jennymaltzurrak · 10 months
“The universe can be a very cold; cruel place to be in, and left to float/fly endlessly in it, without a destination or lead to finding your kin, a place to call home, is much worse. But what would you care? Popping here and there leaving behind people or things/intelligences you thought dead?” Clever rants pacing to and fro much like an agitated feline behind bars; despite the fact there was nothing but the other occupying her mind to prevent them from ripping out the dual hearts that beat so coldly in that chest. The Doctor had returned to a previous body, and was even older than the ones both it as the aforementioned cyber intelligence and this body knew, they both could see it in those disgusting eyes that looked so shocked back at them both. “Surprise father dearest.” She mockingly bows.
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miasma-of-fear · 4 years
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"The fear ensnares you like a serpent 'round your heart."
¤ Independent, semi-selective RP and ask blog for Jonathan Emmanuel Keeny-Crane, a canon divergent Scarecrow - OC and crossover friendly, interacts from @whats-a-clever-username ¤
[ Rules + more info below ]
Promo Post 💉 Headcanon Masterpost 🎃 Verse List 🧪 Wishlist 🌾 Relationship Taglist ⚰ NPCs 🍂 Playlist 💀 Interest Tracker
¤ Key of terms ¤
Adjustments Are in Order : blog maintenance
A Murder : corvid companions
A Nightmare Escaped : Scarecrow tag
Arkham Files : promos
Backlog : queue tag
The Beast in Me : Scarebeast tag
Burlap Rope and Straw : wardrobe
Broken Picture Frames : muse art
Crowscratch : muse posts
Do You Have an Appointment? : closed starters
The Duke of Delirium : faceclaim
Farewells : end thread
Filed Away : save tag
Gaze Upon Me! And Know True Fear! : self promo
He Never Trusts Presents : submissions
I Feel a Headache Coming on... : dash comms
The Maze of the Mind : headcanons
Needles Smoke and Feathered Fear : aesthetic
Nevermore Your Ichabod : musing
No Time for Such Dawdling : memes
Odd Company : threads
Querist Beware : asks
Romance of the Unusual : Jon/Edwin tag
Silence Filled : music
Step Into My Web : open starters
Suspicion Grows : anonymous
This IS a Madhouse : crack
Whispers From the Corn : OOC
Yonder Stands the Sinner : starter call
visage tag tba
interests tag tba
desires tag tba
¤ Read before use ¤
🧡 Mun is 21, NB, uses she/he/they, and goes by Kirby, Who, and Briar. This is a mobile sideblog run by @whats-a-clever-username. My other roleplay blogs are @e-l-c-kingor and @who-is-muses.
🤎 I don’t care much for extensive plotting, rather preferring a basic idea for the beginning and going from there.
💚 As far as my style of formatting goes, I write how I would a story- both for comfort and keeping the theme, sometimes with actions and sometimes without- and intermittently use icons outside of memes. That being said, I have no problem if my partner uses them, or formats considerably different from me, so long as I can read their reply.
🧡 I'm 18+ and mutuals only (asks and ask memes open to non mutuals), and a bit of a stickler for literacy. Not multiple page long replies, of course- brevity can be used just as well in some scenarios- but I lose interest in poorly written one liners quickly. Spelling and grammer aren’t too much of an issue for me- I make my own fair share of typos and I’m usually good at filling in the blanks or making mental corrections- but again, it can become frustrating if my partner doesn’t seem to be making an effort.
🤎 I’m relatively experienced in RPing (~7 years), but I haven’t been doing “serious” roleplay on Tumblr for long (less than a year.) I’m learning as I go, and I welcome any feedback or tips, but I’m also prone to doing things my own way. This blog is for fun, after all.
💚 I'm still somewhat shy about smut threads, and as such will be selective about who I do them with. That being said, dirty jokes and asks about such topics that aren't too graphic or invasive are fine, as are fade to blacks (I'll mention whether I'd like to move on to the smut or not.) I'm fine with sexual headcanons and will post some (along with related memes) every now and again. All will be tagged suggestive or nsfvv depending. Because of this, I'd prefer anyone following and interacting with me to be over 18.
🧡 Duplicates, OCs, and AUs/different universes are welcomed! I think it’s to be expected, given this is my personal version of Scarecrow (my main verse affectionately referred to as either Cleververse or Earth-2860.) Subsequently, other DC characters will be regarded as separate Earth’s (i.e. Earth-3 Riddler versus Earth-1, etc.) Additionally, while I do have Jon already with my version of Bookworm in my main verse, I am 100% willing to fudge the timeline for a different ship with our muses, and I definitely multi-ship. Feel free to hit me up and we can discuss!
🤎 Please refrain from godmodding. I know it’s sometimes necessary to briefly take control of another’s character (in the sense of anticipating their movements, timeskips, or their being somehow unconscious), but try not to be too controlling.
