Tmnt 2012 Raph and Mona Lisa's parents both died. What do you think of they talk about their losses to each other?
TW: Death
I feel like Mona would reveal to Raph that her parents were dead way before. Raph would obviously feel bad for her and assure she's still got a family that cares for her. His family, her commander, The Mighty Mutanimals, and him.
When Raph's dad died, a.k.a Master Splinter, Mona would try to comfort him. Telling him the same thing that he told her. Reminding him that even if his dad is gone, he will still be with him until Raph and his siblings join him in the stars. But for now, he can protect his siblings to avoid this happening. Mona assures him it wasn't his fault at all and he isn't the cause of one of his family dying.
Raph takes a lot of time healing like his family and tries to somehow express his grief. Mona tries to help him because she knows and understands what it feels like to lose someone you love. She let's him vent by hitting useless dummies or screaming to her. Eventually she just let's him sleep in her bed when he is done or he collapses from exhaustion.
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
What if TMNT 2012 Turtles still has Tang Shen as their mom? And even Splinter?
I feel if Tang Shen lived then there would be no story.
Her dying is what starts the important chain of events for the Turtles story. Splinter going to NYC, Shredder’s vendetta being surrounded by Shen’s death, Miwa being raised by Shredder, etc. They kinda make the point clear in the Tale of the Yokai episode that Shen has to pick Splinter, Shen has to die and Splinter must survive the fire, etc.
But if Shen did survive and her and Splinter raised the Turles together, I think the Turtles wouldn’t be ninjas at all and have a peaceful happy life with a nurturing mother. Shen made it clear to Yoshi that she was very against the old ways of the Hamato Clan and how ninjas are no longer needed (I’m paraphrasing what she said in that ep), so it’s most likely the Turtles would’ve grown up a semi normal life in the sewers without any ninja training which would not be good for when they come across the Kraang and other future enemies of theirs.
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Hi and sorry again, but could you imagine that Tmnt 2012 Turtles begin to realize that Shredder is their uncle?
Yeah but they would have now even a better reason to kill the Shredder all because they SURE AS HELL DO NOT WANT TO BE RELATED TO HIM AT ALL-
was originally gonna make a drawing but I don't have all of the boys's designs thought out (plus Venus and Jenny since- they are basically related to the turtles-), plus I don't wanna leave this ask hanging for too long-
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If Tmnt 2012 Mona Lisa's parents were alive, how would they react to her being with Raph, even when he's a mutant turtle? 😄
I do headcannon that they are dead and well uhhhhhh-...
How do I explain this... If they were to meet Raph, basically-
Tumblr media
Today, we are gathered here to mourn the death of Raphael Hamato. He was sadly killed and slaughtered by two alien salamanders all because he was their daughter's boyfriend... THE END-
That or her parents are gonna be asking for grandkids and try to make both of them have like- 10 kids-
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If Tmnt 2012 Raph got turned into a human, how would his brothers, friends, and especially Mona Lisa react to this?
Donnie would be jealous Raph got to become a human before him. Leo would be amazed and Mikey would think his brother is hot and handsome (TCEST go away and don't get the idea). His brothers would quickly warm up to him being a human and Donnie would possibly make a cure for Raph to turn back to normal.
As for his friends they would be shocked and surprised to even know that that was even Raph. They would be in so much denial. Casey would think it's amazing and thought of taking Raph to school with him because of that.
As for Mona, She'd maybe find him hot lol and a hunk. Though she would honestly prefer to see him back into his normal turtle form.
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Hi. What would each of the Tmnt 2012 characters' age would be? You probably answered this kind of question before.
I haven't actually and I'm happy someone asked. Disclaimer this is my AU and all that jazz.
The turtles start off at 15 years old. Somewhere around the end of season they are 16, then after half of season 3 after reclaiming NYC and all that they are 17. By Season 4 they are still 17 though after the space arc they are 18 and by season 5 they 19-20.
