quiet-clangen · 7 months
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MOON 11 (part 3/3):
What a way to end the first year, huh? :y
What I found the most tragic is how Bogtwist's trait went from troublesome back to nervous. Also I guess the fact that Splinterpaw was 3 exp away from being a warrior... And after waking up from losing her first life, the first thing Greenstar saw was her first apprentice dead.
MOON 11 (part 2/3)
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quietclan · 7 months
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> I am the last.
> No.
> That's not quite it.
> You're here with me, right…?
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QuickStar’s family tree as of QuietClan moon 53!
The four grandchildren of QuickStar went on to make their own clans, each as leader.
SongTail formed QuickClan, which live in the mountains and are considered the most docile of all the clans.
WhiskerRapid stayed to lead ClubmossClan after the plague of greencough that wiped out almost all the clan.
FadedRump went on to start TipClan. 
CrowLily went on to start DownyClan.
Our journeys with these clans start four years after the fall of Clubmossclan. The “plague” was actually my save file deleting.
Years ago, SongStar did something to drive the four clans apart, and now they do not speak of the original four.
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cynth1c · 1 year
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You can read about Quietclan HERE
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clanofwhispers · 9 months
"I'm the only warrior left alive. But if you want to take WhisperingClan away from those kits, I will kill you as many times as it would take to drain all your lives away."
-- Rosestripe, speaking to the leader of CreekClan
Welcome to yet another ClanGen blog! Call me Scourge (he/it), my main art blog is @deerskull-art :] If you like what I do, please consider tossing a few bucks my way, whether it's for free or for art!
Trigger Warnings: - Character/animal death and injury - Cult themes (more will be added as necessary)
Settings: - Allow mass extinction events - Increased same-sex adoption - Allow cats to breed with cats who aren't their mates - Allow cats to have kittens with an unknown second parent - Allow leaders to automatically choose a new deputy - Cats will never retire due to a permanent condition - Allow warriors and elders to choose to become mediators
Lore and taglist under the cut!!
Taglist: #whispers - for updates #tales - for writing involving the cats #scribbles - for non-update art #catspeak - for asks directed at the characters #screego talk - for ooc asks directed at myself
WhisperingClan is one of six clans in a large, mostly forested and hilled area, with a small lake in the centre with creeks running into and off it. The Clans have a dedication to staying independent from the others, and especially away from loners, rogues, kittypets, and Twolegs. Each clan's camp is completely unknown to anyone outside of their own clan members. [MAP]
Each clan has a niche centred around stealth.
WhisperingClan come and go like whispers on the wind, there for a moment and gone the next - however, after the tragedy that befell them, they had to rework this into a more defensive standpoint.
HollowClan are experts in making hidden spaces across their territory, either to hide in themselves or cultivate the natural prey population, gaining their name from the hollowing out of tree stumps or digging into shallow caves.
SootClan creates what they call "pelt-paint" from mud and ash from cooking, often staying entirely coated in it to stay unnoticed, even when attending Gatherings.
DriftClan simply drifts from place to place, never being where they're expected to be. Being a generally smaller clan focused on mediation between the other five, they often walk the exact border lines, making sure that they're not being encroached upon. They tend to stay around the neutral territory of the lake, however.
CreekClan takes the majority of water-based activity in the clans, perfecting silently swimming and diving in order to catch prey and hide away from enemies. They're most often seen hiding underwater and dragging prey into the water, drowning it. Most view them as the clan most comfortable with violence.
QuietClan was originally an offshoot of WhisperingClan, formed after a civil war generations ago. Surprisingly, after the war ended, relations with their parent clan have been strong and unbreakable, often supporting each other in times of need. They take to using the natural noise of the world around them to cover their own movements.
The Salvation is a group of highly religious rogues that have been attempting to move into the area in order to unite the clans under their Divine Ruler. They've inducted exiles, loners, kittypets, and possibly even members of the clans into their ranks. While their numbers are small, they don't interfere with clan matters, as they have been run out of attempts to worm into Gatherings. They are nothing if not persistent, though, and have taken to drastic measures in order to infiltrate the clans... Starting with the slaughter of Hazystar and WhisperingClan.
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heathfall · 11 months
HalfClan (ClanGen)-- Initial Allegiances
I was talking about doing this, but I'm currently home sick, so let's rock and roll!
I'll be playing on ClanGen Classic Mode. I don't have the time to micro-manage patrols and all, so if I didn't everyone Would Die.
Mass extinctions are off, affairs, same-sex relationship, and kits are on.
