#clean up price in parlour
quillandink333 · 6 months
The Other’s Choice • pt. 3
Credit to @winterxisxcomingx for the beautiful banner ♡︎
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SPOILERS FOR HAZBIN HOTEL ~ Read ahead at your own risk!
Faced with the harsh reality of Heaven's steadfast opposition, the angel of joy is forced to make a drastic decision with gruesome consequences, but luckily she isn't alone for long.
WARNINGS: Abrahamic imagery (obviously), pseudocest, body dysphoria, malnourishment
Part I • Part II • Part III
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Emily was alone in Lucifer’s guest suite when, for the first time in over three weeks, she stood up out of bed by herself. Her transformation was finally over with. Her eyes were now a sickly yellow with bright red irises, her teeth were like arrowheads, her fingertips looked as if they’d been burned like charcoal, and her interior feathers looked as if they’d been soaked in the blood of sinners. At least she’d managed to figure out how to conceal her new horns and tail with her host’s gracious guidance. All she wanted was to feel like herself again.
Her pristine royal gown, the one she’d been wearing on the day of her fall, loomed above her, hung from the top of the tall closet door opposite her bed. There it had been since that day, looking down on her. She used her wings to reach it.
When she had it back on, she wandered over to the full-length mirror in the corner of the room. It was the first time she’d lain eyes upon her reflection since she’d run away from home. But instead of finding satisfaction in the mere glimpse of familiarity, she tensed. She looked like Sera. The resemblance made her cheeks flare with anger and her stomach clench with bitterness. She let out a cry as she seized the length of her skirt with both hands, claws out, and tore it clean off.
But when she opened her eyes, they went wide with horror. Her cursed horns and tail were out on full display, and she knew that getting them to go away again would take hours if not the whole rest of the day due to her inexperience. What frightened her most, however, was seeing what she’d done to her once favourite dress. The skirt was now so short that, with the slight upward angle of the standing mirror, it put her unmentionables in full view.
She turned her back to the mirror and changed into the pair of Charlie’s old pyjamas she’d been given as fast as she physically could with a clumsy snap of her fingers. Then her gaze fell to the dress, watching it fall into a heap of fabric with the rest she’d ripped off. Her wings dragged behind her as she picked it up. Perhaps something could be done yet to salvage it.
Word Count: 3k
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That afternoon, Lucifer was lounging in the parlour connected to her suite. Charlie had needed him at the hotel in the morning to discuss certain matters regarding the new building. Otherwise he’d have spent the whole day here right where Emily could find him, just in case she needed something. He’d gotten her a new phone to contact him with, but even so, the thought of leaving her alone in this strange and enormous castle left a bad taste in his mouth.
“Lu…cifer, S-Sir?”
He twisted around at the sound of her timid voice coming from the doorway to her room. “Yes, Em?”
She froze in place, her eyes darting around and her arms tucked mysteriously behind her back. Cocking his head at her, he gave her a warm, hopefully inviting look and gestured for her to come join him in the parlour, which she did, her tiny feet shuffling across the rug as she plopped herself on the chaise kitty-corner to him.
“What’s up, buttercup?” he smiled, encouraging her to speak her mind.
She couldn’t help but smile back at the nickname. “Well, uh…I have good news and bad news. Let’s just get the bad news out of the way first.”
He nodded attentively. “I’m all ears.”
“You know that dress I was wearing when I fell?” He gave another nod. “Yeah, so…about that…” How could she even begin to explain what had happened to it? “Well, let’s just say that…I let my emotions get the better of me, and it paid the price.”
“Oh dear. What happened?”
She forced a laugh. “I tore three quarters of the skirt off.”
“What?!” He made her flinch; she wasn’t expecting such an impassioned reaction from him. “But you loved that dress! What—”
“I know, it’s okay!” she cut him off before he could ask what in the seven rings had possessed her to do such a thing. “Don’t worry, okay? The good news is I fixed it. Sort of.” She then brought her hands out from behind her back and let said dress unfold in front of her. It had been magically reimagined to the point where it was all but unrecognisable. The skirt now fell to just above her knees, replaced with all new, crimson fabric. The bodice had stayed the same, except the eight-pointed symbol in the centre had changed colour to match the skirt, and the sleeves were gone completely. “Actually I kinda wanted to try making it better than before, in a way. What do you think?”
Lucifer took his time admiring her handiwork, pulling an impressed pout and making her giggle. “Not bad! Not bad at all,” he praised, standing up to run his fingers along each hem. “To be frank, I never cared much for the traditional Heavenly style so to speak, so this certainly is an improvement if you ask me.”
She lowered her head to hide her embarrassed grin. “Thanks, I’m glad.”
“Well, don’t keep me in suspense. Let me see it on you!”
This made Emily’s expression go blank as she realised she’d failed to think this far ahead.
“What’s wrong?” He raised an eyebrow. “It suits you perfectly, you know. Aren’t you proud of how it turned out?”
“I guess, but…” She turned her head in an attempt to lower her gaze.
At this, he frowned and thwarted her attempt by reaching out and tilting her chin back towards him. “But…?”
She sighed in defeat. “It’s just…I didn’t mean to tear off as much as I did. Or, well, I did, but when I tried it on again even after adding a couple inches to it, I still felt…exposed.” The word that came to mind initially was, ‘indecent,’ but in her head she knew modesty wasn’t worth much down here. “Maybe I’m just not used to showing so much yet.”
“Mh, that could be. I remember feeling like that,” he said, resting a hand on her shoulder. “It’s only natural for us fallen folk, when you think about it. I mean, we were brought into the world being told that our very bodies were something to be ashamed of and hidden, which—I’m gonna say it—is fucking ludicrous.” Though his language caught her off balance, she couldn’t disagree. “But hey, it’s absolutely okay if you need a little more time before you’re ready to start showing more skin. Not that you ever have to! It is your body, after all.”
She would’ve been lying if she said she didn’t feel any pressure at all to dress one way or the other, but the affirmations he offered did help to relieve some of it. Before she could help herself, images of gathered jacquard and pooling chiffon were already cycling through her mind, taking on a myriad of shapes and silhouettes.
“Lucifer…would you mind helping me with something?” she awkwardly asked. “My conjuring skills are nowhere near yours and…well, I’m gonna need some materials and tools and stuff if you don’t mind.”
“Of course, absolutely!” He stood up and held his cane at the ready. “As I’ve mentioned, my power is limitless for all intents and purposes, so don’t be afraid to ask for whatever anytime.”
She smiled to herself, having long since lost count of how many times he’d made her do that, flattered by his eager (albeit quite boastful) generosity. “Thank you. Let’s see, first I’ll need a dress form—” No later than the final syllable had passed her lips did the very object of her request appear next to her just inches away. “Oh—perfect! What else…? Measuring tape for sure, fabric scissors, a bolt of muslin, probably some tailor’s chalk, and a well-stocked pincushion should do it for now.” Each item appeared on the nearby coffee table as she listed them one by one. To her delight, the pincushion he conjured up was shaped like a little toy ducky, which she couldn’t help but adore.
“I’d be happy to help you practice your conjuring some time, if you’d like,” he offered offhandedly as she got to work draping pieces of the muslin here and there upon the dress form. “Seeing as you’re a seraph like myself, you must have a similar amount of potential, wouldn’t you think?”
