#clone oc wraith x you
dickarchivist Β· 7 months
Hiya! Can I make a Grave Squad fic request with a couple of prompts from the prompts list by @novelbear? It doesn't matter which clone is doing what for the first prompt (it's a first kiss prompt, but it could be anything--Phantom getting a massage, blaster lesson with Specter, medic patching up Wraith, whatever), and even though we know who would probably be taking the picture in the second prompt, that could be anyone too!
-feeling each other instantly relax as they both get instantly comfortable
-their hearts stopping when they hear smeone's camera click (a friend catching them in the act) ----------
Dream Walking
Clone oc Wraith x gn!Reader (civilian, implied force sensitive)
Word Count: 2613
Prompt: First Kiss prompts: feeling each other instantly relax as they both get instantly comfortable
Rating: T, nothing naughty but it's a got angst, Minors dni as always πŸ”ž
Contents and Warnings: injuries (nothing super graphic) coming back from a mission, hurt/comfort and fussing, cuties bein cute
Summary: Wraith won't wake up after an attack by Separatists on a relief mission. Not one to give up on his boys, Jedi General Dax'Malkin Valka sends you in to see what’s keeping Wraith from waking.
Author's Notes: Wraith is such a nervous lil guy, always wants to do good by everyone else, he's never going to notice when someone takes interest in him romantically unless they spell it out for him. Then he'll check their spelling.
Thank you @eclec-tech for this prompt, and for waiting so patiently!! I hope you enjoy it β™‘β™‘β™‘
"Ah- Athena, did you have a nightmare? Come on vod'ika, you can sleep here with me."
*Banshee you're going to catch a cold, put your shirt back on.*
"Ghost, we're all eating. Sit down, eat with us."
"Phantom I'm not giving you a plaster for your cheek. No I don't care that you were slapped, you probably deserved it... ugh, do you want regular medtape or one of Athena's flower patches?"
"General Valka, if you keep sleeping in the pilot chair, you'll ruin your back. At least let up put up a hammock for you."
You've been around the 404th long enough to know that Wraith is essentially their mother. He frets and worries about them more than you've seen any other clone do. And soo self sacrificing, working those long hours even when he doesn't have to, or specifically told not to. You'd been volunteering time with the GAR as nurse assistant, not knowing how to truly patch someone up, but enough know how to stabilize someone until a real medic got there.
You'd been stationed with the 404th on a relief mission to help provide support to a small moon that had been caught in the crossfire of a nasty battle. The Republic had come out victorious this time, but the citizens had seen better days. As you walked through the relief tent, checking on sleeping soldiers and locals, you catch a glimpse of the familiar spiked back of General Dax'Malkin. As you make your way over to the General, your chest starts to tighten with anxiety at the sight of the helmet beside him.
Pristine white, lovingly painted with a single stripe of flowers. Wraith.
You were used to seeing his brothers in the medbay, but not him. Not in a bed like this. Wraith was brought in by his general, the Zebrak hadn't left his side at all since getting there despite both of them looking battle worn. Dax'Malkin had his share of injuries, but nothing as bad as Wraith.
Your throat is dry, hands shaking as you kneel down and check the bandages that covered the stump of his knee. He'll be needing a prosthetic, and if it were any other battalion you'd worry about them simply throwing him away, but you're comforted knowing that General Valka wouldn't let them do that. He'd get Wraith the care he needs.
You hear Dax'Malkin grunt, his eyes finally focusing on you, "He's stable, should have awoken by now."
"And his brothers?" You finally choke out. You can tell with proper care, Wraith will recover, but you don't see the rest of Grave, and know that Wraith wouldn't survive losing them.
"Safe. Alive. Helping others," The jedi growls, holding his side, with a wince. He chuckles at the pain in his ribs, blue eyes dancing in the low lights strung about the med tent. They look hungry, angry. A dance of violence, "The Separatists got lucky this time. The others weren't at the initial blast, Wraith wasn't as fortunate. "
Your heart sinks into your stomach, "Why... why is Wraith not waking up?"
"That's what I need you to figure out."
