#clockwork princess family tree
spacehero-23 · 2 years
props to cassie for finding the funniest way to retcon her story.  
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metalandmagi · 1 year
"Esme thinks she knows exactly who's going to marry who and who's going to die when. Some people she thinks are alive are dead, and there are people who are dead who she's convinced are actually alive."
"This is going to be quite the family tree. It will confuse scholars for decades."
...also now I want a whole book about Esme Hardcastle and her quest to make the world's most unreliable family tree...
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cassandraclare · 1 year
Will we ever find out how the lives of the tlh gang continued after the epilogue ? Obviously there’s the novella collection you announced but i was thinking for example about how many kids the different couples had :)
Wanting to answer that kind of question was what led me to write the Family Tree in Clockwork Princess, a mess that has taken me years to clean up! I think that while I don't currently have plans to write, say, a series about the kids of the characters in TLH, I might someday want to, and I don't want to cut off that option, so I'm going to limit what I say about what happens to these characters after the end of Chain of Thorns.
I have definitely thought about doing an updated version of The Flower Book that updates all the info about the TLH characters, corrects some mistakes and adds some new characters (Oscar!) If that's something people would want.
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incorrectlasthours · 1 year
Introducing: The Malevolent Tides
A Post-TLH Story - synopsis below!
Please note: The worldbuilding, TID, and TLH characters all belong to Cassandra Clare. I took the liberty to make up the children of the TLH characters (partially based off of the inaccurate Clockwork Princess family tree, but mostly from my own imagination). This story will contain spoilers for Chain of Thorns!
September, 1929: Coming of age during the mundane’s Great War and the Spanish Influenza, the young Shadowhunters of London are no strangers to demons and despair. In fact, compared to the hordes of demons attracted to Earth by the mundane conflicts of their youth, things have been relatively calm as the children grew from a troubled youth into a tentatively hopeful adolescence. Things are looking up… but little does this future “lost generation,” know, their light-hearted, wild youths are about to come to an abrupt end, as darkness and violence comes to claim the mundane - and shadow - worlds once again.
New York City, USA: Elizabeth Herondale has finally left her family’s home… and her drama with her brother, Owen, and his fiancée, Lydia, behind. Elizabeth is eager to forget her troubles in the vices that make New York City the center of the modern world; touted as a place where anyone can arrive a pauper and leave a millionaire, where women are free to move through the streets unaccompanied by men, and where illegal vices - booze, cards, jazz - are easier to find than avoid, Elizabeth is ready to relocate for good and reclaim her future. Accompanied by her intrepid parabatai and cousin, Margaret Blackthorn (who is more comfortable behind the lens of a camera than onstage in a flapper hall), Elizabeth has no plans to return to London any time soon. Then comes October, and the infamous crash of Wall Street that plunges the entire globe into economic recession. Elizabeth does not want to return home, but her and Margie might not have a choice in the matter…
Athens, Greece: Edmund Blackthorn was supposed to return to London and his family eight months ago… and he did, but something drew him back to Athens once more. Picking up his Uncle James’ love for the ancient classics from a young age, Edmund always knew he wanted to do his travel year in the center of it all: Athens, Greece. While he expected his year abroad to be full of research and sightseeing, he did not expect it to be entirely thrown off course by the witty, brilliant Cadia Sedgewick. Together, the two have uncovered an ancient mystery; while other Shadowhunters are urging them to focus on the rapidly-approaching and grim future, Edmund and Cadia are drawn further and further into the past. All the stories are true, after all, and this mystery might just be the key to aid the present and save the future.
Berlin, Germany: Owen Herondale didn’t plan to fall in love with Lydia Kingsmill… but Herondales love only once, as his father and grandfather told him from the time he was young, and Lydia was the only one for him. The Treaty of Versailles that ended the mundane Great War has thrust Germany into despair, and the Shadowhunters of the German institutes are feeling the side effects; indeed, as the churches and government are no longer able to tithe, many Shadowhunters have packed up and left for more lucrative cities, or returned home to Idris. Owen desperately wants Lydia to come to London with him, but Lydia doesn’t want to leave her family - and the institute she grew up in - behind.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Vienna Fairchild was determined to embark on a grand voyage like her father, and she wasn’t going to let the fact that she was a woman stop her. At the start of her travel year, Vienna ran to the last city full of glittering nightlife and wild parties in Europe - and indeed, Amsterdam is the last European stand of the ‘Roaring Twenties’ as recession grows over the continent like a shadow. Planning to pack her trunks and flee for the Americas with her best friends Lizzie and Margie, Vienna is stopped when the local institute desperately needs help. Their issue, however, is much larger than Amsterdam itself…
Alicante, Idris: The youngest of her siblings and cousins and friends, Alaina Blackthorn is thrilled to finally have her turn at Shadowhunter Academy. The Academy is, after all, a legendary place for life-changing bonds… it’s where her Uncle James and Uncle Matthew decided to become parabatai, and where her brother Theodore and Graham Fairchild first became friends - and now they, too, were parabatai. Flanked by her friends Raya Fairchild and Taron Carstairs-Lightwood, Alaina cannot wait to finally experience freedom - until the world starts to fall apart, and all their parents summon them back to London.
London, England: The adults of the London Enclave are certain the worst is behind them - they defeated Belial when they were teenagers, and the mundane world has finally calmed down after over a decade of war and pestilence. But the wicked never rest, and dark forces are gathering - and their target is London, the city that started it all.
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sleuth-draws · 6 months
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LOVESICK (part 1) - Wanna Fight, Princess? next >
Though it takes months upon months, Vitani and Kiara become quite close. 
