#HIB bathroom
designedtofigureitout · 10 months
Bathroom Design Concrete Grey
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This is a design was where I began to find my feet and started working on getting the grouting, lighting and designing with quality products.  
  #bathroomdesign #design #interiordesign #interiordesign #creative #concrete #grey #designedtofigureitout @Designedtofigureitout @crosswater #HIB
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Here at bathroom shop UK, we stock the full range of HiB Illuminated and Non Illuminated Mirrors, Illuminated and Non Illuminated Mirror Cabinets, lights, and more. Choose from Square, round, oval, large mirrors or small, there really is a mirror to suit every bathroom.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
Can I have part 2 Y/N pregnant?
Reminder this is the genderbend version😯
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(Lmk Wukong) This was a very eventful pregnancy. It seems like her antics Amplify Since the Two of you found out about your cub. First of all, there is a wire. Her belly was so big was because there's not one not two But three of them in there. And it seems like They are already active just like their mama. And not only that they make the monkey queen wanna eat everything. Her food your food mk's food You name it I mean you can't really Blame her because she's literally eating for other people but it's still quite Out of control. Happiest day of your life was when the triplets Your are two sons and daughter were finally born and they We're noisy cherpee and they get Into everything. Overall, they were healthy, very little beans. Who you love very much and you secretly glad for the monkey. Queen's flirty clingy ass and you love her as well.
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(NR Wukong) Holy sh*t if you think she was clingy before you ain't seen nothing yet. Since the beginning Of her pregnancy, she demanded With you at all times whether it be. to the corner store to the men's bathroom which got you kicked out of the mall once. She's was on you like white on rice. And if you try to go somewhere without her. She'll throw a big ass tantrum and i'm gonna shoot look like Are jerk especially when it happens in public. So you kept her inside with you for the remainder of the pregnancy. I say and that's when her water broke. When the cob was born, it was a cute little girl, but she chirped a lot. Neither of you would understand why. Wukong Has tried multiple methods But she just won't let up that's when you decided to give It'll try and the little girl was suddenly silent. You guys's daughter stop chirping and crying immediately the second she was in your arms. Now that explains why the monkey Queen had craved you so much. Because now you have to deal with another clingy girl in your life. At least this one is cute.
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(HIB Wukong) The pregnancy was fairly okay to be honest. It's just that she threw up a lot. And I mean a lot there was barely anything. She would be able to keep down. It seems like the Cub was already a picky eater. It seems to only accept pomegranates, peaches and Sesame balls you Yourself would eat. Interesting enough the cub came out a week early a cute little boy. He was fairly small but it seemed like it didn't stop them from trying to do big kid things. You both have to keep an eye on him a lot. But he was the greatest gift you've both received and you hope maybe you can convince her to give another one.
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) This woman is a pain in your ass. Hers mood swings were out of control and that is really saying something. She always blames you for her condition. But she clings on to your arm. So hard blood is getting caught off from there. And where's the vault? Yeah, I'm worst of all. She won't eat food unless it's yours it's like she's making you mad on purpose. But it seems like this is making her a little more emotional because she vents and cries to you about all of the issues. In her life and her insecurities about her relationship with you. With shocks you to the max but you know better than to say anything. Finally, it was time for the cup to be born and that was like the worst 12 hours of your life. She was screaming playing menu for doing this to her. But she's the one who wanted to fight you. She's the one who wants to know what position you fire in. And she wouldn't give up stop by one broken hand later You too had a little girl. She was just as feisty and war driven as her mama. And it seems like she got some of her possessive traits too. One time Your daughter climbed on to your shoulder and hissed at her mother for Sitting way too close to you. And of course, her mom took that as a challenge and hissed the right back. Great now you have two hissing girls back to square one for you. But deep down you wouldn't have it any other way
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(Netflix Wukong) You guys are so freaking excited about your future family. You always make sure She was happy comfortable and safe. You mostly took up her job as protecting the villages from stray demons and you make quick work of them. So you can get back to your monkey queen especially when she's hungry. This pregnancy helps her open up to a lot more because she voices her worries about being a capable mama. But you always dispel those dark thoughts by telling her know that she would be amazing and she's got you to help her too. This always Makes her feel better and it was about time too. The club was ready to both were granted too little boys. They were rowdy loud and all over the place. But you both love them very much. But it's up to you to keep the queen from spoiling her two princes
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mlobsters · 1 month
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supernatural s1e15 the benders (w. john shiban)
(this is a rewatch so spoilers abound)
starting off with the xf vibe in the teaser music, which this whole episode is very xfiles home (s4e2).... homage. beginning is surprisingly memorable just because it's not what i expected, i'm always stressed when a kid shows up but not this time!
also didn't realize hibbing minnesota was so far north, past duluth! i lived in the twin cities for 8 years or so. i guess donna was from hibbing, but no one lived there. but there was an episode title with hibbing in it (10x08) hence some of my confusion. anyway. to the bad humans!
(padalecki still with the crispy R on crazy. now i'm wondering if he always uses it and i just stopped noticing at some point)
so priest and state trooper, side swept bangs 📝
EVAN Godzilla Vs. Mothra. DEAN That’s my favorite Godzilla movie. It’s so much better than the original, huh? EVAN Totally. DEAN Yeah. (He nods towards SAM.) He likes the remake. EVAN Yuck!
very cute
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i used this bar scene in my fanvid to texas hold 'em and that neon sign in my tennessee whiskey painting lol (though i ended up putting them mostly in front of it but you can see a lil bit)
SAM Well, there are all kinds. You know, Spring Heeled Jacks, phantom gassers. They take people anywhere, anytime.
shoulda had more monstery-monster of the week eps
SAM Right. I saw a motel about five miles back. DEAN Whoa, whoa, easy. Let’s have another round. SAM We should get an early start.
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DEAN Yeah, you really know how to have fun, don’t you, Grandma? (SAM smiles.) Alright, I’ll meet you outside, I gotta take a leak.
it was cute, sam basically gave him a very nice smile to the grandma comment and dean caved. might make gifs if i remember to - i made the gifs to avoid picking this back up. also shows just rarely talk about using the bathroom, course this was a plot-related bathroom visit to get them separated, so. not sure it really falls into the masculinity tag i got going but anytime we go with a woman instead of man, gonna tag it
this music is so cliche tension danger sounding but also like, not at all matching the vibe of the show? too loud, and like a parody. ugh. i will give you one guess who it is... (gruska, of course)
DEAN Sam? Two beers and he’s doin’ karaoke. No, he wasn’t drunk. He was taken. KATHLEEN Alright. What’s his name? DEAN Winchester. Sam Winchester. KATHLEEN Like the rifle? DEAN Like the rifle.
insert something insightful about the hunters having an extremely on the nose last name :p also don't know if we ever really know what sam's tolerance is like
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i 100% took screenshots of the computer screen first watch because they just copied sam's height into dean's entry :p
DEAN Officer, look, uh, he’s family. I kind of—I kind of look out for the kid. You gotta let me go with you. KATHLEEN I’m sorry, I can’t do that. DEAN Well, tell me something. Your county has its fair share of missing persons. Any of ‘em come back? Sam’s my responsibility. And he’s comin’ back. I’m bringin’ him back.
eat that right up, you know it. this episode is chock full of protective dean goodness, after sam got to do it for him in 1x12.
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s1e11 / s1e15
well i'll be! same thing sammy said to meg in the bus station that got me feeling extra mushy. that also had teleplay by john shiban. thank you, sir 🫡 did a little gif comparable thing too
~1 month later~ was gonna pull up an episode of evil, which has been my go-to evening show during my spn sabbatical and i just got the itchy feeling to want to blather at length while watching something. am i ready to watch spn again?? we will see.
JENKINS Why don’t you give it up, Sammy, there’s no way out. SAM Don’t….call me….Sammy!
damn right
my vacation away and literally the first scene with music back and i'm like godDAMNIT this music is obnoxious. in case i was worried i just had a stick up my ass about it, no it really is just my immediate gut reaction
anyway, bro's off getting the most dangerous game'd to bad music. shoulda listened to sam
DEAN Hey, Officer? Look, I don’t mean to press my luck. KATHLEEN Your luck is so pressed. DEAN Right. I was wondering—why are you helping me out, anyway? Why don’t you just lock me up? KATHLEEN My brother, Riley, disappeared three years ago. A lot like Sam. We searched for him, but—nothing. I know what it’s like to feel responsible for someone, and for them—Come on. Let’s keep at it.
had this storyline happened later, could see her slotting into the jody/donna type role
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the most striking eyes
DEAN I gotta start carrying paper clips.
i mean, seems like he'd have something on his person. what with their vocation needing a variety of tools for less than legal shenanigans
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ok what, did dean have this headshot of sam lying around?? lol. not one in my fairly comprehensive winchester family photos post
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very necessary to have him stretched out over this sheriff wagon
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DEAN Sam? Are you hurt? SAM No. DEAN Damn, it’s good to see you.
DEAN Have you seen ‘em? SAM Yeah. Dude, they’re just people. DEAN And they jumped you? Must be gettin’ a little rusty there, kiddo.
it's just so sweet. i am a sucker
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my hot take is that jensen loves slapstick humor and puts it in at any opportunity. we're dealing with like, people-hunting-cannibals, his brother and a sheriff are locked in cages that he needs to find a key for and yet! jensen is gonna have dean turn the flashlight on in his face and have a goofy reaction. TIME AND PLACE, BROTHER
anyway. there's been a lot of the xfiles noises this episode. very on brand
i think one of the most disturbing things about this episode are the pictures with the benders are posing with the people like a big game photo. enough that i don't even wanna include a screenshot of it
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i wonder how the set design of this compares to the house at the end of s1 true detective. and obviously the set for xf home. maybe i'll pull up some comparisons and see if it's worth doing A Post
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i think why the game polaroids are so impactful vs this is like. this is very campy over the top. old timey music playing on the phonograph, traps and saw blades hanging from the ceiling, man making these wildly exaggerated swings with the cleaver and saw
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i will admit that i saw something at a formative age that had an incredibly upsetting situation with a hot poker and so this scene also is distressing. at least it's not threatening sexual violence this time. but objectively, that's a gorgeous shot
DEAN You hurt my brother, I’ll kill you, I swear. I’ll kill you all. I will kill you all!
you know i can't resist that, eat it right up
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so rare they're in short sleeves, has to be an even smaller number of times they fight someone in them
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so beautiful. she was really good in this part
DEAN Never do that again. SAM Do what? DEAN Go missin’ like that. (SAM laughs.) SAM You were worried about me. DEAN All I’m sayin’ is, you vanish like that again, I’m not lookin’ for ya. SAM Sure, you won’t. DEAN I’m not. (SAM chuckles.) SAM So, you got sidelined by a thirteen-year-old girl, huh? DEAN Oh, shut up. SAM Just sayin’, gettin’ rusty there, kiddo. DEAN (chuckling) Shut up. (SAM laughs.)
i didn't remember that last little bit, that was extra cute. i will be making more gifs 😩
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luxebathrooms · 3 years
Tips To Create Modern Hib Bathrooms Ireland Designs
Bathrooms are no more just bathrooms and certain modern bathroom principles require being incorporated into your bathroom space design. Modern HiB Bathrooms Ireland has clean and bold lines, minimum decor and the usage of white colour in abundance. Here are some tips to help your bathroom have a modern design.
Clean Lines
Clean lines play a vital role in the bathroom decor and you must consider the external shape of your mirror, windows and countertop and make sure that they complement each other. You need to avoid wavy outer lines as they are uncommon in modern bathroom designs. You need to opt for horizontal straights or ovals and utilize them to get a bold and clean look. Ovals can offer a subtle and harmonious look. To match your horizontal lines, you can utilize a rectangular countertop, square or sink, a straight large mirror.
