#clenches fist why did they make her straight in a game full of gay people
shrimpfriedeggs · 2 years
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jillma... jalma...... whatever their ship name is
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stella-mayne · 4 years
Character's Full Name: Zoey Ligaya Zilwick 
Name origin: Zoey is Greek meaning life. Middle name is Filipino for Joy
Nickname, if any: Zo & Zozobear and Lia (her tiyas call her this)
(if so, explain its origin – e.g. who created it?): All her close friends/ family call her Zo. Zozobear is her dad’s nickname and her aunts call her only by her Filipino name or a shortened version. Lia.
Place of birth: Philippines
Religion:  Ex Roman Catholic- currently doesn’t subscribe to religion
Degree of religious practice: Non-existent 
Current address: Castle in Russia 
Sexuality:  Zoey’s open to connections with people of any gender but has only ever been heteromantic in the past.
Marital status: Single pringle.
List any significant previous romantic partners: Nate, and there were two exes back in college.
Height: Zoey stands at a whooping 5′2
Weight: Around 120? Her weight rarely fluctuates- no matter how crappily she eats.
What is his/her body type: slim/ slender
Eye color?- Milk chocolate brown
Skin tone:Tan in the summer, olive in the winter. She looks sickly in Russia.
Any prominent features/ other distinguishing marks?: Zoey has the slightest sprinkling of freckles on her face which are only visible if she’s bare faced. The sheerest of tinted moisturizers cover them up.
 Zoey also has four moles dotting her shoulder blades, three on the left and one that’s identically placed to the middle on the left on her right. 
Whom does s/he most look like (e.g. famous person or relative)?: She takes most after her mom- with her dark tresses and similar smiles.
General health (good, excellent, poor...)?: Pretty good, though she does get paranoid at the slightest sign of an illness (which most times is simply the common cold)
Any chronic conditions?: Insomnia- which is why she makes her special treats.
How does s/he dress (mark as many as appropriate):
Does s/he dress to be noticed? Why? Her sole intention is not to be noticed but she does get noticed often due to her style. She she’s style as a form of expression and takes full advantage of it.
Any special jewelry? She mostly sports rings- which is the only thing she takes off when preparing pastries.
If so, why is it special? Zoey wears crystals often, her favourite being a rose quartz ring that was given to her by her dad.
Pace (does s/he talk fast, average, slow?): When she’s nervous or excited it sounds like she could pass out from the lack of breaths she takes in between sentences. On the average, if it’s just a regular schmegular conversation it’s average pace.
Accent or dialect, if any: Mostly a Filipino accent and but it’s tainted very slightly with a Canadian twang.
Voice tone: Her tone is average- can get high pitched at times.
Any favorite/habitual words/phrases or curse words?: “Shit” is her favourite curse when she burns herself while cooking-- a direct result of her not wearing the appropriate chef apron. 
A phrase she prefaces things often with is “I mean...” which she singsongs/ drags out
Describe general vocabulary or speech pattern: she sounds educated but not pretentious. Can sound cultured from time to time depending on the topic.
Common gestures: Hands in pockets, digging her nails into her arm in uncomfortable situations- sometimes enough to break skin.
Morning Routine:
Describe the character's morning rituals- 
Though Zoey sets an alarm she absolutely hates hearing it- it puts her in a bad mood. So she’s trained herself to wake up a couple minutes before it sounds. In Russia her bed is a twin, but in Canada thought it’s a full she sticks to the right side of the bed. She starts everyday by jotting down what snippets of her dream she remembers into a dream journal before doing a yoga flow and or mediation. 
She’s usually very chipper in the morning, especially after she’s had her first iced coffee. Almost always having a light breakfast of fruit or a granola bar.
Zoey unabashedly indulges in more than a fair share amount of take out. After working all day in a kitchen she hardly ever goes into hers. If she’s not ordering in she’s eating out with friends.
Being an occasional insomniac Zoey resorts to her special treats to get a good night’s rest. If she’s had one she knocks right out, if not- unless she’s beat from a day’s work- she tosses and turns and her mind goes into overdrive. (Because of this her dad got her a weighted blanket last Christmas). 