Once the Outlanders had settled in the Pridelands, Vitani had initially been standoffish, preferring to either stick close to her former squadron or patrol the borders of the Pridelands by herself. Loathe as she was to keep away from her brother -- her only family now -- being around the royal family caused her hackles to raise involuntarily. It did nothing to quell King Simba’s leftover anxieties over how trustworthy the daughter of his enemy was but she needed time, they all knew; to spend your life as a pawn to a warmonger, preparing to overthrow a kingdom, and then end up making peace and living in said kingdom is no easy task.
It all changed with the concern of who would fill the position of Lion Guard in Kion's stead. All the creatures of the Pridelands were called to the Rock to seek council and discuss. It was an open forum and anyone was allowed to offer their suggestions. As King Simba would mention in his preamble to the meeting, his father would hold meetings like this so the lower subjects would not feel alienated in his reign.
Like clockwork, they gathered in the center of the plain, the royal family lying upon a flat rock, lions of their court around them, the elephants in the back and allowing smaller creatures to rest upon them, baboons and their babies nestled into trees alongside giraffes. The buffalo rest by the watering hole, the hippos poking their heads over the water’s surface, keeping cool as they listen, and the zebra and antelope graze all the while.
Vitani had never seen so much prey in one place, but contrary to seemingly popular belief, she’s no mongrel. She chose to linger in the back, feeling out of place in the communal crowd and hardly listening to them all babble on and on.
It was only when Kiara spoke up that her attention was caught. "What about Vitani?"
Creatures of all sizes turned towards her. Vitani, startled, bared her teeth out of instinct. "What about me?"
The prey around her trembled at her hostile response, but Kiara was unphased; in fact, she smiled. "Well, I figure if there's anyone who's up to protecting the Pridelands, it'd be you. I always see you out there diligently patrolling the border."
The Pridelanders couldn't help but agree. While initially stubbornly reluctant to fill such a highly spoken-of position, even Vitani had to admit: being the Pridelands' protector gave her something to do that felt satisfyingly familiar. 
King Simba, placing an overwhelming amount of trust in his daughter, gave his blessing in the decision; the job was hers from then on, but she couldn’t do it alone. Her Guard needed the strongest, fastest, bravest, and keenest-of-sight she could find and there was no group better equipped for these positions as her old squadron.
They all took to it quite quickly. It seems they were feeling similarly out of place in the aftermath of the war. Imara, with her newfound strength from her weight gain after finally finding sufficient food, impressed the Pridelanders with her ability to carry so many of them out of harm’s way. Kasi, eager to use her skills from her days as the team’s scout, rivaled Fuli, her predecessor, in her record speeds to relay information between trouble and the Guard. Shabaha found the life of a simple subject to be rather boring and was at last able to achieve the thrills she’d missed from her days in the Outlands. And Tazama, once trained to be an observant lookout, felt satisfaction in her usefulness to the kingdom, in a way that was far less murderous and risky.
They already had the advantage of knowing how to work as a unified team. As the Guard, they prospered far more than before.
And so, slowly, Vitani began to open up more. Protecting the lands put her in everyone's good graces; she was no longer a soldier, but a guardian.
This also meant reporting closely to Kiara. King Simba was emboldened from his daughter’s vouching of Vitani and placed her in charge of the Guard’s operations. The princess, strange creature that she is, seemed more than happy to have a way to keep in contact with Vitani, even to the point of becoming… friends . 
Vitani had always found her to be odd. Pretty. But odd. Before she’d assumed Kiara was a ditz, just a royal with shit for brains who understood nothing of life’s realities and was easy enough to trick into being a cog in her mother’s plan; but when she and Kovu ended the war by force, all her assumptions were dashed instantly.
She leaned into it. Kiara was kind. Though the royal family might have given her the creeps sometimes, Vitani had no reason to think she held any animosity toward her, especially Kovu at her side.
As their relationship slowly transitioned from friendly at work to friends before and after work, it was strangely easy to lie in the sun with her, chat about their days, and even groom one another, just as the other lions do.
Which leads them to now.
As per usual after the day’s work is done, the pair of them are stretched out together on a grassy strip and enjoying the warm sunset. Conversation had metered out into content silent.
Beyond comfortable in the dirt, her arms and paws satisfyingly sore from evening patrol, Vitani can’t help but linger on the fact that she no longer feels the anxiety she used to feel in the Pridelands. Things changed entirely without her even realizing.
Vitani asks, "Hey. Can I ask you something?"
Kiara looks over and gave that bright, playful smile of hers. "You just did."
"Aw, shut up."
Kiara giggles. Vitani can't help but crack her own grin. "Sorry, sorry. Go ahead."
“You remember the council meeting from a couple seasons ago? The one where they were discussing who’d lead the Lion Guard.”
“Why’d you vouch for me then?”
Surprised for a moment, Kiara quickly sobers and sits up from her supine position. "Oh. Well...I mean, I meant what I said. There's really no one I could think of that'd be better for the job than you."
"But we didn't know each other then. Not like now." The princess has a way with getting people to open up to her.
"True, but Kovu had told me a lot about you."
Kovu. Right. Vitani's throat tightens for a reason unknown to her.
Kiara continues, eyes searching Vitani's, "He's told me about how strong you are and how you took care of him when no one else could. You were at the forefront of Zira's army."
Vitani breaks eye contact to swipe at some pebbles in front of her. "Ain't exactly a good thing, Princess."
"What I mean is, you're experienced in both leading a group and extending that paw of guardianship.”
Vitani grumbles, brushing off the accolade. She shouldn’t have asked. 
Kiara examines her for longer before smiling a tad cheekily. 
“You wanna know something? You act all cool and tough and mysterious, but at this point, I think I've got you pegged, Vitani."
Vitani raises a brow, something of a thrill rolling over the fur on her back. "Oh, you do , do you?"
Kiara leans in, smiling. "Yeah. Despite it all, you're a big softie ."
It's enough to throw Vitani into a fit of laughter. She shoves Kiara's shoulder. "Oh, fuck you!"
