#because it’s couched in such pretty language
cosmicpearlz · 2 days
can you open up the door?
summary: you guys hated each other, so why does your heart feel broken when you see him with another girl?
pairing: jude bellingham x reader
a/n: i feel like i'm running out of ideas to write, please request anything! i absolutely love writing for jude and would love to hear what you wanna see/read :) anywho, enjoy my loves!
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jude felt like he was on a high. winning the final cup with real madrid had been a dream come true. now, he gets to go home and relax before playing in the euro 2024 competition. although, going home also meant seeing the one person he dislikes. you and jude had a long history of hating/disliking each other. it was hard because of how much time you guys spend together, being that you not only shared the same friend group but the same best friend as well.
"you know jude is coming home, right?" trent says to you, while you rolled your eyes.
"yes yes, i know already. i promise to be on my best behavior," you attempted to give him your best smile. it only made the boy laugh at how you tried to hide your annoyance.
"why don't you guys like each other again? i feel like the two of you would be perfect together. a proper power couple if you ask me."
"never say that again. i wouldn't be caught-" before you could even finish your thought, jude comes through trent's door.
"daddy's home," you groaned at jude's crude language. upon hearing the groan, jude locks eyes with you. have you always been this pretty? somehow prettier than the last time he saw you. jude rids the thought out of his head and turns his attention to trent. they shared a hug before jude takes his seat right across from you on the other couch.
"you didn't tell me that you invited the yapper."
"and he didn't tell that the dickhead was coming. so i guess we're in the same boat," you crossed your arms to your chest and glared at jude.
"guys can we not start?"
"he literally started it first! i was here way before he came in and interrupted things."
"well guess who was in trent's life first? oh right, it was me. you're just some outsider that thinks she fits in but you don't."
you weren't sure why that hurt your feelings as much as it did. maybe because deep down, you felt like he was right. you moved from america to england for college as an exchange student and landed a job working for england's football team as their photographer. it's where you met trent and jude.
"you're such an asshole jude," you tried to ignore the stinging in your chest, as you packed up your stuff and getting ready walk to your apartment.
Jude began to feel guilty for obviously hurting your feelings. he doesn't know why he says what he says. it just comes out but he thinks that this time it was too far. trent had told him about how you felt a bit lonely sometimes being that you weren't from england, and here he had used it against you.
"dude," trent looks to jude with disappointment, as the door slams closed behind you.
"i know, i'm sorry. i don't know why i said it."
"why don't you guys get along?"
"i'm not even sure anymore. we just continue to hurt one another."
it's been weeks since you had last spoken to jude or trent. avoiding the both of them like the plague, pretending that you won't be leaving with them to germany in exactly two days. today, jobe had texted you that he was throwing a going away party for the three of you. you tried desperately tried to get out of going but the younger boy wasn't having it.
so you went, unfortunately. dressing in a black mini dress with the black red bottoms you saved up to purchase for graduation. finishing the look off with a red handbag. the loud music from the club greeted you, while you walked in.
"you made it!" jobe yells over the music, after seeing you walk in. you smiled and gave him a hug. it never made sense to you that jude's brother was nicer to you than he was.
"did i actually have a choice?"
"exactly," the two of you burst out into laughter, which caught jude's ears. he won't admit it to anyone but he knew your laugh like the back of his hand. it was one of things he liked about you.
"are you excited to leave for germany?"
"honestly, yes and no."
"why the no?" jobe leaned in closer to whisper, "anything to do with my brother?"
"i know when you're lying. it definitely has something to do with jude! why don't you guys just kiss and make up," you gasp at jobe and slapped his shoulder.
"news flash, we don't like each other. plus, i would never kiss him nor date him," you replied, causing the younger boy to roll his eyes.
jude overhead everything. would it really be so bad if you were to date him? he wasn't sure why that left a sour note in body but he was determined to not let it bother him. instead, deciding to occupy his time with the first pretty girl he saw. just to further deny those hidden feelings. to get over someone, might as well get under someone new.
"you've been avoiding me," you looked to find trent taking the seat next to you on the couch.
"i've simply been busy."
"doing what? moping?"
"hey, i don't mope."
"so what are you doing right now?"
"people watching." trent followed your line of vision, finding that you were looking at jude engaged in a conversation with a pretty girl. you watched as he moved closer to her, causing her to giggle and place a hand on his arm.
"you have feelings for jude." you quickly shake your head in defense.
"no i don't."
"stop lying to yourself. you guys are both attracted to each other but don't know how to act on it. you guys spent at least two years pretending to hate one another, why?"
"i don't know."
"but you do. just tell me why. i'm your best friend." somehow, your heartbeat felt as if it were louder than the music. you do remember why you originally started to dislike him but you've never said anything.
"it's because i overheard a conversation between the two of you. we were already friends but it was the day you were going to introduce me to jude. i heard him say 'she will never be on my level or in my league'." you felt your eyes water as you brought up the same awful feelings you felt back then.
"y/n that's not what he meant. you didn't hear the rest of conversation."
"whatever, i don't care." you pick up your handbag and stand to leave. the saltiness of the tears falling onto your cheeks, no matter how hard you tried to hide it. trent stands up with you, trying to offer some sort of comfort that you didn't want. it was embarrassing enough to cry over someone that wouldn't even give you a second thought.
"i think i'm going to go home."
"i'm fine trent. please let me go," you whisper, not being able to look up from your heels. he nods at you and you take that cue to leave. rushing out of the loud atmosphere to the quiet outside air. jude's eyes follow your figure as you rushed out. immediately, he ignores the girl he was flirting with to follow you outside. you notice a tug on your arm, turning around you see the last person you wanna see.
"jude, i'm not in the mood."
"what's wrong?"
"why would i tell you? go flirt with the girl you were just with."
"well something is wrong with you and i want to make sure you're okay."
"why do you even care? i'm just an outsider trying desperately to fit in, right?" you watched as jude's mouth opens and closes, with furrowed brows, you scoffed.
"exactly. goodnight jude," you took one more look at him before getting into your uber that happened to show up at the right time.
jude walks back into the club with an angry expression on his face. he was more mad at himself rather than anyone in specific. he walks to trent, who was sitting in the same spot, nursing the same drink.
"please tell me what happened. i knew she was okay and then i seen her walk out."
"i totally knew it. you guys have feelings for each other!"
"she was looking at you with the girl at the bar and finally told me why you guys don't like each other. turns out, it was complete miscommunication. y/n overheard you say 'she'll never be on my level or in my league'. i tried telling her that you didn't mean it like that but she didn't want to hear it."
the realization dawned on Jude as he thought back to that day. trent showed him one picture and he swore that he could have fallen in love right there. you had mixed his words up to rejection rather than realizing he meant that you were too good for him. maybe he could have worded it differently. you guys certainly wouldn't be in this mess now. would you guys be wrapped up in the same bed sheets whispering to each other? would you be at his football matches in madrid? would you visit him and let him show you around? a whole year he's played on the team and a whole year you could have already been his.
you were relaxed in your bed, having criminal minds in the background. the only sort of comfort you could find. stupid feelings and stupid jude. you wanted the floor to swallow you whole and then maybe you wouldn't have to deal with this.
a knock on the door draws your attention. who would be knocking at two o'clock in the morning? you get up from your bed, walking into the living room towards the door. you opened the door, finding Jude standing there with a small smile.
"what do you want?"
"to talk."
"no," you closed the door before the boy could say anything else. jude takes this sign to keep knocking, instead of just leaving.
"open the door. please, just hear me out and I'll leave you alone afterwards." you leaned your head on the door debating on letting him in.
"open up the door. i'm not leaving until you do." you finally open the door after two minutes, afraid that the knocking was going to bother your apartment neighbors. you pulled him inside and closed the door once again.
"what do you-"
"you have it all wrong. what you overheard was wrong. i meant that you looked like you were too good for me. that i didn't even deserve to try and win you over. how could you ever think differently? you are the prettiest girl i've ever known-"
"i was only rude to you because that's what you did to me when we first met. there are so many things i wish i did differently. i could be the one kissing your tears away and not causing them. you're not an outsider, far from it actually-"
"jude!" you finally got the boys attention, locking eyes with him. you couldn't believe that your feelings were returned. all the time that was wasted. without a second thought, you pulled his shirt collar and kissed him. your lips molded together perfectly. a sudden eagerness that made the kiss more intense. jude's hand slipping under your pajama top, to touch your bare skin trying feel closer to you. you pulled away first, feeling overwhelmed with emotions.
"i'm so sorry sweetheart. i didn't mean of it." jude swipes away the tears that fell from your eyes.
"i'm sorry too."
"you have nothing to apologize for. it's my fault."
"it takes two to tango jude. i've said some pretty awful stuff too and i'm sorry."
"where do we go from here? what do you truly want y/n? if you want to pretend this never happened, i'll comply." his eyes trailing your face for some sort of sign.
"i just want you."
"you have me baby. you always have," jude whispers, before connecting your lips together once more.
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st4rymoon · 1 day
can you please do a smut where steven finds out the reader has a hand kink and it leads them to being intimate and he holds her neck while they were fuckin and he teases her when eyes roll or her moans getting louder because of his hands
if not ignore 😞❗️
LOVE THIS OMG… I was giggling and biting my nails as I wrote this 😝 I had to add a little Jake at the end I’m sorry </3
𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐲 ₊˚⊹♡
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𝘚𝘰𝘧𝘵 𝘋𝘰𝘮 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘹𝘵: Steven notices your interest in his hands so he tries to play it cool and work you up but fails :(
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Unprotected sex, lots of teasing, Steven being a tease but he doesn’t last very long :(, reader has a hand kink, p in v, language, dry humping!, creampie!, bruising, choking, Steven underestimates his strength and feels guilty about how rough he was being but you love it <333, Ft. small appearance from Jake
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Steven wasn’t oblivious to the reactions you gave. It became a pattern he noticed whenever he cracked his knuckles or ran a hand down your legs, bare or not.
At first he believed he was over exaggerating things when you went silent everytime he patted your thigh. He’d watch your body tense and eyes quickly drift over his hands. He worried he was making you uncomfortable with his touch but soon came to notice you reacted just the same whenever he’d stretch or fix his long sleeves.
He put his theories to test with his sudden love of watches, folded shirt cuffs, and gold rings. And boy did he get a reaction.
The first instance he wore a black watch and a dark gray button up, you were practically pawing at him for attention. He had you in his lap within seconds, grinding you onto his lap with his hands roaming your soft skin “what’s got you so vocal love? So loud and we’re both fully clothed” he teased as he nibbled up your jaw.
He instinctively moved his hand up to your throat, rewarding him with a blissful moan from your pretty lips. Steven watched hypnotized as your eyes rolled back, your throat vibrating against his palm while your hips dragged onto his. He cockily smiled as he buried himself into the crook of your neck now discovering your dirty little secret.
“I gotta wake up early tomorrow love, we’ll continue this later” he strained, it took all his might to not give in when he saw your eyes go watery. “What?” you sadly replied “We’ll continue this later” he nodded as he lifted you off his lap and left you on the couch. You sat there dumbfounded and left with your panties a complete mess.
Steven felt guilty as you sat there with a pout on your lips but didn’t give into your pleads. But just as when Steven felt like he had the upper hand, it crumbled right in front of him.
He’d just got out of the shower to see you in nothing but a baggy tee, the angle of your leg hiked up exposing your pretty cunt.
He inhaled sharply as you squirmed in bed, your legs softly glowing as he studied your figure. “How convenient huh?” he chuckled as he plotted beside you. “Goodnight steven” you mumbled with a smile on your face, hidden from steven as you pressed your face into the pillow. His eyes roamed your body, hand instinctively running down your ass and giving it a nice smack.
You giggled as he teasingly lifted your tee up, exposing your naked lower half “I thought you said you were tired” you teased “I was but not anymore” steven groaned as he climbed between your legs and made himself comfortable. “You know exactly how to get what you want don't you darling?” he smiled before shifting himself up and pressing a soft kiss onto your lips.
You hummed in acknowledgement as he began to rock his clothed bulge softly into you, the once strong and composed Steven now wrapped around your finger. His hands ran up your tummy while he peppered kisses down your neck, quiet praises escaping his lips.
He chuckled at your pleads and shaky moans begging for him to just fuck you already, how was steven supposed to say no to his pretty girl?
“You sure are bloody needy when I leave you hot and bothered” Steven cooed as he felt your hands wrap around his wrist. He followed your eyes as they stopped at your upper tummy, right where his hands were tightly squeezing. You weren’t aware of his eyes when you lost yourself in your thoughts.
His big veiny hands flexed and mouth watering had you instantly squirming under him. Steven played into your newly discovered obsession and began to rub small circles onto your skin with his thumb “it seems like you find something interesting” he cooed, your eyes moving to his as he smiled down at you.
You shook your head, ignoring his response and pulling him in for a kiss. Both of you moaning as your hand ran down his abdomen and dragged his boxer down his thighs “Don’t tease anymore, please?” you sighed as he wrapped your legs around his hips.
“Promise” he pouted in a mocking tone, his tip rubbing between your folds and coating him in your pearly slick. A depraved moan leaves both of you as he thrusted into your warm cunt as he rapidly increases his thrust.
The sound of skin slapping and moans filled the room as his hands snaked up your body, sensually tracing every inch and curve as he fucked into you with all his pent up frustration and need.
“What’s it about my hands that has you so dumb love? You like imagining them around your neck?” he cooed. Your eyes widened at his words, your cunt pulsing around him as he wrapped a hand around your throat.
The moan that slipped past your lips was pornographic, down right sinful as you processed his heavy hand wrapped around your throat. Steven let out a filthy moan as he felt your throat flexing under his palm, your moans vibrating on his hand while your eyes rolled back in bliss.
“That’s what you needed, didn't you love? Yeahhh look at you darling” He condescendingly purred. Your shirt was rolled up right above your chest, just enough for Steven to watch the way your tits bounced with every heavy thrust.
He truly didn’t know where to look, he wished he could focus on all of you at once. You were clawing at his biceps as he had one hand spreading your leg apart and the other pinning you down by your neck.
All you could do was dumbly stare up at him and take everything he was given you. It was so overwhelming having steven stuffed inside your cunt, hips rolling against your clit, and his heavy hand squeezing at your throat. An obscene moan spilling from your lips as he pulled his hips back just to pound into you again. You went slack under him as you came with a blissful moan of Steven's name spilling past your lips.
Steven let out a perverted moan as he came inside your messy cunt. His eyes watching your pretty face stained in tears as he took in the sight of your fucked out complextion and hand around your throat.
“A- oh m- bloody hell” he gasped as both of you came down from your highs.
A guilty feeling filled steven as he pulled his hand away from your neck, noticing the slight imprint of his hand and the prominent crescent shaped indents of his nails on your throat “I- I’m so sorry honey oh m- bullocks” steven gasped as he pulled out gently and fixed you up to get a better look. His hands gently holding your jaw up as his eyes filled with concern.
Shame coursed through him as the realization of how rough he was hit him. Your hands wrapped around his wrist “steven it’s ok don’t worry” you softly spoke. “OK? How is it ok I shoul-'' you stopped his concerned ramblings with a soft kiss on his lips “I don’t mind it Steven, I really don’t. I loved it and you know if I didn’t I would’ve said the code word” you reassured.
“But we don’t have to do the whole choking thing if you don’t want to steven” you nodded as you noticed the worry in his eyes “It isn’t that I didn’t like it, hell I loved it, but I- I should’ve realized how hard I was gripping” You listened as steven went on about his concerns.
You listened and realized you truly loved him. It was cute how concerned he was for your well being. Steven managed to calm his nerves as you reassured him you were ok, a smile forming on his lips as you called it his “marking of territory”
He scoffed as he got up to get you some water and noticed Jake’s reflection coming into view from the mirror on his wall “I guess she doesn't have to hide those handprints on her ass anymore” Jake sighed with his arms crossed.
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starsinthesky5 · 15 hours
you belong with me III || joe burrow x reader
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description: when date night ends with something more than just a goodnight kiss ;)
a/n: first off, can we talk about how delicious joe looks when he wears this specific jersey. it’s literally causing me to spiral. i can't. he’s so fine
anyway, welcome to part 3! yall have shown this little mini series so much love and it’s given me some great inspo to write a little more! i really love writing these fics <3 this turned out to be a lot longer then what I thought off which might explain why i struggled to finish it lol 
warnings: language, smut
word count: 11.6 k
part 1 part 2
December 29th
You and Joe have been dating for a few weeks now, and things couldn’t be going more perfectly for you both. Ever since your confession on Joe’s birthday, you both had been more attached at the hip than usual, but neither of you was complaining. Nothing really changed in the way you were acting around each other, everything pretty much stayed the same--other than the constant kissing & extra flirty conversations--which was another indication that you were already acting like a couple long before you made it official.
“Joeeee, come back over here I’m cold,” you whined as you looked up from the couch, watching Joe as he warmed up a bowl of popcorn.
“Just a sec, Baby,” he said as he pulled out two cans of Sprite from your fridge. 
Baby. You blushed at the pet name, which was becoming increasingly common for you two. If you had told your freshman year Ohio State self that her best friend, Joe Burrow, would be in her apartment warming up a bowl of popcorn for them to watch the latest episode of ‘Love Island’ together, and was calling her Baby, she would for sure punch you in the face for lying. But the sweetest part was, you wouldn’t be lying because it was reality. 
A few moments later, he walked over with the snacks, placing them on your coffee table and plopping down on the couch next to you. 
“I can’t believe you have me watching trashy reality TV,” he laughs as he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest. 
“Honestly, me either,” you giggle, kissing his neck. “But I love hearing your commentary,”.
He lets out a chuckle and says, “Thanks, but I mean, these people are wildin’. If you’re actually looking for love, you would never go on a dating show because that shit will never end right,”.
“Oh for sure,” you nod, grabbing some popcorn.
“Like what happened to being a genuine friend? These girls just steal each other’s man like it’s nothing and the guys are absolute airheads and go along with it,” Joe expresses, taking it a little too seriously. 
“Calm down, Joe,” you giggle. “Remember, we watch for the entertainment value not for the ethics,” you say as you rub his arm.
He lets out a sigh and then grabs a handful of popcorn, stuffing his face with the buttery snack. “I just think these people really don’t know real love when they see it,”.
“Luckily, we aren’t them,” you smile, grabbing his hand and pressing a soft kiss to the back of his palm. 
“Ohhh yeah,” he says, moving his other arm around your leg, gently sliding his hand up and down your calf. “I have real love and I am never letting go of it,”.
“You better not,” you tease, moving your head up and pressing a few kisses to his lips, tasting the buttery popcorn on them. 
“We still good for tomorrow night?” he asks, referring to the little date night he had planned at his house. 
“Mhm, I can’t wait to see what you have planned,” you say as you grab some more popcorn. 
“I think you’ll love it,” he smirks, pressing soft kisses all over your forehead. He had decorated his backyard with fairy lights, making sure to hang them all around his patio set up so that there was no darkness in sight. He had bought your favorite flowers and decorated his backyard with them, got his chef to prepare all your favorite foods, and even got you a little gift. 
He had his jeweler custom make you a ring that had your birthstones in an alternating pattern all around the ring with diamonds in between each stone. The ring was kind of like a promise ring, but mostly something that he got for you to show that you were it for him. Even though it was way too early to think about that, Joe could envision spending the rest of his life with you. So it was kind of like a mini engagement ring, just without the whole marriage detail, for now. 
“What should I wear? Something laid back orrrr..” you ask.
“Wear what you want to wear,” he smirks. “You look Sexy and Beautiful in everything,”. 
A blush rises on your cheeks and you feel your belly filling with butterflies again. It was amazing to hear him say those things about you. He already made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, but his endless compliments just made everything better. 
“God, it feels so great to finally be able to say that to you,” he adds, throwing his head back against the pillow. 
“You’re so cute,” you laugh, moving your legs so that you are now sitting in his lap, pressing kisses all over his face. His hands run across your thighs, then eventually move up to your waist. His fingers softly scratch against the fabric of your shirt, and then make their way inside so that you can feel them against your bare skin. 
“But seriously, what should I wear?” you ask.
“Hmm, maybe that lacy black dress you wore to your sister’s engagement party,” he sighs, his hands now sliding higher up your body.
“Why that particular dress?” you smirk, knowing exactly why he wanted you to wear that dress. You took him to her engagement party as your plus 1 and his reaction when he saw you in the dress for the first time should have been a dead giveaway about how he felt about you.
“Because,” he says, his fingers teasing the band of your bra, increasing the tension around you. “The first time I saw you in that dress is still burned into my mind and I would love a repeat of it,”. You feel his fingers slide into the cup of your bra, giving your breast a soft squeeze. 
“Oh really?” you smirk, moving both your hands to each of his shoulders. “What did you think when you first saw me in the dress?”.
“Other than that you looked heavenly,” he starts off, causing you to blush again. “Like I wanted to kiss my way up your arm,” he says, removing his hands from underneath your shirt, then moving his lips to your arm and doing what he was saying. You closed your eyes and let out a few short breaths as you felt him pressing wet kisses along your arm. 
“Then, I wanted to leave a few pretty purple marks around your neck so that people could see you were mine,” he says, moving to your neck and sucking on the soft skin.
“Joe,” you breathe out, a warm feeling now replacing the butterflies in your belly. You move your hand into his hair, pulling at the strands and relishing his touch. 
“And then, I wanted to rip the dress off your perfect body and show you how much I loved you,” he says, moving up from your neck and meeting your eyes. 
“Damn, I didn’t think you felt so..” you trail off, trying to find the right word.
“Horny?” he says, causing a laugh to leave your lips.
“I was gonna say passionate but horny works too,” you finish. “Who knew Joey B could have such impure thoughts about his so-called bestie,” you tease. 
“That’s just 1 occasion out of a million others in which I felt like ripping your clothes off,” he whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your body.
You felt like you were about to pass out from the heat rising up your body because of your boyfriend’s alluring words & thoughts. Who knew that Joe could ever be capable of thinking that way about you? And who knew he was capable of making you feel like this? You wanted nothing more than to rip off his clothes right now and have your way with him.
“I could list even more occasions in which I wanted to rip that Jersey off your body and take you for a spin after every game,” you wink.
“Oh yeah?” he smirks. “Why didn’t you do anything about it then?” he says while rubbing your ass.
“Hmm, maybe because you were spoken for at the time and I didn’t want to be the other woman,” you joke, moving his bangs out of his eyes. 
“Please, if you gave me ‘fuck me’ eyes for even a second, I wouldn’t have hesitated to make you the woman,” he said. 
“I feel like I’m committing a crime saying all these things to you,” you blink, feeling like you were doing something forbidden by acting like this with Joe. 
“Oh me too. If our Ohio State selves walked in through the door right now, they would probably be traumatized for the rest of their lives,” Joe chuckles, your eyes wandering to his perfectly soft pink lips that you had been obsessed with for the past few weeks. With Joe, you were acting like you were a teenage girl who had just gotten her first boyfriend, all of the childish yet insatiable feelings were rising to the surface. 
“Then they would for sure be missing out,” you mumble as you push yourself closer to his body, capturing his lips in a messy kiss, taking him by surprise. His hands grip your waist as he pulls you even closer, your crotch right on top of his, and a feeling of hardness underneath you that makes you pull away from the kiss. 
You meet his eyes which are now dark with lust, “Joe I-,”.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he soothes as he rubs your thigh to comfort you. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to,”.
 “I know it’s a lot even though we’re like, adults now” he laughs, softening the air around you. 
“Could you be any more perfect,” you whisper out loud. 
“Hm?” he questions.
“You didn’t even know what I was going to say,” you mumble as you start pressing kisses on his jaw, trailing down to his neck as you can feel him move around underneath you, trying to find pleasure in just sitting there. You pull your head back up and meet his eyes again, “I was going to say that I need you,”. 
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Absolutely,” you say as you kiss his right cheek. “Positively,” you say as you kiss his left cheek. “Sure,” you say as you press a big kiss on his lips, hearing Joe let out a soft groan into the kiss and feeling him melt into you as you suck on his bottom lip. 
Your kisses became more urgent and needy as Joe’s hands wandered down to your ass and then back up to your waist. His grip on you tightens, prompting you to moan into the kiss. He gets up from the couch, still holding you while you were attacking his lips, and walks you both over to your bedroom. 
He kicks your door shut as you pull away from the kiss to look at him for a few seconds. You press your forehead against his and whisper, “I love you,” with the biggest smile on your face. 
“I love you even more,” he replies, softly placing you down on your bed before climbing on top of you; you open up your legs to accommodate his large body before going back to kissing him.
He moves down to your neck, kissing and sucking on the skin as you start to realize what was happening. Yeah, you were insinuating that you wanted to go there but that was purely coming from your heart. Now, your brain was awake. 
You were about to have sex with Joe. 
Yes, you had been dating for a few weeks now and this was bound to happen considering how you two couldn’t keep your hands off of each other, but it was actually happening for real this time and you were freaking out. But it wasn’t like you were afraid; you knew he would be the most gentle and considerate person ever. You were feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. What if he didn’t like it? What if it wasn’t as good as what he might have been used to with other girls?
Other girls. The thought of other girls being in this position with your boyfriend made you want to rip your eyelashes out. Was he feeling the same way about you though? The same feeling of bitterness at the thought of you being like this with other guys?
Oh, the things you would do to just get your brain to turn off for a few hours. You were pulled out of your trance, letting out a moan as Joe had seemingly just found your sweet spot.
“There it is,” he smiled as he continued to nip and suck at the skin, surely leaving a purple spot there like he wanted to. His left hand gripped your jaw, pushing your head to the side to expose the skin of your neck a little more. 
“Fuck,” you whimpered at the increased pressure on your neck and the gush of wetness pooling your core. 
He began to slip his fingers into your sweatpants, but before he could get too far, a blaring & piercing sound filled your bedroom. You looked down and saw the noise was coming from Joe’s pocket, probably from his phone. Then you looked over to the clock on your nightstand, the time reading 7:30, which made you let out an internal sigh of relief. 
But why were you relieved? You wanted this to happen.
“Joe,” you say, trying to get his attention but he was still spending time on your neck. “It’s time to go, Baby,”.
“Mmm, I can be late by an hour,” he mumbles, kissing up your neck and to your jaw. 
“Uhhh,” you say as you place your hands around his head and move it back up to your view. “You have practice tomorrow morning and we both know how cranky you get when you don’t get enough sleep during the season. And it’s December football so you cannot miss a single practice,”. 
“But–,” he starts to say.
“I know, I know,” you giggle. “But I’ll make it up to you soon, I swear,” you say, sealing your promise with a kiss.
He stares into your eyes for a few seconds before sighing, “Fine,”.
“But I expect to be compensated for this sooner rather than later,” he says as he moves off of you, reaching out to help you off the bed.
“Trust me, you will,” you say as you move your messy hair out of your face. You walk over to your vanity to grab a hairclip while Joe fixes his clothes and some other things. You look into the mirror, a shriek leaving your lips as you examine your neck. 
Joe flips his head around to you, “What’s wrong?” he asks.
“Joseph Lee!” you yell. “My neck!”.
He walks over and leans his head to look at your neck, laughing at what you were screaming about. “I told you. Pretty purple marks to show people you’re mine,” he winks before opening up your bedroom door, leaving you speechless at your mirror. Seeing this side of Joe for the first time was so weird for you since for years the relationship between you two had just barely grazed over the zone you were in now, so all this was unexplored. 
Even though it was strange and new, you loved every single part of it. He was making you feel things that no other guy could make you feel; feelings that had yet to be brought out, but now were because of him. 
A few minutes later, you help Joe gather his things before walking him to your apartment door. His hands wrap around your waist as yours loop around his neck, holding each other in a hug for a few moments. 
“I don’t want to go,” he mumbles against your head. 
“Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow night at least,” you say, rubbing the nape of his neck. 
“Mmm, I just wish we could always be near each other. 9 years of waiting plus not being able to wake up to your pretty face and kiss you goodnight every day is killing me,” he sighs. 
“I told you that my lease is up in 2 months,” you say, meeting his eyes. 
“2 months is so long,” he pouts. Joe had casually asked you a week ago what your thoughts were about living together at his house. He said that you both had already gotten comfy around each other since you have known each other for so long, so living together wouldn’t be so bad, but he also didn’t want to move things along too fast if you weren’t ready. You quickly shut down that thought and told him that you’d been waiting for nearly a decade, so you were definitely not rushing into anything. So naturally, you said yes. The thought of living with him felt like a dream, and now you were a step away from it being a reality. 
“They’ll pass by faster than you think,” you smile, pressing a kiss to his lips to make him feel better. 
“They better,” he says, returning your kiss with two more kisses. His lips were always so soft and felt like clouds against yours. There were so many times you didn’t want to stop kissing him because it felt like heaven and as if you were floating.  
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Okay?” You say, pressing your head against his chest and going back to the hug.
“Yes, Ma’am,” he replied, pressing another kiss to your head. 
“I love you,” you say, moving your head up to press a kiss to his chin.
“Babe, I’m not gonna leave if you keep kissing me,” he laughed.
You move your head out from his chest again and say, “If you don’t leave, we’re going to be doing a lot more than just kissing and I do not feel like having the entire team on my ass for making you skip practice,”. 
“Fair enough,” he sighs as he lets go of you. “I love you,” he says back, pressing a final kiss to your lips before opening up the door and exiting your apartment.
“Good night,” he says softly as his eyes twinkle in the light of the hallway. 
“Night, Joey,” you smile back, slowly closing the door as the smile on your face stays. You turn around and press your back to the door as that feeling of giddiness, caused by Joe, remains in your body. 
The Next Day
You finish applying the last bit of your lipgloss before grabbing your car keys and heading for your door. You took one final glance in the entryway mirror, making sure that everything was perfect. 
You were wearing the dress Joe had wanted you to wear which hugged your body in all the right places, especially around your breasts. You had the tennis bracelet he gave you on your left wrist and a small diamond chain around your neck, which still had purple marks around it that you didn’t bother to hide. You also grabbed a black cardigan to wear on top of the dress since it was pretty chilly out tonight. The red lipgloss you had put on pulled the whole look together, and you looked hot. You smiled at your appearance and sent Joe a text telling him you were on your way before grabbing your purse and heading out the door. 
Meanwhile, Joe was out in his backyard making sure that everything was perfect for his little date night. 
He had started a fire at the fire pit, hoping the warmth would find its way over the dining table a few feet away. Pots of flowers he had gotten--pink and white carnations--were scattered around the corners of the deck and his chef had prepared a delicious dinner for you both. Joe had requested that he make chicken potstickers, kung pao chicken with fried rice, spicy garlic noodles, and red velvet cupcakes for dessert. Everything was your favorite, and he made sure that it was flawless. The ring he had gotten made for you was sitting in his pocket, and he couldn’t wait to give it to you. 
The fairy lights he hung up a few days ago were still going strong and the entire backyard was now covered by a warm glow, no darkness in sight, just like he had wanted. That’s how Joe felt with you in his life. You were the fairy lights. You filled his world with light, getting rid of all the darkness and emptiness that was there before. 
“Shit, need music,” Joe mumbled under his breath as he realized he was forgetting something. He walked back inside the house and grabbed his speaker from the living room, hooking his phone up to it and bringing it back outside. He decided to put on your playlist, smiling as he scrolled through the songs and saw all the new ones you two had added over the last few weeks. Joe had added “Fooled Around And Fell In Love” by Elvin Bishop, “Head Over Heels” by Tears for Fears, and “Heavenly” by Cigarettes After Sex. You had added “My Love Mine All Mine” by Mitski, “Margaret” by Lana Del Rey, and “Dress” by Taylor Swift. 
