nanistar · 1 year
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Don’t believe I’ve seen anyone acknowledge this kitten’s face yet
there's some lore behind that face
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fairypaw · 2 years
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Tulipkit and claykit escaping camp (again)
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quiet-clangen · 26 days
What happened to QuietClan
Soooo it's been a while and like I've mentioned before, I haven't been posting because I've been busy, I figured I'd give a run down of what happened in QuietClan when I had all this free time. I did play well in to the 100's and my sketches go to about moon 102. Read under the cut, if you're curious but I also came on here to mention that I will be making a new Clangen blog. This time, I have a semi-planned story instead of just letting the RNG tell it. Not sure when I'll start it but I'll post a link when I do. So on to QuietClan:
Picking up where we left off, Rainbowpelt is pregnant, her partner was some random loner. The same moon, Nutella and Elmhare bring home an orphaned litter of kit. Rainbow gives birth to three kits and the same moon, a former kittypet named Luci Purr, renamed Purrpounce (remember her), joins the Clan with her five newborn kits. A two moons later, a rabid group of rogues bursts in to the nursery in the middle of the night. Rainbowpelt and most of the kits died in the ensuing fight. The nursery survivors are two of her kits, Hazelkit and Firkit (remember him), Purrpounce, and two of her kits: Kinkkit and Eggkit. Immediately after, a loner named Oriole joins with her three sons: Lizardkit, Firekit, and Sunkit.
After that kit boom, Hazelpaw is apprenticed to her aunt Minkeye, cheering Minkeye up quite a bit. Firpaw is apprenticed to grandpaw Nutella and Elmhare. Sunpaw falls out of a tree on his first day out and has an extremely delayed warrior ceremony but in the meantime, grows a close bond with Pondfox (also injured at the time), Elmhare, and Greenstar. Purrpounce broaches the idea of stricter patrols to Greenstar and the same moon, Minkeye, Bogtwist, and Hazelpaw are taken by twolegs. They all die outside the Clan.
Elmhare and Pondfox grow some impressively high romantic like for each other. Elmhare finds some more orphaned kits on patrol: Stormkit, Heartkit, and Acronkit. Soon after, Bitterkit and Bitekit are found by Nutella. Berrykit is also found by Purrpounce. Eggfeather, now a warrior, is very bubbly and air-headed and is the girl every cat around her age is attracted to. A couple moons later, Oriole and Greenstar become mates, just very randomly.
At moon 38, Elmhare and Stormpaw died in a timeskip, which I drew as a human with a crossbow. A few moons later, Greenstar and Lizardshimmer are taken by twolegs. Her extra lives are taken since she is no longer under StarClan's skies. Pondstar becomes leader, making Purrpounce her deputy on account of wanting a deputy that will question her. When Pondstar comes back, Purrpounce announces she's expecting kits with her friend, Sunlion. But only a few moons later, a pack of dogs attack the Clan. Pondstar loses all her lives protecting Sprigkit and Featherkit.
Purrstar names her son Kinkjump deputy, despite his nervous nature and not finishing Heartpaw's training, due to her getting taken by twolegs at 9 moons old. Sunlion stays in camp to watch over Featherkit as he fights yellowcough, but the kit succumbs to his illness at 5 moons old. Heartbounce finds their way back to camp but the moment of joy doesn't last, as Nutella is found dead by the FrondClan border later that moon. Sunlion dies of an infected dog bite the next moon. Purrstar is... unwell.
Purrstar declares war moon 54. Eggfeather has been dating Acronbreak but they disagree on when they would want kits now with this war. Of all Eggfeather's many romantic prospects, Acornbreak is the most likely at this point. On the same moon, Greenholly returns, glad to be home and reunite with Oriole but devastated to learn what happened to her friends and fellow founders. The same moon, she and Oriole adopt their daughters Hootkit, Claykit, and Russetkit. The war fizzles out only a few moons later with both Clans concerned for their own young kits.
A fire breaks out moon 59 and during it, Acornbreak dies shoving Purrstar out of the way of a large burning branch. Purrstar is devastated, she knew about how her daughter felt about Acornbreak, who was a strong, upstanding young warrior. The next moon, Bitterfur, a good friend of Purrstar's, and Sprigfang, her youngest son, die of yellowcough. Firjay was unable to treat them due to the fire burning away his herb stores and being too injured himself from a dog attack too look for more.
The clan notices that Greenholly gives more attention to Hootkit than her other kits after saving her from a hawk. All the clan either has a strong opinion or is desperate to get away from the gossip. A apprentice from FrondClan joined after the fire but Purrstar is always hostile to him and his mentor (a former kittypet named Flameblink) has to constantly interrupt. Flameblink was Sprigfang's former mentor though, and part of her hates him, trying to associate him with her son's death.
A loner named Dori joins with Agavekit, Ryekit, and Quickkit. On moon 63, Russetpaw died sneaking out of camp and stepping on an adder. Rubbing salt in Greenholly, Purrstar names Ficklepaw Ficklenudge. A few moons later, she and Oriole rescue the orphaned Waspkit and Oakkit from a fox, adopting the kits as their own.
Moon 71 is when Purrstar suddenly dips in to full dictator mode and every other moon, she'd snap at someone questioning her leadership. Purrstar would order someone to help her punish the questioning cat, either through coercion or getting someone in her inner circle to do it. Despite getting in to all these fights, Purrstar never lost a life from the ensuing injuries.
Among the injured parties is Purrstar's mate Stream, who dies from her claw wounds. Oriole dies of infection. Heartbounce continually challenged Purrstar. At one point, Purrstar tried to get Eggfeather to punish them, but she was easily defeated. While still injured, Purrstar ordered Eggfeather to attack Hoottiger (formerly in Purrstar's circle). Eggfeather becomes Firjay's mate after he defends her. Hoottiger is punished by Purrstar herself and dies of her wounds.
At this point, Greenholly looks to the stars, completely despondent. She's taken by twolegs the next moon and dies soon after. She resides in the outsider residence, having lost her faith in her ancestors. She finds other clanmates that died under Purrstar's rule here.
From this point on, QuietClan cats proceed to die constantly, among them being Firjay, Ficklenudge, Heartbounce, Firenettle, Kinkjump, and many, may others. The Clan is always at war, cats always choose violence on border patrols, there's not enough hunting patrols. Eggfeather has lost her bubbly personality. There's no medicine cat, her mate is gone, her friends are gone, the Clan is ruled by fear. Even when Purrstar appoints her deputy, Eggfeather doesn't find the strength to assassinate her mother. When Eggfeather retires, there are no young, able bodied cats to take her place. No one can hunt, everyone is injured. Slowly, the clan starves to death.
