#something about them in the show constantly throwing insults at each other
ghoulgirly · 1 year
i (like many others) am not a fan of g3 toralei being an anti-human antagonist. if they weren't cowards they would make her and clawdeen girlfriends because obviously they are meant to be together
however. the enemies to lovers potential.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 4 months
Hc's about the Haitani brothers in the last timeline?
Sure, here are some!
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Ran wasn't allowed his baton anymore after he joined toman, he nearly cried.
Sometimes Izana forces them to come help out with the kids at his job. Rindou normally shows off his strength and flexibility to them while Ran sits down for tea parties and tells them fake gossip about the stuffed animals around them.
Rindou has a DJ name and it's something very ridiculous 
Also Rindou's DJ gear is purple
Rindou once complimented Baji's hair in front of Ran after Ran annoyed him that morning. 
Ran has a room just for him to nap in at his work
One of Rindou's favourite hungover hangout spots is the twins restaurant.
They both gave up on trying to make each other clean and hired a maid instead. 
Ran frequently goes to Akkun for his hair
If either one of them gets a romantic partner, they try to embarass each other in front of them. Ran trying to show Rindou's partner his baby pictures etc
They throw the best parties 
Mitsuya had no idea what to think when they joined toman and suddenly requested white uniforms from him. He wasn't sure to take it as a compliment or insult. 
They constantly drag Kakucho along with them on nights out, always convincing him even if he doesn't want to go.
Ran tried to get a drivers license once but crashed into a bush.
Sometimes they'll hang out in Chifuyu's pet shop just to annoy him. 
They actually like Kazutora's tattoo, even giving it a rare compliment once.
After years everyone now knows not to trust Ran with food, he will steal it. (One time everyone thought Mikey was actually going to murder him after he took some of his crisps)
Sometimes they'll say something really weird and then Hanma will say something weird back and no one can figure out what any of them are talking about. 
If either of them have kids, the other brother makes it their mission to spoil their niece's/nephews.
Ran has loudly shouted across the club, asking Rindou if he needs a condom after seeing him speaking to a girl. In revenge Rindou has played the goofiest music possible while seeing Ran try to dance with a girl
And finally, they're frequently late to toman meetings because Ran is busy sleeping/ doing his hair which then makes Rindou late too.
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seireitonin · 5 months
Grlll imma need some moreJeff content. Idk what exactly but I need it, maybe some romantic/ normal headcannons. Whateva u do I will rlly appreciate it and love it
Omg my first boyfriend ever, Jeff!!!! I’m starting to love him all over again he’s so nostalgic! Anyway in no specific order here are more hcs for him! I used Nina as an example of how he views/ thinks of being in relationships (once again I hc Nina as black)
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Jeff is 30 years old
Him and Toby were born the same year but Jeff is a little older
Despite what everybody thinks Jeff is capable of love
But his love isn’t normal or kind
His love is intense obsession and admiration in a way
For example in his own way he really did love Nina
But he’s just such a bad person that he couldn’t or rather refused to properly show it
He admired the was she threw her life away for him he admired the way she was willing to let him run her life for so many years
He was obsessed with her in his own way, the way she worshiped him making him feel like he was above everyone
Nina left him after coming to her senses though, and he constantly plots on how to break her down and get her back, despite being with Toby now
He is very protective over the people he cares about though
Willing to kill anyone who even makes them feel slightly bad
His obsession will make him very possessive
Why would you need anyone but him anyway? He’s literally Gods gift to Earth
You should be happy he loves you this much
He’s very smart with his words and actions
He’s very calculating and cunning
Part of this manipulation to make people stay is because he actually does crave genuine connection in his own way
He just doesn’t know how to do that
He’s always been rude, antisocial, blunt and self serving
All that being worse now that he’s a murderer
He can’t ever change. Not that he wants to
So instead of trying to change he’ll just use his smarts and tactics
He loves the way he is why should he have to change for anyone?
He still thinks of Nina even though he won’t ever admit it
He remembers the nights he’d hold her close and he’d feel her warmth
He remembers how he’d get her small things for her birthday and how her face would light up, shocked that he even remembered
“Hey, got you something”
He throws it towards her
“Jeff! Brass knuckle necklaces?! I love them! How’d you get these!”
“Killed their original owner. You’re welcome. You don’t know how hard it is to find people with shitty taste like yours.”
Nina doesn’t even care about the insult as she excitedly tries on her new jewelry
He remembered how they’d encourage each other toxic and self destructive self serving behaviors
“Wanna rob that Hot Topic?”
“Okay let’s go stab someone so the rest run and we can raid the place.”
“Yay! I love you!”
“I love me too”
He remembers how they were partners in crime together
He misses her smile and bubbly personality
He remembers how Nina would do what he said because they loved each other the same way
Deep obsessive admiration and impulsivity
He remembered when they kissed for the first time
It was rare that he showed affection to her or touched her at all but when they did it solidified in his mind that she was given to him by God himself. He deserved her. She was made for him.
He’d never felt so right. He never thought anyone would make him feel the way she did. She’s perfect to him. Even though he’d never say that. Can’t have her thinking that they’re on the same level
Some nights he’d just stare at her while she slept, touching her skin that felt just like his. Even leaving soft, bloody kisses on it.
He’d only do this when she slept, not wanting her to see him vulnerable or affectionate at all.
“So beautiful. Just like me. Just the way I made you.” He’d say as he traced the permanent smile on her cheeks and her burned dark golden brown skin
God he hates Toby for taking that away from him
Nina and Jeff were perfect together in his eyes
He hates Toby for telling her different and showing her stupid healthy love
Toby took away Nina, Jeff’s God given right.
He should’ve killed Toby when he had the chance
Nina started becoming more “boring” the moment they started talking with each other
Then one day she fought Jeff and left him completely
He should’ve killed Nina too
How could she do that to him? She was his in every sense of the word
He made her
Made her to be just like him
But Toby told her that was “manipulation” and took her from him
He hates them both and is plotting revenge every day
He was actually really close with Toby
So he feels betrayed by 2 people he cared about
His face is severely infected because every time his scars start to heal or close, he opens them right back up
They only get more beautiful each time in his eyes
His hair is long and goes to his mid back
It’s tangled and messy and unkept
Listens to metal music a lot
Actually gets some ideas about how to kill from metal music’s lyrics
Knows Liu is alive
Has mixed feelings about it
On one hand, he loves and misses him
On the other he sees Liu as a failed job of his and finds it insulting that he’s still alive
So he just avoids him until he can’t anymore
“Hey brother, remember me?”
“How could I forget the only person who I failed to kill?”
“You’re a piece of shit, Jeff”
“You’re making me blush, Liu”
They still banter and talk to each other like brothers
They both missed it
They’re the only family they have left
So both hesitate to kill each other
That doesn’t stop them from beating each other up though
Jeff is scared of fire, even though he will never admit it
His skin has healed pretty well over the years
But it’s still not super smooth
Is good friends with Clockwork
They talk shit about Toby and Nina
Who would’ve thought their exes would be together?
Wants her help getting revenge, but Clockwork doesn’t want to hurt Toby
Jeff calls her weak for it
Jeff likes her company a lot, despite that
Part of him wouldn’t mind being with her
She’s brutal, strong, street smart, and pretty
He sees a lot of himself in her and that’s probably why he likes her so much
There’s no one Jeff loves more than himself
Once you get used to him Jeff can actually be a pretty cool friend
He loves to smoke and drink
Used to smoke with Toby before everything happened
Offensive and dark humor
Which is why him and LJ get along sometimes
Jeff is actually extremely loyal
If Nina stayed he would’ve been by her side forever
He feels stupid for caring about her and being so obsessed with her and admiring her
Jeff is 6’2
He smells like blood and beer
He’s pretty skinny
His eyes are dark blue like an ocean which would be pretty in a normal context but on him it’s pretty unsettling
His hips are always swollen but also thinned out because of the permanent smile stretching them outwards so it’s uncomfortable to look at
Jeff’s wardrobe is very simple
Plain black or white shirts, black pants and a random hoodie
Big hands perfect for delivering hard hits to victims and the other pastas he fights
If you were ever gonna be with him you have to accept that what you want and your feelings come second to his
Jeff isn’t a good person by any means
But but he doesn’t care
He knew he was a bad person for years and he’s done hiding it or trying to change
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Ok but I was just thinking
Jooster is kind of the only actual solid relationship in Jeeves and Wooster?? Like platonic or romantic, let me explain
Like obviously it’s the focus, but like. Listen.
Everyone else hops from girl to girl, or guy to guy, and each one is filled with turmoil. This is just talking about Bertie’s friends, right?
But also, as friends, they really suck. They constantly get him to do things for them and do nothing in return.
Even the aunts and uncles don’t usually have spouses that are actually on screen!! Who knows if there were divorces or something?? Like people’s parents are hardly ever present it’s always some rich aunt or uncle, with Bertie yes but even with all his friends 😅😂
Everyone in that show is just so… detached from each other. There’s a particular moment where Bertie is driving Bingo and Tuppy home, and they’re just ranting about their women to each other and not listening to the other, and Bertie is just so done with it. I think that illustrates this point pretty well.
Anyway, Jeeves and Bertie are so not that. There’s another post somewhere on Tumblr talking about how Bertie always replies to Jeeves’ subtext and they pick up on each others moods essentially, which I think is a great point. And generally they just really like each other. Just read any of the books to see how much Bertie admires Jeeves, and read “Mr. Wooster Changes His Mind,” which is from Jeeves’ perspective, and you can see how he cares a lot for Bertie as well.
And like. They have their own language. Bertie is used to Jeeves materializing into rooms (this generally freaks out other people), he is now comfortable with it. Also he knows that whenever Jeeves is cold to him it’s almost always about his fashion choices, and that is a constant theme of how they interact. They have their quips about music sometimes. Jeeves always helps solve Bertie’s (and friends’) problems, and even when Bertie gets the short end of the stick, if it’s Jeeves’ plan he immediately is satisfied with the conclusion.
The biggest thing, though, is probably their brief break-up. Like. They had a disagreement and broke up, and then missed each other. There weren’t even any hard feelings, just longing tbh. And at the end they got back together, and stayed together, and were happy to see each other again. They clearly enjoy each others’ company. And Jeeves seemed to think that the other candidates for his employer did not even compare to Bertie.
Name another couple in this show who is as devoted as they are
Half of the women go for men for their status, the other half at whims
All of the men go for women on whims, and half of them find another girl when they have some sort of disagreement with the previous one
And even if they get back with a previous partner, there’s no guarantee that they will stay together
But Jooster is in for the long haul. The most consistent relationship, the most caring relationship, the most in-tune relationship, the most long-term relationship.
Oh yeah also with familial relations and all that. Aunt Agatha has been quoted to say she thinks Bertie should probably be put in some home. Like, that’s pretty rude and everything. She also tries to get him to marry all the time, she doesn’t care about him in a way that is healthy at least, only so much as he can be out of the way and out of trouble. Even Aunt Dahlia, who says he is her favorite nephew, and who takes advantage of his nature to get him to do things for her, insults him and throws things at him sometimes. His cousin Gussy, when he gets drunk, insults him in front of a crowd, going so far as to say he hates him. Claude and Eustice put him into the soup without a care for how mad Aunt Agatha will be at him.