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When it comes to the colour of HiB Bathrooms Ireland, you need to ensure that it is minimalistic. When you happen to pick a colour scheme that includes two prominent colours for a small space, it is suggested that you opt for white and another colour like light aqua, bamboo green, wooden, soft green to complement the white. For a large bathroom, you can opt for darker shades like purples, blacks, grays, reds etc. The bathroom will feel closed when you use patterns. But, for a large or medium-sized bathroom, either a wall or the ceiling can be painted with some designs or you can use designer tiles too. Adding more patterns will lead to a modern style.
Lighting plays a huge role in the design of HiB bathrooms Ireland that are smaller in size as they can be utilized to create a well-lit place. The ideal lighting choices for your bathrooms are the ones that are off-white or white in colour. You need to keep your countertop clear of fixtures and have just one lamp if you have limited space. If your bathroom is large, you can use a skylight for natural light or small ceiling lights to bring ambience to your bathroom.
Lesser Quantity of Items
The lesser quantity of items you use in the decor of your bathroom, the better it will look. This is the modern bathroom principle. You need to have the least quantity of items on your countertop if your bathroom is small. You can use hanging sinks rather than pedestal sinks to create more space. You can also make use of a white bathroom light and a few bamboo plants and wooden mats.
Uncluttered Spaces
Clutter often creates a chaotic feel and it is recommended to ensure that your bathroom is free from clutter. You can have shelves under your counter to store your items. You can have cabinet mirrors inside the HiB Bathrooms Ireland and a small wooden shelf outside your bathroom to keep items that you can pick up while you use the bathroom.
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jawritter · 4 years
Twelve Days Of Christmas
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Summary: Dean never realized that Y/N missed Christmas until he turned off an annoying Christmas song on the radio on the way home from a hunt, now he will make it his personal mission to give her the Christmas he misses so much, and if he plays his cards right, maybe he will give her what he has wanted to give her for so many years, himself.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Written For: @spnchristmasbingo​​​​
Square Field: Christmas Pajamas
Word Count: 1963
Warnings: Fluff, Dean on Ice Skates, lol. Fluff
A/N: This is to help me catch up on my SPN Christmas Bingo card lol Chapter 6 will post tomorrow! I knew chapter will post every day until Christmas! I know I’m insane lol. This is a real time fic collection and all mistakes will be my own! Please do not copy my work! Hope you all enjoy these!!
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Hibbing, Minnesota was a small town that had an almost rustic, old-time feel to it. The old stores that lined the streets downtown spared no expense in decking themselves out for the holiday season, and you could have sworn that you had taken a step back in time as soon as Dean turned Baby onto the main street in the town where most everything was located. 
You could even see Dean out of the corner of your eye looking around excitedly as he drove down the street. Pedestrians were walking around with bags and in their warmest winter attire. You could hear the faint ding of the Salvation Army bells ringing from the corners. If you listened hard enough you could even hear the kids you just passed laughing as they launched snowballs at each other from around the old light post in the street. 
Dean smiled to himself as he watched you take in the sights around you. The smile that graced your face makes his world seem all the more brighter. In the dark world that he had been thrust into at such a young age, when you found the slightest little bit of light you tend to cling to it. His hand twitched on the steering wheel, and for just a moment he almost took your hand in his before he caught himself. He didn’t want to move too fast. 
You weren’t just some quick fuck to him, you weren’t just something to do. You had come to mean the world to Dean, and even though his feelings for you were a big driving force in all this he was doing for you, he wanted to make sure for the first time he did it the right way, and not in some rushed hurry in some truck stop bathroom or a motel quickie. He wanted you to fall for him the way he’d fallen for you if that was possible. Even if it was selfish to want you, he did, and there wasn’t any changing that. He was tired of trying to stay away from you.
Finally, Baby’s wheels came to a crunching stop in the middle of the street at a little shop, and before you could get out of the car Dean grabbed your shoulder, stopping you. 
“Stay here Sweetheart,” he tells you before jetting out of the car before you had time to argue. You watch with intense curiosity through Baby’s frost kissed windows as Dean made his way to the counter to talk to the elderly gentleman that was working there. 
The older man disappeared into a small room that you couldn’t see and returned with two boxes in his hands, passing them to Dean, as well as a bag, before Dean paid the man, and made his way back to Baby, throwing the bag in the back seat before passing your box to you, and shutting the car door against the bitter chill of the wind outside. 
“Open it,” he said excitedly.
You would have normally given him hell about how Hallmark this was, but those bright green eyes left no room for kidding, so you gingerly pulled the lid off of the box on to your lap. Finding a brand new pair of Ice Skates will be in their protective paper wrapping. 
You were smiling like an idiot, and you knew it, but the fact that he’d gone through his much planning and preparation made your heart feel like it was going to fly out of your chest and flutter around the room. 
“Dean, are we going ice skating?” you asked excitedly as he put Baby in drive, and began to slowly pull away from the curb. 
“Yep, I remember you saying you used to go with our dad when you were a little girl. Every year Donna said they open up an outdoor ice rink for everyone in town, and I just had to bring you.”
You could have cried on the spot, your eyes and heart were swimming with so many emotions as Dean smiled a little while he drove down the road towards your destination. You couldn’t believe he paid that much attention to you, much less remember everything you had told him about your life before hunting the way he was slowly revealing he did. 
When the car parked out in the parking lot, you leaned over in a moment of bravery and placed a kiss to his stubbled covered cheek, and threw your arms around his neck the best you could in the car with a box of skates in your lap. He never hesitated or pushed you away, he just wrapped his arm around you, hugging you back like his life depended on it.
“Thank you for this Dean, it means the world to me,” you tell him, and you could have sworn he placed a kiss on the top of your hate covered head, but it was so fast that you couldn't be sure. 
“Anything for you Y/N/N, you know that.”
It had been years since you had been on a pair of skates, and Dean said he’d only ever did it once or twice in his entire life, but you found your footing quickly. It really was almost like riding a bike. Dean was taking it a little slower, but cat-like reflexes he’d developed as a hunter had him moving pretty well after only falling on his butt three times. 
Dean was surprisingly more graceful than people ever gave him credit for. Years of fighting had taught him how to move in a way that made him limber and almost fluid. You could see it in the way he moved now next to you as the pair of you glided alone in a circle with the rest of the moving crowd. You laughed harder than you had in years when Dean collided with the ice the first time, and the second, and this third, each time growling out an adorable “son of a bitch”, but he was determined, and now you would think he’d been doing this for years.
You were so distracting watching him move next to you that when a group of teenagers sped past you it knocked you off of your balance, but before you could actually collide with the ice Dean’s strong arms wrapped around you, leaning against the makeshift wall they had placed as a barricade around the ring to balance the pair of you. His breath fogging out in front of him and mingling with your own as you repositioned yourself. 
His eyes scanned your face, as his gloved hand came up to brush the hair away from your face that had fallen when you lost your balance, his piercing green eyes boring into yours as your heart pounded away against your ribcage, which had nothing to do with the near-fall you almost took, and everything to do with the fact that this Adonis of a man still hand his arms securely around you even after you regained your footing. 
“You okay,” he asked, his breath coming out of his parted pink lips in white puffs. He was so close to you smell the gum he’d been chewing. Your entire body tingled with excitement, for just a moment you thought he was going to kiss you, but just before he would have followed through he straightened and laced his fingers with you. 
Blushing furiously you cleared your throat and smiled at him, nodding because there was no way in hell your throat was going to allow you to speak. It felt like it had literally caved in on itself the moment you realize just how close Dean was to you. 
Dean’s eyes searched you over like a protective mother hen, still worried, always worried. 
“Your cold Y/N/N, your shivering,” he stated, taking his top layer coat off of his body and draping it over your shoulders. “We’ve been out here for a few hours. What do you say we head back, take a hot shower, and make something hot and laced with alcohol.”
You blink a few times as the scent of his cologne laced in his jacket clouded your sense, and his hand rejoined your own. 
“Yeah, that sounds great.”
Dean helped you from the ice and out of your skates before getting his own and placing them in the back seat, turning up Baby’s heater to warm you. The drive to the cabin back through town was peaceful. You hadn’t noticed that you had been out most of the day, but the sun sinking pink behind the clouds added an enchanted feel to the little town as you went. Day 9 had by far been the best yet, and if today was the last day you’d cherish this time with Dean forever. 
Still, Dean wasn’t done, far from it. 
Once you got back to the cabin, he grabbed your arm, stopping you from going to the shower with the bag you had all but forgotten from earlier in his hand, holding it out for you to take. 
You took the bag suspiciously in hopes of getting that full-body laugh from him again that he did the other day, and it worked to your surprise. 
“What’s the suspicious look for sweetheart, it’s not gonna bite! Open it! You’re gonna need it before you take a shower!” 
You pulled the tissue paper from the top of the bag, and two pairs of Christmas pajamas, complete with socks, were waiting for you. One for you, and one for Dean. 
“Oh my God! You’re actually gonna wear Christmas pajamas?” you asked him in disbelief, pulling out your Elf pajamas as well as Dean’s which proudly declared “Merry Christmas you filthy animal,” across the front. 
“What can I say, they looked warm, and it’s a classic,” he said, taking his pair from you. “Now if any pictures of this rare occurrence surface once we’re back at the bunker just know I might have to kill you.”
You snort out a laugh, hugging him again, and enjoying the way he all but melted against you. His hand going to your hair to play with your hair as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
“Now, you know I make not promise Winchester,” you tease him when you finally force yourself to let go of him.
His eyes narrow at you playfully. 
“You better go take that shower Sweetheart, or else I’m gonna go first and use all the hot water,” he teases you, snatching up his pajamas and making his way into the kitchen to start on some hot chocolate for the two of you. 
You grin your way towards the small bathroom, mind swearing with events from earlier today. You would have never guessed this side of Dean existed. You definitely weren’t going to be ready to get back to reality once Christmas was over. Even as you sat tucked safely into his side with his arm around you later that night, several cups of adult hot chocolate in, and about three episodes of Dr. Sexy M.D. deep you still couldn’t believe just how lucky you were that he would care enough to do this for you. 
Dean, on the other hand, was just as surprised that you were willing to do this with him at all, and didn’t tell him to fuck off the moment he bought the present on night 12. He didn’t think it was even possible, but somehow, right here with you tucked safely against him for the first time he could see himself with a happy ending, and that was a gift enough for him this year. 
He was sure you were all he’d ever need.
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Forever Tags: 
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
Twelve Days Of Christmas Tag List: 
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
1x15 The Benders
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Two brothers on the road, hunting monsters (and it stays that way for 15 years!) 
Hibbing, Minnesota
A young boy watching movies at night hears a noise outside. He goes to the window to watch a man take the trash out and promptly get sucked under a car.
Later in the week, the state police arrive to interview the boy again about what he witnessed. He tells them he thought he heard a monster. 
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At a bar later, the brothers discuss the disappearance. Sam notes that John marked this area as a place with a phantom attacker. 
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Sam wants to head to a motel and Dean reluctantly agrees, and heads to the bathroom while Sam goes outside to wait for him. 
An HOUR LATER, Dean comes outside to find John’s journal on the car but no Sam. (And for anyone playing Spot the Difference at home: the beat up camper that was at the bar before is also gone.) 
He heads to the Sheriff’s office to get help on locating Sam. He wants access to the traffic cameras around the bar. She asks him to fill out a missing persons report. 
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Sam, meanwhile, wakes in a dark and dirty cage. There’s someone in another cage adjacent to him. The man also wakes and Sam confirms that it’s the missing man, Jenkins. Sam asks Jenkins what took them --and then gets a look at the monsters himself when they enter their jail. 
They’re just people. 
Dean and Sheriff Kathleen are driving around the area where the camper was last seen on the traffic cameras. The sheriff gets an alert that Dean is not who he says he is. Dean pleads with her to help him find Sam --and he’ll cooperate with whatever she wants to do with him afterwards. It’s his job to look out for Sam. 
Sam continues to try and escape and knocks a bracket loose. Jenkins is free, but Sam senses something hinky about the situation. Jenkins takes off anyway. 