In the end, the only survivors are an ancient Flameblink and his three sons. Then, he too dies, leaving a newly named medicine cat and two apprentices. And this is the cyclical story of QuietClan: left on the brink of extinction by war, famine, and disease due to a bloodthirsty leader. The youngest are left to pick of the pieces. No one in any clan lives long enough to remember that this has happened before. New StarClan makes old StarClan's mistakes. They don't trust themselves, thus, the previous generation goes silent.
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badwarriorcatideas · 7 months
a litter of four kits named sandkit, loamkit, siltkit, and claykit. their queen is an ex-kittypet by the name of Brick
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kodi-makes-art · 2 months
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Meet my girl Nightwatcher! She is my oldest OC created way back when I was 12 and just reading Warriors for the first time. Her appearance has changed several times over the years but her lore has pretty much stayed the same. Here's a brief description of her life.
She was born to an Riverclan she-cat with her brother Littlefield, her birth mother did not survive the birth and the two of them were taken in by Snowleaf the late deputy who raised them with her own kits. Once becoming an apprentice she became fast friends with Mousepaw (a young Longstar). She could often be found in trees just observing the world around her in her free time. Which led to her name Nightwatcher.
On her warrior ceremony she was taken by the Reds a group of rouges that have been terrorizing the four clans. They ripped off her tail leaving it behind to make the clan cats to believe her dead. 
She was presumed dead for 3 seasons (3 years) and was held captive for 2 and a half of those seasons. Far from the clans. There she met Willow and Rock two loners who were expecting kits and had been captured as well. During this time Nightwatcher is called the Scared one or just Scar. 
She is made to fight in an arena like thing to survive, losing means death. This is where the majority of her scars come from.
Rock is killed not long after their arrival and Willow along with two of three of her kits don't survive the first week after their birth. They're too weak. Nightwatcher takes the last kit, a tom and names him Lark after a bird his mother often talked about. She vows to get them out and raise him as her own. 
She manages to get them out and they spend the next six months making their way back to Riverclan. They arrived mid battle and shock everyone who believed her dead. They help win this battle and everyone is happy to have her home and welcome Lark to their clan. Before Nightwatcher can ask for Snowleaf she sees then Longscars half star mark on his forehead marking him as deputy. Her mother is gone and she never got to say goodbye.
She settles back in and fights many battles with her clan mates. And later has three kits with Longscar. She is the winning factor in the last battle against the Reds and her life is taken as she takes out the Rouge groups leader. Leaving Foxkit(Foxchaser), Claykit(Claytail/Star), and Stormkit(Storm) to be raised by their father alone.
Once I redo Longscar/stars reference sheet I'll add him here, his old one is up on my Instagram (Renniguess) if you want to see it.
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cj-writes-things · 4 months
Love over Law chapter 7
tw: animal death, injury, trauma, parental neglect, grief, mild gore
(note that this is a chapter specific trigger warning and not just a series/general trigger warning. Proceed with caution, especially if you have recently lost a loved one)
Chapter 1 • Chapter 6
Wolfpaw wandered back to the log pile, a robin dangling from her jaws. A question lingered in her mind, but she shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.
She wasn't sure why it mattered to her where her mother had wandered off to, but she didn't want to care.
It's not like she ever gives a second thought to what I'm doing.
She reached the den, hoping for a peaceful meal with her friends, but instead found a sight that shook her to her core.
Claypaw and Splinterpaw were lying outside the logpile, a battered brown rabbit just beyond their stretched claws.
The small creature's limbs were twisted unnaturally, its head barely connected to its body. It was covered in blood and dust. From the looks of it, the poor thing had had quite a struggle before it finally left this world.
Wolfpaw stood frozen, her gaze locked on the rabbit. Her voice came out softly, flatly, as if void of emotion.
"What happened here?"
Claypaw glanced up at her, narrowing his amber eyes in confusion.
"Wolfpaw, what's wrong? You look possessed or something."
Her eyes never left the mutilated animal as she asked again, her tone suddenly sharpening, "What happened to the rabbit?"
"I, uh, had some trouble catching it," Splinterpaw explained warily. "Kept getting away. What's the big deal?"
"Liar," Claypaw protested. "You were using it as a practice dummy."
"Yeah, after I had some trouble catching it. So?" He turned his attention back to Wolfpaw. "Uh, you good?"
The black-and-white she-cat was shaking, her eyes closed tightly. When she opened them, she was staring Splinterpaw down, a dangerous look on her face.
"You idiot!" she spat, raking her claws through the dirt. Her peers' eyes went wide, shocked by the angry outburst.
The young apprentice took a deep breath and spoke in a quiet, furious hiss: "You'd better be glad that wasn't for the queens. They would have refused it. Nobody wants a ruined rabbit."
With that, she brusquely turned away and stormed across the clearing to sit by herself in the shade of the cliff, furious.
Wolfpaw had long ago dropped her robin; she wasn't hungry anymore. The sight of the ravaged prey had hit a nerve in the young she-cat, had killed her appetite.
Had it been any other animal, it might not have gotten to her as much, but it just had to be a rabbit.
There was a reason she hadn't pursued one earlier that day while hunting with Duskstar. She couldn't bring herself to hunt or even eat rabbits, ever since... the incident. She lay her head on her paws, trembling as painful memories replayed in her mind.
It was windy that day. Maybe if it hadn't been, things would have been different.
The sun was shining; it was a nice, warm day in early summer. The kits were sent outside to play, giving their mothers a chance to clean up the nursery a bit. All six kits, that is: Fawnkit, Splinterkit, Claykit, Lilackit, Wolfkit, and…
Wolfkit had not been the only daughter born to Sparrowthorn. She was the elder in a litter of two, and she had a little sister named Rabbitkit.
The two had been so close when they were little, and they dreamed of becoming warriors together. But alas, the cruel hand of fate had other plans.
The youngsters, being curious kittens, decided to play on the cliff that day. They lived in the mountains; it wasn't uncommon for Mountainclan cats to explore their own territory, dangerous as it may be.
Well, you know what they say about curiosity...
It wasn't clear in her memory who issued the dare, and that was probably for the best.
Whoever it had been, they declared that whichever kit among them could climb the boulder on top of the highest part of the cliff before the rest was the "winner."
This was not to be so, however, for none of them came home feeling they had won at all.
The kits took off, each trying to be the first to reach the rock. Only Lilackit hung back, always the cautious one. Wolfkit and Rabbitkit should have followed her example, but their competitive spirit drove them on; the triplets were older and should have known better altogether.
At first, Claykit was ahead, but he got lucky; he tripped over a crack in the stone floor and fell behind.
Had he not stumbled, it might have been him who didn't return that day.
Another what-if on which there was no point dwelling. Any loss was still a loss, no matter which cat it was.
Next to take the lead was Wolfkit herself, gray hindpaws throwing dust at her opponents. She was distracted, though, when Rabbitkit called out to her.