“Really?” She beamed, though she didn’t look away from what she was doing. “Yes, please, that would be so helpful. I could only manage to make one pin at a time when I was doing the alterations on that,” she tilted her head toward the dress with the shortened skirt where it lay on the sofa, “and it took for-ever, oh my gosh, it was so-o-o tedious.”
“I can imagine,” he sniggered, unable to take his eyes off of her as she danced around the mannequin. “Still, I’m impressed you were able to do that much at your current skill level. Hopefully this will go a bit quicker with my help,” he added, despite not having the first idea what ‘this’ was that she’d suddenly gotten so swept up in. He didn’t even feel the need to ask, content to simply observe her in her state of hyper-focused diligence. She kept draping and pinning, tracing and cutting, as if she’d been doing this since the day she was born. The parlour fell into a comfortable silence except for when she needed him to provide something for her, like a different kind of fabric or some spare bobbins or a new spool of thread. She kept expressing her worries that all this magic was supposedly taking some kind of toll on him, but each time he’d reassure her and wave it off, saying he was more than happy to assist and that it cost him nothing whatsoever. Anything to keep him from decomposing alone in a prison of his own design, as had been the usual until the little angel had tumbled into his life.
Minutes soon accumulated into hours, and before either of them noticed, it was already past supper time. In fact, what finally alerted them both to the hour was a loud and unexpected growl from her stomach, causing her to blush. “Let me just try it on and make some final adjustments really quick,” she excused herself before carrying her armful of lovingly tailored textiles off to her room.
“Alright, take your time!” he called after her, keeping his amusement under wraps. “I’ll have dinner ready for us by the time you’re done!”
For someone with his magical ability, meal prep was something that could be finished with a snap of one’s finger. Despite this, Lucifer had grown rather fond of the muggle’s cooking process. Not only did he enjoy the artistry of concocting new and exciting (though not always pleasant) flavours, but he found it was a great way to kill time. Time that he had far too much of.
Once the stuffed pheasant was in the oven, he returned to the parlour just in time to see Emily emerge from her room in the most breathtaking attire he’d ever lain eyes on.
His eyes started at the cornflower-coloured bodice with its surprisingly striking halter neckline. The sheer sleeves were long and off the shoulders, beginning in a dainty lantern shape before ballooning down to her wrists. And then the skirt—oh, the skirt! It was mostly made of the same fabric as the bodice, but a broad band of beautiful royal-blue damask took up about the lowermost fifth of its length. And that wasn’t even the best part. Though the hem touched the floor, the front of it was suspended with two symmetrically placed silk bows (much like the oversized one hanging from her collar and lying quaintly across her chest) to right around her mid-thigh, the elegant drapes revealing a glimpse of her blackened but still lovely legs.
“Wowwie…” he mumbled under his breath as he took a few strides toward her, almost in a trance.
“Do you like it?”
“Oh, yes!” he gushed, having been so wrapped up in his admiration that he nearly forgot to say something. “It’s gorgeous, you look like a queen.” This comment brought out a bright glow in her cheeks, and as he connected the dots as to why, his face flushed as well. He cleared his throat. “But, uhm, d-do you? Like it, I mean?”
“Wait, you’re asking me if I like what I made?” she questioned, drawing an endeared sigh out of him. It seemed taking pride in anything she did was a foreign concept to the poor girl. “Well…” He waved his cane and conjured a mirror in front of her before she could express her indifference.
“It really suits you, you know,” he noted matter-of-factly. “Are you any more comfortable wearing this than the one you altered?”
She decided to humour him and beheld her reflection from multiple angles with as open a mind as she could have. “I think so,” she admitted, a sheepish smile teasing at the corners of her lips. “I was going for something less revealing than that one is now, but still a little bit more revealing than it was originally.”
As she stood there, taking in her appearance, she didn’t feel anything like the overwhelming shame and self-loathing that had come over her early that morning. She felt like a completely new, and dared she think improved, version of herself. She smiled at her, and she smiled back.
“Emily, dear, don’t you realise what you’re doing?” He came up behind her, their eyes meeting through the mirror as he positioned his hands on her exposed shoulders. She tilted her head. “You love this! Look at you, look at how long you spent on this today all in one sitting; it’s obvious how much you’ve been enjoying yourself,” he chuckled fondly. “I mean, not that I haven’t been…y’know…but anyway, it looks to me like you’ve found yourself a pretty great hobby.”
Emily didn’t know what to say. She was unsure how to even interpret his words, let alone how to respond.
“This is exactly what I wanted for you,” he emphasised, turning her around to face him. “You have no idea—if I hadn’t had my ducks to keep me busy, I’d have lost it ages ago. This is gonna be so, so good for you. For us, now that we have each other! Oh, Em…” While she was still processing his swell of emotion, he threw his arms around her and pulled her into a bone-crushing embrace, making her stumble forward.
The way the hug went on and on, she could feel how truly happy he was to behold her frivolous little creation. He was like a fountain of pure joy. No one, not even Sera, had ever reacted so strongly to her engaging in her own self-centred interests before. She couldn’t make sense of it. This was the first time she’d ever felt so seen, so appreciated, so individual. The feeling was so sweet and so profound, so much warmer and brighter than any sunlight that had ever touched her face in Heaven, it frightened her. Something about his relentlessly doting attention felt wrong. Misplaced, even. But despite this, her own arms wrapped around him in return with a will of their own. Great—now she could hardly bear to let go.
“So, after we’ve eaten, how ’bout finally making your grand entrance at the hotel in your stunning new getup?” he grinned, looking her up an down without letting go of her shoulders. “I think you’re about ready to introduce yourself to everyone, don’t you?”
Somehow that question was all it took for the floodgates to come crashing open. Ironically she couldn’t seem to identify her own emotions, nor could she even tell if what she was feeling was good or bad. Was it fear? Or beauty? Relief, maybe? Or grief? Whatever it was, the tears came, and they wouldn’t be subsiding any time soon.
Lucifer was panicking as he watched her suddenly crumble to pieces. “Wait, what’s wrong? Oh, oh dear.” He immediately gathered her into the shelter of his arms again, running an open hand from the crown of her head to the small of her back. “There, there, it’ll be alright. I got you. We don’t have to go to the hotel yet unless you’re sure you’re totally ready.”
“No, I-I am ready,” she sobbed, very much unready. “I just…” Her life was flashing before her eyes: another experience that was completely and utterly new to her. “I’m… I’m here,” she whimpered. “I’m not…up there anymore, a-and…I don’t even know who I am.”
All of a sudden, the devil felt himself being cast back ten thousand years, reliving the darkest moment of his torturous, never-ending life. He could never forget what it had been like to go from being blinded by celestial light glinting off blades of angelic steel to waking up broken and defiled in a wasteland of fire and brimstone as far as the eye could see. Seeing her blame herself for her so-called sins, it allowed a blazing inferno to come to life within the most forgotten depths of his soul.
No matter what the future held, he knew he couldn’t bear to let this pure, selfless spirit go through the same undue anguish he’d had to endure alone. He wouldn’t.