Before you can question any further, Dax's hand shoots out and touches to your forehead. The next thing you know, you're in an impossibly vast ocean. You're standing on a rain soaked tarmac, waves crashing on all sides, but amidst the storm, you hear splashing footsteps and laughing.
Five little boys run passed you, and at first you don't recognize them, but then you hear one speak, "Guys! You'll slip if you're not careful! Please, let's go back, at least to put some shoes on!"
Wraith. He's so little, smaller than the others. Missing a tooth, bandaid over his nose. He sniffles, tears welling in his big eyes, "Don't get hurt, please!"
The leader, Ghost, you think, stops running and turns around, "1789! Come on, we have to get back before Nal Tsuba figures out we aren't in our bunks! You have to hurry!"
"Yeah, come on 1789! Hurry up, we don't-" the blond with the scowl, Specter you think, slips just like little Wraith predicted. You run forward to try and catch him, but he slips through your form, falling toward the churning sea below. "1313!!"
Little Ghost freezes, watching his brother fall. Before the others can move, Wraith does. He dives in after Specter without a second thought, launching his tiny frame over the rails to catch Specter. You hold your breath, close you eyes, and wait for a splash... but it never comes. Your eyes peek open, and then you see it, his little foot between the bars of the rail. "1666! 1404! 1313! A little help!?"
The three others finally snap out of their shock, pulling the other two up. Young Specter is clinging to Wraith as they're pulled up, big scared eyes as his fists are balled in Wraith's cadet uniform. Wraith hasn't set his foot down yet, supporting himself and Specter on one foot. You know the look of it, and can tell his ankle is broken from here, yet the smallest clone there still keeps soothing his rattled but otherwise unharmed brother.
Once they're all on the right side of the rail, Wraith smacks each of their shoulders hard, including Specter once he's calmed enough to let go. Wraith throws a tiny tantrum, hopping on one foot, his tears invisible in the rain but not his voice, "Jerks! Do you have any idea how stupid this is!? 1551 nearly DIED!! Why are we even out here, why'd we sneak away!?"
The four boys around him are quiet, before crowding him in a group hug, holding his shaking frame. The one with shaggy hair, you think this one's Phantom, sets his head on Wraith's "We wanted you to see the green flash... you never sneak out with us, and last time we did, we saw it. 1666 said it looked like your eye, we thought you'd like it."
The biggest, another blond, he signs, and you know right away this one's Banshee. His hands are too obscured for you to see, but Wraith nods at him, and Banshee turns around in front of him, then crouches.
"I broke my ankle saving Specter..." you jump, giving a small yip, and the Wraith you know is beside you, chuckling, his eyes sad as he watches the small boys tut along in the downpour, "We didn't even see the flash they were talking about, I've never seen it. Nal Tsuba was waiting for us when we got back inside, she was so angry..."
The dream turns, and you're in the painted walls of The Crypt. It's empty in there, save for you and Wraith. He moves silently toward his little bunk, a bottom bunk, right across from the one you know is Athena's. He lays down in the soft bed, quiet, before looking over at you, "So, how long's left?"
"How long for what?"
"Of my life. I'm hurt, I know that much. General Valka was trying to help me when I lost consciousness, my mind's been treating me to the tragedy that is my worried existence, and now you're here. My biggest regret." He smiles so lovingly when he says that, and for just a second, you want to slap him so hard he wakes, just so you can slap him again.
"I never told you how I feel. So many times, stars, I couldn't even touch your hand without jumping away. You and your endless patience with me, I must have been so annoying... you always smiled at me, accommodated my nerves, relaxed me like no one else could, not even my brothers..." He lays back with a sigh, that awful self loathing smile on his face, "Now I'll never get to tell you."
"Stop talking like that," you move forward, careful not to spook him, and get town on your knees beside his bunk. You yip again when he grabs you, pulling you into the close quarters with him. He'd never be that bold if he were awake, "Wraith-"
"The name fits, doesn't it? Wraith, an insubstantial person."
"Stop it..."
"Do you think, if I'd told you, we could have been happy together?-"
"Of course if you answer, it's just my dying brain telling me what I want to hear, so-"
"Knock it off!"
