#cloakroom bathroom furniture
aesopsharpmybeloved · 14 days
The Massage
When Aesop Sharp returns home to find his fiancée in bed with aching muscles from a long day of work, he's quick to offer his help. However, the situation takes a much more intimate turn, leaving both of them enjoying far more than just a little relief.
Big thanks to my dear friends @tea-withjamandbread and @dzajna for bearing with me while I wrote this beast, and providing their feedback and advice ❤️
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The Massage (9.8k)
tw: age difference (reader is an adult and has been for quite some time now), explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, oral sex, might be cheesy
Aesop Sharp sighed with relief as he pulled off his coat and blazer, depositing both on the hanger by the door before freeing his feet and calves from the heavy leather boots, replacing them with the soft slippers he wore in the house. 
He knew his beloved was home, since the messenger bag she carried to work lay upon the bench in the cloakroom, but he currently couldn't hear a sound which would hint as to where she was. Perhaps she was out in the garden, he thought, she did like to rest there for a bit when she came home. Before beginning his search for his young fiancée, Aesop headed off into the ground floor bathroom in order to wash his hands and refresh himself a little.
Once there, he cast a quick cleaning charm on his clothes, swiftly ridding them of any traces of sweat or remains of any fumes from the potions brewed during his classes today that might've lingered. He splashed cool water on his face and let it air-dry. A few droplets still cooled him where they clung to his beard as he ran his fingers through his hair. Once he deemed himself presentable enough, he exited the bathroom and made his way through the dining room into the winter garden, and then out into the garden after putting on his outside shoes once more.
It was quite a nice afternoon, the air cool and crisp. The earth smelled of rain, the last remains of winter fading away and making way for spring to come. The sky was rather grey and sunless, but Aesop's mood was not at all soured by that. No, he instead inhaled more of the earthy scent, letting his eyes glide over the sizable garden. It looked quite different than it had when he still lived here by himself. There were more flowers in the flowerbeds, a little fire pit was added for the two of them to warm up on cool evenings spent outside, and a small shed was built to house his beloved’s owl. 
Aesop made his way around the house, only to discover his wife-to-be was nowhere to be seen. He went back inside, mindful not to make a mess with his damp and slightly muddy shoes. It wasn't too cold outside, but he nevertheless shivered a bit when the warmth of the dining room enveloped him once more.
"(F/N)? Are you home, love?" He called out softly, off-handedly making the kettle float from its place on the stove to the tap, filling itself up with water before going back to its original place, so that they could share a cup of tea once he found her.
"Here," came muffled from above him. The professor smiled and unhurriedly made his way upstairs, ascending the steps with an easy step. He had to admit he felt quite appreciative of the work he and his beloved did in the house since she officially moved in with him. The house was never once uncomfortable, of course, but following the lack of fairer sex in the home, not to mention the depression that settled over him after Ashley's death, the house grew a little... empty. Most of the original furniture from when he was a child remained there, but without loving care, the paint faded and chipped, the wood surfaces lost their shine, and some articles of furniture grew desperately outdated. 
When he still lived by himself and mostly just for himself, Aesop hardly cared. The few visits he had, mainly just from his mother, Dinah and Abraham, never once commented on the state of his home, and he was quite happy about it. However, when the young woman he couldn't wait to marry came to live with him, it was like he saw just how metaphorically grey the home had become. It didn't go well with the radiance of his sweetheart, of their love, and maybe of Aesop himself these days. 
So they made the acceptable investment of one shilling for a large muggle catalogue of furniture and got to work. Aesop had smiled to himself then - maybe he'd tell Matilda of this endeavour of theirs. After all, a lot of transfiguration had been involved. Maybe she could make a similar exercise for her students - this was definitely more useful than turning a porcupine into a pincushion, at least in his opinion. Not that he'd tell her that... It took more than a week, mostly because they both had full time occupations after all, and when he and (F/N) were finally done, they were more than a little glad the next day was a Sunday, their magical cores feeling drained. However, it really felt worth it. 
The house was once more perfectly warm and cosy, just like it was when Aesop had been a small boy, and then later when he and Dinah lived together. It once more held that comforting scent he could never quite put his finger on, and he felt the wear and tear of his teaching job melt away into comfort. The colours of fabrics, be it the sofas and armchairs, rugs, or perhaps some tapestry, were vibrant and warm, the wood of the tables, bookcases, and the wardrobes in the hallway once more shone and glistened with novelty. The rooms which were empty for long years, including Aesop's own childhood bedroom, became comfortable looking guest rooms for the time being. At least so until Aesop and (F/N) fully joined their hands in holy matrimony and embraced the idea of procreation. Aesop never once stopped feeling at home in the large house, but the way things were now, he felt genuinely happy every time he stepped over the threshold.
Finally, Aesop opened the door to his and (F/N)'s bedroom - it had more Ravenclaw colours than he'd personally seek out normally, but the end result certainly made for a very comfortable space. His beloved certainly seemed to think so, given she was lying on the spacious bed on her stomach, her arms idly by her sides and her face buried into the pillow. Aesop grinned, as he looked around. He could see the woman's outer, slightly dirt-stained clothing hanging from one of the chairs in the room. 
He chuckled to himself and slowly walked to her side of the bed. Noiselessly, he kneeled on the floor, his face close to her head. Feeling his presence, his fiancée's head finally turned, and a pair of large tired eyes met his own. 
"Hello," she murmured hoarsely, but nevertheless offered her lips to him. Aesop didn't waste a single second, he chased her mouth in a long, sweet kiss, his right hand gently stroking the woman's back and waist. 
"How was your day, my sweet?" Aesop asked, though he could very much see her day had been difficult and strenuous. She merely groaned in return, and stayed silent for a few minutes, during which Aesop continued to stroke her back and shoulders gently. "Well," she spoke finally, "if you ever feel like trying to subdue a frightened unicorn stallion without using a light stupefy at first, I can tell you it's not a good idea... I took some Skele-Gro and Wiggenweld, of course, so I can proudly say my arm and my ribs are, once more, fully intact, but my muscles are still killing me..."
A small click left the professor's lips, his concern for his sweetheart's well being obvious. Nevertheless, he didn't say anything for several moments. But then: "Do you think you could lift your arms for me, my dear? I want to try and help you..." She observed him with a curious expression, but did as she was told, seemingly with great difficulty. 
Aesop's large warm hands slipped under the hem of her blouse and pulled her chemise out of her drawers. He then carefully slid the soft materials up her body, over her head, and off her arms. He took in the sight she made momentarily - her hair was spread around her head like a halo, and her soft breasts were squished against the mattress in a rather lovely fashion. However, he shook his head then - now was the time to make his sweetheart feel better. His hand once more glided over the pale expanse of her back before it retracted and the professor made way to his side of the bed. After safely placing his wand upon his bedside table, he reached into one of the drawers and pulled out a small glass jar containing dark pink ointment. 
He rolled up his shirt sleeves, and, without further ado, climbed atop the bed, and then carefully straddled his sweetheart's body, until he was partially sitting on her pert bottom. She huffed a little when she felt the extra weight on her bum, though it was not so much a huff of pain or discomfort, as it was one of confusion. "What are you up to, Ace?" she questioned, struggling to turn her head further to be able to look at him. Aesop only smiled: "Just wait. I promise it'll feel nice."
He took the cork out of the jar, and reached two fingers inside. It was one of his experimental brews, back when he was still looking for a cure for his leg. This particular ointment made muscles loosen up, and gave off a very pleasant warmth when rubbed into the skin. Which is exactly what Aesop did, once he deemed the amount of ointment on his fingers acceptable. 
It was cool upon the young woman's skin at first, and she hissed at the feeling. However, less than a minute later, she was pretty much melting under Aesop's strong and steady hands. The professor himself was very careful in his application of the ointment at first, but grew a little firmer once he felt the kinks in his fiancée's back begin to loosen up. Soon he was fully massaging her slight shoulders and back, and thirstily drank in the sweet sounds that left her lips, as well as the flush that coloured her cheeks. 
His movements caused his whole body to rock against her slowly, but he barely paid any mind to the pleasant friction of the soft flesh of her behind against his stiffening shaft. That is, until he felt the young woman purposefully roll her hips in a way that made the sensations way more pronounced. Aesop stilled in his movements, his breathing considerably heavier than it had been a few minutes ago.