Jeeves never insults him, or not his character at least. Yes, they have their disagreements about fashion and music. But Jeeves never insults his intelligence. He never calls him clumsy. He never underestimates him. Yes, he is his employee, but I have a feeling that it doesn’t have to do with that. Even when he was split up, like I mentioned, he came back and said the other employers weren’t up to snuff compared to Bertie.
Omg and then there’s all the women who think Bertie loves them/who want to marry Bertie. Of course, they all have delusions about him, because if they knew him at all they would know he is not in love with them. They would know that he’s too much of a pushover to say no to them. But they don’t. Which just shows further the disconnect everyone has in this show.
Ok referencing one more post because I like the point they have. It was something about how the actors keep changing for the side characters, unintentionally showing how Jeeves is really the only constant in Bertie’s life. Again showing the difference in their relationship vs his disconnected everyone else is. While I’m sure it’s not an intentional choice in that regard, it certainly is an interesting connection.
Anyway like I said at the beginning of this, you can interpret their relationship as romantic or platonic or somewhere in between, but it’s definitely the only solid one in the series.
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kitkatopinions · 3 months
I love when anti-rwde posters unintentionally say things that seem rwde lol. Here are my favorites so far:
The always good "Ironwood was always clearly an evil dictator" If this were true it would make the show worse than I already think it is, because not only did Team RWBY willingly work with him without any sort of recognition that it might be bad of them, but the writers have also talked about Ironwood's good intentions and the fall to villainy and how they wanted V7 to have no clear bad guy.
Whenever someone dismisses any early season as unimportant or something that no longer matters. Like, my guy, they're all supposed to matter and make up a good story together.
The people that say that the Blake and Yang ship is the exact same as Blake x Sun as a reason for why people who ship Blake with Sun but not Yang are wrong. Idk if they realize characters and dynamics are meant to be different and interesting.
The people who find redesigns of Yang where she's wearing clothing that's either the exact same level of 'modest' as the show or actually less sexualized and yell about how re-writers always overly sexualize Yang.
The people that defend every Jaune scene by saying he's just as much of a main character as Ruby. Like yes thank you for proving our point lol.
The people that constantly say important things just happen off screen. Things like main characters being friends, communicating important plot details to each other, showing grief at terrible deaths, unlearning racism... The more stuff people say happened off screen the more unintentionally insulting I think they're being because instead of saying "It was a mistake, they didn't have time, or they forgot" it's "they willfully didn't include it because they couldn't be bothered."
The people that say it's a good thing the entirety of Atlas was destroyed. Like personally I think the show could've done better at making Atlas and Mantle more varied but actually DID make it clear there were working class people and Faunus and good people just trying to make it that lived in Atlas and didn't deserve to lose everything. But apparently these people believe everyone in Atlas was some rich selfish asshole who deserved it and that would be very flimsy and bad writing.
The people who say that "drinking the tea" and "going to the tree" in V9 is actually just a metaphor for therapy. Like I know that Ruby essentially tried to commit suicide in V9. But I guess what they think what happened is that Neo was beating up Ruby while trying to make her get therapy, and everyone being a moment too late was them not arriving in time to stop Ruby from going to therapy, and when she fell down into the darkness that was symbolic of driving to her therapist's office, and when Yang was worried that Ruby wouldn't be herself anymore she actively was unhappy that Ruby was at therapy. Like how much worse written would V9 be if I actually believed what they did? XD
The people that insist that everything in RWBY was part of some super well thought out 'planned from the beginning' thing. Not only is that actually not a flex with a show that feels more disjointed, rushed, and ill-thought through with every season, but it's actively not what the writers say half the time when they do things like talk about how they 'wrote themselves into corners' and admit that at the beginning they were 'throwing things out and having to stick with it,' and having Blake's VA describe Blake as straight in official stuff and how they entirely reinvented Robin. Like either you think everything was not planned from the beginning or you think the writers are liars lol.
The people that actively just pretend or actually believe that the show is different than what it is, like the person who said RWBY was 'written by and for queer people' or the person who said Blake and Yang had been openly dating since V2 or the person who said Ruby was shown grieving Pyrrha way more than Jaune or the person who said that the RWBY villains were straight white men who weren't part of oppressed groups. What better way to prove that you actually don't like the show you're watching than to insist that it's a completely different show?
I'm sure there's more but those are the ones on my mind right now. XD Once again, I am certain that I have more love for RWBY than a lot of anti-rwde posters do.
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azrielbrainrot · 11 months
SFW Alphabet with Eris Vanserra
note: this was harder to do than azriel or lucien's. i'm not sure why, i spend a lot of time thinking about this little bastard.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I think he's affectionate in private but he'd also have to learn and get used to it first. He probably hasn't experienced much affection in his life so he's learning as he goes. I see his love language being gift giving especially at first but after a while he'd definitely get more clingy.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
I love him dearly but this man has no friends. He probably doesn't really know how it works so you'd have to be persistent and patient with him. Getting through his walls would be extremely hard but even after that you'd have to keep showing him you really care for him until he really lets go of that stupid mask. He's the type of friend who reads you constantly and you have to keep reminding yourself that's his love language.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I think he loves to be held. He needs it more than anything too. He'd also love to hold you but I see him being the little spoon as often. Or literally just laying facing each other. I think he's the type to constantly want you on his lap too when you're just hanging out. He's a little touch starved so he probably craves affection.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I don't think it's a priority for him but as soon as he found someone he'd want to immediately get married. (If Beron has already been turned to fried bacon at that point.) He can't cook or clean, he's had servants his whole life so he's a little spoiled.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He's kind of an asshole so I'm sorry to anyone he's ever had to break up with. I think he wouldn't actually be trying to be an asshole either, it comes to him naturally. He wouldn't insult you or anything, he'd just be kind of nonchalant about it and say something like "we knew this day would come". Would get slapped half the times. Now if he truly loves you but has to break up with you for your own safety, probably because of Beron, then he'd be extra mean. He's the type of dumbass to hurt you so you would lose feelings even though you can see through him. Would probably still get slapped depending on how far he went.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I think if Beron isn't a problem anymore Eris would want to get married fast but I'm not sure he'd even give commitment that much thought while he's worried about his father. And in the case that he really falls for you then he'd probably hide you until he knew it was safe so there would only really be a marriage after Beron is dead.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Once you get past his mask and all the attitude Eris would be really gentle with you. I don't think he's all that emotionally intelligent with how much he had to hide his emotions all his life but he would never purposely hurt you. He's probably a little awkward at first too but he'll get the hang of it fast.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
You'd hug him way more often that he hugs you. He's probably really awkward at first too. He loves them though, just might not admit it at first. He feels like the type to pat your back if it goes on too long because he doesn't really know what else to do. But as time went on he'd get into it more and start hugging you more often and leaning more into it.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It'll take him forever to say it but I think he'd try to express it in other ways. Again his family is a trainwreck so they're definitely not throwing "I love you"s around, besides maybe his mom a couple times, and he's never had a significant relationship in his life either so he'd need to get used to it. Even then, I think he would save it for special occasions.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Oh he's very jealous. The Vanserras were raised in competition with each other so he probably always feels the need to prove himself. He also wouldn't pass up the chance to fuck you long and hard to remind you who you belong to either, in front of people if he has to.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Very passionate, all consuming kisses. He's the type to put everything into the kiss and kiss with his whole body. He's also the type to always grab your neck or chin to pull you in for a kiss even if it's just a little greeting kiss, somehow can't ever keep them that chaste either even if he means to.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I don't see him being terrible with children, he's the oldest brother after all, but I can't imagine him being all that great with children in general either. He probably scares them a little. He'd be the father he never had to his own kids though.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He's probably the softest in the morning. He usually wakes up before you and just keeps watching you for a while before either waking you up or getting up quietly to go start his day. If he does wake you up it's probably with soft touches and kisses. He probably lets you cuddle to him even if he can't stay long.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
I'm going to try to keep things wholesome here. Eris loves having dinner with you and talk about his day and hear about yours, whether at a fance restaurant or at home. He likes curling up by the fireplace with you and read or just keep talking, domestic stuff. But he also loves to fuck you into the mattress. You can't tell me this man isn't the type to literally tell you boring ass stories about his job or talk to you about anything you can think of and then, when you go to the bedroom, fuck you until you can't form a coherent thought. After that it's back to being soft though. There's not a day where you don't fall asleep in each other's arms.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He'd take forever to open up. You'd have to kind of coax him into it by telling you of your own traumas first so he knew it was safe. I'm not sure he has ever talked about what he went through out loud with anyone or even let himself actually feel most of it. I think he'd start little by little but then say everything all at once, especially if you were talking for a while and he just mentioned something and then his walls crumbled and he couldn't stop the words or the tears coming out.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He has a shit temper but of course he'd be a lot more patient with you. He would also suddenly have the patience of a saint when he was teasing you in bed. Now when you're teasing him? It doesn't last 5 minutes before he's turning you around and making you taste your own medicine.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Of course he remembers everything. He's actually a romantic, no matter how poorly he shows it. He makes sure to remember every single detail. Loves surprising you with things you barely mentioned and wouldn't guess he'd get for you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Probably the first time you confessed. I imagine it being in between a fight of some sort: he realizes how close you two got and tries to push you away so starts talking shit, then you lose it and end up yelling at him, confessing in the middle of it making him fold immediately and run to kiss you. That moment would be extra important for him, obviously because it was the start of your relationship but also because you not only looked beautiful yelling at him and not taking any of his shit but also because it would be the first time he actually felt loved unconditionally. Every time you tell him you love him is special to him honestly. He really needs to hear it.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Way too protective. You probably have fights about it from time to time. If you were together while Beron was still alive then he'd make sure no one even knew you existed. And after he's high lord, you'd be lady of autumn so he'd probably try making you have personal guards with you. You'd yell at him and tell him to get it together and he'd end up just doubling the guards everywhere you were.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He'd always try his best for you. He'd pay for a restaurant to close for the night so you could have a private dinner at the best places in the city. He probably takes you to little getaways around the court every once in a while too - he definitely has secret cabins in the middle of nowhere so you can have your privacy. If you mention wanting to see a play he might hire the theater to perform it just for the two of you. He would give you the most expensive and beautiful gifts too. I think he'd like kind of matching clothes so he'd buy a new jacket and then have a tailor make a similar looking dress so you could wear them together and stuff like that. I think he'd give you the "celebrity" treatment really. But I also see him loving private time with you at home so candlelit dinners, your favorite flowers and making love by the fireplace are also a regular occurrence.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Again, he's kind of an asshole. Obviously he wouldn't try to hurt your feelings on purpose ever but he'd still do it anyway. He has the worst temper too so if he's annoyed with something he might let it out on you without meaning to. Don't worry, he'd definitely more than make up for it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He's the (future) high lord, of course he's concerned. And it's not just that he's concerned but he always had access to the best of the best so of course he's used to it.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yeah. I don't know if Eris has ever felt whole.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He probably kept one of his plushies from when he was a kid and has it hidden so he can hug it when he needs to feel something.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He's probably really sensitive to bad or abusive parents because of the way he grew up. Money or power hungry people too, the type that would stop at nothing to get what they want. So Beron really.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
I think he's the type of person that doesn't move around much during his sleep. Probably doesn't even snore or make much noise. He wakes up very easily though so every time you move a little more in your sleep he'll notice and pull you back to him.
