outoftheblue-if · 1 year
On a scale from 1 to 10, how weak are the RO to MC's puppy eyes?
I'm sure I've answered this or something similar before, but let's do it again.
Isobel: 2 - basically immune, but respects the attempt to get their way by strategic tactics lol. Will indulge if it's something she's inclined to give/do, because she's amused, but otherwise... nice try 😏
Max: 10 - weak af, will always indulge, would basically do anything to make mc happy or laugh or smile. total himbo, hopeless case 🥺
Clara: 5? - she knows this trick herself lol, so she's not really moved by the puppy eyes themselves, but if it's something that would make mc happy or smile, she will always indulge anyway, because she wants to make them happy and smile!
Richard: thinks and pretends like he's a solid 2, not at all moved, but is actually a 6, bless him. will grumble about the puppy eyes, but will most likely indulge the mc, unless it's something out of his comfort zone or something he really doesn't want to do
William: oh god, not the puppy eyes! he's well acquainted with the puppy eyes, he has children, so he has to be immune, because he has to say no sometimes, but how can he say no when they're so cuute? a solid 7, will probably indulge, just please don't do it too much in front of the children, or they'll know he's a total softie who can be tricked by adorableness
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outoftheblue-if · 1 year
If you don't mind what are the main conflicts in Isabel's and Clara's route? I don't mean like spoilers but more like one to two word descriptions (for example, Clara: Familial tension or something like that). TBH I was actually going to go for Clara first, then I read in one the asks that Isabel would campaign for the rights of the poor and now I'm stuck in a dilemma on who to choose. Actually, one last thing, how does Clara view people who are not of nobility? Thanks, and can't wait for the game!
Ooh, this is an interesting one! Let me brush the dust off my notes here. This might be a little spoilery?
Clara's route honestly doesn't really have much of a conflict. It's more about her own discovery and development that the mc can inspire and incite, whether intentional or unintentional. Once she realises she's in love with the mc, there's really not any obstacles for them tbh, beyond the obvious ones, of course. It's definitely the least angsty romance route, mostly just a sweet one.
For Isobel though, the main conflict is probably.. herself? Her attitude, her beliefs, her priorities. It's kind of the "ice queen" trope - and there's definitely a lot of potential for the mc to call her out and challenge her, which she sorely needs. It's really hard to say more about her conflict without spoiling some of the plot though 👀
As for this ask, I don't know which as it was, or what I answered, but I think Clara is more one to campaign for the rights of the poor, at least in the beginning, but Isobel can and will be influenced to do so. Isobel is more a champion of women's rights, at least in the beginning. She has some character development to do before she will campaign for the rights of the poor.
Clara is very kind and empathic, so she doesn't think badly of people who are not of nobility, at all. She's not a snob by any means, but she is a little naive and... sheltered perhaps? So she'll be making some discoveries throughout the story that will open her eyes.
Thanks for the interesting ask! It really made me get back into the characters and story, which was much needed ✨
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outoftheblue-if · 2 years
🪲 From the preference based questions for all of the ROs?
🪲          »        heart    or    mind    or    instinct    ?
Ooh, that's a good one!
Isobel: Mind, for sure
Max: Instinct, perhaps? In the sense that they're not very good at thinking things through and considering the consequences. But also heart, since he's quite ruled by his emotions.
Clara: Heart, always
Richard: He likes to think he's more mind and logic than heart, but deep down I think they're always warring with each other, and often the heart wins in the end. In his line of duty though, it's often mind and instinct that has to come first.
William: Heart, definitely
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
for the fluff: how would the ro react if they caught mc hanging mistletoe at every possible doorway (or any place really that ro can be stopped and asked for a kiss)
Fluff! 🥰
Isobel: Scoffs and smirks. "Nice try. You do know I'm not obliged to indulge you, right?" Secretly amused, and somewhat impressed by the dedication and ingenuity. Will, inevitably, indulge MC, though she may eventually escalate it from innocent little kisses ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you asked for it
Max: Delighted. Loves it. It's brilliant! Why didn't he think of it?? Will indulge every time, and will also take it upon himself to hang even more mistletoes all over. It's gonna be a minefield of kisses, no way of escaping them. I hope Mc knows what they're in for...
Clara: Finds it adorable. Utterly charmed. Loves every and all traditions like this. Will help MC hang them all and will happily indulge them every time, grinning, flushed and happy, every time MC traps her, so long as it's appropriate and in private, of course. Will probably join in and try to trap them too.
Richard: A little confused at first. Sighs and shakes his head a little once he realises what it's about, but is secretly fondly amused. Will indulge MC every time, so long as they're alone, but might get a little flustered if they trap him too often. Secretly pleased though.
William: Very amused. "You know you didn't have to go to all this trouble, right? All you had to do was ask." Thinks it's really cute though, and honestly, any opportunity for extra kisses and embraces with MC... He'll happily indulge, probably make sure to trap MC too a few times too.
Thank you for the ask! ✨🤎
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outoftheblue-if · 2 years
💎    for Clara!
💎          »        does    your    character    feel    they    have    passed    up    chances    that    they    presently    regret    ?    describe    what    they    were   .
Clara in many ways also feels like she didn't have many "chances" in life. All that was ever expected of her was good behaviour, being accomplished, and finding a suitable husband. She does sometimes wonder if she should have settled for one of her suitors, rather than waiting for someone "right", but it's not really something she regrets, because she knows she wouldn't have been happy with them.
One thing she really does regret though is not stepping in or speaking up about certain events (that are spoiler-y) regarding her brother disappearing from their lives. The more she thinks about it, the more she feels like she had a chance to prevent it somehow, but she was too scared to say anything. Even now, she's keeping the secret from her family and it gnaws at her.