Zoey dreams regularly and most times it’s cryptic but she has dreamt things that happened before. Her precognitive dreams are almost always right.
Was his/her childhood happy? Troubled? Dull? (And does the character remember it accurately?) Zoey had a very stable upbringing in a loving, well off two parent home. She considers herself very lucky for having the childhood she did.
Earliest memory: Her dad squeezing an orange for her because she was too weak to do so herself.
Happiest memory: Bringing her baby sister home
Significant past jobs: She was a barista- it taught her patience.
First crush or romantic love?- Oliver Wilde- green eyed, dark haired cutie in middle school
What was his/her first sexual experience?- A handsy makeout session in the back of her private high school. 
Is it a positive/negative memory? Positive. 
How in general is she perceived by...
Strangers? Friendly? Warm/ inviting.. fidgety? 
Past spouse/lovers? Sweet? Kind hearted? Generous?
The opposite sex? Cute?
Anyone who angers him or her? Idk. Zoey rarely gets angry. 
What do most people consider likeable about him/her? That she’s compassionate.
What do most people consider his/her biggest flaw? Her anxiety or that she’s too much of a people pleaser
Any secret attractions? If so, does the other person know it? Has there been any actual romantic/sexual activity? 
A given is that she’s still attracted to Nate. And she’s pretty sure he’s aware. She’s also very attracted to the Russian prince- again, Zoey is not the most discrete as her nerves and anxiety tend to give her away. 
No sexual activity with the aforementioned. Though some can argue romantic activity such as signs/ actions of affection.
In romantic relationships, is s/he generally monogamous or uncommitted? (If the latter, is s/he honest w/ partners?)
She’s a monogamous hoe. Like. Once she’s into you she’s into you. And she can be very clingy but in the cute mature way not I’d die without you. 
Though she may eventually hold feelings for two people at once. 
Is his/her sexual behavior inhibited, average, experimental, or reckless? Has this changed
(and if so, why)?
Definitely inhibited. She is not the type to casually hook up (though she has in college) because she’s afraid of creating soul ties with strangers or people whose hearts she doesn’t know well. 
When she is involved with someone she trusts and has feelings for she is open to experimenting with things like Tantric sex etc. 
Worst end of a relationship (could be friend, romantic, colleague...): Obviously the one with Nate as it was out of her control and sudden. It was because of the abrupt end that she hasn’t healed from it completely or found closure. 
Whom does s/he most rely on for practical advice? Her mom
Whom does s/he most rely on for emotional support? Her dad
Any psychological issues (e.g. phobias,depression, paranoia, narcissism, etc.)? As if it weren’t obvious Zoey suffers from anxiety. It was so bad that she would pass out at times. However the psychological issue she’s in denial about is her depression. Which gets worse nearing the anniversary of her sister’s death. A part of her doesn’t want to acknowledge or admit her depression to herself and family because she doesn’t want them to worry that she’d share the same fate as her sister.
Is s/he an optimist or pessimist? She’s a realist, now. Though she can easily be painted or mistaken as an optimist. 
Personal philosophy:
What is his/her biggest embarrassment? Possibly getting caught making kush cupcakes by her boss’ son. Yeah that takes the cake- pun intended.
Does s/he believe in fate or destiny? Is s/he superstitious? Very superstitious. And she believes in fate and destiny more than the average human. 
What are his/her own favorite attributes (physical and personality)?- Zoey likes her fingers. They strike her as being very delicate and perfect for playing an instrument to showcase them.. like piano. 
She loves that she’s friendly and people warm up to her instantly. 
What about least favorite? Zoey wished she was braver in expressing her feelings. 
Biggest regret: Not picking up the damn phone when her sister called her in class. 
Other regrets: Sometimes taking the job in Russia. Not questioning her breakup with Nate more/ advocating for them or herself. 
Biggest secret(s): Her sister’s death. She rarely discusses it with anyone. 
Does anyone else know these secrets? Her family. 