For April she is 16 and by season 5 she'd be 20-21, Casey and Karai 17 in season 5 21-22. Shinigami would be 19 when she is introduced in season 4.
Now for my OCs. Scarlet is April's age so she is 16 and by the end of the series 20-21. Kiara and Angel are a year or two younger then the turtles so either 13 or 14 and by season 5 they would be 18-19 (or maybe 17 too lazy to do the math).
Now I'm just gonna speed run with (some) the other characters's ages.
Mona Lisa - 19 or something (when she is introduced)
Slash - 25
Leatherhead - 39
Catty (My OC) - 16 (when she is introduced)
Sal Commander - 55
Newtralizer - 35
Shredder - 56
Tiger Claw - 37
Kitsune and Kavaxas - Ever since Earth and time has been created
Naomi (my oc) - 42
Sakura (my oc) - 39
Lotus - 17
Alopex - 40
Venus and Jennika - 15 (They are older then Donnie and Mikey)
Lita - 6
Lieserl (My OC) - 5
Okay that's all I have. Okay bye YEET-
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Hi. You probably seen this question before about TMNT 2012 Casey, but was he always jealous of Raph's muscular body and his relationship with Mona Lisa while he still trying find his soulmate?
I don't think so at all. I doubt he'd at all be jealous. While yeah we have seen Casey be jealous when Donnie got the affection from April when he didn't and all, I don't see why he would be jealous of Raph and Mona's relationship or how Raph's muscular body is.
Casey is genuinely a cool and pretty chill guy. Not to mention he is Raph's best friend. Plus he never had a crush on Mona or even found her attractive. Maybe yeah he'd be kind of jealous because he doesn't have a girlfriend yet but honestly he would probably later just stop caring.
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I got an interesting and creative question. I imagine that TMNT 2012 Mona Lisa having an menstrual cycle and the other female salamandrians as well. Can you imagine how Mona would react to this and how Raph will react?
I don't think salamanders have periods at all. So Mona probably never experienced one.
I can imagine however, her being confused and horrified when she learns about it. Maybe one of the girl's mentions it and she becomes horrified if this is a sign of dying or possibly something worse. It took a good while for the girls to explain that it's normal and nothing life threatening.
Mona did wonder if maybe she should have had some kind of menstrual cycle herself. But the girls warned her that it be better she is grateful that that is not the case.
Literally they are the most painful thing ever-
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Sorry to bother you, but how would think of Tmnt 2012 Splinter would explain to each of the Turtles about the "Birds and the Bees?" Also, each of the Turtles' reaction?
Oh boi oh boi does it become uncomfortable-
The boys have no idea how to feel after that and are mostly DEFINETELLY not the same after that. I don't know really how to respond to this but uhm...
The way Splinter would explain to each of the turtle is something like this:
He wouldn't tell Leo straight forward but he'd compare it to the love him and Tang Shen had and try to explain to the best of his abilities, without accidentally traumatizing his son (more then he is already-), how a child would be conceived and how couples later in life love each other.
''If a woman wants you to be aggressive towards her, be aggressive in bed.'', are the words that will forever repeat in Raph's head. No but Splinter was just straight forward with him.
Splinter ended up being flabbergasted when he finds out both Mikey and Donnie already know of that stuff. So they don't bother to listen to their dad and just know. To this day he has no idea how those two knew-
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What if Raphael & Mona Lisa from TMNT 2012 spend all their time in bed on n Valentines Day as teenagers, as a married couple? Doing activities, reading, chatting, playing with chompy, etc.
I definetelly also see them sparring and fighting together. Also I adore the idea they would play with Chompy like parents with their child.
I feel like most of the activities they would do would be, playing with Chompy (of course), fighting, jumping and running on rooftops, watching an action movie and just nose nuzzling or even making out lmao-
By the way, in my AU, Raph (also the other turtles) is either 18 or 19 in season 4 and Mona is 21 when he meets her! So I don't really think they'd be teenagers who act like a married couple. Though they would probably act like an old married couple who are still affectionate and loving to each other despite them only being girlfriend and boyfriend.