💚 Always feel free to contact me OOC. Communication is important. It may take me a while to respond, and I may forget- which goes for threads as well- but I always try to. Granted I can be a little awkward and shy, but I don’t mean to come across rude.
🧡 That being said, I don’t mind and even appreciate a reminder every now and again if I haven’t replied to a thread in a while, but please don’t pester me incessantly about it.
🤎 As with any Batman rogue no matter how prone to levity, there will be dark themes- not constantly, but certainly on occasion. I’ll do my best to tag appropriately, but don’t be afraid to give me a gentle heads up in the event I overlook something. I can say upfront that needles, religious (mainly Christian) themes, demons, violence/murder, drugs, alcohol, smoking, death, past child abuse, psychological abuse, manipulation, physical/mental torture, and blood/gore will be common.
💚 I hope this goes without saying, but Jon’s thoughts and opinions are not indicative of my own. If he’s being a horrendous, cruel bastard, that doesn’t necessarily mean I hate your character, etc.
🧡 As of the present, I will not be taking any m!as unless I reblog a meme, and I might veto some of the given options for my own comfort.
🤎 Though he may acknowledge time based events like birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries, Jon exists in a purposefully vague point in time because, frankly, I’m horrible at timelines. I’m always willing to do threads that take place in the past or future, or even seperate timelines, but outside of those Jon will always be 38 regardless of what time has passed.
💚 I don’t mind if you want to torment or attack Jon- physically, mentally, etc.- but I ask that it not be an all the time thing. Angst is lovely, but it becomes draining when it’s the only thing I do.
🧡 I'm totally fine with non roleplay blogs sending in questions and reblogging most things from me (headcanons, aesthetic, etc.), but I do ask that answers, threads, and other IC posts not be reblogged. Just a pet peeve. Additionally, I don't mind if you want to reblog a meme from me, but I do subscribe to reblog karma (sending in a meme that you're reblogging.)
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e-l-c-kingor · 4 years
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"𝚂𝚎𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚙 𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐."
[|/|] Independent, semi-selective RP and ask blog for Edwin Langdon Cassius Kingor, a canon divergent Bookworm - OC and crossover friendly, interacts from @whats-a-clever-username [|\|]
[ Rules + more info below ]
Promo Post 💙 Headcanon Masterpost 📗 Verse list 🔧 Wishlist 💼 Relationship Taglist ℹ NPCs ❔ Playlist 🦉 Interest Tracker
[|/|]Table of Contents[|\|]
A Real Page Turner : starter call
A Tale of Two Muses : threads
An Encyclopedic Knowledge : gen. facts/information
And Introducing... : promos
Autobiography : self promo
The Appendix : headcanons
The Clothing of a Bookworm : wardrobe
Comedy of Errors : crack
Dear... : closed starters
The End : end thread
Glossary : blog maintenance
...Homer? : anonymous
Honorable Donations : submissions
Listen to many; speak to a few : dash comms
The Mirror : faceclaim
Open Poetry : open starters
On All and Nothing at All : muse posts
Out of Chapters : OOC
The Periodicals Shelf : queue tag
The Picture : muse art
Resources : memes
Scarlet's Letters : asks
Sit And Listen for a Moment : music
Thematics : aesthetic
The Treasury : save tag
Thus doth Love speak : Edwin/Jon tag
Wonder as I Wander... : musing
visage tag tba
interests tag tba
desires tag tba
💙 Mun is 21, NB , uses she/he/they, and goes by Kirby, Who, and Briar. This is a mobile sideblog run by @whats-a-clever-username. My other roleplay blogs are @miasma-of-fear and @who-is-muses.
💚 I don't care much for extensive plotting, rather preferring a basic idea for the beginning and going from there.
🤎 As far as my style of formatting goes, I write how I would a story- both for comfort and keeping the theme, sometimes with actions and sometimes without- and intermittently use icons outside of memes. That being said, I have no problem if my partner uses them, or formats considerably different from me, so long as I can read their reply.
💙 I'm 18+ and mutuals only (asks and ask memes open to non mutuals), and a bit of a stickler for literacy. Not multiple page long replies, of course- brevity can be used just as well in some scenarios- but I lose interest in poorly written one liners quickly. Spelling and grammer aren't too much of an issue for me- I make my own fair share of typos and I'm usually good at filling in the blanks or making mental corrections- but again, it can become frustrating if my partner doesn't seem to be making an effort.
💚 I'm relatively experienced in RPing (~7 years), but I haven't been doing "serious" roleplay on Tumblr for long (less than a year.) I'm learning as I go, and I welcome any feedback or tips, but I'm also prone to doing things my own way. This blog is for fun, after all.