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sea-owl · 9 months
Could I get some more yandere Bridgerton hc? I would like some where the bridgertons are for some reason forced into the past so they try and speed up their romance but the spouses are from the "villains spouses" books (not reincarnated) from you isekai Portia au. But they are the og villains without Portia reincarnating to help them.
So, like from the Isekai Portia AU, except instead of where everyone is reincarnated into a new life from different worlds, the Bridgertons from the novels where the spouses were second love interests were reincarnated into the OG villainous spouses world yanderism and all? I think I can work with something like that. Hold up let me go digging for the backstories.
To start it would turn into a shit show so fast. The Bridgertons are determined to have their spouses this time around by ANY means necessary. Meanwhile the spouses don't have the moral compass an isekaied Portia gave them in all the other variants nor do they have a sense of a family, all of them have been beaten down in some form or another and caused them to snap. It would be a constant struggle for dominance from each side.
I think the Bridgertons would wake up their memories around the time villain Simon would come to seduce and destroy Daphne to get revenge on Anthony. Penelope and Felicity would have already befriended the Bridgertons by this point for their cover as they plan to destroy society from inside out. I think for the sake of simplicity too the Sharmas would already be in London too. Meanwhile the rest of the Bridgerton brood are out running around looking for their own loves.
Daphne turns the tables on Simon during the seduction game real quick. Simon was expecting some shy and naive debutant but Daphne caught one whiff of seduction and said ooo, my favorite game. Simon may have been the one to start this but Daphne is bold about it. One time in public at a muscial Daphne ran her hand up Simon's thigh and stopped very close that would not be appropriate especially in public. Anthony being way more friendly is also throwing Simon off.
Anthony is also throwing Kate off, and distracting her. Her plan to burn her family to the ground isn't working because that stupid viscount won't leave her alone! And Kate is mean to him! She'll throw every insult she can think of and it's like he gets off on it! He also has no sense of personal space! It's like he's trying to get them caught with how often he has her cornered against some surface.
Sophie might just end up stabbing Benedict. He managed to come across her during one of her heists and sadly for her interrupted her. Benedict thinks he saved her and took her back to My Cottage so she could rest. Sophie looked all over that property and there wasn't anything worth stealing. Him dragging her everywhere isn't helping her plan her next heist either. Sophie would steal the clothes off his back just to be petty but she has a feeling he would like that.
Penelope might also end up stabbing Colin. She liked it better when he DIDN'T acknowledge her existence and follow her everywhere. Stupid stalker. She's got a gossip empire to run and a ton to set on fire! Isn't he supposed to be traveling too? He needs to jump on a boat and leave her alone! Penelope is getting sick of constantly changing hacks to throw him off her trail or having Felicity pretend to be her so he'll follow her while Penelope runs to the print shop.
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occasionallyprosie · 1 month
A Thousand Ways
Chapter 14: "Passing Through"
Linkle and Warriors would 100% rp royalty as kids and Legend and Hyrule are theatre kids... also, the ballad didn't work.
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"So, is she staying with us?" Wild asked after they took out the monster camp with Linkle's help. Her mere presence had set Warriors off and the two were constantly bantering, more than any of the others ever did with each other and that was saying something.
At first, some of them were concerned, then they collectively realized that Warriors was more relaxed than they almost had ever seen him. It really showed when the fight began, and Linkle and Wars basically handled the entire thing. They fought together incredibly well, Linkle using crossbows and Piyoko--Legend was surprised at how attached Piyoko was to Linkle, she adored the heroine who loved her in return--as weapons, Piyoko definitely had the time of her life, while Warriors used his sword and shield to control the entire camp with ease... with the exception of the couple black bloods that Legend and Hyrule, and Time and Wind handled 
Honestly, Legend saw half their group just hanging back and he joined them in time to see both siblings gang up on a giant, and bring it down in record time.
Both were grinning at the end of it all, high-fiving and throwing insults at the other's form and battle choices.
"If she wants to," Warriors said in response to Wild's question. He shrugged. "I can't stop her if she does."
Linkle scooped up Piyoko into her arms. "I'd love to, goddesses know I miss this kind of thing, but I have to pass." She turned to Warriors. "One of us needs to stay back home, and tell Ma about that pretty little lie of yours."
"I told you--"
"Yeah yeah." Linkle waved him off. "Whatever. I'll tell her that it's a new development and her baby boy didn't lie to her face."
"I am literally a grown adult--With children!"
"Kids you adopted during the war so they wouldn't be sent to an orphanage don’t count."
"Hey!" Wind exclaimed.
"Rude," Time grunted.
Warriors gestured at them. "Does it look like we care? Why does Mom trust you more than me when my kids are actual children and not animals?" 
"Because I have more than you, and they're better trained. Mask dyed Impa's hair green!"
Legend glanced at Hyrule, leaning over to whisper to him and Wild.
"Bets that Mask is the Old Man?"
"No way," Wild hissed back. "It's totally the sailor."
"Ma would side with me that actual kids are far harder to take care of than a flock of cuccos!" Warriors argued.
Linkle scowled. "You know what? Fine! I'll adopt two of my own!"
"Wha--You’re going to--"
Legend and Hyrule both broke when Linkle raised an eyebrow at them.
"Us?" Hyrule pointed at them.
Linkle nodded. "I like you two, besides, I bet you'd beat Mask and Tune."
"No way!" Wind piped up. "We'd kick their ass! Besides, you can't take the Vet, he's my baby brother."
Time snorted. "Wow, Sailor. I'm wounded."
"You’re my little brother, there's a difference," Wind huffed, "Apple's my baby brother and Aryll's my baby sister."
Legend staggered a bit as Hyrule hugged him and declared, "My little brother now!"
"Daaad!" Wind whined, pouting at Warriors.
Legend couldn't help but laugh. Warriors sighed and tried to barter with Linkle, who stood her ground about adopting him and Hyrule.
Wild leaned over. "Would you let her?"
Legend looked at Hyrule, they shrugged.
"Sure," Hyrule agreed.
"Only when we're in this era though," Legend added, thinking of Dusk. "I don’t want to deal with... having to explain that to anyone. If she really wants, then fine, but only legally binding here... I'll let her claim it whenever, if only so we can fight the Sailor and Old Man."
"Yeah," Hyrule smirked, arm still slung over his shoulders. "We'd totally win."
Linkle gestured at them while Warriors groaned.
"Ha! I win! Next time you guys show up here, I'll have the paperwork ready," she swore. "Okay?"
"I can't believe you three." Warriors threw his hands up, turning away.
"Okay," Hyrule told Linkle. "Are you our mom now? Or...?"
"Sure. Next time, I'll introduce you to my Ma as her better grandchildren."
"Rude! Link, why didn't you ever introduce us to your Mom?!" Wind demanded.
"I-I--" Warriors floundered.
Legend could honestly tell that Linkle had only actually offered to mess with Warriors, and if agreeing messed with the Captain and the Sailor? Well, he was all for that.
What kind of 'baby brother' would he be if he didn't take whatever opportunity he was presented with to mess with his apparent siblings?
The portal came during the walk back to town, which was less filled with Warriors and Linkle arguing, and more filled with Linkle questioning him and Hyrule about their lives 'as a good mother would.'
"Well!" Warriors said loudly, interrupting Hyrule and Legend explaining their era and how it was different from his era to Linkle. "As fun as it has been to see you again, my dear sister, we simply must be going now."
Legend snorted, he heard Wild and Four sharing giggles too. Twilight and Sky had taken up the rear of the group, and both seemed especially amused.
Linkle pouted. She wrapped her arms around Legend and Hyrule. "Oh must you, Captain?" She replied, losing every ounce of her country accent in replacement of a posh, castle town accent. "Oh Captain please, my sons are only children, you need not take them away to fight battles for a higher power. Please spare them. Look! They are no soldiers, nor squires training to be such, doest thou not see their fear at facing warfare?"
Oh she is amazing, Piyoko clucked, Link, your new mom is amazing and I love her.
Warriors' face hardened, but the mirth was clear and it was a conscious decision to help bolster Linkle's argument by pulling on every part of his self control and acting ability to play the part of a scared kid. Hyrule's shoulders stopped shaking from holding in laughter and a glance showed that his successor was an excellent actor too.
"The Queen's commands are clear, these boys are to march to battle and face against the dark horrors of time," Warriors declared.
"You monster!" Linkle cried dramatically, playing up her part of a scared mother despite not looking even barely old enough to be their mother. "Child stealer!"
"Okay, okay!" Twilight intervened, choking on laughter. "Even if this is entertainin', we really do needa go. So say bye t' yer Ma, Vet, Traveler, and let's go."
On one hand, he could just cut the act, on the other... Legend looked at Linkle, and he was definitely pouting and using everything he knew to appear scared. "Ma, I don’t want to go."
Hyrule couldn't hold it in anymore and he broke, grabbing his stomach and wheezing in his laughter. Warriors gaped at him, as if surprised he was a decent actor, while Linkle immediately hugged him.
"I know, I know," she held firm to her own act, "but you must." She pulled away and held his face, he grabbed her hands and could see how she was starting to struggle to keep character too. He really wanted to break. "Be strong, and filled with courage. You will find your way back home, I know it."
A beat passed before they both broke, and the entire area was filled with various forms of laughter, loud and boisterous, high and wheezy, contained and quiet, someone's sounded like a fairy's even and another's was carried by the wind itself it felt like.
Legend wiped a tear from his eye. For a moment, it felt like everything was actually okay. For a moment, he was just joking around with friends, pulling stupid jokes and teasing each other.
The next, he felt Piyoko brush his leg, and the reminder of why she was with him hit him. With that, came the reminder of everything that had happened in the last few months. He managed to not let his renewed realization show to strongly, the laughter slowly fizzled out and he lent down to pick up Piyoko.
Link? She sounded concerned. He'd seen her fight with Linkle, but also needed Linkle's aid at every moment. All Piyoko could truly do was distract, and blind if she was lucky. Unlike heroes who accidentally harm cuccoos, monsters had no qualms with smacking them from the sky and he had seen so many close calls in just one fight alone. Linkle was used to accounting for them and ensuring their safety, Legend wasn't and he didn't want to risk her safety to learn.
"Linkle?" Legend looked at the older woman, she was Warriors' twin, wasn't she? 
"Would you be willing to keep Piyoko?"
He heard several people freeze and inhale sharply. He wasn't sure exactly why.
Linkle frowned, crossing her arms. "Why?"
Warriors spoke up, instructing the others to go ahead and file through, to make sure they had their supplies and everything.
Link? Piyoko sounded hurt, though also concerned.