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Hi. How would Raph from TMNT 2012 react of Mona wearing a two piece swimsuit? You probably answered this before.
I've answered something like this before in an old ask. But, in my opinion Raph would probably have an eternal nose bleed and pass out fron how gorgeous Mona looks. They had to electrocute Raph and smack him to come back to life lmao
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How much does each Tmnt 2012 character love junk food?
They all have differrent opinions on junk food.
Leo isn't too fond of junk food. He'll eat it at times from pure guilty-pleasure and if his appetite gets the better of him.
Raph does eat junk food sometimes but considering he seems to, besides Leo, train a lot and stuff he just burns the calories out.
Donnie almost doesn't eat junk food as much. Only when he is really hungry, he will get sweets or some other kind of food just to be fed while working.
Mikey eats a lot of junk food. He puts several things in his food that it's considered junk.
I know btw pizza is considered junk food and that that's the main thing they eat but- I feel like they still have diferrent views on junk food.
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What do you think of each member from TMNT 2012 favorite breakfast to eat in the mornings?
Leo: He would just enjoy something simple like toast with something on it and some tea.
Raph: He would eat 20 waffles in a matter of minutes.
Donnie: He doesn't eat too much often. He would usually drink coffee and eat either toast, a single fruit or just cereal.
Mikey: He would either pizza or pancakes and eat them at a fast pace. Almost chocked one time from how fast he was-
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Hi. How do you think about how Tmnt 2012 April feel about being the only girl with the turtles and Casey Jones?
She got used to it. It was slightly weird at first but hey, to her, she got some cool new friends that were willing to help her out so she did the most of it. April in my opinion was trying her best to be close with the guys and be nice to them and maybe show possible interest in them. That also includes Casey.
April pretty much warmed up to it. It did feel nice when more girls joined the team so she didn't feel like a loner girl.
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Tmnt 2012 April and Mona Lisa switch bodies episode headcanon idea?
April be getting flashbacks on what happened in episode Plan 10-
However, I feel like both would be very uncomfortable being in each other's body. Yeah sure they are both aliens and all but, April isn't a salamander, she is a kraang, Mona is not a kraang she is a salamander. Also to Mona it feels very weird being a species she and her own race do dislike and have a grudge against. While she sees April as an exception, it still feels very uncomfortable. Mona becomes even more uncomfortable by April's appearance and feels a whole ton of discomfort being a human.
Raph demands Donnie to immediately try and switch them back.
Also some chaos could be caused because, Mona ends up having April's psychic powers and she has no idea how the hell to control April's well now her tentacles and they just go all over the place. Mona keeps apologizing for it and starts to hate being inside of a body she not only feels uncomfortable in but also can't control properly. April does also feel just as equally uncomfortable and doesn't know how to control certain parts of Mona's now her's body. She constantly hits something with her tail and even accidentally released some kind of toxin that affected one of the gang when they tried to comfort her a little. Unlike April, salamanders are able to control their toxin and can activate it when they want to. They use their toxic skin as a last ditch effort of not dying.
Finally once both are back into their original bodies, April and Mona are relieved. They do apologize to each other if the stuff they said about being in each other's bodies offended the other.
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I keep imagining on TMNT 2012, Mona Lisa would be more episodes in a new season. What do you think of it?
GOD- I wish she was in more episodes.
Within my TMNT 2012 AU I rewrote that she had a bit more screentime in the space arc. Along with her making cameos where her and Raph talk with each other because she gave him a hologram so they can talk (similar to how Renet gave Mikey a hologram or something).
I'm still working on the AU and what some of the characters will be doing. Meaning this could change. However the 2nd arc to happen in season 5 would be When Worlds Collide (the first arc would be the Lone rat and cubs episode). That's when Mona finally gets to stay on Earth and she gets to be in more and more episodes later on.
Her role however is still the same like in the cannon shwo, with some character development added in there and also trauma because I LOVE MAKING CHARACTERS SUFFER : D
That's how I can put it in shortly.
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