"It'll probably tell me the truth, actually, that it would have done nothing, because you don't feel the same wa-"
You slap him. His mix matched eyes look up at you in shock, blush joining the red mark on his cheek. "How did that hurt..."
"Because I'm here you dummy!" You sit up on his lap, your hands balled up in his blacks against his chest, "General Valka grabbed my face and put me in wherever you are! Now wake up! Right now Wraith!"
Wraith squirms under you, much like he has every other time you've so much as brushed your shoulder on his by accident. His eyes prick with tears, "You're not- you can't be here, why are you here? Please be a figment. You don't know I said that stuff. Get out of my dying brain, I'm not taking you with me!"
You pin him down by the shoulders, then give him a small shake before your hands move to his face, "You're not dying, you're just stuck! Now by the force I swear, if you don't wake up I'm going to shave your head bald."
"But you like my hair!" Wraith's hands go protectively into the thick curls on his head, pushing them away from you, "Don't you dare!"
"Then wake up!"
You gasp loudly, falling onto the hospital floor. Your stomach does a flip, and you find yours looking up at General Valka's tired face. "Well?"
"It's... what... HOW!?"
"Dream walking. What's wrong with my boy?" Dax'Malkin offers you absolutely zero explanation, like every other jedi, but at least it wasn't cryptic, just vague.
Once you get your legs under you, it doesn't take long for your hands to find Wraith's face. You set your forehead to his, "He's just stuck... can you put me back in? I can't leave him like-- G-General Valka?"
When you hear the sound of a soft snore so close by, you turn to look at Dax'Malkin, and can't help but chuckle a little. He'd fallen asleep, his arms folded neatly, head back and mouth hanging open. You shake your head, then look back down to Wraith... his vitals were good, his wounds tended, why wasn't he waking up?
You take a deep breath and get into the cot with Wraith, your arms curling around him, your head on his chest. Breathing is normal, heartbeat steady, "What's got you trapped in that pretty head of yours, Wraith..."
You touch your forehead, thinking about how it felt when General Valka had done it. Warm, quiet, safe. You wiggle your way up a little, then press your foreheads together, taking a few deep breaths and focusing on Wraith.
You're back on The Crypt with Wraith, who's reliving is in another memory. Athena's sitting in his lap the two of them watching stars on the view deck. "Which one is that one vod'ika?"
"It's uh... we're above Lothal, so... Oh! The Twin Wolves!" Athena grins brightly, then points to another constellation, "That one, Ori'vod."
"Aaah... Trash Cat?" Wraith laughs with Athena, his eyes barely open as he watches Athena roll out of his lap and onto the floor with the force of her laughter, "I don't know! We- ha- we didn't have to learn the constellations passed navigation! None of the fun stuff like Buir Dax teaches you!"
"Fine, no more stars, teach me some more Mando'a. What's Buir?" Athens beams up at Wraith, who's blushing hard, "C'mon, is it a swear?"
"No!" Wraith laughs again, then gets down on the deck with Athena, looking up to the stars with her again, "No, it's not a swear... it's a title, a very important one. You know vod, yeah? Sibling. Ori'vod, big sibling. Vod'ika, little sibling," He kisses her head when he says the last one, "Buir is... parent."
"You guys call Master Dax... dad?"
There's a small pause, and you can see the apprehension in Wraith's body, the whole of him going stiff with a held breath before he lets it out, "We do. He... treats us like people. But it's more than that, he-" Wraith stops a second, wiping his eyes, "Buir Dax treats us like we matter."
Athena wraps Wraith in a full body hug, her arms around his chest and legs locked around his waist as she curls into his side. His arm going around her, as he covers his face with one hand. It's unspoken, but even just seeing it, you understand Athena is telling him they matter to her too.
"That was a few nights ago... she's so smart, you know? Always wants to learn something, always wants to help... you'll look after her for me, right?" You feel Wraith's hand in yours, as you turn your head the memory fades and you're left with him. Now's Wraith. "I know you're just a figment, but could you promise me anyway?"
"No. Wraith, you're alive, okay? I know you are, because I checked your vitals. You don't have that leg," you nudge his foot with yours, "But you're alive... General Valka made sure of that. So just... wake up. Please? Wake up for her, for him, for your brothers, just--wake up!"