Kiara shoves back. "It's true! You're a lion on the outside, but, like, a bunny on the inside!"
"You take that back!" Vitani pounces and Kiara receives her readily. The two wrestle in the dirt, laughing and kicking up grass. Kiara is not the little lioness she was at the time of the war. She's bulked up significantly since then, with her training to ascend to the crown continuing where it had left off. Vitani has to admit; she's rather impressed by her progress. She herself has started to fill out with her newfound and ever-replenishing food source here in the Pridelands, but Kiara was truly something to marvel at in terms of physique goals.
Eventually, Vitani breaks free, panting, "Damn, I guess the termite's been teaching you well!"
Kiara glared playfully. "Oh, none of that was Kovu; my mom taught me those moves!"
"Oh, yeah?" Vitani rolled her shoulders in anticipation and crouched readily, "Well, now I'm interested. Show me some of those moves you learned from your mommy ; I want a good fight outta you, Princess!"
Kiara readies herself, almost perfectly mirroring Vitani. "Bring it on!"
With that, the two leapt at one another.
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ladyhindsight · 6 months
Family tree anon again. Another continuity error I’ve noticed is that in the CP2 family tree it states that Jem and Will were born in 1861 (I think Jessie is the same age as well) and Tessa in 1862, which would make them 17 and her 16 in TID (this is confirmed in canon afair).
I don’t know where these new dates originated, but in the TSC wikia it states that Jem Will and Jessie were born in 1860, with Jem’s birthday in November, Will’s in December, and Jessie’s in August. So means the 3 of them would be turning 18 in 1878. Maybe I’m just doing the math wrong, but this makes no sense to me in canon.
First of all: Jessie always mentions how much she hates being a Shadowhunter and how she wants to leave the Institute, but she can’t since she’s still underage. If she actually turned 18 in 1878, she would’ve been able to leave during the event if CP (which takes place in July-August).
Second: Jem and Will are always being excluded from things involving the Enclave since they’re underage, but I feel like if they were turning 18 that year they still wouldn’t be treated like children? Also when Tessa and Jem are talking about their wedding, Jem says he feel guilt for binding her to marriage at 16, and she replies “you’re only 17”. How could he be “only 17” if he’s turning 18 soon?
I just don’t get how CC could change something like this that’s so clearly in canon.
This was actually a bigger rabbit hole than I first anticipated. Also the biggest mystery why Clare changed Will’s and Jem’s birthdays at all!! Not the first time assigning whatever birthdays have fucked up things. So, the Shadowhunters fan wiki says Will’s birthday is December 30, 1860, and it is sourced Clockwork Angel 10th Anniversary Special Edition. I watched a flipthrough of that edition but I didn’t really see where the info was exactly. The trivia on Will’s character says that (as of December 7, 2023):
The birthday (December 30, 1860) assigned to Will and revealed in the 10th Anniversary Edition of Clockwork Angel contradicts previously established canon: In Clockwork Prince, he said he was three months younger than Jem (whose birthday was revealed as November 8, 1860, making him only a month younger), and his birth year was listed as 1861 in the "found" family tree released with Clockwork Princess and An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters & Denizens of Downworld, though the family tree may easily be considered inaccurate.
But the An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters & Denizens of Downworld should be accurate, and I did check and Jem’s birth year is 1861 as is Will’s. (Thought to note on accuracy, many details have changed concerning TLH characters as well.) Now Jem’s assigned birthday is November 8, 1860 (source Clockwork Angel 10th Anniversary Special Edition) and the trivia says, “In Clockwork Prince, Jem is said to be three months older than Will. However, in the 10th anniversary edition of Clockwork Angel, their birth dates were revealed as one month apart; causing a continuity issue.”
Definitely. The scene in Clockwork Prince, chapter 4 “A Journey” went like this:
“Yes, though Charlotte’s rather fallen off in tutoring us lately, as you might imagine,” said Will. “One either has a tutor or one is schooled in Idris—that is, until you attain your majority at eighteen. Which will be soon, thankfully, for the both of us.” “Which one of you is older?” “Jem,” said Will, and “I am,” said Jem, at the same time. They laughed in unison as well, and Will added, “Only by three months, though.” “I knew you’d feel compelled to point that out,” said Jem with a grin.
Soon, meaning next year? Which makes me wonder what the original dates of birth were.
Jessamine was born August 10, 1860 (source Clockwork Angel 10th Anniversary Special Edition), but no trivia notes on her birthday. Probably because it was intended to be the one stated. In Clockwork Angel she even says in chapter 6 “Strange Earth”, “As I am sure horrid Will has told you, my parents, my dear papa and mama, are dead. But they left me a not inconsiderable sum of money. It was put aside in trust for me until my eighteenth birthday, which is only in a matter of months. You see the problem, of course.” Which takes place in May once Tessa has arrived to London. Tessa is born January 28, 1862, sourced also Clockwork Angel 10th Anniversary Special Edition. No trivia notes on the birthday because it is what it is.
The book timeline is:
1873, November 10: “Will Herondale left Wales and his family to become a Shadowhunter. Months after, Jem Carstairs arrived at the London Institute and met his future parabatai Will.” I wonder how that year was come up with since Will only tells Cecily in Clockwork Princess chapter 10 “Like Water Upon Sand” that “I first came here when I was twelve” and “It was, to be precise, the tenth of November of that year. And every year after, on the anniversary of that day, I would fall into a black mood of despair.” Which, in the “original” timeline, would mean Will had already turned 12 by November, because originally he was born 1961. Now that canon has changed, it means Will would turn 13 in the end of December, making him already soon to be 18 years old in 1878, which is not the case as we later see here. What also speaks of the fact that Will turned 12 years old in 1873 is this:  “When he’d reached twelve years of age, he’d been sent to the Institute; at that time he’d still been so small that he’d looked barely nine.” Quite point blank period.