“C’mon, darling.” He kept an arm snugly around her waist while he began guiding her along toward the kitchen. “I’d venture a guess that you haven’t eaten anything since breakfast,” he sweetly chastised, drying her tears and gently encouraging her to meet his warm, protective gaze. “And hey, if parenthood has taught me anything, it’s that no one can face the world on an empty stomach,” he snorked—a successful attempt to get a smile out of her, albeit a broken one. “You’ll feel all the more ready to go meet the gang once your belly’s full, ’kay? Sound good?”
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chussyracing · 2 months
Genuine review of LEC Chocolate Crunch
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packaging: The ice cream comes in a cute tub made of paper, under which there is a plastic lid with title "why resist?". The colors go well together and the picture on the cover shows the scoop of ice cream as it really looks like. The only problem appeared on the third and last day of our stay in Milan as I tried to fit the cleaned out tub into my backpack in the morning after packing everything else, in hopes of taking it home with me as a little (or not so little) souvenir to remember this trip by. It turns out that the packaging is too big (which was to be expected with the amount of ice cream inside of it) and if you try to fit it next to your pyjamas with more force, you may succeed but will inevitably ruin the shape of the tub. I still managed to keep the lid of it, secured next to my passport.
taste: The first and perhaps the most fitting adjective that comes to my mind is rich. I had to do a double take to see if it's really advertised as a healtier alternative for normal ice cream, because it just felt like drinking from the chocolate river from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (very fitting name for our case). In the base there are also bits of dark chocolate that tasted like the posh Lindt ones. My sister doesn't even like chocolate in any form and snacked on this religiously. Between the two of us (mostly me, I won't lie), the whole tub was gone the next day.
texture: Now this is where our rating gets even more interesting. I'm not one to eat ice cream regularly and usually it is grandma's sorbets made by blending fresh fruits and freezing them in a tub, but LEC is better compared to the soft serve ice cream you can get at ice cream parlours only. It is very light when you first close your lips around the spoonful, melting quickly on your tongue. The sensation is similar to a bubble chocolate if you ever tasted it and the crunchy bits of chocolate that are left behind make you crave more.
price: Considering most of us in the target group of the product are millennials or even younger, the price can be a deciding factor when buying stuff - and especially if the stuff in question is partly considered driver merch. If you take into account other brands available, LEC is similar or cheaper. I compared it to GROM ice cream since Grom is one of his business partners who worked on LEC. You can get the same size of tub of Charles' brand for quarter the price you would need for GROM.
availability: This is perhaps the biggest con I could find. I was lucky enough to find it in the first shop I ever visited when I stepped a foot on Italian land (Unes) and then I saw it in another (Esselunga this time) we visited, but you need to check the availability manually if you want to get LEC specifically, otherwise you could end up empty handed. Lately LEC expanded from Italy also to Monaco and France, but as of now, it is not available anywhere else - which is a pity.
Overall this little tub of summer exceeded my expectations by miles. I can honestly recommend it to everyone with a sweet tooth who can get their hands on it - or at least Chocolate Cruch specifically.
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jinanreona · 1 year
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@muraenide sent a meme:
patch .   help  my  muse  patch  up  a  wound .
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Tensions had been building in the body art parlour lately. It had started a few weeks ago, first beginning with the cash drawer coming up a few bucks short. Over time though, it only became a more jarring amount, the school only growing warier and suspicious of the students that manned the place. It could be anyone, new students coming and going each semester. However, a certain pair stuck out from the rest, what with already having a criminal record to back any claims of foul play.
Lindo had noticed the shift in attitude almost instantly, noting the side glances he'd receive from so-called 'co-workers' when he'd come in. Jem wasn't spared either, constantly stared at when he worked or even tended to a customer. He assumed ignoring it would be the best way to go, not much interested in other people's opinions if it meant getting to see his old friend regularly.
He'd come to regret this decision when he'd arrived at the parlour one evening. As he'd turned off his bike, emerald eyes spotted Jem in that familiar alleyway where they'd reunited some nights back. His expression had briefly softened, about to call out to him before he stilled when he saw him talking to two other men. The others were some new students who'd recently joined them. Lindo hardly knew them, and purposely avoided them when he'd felt something was amiss about them.
That gut feeling had proven to be right, one of the guys suddenly stepping up to Jem as if threatening him. Whatever Jem had said to them clearing rubbed the pair the wrong way. Lindo clicked his tongue, eyes narrowing as he dismounted his bike and walked towards them. His pace quickened as one of them finally swung on Jem, the thug embarrassingly missing and stumbling forward from his own momentum.
"Hey!," the other guy shouted as he joined the fight, digging for something in his pocket. A flash of metal revealed the switchblade, the guy holding it threateningly towards Jem as he closed the distance between them.
Jem could take care of himself; Lindo knew this. He'd seen the other in action back when they were in prison. Had seen the boy easily take down guys who towered over him. He knew yet couldn't help but jump in, getting between them in a flash. Before the bastard knew what was happening, Lindo had landed a right hook across his cheek, the blow hard enough to send the guy tumbling back.
It'd been a mistake, the other employees in the parlour instantly stepping in to pull Lindo away. In the heat of the moment, he hadn't noticed them coming outside to check out the commotion. It only served to annoy him more. How long had they been watching? Why only know were they jumping into action? Where was this promptness when the other two had tried ganging up on Jem? Why wasn't the boy worth defending just as much as the scumbag who started it all?
Rather than argue, he pulled away from the employees with a scoff, ignoring the way they practically jumped away as if he'd attack them next. So it seemed even if he was free from prison, one couldn't escape that past. Even Jem with his seniority here didn't seem to be much more favored. What a joke...
He left then, not noticing if Jem followed or remained behind.
Later that night
A quiet hiss escapes Lindo as Jem cleans the fresh bruises along his knuckles. A small price to pay to land a blow on the rando from tonight. "Y'think they fired me yet?," he teases, his tone just barely hiding his exhaustion. He supposed being kicked out from the parlour wouldn't be so bad. Too bad the two from tonight would still be a problem if they weren't handled.
His gaze falls to Jem, lingering on him for a moment. Though his expression is neutral, there's a flicker of concern in his eyes. One he doesn't voice, knowing it's unfounded. Even if Jem was now free, he was still the boy he'd met all those years ago, capable of defending himself and evading any trouble that came his way. Hell, he'd helped him out plenty when he was new in the prison. Right up until the other had won his freedom. He feels a sense of pride at that, though the thought is interrupted as he groans and tries to pull away as Jem wraps his hand.
"Hold still."
"You be gentle," Lindo quips back, but begrudgingly stays still for the other. There's a beat of silence between them, only the sound of the fan and the distant sound of cars passing by the apartment as ambient sound. "Thanks," he says after awhile, the word genuine even as his gaze had settled on the opposite wall this time. The gratitude could be taken to be for Jem's care. Though in reality, it was a thanks long overdue. One he should have shared all those years back when Jem was to leave. Even if the boy had been younger than Lindo, he'd shown him how to survive. Perhaps it was something he should have appreciated more back then...