The most dangerous game is afoot!
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He runs but is quickly attacked and taken out by the family from Home Supernatural’s own version of Home gross human hunters. Sam hears the screams from his cage. 
The next morning, Dean asks the sheriff why she decided to help him. She admits that her brother went missing, much like Sam, a couple years ago. 
On the road, Dean sees a turnoff and they decide to investigate. Well, Dean decides and then Kathleen seems to agree to let him come along. She tricks him and handcuffs him to the car though. 
A disheveled girl greets Kathleen at the door. Missy - the girl - reports that her mom is dead and her dad is….SHAKES HEAD. The little girl then smirks as the dad appears next to the deputy and smacks her hard with a shovel. 
Dean scans his surroundings for a way to escape and hits upon the car’s antenna to pick the lock on the cuffs. 
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Dean hears the distant growl and whine of the old truck approaching. He manages to snag the antenna at the last minute and picks the lock as the two guys arrive. By the time they circle the car, Dean’s gone. What a good bean!
Kathleen wakes up in a cage and exchanges small talk with Sam. The barn door opens and Dean arrives! He examines the lock as they exchange thoughts about the case. The attackers are…just people, and it leaves the Winchesters pretty baffled. The rules and patterns of a supernatural creature hunt don’t apply. Dean reveals that the back of the house is full of cars - likely stolen from the victims. (One of them belonged to Kathleen’s brother.) Realizing that the automatic lock for the cages needs a key to operate, Dean heads into the house.
He finds a trophy wall of polaroids with the two brothers posing with the people they killed. The house is full of macabre touches like a mobile made of bones. Dean heads through this horror prop dump towards one of the occupants, who is busy sawing something in the kitchen. I’m sure it’s something totally wholesome! Like watermelon or sweet corn. 
Dean spots a box of keys, and then immediately gets distracted by a jar full of teeth. I suppose his tendency to touch everything in a crime scene IS well established. 
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Young Missy interrupts Dean’s examination of their house and hurls a knife through his coat, pinning him to the wall. She calls for her dad and the Benders come running. Dean fights hard, but he goes down to the sharp clang of a pan across his head. 
When Dean wakes up, he’s tied to a chair. I…guess they ran out of cages? The Benders are gathered around Dean. 
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They talk about wanting to hunt him. “You gotta be kidding me,” Dean grouses. “That’s what this is about?” Yes, Dean. That IS exactly and only what this episode is about. 
The dad asks Dean who they get to hunt…Sam or Kathleen. Threatened with a poker an inch from his eye, Dean tells them to hunt the “guy.” Bender tells his sons to kill Sam in the cage, though. And Kathleen as well, for good measure. Dean’s horrified - he thought with Sam free he’d have a chance. 
Dean shouts after them, threatening to rain down violence on them. But don’t worry! Sam Fucking Winchester uses a broken bit of manacle to take down the brother who arrives with the shotgun. With one down, the other two Benders go to investigate. Both Sam and Kathleen have escaped, disabled the fuse box, and hidden in the barn. The hunted have become the hunters, etc etc etc.
A scuffle ensues. The dad gets shot in the melee, and the brother gets knocked out and locked up. Kathleen orders Sam to head back into the house while she watches the dad and definitely does NOT enact a revenge killing AT ALL.
Dean and Sam meet up with Kathleen afterward. The girl’s locked in a closet and the dad got “shot trying to escape.” Kathleen tells them that the police and FBI are on their way. She tells them to disappear before they arrive. 
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Dean begs a ride, but Kathleen tells them to walk back to town. “Duck if you see a squad car.” Ah, the glamorous life of a hunter! Dean tells her that he’s sorry about her brother, and she reveals that the truth feels worse than not knowing. Or at least...knowing her brother is dead sure doesn’t HELP anything. 
The Winchesters walk back to the station. In the absence of Baby, they’re left to exchange their feelings in open air.
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Dean orders Sam to never disappear again. NEVER, you hear him???
Hey! This used to be my least favorite episode, mostly for the wide-eyed CAN YOU BELIEVE HUMANS ARE TERRIBLE TOO theme of it. (No, really? I had no idea.) But a certain episode-which-shall-not-be-named has supplanted it. s l o w c l a p
They Were Quotes All Along!
No offense, but this is a piss-poor rescue
Demons I get. People are crazy
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
Christmas Wishes
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Dean poked his head into your room to check on you. "Hey, sweetheart, you about ready to go? Baby's leaving in 20 minutes," he remarked.
"Yeah, just about ready," you replied. You went to your bathroom to grab your toiletries, such as shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and your hairbrush. You made sure you had enough warm clothes for the trip. You stuffed your comfiest sweaters, hoodies, jeans and fuzzy socks into your bag, then grabbed your warmest pair of boots.
You, Sam and Dean were each packing a bag to spend the Christmas holiday with your friends from the hunting world. Donna and Jody had rented a barn that had been converted into a lodge for everyone to stay in and celebrate. It was located a mile or two outside of town, north of Hibbing, Minnesota.
When Donna emailed pictures of the lodge to you and the boys, you thought it was the perfect place to spend the holiday. Sam and Eileen were on board right away, but Dean took a little more convincing. However, once he saw the fireplace and the kitchen, he folded like a house of cards and couldn't wait to get there. He kept jabbering on about all the baking that could be done in a kitchen like that, especially pie.
In the week or so before the trip, you could swear you heard him humming Christmas carols under his breath. You never said anything, though, just smiled to yourself. You were happy to see that he appeared to be letting go of some of the stress he so often found himself under. There was a spring to his step, a twinkle in his eye and he seemed to be smiling a little easier. You hoped that meant a new beginning for celebrating the holiday.
You've been hunting with the Winchesters for the past ten years, living in the bunker for the past eight of those ten years. You moved in after helping Sam and Dean take out a troublesome vampire nest. You found that you and Sam work seamlessly when researching cases, while you and Dean work best in the kitchen. It was nice to have Eileen living in the bunker as well, another woman to hang out with and talk to.
In the last couple of years, though, you discovered that your feelings towards the eldest Winchester brother had shifted. You started to notice the little things, like the dash of freckles across his nose. Or, how his eyes sometimes glittered like emeralds when he was excited about something. You knew when he was upset by the way he carried himself, because his shoulders slumped like he had the weight of the world on them. You wanted nothing more than to take that away.
However, the more your feelings for Dean grew, the more you convinced yourself that nothing would ever come of them. So, you pushed them down and tried to forget about them and focus on whatever problem was at hand. It didn't help when he called you "sweetheart" in that deep, rumbling voice of his that shook you to your soul. Or how a brush of his hand on yours caused such a rush of warmth to your cheeks that you had no idea how your hair didn't start on fire. If Dean ever found out about your feelings for him, well....you didn't even want to think about it.
With the last of your stuff packed, you zipped up your bag. Dean poked his head through your doorway again. "Got everything?" he asked.
"Yup, I think so. Oh, wait," you said as you looked around the room for your book. It was on your nightstand, along with your phone charger, which you stuffed into a side pocket. As you reached for your bag, your hand brushed with Dean's, which had already wrapped around the handle. "Dean, I-I can carry my bag, you don't have to," you protested.
"It's all right, sweetheart, I've got it," he said as he gave you a wink. Damn him. Damn that sexy wink, damn him calling me 'sweetheart' and damn me for blushing over it, you thought. You walked out of your room to see Sam and Eileen headed for the stairs, her bag in Sam's hand. You looped an arm around her shoulders and you both grinned at each other as you went up to the garage.
Sam and Dean stowed the bags in the Impala's trunk, while Eileen got in the back behind the driver's seat. You and Sam reached for the rear passenger door handle at the same time. "What are you doing, Sam? You usually sit up front," you pointed out.
Eileen signed to you that she wanted Sam to sit in back with her. You winked and signed that you understood. With a hammering heart, you climbed into the front passenger seat, with Dean in the driver's seat. Twelve hours in the front seat with Dean? Welp, that's it. I'm toast, you thought as you mentally smacked your forehead.
Halfway into the trip, the sun had gone down and it had started to snow. You turned to look in the back seat, and the sight made you smile. Sam was asleep and leaning against the passenger door, with Eileen curled up on his chest, also sleeping. "They're so cute," you whispered.
"Hmm?" Dean inquired. You pointed to the couple in the back seat to explain your remark. As he glanced in the rearview mirror, a smile graced his lips. He leaned over to turn on the radio, but kept the volume low so as not to disturb Sam and Eileen.
The current station was playing Christmas music, but surprisingly, Dean didn't change the station. As the miles ticked by, you started softly humming to the songs. One of your favorites, The Little Drummer Boy came on, and before you knew it, you were singing the words.
What you didn't notice was that your singing had caught Dean's attention, because he looked over at you. "You have a lovely singing voice," he told you when the song was over.
Fortunately, the car was dark, so he couldn't see how flaming hot your cheeks were. "Dean, it's Christmas music, everyone sounds good singing it," you replied.
"Nah, not everyone, sweetheart. Really, you sing like an angel," he insisted, then reached over and covered your hand with his. When he did that, it took everything you had not to jump out of your skin at his unexpected but welcome touch.
"Th-thank you, Dean. That's very nice of you to say," you stammered. You continued singing for your audience of one, who smiled to himself as he drove.
"Hey! You guys made it!" Donna shouted as she threw open the door to see the four of you on the doorstep. "Come in, come in!" she directed as she stepped aside. Once you were all in the door, she gave everyone a hug.
"Did you tell him yet?" she whispered in your ear. She knew about your feelings for Dean, from last month's "Girls Night" get-together at Charlie's place. One look at your face told her that you hadn't confessed anything yet. "Don't worry, chickie, we're on the case," she winked at you conspiratorially.
"Donna, no," you groaned. "I love you. Please don't interfere, though. You can't force something that isn't there," you muttered. "And what do you mean 'we're on the case'? Who else knows?" you asked.
"Um....Jody, Charlie, I think Claire," she replied.
Eileen signed that she knew also. You dropped your head to your chest, knowing that if Eileen knew, then Sam knew. Then it's just a matter of time before Dean found out. Then would come the "I love you as a friend" speech, which you didn't think you could bear to hear. Eileen touched your arm and signed that she didn't tell Sam, but that he figured it out. You sadly nodded your head, then decided to find your room.
You looked around for your bag, but it was nowhere in sight. You asked Sam where it was, and he explained that Dean had taken it upstairs with him. You trudged up the stairs and found Dean in one of the rooms as he was unpacking his bag. He turned to see you in the doorway and his face broke out into a heart-stopping smile. "Hey there," he said. "Hope this is okay, all the other rooms are taken. I brought your bag up here with me," he gestured towards where he'd left it on the bed.
"I could've brought my bag up, but thank you, Dean," you replied, returning his smile.
"It's all right, I didn't mind," he said with a grin.
The room itself was decent-sized, with a 6-drawer dresser and a flat screen TV on top of it. There was a small closet for hanging things. All in all, it was a lovely room, except for one glaring detail. One bed. Queen-sized, with nightstands and lamps on either side, but only one bed. Relax, you told yourself. This is just like when we used to share a motel bed. Nothing happened then, right? Ugh, you inwardly groaned.
"I saved the left-hand drawers on the dresser for you, so you can put your clothes away if you want. Since I'm finished, I'll leave you to sort through your stuff and arrange it how you like it. See you downstairs, sweetheart," Dean kissed your temple as he left the room.
When you finished unpacking and made your way down the stairs, you were stunned to see a slim, blonde woman fiercely hugging Dean. As you continued your descent, you saw her look up and point out to Dean that there was mistletoe hanging in the doorway. She reached up on tiptoes and locked her lips with Dean, who seemed to return her kiss. Your heart dropped down to your stomach, as you made a beeline for the kitchen.
