#clawdeen is SO SNARKY to her
ghoulgirly · 1 year
i (like many others) am not a fan of g3 toralei being an anti-human antagonist. if they weren't cowards they would make her and clawdeen girlfriends because obviously they are meant to be together
however. the enemies to lovers potential.
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taybatwo2 · 3 months
G3 Hissfits Review Part 2
I covered Toralei in the first post, now time for the werecat twins!
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First up: G3 Meowlody. She has a super sweet face
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and a new face sculpt (both her and Purrsephone do). She looks a bit different than her animated counterpart.
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Taller boots, no extra body stripes, her hair is longer, and she doesn’t have the bracelet. Despite her G1 counterpart being the colder one, G3 switches it and has Meowlody be the sweeter (and a LOT MORE naive) of the two.
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She has a lot of separated clothing pieces. I was certain the tube top was going to be attached to her shirt underneath (which snags REALLY easily on the Velcro). Her skirt is a call back to her G1 doll, but I wish they would not have mixed the red and pink colors again.
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Here are her accessories. A yarn ball earring, a studded earring and a cute little bell necklace (I love this).
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Her boots are really cute! Look at the cat ear buckles and the little yarn ball shoe-laces. I love these more than her animated counterpart’s.
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The bottom of shoes have “Meow” for Meowlody and a cat laying down on the other. Now Purrsephone’s turn.
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She is totally my favorite. I love her outfit, her boots, her hair style, the colors they used for her, her face sculpt. So good. She is much friendlier than her G1 counterpart (who was already the friendlier of the two in G1), and is more serious and snarky than G3 Meowlody.
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Her animated counterpart has more white stripes, more detailed shorts, her boots have more paint on them, longer socks, and her sleeves are a different colors and wider.
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Here are her clothing pieces (a bit less than her sister’s). I quite like all of them and their limited color pallet.
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Her jewelry! Lots of simple hoops and then a clawed cat paw necklace.
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More cute boots. I like the little cat head front and the stripes in the back.
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The soles have “purr,” short for Purrsephone and another cat laying down (to match her twin).
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Yup, no extra body stripes, which is a shame. They also don’t have toe claws (boooo) like Clawdeen/Toralei/Catty and they have the exact same tails as Toralei (I was hoping that they would flip one of theirs so they could hold tails like their G1 counterparts). Their tails are not removable. Their body type is the exact same as Cleo’s (minus the bandages), while Toralei has the exact same as Clawdeen’s.
More under the cut!
I wanted to switch some of their clothing around to see if I liked it better.
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First I switched their shoes to see if having shoes that match more of their color scheme would make me like Purrsephone’s outfit more. Ehhhh……no.
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Then I switched their skirt and shorts…I don’t hate it!! Meowlody is trying to convince her sister to keep the red skirt.
Yup, they miiiight stay like this after I wash out their hair. Or I at least need to make a black skirt for Meowlody.
Now onto a quick look at the accessories the Hissfits pack comes with:
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That’s a lot of pieces!
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Many of these molds we have already seen, but they’re still cute and coordinated with what the dolls are wearing.
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More snacks!!! I like the little details they put on these. On mine, the stickers on the tuna and the water bottle will NOT stay on.
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Their paperboard poster. It’s even signed by the band mates and is not too terribly pixilated.
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They have three detailed hangers.
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The guitars got flipped molds of each other (so why couldn’t they do the same for their tails?!?). They are very light and very hollow, but have colorful fronts.
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My Catty (she’s still in the middle of getting a full head of micro braids). Is trying on the band’s merch and the shirt fits great! She might not give back that boa.
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Another look at the gym bag. It has so many details on it!! It has the Hissfits cat logo on one side (and a gold feather).
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And it’s curled up tail on the other side?!? I love that detail!
But my surprise favorite accessory was: the caboodle!
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It looks like a miniaturized Gorganizer!! It has all the sculpted detail! The top tray comes out and it snaps shut (but, the plastic hinge joint already has wear).