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charlesandmartine · 1 year
Wednesday 5th July 2023
Overslept but made it to Downtown Banff to investigate tours. We wanted to visit the Gondola ride up Sulphur Mountain. In all naivety we trotted along to the ticket booking office at one of the rather posh hotels in Downtown expecting to book for a convenient time today. I was not expecting them to give me the single option of 6.50pm tomorrow. Then we received a barrage of telephone numbers which turned out to be a price! There was no choice so the flexible friend changed hands. Then warming to this game the bloke said what about Lake Louise? Now this is a problem. We discovered this yesterday that access is very difficult. Its neighbour Lake Moraine already has a complete ban on private cars. I can see the same happening for Louise. All slots on the regular town buses are booked for days ahead. You can queue but it takes hours to get a lift. So I listened again to the telephone numbers and partially opted for a pickup tour tomorrow early. Book the gondola and I'll go collude with my wife about the Lake Louise thing. Oh he said, you like to canoe? I can arrange that. COLLUDE I said, COLLUDE, my canoeing days are definitely over.
Well we figured if we want to get to the place it will have to be the flexible friend again. So we are booked for the am.
With today now to ourselves we set off along the Bow River to view the Bow Falls. We set out along the path and the all pervading scent on the breeze was pine as strong as furniture polish, but a man passed by and the breeze changed to pure cannabis. We have to get out of here before we get a liking for it. Bow Falls was spectacular with mountains as backdrop and a level change of several meters along the full width of the river causing a thunderous roar before calming again on a turn the map referred to as Surprise Corner.
The walk continued in the other direction towards 'Cave and Basin'. In 1883 William McCardell, brother Tom and Frank McCabe following work on the Canadian Pacific went prospecting in this area and came across holes in the ground and a hot sulphur spring. The place smelt of a school chemistry laboratory. After many battles for ownership and exploitation the place was seen to be of great importance and in 1885 Parliament stepped in making it Canada's first National Park. The government then proceeded in 1887 to develop the place themselves by building a bathhouse. Cures for all sorts of ailments were envisioned. Personally the thought of sitting in hot sulphuric water would not be my idea spending my time off from the daily toil.
The original name for Banff was Siding 29 whilst it was purely a construction site for the Canadian Pacific railway. Clearly this name lacked a little in gravitas, so it was renamed in 1884 after the Scottish birthplace of George Stephen, the President of the railway. On arrival, first impressions of Banff were a little mixed. After the places we had seen on route, Banff was busy crowded and commercialised. Today, all seems different. It is a very pleasing manicured, clean, timbered Alpine style town. The trouble is that is likely to be the opinion also of the other six million people here. If all tourists were to be sucked up by a giant vacuum cleaner the remaining population would be 9,656. Downtown's endless rows of gift shops, boutiques, cafes, restaurants, ice cream parlours gives way seemlessly to smart expensive hotels and apartments. This is one smart tourist operation which exists simply because of the eye boggling scenery of mountains of epic proportions, azure blue rivers, lakes, waterfalls and deep emerald pine forests. Everywhere you look you are blown away with the beauty of this place and if you have to share it with all these other people then I guess, so be it. When the sun shines, they can be forgiven for being there as well. It was interesting that the further we walked from the centre, the fewer people we met. Instead we met two Elk in a clearing, two red squirrels and a Columbian Ground Squirrel. We were told later that Elk can charge at you.
Great day. Thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. We even enjoyed a flat white and a local SB tonight as well.
ps. We saw a man dressed in a kilt today. I didn't think it was customary though to wear it as a mini skirt with black tights! He will be spoken to by the Clan leader no doubt!
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Wednesday 9 November 1836
8 ½
2 35
no kiss fine morning - ready at 9 ½ - with M- Had SW- gave him the other (the clean) coal plan -  he is measuring off this morning - then had Mr. Husband - Mawson to cart here old Staups barn timbers - breakfast at 10 to 11 - F47° now at 11 ¼ am off in the brown carriage A- and M- and I at 11 40 - A- left a note in passing at Mr. Outrams’ to say we should be there to see his cloaks and shawls in an hour or 2 - drove to Charles Laws’ - left A- [M-] in the carriage while A- and I got out to see the new barn up to the square of the roof within 5ft. (the top chamber being 9ft. high to the square) - all going on well - then returned to Mr. Outrams’ and alighted there at 2 10 - Mr. O- taken ill yesterday with another (2nd) paralytic attack, but had been bled, and seemed to be doing well - M- much pleased with the manufacture (from the wool of the Alpacca lama) - had wine and bread and butter - a long while choosing shawls and a cloak that A- and I are to give M- the stuff not quite ready - to be sent here next week - then Mr. O-‘s oldest son (aet. 20) and his wifes’ brother Mr. Thwaite shewed us over the mill - the young man has studied chemistry a little and mechanics in order to be his father’s engineer for a new water wheel - the shawls will wash very well if 1st passed thro’ a weak solution of ammonia (till the shawl smells of the ammonia) then washed with soap, and then again passed thro’ the solution of ammonia and wrung out, and then lastly in clean water and suffered to sipe dry - the ammonia in the 1st instance combines with and carries off the sulphur used in stoving the shawl and makes it fit for washing with soap, and in the 2nd instance combines with and carries off the soap - got a great deal of information from the 2 gentlemen respecting the factory act of parliament - they think parliament must repeal the act, and grant an 11 hours bill - limit them to working 11 hours a day and leave them at liberty to employ such children and at such ages as they like - they now agree with the medical man to furnish them with certificates at £5 a year per mill - the certificates are 6d. a piece by act of parliament and the medical man can charge 2/6 per visit - must go one a week - he could charge them £6.10.0 and could have more from larger mills, but a great many mill-owners have compounded at £5 a year - mentioned my water wheel erecting at Listerwick - young Mr. O- observed ‘water can but fall 16ft. in the 1st 2nd’ - the slower the speed, the greater the power - i.e. the longer the water dwells on the wheel-breast the greater the force it has - the breast being broad gives great advantage - mentioned my intended mill and having asked £20 per horse power on 15 horse power but intended making the agreement for £300 a year clear the tenant paying insurance - whether the power kept going or not - I would not be answerable - would not pay for stoppages - I thought the mill cheap enough to entitle me to this - yes! they both it was - a mill should be 16 yards wide for billys - 3 horse power would work 2 billys - .:. 15 horse power = 10 billys - Mr. Ostler had let room for billys at £70 per billy per annum finding nothing but room and power - but they were lower now - £50 per billy a common price in the country all about Mr. O-‘s 15 horse power = 10 billys at £50 = £500 per annum   my mill at £300 a year certain would be cheap - If I found the machinery less than 10 p.c. on it would not pay me - told Messrs. O- and T- I should be glad to see them - shook hands with the former - his offer on meeting mine on parting - thought I to myself this is the best information I have ever obtained - A- tired lay on the sofa in Mrs. O-‘s parlour till the carriage was got ready - I gave Mr. O- ½ a sovereign for the workmen, and we were off at 4 35 having been there just 2 ¼ hours - stopt a little while at Whitley’s on our return A- and M- wanted the Factory time books for the school-use home at 5 ¾ - dinner at 7 - coffee upstairs - A- and M- talked over school-matters while I lay sleeping on the sofa till 11 ½ then sat talking - ½ hour with A- [M-]  in her room till 12 ½ - talked over her money matters - she has
 the £200 she had meant for William Milne in the Brazilian funds which pay 6p.c. invested in her own name in trust for her own use with Mr. Lawton’s consent by her trustee Mr. W. Crewe - said I thought I had best pay her the balance of the account between herself and me - she thought so too if it was not inconvenient to me - no! not at all - and we are both pleased and satisfied that the money should be paid to M- now - A- and I both satisfied and glad of this arrangement - I advised M- to pay for Percy’s education as she intended, but try to do it out of income and keep all principal for herself - not give any part of it away during her life to which I think M- agreed - Fine morning - it began to rain at Charles Laws’ - (about noon) - and continued raining all the rest of the day - F44° and raining now at 1 ½ tonight - Kind letter tonight 3 pp. and ends from Lady Vere Cameron, Brafield house - is expecting a visit from her brother Lord B- all made up
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buyumeacademy · 12 days
Best Men’s Salons in Gurgaon for a Stylish Makeover
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Gurgaon, a bustling city known for its fast-paced life, is also a hotspot for fashion-forward men. Whether you're looking for a sharp haircut, beard grooming, or an entire makeover, finding the right salon can make all the difference. Men’s salons in Gurgaon offer top-notch services that cater to modern styling needs. To make things easier for you, we’ve rounded up the best men’s salons in Gurgaon for a stylish makeover.