"I... She's a good fighter," Legend said, looking down at her in his arms. "One of my oldest companions, but... I don’t know how to fight with her, and I can't risk her in order to learn. More than that... You've mentioned you have a whole flock of your own, she's friendly and can assimilate, and... and Piyoko, we both know you prefer life on the farm rather than on the road. You also have said you love Linkle, if you’re both okay with it, I think this would be the best option for you."
Piyoko stared up at him, completely silent. He could almost feel her hurt, but the way she wasn't immediately pecking him and telling him he was an idiot--like she had when he suggested she stay with one of the farmers in Kakariko with the other cuccoos--meant he was right and she actually was considering it.
A part of him wanted to take his words back, to keep Piyoko with him. She'd been there in Holodrum, had always been someone he could trust. Din, he'd called her his emotional support animal for all the times he'd vent and she'd offer insight. But he also knew that no matter how much he wanted to cling to before--before his grandparents, before that cell, those days where he could feel his body wasting in that cave--and how Piyoko was a reminder of that, of days between adventures at his grandparents farm, of the lightness in Holodrum, of safety and warmth and peace... she was still a farm animal, and he wouldn't choose his own mental security over her physical safety. Not in a million years. Not ever.
If she's okay with it, Piyoko conceded, almost surprisingly so.
Linkle held her arm out and Piyoko jumped to her, wings flapping to aid the transfer.
"I'll take good care of her, visit when you can," while he can, Linkle gave him a pointed look.
He nodded. "Of course... Later, Piyoko."
...bye Link. Be safe.
"When am I not?"
Warriors and Twilight were the only ones waiting left, as per usual, the local Link would be the last to enter the portal. Legend left with Twilight, and everyone waited a few minutes longer before Warriors came through and it shut behind them.
During his watch, Legend watched the sun rise against all odds, and sure, astronomers of his era had determined the world to be a sphere and to revolve around the sun, but did he particularly care for that detail? No. The sun rose, that's why they called it a sunrise.
There were a million things he could think about.
Raven, how his ancestor not only was the grandson of the Fallen Hero, but how the people seemed to regard the Fallen Hero and in turn how they treated Raven... and what he did in spite of it. Additionally, just the fact that he'd never see Raven again... again. That's the second time he's lost the one man he's considered a parental figure, his uncle had been great but he... there was something there, he was always his uncle, never quite a father figure.
The fact he can't seem to die. That cell, he didn't look over to see the blood but he knew that no person should've survived what he did, and he didn't know how. But maybe Dusk had some special method of saving his life. Then the cave... the island and storms... he had been sick, so sick he couldn't move and didn't eat for days, he knew now he shouldn't have survived that--learning how long they'd been in the Sailor's era and the Traveler's era right afterwards--and yet, he did. He didn't know what Marley and Raven did either, but they didn't have access to things that would've done anything special.
He knew he should've died in that cell, he was certain of that fact, but that portal had come at the perfect time... More than that, the portal had come to that cave and had to of dropped Legend right on Raven in order for him to have survived that too.
He knew the goddesses wasn't done with him, this was just further proof of that.
Or... he glanced at the back of his left hand. Maybe my ancestry plays a larger part in that survival.
Three people here were his ancestors. 
Sky was the easiest to place and yet the hardest to come to terms with. Sky was from before the timeline got chaotic, the line from him to Legend was straight and simple. He was the easiest to understand and yet... how was he, Legend, a descendant of the goddess, and by extension, royalty?
Time was probably the easiest to come to terms with, his was a bit weird with the timeline and parallel worlds, but it was comprehensible. Time was the Fallen Hero, Legend had figured that out, Twilight's Hero of Time was from the exact same time as the Fallen Hero, the history books claimed him to have done the same things as the Fallen Hero... only he succeeded in the end. It was weird, but Legend could understand it. He knew Raven was his ancestor, and he now knew Raven's grandfather was the Fallen Hero. So sure, Time wasn't his ancestor, but in a weird parallel timeline way, he was. That was simple.
What wasn't simple was Twilight, what wasn't easy to come to terms with was Twilight. Because if they were related, it was confusing.
Legend knew exactly four things about his father: one, he was younger than his uncle, two, he looked almost nothing like his uncle aside from the bare minimum sibling similarities, three, his name had been Link and Legend was named after him, and four, he died around the same time Legend had been born.
Now, that paired with the fact that his uncle Alphon was his uncle, would lead one to assume that Twilight--well his parallel self in Legend's timeline--was his father. Easy, simple, timeline shenanigans makes it confusing but only a little more than Time.
Except that Legend has met Dusk and her two children, the children that are the parallels to him and Fable. He knows who their father is, and the problem is that their father is Alphon and Legend knows his father isn't Uncle Alphon.
That's the confusing part. Legend genuinely doesn't know how to place Twilight, his best conclusion is that Dusk and Twilight had some other variable that kept them from falling in love or at least having two kids that Legend's parents didn't. And knowing that Fable's counterpart was born... roughly two years after Twilight's adventure, meant that variable was probably related to his adventure.
But, how did Dusk's daughter look so identical to Fable if she had a different father, who bared little resemblance to Twilight? 
"Honestly, couldn't some part of my life been simple?" He muttered. He wished Piyoko was here--she's safer with Linkle.
"Did you say something?" Wild looked up from the breakfast he was working on.
"No, just thinking. Need a hand with that?"
The moment Legend opened his eyes, he knew things were wrong.
He shot up and almost expected to see lapping waves and hear cawing seagulls, only to see a familiar forest.
"What the..." he breathed, pushing himself to stand as he looked around. He dug out his ocarina and tried to play the Ballad of the Wind Fish.
The song reverberated in the forest—which it shouldn't have, the notes should've just expanded further—and thrummed all around him.
Nothing changed though. He almost began again when he heard a bush rustle.
He moved quickly, drawing his sword only to see a man rush through the small clearing to kneel by a tree. He put something inside it before quickly shoving his cloak into some sling at his chest.
“Excuse me?” Legend called, wary. He reached for the man’s shoulder.
Yelling caught his attention, familiar yelling. He tensed as he shifted his stance, the man shot up quickly.
“This way!”
“Find him!”
A squad of knights burst from the same direction the man had come from. The man moved past Legend in a way that should have bumped his shoulder, but he just went through him.
The realization near smacked him in the face.
This was a vision, he had some of those when he was younger but ever since Koholint he couldn’t differentiate them from dreams. He was seeing some scene, past, present, or future, and he couldn’t intervene. So he observed.
The cloak had been hiding a forest green tunic lined in golds, a golden crown, though Legend couldn't quite see his face from his angle.
“Stand down,” the leading knight commanded, and Legend froze when he saw that familiar glaze in the equally familiar knight’s eyes. “We only wish to kill the boy.”
“Over my dead body,” the man snarled, Legend felt a flash of familiarity at the voice.
“So be it.”
He swallowed thickly. What being had dragged him into some hell where his main torturer, visibly decades younger, was facing a younger and more composed Twilight?
Time grabbed Twilight’s arm and pulled him back. “We’re only observers, Pup.”
“He can’t see us,” Twilight croaked.
Hyrule was waving a hand in front of Legend’s face, but their scholar didn't even notice. Time didn't know how exactly, but they were all sharing some kind of vision, except Legend was separate from them. He blamed the goddesses.
“There’s a baby here!” Wind exclaimed from where he and Four had investigated the tree the nobleman had been knelt by.
Wild suddenly yelped loudly, grabbing Twilight’s arm as he jumped back.
Time turned to look at what startled the Cub, and only due to his earned dark vision, could he see the nobleman's face. The darkness of the snowstorm overhead didn't help, but his face was very clear.
Though it lacked tattoos and scars, it was undoubtedly their rancher, or someone closely related to him. His jaw the same shape, his nose and eyes, the way Time could almost feel a connection to him...
Time tightened his grip on his pup as he felt him go rigid beside him. The man in front of them wasn’t much of a man, maybe Sky’s age, younger than Twilight at least.
“What in Hylia’s…” Sky breathed.
The lookalike cut down two of the knights before an arrow lodged into his bicep. He didn’t cry out and only barely switched his sword to his other hand to block another blade. Time didn’t know what they were meant to be seeing; between the alleged baby in the tree behind them, the young man fighting to save both their lives, and Legend’s exclusion from them.
Time felt his blood go cold as a blade sank through the bundle on the young man’s chest, and then through his chest too. He could see the sword protruding from the man's back.
“NO!” Wild screamed.
Twilight lunged to catch him and pull him back, Time pulled both back as he listened to Twilight promise Wild that it wasn’t him. Wind cried out too, and Warriors was quick to pull him and Hyrule to him as they watched the young man snarl, baring slight fangs. The young man swung his sword desperately, and it knocked the knight’s helmet off, but did little other damage.
“Agahnim will fail,” he swore, “you’ll fail.”
The knight laughed; Sky suddenly made a horrified noise upon seeing the knight’s face.
“With that brat dead, he will prevail,” the knight sneered. “With you out of the way, that wife of yours will be easy pickings, king.”
The knight shoved the noble off his sword, the man fell back and into the snow. 
In a reminder that Legend was completely separate from them, the veteran shot forward, dropping to his knees beside the nobleman.
“No, no, no—” Legend said as the knights all laughed. They boasted to one another, cheered how Agahnim would be pleased, and left the nobleman to die. “Don’t tell me—”
“No--Kit, it’s not him, it's not the Rancher,“ Sky tried as the young nobleman struggled to breathe, blood slipping from his mouth.
Time hated to see it, that was his pup—in look, at least—who was dying on the forest floor. It was that inn all over again.
A ripple of violet wrapped around their scholar for a moment, and just in time, Legend’s hand landed on the young man’s chest.
“He touched him!” Four gasped, voicing what Time knew they all were thinking. This was a vision, a dream, how could Legend interact with it like that?
“Who…” the man murmured, frowning and his brows knitting together in a way that Time could only see Twilight, could only see his descendent laying there.
“Wait—I have a fairy,” Legend shoved his hand into his pouch. “It’s going to be alright—You’ll be fine, you’ll get out of this—”
“Yer him,” the man slurred, and Great Forests, he even sounded like Twilight. “I… I got’ta see… ya grown up…”
Time held his pup a bit tighter as they all stared at the scene.
Legend made a strangled noise. “No, no, no—Where is that damn fairy?!” He suddenly froze as the man raised a bloodied hand to his cheek. “W-What--”
“If yer here…” the young man said, “s’means… yer not changin’ it… are ya?”
Time did not know their acclaimed Veteran Hero to be fragile, yet in that moment he looked like breaking glass.
“I can’t, can I?” He responded, voice breaking. He didn't sound his years either. “I’m sorry—I’ll fix it though! I—Agahnim doesn’t win! I stopped him, and-and I—I saved Zel—She’s—She’s okay too. You—You’re okay—You don’t have to worry.”
It hit him: Legend wasn’t seeing Twilight.
“I know… ya got the look of a hero… jus’ like y’r ancestors.” The young man smiled just as his hand slipped down from Legend’s face, leaving a line of blood down it. “I’m… ‘m proud.”
Legend caught his hand but otherwise didn’t move, his mouth moved as if to speak but no sound emerged.
“What the hell?” Warriors breathed.