What happens, happens! If someone dies or relationships change, I won't be going into the code to modify it.
On a similar note, I'll only be interacting with the Clan using things like the mediator, and only that scarcely. This also includes the relationships the cats get into! I will not be changing those, regardless of age gaps or mentor/relation status. Let the dice fall where they may. Patrols will advance as I see fit.
I'll do complete allegiances and images of all the cats when there's a major incident (i.e., a leader change, or if there's been a major event). Cats will get their own separate new image on major events to them like promotion or retirement.
I'll write short snippets of events I personally find interesting, but if you want something else written about, feel free to let me know.
Now, let's get right into it!
HalfClan is the newest of the four forest Clans, neighboring QuietClan, MistleClan, and FlowerClan. They live in the remains of a former Clan's territory, clearing out the underbrush and making use of the old Clan's camp. They got their name due to the insults the other three would shoot back at them, being that they were half-Clan cats, half kittypets, loners, and rogues. Despite the insults, the other three Clans currently seem content to respect their territorial claims and leave them be, allowing HalfClan to grow and truly become a Clan in their own right.
While they are young and small, they are no less fierce than any of the other three, and are champing at the bit to test their power and become a true Clan.
Leader: Cricketstar - a long-furred dark ginger ticked tabby she-cat
Deputy: Mousedapple - a short-furred dark grey tabby tom.
Apprentice: Marigoldpaw
Medicine Cat: Brackentail - a medium-furred dark grey she-cat
Warriors: Jasperstream a medium-furried pale ginger and white tom
Turtlerun - a medium-furred black tom
Roachheart - a medium-furred silver rosetted tom
Nectarfoot - a medium-furred cream she-cat
Apprentices: Marigoldpaw - a medium-furred cream she-cat
Elders: Alderfur - a medium-furred golden she-cat
Kits: Frogkit - a long-furred dark brown she-cat
Images of the Clan below!
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40 moons
remaining lives: 9
strict, good hunter
Cricketstar (warrior name: Cricketcry) is a former warrior from MistleClan. On hearing of the original Clan's dissolution, she was sent on a patrol to discover what was going on. Things got a bit out of hand as she stumbled on the few remaining cats, and soon she was announced as the first leader of HalfClan. While she misses her home, she is excited to be a leader, and is ready to prove her worthiness to her new Clanmates and StarClan.
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14 moons
apprentice: Marigoldpaw
careful, great speaker
Mousedapple (formerly Mouse) is the child of a loner who once lived on the original Clan's outskirts. Upon hearing of the Clan's dissolution, his mother took him into the territory to see if they could take over their hunting grounds. Unfortunately, they encountered one of the Clan's last patrols, and his mother died. Feeling bad, he was taken in and raised alongside their own, and when Cricketstar arrived to help, he was one of her earliest supporters, considering himself her defacto apprentice. While he is very young, he has already proven himself quite a charismatic fellow and is beloved by much of the Clan.
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59 moons
medicine cat
righteous, great fighter
Brackentail is one of the other MistleClan cats which joined up with HalfClan. While she was a warrior with MistleClan, she decided to let her paws lead her down a different route, and has become HalfClan's first medicine cat. While she does not necessarily have the strongest connection to StarClan, she is an excellent medicine cat, although her sense of honor often clashes with Mousedapple's cautiousness. She is dedicated to propping HalfClan up to the glory of its predecessor, and isn't afraid to get involved in some sticky situations to do so.
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74 moons
loving, strong connection to StarClan
Jasperstream, while solidly middle-aged, is a rather sweet and spry warrior. He was formerly a kittypet in a Twolegplace nearby, but was an outdoor cat who found his true calling inside the forest. He is close to StarClan, and though he was initially wary of Mousedapple and Cricketstar, he came around on reassurance from StarClan and is now one of their most loyal supporters. It is thought that he perhaps has descendants within the Clans, though he has no mate to speak of.
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97 moons
bold, smart
Turtlerun is the third remaining MistleClan patrol members who joined HalfClan. He was tasked with keeping the members of his patrol safe, and has decided to take that order to his grave, even as Cricketstar receives her nine lives. He is fiercely loyal and spends his times often guarding the camp, making sure no one comes in unchecked.
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111 moons
righteous, smart
Roachheart is a former rogue from the Twolegplace, who defected from his rogue group on seeing the brutality present. In his senioor years, he is dedicated to keeping younger cats from going down the same paths he did, and sees HalfClan as one of the best ways to do so. His honor code is unwavering and often means he is on the correct side of the warrior code, but when they differ, it is often a case of teeth and claws.