And finally, I wanted to do a quick comparison of both generations of werecat twins.
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I really don’t know why they made them purple. :/ I would have enjoyed more stripes, and mirrored tails.
I appreciate the extra personality in G3’s face sculpts. And the lack of glue head (these ghouls need a LA’s Totally awesome head dunk).
G1 is more cohesive in their outfits though. My G1 Purrsephone is so wonky, hahaha. I wonder if Meowlody’s sweeter style and personality was inspired by the bows on G1’s shoes. They make it look like she’d be the sweeter ghoul (nope!).
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Anyways, a very quick and slightly rushed review of these long awaited dolls because I COULD NOT WAIT!!
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And here they are slightly redressed and hair washed. Purrsephone is still my favorite and looks so good with her hair washed.
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Well, I finally got the time to watch the new Monster High Movie. It’s a fun watch, 100% recommend.
But then again, I’m a fan of Disney Channel Original Movies like High School Musical and Descendants, so if you don’t like corny movies about the Power of Friendship and prefer more philosophical and deep movies, this is not for you.
 Overall, the movie is fun, doesn’t take itself too seriously and it seems the actors were having a blast making it, which is always appreciated. There are a couple of cringe moments, but the new take on the characters is nice, as are some of the jokes that land really well.  
Draculaura: I like the original concept of her being the bubbliest and innocent of the group, sometimes it was a bit too much (as G2 Twyla can attest haha) although it always felt weird that she was the oldest in the group, yet behaved like the baby (Technically Cleo is the oldest, but most of that she was asleep and/or trapped in a cave, so a lack of maturity is not that odd). I like her new aloof personality and how she opened up to the Magic of Friendship™. The wording and behavior of Draculaura make me think she’s actually 16 in G3, but I could be wrong.  
Clawdeen: Unpopular opinion, but I like she has a different personality than the stereotypical “Sassy Black Woman”, and while I will miss her interest in fashion, she seems to be a more developed individual this time around. Her budding relationship with Deuce felt well developed and not forced like many other teen movies are. I liked their vibe together, and really wouldn’t mind seeing the Live Action of them get together, and I wouldn’t mind if they decide to be Better As Friends either.
Frankie: LOVED THEM. My favorite of all, the writers and the actor did a really good job of portraying Frankie as a “newborn” experimenting things for the first time. This limits a bit the plots they can get, but I love how they were Ride or Die immediately for Clawdeen.
Cleo: I think she’s the one who changed the least of all the characters, and I’m a bit annoyed that it took Clawdeen literally saving her life to get character development, but even that didn’t feel as forced as other instances. Her friendship with Lagoona is oddly sweet, as it seems Lagoona is no different than anyone else. And her snarky lines were some of the best lines, like calling Draculaura “Bat Girl”. Also props for mentioning Heka.
Deuce: I like that he is an actual character this time around and not just Cleo’s side piece, which started since G2. And unlike G1, it seems this time around he is not the Big Man on Campus, so even that is character development for Cleo, even if they don’t get back.
The rest: I love how unhinged and deranged Lagoona was. She’s the one who got less development in the whole movie, but outright offering to eat Deuce if Cleo was mad at him made me love her. She’s a true friend right there! Ghoulia was quirky and a bit of a jerk, and I loved how she kept popping out of nowhere, specially at the graveyard. Abbey felt like she would be also a good character to focus, as all her scenes imply that she’s as new to Monster High as Frankie and Clawdeen were, but having much less trouble fitting in. She even seems to have gotten on friendly terms with Heath rather quickly… and speaking of Heath, I thought he was going to be more of a bully jerk this time around, but other than explicitly being a jock, it seems he also retained his personality from G1, and along with everyone else named here, responded to Clawdeen’s plea of help, so he can’t be that bad.
Mr. Komos… I still simp for him, so yeah.