Although Joe wasn’t the biggest fan of Taylor Swift’s music--because it wasn’t his particular taste--he had grown fond of her love songs, particularly “Dress”. The song lyrics were just a little too relatable for both of you. 
The sound of his doorbell snapped him out of his daze, looking at his messages and realizing you were here. He tapped shuffle, threw his phone onto the couch outside, and ran over to the main door to let you in.
While you were waiting at the door, you pulled out your phone to get another look at yourself, making sure that everything was perfect. Your eyes moved to your cardigan that was covering the dress, the dress that Joe had specially asked you to wear. 
You put your phone away and shrugged off the cardigan as it was ruining the vibe you were going for. You looked hot, and the cardigan did not emphasize that. “A little cold didn’t hurt anyone,” you muttered as you heard the door lock click and open. 
Joe opened the door, his heart skipping a beat as he laid his eyes on you. You looked absolutely desirable and angelic, and he was definitely feeling a repeat of how he felt when he first saw you in this dress. The same feeling of attraction and need.
“Hey,” you smiled as you straightened out your dress.
“Hey,” he smiled back. “Come in, it’s cold out there,” he says as he stretches his hand out to lead you inside the house. 
You place your hand in his as he leads you inside, and then you put your stuff on the kitchen island before turning around to face him again. You watch as his eyes move from your feet to your bare legs, to your hips, to your chest which was covered by black lace from the dress, to your neck that still has purple marks from yesterday, and up to your beautiful face. Although the dress you had on was made for you, it was making him want to rip it off right now. He wanted to skip dinner and get straight to dessert, and he was not talking about the red velvet cupcakes. 
“Like what you see?” you giggle as you pull him closer.
“You look fucking incredible, Y/N,” he whispers, his hands sliding across the silk fabric of your dress. 
“All for you,” you say before you press a kiss to his lips, but quickly pull away as you smell something delicious. 
“What is that?” you say as your eyes light up.
He lets out a soft laugh before grabbing your hand and leading you out to the backyard, “Our Date,”.
“Our date’s outside?” you wonder as he pulls you out the patio door, stopping you at the bottom of the steps. Your mouth falls open as your eyes move up to the lights hanging all around the deck, brightening his usually dark backyard. 
“Holy shit,” you whisper as you let go of his hand and walk further onto the deck. Your eyes move to the corners of the deck, noticing pots of your favorite flowers all around. Your eyes then navigate to the lit fire pit and the dining table a few feet away, which had all of your favorite foods on it. 
You flip around to face Joe, who is standing on the steps with his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face. “Joe, did you do all this?” you asked him.
“Maaayyybee,” he blushes as he looks at the sky and bounces back and forth on his feet. 
You run back over to him and leap into his arms, pulling him in for a big hug as you press kisses on his cheek. “I love you so so so much. This is so perfect,” you beam. 
“I’m so glad you like it,” he says as he sways you back and forth. His hand sliding down to your ass, giving it a soft squeeze, sending electricity throughout your body. 
“Nobody’s ever done this much for me for a date,” you say as you pull away from the hug, cupping his face with your hands and rubbing his soft skin. 
“Well, like I said before. I’m setting the standards in the boyfriend department,” he smiles as he moves his hand around your back and leads you over to the dining table. 
“Please, you are the standard,” you laugh as he pulls out your chair for you. Joe helps you settle in your chair before walking over and dragging his chair closer to yours and then sitting in it. 
“This food looks beyond amazing,” you say as you look at all the delicious foods as Joe starts to fill your plate.
“You have good taste,” he smiles.
“Oh, I know,” you wink as you take the plate from him. Joe grabs his water, taking a sip to hopefully calm down the impure thoughts he was feeling at the sight of you. “Not just in food though,” you add as you give Joe a loaded look, making him almost choke on his water.  
“Oh really? What else do you have good taste in?” he teases as he places his water back down.
“Hmmm, I think I have pretty good taste in NFL Quarterbacks too,” you wink. 
“Quarterbacks plural?” he says as he raises his eyebrow.
“Yeah, I think that guy from Kansas is pretty cute too,” you lie as you take a bite of the spicy noodles. 
Joe’s face drops as if he just saw a ghost and he feels his heart stop for a second, making you burst out laughing. “Oh my god, you should see your face,” you laugh as you put down your fork and throw your head back, your entire body shaking from his reaction.
“That is not funny,” he says with a straight face. 
“Aww, poor baby got a little jelly?” you giggle as you come back forward and grab his hand. 
“You don’t have to worry. The only Quarterback I have my eyes on is 6’3, has dirty blonde hair, is from Ohio, plays for the superior Ohio football team, and can plan a killer date night for his girlfriend,” you say as you lean over to kiss his cheek. 
“Good, because I heard that QB only has eyes for 1 girl as well,” he smiles.
“Hm, I wonder who she is?” you say as you bat your eyelashes.
“Well from what I heard, she’s suuuper funny, gorgeous, loves trashy reality TV, is a big football girl, and knows exactly how to make a guy fall head over heels in love with her,” he says before taking a bite of the kung pao chicken. 
“Did you say that last part because of the song that’s playing right now?” you laugh as you hear the melody of “Head over Heels” in the background. 
“Now that’s just a beautiful coincidence because I meant that for real,”.
“Well, I have a good feeling that the girl feels the same way about the Quarterback,” you say as you move your foot to touch his.
“Perfect, I know he’ll be happy to hear that,” he smiles. 
A little later, you both are digging into the yummy dinner as you talk about upcoming games, your schedules, and your sister’s wedding.
“So, you’re good to go with me to Kaylee’s wedding in a couple weeks right?” you ask as you shove another spoonful of rice into your mouth. 
“Mhm,” Joe nods as he finishes chewing the chicken. “I think I have a few suits I can pick from that can match your dress,”.
“Great, I’ll text her tomorrow,” you say as you finish up the last bit of food on your plate. “They’ll be so excited to see you and you know Kaylee will be on our asses for finally making a move on each other,”.
“Oh I am well aware,” he says as he takes one final bite before grabbing your plates and stacking them up to take inside. “I can only imagine how many people we’ll get bombarded by at the wedding,”.
“Bring some edibles or something. I don’t think I’ll be able to sit through the reception without something to take off the edge,” you say as you reach down to unstrap your heels. 
“You got it,” he smiles. “It’s getting pretty cold so why don’t you move over to the day bed by the fire pit and I’ll bring the cupcakes out over there. I’m sure it’s warmer there anyways,” he says as he gets up and starts to clean up the table.
“You don’t want any help?” you ask as you get up from your chair. 
“I’m good,” he smiles. “You just sit over there and look pretty like you always do,”. 
“I love you,” you yell as make grabby hands towards him and you walk backward to the day bed.
“I love you more,” he echoes as he walks inside. 
You hop onto the daybed, feeling the warmth of the fire pit gravitate toward you which was the best feeling since you were pretty cold now, especially since your dress wasn't really helping.  You leaned back against the pillows as you looked up at the fairy lights, humming along to the music playing in the background; a smile appeared on your face as you realized the song that was playing. 
“Say my name and everything just stops, I don’t want you like a best friend,” you mumble, reciting the song lyrics. “Only bought this dress so you could take it off, take it off–”. 
“Oh, I will be,” Joe winks, snapping you out of your daze. 
You look back straight and see Joe standing in front of you, holding a plate with 2 red velvet cupcakes. 
“Hello, again,” you say as you sit up straight and scooch over to make room for Joe. 
“You warm enough?” Joe asks as he settles in next to you, his body warmth making you even more warmer.
“Now that you’re here, absolutely,” you say as you press a kiss on his cheek while you grab a cupcake from the plate. You take a bite of the cupcake, Joe, attentively watching you as you close your eyes and let out a groan because of how good it is. 
“Mmmm, that’s the best thing I’ve ever had,” you open your eyes as you wipe your lips with the back of your hand. You look at Joe, who seems to still be staring at you, not saying a single word. He was thinking about how this was his life. How you were his life and he still hadn’t processed that this was real yet. He felt like he was dreaming and he was 1 moment away from waking up and all this being over. 
“Hey, you okay?” you ask as you put the cupcake back down on the plate.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he says while running his fingers through his hair.
“You were staring,” you say as you tilt your head to the side, the purple marks on your neck now fully visible because of the light shining on you from above.
“Just thinking,” he says, giving you a reassuring smile.
“Care to let me in?” you ask as you sit on your knees. “Just because we’re a couple doesn’t mean we still can’t talk about how we’re feeling,”.
He lets out a soft laugh before placing his hand on your knee, “It’s nothing bad. Just thinking about us,” he says. 
“Oh?” you say as you look up at him. 
“Again, nothing bad. I just can’t believe that this is real life and I know that sounds dumb, but it’s true. Having you with me was already the best part of doing what I’m doing, but now having you with me as my girlfriend, as my partner, just feels–,”.
“Unreal?” you interrupt, letting out a laugh when you see Joe shaking his head with a grin on his face. 
“Very Unreal,” he says, reaching for something in his pocket. 
“I feel the same way. I know it's only been a few weeks, but I already know this is everything I’ve been waiting for,” you grin. 
“We’re always on the same page about everything aren’t we?” he says as he pulls out a little box from his pocket.
“My favorite thing about us,” you say as you look down at the box. Before you could ask him what that was, he said something else.
“I just want you to know that you are the most important person in the world to me, and I love you more than words can describe. Everything about you just works for me, it always has and it always will. You light up my life, just like how these lights are lighting up the backyard,” he says as he opens the box. “You’re it for me, Y/N. My best friend, my twin flame, my girlfriend, and the person that I want with me for as long as we’re on this planet. Or any other planet if we end up going to Mars or something in the future,”. 
You feel like you’re slowly melting away at his words and then you look down at what was in the box, now feeling tears pool in your eyes. “Sooo, to show you that, I got you a little something,” he says as he takes the ring out of the box. 
“Joe, I- I,” you barely say before the tears fall from your eyes. He looks up and notices the tears falling from your eyes, puts the ring down, and starts to wipe your cheeks. 
“Hey, why are you crying?” he softly asks.
“Because,” you laugh through the tears. “You’re perfect. Everything about you is fucking perfect,” you say as you stuff your face into his neck. 
He wraps his arm around your waist and moves your hair to the side, “I hope that’s a good thing?” he asks.
“It’s a great thing” you giggle before pulling your face out from his neck. “Can I see it?” you ask as you wipe your eyes and nose.
“Duhh,” he smiles as he picks up the ring again. “Both of our birthstones in an alternating pattern, 9 diamonds to represent the 9 years we’ve known each other, and the date we met plus the date we became an official couple engraved on the inside,”. 
“How do you think of these things?” you ask as you feel fireworks setting off in your heart at how much detail he put into designing the ring. The ring was gorgeous, and it was definitely a pretty penny. “But this was probably really expensive,” you say.
“We’re not doing that again. You said the same thing when I got you this bracelet,” he says as he touches the tennis bracelet on your wrist. “And what did I say?”.
“In case you forgot, I am a millionaire now, and you never wanna upset a millionaire,” you say, recalling his words from a few years ago. 
“Exactly,” he says as he eyes your hands, trying to decide which finger to put it on. 
You watch as his eyes dart from one hand to the other, then eventually setting on your right hand, slipping the ring onto your 4th finger. 
“Why that finger specifically?” you ask.
“It’s your right hand’s ring finger,” he shrugs.
“Soooo,” you say, expecting more for the reasoning behind it.
“Your left hand’s ring finger is being saved for another ring that I’ll give you later on, so this was the next best thing,” he says so casually. He was talking about your ring finger, the ring finger. He wanted to put that ring on it. 
You lean forward and pull him in for a kiss, not needing to say anything else to him because he already knows how you feel. You feel his hands travel down to your waist, gently picking you up and placing you in his lap. His hands travel up and down your sides, and then you feel him pull away from the kiss which makes you let out a little groan. 
“Have I told you how Sexy you look tonight?” he says, his lips all glossy from yours. 
“Ohh yeah," you nod. "Have I told you how great of a Boyfriend you are?” you ask him as you slide your hands up and down his chest.
“Yeah, a couple of times,” he teases. “But seriously, you look hot. Like incomprehensibly hot,”.
“You still thinking those same thoughts you felt when you first saw me in this dress?” you ask as you move your face closer to his, pressing feather-light kisses on his jaw. 
His hands move down to cup your ass and his head shifts so that his mouth was right by your ear, “Those thoughts plus maybe a few more. Why don’t I show you in my room?” he whispers, setting off that warm feeling in your stomach again. 
“Sounds perfect,” you say as you kiss around his neck, hoping to leave a purple spot there just like he did for you yesterday. 
He holds your waist tightly as he slides off the daybed, your legs wrapping around his as his hands slide to your ass again. You hide your face in his neck as he quickly closes the fire pit and unplugs all the lights before walking back inside. 
Once you’re back inside his warm house, you move your head out of his neck and go back to kissing him. You were so lost in his lips that you didn’t even realize you had made it up to his room until you heard him close the door. Your eyes looked to your left towards his bed, stopping at his bookshelf and at the photo of you two that Joe said was his favorite a few weeks ago. You smiled at the thought of how things had changed from then to now, still not quite believing that this was real. 
He places you down on his bed before crawling on top of you, the same position as yesterday before you got interrupted by his alarm. You feel his lips travel from your jaw down to your neck again, slightly sucking on the already bruised spots, making you let out a whimper. 
“Joe,” you blubbered at the slight sting you felt. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll leave your neck alone,” he chuckles as he moves down to your chest. Your chest was lined with the lacy part of the dress, and Joe felt like a kid in a candy store. He started to press kisses along your soft skin, moving one hand to the strap of the dress and pulling it down slowly. You closed your eyes, feeling desire building inside your body with every touch and kiss from Joe. He pulls down the straps of the dress, his eyes widening at the fact that you weren’t wearing a bra and this was his first time seeing you naked. 
“No Bra?” he asks as he looks up. 
You feel shy all of a sudden and open your eyes, remembering you didn’t put one on since the dress held them pretty well. You move your hands to cover your chest, but Joe stops them before you can. 
“You are beautiful, Y/N. No need to hide,” he says as he presses a kiss to your chest again, getting rid of all your shy thoughts. “Absolutely gorgeous,”. 
“But, no bra makes it seem like you came over with an agenda tonight,” he laughs as he kisses down to your nipple.
“I told you that you’d be compensated sooner rather than–,” you smile before you feel Joe wrap his lips around your nipple and swirl his tongue around the bud. “Oh my god,” you moan at the contact. His tongue continues to work its magic around your sensitive bud, prompting a few gasps and whimpers to leave your lips as you play with his hair. 
“Joe,” you moan as you squirm underneath him, feeling him move from your chest and down your body. He moves down your body, pressing wet open-mouthed kisses along the way as he pulls the dress down with him.
“God, you’re so pretty,” he mumbles as he kisses your stomach. “And your skin is so soft,”.
You smile as you hear him continue to praise you while pleasuring you, making sure that you feel good about yourself in every way possible, physically & internally. 
He moves to your arm, “Absolutely stunning,” he says as he presses a kiss to your forearm. He then moves back to your stomach, “Drop dead gorgeous,” he says as he presses a kiss to your hips. “Hottest girl I’ve ever come across,” he says as he presses a kiss to your belly button. “And all mine,” he says as his lips graze over the sensitive spot on your belly close to your heat, feeling a gush of wetness pool at your core. 
“Shit,” you moan and pull on his hair as you feel him kiss that spot on your stomach, feeling butterflies flying through your stomach. He was so sweet, even in the most heated moments, and that was another thing you adored about Joe. 
“Found another sweet spot I guess,” he chuckles as he presses another kiss to it before moving down to your core. He pulls your dress all the way down your body, now leaving you in nothing but your panties. He looks at you for a few moments, seeing you in your most natural form in front of him, and it makes him feel like he is on cloud 9. The fact that you were so comfortable around him, especially like this, was another reason why he is absolutely obsessed with you. You felt comfortable with him emotionally & physically, and he felt the same with you. 
“You good?” He asks before going further.
“I’m great,” you smile as you make grabby hands towards him.
“Tell me if you want to stop,” he says.
“That’ll never happen, but okay,” you smile. 
He comes back over you, pushing his lips against yours in a messy kiss that has you both gasping for air and feeling more needy than before. You feel his hand travel down to your thigh, his fingers massaging the plush skin before he pulls away and goes back down to your core. 
You feel your brain click, just like it did last night, as you realize what was going to happen. You feel his hands teasing the band of your panties before you feel his lips on your inner thigh. You feel him suck and nip at the skin, definitely leaving another mark.
“You love marking me up don’t you?” You laugh.
“People gotta know that you’re mine,” he says as he sucks on the skin of your inner thigh. The words coming out of his mouth were still new to you. The thought of Joe, your Joe, doing this to you and saying these words to you was something you never thought would be possible. 
Before you could say something else, you feel him ghost his fingers over your slit, feeling your wetness seeping out of your panties. “So wet for me,” he chuckles before he pulls down your panties and throws them to the side. 
You start to feel those nerves again, so you close your eyes, hoping rid of those thoughts. The cool air of the room hits your core at the same time as you feel Joe’s mouth lick a long stripe from your folds to your clit, sending the first waves of pleasure throughout your body. “Mmm,” you whimper as you throw your head to the side, your fingers twirling the strands of his hair as his mouth starts to go unhinged on your core.
Wet slurping sounds fill the room along with your breaths that are coming out in short gasps. Joe’s mouth was magic, pure magic, and you were mad at yourself for missing out on this for all those years you stayed away. 
“Joey, fuck don’t stop,” you shamelessly moan as you push his head closer to your core, feeling him groan into you as he continues to lap at your folds. You could feel his soft scruff rubbing against your lower half, the real feeling of it better than what you had imagined it felt like. 
“You taste like heaven,” he says as he presses kisses around your skin before attaching his lips to your sensitive clit, sending intense shocks of pleasure throughout your body.
“Fuck, Joe,” you moan as you start to arch your back, but he gently pushes you back down before moving his hand to cup your breast, his thumb sliding across your nipple while his mouth continues to send you to heaven. “God, you’re so good,” you whined. You were melting under his touch, letting him do whatever he wanted to you, and it felt so right. The way his mouth was worshipping you was sending you into overdrive, his soft lips caressing every part and making you lose all control, but you were trying to keep it together. 
He looked up for a few seconds, watching you struggle to hold it together as the sounds coming from your mouth were absolutely unhinged, a juxtaposition to your facial expression. He watched as your free hand was gripping the sheets, your knuckles losing color at the tight grip you had on them. Every time you moaned his name, it felt like everything would just stop, and he loved it. 
His hand slides down from your breast to your thigh, gripping the back of it to throw your leg over his shoulder, opening you up even more. You feel his tongue thrust into your core, just as you start to feel your pleasure building up while his thumb was rubbing circles around your clit. 
“I’m so close,” you whisper as you open up your eyes and look down at him, feeling incredibly dazed at the sight of him doing what he is doing right now. He moves his lips from your core up to your clit, rhythmically sucking and swirling the bud before you let out another moan. 
“Oh my god,” you whine as you feel your pleasure begging to be released. You let go of the sheets, stuffing both your hands into Joe’s hair and grinding against his mouth. The combination of his tongue and your movements push you towards your orgasm as you feel the band in your belly snap hard, seeing stars for the first time in a long time; almost feeling like you had just fallen into a cloud of pink dust and the room had just gotten 10 times brighter, and it was all because of the man in front of you. 
“Joe,” you whimper as you throw your head to the side and smile into the pillow, waves of pleasure crashing over you as he continues to lap at your folds, softly rubbing your shaking thighs and milking every last drop of your orgasm. He continued to lap at your folds, a little more delicately than before. Then he moved back up to your face, he watched as you continued to grin into the pillow, soft moans and whimpers still leaving your lips as you came down from your high. A few moments later, you open up your eyes, panting from the aftermath of your orgasm, seeing Joe’s face just inches from yours. 
His lips and chin were coated with your wetness, his cheeks were flushed, and his hair was all messy. He wiped his chin with his hand before bringing it to his mouth to clean your wetness off of him. 
“How was it?” he pants, praying that you enjoyed it and felt good. He wanted nothing more than to make you, the love of his life, feel good. It’s all he has ever wanted. 
“You’re really fucking good at that,” you breathe out before you pull him closer and kiss him again. You could taste yourself on his lips and that made the kiss even more sweeter. Your tongues tangled in each other's mouths as you moved your hands to his back, stuffing them underneath his shirt and tracing his torso with your freshly manicured nails. You pulled his shirt higher, signaling that you wanted it off. He pulled away from your lips for a few seconds and took his shirt off before going back to you, his lips sucking on your top lip, almost biting it at the feeling of your hands finding themselves inside his pants.
Before you got lost in his lips again, you pulled away, leaving him a little breathless and very needy. “Mm, come back,” he whispered as he moved to kiss you again.
“I think you forgot to take something else off too,” you say as hold his face just inches from your mouth while you look down at his pants.
“Damn, straight to it?” He laughed as he got off of you and started to take his pants off.
“We’ve been waiting for way too long for us to not get straight to it,” you say as you watch him take them off. The nerves only get stronger as your brain starts to fully wake up, and the thoughts of last night come right back. You were about to see him fully naked and have sex, and there was a very real possibility that he wouldn’t enjoy it. But at the same time, why wouldn’t he? He loves you, and he made it very clear that you were the one for him; you both wanted this to happen, and you even said it to each other’s faces many times. 
“No, No No. Stop it Y/N. He loves you,” you think to yourself, trying to get out of your head again. You watch as he is just left in his boxers, expecting him to pull them down any second, but he just stands there with a straight face. 
“Everything alright?” you ask him.
“I don’t have any condoms,” he says as he rubs the back of his neck. 
You stay silent for a few seconds, “I’m on the pill,” you tell him, feeling even more nervous at the thought of him fucking you without any barriers. 
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna force you into doing something if you don’t feel comfortable,” he asks.
“Joe, I promise you that it’s fine,” you say as you give him a sincere smile. 
He nods his head before he pulls down his boxers, your breath hitching as you look down and see him fully bare for the first time. You felt like you were back in high school and hooking up with a guy for the first time since you were feeling all of the same feelings again; excitement, hesitation, desire, and tension. 
“Are you still good?” He asks as he moves onto the bed, pumping his cock as he gets in between your legs.
“You’re just so-,”.
“I know,” he laughs. “But I promise, you can handle it,”.
“Oh really? What makes you so sure?” You tease.
“Because I know you and you never back down from a challenge,” he winks. 
You let out a soft laugh as you looked down again. Your smile faltered as the thoughts in your head only got louder and now your face was showing it, and he was noticing. 
“Hey, you okay?” he asked as he stopped and cupped your face.
“I’m fine,” you sigh.
“Talk to me, Y/N. I know you’re not fine,”.
You let out another sigh, knowing you could never lie to him, “Just nervous I guess,”.
“Am I making you nervous?” He asks as he moves a few strands of hair out of your face.
“No, no. God no. It’s just that I keep thinking you won’t like it, and then I think about the other girls that have been in this position before,” you confess.
He stares deeply into your eyes for a few seconds, his heart dropping at the thought of you feeling like this because you were thinking about other girls.
“You’re crazy if you think I won’t like this. And stop thinking about other girls,” he says. “Look around. You’re the only girl in my bed, you’re the only girl that will be in my bed, and you’re the only girl that gets to have me like this,” he reassures you. 
It felt as if your brain had just gotten a soft blanket and pillow, preparing itself to take a nap and finally turn off for the night, and it was because of Joe. He always got you out of your head when you were too far gone and this was just another example of it. 
“I love you,” you say as you look into his baby blue eyes, filled with desire for you. 
“I love you more than anything in the world. Will you finally let me show you?” He asks as he presses a kiss to your nose. 
“Of course,” you say as you press a deep and passion-filled kiss onto his lips.
He pulls away and says, “Let me know if you want to stop, let me know if it hurts, and let me know if it’s too much,”.
“Joe,” you blink.
“What?” he asks.
“I’ve had sex before,” you laugh.
“Okay, but you haven’t had sex with me before,” he says as he raises his brow.
“Fair point,” You giggle.
“Just know that I'm here and that you’re safe,” he says before you start to feel pressure down below, his cock slowly sliding through your drenched folds.
“Okay,” you whimper as you throw your head to the side, feeling a slight sting at the sensation of him stretching you out. A few gasps leave your lips at the fullness you felt, and then a whine when you feel him stop. “Don’t stop,” you said 
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he groans as he slides in all the way, feeling your cushiony walls wrap around him for the first time. 
“Joe,” you whisper, moving your face so that you are looking into each other's eyes. He starts to thrust into you, setting a slow pace so that you can get used to the feeling. The slow rhythmic pace he set made your toes curl, the feeling of him inside of you was unlike anything you’d ever felt before and you loved it. The way he held you close to him, the sounds leaving his lips, and the feeling of being fucked by him was all too much for you. 
Faint sounds of skin hitting skin filled the room as he moved deeper inside of you with each well-placed thrust. He grabbed your leg, cupping the back of your knee and placing it around his waist, opening you up even more for him to go deeper. 
“Yeah,” you moan as you feel him moving closer to your G-spot. The new angle allows him to move deeper into you, reaching new territory each time he pushes into you. 
“Does it feel good?” He pants as he presses kisses around your jaw.
“Feels fucking amazing,” you say as you open your eyes and move your other leg around his waist. You move your hand into his hair again and push his face closer to yours, soft moans leaving your mouth against his lips before he moves closer and captures your lips in a gentle kiss. 
A few seconds later, a well-placed thrust causes you to pull away, his cock grazing your G-spot.  “Joe, holy fuck,” you moan as you throw your head back against the pillow. You had him so close to you, but you wanted him closer. His pace was fulfilling, but you wanted more. “Joe,” you moan again as you open your eyes. 
“What, Baby?” he breathes out as he continues to thrust into your slick core.
“Fuck me,” you moan. “Fuck me harder, please,”.
He looked into your eyes for a few seconds, smiling at the sight of you begging for more and feeling like this because of him. You felt comfortable with him, and that’s all he wanted. You were the only girl that he wanted like this, and now that he had you, he felt like he was on top of the world. 
“I never thought I’d hear you say that, fuck, that’s hot,” he pants as he begins to thrust into you harder. He picked up the pace of his thrusts, the feeling of him pounding into your core with no barriers was too good and neither of you could get enough of it. 
“You feel so good,” he moaned at the feeling of his cock pumping into your core. You started to buck your hips against him, matching the pace of his rough thrusts and pushing you both into another realm of satisfaction. The sound of skin hitting skin only got louder, just like the sounds escaping both your mouths. One of his hands traveled to your chest, cupping your breast and teasing your nipple with his thumb. 
Hearing Joe like this was sending chills down your body, again thinking about how quickly things changed from innocent to whatever the hell this was between you two. It was pure passion, love, and desire that had built up between you both for years, and it was finally coming out in the best way possible. 
“Yeah,” you groan as you move further up the bed, his cock slamming into your cervix with each snap of his hips. You moved your hands to cup his back, helping him move against you as every stroke hit your pleasure point. 
“J- Joe,” you struggle to moan, his lips move down to your neck again, but this time nestled against the spot by your ear.
“You. Are. Un. Fucking. Real,” he whispers into your ear, punctuating each word with a rough thrust before dropping his head into the crook of your neck. He felt himself getting lost in your touch, the way you felt around him was unlike anything he had ever felt before with any other girl. The sounds escaping your lips, the smile on your face, the softness of your touch, it was all unreal. 
Joe continued to fuck you senseless, your pleasure building inside of you with every thrust. “Right there,” you smile as you feel him find another pleasure point inside of you, your breath coming out in short gasps again as you feel him slam into you harder, making sure he hits that spot just right. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he moaned as he felt your walls start to clench his cock. 
“Mmph, I’m close,” you whimper as you press a kiss to his forehead, prompting him to come out of your neck.
“Fuck,” he pants as his thrusts start to become more erratic. He could never get enough of you, the feeling of being balls deep inside of you was something he needed to feel all the time. He’d never felt this good with another girl before, you were something special. 
You felt your legs start to burn and a thin layer of sweat formed on your body. He moves one hand to grip your waist, his lips find their way to your mouth again, and his other hand starts to navigate down to your clit. The way he was touching you sent electricity through your veins. 
He starts to toy with your clit as his mouth crashes against yours, and a few rough thrusts later, you were clamping down on his cock. “I- I’m cumming,” you moan as you break away from the kiss, digging your head into the pillow again, feeling the band in your stomach tighten.
“I’ve got you,” he says as he presses a kiss to your cheek. Your arms wrapped around his back, drawing him closer to you as you felt the world stop.
“Joe!” you screamed as you felt your orgasm wash over you, your walls clenching his cock in a rhythmic manner making him groan. It felt like a rush of dopamine, a breath of fresh air, and like you were going down a big drop on a rollercoaster. All of which created a feeling of euphoria.
You whimpered and moaned at the feeling of your high; it was a feeling of raw satisfaction. You’d never felt like this with another guy before. Those thoughts and doubts you had were long gone as all you could focus on was the pleasure you were feeling at the man who made it happen. He managed to make you feel like the most extraordinary girl in the world earlier with everything he said to you, and now he just showed you that he meant everything he said. 
He was still moving, but not as strongly as he was before. You didn’t feel him reach his high yet, which made you a little nervous, so you were determined to get him there. You opened your eyes, seeing a content smile on his face as he slowly pumped into you.
“Don’t stop,” you said, maybe for the 50th time, your voice raspy from how fucked out you were. 
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna push you too much,” he said as he pressed a kiss on your nose. 
“Keep going, it’s perfect,” you whispered as you closed your eyes and let go of all your thoughts and feelings, letting him do whatever he wanted. You felt his pace pick back up, feeling him move closer and closer to his release. 
“Shit, I’m close,” he moaned as his thrusts became rougher. The soreness down below was setting in, but you didn’t care. All that mattered was that you wanted him to feel good, just like how he made you feel good. A few seconds later, you felt him still inside you and hot spurts of his release coating your walls, just as he gently pressed down onto your body, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he felt his high. The feeling of him inside you was magical, and something you could never get enough of.
“You’re so good, Y/N. Fuck, I love you,” he whispered into your ear, causing you to grin. You both lay there for a few moments, basking in the afterglow of what had just happened, your breaths steadying out. You thought about how exciting this was, getting to finally do this with Joe. Finally getting to be his girlfriend, finally being able to do what couples did. It was all you had ever wanted. 
He moved his face back to your view, seeing your flushed cheeks and messy hair along with the grin on your face. “H- How was it?” he asked as he slowly slid out of you, a hiss leaving your lips at the sensation. 
“I don’t think I can even begin to express how much I loved that,” you said as you pulled his face back down to yours, pressing a big kiss to his lips. “Wait, did you like it?” You asked him as you suddenly pulled away. 
“Does this answer your question?” He laughs as he moves back down and kisses you like he has never kissed you before in his life. “That was the best. You are amazing,” he said against your lips. 
He gets off of you a few moments later, walking into the bathroom to grab a washcloth to clean you up. Then, he walks into his closet and finds a t-shirt for you to slip on, as well as some fresh clothes for him. 
“Here,” he says, handing you one of his Bengals t-shirts. 
