#clam! erina
sapphire-heart-tippy · 11 months
Clam Jonathan: There's something in my throat... is it a tonsil stone?
Clam Erina: Try coughing, darling
*Jonathan coughs up a pearl*
Clam Jonathan: I... didn't even know I could do that
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girlymatsu · 1 year
do u think that when erina and osomatsu are cuddling in bed about to sleep, she notices him hug her a little closer and lay a hand on her belly, giving it a light squeeze and rubbing it gently... erina doesn't dwell on it bc she thought it was sooo sweet, he can be so tender and mushy when he's half asleep sometimes! it's not long after though, that she begins to see a topic coming up a little more often: every baby in a stroller they pass on the way home from pachinko is sooo cute! run into the mall to check out some sweet deals on accessories? oh nooo, we came in through a different way, and their baby clothes display is Adorable! these shoes are way too tiny, it's ridiculous!!!
it seemed like an accident the first couple of times, and of course she wanted to start a family with him someday, but wow, what a coincidence! sure, oso clammed up a bit when she cooed at the display, his hand beginning to sweat, but it was kinda stuffy in there! no way he'd get so nervously excited about the topic he'd wanna throw up thinking about it, right?
ANON........... YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE THISY^$&*#TRFWYU%$$@# aaaaa ive been reading it over and over its tooooo cute i had to draw some things 4 it
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hes literally baby fevered hes so in love hes so family guy tm hes whipped he wants a family he thinks kids are great he loves his wife wife is so soft fdsifhsyrewu%^$@TU THANKNYOU FOR WRITING THIS WHAT THE HELLLL THIS RLLY MADE MY MORNING I SOO AM FILLED WITH WARM GOO IN MY HEART
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Yasss! Ask box open. OK. Hirose twins kinda reminds me of a headcanon I had for jotaro and star, ngl.
So, from the very brief flashbacks we get at the start of part 3, we know that Jotaro didn't start out all moody and edgy. He was actually more bubbly and playful, an athlete and dedicated to his studies, and overall a shy, quiet kid with a big heart for his momma.
I would assume he's always had some anger issues, most of the joestars do (i.e. Jonathan decking Dio for attacking Erina, or Joseph's first plane incident. Honestly just young Joseph in general, like Father likes son for Josuke in that case.) Anger is one of the few emotions he can process quickly and accurately, so he tends to react faster to anger than anything else. This is why he comes off as stoic and unfeeling, he actually has a very wide span of emotions, he just has trouble expressing them in more conventional ways that other people understand.
But as we know, something causes sweet little Jojo to become a delinquent. Over time, he masks up hard. He stops himself from stimming - except the hat, he refuses to acknowledge other emotions than what he's learned that others expect from him, and due to the stress and pressure, he snaps. Gone is sweet and polite, picture perfect student Jojo, now all there's left is a hollow shell. Anything anyone sees now is just what they want to see, the massive walls and fortified protection around a damaged and broken heart. Beaten and bruised by the people around him.
At least that's what he thought.
He thought he locked all that away, then Star Platinum shows up. Wide grins and smiles, emotions and heart worn on his sleeve, playful, helpful, and gentle. This big imposing figure that Jotaro is terrified of at first is actually just a big puppy. All Star wants is to help, to protect. But all Jotaro sees is the reminder of what he was, what's no longer there. It takes him a while to warm up to star, the mere idea that Star Platinum really is him and not some evil spirit.
But he does. Over the course of their journey, Jotaro opens up to the others, he lets down his masks after God knows how long. He starts stimming again, tapping feet, clicking fingers, flicking wrists. He starts up old habits, bringing trinkets to the others and little do-dads that they might appreciate, following them around to offer help in whatever they're doing. It takes the other Crusaders a little while to get used to this.
Avdol is first to accept him, being able to read him like a book. So Jotaro follows him around the most, looking over his shoulder to watch him shuffle his cards and listen quietly while Avdol explains each one. Joseph picks up on it almost immediately, but doesn't draw attention to it, not wanting Jotaro to clam up again. He simply lets him do whatever he wants and watches from the sidelines as his reclusive grandson comes out of his shell.
Kakyoin is a little apprehensive and awkward, not having a lot of friends himself makes it a little difficult to pick up on Jotaro's social cues at first. Even Jotaro has difficulty deciphering Kakyoin's own social cues, so there are a couple misunderstandings from both sides at first (i.e. Rubber Soul and Temperance.) Eventually though, they're able to pick up on each other's mannerisms and cues so well that they can silently communicate little things to each other. They can be so in sync that it almost comes off a little creepy.