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
Totally stole this ask from another blog but I want to know how affectionate the LIs are AFTER sexy time? Who is the most affectionate after, who is willing to cuddle, who wants to immediately go for round 2, ect?
ooh, it's sexy time. okay children, shoo.. #nsfw
Isobel: Not necessarily cuddly, unless MC insists/is really into that. Even if they were, she would probably not indulge every time, but would love to stay close and talk, or maybe pull out a book or something for one of them to read out loud to the other. Just relax in each others company. Would happily go for round two though 😏 and a third. and a fourth?
Max: Very cuddly. Just try to get out of their steely koala grip, I dare you. You're not getting away. It's snuggle time. Unless the MC absolutely hates that, of course. Is always down for round number two, but would honestly be just as happy, if not more, cuddling. Wickedly delighted if MC initiates round number two though.
Clara: Not necessarily cuddly either, though she would happily indulge MC if they wanted to. Would love to laze around in bed afterwards though, just gazing at MC and pulling her fingers lovingly through their hair or over their skin, or having it done to her in return. Would need a minute before going for round two, and would prefer to maybe clean up a little before maybe? But definitely not opposed.
Richard: Wants to be very affectionate after sex, though he might be a little awkward, at least in the beginning. Is generally just marveling at his fortune, and at MC, all around in awe that this is his life lol. Would definitely wrap his arm around MC and pull them close, probably gazing at them with wonder, unless they tease him about it. Probably wouldn't initiate round two, at least not in the beginning, unless you tease him lol, but he's down if you are.
William: Very doting after sex, big on aftercare and making sure MC is good and taken care of. Only once that is done will he pull MC in and hold them close, probably indulging in a lot of loving, happy kisses that could very well turn into round number two, or just drifting off to sleep. Either is good with him.
Thank you for the ask! ✨🤎
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
Don’t perceive me BUT…
How would the ROs respond if the MC ended up in an arranged marriage with someone else?
ooof. It's the don't-perceive-me “anon” back with more angst 😖😖
Isobel: Very upset. Embarrassed. But mostly just angry. Angry at herself for allowing herself to fall for MC, for allowing herself to be vulnerable for the first time in her life and imagine a future and a life with MC. And angry with MC for deceiving her and for making her feel this world of hurt that she never would have encountered had she never met them. Likely loses a lot of respect for MC. Can't understand why MC would ever want to be in an arranged marriage. All the hurt and pain would manifest in anger, and those poor people around her 👀 Would likely never speak to MC again and swear off love forever.
Max: Ooof. Absolutely shattered. Inconsolable. Anguished. But not surprised, not really. This was always how it was going to go. No one ever choses him. And why would they? Would shift between absolute agony and despair (why is he so unlovable), to bitterness and anger (he has so much money, why was he not good enough if there was no love involved??). Would all around act out in the worst way — drinking, partying, sleeping around, anything to try to forget, to try to drown out the pain. Would neither want, nor be able, to meet MC again, or see them again, it's too painful.
Clara: Absolutely crestfallen, disappointed and heartbroken. She really thought MC felt the same way; that they had something truly special. Can't help but think back wondering if she wasn't forward enough? Did she not give enough signs? Should she have done more? Or perhaps... Did she do something wrong? Or... Did they just not want her anymore? She's not sure which is worse. Would likely cry herself to sleep for weeks, but make an effort to appear cheerful and normal in public, attend the wedding and offer MC and their new spouse her best wishes all the while dying inside.
Richard: Deeply distraught, furious with himself and full of regret. Drowning in shame for his early behaviour towards them, and absolutely kicking himself for not realising sooner that he loved them. That they were right there all along, and he didn't even see! What a fool. He should have moved heaven and earth to be with them, would have given them everything if given the chance, but once again he is too late. This time he can only blame himself though. He would likely leave immediately, unable to watch it unfold, just try to get a new assignment somewhere abroad in an attempt to forget.
William: Wrecked with heartache and grief, but not at all surprised, and despite the aching pain: convinces himself that this is for the best. They're better off without him, better off with someone with more to offer. And he wants what's best for MC. Just wants them to be happy, safe and comfortable. So this is good. But why does it feel like his heart has been wrenched from his chest? Why does it feel like he can't bear to face another day? Would likely avoid them as much as possible to lessen the wound, but if they came around to see him would pretend like all was well and wishing them the best, all the while the grief hollows out his insides.
Thank you for the ask, "anon" ✨🤎 I see you
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
V i love your demo soooo much & i am so excited for more! i stole this ask from another blog hehe but can we get the RO's reactions to a sunshine shy MC seducing them without really noticing or unintentionally being really hot ? Plzzz
Thank youuu! 🥰🥰
Isobel: You'd likely have to be more direct to seduce Isobel, so she'd just be mentally shaking her head in amusement, partly because she has no idea how such a sweet, sunshine-y, shy person can walk the earth without withering (while also fiercely loving that part of MC), and partly in mirth at how MC is so oblivious to their actions and how it might be perceived. Would definitely take it upon herself to purposely tease MC in return, see how long it takes for them to notice.
Max: Mostly just gushing at how cute MC is, and how much he loves them, while them unknowingly seducing him just makes him grin with delight, because they really have no idea what they're doing and he's so utterly delighted and charmed by it. Would probably also try to tease them back/fluster them back in the same unintentional/innocent way to see how long it would take them to notice/call him out on it.