But jokes aside, I think it’s a bit unfair how he was treated by the narrative and all of that. His father was not only expelled of Monster High, but outright banned from Monster Society, for the crime of being part human, and then outright murdered by humans. We don’t get more of his backstory, but I don’t think his childhood was all peaches, and we aren’t even sure if he was abandoned or raised by his human mom… but even if he was raised by his mom… where? It’s pretty obvious his horns are natural, so he wouldn’t have fit with humans, and he didn’t attend Monster High, so he probably has been hiding his whole life. I hope he get a redemption arc in the future (We know Deuce stoning isn’t permanent, as he himself was cured)
And… like… Monsters kind of sucks for that one. Even if his story is biased, we see that both Dracula and Headmistress Bloodgood were part of the team that expelled Mr. Hyde. And it’s also heavily implied that he was friends with Dracula and Clawdeen’s mom (I think?). And none of them even try to help him. A parallel could be made that Clawdeen would have gone the same way (Hunted by human) if Frankie and Draculaura were as shitty friends as the previous generation, but they are actually decent individuals and went looking for her. I hope this is addressed in a future movie (There was a sequel hook, se it’s highly likely we’ll get a second one) because the Headmistress and Dracula getting off as being the “Good Guys” without any consequence on their part of this crisis really left me with a bad feeling, and makes me wonder if the “war with witches” and ban on witchcraft is not some more of their bullshitty bullshit.
PLUS, the fact that Frankie’s brain has the knowledge than monster-human hybrids can have changes while they’re teenagers and become more human means than monsters-humans hybrids used to be more common at a time, enough that one of Frankie’s brain parts retained the knowledge.
Anyway, the music is also a total banger. “True Monster Heart” and “I Can Trust You” are my favorites.
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monstercollegehq · 5 months
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VENUS MCFLYTRAP is twenty-one years old. She is the daughter of the Man-Eating Plant.
+ Resourceful, Outspoken, Straightforward - Snarky, Sarcastic, Inflexible
Most monsters aren't very much concerned with any sort of activism, as they are more focused on their own communities rather than on a more global view. Then again, Venus is not your average monster. She has been a staunch defender of the environment since she was just a little sapling, and if that means standing in the way of the humans and displaying her monster nature, well, so be it. Knowing that the founding of Monster College is most likely part of a plan to organize monsters for their reveal to the increasingly technological and interconnected human world, Venus will take this chance to make sure she can make a real change.
Up to player.
Clawdeen Wolf - As one of the Monster College students with the strongest bonds with human society, Venus tries to befriend her to learn more about humans. Marisol Coxi - Fellow member of the gardening club.
VENUS is currently available. Her faceclaim is Tati Gabrielle.
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Yandere! Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura Headcanons
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Clawdeen was the first one to come out to you and ask you out
She loves designing you clothes and when Draculaura gets in the relationship, Laura loves doing your make up
Laura also loves when you do hers, because she can't see herself
Clawdeen is definitely the more dominant of you three
Laura is afraid of abandonment, so she gets very clingy around you
Clawdeen wants to be accepted, and she seeks approval from you, even though she's the more dominant
^She has moments where she breaks down
They love having sleepovers with you
Doing each others hair, kissing, telling scary stories, truth or scare, sharing secrets, gossiping, facials, etc,.
Clawdeen loves when you cling to her and look to her for comfort [When they tell scary stories]
While you may be the child of the goddess of love, you're not to open abt your polygamous relationship
^Though they love showing you off and they brag abt you to anyone that will listen
They love you dressing you in cute little outfits, especially ones Clawdeen made specifically for you
Draculaura loves cooking you vegan meals [Although you don't always eat it cause you're not vegan]
^Clawdeen will always come through for you and pack something extra incase you need it
They can get jealousy pretty easily, especially Draculaura
Clawdeen is a more aggressive jealous [Like clenching her fist, making angry faces, possibly yelling, etc,.]
Draculaura is the type to be passive aggressive, come up to both of you, might say something rude, but under the table snarky that you don't even pick up on it. She'll smile at them, while holding your arm or some part of you, before flirting with you in front of the person
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