Polnareff is a little slow on the uptake and accidentally insults Jotaro a couple times before he figures it out. But he never treats Jotaro any differently, he treats him just like he would anyone else. Easy going and entertaining to be around. Jotaro doesn't like him at first due to how loud he is, but during their little smoke breaks away from the rest of the group, he learns just what makes Polnareff tick. He wears his intentions and emotions on his sleeve, as open and easy to read as a picture book. He finds himself most comfortable around Polnareff of all people, and while he likes to poke fun at him and insult him, he still appreciates his company.
Eventually, while Jotaro is doing something that requires Star's help - like drawing something in extreme detail or sparring with someone, one of them pipes up and says something along the lines of "you know, I can see the resemblance between you and Star now."
And with that, Jotaro looks at Star and for the first time sees himself.
(I have many thoughts for Jotaro, can you tell? XD)
There’s not even anything I can add to this was this was absolutely 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌
I’m an absolute sucker for Star reflecting the care and love Jotaro has for the people around him and expressing the emotions he has difficulty showing so this was just PERFECTION
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erghlrblrblrblr · 9 months
How’s about another animation featuring Jonaclam? I’m thinking one with Clam!Erina.
A cute idea, perhaps if I have time. I imagine they'd get returned to their original mer forms too, somehow...
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Speedwagon’s No Good, Very Bad, Carousel Ride
So this is a little nonsense of Erina taking young Joseph (like five or six) to Central Park. Obviously chaos ensues.
CW: none? Just Joseph being Joseph? Speedwagon gets sick?
“You called, is everything alright?” Speedwagon said a little out of breath before putting his hat back on. He had run from the taxi to Erina and JoJo in the park it had seemed.
“It will be. But look above you.” Erina pointed with her umbrella to a very small Joseph high up in the branches of Central Park oak tree.
“Joseph, if you don’t come down soon I’m going to have to call the fire department and they’ll take you down like a cat. Is that what you want?” Erina shouted up to him through the branches.
“NO I WANT TO GO ON THE CAROUSEL!” JoJo yelled down, giggling at the rise he’d gotten out of Erina.
“OH HI SPEEDWAGON!!” JoJo called down frantically waving his hands.
“Hey JoJo, why don’t you come down and say hi to me!” Speedwagon shouted up, feeling a little silly shouting at a child. Stuck in a tree. In a public park. Surrounded by tourists.
“Well, what if I take you?” The words barely left speedwagons mouth as Erina whacked him with her umbrella.
“Robert what do you think you’re doing? He’s been up there for the better part of an hour demanding to go on the carousel and now you just give in??” She glared at him. Intensely.
“YESSSSSSSS!” JoJo scrambled down from his perch in the tree.
Speedwagon shrugged his shoulders and gave her a guilty grin, “he’s just so damn cute I couldn’t resist!” Erina’s glare softened a bit, but she still wasn’t happy.
“Hey JoJo!” Speedwagon beamed as the kid jumped into his arms. He swung the boy around a bit before setting him back down.
“Are you ready? Are you ready? Let’s go!!” JoJo bounced up and down trying to pull Speedwagon to the carousel.
“No not yet. First you have to apologize to Granny Erina for being naughty.” Speedwagon tried to appease Erina but she was having none of it.
“Hmmm and naughty boys don’t get to go on carousels.” She stared daggers at Speedwagon who just shrugged again.
“I’m sorry Granny! Now I said sorry, now I’m a good boy, let’s go!” And he scampered off, a startled Speedwagon in tow.
Erina chuckled to herself as she walked over to a bench by the carousel. At least Speedwagon would have to deal with his shenanigans for a bit.
JoJo was tugging at Speedwagon’s arm, trying to pull him through the line of people waiting.
“I want to ride the horse! Wait there’s a SEA horse! No, the elephant! No no the TIGER!” JoJo kept pulling on Speedwagon literally calling out every creature on the carousel.
Finally it was their turn up on the ride. JoJo had tried t run off too many times to be the first ones on, so Speedwagon had hoisted him up on his shoulders. Firstly to keep him from getting hurt. Secondly to avoid any further glares from the other passengers.
“Okay JoJo, now sit on the Tiger and I’ll sit on this clam over here. Alright. Sit tight and don’t let go of the reins!” Speedwagon buckled the loose seatbelt around the boy and went to go sit on his clam.
