#claire elford x reader
jellyheadwriting · 1 year
waking you up (claire elford x reader)
claire x GN reader
In the case of Claire, the two of you would be in a flower field. She wanted to bring you to her favorite spot on a date, so you had a picnic and frolicked around together for a couple of hours. Eventually, you ended up back on the picnic blanket, sleepy and worn out from having fun. Claire sat down with her legs under her, her back up against a tree, and patted her lap invitingly.
“You look sleepy,” she said with warm cheeks. “Want to rest on my lap before we go home?”
How could you refuse an offer like that? You laid down at once, gently setting your head into her lap, looking up and meeting her gaze before closing your eyes. As she began to play with your hair, you fell asleep.
A while later, you felt something ticklish all over your face, and music filled your ears. Claire’s voice traveled, singing her favorite song to rouse you from your nap. As you slowly opened your eyes, you saw that she was pecking you on your nose, your cheeks, your forehead, her grinning face hovering over yours.
“Good morning,” she said, chipper after seeing that you had opened your eyes. “The sun is setting. We need to go…”
You propped yourself up on your elbows, kissed her nose, and then laid back down again.
“Okay,” she said, affectionate, “Just a little longer, then.”
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owo-shenanigans · 2 years
My friend got me into Witch's Heart and I'm obsessed. Go play it rn if you haven't.
Claire Elford dating hcs
No spoilers for the games in these headcanons. Requests ARE open for this game.
Holds your hand all the time.
You hold your hand out to help carry some of the shopping bags and she'll swap them all over to one arm to hold the offered hand.
She's extremely emotionally intelligent. Unless you're exceptionally skilled at hiding your feelings, she'll notice them and ask you about them.
Literally…. The most comforting person on the planet when you're sad or upset. Incredible hugs, extremely soft, can carry you with ease…. Ideal girlfriend.
Suuuch a good cook??? If you don’t enjoy cooking, she'd be fine with cooking all the meals. Seeing your face as you eat her food brightens her day anyway! And if you do, she’s happy to split the cooking with you, and perhaps work together on dinner sometimes.
She’s extremely understanding and kind to what some would consider a fault. However, if someone is being unbearably intolerable to you and you can’t handle it, she’ll step up for you. Claire refuses to let you feel genuinely upset by others; if Sirius’ treatment gets you down, she’ll tell him to cool his tongue when speaking to you.
She will take up the entire bed when sleeping. She won’t shove you out, but you might wake up to an arm or a leg thrown across your body.
In conclusion Claire pls marry me
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
hi i just found your blog and found out you write for witch's heart so can i request claire elford with kissing prompt 8? gender neutral reader please? feel free to ignore and have a nice day!
claire elford x gn!reader
prompt 8 - cheek kisses i keep forgetting to label these,,, i should really fix that
a/n: (taking a break from studying :))) ) absolutely!! Ahh, this is kinda exciting- my first witch’s heart request!! Of my lovely Claire at that <33 thank you so much for requesting, i hope you enjoy, even tho its kinda short :((!!!! Have a nice day as well <3
warnings: none <3
word count: 635
If there was one thing your girlfriend made you wonder was: how can a person be so cute? Genuinely, everything she did was done with such a happy spirit, a grin and a bounce in her step- it was nearly inhuman how precious she was. So often, you found yourself wondering how anyone could get so lucky as to have her in their life- much less as their partner. Truly, you were lucky, and you knew it.
Despite how happy it made you, such a bubbly girl could be a tad intimidating. She never was intentionally overwhelming, but she did understand how you felt. In fact, once you told her you simply got nervous because of how much you admired her, her eyes practically lit up.
“Really?! That’s so sweet, (Y/N)!! I feel the same, you know? You’re so nice to me, it makes my heart get so skippy that I don’t know what to do!”
Ahh… even that made your heart melt. Still, because of the mutual nerves, the beginning of your relationship was filled with kisses away from the mouth. In particular: cheek kisses. As your relationship progressed, past the point of being comfortable with kisses on the mouth, the giddy feeling you got still present but not overwhelming, the two of you still enjoyed pressing fleeting kisses to the sides of each others’ face. It was a simple and cute gesture- something that wouldn’t embarrass anyone in public, and something that meant a lot as it reminded the both of you of the beginning of your relationship.
“Claire, you never fail to impress me,” You sighed, resting your head against her shoulder. Claire giggled lightly, reaching up to pat your hair affectionately.
“It was nothing, honestly!”
“You fought off a monster with nothing but your immense strength. Claire, darling, that’s not nothing. That’s impressive to literally anyone- do you see anyone else in this mansion doing that? Sirius tries to run off, Claire- he tries to run off because the monsters are tough to beat. And terrifying.”