Clara: Very flustered, heart pounding in her chest and cheeks flushed pink because MC is so cute and sweet, and she just wants to pull them in and kiss their face all over, but they're also making her feel all kinds of tingly and hot, and overly sensitive to their every move and word, and shivering by their touch, but she's not sure if they're doing it on purpose or what to do about it so she's just like 😳😳
Richard: Are you trying to kill him? 🥴 This kind of MC would be like his kryptonite, lol. He would just be walking around with a mental groan like how do they not know what they're doing to me?? 🥴 Just heart eyes and chest pains because they're so sweet and adorable, while so turned on and embarrassed and ashamed by it because they're not even doing it on purpose he needs to get a hold of himself sjkshjk
William: His brain probably wouldn't go straight to seduction, he would probably just find his gaze drawn to MC over and over again in utter adoration, but then he'd slowly become hyper aware of every brush against him and every time their tongue darts out to wet their lips, and he'd just find himself freezing, slightly hypnotised, and all the while thinking are they doing this on purpose?? then reasoning that they're likely not, but he's flustered. Probably would try to shove those thoughts away though, because MC is just being their adorable self and he's somewhat ashamed of thirsting over them like a school boy, when they are not even doing it on purpose 💀
Thank you for your ask! ✨🤎
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
It's turg time; what would be the ro's reaction to mc falling asleep on their shoulder/lap? If this had already been asked, you can ignore it if you want 😅, and if it has; what would be the ro's reaction to mc making a sound of arousal I guess on accident?
Turg time 😎 Sorry I'm late!
Falling asleep on their shoulder — in crushing stage, i assume?
Isobel: Falling asleep around/on someone makes you very vulnerable, which is something Isobel doesn't allow herself to be a lot, so MC doing that with her is... very significant for her. Makes her all kinds of soft and pensive. Would find herself sitting very still, allowing MC to sleep while she gazes upon them, marvelling at the incredible turn of events that she's fallen in love for the first time, and indulging in fantasies about what it would be like to be with MC, to have a life with them and allow herself to be truly vulnerable too 🥺
Max: Very, very soft. MC super close to them? Physically touching?? And it’s not in a sensual or sexual way 👉🏻👈🏻 Desperately wants to wrap MC up in their arms and cuddle up with them, yearning to draw close and place gentle kisses on their sleeping face, before snuggling into their neck. Why can’t they have that? 😭 They’re not usually good at sitting still for long, but they’d spend hours, days even, sitting still for MC if it meant having them close. Eventually would be so choked up by how much they want that, and how much they want MC, that they would have to shift them off and move away, or they might literally cry. Wouldn’t go far though, and their eyes would keep darting over to gaze upon MC, and lord help anyone who tries to wake them 😤
Clara: All around heart-eyes. Finds it incredibly cute. Would likely just gaze upon MC, counting their eyelashes and admiring all the details of their face up close, wishing she had a paint set or something to draw with so she could immortalise it. She would indulge for a little bit, letting them sleep, desperately wishing she could let them stay like that. She wants to keep watching them, wants to reach out and drag her hands soothingly through their hair/over their scalp, and trace their features with her finger. But eventually she would wake them — softly, gently, because it just wouldn’t do for someone to find them like that, and she doesn’t want them to sleep uncomfortably, and she’s not really strong enough to move them. 
Richard: Frozen. Stiff. Doesn’t know what to do. Slightly panicked. What should he do? On one hand, it’s not proper, and he doesn’t want MC to feel embarrassed when they wake up. He also doesn’t want them to sleep uncomfortably and hurt themselves. It definitely doesn’t look comfortable. Right?? But on the other hand.... They look so lovely and peaceful. And they’re sleeping on him. On him. Practically in his arms. Exactly where he wants them to be, always. It’s the first time he’s been able to really look at them without fear of being caught, and he’s just awestruck by how beautiful they are, and his heart hurts with how much he yearns for this. Him and them, like this, forever. 
William: Very soft. Heart fluttering in his chest at the closeness as he gazes down at MC’s face, admiring their soft features while they sleep. Heart hurts because MC is so beautiful, and so close, and he just wants to scoop MC into his arms, press them close and never let go. Settles instead on trying to swallowing down the emotions while shifting them off him and into a more comfortable situation. He shouldn’t be indulging in such thoughts. Can’t allow himself to. But it’s getting increasingly harder not to. Gently shifts them, making sure they’re sleeping comfortably, before he quickly leaves, needing to create some distance before his heart bleeds out.
Thank you for the ask! ✨🤎 We love turg time around here! 😎
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
Stole this but .. How would the RO's react to the MC kissing them after they give a suggestion. Mc says 'Fuck yes, you're a genius. Thank you'. And just runs off to do the thing? (crushing stage)
Tumblr media
Lmao, so cute, but also so embarrassing??
Isobel: Honestly, I think Isobel would be very surprised, and she's not used to being surprised, so she'd just freeze in place for a moment, staring after MC like.... what just happened?? Once she's overcome the initial surprise though, she would be amused, and pleased. Amused by imagining MC’s reaction when they realise what they did, and pleased that MC recognises that she is, in fact, a genius lmao that MC felt the urge to kiss her for helping them. Has never been kissed before, and is suprised by how much she wants to do it again. With MC.
Max: Shocked. Amazed. Frozen for a couple of minutes while their mind catches up to them. When they finally come to their senses, a wide grin spreads across their face as a giddy excitement bubbles up in their chest. MC kissed them! Doesn’t even mind that MC called them genius. They kissed them! And it was totally random, like it was just an instinct for them. Hope beggins to bloom inside them as they begin to think there’s a chance MC feels the same after all.