"Sweetheart," he said gently, "as much as I’d like to, the last thing I want to do is hurt you more than you're already hurting..." The young woman groaned softly and further wiggled her bottom to the best of her abilities, given the fact Aesop was still partially sitting upon it. "It does not hurt that bad anymore..." she tried to protest, "besides, we can go really slow..."
Aesop couldn't hold back a small chuckle as he stared at his fiancée’s back in awe.
He lowered his upper body until his mouth was right next to her ear, his hands bracing his weight on each side of her head: "Really slow, hm?" he purred, making her shiver slightly. He rocked his hips against her a few times, slowly and passionately. 
"This slow?" he asked, his voice growing lower. (F/N) didn't answer. Aesop then raised himself somewhat, and when he was positive he wouldn't lose his balance and collapse directly onto her, his hands left their previous position and closed around her hips instead, pulling them up from the bed. His own then ground into her, hard and excruciatingly slow, making the woman hyper aware that he was rock hard now: "or even slower, like so?"
She groaned again, her hands that were previously just lying idly by her sides now gripping at the sheets in obvious need. "A-Ace, please... Please, stop teasing, I really want this. I want you... And besides, you know nothing makes sore muscles relax quite as much as some nice lovemaking..." Once again, the professor snickered, even lower than before, still grinding his clothed erection against her. "You Ravenclaws," he said softly, "finding logic in everything... Very well then. But you'll tell me the moment something hurts too much, alright?"
The young woman strained her head, and actually braced her own hands next to her in order to raise herself up slightly and look at him better. She indeed seemed much less miserable than she did when he originally walked in, and instead now looked like a woman starved. 
Oh, how could he ever resist her? Without another word, Aesop once more lowered himself, but this time to connect their mouths in a hot, passionate kiss. 
One of his hands gently wrapped around her throat, neither pushing nor squeezing, simply holding her there, enjoying the feeling of her quickened heartbeat below his fingertips as well as the knowledge of how entirely she trusted him. His hips kept rutting against her more rhythmically now, and it made him release small short hums of desire into their kiss, his tongue cheekily prodding and teasing at her own, only to dart back so that he could gently nip at her lower lip. 
Her own hand stopped pawing at the now rather ruffled sheets around her, and instead moved down to stroke his knee, which was about the only part of him she could reach without too much discomfort. Well, that just wouldn’t do, Aesop decided. But still, he gently ended the kiss, and motioned for his beloved to lower herself down again. Once she did, he covered her body with his own, his chest flush against her warm back, and his lips bestowing butterfly kisses against the nape of her neck and all the way to her ear. 
“Are you completely certain?” he asked once more, but the grin that appeared on her face revealed her mind was quite made up. “Unless you plan to literally bend me in half, or restrain me into some extra ridiculous position, it is my firm belief that I’ll be just fine,” she replied, looking at him through her eyelashes, “but even if you do, I will survive. I took a day off tomorrow - well, not accurate - Ellie made me take the day off. She said I either stay home, or I’d be cleaning undersides of Flobberworms tomorrow, because she’s not letting me get trampled over twice in two days.” 
“Hm, remind me to send her flowers,” Aesop murmured, only just resisting the urge to ask whether his fiancée ever thought about a different occupation. It was a silly thought, of course. She loved her job and was completely brilliant at it, and the last thing Aesop wanted was to limit her in any way, but any man who loved his woman half like Aesop loved (F/N) would have very much preferred knowing his beloved was safe. 
He shook his head. Though there have been, and will undoubtedly be scuffs and scratches, and bruises and pulled muscles, (F/N) was a tough woman. Not two armoured mountain trolls and countless goblins attacking at once were able to put her down when she was just a student, and he doubted one stupid horned horse could do the job now that she was a bit older and much more experienced. 
“Aesop,” she said with a small hint of impatience, but mostly a healthy dose of teasing, “should I feel offended you’ve still got enough blood in your brain to think despite me trying to do my best here to make it all go someplace entirely else?”
Aesop’s quiet laughter rang through the room. His arms pushed until they were tightly nestled under and around her waist, and his face nuzzled into the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent. She too released a little giggle, with Aesop unsure whether it was because of the combined sensation of the small scratch of his beard and the tickle of his hair on her soft skin, or just him showering her with his affections like this.
When she wiggled her bum again, Aesop was reminded of his desire, and found he had not wilted in the slightest during his brief moment of thinking. Carefully, he rolled to the side, ridding her of his weight on her back. No sooner than he’d done so did he move to turn her to face him, and their lips connected in another heated kiss. Thin fingers slipped into his hair, and one of her long legs found its rightful place over his hip. The warm skin of her bare upper body pressed against his own chest, and he was hyper aware of her softness and the gentle curves of her bosom despite the offensive fabric of his own garment separating them still.
As if on cue his fiancée pulled back slightly, her nose still gently bumping into his own. “Like always,” she whispered, and Aesop hungrily drank in the hotness of her breath, “you are wearing way too many clothes, Ace.”
The professor was very nearly ready to grab his wand from the nightstand and wave it in the air to immediately rid them of the remainder of their clothes, but at the same time didn’t for the world want this ever increasing thrum of arousal and anticipation to end. 
The act of lovemaking itself was always lovely; both of them always went above and beyond to ensure their partner reached their peak in the most pleasurable way possible. However, Aesop knew they were also united in their enjoyment of foreplay, in the intimacy of once more, like so many times before, succumbing to one another’s embrace, to their most natural form, the sweetness of the other’s lips, and then finally the joy of their bodies uniting into one.
And so, quite unhurriedly, he looked deep into his beloved's eyes and pulled at his tie until it slipped from its knot and came loosely off. The single look was entirely enough to get her to understand, and she too wasn’t entirely urgent when her fingers left his hair in order to pluck his waistcoat buttons free from their holes. 
Still, their clothes soon littered the floor of their bedroom, and the two of them were left in just their drawers. A low moan was released against the young woman’s tongue as her slight hand closed around the stiff member that was tenting Aesop’s underwear, and she gave him a few gentle strokes through the thin fabric. Her mouth watered at the feel of him, the organ hot and heavy in her hand and throbbing under her attention.
However, after she pulled a few more pleasurable sighs out of him, Aesop decided that two could play that game. 
And so he let his mouth slide down slowly, kissing and biting at her neck, her pulse point and collarbones, soothing each of the harder nips with gentle licks of his tongue, his hand kneading the flesh of her pert buttocks appreciatively. And then, finally, when his lips reached her left nipple, his hand dipped in below the hem of her drawers, squeezed the soft bum, then made its way to the other side, long fingers sneaking their way towards her damp nether lips.
His beloved sighed, her head dropping to the pillow, and her hand momentarily ceasing its sweet torment of him at the sensation of the work-hardened tips of Aesop’s fingers dragging over her swelling lovebud and seam.
Quite soon however, she recovered enough to copy him. Aesop gasped lightly against the pink areola of her breast when he felt the gentle scratch of her nails drag from his belly button down through the dark hair of his happy trail, her hand soon also plunging into the tight confines of his cotton breeches to begin touching him fully.
The couple gently and unhurriedly fondled one another as much as their current position would allow them, with Aesop worrying at his fiancée’s nipples using his mouth while her free hand tugged at his hair, sending gooseflesh down his neck and back, and little electric sparks into his groin, which continued thrumming under her delicious caresses. He grinned when a particularly mean bite resulted in her hand in his hair tightening to the point of light pain, and she motioned for him to move up again. The professor did so without a word, immediately chasing her mouth in another kiss, less coordinated than the previous ones.
A smug smile spread on his face when they pulled away for breath. How he adored working her up like this - his beloved always seemed to have this detached sort of elegance about her, even after she just sent some wayward group of ruffians packing, twigs in her hair from leaping across the ground and dirt staining her cheeks. There was absolutely nothing detached about her now... Holding her gaze, he pulled his hand free from her drawers and brought it to his lips. His fingers glistened with her arousal visibly, and the professor made a show of slowly pushing each of them into his mouth to suck on them, closing his eyes and humming at her taste like she was a fine meal.
Suddenly, his teeth flashed as an idea popped to his head. The young woman gasped when she was suddenly pushed on her back and pulled lower on the bed, until Aesop was able to move to kneel behind her. His strong hands moved to once more stroke and squeeze at her soft breasts while he looked upside down on her face, his knees on each side of her head. 
