#class1a lists
mywritingmyreality · 6 months
MHA as things people have actually said.
My friend keeps track of weird out of context things she hears people say. This is my hero characters (Mainly Class1A and staff) As things from that list. Kaminari: *Laying on the ground after dropping weights on his foot* Kaminari: My arms at the end of my arms gave out. Kirishima: Your...what? Kaminari: You know *wiggles fingers* these ones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aoyama: I just really like street cheese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bakugo: *Explaining his backstory and why he 'hates' Izuku* Sero: You don't have to justify it, you can just be an awful person. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Izuku: *drawing a sketch for his hero notes* Izuku: Look, I'm artis....autis...autistic. Izuku: I mean artistic. Bakugo: No you had it right the first time.
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dekusheroacademia · 2 years
Ships list updated (Izuocha, Kacchako, Kamijirou)
I added all anime extras and Novel 6 moments for the Izuocha list, Kacchako and Kamijirou list of shipping moments.
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These were the additions:
------------------ KACCHAKO
Novel 06
Ch1: Uraraka worries that Bakugou’s personality is not great to befriend Eri
Ch1: After Uraraka has been “taken out” of the training, Midoriya devise a plan to help Bakugou befriend Eri. After the exercise, she complains that she also wanted to partecipate in the plan.
Ch2: Tsuyu asks Bakugou and Deku for help in finding the mysterious “Prince Charming”, and Bakugou immediately guesses that the reason they are looking is that a girl wanted to give chocolate to this Prince Charming and was too scared. Uraraka is surprised his guess was so accurate - thus accidentally revealing that Bakugou’s guess was right.
During the “Saving the world with love” filler episode, Bakugou decides that one has to go to the store, and he asks Uraraka to go alone so that the whole team of hero won’t get noticed
------------------ KAMIJIROU
Novel 06
Ch2: It is San Valentine and a bunch of girls bring chocolate to Jirou (a lot of it), saying that they loved her singing. It is confirmed by the novel (by how Mineta's react) that it is heartfelt-chocolate (not friends-chocolate). Kaminari complains that all that chocolate is for her and not for him.
Ch2: Mineta goes full zombie mode because he is desperate to get some San Valentine chocolate. Kaminari decides to stop him and let the girls run away. Jirou does not like the plan, but Kaminari still stays - and gets distracted. Mineta escapes and Jirou calls him a dumbass.
Filler episode of season 3: Kaminari and Mineta decide to organize a visit to the school pool because they overheard the girls talking about it. They both want to see the girls in bikini. Once they arrive there, Jirou comments on Kaminari being at the pool too (and the girls are not in bikini)
In season 6, after the war we see Jirou supporting Kaminari, to help him stand him
After the war, while Deku is in a coma, Kaminari is also at the hospital, and Jirou and Tokoyami with him
------------------ IZUOCHA
Novel 06
Ch2: The girls and Sato are cooking friends-chocolate for San Valentine. The chocolate is for the whole class, but Ochako’s mind immediately goes to Deku, and she immediately “shoves it down deep, into a secret place of her heart”.
Ch2: A girl from another class gives Class1a’s girls chocolate for a mysterious “Prince Charming of Class 1A”. They have no idea who that is, and Uraraka wonders if it is Deku. She panics and she “slams the lid of her heart closed, and put a padlock on it”. Ashido teases her when Uraraka says that she was only thinking of a bug.
Pool filler episode: The boys are having a swimming competition. During the last turn (Bakugou vs Deku vs Todoroki), Kirishima cheers for Bakugou, Uraraka for Deku
At the beginning of season 3, the anime reintroduces Ochako’s crush: she comes close to Deku and he seems embarrassed (while waiting for the bus to leave), and when she notices how close she is she turns red and starts dancing about their trip, out of embarrassment.
In the filler episode of season 3, where the class has to stop a fake robberer, Deku and Uraraka both react the same enthusiastic way when they hear about the special training
In the same episode: Uraraka and Iida compliments Deku for getting praised by Aizawa
In the filler episode of season 4, the students hear that a reporter is gonna come to UA and Ochako turns towards Deku, who blushes because she is close
In the same episode, Ochako blushes in shock looking at the reporter taking a selfie with Deku. Later on, she comes to greet him and smells the nice food All Might has gotten Deku. By doing so she ends up a bit too close and they both blush.