Mask in place, you retrieved a beer from the fridge and stood next to Sam. He must have seen through your attempt at hiding your feelings, because he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "That's Jo Harvelle, Ellen's daughter. We used to hunt with Jo and her mom awhile back, but it's been a long time," he remarked. "Jo has always had this massive crush on Dean, but he's never expressed any interest," he quickly explained.
You shrugged. "Sam, I already know that you know. Besides, Dean and I are friends. Whoever he chooses to be in a relationship with is his business, not mine. No matter what, all I've ever wanted for him is to be happy. Excuse me," you remarked.
Sam watched as you brushed past Dean and Jo without looking at either one of them. Then you took a seat on the couch next to Charlie and folded your arms across your chest.
What you didn't notice was how Dean's eyes followed you as you walked around the room. He frowned a bit when he saw you try to discreetly wipe the tears before they could leak from your eyes. He wondered what had recently happened to cause you to be so upset and made a note to himself to ask you about it later.
"So, which room is mine?" Jo chirped.
"All of the rooms are taken, but there's an extra bunk in Claire's room," Donna interjected. Jo's face fell a bit as Claire rolled her eyes. Claire could see what was going on between you and Dean, and hoped this was your chance at happiness. She was less than thrilled about sharing a room with Jo and didn't want to see her come between you and Dean.
"Okay! Who's up for some pizza for dinner?" Jody called.
After dinner, some in the group decided to play some games. Jo, of course, made sure that she ended up on Dean's team. She maneuvered herself to sit extra close to Dean, grab his hand, ask if she could share his drink, anything to get his attention.
You declined to participate, settling in to watch a movie with Charlie instead. Every once in a while, Dean's eyes flitted over to you as you tried to concentrate on the movie. He still had not yet had a chance to talk to you about what may be bothering you.
"What is that girl's problem, anyway?" Charlie hissed.
"I don't know, Charlie, but I'm not going to stress out about it," you hissed back.
"She's practically in Dean's lap! She's stealing your man and you're not going to do anything about it??" she whispered.
"Okay, number one, he's not my man. And 'B', if Dean's happy, you know that's all that matters to me," you finished in a small voice. Charlie rolled her eyes, clearly not liking the situation with Dean and Jo.
Another hour passed, and the game players decided to call it quits. Charlie had long given up on the movie, since you had fallen asleep to it. Jo asked Dean if he was going to bed yet, but he said he was going to watch the end of the movie with you. Jo rolled her eyes and made a noise of disgust, then tromped up the stairs to her room with Claire.
Dean carefully moved your legs so he could sit down on the middle cushion of the couch. While the movie played, he studied your sleeping form. He brushed a lock of hair from your forehead with his index finger, then traced a line down your cheek. Your pink lips were slightly parted as you slept.
For a fleeting moment, he wondered what it would be like to kiss you. Dean knew that if he did, he would find out for sure if your lips were as soft as they appeared to be. He trailed his hands up and down your legs in his lap as he watched the rest of the movie.
When you woke up the next morning, you weren't on the couch anymore, you were in your room. You looked down and saw Dean's arm draped around your midsection, holding your back close to his chest. The more you tried to extract yourself, the closer he held you against his firm and muscular body. "G'morning, sweetheart," he murmured as he kissed the back of your neck.
His kiss caused a hitch in your breathing and zinged straight to your core. "Good morning, Dean," you managed to get out. You turned over to face him. "Um, Dean? How did I get back up here? Last I remember I was watching a movie with Charlie on the couch," you mentioned.
"Mmm, I brought you back upstairs and put you in bed," Dean mumbled. "You smelled so good, I just had to snuggle up right next to you," he explained. Sitting up on his elbow, he tried to give you a serious look. "Don't tell anybody, though. I have a reputation to uphold," he winked, which caused you to giggle.
"Your secret is safe with me. I certainly don't mind," you replied. Dean's arm tightened around you a bit more in response. Eventually, though, he relaxed enough that you could extract yourself so you could shower and get dressed.
A little later, Dean met you in the kitchen, where he assisted you in making French Toast with sausage links. You worked easily with Dean, occasionally bumping hips with each other and laughing. While waiting for the food to get done, Dean hooked his arm around your neck from behind, a contented smile on his lips.
When you sat next to Dean at the breakfast table, your knees accidentally touched. This caused a furious blush to color your cheeks and a jolt of electricity to shoot through you. You cast a sidelong glance at Dean, who had a sly smile on his face. You had no idea what changed for Dean to pay more attention to you. For now, you were just going with the flow to see where it would lead.
After breakfast, everyone took separate cars to town for some Christmas decorations. You rode in the Impala with Dean, but were relegated to the back seat as Jo claimed shotgun. She seemed to be extremely unhappy about all the attention that Dean was paying to you.
In the shop, she stuck like glue to Dean's side the entire time, overly excited at the smallest things. Dean seemed to take it in stride, oblivious to her flirting and fawning all over him. You didn't want any part of that, so you wandered around on your own. You picked up some small gifts here and there, along with some candy to fill everyone's stocking.
You were perusing the individual ornaments when you smelled a woodsy cologne behind you that could only be Dean. You smiled as he placed his hands on your shoulders, then he dropped them to your hips. "Hey, sweetheart, whatcha looking at?" he asked.
You leaned back against his chest. "Pick one," you said simply, gesturing with your hand at the display.
"What?" he asked.
"Pick one, pick an ornament to hang on the tree," you explained.
He reviewed the selection and chose a snowman with an electric guitar in its twig hands. "This one," he replied with a grin.
"Perfect," you said, returning his grin. "This will be your ornament, now and forever. When we get back to the lodge, I'll--" you were cut off.
"Dean!" Jo interrupted. "There you are! I'm bored, can you bring the car around to take me back to the lodge?" she whined.
"Yeah, sure. See you outside," he mumbled. He gave you an apologetic smile and squeezed your hand before leaving the store to get the Impala.
As soon as Dean left the store, Jo turned on you. "Listen. I don't know what you think you're doing, but you'd better stay away from Dean. He's MINE. He's not interested in you, so if you know what's good for you, you'll back off," she hissed. Then she turned on her heel and walked towards the front of the store.
You paid for your purchases, but were dismayed to find that you had been left behind. You felt in your pockets and realized with a groan that your phone was sitting on the dresser at the lodge. Good thing you wore your winter coat and good boots, because it was a long walk back.
By the time you returned to the lodge, you were shivering from the cold. It had started to snow on your way back, so your hair and coat were wet from the melting snow. You were taking your boots off when Jody noticed your condition. "Where have you been?? We've been looking all over for you! Oh my god, what happened?" she asked.
Through your chattering teeth, you told her how Jo had asked Dean to bring the car around to take her back. You left out the part where Jo told you to stay away from Dean. You explained that after you were done shopping, you went outside but didn't see anyone else's car. You had forgotten your phone, so you had to walk back. Jody brought you into the living room and sat you directly in front of the fire.
Dean was walking back from the kitchen when he saw you sitting near the fire but shivering from the cold. "Sweetheart, what happened?" he asked as he rushed over to your side.
"She walked back from town, and it started snowing on the way. Damn lucky she didn't get frostbite or something," Jody muttered.
"You walked?? Honey, why didn't you call? I would've picked you up," he remarked, taking you into his arms.
"L-l-left my ph-phone up-up-upstairs. W-won't d-d-do th-that a-again," you chattered.
Dean turned around and glared at Jo. "You told me she came back early with someone else and was upstairs taking a nap!" he snapped.
"I did think she came back with somebody else, Dean, I swear!" Jo replied, an innocent look on her face.
Dean rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's get you out of these wet clothes and into some dry ones," he soothed as he led you upstairs to your shared room.
Sam waited until you and Dean were all the way up the stairs before addressing Jo. "She could've been seriously hurt, you know. That was a lame stunt you pulled. You need to let go of the past, Jo. Dean doesn't have the same feelings for you that you have for him. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's interested in someone else," Sam smirked.
Jo crossed her arms in response, glaring back at Sam. "We'll see about that," she muttered under her breath.
Upstairs, Dean got out some dry clothes for you to change into. From your side of the dresser, he pulled a hoodie with AC/DC on it, recognizing it as his own. "Hey! So that's where this went," he chuckled. "You stole my hoodie!" he joked.
"I'm sorry, you can have it back if you want," you said quickly.
"No, no, it's okay sweetheart. I've just been wondering where it was. I'm glad it's been in such good hands, 'cause it's one of my favorites," he responded.
You took a pair of sweatpants out of the drawer and went into the bathroom to change, leaving the door open a crack. "I know, that's why I borrowed it," you replied, then pulled the hoodie over your head. "I like that it smells like you." You immediately clapped a hand over your mouth and squeezed your eyes shut, knowing you'd said too much.
Dean looked up in surprise, arching one eyebrow. He recovered his composure and walked over to you slowly, almost like a jungle cat stalking its prey. "Really? Is that the only reason, baby?" he asked softly, tracing down your arm with the back of his hand. All you could do is shake your head in response, the power of speech thrown completely out the window.
He took a step closer to you, hooked an arm around you to pull you back into the bedroom. Then he buried his nose in your hair and inhaled deeply. "Mmm. And you smell like strawberries. My favorite," he whispered, his breath hot against your ear. You weren't sure how much more you could take before your knees completely gave out from under you.
"I have to tell you something, sweetheart. For a while now, I've been having these....thoughts and feelings about you," he said. "If I'm not mistaken, I think you've been having some about me too, hmm?" he asked as he nuzzled your neck.
"Yes," you whispered. Somehow your brain re-engaged, and you brought your hands up to cradle his face. You looked straight into those emerald orbs of his to see love staring back at you. You gently guided him towards you until your lips met in a sweet, tender kiss. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you close to his chest, then he dove back in for another taste.
"So beautiful," he murmured.
"Dean," you whispered, as each kiss became more intense, more passionate than the one before.
He pulled back so you both could catch your breath. "My love, if we don't stop now, I won't be able to. I want this with you, but I also want to take our time. And definitely not here, where everyone's watching every move we make," he remarked, causing you both to chuckle.
"Okay, let me finish changing, and we'll go back downstairs," you agreed. Dean hung your wet clothes over the bathtub while you put on dry ones. When you finished, he held out his hand, which you gladly took in yours, intertwining your fingers. "Shall we?" he asked, kissing the back of your hand. You nodded and you went back to rejoin the group.
When you got back downstairs, you noticed that Castiel and Jack had arrived. You exchanged hugs with them, then Eileen tugged on your sweatshirt sleeve. She looked at you expectantly and you signed that your secret about Dean was out, and that the two of you had kissed. A huge grin broke out over her face as she pulled you into a hug.
You stood with her while Sam and Dean were talking among themselves. During their conversation, you saw Sam clap his brother's shoulder in congratulations. "Finally! It's about time," you heard him say. Dean caught your eye, smiled then winked. You and Eileen looked at each other, then sauntered over to the brothers, each of you claiming the one you loved.
Decorating the tree took the better part of the next two hours. You and Dean were in charge of the popcorn and cranberry garland. You were certain that more popcorn ended up in your stomachs or thrown at each other than on the string. Sam, Jack and Cas untangled the lights, while Jody and Donna talked about where to put what ornament. Jo, on the other hand, sat sulking in the corner, glaring daggers at you and Dean the entire time.
You remembered the ornament you bought for Dean in town. You wanted to show him one of your family traditions concerning tree decorations.
"Now, what you do with your ornament, is you write your name and the year on it. That way, you'll know when you got it and that it's yours," you explained.
"But you didn't get one for yourself," Dean remarked.
"I should've brought it, but I have a box back at the bunker with all of my childhood ornaments in it," you replied. By now, everyone was listening to your story. "My grandmother would give me a new ornament every year, with my name and the year written on it.
"By the time I left home, I had so many ornaments, it was hard to find a place for them all on my first tree. I've picked up some new ones over the years, making sure to label them all the same way she did. Helps me not to miss her so much," you said.
You looked around, and there wasn't a dry eye in the house. "Hey, this is a happy occasion! Let's crank up the music and get the eggnog flowing!" you exclaimed. Your friends returned to their decorating duties, like stringing up the lights and hanging ornaments.
