#clairels teaches writing
clairelsonao3 · 11 months
In my experience, most writers vastly overestimate the amount of information we need to know about your character in order to get invested in their story.
I've found that with a lot of stories I've picked up lately, the writer could have skipped the first few scenes or even the entire first chapter and I still would have been just as likely to keep reading.
In order to get invested in your character/story, we need an interesting problem that they need to solve. That's it. Virtually everything else — backstory, personality traits — can be worked in after. Start where the story starts.
When you go back to Ch. 1 of your WIP, look at the first few paragraphs/scenes. Ask yourself, "Do readers actually need to know this, or do only I need to know this?" If the answer is the latter, cut ruthlessly.
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