How does s/he react to a crisis? She’ll probably have a panic attack so intense she’ll pass out... or puke. Once that’s subsided she’ll probably come around to trying to find a solution 
How does s/he react to change? Zoey is very adaptable but not when it comes to something like death. That’s the one thing she still struggles to grasp and accept. 
Food: Italian (pestp pasta)
Drink: Iced coffee
Book: The fifth agreement
Film: The Lake House (cuz like fate and serendipity) 
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djinnacekiran · 7 years
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Character's Full Name:  Ace Kiran
General Info:
Name Origin:  Ace is apparently Latin, Kiran is Indian
Nickname: None
Does s/he like the nickname? N/A
Birth date: May 31
Place of birth: New York
Ethnic background: Djinn
Religion: None
Degree of religious practice (e.g. orthodox, casual, lapsed):  N/A
Current address: The Institute, Room BO5
Does s/he rent or own? N/A
Brief description of home (apartment, house, trailer, etc.): Cell
Does s/he live with anyone? Kalani Ochoa, Ophelia Azarel, Ryland Matthews
Describe the area in which s/he lives 
(big city, town, rural, other): Island
Is this his/her ideal home and location? No
If not, what would s/he prefer? 
Home decor (check all that apply):__X_ Expensive ___ Inexpensive __ Carefully planned __X_ Comfortable___ Neat ___ Cluttered
When someone walks in, what's his/her first impression? that it’s a cell with a cute guy in it
Pets?__x_ No (why?) ___ Yes | Slaves don’t get pets.
If yes, what kind and how many? Name(s)?  N/A
How important are they? How well are they treated? N/A
Current occupation (include length of time, location, job title): Student / Slave
Job satisfaction (happy, discontent, ambitious...):  Pissed off
Income level: very little accessible but his invested ill gotten gains are earning millions yearly (he gets a small allowance on the island)
Education: Spottty.  Studying Computer Science
Does s/he drive? What kind of car does s/he own, if any? (Make, model, color, age, etc.): Yes.  He owns mostly red and yellow sports cars and motorcycles.  None are currently accessible.
Sexuality (e.g. straight, gay, bisexual, asexual, unsure...): Homoflexible.  
Marital status: Single
If married or currently romantically involved, with whom, and for how long?  N/A
List any significant previous romantic partners: N/A
For current spouse/partner, what does the character call him/her (pet names, nicknames, etc.)? N/A
How did they meet? N/A
Any children (include names, ages, other parent if different from current partner)? N/A 
Describe relationship with each child (if any): N/A 
Physical Appearance:
Height: 5ft 11in
Weight: 155
What is his/her body type (skinny, slim, athletic, curvy, overweight, muscular, etc.)? Athletic
Eye color? Light Brown
Does s/he use glasses? Contacts? Hearing aid? No
Skin tone (pale, ivory, ruddy, tan, olive,
brown, black, etc.): Fair skinned
Any prominent features, freckles/moles/scars/tattoos/
other distinguishing marks? No 
Face shape (round, oval, chubby, thin, long, square, heart-shaped, etc.)?  Square
Whom does s/he most look like (e.g. famous person or relative)? Dylan O’brien
General health (good, excellent, poor...)? excellent
Any chronic conditions? no
Any current health problems? no
How does s/he dress (mark as many as appropriate):
PRICE:_x_ Expensive     _x_ Average    __ Inexpensive   __  Cheap
STYLE:__  Haute Couture  __  Conservative  _x_  Trendy    _x_  Eclectic   __  Business  _x_ Sexy    __  Gaudy    _x_  Casual  __ Sloppy                
Does s/he dress to be noticed? Why? He used to dress to be noticed sexually, now his wardrobe (parent provided) is best described as cute/sexy geek
Any special jewelry? He has been forced to wear a genie bottle necklace
If so, why is it special? His parents are kind of hoping he’ll be claimed by a master who will get dispensation from the administration to force him to live in it, furthering his punishment.
Other accessories: no
Grooming:___ Every hair in place, very neat (Why?) _x__ Average grooming___ Clean but sloppy___ Unkempt (Why?)