“Is he okay?” Wind whispered, daring to try and touch Legend again while the veteran just stared at the dead man in front of him.
“I don’t—” Twilight choked out, “he’s not okay—Ordona, please.”
Wind’s hand went through Legend again.
A call caught their attention. Legend’s head jerked to the side toward the wider forest. He scrambled to his feet as that purple wisp wrapped around him again and the call grew clearer.
“Link!” All their heads turned toward the older woman. She was followed by an older man carrying a lantern, just outside the area. “Link! Baby, we came! Where are…”
“Leanne,” the man grabbed her arm, staring in their direction. “Is that…”
She pushed branches aside and entered the area, Twilight made a strangled noise while Legend, who saw them too, let out a pained cry as he dropped back to his knees.
The woman rushed to the body on the ground, her hand brushing through Legend’s shoulder and half of Sky’s body as he failed to get out of the way quick enough. 
She let out a horrid scream, one worse than any redead Time had ever heard, a cry of pain deeper than any injury, than any sword wound.
“LINK! NO! GODDESSES NO! NOT MY BABY!” She screamed, falling to the ground beside the dead man.
She screamed and sobbed and begged the goddesses not to take her child, her husband kneeling beside her and placing his hand on his son’s leg, eyes slipping shut.
Time couldn’t move, her cries froze him to his place, and it seemed all of them had the same reaction, except for their veteran.
Legend, with visible tears streaming down his cheeks, rushed over to the grieving couple and dropped beside the woman.
“Gran—Gran, please stop crying,” Legend begged, and Time felt the pieces click into place. At that same moment, Twilight fell to the ground just beside Time. Wild made a worried noise as he dropped beside the Rancher. “Gran, please, it’s okay, I’m so sorry—Look! Gran, look at him, he’s smiling. Gran please, don’t cry. I’ll fix it, I will.”
He sounded like a child, he sounded like Time when he had begged Navi not to leave, he sounded desperate and broken and like he just wanted to fix the one thing he had left.
“We shouldn’t be seeing this,” Four said, stepping back. “We’re not supposed to be seeing this.”
The woman faltered, her hand lowered to the man’s face and brushed his cheek, tugging the smile that had remained when his spirit moved on.
“My baby,” she sobbed, her cries quieting. “My baby boy.”
Another kind of cry caught all their attention, in the hollow of a tree came the sound of a crying infant.
“Oh,” Legend breathed. “That’s how…” He let out a pained laugh for seemingly no reason.
The old couple both went to the tree, and the woman cooed, it was strained and a bit painful, as she scooped an infant wrapped in royal blue from the hollow.
Time stumbled as the world suddenly jerked beneath their feet.
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
A lot of shows and stuff try to convince me that insert group are a family.
When really they aren't.
And it's something Bungo stray dogs has managed to accomplish.
The Detective Agency feels like a family.
Everyone but Noami and Junichiro were against saving Atsushi until Fukuzawa ordered them too.
Saying Atsushi is one of them, he is family and that's all the reasoning they need to save him.
And I thought that's were this ends, they'll remain as coworkers.
But they don't.
Kunikida and Atsushi choose against going with everyone on the murder Mori express and it doesn't cause an argument.
Doesn't cause any divide between them.
Ranpo, the one arguably taking this whole thing the worst, is reaffirming Kunikida's ideals and that he's the best of them.
He extends an olive branch to Atsushi so he can contribute in a meaningful way and not feel like a burden.
Even against the entire Port Mafia, with the stakes this high, the Agency sticks together.
Kunikida and Dazai are constantly at each other's throats, and yet they care about each other so much.
To the point Kunikida doesn't know what he'll do without him. That without Dazai I can't even face the Port Mafia, nevermind this threat.
And the first thing Dazai says to Sigma upon his release is that he missed having Kunikida around.
Kyouka wasn't even an official member, the city was going to be destroyed and Dazai spent the time telling her that people can change.
So that she'd pass her entrance exam and could survive.
In the Manga after Fukuzawa agrees to take Kyouka in, the police Detective comes in for a job and wonders if Kyouka is the killer they're after.
Atsushi makes up a story and when that doesn't do it, Fukuzawa straight up says she's his grand-daughter.
All this seconds after she becomes one of them.
Junichiro in his first mission with Atsushi, gets injured and tries to get him to leave them behind.
To save himself.
Kenji enters his rage state after Tecchou tells him that Atsushi is going to be tortured.
Fukuzawa literally breaks his own vow to work alone, every single time he recruits someone.
They are a family.
And it's not just them.
Kouyou was genuinely worried about Kyouka leaving the Port Mafia because she knows how it ended when she tried to leave.
She doesn't want the same fate for her.
Higuichi and the black lizards essentially defy orders to go rescue Akutugawa.
Because they care that much for him.
The scene of Kouyou, Chuuya and Mori drinking one of Chuuya's expensive treasured wines after saving the city really hits that home for me.
And that's without touching on Chuuya and Dazai's relationship, both in and out of the Port Mafia.
There's a lot of jibes, a lot of insults and a lot of care and trust.
And with family being such a theme, it makes me wonder if the two organisations that fell apart, were in part because they weren't a family.
The Guild and the Hunting Dogs.
Both organisations where everyone was essentially coworkers.
Lucy was dropped the minute she wasn't seen as useful anymore, becoming a traitor when she bonded with Atsushi.
Poe didn't care for the Guild, he just wanted to meet Ranpo.
Fitzgerald had a family he wanted to save (funny how he's the strongest member) and saw anyone else as pawns.
Nathaniel... Is fucking crazy but went off the deep end because he truly cared for Margaret and couldn't exist in an organisation he believes used her.
Leaving behind Fitzgerald and Louisa, who's bond becomes a lot more than simply a boss and his subordinate.
They genuinely care for each other and it's their teamwork that allows Fitzgerald to possess the eyes of God surveillance company.
As for the Hunting Dogs, Fukuchi wanted a team of soilders and realised too late they were more than that.
Tecchou throws aside justice to find Jouno.
Jouno found what it felt to care and help others and that fundamentally changed him.
Tachihara cares for them but he found his family and his place in Port Mafia.
He was able to go of his revenge for his brother, because he had already gained what he lost. He didn't need to keep hurting and hunting anymore.
One by one they all turn on Fukuchi, a man who believes in sacrificing 500 people to potentially save thousands.
He sees them as simply pawns, a means to an end and they turn their backs on him.
Breaking the hunting dogs and his rouse apart.
The irony being Fitzgerald was doing all of this for his wife and Fukuchi was doing it all for Fukuzawa.
... Idk if any of this makes sense but yeah 😅
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alifeasvivid · 2 months
Hi!! So, a big hc with me is that Arthur is amazing at sword fighting and close range fighting, hand-to-hand combat and all that shiz; Alfred, on the other hand, is an absolute ace with target practice. Like, give him a knife, pew pew, or even an arrow, he'll be sure to shoot the target first try in the worst circumstances imaginable. What I'm saying, is imagine the one guy you think will throw hands with you constantly avoids fighting directly, but the scrappy prick who called you the missing link in an e.coli laced sausage line immediately jumps you and continues to pummel you.
Bruh. I LOVE your asks because they always make me think about things in a different way.
I have generally considered Arthur to be better with long range attacks, i.e. bow/arrow, crossbow, gun, etc. and that he's an exceptionally excellent shot. And I have thought this precisely because he is not as... shall we say "physically imposing" as someone like Alfred or Ivan. He would want to be sneaky and avoid having to directly engage with, and possibly be overpowered by, any opponents.
However, you have made me realize that I have completely underestimated his tenacity and general scrappiness and for that I must thank you.
Also, OF COURSE he's great with a sword of any type. Duh! How could I be so silly as to overlook that?
In hand to hand combat, I can 100% see him as a bulldog--the type to grab on and not let go, again precisely because he's not as physically strong. He knows if he lets his opponent up, if they're still conscious, if they're still breathing, they can potentially get the upperhand, so he often doesn't stop until someone pulls him off his opponent. And it's not rage--it's pure survival instinct, he's not emotional about this. This slots into my headcanon that England is very, very willing to play and fight dirty and is not coy about this aspect of himself.
I will say, for America, that he's better with modern technology over something like a bow and arrow (I'll let England keep his superior place there). He's especially great at trick shooting or even knife throwing and I love to imagine him as part of a traveling show in the old west or smth.
There's that post somewhere about a mom finding out that when her kids were unsupervised (in the 1980's or smth), they would just go out in the woods and practice knife throwing/catching with each other and that's America and Canada tbh.
Also, I do think America, as opposed to England, would be very hesitant to throw hands, because obviously (perhaps even in human au's) he really can just body anyone with almost no effort and possibly inadvertently kill them when he'd really rather not (if only because he'd look like the biggest asshole ever for using that strength against someone who was obviously no match for him). I think he works hard to control his strength, but I don't think he would trust himself in the heat of a fight.
"missing link in an e.coli laced sausage line" is an absolute banger of an insult. 10/10 no notes. (banger. ha! pun. XD)
Thank you for the ask, old friend ^-^
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gayf1hoe · 1 month
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Part 11
“Y/N I have something to tell you” he says, his left eye clearly twitching a little. 
“Sure what is it?” I question. 
“Well it's just over the past two weeks I have really enjoyed getting to know you and I think I have developed strong feelings for you” 
I'm taken aback by his declaration, it's not that I don't feel the same way, it's the fact I don't know how I feel. I'm just starting to free myself from the stress and constraints of dating Max. I don't think I'm ready to even think about dating another driver. Plus Ollie would go mad if I started dating his friend, it would ruin his and Kimi's friendship as Ollie feels a sense of duty to protect me from everyone I have ever dated. 
“Kimi I have feelings for you too but I'm only getting over Max and I don't want to rush into anything prematurely” 
“It's fine, I understand it will take time,” he says. 
I'm kind of shocked as to how well he has taken the rejection, well it's not really a rejection it's more of a “keep that thought for later on”. I pull out my phone and put on a Netflix show and we sit by the lake engrossed on the screen. With the sounds of the occasional bird and grasshopper chirping echoing around the lake. As it's not that far from the motorhomes I can still hear some of the drivers and then I hear an obnoxiously loud females laugh and I'm not one to be egotistical but I know every driver's girlfriend's laugh but this is one I don't recognise until I look up and see Kelly and Max engaged in a water fight around 15 feet from me and Kimi abruptly disrupting the tranquillity. 
“Let's go back” I suggest. 
“No,” Kimi says, grabbing my arm as I stand about to get up. 
“He's trying to make you jealous and antagonise you. He has all that space behind his own motorhome but decides to do that infront of you it's just a ploy to upset you, don't let him get to you” 
I sigh, easing up and sitting back down before turning up the volume on my phone in an attempt to drown out the obnoxiously loud laughter from behind us that is ringing in my ears. It's at times like these I wish Ollie was here and not Kimi because by now he would have gone up to Max and insulted him a few times and we would have left, not having to endure the pain of hearing them two kissing passionately. When we broke up and Ollie found out he sent a text to Max saying:
“Stay away from my friend you Sid the sloth looking dick”
Needless to say Max didn't reply and Ollie didn't need to do that but for some reason he feels it's his duty to protect me despite me being older than him. He's like a parent away from home. Constantly checking up on me and trying to shield me from the real world despite me being a fully grown and independent adult, although many would disagree with the second point. 