You watched as a light pink dusted Claire’s face, her eyes darting to the side. “You make me sound too cool, (Y/N). Thank you though, that means a lot to me!”
“Thank you.”
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, Claire gently playing with your hair as you closed your eyes, resting against her shoulder. As moments passed, you felt Claire shift a bit, reminding you of how difficult it was for her to sit still at times. You were about to move so that she could go find something else to do, but your thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of her gentle lips against your cheek.
You laughed a bit, opening your eyes so that you could look fondly at the girl. You found yourself being met by her own loving gaze, as you opted to press a kiss to her cheek.
“There, for kissing me first,” You kissed her face once more, “and there for being able to fight off monsters.”
“I’m your own personal bodyguard!” She declared, flexing her arms jokingly after you moved from her shoulder. “That you are,” You told her, laughing once more at her cute actions. Watching her grin, you reached over and gently pulled on her face.
“Your cuteness is going to kill me, Claire, how dare you be so precious?”
She attempted to answer, though it only came out as nonsense, making you laugh harder- which made Claire pout a bit. Finally releasing her face, you kissed the spot of her face you had pinched, then patted her shoulder happily.
“You’re very cute yourself, (Y/N), or else I would have never let such unauthorized face-pulling off the hook!”
“Ah, then I’ll consider myself very lucky- as if I didn’t already.”
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witchsheartbooks · 3 years
How about some Pocky Day headcanons for the characters! Mostly the humans but if you can do the demons too then go for it!
I love Pocky Day so it's time to celebrate with Pocky Game situations and confessions!
She’s confused when you offer to play a game with her.
She picks up the rules easily. Both chew on the end of the pocky stick and meet in the middle. If it breaks? It’s a loss. If one closes in first, that person wins.
Though as for why you chose the game she couldn’t fathom.
You both start and before reaching the center you’re nervous enough that the stick snaps.
Claire puffs her cheeks and grabs another one, “Let’s do it again! I was winning!”
You quell your nerves, allowing them to trickle down your back like rainwater.
The two of you begin again and you’re so rigid, especially when her chest presses to yours.
You let her take the win and glance away. Perhaps you’re too nervous to confess today after all.
His eyes narrow on you, since you had interrupted his research for this.
Games weren’t so much his thing and he’d heard Lilia speak of this one before.
He shook his head, “If you wanted a kiss, it’d be better to ask instead of sneaking one this way don’t you think?”
You froze, averting your gaze in a pout. “Nevermind-“
You then left before he could interject.
Shutting the door, he cursed himself for his lack of subtlety and empathy.
He wasn’t sure if he could properly make it up to you. Or atleast not yet.
He didn’t react more than giving an idle shrug.
He knew your approach and was even more familiar with the game, but he wasn’t going to tip his hand.
You sit next to him and offer him a stick of pocky, he had insisted that he started with the end, and you’d attach.
Was he up to something?
Your thoughts halted when you felt his hands on your hips. You had been moved into his lap.
He waited, part of the extra rules he had added to this were that he wanted you to keep relaxed so this could be a fair game.
The tension melted off of you as you tried to only focus on the game instead of how incredible close, he was.
Was it getting warm in here? It was difficult not to be distracted.
Impatience getting the better of him. His hand cupped the back of your neck as he closed the space between you both.
Your chest heaved after, and you were breathless. “Nh- was that even a fair game?!”
Wil shrugged, leaning back on the sofa. “If you were honest from the start. We wouldn’t have needed the game to kiss.”
Struck speechless, your face buried into his shoulder, and he just rubbed your back.
The two of you had plenty to talk about to hash this out, and there was plenty of untapped tension that would be ironed out later that evening.
He cupped his chin, considering your proposal. It was an odd one and the lack of sincerity in the game itself reflected something that he expected from Claire and not you.
“There’s an ulterior motive isn’t there? Perhaps we should discuss that before moving forward.”
Your expression was enough of a tell for him, as he gingerly took your wrist afterwards.
“Besides, the flavor isn’t quite to my preference. So instead of this silly game, how about I invite you to indulge in tea with me instead?”
He didn’t loathe your company; in fact he had become quite partial to it.
Sirius had meant to invite you along other times, but the opportunity never readily presented itself since you were often quick to leave after your shared conversations.
The box had fell loose from your hand and you could only nod as he set it aside.
Grasping your wrist still, he led you along and during tea your feelings poured over themselves as he listened intently.
He was flustered but calmer than you expected, setting his cup aside, he rose and brushed a kiss to your cheek before murmuring in your ear. “By gods it took you long enough.”