“I hope you know that you’re not getting this back,” you giggle as you sit up and slip the shirt on.
“Fine by me,” he shrugged as he put on shorts and clean boxers before sliding back into the bed.
“I should probably change these sheets,” he realized, starting to get back up but feeling your hand wrap around his arm, pulling him back down.
You toss your leg over him, holding him down to the bed. “Later,” you say as you move closer to his chest, his arm wrapping around your waist. 
“Someone’s feeling clingy,” he teased as he kissed your forehead. 
“Clingy, glowy, infatuated, in love. Whatever you want to call it,” you smile up at him. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked you as he rubbed your belly.
“Like I’ve just had the best sex of my life with the love of my life. I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on that,” you shake your head. 
“I feel the same way,” he chuckles. 
“Thank you for tonight,” you say as you press a kiss to his bare chest. “This was really special,”.
“Don’t thank me,” he says. “You deserve this. Only the best treatment for the girl of my dreams,” he smiles.
“I love you so much that it literally hurts,” you giggle as you hide your face in his chest.
His hand slides up and down your back, his heart bursting at the thought of you both together in this moment. “I loved you then, I love you now, and I’ll love you forever,” he whispered into your ear, making your cheeks turn another shade of crimson. You slide your hand up his chest, softly grazing your fingers over his muscular body and admiring the ring on your finger, having a moment of realization. 
“Hey, I just noticed something,” you say as you bring your hand to your face, admiring your ring. 
“What?” Joe asks as he looks down at you.
“I know you said there’s 9 diamonds for the 9 years we’ve known each other, but you know what else is 9?” you say as you look up at him, your words laced with love.
“What?” Joe asks, not catching on to what you were saying.
“You, silly,” you say as you pat his chest. “You’re number 9 and the ring has 9 diamonds. I’ll always have you with me even if we’re not always in the same place,” you giggle. 
“That’s actually really sweet and wasn’t even on purpose,” he cheeses. “But trust me, we’ll always be in the same place,”.
“Hmm, what about when you have to go to the team hotel the night before games? Or away games since I wouldn’t see you until after the game?”
“I’ll sneak you in. Show up in the mascot’s uniform, and just the uniform,” he winks. “I'm sure you’ll make it up to our floor if you make a good excuse,”
“Oh, I’ll make it up to your floor, I have spy-like reflexes, but I think they’ll realize that there’s a girl in your room once they hear us going at it,” you laugh into his chest. 
“Hey, they should appreciate that I’m letting my built-up tension and nerves out in a healthy way,” he shrugged. “Having your star QB all tensed and nervous before a game is a recipe for disaster,”. 
“You’re too much,” you blush.
“But you still love me,” he laughed, looking down at you.
You crane your head to his face, meeting his ocean-blue eyes that never fail to send butterflies into your body. “That I do,” you say as you shift your body so that you're on top of him, feeling a wet spot on the bed as you were doing so.
He watches as your face scrunches up, looking a little uncomfortable. “You good?” He asked.
“Hit a wet spot,” you laughed. “There’s a lot of body fluids on me and this bed right now,”.
“Do you want to shower?” He asked as the pads of his fingers massaged the plush skin of your thighs. 
“As long as we get to repeat this,” you mumble as you move your face closer to his.
“Already?” He asks as he raises his brow, stunned at your stamina.
“9 years Joey. 9 fucking years,” you laughed.
“Fair enough,” he says as he presses his lips against yours, sliding off the bed with your legs wrapped around his. 
“You might need some Advil after this,” he says as he opens the bathroom door. “I have a lot of energy,” he winks.
“I’d be mad if you didn’t,” you smiled against his shoulder, your entire body sizzling with anticipation. This was going to become a regular thing for you both, and that made your heart soar. He was perfect, your relationship was perfect, everything was perfect.
--The End--
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thisapplepielife · 2 days
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Written for the @corrodedcoffinfest June warm-up round.
Eddie Munson's Corroded Coffin Celebrity Full Metal Upside Down Memorial Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run 5K Race For Hunger
Prompt: Band on the Run | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: Future Fic, Middle Aged Famous Corroded Coffin, Established Relationship Steddie, Steve's Made Eddie Watch Too Much of The Office, Eddie Munson's a Runner, But Not Like This
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"How did we get roped into this again? Who do I need to kill?" Goodie asks, lifting his leg into the air by the leg of his shorts, until Jeff catches his heel, resting it on his thigh as he ties Goodie's running shoe for him. 
"It's for charity," Jeff answers, cinching the laces, tying them.
Eddie's lacing up his own shoes, and he definitely shouldn't have bought new ones for this. Rookie mistake. He'd be better off with his vintage Reebok's that he wore into the ground.
He stands up and looks at himself in the mirror. He looks ridiculous. He doesn't know the last time his legs have seen sunshine, and they look like little chicken legs, under his baggy, black shorts.
This was a mistake.
Gareth is stretching, a foot up on the arm of the hotel couch, and Steve is all but laying over his back, pressing against him. 
"Um, do we need to let you two get a room?" Eddie asks.
Steve chuckles, and Eddie loves the sound. 
"You just want me to do this to you instead," Steve snarks.
"Well, yeah. Fucking, duh. Always, forever," Eddie answers.
"No, we don't have time for that," Jeff answers, looking at his watch, "it's twenty-three minutes until we have to be at the starting line."
"This is my worst nightmare," Goodie bemoans, "It's high school PE all over again."
And Eddie grins at him, because he feels exactly the same way. Goodie's hit it right on the goddamn nose. 
"Agreed," Eddie says, "and look, Steve Harrington is even here, bullying us freaks."
"I didn't bully you. You were the bully," Steve banters back, because they've had this disagreement a thousand times. 
"Agree to disagree," Eddie says, playing his part. Then he looks at Steve's back, still plastered to Gareth in a way that Eddie would definitely be jealous about if he were doing it to anybody else. "How much money is this raising, again?" Eddie asks, because that's the only thing that's gonna get him out of this room and onto the street. 
Steve straightens back up, "With what you've matched? Nearly fifty thousand dollars."
"That'll feed a lot of kids," Eddie says.
"It will. Your fans have really come through."
"They just want to see us in shorts," Eddie mutters.
"Well, that's at least ten thousand of it, yes," Steve says, and Eddie's pretty sure he's serious.
"Ugh, I'm gonna die," Eddie whines.
"You won't. It's a 5K, not a marathon. Over and done in under an hour, I promise, even if you walk the whole thing."
"I'm definitely walking the whole thing," Eddie insists. 
"And that's fine," Steve tells him, again. "But I'm not."
"And that's fine," Eddie mocks. 
"At least the route's along the ocean, so your casual stroll will have a view," Steve says, goading him.
He's still not running. He's walking.
Eddie doesn't walk. He's too competitive, and he should have realized that long ago. Goddamn Steve for getting him into this. 
So, when Steve, Jeff, Gareth and Goodie take off, Eddie matches them. So much for not conforming. He's embarrassed for himself right now.
Steve pulls away quickly, getting further and further ahead, and then Jeff and Gareth settle in beside each other, which leaves him and Goodie.
He thinks as soon as Steve totally disappears, Goodie will walk, and then he can walk, too.
Goodie doesn't walk. He's not fast, but he's in shape. They all are. Playing live shows like they do, even now in their forties, is more cardio than they even realize. So, they jog along together, and aren't even last.
"Are you dying?" Eddie asks, glancing over at Goodie.
"No," Goodie answers. 
"Me either," Eddie admits. 
Eddie was pretty sure he was gonna be last, and he's a little disappointed he isn't.
Steve is at the finish line, and doesn't even look like he's broken a sweat. Not a hair out of place, that asshole.
Eddie's drenched, and he feels like he just played a three-hour set in the sun. He and Goodie didn't finish fast, but they finished strong. And Eddie only stopped running to take a few pictures with fans along the route, as happy to get the breather as the fans were to get the picture, he thinks.
The volunteer hands the finisher's medal to Steve, letting him do the honors, and Eddie sees how hard Steve is smiling as he holds it up to put on Eddie. So, Eddie smiles back and leans his head forward to accept it, as cameras click all around. It's embarrassing, but he turns on the stage charm, bows and shows it off. Kisses Steve, lets them take pictures that all the tabloids will run with their own spin. Some good, some bad. 
Then, he poses with the rest of the band with the comically large check made out to the children's charity of their choice. 
It was worth it, he guesses.
"Rub my calves," Eddie demands, putting his legs in Steve's lap back in the hotel room, freshly showered, and already feeling more human again. 
Steve laughs, but he digs his fingers into the meat of Eddie's muscles, and they are a little sore. Goddamn new shoes.
"I'm proud of you, you know," Steve says.
"Yeah, yeah," Eddie answers, brushing him off.
"No, I am. I always am, but extra today. I know this isn't your thing, but you did a lot of good today. You all did."
"Yeah, well…"
"And got some great press," Steve adds, and now he's talking.
"Did I look good?" Eddie asks, preening, flipping his hair.
Steve grins, "So good."
And then Steve moves, lowering Eddie's legs back to the couch, settling on top of Eddie, covering Eddie's body with his own.
He presses his lips to Eddie's, then pulls back and looks in his eyes, "This mean you're gonna start going on my morning runs with me?"
And Eddie feels no remorse, as he laughs right in his husband's face.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @corrodedcoffinfest and follow along with the fun! 🦇
Notes: Obviously the title comes from the Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin... race name from the Fun Run episode of The Office.
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naomikozura · 3 days
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Playing with Fire: Chapter 2
Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Fem!Reader (Criminal)
Trope: Enemies to Lovers, Forbidden Romance
Warnings: strong language, use of weapons, aggressive fighting, harassment, murder/killing people, bombs and explosives, mention of burn injuries (minor) , mentions of gang violence (minor), emotional turmoil (if you squint) (lmk if I missed any!)
WC: 6.7K
Summary: The last few weeks have been filled with busy jobs, this one is no different. Sneaking into a secure server base containing everything you need seems easy enough but what happens when a simple mission turns into a death trap? You fight for your life, but not without playing for the upper hand.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 3
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Your legs hung off the edge of the desk, looking over at Carmine who was talking to one of the other girls. Sionis and Penguin talking over their next move. Sionis, per usual, was cursing about Red destroying another one of his operations, trying to find a way to get this man’s head in his trophy case. 
“He hijacked the entire shipment of kryptonite. Do you know how expensive kryptonite is?!”, you heard him stress out loud, though you knew that kryptonite was expensive, around $25,000 per gram. This entire shipment was probably well over $50 million due to the amount of cases he had on the boat. 
You knew a loss that big made Red be on Sionis’ rader even more. The one thing Sionis hated more than anything was losing money. This case, $50 million.
“We need to trick him,'' you heard Sionis say. Turning to look at you, then he smirked. “Why don’t we set a trap for him, a pretty one.”, he lifted your chin to look at him. Your eyes shifting to hatred in a split second. “You know how to seduce men, especially with this body of yours.”, you wanted to punch him in the face. The fact that this man was completely oblivious to who he was talking to. 
You really wanted to punch him, but you heard Penguin speak up, “Sionis. You make another comment as brainless as that again, I’ll make sure my men get off protection for your operation.”, you silently thanked him. Sionis stepping back. You kept your eyes on him, his tall stature disappearing through the door to ask for another drink. You turned to the Boss who looked at you and handed you your gun back. He had replaced the bullets in it, ensuring you kept it loaded no matter what. You took the pistol from him and placed it on the inside of your shorts. 
Penguin had moved into the office for a moment, having a call as you stayed in the main room with Black Mask. You watched as he stared at you, not hiding his obvious interest in you. 
“Y/n, what’s a man gotta do to get a little attention around here?”, he asked openly, drink in his hand as he took another sip. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. “You’d have to be easy to look at first of all”, his eyes narrowed as a wide smile cracked on his face. 
“You’re a spitfire aren’t you?”, he leaned forward. “Is that why so many men want a piece of you? Because you leave them on their toes? You playin’ hard to get?”
“You really don’t know when to quit so you?”
“Give me a chance. You won’t know what it’s like to be with a real man until you’ve been with someone like me”, his voice made you cringe. How did this fucker gain so much confidence in himself when he was horrid to look at. 
“Not. A. Chance.”, you bit out.
“C’mon sweets, let’s have some fun” he tried getting closer to you, your body in fight mode as you pushed him off. 
“Let me go mother fucker!”, you pushed him, angry that he could accept no as an answer. 
“You don’t even realize what you're doing”, he cursed, his eyes narrowed at you as he planted a hand next to your head. Your body flush against the wall as he towered over you. “You could have it all, sweetheart.”
“I already have it all. I did it all on my own.”, you said through clenched teeth. “I don’t need anything from you.”
“Alright, Y/n. But you’ll come around sooner than later.”, he laughed before walking back to the couch, leaving the taste of disgust in your mouth. 
You couldn’t understand why Black Mask had taken a liking to you, or when it would stop but you needed to keep him at a distance. He may be one of the boss’s partners but you were skeptical of him and didn’t trust his motives. 
He helped keep money in your pockets and you knew he would be the one to help bring down the Red Hood but for some reason, even with all that you couldn’t bring yourself to let him off the hook.
Your intuition was never wrong, you could always sense out when people stood by their word and when they didn’t.
Sionis was one of those who didn’t.
You turned back over to Penguin as he stepped out of the office, holding a paper and handing it to you. It was a court document with the name and release date of an Arkham Asylum prisoner. Why would they need to come out?
“He gets released in three months. He will be our biggest playing card to take down the Red Hood. Maybe we can find a way to expedite his release.”, Penguin mentioned, your attention fully on the person on paper. It was true they were a heavy hitter, but three months was a long time and would result in more loss of revenue if the Boss waited that long. Then again, Penguin had ties on the inside that could help get the release date to get moved up. 
“What do we do until the process pulls through?”, you asked, setting the paper down as Sionis picked it up. 
“You can work on the Calvi case.”, he mentioned. 
“How are we busting him out? I want him to catch the Red Hood tomorrow!”, Black Mask muttered as he threw the paper back on the table. 
“Patience. For the meantime, we’ll keep business as usual and make sure Hood can’t get in on our jobs. So far it seems he’s only getting on certain operations. We’ve been keeping track and it seems he only goes for high grade weapons.”, Penguin took a sip of his drink before setting it down. “He might be trying to get someone’s attention.”
“Is it the Bats?”
“Who knows. But if it is, we will plan accordingly and make sure we can get both of them.”
“Two birds, one stone”, you said softly.
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“There is a building that holds high range bombs, get intel on how they got into these fucker’s hands from our manufacturer.”
Black Mask’s words rang in your head, Carmine’s intel helping you locate the building holding the ammunition and bombs. There had been a spike in Black Mask’s trades being raided by Red Hood, causing there to be more of Sionis’s men betraying him in the process in order to not get killed. 
What a waste of a worker because Black Mask would kill them anyway after finding out about their double cross. 
One thing you learned about working for men like them was to never betray them. They enjoyed killing traitors almost as much as they enjoyed getting hundreds of thousands of dollars after every job. It was a risky game to play and you would never find yourself in that situation even if your life depended on it. Your loyalties lied with Penguin and his partners. No where else. 
You managed to drop into the building from the other skyscrapers surrounding it, breaking in through a window after disarming the security cameras in your section and finding a vent to climb into in order to spy on the workers. 
You crawled through the vent and tried to navigate into the tech room where the main information database was. It would be almost too easy to get in and get the intel you needed to ensure you could find which one of the workers traded explosives over to this mystery buyer and betrayed Black mask. 
You loosened the screws on the vent cover, placing it gently to the side and you dropped into the server room in smooth silence. You looked over at the master computer, all the information you needed all held within its drive. You needed to hack into the system, download the current intel, and leave. That was your mission but it wouldn’t be what you would do. You weren’t going to download just the past month of information. You were going to download it all then completely delete it from the cloud to ensure Two-Face’s partners couldn’t get into it. 
You quickly plugged your device into the tower, breaking through the first security wall in record time before you managed to bypass the second security wall. You skimmed through the files before you found what you were looking for, connecting the USB into the main server and back into your computer you had built into your suit. It was similar to what Batman used in the field to find information, a simple copy and built out even better than his was. Once you saw the flash of the information downloading, you managed to look into some of the files, noticing a few names that stuck out to you. 
Black Mask.
Why were all these names on the server?
You were downloading all the information so you were certain you’d be able to dig into the files later. You kept skimming until one especially caught your attention. 
Red Hood.
You stared at the name for a second before clicking into the file, starting to read into it before you heard a crash behind you, your head snapping back to the door before you heard the sound of men talking. You quickly finish out the downloads, having all the information onto your drive and your computer, pulling out the USB and flash drive and stuffing them into your utility belt.
The sound of the men approached faster as you quickly coded in the virus to delete all of the information in the server room, setting it to detonate the system in 10 minutes so you had time to leave, putting the computer in sleep mode as the room darkened. Just as the door handle turned and the men barged into the room, you jumped into the ceiling, quickly pushing yourself away from the vent so they couldn’t look up and see you. 
Your heart was pounding in your chest at the close call, slowly backing away as you moved down one of the other pathways in the vent. 
The narrow path ended up leading into a big meeting room, looking down you noticed a bunch of men gathered around talking about some business you couldn’t quite make out. You focused on their conversation, hearing Two Face’s name come up along with Black Mask’s and Penguin’s. 
Was this where the traitor was? You looked through the slits in the vent, moving your head around to get a better view of who all was present in the room. You held your breath, staying even as you moved forward an inch, observing the room before you felt a sense of panic set in. 
You pushed yourself back, the gunshots missing you by an inch before you tried to move through the vents, the loud sound of gunshots shooting off triggered a fight or flight response, leaving you trapped at your limited space before you heard a man yell. 
“Get whoever is in the vent! We cannot let them get out alive!”
You crawled through the vent, reaching an empty hallway as you undid the screws to the vent, quickly placing it to the side as you jumped down to try and find an escape. 
Just as you fell down, you felt a body slam into you, causing you to fall to the ground and slam into the wall. You rubbed the side of your head, looking up in confusion as your face contorted in shock and annoyance. 
You cannot be fucking serious.
You cursed as you watched his head rise and meet your eye line. “Oh, this is rich.”, he muttered before pushing to his feet and running down the hall. Your head snapped to watch him, hearing as voices sounded from a few meters away before you also rose to your feet and followed behind the red hooded vigilante. 
You followed as he pushed through a door, jumping out of the window and using his grappling hook to smash into the window of the floor below. Why must he be so extra?!
You didn’t have time to think before you also jumped out the window, following suit and using your grappling hook to twist into the already broken window and land into the room. As you jumped in and stood, you noticed Red holding a gun aimed at you, your eyes meeting his as you jumped out of the way as the gunshot rang out. 
Your body twisted out of the way, pushing yourself off the ground and lunging at him with your serrated knife. He moved out of the way as he tried to reach for you but you were quick, slipping past him as you ran out the door and down the hall. You were in a building that had a bunch of stairs, railings that separated a top floor from the floor below, just like a hospital. You could hear him behind you as he tried chasing you, but you jumped over the railing and landed on the ground right below the stairs. Hearing as he aimed at you and his gun went off, the bullet barely missed by a centimeter before you threw yourself on the ground, turning your body and shooting back at him with your own gun, watching as the bullet dug into his shoulder. 
You watched as he gripped where the bullet entered, quickly using his delay to run down one of the halls and into a room that was dark and empty. It looked like a storage room but you managed to shut the door and close it, taking a moment to catch your breath. 
Why was he here?
You pulled up the building's blueprints, seeing the entire layout of the 70 story building. 
The room that had the explosives and ammunition in it was five stories above and you were on floor 50. 
Shouldn’t be too hard to go up so long as Red didn’t see you or the men working here didn’t try to kill you. 
Both out to kill you. 
You quickly took a deep breath, trying to plan an escape route before you heard the onslaught of bullets raiding the room you just came from. They must’ve seen Red. 
You quickly used the distraction as a way to slip out, watching as the men had a full blown shootout with Red. You quickly found the door that led to the staircase, watching the men to ensure you weren’t being spotted. You slid through the chaos seamlessly, almost reaching the door before you felt a bullet graze your ear and hit the wall next to you. You looked up and saw Red pointing his gun at you, giving away your silent escape. It made the men working in the building put their full attention on you, rushing towards you as you quickly ran out to the staircase, the men shooting bullets at you as you saw the massive drop down the stairs. You contemplated for a moment, before hearing the men barge through the doors. 
Now or never. 
You got up on the railing and pushed yourself off, using the momentum to fall down faster before using your grappling hook to grab onto the railing and pull yourself over to the side. The bullets were still raining down as the men ran down the stairs. 
You looked at the number on the staircase.
Floor 40. 
You punched the floor in anger, trying to get your shit together before this entire mission went to shit. Red had to ruin everything. You wanted a bullet in his head and you wanted to watch him bleed out. 
You pushed yourself up, grabbing the door handle and trying to find an alternative route. 
You noticed the elevator. It was a stupid idea, but the stairway was blocked and you probably had a better chance at reaching level 55 through there than you did the stairs. 
The outside of the building also left you too exposed. The vents were not interconnected to go upwards so the only real option was the elevator. 
You quickly ran over, pressing the up button as it dinged open. 
You walked in and pressed level 55, the doors closing as you watched the number go up slowly.
43, 44, 45, 46, 47… 
The door dinged open, your eyes making contact with an older, gray haired man. You pulled out your gun only for him to push it upward, the bullet escaping the elevator as he shoved his way in. The door closed and he kept trying to aim punches at you, your body twisted around and dodging but he still managed to land a few hits. He wrapped an arm around your throat, having you in a headlock as he tried to suffocate you. You struggled against him before using the wall of the elevator to push off and hit him on the other side of the small space. 
“You little bitch.”, he muttered as he threw another hit at you, hitting you in the stomach as you managed to dig your knife out of the sheath and dig it into his leg, shoving it full force and pulling it out before you dug it into the curve of his neck, his eyes wide in shock as you held his gaze. 
You wanted this motherfucker’s last thing to see to be you. You wanted him to know not to mess with Penguin or Black Mask. You needed them to know not to fuck with you. 
“I’ve been called worse.” you bit out as you pulled the knife out, watching as he choked on his own blood, the anger in your eyes as he reached an arm out, his strangled noises sounding out as he struggled to make noise. His blood staining your boots and the bottom of your suit. 
Your narrowed eyes stayed focused on him until you visibly saw life vanish from his eyes.
The elevator doors opening and the ding sounding out right as his eyes faded into a gray nothingness.  
Little bitch. 
You walked out, looking around to see if any of the men were nearby, carefully treading through the floor as you pulled up the blueprints, the ammunition room just a few hallways down. You quickly moved through the halls before a wave of annoyance flooded through your veins. 
Two more men rounded the corner, the guns aimed at you as an endless round of bullets sounded out, your body quickly moving around and jumping up, kicking one of them in the head with your solid boot as you twisted around and threw your knife into the shoulder of the other man. 
You quickly jumped on his shoulders, pushing the knife in and your hands gripping his head, your eyes meeting his wide ones before you smirked and cracked his neck to the side, snapping it as his lifeless body fell to the ground. You pulled the knife out of his shoulder, ripping his flesh as the blood stained the ground before lifting the other's head off the ground. 
“200 rounds a second and you’re still too slow.”, you bit out. “Now let’s use the last of your life span for good. Who sold the ammunition and explosives to your buyer?”
“As if I would tell you, you bitch.”, he bit out. “But what does it matter, our job is being carried out tonight.”
You narrowed your eyes, digging your knife into the man’s shoulder. 
“I won’t fucking ask again. Next time, it’s through your thick skull.”, you threatened, your face getting closer to his before you repeated yourself. “Who sold you deadbeats the ammunition?”
The venom in your voice made the impact of your words hit harder, but the man laughed maniacally before he tried reaching for his gun. You had about enough of these brainless henchmen. 
You ripped the knife out of his shoulder, slamming it into the middle of his skull and twisting it, watching as he faded into a shell of a body. 
You pulled the knife out, cleaning the blood on the henchman’s body before putting it back into the sheath. 
The blueprints showed the ammunition was in the room around the corner, following its directions and pushing the door open. 
Your body stopped in your tracks. 
Oh fuck.
Your body moved forward, taking in the sight in front of you. 
There were crates of live ammunition filling the entirety of the wall, a live bomb in the middle of the room. It was at least 500 pounds. What were they fucking doing with this? What were they planning?
You moved around the ammunition, trying to ensure you didn’t set anything off. You examined the boxes, scanning the small codes on the crates trying to get the information from the distributor. The information was basic, it only had the type of ammunition, the weapon it could be used for and the address of the building. No real intel into who was in charge of the trade. 
A part of you guessed it might’ve been Red who orchestrated this whole thing, but he wasn’t in good with most of the dealers in Gotham, only those who had no power. Who could it have been?
You walked through the room, walking up to the bomb and examining it, the anxiety seeping into your bones. 
“You sure know how to leave a blood trail don’t you sweetheart?”
You turned, quickly aiming your gun at the voice. Red. 
“Really? You’re going to risk shooting me and setting that”, he motioned at the bomb. “Off?”
You looked at the bomb, then met his gaze again before letting the gun fall. 
“No.”, you muttered. “I’m not here for this. Take it for all I care.”
You walked towards the door, trying to get past him and leave the death trap behind you but you felt his hand wrap around your wrist and slam you into the ground. You let out a grunt in pain before twisting your body around, trying to fight his grasp. You wriggled under him as his body weighed on yours. 
“Careful sweetheart, you can’t afford a third strike.”
“Fuck off.”, you met his gaze, his bright helmet in your face as your eyes hardened.
“As much as I enjoy our little run-ins, I can’t have you leaving with that flash drive.”
You noticed his hand brushing against your sides, his touch leaving your skin full of heat and irritation. You pushed your hips upward, slamming into him with force to throw him off of you. You bit into his hand, using the only opening you had to get him to loosen his grip. 
Your body twisted out of his grasp, pushing yourself to your feet before you stopped in your tracks. That smell….
“Oh, I love feisty women.”, Red said with a smirk in his tone. You almost physically gagged at his comment. You had about enough of men with huge egos. 
“Red.”, you said seriously. 
“C’mon sweetheart, show me what Penguin’s training has done for you.”
You ran at him, jumping and swinging your foot around and hitting him on the side of his head, hearing the subtle crack of his helmet. He lifted his arms up, throwing hits at you as you moved to avoid the direct hits. He swung around, his hand gripping around your throat as you tried grabbing for your knife, your oxygen being cut off. His grip tightened, throwing you to the ground before placing a boot on your chest, your hands wrapping around his ankle. 
“Get off of me!”, you struggled against his weight, hitting him with forceful punches to try and get him off. 
“I like seeing you under me like this, it makes this entire job worth it.”
He could not be fucking serious right now!
“Red!”, you yelled at him. You could feel your senses going into overdrive, the smell filling the room faster by the second. You were surprised he hadn’t felt it yet. 
An alarm rang out and he finally stepped away from you, the crackling sound faint but growing by the second. He looked towards the door, seeing the bright red burn in the hallway. “Well, it was fun sweetheart, see you on our next date.”. 
He turned to leave, jumping out the window and climbing up the side of the building. You could feel the smell getting stronger, the building getting hotter and the smell of smoke growing. You were not going to die here. You walked over to the window, pulling yourself out and going up the side of the building. 
Red had already made it to the top, looking over the ledge to ensure you weren’t following. His eyes narrowed and laughed at himself. 
Good luck, Sweetheart. 
He turned, starting to run to jump off of the building, stopping in his tracks at the sight of you pointing a gun at him. “Where do you think you’re going?”, you kept your gun pointed at him, aiming for the center of his helmet, his eyes narrowing. 
“You’re doing this now?”, he bit, his hands balled into fists in annoyance.
“Is the big bad wolf of Gotham scared of a little fire?”
“The fucking building is covered in gasoline, there’s a 500 pound bomb in the building that could go off at any second and you’re trying to fucking taunt me?”
“Is that a yes?” you cocked your head.
“You’re insane”, he threw at you, his body ready to get out of this death trap. 
“”I’ve been called worse.”, you grinned, it was a game of chicken, first to break would be giving up the upper hand. The crackling of the fire expanded, the sound of the floors collapsing ringing out as Red stared at you, his body language showing that he was stuck in between staying or running. You knew it was stupid, you knew it could get you killed but a part of you didn’t care. You wanted to show him you weren’t scared, that he wasn’t as big and bad as he made himself out to be. The Red Hood was just as human as anyone else. You were forcing him into a corner and you were loving it. 
The fire surrounded the both of you, the faint ringing of the bomb about to go off, the five second alarm, you smirked. 
“Goddammit!”, he yelled, pushing his guns back into his holsters and watching the building start to collapse behind you, only having milliseconds before the entire building caved. 
You both turned at the same time, trying to keep up with the semi stable ground as the floor caved under your feet, almost cashing you to trip. You kept running to the ledge and launching yourself over the edge, falling down towards the street, you turned to see the building combust into a cloud of smoke and ember. You went to grab your grappling hook, your aim towards the building across, only to see the trigger fail. You kept trying it before you realized it was broken. The building slowly collapsing, the impact almost throwing you off as you felt a burning sensation in your arm. 
Your head blanked, your anger about to consume you before you felt an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you in. You felt your body flush against Red as he swung the two of you into the nearby building and broke the window as you tumbled to the ground, your lungs burning for fresh air. You heard the glass shatter around you, your heart pounding in your chest. The force of the explosion had broken the windows around you, the glass chattering on the floor. 
Holy Shit. 
You really just forced Red Hood into a corner. And won. 
Red’s body covered yours, your frame right under his as the glass surrounded you and the burning heat radiated from the building next door. You turned to look at him, his body next to yours as you felt a heat radiating off of his body. His arms still wrapped around you before you pushed yourself away from him and rose to your feet. 
“You have a death wish”, he bit out for the second time. You rolled your eyes before walking back over to the ledge, looking out the window and watching the building as it burned from the explosives. 
“Where are you going?”, he pushed himself off the ground, watching as your eyes stayed focused on the fire. 
“I’m going home.”, you bit out, his figure moving closer to yours as he looked at the burning building. 
“You have a burn on your arm.”, he pointed out as you raised your arm up to see the burn, still not registering in your head due to the adrenaline. 
“I think I’ll survive.”, you turned to leave, his hand wrapping around your wrist, your body reacting naturally and pulling away. “What the hell?!”
“That burn looks like it’s a first, possibly second degree, you need to get it checked out and wrapped.”
“I said, I’m fine.”, you turned and he stepped in front of you, narrowing his eyes as he grabbed your arm, pulling out a small bandage and a container containing burn cream. He placed some on your arm before wrapping the bandage around, securing it before you even had time to disagree. 
You watched him with intent eyes, your pride not allowing you to thank the hooded vigilante. Hell, you shouldn’t even allow him to help you. You should just put a bullet through his head right now. If Penguin or Black Mask saw you right now… 
He finished wrapping your arm, his gaze focused on you and the silence building an unbreakable tension, your eyes locked on each other, his hand still on your arm. Neither of you moved, his body close to yours as you felt your eyes soften a fraction before snapping out of your trance. 
You pulled away from him, turning towards the opposite side of the building, the silence growing. You had nothing to say to him. He was the enemy. You had one mission and that was to kill him. You kept repeating that to yourself, letting him off the hook this once just for helping you. 
“Make sure to change the wrapping in two days or it’ll get worse.”, your ears perked at his voice, turning to look at him but he was already gone by the time you looked back.