"Wolfkit! Look behind you!"
Breaking stride, the scruffy kit whipped her head around to see what Rabbitkit was warning her about, only to realize there was nothing there.
"Haha, got you!" her sister shouted.
Having successfully distracted Wolfkit, she passed her, stealing first place in the race. The little brown-and-white she-cat hopped up to the highest peak of the cliff, scrambling atop the boulder and claiming victory of the challenge.
"Ha! I win, you guys!"
She grinned down at them, her tail held high.
"Fine, fine," Claykit grumbled. "Rabbitkit is the winner!"
"Yes!" she cried, hopping into the air excitedly.
That was when things took a turn for the worst.
As she landed, her paws skidded across the boulder's surface. The wind threw her off balance as she tried to collect herself, pushing her to the edge of the stone. She tried digging in her claws but there was no use; there was nothing to hold on to...
This part of the memory warped, replaying in slow motion, every heartbeat hammering into Wolfpaw's mind.
Rabbitkit clung to the edge of the boulder, a look of terror on her small face.
She slipped, dropping down past the top of the cliff and just barely catching herself on a narrow ledge.
The other kits panicked, unsure of what they could do to help. Lilackit leapt to her paws and ran to find an older warrior who might know what to do, but she never found them; in her haste she had gone the wrong way.
Wolfkit and the triplets gathered at the cliff's edge, trying to grab Rabbitkit with their outstretched paws. She was beyond their reach, though, and they didn't know what else to do but to call for help.
Wolfkit glanced anxiously at their surroundings, hoping for something, anything, they could use to rescue her sister before it was too late.
The older kits dashed into the woods, searching for a branch or vine, maybe.
Leaving Wolfkit alone.
Making her the only witness when tragedy struck.
Rabbitkit couldn't hold on forever, and the ledge was too small to stand on, even for the little kit. Her body grew tired, and her claws began to slide off the stone.
"No! Hold on, Rabbitkit!" Wolfkit cried.
"I can't," came the soft, pained response. "Goodbye, Wolfkit."
Twin yellow eyes met one last time as Rabbitkit released her grip on the cliff.
She plummeted down the face of the wall, crashing into rocky ledges in her descent. Every impact of her small body against the hard, unforgiving stone was like a claw stabbing into her sister's heart.
"No!" Wolfkit shrieked, lunging forward and almost throwing herself over the edge. She gazed down in horror as her sister's body finally hit the ground and lay still.
Rabbitkit had fallen a great distance, but not enough to hide from the panicked witness the damage that had been done to her fragile young form.
Wolfkit mewled pitifully at the sight of her little sister's broken, beaten body, at the ever-so-faint and fading rise and fall of her side, the last dying hope that she could have somehow survived.
Wolfkit had never been so terrified in her life.
A rustling behind her made her whirl around, finding her mother approaching from the trees.
"Mother!" she screeched, "Help! Rabbitkit fell off the cliff! We need to go get her!"
Sparrowthorn went rigid, shock and apprehension filling her eyes. She darted to the boulder beside Wolfkit, searching for her younger daughter.
Her gaze fell upon the broken kit at the bottom of the peak, and she inhaled sharply, drawing away from the edge.
Heavily, she sighed, "There's nothing we can do for her now, Wolfkit. She's gone."
The scruffy she-kit's eyes widened ever further in alarm and anger.
"How do you know?" she demanded. "Maybe she's not! Maybe we can still save her!"
"Wolfkit... It's too late. There's no way she survived that fall. And even if she did, she would be broken beyond repair."
"So what?" Wolfkit yelled hysterically. "We could take care of her, and Canyonbreeze could fix her up, and-"
Sparrowthorn cut her off, grabbing her by the scruff and dragging her back from the cliff's edge. She turned away and carried her remaining daughter back to camp.
"You're just gonna leave her behind?" Wolfkit shouted, rage and grief coursing through her.
She received silence in response.
After that day, a deeper coldness had grown between Sparrowthorn and her kit.
When they returned to the clan, she told them what happened, leaving out Wolfkit's protests and her own refusal to go back.
The other queens expressed utmost sympathy, and no cat was allowed to play on the peaks of the cliffs ever again. All the kits were badly shaken, but none so much as Wolfkit.
Wolfpaw found herself wondering yet again how things might have gone differently.
Could she have done more to save her sister? Could she have climbed down and retrieved Rabbitkit herself?
She sometimes wondered what might have happened if she hadn't gotten distracted.
There were days she wished she would have kept the lead, that it would have been her who reached the boulder first.
Would she have had the sense not to let her excitement get the best of her?
Probably not.
Could it not just as easily have been her who was lost that day? Should it have been her?
There was no point asking herself these questions, and she violently shook them- and the memories- from her head.
Her destiny lay ahead, not in the past.
The troubled apprentice slowly rose from the dusty ground and padded over to the den, avoiding eye contact with Splinterpaw and Claypaw.
Climbing into her nest, she settled down for some much needed rest, hoping her sleep wouldn't be filled with nightmares.
Chapter 8
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dsmpaswarriorcatsau · 6 months
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BeeKit. ClayKit and CrystalKit Snuggled safe in the nursery With Their mother SheepTuft
Guess Who's who but They're pretty easy lmao
They look like potatos istg
Also i apparantly can't draw moss
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Help I need names for four male kits
For Myrtlewing's future apprentice's story :333
Claykit or Marlkit
Sterletkit or Eelkit
Scorchkit / Firekit
(do you get it? hehee)
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primrosepaw · 1 year
LightningClan Moon 53-
Moon 53
A loner dropped her kits off with the Clan, and Weedshade decided to take on caring for them. Their names are Sagekit and Voidkit.
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Cypresstuft's tail was badly injured by a dog.
An injured kittypet was found by the thunderpath. Though Lightningstar is still wary of cats from outside the Clan, Bugdapple convinced him to let her take care of the cat. Her name is currently Bonbon, and if Lightningstar ultimately decides to allow her to join the Clan fully, she will get a warrior name after she heals up.
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Moon 54
Finally, an uninteresting moon. The Clan is breathing a sigh of relief.
Moon 55
Lizardleap brought a rogue named Wild to the Clan, but, still suspicious, Lightningstar drove Wild away from Camp.
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Aspenpaw is now Aspenfur!
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Primrosepaw was stolen by twolegs!
Moon 56
Snailstripe now wears a rainbow collar!
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Additionally, I have decided that every cat who is taken by twolegs from now on (including those that disappear and reappear with items only a twoleg could have given them and those that are already lost) have a chance of being part of a TNR program.
So the cats who are no longer able to have kits as a result of this are...
Snailstripe, Blazetail, Fogstripe, Radar, and Spam
Heatherwish is expecting kits! Presumably with her mate, Palefern.