The game was a new concept to him, but he had heard Claire mention it before.
He didn’t have much context but the only game he was comfortable playing was high-low.
His fingers drummed along his arm, “It sounds fun but… I’m busy star charting tonight. If you would like to join me then you can!”
Disappointment weighed on your chest, but you took his offer regardless.
The wall he put up was difficult for you to breach and you weren’t sure if you’d ever be able to.
She was holding rabbi by his arms when you breached the question.
“A game with sweets? I don’t remember this holiday. “
In all fairness Charlotte didn’t get to enjoy much of her childhood at all, she knew next to no games other than ones she created after dying.
Shaking her head, she turned back to Rabbi. “Sweets are Lime’s thing.”
You cursed yourself for forgetting something so important, putting the box away you sat next to her. “Then is it alright if I stay with you today?”
“It’s to celebrate that holiday you like, yes?”
You nodded in response earning a bored sigh from her.
“Fine, but we’ll be playing my games instead.”
“Ooooh a sweets game?! Sure, I’ll play!” Lime leered towards you with a grin, eyeing the box in your hands.
“This looks really simple for a sweet, and there’s barely any coating on it!” She griped as she had opened the box and removed a stick.
Floating there she placed it in her mouth waiting expectantly for you to start.
You grasped her wrist and she froze, skin becoming hot and singeing your own as you recoiled.
She finished the stick and hovered upside down, eyes looking through you. “Never mind. This game doesn’t interest me anymore.~”
Poofing into pink smoke you’re left bewildered as to what you had done wrong.
Perhaps you should have insisted she lead instead.
Tilting your head as you explained the game, she gave a gracious nod to your request.
“While it seems childish, it could be fun. Entertain me then, Y/N”
At her request you sit in the armchair and placed the stick in your mouth. Feeling a pressure in your lap as she had settled herself there.
Zizel cupped your cheek with a soft mischievous smile. “So, your intent was to woo a purebred. My, I do admire the ambition. Let’s see if we’re compatible.”
Heart racing as you realized she had figured you out, she took the other end of the stick and swiftly met you in the center.
A light kiss gracing your lips as she leaned back, fingers brushed her lips lightly. “Hm, compliant, and not quite so disappointing after all. Yes. I believe I will keep you as you wish.”
“You want to what?! Disgusting, absolutely not-“
You rubbed your arm, putting the box away and out of her sight as quickly as she had uttered the phrase.
Was her face red with embarrassment or anger, you couldn’t tell, and you didn’t dare to ask.
Rouge stamped her foot, the space trembling. “Do NOT speak, not when I still have more to say.”
Your voice left your throat and just as swiftly you offered a Rose and black box from your pocket, falling to one knee and bowing your head. Leaving yourself at her mercy.
Rouge’s folded arms dropped as she closed the space and removed the items from your hand. The rose floated to the side, finding its way to wear she often stored the rest as she opened the box, it was a large diamond.
Slamming the box shut with one hand, her claws combed your hair before her hand found your right shoulder and gripped it. “Do not waste my time again. You may go, I wish to be alone to think.”
Nodding your head and giving another bow you made your way quickly from her sight.
Huffing a sigh, Zizel appeared next to her. “I believe that was rather harsh of you.”
Rouge rolled her eyes, “Humans and Haters do little to interest me, Zizel. That one still has their life because of their devotion and etiquette. Their request shocked me, that’s all.”
Folding her arms again and tapping her foot in a huff, she sat atop her wine glasses again as the two demons delved further into conversation.
~Mod Sirius
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witchsheartbooks · 3 years
This is the only Witch’s Heart imagines blog I can find and I’m so thankful for it tbh! For a request, maybe Claire + the guys reacting to their S/O getting badly injured?
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I did want to do more with this but I do hope it's to your liking.
She finds you a few feet from her room, coiled on the floor and wheezing.
She’s never the type to get angry. She’s usually docile and kind.
You didn’t get a glimpse at her face from your blurred vision but you could hear the rage firm in her gentle voice as she leaned over to tend to you.
“Who did this to you?”
She’d raise hell for you.
They’d get a piece of her mind and a swift kick to the side of the head.
Claire Elford was not violent, Unless. she needed to protect someone.
That’s what she used her strength for.
As his eyes found you, all he could see was red.
Who the fuck would dare mess with his Y/N.
He had lost enough already.
His hands were already tending to your wound and his voice stayed horrifyingly level as he asked. “Who hurt you.”
The chill in his voice leveled the temperature of the entire room.
His actions were only driven by your state and safety.
Whoever left you like this would die.