He chuckles a little, his shoulders drooping, "If I don't have a leg, I'll just slow them down... they'll decommission me, likely. Why wake up when I could stay here with you?"
"Because I'm out there, and so are you! Because I won't let them take you away from me! Because I love you, you- you- ugh! I love you, you nervous wreck of a man! Now wake the hell up!" You push him a little, your fingers locking up around his scrubs as you haul him back to cling to him.
As tears spill over, you bury your face into his neck, "Please... I need you to wake up."
You feel his hands on your back, warm and solid, and when you open your eyes, you're in the med tent, General Valka still snoring. But not Wraith.
He looks into your eyes, his own mix matched wide and full of apprehension. "Is this still a d-" You don't let him finish.
You surge forward, kissing him hard, teeth knocking together a moment before you pull back a little and settle against his lips. He's stiff at first, but very soon you're melting into each other, his hands holding you to him.
"I mean it, you know. That I love you..."
"You did?" He smiles, eyes dreamy as he nuzzles into your embrace.
"I do, not did. I do mean it... and I'm not letting them decommission you." Your dreamy smiles only last a second before both of you tense.
"Oh, don't you worry Mesh'la, we aren't letting them decomm Ray either." As you turn your heads, you see Phantom, Banshee, Specter, Ghost, and Athena coming through the tent flap, "That was some kiss~"
"Tommy! Shut up!" Wraith squirms, trying to shield you, as if Phantom were a threat.
As the brothers laugh and crowd, happy to see Wraith awake, Athena kneels down beside you. She takes your and in both of hers, smiling softly, "Thanks for getting my brother back."
You give her hands a soft squeeze, smiling right back at her, blush still painting your cheeks, "Thanks for sharing him."
Tag list!
@anxiouspineapple99 @wolffegirlsunite @wizardofrozz @eclec-tech @dystopicjumpsuit @clonethirstingisreal @wings-and-beskar @sunshinesdaydream @multi-fan-dom-madness @starrylothcat @n0vqni
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fandom-friday Β· 2 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
πŸ’• = 18+ content πŸŸͺ = contains spoilers of a currently running show
The Clone Wars: It Only Takes a Spark (Purge Trooper Cody x f!Inquisitor Reader) by @vodika-vibes πŸ’• Time After Time (Commander Cody x f!Reader) by @the-rain-on-kamino Theirs (Commander Fox x f!Reader x Commander Wolffe) by @vodika-vibes πŸ’• Don't Stop on My Account (Commander Wolffe x f!Reader) by @dickarchivist πŸ’• One Spotchka Too Many (Captain Rex x f!Reader) by @twistedsarchive Captain Rex x OC Nia Ficlet by @eternal-transcience πŸ’• The Last Word (Fives x OC Mal Darroch) by @ariadnes-red-thread Shattered Sunrise (Mace Windu x OC Danica Morrow) by @pickleprickle The Choices We Make, The Paths We Tread by lildropofmagic (AO3) The Number Lads by @jgvfhl
The Bad Batch: The Hostage by @kybercrystals94 Freeze Thaw by AnEchoInHere (AO3)
The Book of Boba Fett: πŸ’• This Tender Love (Boba Fett x f!Reader) by @daimyosprincess πŸ’• Worth the Risk (Boba Fett x f!Reader) by @daimyosprincess
Star Wars Original Trilogy: Revelations by shOokspeared (AO3)
Republic Commando: πŸ’• Off the Grid (Niner Skirata x f!Reader) by @the-rain-on-kamino
Batman: Lavender Blood by @starkskypines
Hetalia: Axis Powers: Grey Skies Over London by Gemini Star 01 (ff.net) Every Generation by Gemini Star 01 (ff.net) Gutters by Glassamilk (ff.net) Ditches by Glassamilk (ff.net)
Call of Duty: πŸ’• Riptide (Price x f!Reader) by @the-californicationist
Crossover AUs: Edward's Babysitting Service (Hetalia: Axis Powers X Fullmetal Alchemist Crossover) by orphan_account (AO3) Conversations With Patronizing Jerks (Hetalia: Axis Powers X Star Wars Crossover) by @basketofnova
The Clone Wars: Republic Troops 501st Poster by @boggsart Clone Wars Band Art by @pinkiemme Captain Rex Art by @vivaislenska Captain Rex Art by @kheimerios Captain Rex Art by @rackcty Mace Windu Art by @mudpuddless Fives and OC Elara McTavish Art by @aliettali OC Kazi and OC Daria by @eyecandyeoz (from I Yearn and So I Fear by @enigmaticexplorer) Clone OC Atlas Art by @orionfrommars