This will be your only free pass. 
You thought to yourself before turning towards the door, and getting out of the abandoned building, heading home to get some rest from the stress of the night.
Your intel could be shared tomorrow. 
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The past few days went by quickly, your burn had gotten better and you felt a lot stronger after you let your body rest. You had a hard time breathing after the fire and Penguin gave you a connection to the doctor he had on his payroll. He only stated you had a bit of smoke inhalation and it was nothing serious. You just needed a few days off to rest and recuperate your energy. So you spent the days after the fire cleaning your apartment, taking a few walks around the city, and enjoying your short lived time off before you returned to work that weekend. 
Later that night, you wandered to the roof of your apartment building, wearing only pajama shorts and a crop top and left your entire midsection exposed to the wind. You looked down at the road beneath you, remembering the lifetime you once lived in when you’d sit on the roof of that old building with Robin. You couldn’t bring yourself to forget him even after six years, it felt strange especially when you still held a piece of him with you. Just when you thought you would get to know the real him, he vanished. You never got to know him, you only knew he belonged to the life you’d hoped to never be a part of and that he belonged to Batman. He knew the hate you had for the city, the cruelty it had brought onto you. He understood and he comforted you. He was probably the only person in Gotham who understood you back then, and yet, he disappeared. 
You felt anger as you gently touched the necklace that he gifted you for your birthday so long ago. It was your good luck charm. It had kept you alive for months, keeping you out of danger. The only time you didn’t have it on, you almost got killed in a street mugging only to be saved by Penguin at such a young age. He trained you, prepared you for this life and his payout made you stay. You couldn’t refuse his offer to work under him. You had become part of the very life you swore you’d never go into. Now, it was too late to turn back. 
You replayed the words Red had told you, saying you weren’t special but you knew that your specialties were coveted all around the underground circles of Gotham. You were smarter, more calculated and strategic than the majority of the men in Gotham. You had earned your place and you were not going to let some power hungry lowlife tell you otherwise. 
You stayed focused on the moving vehicles down below, taking in the lights illuminating the street as you let out a breath, your shoulders dropping as you stayed still. You didn’t move, you couldn’t feel anything. You just felt…. Tired. Exhausted. Burned out. You couldn’t even bring yourself to move when you felt the cold press as the barrel of the gun was pointed to the back of your head. 
“Hey, Sweetheart.”, the distorted voice sounded from behind you, his form an arm length away as his arm stayed up, cocking his gun as it stayed glued to your head. 
You turned your head slightly, enough for your eye to look back at him, the tiredness evident from the bags under your eyes and the stress marked in the lines of your face. Red didn’t care, you knew he didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was him getting rid of you and keeping you out of his way. 
“Are you going to shoot me?”, you asked flatly, unsure as to why you would question him when he had the upper hand in this situation. You couldn’t bring yourself to care how the hell he even found you here, your tiredness overwhelming your senses. You were ready to crash. 
After the eventful week you had, you couldn’t give a damn if he truly chose to pull the trigger, a part of you cocky enough to believe he wouldn’t actually do it. He would have already if he was serious. 
“It’ll send my message to your pig of a boss.”, his annoyed tone still managed to stay evident through his distorter, causing you to scoff silently to yourself. 
“Do it then”, challenging him was the worst thing you could do right now, but a part of you wanted to test his limits. How ruthless was Gotham’s infamous new cold-blooded killer? “You’ve been trying to kill me for the past month now, what’s stopping you now that you have a clear shot?”
Your eye contact didn’t break, the gun pointed at the center of your head as you turned around. He stayed locked on your gaze, his eyes narrowing as you watched him uncock the gun and put it back into the holster that was wrapped around his muscular thighs. “Go before I change my mind.”, his voice was clipped, almost in annoyance.
“You followed me. I don’t have to go anywhere, asshole.”, you scoffed. 
“Go. Home.”, he stepped towards you, his body towering over yours, still not breaking eye contact with you. “Don’t make me take back my act of kindness”
“You’re anything but kind.”, you spat at him, the poison in your words falling flat from the tiredness. His body leaned over yours, focused on you as you held his gaze.
You could tell he was hot with anger with the way his body tensed. You felt another wave of words come up your throat, the sentence quickly dying as he put his hand around your throat. Not tight enough to hurt you, but enough to keep you quiet. 
“I won’t repeat myself again, (Y/n).”, he moved you closer to him. “Go. Home.” You glared at him before delivering a hit to the side of his neck, forcing him to let you go. 
You stepped back, ready to retaliate if he touched you again. He rubbed the sore spot before running at you, letting you jump over him, twisting your body in order to deliver a kick to the back of his head. You noticed a small crack on the back of his helmet, the kick delivering the damage. 
You landed on your feet and he punched the ground, his arms flexing as he pushed himself up, his eyes narrowed on you. You ran toward him, trying to land another hit but he grabbed your arm and flung you over his shoulder, the concrete making your bones crack. 
You tried charging at him again, jumping over him only to feel his hands grab your ankle and slam you down, your head connecting with the ground hard enough to leave you with a possible concussion. 
You tried to stand, only to feel that familiar combat boot on your chest. You wrapped your hands around his ankle, trying to get the weight off but stopped when you heard the cocking of his pistol. He stood over you, arm outstretched as he aimed the gun at your head for the second time tonight. 
You grunted, punching his leg only to be met with the hardness of kevlar plates. The oxygen was slowly fading, you knew he was trying to immobilize you and apparently making you suffocate was his favorite way of doing so. 
“Get off of me!”, you struggled against his weight.
“I told you to go before I changed my mind, sweetheart.”, his gun still locked on you. 
You punched his leg, trying to wriggle out from under his boot but failed. He didn’t falter, he just pushed his boot further down. 
“Let me go god dammit!”
“You really think I'll let you go after you just pulled this shit?”
“Just let me go!”, you struggled, finally stopping as you met his eyeline. Your eyes were filled with tiredness, anger, resentment, but you lost all your energy to try and fight him. You kept squirming until you felt the massive combat boot pull off your chest. You quickly stood to your feet taking a few steps backward. This bastard had it coming. 
“Go.” he pushed the guns into their holsters, turning away as you stood there panting. You didn’t say a word, unsure of what to say or do. You needed to go home. You relaxed, moving around him to head back to the ladder that led to your apartment window. As you reached the ledge, that distorted voice rang out. 
“This is a one time deal.” his voice called “Next time, I won't hesitate to shoot.”
You turned to look at him, but by the time you did he was already gone. You started down the ladder, reaching the window and forcing it open, climbing in and locking it.
You started undressing, ripping the clothes off as the sweat stuck to your body. You felt gross, exhausted, sore. The shower couldn’t wait anymore. you turned the handle and let the water warm, not before examining yourself in the mirror. 
Bruises, gashes, burns, and cuts littered your body, from your shoulders to your stomach and thighs, you were covered in them. You examined each one, taking in and remembering exactly how you got them. Each one from a job, an operation gone wrong, or most recently, encounters with Red. You didn’t know how much longer your body could take dealing with the physical trauma from the jobs you were given, but you needed to tough it out if you were ever going to get out of Gotham.
You walked under the water, the warmth flooding over your body. Rubbing all the dirt and sweat off before you turned it off and stepped out, changing into an oversized shirt and drying your hair. You looked out the window, the light shining in before you turned over and fell asleep, the day finally catching up to you as you drifted out of consciousness. 
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This chapter might be one of the shorter ones I’ll end up writing, just to get things moving along. I already have Chapter 3 in drafts and it’s roughly 10K like chapter 1. Can’t say every chapter will be that long but we have a lot to cover to king chapters it is!
I truly hope you’re enjoying this series as much as I am writing it and please share, like, comment! Give me your thoughts I would love to hear them!
See you next week! xx.
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kooqitas · 15 hours
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#pairing: teacher!jungkook x reader.
#genre: smut | #w.c: ~2200
#synopsis: after everything that happened in the classroom, jungkook invites you to have a drink at his apartment, and of course, you wouldn't miss the chance to fuck with your criminal law teacher again.
#warnings: vaginal sex, unprotected sex, rough sex, humiliation, overstimulation, creampie, pet names, anal mention, squirting.
#notes: not proofread, english isn't my first language!
★ read part 1 here | ★ m.list | inbox :D
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you took a deep breath as you rang the doorbell. you couldn't deny it, you were nervous as hell. there was a huge difference between being in a classroom and at jungkook's home, and you took a deep breath when you heard the door being unlocked.
jungkook came, a few seconds later and the first thing you notice was how pretty your teacher is, fuck!
unlike criminal law classes, jungkook didn’t wear a formal clothes. he just wore a shirt and sweatpants. and he was fucking hot.
the second thing you noticed was how many tattoos he have. in all over his right arm… you knew he had some tattoos because he sometimes slipped through his shirt sleeve, but you never thought he would have his arm all covered.
“hi, you came!” he said, holding your waist and giving your cheek a kiss. “i’m cooking!”
jungkook was fragrant, and seeing him in a casual style was turning all your  nervousness into pure arousal. then you smiled upon entering the apartment, noticing that everything there smelled like jungkook.
honestly, when you fucked with your teacher you thought it was just a only one sex, so being in his apartment now is something… unexpected.
but good, really good!
“dry or smooth wine?” jungkook asked to you.
“oh, whatever!”
“do you want a drink? if you want i can do a caipirinha, pina colada, maybe skinny bitch or cuba libre, i don’t know…” jungkook seemed to be trying to please you, and you definitely felt things from that.
“no, relax, don’t worry, i like smooth wine.”
“right!” jungkook said, taking the wine out of the fridge and smiling at you. “god, you are so fucking pretty!” he served you, pulling out the chair for you to sit at the kitchen counter.
you talked for a few minutes, jungkook was really different from 'mrs jeon', there in his kitchen, he just seemed like a very attractive guy who flirts with you and not the teacher who fucked you in the classroom.
he was so handsome, the way he smiled and had fun, without the authoritarian tone he used in the classroom, you didn't know this side of jungkook, but you were certainly loving getting to know like that.
you ate, drank and lay on the couch to watch a movie together, but the situation made you a little strange, and jungkook noticed.
“are you okay, baby?” he asked, stopping the caress he was making with his fingertips on your thigh.
“yes… just…”
“i just thought that you invited me to… to fuck…” 
your own sincerity scared you, but it was true, jungkook was being docile and affectionate, totally different from the man who fucked you hard on the classroom table. what’s happening?
“oh… and is right!” he confessed. “but i like to talk with you too… is just… i thought you wanted some atmosphere for this so i cooked it and… anyway…”
jungkook raised his body a little, pressing yours.
“i just say ‘hi’ and take you to my bed?” he laughed.
“oh, i want this atmosphere too, but i jut thought that you just…”
“hm… yeah.” you admitted.
“i could do that but, i like the atmosphere here now, all the tension before we make the sex even better, don't you think, sweetheart?”
“but my nasty little girl can't wait to get a good rough fuck, right?”
your stomach dropped at jungkook's words, getting worse as he sneaked closer to you. you just gasped. 
“i made a question, whore!”
jungkook's eye changed completely, it was dark, black, a malice that in all those moments wasn't present there, jungkook looked like he would devour you at any moment.
and well... he would…
“i had all the trouble of making dinner, and all you can think about is my cock?”
he asked, clearly judging you. the hairs on the back of your neck standing up at the rude tone of voice he uses.
the tone of his voice made a vibration in your belly, having jungkook talking to you like that was taking away your sanity. you stared at his tattooed arm, it being the first time you had seen him, you knew the law professor had some, but you didn't expect his arm to be completely closed. god, there wasn't a blank space there, that was fucking hot. 
imagine his tattooed arm circling your waist as he thrusts deeper and deeper into you, calling you all the dirty things you love so much…
“is that?” his large hand clamped down on your jaw, forcing you to look into his eyes brimming with lust.
“y-yes.” you shamefully confessed. “i want your cock.”
jungkook slid his thumb into your mouth “i took great care to prepare dinner, and all you were thinking about was dick, disgusting slut.”
you moaned when you felt the thumb in your mouth, sucking it eagerly, making jungkook smile "you're so easy... i bet that pussy is already soaked, right?"
but before you could respond, he placed his lip on yours, violently, his tongue sliding into your mouth with dominance as he sucked on your wet muscle.
the smacks of the kiss becoming more and more audible as well as the panting of both of you as jungkook dominated you even more and more, his hot tongue exploring every corner of your mouth and sucking yours so voraciously.
jungkook grabbed your hair, pulling your body onto his, and when you sat on his lap he slapped your ass loudly.
“then that's it? do you like being fucked by me?” 
jungkook said pulling down your panties without removing your skirt, his agility was something that impressed you, but you weren't going to ask about it, not now.
you pulled his shirt, seeing your teacher's naked torso for the first time, damn, jungkook was hot as hell. you had an idea of ​​what it was like since the shirts he wore were always tight, but seeing it live was much better.
“do you like it?” he joked.
“so much…”
he made a small tear in your shirt when he went to expose your tits, but before you could complain, jungkook put the left one in his mouth and played with your nipple.
the hot tongue surrounding the peak of your tits made you shudder, especially when he gave light bites around it. you didn't even notice when you started riding on top of jungkook.
"my slut always desperate for my cock, hm?" jungkook said, giving a weak slap in your face.
you felt a finger brush your wet hole, but contrary to what you expected, he didn't penetrate you, jungkook just continued playing there, watching your legs tremble above him where he laughed.
“honestly? i thought your dream was to have me fuck you in my class, but apparently you just want to be fucked everywhere.”
“please…” you begged him. 
“please what? what my dumb slut want?”
“i need you.”
“last time your sweet pussy take my fat cock so good, can you do this again?” he asked, remembering the hot sex you had in the classroom last time.
“yes, yes, please.”
jungkook was aggressive when he got out from under your body and pushed you against the couch, making you stay in doggy style for him, your skirt up, your shirt down. you just obeyed, staying in the position he left you in.
he pinched your clit again, just like he had done the first time, making you let out a little scream that mixed pain and pleasure.
"today i'm going to eat that little pussy in every position, honey!” he kissed your hole. “i'm gonna fill you up so much that my cum is going to leak all over the house, i'm going to fuck you in every room."
he hit your ass hard, then caressed the red spot only to hit you again, your body was part of the sofa, you couldn't see much, you just felt it.
“i always wanted to give you private lessons, my favorite student.” that's what jungkook said while penetrating you. “you are my fucking dream. i was always desperate to get into this pussy.”
he started slowly, widening your hole in a loving way, you feeling every inch of his fat cock opening you.
“so good to me, god!”
but you knew that wouldn't last long, and when he pulled your hair you were sure.
jungkook pushed your head against the upholstery of the sofa as he entered you without any delicacy.
"that whore's pussy opens easily for my cock, desperate to be filled."
the hand let go of your hair to squeeze your neck, while the other played with painful pinches on your swollen nipples.
jungkook took you to the limit quickly, his body with violence on yours was driving you insane, you couldn't even reason, you just wanted more and more of him. his thick cock stretching you completely, you felt it moving in and out in such a delicious way that you never wanted it to end.
"today i'm only going to stop eating your pussy when i want, you're my fucking toy!"
he kissed you half desperately, pulling your body back as he thrust into you. his hand tightened even more around her neck, in an attempt to keep you in place while he devoured you, he smiled with each swallowed moan.
“god, i love your cock.” you moaned as he let go of you to finally breathe.
“you’re squeezing my cock so hard. how can a cumslut be so tight?”
“yes, only mine, only i can fill all your holes.”
“your cumslut.”
you felt his heavy balls hitting your ass, and the violence with which he held you on the couch hurt, but not in a bad way.
“my best student, hm? since i saw you for the first time i imagined you like that while i fucked you watching you moan like a bitch in heat. my bitch in heat. my toy.”
the hand that was mistreating your nipples went down to your clitoris, making circular movements there.
“ju-jungkook! oh!” you screamed.
“you don't even need a note, you just let me fuck you because you need cock to live well, right? need my cock.”
jungkook lost a little control when he felt the pleasure take over his own body, he felt like an animal, fucking you like a desperate, the sofa dragging across the room and most likely scratching the floor, but he didn't stop, he needed to fill up you, he needed to make you overflow with his sperm and shake saying you couldn't take it anymore.
“jungkook, i'm gonna-”
“i want you to squirt on my couch, i want you to spread all your liquid on it, can you do that for me, hm?”
jungkook continued thrusting into you, literally howling as the circles on your clit become more and more relaxed.
you cummed, body shaking and relaxing but jungkook didn’t stop, he continues thrusting into you. you moaning louder and louder as you feel your own cum helping his cock slide quickly inside you, moaning as you feel your legs shake with the touch of your swollen clitoris.
“you know what i want, don't be useless, give me that”
the overstimulation hit you hard, the line between pain and pleasure blurred and you didn't know if you were in heaven or hell.
in a reflex of sensitivity you tried to move jungkook's body away from yours, but he just laughed, continuing to thrust hard, and mentally you were grateful for that, after all you had a safe word if you needed it.
that wasn't the case.
your body was still shaking from the orgasm and jungkook was still brutally thrusting into you, his finger circled your clit again and you moaned completely disconnected words.
"come on, princess, i know you can do it"
the nickname hit you, and jungkook noticed, laughing against your ear before leaving a little suck there.
“do you want to be called my princess, hm? squirt for me princess, leave your smell around my house.”
and then jungkook cummed.
you felt his hot liquid fill your uterus, it was so good that you couldn't even speak, you just screamed his name countless times while you felt him continue fucking you with the sticky liquid leaking down your leg. that was so fucking good, so damn good.
"i'm going to have to play with my princess's other little hole, hm?" jungkook said, taking some of the sperm in your legs with his finger and using it as lubricant to insert his pinky into your asshole.
and you squirted.
the squirt spreading all over the couch and wetting everything.
“yes, that’s my girl!” he said in your ear as he slowed down, a few tears streaming down your face.
your body fell limp on the couch, as if you had lost strength, you didn't even notice when jungkook left you and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
“hey, drink it!”
you drank the water, still with your body soft and regaining consciousness after the orgasm.
jungkook waited for you for a few minutes, using his own shirt to clean up some of the mess that you made.
"do you want to take a nap? or can i continue with my plan of fucking you all over the house?"
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Don't You Worry Your Pretty Little Mind
I'll Write Your Name Chapter 8
Roy Kent x Latina!Popstar!Reader
6.8k words
Warnings: Language, mentions of drinking, slut-shaming and mentions of an age gap, me not knowing how making an album works and not letting it ruin my fun, judgey internet trolls being judgey, lots and lots of pining
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“Can I come see you in the studio?”
I looked up from the Scrabble board to find Roy staring at me, that hard stare of his that often accompanied a long silence. Sydney was curled up in his lap, enjoying a nice ear massage while we played a quiet game. Somewhere in the background, a movie neither of us was paying any attention to was playing, filling the room with something more than our lack of conversation.
Something had felt different when we returned from the lake. Somewhere between our heated make out session and his weird indifference to being the subject of my song, something had shifted. It was probably just me, I conceded. It was me overthinking and worrying that Roy was going to figure out how I felt. If anything, I was probably starting to weird him out with my awkwardness.
“In the studio?” I repeated, cocking my head at him. “Is Keeley bugging you for pictures of something other than a Scrabble board?”
Roy smirked. “No,” he scoffed. “I was just thinking, you’ve seen me at work. A lot, actually. How about you let me see you at work, sunshine?”
My gaze fell back to the board, to the word wrinkle that Roy had just put down. The album was coming along well, I admitted to myself. In fact, the majority of the songs were brand new as opposed to reworked lyrics from my old albums. Not that Roy Kent needed to know, but he was apparently quite the muse. In the back of my mind, I knew he’d hear all of the songs eventually, but the little nervous part of me wasn’t quite ready for it- especially for him to hear them live in the studio.
And yet, those brown eyes had me murmuring, “Sure, Kent.”
He grinned- one of those real, joyful grins- and turned his attention back to the Scrabble board. “Maybe tomorrow?”
My mind raced, trying to remember what song we’d be recording; I couldn’t remember for the life of me. “Uh, yeah.” I fiddled with the ends of my hair, trying to offer Roy a casual smile. “Sounds fun.”
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Roy leaned into the leather couch along the back wall. Did she always look this nervous when she was about to record- or was it because of him? No, he scolded himself, rolling his eyes at his wandering thoughts, the same ones that kept wandering to that afternoon at the lake, when she’d sat on his lap for the benefit of some paparazzi and kissed him hard enough to almost make him believe it.
Fuck off, he told himself as he crossed his arms. She was being forced to create an album that was supposedly about a man she wasn’t actually in love with; of course she looked uncomfortable. He’d be foolish to think it was anything else.
“You ready?” Her producer- a loud, lanky guy named Alex- spoke into the microphone that echoed into the recording booth.
She nodded, brushing her hair out of her face. Roy liked seeing her look so casual in a sweatshirt and minimal makeup; she was always stunning, whether dolled up, or in her Greyhounds gear, or in pyjamas. But this look- so comfortable and domestic- was his favorite by far. As if she could feel his soft gaze, her eyes flickered to him. He offered her a tiny smile, trying to tell her how excited he was to see her at work. She offered a shy grin in return and straightened up before returning her focus to her producer.
“Let’s do it,” came her confident voice.
The producer shot her a thumbs up and hit a few buttons, filling the studio with a dreamy tune that immediately warmed every inch of Roy's body. She swayed a little, eyes closed, feeling the music, before she opened her mouth and her eyes- eyes that went straight to Roy.
I feel so high school every time I look at you
I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you
Roy couldn’t help but crack a small grin. She’d mentioned at some point how people often said she sounded like a girl that never left high school behind- and now here she was, proudly proclaiming that yeah, she felt like that girl, at least sometimes. He was learning that not only was she fully aware of the things people said about her, not only did she not let it affect her, but she could lean into and make fun of herself. There was something charming and, frankly, kind of sexy about it.
And in a blink of a crinkling eye
I'm sinking, our fingers entwined
Cheeks pink in the twinkling lights
Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me
I'll drink what you think, and I'm high
From smoking your jokes all damn night
The brink of a wrinkle in time
Bittersweet sixteen suddenly
The warmth in Roy’s chest became more of a burning when he heard the words wrinkle in time. The book he’d read on their holiday, one of his favorite books, the one he’d admitted to having read countless times. She’d mentioned it in her song. Roy quickly shook off the excitement that tingled in his fingertips as he listened to her sing about American Pie and feeling like high school; she was adding in details about him, he reasoned. She had to make it seem like these songs were about him, after all. Of course she’d sprinkle in real details so people wouldn’t be able to guess that the songs were about other men, real romances she’d had.
It was all part of the act.
Still, he couldn’t help but grin when she sang about him- or whoever the true subject of the song was- knowing how to ball while she knows Aristotle. It was cute, silly, the words of an infatuated young woman. Lucky man, some tiny voice in the back of Roy’s head thought as he tried not to feel a smidge of jealousy towards whoever had apparently pulled her into the backseat of a car.
“She’s great, ain’t she?”
Roy tore his eyes away from the singer to find her producer grinning at him. He nodded to the empty seat by the controls. Glancing back at the singer, Roy stood and took the new spot, closer to the glass that separated her from them.
Alex continued, “You must be something, Roy Kent. She’s a workaholic, that’s a known fact, but wow. She’s been nonstop these days. I’m getting phone calls and texts and voice memos at two in the morning with nearly completed songs.” He raised his eyebrows at Roy. “M’girlfriend’s starting to get worried,” he joked. Glancing back at the still-singing star, he went on, “But seriously. I’ve worked with her for years, and I’ve never seen her so inspired.” He nudged Roy. “Must be love,” he hummed.
The song finished, her voice soft and wistful and her eyes on Roy. She smiled at him, something that looked like a real smile on her face, with flushed cheeks and bright eyes. Roy couldn’t help but smile back, ignoring every tight feeling in his chest, those tight feelings that kept growing and growing no matter how much he fought them.
“Yeah,” he managed to huff. “Must be.”
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 Normally, I wouldn’t be caught dead scrolling through the hate and gossip that usually accompanied my name online. But for whatever reason, after a rehearsal for my tour, I couldn’t help the way my eyes stayed glued to my phone, to all the jokes and headlines declaring that Roy Kent was too old for me, that he was a senior citizen and I was a child.
“Must be a slow news cycle,” April chirped as she watched me stretch in front of the dance studio mirrors.
I sat my phone down so I could make myself focus on my cooldown. “It’s stupid,” I grumbled, sitting with my feet out in front of me. “It’s not like I’m sixteen and he’s thirty. I’m a full-grown woman. He’s got what, a decade on me?” I scowled at my reflection. “I write about my exes, they tell me to grow up. I date a nice, stable guy with a good job, and they tell me I’m a baby.” My deep sigh filled the empty dance studio. “It’s like I can’t do anything right.”
April’s face softened as she sat on the floor beside me. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before,” she reminded me. “They always have something to say about you, babe.”  After a pause, her eyes sparkled. “So, you think Kent’s a nice guy, huh?”
I pretended my heart didn’t skip a beat as I rolled my eyes. “He’s a good friend,” I huffed. “And I hate to think that his own reputation is getting sullied by associating with me. Especially since-” The words caught in my throat before tumbling out. “-since none of this is real.”
“What about your reputation?” April asked quietly, watching me with those gentle eyes that I always hated being on the receiving end of, gentle eyes that were far too familiar.
“My reputation…” I sighed. “Let’s be real, it’s always going to have problems.” I laughed hollowly and picked my phone back up, resuming my scrolling. “But if I’m being really honest, April, if I was in a relationship- an actual relationship- as healthy as the one I’m pretending to be in, well all the shit they say might be worth-”
I froze as words began to bloom and swirl in my head. Ignoring April’s questioning look, I scrambled to my feet to hurry and grab a notebook before those words began to disappear. Lucky, I was able to start scribbling down my thoughts, thoughts that multiplied rather than vanish. My pen continued to fly as April chuckled and loaded me into her car, as she drove me home, as I sat in front of my piano all night. The pen was still moving the next morning as Roy followed April and me into the recording studio, where Alex greeted me with that familiar giant smile.
“You are not still fiddling with the lyrics. It's already perfect,” he scoffed. He shook Roy’s hand as though the two of them were old pals now. “Your girl kept me up all night with this new song,” he huffed. He gave me a pointed look. “Steph looked about ready to kill me when I got out of bed to head down to the home studio.”
“Steph’ll be fine when I thank her in the liner notes,” I hummed, waving him off, thinking of all the other late nights my insomniac tendencies had caused his poor girlfriend. “Now, do you have my music or not?”
The playful annoyance on my producer’s face was replaced with glee almost immediately. “Here, give it a listen.” He placed some headphones on my head and hit a button.
I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, letting my head fill with the twinkling music, something that felt like young love and hope and romance. It was exactly what I’d imagined in my mind- but better. For the millionth time since we’d started collaborating three albums ago, Alex had done pure magic with just a few manic voice memos sent obnoxiously late at night.
“Perfect,” I sighed after only about thirty seconds. I handed him the headphones back and nodded. “Let’s try it.”
As Alex prepared to play the music, I grabbed Roy’s hand and gave him my coyest smile, replaying Keeley’s reminders to really sell this thing in my mind; my chronically online producer was the perfect audience for a little PDA. “Come on, Roycito. I want you to hear this one.”
Roy shot me a curious look and followed me into the recording booth, watching me sit down before joining me. I kept his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers as I nodded to Alex to play the song. When the glittering music echoed inside the booth, Roy turned to me, the corners of his mouth turning up and his eyebrows raised.
Keeping my eyes on his, I opened my mouth and began to sing-
Flamingo pink Sunrise Boulevard
Clink, clink Being this young is art
Aquamarine Moonlit swimming pool
What if all I need is you?
As the song continued, I offered Roy my best smile, the one I realized I wore so naturally when he was around. He returned it easily, with sparkling brown eyes and pink cheeks. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Alex recording us with his phone, mischievous grin on his face. If this was real- if we were real- this would make an adorable video, one I’d cherish and play over and over. Me, singing a song I’d written about Roy, for Roy, pure infatuation all over both of our faces.
At least it would look good on our socials.
But if I'm all dressed up
They might as well be looking at us
And if they call me a slut
You know it might be worth it for once
And if I'm gonna be drunk
Might as well be drunk in love
Roy’s eyebrows flew up when I got to the title of the song. I wasn’t surprised; sure, I wasn’t the sweet little nineteen-year-old I once was- I openly swore and wrote songs about sex now- but I’d never called myself something so crude before. But as I sang it, I found I liked the way the word contrasted against the romantic dreaminess of the song; it kind of reminded me of Roy, a juxtaposition of gruff hardness and tender sweetness.
Send the code, he's waiting there
The sticks and stones they throw froze mid-air
Everyone wants him
That was my crime
The wrong place at the right time
And I break down, then he's pullin' me in
In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
On the word gentleman, I reached out and tapped the tip of Roy’s nose with my index finger. His skin was warm, and I swore the pink in his cheeks deepened. Some small, timid part of me was scared that he was uncomfortable with the attention, with being implied as the muse for this song after his reaction to “Sweet Nothing”. But something in his bright eyes and soft smile told me that maybe, just maybe, he was enjoying himself.
Figuring that he was also playing things up for my producer’s benefit, I let myself lean into the performance, offering Roy flirtatious smiles and bumping his shoulder coyly as I sang to him.
Half asleep
Taking your time
In the tangerine, neon light
This is luxury
You're not saying you're in love with me
But you're going to
Half awake
Taking your chance
It's a big mistake
I said it might blow up in your pretty face
I'm not saying do it anyway
But you're going to
And if they call me a slut
You know it might be worth it for once
And if I'm gonna be drunk
Might as well be drunk in love
Roy shook his head as the music faded. “Fucking amazing,” he murmured, too softly for the microphones to pick up. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek, leaving an undeniable warm spot where his lips touched my skin. “That’s a fucking hit.”
I ducked my head, suddenly overwhelmed by the look in his eyes. Remembering where I was, I looked back into the control room, where Alex had a wide grin and April wore a curious expression. Ignoring my assistant’s raised eyebrows, I nodded to my producer. “Well?”
“It’s perfect,” he chuckled into the intercom. “Seriously, I love it.” He cocked his head at me. “Needs a new title though. Maybe ‘Lovesick’ or ‘Love-Struck’?”
I knew this conversation would be coming. “No,” I said with a small shake of my head. “It’s ‘Slut!’. I don’t want any other title.”
“Kid,” huffed my producer, calling me the nickname he knew made me roll my eyes. “This is a radio hit. Song of the summer. But you’re not going to get any airplay with that title. You're already fighting the fact that you call yourself a slut in the chorus. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot here.”
“No.” I sat up taller, keenly aware of Roy’s arm pressed against mine. “If they can spend the last decade calling me a slut, then I can too. They don’t want to hear me sing it, maybe they shouldn’t have said it.”
Alex groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fine,” he grumbled as he stood up. “’m gonna go grab some water and cry about the fact that you’ve just cost us our millionth Billboard top spot.”
I rolled my eyes with a grin; he always gave in when I felt passionate about something. “Don’t worry,” I assured him as he left the studio. “I’ll write you another hit.”
“Fucking badass,” came a sigh next to me. When I turned my head, Roy was staring at me with raised eyebrows and a slacked jaw. The corner of his mouth turned upwards in a lopsided grin. “Sticking up for what you want, flipping the bird at the people who talk shit about you. You’re a badass, sunshine,” he chuckled, planting another kiss on my cheek.