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119 moons
sneaky, smart
Nectarfoot is a former queen from FlowerClan, having left upon the death of her kit. While she is somewhat disillusioned with the idea of a Clan, she knows that times are tough and a group is what's necessary to survive. Her Clanmates trust her, although they've noticed that her stories do not always properly align.
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124 moons
fierce, valuable tactician
Alderfur, while being one of the sharpest tongues around, is a valuable member of HalfClan. She is one of the few remaining members of the original Clan, though her tongue is tied when it comes to their inevitable fate. She served them as a loyal warrior for seasons, and now serves HalfClan in the form of its first elder, giving aid and advice to its young leader and deputy when she feels it is needed-- even if Cricketstar and Mousedapple would beg to differ.
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7 moons
warrior apprentice
Marigoldpaw is a rather serious young cat, spending a lot of time training to be a warrior and not a lot of time playing as cats her age so often do. She was found alone at the outskirts of the woods, approaching the Twolegplace, and spoke little when the Clan initially took her in. Now, she's dedicated to being the best warrior ever, hoping to make herself into an apprentice that both her mentor and her Clan can be proud of.
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5 moons
Frogkit's ancestry is entirely unknown. She was found in the territories, alone but weaned. It is thought that her mother may have been a loner who was taken out by the same things that took out the original Clan. She is nervous and unsure of her place in the Clan, looking forward eagerly to the day when she becomes an apprentice and can give back to the cats who took her in.
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runningwindenjoyer · 7 months
Hey sorry for not doing the next part of QuietClan yet I can’t decide between Don Bluth or anime style for bubblingstar cuz I’m dumbass
Like anime would be super easy but I kind of want to push myself and try something new with it but I’m aaaaa
0 notes
HELLO I've spent like 2 days thinking about this one OC to add into the universe of a kind of old fanclan of mine (tbh its probably only a few months old but these years have felt like forever so)
tw emotional abuse for the whole thing but it gets better
So the setting is in QuietClan, a well-established clan that has been existing for ages. they have like the vibes of a conservative neighborhood (semi xenophobic, misogynist, etc) but it's been getting better recently. the OC in question is born to a particularly traditionalist Molly (whose name I've yet to discover. they're white with brown tabby splotches. also her mate has passed away recently). Their name(the... protagonist of this ask if you will) is Sparrowkit and immediately their mom is like "oh. a boring pelt color. ah well you might be good at hunting" (they're mostly a brown tabby with white paws)
Anyways Sparrow is nb(they/it) and bio female(only reason im stating this is cause it's relevant to their upbringing) but they don't know it yet.
It grows up around two other litters. One being comprised of a tom named Berrykit(white with ginger spots), and the other one having three kits who are currently unnamed.
Sparrow's mother expects it to be a good warrior to make up for their lack of interesting traits. She also kind of does the thing where parents "ship" their children and kind of nudges Sparrowkit to be closer to Berrykit.
Sparrow is apprenticed to a senior warrior who is way more light-hearted than its mother. They feel guilty for enjoying their time outside of the camp where their mother isn't watching so they start spending more free time with her.
It grows close with a Molly of the litter of three from their time.
Near the end of Sparrowpaw's apprenticeship, they realize that they probably won't be able to pass their exam on the first try. This prediction comes true and Sparrow's mother yells at it for a while in front of the whole clan. The Molly that sparrow had made friends with decides to stay behind to become a warrior with sparrow
Sparrowpaw passes their apprenticeship the next assessment and becomes Sparrowheart.
Berry(insert suffix) basically immediately becomes their mate because hey, that's what their parents did right? get married right after college?(or the warrior's equivalent)
Sparrow's mother pressures them into having kits
It happens eventually but by the time that Sparrowheart gives birth, its the middle of a very hard leaf bare. Sparrow's mother dies and so does all but two of sparrow and berry's kits.
They see an omen at some point of a small sparrow stuck in a briar bush. Sparrow goes to help the bird and it flies away into the sun(not literally).(also sparrow's mother's prefix is probably gonna be briar so you might understand the omen ;) )
Sometime around the new leaf/greenleaf after, Sparrowheart talks with someone about mates and it goes something like this.
Other cat: "oh my god I love my Mate sm <3 they can like practically read my mind I love spending time with them etc etc"
Sparrow: "... you enjoy spending time with your mate ?"
Cat: "...you don't??"