1878 April is when the events from Clockwork Angel begin. Will is 17, Jem is 17, Jessie is 17 about to turn 18, Tessa 16. In May, Tessa arrives at London. On June 5, Clockwork Angel ends.
July to August, Clockwork Prince takes place. I don’t remember there being a mention of Jessie’s birthday. On July 27 Benedict threw the secret masquerade ball which Tessa and Will infiltrated. At this point Jessamine is already 18 and engaged to Nate. In the chapter 11 “Wild Unrest” of Clockwork Prince Sophie finds the invite from Benedict and it is dated 20th of August, which means Jessie’s birthday came and went, and I couldn’t find a single mention of it.
One could argue she stayed at the Institute in order to spy the Institute for Nate (and by extension for Mortmain). She had a chance to leave but she was also enamored with Nate and subsequently played into his plans. And after her betrayal Clave took her wealth and she was ordered to return to the Institute by Charlotte. So, Jessamine essentially (after turning 18) was spying for Nate and Mortmain, subsequently caught and tied to a bedpost, interrogated and taken to Silent City. After being released from the Silent City she was returned to the London Institute where she was immediately killed upon arrival. I mean, she had her moments to leave but in the end she stayed and some of these could be reasons why. I don’t think Clare really thought of Jessamine as much, though in Clockwork Angel chapter 6 “Strange Earth”Jessie says:
“Don’t you? I can leave the Institute, Tessa, but I cannot live alone. It wouldn’t be respectable. Perhaps if I were a widow, but I am only a girl. It just isn’t done. But if I had a companion—a sister—”
So there’s the main reason. It isn’t proper. Additionally in Clockwork Prince chapter 2 “Reparations” Jessamine says, “I don’t want to be thrown out of the Institute if we can’t find the Magister,” Jessamine went on. “Is that so difficult to understand?” When Charlotte tells her she can leave if she wants. So there’s also that.
October to December, Clockwork Princess takes place. Will proposed to Tessa in the Institute Christmas party and later tells Cecily, “You can’t be married, Cecily! You’re only fifteen! When I get married, I’ll be eighteen! An adult!” So Will was still 17, also ironic that there wasn’t such opposition when James and Cordelia get married at 17.
Also interestingly, Gabriel’s birthday is June 2, also in 1860 but in Clockwork Angel he is described as “the youngest of the group, a boy probably no more than a year older than Jem or Will.” Which could be Well, he looked older! But in light of all that we have gathered here, Clare initially wrote Jem and Will having been born in 1861. Then later Callida Fairchild says, “Perhaps with help from James Carstairs and Will Herondale, but neither of them is any older than seventeen. How much help can they be?” Also meaning Will and Jem were both born in 1861. Also:
“Nate, Tessa thought disgustedly, is exactly two years older than Will. Hardly a century. Nor is he by any stretch of the imagination “mature.”
And Nate’s birth year is stated to be 1859.
In the chapter 24 “The Measure of Love” in Clockwork Princess, Will thinks how it is “First Christmas morning without Jem in six years. The purest cold, bringing the purest pain.” For which the birthdays make even less sense in the context of “Months after, Jem Carstairs arrived at the London Institute and met his future parabatai Will.”
1. Christmas morning, aged 12 (because Will was already 12 when he came to London Institute)
2. Christmas, aged 13
3. Christmas, aged 14
4. Christmas, aged 15
5. Christmas, aged 16
6. Christmas, aged 17 (When Jem has become a Silent Brother)
Because Jem was 11 years old when Yanluo attacked (“When I was eleven, Yanluo found a weak spot in the ward that protected the Institute, and tunneled inside.”), so it stands to reason it didn’t take years for him to arrive at London.
Anyway, the point of this tirade is the same as yours. There is so much stuff stating Will’s and Jem’s ages, so why in the earth would she change it by a year and fuck all of this up?? I cannot fathom.
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cortanasdaisies · 1 year
I feel like Cassie’s made a mistake in writing TLH but was too far gone to correct it because Christopher Lightwood died in CHOT but he’s at the family tree that Esme Hardcastle supposedly made. Not to mention in Clockwork Princess Epilogue,Tessa’s mentioned “Cecily’s blue-eyed boys” honestly Kit’s death was so random lmfaoooo
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everyday someone on this forsaken website uses the old family tree and the clockwork princess epilogue as a source for their theories about who’s gonna die in chot……… i’m gonna lose my mind
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katy-krazy-xoxo · 1 year
The major logical problem with chain of thorns isn’t even the fact that (apparently) the reason that infamous family tree existed was because Esme just wrote a fanfiction version of family tree and made it canon (which btw is a stupid reason for that family tree to exist)
It’s the fact that it BROKE CONTINUITY with Clockwork Princess epilogue
But seriously the entire book is so full of plot holes the more I think about it the more my brain hurts
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Chain of Thorns Epilogue Theories
Because it's been almost ten years since Clockwork Princess and I am READY to get slapped in the face they way I haven't quite been by any words since Blackfriars Bridge, 2008.
So. Which date and location do I think will do the job? Here are my top five picks for the setting of the Chain of Thorns epilogue:
--Cirenworth Hall, 2013/4.
Tessa and Jem are the people still alive who were closest to the TLH gang. They presumably know the full story--them thinking and talking about what happened to our Edwardian faves as they grew up and grew old makes sense. We know CC loves to set up the next series at the end of the previous one, and what better way to transition into the final stage of TSC universe than to have Jessa telling Kit all about James and Lucie and their friends and partners? And what better place for Mina to make her main-novel debut than the finale of her siblings' trilogy (and the last book we will see her namesake alive in)? I think this is the most likely, but I could be biased by my desire for Kit Content.