The Bad Batch: Bad Batch Selfie Art by @collophora Happy Ending Bad Batch Art by @mroddmod Hunter and Omega Art by @blxem1lk Hunter Redesign by @snw-faatuatua πŸŸͺ (TBB S3) Hunter Art by @soularsss πŸŸͺ (TBB S3) CX-2 Art by @notnyxxy Tech Art by @rexxdjarin Tech and Phee's Children OCs by @nightskyfoxyy A Place to Hide by @the-rain-on-kamino
Star Wars Original Trilogy: Young Boba Fett Art by @mrs2224
Jedi: Survivor: BD-1 Art by @eriadus
Batman: Batman's Boys by @inverted-typo
How to Train Your Dragon: Meatlug Art by @spacenintendogs
Call of Duty: Wraith by @bluegiragi
GIF Sets:
The Book of Boba Fett: Kia Kaha, Kia Maia, Kia Manawanui by @bobafettdaily
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kitkatt0430 Β· 2 months
Wedge, Lando, Mara Jade, and Chewbacca for the character bingo!
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I know Wedge best from the X-Wing books I've read and a few other Legends books here and there. And I always get SOOOOO excited to see him pop up in the books. Usually leading Rogue Squad. Except when he's leading Wraith Squad.
He is absolutely the reasonable adult in the room and accidentally dad to his Rogue & Wraith squads. But oh, he gets the angst as bad as anyone who gets main character status in the extended Star Wars universe. At least one of his love interests is murdered :( poor dear.
He has to put up with being tangentially associated to Jedi nonsense through multiple characters - most notably Luke Skywalker and Corran Horn - but because he's a good friend and a good person to have your back in a crisis, he never complains. They're his people, he's gonna be there for them.
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He's a con man turned legit business owner, though it's a different business every time I check in on him in Legends. lol
So he spends some time in Legends dating Mara Jade. This is later retconned into the two of them going under cover with fake dating to do some recon and Mara was probably plotting his murder the entire time. Though she only wore his clothes (better than him) and probably stole a few of the man's true love interests (his cloaks). But Lando definitely sees himself as the suave playboy, which I enjoy about him so much. (Leia/Han/Lando please???)
Lando is often the adult in the room. He has no idea how this happened and is in perpetual fake it 'til you make it mode when it happens. I love this about him and I'm always excited to see him get put in a situation. Especially when Han and/or Leia are involved. And if he gets whumped... ;)
He introduced Luke to hot chocolate, canonically (Legends), and I adore that because he looked at this Jedi of growing legendariness and accurately diagnosed him with 'perpetually a farmboy at heart'.
Mara Jade:
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Ah, my favorite Emperor's Hand, given the final mandate of killing Luke Skywalker upon the Emperor's death. Quite likely my favorite of Timothy's Zahn's Star Wars OCs, (though Karrde and Thrawn are close seconds) and she is absolutely a bit feral. Cryptid energy absolutely.
I adore that she spends so much of the Thrawn Trilogy (Legends) being driven by the Emperor's final command to kill Luke while also fighting it pretty hard while Luke is just, like... batting his eyes and going 'is this friendship? This is friendship. Leia, look at my new bestie!!!' (While Leia watches in bemusement before heading off on her own weird adventure. While being a badass pregnant woman the whole time.)
She is a trouble magnet in much the same vein as Luke too. Which is fun. I'd say she's an unapologetically Mary Sue character, which is well done here. She's a nuanced character with flaws, no one seems sure why they like her at first but she grows on them while she's actively fighting them growing on her too, and she is absolutely the one with the brain cell on Karrde's bridge every time he pulls some crazy stunt.