“Thanks,” I murmured, ignoring the fact that he'd kissed my cheek without a real audience to witness it. “So you liked the song?”
He nodded earnestly. “Fuck yeah,” he assured me. “Tell me you’re going to do that one live. It’d be fucking magic.”
I paused, glancing at April though the window; she was watching us with something that looked way too much like a smirk. After narrowing my eyes at her, I turned back to Roy. “Well, I was kind of toying with the idea of previewing the album during the tour. Like surprising some of the shows with a new song.”
Those thick eyebrows flew up. “You’ve gotta do it. People are going to lose their shit when they hear these songs.” He shook his head and leaned forward to plant a tender kiss to my temple. “What a fucking mind, indeed.”
Fuck fuck fuck, I thought as I glanced away. This crush, this stupid little crush, was becoming too much for me to handle. Roy Kent was too supportive, too nice, too kind, not to mention too fucking handsome. Why couldn’t he be the moody jackass I first met in Keeley’s office? Why did he have to be one of the most genuinely good people I’d ever met? This whole thing might blow up in my pretty face if I wasn’t careful.
But when I looked back at Roy’s sparkling brown eyes, I felt like it might really be worth it for once.
“Hey Roy-o.” Keeley bounded over, wearing something with far too many sequins, and gave Roy a friendly hug. “Where’s your better half?”
Roy rolled his eyes, giving Keeley a small squeeze before letting go. “She’s over with April,” he answered, not bothering to correct Keeley about calling the popstar his ‘better half’. He nodded across Jamie’s living room, where the singer and assistant were huddled in a corner and giggling. As if she could feel his gaze, those familiar eyes flittered around the party until they met his; he swore her smile widened.
Keeley's bright voice interrupted his thoughts. “Have you gotten to hear any of the new album yet?”
“I have,” he said, unable to hide the hint of bragging in his voice. “It’s fucking brilliant so far, actually.” His eyes returned to the popstar- who was already glancing over at him.
“Think she’d honor us with a preview?” Keeley teased, waggling her eyebrows at Roy. “It’d be nice for Jamie’s piano to get used for once.” She wrinkled her nose playfully. “Don’t know why he bought the damn thing in the first place,” she added.
Roy hesitated for a moment as he looked around the party. Jamie had decided to throw a party to show off the pool he’d built in the backyard after the end of the season; after a day spent in and out of the pool, the house was packed with the Greyhounds and their significant others, wearing cover ups and sweatshirts over swimsuits and newly acquired sunburns and laughing over drinks. The “power couple” had, of course, come together, with Roy opting to wear his usual black and his ‘girlfriend’ in a sweet summer dress that looked like it belonged on a magazine cover. Unsurprisingly, she looked lovely as ever, chatting with everyone with ease and looking as if she belonged. She was like that in every room, Roy realized; always relaxed, charming, making whoever she was with feel like they were the most important person in the room. For the millionth time since they’d met, Roy felt awed that the woman he’d thought would be a complete brat and diva was actually one of the most genuine people he’d ever met. And that knowledge had him growing more and more protective of her by the day.
Because that’s what friends are for- right?
“I mean…” Roy cleared his throat. “I guess if she fucking wants to-”
“Great!” Before Roy could finish his thought, Keeley had grabbed his wrist and began dragging him across the room, a movement Roy was surprisingly irked by. She didn’t let go until they’d reached the popstar, who offered Keeley that sheepish smile she always wore around the model. “Hey!” Keeley chirped.
The singer accepted the hug Keeley wrapped her in. “Hi, Keeley,” she murmured. Her body seemed to soften when she realized Roy was looking at her. “Sorry you had to miss the pool party. Rebecca said you had to go rescue a photoshoot or something?”
Keeley nodded eagerly, seemingly pleased that the popstar was engaging her in real conversation. “Yeah, the model was being a bit difficult, so I had to go talk her down. Bummer to miss out on all the swimming, but what can ya do? It's not easy being the boss.” She nudged the popstar. “Well, you know how it is. You're basically running the music industry these days.”
“Oh, I don't know about that-”
Roy rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around the popstar’s shoulders so he could tug her close. “Oh fuck off with the modesty,” he gently chided. “You’re on top of the fucking world.” He turned to Keeley, holding his head high with pride. “Have you seen her tour numbers? Fucking impossible to get tickets to the show now.” He quirked an eyebrow at the singer. “Good thing I've got an in, otherwise I'd be missing the event of the summer.”
“Think I could manage to score a ticket?” Keeley teased with a wink; funny, Roy didn't feel those usual butterflies.
“Definitely.” The popstar leaned into Roy's touch; fuck, she always made it feel so natural.
Ignoring the fluttering in the deepest pit of his stomach, Roy gave her a squeeze. “Speaking of the show…” Roy cleared his throat and lowered his voice. “Any chance you'd want to preview one of those new songs? Tartt’s got a piano.”
Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second. “I dunno, Roycito,” she hummed, scrunching her nose in thought.
Immediately, Roy shook his head. “You don't have to,” he whispered, loud enough for only her to hear. “You absolutely don't fucking have to.”
She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment- her thinking face, the one Roy had gotten quite used to while watching her work at the lake. He briefly wondered if she was aware of it. “Sure,” she finally said. “I’ve got one I can share.”
In the blink of an eye, the entire party was squeezed around Jamie’s never-been-used piano, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to hear the unreleased song. She looked so at ease as she sat down, all smiles and giggles as the Greyhounds chattered about what songs they liked, teasingly asking if this song was about Roy, speculating if this meant there was a new album coming soon.
Before the singer could even pluck one key, Roy barked out, “Oi, no fucking recording. I see one fucking phone, I’m punching dicks.” When he looked back at the piano, he was greeted with a smile, the kind that was stifling full-on laughter. Roy smirked; he was good at making her laugh, he’d discovered. He gave her a small nod, letting her know that he was cheering her on.
With a deep breath, she looked down at the key and began to play gently, creating a warm tune that Roy hadn’t heard before. Immediately, he liked it and knew that, once again, she’d created a hit.
There's glitter on the floor after the party
Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby
Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor
You and me from the night before, but
Don't read the last page
But I stay when you're lost, and I'm scared, and you're turning away
I want your midnights
But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
It was sweet, romantic, perfect. Roy didn’t bother hiding his grin as his shoulders relaxed, making him realize how tense he’d been before she started. Keeley seemed to have noticed, because she grinned up at him with raised eyebrows.
Not that Roy noticed, not when he was too busy watching the popstar and soaking in every word she sang.
Hold on to the memories
They will hold on to you
Hold on to the memories
They will hold on to you
Hold on to the memories
They will hold on to you
And I will hold on to you
Roy dared to tear his eyes away from the piano to peek at the reactions of his friends and his team. He watched as Colin wrapped an arm around Michael and leaned in close to his boyfriend; he noticed the way Jamie’s fingertips brushed against the inside of April’s wrist; he caught the tears forming in Rebecca’s eyes and her wistful expression; but none of the little moments made him smile the way the singer’s voice did.
Especially when she finally looked up from the piano to lock eyes with him.
Please don't ever become a stranger
Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
Please don't ever become a stranger
Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
As Roy’s chest tightened, Keeley leaned close and whispered, “It’s incredible, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Roy breathed, not looking at the model. “She is.”
Without another word, he left his spot next to Keeley to walk over to the piano and sit beside the singer, whose smile widened. She scooched closer to him, not missing a single key and never breaking eye contact. It was as if the room around them disappeared, as if they were back in their quiet little world by the lake, where nothing existed except the two of them and the music she created.
Don't read the last page
But I stay when it's hard, or it's wrong, or we're making mistakes
I want your midnights
But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
The moment her fingers lifted from the keys, Roy instinctively leaned close and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips, feeling her smile pressing against his. And he ignored the feeling that, for the first time, he might not be kissing her for the benefit of an audience.
When I pulled back from Roy's kiss, I was still smiling. Smiling at the song, smiling at the enthusiastic cheers from the Greyhounds, smiling at the awed look on Roy's bearded face.
But on the inside, I was screaming, wishing that the kiss he'd given me was as real as the feelings that grew inside me every day, the feelings I had poured into this song.
“That was fucking gorgeous,” Roy whispered in my ear, his warm breath tickling my skin. “Seriously, sunshine, I'm having a hard time picking a favorite song.”
All I could do was smile at Roy, with his sweet words and bright eyes, and murmur, “Thanks, Kent.”
As everyone else returned to mingling and chatting, Roy reached down and touched my hand gently. “Let’s go grab a drink.”
Plastic cup in one hand, Roy’s hand in the other, I followed the footballer through the house, offering my most dazzling smile as people commented on how much they liked the song. Eventually, I found Roy leading me up some stairs. Before I could ask him where we were going, he led me into a side bedroom and to the window. Once he pushed the window open, he nodded to me. 
“How about some fresh air?”
Suppressing my surprised grin, I climbed out the window after Roy, accepting his warm grip as he helped me out onto the roof overlooking Jamie’s backyard. The twinkling patio lights below echoed the emerging stars above, making it seem like Roy and I were floating somewhere in space; the sounds of shouts and laughter from the party reminded me that we were still on Earth.
“How’re you doing?”
Roy’s growling voice returned my thoughts from far-off galaxies. “Hmm?”
He shrugged and scooted closer, as if trying to keep me warm. “I know there’s been some shit about our age difference,” he said slowly, searching my face for a reaction. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
A hollow laugh spilled out of my chest. “Me? I’m fine. They spend years telling me to grow up, be more mature, stop spending all my time running around with boys. But here I am, with a man, a stable man, and suddenly I’m sixteen and need to be protected and need to be protected from big, bad Roy Kent.” I nudged him and took a sip of my beer. “I’m more concerned about you, actually. Everyone’s acting like you’re a dirty old man because of a couple photos of you grabbing my ass.”
“Honestly,” Roy chuckled. “I’m starting to feel like one.” A blush settled on his cheeks. “Sorry about that, by the way. Guess I got a bit carried away.”
I shook my head. “Don’t,” I assured him. “What did everyone think we’ve been doing, cuddling and holding hands? We’re supposed to be adults in an adult relationship. You’re Roy Kent. Anyone with a brain could assume we’re, well, you know.”
He sighed and wrapped a warm arm around my shoulders. “Yeah,” he agreed, “but I don’t like seeing your reputation take all these hits. That’s not the point of all this,” he reminded me.
“Kent,” I said slowly, fighting the urge to lean my head on his shoulder. “If the worst thing they can say about me is that my boyfriend is a smidge older than me, then this is the best my reputation has been in ages. It’s annoying, sure, but it’s not the worst thing they’ve ever said about me.”
“I guess,” Roy mumbled, tugging me closer. “Just… keep me posted on how you’re doing, alright? If we need to cool things down, or call it off, you let me know. I’ll handle Keeley and Lanie. You’re more important than any fucking plan, you know. Much more important.”
With those kind words, I gave in, leaning my head on his shoulder and watching the lights twinkling below us. For a little bit, I let myself forget all about the press, all about the beautiful ex-girlfriend I saw him whispering with while I sang, all about the party downstairs. Hell, I let myself forget all about the fact that this was a fake relationship with an undetermined but very real expiration date.
For a little bit, I let myself pretend that Roy Kent might love me back.
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Roy grinned as he watched her nose scrunch in concentration while she studied the chess board on his coffee table. After informing Roy that she’d never played chess before, he insisted on teaching the popstar before their early bedtime. She was spending the night at his place, something he realized was kind of rare; normally they were at her place, mostly because of Sydney the cat. But Sydney was staying with April (and probably Jamie too), plus Roy’s house was closer to the airport. 
The two of them would be leaving early in the morning for their flight- on her private jet- to Los Angeles, where they were due to celebrate her niece’s birthday. Roy felt apprehensive- he wasn’t the kind of guy who met families; even with Keeley, he’d only met her on a handful of occasions. But here he was, suitcase packed so he could fly halfway across the world and meet what his fake girlfriend described as “a typical loud Mexican family”. She’d spent the last week warning him about which uncles would try to get him drunk, about the nephews who were already obsessed with him, about how her mother was going to try to feed him the moment they walked through the door, and about how her very protective father and sister were both going to give him the third degree during their visit.
“They’d always thought I’d bring Dani Rojas if I ever brought an athlete home,” she had joked when he asked what they thought of the fake relationship so far. “Not an old British man.”
Even though this was all for show, so that there would be no suspicion from the press if she showed up to a major family event without her supposedly serious boyfriend, Roy still wanted to make a good impression. His own family pretty much consisted of his sister and Phoebe; there was something lovely about a big family, even one as loud and overbearing as she described to him.
“My folks are really looking forward to meeting you,” she hummed now as she finally moved a chess piece, looking comfortable in her criss-cross position, leaning her back against the couch. “You’re going to be the first boyfriend they’ve met in awhile.”
“Seriously?” Roy took his turn, trying not to smirk when he saw the disappointment on her face when she realized her move had set him up for victory. 
She snorted as they reset the board. “I mean, you’ve met Everett. Not exactly the kind of guy that parents like mine would be excited about. Drinks too much, pants too tight, total bad boy. Scared the living daylights out of my poor Catholic mother. Meeting him would've killed her.”
Roy fidgeted with the pawn he held. “But they’re excited for me? The old man who swears every other word?”
“They say I look happy,” she murmured, eyes on the board. “They’ve seen photos of us, they see that I’m not out partying like I used to. They think I’m in a really good place thanks to you.” She offered him a small smile, cocking her head thoughtfully. “Honestly, I think so too, Roycito. This friendship has been really good for me.” She reached out and touched his hand gently. “So, thanks. For being such a good friend.” 
For a moment, Roy just stared at her hand in his, warm and soft and familiar now. His mind wandered to that afternoon by the lake, the way it had ever since they'd gotten home from holiday, and a quiet voice wondered if all of her was this soft and warm.
Fuck off, he scolded himself harshly. Perverted old man, indeed.
“Oi, I've got something for you,” he murmured. Gently, he pulled back his hand, hoping the movement wasn't too gingerly, and stood up. He walked briskly to his room and returned with a small jewelry box. Trying to keep his signature apathetic expression, Roy handed her the box and sat back down, wondering if she could see the way his fingers twitched in anticipation.
With a coolly raised eyebrow she opened the box. When she saw the silver necklace, a smile broke out across that pretty face.
“It's perfect,” she giggled.
Keeley had mentioned to Roy the idea of giving her some kind of trinket to symbolize the relationship, another piece of evidence that this fake romance was real and very serious, especially in the face of the age gap discourse they'd been facing. Immediately, Roy knew exactly what to get her.
It was a simple silver chain with a little square charm, with a large R engraved in the middle and a tiny number 1 in the corner. A Scrabble letter.
And for whatever reason, Roy didn't bother telling her it was Keeley's idea. Not when he saw the brightness in her eyes as she took the necklace out of the box. Her smile widened when she looked back up at him, at what he knew was his most pleased expression.
“Thank you, Roy,” she finally said, her voice thickening. “Wanna help me put it on? I'm sure the girls would want me to post a selfie or something.”
Roy's stomach sank a little at the mention of the publicists, reminding him of how orchestrated everything between the two of them was, but he didn't let his easy expression fade. Instead, he went around to her side of the coffee table and took the necklace from her hands, not minding too much when her fingers brushed against his. He settled on the couch behind her and brushed the hair off the back of her neck, wondering absently if the back of every woman's neck was pretty or just hers. He lifted the necklace in front of her, smirking to himself when he saw the way she immediately patted the charm against her skin. He clasped it securely into place and gently laid the chain on her neck. However, he didn't immediately remove his hands from her. Instead, he found himself staring at the smooth skin he back of her neckon the back of her neck, wondering how it would feel against his lips. He knew what her mouth felt like, of course; but what about the rest of her?
Spurred on by this newfound curiosity, Roy leaned forward and ghosted his mouth over her bare neck. But before he could properly attach his lips to her skin, his mobile vibrated across the room, breaking whatever spell he was under.
Clearing his throat, Roy scrambled to his feet, ignoring the raging heat in his cheeks and refusing to look her in the eye. He rushed over to where he had carelessly tossed his phone earlier and glanced at the name on the screen: Keeley.
“Yeah?” he grumbled when he picked up. He dared a glance at the beautiful singer; she was staring down at the forgotten chessboard with wide eyes, fiddling absently with the silver Scrabble letter around her neck. Had she felt that little kiss? he wondered, his heart frozen in panic. What the absolute fuck was wrong with him?
“Just checking in,” Keeley chirped, ignorant to Roy’s frazzled state. “You two’ll definitely be photographed when you arrive in L.A. So just make sure to post a few pictures, look like the happy couple, you know the drill.”
Roy nodded, then remembered that Keeley couldn’t see him. “Yeah,” he repeated. “I know the drill.” He cleared his throat and averted his eyes, lest he be caught staring. “Anything else?”
“Are you alright, Roy?” Keeley’s voice was filled with concern. “You’re even more monosyllabic than usual.”
“I’m fine,” Roy lied. “Just, dunno, fucking anxious for the long flight or some shit.” He glanced back across the room; those pretty eyes found his. “I’ll talk to you later, alright?”
Keeley sighed, clearly unconvinced. “Alright. Have a safe flight, Roy-o. Say hi to-”
Roy hung up before she could finish. He stuffed his phone into his pocket and shifted his weight. “Should we get some sleep, then?”
“Was that Keeley?”
He blinked in surprise. Her voice was small, not at all the confident woman he’d gotten used to. “Uh, yeah,” he admitted, cocking his head when he saw her wide eyes. “She says hi and to have a safe flight.” He paused for a moment before blurting out, “You don’t like her very much, do you?”
Flustered. The Grammy-winning, Billboard-topping, record-breaking popstar looked positively flustered as she gazed back at Roy, with her parted lips that formed a pretty little O. “Why do you think I don’t like Keeley?” she asked with an awkward little chuckle. “Of course I like Keeley. She’s great.”
Roy wasn’t convinced. He saw the way she looked when Keeley was around, quieter and more reserved, only speaking to the model when spoken to, almost disappointed when Roy and Keeley were in close quarters.
If Roy was a more foolish man, he’d think the singer was jealous of his ex-girlfriend.
But only an idiot would think that.
Instead of pushing the matter, Roy just shrugged and nodded in the direction of the hallway, of the separate bedrooms they’d be sleeping in. And, as she quietly followed him down that hallway, he couldn’t help but wonder if she’d fall asleep thinking of him- the way he would fall asleep thinking of her.
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Taglist: @infinetlyforgotten@ladygrey03@book-of-roses@thatonedogwithablog@misshall14@wibblywobblyvampywolfystuff@akornsworld@itswhateveripromise@purecinnamonextract@oceanncurrent@dearvoidgoodnight@hopefulromances@respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog@hotleaf-juice@emmy2811@captainorbust-blog@preciousbabypeter@shion-ah@royalestrellas@eugene-emt-roe@littleesilvia@teenwolf01@sisinever@yagotgames@queen-of-the-downtown-scene@emmaallisonann@mrdsturd@confessionsofatotaldramaslut@charkachow@mrdsturd@littlepinapple@sunfairyy@shadowzena43@uhmidkmuch@imsoluckyeverythingworksoutforme @alicedsworld @222333777 @thegivenvoid
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cheri-2047 · 22 hours
Alhaitham as your study buddy headcanons
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WEEKLY POLL!!! TAGS: none, fluff
AU: you and alhaitham are dormmates for college
CHARACTERS: alhaitham, mentions of tighnari
Every time you lose motivation, Alhaitham’s there to help. Sometimes his “motivating words” come off as a bit harsh but you know he doesn’t mean it that way
Sometimes if you’re cuddling on the couch, you’re answering problems and hes reading a book, he mutters “wrong” whenever you accidentally get it wrong
Theres always coffee in the pot. He sometimes drinks it just cause he likes the taste but he also makes extra for you
If youre struggling, he helps you, but not always in the kindest way 😭. Sometimes hed lose his patience but once he realizes he does, he tones it down a bit.
you’d catch him saying other words in other languages as your “background noise” whenever you study
If you and Alhaitham were in a project together, he’d be sometimes hard to work with but he tries to make it a breeze for you both.
Sometimes while your studying, he sits you on his lap while he watches tv and cuddles you closely (he may be strict, but he still loves affection from you)
Alhaitham genuinely is so proud of you for working hard. He doesn’t say it, but he shows it. Sometimes you’d wake up to your favorite breakfast (and “coincidentally” your favorite lunch and dinner) or sometimes little gifts for you.
sometimes while you’re both studying, you lay on his chest and he caressed your hair while you read. (Then during the test, he hands you his perfume cause it was actually a study method to help you <3 [the study method where smelling the same thing helps you remember])
Sometimes when you study too long and not take a break, he carries you to the dining table and forces you to eat and carries you to the bed and forces you to sleep (and no he will not back down)
other days when he studies too long, you’d have to remove his ear defenders and force him to teak a break. How? That’s up to you
sometimes he asks his friend tighnari to come over if you ever need help with biology
hed be one of the kids who go “shh!” At every noise in the library, so genuinely strictly no speaking
He puts both his AND your tests on his phone calendar so if you forget, he reminds you to study the night before (and he helps you)
okay if one of y’all says he’s too affectionate, jusf because someone is stoic and sarcastic doesn’t mean being affectionate is immediately out of the list. Anyways this was actually pretty fun to write. I’m running out of weekly poll ideas LMAO. Oh and comments are appreciated !! (Any tips on anything, if I mischaracterized him or if u just wanna say hi) oh and I think around this week if I keep writing then I can open requests again!!
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“ABA therapy is fundamentally ableist and harmful/abusive”
“ABA therapy is often the only type of ‘help’ for autistic people that insurance will approve”
“People who genuinely want to help autistics can be easily persuaded that ABA therapy is necessary and useful because they don’t have the right context”
“ABA therapy specifically touts itself as scientifically based and approved, and it can do this because there are actual scientific journals saying this”
“Those scientific journals are written by neurotypical people who are investigating reduction of visual symptoms instead of reduction in stress”
“ABA has some aspects that are generally considered good, such as helping kids communicate, and this helps it mask the screwed-up and abusive sides of the therapy”
“Some institutions will say they offer ABA therapy and then actually offer a completely different type of treatment”
“The ABA therapy offered in schools is usually even crappier than average because it’s focused on making kids quiet, not healthy”
and gosh I’m so fricking tired
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
Just called the police lol. How’s everyone’s night going
#i was minding my own goddamn business and heard a series of bloodcurdling screams#which in itself is not too insane. if there’s one thing i know it’s that people be screaming when literally nothing is happening to them#which is something i have thoughts on. but suffice to say i feel like screaming as if you’re being murdered when you’re Not being murdered#is a weird move. ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? anyway#something about this scream… well series of screams didn’t sit right with me. i instinctively leapt up from my couch (bear in mind i have#an injured knee. this wasn’t an easy process) and flung myself across the room to look out the window#and i see a boy on a bike. he’s a bit smaller than a grown man so probably like 15-16. riding FAST and there was something… gleeful?#about his body language. that plus the scream made my blood run cold because it honest to god looked like he was chasing someone#he was followed by a smaller boy. probably 12 or something. also on a bike#they were both wearing hoodies with their hoods up… on a warm night in august. hmm. no lights on their bikes; no helmets; no bells#i didn’t see whoever they were chasing but i just felt like that scream was not right. i was like ‘do i call someone????’#i live in a pretty safe neighbourhood but i know someone was sexually assaulted in an alleyway near here. there was a rumour about who it#was that committed it but idk if anyone was ever actually charged or faced any sort of punishment for that#so i honestly went back and forth deciding whether or not to call but ultimately i was like… even if this IS some kids dicking around#they’re not going to get in trouble for dicking around. they’re literally white kids. they’ll just be told ‘hey maybe don’t ride around#screaming your heads off’. but if it IS a crime that’s currently taking place; it wouldn’t sit well with me if i didn’t call#and be like ‘hey can you send a squad car around the village and see if there’s a distressed girl running from some lads with mal intent?’#(i’m almost certain it was a young girl screaming. the sound wasn’t coming from those boys. and it didn’t sound like it could even be a boy#with a high pitched voice or who was going through puberty)#i just….. idk. if some kids are about to get the fright of their life from some yorkshire cop i’m SORRY okay#just don’t scream like that!!!#it was the scream plus how gleeful the lad in front looked. you don’t scream in distress like that if you’re being chased as part of a game#that’s all i’m saying thank you for listening#personal
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sttoru · 3 months
·.⌇ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. staying at your boyfriend’s house for the first time is nerve wracking. though luckily satoru understands your situation all too well.
wc. around 870
tags. older bf!gojo satoru x female reader. fluff, teeny tiny bit suggestive implications. reader is implied to be a virgin + has no experience dating. satoru being a gentleman hehe. nicknames used ‘sugar, sweetheart’. not beta read.
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“are you sure?” you ask your lover who’s making himself comfortable on the couch. satoru sits down and gives you a reassuring smile. he adjusts the blue blanket he’s covering himself with before responding.
“mhm. a hundred percent,” he nods and reaches for your hand. his thumb brushes over your knuckles in a soothing manner. his blue eyes glow with the purest form of love—pure unadulterated love for you.
it’s your first time staying over at your boyfriend’s. it’s nerve wracking for some reason. maybe because you have all kinds of ideas running through your head about how your night could possibly go.
the thought about possible intimacy is scary, because you’re not sure if you’re actually prepared. you had set your mind to it on your way to his house; you will be ready if satoru asks to take things further. for his sake. .
but, when the time had come, nothing happened. you expected at least something to happen. he’s kissed you as per usual, however more than that has not occurred. perhaps it’s your own fault for trying to predict what will happen.
though how can you not? you assumed that if a boyfriend and girlfriend spend the night together, they’ll surely do something more. at least you think that’s what happens most of the time. with other couples that is.
you should’ve known by now that satoru doesn’t compare to other men. especially not to the college boys your age—who only want to hit and move on. satoru is serious about your relationship. committed.
“what’s going on in that pretty head of yours, sugar?” satoru’s smooth voice interrupts your thoughts. you clear your throat and shake your head, dismissing your own tendencies to overthink every little thing.
his big hands cover both of yours completely. they’re warm. nice to hold. the older man lifts your hands up to his lips and kisses your palms. you sigh and finally relax after what feels like hours, “nothing, ‘toru.”
nothing, you say. little did you know that satoru has long noticed what’s wrong. you’re easy to read—your body language reveals every little thing you’re feeling.
you subconsciously had your fists clenched at your sides the second you stepped into his apartment. you’ve been avoiding eye contact more than usual and you keep nibbling on your bottom lip. those were all the signs he needed.
satoru knows you well enough to realise that you’re overly nervous. he understands why. it’s your first time staying overnight at a man’s house—your boyfriend’s house.
satoru’s sure you’re thinking that he’ll ask you to sleep with him. it’s obvious. each time he kisses you, you tense up. you normally get flustered, though today you’re more than just nervous.
he doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable. he doesn’t want you to think that he’ll do anything you’re not ready for. the last thing satoru would do is take advantage of this precious moment. of his precious girl.
it’s also why he suggested to sleep on the couch. he figured that you’ll be less nervous if you have the bed to yourself. all he wants is for you to relax around him.
“may i?” satoru whispers. his warm breath caresses your hands and you instantly give your consent to whatever he wishes to do. the older man thanks you quietly before putting his forehead against yours.
you look into each other’s eyes and you’re once again stunned by the beauty of his blue orbs. satoru brushes his knuckles over your cheek, adoring just how adorable you look from up close, “it’s okay, yeah? i won’t ask you to do anything. i promise.”
you blink. it’s only then that the realisation dawns upon you. no wonder satoru has immediately noticed your nervous demeanour. he’s always so perceptive of how you feel. it’s quite heartwarming.
those comforting words are all you need. you smile brightly and hug satoru out of reflex. you hear a giggle escape his lips before he returns the gesture. his strong arms wrap around your form and he squeezes you to his chest.
“aww, there’s my baby,” satoru coos. he’s happy that he’s finally succeeded at calming you down. he’s also happy that he got your usual self back. he tenderly kisses the top of your head.
you lift your head up to get some air. satoru’s tight embrace and familiar scent nearly suffocated you—not that you would mind going out like that. you kiss his cheek, “thank you for being so. . err, patient and understanding.”
your boyfriend shakes his head with a soft smile playing across his lips. satoru leaves a trail of ticklish pecks down your face until he reaches your lips. after waiting for your usual sign - a faint nod - he captures them in a gentle kiss.
he pulls away after a few seconds, though stays close to your face. you’re filled with an incredible feeling of warmth because of satoru’s obvious adoration for you. pure content.
he lets out a breathy laugh at your cute, flustered expression. he pulls you in for a hug again and presses your head against his chest, “heh, no, i should thank you for trusting me. i love you s’much.”
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wonusite · 7 months
Endless Adoration
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❝ Mingyu has been irrevocably in love with you since he was in high school. He decides to keep this a secret until he can move on since you’ve only ever seen him as your best friend’s brother. However, his plan goes awry when you ask him to take your virginity and teach you about sex—as a friend, of course. ❞
PAIRING: kim mingyu x female reader
GENRE: best friends brother au, friends with benefits au, fluff, smut
WARNINGS: bestie’s brother!mingyu, virgin!reader, secret pining, suppressed feelings, discourse of how to pronounce caramel, mingyu is the textbook definition of down bad, loss of virginity, oral sex (m & f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, mirror sex, riding, squirting, multiple creampies, cum eating
A/N: this fic is my contribution to the fall season and part of the fall-ing for you collab! hope you all enjoy! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!
It’s no secret that Mingyu is an affectionate man.
Acts of service and giving out his affection is his love language, and everyone knows it. Which is why no one really questions his behavior toward you. If he laughs a little too hard at something you said or always comes to your defense even when you’re wrong, it’s not really suspicious because he’s just a kind and gentle guy.
His little sister, however, does not see it that way.
Minseo knows her brother, and while he may be a walking green flag and a gentleman among beasts, he’s not that nice. Vernon argues that it’s only because you two are best friends that Mingyu treats you just a bit better than anyone else. It’s a viable argument, yet the little telltale signs point to Mingyu’s actions being more than common curtesy.
Like now as you’re arguing with Seungkwan during game night about the correct pronunciation of your favorite candy.
“It’s caramel.”
You scoff, eyebrows furrowed defiantly as you glare at Seungkwan. “No. It’s caramel.”
Vernon and Seokmin watch the exchange with amused smiles while Minseo watches her brother. He wears a similar expression, except there’s a subtle emotion in his eyes as he’s looking at you. It’s been there since you slapped down your last two Uno cards in repulsed shock when Seungkwan mispronounced caramel.
Ten minutes later, neither of you are willing to concede to the other and Mingyu still looks like a lovesick puppy.
“In what world is it caramel?” Seungkwan screeches, rising up from his spot on the couch.
“Mingyu.” You call suddenly. “Is it caramel or caramel?”
Two pair of heated eyes look over to him pointedly. The room goes silent as everyone waits for the answer that will possibly get you two to stop arguing. Minseo watches her brother carefully as he puts down his nearly empty beer bottle. The move seems casual, but she knows he does it to distract himself from the fact that you’re practically saying take my side.
“It’s caramel.”
“Ha!” You yell in victory, pointing a smug finger at a sulking Seungkwan. “I told you!”
Your friend’s pout is bitter. “That’s not fair! You only asked Mingyu because you know he’s going to agree with you no matter what!”
