to understand more about the disease, its stages, and conditions that will help in the mediation.
Benefits of Preventive Care
The advancement in the medical field has invented many preventive measures to make our lives healthier and happier but we still fall behind in utilizing them. This section deals with the benefits of Preventive care which is a key approach in avoiding health problems.
Preventive care helps individuals maintain good health, reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases, and improve overall health outcomes. It will also help to reduce the number of health problems that people might later experience. One can detect diseases well in hand and medication in the early stages can reduce pain and help to lead a longer and healthier life 
Investing in preventive care leads to cost savings by reducing healthcare expenditures associated with treating preventable diseases and complications. For example, simple vaccination can help in preventing the attack of deadly diseases which on later detection might lead to a surgical operation involving more cost.
Preventive care also has an effective role in enhancing the quality of life. Promoting healthy behaviors and food diet along with early intervention preventive care will enhance and improve the lifestyle of an individual. It also benefits society as a whole by reducing the burden of disease and promoting a healthier and more productive workforce. Hence preventive care also promotes public health around the globe.
In conclusion, preventive care plays a pivotal role in safeguarding individual and community health. By prioritizing early detection, prevention, and healthy living, we can improve health outcomes and also reduce healthcare costs along with enhancing quality of life. Investing in preventive care is a wise decision and an essential step towards building healthier and more resilient societies for the future.
Visit More : https://thehealthcareinsights.com/insights-into-the-importance-of-preventive-care/
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