He had barely swung his leg over before sparing a peek at JoJo to notice he was gone. The seatbelt was still buckled so the little weasel had just slipped out. The carousel started to spin and Speedwagon cursed under his breath as he hopped down and searched frantically for the boy.
He spotted a little peak of a scarf dodging behind a rhinoceros, “JOJO COME BACK HERE!”
Maniacal giggling was the only response.
The carousel lurched forward and Speedwagon has to grab onto the seahorse in front of him, which was occupied by an angry American woman who took a swipe at him with her purse.
Luckily he dodged that situation and stumbled from pole to pole still searching for JoJo. He swore he kept walking but he had only ended up where he started, with that blasted clam!
Now he was getting sick, his stomach swirled and his knees started to shake as the world spun around him.
Finally he heard that little pipsqueaks voice, “I know what you’re going to say next, you’re going to say”, and he puffed his chest out and spoke with a deep voice, “‘ but I was here first kid’ but I want it more than you.”
Speedwagon closed his eyes in a silent prayer that whomever JoJo was talking to had a sense of humor. He stumbled forward following JoJo’s voice, which was harassing a rather large man on a unicorn.
“Jojo, let’s leave this nice man alone and come back and sit on your tiger.” Speedwagon lurched forward and raised a hand to his mouth, worried that he might vomit.
“But I want to ride the unicorn. It’s magical.” JoJo whined. “And this is a kids ride and I’m a kid.”
Speedwagon was in the middle of apologizing profusely on JoJo’s behalf to the man when the ride stopped. Speedwagon shuddered eager to get off this hell wheel of a ride.
He picked up JoJo but he went limp in his arms. “You can’t pick me up unless you’re putting me on the unicorn.”
Speedwagon started to panic as the next group of passengers started to pick out their seats. He physically could not handle another ride, he was pretty sure if he looked in a mirror right now, that his face would literally be green with nausea.
“Fine.” He scooped JoJo up and onto the unicorn. He buckled the belt and tied it around his waist two times. There was no way the kid could slip out now.
He jumped off the carousel and plopped himself down on the bench next to Erina.
“I’m getting to old for this.” Speedwagon muttered.
“We’re getting to old for this.” And with that Erina shared a knowing glance with him, dug around in her purse and pulled out a flask. “But dont worry, I brought tequila.”
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moody-bloosh · 5 years
I would love a matchup of each part of Jojo but if that’s too much then just part 5 is fine. I’m a straight brunette female, chubby and 5’4”. I’m sick a lot so I rarely leave the house for anything other than doctor appointments. I even get IV infusions every month. Even then I always have an urge to explore and want to travel the world someday. My style is mostly for comfort so I rarely ever wear bras. What I do with most of my time is sleep, watch anime/read manga, and play video games. (C1)
I sometimes have a bad temper and panic attacks. When I meet new people and have to talk to them I clam up, act awkward, and am full of anxiety. I try not to let all this get me down through. Even while in my darkest times or in pain, I’m constantly trying to stay cheerful and crack a joke or two. Though my humor is mostly sarcastic. (C2)
I’m not good at cooking and am likely to burn myself trying. I’m very protective of my love ones and believe that trust is one of the most important parts of a relationship. Though I’m very bad when it comes to romance and mostly just brush it off when somebody flirts with me because my anxiety can’t take it. Sorry if these asks were too much. 😳 (C3)
Oh please don’t worry dear! I don’t mind too much asks uwu Hope you like these matchups
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Part 1: Jonathan is such a sweetheart and he is honestly such a perfect prince for you uwu. He loves to send you cute things and love letters KNASKLD honestly, this man just wants to protect you and give you all the finer things in life. Please love him lots! 
Part 2: Spending most of your time inside, Joseph’s visits and his insane tales are a breath of fresh air to your life. Erina had introduced the two of you and even homeschooled the two of you together when it became apparent that Joseph wasn’t willing to sit still in school. He is your sunshine and he is your umbrella on a rainy day, even though he is goofy and obnoxious, you know very well that through ups and downs he is always there for you 
Part 3: Avdol loves to tell you all about his adventures with the Stardust Crusaders. He shows you all the pictures he has taken from his journeys. When it comes to wooing you, Avdol doesn’t pull any punches flirting. He is very romantic and direct with his feelings for you while also being patient and understanding so you don’t have to feel anxious with him
Part 4: Tonio enjoys cooking you comfort food that will heal your heart, your body, and your spirit. While he would love to be able to cook with you, your safety is more important. As such, he will do his best to keep you from doing the more dangerous things. Perhaps you can help him plate the food uwu
Part 5: Bruno’s adoption senses engage when he meets you !! He wants to protecc you so much AKLSDNL The way you try to smile even when you are sad is something he finds beautiful but also sad. He thinks it’s wonderful that you can find a reason to smile no matter what but also he knows how sad it might be to hide things behind a smile, he is guilty of that after all. Bruno wants you to be honest with him, will help you process your feelings when it’s a little hard. He just wants you to be genuinely happy because you’ve brought so much happiness to him uwu 
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smokingtomas · 7 years
Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop
A drabble related to Akai Ito. Set between XXI and XXII.