Dean pulled you into his arms and delivered a slow, luxurious kiss. "Mmm, looking forward to more of that, Mr. Winchester," you hummed.
"There's certainly more where that came from, Baby," he replied as he closed his eyes and swayed you in his embrace. As daytime gave way to evening, you and Dean were cuddled together by the fireside, drinking mulled wine. That night, you slept peacefully, locked in the arms of the man you loved.
You and Dean woke early, and took over the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. The two of you made three different kinds of muffins to go with the multiple pots of coffee. Everyone raved about the banana chocolate chip and blueberry muffins. Dean especially loved the apple cinnamon muffins, saying they tasted exactly like homemade pie.
Later in the day, you noticed that the wood supply near the fireplace was getting low. You put on your coat to trudge out to the woodpile and bring in some more logs. No one noticed as Jo followed you out the back door.
You saw Jo as you were filling up the wheelbarrow to transport the logs from the woodpile to the back door. "You should wear your coat if you're going to help, it's cold out here," you remarked warily.
"And you should stay away from Dean like I told you to. He's not in love with you like you think he is. Soon he'll get bored of you and come running back to me. Dean and I have a history, you know," she smirked.
"Yeah, and from what I understand it's ancient history. He's with me now, Jo. Maybe it's time you moved on," you said as you bent down to pick up another piece of wood.
Before you knew it, you were flat on your back in the snow with a sharp pain in your head. You reached up to the side of your head and your fingers came back with blood on them. Jo had a tree branch in her hand, which you had no doubt was responsible for your head wound.
"I think it's time for YOU to move on!!" Jo thundered as she stood over you. Black spots began to appear at the edges of your vision as you started to lose consciousness. Before you blacked out completely, you saw Jo walking back to the house, leaving you out in the cold.
Dean came down the stairs, freshly showered and asked if anyone had seen you. Everyone said they thought you were upstairs with him, but he said you weren't. Sam noticed that the wood supply had dwindled, so he put on his coat to get more wood. When he saw the scattered logs, he ran over to the woodpile. That's when Sam saw you laying in the snow, with blood trickling down your face.
Sam scooped you up in his arms and ran back to the house, calling out for his brother. Dean met him at the back door to open it, and was shocked to see you'd been hurt. "Let's take her upstairs and lay her on the bed. We need to get her warmed up, I have no idea how long she was out there laying in the snow," Dean instructed.
Once they had your coat off and tucked in under the blankets, Dean started to clean and examine your head wound. "Sweetheart, open your eyes for me. Open those beautiful hazel eyes for me, Baby. I need you to wake up and tell me what happened," he coaxed. "Please, I can't lose you, not right after we just found each other. I love you," he whispered. Dean pressed the back of your hand to his forehead as a few tears slipped free.
Dean sat next to you on the bed for the next couple of hours, holding your hand and waiting for you to wake up. Donna, Jody and everyone else at some point tried to get Dean to come down for something to eat. He refused to leave your side because he wanted to be there when you woke up. Around hour #3, your eyelids began to flutter and you awoke to see Dean's tear-stained face looking down at you. "Hey," you croaked.
"Hey, sweetheart, how are you?" Dean wondered as relief crossed his face. "For a minute there, I thought I'd almost lost you," he said hoarsely as he caressed your cheek.
"I'm okay, just a little sore," you answered.
"What happened?" Dean asked. You explained how you'd gone out for more wood and that someone had followed you out the back door. You mentioned the argument you had with Jo, that she had knocked you in the head with a tree branch. Dean bolted from his position on the bed next to you and strode purposefully to the door.
"Wait, Dean. Listen, I'm not saying I condone her actions, but I do understand. She's loved you for a long time, and it's hard for her to give up on that," you started.
"Yeah, well, she's going to have to, because I'm a one-woman kind of guy. Always have been, always will be," he said as he walked back to your side.
"As long as that one woman is me, I'm all for it," you smiled as he bent down and kissed you.
"Only you, sweetheart, only you. Be right back, I've got something to take care of," he replied with a wink.
Dean descended the stairs and walked up to Jo as she stood near the fireplace. "Pack your bags, you're leaving. If you do so quickly and quietly, I won't tell your mother what you've done. I know what happened out there at the woodpile," he started.
Jo stared at Dean in defiance. "I don't know what it is you think you know," she retorted.
By this time, everyone had moved in the living room to find out what was going on. "You attacked the woman I love, and left her laying in the snow with a bleeding head wound. All because you were jealous that I am in love with her and certainly not with you. As of right now, there's nothing between you and me. I don't even know if you'd call us friends anymore. Now. GO," Dean stated in a low voice.
Jo recognized the quiet fury in Dean's voice and decided not to push things any further than she already had. She gathered her things, got in her car and left the lodge. Dean explained to everyone what had happened. He mentioned that you had regained consciousness and would be okay. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at Dean's announcement.
A little while later, you were feeling well enough to join everyone for dinner. Jody and Donna were making a huge pot of chili, but still needed to make the cornbread to go with it. You went into the kitchen to help, but they told you to go rest and shooed you out of the kitchen. You pouted for a few minutes then convinced Eileen to help you make the cornbread. You did the actual preparing, but she fetched the ingredients.
Sam and Dean watched as the loves of their lives worked side-by-side in the kitchen. Dean couldn't believe how lucky he was to be with you. He watched as you threw your head back in laughter at something that was said. It had been a long time since he'd seen you so relaxed, so comfortable. He was determined to give you more times like that, because he loved seeing you so happy.
After everyone else had gone to bed, you and Dean sat on the couch, your back leaning against his chest. One of his arms was around you, tucked under your chin, while the other was curled around your midsection. Holding hands, fingers intertwined, you let out a sigh of contentment.
"What are you thinking about?" asked Dean.
"Careful, that can be a loaded question," you replied, both of you chuckling. You turned to face Dean. "I'm thinking of how happy I am right this second. We're in this beautiful lodge, gorgeous Christmas tree, sitting beside a warm fireplace with the man I love. All my Christmas wishes granted, wrapped up in one package. I love you, Dean," you finished.
"I'm extremely fortunate to have you in my life," Dean murmured in your ear. "You are 'smart'-(kiss)-'beautiful'-(kiss)-'funny'-(kiss)-'and'-(kiss)-'MINE,' he remarked. He leaned down and gently nibbled at your earlobe with a soft growl, causing shivers to run through you. "I love you so much, sweetheart," Dean added. "Merry Christmas, Baby."
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designedtofigureitout · 11 months
Bathroom Design - Pink Cottage
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If instagram made a bathroom maybe.
Onyx pink polished 60x120 wall tiles.
Small brickslip feature tiles.
Rak Cappuccino wall hung pan and flush plate.
Pink wall hung unit with white ceramic basin.
Crosswater polished bright gold shower and radiator.
Gold taps, shower head, handset and thermostatic shower valve.
Gold HIB towel rail, toilet brush holder and toilet roll accessory.
Hib bluetooth built-in mirror with toothbrush and phone charger.
0 notes
Best bathroom furniture guide for choosing the Modern designer bathroom furniture
Like your other bathroom products such as baths, basins, toilets, showers, and many more, bathroom furniture is also an essential product to make your bathroom fully functional. With the best interiors, branded bathroom products, and attractive flooring & ceilings, the modern designer bathroom furniture plays an important role in enhancing the look of your luxury bathrooms in the UK. With the best design, style, color, and materials, the right furniture provides the best storage solution and functionality for your modern or traditional bathroom.
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Nowadays, bathroom furniture is not considered only to make a statement in your luxurious bathroom, but it becomes a necessity for every home. Whether you have a small space or a large bathroom, you will have options to choose from the best brand of bathroom furniture.
The best furniture brands include Burlington traditional bathroom furniture, Eastbrook bathroom furniture, Tavistock Vanity units, HIB bathroom mirrors, HiB bathroom mirror cabinets, Vitra wall-hung basin unit, and several others. You can shop Luxury bathroom products online or by visiting any reliable Bathroom Shop in the UK.
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Things to Consider
-          When designing your bathroom layout, consider your daily storage needs to invest in bathroom furniture.
-          Find the available size and space to place your furniture.
-          Other than storage space, bathroom furniture also hides messy things in your bathroom like a pipework.
-          Also, think about the best style, finish, and material that best matches your bathroom décor.
-          The design of the kid’s bathroom is different from a family bathroom, or guest bathroom. Hence, using the best bathroom furniture guide, you can add style and storage to your dream bathroom to make it unmatched and functional.
-          Your bathroom furniture should best match your other bathroom products and accessories. In addition to color & style, a matte or gloss finish also needs to consider.
-          While selecting furniture, remember to keep some space for easily walk in the bathroom.
-          Don’t invest in unwanted pieces that make a complicated look in a congested area.
-          Even if you have plenty of space in your bathroom, selecting the right furniture is essential that offers the best style and functionality to your dream bathroom.
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Useful Bathroom Furniture
Combination Bathroom Furniture
One of the reasons to buy combination bathroom furniture is that they are suitable for small bathrooms, cloakrooms, or en-suites. You can have great options to choose combination furniture like Wall hung vanity units, Bathroom mirror cabinets, Toilet Units, WC units, cloakroom bathroom furniture, Illuminated mirror cabinets, and many others.
They accommodate perfectly in your small space area. When you buy combination furniture such as Vitra wall-hung basin units, Toilet Units with cabinets, WC units, or others that need pipework or plumbing, you should hire a professional plumber for trouble-free & leakage-free installation.
Vanity Units
Vanity units like floor-standing vanity units, Wall hung vanity units are most versatile for bathroom style and offer great storage solutions. It solves your storage problem to well-organize your daily bathroom essentials and toiletries. You have the option to choose the vanity unit with sink and toilet or basin with cabinet under the sink. From sleek & slim to double sink options, there are plenty of choices to buy the best vanity unit.
Tall Storage Cabinet
If you want to give your bathroom a spacious look, a tall storage cabinet is the best option.  Choose the size as per your bathroom height. Using a wall-mounted unit, you can best utilize space above your toilet. By choosing the best color, design, and finishes, you can make your storage unit an unmatched centerpiece in your bathroom.
Back-to-Wall Toilet unit
Back-to-wall toilet and WC unit make the best utilization of space around your toilet. It hides the cistern inside the furniture and offers the best storage solution. It creates a sleek and minimalist designer look for your bathroom area.
Bathroom Mirror Cabinets
Bathroom mirror cabinets look great to set above the basin. If you require a brighter look in your bath area, you can choose an Illuminated bathroom Mirror and Illuminated mirror cabinets for storage solutions. HiB bathroom mirrors and HiB bathroom mirror cabinets offer the best designs and quality products to give a touch of glamour to your UK bathrooms.
Wall Hung Basin Unit
Using a Vitra wall-hung basin unit, you will get extra open space with an elegant look for your bathroom. It mounts on the wall and requires no pedestal; hence you will get open floor space that gives a bigger look to your bathroom.  
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For the best offer to Shop Luxury bathroom products online, write at [email protected]  You will get the best deal on the best-branded bathroom products & furniture like Modern designer bathroom furniture, HiB bathroom mirror cabinets, illuminated mirror cabinets, Vitra wall-hung basin unit, cloakroom bathroom furniture, Burlington traditional bathroom furniture, Eastbrook bathroom furniture, Tavistock Vanity units, and more for your Luxury Bathrooms in the UK.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
What if Monkey King got badly hurt (but he's still alive) and Monkey Y/N went to get revenge.