1. Ali Hair Salon
Ali Hair Salon is a well-known name among men in Gurgaon. From trendy haircuts to precise beard trims, this salon has built its reputation for providing stylish and affordable services. The staff is experienced, ensuring that each client gets personalized attention and walks out with a fresh look.
If you're someone who enjoys experimenting with new hairstyles or grooming styles, Ali Hair Salon is perfect. They stay up-to-date with the latest trends, so whether you want a classic look or something more adventurous, the skilled stylists here have got you covered.
To make the booking process easier, Ali Hair Salon is available on Buyume Salon Finder, a platform where you can conveniently book appointments online.
2. Vishnu Hair Salon
For men who appreciate a no-fuss, quality haircut, Vishnu Hair Salon is a great option. It’s a small, local salon with a dedicated team that knows how to deliver excellent results. Whether it’s a quick trim or a detailed styling session, Vishnu Hair Salon is known for its friendly service and affordable prices.
Their barbers are skilled at giving haircuts that suit your personality, ensuring you leave the salon feeling confident. They also offer beard grooming and hair treatments, making it a one-stop shop for all your grooming needs.
You can book an appointment with Vishnu Hair Salon through Buyume Salon Finder and skip the waiting lines by securing your slot in advance.
3. Babita Beauty Parlour
While the name Babita Beauty Parlour might suggest it caters only to women, this salon is also a great choice for men’s grooming. Their team is skilled in providing haircuts, shaves, and other grooming services for men. The salon is known for its friendly staff, clean environment, and comfortable atmosphere.
Babita Beauty Parlour offers a variety of hair treatments for those dealing with dry or damaged hair. Their team ensures each client receives a style that complements their personality and preferences. Whether you're going for a formal look or something casual, you’ll find the right service here.
To enjoy the convenience of booking your session online, you can schedule an appointment with them through Buyume Salon Finder.
4. Men Zone Salon
When it comes to top salons in Gurgaon for men’s grooming, Men Zone Salon stands out. This salon is designed specifically for men, offering everything from haircuts to full grooming services like beard shaping, facials, and even body treatments. Men Zone Salon is the go-to spot for guys looking to revamp their look.
The stylists at Men Zone Salon are highly trained and focus on giving you a fresh, modern style. Whether you're looking to maintain your current hairstyle or try something new, their experts are ready to help. Plus, their grooming packages are tailored to suit men’s specific needs, including skin care and beard care.
You can avoid the hassle of waiting in line by booking your grooming session online via Buyume Salon Finder.
5. Hilton Hair Cutting Salon
Hilton Hair Cutting Salon is known for its professional services and attention to detail. It’s a favorite among men who seek a neat, stylish look without breaking the bank. The barbers at Hilton Hair Cutting Salon are well-trained in delivering cuts that not only follow the latest trends but also suit your face shape and lifestyle.
In addition to haircuts, Hilton offers beard styling, coloring, and hair treatments. They use high-quality products to ensure the best results, making it a trusted name among locals. The welcoming atmosphere and efficient service have made Hilton a go-to salon for many men in Gurgaon.
And just like the other top salons, you can book your appointment at Hilton Hair Cutting Salon through Buyume Salon Finder to ensure your spot is secured.
Why Use Buyume Salon Finder?
If you're someone who values convenience and efficiency, Buyume Salon Finder is your new best friend. This online platform allows you to easily discover and book appointments at some of the best salons in Gurgaon. Whether you want a haircut, a beard trim, or a complete makeover, you can explore a variety of salons, check out their services, and book a time slot that fits your schedule.
The Buyume Salon Finder platform ensures you don’t have to waste time waiting in long queues or stressing about last-minute appointments. It’s as simple as selecting your preferred salon, choosing the service, and booking your slot. Plus, it helps salons grow their business by offering a seamless way for clients to connect with them.
Why Gurgaon is the Hub for Men’s Grooming
Gurgaon is rapidly becoming a city that blends business with fashion, and men’s grooming is no exception. With more and more men looking to maintain their appearance, the demand for high-quality salons in the city has soared. From young professionals to entrepreneurs, everyone wants to stay sharp, and these top salons in Gurgaon are making sure they meet those needs.
Whether you're preparing for a big meeting, a special event, or just want to treat yourself, having a reliable salon that understands men’s grooming can make all the difference. And with platforms like Buyume Salon Finder, it's never been easier to find and book your ideal salon in Gurgaon.
Gurgaon offers a wide variety of salons catering specifically to men who value style and grooming. From budget-friendly options like Ali Hair Salon and Vishnu Hair Salon to full-service grooming experiences at Men Zone Salon and Hilton Hair Cutting Salon, there’s something for everyone. With the help of Buyume Salon Finder, booking your next stylish makeover has never been easier.
Take the leap and explore these top salons in Gurgaon for your next stylish transformation. You’re just a click away from finding the perfect look!
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perfectmakeover · 13 days
Best Parlour in Yamunanagar – Perfect Makeover
When it comes to looking and feeling your best, finding the right beauty parlour is essential. If you are in Yamunanagar and searching for a place that offers top-quality beauty services, Perfect Makeover is the answer. Known as the best parlour in Yamunanagar, Perfect Makeover provides a wide range of beauty treatments that will leave you feeling refreshed and confident.
Why Perfect Makeover is the Best Parlour in Yamunanagar
Perfect Makeover has built a great reputation by offering professional beauty services at affordable prices. Whether you need a simple haircut or a complete makeover, the team at Perfect Makeover is dedicated to making sure you leave with a smile.
Here’s why Perfect Makeover stands out:
1. Skilled and Friendly Staff: The team at Perfect Makeover is made up of experienced professionals who are experts in their field. They are trained in the latest beauty techniques and use high-quality products to ensure the best results. Whether you’re visiting for a facial, hair treatment, or bridal makeup, you’ll be treated with care and professionalism.
Not only are the staff skilled, but they are also friendly and make you feel comfortable throughout your visit. They listen to your needs and offer personalized recommendations to ensure you get the perfect look.