Sagekit is now Sagepaw apprenticed to Jaggedfeather, and Voidkit is now Voidpaw, apprenticed to Bugdapple. Because of this, Firefur can now return to warrior duties.
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Moon 57
Hornetstorm is expecting kits! Presumably with her mate, Firefur (who is lending experience in the medicine den, but not actually a medicine cat in the way where kits and mates aren't allowed)
However... Firefur as well as Toadclaw were killed in a BearClan raid.
Skyclaw died fighting a large dog.
Moon 58
Flutterwhisker has yellowcough
Jaggedfeather has greencough
Bonbon's head damage is better, but... Bonbon now has greencough
Icekit is now Icepaw apprenticed to Puddlestrike, Dustkit is now Dustpaw apprenticed to Weedshade, and Claykit is now Claypaw apprenticed to Lizardleap.
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Heatherwish and Palefern welcomed their two kits into the Clan. The kits are Cloudkit and Lightkit!
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An abandoned kit was found and brought back to the Clan, and she has been named Frostkit!
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Moon 59
Hornetstorm gave birth to her kits with Firefur. Their names are Houndkit and Emberkit. She is heartbroken looking at Emberkit, as she feels that he looks so much like Firefur, and that is what he was named in reference to.
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Moon 60
Bonbon is healed, but Lightningstar's anxieties about outsiders is resulting in him being sent away now that he is well enough.
Additionally, we've hit the end of the fourth year of LightningClan, which means it's time for me to go through and check whether any new pairings have come up!
Okay we now have Eaglestorm/Weedshade!
Moon 61
Blazetail has died without ever making it back to the Clan.
Hornetstorm has an infection from giving birth.
Greyminnow is pregnant, presumably with her mate Gorsedapple's kits!
Frostkit is now Frostpaw, apprenticed to Snailstripe!
Dustpaw now identifies as nonbinary. Good for them!
A loner with redcough named Sam is taken into the Clan to heal. If she survives, she may have the opportunity to become a part of the Clan, depending on Lightningstar's feelings on the matter.
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Moon 62
Puddlestrike's tail was injured by a fox.
Claypaw was attacked by an eagle. He survived, but will be scarred for life.
Sagepaw has been promoted to being Sagepetal!
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Moon 63
Voidpaw is now a full medicine cat named Voidfall!
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Greyminnow and Gorsedapple had a litter of three kits! Peakkit, Drizzlekit, and Marshkit.
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Palefern died in a fight against a dog.
Moon 64
Aspenfur had four kits, but is refusing to talk about where they come from. They are Sparrowkit, Asterkit, Mothkit, and Streamkit
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Claypaw died from an infected claw wound
Cloudkit is now Cloudpaw apprenticed to Snowshadow, and Lightkit is now Lightpaw apprenticed to Thunderfall
Cloudpaw and Lightpaw:
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Dustpaw's tail was injured in a dispute with BearClan
Sotana, a kittypet with redcough, has joined the Clan to be healed. If she lives she may be allowed to take on a Clan name.
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Moon 65
Puddlestrike's injured tail is healed but scarred.
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Meanwhile, Dustpaw died from the tail wounds.
Icepaw is now a full warrior named Iceclaw!
Houndkit is now Houdpaw apprenticed to Lizardleap and Emberkit is now Emberpaw apprenticed to Puddlestrike.
Gorsedapple has retired to the elders den.
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mumbleberry · 28 days
LifeGen? LifeGen.
When the Kin forced SkyClan from their home in the quarry - only to then themselves leave to target the lake territories - a small population of curious kittypets trickled into the old SkyClan camp, following rumors of the departed Clan, historically comprised of cats like themselves. It was here that they found others who knew more about the lost Clan and their enemies alike; after some consideration, they decided to start organizing regular gatherings in the quarry, where they followed the patterns of SkyClan as daylight warriors. The future of this “Little SkyClan” is thrown into question with the birth of its first Clanborn litter, which is where this story begins…
I've done one of these runs before with Mumbleberry in an offshoot RiverClan and tonight I felt like starting a new one in a more shareable format, so - if you want to follow the adventures of Claykit in Little SkyClan, here it is! I'll reblog this every time I update in the tag #littleskyclangen. Updates will be whenever I feel like it, I'm just kinda doing this casually.
And shoutout to @littlebloomclan for the name inspiration that started this, check out her adorable CG challenge comics if you haven't already!
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nanistar · 1 year
Mojave Clans Allegiances
Long post incoming, sorry its messy im busy
SUNCLAN LEADER: Flickerstar (she/her) Elderly golden torbie with green eyes. DEPUTY: Spidershadow (she/they) Black tortoiseshell with minimal orange and white markings, yellow eyes APPRENTICE: Gilapaw HEALER: Deadeye (he/him) Yellow spiral tabby with yellow eyes. Wears a leaf-and-cobweb eyepatch WARRIORS Swiftwind (she/her) Elderly black and white tuxedo, with a prominent brown face marking. Orange eyes Pepperhop (He/they) Cream colored, orange eyes. Wears a pepper accessory Shiverflight (he/him) Gray and cream dilute tabby. Green eyes Dripcloud (she/her) Gray and cream spotted tabby, blue eyes Chirpwhisker (she/her) Orange tabby, blue eyes. Wears a poppy flower Runningsweet (they/she) Tortoiseshell and white, with green eyes. Wears multiple smaller flowers Whipwhisker (he/him) Brown and white spotted tabby, with long curly whiskers. Green eyes. APPRENTICE: Buzzardpaw
Mesapelt (he/him) reddish-orange cat with blue eyes APPRENTICE: Vulturepaw 
APPRENTICES Vulturepaw (she/they) Brown spotted cat with cream unders. Orange eyes. Buzzardpaw (she/her) Dark tabby with orange eyes Gilapaw (she/her) small, mottled tortoiseshell with green eyes
QUEENS Dovetail (she/her) Dilute calico KITS: Rustkit (reddish tabby), Claykit (gray) ELDERS Lizardfoot (he/him) Gray stripped, with silver streaks. Blue eyes. Wears a tobacco flower Dustclaw (she/her) Tan tabby with yellow eyes SAGUAROCLAN LEADER: Daisystar (she/her) Yellow and white tabby, green eyes. Wears a daisy bolotie DEPUTY: Rattletail (they/she) Brown clouded tabby with a red tail tip. Yellow eyes HEALERS: Flybright (he/him) Elderly tan tabby with blue eyes Silversky (she/they) Silver-and-white rosette tabby with blue eyes APPRENTICE: Roosterpaw