It’s true, and the rest of your giggling friends know it. Minseo doesn’t miss her brother’s bashful smile, and it makes her realize that there might actually be something deeper than just a crush. So she waits until all the guests leave to confront her brother about his not-so-subtle behavior.
“Is there something going on with you and Y/N?”
Now, her brother is naturally clumsy and pretty terrible at hiding his feelings, but Minseo didn’t expect him to drop all the board games he was carrying. He scrambles to pick up all the scattered pieces, pointedly looking at the ground and not up at her with a pout like he would’ve usually done.
“I—” He coughs awkwardly as he haphazardly shoves random pieces into the wrong boxes. “What are you talking about?”
It’s almost insulting that he thinks he can hide the truth from her. “I mean that I already know everything. So quit playing, and tell me how long this has been going on.”
Mingyu’s broad shoulders slump in defeat. He should’ve known that Minseo would find out (she had a knack for finding out everything), but he honestly didn’t expect her to find out this soon.
“Fine.” His tone is resigned as he puts the precariously stacked board games on the coffee table. “It’s true that I took Y/N’s virginity, but I swear that I only did it because she asked—”
“You what?”
His sister’s sharp tone makes him pause. Minseo’s mouth is dropped open and her eyes are almost popping out of her head. Belatedly, Mingyu realizes that his little sister is not referring to the favor you had asked him to do weeks ago. An uncomfortable chill goes down his spine.
You were going to kill him.
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It’s not Mingyu’s fault.
When you came to him and asked him to teach you how to have sex, he was rendered powerless to your pretty eyes that shined with so much trust. He knows it’s wrong for him to take his little sister’s best friend’s virginity, but ever since you were kids, he’s never been able to tell you no. Years later, nothing has changed.
“Spread them wider, baby.” His voice rasps as his hands go to pry your thighs apart until he’s left with the sight of your glistening cunt.
Mingyu’s cock twitches at the sight of your pretty pussy. Fuck. You’re dripping in your own arousal, and all he’s done is kiss you and mark up a few places on your body. And yet, there’s already a messy web of arousal covering your puffy lips. His groan is deep and almost animalistic when he sees your pretty cunt clenching with need.
Minseo be damned, he was going to absolutely ruin you.
You mewl softly when Mingyu presses his middle and index fingers against your cunt to spread your lips apart. The heat from his fingers feels different from when you touch yourself. It feels so much better, and you have to bite your lip to stop the moans and whimpers from escaping like they want.
Your best friend’s brother has always been unfairly attractive, but he’s never looked hotter to you than he does now, licking his pink lips while looking at your pussy.
Mingyu glances up at you with a raised eyebrow. “You’ve really never done this before?”
The beefy puppy between your legs thinks he might actually come untouched when you pout at him. That exact look is what got him into this situation in the first place. Your adorable pout always brought him to his knees.
“Gyu.” You whine, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment. “You said you wouldn’t tease me.”
He loves when you call him that, and it takes everything in him to hold himself back from shoving his cock inside you and fucking you roughly like he wants. That would have to be for another time.
“I’m not, baby.” He assures you before he presses a gentle kiss to your inner thigh. “I just need to know how far I should take this.”
The frown you give him is oddly determined. “You said you’d teach me everything.”
Mingyu wonders if you actually know what you’re asking for, but then he has to remind himself that you’re only inexperienced, not stupid. You came to him because you trust him, and he wouldn’t ever betray that trust. If you happened to be uncomfortable with anything, he would stop right away. Though, it seems like you have no intentions of telling him to stop.
The soft moan you let out when Mingyu starts to gently toy with your dripping slit is like music to his ears. He thinks you can’t get any hotter, but then you buck your aching cunt into his hand as if to say get on with it. Ever powerless to your desires, Mingyu slips two fingers past your folds. He curls them experimentally, feeling your warm, wet cunt stretch around his long fingers. Just as he thought. Virgin tight.
“Fuck.” His growl is deep and has you clenching down on his fingers. “I need to taste you.”
Arousal is clouding your mind and making you feel drunk. The way Mingyu is looking at you like you’re the thing he’s wanted the most in the world has you gushing all over his fingers. His hot mouth latches on to your clit, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud. You cry out loudly as his fingers slowly start to fuck your hole, stretching you out to prepare you for his cock.
“Gyu!” You cry out as you arch you back, grinding your cunt into his face in search of release.
Your moans become broken when he forces his tongue into the tightness of your pussy. The groans he lets out makes you release more juices into his awaiting mouth. It’s almost embarrassing the way his room is suddenly full of the wet squelching sounds coming from your cunt, but you feel too good to actually care.
“Fuck, Y/N.” Mingyu groans into your sopping cunt. “You have the sweetest little cunt.”
All you can focus on is the way his tongue is fucking into you with a force that has you seeing stars. He runs his soft tongue along your aching folds skillfully until all you can do is cry out for him. Mingyu smirks into your folds, fingers slowly massaging deep inside you. The wanton cries you’re letting out make him scissor his fingers so you’ll be prepped enough to take his cock.
When you look down and see Mingyu’s pretty eyes looking up at you with unadulterated desire, the coil building in your stomach abruptly snaps. Mingyu moans along with you as you come all over his face. His cock twitches against the sheets when you keep rocking your hips to grind your cunt into his mouth. With a low groan, he keeps going, using his tongue to fuck you through your orgasm.
You’re a panting mess by the time he pulls away. His chin is covered in your release, and you briefly wonder how someone can be so fucking attractive. Mingyu licks his lips before he smashes them on yours. The taste of your own release makes you moan into his mouth, loving how his lips feel against yours.
You chase his lips when he suddenly pulls away. It’s almost cruel of him to laugh when you whine petulantly after he doesn’t give you what you want. But you can’t truly be mad. Not when it concerns Mingyu.
“Are you ready?”
Your attention is quickly drawn to his throbbing cock. He can’t deny the pleasure it gives him to see you gaping at it. It makes Mingyu think about the face you’ll make when he’s splitting you open.
“It’s...” Huge. You swallow nervously. “Will it fit?”
You can’t take your eyes off his monstrous dick. He’s stroking himself slowly, smearing the precum dribbling from his fat tip all over his veiny length. You can only watch in fascination like you’re in a trance, pussy clenching in desire. The only dicks you’ve ever seen are the ones from porn, but even those don’t compare to how thick and pretty Mingyu’s looks.
“Don’t worry, pretty girl.” Mingyu licks his lips, mind clouded with a lustful haze. “I’ll make it fit.”
The face you make when he uses your arousal to get his dick wet nearly makes him come right then and there. After years of fucking his fist to the thought of you, he finally has you underneath him looking more irresistible than ever.
“Ready, baby?” The pet name continues to fall from his lips so easily, and it’s making you unreasonably more horny than you already are. “Remember you can tell me to stop anytime.”
“Okay.” You breathe out in anticipation. Instead of being nervous, you’re just eager, and you know it’s because you’re doing this with Mingyu who actually cares about you.
Mingyu shudders in pleasure as he slowly sinks his leaking tip into your tight pussy. Your warm and wet and already gripping him so tightly that he wonders if he’ll come once he gets the rest of cock inside you. The choked gasp of pleasure you let out makes him throb with pride and arousal. Your pretty mouth is dropped open in a silent moan, and he has to swoop down to give you a sweet kiss.
You whimper into his mouth, starting to feel the stretch burn as he continues to slide in deeper. Mingyu pulls away to place tender kisses along your jaw, whispering into your heated skin about how good you’re taking him. A soft moan is pulled from your throat when he rubs gentle circles on your clit. It eases the sting, and soon enough pleasure cancels out the pain.
“G-Gyu.” You mewl as he finally bottoms out, heavy balls resting against your ass. “Fuck. Your cock is so big.”
Your fucked out whine makes his dick throb. Mingyu only offers you a shy chuckle, thumb still working your sensitive clit. Your hot cunt is pulsing and gripping him so tightly that he knows the slightest movement will have him busting inside you. And while that’s one thing he’s dreamed of for a long time, this was about your pleasure not his.
“Like it?” His voice is seductive and not teasing at all which just turns you on more. “Tell me, pretty girl. Let me hear you.”
His hips shift, and it makes his cock curve into your sweet spot that makes you arch your back. The moan you let out is louder this time, hips bucking in need. Your arousal is drenching his cock and spilling down to coat his heavy sack.
“Feels so fucking good, Gyu! Please move!” You whimper desperately as you wrap your legs around his waist.
Mingyu moans into your skin, hips moving upon your command. He starts to thrust in and out of your hot cunt with precise yet slow movements. His hands trail up to your bouncing tits, gently caressing and rubbing your hardened nipples. You moan again, turned on by how tenderly he’s touching you.
“Told you we’d make it fit, pretty.” His grin is so attractive that it makes you tighten impossibly and stain his cock with more cream.
Mingyu’s hips start to snap a little more desperately now. His cock seems to swell when he looks down to see how tightly you’re gripping him. Strings of arousal cling to your skin and his as he continues to stretch out your tight little cunt. His heavy balls slap against your ass as you continue to moan in pleasure.
“You’re dripping all over me, babe.” He grunts, feeling like he’s in heaven. “Am I making you feel that good?”
Just like outside the bedroom, Mingyu likes to be praised. Your heart swells with fondness, unable to believe how cute he can be even as he’s splitting you open on his cock. It makes you want to oblige him all the more.
“So fucking good, Gyu.” You moan wantonly as his cock continues to spear into you.
You’re sensitive, mewling and whining in pleasure as he snaps his hips at the perfect speed and intensity. Mingyu lets out a deep groan when your thighs start to quiver. Your eyes are rolling back as his cock keeps slamming against your sweet spot, and he’s enjoying every second of it.
“God, you’re pretty.” Mingyu moans as you squeeze his cock tighter. “Prettiest little thing ever.”
Your entire body heats up, and you can’t help but pull him down for a passionate kiss. Mingyu moans into your mouth. His soft lips move against yours with a need that makes you ravenous. You start to meet his thrusts, eager for more of him.
The sound of wet skin slapping fills the room, and you don’t ever want it to end. Mingyu’s mouth, hands, and cock are too addicting for you to ever want anything else. With the way his throbbing dick keeps fucking into you desperately, you’re pretty sure the feeling is mutual.
When he reluctantly pulls away from your sweet lips, he trails wet kisses down to your neck. You moan out his name when you feel him start to mark you up. The ache in his cock grows when he feels your nails dig into his shoulders. Your sensual moans of his name sounds like music to his ears, and he knows he’ll be fucking his hand to the memory often.
Your orgasm is close, the coil in the pit on your stomach on the verge of snapping. All it takes is for his long fingers to smooth over your wet clit, rubbing fast circles on the sensitive bud for you to come undone. Your back arches off the mattress as you gush all over his cock with a loud cry of Mingyu’s name.
The erotic and breathtaking sight of you coming on his cock is something that leaves him breathless. It’s all Mingyu needs for his own orgasm to rip through him. He stills with a low groan of your name. You can feel his cock pulsate inside you as he shoots thick ropes of cum into your pussy. The two of you are moaning and whimpering as your walls spasm around his aching cock.
“That’s it, baby.” Mingyu moans as he rolls his hips to fuck you through both your highs.
You’re whimpering in pleasure, milking him for every last drop of cum he has. The way he fucks it back into you makes you feel delirious with pleasure, and your cunt gets tighter with need at the thought of doing it all over again.
Mingyu holds you close as you both pant—spent and satisfied. He gently coos at you, sweetly caressing your face as he keeps his cum plugged inside you with his still-throbbing cock.
“How was it, baby?” He wonders, big puppy dog eyes searching your face for any signs of discomfort. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
You wrap your arms around his muscular back, bringing a hand up to gently play with his hair. The gentle hum you let out eases his worries. “You were amazing.”
The smile he gives you is bright and makes your chest jerk with affection. Mingyu gently caresses your body, telling you how good you were for him. It makes you burn for him all over again.
Before you can convince him to fuck you again, he gets up and goes into the bathroom. You watch curiously as he brings back a wet towel. It’s warm against your skin as he starts to clean you up. The act is somehow more intimate than him stuffing you full of cum, but you don’t hate it.
Once he’s done, he gets back into bed with you. It takes you by surprise when he pulls you on top of him. Mingyu caresses your naked back, basking in the feeling of your weight on him. His heart jumps when he feels you start to trace small patterns on his chest.
“Can we do that again?” Your voice is coy, and he really fucking loves it.
“Yes.” He promises. “I’ll order some takeout for us first then we can do it again. Unless you want to do it now.”
You stay silent for a moment before nuzzling your face his sculpted chest. With your eyes closed, you let out a content sigh. “Let’s just stay like this for a little while.”
Mingyu caresses your head with a love stricken smile you can’t see. “Okay.”
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In retrospect, Minseo should’ve realized it sooner.
The signs were there—have always been there, apparently. It’s almost embarrassing that it took her so long to realize something was going on. Especially when she thinks back to the annual camping trip that took place a week ago.
It started off like all the other trips, except Mingyu insisted that you drive with him since he wouldn’t subject you to being a third wheel to his sister and Vernon. This was only the start of Mingyu’s unwarranted clinginess toward you. Minseo didn’t think too much of it because no one liked being the third wheel, and her brother always has a way of guilt tripping like no one’s business.
The campground looks beautiful covered in hues of red and yellow. Mingyu has brought along his camera and is already taking pictures and candids of everyone setting up their space. He especially captures some of you taking in the beautiful autumn scenery. You always looked so pretty when you had a look of awe and wonder on your face.
“I didn’t see you taking that many pictures of me.” Seungcheol teases as he peeks at the camera screen Mingyu is smiling fondly at.
His friend’s neck burns, and before he can think to say anything back, your voice grabs his attention. Seungcheol snickers quietly. It’s this simple action that Minseo’s attention again.
“Gyu.” You whine, holding up the tent you brought in frustration. “Help me.”
Her helpful brother goes over to you immediately like a puppy being called by its owner. Minseo should’ve thought more about the way he hands over his prized possession to Seungcheol like it’s nothing. The smitten smile he directs at you doesn’t seem that way to her in the moment, but again—hindsight.
Mingyu’s tone is playful as he asks you what you need. You don’t answer him because in the next second he tells you to follow the instructions in spite of the fact that he’s already starting to put the sticks together to actually lift the tent off the ground. Mingyu goes on to say that you should’ve gotten a smaller, one-person tent instead of a large dome tent big enough to fit five people inside.
“The guy at the store told me it would be easy to set up!” You whine with a frown. “And it’s not my fault the instructions are impossible to understand.”
Mingyu’s laughter is full of affection and adoration. He shakes his head fondly as he continues to build your tent for you. “You need to learn how to do these sorts of things.”
“Why? That’s why I have you.”
Once again, she should’ve thought more about the bashful look on Mingyu’s face and the way his ears and neck turned red. Instead, she chose to make sure that Vernon was setting up their own tent correctly because she had also bought one very similar to yours.
By the time everyone has their tents set up, the sun is starting to set. Mingyu helps Seungcheol start the fire while everyone else helps prepare the snacks and drinks.
The vibe is peaceful as you all settle around the fire. Mingyu claims the spot next to you, and you’re all too happy to have him by your side. It goes unnoticed, but now the image is clear in Minseo’s memories.
You look over to see Mingyu handing you a stick with a perfectly roasted marshmallow at the end of it. Maybe it’s the way the setting sun hits face or maybe it’s the fact that he was careful not to burn the marshmallow since you didn't like that. Either way your chest throbs with something you’re sure is not appropriate to feel for your best friend’s brother.
“Thanks, Gyu.” You smile at him before you start making your s’mores.
The night progresses like this, with Mingyu roasting your marshmallows and you happily making the s’mores. Vaguely, you wonder if it’s right to keep doing this with him. He’s so sweet and attentive that sometimes this line you’ve drawn gets blurry. The worst part is that you don’t mind if that line isn’t clear because being with Mingyu is like having a cup of hot cocoa when it’s cold—comforting and appealing.
For now, you decide to enjoy the moment. Evaluating feelings and this deep affection you feel would have to wait.
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Fall has always been a special time for Mingyu. The leaves always change to beautiful red and golden colors, the weather turns the kind of crisp that’s invigorating, and it’s a time when family gets together. And possibly the most important reason: it’s the season when he met you.
He was only nine years old when you two met. It was a random autumn day meant to uphold the lifetime tradition of his parents taking him and Minseo to the pumpkin patch. Picking out pumpkins was something he looked forward to all year because it was a time where his entire family was together.
Mingyu vividly remembers being caught by surprise when his sister brought along an unexpected guest. She was holding the hand of a girl with a solemn expression that was a great contrast to her own bright one. Minseo cheerfully introduced the unknown girl as her best friend. You had offered him a barley-there wave that had him wondering how his sunshine of a sister could possibly like someone so closed off.
It was a misconception on his part because on the car ride to the pumpkin patch, he realizes his sister couldn’t have found a better friend. Minseo talks possibly more than he does, but you listened to every word attentively, like actually listen. Also, you offered her (and Mingyu after some shy contemplation) the snacks in your bag.
Your overly cautious attitude reminded Mingyu of his cousin’s unfriendly cat. Trying to get you to open up was a challenge, but you slowly started to warm up to him as the evening went on. He truly won you over after he offered to carry the heavy pumpkin you chose. The unsure pout you directed at him was adorable, and his heart just soared when you quietly thanked him.
“Here.” You huffed out, feeling embarrassingly shy as you stuck out your small hand.
Mingyu’s grin soothed the bashfulness. He thanked you for the candy you gave him, claiming that the caramel you put in his hand is his favorite.
Looking back on it, that was the first time you tugged on his heartstrings.
Of course, it was completely innocent back then. There was no way you could’ve known that Mingyu held on to that piece of candy for as long as he could until he forgot it in a pair of pants that his mom threw in the washer. Nor could you have known that as you two got older, it killed him just a little bit every time you referred to him as Minseo’s older brother.
These feelings don’t make sense in his mind, but it all becomes clear to him the fall of his junior year.
Just like all those years ago, you found yourself at the pumpkin patch. Except this time you don’t have either of the Kim siblings by your side. Minseo was hanging out with her almost-boyfriend and of course Mingyu hadn’t joined you two at the pumpkin patch for years now. You weren’t uncomfortable being alone, but it did feel odd picking out a pumpkin without Minseo inspecting it to make sure you picked one suited for carving.
In your lonely search, you meet Lee Chan. He too had been left alone after his friends went off with their respective partners. What you don’t realize is that your resident puppy boy is watching this kindred meeting from afar. Unbeknownst to you, Minseo had texted her older brother asking him to keep you company because she still felt sorry for leaving you alone.
At the time, Mingyu can’t explain why his chest feels strangely heavy. It feels like he can’t approach you despite knowing you wouldn’t be unhappy to see him. So he doesn’t even though it’s arguably one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do. Later that night, his mom helps him come to the conclusion that this icky feeling is none other than petty jealousy.
As a teenage boy who loved his little sister more than anything, this realization was devastating. It was very likely that Minseo would be upset if she ever found out her brother had a crush on her best friend. The fear of what would happen if his feelings ever came to light was the reason Mingyu decided to keep it a secret.
After all, it was just a small, harmless crush.
Unfortunately for Mingyu, this teeny tiny crush soon blossomed into something more intense that he’s not ready to acknowledge. Time goes by, and yet his feelings haven’t gone away even when he starts to date. It makes him feel icky, and most likely the reason why none of his relationships ever last.
When it’s time for him to leave for college, he thinks that maybe he can move on. Only, you never give him that chance.
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“Why don’t you ever bring enough clothes?”
It might seem like Mingyu is scolding you, but he’s actually only worried that you seem to value fashion over practicality. Your heart jumps when he takes off the scarf he’s wearing to put it around you, making sure it covers your neck and looks pretty with the outfit you’ve chosen. He doesn’t seem to notice that your eyes shine with endearment as he adjusts it to cover your mouth.
“Come on.” He absentmindedly grabs your hand, not realizing his touch is making your heart pound. “The cafe is only open for another hour.”
Mingyu had insisted that this new cafe had drinks to die for. So he waited until you got off work to go with you together. You’re glad his scarf covers the lower half of your face because you’re sure every single emotion you feel for him would be very obvious as he hands you a warm cup.
Walking in silence with Mingyu isn’t ever uncomfortable, but it does leave you to contemplate how you’re going to confess to him. He’s been nothing but sweet to you, and you hope he won’t be upset at your sudden feelings since you’re the one who insisted the sex between you two would be strictly platonic.
“What are you thinking so hard about?”
It kills you that Mingyu can look so pretty while he’s tilting his head at you curiously. You let out a nervous breath. It was now or never.
“You told Minseo you took my virginity.”
The air goes still, and you feel like smacking yourself because that’s not at all what you were planning to say—not like that, anyway. Mingyu’s eyes practically pop out of his head as he feels a blush crawl up his neck and suffuse throughout his face. You don’t seem angry, but he can’t really tell with his scarf covering your face.
“I’m sorry!” He rushes. “I didn’t mean to, but—”
“I’m not mad.” You assure him with a laugh.
“You’re not?”
“No.” You let out a fond laugh. “And Minseo isn’t either.”
Before Mingyu can fully process your words, you crush him with a hug. His eyes widen slightly, but he doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you and press himself closer to you.
“I like you, Mingyu.” You confess, feeling like your heart is on the verge of exploding. “I like you so much.”
He stills in your arms. Slowly, he pulls away to look at your face. His expression is one of pure shock, and before you can brace yourself for any kind of rejection, Mingyu is kissing you.
The movements of his soft lips are needy and full of undeniable want. You moan into his mouth, returning his kiss with just as much vigor. It all feels like a wonderful dream, especially when you whisper against his lips that you want to go back to your place.
If this is a dream, Mingyu wishes it could go on forever.
Having you kneeled between his parted thighs, worshipping his cock in the exact way he’s shown you how has him coming apart quickly. You’re slobbering all over him, saliva slipping down the sides of his dick to lubricate him.
“Fuck, Gyu. You have the prettiest cock ever.” You gush, entire body hot with arousal and want.
The way he actually blushes as you praise him has your cunt dripping with more juices. You can’t wait to wreck him and have him writhing in pleasure. His cock is throbbing as you continue to lick and stroke him with your mouth. Your tongue swirls around his leaking tip, licking into the slit which causes him to let out a guttural groan. The moans you let out run through the length of his dick in the most pleasurable way.
Mingyu feels completely fucked out at this point. He can’t believe how good you’ve gotten at sucking his cock. And now, he’s going to be the only man to experience what that pretty little mouth can do.
“Y/N, fuck.” He cries out as his orgasm abruptly hits.
As always, Mingyu looks absolutely breathtaking when he comes. His mouth is dropped open as a pretty blush covers his entire face. Dark eyes are unfocused and dazed as he keeps releasing thick ropes of cum into your mouth. The way you keep pumping and sucking him to squeeze more cum out of him is starting to make him tremble.
You pull off his cock with a satisfied grin. Mingyu’s chest is heaving as you go to straddle him.
“Wait!” He pants out, slowly coming out of his euphoric bliss. “It’s your turn—”
“I want you to fuck me now.”
Mingyu groans when he feels your creamy folds slide over his twitching cock. “But I really want to taste you.”
He’s so cute, you think as your cunt leaks with arousal. You hum in pleasure as you rub your aching cunt over the length of his dick. His fat tip is enveloped between your warm lips every time you grind forward while his heavy sack is slowly getting soaked with your arousal.
“Tell you what, puppy. After you fill me up with your cum I’ll let you eat it out of me, okay?”
You feel his cock throb at your words as your cream covers him entirely. Mingyu nods cutely, and that’s all you need to grab his pulsing cock. He’s hot and heavy in your hand as you tease him by circling his tip against your slick entrance.
Mingyu moans loudly when you sink down. A choked whimper is forced out of him as you take him entirely, puffy lips brushing against his pelvis. His thick veins drag against your hot walls deliciously until his heavy balls are flush against your ass. It’s like all the air is being shoved out of your body to make room for his cock.
“God, Y/N. I need you to move. Please.”
You slowly grind on his cock, juices dripping down to his big balls and making a mess all over him. It’s probably really hard for him not to fuck his cock up into you, and it really turns you on that he’s trying so hard. You can tell he’s on the verge of breaking. Literally you can feel it. His cock keeps throbbing inside you like it’s on the verge of exploding.
“Show me what I’ve taught you, baby.” His voice is sultry and tempting—something you can’t say no to.
Immediately, you start to gyrate your hips. You two moan in sync as your pussy clenches tightly on his cock. Mingyu sucks on his bottom lip, completely beginning to lose his composure. His hands go to your waist, slowly guiding you as his imploring eyes gaze up at you with unmatched desire.
“Fuck, Gyu!” You cry out. “You’re so deep!”
The sound of your pleased cry, Mingyu starts to move his hips to thrust up into you. He groans lowly because it feels like his aching cock is hitting the hilt of your sopping pussy. Your soft hands smooth over his naked torso, crying out his name as you feel every inch of his muscular chest.
“Mmmh, pretty girl.” Mingyu hums in pleasure as his big hands smooth down your body to grab your ass. “Fucking my cock just right. Feels so fucking good.”
When he starts to kiss and suck on your neck as his cock spears into you, the coil in your stomach snaps. You moan his name loudly as you come all over his dick. Loud squelching fills the room as he continues to bounce you on his lap. His thickness is stretching you deliciously, the unmistakable sound of his heavy balls smacking against your ass mixing in with your moans of pleasure.
Mingyu fucks into you a few more times before you feel his hot, thick cum spurt inside you. His euphoric moan is as pretty as ever, and you can’t help but move your hips to fuck him through his high.
You sag against him, and it’s silent for a moment until you bring your lips to his ear. “I want more of your cum, puppy.”
That’s how you find yourself on your side with Mingyu behind you. Your back is pressed against his beefy chest as he lifts your leg up to expose your soiled cunt to the cool air. He nuzzled his nose into your neck before he trails it up to your cheek. Your body shivers as his arm breath fans against your ear.
“Watch how your pretty pussy stretches open for me.”
You wonder what he means until his other hand lifts up your chin delicately to look at the full body mirror he bought for you a week ago after you told Minseo you wanted it. His fat cock is teasing your entrance, and the filthy sight makes your cunt flutter in need.
Without a word of warning, Mingyu thrusts his thick dick inside you, heavy sack flush against your creamy cunt. You whine out in pleasure, feeling completely full and stuffed to the brim. It’s impossible to look away from the mirror because you can see how tightly your pussy is gripping him.
Mingyu’s cock throbs inside you as his skin tingles with desire. He starts to thrust slowly. The lewd wet sound coming from your cunt is erotic as it fills your room. You moan again when the hand that isn’t spreading you open comes up to play with one of your tits. The sensations of his cock hitting your sweet spot while his fingers pinch and pull on your erect nipple have you close again.
If you weren’t so drunk on the pleasure Mingyu’s throbbing cock is providing you with, you’d tell him to let you record because the sight of him doing you like this is one you want to remember forever. His thrusts start to pick up as your moans get louder. He’s groaning into your ear as his fat tip slams against your cervix.
Mingyu pounding into you while in this positions feels like he’s tearing your pretty little pussy apart. He messily kisses your jaw as start to tremble in his hold, grunting when you tighten around him once again like you’re trying to milk him.
“You look so pretty like this, baby.” Mingyu’s moan is low, but you hear it perfectly. “Sweet little pussy was made to take my cock.”
Your eyes roll back as you whimper out a nearly incoherent agreement. So lost in pleasure, you don’t realize your second orgasm is one thrust away.
“Mingyu!” You moan as your orgasm hits.
Juices spurt out obscenely and cover his entire cock and the sheets bellow you. Mingyu groans as he holds your legs wide open. He keeps fucking your messy cunt as you squirt all over him. All you can make out in your euphoric haze is Mingyu calling you pretty while his twitching cock keeps ramming deep into you.
“Fill me up.” You manage to mewl out as you turn your head to give him a sloppy kiss.
Mingyu moans into your mouth, thrusting into you deeply before he stills. He forces his tongue into your mouth as he floods your sloppy cunt with his cum. You swallow each others moans as he stuffs you full to the point where you can feel it leak out of you. The feeling of his cock pulsing inside you is one of your favorite feelings which is why you’re eager to feel it at least one more time.
It’s why Mingyu is quick to put you into a different position, your legs pressed into your chest as he rams his aching cock inside you once again. Your fucked out eyes are the prettiest, and he knows that he’ll never get tired of that stare. He loves how your gaze never loses the affection you feel for him. It makes him feel like you’ll never leave him.
“You feel so good, Gyu.” You whimper as his big cock spears into you.
Mingyu roughly pounds into your ruined cunt, not holding back since he’s determined to fill you up one last time. His cock throbs as your mouth drops open in a silent scream. Your pretty mewls and whines mix in perfectly with the sound of skin slapping. It only makes him fuck you harder.
His dick forces out an obscene amount of juices from your fluttering pussy. Mingyu is so deep that it almost feels like he’s in your guts. You always feel so full when he fucks you like this, and all you can feel is bolts of euphoria dancing across your skin.
“Come for me, pretty.” Mingyu urges sweetly as he hooks your legs over his shoulders. “Come all over my cock and cover me with your sweet cream.”
Somehow he feel just as deep from this angle. He keeps railing your tight cunt, splitting you open to fully claim you as his. Your senses go into overdrive when he slips his fingers down to your puffy clit to rub gentle circles. At this point you’re trembling beneath him, all thoughts gone as he thrust harder and deeper inside you.
Mingyu’s eyes are locked on the way your tight pussy swallows his thick cock. The way your cream covers him completely make him more ravenous. He’s hitting your spongy spot with mastered precision, and it only takes a few more thrusts for the coil in your stomach to snap.
Your moan is pornographic as your walls contract and your juices squirt out everywhere. Mingyu’s pace doesn’t falter as you cover him with your orgasm. He groans loudly, loving how you can only seem to chant his name.
“God, you look pretty when you come on my cock. So pretty. Every. Fucking. Time.” His words break off into a guttural groan that bounces off of the walls.
Hot streams of his seed flood your insides, stuffing you full until the white pours out from around the thickness of his cock. Mingyu slowly releases your legs and goes to give you a passionate kiss. His hips move slowly as he fucks his cum back into you. With one last peck he pulls away and slowly eases his cock out of your messy pussy.
You moan again when he suddenly starts to lap up the mess between your legs. You’re too fucked out to stop him. That, and you did say he could eat his cum out of your pussy after you were done (plus it just feels so fucking good). He licks and sucks on your clit until there’s nothing left to lap up.
When he crawls back up your body, your insides clench at the erotic sight of him licking his lips. “So fucking sweet.”
You pull him down for another kiss. The taste of you two mixed together is so filthy yet so addicting that you have to lick every inch of his mouth. Mingyu pulls you flush against him as he continues to kiss you like he never wants to breath again.
Minutes later, you two are still in your bed, cuddling and unwilling to separate from each other.
“This feels like a dream.” Mingyu sighs into your hair.
You hum, running your finger tips along his biceps. “It’s not a dream. I really do adore you, Kim Mingyu.”
He buries his face in your neck, mumbling into your heated skin that the adoration he has for you is endless.
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taglist: @duolingofanaccount @felix-3002 @junhui-recs @asjkdk @dani41 @kageyama-i-want-tobiors
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Was Any Of It True?