His expression was cold upon finding you.
He was never the expressive type to begin with but even his micro-expressions were difficult to spot.
He’s always been guarded, self isolating.
You had gotten close to him and now someone had gotten to you.
He lifted you with ease, already working to clean and patch you up.
He was quiet, you only knew it was him by the texture of his hands and the sound of his breathing.
Whoever did this would know hell, because he’d show them it himself.
Terror and rage, those were the expressions Sirius would often show when someone closest to him was on the brink.
Who would dare lay a hand on you?!
That much didn’t matter, you needed him right now and he would treat you right then and there.
Adrenaline fueled his muscles enough to carry you but only just.
It fueled the swiftness of his hands as he stilled your breathing and worked in his craft.
He’d known these skills because after watching someone he loved so dearly die before him once, he’d be damned if it ever happened again.
He would save you, and he would find the person responsible.
His money would make that more than possible.
Fear, and Agony were the emotions that flit across Noel’s expression.
He’d seen more than enough loss and you wouldn’t be next.
He’d seen Claire die countless times. Sirius nearly as much.
He would not be alone again.
Noel wouldn’t go through something like the Mansion ever again.
Except he didn’t know what to do.
So he cried and carried you to Sirius to save your life.
~Mod Sirius
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witchsheartbooks · 3 years
Hello! would I be able to request headcanons for Claire, Sirius, Wilardo and Noel where they suddenly wake up to their s/o sobbing, having woken from a nightmare and are shaking in terror please? thank you in advance!
Not all of these are as sweet as you'd probably enjoy but I wanted to portray them in character. So I hope you'll enjoy this regardless.
She was on her side, rolling onto her back and her arm rested over her eyes with a sigh.
You were sniffling next to her, and it took a moment for her to register the sound before sleepiness evaporated from her and her hand had found your shoulder, rubbing it gentle. “Y/N? Is everything ok?”
You blink your tears away, vision blurred by the salty water. The dim evening moonlight filtering through the window. It was hard to focus on her, the shimmering light poured over her skin making her nearly glow.
You sink into her, arms pulling her close as you shook your head. “Just a dumb nightmare Claire, I’m alright now.”
You were coming out of it, and you knew you’d be fine so long as she was with you.
He was a light sleeper, and when your dreams disturbed you he was often awake before you.
You had kicked the covers off the both of you and thrashed against the bed, this night terror was one of your worse ones.
He pulled open the drawer to his night stand, removing a small weighted hand stitched heat pouch. Deciding he didn’t need to warm it, he turned back to you, his other hand lightly touching your face.
Your hand flew up snatching his wrist as your eyes flew open. Panic reflected in them, and you were squeezing harshly but he kept his voice even.
“Y/N, breathe.” He offered the weighted palm sized pouch, and you took it, pressing your face against the fabric to inhale the scent. Your grip on his wrist unraveled and small red marks had been left by your nails. You hadn’t broken skin, and even if you had, it wouldn’t be appropriate for him to chastise you for it, and he knew this. It would not only be inconsiderate, but he’d label himself as a hypocrite.
“It was that vision again, wasn’t it?” He asked gently, rubbing a salve over his wrist out of your line of sight as he waited patiently for you to find your voice.
You nodded, lying back against the pillow as the dried salt water from your eyes made your skin itch. “Yes…”
“I…wont offer any suggestions since it isn’t my place. And while we’ve spoke of it many times already, just know that this weight is not yours alone to bear.” His eyes were fixated on the tangled sheets as he stated this, rising after in order to fix the bedding. “Since we’re up, would you like me to make us tea?”
You nodded, sitting up and moving off of the mattress to help him. “I’ll make us a snack. You can handle the drinks.”
Your voice was raw from the whimpering sobs that had occurred during your rest, but he understood. He’d been there many times himself but with no one to seek comfort from other than a memory of his late mentor.
He rarely ever slept unless he was with you, it would help him dream of something other than memory. Or he’d contemplate his existence while watching your sleeping face on nights he didn’t feel he needed the rest. He had drifted off for a moment after doing this tonight, only for an hour. He stirred when he felt the bed shift and dip further on his side. The heat from your spot was fading.
He watched you rise and pace frantically, you were wringing your wrist, a usual habit of yours when you found yourself in a panic induced episode.
Noticing that you weren’t going to pull out of it right away, he left the mattress and approached you. “Y/N , look at me.”
You weren’t focused, and his voice was distant, almost garbled. Until you felt a hand rest on the arm you had been gripping as a vice around your own wrist. His hand, the feeling of it was something you recognized, the callouses, the roughness of his skin. Wil wasn’t someone who needed to talk about his work to know that he was a hard worker.