WARRIORS Sleepsting (she/her) Black and white with yellow eyes Nightstrike (she/her) Solid black with rusting along tail and spine, thin fur around neck. Greenish eyes. Hawkscar (he/they) Warm brown tabby with yellow eyes. Prominent scar on forehead Riverbend (she/her) Silver classic tabby with blue eyes APPRENTICE: Flowerpaw Saltburn (she/her) Pale tan and white, with a bald nose bridge and a half-tail. Blue eyes, and reddish/purple pupils Nectarnose (she/her) Diluted blue-and-cream tabby, green eyes APPRENTICE: Skypaw Downjay (they/she) Dilute gray-and-cream tabby, orange eyes Brightdrop (she/her) Orange and white with blue eyes Chollatail (he/him) light reddish-brown marble tabby, blue eyes. Spiky tail Pricklefield (he/him) light reddish-brown marble tabby, watery yellow eyes. Spiky tail and spine fur
APPRENTICES Roosterpaw (she/he) Red+blue with blue eyes Flowerpaw (he/him) Dark brown spotted with lighter underbelly. Yellow eyes, wears small flowers Weevilpaw (he/him) Orange and white with blue eyes. Hind legs wrapped in firm grasses for support. Currently has no mentor Skypaw (she/her) Diluted blue-and-cream tabby, green eyes
QUEENS Quailheart (she/her) Brown spotted with green eyes. KITS: Flintkit (brown), Cornkit (yellow), Wheatkit (gray spiral tabby), Inkkit (Black), Cloudykit (gray-and-white)
ELDERS Firegleam (he/him) Fluffy orange and white, with green eyes Heathop (he/they) Ragged orange and white, green eyes
MARSHCLAN LEADER: Willowstar (they/them) greenish-gray tabby with muddy paws and orange eyes DEPUTY: Mesquitefoot (he/him) Tan with darker point markings, green eyes HEALER: Briskwater (they/he) Slate gray with darker underbelly, yellow eyes. Wears a tobacco flower and leaf. Selectively mute
WARRIORS Cindermask (he/him) Gray-on-gray with a darker mask marking, blue eyes Peatpad (he/him) Soft brown, yellow eyes Honeypool (he/him) Golden with beautiful blue eyes Hawkwasp (they/them) Dark slate gray spiral tabby with orange highlights, yellow eyes APPRENTICE: Coyotepaw Pinyonpelt (they/them) Purplish-red tabby, blue eyes Hollowspur (she/her) slate gray with darker underbelly, heavily scarred. Yellow eyes APPRENTICE: Palmpaw Mudstripe (he/they) Brown tabby, amber eyes Wigglewash (she/her) reddish-brown with blue eyes. Has wobbly cat syndrome Toadtail (he/they) tan brown taby with yellow eyes, stumpy tail
APPRENTICES Coyotepaw (he/him) gray and tan with large yellow eyes Palmpaw (she/her) light red and cream spotted with blue eyes QUEENS Nettlewhisker (they/them) Cream and tan spotted with green eyes KITS: Striderkit (tan), Locustkit (Dark) Sweetstalk (she/her) Bluish-gray tabby with yellow eyes. Wears a marigold flower. Currently expecting 2 kits
ELDERS Redrain (she/her) Scarred, red tabby with blind blue eyes Morningsprint (he/him) Golden tabby with green eyes
MOONCLAN LEADER: Bonestar (she/her) Heavily scarred white with balding limbs and underbelly, longer fur across shoulders. Solid white eyes DEPUTY: Tornlotus (he/him) White with darker spots, beautiful blue eyes. Notably less ragged than the rest of the Clan APOTHECARY: Wisplight (she/her) White with blue eyes, bald patch on nose, bald unders. Long wispy tail, wears small corpse mushrooms ?: Webwhisker (they/them) (blueish-white with large eyes and permanently dilated red pupils. Long whiskers, frequently home to stray spiders KIT: Rubblekit (he/him) completely bald with sparse, wiry fur. Permanently dilated pupils
WARRIORS Chalknose (he/him) bluish light with blue eyes, bald patch on nose and bald unders Gritface (he/him) heavily scarred, muscular gray with a scarred back, and a droopy left side of face. One blind eye, one amber eye Wirefur (he/him) pale brown with yellow eyes and prominent dewclaws Wormtwist (she/they) pale tan with orange eyes, completely bald tail and limbs APPRENTICE: Ratpaw Darklily (she/her) Gray with angry gray eyes KIT: Slimekit (none/he) white and sickly, with warp-bone Archray (he/they) bluish-gray with yellow eyes, large bald patch on nose, bald unders. Wears wrapped cobwebs around paws Gloomcloud (she/her) Heavily scarred gray with one yellow eye, one scarred blind eye Murkbloom (she/her) blueish-gray with blue eyes, hind leg permanently twisted at an improbable angle APPRENTICE: Minnowpaw
APPRENTICES Minnowpaw (he/him) heavily scarred tan, with green eyes. Missing a hind leg. Wears a fish bone Ratpaw (he/him) tan with yellow eyes
MoonClan has no official Nursery/elders role
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fairypaw · 2 years
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Cool mom !!
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immayonaise · 3 months
Day 7
My bad I forgot bout it lmao
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Whisperingpaw (Left) & Rosemary (Right)
Whisperingpaw was rasied in Thornclan despite not being clan born, Rosemary was also raised up from an medicine apprentice.
Rosemary graduated at 12 moons and was apprenticed Whisperingpaw. Whisperingpaw was forced to become a medicine cat apprentice because they killed Claykit, they joined the dark forest at an early age.
Whisperingpaw: A bit under average sized tortoiseshell tom with long black fur and ginger markings. Whisperpaw has a cyan eye and they have a huge scar across their one eye.
Pronouns/Sexuality: He/Him & Questioning
Rosemary: A average sized tabby she-cat with short white fur. Rosemary has heather blue eyes.
Pronouns/Sexuality: She/Her, They/Them, & Leek (AroAce)
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bumbleclan · 10 months
BumbleClan: Moons 31-33
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One very long wait later, we got another quarter of a year in! Sorry it took so long, you know how it is- onto the update!
Thoughts before the New Moon:
Rainkit has tiny little paws....damn he sure does
Mudfur tries to enjoy some time under the sun, but Claykit and Poppykit are working together to pester her to play with them. Flowerpaw attempts to ask her what it's like being an elder. "Just great." she replies, voice dripping in sarcasm.
Stoatskips eavesdrops on Quartermoon. The older she-cat is feeling underappreciated if u mfs do NOT start appreciating my girl-
Hazelbloom and Buzzardpoppy make plans to visit the medicine cats. Hopefully it's not something serious.
Yewpaw daydreams about the day he becomes a warrior....one day buddy i believe in u
Howlfoot wonders how Mistykit is doing, the small kit is still cooped up in the medicine den :(
From StarClan, Moonthistle is looking to visit Kokichi in a dream... ruh roh?