“This alright?” he asked quietly, his fingertips teasing at her ribs. She needn’t ask what he had in mind exactly, knowing all too well where a position like this might go. She felt herself dampen further with anticipation. Her hands reached up, and Aesop took them in his, shuffling down a bit to be able to kiss her once more before he began his descent down her body.
This time, he only spent a short while teasing her breasts and teats with his mouth before moving lower, his tongue gliding around the pale skin of her stomach and circling her belly button. Finally he reached the hem of her drawers, and his beloved lifted her bottom off the bed a bit, so that he was able to push them down her legs. The soft fabric bunched just past her knees, and the young woman used one of her feet to take them fully off, clearing the path for Aesop and his increasingly hungrier stare.
The teacher braced himself on one hand next to her left hip, and used the free one to spread her legs further, which made his fiancée shiver at the cool air lapping at her heated skin. Bending his head down, Aesop flashed one more grin at the young woman, before he finally lowered down to bury his head between her milky thighs.
A small groan was forced out of (F/N)’s mouth when his mouth immediately found her swollen clitoris and began sucking at it fervently, his strong arms curling around her limbs to hold them perfectly in place. The very view of him from this angle was maddeningly erotic, and when she turned her head up, she found she was perfectly level with the tent in his pants. There was already a damp little spot forming where his tip was, and the young woman decided that she made him wait long enough.
The large erection bumped her nose as it sprung out from the cottony confines upon her pushing the hem down, and her mouth watered further at his heady musky scent. She turned her head further, until his dark pink glans brushed against her lips, prompting the professor to release a harsh breath against her folds. The young woman giggled even as another wave of arousal rolled through her, and proceeded to toy with the tip using her mouth, suckling on it and rolling it around, prompting more lovely reactions from the professor.
Teasing little licks soon turned into proper pleasure when Aesop began using one of his hands to gently finger his beloved, while still worrying at her lovebud deliciously. The young woman in turn opened her mouth and carefully covered her teeth with her lips before accepting his hard cock inside, slowly bobbing her head up and down and taking him further with each move. Her fingers kneaded and teased at his heavy testicles, occasionally prodding at that one spot behind them that she knew made him see stars when she pressed down on it.
The increased stimuli sent small shivers through the teacher’s strong frame, and he unknowingly began thrusting his hips, shallowly at first, but then increasing in intensity, just like his mouth and hand did on his fiancée’s need. Their groans and gasps were muffled by the other’s skin, free hands were grasping at whichever part they could reach, hips, thighs, bottoms, fingertips leaving little red spots in their wake. The flank of (F/N)’s leg bore the perfect imprint of the potions master’s palm, while the woman herself took a small break from swallowing around the thick prick in her mouth in order to deliver a sharp bite at Aesop’s inner thigh. His strangled ‘Oh, fuck’ spoken against her drenched core was music to her ears.
Aesop adored being marked by her in the throes of passion, be it a bite on his neck, a couple of bruises on his hips where her toned legs squeezed him, or the sweet sting on his back where her fingernails dug into it. 
His tongue thrusted into her opening along with his fingers, while his thumb now rhythmically rubbed nonsensical patterns against her little pink pearl. Aesop felt his release approaching rapidly under her incredibly intoxicating touch, but refused to let himself succumb to the sweet pull of no doubt brilliant orgasm before she tumbled down that ravine herself. And so, using the very few bits of self control he had left, he lifted his hips up and his member out of her brilliant mouth.
Now, the young woman tried to protest at first, her arms wrapping around his hips in an attempt to pull him back, but a small strategic bite at her folds coupled with a prod of his fingers to the little bundle of nerves deep within her made her arms lose their strength, and her back to arch against the mattress. He sped up his ministrations further, moaning quietly at the feeling of her climax approaching and at the sounds that now poured out of her mouth freely. He couldn’t see her currently, but he imagined her hands fisting the sheets below and her face twisting in pleasure.
Finally, with a cry she came undone underneath him, Aesop hungrily lapping up everything that she could give him. As she writhed with the sensations, one of her hands made its way to his hair, and she closed it around a few strands, not exactly pulling, but rather just hanging on while her orgasm shook through her. Aesop slowly rose when a little whine told him she needed a break from his continuous worship, and he wasted no time, kneeling back on the bed and pulling her somewhat into his hold until he was able to close his arms around her waist. He bent his head to kiss a trail from her neck to her jaw, and then finally to her lips. 
He couldn't help but smile at the image of her red face, the sweat running down her forehead, and the blissed out expression when he pulled back from the positively filthy kiss.
“I hope that was to your liking?” he asked cheekily, his forefinger taking to drawing little patterns over her front, connecting the various freckles and moles on her chest and stomach. (F/N) snorted unabashedly, her breathing still laboured. “As you can clearly see, I hated it,” she quipped right back, her own hand coming to lay hotly on his thigh. She turned her head a little in a clear invitation for him to kiss her again, and Aesop didn't have to be asked twice.
After a few more minutes of exchanging languid kisses, she separated their mouths and whispered: “Although I am cross with you - while you made me finish, you didn’t let me finish.” 
She looked awfully proud at the choice of her words, but Aesop merely chuckled: “And would you like me to let you finish, or shall I take you and we can make each other finish together?” An adorable pout of mock consideration appeared on her face and her eyes closed as she still rode on the gentle waves of afterglow. 
Finally, her eyes sought out his own: “I say - why not both? Like I said, I’ve got a free day tomorrow. And, if I’m not wrong, your first class is at eleven o’clock, so that gives us plenty of time to have a little rest before you can go again, after that a nice bath, a bite to eat, and plenty of sleep still.” 
Aesop shook his head slightly as another chuckle rolled through him. Still, he reached to gently caress her heated cheek, looking down at her with endless affection: “And you tell me I’m incorrigible, you little minx.” His beloved returned his smile: “Oh, you are. But I never claimed not to be incorrigible myself, did I?”
Aesop’s eyes shone with happiness and love as he watched the face he grew to adore so much, her cheeks still flushed and a few strands of her hair sticking to her forehead. The professor used his finger to push them to the side. The young woman used her hands to brace herself somewhat, and turned to steal another kiss. Truth be told, the angle was a bit awkward, but she was determined to make it work. 
Aesop suddenly groaned into their kiss, his hand closing tighter where it was squeezing her hip, and he gave a shaky breath. 
As she turned, his sweetheart once more took hold of his leaking cock, tugging at it rhythmically and driving him to his brink steadily. Knowing what she wanted, Aesop helped move her down on the bed again, his knees spreading wider where he was kneeling, and her head immediately arching back. She was smiling even as she observed him from her upside down angle, and licked her lips when his throbbing shaft appeared inches away from her face.
Aesop was breathing hard as he stroked himself a few times to take the edge off, and watched with a rapturous expression as she accepted him rubbing the glans across her swollen lips after a clear droplet of precum seeped out. 
Without further ado, he used his finger to motion for her to open up, and once she did, he pushed the hard member into her waiting mouth again. A hum from her and a groan from him cut through the silence of the room as she enveloped him in her hot, wet heat, her cheeks hollowing out when she started to suck.
Aesop was mindful at first, his hips moving slowly and shallowly, despite his sweetheart not showing any sort of discomfort with having her mouth and throat plundered by him. Still, even though she became quite… experienced in this act since they were first intimate together, he always started off carefully - not that he ever tried himself, but he imagined having something so large in one’s mouth must be a bit difficult.
However, it would appear the young woman didn’t appreciate his carefulness all that much, for she slowly pulled her mouth off of him. “I won’t break, you know. Neither will I choke or bite your family jewel off.” she said with a challenging little grin. Aesop couldn’t help but smile right back at her. “I know,” he said quietly, “but just… just let me know if it gets too much, alright? Maybe, I don’t know, slap my thigh three times.”
She only rolled her eyes at him with another grin, before positioning herself to take him in her mouth again.
This time both of the potions master’s hands found her cheeks and jaw, and carefully closed around them. With a sharp thrust, his entire length disappeared in her mouth, and a quiet curse left his own. After a few more movements of his hips, he found a rhythm, quite faster than the one before.
He used his hold of her head to keep her in place while he fucked her throat, the the young woman’s little gasps and groans making sweet vibrations go through his shaft, and were soon making him lose himself. He watched with endless fascination as the skin of her throat grew slightly more taut each time he pushed himself deep inside, as little drizzles of drool soon began to leave her lips where they were closed around the thick organ, and how she rubbed her thighs against each other in an attempt to bring herself some friction.