“There you are.” He murmured softly, since you had halted your pacing. “Wanna make a trade?”
Your eyes rested on his offered hand, your grip rigidly unraveling from your wrist as your fingers found themselves in his own. You squeezed. “It was so bad-“
The rasp of your voice was almost difficult to discern from the creaking floorboards under you both, but he only nodded. “Mhm, I know.”
You flexed the fingers of your free hand, claws…spread…claws…spread. Before he had gently rested his calloused hand on your cheek. “If you still need to move around, how bout we go on a walk?”
“Yes-“ You rasped without much thought and he was already leading you out of the room.
It was late and the moon was high, but neither of you focused on the time as you both wandered through the garden until you reached the koi ponds. You knelt and watched the fish gentle float. Only a few swam, disturbing the smooth water under the moons bright light.
He sat down next to you, resting a hand on his knee and outstretching his arm as an invitation for you to lean into him. You did so earnestly, this closeness was something you welcomed; from him especially.
He never slept in the evenings, but you’d fall asleep in his room. During your rests he’d chart stars from the window, waiting for you to either wake, or for him to disappear when day breaks. He explained it to you, Rouge allowed this much albeit begrudgingly. Though each time he’d have to repeat it, it was her cost of the agreement.
He was so distracted with his charts that he tensed up when you leaned against his back, face burying into his shoulder.
Noel smiled, “Hey. I thought you were still resting.”
A tear hit his shirt and his tone changed, “Hey- Y/N why are you crying?”
You shook your head; you didn’t want to talk about it. He’d feel guilty and it wasn’t his fault. “It’s alright. It will pass…”
His brows furrowed, the weight in his chest shifting as he exhaled. Noel turned and wrapped his arms around you, hoping to offer the comfort he could.
He knew what this was about, he just knew you too well. Even with having agreed to Rouge’s cost he knew there’d be more than she explained, and he was willing to accept it.
Though at times, watching you suffer this way? He knew well enough how selfish he was being, just to stay close to you and without even asking if this was something you wanted at all.
“Do you want me to tell stories of the constellations again?” He offered, glancing down at his charts.
You gave a nod, sitting at his side and dabbing your eyes with a cloth he had offered you.
He wanted to do more than this, give you more than he could ever hope to. Even though he knew, that he’d need to let you go soon. ~Mod Sirius
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witchsheartbooks · 3 years
Claire + Boys going with their s/o to a haunted house
I did something close to this, a story that could be viewed as very Otome if you wished it to be. I think you'll still enjoy it.
Claire loves holidays, especially when she gets to spend them together with you.
Little did you know that Claire could actually be very mischievous when she wanted to.
It felt like the longer you knew her the more things would surface about her over time.
None of this information has ever been unpleasant, if anything, you only found it more endearing.
She invited you out with her this evening but kept the location a surprise.
Sometimes things like this would be difficult for her not to spoil but this time. She seemed much more determined than usual. This usually meant she might be up to something.
She had insisted you wear a blindfold, you protested at first but couldn’t hold your ground once she gave you that one pout that could unravel anyone who loved her.
Her hand in yours was firm, but soft. She was gentle with leading you to the location in question.
Moments pass and you feel her hand slip from her grasp, blindfold unraveling only for your eyes to meet pitch blackness.
You squint, about to take a step forward when you feel those same firm hands come down on both your shoulders with a squeeze.
“Let’s go! I’ve been waiting to do this with you for a while!”
A hand sliding down from your shoulder only to find its own in yours once again.
She leads you into what seems to be a dimly lit maze, with black lights and subtle neons lighting the way.
Black curtains serve as your walls, so thick that the lights don’t seem to bleed through or give any such hint for where you should wander next.
You were tightly clutching her hand, anxiety clutching your chest which only soothed because you remembered she was there with you.
A hand reached for your ankle, and you scrambled away from it, teeth clenching as you tensed.
Claire laughed softly, “Relax, ok? Just enjoy the show!”
Your attention was warily on the ground at first as the two of you continued to weave through.
Moving into the next room, a shrill laugh echoed on the speakers, “Welcome to my mansion you sorry ignorant fools! You wont get out alive!~”
The voice on the speaker was familiar but you couldn’t place it. You didn’t have much time to think about It, a clawed hand clapped on your shoulder as Wil leered by your face. “Run~”
Your hand slipped from Claire’s grasp as you darted, not realizing until moments later that you had lost track of her. “Claire??? Claire!”