God help those who disrespect the Monkey queen☠️
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(Lmk Wukong) Oh man it was terrible. You were at home making lunch when mk burst through the door with the monkey king hauled over his shoulder. You grab the first aid kit and calmly ask what How to happen? MK Frantically explains to you about a demon that ended up being stronger than they realized. And therefore the monkey king got involved. You nodded your head in understanding and told Mk that you would take care of Wukong And to go back home. What Mk Didn't know is that there was a storm brewing inside of you after you talked Wukong into bed and quietly Grab your tools And with the information you received from Mk. You went for the demon who dared to hurt your husband. You Then came back later that night to Wukong sitting on the couch waiting for you And you quickly showed them the head of the demon who attacked him in Mk Smiling and telling him that It was all taken care of Wukong Really needs to remember Insane you low key are😰
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(Mk Wukong) You think these jackasses would learn their lessons? But no they still want to go mess with your monkey king. When you he came to you he was bleeding a lot like Concerningly a lot. You stayed calm for your caring. As you listened to him, complain about the whole thing and explain to you what happened and all you did was tell him the rest. When you finally got him to take a nap, you grab your tools and took off to find the demons who did this to him. When you got back, you showed master Tang. The head of the dead man who hurt your husband and said that he'll be out of commission for a while and if there's anything he needs him to do. You're gonna do it for him And if master tang know what was good for him he accepted it😈🔪
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(NR Wukong) And you haven't seen him injured like that in a long time. And you seen him get the crap kicked out of him though out the years. After Li Told Had explained to you that some rowdy demons were trying to run them both off. The road you decided to just tell the young man to go home and take care of himself. And you would take care of your husband of course, he was worried and wanted to know if he needed help but you knew what to do and sent him off. You Husband regained consciousness and walk to the kitchen Just to see you drinking beer with the decapitated demon head on the table. You calmly told them everything is fine before going to put the dishes in the sink. He ran to the bathroom the hurl🤢🤮
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(HIB Wukong) Liuer Was in tears when he told you that they were ambushed by one of Hun Dun's Goons. You calmly told the sweet little boy that everything will be fine and that your king is tougher than he thinks. As you patch them both up for any bruises. You told him to stay with the king while you go and get more supplies. Liuer nodded and went back to the unconscious Wukong. Later that night you came back with food and more bandages. You found Wukong awake and Liuer Was sleeping. You then told Wukong That there is nothing to worry about for now as you took Liuer to bed. And then you said take care of this for me as you toss the decapitated head of the demon that attacked them They really shouldn't have made you angry.
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(Netflix Wukong) he was actually scared to tell you that he got hurt because one he didn't want to seem weak to you and two He remembered the last time somebody ended up hurthing and he had to go to you to get patched up. It's a scary situation. So when he had to go to you and told you that he got into a fight with a demon who put up a very good fight. It was shocking that you calmly told them that it was all right. And you bandaged his booboos with no problem. You told Lin to keep an eye on him It make sure it doesn't move too much while you goto take care of something. You grabbed your tools and walked out of your home. You then came back home later that night showing him the head of the demon that hurt. Him asking if this was him. Pale in the face he then tells you that is him. You smiled saying that there won't hurt you any more before I walk into the kitchen.
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spn-rewrites · 5 years
01x15 (part 1)
Season One Episode Fifteen: The Benders
A/N: hey guys, let me know if the tags are working or not. i have a hard time with them sometimes for reasons that I don’t know haha but please let me know! also, please REBLOG if you enjoy this so that i know :)
SYNOPSIS: Sam goes missing during a case 
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New cases were like an itch that you loved to scratch. You loved looking for them, deciding whether or not they were worth your time and debating with Sam the yes or no of if you take it or not. 
This case, in particular, sparked both of your interests. The victim, Alvin Jenkins, was pulled under a car and completely disappeared. The only eyewitness, a young boy, claims it was a monster. So you strapped on your hideous polyester police uniform and headed to Hibbing, Minnesota. 
The twelve-year-old boy, Evan, seems more relaxed than his mom, who had her hands on his shoulders and squeezed.“I appreciate that you’re just doing your job, but the police have been here all week already. I don’t see why we have to do this again. The more he tells the story, the more he believes it’s true.” 
“Mrs. McKay,” Sam says as he takes off his hat. You and Dean follow his lead and you smooth out your hair, that you know is frizzy now. “We know you spoke with the local authorities.”
“This seems like a matter for the state police,” Dean clarifies. She looks over at him and narrows her eyes, almost like she doesn’t believe him and he shifts uncomfortably on his feet. 
“Don’t worry about how crazy it sounds, Evan. You just tell us what you saw,” you tell the boy. He sighs, exhausted from telling the story over and over again and you would be too. 
“I was up late watching TV when I heard this weird noise,” he says. “It sounded like a monster.” The word monster rang in your ears and the boys exchanged a look. Mrs. McKay clears her throat and you look over at her. 
“Tell them what you were watching on TV,” she says. You look down at Evan, who suddenly looks awkward and embarrassed. 
“Godzilla vs Mothra,” he admits. 
Dean chuckles and points a finger at the boy. “That’s my favorite Godzilla movie. It’s so much better than the original.” 
“Totally,” Evan agrees. 
“Yeah, he likes the remake,” Dean snarls and points over at Sam and you can’t help but laugh under your breath. Sam glares at his brother and clears his throat, scolding him in the Winchester language that was silent to everyone else around them. 
Dean looks at his brother apologetically and you know you should scold him too for messing around while you were trying to work, but you mouth to the boy that you agreed and he smiled at you. 
“Evan, did you see what this thing was?” Sam asks, back to business as usual. 
“No, but I saw it grab Mr. Jenkins,” he says. “It pulled him underneath the car.” His mom looks like she has heard enough. There was nothing in the world that could convince her that her son was telling the truth, that much was clear just based on the expression she wore on her face that only got worse with Sam’s probing. “Then, it took him away. I heard the monster leaving. It made a really scary sound.” 
“What did it sound like?” You ask. You tap your pen against the empty notebook in your hand. 
“This…..whining growl,” he says. You look up at Sam and he presses his lips together in a line. 
“Thanks for your time.”
Sam is reading over police reports, a now warm beer in his hand and you’re sitting next to him sipping on your freshly opened one, watching Dean take his turn at darts. It was supposed to be a night off, but per usual, Sam started to work anyway. 
“The local police have ruled out any foul play. Apparently, there were signs of a struggle,” he says. Dean points his dart at you, narrowing his eyes as he threatens your winning streak and then he looks at his brother. 
“You know they could be right, could just be a kidnapping,” he suggests. He aims his dart. “Maybe this isn’t our kind of gig.” He throws it and gets a 20. 
“Yeah, maybe not. Except for this,” Sam says. He tucks the police report under his pile of stuff and taps the open page of John’s journal. “Dad marked the area, guys. ‘Possible hunting grounds of a phantom attacker,’” He reads. 
That gets both of your attention and Dean doesn’t play his second dart, he shoves it in his pocket and walks over to the table you’re sitting at. You grab the journal and look at John’s scribble and Dean reads it over your shoulder. “Why would he even do that?” Dean asks. 
“He wrote down that he found a lot of local folklore about a dark figure that comes out at night, grabs people, then vanishes,” you read. 
Sam nods and takes the corner of a page in his fingertips and turns the page in front of you. “He found this too,” he says and taps the list of numbers that John wrote down. “This county has more missing persons per capita than anywhere else in the state.” 
You look up at Dean as he reads the numbers and purses his lips in a pout. “That is weird,” he says and walks back to the dartboard to throw his second dart. 
“Don’t Phantom Attacker’s usually snatch people from their beds?” You ask. “Jenkins was taken from a parking lot,” you remind him. Dean aims his dart and throws it. You watch. 10. 
“Well, there’s all kinds. Spring-heeled Jacks, Phantom Gassers. They take people anywhere, anytime.” Dean pulls his darts from the board and you stand up, wipe off the condensation from your hands and take the darts from him happily. “Look, guys, I don’t know if this is our kind of gig, either,” Sam says. 
“Maybe we should ask around more tomorrow,” Dean says as he takes your chair and you stand up at the line and aim. 
“Right, I saw a motel about 5 miles back.” Sam pulls out his wallet, ready to throw down the bill and you turn around so quickly you miss the board and hit the wall. Dean laughs. 
“Can we have another round at least?” You ask. 
“We should really get an early start,” Sam argues. Dean puts your beer at his lips and takes a sip. 
“You really know how to have fun, don’t ya grandma?” Dean stands up and takes his jacket, surrendering to Sam’s boringhood. “Meet you outside, I gotta take a leak,” he says and takes off down the hall to the bathrooms. 
“Yeah, go. I’ll wait for Dean,” you tell Sam. He nods at you and collects his things as you aim your second dart. You’re half tempted to pull the first one out and try again after all the board didn’t count it. 
In the end, you don’t. You just finish up your beer and clean up your game until Dean comes back and adds change into the tip jar at the bar. “Wow, you really treat them well, huh?” You tease. 
The air outside is cold in Minnesota and you wrap your jacket around you tighter. “Sam put a good $20 bill at our table, they'll be just fine,” he says. 
When you don’t see Sam outside, you assume he went and sat down in the car so you make a beeline to it, but with all the papers and John’s journal sitting on the truck, you get suspicious. “Dean,” you say slowly, holding up the papers. 
He grabs them out of your hands. Snatches them, really, and furrows his eyebrows. “Where is he?” He asks and you shrug. He shoves the papers back at your chest and you wrap your arms around them. “Sam!” He yells and turns back toward the bar. “Sam!” He tries one more time. He runs towards a group of people smoking a cigarette and asks if they’ve seen him, they shake their heads. 
“Sam!” You yell, looking around the parked cars while Dean checks around the building but there’s nothing. No footprints, no trial, no Sam. Your eyes start to water and you feel your chest tightening. “Dean where is he?” You yell and Dean speedwalks back to where you stood in the parking lot. 
“I don’t know!” he yells back at you and you flinch. He notices and puts his hand on your forearm. You don’t want to look at him. You want to look anywhere else just in case you see a glimpse of his stupid haircut or his lanky arms and as you look around, you see a security camera facing the road. 
“Look,” you say and point up at it. Dean turns and follows your point and he sort of smiles. A barely-there one, but a smile nonetheless. 
In the morning, bright and early, you go to the police station. Dean hands the officer on duty his fake badge and she takes it in her hands. “What can we do for you, Officer Washington?” She asks. Her badge reads Kathleen Hudak. 
“I’m working missing persons,” he says. 
“I didn’t know the Jenkins case was being covered by the state police,” she says. Of course, she didn’t because it wasn’t. 
“No, it’s someone else,” he explains. “My cousin,” he says and points over to you. “Her husband. We were having a few last night at this bar down by the highway and I haven’t seen him since.” 
“Does your cousin have a drinking problem?” Her tone is accusatory and you get defensive. 
“No!” You snap. She looks over at you with icy eyes and you recoil back. 
“No, ma’am.” Dean holds his hands up in surrender. “Two beers, and he’s doing karaoke. He wasn’t drunk. He was taken.” 
Kathleen seems like she doesn’t really believe you but she asks for his name anyway and heads to her computer. You and Dean follow, sitting in the chairs across from her desk. She plugs in his name. “Samuel Winchester. So you know his brother, Dean Winchester, died in St. Louis. And, uh, was suspected of murder,” she reads. 
You scoff and Dean shifts uncomfortably. “Yeah, Dean,” he chuckles, “kind of the black sheep of the family.” 
“Yeah, I got the good brother,” you tease with a smile and Dean shoots you a glare. 
“Handsome, though,” Dean comments. Kathleen mumbles and types some more stuff in her computer. 
“He’s not showing up in any current field reports,” she reads but Dean stops her. 
“I already have a lead,” he says. She nods for him to keep going. “I saw a surveillance camera out by the highway.” 
“Yeah, county traffic cam.” 
“Yeah, I’m thinking the camera picked up whatever took him.” Kathleen looks at Dean like he’s crazy. Whatever took him. The phrase clearly struck a nerve in her and Dean shakes his head like he’s made a mistake. “Whoever. Whoever took him.” 