Pairing: badboy!Azriel x goodgirl!Reader
Summary: Modern/College AU! Az’s on-again-off-again girlfriend gives Azriel a proposition: make the new bookworm fall in love with him, then break her heart, in exchange for anything he wants. He agrees, but things get complicated when he falls for Reader for real.
Based on this request! 🩷
Warnings: angst, sexual language?, swearing, Azriel & friends being assholes
Word Count: 10.2k   oh lord sorry besties I couldn’t shut my little brain off
“I'm telling you, Az, she's pissing me off. The professor loves her, and I saw that she got a 100 on the exam,” Claire was seething while she and Azriel lounged in his apartment, eating the pizza he'd ordered.
“Mhmm,” he mumbled around his pizza, only half listening. Claire was always complaining about something. “And what did you get?”
“98! He took two points off because I didn't answer thoroughly enough,” she scoffed. “God, I hate her. She's going to push me right off the top of the Dean's list.”
Azriel blinked. “I mean, you'll still be very near the top of the list.”
Claire groaned, throwing her napkin onto her paper plate angrily, “That's not good enough!”
He rolled his eyes and she glared at him. “Don't be an ass! This is a big deal to me.”
“Oh, I know it is. This girl is all you talk about.”
“Because I hate her. Maybe if she got laid, she’d be distracted enough to slip up once in a while,” she grumbled.
“Yeah, maybe,” Azriel said, pulling his laptop out of his backpack and setting it on the table, a sufficient signal that he didn’t want to talk about his girlfriend’s arch nemesis anymore. 
No more than a week later, Azriel’s on-again-off-again girlfriend was off-again, and honestly, he was relieved. Claire’s obsession with being at the top of the academic food chain was bordering on insanity, and he was glad he didn’t have to hear about it anymore.
He was currently at a house party that Cassian had dragged him to, with a blonde girl that he couldn’t remember the name of sitting in his lap, one of her arms draped behind his neck, the other resting on his chest. She had been whispering in his ear all the things that she wanted to do to him, before Cassian interrupted, handing Azriel a shot with a grin. 
Blondie scowled at Cassian, who just smirked back as the girl that Cass had been talking to earlier sidled up next to him, wrapping her arms around his middle. 
Azriel knocked the shot back and handed the cup it had come in to the blonde girl. “Can you get me another one?”
She seemed annoyed, but took the cup from him anyway, striding into the kitchen. 
“Sorry for interrupting,” Cassian said, settling on the couch next to him, before pulling the girl onto his lap.
Azriel rolled his eyes. “Like I give a shit.”
Cassian snickered as the blonde girl came back, draping herself in his lap again, handing him another shot. He drank it, just as Claire appeared before him, her arms crossed over her chest, and her brow furrowed.
“What do you want?” he asked, his voice husky.
“I have a proposition for you.”
He smirked, making a show of tightening his grip on the blonde girl’s waist. “No, thanks. Been there, done that.”
“Not that kind of proposition, you idiot. Can we talk privately? I think it’ll be worth your while,” she said, her lips turning up into a sultry smile.
“I don’t know, Claire, I’m pretty busy right now,” he said, turning his gaze to the blonde girl, squeezing her thigh. She sighed dreamily, leaning further into him.
Claire groaned. “Look, Az, I really need your help. Please?” 
Azriel studied Claire, and he could see that it was true. She was wearing her most annoyed, don’t-fuck-with-me face, but her eyes were pleading. Sad.
He sighed, glancing apologetically at the girl in his lap before turning back to Claire. “Fine, we can talk.”
She led him into someone’s empty bedroom and shut the door behind her. 
“If this is about that girl you’re obsessed with, so help me,” he said. She winced, and he threw his head back. “Unbelievable. Claire, I don’t want to hear about this anymore! I don’t care about your problems.”
“Just hear me out!”
He crossed his arms over his chest, and raised an eyebrow at her, waiting.
“She actually is threatening my spot on the Dean’s list now,” she said, looking close to tears.
He looked pointedly at her. “And?”
“And I was thinking about what I said earlier… about how if a really hot guy was interested in her, maybe she would stop caring about her grades so much,” she said, smiling at him now.
“And?” Azriel just wished she would get to the point.
Claire sighed, exasperated. “I need you to seduce her.”
Azriel barked out a laugh, leaning his shoulder against the nearest wall. “You’re kidding, right? Why would I do that?”
She stepped closer to him, trailing a finger along his chest, her touch feather-light through his black t-shirt. She looked up at him from beneath her lashes, “Because I asked? Because I’ll give you anything you want,” she said, her voice dropping seductively.
He held her gaze, leaning down until their mouths were a breath away. Azriel heard her breath hitch.
Then he pulled away rapidly, and she blinked. “Sweetheart, you know I can fuck you anytime I want, right? That is not going to persuade me to help you.”
Her brow furrowed, her nose scrunching up. Oh, she was furious. Azriel's mouth turned up into his calculated half smile.
“What do you want, Az?” she huffed.
“Hmm,” he said, taking his time to think. Claire scowled. “I haven’t decided yet. But when I need to call in a favor of my own, you have to promise to do it. No matter what,” he drawled.
To her credit, she really looked like she was thinking it through, trying to think of another way to push this girl off the list. But finally, she sighed. “Deal.”
He pushed off the wall, walking towards the door. “Alright, so I just have to seduce the bookworm? Easy.”
Claire shook her head, her eyes still alight with her anger. “No, if I’m going to agree to any favor you could possibly want, you’re going to have to go further. You need to make her fall in love with you.”
Azriel bristled a bit, leaning against the door now. “I know I’m an asshole, but that seems too far, don’t you think?”
“No. If she’s going to be distracted enough that her grades will slip, you need to make it seem real,” she said, and then smiled as if she had a wicked thought.
“What?” Azriel asked.
“And then you break her heart, right before exams,” she said excitedly, her eyes burning with enthusiasm now. “You tell her, in front of everyone, that it was all fake.”
He rubbed at his bicep, a nervous tic that Claire picked up on immediately. “Jesus, Claire. I don’t want to ruin this girl’s life.”
She arched her brow. “Why not? She’s ruining mine.”
Azriel rolled his eyes and Claire pounced, “Any favor, Az. Any time, you can tell me to do whatever you want,” she smirked. 
He groaned, pinching his nose. “Fine,” he ground out. “Where do I find her?”
Claire beamed. “Where else would a nerd be? The library, of course.”
You shifted in your seat, starting to feel sore after poring over your notes for hours. Maybe you should go for a walk. Maybe. But, you still had so much to do…
Groaning, you crossed your arms on the table, laying your head down on top of them. Just a minute, you just needed a tiny break --
“Studying always makes me feel like that, too,” said a low, male voice. 
You lifted your head, bewildered, and nearly choked on your own spit. The guy who was for some reason deigning to talk to you was… well, what other way was there to say it? He was drop-dead gorgeous. 
His face was stoic as he sauntered up to your table, his jet black hair was just a tad unruly, his hazel eyes burning into yours. But it was his body that made the breath completely escape your lungs. He was dressed in all black, his t-shirt hugging his chest and his biceps, showing off his every muscle, and there were swirling black tattoos peeking out from under his sleeves. 
All you could do was stare as he took the seat across from you, leaning back with his arms crossed like the two of you did this every day.
“What class is that for?” he asked, nodding to the textbook open in front of you, the dozens of papers scattered around you.
“Organic Chemistry,” you said, trying to sound like you were normal and not completely surprised by this handsome stranger finding you in your favorite quiet corner of the library.
He let out a low whistle, “Damn, you are smart.”
“What, did someone tell you I was?” you asked. 
“No, I just figured when I saw all the --” he gestured to your cluttered workspace, “homework stuff.”
You arched an eyebrow. “Homework stuff?”
His mouth turned up the slightest bit, holding up his hands like he was surrendering. “You caught me. I’m not much of an academic.”
“Then what are you doing here?” you asked curiously.
“Now, that is an excellent question,” he said, and really did seem like he was questioning it. “Girls? Parties? Though I could get girls anywhere and I don't particularly enjoy parties.”
You nodded. “Ah,” you said. “Got it.”
He braced his arms on the table, leaning forward. “I take it you’re not into that kinda thing?”
A dry laugh escaped from your throat, “Definitely not. I’m really only here for the--” you mimicked his gesture from earlier, “homework stuff.”
He barked out a laugh, his stoic face completely transforming for the briefest of moments. You couldn’t help but stare. “You’re telling me all you do is study? A beautiful girl like you? Please tell me you’ve been to at least one party,” he said, looking at you incredulously. 
You blushed. “No, I haven’t been to any.”
You braced yourself for impact, for the teasing or insults to come, but he just smiled softly. “You wanna go to one with me tonight?”
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion. “You don’t even know my name.”
The side of his mouth quirked up into a smile, his eyes dancing with amusement. “What's your name?”
Rolling your eyes, you told him.
“Nice to meet you. I'm Azriel.” He raised his eyebrows, “So? Party?”
“I thought you just said you don't like parties!”
“True, but I do love the thought of corrupting a sweet, innocent bookworm,” he smirked.
“No, thanks.” You couldn't imagine yourself going to a house party, especially not with a stranger.
Azriel's cool-guy demeanor seemed to drop the slightest bit. “Why not?”
You looked at him pointedly. “I don't know you. And I have no interest in being corrupted. Why do you want me to come to this party so badly anyway?”
He shrugged casually. “I like you.”
“You don't know me!”
“See, that, right there,” he snapped his fingers and pointed at you. “You're funny. Smart, beautiful. What's not to like?”
You forced yourself to hold his gaze, even as a blush rose to your cheeks. “I'm not going to a party with someone I don't know. They make true crime documentaries about that sort of thing.”
He seemed to contemplate that for a moment. “Okay, you make a fair point. What do you want to do then?”
“What do you mean?”
“You can pick our first date, since you didn't like my idea.”
“What date?” You blanched.
He arched an eyebrow. “Our first date? Weren't you listening?”
You studied him for a moment. For the life of you, you could not figure out what this guy's angle was. 
As if reading your mind, he said softly, “Look, I just saw you and thought you were really pretty, and that it looked like you could use a break from studying. That's it,” he held his hands up again. “I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. If you want me to go, I'll go.”
For a beat longer, you watched him, his body language, his ridiculously pretty face. What was the harm, really? You sighed, tore off a scrap of paper from your notebook, scribbled out your number, then handed it to him. “I need to study. If you text me later, I'll let you know where we're going on the first date.” 
His face broke out into what might have been the first genuine smile you'd seen from him. He took the paper from you, his fingers brushing against yours.
“Can't wait.”
You were half expecting to never hear from Azriel again. But just a few hours later, as you were eating dinner in your apartment, your phone chimed with a text. 
Az: Done studying yet?
It was an effort to bite down your smile. 
You: Taking a break for dinner. 
It was less than a minute before he responded. 
Az: Dinner? Is that what our first date is going to be?
You didn’t try to hide your smile this time.
You: A little cliche, don’t you think?
Az: Oh, absolutely. So… what are we doing?
You: Meet at the tennis courts at 7 tomorrow?
Az: We’re playing tennis?
You: No, but I’m not giving you my address. And I’m not giving away the surprise.
Az: So smart. So mysterious. I’m swooning.
You: Shut up.
Az: See you tomorrow ;)
You tossed your phone to the side, forcing yourself to focus back on your schoolwork.
The following day you parked your car by the empty tennis courts on campus just before 7. It was early spring; the weather finally started to warm up enough to not be too chilly in the evening. Still, you rubbed your arms nervously. You were starting to regret this. You didn’t know this guy at all. What if it went horribly wrong?
Before you could contemplate bailing, a familiar figure rode up on a jet black motorcycle. Of course this guy had a motorcycle. You couldn't see his face underneath the helmet, but you would already recognize those tattooed arms anywhere. 
He parked his bike, smoothly sliding off it and taking his helmet off before sauntering over to you. “Hey, beautiful.” 
You rolled your eyes, sure that he had said that to a million girls on a million dates before.
“What? Don’t do that,” he said softly, his smile softening and his gaze raking down your body. “You are beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you said quietly, giving in. 
“So,” he said, towering over you. “What’s the plan?”
You smiled. “How’s your mini golf game?”
He raised an eyebrow, looking a little skeptical. “Mini golf? That’s what you’re choosing?”
“Yes, it is. Do you have something to say about that?” you teased. 
His eyes sparked at the tone in your voice. “Nope. Nothing at all.” He nodded to his motorcycle. “You wanna hop on the bike?”
You looked pointedly at him and he laughed. “Didn’t think so,” he gestured to your car. “Lead the way.”
Your nerves started to dim as the two of you fell into a rhythm going through the course. The two of you were just talking and laughing like it was normal. It was… fun, actually.
“Shit,” Azriel muttered as he overshot the hole. Again.
You laughed and his eyes flicked over to you, lingering a bit. “You’re good at this, bookworm,” he said as he took another shot, sinking it into the hole this time. You watched, leaning against your putter, having finished that hole two shots ago. 
Shrugging, you said, “I used to go with my family a lot.”
He placed his hand on the small of your back as you walked to the next hole. You cleared your throat, focusing on your steps, on your breathing, on anything but how it felt to have him touch you so casually. “What about you?”
“What about me?” he asked as you dropped your ball onto the green. 
You took your shot before you answered. The ball landed just shy of the hole. “What’s your family like?”
“My family…” he trailed off, clearing his throat, setting up his shot. He paused to look at you for a moment before he swung. “It’s complicated.”
He hit the ball and it stopped right next to yours. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” you said, as the two of you walked further down the hole.
“No, you didn’t. It’s just… I don’t really talk about them with anybody.”
You nodded, not sure where to go from here.
Azriel smiled reassuringly, nudging you lightly with his shoulder. “Stop worrying.”
“I’m not worrying,” you claimed, your voice an octave too high. 
“You are. I can tell.”
You bit your lip to hide your smile as you sunk your ball into the hole.
“I think I’m going to need some pointers from you on the next hole,” he grumbled. 
“I guess I could help you out,” you laughed. 
So, when you got to the next hole, the last hole, he stepped so close that your bodies were nearly touching. You tried to control your breathing. 
“You’re gonna help me out?” he murmured, his eyes flashing down to your lips for a moment. 
“Okay,” you breathed. 
He stepped behind you, his body pressed against your back, wrapping his arms around you, his hands covering yours on the club. 
“How is this going to help you, exactly?” you asked, your voice slightly unsteady. 
His lips brushed your ear as he said, “Oh, trust me, it’s helping.”
You couldn’t say anything. Could hardly breathe.
“What do you think I’m doing wrong?” He murmured. 
You swallowed. “You’re hitting it too hard. Not exactly rocket science.”
“Mmm. That makes sense. I do tend to go… hard.”
That finally had you coming to your senses. You stepped out of his grasp, turning back to glare at him when you were a safe distance away. 
The side of his mouth turned up into a smile. “Sorry. I couldn't help myself.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at him again. “Just take your shot.”
He smirked at you for a moment, before he swung, and the ball went right into the hole. 
He turned to you, his eyes wide. You laughed and he hugged you, picking you up and spinning you around. 
You let out an involuntary squeal of surprise, and he laughed, gazing into your eyes as he set you back on the ground. “Thanks for the help.”
“I think you’ve been playing me this whole time,” you joked. 
His smile fell a little, his eyes sobering. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked. When he just stared at you, his expression unreadable, you added, “Azriel, I was joking.”
He blinked and then his natural, stoic expression was back as he took a step closer to you. “Right. I think you’re just a good teacher.”
You just looked at him, trying to decipher the changes in his mood, who he really was underneath the gruff exterior.
He smiled faintly, stepping even closer. “What are you thinking about?”
You had to crane your neck to look him in the eye now. “I'm trying to figure out what you're thinking about.”
Azriel's smile turned into a smirk. “I'm thinking… that I really want to kiss you. But I don't want to scare you away.”
Heat flooded your face and his smile turned softer as he cupped your cheek gently with a rough hand. “Would it scare you away?” He murmured.
“I -- don't know,” you said honestly.
His hazel eyes dipped to your lips and stayed there. “I think I'm gonna have to take the risk,” he said, his voice low, husky.
“I think so, too,” you breathed.
His free hand slinked around your waist, gently pulling your body into his. Your heart thundered in your chest as he leaned down, slowly bringing his lips to yours. He seemed to give you a moment to process, and you felt him smile against your mouth when you started to kiss him back, your fingers curling around his bicep, his shoulder.
You were breathless by the time he pulled away, and as the two of you drove back to the tennis courts, you couldn't help but hope that it would happen again by the end of the night.
When you parked your car near his motorcycle in the abandoned lot, he lingered, his gaze holding yours, dropping to your mouth again.
He shot you a crooked smile. “Aren't you gonna walk me to my bike?”
Rolling your eyes playfully, you got out of the car, walking over to the motorcycle and settling against the fence near it, crossing your arms over your chest. “Happy now?” You asked.
Slowly, he sauntered over to you, his eyes twinkling under the stars. He raised his arm, twining his fingers in the chain link fence above your head, leaning his body towards you, but not quite touching. He gazed down at you, still sporting that half smile. “Very happy,” he murmured.
Your breath hitched and when his smile widened, you knew he heard it. 
He held your gaze as he leaned down, bringing his mouth to yours again. You let yourself fall deeper into the kiss this time, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into you. 
When he finally pulled away, he was grinning. “Want to go for a ride before you head home?” He said, nodding to his motorcycle.
You had stepped far enough out of your comfort zone for today. “Maybe next time.”
He raised his eyebrows in amusement. “So you're giving me a next time?”
Damn. You blushed. “I said maybe.”
“Uh huh, sure,” he said, leaning in again so his lips were barely an inch from yours. “You can't wait to see me again,” he whispered.
You shoved him away lightly and he chuckled, backing up towards his bike, but keeping his eyes on you. “Until next time, then. Have a good night, bookworm.” He winked before putting his helmet on and speeding away.
A few weeks, a few dates, and several kisses later, you couldn't deny that Azriel was on your mind quite a bit.
You had never thought that someone like him would be interested in someone like you, but he seemed to prove time and time again that he did indeed like you. He texted you flirty little things every day, making you blush in class. He asked about your day, and seemed to genuinely be listening, and he would do pretty much anything you wanted on your dates. Last week, the two of you had gone to a local bookstore and he had watched you browse, a small smile on his face. He ended up picking out a book he wanted you to read and you did the same for him. He had been sending you daily updates on his progress through the book. Slowly, you were starting to let your walls down, despite yourself.
So, when he asked you to finally go to a party with him, to meet his friends, you accepted. You still felt cautious: partying had never been something that you were remotely interested in, but you trusted him.
Azriel knew he had to tread this next part carefully. Things had been going well with you. He let you take control of your time together so you would be comfortable, and honestly, he was actually having a really good time getting to know you and seeing where you would take him next.
And when you kissed him… God. It was always a struggle to keep his hands on your waist, to stay PG. He wished he could explore things further with you in that regard, but he wouldn't let himself go there. Not when your broken heart was the finish line.
He rarely let himself think about it -- the deal that he had made with Claire. Being with you felt so natural that he usually forgot he was supposed to be acting. That he was supposed to be leading you to Claire’s revenge.
He had convinced you to come to a party, upon Claire's request so she could see the progress he had made with you. You had said yes, he assumed because you trusted him enough now. The thought made his stomach roll. He was really starting to hate himself for getting mixed up in this.
Azriel acted differently around you than he did around the rest of the general population. At a young age he had learned to keep quiet, to not show a single emotion on his pretty face, to be tough, or be punished. 
With you… he couldn't help but smile. Couldn't stop the laughs that he usually stomped down for the rest of the world.
So, having his two worlds collide at this party…he didn't know exactly how to navigate it. Deep down, it made his heart swell that you trusted him enough to help you navigate something so far out of your comfort zone. But if his friends saw the way he acted around you, he would never hear the end of it.
This would be a mess.
If Azriel wasn't leaning against his motorcycle when you exited your apartment building, he may have fallen over. You were wearing skintight jeans and a black tank top that showed more cleavage than he ever imagined he'd see from you. His fingers flexed on his biceps. He wanted to pull you back into your apartment and spend an hour peeling those clothes away inch by inch.
He blinked the lust away, trying to maintain his stoic expression, but failed, as he always did with you. He smiled at you and you smiled back. 
He could tell by the way you carried yourself as you neared him that you were nervous. “Hey, beautiful,” he drawled his usual greeting as you wrapped your arms around his waist in your usual greeting.
“Hi,” you said, a little sheepishly. His eyes must have lingered on your curves a little too long because your eyes widened a bit, and you bit your lip nervously as you pulled away from him. He nearly groaned. “Is it too much? Do I look stupid?”
Azriel placed his hands on your shoulders gently, dipping his head to look you in the eyes. “You look amazing. Seriously.”
You blushed and murmured, “Thank you.”
He had to turn away, to grab your helmet, so you wouldn't see how much you affected him. He fucking loved it when he made you blush like that. 
Azriel turned back to you, holding up the helmet, his eyebrows raising with amusement. “You ready to join the dark side, bookworm?”
You sighed, shifting on your feet. 
“It'll be okay,” he said softly. “I got you.”
You nodded, seeming to resolve yourself, and reached for the helmet with slightly shaking hands.
He helped you make sure it was on correctly, his fingers brushing your chin, your neck. He bit back a smile as you shivered.
Azriel held your hand as you got settled on the back of the bike, showing you where to put your feet, and how to shift your weight with him.
When you seemed at least somewhat comfortable, he slid his helmet on, smoothly setting onto the motorcycle. You wrapped your arms around his middle, pressing your chest into his back. You were already holding him like your life depended on it, and he beamed freely underneath the helmet.
“Hold on tight,” he shot back at you, before he revved the engine, taking off much more gently than he normally would.
He tried not to think about the feel of you pressed into him, how tightly you were holding on. It didn't work. He wanted to drive you everywhere.
He couldn't resist reaching back to briefly squeeze your thigh at a red light. “How are you doing?”
“Good,” you said. He couldn't be sure, but he thought he heard a smile in your voice.
Too soon in Azriel's opinion, they had made it to the party. He parked, offering you his hand to help you get down.
When he pulled the helmet off your head, he was pleased to see that you were indeed smiling.
“Have fun?” He smirked.
“I did, actually,” you said, sounding a little breathless. 
“Whenever you need a ride, you just let me know,” he winked.
You laughed, glancing behind him at the house. 
He took your hand in his, squeezing reassuringly. You seemed to relax a bit. “We can leave whenever you want, okay?”
Taking a deep breath, you nodded and smiled nervously up at him.
You were doing this for him, he realized. Because he had asked you to. His heart constricted, guilt churning in his gut again as he led you inside, your hand squeezing his tightly. 
His shoulders tightened as he led you through the crowd, making sure you were tucked in close to him. 
“You want a drink?” he asked, as you made your way to the kitchen.
“Sure,” you said.
He rifled through what was on the sticky counter, trying to find something not disgusting for you to drink, making sure you stayed close to him. 
Finally handing you a cup, he put your hand on the small of your back, guiding you to a corner of the living room that wasn’t yet very crowded. He took a seat on the couch and you settled in next to him, tucked closely into his side. 
You smiled, leaning your shoulder into his. “Is this really it?” You asked skeptically. “You just sit here and drink around a bunch of drunk idiots?”
He laughed before he could stop himself. “I mean, yeah, that’s pretty much it,” he said, dipping his head to say in your ear. “Or we could dance. Or make out,” he smiled against your ear. 
You blushed and he laughed again, kissing your temple. 
Azriel wrapped an arm around your shoulders as Cassian and Rhys showed up, grinning at you, their eyebrows raised. Azriel fought the urge to roll his eyes. They had seen him laughing with you, kissing you, he knew. He had nearly forgotten where he was, why he was here with you. He loved them, but he wasn’t sure what they would say to you about him. They didn’t know about his arrangement with Claire, and he had been keeping details about his relationship with you as vague as possible.
“So you’re the one Az has been spending all his time with,” Cassian grinned. 
You smiled sheepishly, leaning further into Azriel. “I guess.”
Azriel nodded to his friends. “This is Cassian and Rhysand. They’ve been my best friends since we were kids.”
He could tell you were intrigued by that. He still hadn’t told you anything about his childhood. 
Before you could ask any questions, Claire showed up next to Azriel’s friends, her expression the very picture of friendship. It unsettled him so much that he held you closer to him, so you were practically on his lap. 
“Hi Claire,” you smiled, and his heart sank. You really had no idea how Claire felt about you. 
Claire smiled back. “Hey. I never expected to see you here.”
“I’m trying new things,” you said, smiling lightly at Azriel.
He couldn’t take it, having you so close to Claire, seeing that trust you had in him when you looked at him. He cleared his throat, standing up and offering you his hand. You took it, smiling politely at Claire and his friends as he led you through the house, out to the backyard. 
“Is everything okay?” You asked, looking up at him curiously as he leaned his back against the side of the house.
“Yeah,” he said, unable to stop the smile that rose to his face as you gazed at him with your big doe eyes. He tugged you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist. “I just wanted you to myself for a minute.”
“Oh yeah?” you flushed, and before he could stop himself, he kissed your cheeks, feeling the heat against his lips before his lips met yours in a slow, sensual kiss.
He was still kissing you when he heard Cassian snickering close by. “Oh shit, he’s whipped.”
Azriel rolled his eyes as he pulled away from you, but kept his hold on your waist. “How am I whipped?”
Cassian’s eyes gleamed with mischief and Azriel’s heart started to pound. “Sneaking out here on your own. You’re usually content to stay on the couch to make out with your girl of the week.”
Your body tensed in his arms and Azriel groaned internally, glaring at Cassian, who smirked. “Oh, she didn’t know? My bad, Az.”
Azriel’s expression was enough to send Cassian back inside. 
Your brow furrowed as you stepped back, out of his reach. “Girl of the week?”
He winced. “He’s being dramatic.”
You raised your eyebrows, glaring at him, crossing your arms over your chest. 
It was kind of adorable, but Azriel reigned in that comment. He held up his hands in surrender. “Okay, look. I told you when we met that I go to parties and meet girls there. But things are different now,” he said, taking a step closer to you. And it was true. Things were different. You had been the one haunting his thoughts since that first date. He had barely looked at anyone else since.
After a moment, you sighed, and he knew you wouldn’t resist when he wrapped his arms back around you. 
“Cassian’s an idiot,” he murmured, his focus back on your lips that he was dying to kiss again.
“So I’m not the girl of the week?” you said quietly, your eyes on his lips now. 
He smiled. “We’ve been seeing each other for several weeks, haven’t we?”
You nodded, biting your lip, before you stood up on your tiptoes to press a quick kiss to his lips. Azriel was surprised by his own relief. “Are we going back inside?” you asked. 
“Not if you don’t want to,” he said, wrapping his arms around your waist again. 
Pursing your lips in thought, you said, “Mmm. Let’s go back in.”
“Yeah?” he said, surprised.
You smiled up at him, resting your chin on his chest. His heart melted. “I’m trying to be brave.”
He kissed your forehead, smiling faintly. “I’m proud of you, bookworm.”
You beamed, your whole face lighting up. 
Azriel led you inside, his hand on the small of your back, trying to manage the swell of emotions in his chest. He didn’t have the time to process them right now. 
The two of you mingled throughout the party for a few hours, and you even went so far as to dance with him for a bit, your body pressed against his, your hips swaying to the beat of the pounding music. He could hardly believe it, the way you let loose with him.
He stopped in the bathroom before the two of you left. He wasn’t gone for more than a few minutes, but when he returned, he spotted you near the kitchen, backing away from a guy who was clearly very drunk and very horny. Azriel saw red. 
Before he could take a second to think, Azriel was upon the bastard, punching him in the jaw. 
He heard you yelp. The asshole staggered back, swearing, his hand cradling his jaw. Azriel barely spared him a glance, his hands gently holding either side of your face, his gaze raking your body, searching for any sign that he had touched you. 
Your eyes were wide, your breathing labored, but you seemed physically fine. “Are you okay?” he asked. 
You nodded, your eyes still frantic. 
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders as he led you outside. Claire caught his eye on the way out, hers shining with delight. He scowled at her. 
When you made it outside, he hugged you to his chest. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” 
“I shouldn’t have left you alone.”
You snorted. “You were gone for a few minutes. It’s not your fault that men are gross.”
“Are you okay, really?” He asked, pulling back to look you in the eye.
“I’m okay,” you said quietly. 
He held you close to him, gazing at you for another moment before you smiled faintly. “You really didn’t need to punch him, you know.”
He winced slightly, remembering the yelp you let out when he threw that punch. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” you said, rising on your tiptoes to kiss him. 
Azriel held you until his heart rate slowed down, until his body was convinced that you were okay.
Later, after he had dropped you off at your apartment, Azriel stayed awake, tossing and turning, so many images from that night racing through his mind.
The way his heart constricted every time you smiled at him, the horror he felt at seeing Claire play nice, the terror and rage that flowed through his entire body when he saw that creep bothering you…
Azriel knew then, that he had real feelings for you. Shit.
“C’mon, baby, you’ve been studying for ages already,” Azriel murmured, standing behind you as you sat at your desk in your apartment, his arms draped around your chest, his lips trailing down your neck.
Your toes curled, heat running right through you. You wanted to give in. You really did. But…
You sighed. “I’m sorry, Az. I have this big exam on Tuesday. And finals are only a few weeks away.”
For some reason, that comment made his entire body stiffen. “Oh, yeah. Finals.”
You snorted. “Don’t tell me you forgot about finals.”
“No, I just… they’re soon.” His voice wavered a bit as he stood up fully. You twisted in your seat to look up at him. His brow was furrowed, his eyes swimming with anxiety. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, reaching up and cupping his cheek with your hand. “Do you need me to help you study?” He had never seemed to care about his grades before.
He leaned into your touch for a moment, shooting you a forced smile. “No, it’s okay. I’ll be fine. I should go, and let you study.” He stooped down to press a quick kiss to your lips. “I won’t distract you anymore today.” 
Before you could even respond, he was out the door. 
You turned back to your notes, but couldn’t digest any of the information. That was… weird.
Azriel and you had been dating for months now. Though neither of you had ever put a label on it, you both knew you were exclusive. 
In the privacy of your own mind, you secretly loved that he acted so differently around you than he did out and about on campus. You felt like you got a different version of him that was saved especially for you. It made your heart swell, all the little things he did for you each day. 
You were also willing to admit, to yourself only, that you were absolutely in love with him. You had known for weeks now, and had been debating whether or not you should tell him. 
He had been the one that made you step out of your comfort zone, to try new things, to be brave. 
So, soon. You would tell him soon.
Azriel had to get out of the deal. Now.
He remembered the exact moment that he realized he was in love with you. It was a random afternoon, the two of you were watching TV at his apartment. He was laying on the couch, you were laying on top of him, your legs intertwined with his, your head on his chest. He was absentmindedly running his fingers through your hair while you giggled about something that happened on the show. 
And he had the thought. I want my whole life to look like this. 
And he knew. He loved you.
This had scared him, obviously, on multiple levels. He had never loved anyone before, never knew what that looked like. Yet somehow, he knew without a doubt that it was true. 
And then, of course, there was the deal he had made with the devil. 
He had known early on that he would have to get out of the deal. He had just been putting it off, hoping that Claire’s insanity would die down throughout the semester. 
But now his time was up. 
He prayed to whoever might be listening that Claire would listen to reason. That she would call it off. He couldn’t bear the thought of hurting you. He wouldn’t do it. 
Claire smirked as she opened the door. “I’ve been wondering when you would show up. It’s been a long time, Az,” she purred. 