He spread his legs even wider, his breathing hard and laboured, and his hold on her head increasing along with the speed of his movements. 
His eyes closed momentarily as he was getting overwhelmed at the feeling, and nearing ever closer to that sweet release. The suction of her mouth, of the way her tongue lapped at him as best as it could given the position, the jolt of pleasure every time she swallowed around him, his tightening bollocks slapping against her face with every thrust, oh, Aesop knew was going to come hard.
It was quickly becoming too much. The professor’s member was now constantly weeping out in his fiancée’s throat, the coil in his stomach was becoming tighter, burning hot and bright like iron in a forge, his breathing came out in short bursts, and a litany of blissful sounds was leaving his mouth. His brain finally gave out, and he barely noticed his own hands leaving her face. Still, she stayed in her place, her own hands reaching up to grab at his hips, her fingernails digging into the flesh there as she hung on. 
One of the teacher’s hands closed around her breast, kneading it roughly, while the other carefully covered her throat. He could almost feel it where he fucked her, he imagined he could feel his cock stretching her neck, her Adam’s apple bouncing each time she swallowed around him. 
“Hnng, b-bloody hell, (F/N),” Aesop managed to grit out before another groan left his lips, and his eyes rolled back, “Bloody hell, I’m so close. I’m so close, sweetheart…”
His hips began staggering, and the teacher felt the build up of sensation spreading through his entire body. His muscles were tensing up, and his cock was throbbing desperately. The fingers on his hips dug in deeper, the sting of the fingernails doing nothing but pushing him further, further towards that edge. He rutted into her incredible mouth, his own dry and open, sounds of pleasure falling out freely. 
“Oh, Merlin, I’m coming. Oh! Mhm!” Aesop’s eyes rolled back into his head, and he bit his lower lip harshly when the coil in his lower belly snapped, and the pleasure exploded within him. His prick emptied into her throat in long spurts, and soon his body started trembling slightly under the immense gratification. He then sat back quickly and pulled himself out of her mouth, so that the last two ropes of pearly white cum landed on her dark pink lips and spit-damp chin.
Aesop fell down on his arse, nearly collapsing right into the pillows behind him, breathing hard. The young woman before him was in a fairly similar state to him. He heard her swallow a few times, her own breathing quick and laboured. The professor used the last bits of his strength to lie down on the bed next to her. His heart still beat louder and faster than a wardrum, and his hands were still shaking a little.
Turning his head, he saw his sweetheart’s eyes were closed, her face relaxed, and her lips spread into a content smile. The product of his pleasure still clung to her skin, and Aesop found the sight incredibly erotic, his just spent shaft twitching ever so slightly with residue arousal. He turned on his side to face her, and threw one arm and leg over her heated form in as much of an embrace as he was able to execute at the moment.
They spent several minutes like this, bodies slowly calming and cooling down, heartbeats returning to normal, brains regaining control of their higher functions once more. Finally, Aesop summoned a cool wet cloth using his hand, once he actually felt all of his fingers again. He propped his head up on his other hand, and gently got his fiancée’s attention by pressing a small kiss against her cheek. 
Her eyes opened, and the look she fixed him with was enough to make his heart quicken up again. 
He never quite got used to the way she looked at him after they just indulged in the pleasure of each other’s arms, no matter how they went about it. Her gaze was open and sincere, filled with trust, and with so much love and happiness. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to it.
Aesop never truly realised that his own expression was the perfect mirror of hers.
The teacher brought the hand holding the cloth up, and gently dabbed at the drying seed on her lip and chin, prompting her smile to widen further. “I like it when you do that,” she whispered, as if worried she could ruin the atmosphere that settled between them had she spoken any louder. “Do what?” Aesop spoke, just as quietly, a sly little grin on his face “clean up my mess?” 
There was a mischievous sparkle to her eyes. “Actually, I like it when you create it… You’re always such a perfect gentleman, but I know it drives you crazy to mark me like this. Drives me crazy too, when you lose control like that…” she admitted to him, her smile still present.
“Well,” the professor chuckled, tossing the cloth away after his young sweetheart’s face was, save for some perspiration, once again pristine, “I can hardly deny it, can I…” He chased her lips in a kiss, finally embracing her fully, carefully climbing to lie atop her again. His hand caressed her cheek, and Aesop checked her gaze for any sort of discomfort. He was relieved to find none.
“Aren’t you tired?” he asked still, “Are you sure you’ll be alright for a second round?” Her pearly white teeth flashed in the afternoon light of their bedroom, and her eyes once again took on that slightly mischievous look: “Oh, I’ll be up for round two the moment you are up for it.” 
Aesop chuckled at her words, his hands moving down to teasingly squeeze at her waist, their bodies flush against each other. He happily settled where he was, his face buried into the crook of her neck, her hands gently brushing through his hair and separating the tangles that formed there during their activity. “Mhmm…” he murmured, his voice low. He again reminded the young woman of a severely overgrown purring cat, “give me a while. Don’t forget I’m no spring chicken.” His words were met with another chuckle, and one of the hands slipped away from his hair to stroke his cheek instead.
“You know,” she said airily, an amused expression in her twinkling eyes, “for you being, by your own words, ‘no spring chicken’, you’ve got enough stamina for at least two or three spring chickens…” Aesop wasn’t able to hold back a snort at her words, and squeezed her again. Slowly, he raised himself up to be able to look at her, once more propping his head on his hand.
He might not ever get fully used to seeing that look of hers, but he got so very used to everything else. To their closeness, both physical and emotional, to their tender banter, their own little inside jokes. And to the two of them seeing the other completely utterly dishevelled like they were now, naked and sweaty with messy hair, and it feeling so natural, so familiar and comfortable. And yet he couldn’t stop being so fascinated, so absolutely taken with the sight of her every day.
He shook his head with a smile.
“You know, we Aurors have something of a… reputation in this regard,” he offered, still grinning. That prompted a curious gleam to her eyes, even though they were currently softened by tenderness. “Oh? And it applies to the former Aurors as well?” Aesop’s other hand gently slid down her body, caressing her wherever he could reach. “If they keep themselves in shape, surely. And I’d been staying in shape for a while now… However, some Aurors tend to get a little… sloppy…” The young woman sucked in a breath when his hand squeezed between their bodies, his fingers teasing at her inner thigh, “wild… Which can be pleasant, certainly… However,” he continued, his fingers getting closer to their prize, “I hear that when combined with precision… the sort of precision potioneers, for example, have…”
Her eyes fluttered when he reached her core, once more dampening under his skillful touch, “I hear it can get even better…”
And with that, his mouth latched onto hers in another searing kiss.
His hand began to move at the same pace as his mouth and tongue, slow but intense, rekindling in her the fire he already made explode once today while his own body recovered. 
Indeed, his precision and attention to detail was something the young woman appreciated deeply. He knew exactly how to touch her when he wanted her to come apart in his hands within mere minutes, thighs shaking and lungs sore from moans. Or he could slowly break her apart, piece by piece, coaxing little whimpers out of her while her fingernails broke the skin of his back. He could edge her until she begged him to let her come, and he could make those silky soft walls flutter and contract around him near continuously, the poor girl struggling to stay conscious once he was finally done with her.
As he very gently fondled her lovebud and opening, his mouth moving to her neck instead, the professor considered how he should bring his fiancée to the breaking point tonight. Finally, he decided that, seeing as he didn’t want to add to her soreness, and that they still had a few things to do before they ultimately retired to the sheets to sleep, he would go easier on her today. Not that going easier ever meant worse, of course. 
And so, Aesop carefully moved down to once again lie beside her, and then helped her turn so that her back was flush with his chest. Slowly the couple fitted against each other until they were comfortable and Aesop had access to tease his beloved some more before he could fully take her. His other arm became her makeshift pillow, and the girl wasted no time, turning her head to seek his lips. 
Several ardent kisses and hot sighs against his mouth later, as Aesop’s fingers explored her plush depths as if it were their first time again, he felt his shaft stir and slowly begin to fill up once more. The heady feeling of desire seeped into his core again, and made him too release a shaky breath against his beloved’s swollen lips. He savoured the feeling of her hand once more messing up his hair, quite addicted to the sensation. As their kiss drew to a close, Aesop instead dragged his nose against her cheeks and jaw, and her fingers disentangled from his hair, her palm going to stroke a line over his waist and hip, and even strayed to caress his buttock, a little smile appearing on (F/N)’s face.