During the Overhaul arc in season 4, the anime adds a scene where Ochako sends Deku a reassuring confident look (like cheering him up)
Season 5 also adds a scene where Ochako extensively thinks about Mei’s breasts on Deku and punches herself, the scene is enhanced when compared to the manga
At the end of season 5, we have a scene with a bunch of characters receiving news of the next mission, and Ochako and Deku look at each others, questioning
The start of season 6 adds to non-speaking scenes of Deku and Ochako seen acting together to start the mission (in helping the people)
The second OP of season 6 shows a scene where Ochako finds Deku and offers him her hand. The camera shows Deku imagining how he could take Ochako’s hand
The second ED of season 6 adds Deku’s treasured memories. The tok moment is among them, another one is training with her and Sero and walking home with her and Iida
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Do you need a server for specific MHA character but can't find it, well I am here to help.
Here is a list of character-centric servers⤵
Tumblr was acting up so I turned the post into a Google doc so good luck
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i feel like these are canon in your future au (sorry for shopping links)
I love these so fucking much like!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!
(You know a chunk of Izuku's future paycheck goes to not just buying merch of all his friends but also to a storage location to keep all of the merch)
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shinsoups · 4 years
Student No. 22 —
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m a s t e r l i s t
pairing: shinsou hitoshi x f!reader x class1a
genre: 1tbsp of crack, 1 tsp of fluff, a sprinkle of angst and 1 cup of chaotic randomness
synopsis: y/n was certain she would never be a Hero. She had a different goal in her mind, and that is to be a great doctor someday. With a terrible past she wants to forget, she vows she would never use her Quirk and will never let the world know what it is. Not until she finds out that the invincible quirk she thought she has can also have a certain weakness.
random updates
a/n: canon Shinsou is joining hero class for their second year but I'm gonna make him part of Class 1A already yay!
OO4.1 : Hero vs Villain —
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You can feel the tension wash over you when every student started to pile out the changing rooms and proceeded towards the training ground. The farther you drag your feet, the deeper your thoughts ran riot. Who was the person who just controlled you? How did that happen so fast and why did Aizawa never bothered stopping the fight? The secret you hold on to for so long was now out in the open for the whole class to see. The adrenaline rush you felt earlier started to subside, panic once again spreading on your nerves.
Was this their plan from the start? You stopped in your tracks upon realization, clenching your fists, knuckles turning white...are they trying to control and use you? Is the HSPC behind this? Are they going to make you into something like Hawks is? You shuddered with the thought.
A warm hand suddenly pulled you out of reverie. Asui, was it? The green haired girl stood in front of you with worried eyes. "y/n-chan?" she tilted her head sideways, "Is everything okay?"
It’s not the question that startled you, but the idea of someone worrying for you shook you to the core. Growing up in a household without any affection, the warmth of the hand comforting you somehow made you feel at ease. Your eyes soften until the tension on your shoulders loosens a bit “Asui-san, is there--”
"You can call me Tsuyu," she says.
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“Uhmm Tsuyu-san, actually--” you started to fidget when more of your classmates started to hover beside you. Tsuyu and her friends were now circling you asking if you were all right. Midoriya carried on staring at you somehow urging you to confide to them. After some thought, you mentally sighed and told them.
"Earlier about what happened...I didn't mean to fight that guy. My body--"
You looked at them with hesitation on your eyes, "Someone was controlling me. I wasn't in control, but my body was moving on its own telling me to fight him. After that... everything suddenly turned blurry until I slapped myself. I swear I'm not..." you sighed, your eyes meeting Todoroki’s mismatched colored ones.
"-bad." the last word turned into a hush.
Were you trying to convince them? Or were you trying to tell that yourself? The idea of being controlled somehow made you twitch in disgust, but the thought of crushing someone else's dreams weighed you even down. This is why you don't want anyone to find out about it. People obsessing over Quirks, people limiting their selves cause of it...you don’t want any of that. You don’t want to hinder anyone, so why can’t the HPSC leave you all alone?
The four of them exchange knowing glances, Uraraka was the first to speak, "We know. It's because you replied back to him." She looked at Midoriya.
"Ahh...Shinsou-kun. The guy sitting next to you in class." Midoriya pressed a hand on the back of his neck, lost in thoughts.
Todoroki supplied, "His Quirk is Brainwashing.”
“I don't have any idea why he would suddenly use his Quirk against you since it is not allowed inside the classroom. But can I ask you a question y/n?" Midoriya continued.
Brainswashing...so that's why. You nodded, mentally listing reasons on why he would do so and how his Quirk passed through yours. The shocking realization made you want to know more about him and his power. How and why can he pass yours? Your invincible Quirk you once thought was impermeable now has a weakness...interesting.
The five of you started to walk again towards the exit, waiting for Midoriya to shoot his question. He awkwardly waved his hands, eyes not looking at yours, telling you that it's okay not to answer if you're uncomfortable with it.