Attempting to back track, Ashe intersected you, his scythe positioned in front of your neck. “Not so fast, Dear. I’m here to lead the lost souls on their proper path. You’re headed the wrong way. Continue and you may lose that pretty head of yours, hm?~”
You ducked under the prop and turned on your heel, you’d go along with his directives as you eyed him warily. He only smiled and waved as you disappeared from view.
Into the next room, it was dimly lit as Sirius sat at a table, tarot cards spread and a tea setting in place. “Welcome weary one, perhaps you wish to ask the cards a question. Though I must warn you, ask only one.”
You rigidly sat across from him, were all your friends involved in this? You and Claire were the only ones to show so it made sense. “Ah. I’m just wondering where Claire is-“
Sirius cackled, “Oh is that truly all you wish to know?”
He dealt the cards smoothly flipping each one over. “It seems you’ll find her again in the last room. Hurry along now, won’t you?”
One of the chair legs snapped, you scrambled up with a start, eyes resting on Charlotte, bandages obscuring her face. You didn’t stick around to ask questions and instead rushed into the next room.
Rouge and Zizel sat on a bench under a worn gazebo. Their eyes were closed as they were propped against each other. You approached cautiously and each of them grabbed your wrists. “You’re quite foolish, aren’t you? The wolf is prowling late this eve. Why are you striding at a leisure pace?!”
Rouges nails left red marks on your skin as you ripped your wrists away from her hand and Zizels. Zizel giggled, as a howl resonated from your left. “Oh now you’ve done it dear, Hurry on~”
Glancing to the side, your eyes rested on Noel who was creeping closer to you, your legs moved, and his pace quickened. You broke into a sprint weaving through the staged trees as a paw grasped both your shoulders and dragged you off into the thicket.
You kicked and thrashed as you were thrown on your back, Lime leaning over you positioning her paws. “Oh good, you made it this far! How very lucky of you! And you out paced that stinky wolf too! You’re almost near the end, let’s go!~”
Yanking you up from the ground, her thick paw grasped your wrist and dragged you onward.
There was still no trace of Claire as Lime led you into a pitch-black room, you no longer felt her grasp and you froze in place, your voice weak. “Claire, are you here?”
Candles roared to life on either side of you, continuing down the corridor as you trudged the red carpet and approached a dimly lit high throne, Claire sit upon it in a lovely dress and veil. She looked to be asleep. As you approached, Wilardo stepped out from behind the throne to her left, “Do you mean to whisk away my bride?”
You blink and he was leering in front of you, “Or perhaps, you wish to rule the night with me in her stead?”
Feeling your face flush you leaned back, a Scythe at your neck yet again, Ashe was at your back. “Perhaps I could steal you away instead?”
You knelt between them and dipped before scrambling for Claire, Sirius loomed to her right. “Oh my you’re rather determined, but would it not be more appealing to remain here with us?”
Rouge and Zizel stepped out from behind him, offering their hands and you froze.
Lime and Charlotte crept out from under the throne on each side and loomed on the arms of the magnificent chair. “You’ll wake her should you continue. Join us wont you? She already has!”
The two laughed as Claire’s eyes fluttered open, she rose, and her gaze rested on you. It seemed distant as she offered you, her hand. “Will you remain with me?”
You couldn’t decide, not at first, but as they all closed in, your hand grasped hers and they all descended upon you.
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witchsheartbooks · 4 years
Claire x Clumsy S/O
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I’m very clumsy myself so I completely understand. I hope you enjoy!
You were always nervous about your lack of balance.
It was something your family back home would often poke at, making jokes about you.
So while growing up it made you very insecure and you were often embarrassed about your klutzy nature.
While walking up the stairs, you were really drowsy.
Turning the corner you bumped into Claire, stumbling and falling back as your arms flailed.
"Gotcha, [Y/N]!" And you felt a firm soft hand around your wrist as you were yoinked back and into Claire's arms.
Claire was leaning against the railing and just smiling at you. "Are you ok?"
But you were so embarrassed you thought you could die right there on the spot.
Well, you almost did, knocking your skull on the stairs would have been unpleasant but thankfully it didn't happen.
"Yea I just-..." You paused for a moment, averting your gaze, timidness overtaking you in this situation as you gently moved back from Claire. "No. Sorry. I must have not been paying attention."
You turn to go but Claire is much more perceptive than that, she goes with you and takes your hand. "It's ok! I've had my share of clumsy times too!"
Claire laughs gently, "Sirius has gotten onto me a few times for it, he can have a short temper at times."
She's determined now, "But don't worry, [Y/N]. No matter how many times you fall, I'll be there to catch you and pull you back to your feet!"
You had always admired her, and this closeness was enough for your chest to burst.
Little did you know this was just the start of your relationship.