Clara: Stands rooted to the spot staring after MC with a dazed look on her face as she touches her lips in wonder. Her heart and stomach flutters while she flushes pink. She’s never been kissed before, and as much as she had hoped it would be with MC, and how many times she’s imagined it in her head, that was not how she thought it would go. Will think about it constantly for the rest of the day, with flutters and pink cheeks, as she wonders if MC meant to do that, or if it was just an accident. She hopes for the former.
Richard: Goes ramrod stiff, frozen to the spot. Richard.exe has stopped working lmao. It would take him a few seconds to realise what just happened, but once he does, his heart begins to thud wildly in his chest as he stares after MC with a flushed face. He did not expect that. Can’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the day. What does it mean?? Why did they do that?? Was it just completely random? An accident? Or was there some meaning to it? Tries to ignore how much he wants to do it again.
William: Eyes widen incredulously, his body leaning in on instinct, but it’s over before it ever begun, as MC takes off away from him, leaving him leaning forwards as if drawn in with a magnet. MC just kissed him. Him. On the mouth? Had they meant to do that? No, they couldn’t possibly. And yet… He feels heat crawling up his neck as he replay it over and over in his head, wondering if they know the kind of effect they have on him. Do they know what they do to him? Tries to avoid MC for a while after, feeling flustered and hot everytime he thinks about them and the kiss.
Thanks for the asks! ✨🤎
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
ENOUGH OF THE ANGST. How about ro's reaction to mc insisting to taking care of them while they were sick? 😁
I feel like I've answered this before? Who knows 😂
Isobel: Look, she's not sick, ok? 😤 She's fine, she doesn't need to be taken care of....... 😤 okay, fine, maybe she's a little sick, but really she's fine! ...... okay, fine, you can bring her this thing and this thing if you don't mind...... What are you...? Is that... her favourite tea? 👀 Okay, that's... very nice of you 🥺, but you really don't have to stay, she's fine 😤 What are you....? Is that... her favourite book? You're gonna... read to her? 👀 But why?? surely, you have better things to do with yourself! Okay, fine, then, if you insist 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Would find it really hard to accept, but once you insist and she does, she'll just be like... 🥺 this is new, my heart is... full. i never knew i wanted this, but now i never want to let it go 🤎
Max: Would try super hard to play it off, acting all chipper as they tell you they'll be fine, they'll just sleep it off. Nah, they don't need anything, and you really don't have to stay, they don't want to make you sick too! Whilst internally they're like 🥺🥺 please stay and keep me company and cuddle me and give me all the love and affection. and when you do just that they're like 😭🥺 i don't think i deserve this but it's all i ever wanted and my heart is going to burst why are you so good to me. Will honestly be so grateful and happy.
Clara: So grateful, so happy. Definitely tells you that you shouldn't stay, she doesn't want you to get sick! but she'll be very pleased to have you take care of her, and she would do the same for you 🥰 Is just marvelling at how this is exactly the kind of partner she wanted for herself, and she can't believe how lucky she is to have found it with you 🤎 Heart full, even the icky sickness can't take away her contented bliss.
Richard: Also is not sick 😤 Okay fine, so he's a little sick, but it's just a silly little cold, nothing to worry about. He'll just try to go about his day as usual, and if you start fussing he'll just be like ✋🏼🤧 I'm perfectly fine, MC, but if you get real sweet with him, maybe lovingly embrace him, or put your hand on his forehead to check his temperature then slide it down to cup his face, or grab his hand to kiss it affectionately while staring at him like 🥺 Richard, I love you, please let me take care of you. — He will straight up melt, like okay 🥺 whatever you say, mc and he'll be soo soft like how did i ever get so lucky?
William: He doesn't have time to be sick, and he's so used to not being able to take sick days or even take care of himself, so he'll likely protest, try to get up and go about his day, play it down, and you would likely have to get real strict with him and be like nope 😠 back to bed with you to make him go. Even then he'd be super torn because it feels wrong to just lie there and do nothing, and he doesn't want you to be sick too, but at the same time he's just 🥺🤎🥺 at you taking care of him. It feels so nice, so lovely, his heart is just bursting with gratitude and love, so he'll allow himself to indulge all the while thinking that he's no sure what he did to deserve you, but he hopes he'll be worthy of it forever.
Thank you for the ask! ✨🤎
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
How would the ROs react if they go into a room and they wherr like, “Sorry I’m late, I’ve been doing…things.” And then the MC comes in and says, “I’m things”?
😂 I love this one. I'll split between regency era —/— modern day
Isobel: Hand twitches with the need to reach up and pinch the bridge of her nose, but she resists, settling instead on sending MC a wearied look like why you gotta be like this?? but she's not actually that bothered. If anything, she likes that MC doesn't give a fuck about breaking propriety. She doesn't like to make her private life other people's business, but she's not embarrassed either. —/— basically the same, though she would be even less bothered, just mentally sighing/rolling her eyes like why am I with this idiot (affectionately).
Max: Their first reaction is to laugh, this is exactly their kind of humour, but then they'd freeze, remembering that shit they're not supposed to joke about these things, it's incredibly inappropriate, and their eyes would shift nervously around the room (depending on who was present) as they anxiously try to smooth it over/joke it away. Wouldn't be mad at MC though, in fact, they too would just be super amazed that MC doesn't give a fuck, wishing they could embrace that a little more too. —/— Once they're comfortable in the modern era and all the liberality it brings, they wouldn't care at all, they'd just grin and wink at MC, while beaming to the rest of the room like yep, that's my MC 🤩
Clara: "MC!" she would admonish, blushing bright red as her eyes dart around the room, sending apologetic looks to everyone, whilst internally wishing the ground would swallow her up. Tries to reason with herself that it's just a joke and the people who can't take the joke aren't worth thinking about, but she's still pretty mortified lol. Would just clear her throat and move the subject along, though her face would remain red for some time. —/— less bothered for sure, though she'd still probably blush a little, depending on the company/setting, but she knows that saying things like that isn't a big deal in modern day, so she'd just shake her head a little, sending a fond, amused smile MC's way.