--Brooklyn, 2013/4
Speaking of setting up the next book and people who were close to the TLH gang... you forgot about Magnus, didn't you? I think this one is less likely than Cirenworth, but a possibility. Magnus almost certainly knows what happened to everyone post TLH and The Black Volume of the Dead is still to come.... plus, TEC and TLH are both very much about being related to Princes of Hell. The Princes of Hell might appear in TWP so that connection is also a point to Cirenworth, but you never know.
--London, 1988
Ok. This one is pure wishful thinking but here me out: Stephen Herondale, young, rebellious, arguing with his parents about the circle. It's not that unlikely that his father, Marcus--James and Cordelia's grandson according to the family tree--would tell him about James. This one would put the bitter in bittersweet ending, because we know what happens next, but honestly? Would be here for it.
--Paris, 2013
We know COT is going to start in Paris, so why not end there too? It's been important throughout TLH, as have the Blackthorn and Carstairs families... And Emma and Julian are there post TDA pre-SoBH, 'liking it so much they keep extending their stay'. They might be able to tell us at least some of the story, and there's a nice Cortana connection (potentially a Ghostwriter connection too, if Julian is descended from them). Tessa and Magnus were there after Will died, and TEC opens there too... Both Jace and Kit's parents are there in The Wicked Ones, if you want more Herondale Memories.
--The Shadowhunter Academy, 2014
I thought of this idea last but I actually like it and I think SoBH's ending makes it fairly likely. Checking in with Dru (maybe finally meeting Thais instead of just getting word-of-God details about her from Cassie's social media?!) and finding out a bit more about what happened to Jaime would make a lot of sense from a 'setting up TWP' perspective--Cassie might want everyone who didn't read SoBH to know Jaime went missing in Faerie. I'm going with The Shadowhunter Academy as opposed to the Scholomance because we've already seen Ty there in the Lost World--we haven't seen Dru at the Academy outside of SoBH. I also think it would be a nice throwback all the way to Nothing But Shadows, which is the start of the Merry Thieves. It'd be nice to see how the Academy has changed since James's day.
Well, I would love to know what everyone thinks the epilogue might be. Watch there not be a modern epilogue at all 🤡. Wish me luck not flipping to the back of my copy before I've finished the book!
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tired-twili · 2 years
Zelink week 3: Rainy Days
Kfowowkwk this one has been the problem child of Zelink Week💀 lets just say there was an overtired me writing this morning and it...spirald 💀 also Here on Ao3
Thank you as always, @zelinkweekofficial
~Link brushed a few droplets of water from his face, pressing his back further against the stone wall to protect himself from the downpour only a foot away. The small overhang of the castle’s roof offered little protection, but it was better than nothing.
Most of the castle staff were on leave, cooped up with their families by a cozy fire while the heavens let loose torrents of rain. Link on the other hand was hidden outside one of the castle’s many corridors open to the outside; a simple structure of archways with a roof overhead. He wasn't hiding simply for the fun of it- though he sometimes did that too when an uptight noble was looking for him. He happened to be waiting for someone, or rather a group he knew would be passing through this corridor any second.
Like clockwork, excited chattering could be heard from just around the corner. A group of ladies rounded into the corridor, giggling and exchanging the latest gossip, their hair hung loose and extra accessories in their hands.
These were the ladies of the court; noble daughters who worked closely with the princess. Link had quickly caught on to their typical day-to-day schedule, and what hallways they used. Right about now, they would be returning from afternoon tea- and as always, Zelda would be trailing a few paces behind the chattering ladies.
Link chanced a look around the pillar, smirking. As usual, he spotted the lovely brunette, her gloves clasped in her hands and eyes focused intently on the floor.
The front of their group passed Link's hiding spot without a second glance. They were too engrossed in their own matters to even notice the shadow that shot out to sneak behind the princess.
Link grabbed the unsuspecting woman's hands, wrapping an arm around her waist as he pulled her through one of the many archways. Zelda gave a short startled gasp as Link pressed them both against the stone wall, her surprise quickly fading when she noticed who her captor was.
They stayed silent, breath mixing as they waited for the last voice to fade around the corner, faces wide with grins as they stood barely inches apart.
"And to what do I owe this pleasant little visit?" Zelda murmured, brushing aside his damp bangs when they were completely alone.
"It's raining," he responded cheekily, glancing around the arch to make sure the last stragglers were truly gone, "I figured we could enjoy it."
He offered her his hand, smile smug as she took it with an amused expression. Zelda gave a small squeal of surprise as he pulled her out into the rain, the cool droplets soaking into their hair and clothes in a matter of minutes. Link held her hand tightly as the two crossed the courtyard and ran through a familiar arch, a picturesque scene greeting them.
The palace gardens had always been a favorite place for the young couple. The large bushes gave them a sense of comfort and the sweet aroma of the flowers never failed to amaze them. It felt even more like a dream on days like these. The rain covered everything in droplets of water that shimmered like gems, each plant a stunning centerpiece so exceptionally imperfect its beauty was like that of nothing else. The garden was their little oasis where they had spent countless hours tucked away behind trees to exchange sweet words and short kisses.
Link led her over the large willow tree, parting aside the long curtain-like vines and ushering her in. The thick foliage protected them a little from the rain, hanging over them like a canopy delicately woven from string. Link didn’t mind the drizzle that found its way down, and he assumed by Zelda’s chuckle that she didn’t mind either.
With a large flourish of his arms, Link bowed deeply to the woman standing in front of him, holding her hand out at arm’s length, “May I have this dance, Princess?” he asked, taking care to pronounce his words delicately as he’d been taught to do when in the presence of such an important person as herself.
Zelda chuckled again, deep and breathy. Link felt his heart soar whenever he heard her small laughs or saw her wide smile, knowing they were reserved for those she trusted. She was still royalty, after all, so her position required a calm mind and little interference from her emotions. Most days she held a cool disposition, her thoughts clear and precise as she navigated the wandering maze of loopholes that was politics. She seemed almost like an ethereal being to most, void of any emotion and perfect in every way. That was why Link cherished these moments, where she was simply Zelda, her flaws and emotions on display, knowing she’d be loved for them regardless.