~Mod Sirius
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witchsheartbooks · 5 years
How about Claire x Mansion squad HCs in which they realize that their child inherited the Witch's Heart?
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This will be a platonic x Reader. With the Reader being the child.
She’d be moderately concerned especially after everything she went through. It was one of her fears after all. When she had dealt with it herself.
She sits them down one day, not yet sure if she should involve her partner in the discussion.
“My ray of sunshine. I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to have this talk with you but it looks like I don’t have much of a choice.” She then ruffles your hair, giving you a soft look paired with a smile that could only be described as sad.
You tilt your head quizzically, it wasn’t often that your mother was anything other than happy so it was reason for concern.
Claire reaches from behind her and produces a book. “Do you remember these books? The ones I used to read you?”
You nod, “Yes but I like the one you tell me that isn’t in a book! The one about you and Dad!”
You of course were referring to the story of her and Noel. It captivated you, always hearing of just how far he had gone for your mother.
Claire then sets the book down, solumnly. “Ah yes. That one’s you’re favorite isn’t it?”
There was a tangible pause paired with a sigh. “There are things I had trouble sharing with you. You were so young at the time so now I feel I can tell you the whole story.”
She lifts her finger, tilting it to the side and offering to smile. “It’s kinda scary though. Your opinions of my friends might change. Are you ready?”
Your brows furrow as you give a determined nod, hugging a pillow to your chest as you prepare yourself to listen.
Hours passed and you look at your mother wide eyed as she finishes with. “And now…it seems you have the Witch’s heart too.”
You toss the pillow and scramble to your mom, holding her tight. “But everything’s ok now, right? All of you are still friends and-”
She then combed your hair, shushing you gently. “Of course it is! Your father and I are going to protect you ok?”
Her voice then grew more serious as her brows furrowed. “But you can’t tell anyone ok? Even your best friends.”
You give a firm nod, squeezing her again as you simply shake in place.
He noticeably freezes, coming across the research confirming his worst fears.
You his own child seem to have possessed the Witch’s Heart.
No no, that can’t be right. Y/N can’t have the heart. Not like Claire. His breath caught in his throat, remembering the loss of Lilia and his two parents. Imagery entering his head upon then seeing you in the position Claire had been in.
He pushed the papers aside and stood. “No.”
Ashe was determined not to lose you. You were the only family he had and after finally having one of his own he refused to lose his family yet again.
He doesn’t speak to you about it, in fact he avoids the conversation entirely.
Your dad’s behavior tends to shift and he becomes more strict on you than you could ever have imagined.
Had you done something wrong? Where had this come from?
But you had never seen your father so scared outside of when he wakes up from those dreams he has.
The two of you spoke of almost everything so why wouldn’t he tell you…?
Unfortunately for him. Ashe would make his worst mistake this way.
Taking you under his wing had curved his loneliness.
Being sterile and all, he couldn’t have children normally.
But finding you one day, it reminded him of his tie with gramps.
There was a bitter sweetness there but with how old he was now he masked it rather well.
Your father was perceptive at best, though as intimidating as he could be to others, he was always soft with you.
Though one day you noticed him growing unreasonably tense.
Setting your hand on his shoulder you try to gently get his attention.
He quirks a brow at you, keeping silent.
“Dad…? What’s wrong?” He seemed to look at you differently from before.
More distance in his gaze, more contemplative. Perhaps he was having a bad day? You couldn’t tell.
He simply shook his head. “Let’s stop for today yea? I’ll make us food. You can wander while you wait but stay close.”
He then brushes past you setting up a fire in order to prepare food. Occasionally glancing at you as you wandered the space obliviously.
With a inaudible exhale he merely watched you idly. Why am I always pulled into these hard choices…? Just like with Claire all those years ago.
He hummed while putting together the food, I have options… I could protect them like I tried with Claire but- Hm… the other option is we could both die…
Something else he remembered like a dream, an outcome with Claire where he had done the same.
He eyed you with this soft heart broken gaze, his chest fuckin hurt that’s for sure.
Was this selfish? Possibly. Or perhaps it was mercy.
While you wandered carelessly, the brooding immortal had called you back over for the meal. Handing you the bowl first and watching as you hungrily dug into the food.
You felt your muscles go limp, dropping the empty bowl as he caught you with a sigh.
Your consciousness fades and the last thing you manage to catch is, your fathers voice. “It will be over soon, Rose bud…”
The two of you were sitting, having afternoon tea as he was working on a few amulets in silence.
You knew how particular your father was so you did your best to keep quiet as he worked.
It was one of the few ways you could spend time with him after all so you felt it was worth it for just abit of your silence.