“Stamina and precision, indeed,” she teased, opening her eyes momentarily to look at him. Aesop replied by curling his fingers within her and prodding at the bundle of nerves deep inside, making her throw her head back against his shoulder. A low chuckle left the professor’s lips, and he ground his hips against hers, his stiffening prick bumping against her bum. “When there’s a good motivation,” he purred into her ear, then started nibbling on the sensitive skin below, spreading his fingers inside her in preparation. It wasn’t as needed these days, but Aesop still preferred to take his time rather than risk accidentally hurting her.
When she once more threw her head back and moaned loudly, Aesop chuckled further, and finally pulled his fingers away and licked them clean. He then noiselessly positioned himself at her entrance, and sought out her gaze. The professor looked deep into his beloved’s eyes as he took hold of her hand, bringing it close to his face. “The best motivation there is,” he whispered.
The ring, that once belonged to his grandmother, sparkled and shone on (F/N)’s elegant hand, the physical proof that she gave him her yes. Still looking into her eyes, Aesop slowly brought her hand even closer, until he was able to press a kiss against her ring finger, right above the ring itself. His hips snapped forward, and he filled the young woman to the brim in a single deep thrust, forcing their shared gaze to separate as their eyes fluttered.
He remained unmoving for several seconds, enjoying the feeling of being once more completely sheathed within her, the warm depths enveloping him perfectly. His fiancée breathed slowly, adjusting to his length inside. Aesop's head leaned forward again, and he hid his face into the crook of her neck, her hand still clasped tightly in his. He rocked his hips shallowly several times, looking for an angle that brought the most pleasure to both of them while the young woman hummed happily, her own head coming to rest upon his arm.
They set a slow, unhurried rhythm at first, (F/N) answering Aesop's slow deep thrusts by rolling her hips in time. His mouth began administering small kisses and gentle bites to the warm skin of her neck, his own cheeks feeling hot as he made love to his beloved.
He had to put some effort into raising himself up when her arm curled around his shoulders and neck, but he managed. Their eyes connected once more, and Aesop was again absolutely in awe of her.
She truly looked ethereally beautiful like this, hair messy and face hot, eyes dilated and so sincere. And while months separated them from their wedding, from the day when they would unite officially, bind themselves to one another, as Aesop's gaze melted into her own, he once more realised something he had known for a few years now.
She was his. And he was hers.
“Kiss me,” she whispered, and how could the professor ever refuse her.
His mouth moulded against her own, sweetly, ardently. (F/N) hungrily drank from his lips, tongue lapping at their seam and seeking out his own tongue to engage it in a sensual dance, one into which Aesop readily gave in. His hips snapped suddenly, prompting a gasp from his sweetheart, one that let him take control of their kiss, and he began plundering her mouth in earnest, the rhythm of his hips increasing in speed.
After a while, neither were able to keep up with the kiss much, their breaths becoming shorter and more laboured, their heartbeats growing swifter, their mouths moving against the other’s with little coordination. Aesop shifted, letting go of her hand in order to take hold of her leg, moving it a little forward for easier access, wanting to penetrate her even deeper. His fingers then closed around her hip, and he used the leverage to deliver harder, more intense thrusts. Soon, he was rewarded for his efforts when the young woman went taut against him again, a choked gasp on her kiss-swollen lips, her breath hot on Aesop’s own.
She too moved, removing her arm from around his shoulders and twisting her upper body so that she was lying on her back a bit more and didn’t have to turn her head quite as much to be able to face him. Aesop seized the opportunity to administer another messy kiss to her mouth, while the arm below her head bent at the elbow and his hand closed around her breast again, gently squeezing the soft flesh.
“Oh, Aesop…” she whined breathlessly when he ended the kiss only to lick a long stripe starting at her neck, going over her chin, only for his tongue to shortly plunge back into her mouth in a display of pure, intoxicating decadence. 
Soon the room filled with the sounds of their fervent lovemaking, soft sighs and gasps turning into short moans, their bodies, damp from their efforts, sliding against each other sweetly and with practised ease. Aesop’s mouth began to worry at her jaw and neck, and moved even lower. His own groans of bliss were muffled by her soft skin, the vibrations seemingly travelling directly to her core and making her fall apart in his strong arms. 
After a particularly hard thrust in that one perfect angle, one that made her entire body give a shudder, the young woman felt the burning coil of an upcoming release materialise in her core out of nowhere, her head falling back onto the pillows and Aesop’s bicep. The potions master, who had been nibbling on her collarbone, planting small marks and bruises along its length, chuckled, which prompted another wave of pleasurable vibrations to run through her, setting her nerve endings ablaze and pushing her further toward that edge.
He could feel her peak approaching, her breathing becoming uneven, her thighs beginning to tremble as he continued moving at the same angle as before. He wasn’t far behind by any means, but felt confident that he’d be able to hold off until he brought her her pleasure. That is, until she cried out for him and squeezed him within her in a vice grip following a particularly hard bite to her neck and a pinch of his fingers to her teat: “Ace! Aesop, p-please, don’t s-stop!” Her walls were quivering around his leaking prick, her hands grabbing for whichever part of him they could reach. Her sounds were pushing to his own climax much faster than he’d anticipated. He rose a bit, a sense of urgency in his voice as he whispered hotly into her ear.
“I-I’m almost there, sweetheart… Come on, c-come for me, love. ”
Her back arched and her toes curled as the coil within her snapped, as if a bolt of lighting suddenly struck her. Aesop groaned at the feeling of her walls closing so, so bloody tight around him. Her body was quivering under the pleasure he brought her, her chest rose and fell hurriedly as she sucked in mouthfuls of air, and she was so amazingly overwhelmed by the sensations.
He let her ride out her orgasm, his rhythm becoming slow and deep, rutting against that bundle of nerves deep inside her as she still convulsed and contracted around him, her head thrown back. Only when her bliss began to ever so slightly subside did he wrap his arms around her waist, holding her firmly in place, and sped up his movements once more. He truly was not far behind her, he could feel his bollocks drawing up, and the pressure in his lower belly increasing with every move. His mouth was inches away from her ear, so she heard every single sound that fell from his lips as he pounded away into her, the muscles in his legs straining and his cock becoming nearly painfully hard as he chased his own climax.
“Mhmm, f-fuck-” he groaned 
He was certain he was squeezing her too tight now, but she didn’t show a single sign of discomfort, her head still lolling on the mattress, sweet little whines pouring out of her mouth, her velvety depths still pulsating around him, beckoning him to join her in her pleasure. 
Oh, he would.
He tried to hold it, at least for a few seconds, edging himself, but then one, two, three hard thrusts, and he pretty much exploded. 
Aesop moaned, his eyes rolling back into his skull, and his arms squeezing the poor girl even tighter, as his cock spilled inside her in several bursts, his hotness flooding her plush depths completely. His hips kept rocking into hers, as if on their own accord while the professor lost himself in the gratification, his body and head suddenly feeling so heavy, so comfortably tired. 
Finally his movements drew to a close, his head dropped and he remained where he was, breathing hard, completely high on the endorphins flooding his brain.
A long, content sigh was released somewhere next to his head, and a soft hand caressed his cheek. His head was resting partly on her chest, partly on her neck, his arms were still enveloping her tightly, his softening shaft was still nestled inside her. Aesop would’ve gladly stayed just like this, but as his head cleared of the hot, heady fog of lovemaking, he realised that this position wasn’t probably doing anything for her back, and he rolled off next to her.
To his great pleasure, (F/N) immediately turned around and snuggled into him, seeking his warmth and his love.
As they lay together, satisfied and spent, the two lovers took a moment to just close their eyes and rest. 
“Are you alright, my sweet?” Aesop asked, still breathless, only able to open eye for the time being, “I haven’t hurt you any more?” Instead of an answer, what he got was an even fuller armful of his fiancée, one of her hands coming to run through the hair on his chest, damp with sweat. Finally, she spoke: “You worry entirely too much, Ace.”
While a shared bath was still on the schedule before they’d go to sleep, a wandless Scourging charm was used for the time being, just to remove the discomfort of sweat and other bodily fluids drying up on their skin. 
The potions master took comfort in the familiar soft scent of her hair, and his arms, while slightly weakened by the sweet afterglow, still had strength enough to hold his fiancée exactly where she was: Exactly where she belonged. Not that she minded, of course, there was no place on earth as safe and comforting as right there with this man.