Hairstyle (long, short, crewcut, locs, bangs, side-part etc.): short
Natural hair texture (thick, thin, wiry, smooth, wavy, curly, nappy, etc.): wavy
Current hair texture (if different from above):N/A
Natural hair color:Brown
Current hair color (if different from above): N/A
Speech and Communication:
Pace (does s/he talk fast, average, slow?): fast
Accent or dialect, if any: indistinct american though he can adjust to any local accent/dialect
Voice tone (shrill, high, average, deep, squeaky, hoarse, harsh, authoritative, cultured, etc.): seductive
Any favorite/habitual words/phrases or curse words? no
Describe general vocabulary or speech pattern (e.g. educated, precise, pretentious, average, childish, uneducated, vulgar…): average with a cheeky/sarcastic/flirty/rude edge
Mannerisms/demeanor?_x__ Cool/confident__x_ Volatile/moody___ Nervous/fidgety/shy___ Other?
Typical posture:___ Stiff and rigid___ Stands straight but not stiffly_x_ Average, varies with mood___ Slumped and defeated___ Slouchy, careless___ Relaxed___ Other
Gestures:___ Doesn't gesture much__x_ Deliberate and controled ___ Only when excited/upset ___ Most of the time_ __ Wildly/weirdly
Common gestures (e.g. nail-biting, hair patting, drumming fingers, clenched fists, hands in pockets, etc.): none
Everyday Behavior/Habits:
Finances: prudent/cautious, average w/some debt, lives paycheck to paycheck, deep in debt, criminal activity, etc.): Spends a lot but invests wisely and often gets others to pay
Describe any personal habits, e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, etc. Are any of these addictions? Lots of drinking, not addicted
Morning Routine:  Describe the character's morning rituals. Who else is sleeping in the same bed? What time does he/she wake up? Is he/she cheerful in the morning? What wakes him/her up -- alarm, spouse/lover, kids, pet? What does he/she do during breakfast-read, watch tv, feed kids, etc. :  He sleeps alone in his cell bed but with his roommates nearby naturally.  He’s not a morning person unless sex is involved.  Routine is:   Get up, shower, hit on a guard/piss off a guard, breakfast
Afternoon/Workday: Now describe the character's workday or afternoon behavior. Does s/he work outside the home? How does he/she get there? Does he/she anticipate, dread, resent the work ahead? Does s/he give the job genuine attention and effort? Does s/he enjoy this work? Is s/he good at this job? What would he/she rather be doing? How long and hard is the work day? : He goes to class and is generally surly about that.  
Does s/he stop for lunch? Where? Cafeteria unless he can get someone to buy him lunch
Dinner: Does s/he eat at home or go out a lot? If the latter, what is/are his or her favorite restaurant(s)? At home, who prepares the meal? Who does he/she eat it with? What does it typically consist of? What goes on during dinner -- tv, conversation, fighting, reading, etc? Who cleans up?  He eats at the cafeteria unless he can get someone to buy him dinner
Evening: What does your character do on a typical evening? Where? With whom? How much does he/she enjoy it? What is the ideal evening for him or her?:  Homework or reading.  He hangs out in the gym or the bars when allowed.  At a bar, he hits on masters and tries to get free drinks.
Bedtime: Does he/she go to bed at a consistent time? Alone or with someone else? Does s/he usually fall asleep right way, or is s/he an insomniac? Does he/she dream -- a lot, a little, never? Are most of his/her dreams scary, pleasant, sexual, imaginative? Are there any recurring dreams? Does s/he sleep well or poorly (e.g. tossing & turning)?:  he goes to bed around midnight and usually falls asleep quickly.  His dreams tend to be either sexual or fantasies about messing with people.  He sleeps alone unless he’s with a master.  He prefers to sleep with a master.
Skills/Talents: What is s/he particularly unskilled at? He’s most skilled at hooking marks on fantasies and then fucking them their lives up once he’s done getting what he can from them.
Any hobbies (sports, arts, collecting, gaming, etc.):  Hooking marks on fantasies  / sex
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