hillingdontoday · 2 years
Construction starts on climate-friendly housing scheme in Hayes
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Work has begun on a new climate-conscious housing development in Hayes delivering 34 modern homes.   Planning approval for the Maple and Poplar development, off Maple Road, was granted in 2018.   The site formerly housed two buildings, the Maple Day Care Centre, which was decommissioned in 2015 and the Poplar Care Home, decommissioned the following year, after both became unfit for purpose. They were both subsequently demolished leading the way for a new high-quality development delivering much-needed social housing.    The new homes are being built in two blocks of 17 around a central car park. This will have capacity for 34 vehicles and will include eight parking bays with chargers for electric vehicles and a further eight spaces earmarked for additional electric vehicle use to meet any future demand.    The build will include the installation of large, underground 'attenuation crates' - these will be installed underneath the permeable tarmac surface of the car park to absorb surges of surface water following heavy rainfalls and prevent flash-flooding. These are a key component of the site's sustainable urban drainage measures.    Further environmental features include solar panels on the roof to contribute to the power supply for lighting on the development The development also features landscaped gardens, a two-tier covered bike store and motorcycle parking.    #hayes #hayestown #mapleroad #mapleandpoplardevelopment #socialhousing #housing #housingdevelopment #construction #electricvehicles #evs #solar #solarpanels #sustainable #sustainableliving #climatefriendly #climateconscious #climateemergency #attenuationcrates Read the full article
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marzipanandminutiae · 10 months
can "activists" please stop trying to fuck with the empty frames at the Gardner museum. this is the second time the museum has had to close early to keep that from happening
like. first of all, the art museum climate protests that have happened so far piss me off despite the fact that I agree with their overall goals, because the messages in interviews all boil down to "how DARE you VALUE ART when BAD THINGS ARE HAPPENING, ordinary museum-goer?!" but at least they've taken pains to not actually damage anything important (throwing soup on modern, sealed cases or glass barriers instead of the art itself, etc.)
the frames at the Gardner? are art in their own right. they are mostly very old and made by often-unacknowledged craftsmen who were incredibly talented. they're not the same as a modern barrier. AND they're there as a reminder of a time when some jerks stole art from the public so rich assholes could wall it up in private collections so only they got to enjoy it
like go puncture a CEO's tires or something that actually reaches the people responsible for this mess instead of ordinary humans (who probably already agree with you!) just trying to do the very Human Thing of appreciating art
EDIT: I double-checked, and last time their Thing was "why are people still talking about the Gardner heist, but NOBODY is talking about biodiversity loss?!?!?!"
which is just.
they are? just not usually in the same breath as an unsolved art theft case?
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rosyjuly · 2 years
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seb casually and rightly saying f1 gave into the “ego things” of a “100 years old” after they promised drivers fly-bys were gone (source)
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shinobicyrus · 6 months
Hey, yanno how Climate Change is a real thing that is tangibly, at this moment, affecting our world?
Well it turns out, the wealthy and their investment firms have been seeing the mounting evidence that oil companies have had for decades and are slowly starting to think more long-term about their portfolios in the face of rising sea levels, more extreme weather, and the myriad of ways climate crises are affecting...well. Everything. Maybe this means they invest more into sustainability, green energy, building more resilient infrastructure, or carbon offsets. Some of it, of course, is simple corporate greenwashing, but there are those that are taking this trend and packaging it into something called ESG (Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance).
Now some people would say this is predictable, even sensible. Just the good ol’ Free Market(tm) rationally responding to market forces and a changing world.
But those people would be fools! Insidious fools! For conservative sorcerers have come out with a new cursed phrase to explain this new market trend: Woke Investing.
What makes this investing “woke?” Well, much like how conservatives normally flounder when trying to define a word they stole from black people, “Woke Investing” essentially just means any kind of capital investment that they, the fossil fuel billionaire class and their sycophants, don’t personally profit from.
One of these aforementioned sycophants is Andy Puzder, conservative commentator, fellow at The Heritage Foundation, and former fast-food CEO. He calls this kind of so-called woke investing “socialism in sheep’s clothing,” further explaining in leaked audio of a closed-door meeting:
“My father's generation's challenge was the Nazis, who, by the way, were, of course, very proud socialists[citation fucking needed]. The challenge of my generation was the communists, who were, of course, very committed socialists. The challenge of your generation is ESG investing, and it's more insidious than communism or the Nazis.”(source)
You heard it here first, folks. Not investing as much in fossil fuels is more insidious than the Third Fucking Reich.