“I do have access to the traffic cam footage down at the County Works Department, but well, in the meantime, let’s do this the right way,” she says. She goes over to the bookcase behind her desk and grabs some papers. “Why don’t you two fill out a missing persons report and sit tight over here.” She points to the waiting area and hands you a clipboard with a report on it. You look down at it and Dean clears his throat. 
“Officer, look,” he starts and takes the clipboard from you. “He’s family. And I kind of lookout for the kid. You gotta let me go with you,” Dean pleads. You look up at her with doe eyes. “We both gotta go with you.”
“I can’t do that,” she says. Certain in her answer. 
“Tell me something. Your county has its fair share of missing persons, right?” He asks. He looks down at you and then up at Kathleen. “How many of them have you found?” She doesn’t answer. She gives Dean a tight lip smile like she knows he’s right and she looks down at her feet. “Sam is my responsibility and he’s coming back. I’m bringing him back.” 
Surprisingly, Kathleen agrees to let Dean help her find Sam and even more surprisingly, she agrees to let you tag along so long you don’t get in the way. Which, you agreed to no questions asked. 
You wait with Dean outside of the County Works Department on a bench. He taps his fingers on his knee as he absentmindedly watches the people walk through the park. It was a nice day out, too bad you were spending it worrying about Sam. To steady him, you put your hand on top of Dean’s. 
“Greg,” Kathleen calls out his fake name. He almost doesn’t look but you nudge him. “I think we got something.” She hands Dean the photographs that were printed out and you look over his shoulder as he flips through them. “These traffic cams take a photo every three seconds as part of the amber alert program. These images were all taken around the time that Sam disappeared.” 
The photos showed nothing. No cars. No traffic. No Sam. “There’s nothing here,” you tell her. She nods and tells you to keep going so Dean flips one more photo over. She taps on the page. An old truck with a trailer attached the end is photographed leaving the parking lot. 
“This one was taken right after Sam left the bar. Look at the back end of that thing.” You look at Dean and he looks at you. You both were under the impression that this was your kind of gig. That a truck is certainly not what you were looking for but she tells you to look at the plates, so you look at the next photo, which is a zoomed-in version of the first. The plate numbers crystal clear. 
“The plates look new. It was probably stolen,” Dean says. 
“So whoever’s driving that rust bucket must be involved,” she suggests. You take the photos from Dean’s hands and you look closer. Try to find eyes that may be hidden in the dark, a figure that is lurking around. Something supernatural to explain where Sam went and not just a beat-up truck. 
You’re so focused that you don’t hear the engine whining from a car driving by until Dean nudges you. “Even said he heard a whining growl, right?” He asks you. You nod your head and look in the direction of Dean’s gaze. An old van with rusted bumpers and tinted windows. “Sounds like a whining growl to me.” 
“I’ll be damned,” you say. 
It’s nearly dark by the time you’re on the road and actually looking for where this beat-up truck would have taken Sam. You’re following the traffic cams until the truck disappears, hoping that’ll bring you somewhere close. “Okay, that traffic cam is 50 miles from here, and your pickup didn’t pass that one, so,” she explains as she drives. 
You’re in the backseat of her cruiser, a place you never wanted to be. “So they must have pulled off somewhere,” Dean mumbles as he continues to stare at the photos as if something will pop out and tell him where Sam is. “I don’t see any other roads here.” 
“Well a lot of these backwoods properties have their own private roads,” she says. 
“Great,” Dean mumbles as a beep comes from the little computer screen in the front of the car. You can’t help but be curious, so you look as close as you can. There’s a message on the screen about a request for information about a badge number. A badge number that you assume is Dean’s fake badge number and you start to panic but it’s too late because Kathleen is already asking questions. 
“So Gregory, I ran your badge number,” she says. “It’s routine when we’re working a case with state police, for accounting purposes and what have you,” Dean mumbles as if he’s unphased but he’s watching her closely. “And, they just got back to me.” Kathleen pulls off to the side of the road, parks and clicks a button on her screen. A photo of a man that looks nothing like Dean pops up on the screen. Dean can’t see it yet but you can and you know you’re screwed. “It says here your badge was stolen. And there’s a picture of you.” She turns the monitor for Dean to look at and he chuckles. 
Dean looks at the photo and thinks for a minute. Not too long, just enough to come up with a dumb excuse. “I lost some weight. And I’ve got that Michael Jackson skin disease,” he says. 
Kathleen rolls her eyes and unbuckles her seatbelt. “Okay, would you both please step out of the car,” she orders. 
“Wait, wait,” you say, stopping her. She looks back at you and you have to be quick because you had nothing planned. “If you wanna arrest him, fine,” you say, gaining a glare from Dean that you ignore. “But we really need to find Sam. Please,” you plead. 
“I don’t even know who you two are,” Kathleen says. “Or even if Sam is missing.” 
“Look into my eyes and tell me if I’m lying about this,” Dean says. She looks back at Dean and his eyes are so watery, he’s about to cry. 
“Identity theft? You’re impersonating an officer,” she tells him. Dean was so screwed and he knows it because he snaps his mouth shut, refusing to make a snappy comment that would usually come naturally to him. 
“Here’s the thing,” Dean starts. “When we were young, I pretty much pulled him from a fire and ever since then I felt responsible for him. It’s my job to keep him safe,” Dean says. You know all this to be true but hearing him say it hit you differently. “And she,” he nods back to you, “is like my sister. My best friend, truly and if I don’t bring home her husband. She’ll kill me.” Kathleen looks back at you and you nod in agreement. “I’m just afraid if we don’t find him fast…..” He trails off. 
“Please,” you plead. 
“You’ve given me no choice. I’m sorry. I have to take you in,” she says to Dean. You rarely have ever seen Dean look that scared in his life and you know it’s because of Sam and not his impending jail time. 
Kathleen looks ahead out the front window of her car and her eyes catch on something. You follow her gaze to a photo attached to her visor. Her and a young boy. It makes her sigh and you can see the internal debate in her head but eventually, she puts her seatbelt back on. “After we find Sam Winchester.” 
tagged:  @matchamendes @stuckupstucky @sillydecoy @kaelyn-lobrutto24@liztorr1212 @icanreadbookstoo  @rachael-mae @jessewa26 @sundownridge @givemebooksorgivemedeath @alienemilyyyy @teenwaywardasgardian
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893thecurrent · 6 years
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Bob Dylan fans will buy everything but the kitchen sink. Yes, that means they’ll buy his childhood bathroom sink from Hibbing, Minnesota. It’s now on eBay.
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bigjug · 5 years
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Lady wanting her mirror to be steam free in here new bathroom. So we are using a large demister pad from HIB 10 year warranty Low cost to run Maintenance free Made in UK. #homestyleinteriorshartlepool #yourhomeyourway #HIB #loveyourbathroom (at Seaton Carew) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2MO_7GgyWu/?igshid=15wil7utyx6jl
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missjackil · 6 years
My 14x11 Opinion
Damaged Goods
I have so many feelings about this episode!! Its been the hardest one to wait for all season because we were teased all week about this mysterious hug!! I am trash for brohugs, I wont even lie. Any episode that includes a brohug gets bonus points from me!! But what was different about this brohug than others? It was a slip in from behind hug that Sam wasnt expecting. Gentle, and cautious, yet full off angst and despiration. 
The scene was set in a way that assured me this episode would be emotional. The library dimly lit while Sam while Sam researches for ways to help Dean. Dean wont even answer the question when Sam asks how hes feeling. Dean just doesnt want to talk about this. He makes it known though that he appreciates the effort Sam has been putting into trying to help, and Sam responds, “of course... always” . He’s not looking for praise or appreciation, its just something he is gonna do. He’s gona help Dean. Thats all. To him its like getting up in the morning and going to the bathroom. It doesnt matter what else is going on in the world, this is what’s gonna happen.now.Deans in trouble. Sam is gonna help.
Dean tells Sam he’s going to go spend time with Mom, Sam is gonna get packed up and go too but Dean wants to go alone. Sam looks hurt. This isnt surprizing. As much as Sam doesnt need to be, as we all know, he still gets insecure with his ploace in Dean’s world and he doesnt like to be left behind for anyone, even Mom. but in the traditional character of Sam Winchester, he isnt going to make a fuss, he’ll swallow it up and let Dean go if he feels he needs it. Dean isnt cold, nor blind to this. He wont tell Sam its a farewell tour, but he needs Sam to know hes loved. So he just comes around behind him and holds Sam’s head to his chest and face, and tells him to take care of himself. As sweet as this was, did Dean really think it wouldnt sound every alarm in Sam’s head? However, this hug will go down in my heart as a classic. One thing I love most about the brohugs, is that J2 deliver a fresh one every time that say their own things. Theyre never cheap, never lacking a message, and always packed with feeling. 
Sam was pretty adorable when he tried to tell mom about the hug.I know he said they dont hug unless its literally the end of the world. but how was he really gonna tell him mom that they hug for many reasons, but this one was very different? Im sure she understands that theyre close, but does she even have a clue at how close and co-dependant they are? I dont think so. Sam gives her fair warning, and shes gonna keep an eye on Dean. 
Meanwhile, Nick is being a dick, and has a run in with Donna. Now I know many of you all dont like Donna and Jody, mainly for the Wayward crap, but I still like THEM, I just hate that story. I really like this new, tougher Donna that came to be last season in Breakdown. The bubbly silly blonde from The Purge and Hibbing 911 got on my nerves and served no purpose but comic releif. I cant stand those characters. Thats why I dont like Garth, and never liked Ghost Facers, because all they did was assure that the episode wouldnt get very serious.But lets move on. 
Mary makes Dean something he loved as a kid, Winchester Surprize. This is the first time we heard of this dish, and I would call “bullshit” on Deans ability to remember something like that from being no older than 4 the last time she made it, had he not mentioned how Dad apparently made it also, but when he and Sam tried, they messed it up and Dad got pissed and tossed it out. Dean laughed about it, but Mom was uncomfortable, and so was I. Im not a John hater as y’all know, so new negative information makes me sad. I guess before John comes back in 2 weeks, Mary will need to know that he changed a lot after she died and wasnt the greatest father to the boys.And to assure us that the reuinion wont be all rainbows and butterflies. There’s gonna be some angst.
Now Im gonna talk about how HOT Dean was while welding. the flipping of the face shield. the sparks flying around his feet, the leather apron.... mmmm Magic Mike moment y’all?? It was a great music montage, something we dont get a lot of. No Time Left For You is a good song, and for any of my readers under 40, that was an 8 track tape Dean was playing.😉 we also see that Michael is still pounding on the door in Deans head. Jensen is really doing a great job of showing us in his expressions and posture that he’s barely holding him in.
Now Sam has looked around the bunker and noticed things missing. Okay... Dean is definitely up to something. Mary waited till Dean was asleep and went to see what he was doing in the shed, she sees he’s built this box with the plan to lock himself in it and be dropped at the bottom of the ocean so Michael cant escape the box once he gets out of Deans head. Mom calls Sam, but he’s already on his way. and during this time Nick kidnaps Mary. 
Now, I think Mary was just being stupid for most of this, she had no reason really not to comply with Nick. Theres a time to be tough and a time to just be practical. A big part of being a hero includes not trying to get yourself killed for no good reason. But hey, its ok because your sons are fucking suoer heros and they’ll come save your ass! So Abraxus gets released and reveals Lucifer had him kill Ncks family. This leaves me with wonder. Will Lucifer come find Nick but Nick say no to him now that he knows Lucifer had his family killed? Leaving Luci without a vessel and heading to mess with Sam again? Possibly even Jack? Hmmmm
So Donna shoots Nick in the leg, he’s arrested. Sam goes to talk to him. I didnt like that Dean bitched at Sam for letting Nick go, though Im glad Sam got to tell him why. though he’s feeling guilty about everything that happened now. Im also pretty sure that Dean was telling Sam when people cant be saved, you just walk away, more for himself than anything. So Dean barked, but he didnt stay angry and thats good. 