Richard: It would probably take him a second to get the joke, and the innuendo behind it lmao, but once he does, you'd see a flash of emotions flit across his face. Incredulousness like did they really just?? then exasperation like yes, they did, they really did, then slight admiration like they really are something else huh, then settling back to exasperation as they flash an apologetic look to the room, whilst resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. He's not really that bothered though, he's just like why you gotta do me like this MC? —/— basically the same 🤷🏼‍♀️ Richard's proper manners are more tied to his personality than his surroundings, so he'd still be a little this is inappropriate in modern day.
William: He'd just shake his head slightly, lips quirked up in amusement as he sends MC a look of affection. Really not at all bothered, no matter the setting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just amused. Happy to be there. He'd just be looking at MC like yeah 🥰 I'm a lucky man. Same for modern day really.
Thank you for the ask! ✨🤎 Sorry it's like 4 months late lol
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
Hello! Found your blog from itch.io, the demo is great👌 I love the fact about online study and the choice to make MC highkey procrastinating their works😂 (Totally relatable)
Would you mind doing an RO reacts of "MC sitting on the RO laps"😔❤
Hi there! ✨ So happy you liked the demo so far! Lmao, yes, I'm trying to keep it real, drawing on my own experience, and it seems like many can relate! My heart goes out to everyone currently studying 🤎
As for your question, I'm gonna say this is relationship stage. Felt inspired, snippets under the cut ✌🏼
Isobel is sat on a sofa in the library with a book carefully cradled in her hands. You pause at the door, watching the way her eyes shift over the page, completely engrossed in the written words, and you can’t help but smile fondly at the sight. Eager for her attention though, you decide to approach. 
She doesn’t look up at your entrance, but you know she’s aware of you as you come up on her side. "It's late, Izzie," you mutter against her skin as you lean in to plant a soft kiss on her cheek. "Will you not come join me in the drawing room?"
"Hm," she muses back, eyes never leaving the page, even while she leans into your touch. "In a moment, love." 
You huff, shaking your head. "You always say that, and it’s never just a moment." Feeling playful and annoying, you quickly duck under her arm and slip effortlessly onto her lap, snuggling close.
"Oof, you're heavy," she groans, pretending to suffer under the weight, but her sparkling eyes give away her amusement as she leans back, putting the book down beside you.  
“Oh, well, I beg your pardon,” you retort, feigning offence as you move to get off. “I’ll just leave then, shall I?” 
“Don’t you dare,” she says, arms tightening around your back as she pulls you closer. She studies your face for a moment, fondness growing in her honey brown eyes as she lifts a hand up to gently pinch your cheek. “Impatient little thing, aren’t you?”
You grin. "I've found that when dealing with you, it often pays off to be forthright."
A warm laugh escapes her lips, and she hums in agreement. “Yes, I do so love it when you’re bold.” Her fingers grip your chin, guiding your face closer to hers. “And I dare say I could get used to this,” she breathes against your lips.
“Hm..?” You lean forward, eager to feel her lips against yours. “Get used to what?”
Her smile widens as she regards you wickedly. “You on top of me.” She moves forward, closing the distance between you as she captures your lips in a surprisingly soft and gentle kiss. 
The door clicks shut with an air of finality, leaving behind a tense and unhappy atmosphere in the room that Max’ parents just departed. Max himself glares at the closed door, fist clenched by his sides, before he seems to deflate, collapsing despondently into the nearest chair as he groans.
“Good lord, if I never see them again, it will be too soon.”
“Oh, come now,” you say placidly, walking over to run your hand soothingly through his hair, smiling as he immediately leans into your touch. “They’re not that bad.”
He snorts. “You’re too kind.” He shakes his head, but quickly stop, reaching up to clutch your hand as you move it away from his head. He lifts your hand to place a reverent kiss on the back of it, gazing up at you lovingly. “They don’t deserve your kindness.”
You smile, moving to interlace your fingers with his, giving it a comforting squeeze. You hate seeing him like this. Seeing the way his parents can affect him with just a simple look or word. You want to chase away all the dark thoughts and feelings that they always leave behind, and fill them with love and affection instead.
Pulling on his arm, you guide him into a sitting position, then swiftly climb onto his lap, straddling his thighs. Gently, you remove your hand from his, so you can bring both of yours up to tenderly cup his cheeks. “Let’s pay them no more mind, hm?” 
His eyes soften where they linger on your face, and he nods, bringing his arms up to wrap around your waist, pulling you tighter against him. 
You stroke his cheeks with your thumb, leaning forward to press a delicate kiss on each of his eyelids. “I love you.” You whisper against his skin, peppering his face with more kisses. “So, so much.”
He’s eyes open, glistening with emotion and he swallows against the tightening of his throat as he gazes up at you with something akin to torment and desperate admiration. “Tell me again?” He whispers, voice hoarse with feeling as he clutches you even closer.
You feel tears well up in your eyes, the pain in his voice and his face making your chest ache, but you quickly blink them away, needing to stay focused on the matter at hand. You tighten your grip on his face, forcing him to look up at you. “I love you, Maximillian Winthrope. More than anything in the world. I love you now, and forever, all right?”
He lets out a shuddering breath somewhere between a sob and a laugh, but he nods, watching you with so much gratitude and love it steals the breath from your lungs, before he surges forward to capture your lips in a fierce and urgent kiss that takes your breath away entirely.