You doodled on this paper in front of you and he idly quirked a brow to watch.
The lines began to form a large gem in the shape of what would be the Witch’s Heart.
It was something you kept seeing in a dream, because of this your dream journal was filled to the brim with drawings of it among the disturbing imagery that usually came with this captivating gem.
Sirius sets down his cup, folding his hands as he only watched. The memories of his two best friends, his partner and that irritating Ashe Bradley idly passed through, invoking a sigh from the other.
“Y/N.” He prodded gently, enough to draw your attention away from the page.
“Hm?” Your head tilted, brows furrowing at his concerned expression. Your father as intelligent as he is happened to be a worrier at the best of times.
“I’m quite curious of your drawing, may I see it?” His red eyes conveyed only worry, his shoulders happened to be visibly tense as well.
You nod, hopping up and circling the work table to sit next to him and place it in his hands.
He only stared at the page, brows furrowed as he placed a hand on your back and rubbed. “Y/N. Do you know what this is?”
Your own brows furrowed and you gently shook your head. “I keep having dreams about it. Plus I see all these scary bloody images but-”
He gently shushes you, patting your head. “I know someone who had this gem once, you know.”
He pauses before correcting himself, “Well..two actually.”
He sets down the paper, rising from his spot and motioning for you to follow.
You perk up, tailing along with him, grasping his hand and kind of ducking under his longer cloak of which you had always seen him wearing.
Of course, you weren’t aware this was new and something he had adopted after the events of the cursed Witch’s mansion.
He mused a chuckle, patting your head again as he lead you into the side room, producing a small blue diary and slipping a picture into your palms.
You perked up, recognizing everyone in the folder immediately. “This is you, Claire and Lady Dorothy!!”
He simply nods, standing next to you and looking at the picture himself. “Yes. Though the two Elford women I looked up to, had that very gem in their chests..”
He gently taps the chest of those two in the picture.
You look up at him tilting your head in minor confusion. “Why is it in their chests, Papa?”
He only sighed, “The gemstone you were drawing is referred to as the Witch’s Heart. “
He suppresses a dry laugh as he continued, “ You know if only I wasn’t so stubborn in the beginning of it all I could have understood it all better, sooner. “
He eyes you softly. “This stone brings ruin to anyone who tries to use it. Though it tends to be in the possession of admirable people. Those who are selfish in their ambitions tend to use these people in order to get what they want, even if it means discarding them.”
He pets your hair, sighing again. “It’s how I lost Lady Dorothy in the first place. Though Noel and I, were sure not to lose Claire in the same way.”
Sirius then paces until he’s standing in front of you, your large eyes focused on him. So much trust held in that young gaze of yours. He now understood the position Lady Dorothy was in when she had him. “Love. You must listen to me very carefully.”
He taps his cheek as he continues, only focused on you, his child. “You must keep this information to yourself. Only speak of it with me.”
You blink tilting your head, “But what about Wilardo-”
He gently shushes you.”Let me handle it, Alright?”
After a moment you smile, giving him a squeeze, feeling him relax as you do.
Should my suspicions be correct my little tea leaf. I won’t let this all happen again.. He mused as he simply pat your head, returning the hug.
Stress, this is a fantastic word to describe what your father goes through upon learning this information from Claire.
He had thought it was all over, that things had been wrapped up since their time in the mansion but to hear of this now only gave him whiplash as his chest only seized. Bringing his wife into his arms, remembering it all again.
Of course Claire was familiar with this reaction. He’d often wake up this way and go into a panic attack for a good while until she was able to quell him.
Claire hums idly, combing his hair and urging him to look at her.
“It’s ok Noel,” She continues softly. “Focus on me. We can protect them. We can do anything together, remember?”
The tension in his shoulders hadn’t subsided but damn if he didn’t cling to her. Losing her so many times had been one thing but losing the fruit of their love would ruin him beyond what you could begin to imagine.
He loved her so much, he loved you. Something he believed he could never have but also at first wasn’t sure that he even wanted.
Though after laying eyes on you in Claire’s arms for the very first time, he couldn’t begin to imagine a world without you or her in it.
For a while, Noel believed the only family he could ever have would be Sirius and Claire. Though now after the fact he was surrounded by more friends of which he could have originally imagined and his beautiful wife and child.
Claire brings him to the window, so they could both look at you as you play outside. Sitting in that small flower patch in front of the cottage.
His shoulders slack upon seeing you safe. That’s all he’s focused on, your safety, your happiness.
He want’s you to live, just as much as he wants her to live.
And he’ll be damned if anything happened to either of you.
~Mod Sirius
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