However, (F/N) had to admit the difficult and strenuous day followed by the couples’ only slightly less strenuous but just as intense activities left her feeling rather ravenous. So much so that even the picture of something as bland as oat porridge left her nearly salivating.
So, she took a deep breath and gathered all of her strength, and made an honest attempt to wiggle out of the professor’s strong hold. And, of course, he did not budge one bit. Another attempt - fruitless again. Aesop murmured unhappily, obviously less than thrilled about the very prospect of releasing her.
“Not ready to let you go yet,” he confirmed her suspicions. The young woman simply rolled her eyes good-naturedly, her own hands coming to caress at whichever part they could reach. “Come now, Ace,” she reasoned, “neither of us ate. I haven’t since lunch - something I’m quite happy about, since otherwise I surely would've lost whatever I ate in a most unpleasant way - and I doubt you had anything other than tea and biscuits since your own lunch.”
Aesop grumbled something unintelligible under his breath, making his young fiancée chuckle: “What was that, dear?” The professor only wrapped his arms around her tighter: “I said I wasn't hungry.”
As if right on cue, Aesop's stomach gave a very telling and loud growl.
“Liar,” (F/N) said only, a victorious smile playing on her face. Aesop finally loosened up his arms a little, but his hands remained on her hips. He raised his dishevelled head, a lazy grin playing on his lips, one that made his sweetheart want to kiss it right off. 
“You know, we could just summon something and make a meal out of it here,” he made his last attempt, brow raised.
With a huff, (F/N) finally managed to leave his arms, right away missing his warmth but ready to stand her ground. She stood up next to the bed and placed her hands on her hips: “Aesop Theodore Sharp, it's one thing to indulge in a meal in bed every once in a while, but prepare it there too? That's how you get ants, you know.”
Aesop seemed quite unbothered by her voice, seemingly enjoying eyeing up her bare curves too much.
“Now, where are my knickers,” she asked, looking around the room, mostly scanning the floor. The professor meanwhile stretched his tall body upon the bed further, again rather similarly to a content tomcat. “I think I'm lying atop them, actually,” he admitted lazily, making absolutely no attempt to actually roll over a bit and hand her the garment. The young woman couldn't help but shake her head, both exasperated and loving every second of it.
“Well, may I have them back? In return for a light supper?” She tried, but even as she was speaking her question, she knew what the answer was going to be. Still, Aesop made a small effort and had the decency to appear thoughtful for a moment.
“No deal,” he said finally, “However, I will run us the bath in the meantime, and make breakfast to bed for you tomorrow. In a similar state of undress, if you so wish. How's that?”
With a final chuckle and a roll to her eyes, (F/N) turned around and bent over, at the very least picking up Aesop's shirt to cover up while she made their food, ignoring his little wolf whistle. She closed the two bottom buttons of the shirt, still leaving her cleavage quite visible to his hungry gaze. 
“Spoilsport,” he said with a mock-pout, and this time she wasn't able to hold herself back from putting one of her knees on the bed and kissing that silly expression off his face. To Aesop's great displeasure, she soon pulled back and fixed him with a triumphant expression.
“I'll hold you to that bath and breakfast,” she said as she turned away and began walking out of their bedroom.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed the story! You can also check this work and all of my other works over on my AO3. Feedback greatly appreaciated ❤️
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amorebathcouk · 3 months
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How to Design a Bathroom That Looks Great in a Cottage
Choosing a bathroom design that will look great in a cottage can be a challenge, but there are many ways to achieve the look you are after. Whether you want to have a bathroom that features a vintage feel, a nautical feel, or any other style, you can find an option that works for you.
Freestanding bathtub
Whether you’re building a new home or remodeling your existing home, a freestanding bathtub is an ideal addition to your bathroom. Not only do they provide a luxurious look, but they add a sense of spaciousness to the room.
Freestanding bathtubs come in a wide variety of styles. You’ll find designs that can fit with just about any type of interior. You can choose a solid color bathtub or a tub with a patina, such as a silver or gold. You can also choose a tub that has a sleek design, such as a modern or a Grecian style.
The materials used in a bathtub can also impact the style. Acrylic bathtubs are a popular choice because they are lightweight and can withstand heavy impacts. They’re also available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.
Pedestal sinks
Adding a pedestal sink to a cottage style bathroom is a great way to make your space feel bigger. You will find that these sinks are both practical and pretty. They are available in many different styles, sizes, and colors. They can even work well in traditional or modern bathrooms.
Pedestal sinks are also easy to install and can add a sophisticated touch to a bathroom. You can find these sinks in a variety of different finishes, including silver, gold, and blue. They can also add a little bit of glitz to a bathroom with their petite crystal chandelier.
Pedestal sinks are a great way to save space in a small bathroom. You can even find unique designs. If you like the classic look, you can find pedestal sinks that are antique and vintage.
Porthole-shaped mirrors
Adding porthole-shaped mirrors in your cottage bathroom is an easy way to complete a nautical themed room. Porthole-shaped mirrors are not only a great addition to your bathroom, but they also add a sense of style to your home. They are available in a variety of sizes, finishes and styles.
The traditional porthole-shaped mirror is a round design that is made to look like the portholes on a real ship. The mirror features a beveled frame profile and a polished silver finish. The frame is made of wood and contrasts with sturdy black metal brackets.
Round porthole mirrors are popular for bathrooms and cloakrooms. The mirror has a large diameter and is usually accompanied by a matching frame. The mirror is designed to be hung on any wall surface.
Black and white checkered flooring
Whether it’s a kitchen backsplash, an accent wall, or a bathroom floor, black and white checkered flooring adds a touch of class. It’s a classic style that can be modernized to fit any space.
One way to create this look is to use ceramic tile in a white, grey, or black color. Or you can create a pattern by using mosaic tiles. These are a playful way to bring a pattern across the decor, and are especially great in a bathroom.
Another option is to use black and white etched marble tiles. These incredibly detailed tiles add a touch of old world charm to any space. You can combine these tiles into a fireplace surround, or use them as accents in a kitchen backsplash.
Vintage furniture vanities
Using vintage furniture vanities in your bathroom is a fantastic way to elevate your home. These pieces are not only eye-catching but they also provide plenty of storage. They are also easy to install. You can choose from a variety of styles and finishes. Whether you prefer a classic or modern look, these pieces can add a touch of elegance to any bathroom.
One of the most popular bathroom styles is cottage. The cottage style uses a mix of traditional elements with a modern touch. You can achieve this look by using an old dresser, buffet, or hutch as your bathroom vanity.
While you’re at it, try to find one of these vintage pieces at a thrift store. You can also try your luck at a flea market. Just make sure that it’s sturdy.
Adding nautical influences
Adding nautical influences to a cottage bathroom can create an enchanting space that is both warm and airy. There are several ways to achieve this look and it is not difficult to incorporate nautical accents into your bathroom.
Nautical home decor includes stripes, a blue and white color scheme, and natural textures. Decorative touches such as sea shells, nautical themed linens, and a seaside themed rug can be used to add maritime flair to your bathroom.
Adding rustic features such as ship lights and a farmhouse style trough sink creates a coastal feeling in your bathroom. You can also add small glass tiles to the shower wall and backsplash for a seaside look. You can also place a porthole-shaped mirror in your bathroom to complete the nautical vibe.
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Whether planning a bathroom renovation or simply looking to update your existing space, Vancouver Kitchen Renovation is the place to turn. We’re Vancouver’s premier bathroom design and renovation specialists, and we pride ourselves on being able to create spaces that fit perfectly within your budget. Whether you’re renovating a small guest room or transforming a whole house, we’ll guide you through each step so you can enjoy your finished product for years to come. As a locally owned and operated business, we know what it takes to build lasting relationships with our clients. We’re committed to providing quality products and services and strive to exceed expectations every time.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable bathroom design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current bathroom, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
Frequently Asked Questions
What does a complete bathroom renovation package include?
A complete bathroom remodeling package can include a variety of services, depending on what the customer needs are. Some common services that might be included are:
Bathroom design and consultation
3D renderings of bathroom designs
Services for waterproofing through the Schluter system
Services for tile setting
Delivery and supply
Supply and Install in-floor heating systems
All plumbing fixtures and lighting fixtures supplied and delivered.