"I-I've never seen any Quirk like yours. I thought that Aizawa-sensei erased Kacchan's quirk when he was fighting you, but the fire explosions kept coming. Yet your body somehow takes the blow and the fire disappears right after hitting you leaving no damage at all. You can nullify fire attacks? But you also have Stealth since you ran so fast. Do you have multiple Quirks?" he mumbled continuously lost in his own trail of thoughts.
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He looked really interested, a look just like yours whenever you take notes about different Quirks and their weaknesses on your notes. You sighed a small smile lingers on the corner of your lips. They just saw what happened but why are they acting so interested and not disgusted by it? Why are they so excited to find out about it? You expected them to reject you just like all those kids who harmed you when you were young. The main reason why you were home-schooled and never let anyone know about you. Should you just go on and tell them? You debated but before you could reply, the class representative were calling all of you to hurry up.
Class 1-A stood infront of the large gates of the training ground— ruins and buildings scattered behind just like a city damaged by a real battle.  
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Holding a box, Aizawa’s tired eyes settles on everyone in front of him. “I’ll draw your names out.” His voiced drawled out in exhaustion. “7 teams in total. A group will consist of 2 heroes and one villain to act out. The only way to win is when you capture your enemies with this tape or if you get this badge pinned on your enemies. Once taped or the pin is stolen from you, you’re not allowed to fight anymore.” Aizawa held up a little button pin with a red x mark.
Iida realizing that there are now twenty two of them stuck out his hand, “Sensei!”
But before he could ask his question Aizawa already supplied an answer, “This class exercise will help you in situations were in heroes who never worked together before will get to partner up and adapt to the situation to defeat the villain. Since there are 22 of you now, one group will have 2 villains. The first two I’ll call will be the heroes and the last one would be the villain. Just group yourselves once called and proceed to the waiting room after I’ve finished.”
Aizawa started calling out names. And maybe the gods of misfortune are on your side after hearing your own name called out in the first group. Belatedly realizing that you’ll be facing the same two people who you fought minutes after you introduced yourself in class.
Whispers soon started to rise when your name was called after Bakugou and Shinsou. A look of excitement soon spread across the blonde one. Shinsou on the other hand, had his shoulders slumped, stealing some glances on your way. Midoriya must have read the panic on your face, because he waved his hands mumbling once again and good naturedly tried to comfort you.
“y/n,” Aizawa’s voice drowned out the whispers as everyone’s attention were now on you. “Think of this as a first step in our agreement. Maybe you’ll soon find an answer once this exercise is finished. You can go all out.” He then pets your head, another unfamiliar gesture that shocked you. “This class will treat you as a hopeful hero just like them. You already showed you’re more than capable. If you accept yourself that you have that potential, maybe you’ll realize the answer for yourself.”
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With that Aizawa proceeded to leave. The other students started to follow, leaving you Bakugou and Shinsou on the training ground. But before Midoriya could leave, you run towards him asking something you forgot earlier.
“Midoriya-kun, about his Quirk,” you whispered. “How does his Brainwashing works?”
Bakugou noticed Deku talking to the new student. Feeling someone’s gaze were on you locked eyes wthi the guy Midoriya kept calling Kacchan. He grunted with a smirk on his face “I’ll let you know who’s the strongest. Hey you--” he called out to Shinsou. “Don’t get in my way.” With that he walked towards the front of the gates leaving you three behind.
“Remember what I told you?” Midoriya asked once again. You nodded, thanking him for some information about your assigned enemies.
Shinsou looked at you when you walked towards them as you all waited for the gates to open. Sill feeling guilty about what happened, the apology left unsaid was still hanging on his mouth.
You breathe, trying to smooth the wrinkle on your shirt. “Don’t.”
“Don’t?” he asked confused, tilting his head to look at you eye to eye.
“Don’t apologize, Shinsou-kun,” his name rolling out of your mouth made him unable to spit out the apology.
You looked up at him, meeting his gaze. “I have a feeling they used you to get what they want. I won’t let them control me. I won’t let them get their way. I’ll do this my way.” You stared back at his dark purple irises, determined to let them know that your power is nothing important nor interesting. That the HPSC are just obsessed over your late parents’ Quirk experiments, looking for another set of talents for them to hone and use for their own good. You refused to be like them, to be like him.
“I can be a Hero in my own way. But if what they want is to let them see me use my Quirk, I’ll show it to them.” You grit your teeth accepting your fate. “Besides,”
A siren blasts signaling that the exercise is now starting. As soon as the gates opened Bakugou sprinted towards the designated Hero base, leaving you two behind.
