#clam! jonathan
sapphire-heart-tippy · 8 months
Clam Jonathan: There's something in my throat... is it a tonsil stone?
Clam Erina: Try coughing, darling
*Jonathan coughs up a pearl*
Clam Jonathan: I... didn't even know I could do that
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how inconvenienced is jonaclam by his transformation? at least jonahead is quite happy and independent despite his predicament 😂😭
Clam! Jonathan: well, I have to have somebody carry me around because me shell is too heavy... Though it be rather annoyin', it gives me some time ta relax. Besoides, 'tis much easier thun swimmin'!
Clam! Erina: Also some people were turned into scallops so they can uh... Do that
Scallop cursed clam person: *swimming with their shell* I'M VERY DISORIENTEEEEED!!!
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Jonahead can wear accessories via his neckbase but can Jonaclam also spice up his style? Maybe glittery things stuck to his shell?
Absolutely! Sometimes Van-eel-a will help decorate the clams' shells with whatever they'd like. But if they're snappy with him then he'll write something they don't want on the back of their shell heheh!
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Oooh so Dio doesn't actually steal Jonathan's body in the mer AU, he just poofs him into a clam 😂
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Dio and Jonathan got into a huge battle underwater! When Dio transformed from a dazzling merman to a vampire squid, Jonathan did all he could to stop Dio's reign of terror! Alas, he forgot that Dio was also a seawitch. So in a valiant effort to save the sea, Jonathan attempted to seal Dio away above the surface. Unfortunately, Dio also cursed Jonathan to live out eternity as a clam. Dio was soon found and now rules the sea with an iron fin! Jonaclam was dormant for all those years Dio was trapped above the surface. Dio found Jonathan, then decided that he was just going to let him hang around for a while. Dio found a way to concentrate spells into potion oils. So now he has all kinds of oils in bottles, making deals with sea dwellers and turning them into clams if they don't cough up the doubloons.
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Dio does possess the power to turn all the clams back into merpeople, but he hasn't yet perfected that. Sometimes their fins will be on backwards or they'll lose their limbs, so Dio is trying to make a potion that reverses this curse. He'll use it to manipulate the clams of course!
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Do the different clams have different looking shells too? Or do they all look like Jonathan's?
They all have different shells according to their personalities! (They don't have to be realistic or even shells you'll find in real life, if you all want to make some)
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Do the clams need water when they venture onto land? Do they need water more than the merpeople do?
Van-eel-a: *slithering around carrying a second, stronger mermaid purse full of water* I put them in this! Well, only one can fit at a time. It's good to let them soak in here. Otherwise, us merfolk use these magic water orbs lord Dio made for us
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Seawitch Dio: *sigh* "Or I could just give you all legs so you can walk on land!"
Mer Vanilla: "I am able to slither, sire. I have no use of those...unsightly appendages."
Seawitch Dio: Yargh! I'm just tryna help ye, laddies.
Jonaclam: Aye, wouldn't mind if ye gave me them "unsightly appendages"
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If the heads live in the fridge in the main au, does Mer Vanilla have a similar place to keep the clams in? A treasure chest maybe?
You got Jonaclam! Equip him with X, Y, or Z!
Vaneela: *holding Jonathan up*
Jonaclam: Would you please put me down?
(yes, they're all in a huge treasure chest!)
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Everybody put your fins together for Seawitch Dio and Jonaclam!
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Ok but imagine if the beach goers see Mer Vanilla and Mer Tippy crawling around getting ice cream and what not and they just think they're in costumes 😂
Vanilla: *slithering* "Do we need a less conspicuous disguise?"
Some beach goer: "Hey! Sick cosplay my man!"
Tippy: *flopping* "I don't think so."
Oh yeah! 🤣 And they might also think they're wearing those cool mermaid tail bathing suits! Maybe somebody comes up to them wearing one and asks how they made them look so realistic
"Um... Oh uh- my... Mom made it for me?"
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wait so the mers can flop around on land? how long can they go without water
imagine if vanilla just brings a backpack full of water bottles to keep themselves wet
They can flop around without water for about 30 minutes! But after that they start drying out... Luckily Vanilla has his handy dandy mermaid purse filled with water orbs he got from seawitch Dio! You just take one of the magic water orbs and squeeze them all over yourself. There's a surprisingly large amount of water in those magic orbs!
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mer tip mer vans and jonaclam crawl to the land dweller town for ice cream 🤣🤣🤣
Jonaclam: *being carried by Van-eel-a, licking an ice cream in a bowl that's been placed carefully on the rim of his shell* My my, this is exquisite! What did you say this was called, my good land dweller?
Ice cream dude: *hiding behind the counter* i-i-icecream
Mer! Vanilla: See? I told you this stuff was good
Mer! Wamuu: *busts through the door* Did somebody say ay-ay-aycecream? *Flops over*
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Ooh, "Joeshark". Since Jonathan used to be a whale shark and Joseph in @erghlrblrblrblr's art looks like a thresher shark, maybe all the joestar mers are different kinds of shark? I'm definitely seeing Jotaro as a great white.
I would think so too! They're all different types of awesome sharks 😎
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Would the clams be heavy? I imagine Mer Vanilla can only carry one of them at a time cause it would be hard to swim xD
Mer! Vanilla: Ugh, these things are so heavy... *Holding up Jonaclam and looking annoyed*
Mer! Tippy: *swims by*
Mer! Vanilla: *flexes his bicep and holding Jonaclam in one arm, trying to impress Tippy* I mean uh, ahem. Business as usual.
Jonaclam: *sigh* you know we have a shopping cart if you need it
Mer! Vanilla: Quiet, you little scallop!
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so if the clams move around using their tongues that would mean they can't hold things with their mouth while they scoot around. maybe they just store things inside their shells when they're dragging themselves along?
Absolutely!! 😎 They'd keep all kinds of things in there. Zeppeli would have so much stolen pirate rum in his shell 🤣
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Since eels are surprisingly very maneuverable on land: imagine mer!Vanilla slithering up the beach carrying mer!Tippy bridal style when they come ashore to watch the sunset. Maybe clam!Jonathan tags along too and they keep him in a bucket of water 😂
Yes!! 😭🫶💙💜 well they'd also bring clam! Erina too because you gotta have a land double date ☺️
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