Sam confronts Nick and apologizes for not being able to help him which is so very Sam, but, my boy is getting harder around the edges, he’s really 1000% done with the bull shit. He tells Nick he doesnt feel sorry for him, he feels sorry for the people he killed, HE can burn. 
Meanwhle mom confronts Dean and tells him he knows what hes up to... and if he doesnt tell Sam, she will. Im so glad it didnt become some secret between Dean and Mom being kept from Sam. That never ends pretty. 
Now, this scene, is my favorite scene so far of the season. Sam just not holding back at how horrible he thinks it was for Dean to plan to kill himself and not tell him. “Not tell me?? ME??” Do you realize how messed up that is? How unfair??” it took me back to when Dean sold his soul for Sam and Sam figured it out. Sam knows first hand how awful being trapped forever with a crazy archangel. You could see it in Sam’s eyes when he said it, he knew what Dean would be up against for eternity. “Do you know how INSANE this is?”
Dean is set in his choice and tells Sam he couldnt tell him because hes the only person who could talk him out of it💖💖and he loves hm for trying to help. Thats a very big statement in this show. So he gives Sam a choice, either he helps him, or he does it alone. Of curse Sam agrees to help. He cant save Dean if he walks away, and he wont let Dean die alone 💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭
Thats gonna kill me all week!! Next weeks trailer looks like a real kick in the balls, but, Im fairly sure the brutality will be over early in the episode because Donatello’s issue is the headliner. Its hard to see Dean freak out when his phone dies when hes in the box, but Im thinking maybe he’s testing it and gets a dose of what being trapped feels like, and maybe that changes his mind. So I dont think the whole episode is going to be super heavy, but we’ll have some good brofeels anyway. In conclusion I loved this episode. It could have used more Sam but Sams parts were all great! So on a scale of Bloodlines to Who We Are, this gets a 9. the heavy brolove got it massive points and more Sam COULD have taken it to a 10. See y’all next week :)
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Expectations vs Reality pt. 3
Pairing: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester, Wincest Rating: Mature (will be Explicit in other parts) Summary:  Looking back, Sam Winchester couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment he had decided that having sex with his older brother was the most logical and healthy thing to do, especially since growing up he had never looked twice at a man. Then again, a little over a year ago he had been excelling at Stanford, living in Palo Alto with a gorgeous girlfriend and now he was washing ghoul blood off his hands in a dingy motel bathroom in bumfuck Kansas, so to say his expectations for the future had not exactly come true would be an understatement. or Sam takes the academic approach to sibling incest. Warnings: Hint of non-con somnophilia if you squint, incest (obviously), co-dependent relationship, slow burn, general fucked up shit inherent to the show, set in s1-2
Part 1
Part 2
The brothers’ experience with Max severely freaked Sam out: the similarities between their origins, him being unable to stop the boy’s suicide and his own momentary bout of telekinesis all painted a disturbing picture. Like it or not, Sam was part of something sinister, something that had shaped his whole life from his infancy and had sent his family onto a path of death and ruin. Following that case he was gloomy and irritable, Dean constantly catching him lost in his thoughts and throwing him worried glances.
In his somewhat distracted state, Sam was ambushed and kidnapped by the Bender family. Dean came for him and they made it out alive, but the experience shook them both to the core and prompted Sam to action. He realized that while he was worrying about his possible destiny they could have been killed and not even by the demon their father was hunting, but by humans, a bunch of sick and twisted cannibals at that! It really put things into perspective.
They didn't linger in Hibbing, but got a motel in a neighboring town. Taking advantage of Dean's exhaustion and him looking bloody and dirty, Sam went in to book their room on his own and made it a king, instead of two queens. Dean froze on the threshold and Sam had to put in all his acting talent to make his words sound nonchalant: “Yeah, sorry, they didn't have any rooms with two queens left, apparently there is a church choir convention in town or something. Figured we can share for one night. I'm beat.” Dean wavered in the doorway, but his own fatigue eventually won out and he dumped his duffel on the floor and stomped to the bathroom.
Dean remained jumpy the rest of the night, throwing furtive glances at Sam and the bed and blushing while Sam pretended not to notice. They eventually called it a night and got into bed: Dean curled up on the very edge, his back to Sam. 
Sam waited patiently until he heard Dean's breath slow and his brother started to snore softly. Tentatively, Sam rolled over and draped himself over his brother’s back. He held his breath and listened for signs that the action had woken Dean, but his brother was dead to the world. He breathed out and relaxed, allowing himself to focus on how it felt to be this close to Dean. 
While his brother’s body was unmistakably masculine: hard lines, lean muscles, broad shoulders, he was still dwarfed by Sam’s larger size. He didn’t know what he had expected, because cuddling up to Dean was really not that different than from being in bed with Jess or another woman. His brother’s body was warm and alive, Sam could feel his steady heartbeat under the hand he had slung over his chest. When he stroked his fingers over Dean’s bare arm, it was soft. 
Sam buried his nose in the nape of Dean’s neck and inhaled deep. His brother smelled of shampoo, gunpowder and the inside of the impala and that familiar scent hit Sam hard. It was home, it was happiness, it was love. For a few moments he just laid there, breathing him in, unaware that he had instinctively wrapped his body around Dean’s. Warmth slowly pooled in his gut and started to spread. 
He mouthed at the salty skin right above Dean’s t-shirt collar. Dean made a little sleepy sound and shifted. Sam’s hips thrust up and rubbed against his brother’s ass. With a start he realized he was hard. Whether it was all because of Dean or partly because his body hadn’t gotten any for a long time, he didn’t know, but it at least clearly answered the question is he was physically able to reciprocate Dean’s sexual feelings. 
He had to force himself to disengage from Dean and roll away. A little innocent touching while sharing a bed wasn’t a big deal, but humping his sleeping brother was crossing the line. 
Sam lay on his back and stared at the ceiling. Suddenly this little experiment of his had gotten very serious. His body was tingling and he found himself longing to breach the distance between them. He wondered if this was how Dean was feeling and if so, how he could stand it. 
It took him a long time to fall asleep and when he woke up the next morning, Dean was already up and in the shower. His brother clearly didn’t want to stay in the room longer than strictly necessary and found them a new case in less than an hour. Admittedly, the case was unmistakably supernatural: two people gruesomely killed in a locked apartment with no signs of breaking and entering. 
While the case started routine enough, it quickly went downhill, starting with the clues not adding up to any monster they were familiar with and the blood spatter showing a weird symbol. Then that night, while investigating a lead, they ran into Meg. Although Sam had liked the woman well enough when he had first met her, even flirted with her a little, her conveniently turning up in another state in a bar where they were investigating and acting all possessive over him, made Sam’s skin crawl and he was immediately suspicious. Dean, on the other hand, masked his obvious jealousy by juvenile teasing.
Sam turned out to be right about Meg and everything pointed in the direction that this case not only had something to do with their family, but might actually lead them to the demon their father had been hunting all their lives. The thought that they were so close to finally finding and killing their mother’s and Jess’ murderer and this life-long vendetta could be over in a few days did something to Sam. He had been settling into this life, getting used to hunting again, getting to terms with Dean’s feelings for him and his own for his brother, assuming he was in for the long haul when suddenly he was presented with the possibility it could all be over just like that. He could go back to Stanford, pick up his broken life, Dean could do something else, find his own way, dad could settle down. He didn’t realize exactly what thoughts he was voicing, until he saw the utter devastation on Dean’s face. He really should have known that despite Dean’s feelings for him making it awkward between them and Dean being obviously upset, his brother still harbored a, perhaps naive, dream that the three of them could go back to the way things had been. For Dean, family would still be number one. Since Sam couldn’t take back his words, he focused on the case instead.
They didn’t kill the demon, they didn’t even get to see the demon. Instead they got caught, tied up and nearly killed. Bruised and battered, they dragged themselves back to the motel where another surprise awaited: John Winchester. Seeing his father safe and sound, made Sam temporarily forget the resentment between them. He was just glad to have him back. However, John’s return didn’t last long and soon after the reunion they were separating again. 
Sam still felt bad about what he had said to Dean, especially since it wasn’t even really true. While he did not want to return to the way things had been, knew he couldn’t really live under his father’s constant disapproving eye, he also didn’t want to live without Dean anymore. He loved him too much to lose him again. 
Dean, of course pretended he wasn’t hurt and hid behind juvenile behavior, pranks, dares, actual itching powder in Sam’s clothes. He decided that the best course of action would be to go along with it and in the end it was. They got it out of their system and the air was cleared between them. Sam felt lighter seeing Dean laugh and joke again. As a matter of fact, he couldn’t stop looking at his brother. 
Now that the blinders had been taken off, he had become really aware of how attractive his brother was and how much he wanted to act on the feeling he now knew they both shared. He knew, however, that if he cornered Dean, he would deny everything and possibly punch him in the face, so he approached the issue cautiously with little physical hints here and there. His eyes lingered on his brother’s body, on his full lips, on his striking eyes. He stood a little too close for comfort even for them. His hands didn’t quite leave once they got to touch Dean, until his brother made the effort to break the contact. Sam stopped any attempt at modesty and brazenly changed in their room instead of the bathroom. Dean did not fail to notice the changes. He kept throwing him surprised and concerned looks and acted twitchy around him, occasionally freezing like a deer in headlights.
Before Sam could even try to call him out or take the seduction further, they received a message from John about a case. As everything having to do with their father, it brought some tension between them, but as soon as they arrived at the coordinates, it was obvious this wasn’t going to be a run of the mill case. Dean was grim and nervous, clearly hiding something. It took Sam a while to get the whole story out of him. How he blamed himself for almost getting Sam killed and for letting the shtriga escape. Dean had been just a kid, he never should have been saddled up with that kind of responsibility in the first place. Sam’s heart went out to him and even if he didn’t agree, he understood a little better why his brother was so willing to follow John’s orders. He backed off and let Dean deal with the aftermath, not pushing his advances onto him, just silently being there for his brother. 
Unfortunately Sam backing off a little prompted Dean to not only throw himself into picking up girls, but also trying hook his brother up aggressively. It was as if he was trying to eliminate the possibility of temptation. Sam was hardly interested in picking up random girls at the bar, but when him taking a girl out on a date became pertinent to a haunted painting case he didn’t have sufficient excuses. 
And going out with Sarah was hardly a chore. At any other point in his life Sam would have been smitten with her from the start, she was beautiful and smart. They had a recent loss, a dead mother and an authorative father in common. But he resented Dean all but physically pushing him on her and finally blew up on him for it. His brother surprised him then. He was worried about Sam’s well-being and about him getting over Jessica. In part he was right. Jess had been on his mind when he had first considered returning Dean’s affections. He was still grieving her and moving on, with his brother of all people, seemed disrespectful to her. “I would think he’d want you to be happy, god forbid have fun once in a while,” Dean had said, and yes, that was true enough, Jess had been kind and mischievous. She had loved him and he was sure she would’ve want him to be happy, even if he himself thought he didn’t deserve it. But it wasn’t some random girl in a bar, or even Sarah, who had made him laugh, who had lifted the burden a little, it had been Dean. Unfortunately when he even hinted at this whole this being only partly about Jess, his brother looked so uncomfortable, scared almost, that he dropped it. They had a case to solve after all and he had a second date to arrange. 
Things didn’t go quite as planned. With the painting sold and another life in danger, soon Sarah was dragged into the whole mess. She proved herself capable and resourceful and he ended up falling for her a little. Talking to her about his loss and his fears helped. It put into perspective why his advances with Dean had been so hesitant: a part of him was scared that deepening their relationship with a sexual aspect might put his brother in more danger. It also helped him realize how silly that idea was. Their lives were already constantly in danger after all. 
He still kissed her on her porch like he is in some high school rom-com, because she is lovely and deserves a proper goodbye and Dean needs to man up and for once talk about his feelings instead of pushing him away. Although as he watched her disappear through the car window he wasn’t sorry about leaving, because he felt Dean breathe a sigh of relief next to him.
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