part 2 / part 3 / playlist
I've seen the waters that make your eyes shine, now I'm shining too Because oh because, I've fallen quite hard over you
Sōma is not the type of person who is hard to fit in a new circumstance, so being a Londoner seems to come naturally for him. He would jog a few blocks in his free time before going to Shino’s without getting bothered by how wet and cold the city can be, or if he doesn't jog, he would stroll around the market just to be mesmerized by the products, or even spends hours at a cheese shop around St. James- and ending up buying at least a quarter of that shop.
Which is what he just did when his phone beeps; it's a text from Nakiri Erina.
Are you not working today?
It's definitely a once in a blue moon to have her texting him first, so he's really keen to know what she has in mind, especially after haven't been seeing each other for a week now.
Not in a few hours. ‘Sup?
Two cigarettes have turned into ashes, but a reply doesn't appear, so he types some more: Wanna meet?
Higher Ground’s Coffee.
Her answer comes almost immediately. He takes it as a yes, and a cue to (almost keenly) put out his third Marlboro. Thankfully, the place is at walking distance, so he arrives in just 10 minutes after the message.
“Been here long?” He strokes her honey blonde hair before throwing himself on the couch next to her- because a simple hi is just overrated, but Erina only looks up from her Macbook to greet him with a wince.
“Hmpf. You need to lay off those filthy Gold Marlboros, Yukihira-kun. “
“Why? Because the red ones smell better for ya? Or do you care that much about my health?”
She rolls her eyes unpleasantly and goes back to typing on her laptop, as if it screams ‘yeah, right’.
“Joking.” Sōma nudges, “I’ll get an iced latte.”
When he’s back on the couch after making sure he smells minty fresh with an iced latte in his hand, he asks her, “What’re you doin’ there?”
“This month’s review. I fall a little behind because my schedule has been hectic these days.” She explains without breaking her focus to her work.
“Wow, even Nakiri can't always be on time.”
“Wh-What is that supposed to mean?!”
His wild cackle is not the only thing he can't help, but also when the redhead sees her glasses go down to the bridge of her nose, pulling it back up is almost a reflect, and sometimes he wonders why seeing that blush on her cheek is endearing to him.
“If you're gonna be working here, why asked me to come anyway?” He questions before taking a sip on his beverage.
“What?! You're the one who asked me if I wanted to meet!”
“But you texted me first, y’know.”
“W-Well… I was… B-bored!”
“So I’m only convenient when you’re bored?”
“Can’t you talk about something else?” Erina raises both hands, “You are distracting me, Yukihira. Turns out texting you was not a good idea.”
“At least you’re not bored anymore, eh?” He winks.
“S-Shut up, idiot.”
“Aight. As you wish.”
And so she’s typing again. Those amethyst orbs with unbearable focus, like nothing can ever break them even the way she nibbles her bottom lip gets too painful for her or even if this old coffee shop shatters in one second. But so are those golden eyes, when gazing into what lies before him.
The view- it makes him unaware of how long his teeth have chewed the straw or how the time on his Swiss Army is still ticking closer to lunch service. Though he’s certainly aware of how his heart races… after the Nakiri heiress breaks the silence.
“W-Why are you staring like that?”
“Huh? Nah, it’s just-” Sōma places his fingers on the junction between her hair and neck, “You’re cute when you’re all focused like that.”
“Wh-What are you even…” Her blush becomes more pronounced.
No- of course it doesn’t stop his gentle strokes, but when he thought she’s going to push his hands away, she tilts her head to give him more access instead.
Oh, this gladness is weird as hell...
He smiles anyway, and it gets wider when her eyes shudders.
“You tired?”
“A little bit.”
“How much have you written there?” He says, resting his chin on her shoulder to take a peek at her screen.