Outside Clan territories, Whisker thinks they saw Razzle earlier today, but the kittypet recently coward back into his Twoleg den to hide from a strange noise he heard, so it's unlikely.
CW: Cat Injury | we make it another quarter with no deaths, but some folks get kinda beat up
Moon 31
Mistykit has recovered from kittencough! Just in time for the ceremony!
While he was excited for it, it takes a bit of coaxing from his mother for Mistykit to exit the nursery to come with his siblings to the tree trunk. Shenzibat watches with pride as Sunstar names them apprentices. Poppypaw looks bored, but as she touches noses with Brokenspots, on the inside she's bouncing for joy as if she's still a small kit! Rainpaw touches noses with Stoatstalk, tail lifted high. Mistypaw watches his siblings and their new mentors leave for the clearing, and nervously touches noses with his own mentor, Buzzardpoppy, before joining them.
Stoatskip feels like a small litter is on the way, and promptly moves to the nursery in preparation.
Featherfoot, Flowerpaw, and Haventail have recovered from their sores. As the three join the other medicine cats in herb inspection, it's noted that they'll also have to keep an eye out for mullein this moon, as some of the stock went bad.
Mudfur gots a running nose :(( world cruel to little old ladies
After the ceremony, Sunstar picks up some fresh-kill for her and Gracklegorse to share, the leader and deputy spend the afternoon chatting, Sunstar letting out a long purr at one of her mate's lame jokes.
What she doesn't notice in this time, however, is Claykit sneaking out of camp. Hazelbloom's not gonna forgive this one i think
Golddawn is spreading rumors about Shenzibat???? what'd she do to you wtf she had a fight with Mistypaw before the ceremony but she's literally helping Mudfur get burrs out of her fur right now.
Kokichi also heard a rumor about Yewpaw... was that you too Golddawn what da hell girl
Pong got into a fight with Sunstar??? hellaur...... just after I read that Brokenspots feels safe around you....smh
Howlfoot also took the last of Valentino's favorite nesting material. rip
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Thoughts and In-Camp Actions:
Golddawn plays with some wind-swept catmint... again. Featherfoot and Squirrelface successfully bring back mallow and tansy to the herb stores, and the latter leaves the medicine den to check up on the warriors, while Featherfoot tries to talk to Golddawn about how he would be involved more in combat, the older she-cat does not hear him.
Plumshine tries to set a good example to the newly appointed apprentices. They pay the cat no mind. Mistypaw feeling rather lazy on his first day, and Poppypaw seeking out Flowerpaw for some older apprentice advice. Rainpaw is thinking about a time he caught a huge rabbit... That was a dream, of course, and the young cat hasn't gone out hunting yet.
Stoatstalk, in his usual bachelor fashion, has received multiple invitations to share tongues, and is trying to decide which one to take.
Brokenspots stands tall, hoping Sunstar has finally noticed her improvement with her newly found status as mentor.
Outside the Clan, Whisker is glad he chose a life of freedom, noooo but ur retirement plan bestieeee come onnnnn
From StarClan, Fawnroot saw Pong's fight with Sunstar, and is highly disappointed in the warrior. Runnelkit meanwhile has been walking in the dreams of Quartermoon for a few nights now
Gracklegorse has Stoatstalk lead a patrol consisting of the newly appointed mentors and apprentices to check on the borders. While passing under the canopy, Brokenspots alerts her fellow warriors of some suspecious pawprints in the mud. Stoatstalk boldly follows the trail to a tresspassing rogue, Buzzardpoppy commands the apprentices to stick back, and the three warriors fight off the intruder until they flee out of BumbleClan territory.
Howlfoot and Kokichi decide to take Yewpaw out for some training, Squirrelface requests for them to gather some herbs while they're out as well if they could find any. While on the hunt for said herbs, Yewpaw stumbles across a bush or bright red berries. He recognizes them as raspberries and gathers a pawful to bring back to camp, receiving praise from the medicine cats for properly identifying the berries.
Golddawn notices Pong glaring at Sunstar with an odd look in her eye, and offers for the young warrior to join her in gathering some herbs as a distraction. Pong agrees, and the two set out to gather moss. Golddawn leads the way to the best moss patch she knows of, and the two make quick work cutting off bits and pieces to put into their respective piles - once the piles become mouthfuls, they pick up the bundles and start back towards camp.
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Golddawn informs Quartermoon of the fight between Pong and Sunstar earlier this moon, and while the warrior isn't ready to face the leader quite yet, she's willing to sit down with the older medicine cat and talk through things.
Plumshine and Valentino set out to go hunting, as they treck through the territory, Valentino comes across a rabbit burrow. He tells Plumshine to go on ahead, and waits next to it, still as stone, until... bam! They pounce the unsuspecting rabbit before it has time to flee.
Featherfoot and Squirrelface stroll through the forest, chatting while they embark for an herb patch the medicine cats haven't visited in a while. Squirrelface lets out a humming noise, "Say... Have you ever thought much about death? Your own, that is." the tomcat swishes his tai "... No, I can't say I have." he mews back "Not past knowing I'll go to StarClan in the end.". It certainly makes for an interesting conversation, and it's all too soon that they have their mouths too full of betony and moss to continue.
Hazelbloom and Shenzibat invite Haventail and her apprentice, Flowerpaw, to join them on a hunting trip. Flowerpaw agrees before Haventail, excited to do something outside of helping the medicine cats. Once they exit camp, Hazelbloom brings up a rumor she's been hearing about a badger denning somewhere in BumbleClan territory. Carefully considering their options, Shenzibat proposes they set up a stakeout outside the supposed den. Once dusk arrives, and the badger pokes it's head above the ground, the patrol is prepared, and everyone turns for home in unison. The cats fade into the underbrush before the predator even has the chance to blink the sleep out of its eyes.
Sunstar has a crazed look in her eyes. Gracklegorse offers for her to join him on one last round around the territory before the sun sets. She agrees, and the two set out. While walking along the border, they catch sight of an OatClan patrol renewing their scent marks up ahead. When they get close enough to cross paths, the patrol leader gives Sustar a respectful nod, which she returns. The two patrols refocus on their tasks without stopping for conversation, but there is a feeling of mutual respect in the air.
Thoughts before the New Moon:
Mudfur tells the story of how she lost her tail to a very interested Claykit. the young kit has tears in her eyes
While the apprentices take a break from their training, Howlfoot has a few of them engaged in a very, very tall tale. Mistypaw listens intently as he sunbaths, and Rainpaw is taking mental notes as he picks burrs from his pelt. Stoatstalk watches form afar, wanting to get to know his adopted sister a little better.
Plumshine has been caught faking a bellyache, and is getting a stern lecture from the medicine cats.
Kokichi wonders how Featherfoot is doing. well he's currently thinking abt taking on a new apprentice and I mean there's Claykit still and she has some little siblings on da way- i believe in u featherfoot...