2. Wide Range of Services: Perfect Makeover is truly the best parlour in Yamunanagar because of the wide variety of beauty services it offers. Here are some of the services you can enjoy:
Haircuts and Styling: Get a fresh haircut or a stylish hairdo for any occasion.
Facials: Pamper your skin with nourishing facials that leave your face glowing.
Manicures and Pedicures: Treat your hands and feet to a relaxing manicure and pedicure.
Bridal Makeup: Look stunning on your special day with bridal makeup that enhances your natural beauty.
Hair Coloring and Treatments: Transform your look with beautiful hair color and treatments that make your hair shiny and healthy.
Waxing and Threading: Enjoy smooth skin with expert waxing and threading services.
3. Clean and Comfortable Environment: erfect Makeover maintains a clean and hygienic environment for all its clients. Every tool and product is sanitized, and the parlour is designed to be a comfortable place where you can relax and enjoy your beauty treatment. This attention to cleanliness is one of the reasons why many people consider it the best parlour in Yamunanagar.
4. Affordable Prices: Beauty treatments don’t have to be expensive. At Perfect Makeover, you can enjoy high-quality services at prices that fit your budget. Whether you’re looking for a quick trim or a full makeover, the affordable rates make it easy for everyone to look and feel great.
5. Personalized Beauty Care: What sets Perfect Makeover apart from other beauty parlours is the personalized care you receive. The team takes time to understand your preferences and offers beauty solutions that suit your style. Whether you want a natural look or something bold and trendy, they’ll make sure you leave feeling happy with your new look.
6. Bridal and Special Occasion Services: erfect Makeover is known for its stunning bridal makeup services. If you’re preparing for your wedding day, this is the best parlour in Yamunanagar to visit. The makeup artists at Perfect Makeover are experienced in creating beautiful bridal looks that last throughout the day. Whether you want a traditional bridal look or something more modern, they’ll make sure you look perfect on your big day.
They also offer makeup and styling services for other special occasions like parties, photoshoots, and more. You can trust them to create a look that makes you feel beautiful and confident for any event.
Perfect Makeover truly lives up to its name as the best parlour in Yamunanagar. With skilled staff, a wide range of services, a clean and comfortable environment, and affordable prices, it’s the ideal place for all your beauty needs. Whether you’re looking for a simple haircut, a relaxing facial, or a complete makeover for a special event, Perfect Makeover will ensure you leave looking and feeling your best.
If you want to experience top-quality beauty services in Yamunanagar, visit Perfect Makeover today and enjoy the perfect transformation.
Visit here for more information: https://maps.app.goo.gl/bEu52pkjUZzbX67C6
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shailybeautytips0 · 2 months
Beauty Parlour Near Me: A Guide to Finding the Perfect Spot for Your Beauty Needs
In today’s fast-paced world, finding a beauty parlour that caters to your specific needs can be a lifesaver. Whether you’re getting ready for a special occasion, need a quick grooming session, or just want to relax and pamper yourself, the right beauty parlour can make all the difference. If you're searching for "beauty parlour near me," here's everything you need to know to find the perfect spot for all your beauty needs.
Why Visit a Beauty Parlour?
A visit to a beauty parlour is not just about enhancing your physical appearance; it’s a holistic experience that caters to your mental well-being as well. With professionals offering a wide range of services, from haircuts and styling to skincare treatments and massages, beauty parlours provide a serene escape from daily stress.
Whether you’re a busy professional, a student, or a homemaker, self-care is crucial. Regular visits to a beauty parlour ensure that you look your best, boosting your confidence and making you feel rejuvenated.
Finding the Best Beauty Parlour Near You
Searching for a "beauty parlour near me" can yield numerous results, but how do you choose the right one? Here are some essential factors to consider:
Location and Convenience:
Proximity is key when choosing a beauty parlour. Look for places that are close to your home or workplace, saving you time and travel expenses. A nearby beauty parlour means you can easily pop in for a quick touch-up during your lunch break or before a night out.
Reputation and Reviews:
In the age of the internet, online reviews are invaluable. Check platforms like Google, Yelp, and social media for customer reviews and ratings. A beauty parlour with consistent positive feedback is likely to provide excellent service. Don’t forget to ask friends and family for recommendations as well.
Pricing and Packages:
Beauty treatments can range from affordable to high-end, depending on the parlour's location, reputation, and services. Look for a beauty parlour that fits your budget. Many parlours offer packages and discounts for regular customers, so inquire about loyalty programs or bundled services that could save you money in the long run.
Hygiene and Cleanliness:
Hygiene is a non-negotiable factor when it comes to beauty parlours. Ensure the parlour follows strict sanitation protocols, uses clean tools, and maintains a tidy environment. This not only ensures your safety but also reflects the professionalism of the establishment.
Professionalism and Expertise:
The staff's expertise and professionalism can greatly impact your experience. Look for a parlour with certified and experienced beauticians who are knowledgeable about the latest trends and techniques. A friendly and skilled team can make your visit enjoyable and satisfying.
Popular Beauty Treatments to Consider
Once you've found the perfect beauty parlour, explore the various treatments they offer. Here are some popular services that might interest you:
Facials and Skincare Treatments: From deep-cleansing facials to advanced anti-aging treatments, skincare services are designed to enhance your skin's health and appearance.
Hair Styling and Coloring: Whether you need a trim, a complete makeover, or the latest balayage, professional stylists can help you achieve the look you desire.
Manicures and Pedicures: Keep your hands and feet looking polished with regular manicures and pedicures. Choose from classic styles, gel nails, or creative nail art.
Massages and Spa Treatments: Unwind with a relaxing massage or indulge in spa therapies that rejuvenate both body and mind.
Makeup Services: Whether it’s for a wedding, a party, or a photoshoot, professional makeup artists can create stunning looks that highlight your best features.
Finding the right beauty parlour near you can significantly enhance your self-care routine. By considering factors such as location, services, reputation, and pricing, you can choose a parlour that meets your needs and preferences. So the next time you search for a "beauty parlour near me," keep these tips in mind to ensure a delightful and fulfilling beauty experience. Embrace the opportunity to pamper yourself and step out feeling confident and refreshed.
For More Info:-
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homeservicesalon1 · 3 months
Embrace Convenience: The Rise of At-Home Beauty Services
In the modern era, the demand for convenience and personalized experiences has skyrocketed, giving rise to the trend of at-home beauty services. Whether it’s a busy professional schedule or the desire for a more private pampering session, at-home beauty services cater to those who seek high-quality treatments in the comfort of their own space. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding and embracing this trend.
Why Choose At-Home Beauty Services?
The primary advantage of at-home beauty services is convenience. With professional beauticians coming to your doorstep, you save time and effort that would otherwise be spent traveling to a salon. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with hectic schedules, parents with young children, or those with mobility issues.
Wide Range of Services
beauty services at home offer a wide array of treatments, rivaling those available in traditional salons. From haircuts, styling, and coloring to manicures, pedicures, facials, and massages, there’s a service for every need. You can even find specialized treatments like bridal makeup, spa therapies, and skincare consultations, all delivered by certified professionals.