“Yes, you may, Hero,” she responded cordially, dipping into an elegant curtsy.
Link grinned and tugged her closer, their hands folding perfectly together as his arm found a place around her waist as he had been taught. He started to sway and Zelda fell perfectly in rhythm, patiently guiding him when his steps went astray. The two had spent much of their time dancing under the protection of this very tree, Zelda teaching him every step and every rhythm.
“It is quite nice when it’s raining, isn’t it?” Link asked lifiting his arm to give her a spin, making sure to pull her back in close, “It seems like it’s just us left in the gardens.”
“I would say that as well,” Zelda murmured face much closer than before.
She looked stunning from this angle. Raindrops adorned her head like a crown, gems of moonlight shimmering against her chestnut locks. Her smile was soft but it warmed Link’s heart with the heat of a thousand suns, her hand tracing playfully across his neck.
Perfect was such a strong word- but Link couldn’t find another that described the moment better.
The two continued to sway together, no melody to guide them besides the one silently pulling the strings of their hearts and the rhythm of the rain. Zelda rested her head on Link’s shoulder, letting out a deep sigh. Link could feel her relax, the weight of her body resting against him, not that he minded in the least. He was content to continue their slow simple steps, the rain showering down around them like a silver curtain. Their clothes and hair were damp, but it felt refreshing after the hot days that had filled the earlier part of the week.
“This is nice,” Zelda murmured after a while, lifting her head to smile almost sleepily at him, “even the rain is nice,” she reached up a hand and pushed back his bangs, chuckling when the wet hair stayed slicked back, “though I think it’s almost time we head back.”
Link frowned and let pushed her gently away before pulling her back in with a spin, resting his chin on her shoulder, “Why?” he asked, murmuring in her ear, “aren’t you having fun? And it hasn’t even been that long”
“Yes,” Zelda chuckled when he peppered her neck and cheek with kisses, “but we’re getting awfully wet, love. I don’t think my maids will be very happy when I give them a soaked dress.”
Link sighed and spun her around again, burning his face in the crook of her neck, “I don’t wanna,” he mumbled, taking in her sweet and fresh scent.
“Hmm,” Zelda hummed softly, curling bits of his hair around her finger, “how about we get a dry change of clothes, some tea, and a seat by the fire? Maybe grab a soft blanket or a few books?”
Link gave a muffled answer, face still buried, but his ears perked up at the suggestion.
“I know I piqued your interest,” Zelda murmured, one finger tracing along his ear.
“Maybe,” Link mumbled, his head perking up, “but it’s so fun in the rain.”
Zelda giggled and leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, “Yes, but it’s time to head in, yeah?”
Link had to chuckle at the improper words uttered by the princess- clearly, she’d been influenced by Ashei. “As you wish, my Princess.”
In one fluid movement, Link swept Zelda off her feet, the princess gasping in surprise. “Link, what-” she began, but her words died away. She clasped her hand’s around his neck on instinct, her head pressing against his as they bowed their heads against the rain. The two were a giggling mess as Link made a run for the princess’s room, the rain still falling in torrents around them.
Link was breathless as he dropped the princess back onto her feet, grinning as he gestured to the sturdy vines clinging to the stone wall. It was a convenient addition to the castle- as the gardener had told Link, it was a ‘special sort of plant; ‘the kind that can hold a good bit of weight’. He had then winked to the hero and walked off, whistling a merry tune as those very vines had been climbed for the first time.
Since that day Link, and even Zelda, had used them often. The hero’s grin threatened to split his face as he watched the princess climb the short ways in no time. If any of the nobles knew of these vines, they would have them burned to ashes. It could perhaps be seen as scandalous when the hero scaled the wall to Zelda’s room late in the night, or the princess herself returning early in the morning- but luckily for them, none had seen or bothered to report their foolish love-stricken antics.
When Zelda’s skirt disappeared over the rail Link began his accent, gripping the thick vine and pulling himself up. The climb was short, barely a minute had passed before he tumbled over the stone parapet and right into the princess’s waiting arms.
“Such a graceful hero,” she teased, helping him to steady his balance before pulling him over the threshold and out of the rain.
Zelda’s room was as cozy as ever. A small fire was lit in the hearth, plush carpets spread along the wooden floors, and the scent of fresh flowers always hanging in the air. Link took a deep breath, his eyes closing for a moment as he felt the princess’s warm hands slip from his own. It felt strange to him that the castle had almost come to feel like a second home to him- a boy who was much more acquainted with rough but cozy structures made of wood and clay. Though he supposed he didn’t find every hallway or large stony room inviting, just a select few- mainly the cozy corners where he had spent countless hours tucked away with the princess.
“Don’t forget to take off your shoes,” Zelda reminded him, her voice coming from what sounded to be the large closet hidden around the corner, “I truly feared for my life the last time you left muddy footprints on the carpet. I was sure that Madame Telyn was going to lock me away for eternity.”
Link grinned again, slipping his feet from his sodden boots before trodding on the soft carpet. He wandered towards the fire, hand’s outstretched to receive it’s warmth as he admired the sparse decorations he’d seen at least a hundred times.
Zelda rounded the corner again wearing a simple smock dress, and a dry change of clothes in her hand as she walked to join him, pushing the bundle into arms. Link accepted them gladly, eager to change from the sodden material clinging to his skin. Over time it seemed more and more of his things had ended up residing permanently in Zelda’s quarters- not that he minded in the least.
“Thank you,” he told her kindly, peeling off his wet shirt.
“Go into the restroom,” Zelda chided, grabbing his arm before he could do the same to his soaked trousers.
“Why?” Link complained when she pushed him towards the cold tiled room, “it’s not like you haven’t seen me without my-”
“You’re dripping all over the place,” she cut in without missing a beat, “I already told you how much Madame Telyn loves these carpets.”
