I don’t care for DimiClaude either but DEFINITELY not for the same reasons as that one anon I just think that Claude a) should have been bi anyway and b) have been able to be gay with the other guys in his class. Why can’t he make out sloppy style with Lorenz or go on a romantic date with Ignatz or get flustered by Raphael. I mean come on
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indigowallbreaker · 1 year
Any kiss prompt with Ignatz/Claude 😍❤️ loving all your writing btw!!
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the prompt I picked :D
33. Kiss In A Dream
(Currently accepting rare ships! Click here for the info post!)
After many days and nights staring at the same canvas-- tweaking and erasing and second guessing and muttering-- Ignatz finally had a handsome sketch worthy of his paints. Only having memory to work off of had been a challenge. But with King Khalid in Almyra, memory was all Ignatz could use.
He took a moment to step back and observe the sketch in full. The slant to Claude’s smile was correct, as was the shape of his hair, the length of his sideburns, and the earring detail. All it needed was paint to bring everything to life. 
Still lost in memories of his house leader, Ignatz sat at his work table. He yawned as he gathered the correct colors, briefly resting his chin in his hand as he forced himself to summon the last of his energy. The hour was late, but now that the sketch was done, Ignatz didn’t want to stop. He couldn’t wait any longer to see Claude again.
Of course, a painting of Claude was nothing like the real deal. The real Claude would have wrapped his arm around Ignatz’s shoulder by now, telling him to get some sleep and stop daydreaming about the Goddess. The real Claude would have walked him back to his room, ruffled his hair, and wished him good night with a wink. 
That’s how it had been during the war. Ignatz didn’t miss the war, not one bit-- but he missed his glasses getting knocked askew when his hair was ruffled. He missed the frantic beating of his heart whenever Claude winked at him. He missed getting a personal escort back to his dorm. 
Now Ignatz was busy with his art, and Claude was busy being King Khalid. Memories and paintings would have to do. 
With the last pigments mixed, Ignatz turned back to the canvas. Usually he started with the face to help align the facial features. This time, Ignatz began by painting the eyes. They were what came into sharper focus whenever Ignatz pictured Claude. He’d seen them shine with mischief and humor, seen them turn sharp when strategizing or aiming, seen them darken with grief and anger. 
Just now, under Ignatz’s hand, they were round, full of joy or even excitement. “I hope you’re this happy in Almyra,” Ignatz told the painting. “I wonder if you think about us Deer.”
The Claude in the sketch had a proud smile, but it softened at Ignatz’s question. “Of course I do,” Claude said.
“Do you think of me?” Ignatz dabbed gently at the left eye, wondering if he needed more grey in the mix.
“Those are the thoughts that make me happiest.”
Ignatz sighed and lowered his head to his pallet. “I wish I could believe that.”
Two fingers tilted Ignatz’s face up again. Claude-- fully colored-- locked eyes with Ignatz, his expression fond and not all how Ignatz had drawn him. “How can I persuade you?” Claude asked.
Ignatz could think of one way. Evidently Claude was of the same mind. With an airy laugh that colored Ignatz’s cheeks, Claude leaned over the easel, and kissed him.
There was a moment where all Ignatz knew was the press of Claude’s lips, the featherlight touch of Claude’s fingers pulling him closer-- then someone dropped a hand to his shoulder.
Ignatz jerked awake. He glasses dangled from one ear and sunlight filled up part of the window. “Wha?” He looked at his table. Pigments and paint were still capped. And there was still a hand on his shoulder.
Fixing his glasses, Ignatz looked up into a pair of very familiar, but also impossible, green eyes. 
Claude smiled. “Hey there.” The dream had yet to fade completely, and Ignatz found himself blushing again. Claude laughed. “Raphael said you hadn’t come down yet, so I let myself in. You were out cold! Having a good dream?” He winked.
Apart from a flashier earring and the reappearance of his braid, Claude looked much the same as when Ignatz had last seen him. Slightly scuffed traveling clothes, black and gold cape, thin beard. Ignatz was sure his face would catch fire at this rate. “I wasn’t-- Is that really you, Claude?”
Claude raised an eyebrow. “Have you had a lot of pretenders?”
“Why are you here?!” Ignatz winced at his own shout. “N-Not that I’m not happy to see you! I just-- how are you here?”
“I promised Raphael I’d stop by his inn next time I had a meeting with Lorenz. When he mentioned you were staying here, I had to come up and bother you.” Claude looked away. “Another project keeping you up, I see. I almost feel like I should apologize.”
To his horror, Ignatz followed his gaze and realized the sketch of Claude was still up on the easel. He groaned into his hands as Claude laughed again, slapping Ignatz on the back. 
Unable to look at either Claude, Ignatz said into his palms, “Don’t apologize. I’m the one that’s been missing you.” 
Claude’s hand moved to Ignatz’s hair. He ran his finger through the bedhead soothingly. “I’ve missed you too.” Claude’s voice had softened. Ignatz lifted his head. “Can I watch you finish the painting?” Claude asked quietly, as if ready to deny he had even spoken. 
Without dropping eye contact, Ignatz reached up and tugged his own hair sharply. Pain accompanied the action. Not a dream, then.
“Yes,” Ignatz replied just as quietly.
Claude grinned. “But first, you need breakfast.” Letting go of Ignatz, Claude stood, jerking his head towards the door. “Come on. Whatever Raphael’s cooking smells amazing.” With a smile, Ignatz stood as well. He stopped briefly to throw the cover back over canvas Claude, then followed the real Claude out of the room.
Ignatz wondered, between the two, who was more likely to kiss him next. 
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minaonart · 5 years
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※ dont use/reprint my art without permission. please reference my crediting page. ※
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sexysilverstrider · 4 years
Let me rant with my self indulgent DimiAshe Claudnatz modern AU
So like, Ashe and Ignatz are cocreators for successful manga. But like, it’s actually about the 4 of them and their wild lives.
And then with Dimitri and Claude, they’re mobsters that retired and now own a company together to publish their boyfriends’ (soon to be husbands’) manga.
So they’re manga is just basically:
2 mobsters run into some college kids but realize “Fuck they’re cute” and so they form connections and basically bring them into protective care and when things eventually go bad they move elsewhere and start up a publishing firm
So now it’s 2 publishing CEOs with their husband writers working together and saving themselves from the mob and just cute gay shit
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sexysilverstrider · 4 years
You’ve heard of DimiAshe, but may I introduce you to Claudnatz. -Soft archer baby with angst -Buff Lordy with nice tiddies to put their face in -Canon B support that should go further to have their own fluff ending -Accompanied by Buffer Boy that is an entire head taller than them
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