Personalized Attention
One of the standout features of at-home beauty services is the personalized attention you receive. Without the distractions of a busy salon, beauticians can focus entirely on you, ensuring a customized experience. This one-on-one interaction allows for better communication, where you can express your preferences and receive tailored recommendations.
Comfort and Privacy
For many, the privacy and comfort of their own home provide an unmatched level of relaxation. You can enjoy your treatments in a familiar environment, free from the potential self-consciousness of a public setting. This is especially appealing for those who prefer a more intimate and stress-free beauty regimen.
Booking and Safety
Booking beauty parlour at home has become incredibly easy with the advent of dedicated apps and websites. A few clicks, and you can schedule an appointment at your convenience. Additionally, reputable service providers prioritize hygiene and safety, adhering to strict protocols to ensure a clean and sanitized experience.
Contrary to the assumption that personalized services are expensive, at-home beauty treatments can be cost-effective. With the elimination of salon overheads, many providers offer competitive pricing. Moreover, you save on travel costs and time, adding to the overall value.
beauty services at home are redefining the way we approach self-care, offering a blend of luxury, convenience, and personalization. Whether you’re looking for a quick touch-up or an indulgent spa day, these services bring the salon experience directly to you, making beauty and wellness more accessible than ever.
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spray-tan-aus · 10 months
Get Professional Brazilian Waxing in Melbourne for Safe Hairless Private Parts
Trustable beauty salons offer various high quality beauty services such as waxing, eyelash and more at competitive prices.  These beauty clinics provide safe and standard quality Brazilian waxing in Melbourne for women.  These clinics hold that everybody can have flawless, gorgeous skin by waxing. They insist that you feel secure, start your skin care journey with these clinics, and get the best hair removal experience possible. These salons provide waxing for men and women with the advantages of smoother, more radiant skin.  They take great pride in their hygienic and secure salon, which they maintain daily as well as after each client visit. They never double dip, use premium brands of wax, and provide each client with a clean disposable spatula. They go above and above to maintain the highest standards of hygiene in their waxing areas.
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These beauty parlours provide full body parts waxing in South Yarra for male as well as females.  They want you to feel comfortable in their salons and with their professional, qualified and thorough staff.  These clinics aim is for you to walk out of their salons feeling better and more comfortable in your own skin than when you walked in.  They provide waxing of face, legs, arms, torso and more body parts whey you want to remove hairs. These clinics ensure that their highly qualified beauticians are experts in hair removal and waxing is a secure, effective, and more lasting method to extract large volumes of hair.  Waxing can be done in one session or over several areas, such as the underarms, stomach, abdomen, back, legs.  They guarantee they only use top quality, thoroughly researched salon grade products suitable for all skin types.
Importance of Professional Brazilian Waxing in Melbourne:
Verified researches indicates that people should always wear a bikini and short underwear if they plan to be outside in the sun. To do this, they have to wax their pubic hair. For this reason, Brazilian waxing is widely recognized among Melbourne's general population. This is a treatment that you may also perform at home. However, it is suggested that one should only attempt this extremely delicate method under the guidance of a professional. Workers with the requisite training to perform Brazilian waxing are employed by reputed beauty salons. Furthermore, because skin is so thin, an attempt at this procedure at home will run in to the risk of becoming lethal if done incorrectly.
To sum up, beauty salons offer various services such waxing, eyelash extension and more.   Someone wants to get waxed should visit a local beauty parlor.
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shripriyasalon · 2 years
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At Shri Priya's Beauty Salon, we believe that your hair is more than just a style - it's your crown! Our team of expert stylists is here to help you achieve your dream look, whether it's a bold new cut or a stunning color transformation. With our personalized consultations and top-quality products, we'll work with you to create a style that not only looks amazing but also suits your lifestyle and personality.
Welcome to Shri Priya's Beauty Lounge Salon, the best beauty parlour & bridal salon near sigra, Varanasi. We offer transformed results in top-quality makeup, skin & hair services. We provide all kinds of Beauty Services list of Beauty Services that includes everything from facial, facial massage, advanced facials, hair cut, Bridal Makeup for Wedding, Bridal Makeup Package, Party & Reception Makeup, Bridal Hairdo, Hair Styling, Hair Rebounding & Colouring, Hair Spa & Smoothening, Clean Up, Waxing, Nail Care & Skin Care. We also offer basic & advanced Facials, Bleaching/tanning & makeup services. We Provide all Beauty Products and Services at the Best Price. Also, we have the Best & Professional Makeup Artists in Varanasi(beauty salon)
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love-menzone · 2 years
Why do men visit the salon and spas?
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How do people style their hair to look fashionable? Women typically select the salon or parlour with the highest prices, particularly for hair-cutting and styling services. However, most men prefer the neighbourhood salon to the more expensive one. Are you aware of the real reason for going to the men's salon and spa in such a circumstance? The local salon's appearance pales in comparison to the posh one. Despite this, you must have seen men frequently going to the local salon on vacation to get their hair cut and shaved.
Why you need to reach the salon services?
Reduce stress:
A pleasant and familiar setting is always necessary for a good massage. To ensure the ultimate pleasure, he only needs to physically, mentally, and spiritually unwind. De-stressing and unwinding are extremely important, even for men. If you're looking for a tranquil massage in the right setting, someone who's in the right mood, and perhaps a touch that will completely transport you to another world, you might find it here.
Decrease headache:
Although headaches can happen to anyone at any time, they tend to occur more frequently during times of high stress. Fortunately, one of the practical advantages of going to a spa is that many treatments, like head and hand massages, will help reduce headache frequency. This is why massages help to alleviate the stress that always leads to headaches in the first place. Please click here on the link and get to know the info on Menzone.ca.
Clean environment:
When it comes to cleanliness is a must barbershop. It's normal to have hair on the floor sometimes, but barbers should be willing to help clean it up as they go. Hairdresser trimming stations ought to be flawless and coordinated, and certificates out and introduced so that clients can see. Stationing the cutting equipment should be neat. Barbers should be well-kept and well-groomed, which is to be expected. Not that barbers should wear suits to work, but they should present themselves professionally.
For more information about men's salon and spa, barbershop, barbershop near me, manicure and pedicure services, mens hair salon, please visit the - Menzone.
Reference taken from here.
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thepurewood · 2 years
The Purewood is a leading supplier of barber chairs and salon chairs. We have a wide range of products that can be customized according to your requirements. Our website also provides you with detailed information about our products, services and prices so that you can make an informed decision about what type of chair may be right for your business or establishment
Barber Chairs in India
Barber chairs are a necessity for anyone who wants to give their customers the ultimate experience. If you have been looking for a barber chair in India, then you have come to the right place. We offer a wide range of products from multiple brands including:
Purewood Barber Chairs
Shower Chair Karim Rashid
Designer Barbershop Chairs
Barber Chairs for Sale
The Purewood Online Barber Chair is a classic barber chair that offers you the best grooming experience ever! The seat of this barber chair comes with an adjustable height and tilt function. This allows you to adjust it according to your comfort level while sitting on it, thus ensuring that you get the best results out of each haircut session. The chair has been designed in such a way that it can be easily cleaned after every use as well as being easy to assemble and disassemble, making them ideal for salon usage or home use too!