All plumbing and electric work carried out by our licensed, certified electricians
Delivery, installation, and supply of the vanity
Supply, fabrication, and installation of the countertop
Glass for shower and tub installation.
Demolition and Removal of Existing Fixtures and Materials
Painting and wallpaper services
How can my bathroom be safer?
First, understand what safety means to make your bathroom safer. Safety does not mean keeping yourself safe. Safety includes protecting yourself and others around you. If someone falls into the bathtub, you should think about how you could protect them. This would include removing items that might cause falls such as tubs and slippery floors.
To prevent falls you could also place grab bars in your bathroom. To support someone standing, these devices can be fitted with hand grips. They are useful because they prevent falls while taking a shower or bath.
Another thing you could do to make your bathroom more secure is to put down mats outside of the tub. They will prevent people from falling and slipping while they bathe. To see clearly where you are, you could add additional lighting. While these measures won’t reduce the chance of accidents, they will make it less likely.
How can I make my bathroom feel like Zen?
A great bathroom can be a place for reflection and relaxation. It’s where we unwind after a stressful day. It’s where we go to relax after a long day of activity.
Bathrooms are places we can relax. By taking a shower, we can wash away all our worries. We scrub ourselves clean, and when we brush our teeth, we remove any debris left behind by the day.
You can create a peaceful and serene bathroom that provides all of the amenities we need.
White paint makes a room look brighter and cleaner, for example. White walls also reflect light, making the rooms seem larger.
A large mirror lets us see our faces without needing to look around.
You can make your bathroom a peaceful place by adding candles. Candles provide warmth and a feeling of security. In addition, scented candles can encourage feelings of calmness.
A bathroom with plants can promote tranquility and peace. It has been proven that plants reduce stress and help you focus.
Lighting is another way to set the mood. Lighting can either create a warm atmosphere. Warm lights such as those from candlelight can create a peaceful environment.
When you’re next in the toilet, make sure to take some time for relaxation. This is where we can be totally free of all outside influences.
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had someone call and say they have an existing old tub (which, 99% of the time, is 60” wide once they’re pulled out) and want to convert the bathtub to a shower. (blog.innovatebuildingsolutions.com)
This article will reveal more about AntiBac surfaces and how Villeroy and Boch products have 99.9% fewer bacteria. (superbath.co.uk)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tile (59%) was the most popular material for tub and shower surrounds. Slab surfaces (40%) were the next most popular (https://nkba.org)
Keep in mind: they advise that, all told, your bathroom project should cost no more than 5 to 10 percent of your home’s value. (remodelista.com)
With this technology, whether you take a 5-minute or a 50-minute shower, you’ll use the same amount of water, reducing your use up to 90 percent! (elemental.green)
2023 bathroom design trends: Windows above tubs were favoured by 51% of those surveyed. Skylights were selected by 37% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: 82% of those surveyed revealed bathrooms are now designed for two-person use. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Heated floors were favoured by a substantial 75% of those who responded to the survey.(https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tiles were favoured by 59% of those surveyed.mSlab surfaces were favoured by 40% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: 82% of those surveyed preferred low-maintenance, nonporous surfaces for their bathroom. (https://nkba.org)
According to the EPA, a conventional toilet uses 1.6 gallons per flush, but that old pink one could use between 3.5 to 7 gallons per flush. (elemental.green)
If possible, allow a 15 to 20% contingency fund so you’re prepared for the unexpected. (loveproperty.com)
External Links
Learn how much it cost to remodel your bathroom
What is the Best Place to Spend Your Money on a Bathroom Remodel? | HomeAdvisor
How to Paint Bathroom Cabinets for an Easy Vanity Upgrade
How To
How to design a master bath
There are a few things to consider when designing a master bathroom. The space size and type of fixtures you require are important considerations. You should also choose a style and color that you enjoy, as well as one that complements the overall design of your home. The third thing you should do is choose durable materials that will withstand wear and moisture. Last but not least, add personal touches to personalize the space.
You can make your master bath more luxurious by adding a spa-like experience. Add a steam shower, heated towel racks, and candle-scented candles. These little touches will make bathing more comfortable.
A master bathroom also requires good lighting. It is important to have sufficient lighting in your master bathroom for reading or working while you’re bathing. The skylight you choose should not detract the beauty of the bathroom.
You don’t need to go overboard when decorating your master bathroom. Keep it simple, clean and to the point. You can avoid bright colours by using neutral tones. Once the bathrooms are completed, you’ll be able to see the difference in the rest of the house.
Don’t forget to add storage! It is important to have storage in every room. But it is especially important for master bathrooms. Make sure everything has its place by investing in quality cabinetry. It’ll surprise you how much easier it will be to tidy up the bathroom when everything has its home.
These are just few tips to help design the perfect master bedroom. Make this space your own. Take your time. Enjoy the process.
The post How to Design a Bathroom That Looks Great in a Cottage first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/how-to-design-a-bathroom-that-looks-great-in-a-cottage/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-design-a-bathroom-that-looks-great-in-a-cottage
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Best bathroom furniture guide for choosing the Modern designer bathroom furniture
Like your other bathroom products such as baths, basins, toilets, showers, and many more, bathroom furniture is also an essential product to make your bathroom fully functional. With the best interiors, branded bathroom products, and attractive flooring & ceilings, the modern designer bathroom furniture plays an important role in enhancing the look of your luxury bathrooms in the UK. With the best design, style, color, and materials, the right furniture provides the best storage solution and functionality for your modern or traditional bathroom.
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Nowadays, bathroom furniture is not considered only to make a statement in your luxurious bathroom, but it becomes a necessity for every home. Whether you have a small space or a large bathroom, you will have options to choose from the best brand of bathroom furniture.
The best furniture brands include Burlington traditional bathroom furniture, Eastbrook bathroom furniture, Tavistock Vanity units, HIB bathroom mirrors, HiB bathroom mirror cabinets, Vitra wall-hung basin unit, and several others. You can shop Luxury bathroom products online or by visiting any reliable Bathroom Shop in the UK.
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Things to Consider
-          When designing your bathroom layout, consider your daily storage needs to invest in bathroom furniture.
-          Find the available size and space to place your furniture.
-          Other than storage space, bathroom furniture also hides messy things in your bathroom like a pipework.
-          Also, think about the best style, finish, and material that best matches your bathroom décor.
-          The design of the kid’s bathroom is different from a family bathroom, or guest bathroom. Hence, using the best bathroom furniture guide, you can add style and storage to your dream bathroom to make it unmatched and functional.
-          Your bathroom furniture should best match your other bathroom products and accessories. In addition to color & style, a matte or gloss finish also needs to consider.
-          While selecting furniture, remember to keep some space for easily walk in the bathroom.
-          Don’t invest in unwanted pieces that make a complicated look in a congested area.
-          Even if you have plenty of space in your bathroom, selecting the right furniture is essential that offers the best style and functionality to your dream bathroom.
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Useful Bathroom Furniture
Combination Bathroom Furniture
One of the reasons to buy combination bathroom furniture is that they are suitable for small bathrooms, cloakrooms, or en-suites. You can have great options to choose combination furniture like Wall hung vanity units, Bathroom mirror cabinets, Toilet Units, WC units, cloakroom bathroom furniture, Illuminated mirror cabinets, and many others.
They accommodate perfectly in your small space area. When you buy combination furniture such as Vitra wall-hung basin units, Toilet Units with cabinets, WC units, or others that need pipework or plumbing, you should hire a professional plumber for trouble-free & leakage-free installation.
Vanity Units
Vanity units like floor-standing vanity units, Wall hung vanity units are most versatile for bathroom style and offer great storage solutions. It solves your storage problem to well-organize your daily bathroom essentials and toiletries. You have the option to choose the vanity unit with sink and toilet or basin with cabinet under the sink. From sleek & slim to double sink options, there are plenty of choices to buy the best vanity unit.
Tall Storage Cabinet
If you want to give your bathroom a spacious look, a tall storage cabinet is the best option.  Choose the size as per your bathroom height. Using a wall-mounted unit, you can best utilize space above your toilet. By choosing the best color, design, and finishes, you can make your storage unit an unmatched centerpiece in your bathroom.
Back-to-Wall Toilet unit
Back-to-wall toilet and WC unit make the best utilization of space around your toilet. It hides the cistern inside the furniture and offers the best storage solution. It creates a sleek and minimalist designer look for your bathroom area.