Sparrow: "I mean yeah I guess hanging out with berry[suffix] is fine but I don't actively seek it out. the only cats I really like talking to is [previous mentor], [another warrior that they made friends with during their time in the nursery], and [Molly they were friends with since they were kits]"
cat: "oh huh I always thought you were in love with [best friend] I remember being so confused when you told me you were mates with Berry[suffix]"
Sparrow: "I can be in love with MOLLIES?!"
anyways sparrow and berry break up but leave off on good terms
their kits grow up and sparrow attempts to be a better parent than its mother was
It confesses to its best friend who becomes its mate :)
Their other friend becomes leader and appoints them as deputy
sometime during their cat 60s, they become Sparrowstar
and a new clan named WildClan, the leader being Pumpkin (another oc of mine), enters town
also at some point there's drama about sparrow's mother being let into StarClan so they create a new religion but im too tired to flesh it out rn
anyways what do you think :0
I do think this is a cool idea
it's always hard to make those types of stories be fair and not like.. icky, cause most people give the terrible side too much power and make it feel unfair
but I do like how Sparrowstar comes into themself and accepts itself for who they are
and plus it isn't forced to stay in a situation where they aren't happy
I think this could be a very cool idea personally
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quiet-clangen · 7 months
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I lied, everything isn't fine and I did a little yell when I saw the war notif. I've never seen another Clan declare war so early in a run, especially because QuietClan hasn't had an encounter with another Clan on any of their patrols? I always thought that event was dependent on how much you chose the antagonize option.
On the bright side, someone to properly mentor Elmpaw and a bunch of kits ready for apprentice training?
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quiet-clangen · 7 months
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MOON 11 (part 2/3)
MOON 11 (part 1/3)
MOON 11 (part 3/3)
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quiet-clangen · 7 months
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Elmpaw, knowing that the Clan needs the role filled, volunteers to become QuietClan's medicine cat. He has some memories of how Brookear, the previous medicine cat, treated his scrapes and colds, but he's unsure if it's enough. Greenpaw assures him that StarClan will guide him.
Limekit catches Greenpaw trying to sneak out of camp. She confides in him that she's still Greenpaw, she needs to spy on the other Clans to learn how to be a warrior, never mind how to be a deputy or leader. Limekit doesn't understand why she would hide this and tells the others. Greenpaw nervously shuffles her paws when she's confronted upon her return. Limekit wonders if she's mad at him when she won't meet his gaze.
I'm saving detailed backgrounds and shading for important story points sooo uhhh... have some green blobs.
Also I realized half way through this that I forgot to draw Greenpaw's mask in the reference... I'll fix it later.
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quiet-clangen · 8 months
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Mantisstar has brought what remains of her dwindling Clan in to a last push for her violent takeover of the forest. Her enemies were prepared, indiscriminately slaughtering everyone around Greenpaw, convinced that the bloodshed wouldn't end until there were no survivors. Greenpaw turns tail and runs back to camp, rounding up the kits to flee her Clan's territory until she reaches a clearing where no Clan cat had set foot.
The stars are dim out here. The wails have long since died out. Surely, if Greenpaw forsakes Mantisstar's leadership, StarClan wouldn't forsake her and the kits to die for crimes they didn't commit?
I've been wanting to chronicle a clangen clan for a while now and figured the kit challenge was the most sustainable way to do it. I kind of half baked the origin but later events actually ended up working in my favor for storytelling. Not sure how frequently I'll update but I've got 8 moons of sketches and have currently played to moon 9.
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quiet-clangen · 7 months
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QuietClan has its first proper warrior ceremony! Pondpaw is feeling a little salty that she was held back but seeing Rainbowpaw her chewed out made her feel a little better. Meanwhile, Elmpaw still feels some lingering resentment for reasons I can't fathom. She's on your side, dude.
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quiet-clangen · 7 months
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MOON 12 (1/2):
Full disclosure, the generator tried to make Minkeye the new deputy but I changed that for narrative purposes. Minkeye has her own little story that is better off not being made more complicated by that role and Pondfox's attitude and history makes more sense for it. Hopefully this is the only time I'll have to change something myself.
MOON 11 (part 3/3)
MOON 12 (2/2)
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quiet-clangen · 7 months
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EgretClan coerces QuietClan in to surrendering one of the most valuable herbs for leaf-bare. While the threat of death by tooth and claw is over, Elmpaw is bristling at the threat of disease as a chill sets in to camp.
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quiet-clangen · 7 months
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Everything is well.
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