“Quite plenty. Santiago’s is sure to get an earful for their Spanish clam chowder.”
“I can see that, comparing to your usual length.”
She turns her head slightly, just enough to get a look on his eyes, “You've been reading my reviews?”
“Hell yeah, who knows what you'd say about Shino’s?” He chuckles.
“I always eat at Shino’s with reservation under my name. I never reserve those places I come to review.”
“So, quite the Anthony Bourdain, eh?”
She huffs in amusement.
“And thanks for reassuring me that you enjoy my dish.” He continues, without ignoring her lavender scent that hypnotized his nostrils.
“Where do you even get that?”
“Because you always come to Shino’s at least every two weeks for dinner?”
“N-No I don't!”
“Sure, Nakiri. Keep telling yourself that. My staffs won't agree with ya.”
“When will you stop infuriating me?”
“I don't think it'll be so soon.”
When their unaware of the silence that falls, it's when they can really enjoy each other's company, just like they are now. His head still rested on her shoulder with a hand on her thigh. She would take off her glasses and play with fingers that grazes the soft fabric of her pants.
Yes- even they realize it's not that physical, but somehow, it's more than enough to be able listen to the calming sound of her heartbeat. And when her hand trails along the scrubs along his jaw, it's when he knows; he's actually falling deep.
“Can we stay like this for a few more moments?”
In that moment, it doesn't take a genius to know she's blushing, but even though her heartbeat’s getting louder at his remark, she doesn't push him away.
“That… does not sound impossible.”
And both end up missing work.
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Erina says stay clam everyone! 🌪 😮 🌪 😮 #okinawa #typhoon #typhoonkongrey #japan (at Okinawa, Okinawa) https://www.instagram.com/p/BogCf_0Bt8F/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6wtt3sy0nq70
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does clam erina still bite lol 😂 or rather, clamp down on those who annoy her pfff
Van-eel-a: That's why I put a "Do not tap the shell" sign on her. But the other merfolk just don't-
*screams are heard*
Clam! Erina: *has her shell firmly clamped down on somebody's hand who tried to poke her*
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how inconvenienced is jonaclam by his transformation? at least jonahead is quite happy and independent despite his predicament 😂😭
Clam! Jonathan: well, I have to have somebody carry me around because me shell is too heavy... Though it be rather annoyin', it gives me some time ta relax. Besoides, 'tis much easier thun swimmin'!
Clam! Erina: Also some people were turned into scallops so they can uh... Do that
Scallop cursed clam person: *swimming with their shell* I'M VERY DISORIENTEEEEED!!!
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How did mer! Erina get turned into a clam? I guess it's not too bad since at least she and Jonathan are still together 😭
Clam! Erina: You see, I used to be a nurse shark... But I too was cursed by that dastardly seawitch!
Seawitch Dio: *rubbing his eyes* I already told ye, lassie, I revived ye fer the sake o' me brother. Ye were but a gift!
Clam! Erina: Then why did you give me the curse?!
Seawitch Dio: well... You sea, I dun't have the know-how to argh... *Voice gets higher* make...? Bodies? Arharhar?
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Since eels are surprisingly very maneuverable on land: imagine mer!Vanilla slithering up the beach carrying mer!Tippy bridal style when they come ashore to watch the sunset. Maybe clam!Jonathan tags along too and they keep him in a bucket of water 😂
Yes!! 😭🫶💙💜 well they'd also bring clam! Erina too because you gotta have a land double date ☺️
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Yes!! I forget which one suggested it, but I remember getting an ask a while ago, but then it disappeared 😭
Thank you so much to whoever suggested that, and I'm also making Erina a nurse shark like you suggested too 💎💙
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would clamrina and hol seahorse still be good pals in the mer au?
Yes! Hol Seahorse enjoys carrying Erina and swimming around Dio's beautiful shipwreck
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Just a clam couple on a morning seafloor stroll ^_^
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I'm sorry fdlsfkjldsl- this is amazing!!
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So, who was turned into decapitated heads again? I forgot.
(Also, all of them would be clams in the Mer AU, right?)
Vanilla: Well, let's see... *Counting on his fingers* Jonathan, Speedwagon, Zeppeli, Erina, Speedwagon's two cronies, Straizo, Dire, Alessi, Dan, Caeser, Sorbet, Gelato... *Rubs chin and looks around* I feel like I'm missing somebody...*picks up Erina and pets her* Taking care of these heads, they sure can be difficult to keep track of
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