Link scoffed but silently obeyed, trudging to the dreary and cold room. He quickly exchanged his wet clothes for the soft ones she’d given him, the dry fabric like a warm embrace against his cold skin. After hanging his things next to hers on the tub he scurried back out into the room, eager to find his place close to the waiting princess.
He found her still warming by the fire, hands outstretched and expression twisted with thought. Not a moment was wasted before Link all but tackled her to the soft couch. She gasped in surprise at the contact before wasting away in a fit of soft giggles, twisting in his embrace to see his proud face.
“I haven’t gotten that tea I promised you,” she murmured, hands finding his face.
“I don’t mind,” he whispered back. He was perfectly content without the tea, her hands all the warmth he needed as they found his neck, then traced playfully along his collar bone.
The rain still pounded against the roof, its rhythm peaceful and the solitude it provided refreshing. Both Hero and princess exchanged a heartfelt look, noses pressed together and bodies wrapping around each other in a comfortable embrace. It was rainy days like these that the two Hylians treasured. They were content to idle away the time, no councilors to rush them or peers inspecting their every move. It was just the two of them. They could sneak a dance in the garden as the heavens dusted them in a silver shower, or huddle away in the castle, safe and content in each other’s arms, nothing but the water drumming outside to interrupt their moment of solitude.
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I originally bought The Infernal Devices on my nook and I’m now wanting the physical copies. I’m planning on buying the boxset since it’s cheaper than buying them individually. This might be a silly question, but I was wondering if anyone knew if Clockwork Princess in the hardback boxset still had the family tree inside the cover? I love all those additional details and would hate to miss out on having it. Thanks in advance!
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darkrosekimi · 1 year
It is Esme Hardcastle’s fault for the inaccuracy of the family tree in the Clockwork Princess.
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blurrypetals · 1 year
Chain of Thorns by Cassandra Clare - blurrypetals review
originally posted feb. 23, 2023 - ★★★★★
This review contains untagged spoilers And that's all for The Last Hours, folks! Hard to believe this might be our last Shadowhunters book for a while but man, what a nice place to be left for now! (Also, just as a bit of a side-note: it's a little wild to me that we only have The Black Volume of the Dead and The Wicked Powers left to look forward to in the series! I'm fine with waiting a little while for the Chronicles to end but I can't believe there's only 4 left after all these years!) I'll be honest, this is probably my least favorite finale Cassie has put together, but that doesn't really speak to poor quality of this book. Instead, it just speaks to the incredible quality of City of Heavenly Fire, Clockwork Princess, and Queen of Air and Darkness. Also, goddamn it Cassie, quit killing off some of my favorite side characters in your finales! First Raphael, now Christopher? I cannot. I am so sad about it, so disappointed for the lack of a future for him and Grace. I really was looking forward to more from them and am very sad we won't be getting it, not like Jesse and Lucie did despite a little ol' case of death. That said, it's honestly pretty great how much Cassie has played with that found family tree from Clockwork Princess all those years ago and the expectations it set for certain relationships and the people we thought would have survived, like Christopher and his cousin Barbara. But enough about the disappointment! Cassie's biggest strength is out in full force like always here: the romance! Man, every single couple is practically at their peak here and it's so good for my heart to see James and Cordelia, Jesse and Lucie, Anna and Ari, and perhaps my favorite here in this book, Thomas and Alastair, get so much time together, each. Stories just resolve so satisfyingly and man, that epilogue! Apart from the Bane-Lightwood wedding in Queen of Air and Darkness, this is the least soul crushing epilogue we've had in a while! I'm always so enchanted and excited to read these books and this book was absolutely no different despite not totally blowing me away like past entries did. I can't wait to see what the rest of these vast Chronicles have left to offer in this final upcoming trilogy, but for now I'm so satisfied with where we've paused. Until next time, Cassie!
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park-carstairs · 1 year
Chain of Thorns- an honest review
Now, before I begin, Cassie is one of my absolute favorite authors and I love the Shadowhunter Chronicles to death. This is just an honest opinion on this book and I hope that I will be able to express how I truly feel. 
Let us address the elephant in the room and talk about the writing of this book. *sigh* I have read bittersweet endings, happy endings and gaping endings from Cassie and I seriously did not expect such a bland ending? For a finale? Even the writing of this book is bland. It was giving ‘ I need to finish this book cause of deadlines’ instead of ‘I need to finish this book cause it is a book well beloved’. The pacing was rather poor and everything was happening at once. It made me want to see how the book was REALLY supposed to end before everything with covid, which apparently was the main reason for the major editing of the ending to the current one.
Next, the execution. The action scenes were done in typical Cassandra Clare way and were impeccably done and so were the intimate scenes *I’m looking at you James and Cordelia*. However, the fluff scenes were to put it in one word, boring. They didn’t feel the way they did in earlier books and there was too much angst.
I was NOT HAPPY when Matthew/Cordelia/James became a thing. I just don’t want any more love triangles after herongraystairs and this one was done rather poorly. I feel it just added 400 pages of unwanted angst.
I am still SEETHING at how Cassie handled Christopher’s death. It was like she needed someone to die in this series and she chose him for whatever reason. It really didn’t help when NO ONE seemed to be grieving. And no, this isn’t a case of different ways of grieving, it’s just not doing it AT ALL. 
I also am NOT HAPPY at the way we seemed to gloss over the topic of Matthew’s alcoholism after two and a half books and a whole novella. I really wanted to see his road to recovery and that was fallen to the wayside by an iratze . A RUNE!!!!!
I also was not a fan of the whole Lucie and Cordelia thing. They are supposed to be great friends and we are not seeing this. Cordelia was also awful to Lucie and that needs no justification. 
I have many questions about the found family tree and the errors if it was Esme Hardcastle who wrote it. 