The steady trickling of a stream nearby, along with the chirping of birds, is the only sound to break the silence surrounding you and Clara where you’re laid out in a flowery meadow somewhere close to her house. The sun beams down from a blue sky, bathing you in a warm and lazy atmosphere where you’re lounging on a picnic blanket on the ground. 
You’re watching Clara, who, in turn, is watching the clouds. With her attention on something else, you allow your eyes to roam across her pale face unabashedly, tenderly tracing her freckles with your gaze. 
She must feel you staring, because she looks down at you, narrowing her eyes slightly as she regards you curiously. “What are you staring at?”
You smile. “You.” 
“Oh,” she lets out, averting her eyes for a moment, lips drawing up in a pleased smile as a pink tint forms on her cheeks. She quickly recovers though, coming back to meet your gaze with a newfound sparkle in her own. “Now why would you be doing that?”
Your smile widens. “Because you’re lovely,” you breathe out sincerely, before leaning forward to bring your hand up, gently stroking her cheek. “Because I can,” you add, letting your thumb brush over her soft lips. “Because I love you.”
You feel her breath stuttering against your thumb as her eyes flicker down to your mouth, then back up to meet your gaze. “No, you are lovely.” She retorts dazedly. 
Shaking your head in amusement, you swing your leg over her lap to straddle her, careful not to crush her slight form under your weight. “No, you are lovely,” you insist, leaning forward to place a soft kiss upon her nose. “Lovelier than a rose.”
She huffs, shaking her head in amusement as she gazes up at you. “You are incorrigible,” she says, but the openly loving look on her face takes away any admonishment in her words. She wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you closer. “I love you more,” she breathes reverently against your lips, and, before you have a chance to retort, captures your lips in a soft, sweet kiss.
The only sound in the office is that of the crackling fire and Richard’s pen where it scrawls over the paper on his desk. He’s bent forward, completely engrossed in the task, and you can practically see the tension in his shoulders from where you’re leaning against the doorframe. 
Sauntering over, you come up behind him and place your hands on his shoulders, kneading lightly against the stiff muscles for a moment, before your hands slide down and around his chest, your face coming up besides his as you embrace him from behind. “You appear to be in need of a break, my love.”
You feel some of the tension draining from his shoulders as he all but melts into your touch.
He lets out a tired sigh. “You may be right.” Turning his head, he presses a doting kiss against your temple. “Have you come to distract me?” He mutters against your skin.
Your lips quirk up into a smile. “Perhaps,” you say as you move around him and slip into his lap. “Are you in the mood to be distracted?”
His eyes flicker over your face amorously, before darting down to your lips and back up. “By you?” he retorts fondly, arms coming around your waist to settle you securely in his lap. “Always.”
Your hands come up to cup his face. “Hmm, lucky me.” You hum as you lean in to whisper in his ear. “Distracting you is my favourite pastime.” 
You begin to trail kisses along his jaw, relishing in the way he shivers underneath you, breath stuttering on his lips as his arms tighten around your waist. 
“I’m fairly certain,” he breathes, one hand coming up to rest on your cheek, “that the lucky one… is me.” His eyes shine with affection as he lets his thumb brush over your lip, gazing tenderly over your features before he leans in to capture your lips in a sweet, devout kiss.
You pause in your reading, glancing up as the door to the living room opens and a weary looking William steps into the room, firelight casting shadows on his tanned face in the dark. You close your book, putting it aside as you divide all your attention to the man in front of you. 
“You look tired,” you say sympathetically, rising from the chair. “Come sit down.”
He shakes his head regarding you with a warm smile as he steps further into the room. “I’m all right. Just a long day, that’s all.” 
“Hmm,” you say, tilting your head to regard him with sparkling eyes. “I’ll wager I can make it better.” You pat the chair invitingly. “Come, sit down.”
“You already have.” He says sincerely, and you know he means it. It’s written clearly on his face — in the adoring glow of his eyes as he regards you fondly. He crosses the room and sinks down in the chair, making himself comfortable.
“Are you hungry?” You ask. “Can I get you anything?”
“No,” he says, reaching out to pull your hand into his. “Thank you,” he adds, squeezing your hand affectionately, before tugging you closer. 
You let him guide you into his lap, his arms immediately wrapping around you firmly to pull you flush against his chest. He lets out a contented sigh as he rests his forehead against yours for a minute while he breathes in your scent and lets the struggles of the day wash away under your warm embrace. He pulls back slightly as his thumb comes up to brush gently against your cheek. “Just seeing you makes my day better.”
You huff, shaking your head in amusement, but again, you know he means it. “Well, in that case, I suppose you’re not in need of any kisses.” You muse out loud. 
He chuckles, tightening his arms around your waist. “I didn’t say that.” 
Grinning, you lean forward, stopping just short of his lips. “Then I’ll ask you again, my love… Can I get you anything?” 
His eyes flicker over your face, pupils dilated as heat pools into them and he brings one hand up to cup the back of your head, guiding you forward. “Yes, please,” he breathes against your lips. “A kiss would be nice.” 
“As you wish.”
You lean forward, but he beats you to it, surging forward to capture your lips in an ardent kiss.
Sorry, this took a turn for someone *cough max cough* 👀, I don’t know, my brain went off I guess. Hope this makes sense?? I need sleeeeep. 
Thank you so much for your ask and your kind message! ✨🤎 
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
How would the ROs react to the MC calling them a term of endearment/a very cute nickname in public?
It’s fluffy time!! Woo! I'm guessing this is in relationship stage 🥰 Let's say it's the first time they use the endearment in public. I’m gonna go with my love.