After a while the sun has really set and the breeze is starting to pick up so I suggest heading back. On our way back the ground beneath us still soaking from Max and Kelly throwing water at each other, providing yet another reminder of their presence outside my head as well as inside it. 
As we approach my door I see a letter on the floor and pick it up before Kimi notices, my delusional brain thinking it would be a love letter or something from Max, him apologising and saying he made a mistake but then I remember there are 2 things on earth Max Emilian Verstappen has never done and that'd apologise and admit he was the one in the wrong. 
As I pull the paper out of the envelope I see the VCARB logo and see that it's just my copy of the contract for next year. I kind of forgot I told Laurent to drop it by today. 
“What's that?” Kimi questions. 
“It's my VCARB contract for next year” I say, shoving the paper back in the envelope, it only has the typical Red Bull family performance clauses like “you must finish the year no more than 5 places less than your teammate” and how many points I should be scoring over the course of the weekend. 
“Do you want to go out tomorrow? He proposes. 
“Sure, where do you want to go?” I ask.
“Well I actually saw a flyer today for skydiving” 
“Absolutely not,” I shout. 
“Come on, it will be fun,” he pleads. 
“There is nothing fun or appealing about jumping from a plane by yourself”
“You aren't by yourself you will be strapped to an instructor” 
“Male instructors?” I have a question. 
“If you want” 
“Say less I'm in” 
The next day I am stood in a plane thousands of feet up in the air and now I'm really starting to regret saying yes to this. It's not that I'm afraid of heights. I think it's very reasonable to be scared of jumping out of a plane and having your life depend on a sheet of fabric to stop you from plumbing to earth and dying. The instructor said that nothing ever goes wrong but the videos I watched on YouTube last night and this morning say otherwise. 
Kimi of course goes first because this was his idea so if anyone should get hurt it should be him. After this goes well it's my turn. It takes me 5 minutes just to crawl to the open door and when I look down I can just feel my stomach sink. We swing our legs over the side of the aircraft and move to sit on the edge of the floor, the instructor counts us down and as he says “1” I tense up my muscles and close my eyes. It seems like an eternity of weightless drifting through the sky before the ground comes into clear view and I've never been so happy to see a patch of dead grass. 
When we land I take a moment to just lay on the ground and become more appreciative of it. Kimi however asks me if I want to go again. 
“I would rather sign a contract with Alpine than jump out of a plane again” 
We take off all the gear and walk back to the car, well I attempt to walk as my legs feel like jelly and I can't walk in a straight line.
“So what do you want to do now?” Kimi says, fastening his seatbelt.
“I want to sit down for at least a few hours” 
“It wasn't that bad, you're overreacting” 
“Did we not do the same thing because last time I checked we jumped out of a plane thousands of feet up in the air.” 
Ollie texts both of us asking if we can go out and do something together so we agree to meet up and go to a karting track although my legs still don't feel very strong so I don't have high hopes. 
Ollie Is waiting for us when we get there and he looks pissed because we are late but the traffic is not our fault. 
“I don't want to know why you two are so late” Ollie says in a suggestive tone indicative of something other than the real reason. 
“Calm your tits Ollie there was traffic, if this wasn't last minute we would have been here on time”
“It's fine we have got the track for an hour anyway” 
We choose our karts and get changed into our race suits and helmets and head to the start line. We chose our  starting position by doing rock paper scissors and obviously I won with Kimi being P2 and Ollie P3. Ollie of course wasn't very happy but I said it will be a very realistic race for him not starting on pole. 
Immediately as we get underway I am spun by Ollie who does a dive bomb into the first turn so when I catch up to him I return the favour and push him wide but our fighting allows Kimi to capitalise and take the lead but I let him have a false sense of security until the last lap. As I pass him I maintain eye contact with him and watch his face change when he realises he hasn't won. 
“That's not fair, I want to go again. He distracted me by looking into my eyes with his amazing eyes,” Kimi complains. 
“Mate, that's my best friend, don't talk about him like that, it's disgusting”.
Ollie's comment definitely takes Kimi aback a little but he soon realises that Ollie was just joking and didn't actually mean it so he eases up. 
“You know if you two are dating you can tell me I'm not going to kill him” 
“Ollie I can reassure you we are not dating yet”
“Yet?” Kimi and Ollie say in unison.
“Well you can never tell the future and Kimi is rather good looking”
“Stop right there Y/N you are going to make me be sick” Ollie says fake gagging a little whilst Kimi’s face flushes fully red. 
After dropping Ollie off me and Kimi head to a park that's nearby to watch the sunset. It's quiet and beautiful. I watch Kimi's face increasing in engrossment. 
“Kimi” I say breaking the silence causing him to turn his face towards me. 
“I've been thinking and I would like to give us a go” 
“Are you serious?” He exclaims. 
“More than ever”
He immediately lunges onto me wrapping his arms around my torso slightly restricting my breathing before placing a delicate kiss on my lips.
“I promise I won't be a dickhead like Max”
“I know you won't because Ollie would make your life hell” 
We decide to take a photo of us in front of the sunset and post it on Instagram and immediately the comments start flooding in. 
“They are definitely dating”
“Kimi Is way better than Max”
“So did Max not matter at all to him for him to move on so quickly” 
“Some of you seem to forget Max is literally dating Kelly so I have no idea why you are coming for Y/N” 
Then Ollie phones us shouting down the other end “Kimi if you hurt my friend I will put you in a box in fact worse I will sabotage your car on a race day”. 
With the Spanish Grand Prix rapidly approaching I can't help but feel glad that the triple header is coming to a close it certainly has been a long few weeks of endless meetings, mistakes and interviews and I can't wait to have a weeks break and then come back and do it all again, but me and Ollie are going to Italy during the off week and i'm sure I can convince him to let Kimi tag along as well.
The entire paddock is pretty much packed up with just the motorhomes being left behind but even some of them have been moved along with most of the drivers. Sauber is leaving tomorrow, but the great thing about having a motorhome is that I don't have to pack up any of my stuff. I can just leave it where it is, and hope none of it falls out of the cupboards during transportation. 
When Kimi and I approach the door we can see Max stumbling around obviously drunk, which has become a reoccuring theme for him lately. Anyone would have thought he was miserable in his new relationship with Kelly, but that's not my problem. He sees me holding hands with Kimi and immediately approaches us. As he gets closer the stench of alcohol and sweat increases and when he speaks the pungent smell of alcohol radiates from his breath.
“Well what’s going on here” he says practically shouting for all the remaining drivers to hear. 
“Go to bed Max you are drunk”
“See Kimi he still cares about me” 
“No, I don’t, its just annoying having a dick stand outside your door and harass you” 
“You know what your problem is Y/N?” 
“I really don't, do enlighten me Max”
“You still love me because if this is anyone else you would have told them to fuck off by now but you havent”
I turn around and enter the motorhome leaving Max to endure the stench of alcohol by himself. When we enter the motorhome Kimi just gives me a slight smile and I walk off into the bathroom dowsing my face with cold water to bring me out of this nightmare that is my life.
At some point in the night I hear a lightly tapping against the thin metal sheets of the motorhome and assume its a branch from one of the overhanging trees swaying the wind, but it gets louder and turns into a loud knocking sound and somehow kimi is still fast asleep so I can't help but wonder how this man would act if someone was breaking in. I get out of the bed and go outside which goes against everyone's natural instinct because who goes outside when it's dark, windy and there is a strange sound. It's like the start of every horror movie to exist.  When I do eventually pluck up enough courage to go to the place where I heard the sound I soon realise its max throwing little rocks against the side.
“What the actual fuck are you doing?” I exclaim, trying not to raise my voice above a whisper. 
“Throwing stones”
“Yeah no shit Sherlock I can see that but why?”
“To get your attention”
I look around into the 3 AM darkness and look down at myself only wearing a baggy t-shirt and underwear and say “well it worked, What do you want?”
“This” he declares.
Before I can even question what “this” is he makes our lips collide and he wraps his arms around my waist and begins to pull me closer into him. The stench of alcohol from earlier has reduced, indicative of him sobering up a little. I feel the urge to pull away but my body isnt letting me. He begins to bite my lip a little causing me to groan and he seems to find ecstasy in my pain. He then moves down to the neck , biting at it whilst his hands simultaneously play with my underwear's elasticated band and that's what causes me to push him off. 
“Max I can't do this im sorry”
I then run off back into the motorhome and get back into the bed like nothing ever happened and pray that that's the last time I fall victim to Max Verstappen's charms and upfront nature. 
The Spanish Grand Prix has always been one of my favourites but that might have something to do with the fact that Fernando Alonso is my racing idol and the fact I dedicated my childhood to supporting him and attending every race I could to see him, so it's a great honour to race against my hero at his home race but it doesn't mean I'm going to go any easier on him. 
During the press conference it's me, Alex and Max and I'm in the middle of the two. Me and Max haven't said a word since the whole whatever you want to call it outside the motorhome. I'm praying he was still drunk at that point and can't remember anything from it but I keep on seeing him smiling at me from the corner of my eye. The interviewer keeps on directing questions at us that require me and Max to speak together like: “How Is Sauber bringing the fight to Red Bull?” It's almost like the media want to see us speak after breaking up. 
“That interviewer really wanted you and Max to speak” Alex comments as we walk across the paddock. 
After the press conference interview I go and sit with Kimi as he's a little pissed at how much the interviewer was trying to get me and Max to talk he was also pissed at how Max was looking at me and I can't understand why because I was getting annoyed in the interview with Max constantly staring at me. 
Ollie pulls me aside and for some reason he looks angry as well. He pulls me into some side room and makes me sit down before he starts speaking. 
“You need to get Max in line”
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean tell him there's no chance of you two getting back together because if he continues like this it's only going to hurt Kimi and you may be my best friend but Kimi is also my friend” 
“I can't tell Max what to do” 
���Tell him you don't love him and to leave you alone” 
“I can't” 
“Why not?”
“Because I still love him” 
Ollie looks stunned and confused at how I could even still live Max but even though he hurt my feelings I couldn't just stop loving him overnight after all I loved this man since day one so it's a bit hard to just turn off my feeling for him 
There is about 5 minutes of just pure silence before Ollie speaks up again. 
“You need to decide between Kimi or Max and fast”
Race day. The past 2 days have been hell Ollie has been on my case every 5 minutes asking me about my decision between Max and Kimi and I'm not going to lie he's starting to annoy me which is something he's never really done before. My head was full of thoughts yesterday during qualifying and my performance reflected that only being good enough for P5 on the grid today. 
We get off the line well and I make up a place straight away as Charles had a poor start that allows me to capitalise. 
On the very last lap I'm fighting for first against Lewis when Max comes up behind us and he dives into the turn hitting me and nearly taking himself out. 
“What a fucking idiot” 
Thanks to Max winning the Spanish Grand Prix is off the table but if he thinks I'm letting him get second he must be deluded. I return the favour and make a brave dive on the last turn to take back second and whilst it's not the race win I still beat him which is more than enough for me. 