Outside camp, Whisker feels as if they saw Buzzardpoppy recently... pspspspspsps come hoooome cmooon
From the comfort of his Twoleg home... Razzle has gotten stuck under the couch. this is so sad
From StarClan, Fawnroot watches over the Clan, and Moonthistle looks to send a message to Stoatskip...? inch resting
(Bonus) CLAYKIT IS SCARED OF SUNSTAR??? why :((( she is so silly and nice
Moon 32:
Sunstar gazes proudly at her son, Yewpaw. He had spent this entire apprenticeship helping the Clan, and handled his sister graduating before him well, and so, with a nose touched to his forehead, she names him Yewsong for his altruism.
Squirrelface, who recently always seems to have herbs stuck to her, was bitten by a snake, but has miraculously survived!
In the quiet of the nursery, in a nest they've spent so long preparing, Stoatskip and Hazelbloom welcome a litter of two kits, Goldkit and Burrkit. While gathering horsetail to help with the birth, the medicine cats notice the lungwort has gone back, they will need to restock soon. Once the stress of the birth is over, Hazelbloom pulls Claykit close to help pick burrs out of her fur, it may or may not have been the inspiration for her younger sibling's name.
Haventail heads out for a walk, keeping and eye out for lungwort after asking Featherfoot what herbs she should keep and eye out for, and gets her paw stuck in a twoleg trap. She manages to get out and returns to camp gravly injured. Yewsong finds Hazelblooms choice of name for his kit annoying. well good thing its not YOUR kit huh
Featherfoot jokes about OatClan's scent with Pong, and also shares a complaint of his regarding Quartermoon, which the mediator overhears. In her mix of emotions, they end up getting in a spat with Buzzardpoppy over a pice of fresh-kill. Buzzardpoppy then gets into a fight with Rainpaw. horrible chain-reaction there.
Stoatskip talks to Golddawn, confessing that their second kit is in fact named after the elder, and goes to spar with Shenzibat after the conversation. Estatic at the news, Golddawn misses Gracklegorse when going to pick up the last of his favorite nesting material, drawing the ire of the deputy. He decides not to confront her, however.
Mudfur thinks Shenzibat hasn't been entirely honest with the Clan about her recent whereabouts lately. Poppypaw doesn't seem to care too much, thinking the warrior was nice today :)
Kokichi and Brokenspots share the latest gossip the older cat overheard over the border, before he goes to check on Squirrelface, and the two talk about recent Clan happenings.
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
returning to camp with a bundle of dandelion and betony, Featherfoot looks to apologize to Quartermoon. Golddawn successfully gathers mullein, despite hearing the voice of Bushrush in her head.
Gracklegorse is also looking to talk to Quartermoon, but the older cat is currently working out Pong and Sunstar's differences, While Pong is stubborn in her dislike for the leader, she's able to trust her a little more.
Valentino eavesdrops on Stoatstalk while the younger warrior spars with Yewsong and Kokichi, what they're eavesdropping for is anyones guess.
After Squirrelface and Haventail's accidents, Buzzardpoppy offers to gather herbs for the medicine den in his sisters stead.
Howlfoot has been caught imitating her mother's behavior a couple times. cuuuuuuuuuuuute
In the apprentice's den, Flowerpaw gossips with Mistypaw as they sharpen their claws. Poppypaw talks about a large rabbit she caught a while back, which makes Rainpaw hungry.
From StarClan, Fawnroon looks to send a message to Stoatskip....about what he just got done giving birth
Gracklegorse confides in Sunstar, doubting his abilities as deputy. To help lift her mate's spirits, she takes them out of camp to train, the older she-cats insecurities don't fully deminish, but it did cheer him up a little. The two walk back to camp in a slightly better mood.
Howlfoot feels a sense of dread as Pong heads out to hunt alone, the warrior previously contemplating to her if she could kill a fox all by herself, Howlfoot decides to follow somewhat behind to keep an eye on her. Thankfully, no foxes show up, and Pong returns to camp none the wiser of her secret patrol companion with a large rabbit in her mouth.
Kokichi takes up mentoring Flowerpaw while his mentor is in the medicine den, and, much to the apprentice's dismay, takes him to accompany Featherfoot in some herb gathering. He tasks the two cats to assist him in gathering plaintain. Flowerpaw feels it more as their clearing a path than gathering herbs, but grows less irritated the more they gather, and the three return to camp with a decent stock of it.
Stoatstalk and the felow mentors take their apprentices out on a hunting patrol. As they walk along the border lines, the patrol hears a strange noise coming form the bush. Mistypaw takes the lead and checks it out, only to come face to face with an angry fox! While he backpedaled before it could bite his face off, it still manages to take a good bite at his leg before the rest of the patrol can back him up.
Golddawn goes out to attend one of the grimmer jobs of a medicine cat- tending to the grounds where BumbleClan mourns their dead. Hazelbloom offers to accompany her on this, which the older she-cat agrees. While there's nothing different about the place, Golddawn always feels that the greif and love their Clanmates express here has seeped into every corner. The two cats tidy the grounds, gathering rosemary as they work. Golddawn thinks it feels appropriate for the plant to grow here, when it's herbs are used to cover the scent of death.
Thoughts Before the New Moon:
Gracklegorse organizes some final patrols, checking in with Sunstar to see if they seem right to her. She isn't really hearing that much of it, has she's kind of been zoned out most of the day. Rainpaw approaches the deputy to see if he needs any help, which they happily accept and use it as a good teaching moment for the young apprentice about patrols.
Stoatskip silently contemplates the Clan's ancestroy while Golddawn enters the nursery to check on him and the kits, she gives a warm smile to Goldkit as he mewls for what the two older cats assume is milk. What their unaware of is that the late Runnelkit stumbled into the kits dreams on accident the previous night.
Squirrelface interprets an omen from her spot in the medicine den while Featherfoot walks around camp to check on the warriors. Yewsong enters afterwards to help organize the herb storage.
Pong mentions to Featherfoot that she's felt the need to wash her paws a lot lately, and that she saw Shenzibat leave camp without talking to anyone but where she could be going. The medicine cat thanks her and tells her to update him on if her paws get further irritated.
Plumshine and Valentino are feeling sassy today. oooooooo
In the apprentice's den, Poppypaw is basking in the sun while Flowerpaw frets over an assessment the warriors gave to him. Outside the Clan. Razzle is missing Whisker, who just got invited to spend the night with a group of loners! good for him now pspspps come join the clan thanks
I totally didn't restart the game to save rainpaw from certain doom at the cost of mistypaw's leg. anyway onto the next moon-
Moon 33: Leaf-Bare
Mudfur's nose has cleared up, and watches Claykit from a distance as she is named apprentice. Claypaw bounds over to Shenzibat to touch noses with her new mentor. Mudfur doesn't entirely understand the choice, but notices that Stoatskip might be even more against the idea, seeing the tom glare Shenzibat's way, keeping his kits close by him.