Isobel: Lifts a brow in surprise, eyes flickering over to you as if to say. "My love, huh?" She teases, eyes sparkling with mirth. "Is that what I am?" Her lips quirk up in a pleased smile as she tries to convey how happy it makes her without explicitly using the words. She's never really had anyone call her endearments before, and for you to do so, in public too, spreads a warmth throughout her body that only you can produce. It's special and unique, and it feels like home. She hopes it will never go away.
Max: Lights up the moment the words pass your lips, turning towards you to grin joyously, eyes alight with happiness. Your endearment is a testament and reminder that the feelings they have for you are truly returned, and you're even willing to proclaim it to the world. That knowledge leaves them glowing inside like the sun, and they think that if they could combust from happiness, they would every time they're reminded of the fact. Won't mention it at the time, but later when you're curled up together they will snuggle close to you, squeeze you tight and sight contentedly. "I love it when you call me my love."
Clara: Her lips immediately tug up into a happy smile, eyes glowing with joy and delight as she moves to place a kiss upon your cheek. Your endearments never fail to leave happiness blooming inside of her, her heart skipping a beat as she's reminded how fortunate she is. And for you to do so in public makes her extra ecstatic, knowing that you're just as eager as her to show the world how in love and how happy you are. "Thank you, my love." She'll whisper back the same endearment against your cheek, and when you ask her what for, she'll shrug and smile softly. "For loving me."
Richard: Feels warmth blooming in his chest, spreading throughout his body and lightly heating his cheeks as he turns to regard you with a soft smile, eyes glowing with tender affection. He loves your endearments, loves to hear you call him the same words he exclusively uses when referring to you in his head, and out loud whenever he can. He’s not usually one for public affection, but on some occasions, like this one, he doesn’t mind that people watch on as he reaches up to fondly stroke your cheek, as he utters a quiet: «My love… My MC.»
William: His heart flutters lightly in his chest, love and happiness surging through his body as he turns to offer you a soft smile, while reaching out to gently squeeze your hand. His eyes are shiny with tender affection, as he regards you with a sort of wonder that never seems to cease. It’s constanly in awe of how fortunate he is to have you. It’s been a long time since he’s been happy like this, and it’s all because of you. You, your love and your endearments brightens up his life every single day.
Thank you for your ask! ✨🤎
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
How would the RO's react if in the middle of an argument MC blurted out, "you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid?" (deep crushing stage)
Oooh 👀
Isobel: Pauses, eyes narrowing as she considers MC for a moment, not sure if she's pissed off or amused at the comment. If the latter wins out, she would likely walk forward until she's crowding MC, getting real close as she tilts her head. "Hmm... I know for a fact that I don't look stupid..." Lips quirk up in an amused smirk as she leans slightly forward, eyes glancing pointedly down at MC's lips. "As for the former accusation..." She says, lleaning even more forward as if to kiss the, only to pull back at the last moment, smirk growing.
Max: Reels back, a little stung by the comment, because it's true. It's desperately true, he knows it, and apparently... MC knows it too. He most likely still thinks his feelings are unrequited, so he'd be a little hurt that MC clearly knows about it and still flings it in his face like that with an insult (god help him the idiot). Stares at them with barely concealed misery. "Yes, well.." He'd mutter, completely deflated, slightly bitter. ".. my being stupid is a well known fact, is it not?"
Clara: So caught up in the argument that she blurts out "Not at the present, no!" then freezes as she realises what she said, immediately blushing pink. "I mean... that is not to say.." Fumbles for words, argument completely forgotten. "I... um..." Blush intensifies as she studies MC for their reaction to this news, eyes darting down to their lips curiously. If they look receptive, she might just confess that she cannot deny it, and if that makes her look stupid... Well, so be it.
Richard: Immediately freezes in place, arguement completely forgotten. "I... I beg your pardon?" He stutters, face flushing red. "That is... that is preposterous! I certainly do not..." Flush intensifies as his eyes are drawn to MC's lips, because he does, he really does, but he didn't expect to be called out on it like this. Quickly averts his eyes and clears his throat trying to reign in his emotions. "Don't be absurd, that's... entirely inappropriate." Looks anywhere but at MC.
William: Has likely subconsciously moved closer to MC during the argument, so they're pretty close. Freezes in place, blazing eyes flickering over MC's face and down to their lips. Against his will, he leans forward, drawn to them like a magnet, only to tear away as he comes to his senses. Clears his throat as he takes a deliberate step back, trying to reign in his beating heart and the urge to draw MC back in. "Ah... perhaps it's best if we... take a step back."
Thank you for the ask! ✨🤎
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outoftheblue-if · 3 years
Totally stole this from another blog but: MC gets up in the night for some reason and when they come back to bed, they give the snoozing ROs a lil smooch on the forehead b/c they think the RO is asleep (but they aren’t). How do the ROs react?
Soft hours 🥺🥺 Sorry, this got long.. under the cut!
Isobel feels the bed dipping beside her as you lean over her, and she quells the urge to open her eyes right away, her heart speeding up expectantly in her chest upon sensing your proximity. Only after your lips have pressed gently against her forehead does she let them flutter open, and they crinkle with amusement upon seeing your wide-eyed gaze. «Trying to be sneaky, are we?» She smirks.
«Sneaky?» You attempt to adopt your most innocent expression. «I thought you were asleep. I simply wanted to bestow some soft affection on my beautiful wife.»
Isobel’s eyes narrow for a moment, regarding you with faux suspicion, but the twitching of her lip betrays her mirth. “Hmm,” she says.
“Hmm?” You purse your lips, pulling your brows together to appear affronted. “Is that all?” You then make a big commotion out of pulling away and moving to get out of bed. “Very well, if you don’t want my affections, I will simply take them and—,”
Isobel rolls her eyes, but immediately reaches out to stop you, wrapping her long fingers around your wrist in a gentle, but firm grip. “I do.” She says quietly.