Buy Barber Chairs in India
If you’re looking for a new barber chair, you have come to the right place. We offer a wide variety of barber chairs that can be bought online, from our website and other stores.
If you are worried about how much these products will cost, don't worry! Our prices are extremely competitive and we offer great discounts on bulk orders. You should also know that we only sell high-quality products with excellent customer service. So if there is anything else that needs to be done before purchasing any furniture or appliances online, please feel free to contact us at any time!
Barber Salon Chair
If you are looking for a good quality and durable chair, then visit Purewood. We offer a wide range of products that can help you in achieving your goal of owning a barber salon chair.
If you are new to the world of barber shop chairs, then read on as we discuss some basic things that will help you make an informed decision on what type of chair would suit your needs best.
In this article we’ll cover:
What is a Barber Salon Chair?
Types of Barbershop Chairs Available In India Today (And Why You Should Consider One)
Features To Look For When Buying A Barber Shop Chair
Salon Furniture in India
If you are looking for the best salon furniture in India, then look no further. We have an extensive collection of high-quality products and services that will help you create a beautiful, comfortable space for your clients.
The Purewood Barber Salon Chairs are made from the highest quality materials available on the market today. They come with all the features that make them great investments as well as being durable enough to last for years without needing any maintenance or repair work done on them!
These chairs come in many different colors so there's sure to be one perfect match for whatever room or design scheme you’re choosing!
The Purewood offers different concrete designs of barber chair and salon chair online at competitive prices. The Purewood provides you with a wide range of barber chairs, which can be used in various places like salons, barsbershops and hair-dressershops. The offered products are made up of excellent quality materials that make them durable as well as comfortable to use. These chairs come with an affordable price tag so you don’t have to worry about spending too much money on buying one!
The Purewood offers different concrete designs for barber chairs and salon chairs online at competitive prices. We are committed to providing quality products at the most affordable prices.
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salon09 · 2 years
Ladies Salon in Kolhapur
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Ladies Salon in Kolhapur has been providing the best services to its customers for over a decade. The salon is known for its wide range of services such as hair care, skin care, makeup, and more.
The salon also offers a full range of beauty treatments that are customized according to the needs of each individual customer.
Image salon is a beauty salon that offers a variety of services for women.
is a beauty salon that offers a variety of services for women, such as hair cutting, hair styling, and nail care.
Image salon is a place where women can go and get their hair done, nails done, or even a massage. The salon will have the staff and resources to provide these services for their customers. They may work as hairstylists, nail technicians, or massage therapists. The salon may also employ male staff to perform various tasks such as cleaning up the salon or performing maintenance on equipment. Salons are typically open during regular business hours but they do stay open later if there is a need for evening appointments with clients that work outside of normal hours.
Salons are a place where people go to get their hair done, nails done, and even makeup. There are many salons in Kolhapur that offer a variety of services.
Some salons offer more than just hair and nails. They might offer facials, massages, and other beauty services.
The prices for these services vary from salon to salon. Some salons charge a lot more than others for similar services.
Salons usually have different price ranges for different people depending on what they want to get done.
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shilparoy9955876 · 3 years
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PrettyU Experts are ready to provide you all the facial and skin care services with utmost comfort and relaxation at your own home. To know more - https://www.prettyu.in/category-1/face-skin
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buyumeacademy · 2 months
Unveil the Hidden Gems - Best Men's Salons in Gwalior for a Stylish Makeover
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Gwalior, a city known for its rich history and vibrant culture, is also home to some fantastic men's salons. Whether you're looking for a trendy haircut, a relaxing shave, or a complete grooming package, Gwalior has some hidden gems you should check out. Here's a guide to the best men's salons in Gwalior that will give you a stylish makeover.
S.S. Men's Parlour
Located in the heart of Gwalior, S.S. Men's Parlour is renowned for its excellent service and skilled barbers. This top salon in Gwalior offers many services, including haircuts, shaves, facials, and hair treatments. The ambiance is warm and welcoming, making every visit a relaxing experience. The staff at S.S. Men's Parlour are trained to understand the latest trends and will ensure you leave the salon looking sharp and stylish.
Why Choose S.S. Men's Parlour?
Experienced and skilled barbers
Trendy and modern haircuts
Comprehensive grooming services
Affordable prices
New Men's Hair Salon
New Men's Hair Salon is another top men's salon in Gwalior that has gained popularity for its exceptional grooming services. This salon is known for its attention to detail and personalized service. Whether you need a simple trim or a complete makeover, New Men's Hair Salon experts will cater to your needs with precision and care. The salon also offers specialized treatments for hair and scalp, ensuring that your hair stays healthy and strong.
What Makes New Men's Hair Salon Special?
Personalized grooming services
Expert advice on hair and scalp care
Modern and stylish haircuts
Friendly and professional staff
 Divas Family Saloon
Don't let the name fool you; Divas Family Saloon offers some of the best men's grooming services in Gwalior. This salon in Gwalior is a favorite among men who want to look their best without breaking the bank. Divas Family Saloon offers various services, including haircuts, shaves, hair coloring, and more. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable, always ready to provide tips and advice on maintaining your look.
Highlights of Divas Family Saloon:
Affordable grooming services
Wide range of hair and beauty treatments
Experienced and friendly staff
Convenient location
 Param Men's Parlour
Param Men's Parlour is a hidden gem in Gwalior that offers top-notch grooming services. This top men's salon in Gwalior is known for its professional and skilled barbers adept at creating stylish and modern looks. The salon's relaxing atmosphere and excellent customer service make it a great place to unwind and get a fresh look. Param Men's Parlour also offers beard styling and grooming, ensuring that every aspect of your appearance is taken care of.
Reasons to Visit Param Men's Parlour:
Skilled and professional barbers
Relaxing and comfortable ambiance
Comprehensive beard grooming services
High-quality products
Green Looks Mens Parlour
Green Looks Mens Parlour is a popular choice for men in Gwalior who want a stylish and modern look. This salon in Gwalior is known for its trendy haircuts and professional grooming services. The experienced staff at Green Looks Mens Parlour are always up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques, ensuring you get the best possible service. From haircuts to hair treatments, this salon offers everything you need to look and feel your best.
Why Green Looks Mens Parlour Stands Out:
Trendy and stylish haircuts
Professional and experienced staff
Modern and clean facilities
Wide range of grooming services
Book Your Appointment with Buyume Salon Finder
Finding the perfect salon in Gwalior is now easier than ever with Buyume Salon Finder. This convenient platform allows you to book appointments at the top men's salons in Gwalior with just a few clicks. Whether you're looking for a quick trim or a complete grooming package, Buyume Salon Finder covers you. You can visit the Buyume website or app, choose your preferred salon, and book your appointment whenever you can.
Why Use Buyume Salon Finder?
Easy and convenient booking process
Access to the best men's salons in Gwalior
User-friendly platform
Saves time and effort
Gwalior is home to some of the best men's salons that offer top-notch grooming services. From S.S. Men's Parlour to Green Looks Mens Parlour, each salon has its unique charm and specialties. Whether you need a stylish haircut, a relaxing shave, or a complete makeover, these salons have covered you. Use Buyume Salon Finder to book appointments and enjoy a hassle-free grooming experience. Get ready to unveil the hidden gems and step out in style!
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