In the cooldown room when he walks in I don't even acknowledge his existence. In the interview less than 5 minutes ago I called him “reckless” and “childish” so I doubt I'm the last person he wants to talk to. 
“good race out there” he says, extending his hand for a fist bump but I leave him hanging. 
“It was until you tried to take me out” I say quietly so the cameras can't pick my comment up. 
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icantthinkyandere · 1 month
What do you think abt two yanderes fighting eachother to get to their master? Like im having so many brain rotting ideas my brain has a cavity.
Who do you think would be best to fit these rolls??
{Arjuna alter vs Morgan Le Fay}
Hear me out.
I love Arjuna a lot after reading his interlude a long time ago, and I love Arjunalter even more. I also love Morgan a lot after reading Avalon. So, they're on my mind a lot and very biased.
They're both very desperate for love now that they're on Chaldea and able to relax. They can have it.
While they can still fall for a staff but it's more likely to get obsessed with the master since they've seen them at their worse but yet they are still kind to them now that they're in Chaldea.
They know full well they can't kill or fight each other. They 100% want to because they want to protector and devoted lover of their darling master. The only thing they can really do is throw catty insults at each other. The Fea Knights have offered to take care of him for her, but she doesn't want them to get in trouble or fade away. Morgan doesn't want that because she wants Baobhan to have an actually good step parent that doesn't lead to her death.
They're not very manipulative mainly because they think their relationship with their beloved is fine. Even if they're not (or something have stopped them from thinking they're in a relationship with you already) in a relationship, they think the relationship is perfectly. You've already accepted their flaws, and they're a wonderful partner for you.
Arjunalter can't get anyone on his side to support his relationship because he's not the most trusted servant, and the only people Morgan can get on her side are the Fae knights. They're all trying their best, even if it's not the best in reality.
Arjunalter and Morgan are trying their hardest not to go back to their violent ways because they want to prove that they've changed. But they hate each other so much since they believe they are either in a relationship with you or are on the edge of getting married.
The only thing they can do is throw insults at each other and pray that something happens to make the other disappear completely
{Merlin vs Lady Avalon}
I feel like anyone else would say Merlin and Lady Avalon would work together. But I just don't think they would. They both want what they want and won't let even themselves get in the way.
They already knew how similar they were, and then it really set in when they realized they had the same exact plan to isolate their love to make them dependent on them. They're getting in each other's way by interrupting personal time at any chance.
Da Vinci and Sherlock suggest maybe just working together? They declined, saying that even they know two of them is too much. The real reason being they'll just argue about what to do or it'll quickly show their darling that these aren't real lessons, just them trying to isolate you from other servants and staff
They're teachers, mentors, etc. They give a lot of themselves to other people, so now that they have such strong feelings for someone, they would like to be a little selfish for once. Which means not sharing even if that person is you with a different look.
Unlike Arjunalter and Morgan, who are trying to be on their best behavior despite wanting to rip each other's throats out. These two only look like they're on their best behavior. They are playing 20 D chess with each other, with them trying to manipulate anyone they can to their side into believing the other is evil and should die.
This goes with the person of their affection, too. Constantly trying to make the other look as bad as they can, from pointing obvious already known flaws, making things up, and finding the most obscure Merlin facts they can find.
Sometimes, the race to be the only one gets so intense that they forget they're even battling for someone's affection, allowing some other servant or staff member to get uncomfortably close. So, they have to derail their plans to ruin each other, to get this person away while trying to make sure the other isn't getting closer to their love in the process! It's a loop of desperately trying to stay one step ahead.
They don't really care about the other servants that they ruin the reputation of, unless it's Arthur and the Artorias. Even if they do think Merlin and Lady Avalon are weird, they still trust and love them. So, making them believe the Merlin/Lady Avalon is evil as well as other servants does hurt them. They can only hope they understand the end goal. Being happily together with their soulmate away from the world.
Yanderes who work together
{Okita Souji and Qin Shi Huang}
While they don't like it, they have a mutual understanding that this person is very important to them both, and they want to protect them more than anything in the world.
They are two sides of the same coin, with Okita being a more violent protector whole. Qin Shi Huang is a peace protector. Qin Shi Huang, while trying their best to be peaceful, knows that somethings can't be avoided anymore. Okita knows that her more aggressive behavior is off-putting and very intimidating. Working together allows them to cover different types of caretaking.
Qin Shi Huang can take care of more emotional needs, and if someone needs to die, Okita can kill them.
They take turns interacting with their shared beloved, learning new things, and cross-referencing what they've learned. They don't get very far most of the time with planning and strategies because they'll start talking about something cute you did or someone who is seems to be dangerous because they were over analyzing a situation.
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any hc for the Haitani brothers in the final timeline? for example, if they continue to be involved with some illegal things or not (doesn't need to be detailed) and any hc you have created for them? 🥰
Sure, these are my hc's of them in the good timeline!
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When we see them in the future they aren't involved with anything shady anymore (Izana and the others would kill them since they're friends and them being caught up in something could affect the others reputations and careers).
Ran wasn't allowed his baton anymore after he joined toman, he nearly cried.
Sometimes Izana forces them to come help out with the kids at his job. Rindou normally shows off his strength and flexibility to them while Ran sits down for tea parties and tells them fake gossip about the stuffed animals around them.
Rindou has a DJ name and it's something very ridiculous 
Also Rindou's DJ gear is purple
Rindou once complimented Baji's hair in front of Ran after Ran annoyed him that morning. 
Ran has a room just for him to nap in at his work
One of Rindou's favourite hungover hangout spots is the twins restaurant.
They both gave up on trying to make each other clean and hired a maid instead. 
Ran frequently goes to Akkun for his hair
If either one of them gets a romantic partner, they try to embarass each other in front of them. Ran trying to show Rindou's partner his baby pictures etc
They throw the best parties 
Mitsuya had no idea what to think when they joined toman and suddenly requested white uniforms from him. He wasn't sure to take it as a compliment or insult. 
They constantly drag Kakucho along with them on nights out, always convincing him even if he doesn't want to go.
Ran tried to get a drivers license once but crashed into a bush.
Sometimes they'll hang out in Chifuyu's pet shop just to annoy him. 
They actually like Kazutora's tattoo, even giving it a rare compliment once.
After years everyone now knows not to trust Ran with food, he will steal it. (One time everyone thought Mikey was actually going to murder him after he took some of his crisps)
Sometimes they'll say something really weird and then Hanma will say something weird back and no one can figure out what any of them are talking about. 
If either of them have kids, the other brother makes it their mission to spoil their niece's/nephews.
Ran has loudly shouted across the club, asking Rindou if he needs protection after seeing him speaking to a girl. In revenge Rindou has played the goofiest music possible while seeing Ran try to dance with a girl
And finally, they're frequently late to toman meetings because Ran is busy sleeping/ doing his hair which then makes Rindou late too.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Okay this is a follow up to this post because I’ve had more time to think about it and I have more to say after all.
Lesson 25 round two here we go! Sorry Asmo, you’re still not in this one, just know that you’re beautiful and I love you.
The truth is that I was just trying to find a way for what happened to be some kind of trick. And I like to hold out hope that it still is somehow, but I’m not going to speculate about it or try to prove that is somehow the case.
Instead, I want to talk about why I feel this way.
More than anything else, it feels extremely out of character for Barbatos to have such a minor reason for acting the way he has been this whole time.
If they were only setting up that whole thing in order for it to be a joke, they should have made his insults less intense or revealed it far earlier.
Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely think that Barbatos would be upset about finding he’s eighth on the list, especially after everything he’s done for Solomon. I am not at all saying that I think he didn’t have a reason to be upset or that it doesn’t make sense for his feelings to be hurt.
What doesn’t make sense is his reaction.
Barbatos has always been reserved. He never really shows strong emotions at all and in fact I think I’ve mentioned several times that this particular situation is the one exception. It stands out because it’s so unlike him. Which led me to believe that whatever his reason for being so angry was, it had to be something big.
In fact, I was so convinced that Solomon did something really terrible to Barbatos that I didn’t believe Sol when he said he couldn’t remember what it was. I was like there’s no way you don’t remember doing something so bad that it makes Barbatos act like this. That just can’t be true.
But if it really was just the list thing, then yeah. Of course Solomon doesn’t remember. He was like ??? Did I make a list?
Barbatos’s reaction is way too over the top for something so small.
I would have expected him to call Solomon out on it immediately, the moment he found the list. Because it also doesn’t seem like Barbatos to keep it a secret this whole time. Which is another reason I thought it was going to be something more dramatic.
Barbatos says some really mean things to Solomon and while it can be entertaining for a normally reserved character to do that, it also needs to have a legit reason. And this just didn’t cut it in my mind.
This reason makes Barbatos seem childish and petty which is not something he’s ever been before. (At least not that I can remember.)
So. Here’s where I get into the speculation about why this is the way they went.
Either we’re dealing with what I would consider bad writing and they legit just had the whole thing set up to make this joke OR something else is going on.
The something else could be anything at this point. I could get into theories about this being Barb from a different timeline for whom this isn’t out of character for some reason, Barb having a totally different reason but didn’t feel he could say it in front of MC, maybe I’ve been wrong all along and there aren’t two Sols but actually two Barbs (or at the very least someone masquerading as Barb).
But really, I could speculate all day and I don’t think I’ve ever been right about anything because this game is constantly throwing me for a loop.
So for now I will just say that I didn’t particularly like the big reveal here. It just felt wrong to me, for the reasons listed above. But I’m gonna roll with it now because it might not be anything more than what they’ve shown us. Which means I just gotta come to terms with it.
Personally, I much prefer when my girls aren’t fighting. Barbatos has some epic insults, but can’t he fling them at someone else? I like when Barbatos and Solomon are getting along and have their close friendship where they trust each other like in the OG. Bring it back to that!
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striderl · 6 months
I have a general art-related question, if that's okay. I admire how _quickly_ you seem to be able to produce art -- whenever someone sends you a character-based ask, you seem to always answer it with a nice little picture (not just a scribble or something) with lineart and often colouring too! Do you have any advice for acquiring art stamina like that? I used to enjoy drawing, but got burnt out on it because every piece felt like so much WORK and it drained the enjoyment for me. I absolutely could not match the output you do!
Thanks for the compliment, lensman! Your drawings are equally cool too! I'm engrossed in the textures especially. And yes, sometimes I’m even amazed by the many asks I’m able to answer in a single week. Usually, I answer them within 3 days, in rare occasions, it may take me 2 weeks or so to answer them.
As for insights, there you go.
#1: Practice is the key. To not get art block, you need to be constantly practicing, like doing scribbles on your sketchbook when you have time. It can be anything, from basic shapes to “whatever you can spy with your little eye”. Also, improve your speed while doing it, and limit your time to finish an acceptable rough draft, so you won’t lose the motivation to finish the entire drawing.