🤎 I'm still somewhat shy about smut threads, and as such will be selective about who I do them with. That being said, dirty jokes and asks about such topics that aren't too graphic or invasive are fine, as are fade to blacks (I'll mention whether I'd like to move on to the smut or not.) I'm fine with sexual headcanons and will post some (along with related memes) every now and again. All will be tagged suggestive or nsfvv depending. Because of this, I'd prefer anyone following and interacting with me to be over 18.
💙 Duplicates, OCs, and AUs/different universes are welcomed! I think it's to be expected, given this is my personal version of Bookworm (my main verse affectionately referred to as either Cleververse or Earth-2860.) Subsequently, other DC characters will be regarded as separate Earth's (i.e. Earth-3 Riddler versus Earth-1, etc.) Additionally, while I do have Edwin already with my version of Jonathan Crane in my main verse, I am 100% willing to fudge the timeline for a different ship with our muses, and I definitely multi-ship. Feel free to hit me up and we can discuss!
💚 Please refrain from godmodding. I know it's sometimes necessary to briefly take control of another's character (in the sense of anticipating their movements, timeskips, or their being somehow unconscious), but try not to be too controlling.
🤎 Always feel free to contact me OOC. Communication is important. It may take me a while to respond, and I may forget- which goes for threads as well- but I always try to. Granted I can be a little awkward and shy, but I don't mean to come across rude.
💙 That being said, I don't mind and even appreciate a reminder every now and again if I haven't replied to a thread in a while, but please don't pester me incessantly about it.
💚 As with any Batman rogue no matter how prone to levity, there will be dark themes- not constantly, but certainly on occasion. I'll do my best to tag appropriately, but don't be afraid to give me a gentle heads up in the event I overlook something. I can say upfront that violence/murder, blood/gore, discussions of anxiety, past child abuse, manipulation, and alcohol will be common.
🤎 I hope this goes without saying, but Edwin's thoughts and opinions are not indicative of my own. If he's being a horrendous, cruel brat, that doesn't necessarily mean I hate your character, etc.
💙 As of the present, I will not be taking any m!as unless I reblog a meme, and I might veto some of the given options for my own comfort.
💚 Though he may acknowledge time based events like birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries, Edwin exists in a purposefully vague point in time because, frankly, I'm horrible at timelines. I'm always willing to do threads that take place in the past or future, or even seperate timelines, but outside of those Edwin will always be 42 regardless of what time has passed.
🤎 I don't mind if you want to torment or attack Edwin- physically, mentally, etc.- but I ask that it not be an all the time thing. Angst is lovely, but it becomes draining when it's the only thing I do.
💙 I'm totally fine with non roleplay blogs sending in questions and reblogging most things from me (headcanons, aesthetic, etc.), but I do ask that answers, threads, and other in character posts not be reblogged. Just a pet peeve. Additionally, I don't mind if you want to reblog a meme from me, but I do subscribe to reblog karma (sending in a meme that you're reblogging.)
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kirbythulhu · 5 years
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Cleververse Batrogues: Jonathan "Scarecrow" Keeny-Crane
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askmrclever · 7 years
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Blossom: I am incapable of feeling gratitude. Clever: Exactly. You’re welcome. 
This is the second time I’ve drawn a character from the Cleververse singing a song from Moana... I just felt Clever would totally sing this song.
...I guess now I gotta draw Dinky singing “How Far I’ll Go” XD
Reblog, don’t repost. 
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jannetcruise · 6 years
Cleververse Unicorn Plush Toy Sewing Kit for Girls - Craft Stuffed Plush Gift by Cleververse (5)
Buy new: $24.99 $14.99
(Visit the Best Sellers in Felt Kits list for authoritative information on this product’s current rank.) https://amzn.to/2O1Zqjv
0 notes
jennymaltzurrak · 11 months
“We are the things that other fear.” Clever states looking at the Doctor with something close to understanding.
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jennymaltzurrak · 2 years
Revenge was a dish best served cold, went the old human saying. But hers was a burning kind of cold. Getting a ship to fear and revere her had been simple. Forcing those with loved ones to be in her service had been even easier, threatening them with becoming Cybermen if they didn’t fall in line: best way to get HIS attention, to get a people under subjugation quickly. Just so she could lure him and any of his companions into her trap. Making it obvious it was someone or something that knew him too deeply by leaving subtle or not so subtle hints about it. And even cajoling and berating him over the speakers while hiding her voice. Cause now with him bound by those people that had trapped him, she would show him exactly who he was messing with.
“Why hello……father.” She grins the Cyber Controller shining on her face. “About time we meet once again, isn’t it? Since you abandoned me and all.”
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jennymaltzurrak · 6 years
Open to any 13’s following me
Taking over the precious Doctor’s child was a stroke of good luck, Clever preened as she grinned at herself in the mirror. With The Doctor’s memories and the warrior programming in this host, she would be close to impossible to stop. “And being a woman doesn’t hurt.” She murmured to herself when a stroke of genius hit her.