Azriel stalked into her apartment, barely sparing her a glance. “The deal’s off, Claire.”
She cocked her head to the side, amused. “Oh? Why is that?”
“Because it’s insane,” he growled. “You were insane for coming up with it, and I was insane for agreeing to it. I’m done.”
Slowly, her lips curled up into a lethal smile. “You fell for her.”
Azriel blinked. 
Claire cackled. “Oh, this is rich. You actually fell for the bookworm? I never thought I’d see the day. No wonder you haven’t been crawling into my bed.”
He scowled. “The deal’s off,” he repeated in the tone he used to scare people away.
She really looked at him then, her eyes bearing into his. After a moment, she finally said, “Okay.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Okay? Just like that?”
Claire shrugged. “You were right. It was an insane plan. And it didn’t even work,” she said bitterly. “You suck at your job. She’ll still be on the top of the Dean’s list, even after all your lovey-dovey shit.”
A swell of pride ran through him at the thought of your name at the top of that list.
“Alright,” he said, his brow furrowed, trying to figure out if there was some kind of angle here. But, there didn’t seem to be one. 
He left quickly, his heart and mind feeling lighter. The guilt of how the two of you started would always be there, he knew. But now when he looked into the future, it wasn’t a hazy blur of nothingness that he saw. It was you.
The week before finals, there were parties everywhere. So you heard. 
You had gone to a few more with Az over the past few months. It still wasn’t exactly your thing, but you didn’t mind going, especially with Azriel being so attentive to you every time you did. 
Azriel didn’t seem particularly interested in going to this one, but his friends had been complaining that they never saw him anymore, so he agreed to go. And you had agreed to go with him, if only to take a break from your near constant studying these days.
You followed him through the crowd, his hand clasping yours, as always. Drinks in hand, you made your way to the outskirts of a group of people who were dancing and you joined them, Azriel pulling you in close to him, moving against you.
A laugh burst from you, and Azriel grinned, leaning down to kiss you. 
You were so happy, you thought. So happy in that moment with him. You knew people watched you, as they usually did when Azriel was like this with you. You didn’t care.
When he pulled back from the kiss, he gazed down at you, his eyes swimming with affection. 
“I love you,” you said before you could stop it.
His eyes sobered, and he pulled you in even closer, so your bodies were flush together. He leaned his forehead against yours, and in a crowd of people, Azriel said, a soft smile on his face, “I love you, too.”
Your heart leaped and you grinned, threading your fingers in his hair and bringing his lips to yours. 
Suddenly, the music stopped, and from the TV came a voice. Azriel’s voice. 
Everyone turned to the sound, curiously, watching. The video was jumpy, filming the floor, like it was filmed from someone’s pocket. 
Azriel tensed, his arms still around you. “Fuck,” he said. “We need to go.”
Utterly confused, you didn’t argue as he pulled you through the crowd. But you stopped dead in your tracks when you heard video Azriel say, “Sweetheart, you know I can fuck you anytime I want, right? That is not going to persuade me to help you.”
Your blood ran cold, shock jolting from your heart down to your toes. Azriel was tugging on your arm, but you didn’t budge as you heard Claire’s voice next. 
Claire. He had been talking to Claire. What did he mean, that he could fuck her whenever he wanted? You hadn’t even known that they knew each other. When was this filmed?
“Baby, please, I’ll explain everything, but we need to go,” Azriel was saying, sounding frantic. 
You wrenched your arm from his grasp, weaving through the still crowd, moving toward the TV. You heard him swear, calling your name behind you, but you kept moving.
They were saying something about a deal, about him owing her a favor. You couldn’t make sense of it, not until you heard video Azriel say, “Alright, so I just have to seduce the bookworm? Easy.”
Video Claire responded, “No, if I’m going to agree to any favor you could possibly want, you’re going to have to go further. You need to make her fall in love with you.”
It was then that you noticed Claire, next to the TV, her eyes locked on you, smirking. 
You couldn’t breathe, your legs were going to give out -- 
It was all fake. All of it. 
Azriel caught up to you then, picking you up, slinging you over his shoulder. You didn’t protest, the shock setting in. You had to get out of there, even if it was him that carried you out. 
When he made it outside, you pounded on his back with your fists. “Put me down, you asshole!”
“Sorry,” Azriel said, wincing as he gently set you on your feet. “You looked like you were going to pass out.”
“Like you even care,” you spat, storming away from him. 
“Of course I care. Please, just give me a minute to explain,” he pleaded, following you. 
“Explain what?” You stopped abruptly, spinning around to face him. “That you played me for a fool? Made me fall in love with you as a sick joke? Well, congratulations, it worked,” you said, pouring every ounce of venom that you could muster into your voice. You turned back around and continued walking as tears started pricking your eyes. You refused to let him see you cry.
“It may have started out that way, but it’s not like that anymore. From the first date, I had feelings for you. I love you. You have to believe that,” he said, right on your heels. 
You knew he could catch up with you easily if he wanted to. He was hanging back, trying to give you your space. That pissed you off even more. “How could I possibly believe that?” 
“Because you feel it, I know you do,” he said, finally wrapping his fingers around your wrist.
You tugged your hand free, but stopped walking, needing to catch your breath. You faced him. “What was the point?” You asked quietly. “Why make the deal?”
It didn’t matter. But you had to know.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Claire and I used to date. When you transferred, you pushed her off the top spot of the Dean’s list. She hated you for it. She said she would give me any favor I wanted if I made you fall for me… to distract you from school.”
You were so surprised that the tears you had been holding in started to fall. You angrily swatted them away. 
Azriel continued, “I said no at first, but she was persistent, and…” he took a deep breath, darting his eyes away from you for a moment. They were shining with unshed tears. “I have no excuse. I agreed to it. I’m an asshole. But you made me want to be different.”
“Was any of it true?” You heard yourself saying, your voice breaking. 
He lifted his hand, like he was about to reach for yours, then let it drop, thinking better of it. “It was all true. From our first date, you were breaking down my walls, making me smile, making me laugh.” He smiled sadly. “I fell for you. I love you,” he said, and now a lone tear did slide down his cheek. “I called it off with Claire ages ago. I told her I was out, and she agreed. I… I didn’t know she filmed it.”
You wanted to believe him, that he really did love you. But… “Even if you do love me, that doesn’t change what you did,” you said in a small voice. 
Azriel sniffed, wiping the tears off his face. “I know. I am so, so sorry.”
Shaking your head, backing away from him, you choked out, “I don’t -- I can’t. I can’t do this right now.”
He took a step toward you, his eyes pleading. “Please. Please don’t go.”
Turning your back to him, you walked away, barely registering the pavement beneath your feet, the direction you were going. 
Azriel called your name, but you kept walking.
You knew he had followed you home, not letting you walk alone at night. You watched his form retreat after you locked yourself inside your apartment with trembling hands. 
You went to bed, not even bothering to change. Laying on your back, watching your ceiling fan spin around and around, you tried to identify all that you were feeling: shame, humiliation, sorrow. Fury. 
Replaying all that had happened between you, all the times he was probably laughing at you with his friends behind your back. You felt nauseous. 
How could he do this? How could he have played you for so long?
What the hell were you supposed to do now?
You woke up to several missed calls and texts from Azriel, all sent hours apart. It seemed that he didn’t get any sleep at all.
I am so sorry. I’m the worst person in the world. I know that. 
I know what you’re thinking right now. I know that you’re going over it all in your head. But, it was real, baby. It was all real. I swear it was. I love you so much.
I’m hoping you’re getting some sleep. Can I see you today?
Groaning, you tossed your phone to the side, and took a long shower. By the time you got out, someone was knocking on your door. 
You quickly dressed in some old pajamas and called through the door, “Go away, Az.”
“Well, at least you’re alive,” you heard him say. “Can I please come in? Two minutes?”
You threw the door open, furious. “No, you cannot come in. You humiliated me. You used me. You had your fun. What else could you possibly want?”
Azriel was standing on the threshold, his hands in his pockets nervously, his facial expression looked like you had just slapped him. “I want to apologize! I want to make things better, that’s what I want.”
Biting your lip to keep from crying, you said quietly, “Go away.” 
His face fell. “I love you.”
Shaking your head, you said, “You don’t.”
He took a step forward, wedging his foot on the door jam so you couldn’t close it on him. “I do,” he said, his eyes pleading, baring into yours. “You know that I do. You know I’ve never let anybody else see the real me. Nobody but you.”
Tears spilled onto your cheeks then, and he wiped them away gently. Despite everything, you couldn’t back away. “It doesn’t matter,” you croaked. “You only went out with me so you could help her ruin my life.”
Azriel opened his mouth, as if to reply, but then shut it. 
You laughed humorlessly. “See? Even you don’t have a comeback.”
His eyes softened, his rough fingers still absentmindedly stroking your cheeks. “Please,” he said again. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not enough,” you whispered, your heart breaking all over again as you looked up at him, at the pain in his eyes.
“How do I fix it?” He whispered back, tears sliding freely down his cheeks now.
“I don’t know,” you said, stepping back out of his grasp. “Please, Az. I just -- I need to be alone right now.”
He nodded, drawing his arm across his face to wipe the tears away. “Okay. Okay, I’ll umm -- I’ll see you later?”
You didn’t know how to answer that, didn’t know if you would see him again at all. He took a step back, into the hallway. 
Without another word, you shut the door.
Especially knowing where that awful bet had originated, you refused to let Azriel and Claire get in your head for finals. You buckled down, spending entire days at the library studying, writing papers, finishing projects. 
It was helpful, actually. You didn’t allow yourself to think about him, about all the memories you had that had become so tainted and confusing. 
By the end of the semester, you had maintained all your A’s, passing every final with flying colors. And thus, secured the very top spot of the Dean’s list.
Azriel had been texting and calling every day. You left them all unanswered. 
You hadn’t yet had time to think, to process through the hurt. 
A new text chimed as you were packing up your car to head home for the summer. 
Saw the list. Nicely done, bookworm. I know it doesn’t matter, but I really am proud of you. Looks like all that hard work paid off ❤️
Despite everything, there was a swell of emotion in your chest at his words. God, why did everything have to be so awful?
Later, you were hefting your last box into your trunk when you heard the distinct sound of a motorcycle slowing down behind you. Your heart raced. You couldn’t tell if you wanted to see him again or not.
Slowly, you turned around to see Azriel sliding off the bike, his helmet tucked under his arm. “Hey, beautiful,” he said, somewhat tentatively.
“Hi,” you said softly. 
He nodded to your car, his expression grave. “You’re leaving?”
“Back home for the summer,” you said, unable to take your eyes off him. He looked tired. And sad. 
A moment passed silently, the two of you just looking at each other, pain hanging in the air between you.
“I miss you,” he said quietly. 
You sighed. Willed yourself to be brave. “I miss you, too,” you admitted. 
Something like hope gleamed in his eyes. “I love you,” he murmured. 
“I --” you started, and couldn’t bear it. “I need time.”
He looked crestfallen, like you had just punched him in the gut, but he nodded. “The summer?”
You swallowed. “Okay,” you said. “Okay. I get the summer, and I’ll find you in the fall. We’ll talk then.”
“Thank you,” he said, quietly. “Thank you for… for that. For talking to me now,” he winced. “I know I don’t deserve it.”
“No, you don’t,” you said, but there was no malice in it. You were too tired. “I get the summer, Az. Don’t contact me until school starts.”
He looked like he wanted to argue, but agreed. “Okay. I’ll see you in September,” he said, backing up towards his bike. “Have a good summer, bookworm,” he added with the slightest of smiles, before he slid on his helmet and drove away.
You spent most of the summer moping around, reading books, and trying to sort through everything that happened, all the feelings you had. 
For three months, you sifted through every moment that Azriel and you had shared together, picking them apart, deciphering every movement. 
It may have been slightly unhealthy.
You believed that what you and Azriel had was real. You believed that he did love you. And you couldn’t deny that you loved him. That maybe you always would. 
Was it worth it to deny yourself the person who had made you so happy? Who had taught you new things, who had helped you out of your comfort zone?
As September grew closer, you still weren’t sure. 
Azriel got more and more anxious as the summer came to a close. It had been torture to not contact you at all, but he knew he was in no position to be asking you for anything, so he did as you asked. 
The hurt on your face those months ago was still a clear image in his mind that haunted his nightmares. He would never forgive himself for hurting you. 
Yet, he couldn’t stop imagining what would happen when he saw you again. Would you give him another chance? You would have to be a saint to even contemplate that. But then again, you were the best person he had ever known. If anyone would be able to forgive, it would be you.
Scowling, he stomped that shred of hope down. He couldn’t go into this having any expectations. 
Soon, he would know.
It was bittersweet coming back to school. Academia was where you thrived. You felt right at home in the library, stacks of papers all around you. 
And you used to feel at home with Azriel. 
You sighed at the thought. The first day of classes was tomorrow. You had told Azriel not to contact you until school started back up again, and knowing him, he would take that seriously. 
Deep down, you knew what you wanted to do. It terrified you, though. 
Sure enough, the next morning, you had a text from him:
Hey, bookworm. Hope your first day of classes goes well. 
The slightest smile spread across your lips. You knew he was probably dying to ask when he could see you, but was trying to keep it light. Leave the ball in your court.
For the first time since everything, you texted him back.
Thanks, Az. Yours, too. 
He opened it immediately. After a moment, you willed yourself to send another:
Wanna meet up at the tennis courts tonight? 
His reply came at lightning speed:
Reigning in your smile, you replied:
You couldn’t remember ever being this nervous as you walked to the tennis courts. There were a few people playing, so you sat underneath a tree nearby, willing your legs to stop shaking. 
Right on time, a familiar motorcycle turned into the parking lot. He spotted you immediately, striding over to you with unsure steps. 
“Hey, beautiful,” he said quietly. 
You looked up at him, your heart racing at the familiarity you felt. “Hi,” you said, and after the briefest hesitation, you patted the grass next to you. You weren’t sure you would be able to stand. 
Immediately, he plopped down across from you, his knees only inches from yours as he faced you. 
His eyes were locked on yours. “How was your summer?” he said, his voice cracking slightly. 
“Okay,” you said. “How was yours?”
“Okay,” he said quietly. 
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself. “Okay, here’s the thing. I did a lot of thinking. A lot of thinking. And I do love you, Az.”
You paused, not sure how to word what you were feeling. 
“But?” Azriel said, his voice dripping with trepidation, his eyes guarded.
“But it’s going to take some time before I can trust you again.”
Azriel swallowed, his eyes never wavering from yours. 
He seemed like he was waiting for you to continue before he said anything, so you added, quietly, “I am willing to try, though. To give us another chance.”
The tautness in his body released, relief flooding his features. “Really?” he croaked, tears swimming in his eyes. 
You could only nod before he launched towards you, knocking you on your back, before he threaded his fingers through your hair, kissing you deeply. 
You laughed, as his other hand came up to cup your face. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I swear I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you,” he said against your lips.
Wrapping your arms around him, you sighed into his kiss. “I know, Az. I know.”
“I love you,” he murmured, moving to kiss down your neck.
“I love you, too.”
“I missed you so much,” he groaned before kissing your lips again.
You giggled. “I missed you, too.”
He finally stopped kissing you, settling his elbows on either side of your head, leaning his forehead against yours. “Thank you. For giving me another chance.”
Smiling, you kissed him swiftly on the lips. “Don’t mess it up.”
“I won’t. I swear I won’t.”
The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon in each other’s arms, going over your respective summers. 
Eventually, Azriel propped himself on an elbow, gazing at you with all the love in the world.
“What?” you asked. 
He grinned. “You wanna go mini golfing, bookworm?”
You couldn’t help but return his smile. “Only if I can help you again.”
Azriel leaned down to gently kiss your forehead. “It’s a deal.”
A/N: wanna see more of these two?? Check out part 2!
@thalia-as-blog @saltedcoffeescotch
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Miguel O’Hara x reader - Come to bed
Warnings: fem reader, smut, nsfw, AFAB language, piv sex, overstimulation, and a slightly annoyed Miguel. You and Miguel are also married btw.
Basically, sleepy Miguel fucks you because you wouldn’t come to bed and let him sleep. Fluffy at first, then turns smutty.
Miguel walked into the kitchen, immediately squinting his eyes and bringing his hand up to block the glaring lights of the kitchen as he grumbled. “¿Amor? Dios mios…”
Your husband was always a sight to behold, in all of his forms- but the sweet domesticity of this one must be one of the best. The way he stood before you in nothing but his boxers- how his voice was still deep and gravely from waking up- the way he rubbed the sleep from his bleary eyes- it was perfect.
Miguel shuffled his feet, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest and resting his chin on top of your head as he mumbled his complaints. “What are you doing up? Love, It’s 2 AM. Why are all the lights on?”
“I was hungry…” You murmur, looking down at the plate of mix-matched leftovers you had scrounged from the fridge.
“Yes, pretty. I can see, but why does warming up leftovers require you to turn on every light in the house.” Miguel said, poking fun at you as his fingers crept under the hem of your shirt, caressing the soft skin of your stomach as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
You can’t help the smile that spreads across your face at Miguel’s teasing. “Go back to bed, Miguel. I’ll be there in a minute.”
Miguel, however, did not go back to bed. He instead followed you around, sitting down with you on the couch and holding you tightly against him
“You’re like a lost puppy, Miguel. Can you not sleep without me there?” You tease, looking back and smirking at Miguel.
Miguel, for his part, looks practically asleep behind you- his eyes half closed as he rests his head on your shoulder, mumbling barely intelligible words into the crook of your neck. “‘m not a puppy. ‘m a wolf… a big, bad, scary, and protective wolf.”
The (frankly, adorable) sight is enough to send a pang of guilt through your chest from keeping your poor, exhausted husband awake- so you do your best to quickly eat the food you’ve made for yourself.
Once you’ve finished, you had to wake Miguel up, but once he was awake, he was immediately herding you back towards the bedroom. With one hand on your back, gently pushing you forward through the hall, and the other rubbing at his tired eyes.
You couldn’t help but giggle at his incessant nudges. “Hey! Miguel! I gotta go pee first!”
“Nu-uh. Nothing else. Back to bed.”
“Miguel!!” You laughed, ducking under his arm and running into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
You went to the bathroom as fast as you could, but not fast enough for Miguel, who stood outside the door whining the entire time.
“¡Por favor! ¡Date prisa, amor!”
When you finished and unlocked the door, you found a rather pitiful looking Miguel on the other side- who immediately scooped you up in his arms and carried you to your bedroom despite the light hearted protest you mounted against him.
“Miguel!! I gotta brush my teeth before I go back to bed! I just ate!!” You say, grinning as you squirmed in his arms and managed to slip away. Only for a strong arm to wrap around your waist and pull you back, hoisting you up in the air and over Miguel’s shoulder.
“That’s it. You’re coming to bed right now. No ifs, ands, or buts. Except your butt, in bed.”
You couldn’t deny the shiver Miguel’s words sent through you. This poor man- your dear husband- who was so clearly exhausted and wanted nothing more than to lay down with his wife and go back to sleep. However... there was a threat in those words. One that you were itching to press him on.
“But- Miguel!” You whined, only to be cut off by a harsh slap to your ass and a startled yelp escaping you.
“I said, no buts.” Miguel growled, tossing you onto the bed and climbing on top of you.
You couldn’t help the burning need quickly growing inside of you, because Miguel looked practically primal above you. With his messy, sleep-tousled hair- the way his voice was still just as deep and scratchy as when he first got up- how perfect he looked above you, in nothing but his boxers as he pinned you down on the bed.
Miguel yanked down your pajama bottoms and underwear, eliciting a surprised yelp from you at the sudden rush of cold air. “You always decide to be a brat at the worst times. You couldn’t just listen tonight and come to bed one of the five times I told you. No, you had to keep running around and doing whatever the hell else you felt like doing. And now, you're going to stay in this bed, whether you like it or not.”
The sudden press of Miguel’s large, warm, and calloused thumb against your hole was enough to make you clench around nothing , pressing your hips down to try and get some of that thumb inside of you. Only for Miguel yo scoff and pull his hand away.
“No. Don’t move. You’re going to be a good girl and sit there and take it. I stayed up with you for the past half hour, waiting patiently for you. So now, it’s your turn. You're gonna lay right here and take exactly what I give you, got it?”
You quickly nodded your head, desperate enough for his touch that you’d probably agree to just about anything.
Miguel growled, pressing the tip of his cock against your hole and just barely pressing it in- rubbing it against your lips as he spoke to you. “You’re so wet for me already, you don’t even need any prep, do you?”
Your cunt tensed around nothing as his cock slid over your hole, nearly making you start to beg for him to just put it in already- only for him to push his entire length in as soon as you opened your mouth to speak- resulting in a loud moan falling from your lips as he bottomed out.
Miguel smiled to himself, looking at you with a clear air of pride at how loud he just made you moan for him. “You seem much more docile now that I have you all stretched out on my cock, pretty lady.” He comments, pulling out slowly, only to thrust back in and begin to fuck into you, quickly establishing a brutal pace.
“Is this the only way I can get some sleep around here? Do I have to fuck all the energy out of you? Hm?” Miguel asks as yet another embarrassing moan falls from your lips at his words.
Moans fell freely from your mouth as the lewd sounds of sex filled the room. With Miguel’s pace, it wasn’t long before you felt your orgasm start to build.
You cry out, reaching a hand down to hold Miguel’s. “Miguel! Miggy! Miggy I’m close! ’m gonna cum!”
“Good.” Miguel growls, intertwining your’s and his fingers and pressing your hand against the pillow. “Cum for me, love.”
all you can do is nod dumbly as your orgasm washes over you- Miguel reaching down to play with your clit as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm.
As you came down from your high, you realized Miguel was still fucking into you- the pleasure from just seconds ago quickly turning into painful overstimulation.
“I-it’s too much!! T-too much!” You whined, desperately trying to squirm off of Miguel’s cock, only for him to smile and take your other hand, intertwining your fingers and pinning both hands down- holding you in place as he fucked you harder on his cock.
“Remember what I said? Take what I give you?” Miguel said, smirking and fucking into you with new intensity as he held you in place. “Well it’s a two way street. You always have to take what I give you. Whether it’s not enough, or too much. I don’t care. You’re. Going. To. Take it.” Miguel punctuated each of his final words with deep, powerful thrusts. Leaving you nothing but an overstimulated mess beneath him, whining as his hips stuttered and you felt his cum fill you up.
Miguel didn’t pull out, still hovering over you as he panted and caught his breath.
After a moment, he scooped you up in his arms and rolled both of you onto your sides, holding you tightly against his chest and kissing your forehead as he murmured sweet praises into your ear.
“You’re so pretty for me. So good to me too. You feel so good, you know that? You’re so warm- so soft and perfect for me. You’re always perfect for me, love.”
You nodded sleepily, happily curled up in Miguel’s strong arms- his cock and cum warming you from the inside out, and the thick comforter that Miguel pulls up encasing you and him in a warm cocoon of shared body heat. You couldn’t help but press closer to Miguel’s chest, your eyes slipping shut as you relaxed in his embrace.
In the end, Miguel finally got what he wanted- laying in bed, warm and cozy under the covers, holding his wife against his chest as he fell asleep. Although, there would be a bit of a mess in the morning to deal with.
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iicarused · 5 months
##you are so divine
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alastor x reader / vox x reader
synopsis: general love interest headcanons
beware: obsession, yandere aspects , implications of manipulation
envelope from the author: i love them. man i feel like dating alastor would feel like being roommates instead of a lover💀
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old fashion, but something to expect from him. you sit your pretty face down and let him do everything. all you have to do is make a meal and make the house a home. it’s funny because you barely get to do that either, as he would often take over and just spoil you.
though, you are not allowed to touch him. it comes slowly and naturally, so you often have to wait for him to initiate it. even then, it’s quite rare. you catch him hovering over your shoulder so often that it became normal.
his love language is words of affirmation and gift giving — but he started to stick around you like a lost dog much more these days
while you aren’t shown off to the world, he will talk about you to anyone who would listen. you are his most prized possession after all. quite frankly, that’s all you are, a trophy to show off and not a lover. he just enjoys the sound of calling you his.
this man gives you mixed signals while being straightforward, and you tried to leave but he insists that you are a lover. a kiss on the lips and a trip to the bed is all it takes to have you melting under his eyes again
“my dear, can you bring me my coat?” my dear. alastor never forgets to add the first word while addressing you. “it’s over on the couch — i have to hurry on out in a minute.”
“are you going back to that hotel?” you asked while fetching his coat. you remember the day when he first asked you to get his coat, and it was like a goal to reach after months of dating. while being the partner alastor is quite slow, you almost appreciate that he is still by your side.
“where else, my dear?” he asked in return when you handed him his coat. “the hotel is —“
“— is your finest project, i know, al.” you shared a look of question before he nodded at what he knew you were beckoning to do; dust off his vest and fix up his tie. it was like clockwork at this point. “you have a good day.”
“not a good day — a great day.”
while his relationship was never established with valentino, everyone knew not to ask. you came to the vee’s under the wing of velvette, and my, what a catch you were! eye candy, a prize, something the public would love to see around vox’s arm
began to whisk you away from modelling for velvette, but instead brought you in for interviews and made you the face of future designs (velvette was not very keen of the idea of vox doing that without permission.) introduced you to the world of fame
your pretty face next to his was all it took for hell to go crazy. everyone was all about the new power couple that streamed on every tv and the affection he publicly shown. an overlord? in love? everyone was gossiping
you were all he needed to overshadow alastor and make the radio demons “yesterdays news.”
public affection, public pda, you were public. he showered you in front of the camera, he spoiled you in riches where every paparazzi could see! often gushed about it inside the penthouse and the fame you both were receiving. praised you for doing so good in front of the camera
“doll, you were a natural! the press were eating you up!” a hand came under your chin, his fingers squishing your cheeks so gently. “keep doing what you do and i might make it to the top.”
“our story will put lucifer and lilith’s to shame!” you chirped. oh, how delusional you were to think that it was a love story that vox was writing. “maybe we’ll even have our own castle like a proper overlord of hell.”
“yeah, maybe we’ll even be the new rulers.” the emphasis of “we” always seemed to make you happy, and maybe he used it to keep you under his arm. that’s where you belong after all.
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inkyray · 1 month
Heyaaah! Sup? 😃
How about you do a fic or headcanon about Chris, whose love language is physical touch, and the reader loves it when he touches them? You could make it fluff or smutty or a mix of both - your wish!
a/n: first time writing headcanons, kinda nervy 🙈
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warnings/content ahead: suggestive, smut, mentions of fingering, fluff, my first time writing a headcannon idk, not in a particular order, the fluff and smut r just kinda thrown alongside each other, lmk if i should add or change anything
touchy!chris, who chooses your bed over his every night, laying his head on your chest as he rubs gentle circles under your shirt, feeling the softness of your skin.
touchy!chris, who refuses to go to sleep without you, unable to sleep without the physical contact of you against his body.
touchy!chris, who's a sucker for movie cuddles, massaging your thigh as you lean onto him, your head resting on his chest as he drapes a large arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to him with a hand that rests on the dip of your waist. his heart secretly beating faster than he'd like, praying you couldn't here it's thump although you were together.
touchy!chris, who would kill for more of your head massages. your fingers tangled in his hair as they slid past his scalp, untangling any knots as he closed his eyes in pleasure, practically falling asleep with his head between your thighs as he used both of them as a neck pillow.
touchy!chris, who would catch your mouth off guard, giving you a quick peck on the lips in front of everyone. not because he wanted to show off, but because he was genuinely aching for a reminder of the feeling of your lips onto his.
touchy!chris, whose heart would skip a beat everytime you laid tiredly on top of him in the morning, applying gentle kisses on his neck, the feeling of soft serenity resting in his stomach as your scent engulfed him.
touchy!chris, who was obsessed with your signature scent, loving the way his pillow would smell after you'd spend the night, sneaking a quick whiff from it when you were gone.
touchy!chris, who loved playing with the strands of your hair no matter where you went, at restaurants, at parties, at hang outs. he would allow his fingers to pull on a strand of your hair, watching the curl bounce back up again when letting go, repeating the action.
touchy!chris, who didn't like to admit he liked the corny PDA shit, who would constantly hold onto your hand when you went outside and let his thumb brush over your knuckles, analyzing just how perfectly your hand fit in his.
touchy!chris, who would insist on going grocery shopping with you, yet panics when you'd leave his side for an instant, like losing a child at a park. which would happen one too many times, he would hook his fingers on the waistband of your pants and drag you closer to him. "chris, i need to get toothpaste." you would sigh. the grip his fingers had on your belt loop didn't release. "let's go get toothpaste, then." he would answer, letting himself trail behind you with his fingers secured onto your belt loop.
touchy!chris, who would share his lollipop with you, letting you try the cherry flavor that was just in his mouth.
touchy!chris, who manspread on his couch when you'd walk by, hoping you'd take the hint and straddle him.
touchy!chris, who loved to cup your ass when making out, feeling how full you were in his grasp as he'd knead it, unapologetically gripping onto it
touchy!chris, who was open about his love for cowgirl, loving the way your tits would bounce in face as you fucked yourself on top of him.
touchy!chris, who wouldn't miss the opportunity to slap you on the ass when he'd walk past, a small smirk of a warning on his face before he does it.
touchy!chris, who would stand behind you as you made dinner, hugging you from behind as he made unnecessary comments about how he's pretty sure a boner is forming.
touchy!chris, who loves to leave his marks on you, leaving splotchy hickeys on your neck, tits, thighs, collarbones, jaw. once he found a new spot to give you a bruise, they would practically become permanent, the moment they'd fade away he'd replace them with new ones.
touchy!chris, who loves to eat you out, doing it for him, not you. loving the way your moans would erupt, the way you'd grind your hips into him as he sucked on your bud, licking your glistening folds from your previous orgasm.
touchy!chris, who would be in the middle of doing anything before suddenly pulling you to the side and giving you a quickie, cus he felt like it (how silly)
touchy!chris, who would always be the one to suggest riding his face, when a contradicting opinion would form between you two, he'd jump at the excuse of you riding his face to solve it. "you're wrong!" you rolled your eyes. "fine, if you're so right, ride my face then!" he folds his arms like a child who was trying to prove a point. a few seconds pass. "ride your face?" "yep. if you're so sure about what you're saying, prove it and ride my face." he shrugs. "you want me to prove it while riding your face?"
touchy!chris, who would genuinely start tweaking if you weren't by his side. he needed you always, like his life size fidget toy.
touchy!chris, who would insist that you sit on his lap as he played fortnite.
touchy!chris, who would immediately neglect the game and bend you over his desk, fucking you senseless.
touchy!chris, who loved to pull on your hair, no matter the situation.
touchy!chris, who would genuinely worry when you say your back is hurting, immediately offering to give you massages and foot rubs.
touchy!chris, who got your initials painted onto his nails, using the two fingers to pump in and out of you.
touchy!chris, who was a mastermind at overstimulating you until you were out of breath and practically on your knees begging, even then he would continue to steal your orgasms.
touchy!chris, who would hop in the shower with you, whether you asked him to or not, casually cleaning himself and then you, pressing the loofa full of soap on you and down your back before looking at you and raising an eyebrow, "what?" he wonders, you don't say anything. he's acting as if he didn't just lift your arms to scrub your sides for you. "your tits look great dripping wet by the way, gives you this dangerous siren-esque look–" "shut the fuck up, chris." "got it."
(matt's version) (chris eating you out)
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