Kokichi overhears Buzzardpoppy complain that Flowerpaw isn't very helpful around camp, and assigns the older apprentice to help fix up Mudfur's nest, much to Flowerpaw's dismay. Claypaw disagrees with Buzzardpoppy, however, and offers to help Flowerpaw out!
Chain reaction of some kind: Kokichi tells off Featherfoot for checking on him too much, and he wants to spend more time with Pong, who just got into a fight with Quartermoon. whats going on here.
Hazelbloom got into a fight with Mistypaw over a feather...Gracklegorse somehow finds Mistypaw to be the annoying one despite Hazelbloom being the older cat in this situation??? hellaur.
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
Squirrelface, Haventail, and Mistypaw are all treated with wild garlic for their wounds, unfortunately, there's only one left in stores, and Golddawn and Featherfoot failed to find anything in their start of the moon patrol. Golddawn hopes that StarClan gives them a good sign soon.
Shenzibat hopes to set a better example to the younger cats, now that she has a apprentice of her own. Perhaps Sunstar knew that giving her more responsibility would help keep her out of trouble?
Yewsong, Stoatstalk, and Hazelbloom spar in camp while the apprentices watch. Flowerpaw is nervous about upcoming patrols, but Buzzardpoppy assures him that today will be a good one. Brokenspots watches the sparring warriors a little further back, pondering what Hazelbloom might be thinking about.
Claypaw isn't paying attention to the sparring though, instead is eating her fresh-kill near the medicine den while Haventail tells her a tall-tale. Rainkit is with them, but is also keeping a close eye on the spar, and a closer eye on Brokenspots, wanting to get to know his brother's mentor a bit more!
Outside of Clan borders, Razzle feels he saw Whiskers again, but isn't entirely sure. Whisker herself is hiding under an old barn, wishing newleaf to come around already.
Things are rather down in StarClan, Fawnroot is missing Sunstar, Moonthistle is sad to see how much the Clan has changed without him. And poor Runnelkit is wishing she got to be a medicine cat. i WILL reincarnate you i promise just let me find the right cat--
Shenzibat takes Claypaw out for her first hunt, and the two find a pair of squirrels chasing one another across the forest floor. Taking the oppertunity, Shenzibat teaches Claypaw how to properly remain undetected, and, with the squirrels distracted, they both successfully catch one. Hazelbloom gives Claypaw praise for the catch.
Sunstar and Gracklegorse lead a patrol, taking Stoatstalk and Buzzardpoppy with them, along with the two toms' apprentices. The patrol discuss the badger that has been found denning in the territory a few moons ago, and decide to go and check and see if it's still there. They locate the den and begin sniffing along the outside, when a rustle is heard-- the badger emerges, more confused than the cats are surprised. A rush of confused claws and flying fur fills the area as the patrol scatters and the beast charges for them. Poppypaw's leg is injured in the process, but everyone makes it home safe... Including the badger.
Brokenspots notices Burrkit attempting to sneak out of camp, but quickly stops the kit alongside Rainpaw. It's far too cold for her to leave the safety of the nursery, and the two escort her back to Stoatskip, who gives his daughter a proper scolding. Brokenspots worries for Burrkit, noticing the symptoms of her headache. Rainpaw feels a sense of dread, thankful they they spotted her before it was too late. Fawnroot watches the incident. and plans to warn Brokenspots of something.
Golddawn and Featherfoot exit camp, determined to find herbs this time around. But, while exploring, they find a nice rock to sunbathe on, and seize the chance to take a break and warm up a bit. Unfortunately, they doze off, and it's far too late to gather any herbs by the time they awake.
With her apprentice and his mentor both stuck in the medicine den, Brokenspots offers to train Flowerpaw, and the older apprentice happily agrees. Once they reach the clearing, Brokenspots declares that nows a good time to practice his climbing skills! Flowerpaw quickly picks up her tips, and backs it to the top of the bare tree and back down with ease.
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Brokenspots and Haventail have a long discussion, with Quartermoon there to mediate. It goes extremely well, and both she-cats find themselves quite fond of each other.
Hazebloom and Kokichi catch scent of a fox out on their hunt, and track it down to find the stocky animal feasting on a small deer carcass. Fresh-kill like that is perfect for this early into leaf-bare. The two cats leap into battle, but with just the two of them they begin to tire quickly keeping the fox on the defensive. In a swift act of bravery, Hazelbloom ducks under it's jaws and seeks her teeth into the fox's throat. It's not that deep of a bite, but enough for the fox to give up and flee.
Valentino, Pong, and Plumshine head out to patrol the border, coming across a OrioleClan patrol renewing their own scent marks up ahead. Valentino and the patrol leader give each other a quick nod of acknowledgement as they pass by before they both refocus on their own tasks.
Howlfoot and Yewsong go out for one final hunt before dusk sets, and discover a Thunderpath running through the forest. Paying attention to the sounds of upcoming monsters and the vibrations on the ground, the two cross it and continue their hunt successfully, though they find an alternate route back to camp when it starts to get dark.
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Final Thoughts:
In StarClan, Fawnroot plans out his message to Brokenspots, and Runnelkit looks to warn Poppypaw about the badger, but Moonthistle gently informs her that it's too late, but Poppypaw is okay.
Rainpaw is dreaming abt having a mate and kits someday.....awh.......
Flowerpaw attempts to eavesdrop on Buzzardpoppy, but the warrior isn't saying a lot, preferring to be left alone today.
Goldkit has tiny little paws. just so you know.
Pong looks to the medicine den, wondering if Featherfoot has gotten any prophecies, lucky for us, he has! He's interpreting one right now.
Outside the territory, Whisker chows down on some food given to him by a Twoleg. The first moon of leaf-bare is over with no casualties, but the winter cold isn't over yet...
Okay! So! 4 Injured guys! Not Great start to leaf-bare. Hopefully this does not lead to anything bad happening start of next moon. I hope you guys enjoyed, and sorry for the long wait again!
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Mate of Leafshine, Mother of SilverStar, Claykit, & snowykit.
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These are so cute! I love them, thanks for sharing them with me!
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sedgesnuggles · 1 year
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Left to right:
Top Row: Redplume, Greytuft, Woolypelt, Bellstar, Raveneyes, Smogpaw
Middle row: Wattlefall, Lavendershine, Scruffyfur, Goldenheart, Sunspots
Bottom Row: Willowpaw, Yuccaspike, Claykit, Kookaburrasong, Hailpaw, Gravelwing, Rosekit, Dandelionpetal
Bases by Rockyspotted
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