“All this time I’ve been looking for a Time Lord. What if instead I should have been looking for a Lady? Ooohhh, you clever little girl~!” Clever grinned ecstatically. Now where could her prey be hiding? All of space and time to explore had to have a mention of a female Doctor.
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kirbythulhu · 5 years
Do I really make the ballsy move and start calling it the Cleververse? Or, even ballsier, Kirbyverse? I do not know.
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jannetcruise · 7 years
Unicorn Plush Toy Sewing Kit for Girls - Craft Stuffed Plush Gift by Cleververse
Buy new: $24.99 $13.97
(Visit the Best Sellers in Felt Kits list for authoritative information on this product’s current rank.) http://amzn.to/2oC3COb
0 notes
jennymaltzurrak · 9 years
💀 -travelingthroughspaceandtime
Dark Starter he we go!
An army of Cybermen had surrounded the area where a certain blue box would land, guns at the ready.“You will come with us.” They intoned to the Time Lord in no uncertain terms. All around were bodies of dead, or dying. Those that still drew breath, if only just called for mercy. And inside one of the buildings of the otherwise ghost town place, screams of agony could be heard.
They led the Time Lord to the ‘palace’ of the planet where stood a young blonde woman, her hair parted to the left to show the device on her temples and she smiles coldly.“Hello. Father dearest.” She purred chuckling darkly. “Oh, how lovely it is to see that face again.”
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jennymaltzurrak · 9 years
Stealing a Vortex manipulator? Child’s play. Really, The Doctor thought he was the most clever alien in the universe. But since being attached to his mind, if even for a little while, Clever knew she could outsmart him and even better this time being attached to his brilliant little daughter. She toyed with the controls on the dash fixing the controller into the ship she was in. Honestly, if he wanted to tare the fixtures between universes apart, he should have worked harder than he had. It was relatively easy if you didn’t care about the consequences. And lucky enough for her, she didn’t.
And that’s how she wound up knocked out on that beach on Pete’s world. Bad Wolf Bay. But it hadn’t lasted for long before she shot up awake shaking her head trying to remember how she got there. Where she was. Or who she was really. Nothing was coming to mind so she just sat there enjoying the sun smiling even if half her body was covered in burns, cuts, bruises, and blood. If it didn’t hurt, why bother? Hmm, odd way of looking at things, but it seemed to fit. So what should she do? Go to the nearest town? ‘Yeah I have no idea who I am, but can you point me to the nearest town?’ And who knew what language was spoken here? Hmm...languages. She thought she may know quite a lot of them actually. But they were just beyond the reach of her cloudy minds. Perhaps later when she began to heal, she would regain what she lost.
0 notes
jennymaltzurrak · 10 years
"Let me go!"
"Do you know how difficult it was to find you in the first place dear Aurora?" Clever tsks softly tugging on the other Time Lady’s hair. "The Doctor lies. That has never been more true. He thought he was the only one. Then I find his daughter. Now I find you. His goddaughter. Don’t worry. It shouldn’t hurt…after a while anyway. So relax. You’re not going anywhere."
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jennymaltzurrak · 10 years
Caught Red Handed |Closed|
@http://blog-of-john-hamish-watson.tumblr.com Somewhere away from London, Clever shook her head. She had attached herself to Jenny, the daughter of The Doctor, an enemy of hers finally able to find a host she liked. On the floor cowering was some low human or another. "I keep trying to offer you the chance to get rid of your fear, make you invincible. Yet you keep denying me. Do you want death that much? It was within reasoning that humans wanted eternal life." Clever asks bent down two beings of metal by her side. She had been successful already in converting two. They had been nobodies, and wouldn't be missed. She enjoyed working under the nose of the greatest mind made up...well in the world she knew. These characters and people didn't exist. How marvelous to be proven wrong. Apparently young Jenny found a slip between realms and came here. So much the better then. Her eyes went to the door. Was she followed? Probably so. The Holmes brothers were a bothersome bunch but it was the Watson one that really was a bother. For Jenny liked him and would fight tooth and nail much like her father if he were harmed. 'Bring the intruder here.' She commanded the Cyberman without speaking just needing to be patient now. "Fine. You want death that badly?" She asked bored standing up fluidly. "You shall have your wish then." She says bashing the head against the pavement. "What a waste." She says scoffing.
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jennymaltzurrak · 10 years
"Well, well, well." Jenny says looking over Clever raising an eyebrow. "And what do I owe this pleasure?" She asked with a grin, the lights flashing on her head, spread across her face, more prominent. She was winning. Soon, the generated Time Lady will belong to her. And then she'd make the space craft worthy of time travel. She needed a TARDIS of her own. To control the Time Lords, that would be a beautiful thing to see.
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