“Besides, I need to know how you got me earlier.” You looked at him once again. “I won’t let you do that again to me.” With that being said, you ran towards your designated spot with a new found determination.
Shinsou places his detachable mask over his mouth, a small smile placed on his lips. “Like I said I worked my way to be able to sit where I am. I always dreamed of being a Hero. I’ll fight my way again to reach for that.” He races behind you, realizing that there’s a part of you similar to him.
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“You’re not a villain just cause of your power, silly girl. So don’t hold back. Cause I sure hell won’t.” He shouted as he fall behind you.
You were tempted to answer, but recalling what Midoriya had told you, you bit your tongue to stop yourself. So instead you mouthed the words, “I WON’T.” Leaving Shinsou dazed once again as you ran in full speed leaving him on the empty streets of the training ground.
“Ahhh I should really work on my stamina,” he murmurs to himself as he catches his breath, running to where his hot-headed partner would be.
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taglist: @sugarandsoft @roesaurus @moonlightbae14 @therealwalmartjesus @redperson58 @i-bitch-you-bitch @allie-munoz
🍥 general taglist: @b0ku4ka @skusamiya @chibishae34
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i got a taglist im soft ~ want to join? just leave a comment or send an ask my dudes ✨
likes, comments and reblogs is highly appreciated 🐣 ✨
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 4 years
Goodie List: Jirou
Goodie List: Jirou by ShadowNight
Jirou got along relatively well with Bakugou. She had expected for him to join their music session again sooner or later. However, she never would have dreamed of Bakugou helping her take photos. Yet, here they were - and Bakugou was doing a really good job.
Three times Bakugou does something nice for Jirou. (Can be read alone or out of order to the other parts in the series.)
Words: 4167, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 16 of Goodie List
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Jirou Kyouka, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta, Yaoyorozu Momo, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Satou Rikidou, Shouji Mezou, Iida Tenya, Mineta Minoru, Todoroki Shouto, Aoyama Yuuga, Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku, Hagakure Tooru, Kouda Kouji, Ojiro Mashirao, Tokoyami Fumikage, Class 1-A
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Bakugou and Jirou friendship, Bonding, Music, Friendship, Comedy, Fluff, misunderstood bakugou, bakugou helps jirou out, class challenge, class1a decides to reward one another with stickers for good behaviour, Bakugou knows how to model and how to take photos, gruff bakugou, bakugou is good at heart, Slice of Life, Dorm Life
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30227739
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 4 years
Goodie List: Jirou
Goodie List: Jirou by ShadowNight
Jirou got along relatively well with Bakugou. She had expected for him to join their music session again sooner or later. However, she never would have dreamed of Bakugou helping her take photos. Yet, here they were - and Bakugou was doing a really good job.
Three times Bakugou does something nice for Jirou. (Can be read alone or out of order to the other parts in the series.)
Words: 4167, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 16 of Goodie List
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Jirou Kyouka, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta, Yaoyorozu Momo, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Satou Rikidou, Shouji Mezou, Iida Tenya, Mineta Minoru, Todoroki Shouto, Aoyama Yuuga, Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku, Hagakure Tooru, Kouda Kouji, Ojiro Mashirao, Tokoyami Fumikage, Class 1-A
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Bakugou and Jirou friendship, Bonding, Music, Friendship, Comedy, Fluff, misunderstood bakugou, bakugou helps jirou out, class challenge, class1a decides to reward one another with stickers for good behaviour, Bakugou knows how to model and how to take photos, gruff bakugou, bakugou is good at heart, Slice of Life, Dorm Life
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30227739
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slytherwrites · 3 years
May I be on your tag list for the yandere Class1A series?
I dont do tag lists bc im lazy
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kawaiigirl1103 · 3 years
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✖️💥 Bring It On! 💥✖️ ——- ——- Riot is now in the shop to grab! We will be listing up Deku and DABI shortly! —— Let us know who you wanna grab up and we will work on getting them added! ✨✨😊⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ Design collab with @t0kwah .⁣ #mhafanart #bnha #kirishimaeijirou #kirishima #katsuki #eijirokirishima #tenyaiida #anime #izukumidoriya #eijirou #bokunoheroacademia #eijiro #kiribaku #class1a #shinso #katsukibakugouedit #todoroki #katsukibakugou #bakushima #shototodoroki #mha #bakunoheroacademia #kamijirou #cosplay #touyatodoroki #bnhaart #bakugou #bakugoukatsuki #myheroacademia #thekigustop https://www.instagram.com/p/COllHGRNVqq/?igshid=1t18ynnd0k1mt
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