Bathroom Mirror Cabinets
Bathroom mirror cabinets look great to set above the basin. If you require a brighter look in your bath area, you can choose an Illuminated bathroom Mirror and Illuminated mirror cabinets for storage solutions. HiB bathroom mirrors and HiB bathroom mirror cabinets offer the best designs and quality products to give a touch of glamour to your UK bathrooms.
Wall Hung Basin Unit
Using a Vitra wall-hung basin unit, you will get extra open space with an elegant look for your bathroom. It mounts on the wall and requires no pedestal; hence you will get open floor space that gives a bigger look to your bathroom.  
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For the best offer to Shop Luxury bathroom products online, write at [email protected]  You will get the best deal on the best-branded bathroom products & furniture like Modern designer bathroom furniture, HiB bathroom mirror cabinets, illuminated mirror cabinets, Vitra wall-hung basin unit, cloakroom bathroom furniture, Burlington traditional bathroom furniture, Eastbrook bathroom furniture, Tavistock Vanity units, and more for your Luxury Bathrooms in the UK.
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myersjonathaan · 3 years
Cloakroom toilets are small toilets that are designed to fit perfectly into compact places like cloakrooms. Loaded with similar features and equally efficient in working like other toilets, these ensure no space goes to waste. The main idea for choosing these toilets is that even few centimeters of saving space on toilets can be a great help in avoiding cluttered looking cloakroom.
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ewansaunders · 3 years
Cloakroom Suite
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Modern cloakroom suites are often smaller in size, offering smaller bathrooms, but they offer the same essential features of other large cloakrooms without the space constraints. Usually consisting of a toilet, sink and basin, the suites include a large door featuring a locking mechanism and a foldable tray. The fold up door also offers a privacy protection mechanism, with a small compartment containing a mirror that can be used to hide one's face when desired.
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Cloakroom Suites at Royal Baths
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rileypowerr · 3 years
The inferred stockpiling is cleaner according to an excellent point of view and gives a rack on which I can see embellishment. If your supply isn't unavoidable, you can introduce a removable rack maintained on segments above it. You should fit an additional a little hand cup or one that will fit over a corner spot. In case space is restricted and look for the most reasonable cloakroom sets.
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sebastianbaker · 3 years
It fits most cloakrooms with a standard can and a bowl arrangement. Since someone links periodically cloakrooms with an incrementally limited scale. Many people may assume that additional highlights are not workable. Whatever the case, the potentially best way to enhance this minimal space is by adding to the cloakroom washing room furnishings while bringing a little enriching pizazz. From the outset, you may think that there is no space for big bits of cloakroom toiletries but there are a whole range of smaller choices to look at, which complement virtually every cloakroom environment because the reputation is that furniture is added to washes, suites and cloakroom sets.
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The home development holders manage a huge load of issues when they plan for their cloakroom makeover. It is because the standard fittings and mechanical get-togethers take a huge load of room that makes them free thinker for washrooms with confined space. The cloakroom vanity unit is continually included as it needs for loosening up past what many would think about conceivable in the washroom.
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libbyturner · 3 years
Flat 10% OFF On All Orders
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bathroomforless · 10 months
Upgrade your bathroom with our exquisite Basins collection at Bathroom4Less. Discover a range of basin designs that effortlessly combine functionality and elegance. Our basins are crafted with quality materials to ensure durability, and they offer efficient water usage, saving you money. We have a huge collection of own branded basins such as Countertop basins, wall hung basins, cloakroom basins, pedestal basins, furniture basins, and, more. Shop basins online now at Bathroom4less!
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elliskent · 3 years
Flat 10% OFF at Royal Bathroom
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finlaycarr · 3 years
For many, it is one of the last things that they do when they decorate their house. In most houses, the cloakroom in the house is usually rather small but functional. Normally, this room does not have a lot of space to buy from which basin a rather tricky choice is made. In this article, we will consider some of the factors when purchasing a cloakroom basin.
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Best Bathroom Furniture Guide for Efficient Storage Solution for Your Bathroom
Are you planning for your bathroom to add usability with an elegant look? Bathroom furniture is the best way to make your bathroom perfect in terms of best style & usability. Whether it’s your personal bathroom or a family bathroom, it is a private place for everyone to get refreshed and relax.
Hence, when you design a layout for your bathroom, consider the most important bathroom furniture essential for your daily requirement. In this best bathroom furniture buying guide, we help you how to choose the most essential bathroom furniture for your dream bathroom.
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First, you should fix your budget to buy the furniture. Also, ensure that which furniture best suits your bathroom, like Modern Bathroom Furniture or Traditional Bathroom Furniture. Besides, consider some significant factors such as size, style, shape, and storage capacity in addition to your budget limit.
You have a broad range of choices to select the best quality & brand of bathroom furniture, such as Duravit bathroom furniture UK, Vitra Bathroom Furniture, Burlington bathroom furniture, and many others.
Before deciding on buying furniture, you should first design a floor plan of your bathroom that gives you a precise idea to place each piece of furniture accurately. Make a smart selection to give your bathroom a space-saving storage solution.
You have choices of bathroom furniture such as open units, furniture with doors, drawers, etc. You can choose open units for your limited budget or not enough space to open doors or drawers. Selecting the storage cabinet with doors or drawers depends on the available space to open doors or drawers. Remember, the door or drawer should not collide with other bathroom products, the main door, or windows. 
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Freestanding or Fitted bathroom furniture can decide based on available bathroom space.
For your luxurious and spacious bathroom, you can go with a freestanding choice, but Combination Bathroom Furniture looks great in your small or modern bathroom.  With fitted bathroom furniture, you can fix everything under place. You can use your dead space like corners to place your furniture.
Create a bespoke look of bathroom furniture by combining multiple wall-mounted and floor-standing units with fitted bathroom furniture. They come in different colors & sizes with the choice to select the knobs & handles of different styles.
With an accurate measurement of the height, length & breadth of your bathroom space, you should also ensure the exact locations of the power supply and mains water. Vitra Bathroom Units offers an unmatched look and luxury with the best storage solution for spacious or small bathrooms.
Bathroom cabinets are the most useful pieces of furniture to store items and keep them out of reach of children. You can fix it above your basin. The different bathroom cabinets include Freestanding Cabinets, Mirror Cabinets, HIB Mirror Cabinets, and others. Keep it in a place that becomes handy for you to get things, easily.
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To hide your messy pipework underneath your basin area, vanity units are a great option. It offers an extra storage solution with drawers & cupboards in your bathroom. You can choose a countertop or semi or fully integrated basins into your vanity unit. You can select Wall Hung Vanity unit with basin, Burlington vanity unit with basin, Vitra Voyage Vanity Unit, Tavistock Bathroom Vanities, Cloakroom bathroom vanities, Floor Standing Vanity Units, or others to enhance the look of your designer bathrooms in the UK.
Wall-hung units play a vital role in creating an organized look for your bathroom. It is as useful as your kitchen cupboard that provides a handy storage solution for towels, toiletries, etc. As it is mounted on a wall, it keeps your floor area open, which makes it easy to clean and well-maintain. Check the strength of your wall so that it can bear the weight of the wall-mounted unit.
Freestanding bathroom furniture is the best option for your spacious bathroom.  This standalone furniture can install easily and can move anywhere if you want to rearrange the position of your bathroom furniture.
Tall storage units are a great space-saving storage option for bathrooms having a limited area for furniture. Generally, it contains shelves, storage components, and drawers. You can choose a wall-mounted or freestanding tall storage unit based on your bathroom layout.
You can choose a bathroom mirror with a storage unit or a separate one. If you don’t have any wall space to fix the mirror, you can choose combination furniture in which you will get a storage mirror cabinet of your desired style, size, and design. Choose Non-Illuminated Mirrors for bathrooms having enough lights or Illuminated Mirrorsfor dark bathroom area. Thus, you can enhance the look of your contemporary or classic bathroom using mirrors.
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If you are looking for the best Bathroom Shop in the UK that offers a great deal on branded bathroom furniture such as Duravit bathroom furniture UK, Vitra Bathroom Furniture, Toilet Units(WC Units), Freestanding Cabinets, and others, write at [email protected]
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pickeringlucy · 3 years
For many, it is one of the last things that they do when they decorate their house. In most houses, the cloakroom in the house is usually rather small but functional. Normally, this room does not have a lot of space to buy from which basin a rather tricky choice is made. In this article, we will consider some of the factors when purchasing a cloakroom basin.
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