As usual, the Heritage Foundation is putting their petro-chemical donor’s money where their mouth is. Bills are being proposed to blacklist banks that don’t invest in key state industries, such as West Virginia coal or Texas oil. Fourteen states have already passed bills to restrict ESG-type investing, with Florida Governor Ron “Bullies Kids for Wearing Masks” Desantis leading the charge.
In other words, Climate Denial has reached such a point that so-called Free Market Conservatives who claim to hate big government are trying to make it illegal for banks, investment firms, and financial institutions to make any financial decisions that acknowledges Climate Change is real.
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Riding the Rails
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sidewalkchemistry · 4 months
eco habits i’m going ALL IN ON this year 🌱
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tolerateit · 2 months
Joe Alwyn is poor jokes: classist
Joe Alwyn Physically Does Not Know How To Drive jokes: fresh funky new exciting perchance
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ambertamm · 10 months
you always gotta watch out for folks who talk on behalf of peasants farmers and make money off it ... You also gotta watch out for folks who spend most of their time talking about agriculture and because of that they spend much less time in the act of agriculture .... these are tricky times.... famous farmers, famous advocates, famous activist are all new concepts with social media. watch out who you allow to influence you and make sure you really study their work/their resources before you trust their words/ideologies.
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gwydionmisha · 3 months
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umbrellacorphq · 11 months
Climate change affects us all. That's why Umbrella is proud to announce 100% renewable power generation at our new Midwestern research facility. Because it's not slave labor if they're already dead. 🌏 💚
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cobrakailady · 1 month
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Might be the most depressing thread I've read this week (so far) 🖤 and the pmdd is hitting just right 🫠
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fungi-maestro · 1 year
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Questionable Images - The Question #10 (1987)
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mentholdyke · 2 months
this can be an introductory post for anyone who happens to come across my blog. i am an American of the lowest class, a member of a colonized people, a disabled person, an autist, a butch lesbian, a transexual, and a 3 time college drop out. i ascribe closest to anarchism because its description closest aligns with my belief in a stateless system, but i am not someone who particularly is interested in the division of leftist semantics. i haven’t read leftist literature, but i have been involved in human rights activism for 16 years, mostly as a participant and demonstrator, and now as an organizer. my radicalization happened through my experiences with interpersonal violence, undiagnosed and untreated disability, wage slavery under food service work, experiences with slumlords and landlords, experiences with the law, and a literal entire life time of living under the poverty line. even though i am housing insecure myself, i work with houseless populations in my town, have multiple mutual aid projects, and involve myself in grassroots work.
i strongly believe that an end to Capitalism projects, and the end of the US failed state project, is the only way to save ourselves and each other. ending global exploitation, ending the monetary and debt systems as global tools of power exchange and subjugation of the global majority, ending the value extraction of labor and land, ending centralized power systems and institutions, ending processes which lead to resource exploitation and destroy our ecosystems, are all central to everything i do, how i analyze the world, and what i see as our collective responsibility for the resoration of justice to historically explpited peoples and in fact, for the long term advancement of humans. i reject all forms of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ablism, sanism, classism, and see them as pillars of the institutions we constantly fight to re-gain our rights as humans worthy of life and self determination. i believe de-legitimization of institutions through collective action is the most direct form of deconstruction of the system, whether that means learning a skill and offering it for free, or setting up decentralized food systems in communities.
most of all, i believe in people. i believe in our desire and need for connection and altruism. i believe in a world where we prioritize each others well being and have dinner together and raise each other’s kids instead of hoping a militarized police force will keep them safe. i believe in our ability to adapt and problem solve when we are re-empowered and re-enfranchised. i believe these are not rare glimmers in us, but the very fire and warmth that has kept our species going as far as we have, even through attempts to snuff it out. the average mammalian species last over a million years, and we aren’t even a third of the way through our potential.
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winedark · 10 months
having a phobia of flying is soooooo annoying everyone thinks ur an overdramatic idiot like sorry for not thinking clearly in my defense i'm 30,000 feet in the sky
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gagliandi · 3 months
Malcesine: Enchantment Between Lake and Mountain
Nestled between the crystal-clear waters of Lake Garda and the imposing peaks of Monte Baldo, Malcesine captivates visitors with its timeless beauty. This medieval town, with its cobblestone streets, ancient buildings, and breathtaking views, offers a perfect mix of history, nature, and culture. A Journey Through History The historical heart of Malcesine is dominated by the Scaliger Castle, a…
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oakappleday · 7 months
I really appreciate how much he emphasizes the importance of Indigenous worldviews around environmental stewardship, not just in this speech but in general
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