#2: Mastery. READ THE MANUAL AND INSTRUCTION of whatever platform you are using to make art, and master the tools, so you won’t drag on too long on a single project. Personally, I use a mixture of Procreate and ibisPaint X to make art and comics. And the skills don’t come for free, you need to constantly learn new features in order to keep up the pace and limit the time you spend on each project. Honestly, I think I spend more time on Youtube, Pinterest, and Instagram scavenging art tips and resources than doing other things with them. The result is rather rewarding, the knowledge I gained about the color wheel, anatomy, and platform features like multiply and overlay are really helpful.
#3: Reference. I always have available anatomy or art references on my side, usually from Pinterest, so I don’t need to waste time speculating what the result would look like. I also collect references I’m interested in whenever I have time, so I’m well prepared whenever I want to start a new project.
If you want to check it out, this is the cover I made for Foley’s playlist, which I finished within 3 hours.
#4: Motivation. You need to truly enjoy the process of producing art in order to not get an art block. I think I never get a single art block period so far. Why? It’s the only way I get to relieve my anxiety. College can be really harsh sometimes, I have a really small social circle, and on top of that I need to deal with stress which most of my peers don’t even need to worry about, like managing an apartment, doing accounting on my own, taking care of electric bills, and more. What’s worse is that people can be massive suckers sometimes, and I just turned 18 a few months ago. I know I can’t just throw a tantrum or jump off a building whenever I feel stressed, so I just move on and focus my attention on doing better in art. If people want to insult me, I just insult them back with my talent.
Also, I mentioned this in my reblog to your Skibidi Toilet anniversary post. My parents don’t approve of me doing art like this, because it’s “unrealistic” and basically “useless”, I just want some space where I can express my creativity. Ironically, defiance can be a motivation sometimes.
Plus, I just purely enjoy the feeling of sitting in my room, listening to my favorite playlist, and sipping on a cup of hazelnut matcha, while doing art. And I always, ALWAYS appreciate people putting comments in their reblogs, it’s like an accomplishment, and it shows that people really check out my content and READ IT, instead of “wow, cool art”.
If I don't feel like doing art, I'll just go for a 5 miles run instead. Physical health is still important : }
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agent-calivide · 4 months
Figured it was high time for me to actually share some of my IEYTD Oc's that I love to pieces and.... never talk about really-
These are all pure headcanon/silly things from my/my friends' brains, so pardon anything that seems a bit out there or just. Isn't how something works-
Agent Feline
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Agent Feline is a fresh agent on the field, a rookie with this whole EOD and TK thing, but she's doing her best at getting a hang of things on the fly.
Agent Feline, civilian identity Katrina Praestar, joined the EOD to make a difference, but not for the world. A difference between herself and her fraternal twin, Vivian.
Growing up, Vivian was the golden child, a child actor who flew out to Hollywood with their mother to star in movies and get enough money that their parents could retire before the girls even got out of highschool, but that made life a bit of a challenge for Kat. Not being able to go through a single conversation without "Praestar? Like the actress?" and getting hounded about her sister wasn't a pleasant life, leaving Feline in the shadow of someone who lived several states away.
It was frustrating, especially when it lead to her father growing paranoid something would happen to her for being related to her sister. He enrolled her in self defense classes and helicoptered over her constantly, and between that and attention that she only got when compared to her "much more successful" sister, Kat wanted nothing more than to sink into the shadows and stop getting all the unwanted attention that came with her sister's fame.
So, the prospect of a job where everyone uses pseudonyms and disclosing your real identity was strictly forbidden for safety felt like a dream come true, and it only got better when she discovered that her whole job was to be unseen.
In a terrible, wonderful way, it was everything Katrina wanted.
While she struggled through the EOD training, a lot of struggle with getting in arguments with her trainer and multiple attempts from others to transfer her to more seduction based courses when she wanted to do stealth work, eventually she got to the rank of Secret Agent and she finally felt like her life was hers to live, even if it entailed a lot of dodging death. Having gotten her first chance to truly live for herself recently, she isn't sure who she is as a person, and is currently trying to figure out what she wants as someone who's never had full autonomy over her identity before.
While she does prefer to stick to the shadows, she isn't afraid to get in someone's face and pick a fight if she feels they're doing something wrong, especially if it's just being a dick.
Such spunk is what made her initially loathe her office neighbor, Agent Fox. A smarmy know-it-all who was convinced she wouldn't last a week with her "loud mouth" and "lack of tact." But where many would be discouraged, Feline got spiteful, throwing herself aggressively into her work and getting fast, clean results in record times.
After sufficiently proving herself with results, she took every chance she could to rub it in the bastard's face. The two couldn't stand each other and took every chance they could to get on each other's nerves, from "this could be a bomb and you'd be dead" letters hidden around each other's offices to passive aggressive gift baskets that were full of "advice" on how to survive that was mostly just passive aggressive "in case you didn't know, poison is bad" comments, they got along like oil and water.
A problem the EOD caught onto fast, and one they tried to rectify by forcing the pair to be partners. Either they'd get over it, or they'd die, either way the problem would be resolved. But, working on the field together showed them both unexpected things.
They were very similar, both people with soft hearts hidden behind walls of insults and sarcasm, and, while it wasn't instantaneous, over time they grew to come to an understanding. Currently their arguments entail a lot of banter that borders on flirting, but both are unsure if the other is actually flirting. More so, they're not even sure if they like each other like that even if the other does. They're down bad. And denser than rocks.
Agent Fox
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Agent Fox was part of an... experimental EOD program. Zoraxis is known for destroying families by killing agents, but sometimes children are left with no family and no one to turn to as both parents died in the field and they have no extended family to speak of.
While the EOD usually just lets the kids to go into the foster system or witness protection now, there was a window of time that concerns about Zor harming the children of deceased agents or inducting them into Zoraxis, so they did what they felt was a... rational response. They took the children in and tried to raise them to be able to defend themselves. Private tutoring, training on self defense, and even some training on bomb defusal and reconnaissance in the name of enrichment! How fun!
Fox was one of the kids brought into this program, raised in the EOD to be an excellent agent from the age of 11. While his parents didn't work at the EOD, they also were nowhere to be found. Homeless and on the streets, initially the EOD were unconcerned with him. He was a problem for CPS or the police, not secret agencies.
But, when in hot pursuit of an operative that was integral to an operation the EOD was trying to make progress on, the unfortunate Operative made a B-Line for the homeless kid's hideout. While Fox wasn't one for people messing with his way of life, he was more than happy to help those he could when possible and frequently gave shelter to small families overnight and would direct them to proper shelters and resources in the morning.
So, when an armed man stormed into the abandoned building Fox was squatting in that had other children hiding out for the night out of the weather, he did what he had to.
He tackled the stranger to the ground and raised hell, swinging, biting, and scratching until the agent that was chasing the operative arrived on scene.
The kid's strong sense of justice and willingness to put his life on the line caught the agent's eye and, though his parents were not part of the EOD, he was taken in an inducted into the EOD childcare plan. Thanks to his early introduction into the EOD, he was able to become a jack of all trades in the division. Good at stealth, recon, infiltration, deception, quick thinking, engineering ways out of traps, he was a damn good agent with little to no flaws in his performance.
Now 21 with the life experience of a 40 year old agent, Fox is rather.... cynical. He thinks all rookies are just numbers on the casualty counter and he's more than willing to say that to their face, as many visits to Shawn in HR that may entail.
He made such known quite clearly when Agent Feline stepped onto the scene, finding her brash behavior and cocky attitudes both annoying and dangerous. But, over time, he found himself enjoying their arguments, and it infuriated him to no end.
While he's still cold and standoffish to Rookies, and everyone else frankly, he wasn't able to keep his walls up forever. It was a lonely life, being a solo agent, and eventually he found himself letting the ridiculous, brash, short tempered Feline into his heart.
They still bicker, or as Feline likes to call it banter, frequently, but there's no hostility or hatred behind it. Just the two of them poking at each other just enough to not set anybody off for hours on end. Despite the fact that he's a jack-of-all-fields, Fox more often than not will pair up with Feline on missions and cover a blind spot on the Operation to make sure things go smoothly.
The Vixen
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The Vixen is a Zoraxis Operative who specializes in keeping relations between Zoraxis and the public in the positive-to-neutral range. Having been a local sweetheart known for her theater work in the Praestar home, Vivian wanted to go big. She desperately wanted to be a child star, and while her parents thought the goal was a bit ridiculous, they agreed to give her one summer to try.
This was mostly so they could say an attempt was made and to try and redirect Vivian into a more realistic life goal without crushing her dreams with their own hands. So, they saved up and Vivian and her mother flew out to Hollywood for a summer long trip, leaving her father and sister in their hometown.
Unfortunately, things didn't go as the Praestar parents intended, as certain eyes had caught the reoccurring name that was frequenting any child acting auditions. A child with no official roles on record, and no sponsor.
That was something that could be fixed easily... with the right connections. And find them they did, the most popular brand on the market right now! Known for selling things from snacks to clothes to engineering resources to anything and everything in between, when a letter arrived from Zoraxis, it was practically a sign from above in the eyes of the child diva.
She begged her mother to accept the sponsorship, and while Mrs Praestar was apprehensive, even going to the lengths of hiring a lawyer to look over the contract Zoraxis had proposed to make sure there were no questionable caveats, she couldn't come up with a decent reason to reject it.
The pressure of the practically single mother, with no way to contact her husband in reasonable time to discuss the matter as they didn't have a phone at home and letters took ages to communicate with, Mrs Praestar folded and signed the consent forms.
Once Vivian had the sponsorship from Zoraxis, she was being booked in gig after gig after gig. She was a rising star in Hollywood by the end of the year, and her career only grew bigger and better after that. She was the hottest commodity to have in your films at all times, Zoraxis sculpting her image perfectly into the image of Hollywood's perfect sweetheart. Sweet, pretty, no scandals getting caught drinking, smoking, or with a fella (though that was due to her personal disinterest more than anything) she was the painted into the perfect image of what "young ladies should be." She was an international hit, Zoraxis paying for her to be in their ads, putting her at A-List parties, and even paying for full-ride education at a prestigious school in California.
She had won, she was the second biggest name in all of acting, save for John Juniper, and she could do no wrong in the eyes of the media. So, nobody thought anything of it when she started asking... odd questions.
Prying for gossip, personal information, some things bordering on blackmail even. But she was Vivian Praestar! She was just bubbly and chatty, many young ladies are at her age. When Zoraxis competitors fell, when big name actors that encouraged unions and worker's rights suddenly couldn't get any roles, when entire productions that raised money for good causes got shut down, nobody thought anything of it. That's just how things are after all sometimes!
Nobody would suspect sweet Vivian Praestar of gathering intel, that sounds so malicious! Nobody thought she'd be handing blackmail over to Zoraxis, that was illegal! Miss Praestar wouldn't even smoke, much less commit crimes such as that! Sure, that initiative to help clean out a poisonous pit of water that was swirling with lethal metals due to a Zoraxis mining accident got shut down because the head spokesperson died from being poisoned with the same toxic metals in the very hazard site they were speaking at, but they must have gotten too close to the water without protective gear! Surely the water bottle Miss Praestar passed them at the event she also spoke at wouldn't have water from the very site the activist was trying to get Zoraxis to clean mixed in.
It was the least the Vixen could do for Zoraxis. After all, they made her a star.
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