You raise your eyebrows expectantly. “… Do what exactly?”
She glares at you. “You know what.”
Feeling cheeky, you decide to play dumb. “Hmm, I’m not sure I do. Please spell it out for me.”
Isobel huffs, turning her head away for a second, before she turns back, steeling herself. “I do want… your affection.”
“Oh,” you exclaim, beaming at her. “Why didn’t you say so at once?” You grin victoriously as you move back into her space, slowly letting your lips brush against hers in a soft kiss. “My affections are only for you, you know..” You continue placing soft kisses all over her face, and as you whisper “only you, my beautiful wife” against her lips, you swear your hear her breath stutter in her throat and you feel her melt underneath your touch. 
Max' eyes flutter open, a happy grin spreading across their face as they find you leaning over them.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were asleep," you say sheepishly.
Their grin softens into a mellow smile, their brown eyes glowing with affection as they wrap their arms around your waist to pull you against their chest and on top of them. "Surely you ought to know by now that sleep is impossible without you, babe."
You laugh at the modern endearment, sounding so foreign coming from their mouth. "Well, I'm here now," you mutter against their skin as you nuzzle closer, placing another kiss on their cheek. "Go to sleep."
They pout for a moment, but it quickly turns into another mischievous smile. "Well, now that I am awake and you are here beside me, I dare say I am in need of at least twenty more kisses before I can sleep." They tap their lips, giving you a pleading, wide eyed look. «Right here, perhaps?»
«Hmm…» You purse your lips, pretending to mull it over, before your lips quirk up into a smirk. «Very well, as you wish.» You lean in to press a soft kiss against their lips, and Max immediately tightens their hold on you, sighing contentedly as a loving warmth fills their chest.
Clara’s lips quirk up into a soft smile as she feels your lips press against her forehead. She hums contentedly, letting her eyes flutter open to regard you sleepily. «Where did you go?» Her smile transforms into a pout as her brows draw together. «The bed was cold without you.»
Seeing her sleepy, disgruntled face, your eyes crinkle at the corners as your lips quirk up in amusement. «Sorry, love. Didn’t mean to wake you.»
Her eyes narrow and she purses her lips as she pretends to contemplate your apology. «Hmm, I suppose I could be persuaded to forgive you…» Her eyes sparkle with mirth as she turns towards you expectantly.
You chuckle as you lean a little closer. «Uh huh,» you say, your lips drawing up into a smirk. «And what, pray tell, did you have in mind?»
She taps her lips with her forefinger, staring off as she ponders it pensively. «Hmm, a few more kisses should do it.»
You grin as you move forward to settle your arms on both sides of her head, leaning forward, stopping an inch before her lips. «A few more kisses you say?»
Clara draws forward to close the distance, eagerly awaiting your touch. «Yes, please,» she mumbles against your lips. 
“Your wish is my command.” You whisper back, pressing your lips against hers in a soft, but firm kiss. You kiss her over and over again until she’s melted against the pillow, her hands coming up to rest against the nape of your neck, keeping you close.
When you finally pull away, she gazes up at you lovingly, a dazed look in her eyes. “Hmm, I dare say you’re forgiven.”
Richards brows draw together into a small frown as his eyes flutter open, regarding you with worry clearly displayed in his eyes. «Is everything all right?»
«Ah, I’m sorry.» You tilt your head, offering an apologetic smile. «I didn’t mean to wake you.»
«I woke up the moment you left the bed.» He regards you carefully, scanning your face for any signs of distress. «You had me worried.»
You huff, refraining from rolling your eyes, though an affectionate warmth spreads through your chest. «You worry too much, Richard, everything is fine.»
His frown softens, eyes turning tender as he regards you fondly. «I will never stop worrying about you.» He pulls back the bedding, opening his arms to invite you into his embrace. «Come, you must be cold.»
You crawl into his arms, settling against his chest as you feel his lips pressing a kiss at the top of your head. «Was there something you needed?»
You nuzzle closer. «Mm, not really, just you.» You reach up to press a kiss on the tender skin of his throat, and feel his sharp intake of breath as his arm tightens around you in response.
He’s quiet for a moment, but you hear him audibly swallowing above you, before he finally finds his voice once more as he pulls you even closer against him. «You’ll always have me.»
The moment he feels your lips press against his forehead, William hums under his breath, reaching out with his eyes closed to find you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you flush against his chest as a contented smile spreads across his face. “Hmm, what was that for?” His eyes flutter open, regarding you with unrestrained affection in his sleepy eyes.
You smile back, basking in the warmth of his embrace. “Do I need a reason to kiss my husband?” 
He tightens his hold on you, joyous warmth spreading through his chest the way it always does when you call him that. His eyes grow even softer, gazing up at you lovingly. “I suppose not.” He tilts his head to the side. “In that case, I suppose I don’t need a reason to kiss my spouse either.”
He leans forward to place a kiss on your forehead, but you intercept, instead capturing his lips with your own in a tender kiss. 
He makes a pleased noise in the back of his throat, responding eagerly to your kiss, any traces of sleepiness now absent as he reaches up to gently cup your cheek with his calloused hand. 
When he pulls away he lets his thumb brush over your lips as his eyes flicker across your face with wonder in his gaze and limitless joy in his chest, and he leans forward to sigh against your lips. “If you would wake me with a kiss for the rest of my life, love, I would die a happy man, I’m sure.”
Thank you so much for your ask! ✨🤎 Sorry if this is all over the place, I think I have a fever from the covid vaccine lol!
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