Let’s got to the positives before you think I hate this book.
Anna and Ari. I just loved that we see Ari reclaim herself even change her name and get to live with Anna.
Thomas and Alastair. I was sobbing at the end of Chain of Iron and I seem to be satisfied with what happened to the two of them. 
Grace. Her redemption arc was one I was looking forward to and Cassie did not disappoint.
Jesse. It’s so wonderful to see him as a mortal and I’m so happy even for his relationship with Lucie
All in all, was it my favorite ending? No, still Clockwork Princess.
Was it one that could be okay? Yeah, I guess. 
I hope that The Wicked Powers will be a powerful conclusion to this wonderful world.
Happy Hunting,
-Bernie Lewis,
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ladyhindsight · 7 months
I dont remember if you've talked about this yet, but what are your thoughts on the whole family tree debacle after CHoT came out? It's obvious that CC wasn't originally planning on writing TLH when she made that family tree because it makes no sense now.
I’ve talked about the family tree a couple of times on the blog but never really went into it in detail, because once it became a point of discussion (after I made a comment about it as to Alastair and Thomas’ relationship working out) it was already known to have been an “inaccurate” one at that point. I was told that, essentially, the fake family tree included “fake marriages, secret adoption, people being secretly dead, people being secretly other people, faked deaths, or people marked dead when they became Downworlders/mundanes. Clare said that the Carstairs records were destroyed on purpose & Silent Bros make the family trees. It seems the implication is the family tree is inaccurate b/c Jem is covering stuff up. He has motivation to do this for the Carstairs & Herondales, if not the Lightwoods.” (Most likely refers to this answer given by Clare.)
Then we got The Last Hours (that was over 10 years in the making) and Chain of Thorns that barely made the family tree make any more sense than it did before. It resolved something, at least revealed the inaccuracies of the found one, but also added more to the pile of bullshit that was the whole mess with it.
When complaining about discussing Chain of Thorns, I wrote that Esme Hardcastle “was shoved in there in order to explain the “found family tree”, which at some point, I have no doubt, was how things were supposed to be, until Clare had more ideas for the Edwardian kids. No other characters in whole of TSC have gone through so many changes as these characters have. And as such, to keep the predictability at minimum—which isn’t a lot—the old family tree is made up by Esme, so Clare can spin this tale why it wasn’t accurate. Grace didn’t marry Christopher, Alastair didn’t have children (probably?). Then Clare had all these surprise babies coming because the way she chose to end the story for the Edwardian kids would mean no Emma, no Clary as we know them. So new Carstairs baby, new Fairchild twins.”’
And then she messed up the Lightwoods also. Clare’s insistency on everything including Herondales, Carstairs, Failchilds, Lightwoods, and Blackthorns has always been and always will be the core reason why everything goes to shit. Clare rides on the wings of nostalgia and familiarity with these names every series she writes and is incapable of letting them go and writing a trilogy about some other families. So, some points I’d like to bring up as to this (wholly based on my feelings and observations and are in no way factual but anyway):
THE FAIRCHILD TWINS. Originally (referring to the found family tree that had no reason to go under any change until Clare decided to write The Last Hours) Jocelyn and Clary were either Matthew’s or Charles’ descendants, I don’t remember which one was the assumed ancestor. In Clockwork Princess, the epilogue tells us that when Will was on his deathbed, “Charlotte, white-haired and upright, and the Fairchild sons and daughters with their curling red hair like Henry’s had once been” were present. Which, if Clare would cling to any consistency, would mean the twins should be girls.
Are these daughters ones that existed before or after Clare came up with Matthew’s mistake regarding Charlotte (Before Matthew was said to have golden hair because the epilogue states all of the Fairchild kids have red hair like Henry’s)? Right now it seems that there’s no definite answer which one of the Fairchild children are Jocelyn’s (and thus Clary’s) ancestor. Could be anyone but probably not Charles. Either way it all feels insufficient, because Clare was never interested in the Fairchilds beyond Clary, Jocelyn, Charlotte and now later Matthew. There were no other Fairchilds ever even mentioned, no other Fairchild line that existed beyond Jocelyn’s, no cousins or aunts or uncles or distant relatives. And now that it is ending with Clary eventually becoming Herondale, I feel like Clare is trying to backtrack and keep Charlotte and Henry’s line of Fairchild in existence some way or the other.
(Also already in 2015 Clare teased the connection between Jocelyn’s mother Adele Nightshade and Anselm Nightshade so I guess there is an avenue for that, but nothing to do with the Fairchilds.)
CHRISTOPHER LIGHTWOOD. Clare said on her blog that she knew from the very beginning Kit was going to die, but in Clockwork Princess, the epilogue, reads that “Cecy’s blue-eyed boys, tall and handsome” were present on Will’s deathbed. Mind you, the epilogue is Tessa's counting of events and nothing to do with some shitty family tree that isn't even accurate.
BARBARA LIGHTWOOD. Referring to the same epilogue in Clockwork Princess: “Gideon and Sophie’s two girls” were present on Will’s deathbed, meaning originally Barbara didn't die either. Unless Sophie will also have a surprise baby like Sona and Charlotte.
ALEXANDER LIGHTWOOD (the first one). Recently I noticed that changing Alec and Isabelle’s ancestor from Kit to Alex created a pretty huge problem. Having Alex continue the family line makes absolutely no goddamn sense because he was born 1900 and the next known descendant Isidore that is Isabelle and Alec’s great grandfather was born 1908. (Also are surprised that I mostly listed Lightwoods here, as if they were the least thought about...)
I get that Clare said like 10 years ago (at earliest, when TID finished, I had to go check when this thing actually originated because I honestly didn't know before this) that the family tree is a “found object” and not reliable. But what she wrote previous to this whole things doesn’t align with her earlier plans either and only creates a confusing narrative.
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