She's the only love interest Luke has that I don't wind up getting bored with, so it's convenient that she's the one he actually marries... and the way they go about it is they're besties and not romantic at all, but then realize that they're just... happier together and they get married once they're out of danger. Married QPPs anyone???
If not autistic then Mara definitely has some kind of neurodivergence going on, she has that ND putting up with nonsense energy so hard.
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I love Chewbacca so much. Definitely can do no wrong. Oldest character on the OG main cast, fought alongside Yoda in the clone wars, taken from his home to be enslaved, rescued by this idiot child (Han) whom he becomes a parental/older sibling to because goodness knows Han would get himself killed once a week without Chewie there looking after him.
He's definitely playing up the Wookie stereotypes on occasion for the fun of it, exuding cryptid energy in the process. Is he feral? Is he just playing on stereotypes to win at space-chess? C-3PO & R2 would certainly prefer not to find out the answer.
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ladykatakuri Β· 2 years
Stardust Reblog Challenge part 3
This will also be linked on my Master List since there will be more stories in the coming months.
The Things We Fight For Ch.1 - Hunter x F!Reader by: @arctrooper69 SFW Ch.2 here
A Dazzling Appearance - TBB x F!Reader ( prematurely silver hair ) by: @zoeykallus SFW
TBB x F!Reader - Spicy HC`s, Caught in the Act 2 by: @zoeykallus NSFW
TBB x Reader HC`s - Emergency Room by: @zoeykallus SFW
Late Night Feelings 2 - Late Night Talking, Crosshair x F!Reader by: @kaminocasey NSFW
TBB x GN!Reader - Dancing Shoes by: @nahoney22 SFW
Sun and Rain 54 - A Rare Kind, Hunter x F!O.C by: @photogirl894 SFW
Clone Effect: Rebels - Repetitive Motions, Rex x F!Shepard by: @clone-effect-nexus SFW
Good Souls Need Help Too - TBB x Reader HC`s by: @zoeykallus SFW
Grasping for Hope - A letter from Hunter to his Jedi Lover by: @arctrooper69 SFW
Kinktober 2022 - TBB Echo x Tali'Zorah vas Normandy by: @twistedstitcher27 NSFW
House of Sins & Pleasures - Galen Erso x F!Reader by: @princessxkenobi NSFW
The Light Between Oceans Ch.4 - F!Raeder x Rex, Fives x O.C Male, Fives x O.C Female by: @rowansparrow SFW
Loving the Alien - Lex Woods x Scar by: @interstellarwraith SFW
TBB x Artistic Reader HC`s by @zoeykallus SFW
Gar Cyare Ch.5 - Alpha17 x F!Reader by: @wanderinginksplot SFW
Bad Habits - TBB x Reader HC`s by: @zoeykallus SFW
Rescue Mission - TBB & Omega x Reader by: @nahoney22 SFW
The Hands of Father Time - Post Stasis Kix by: @arctrooper69 SFW
Ghost on the Dancefloor - Alex Stern x Bertram Boyce North by: @interstellarwraith SFW
Sassenach and the Spaniard Ch.5 Pero Tovar x F!Reader by: @wardenparker & @absurdthirst NSFW
Do You Hear The People Sing? - Fox x F!Reader by: @kaminocasey NSFW
A Relaxing Bath - Crosshair x F!Reader by: @zoeykallus NSFW
Dancing in the Dark - Jack Russel x Vampire!F!Reader by: @interstellarwraith SFW
One Step at a Time - OC`s in Star Wars ! by: @wild-karrde SFW
After Hours - Fives x F!Reader by: @nahoney22 SFW
Kinktober 2022 prompt: Voice Kink - Din Djarin x Reader by: @twistedstitcher27 SFW(ish)
A Red Light in the Dark - TBB x F!Former Jedi Reader by: @zoeykallus SFW
Walk Me Home Ch.5 - Wolffe x F!O.C Cherise by: @cyarbika SFW
Until the Stars Burn Out - Fives x O.C Quill x F!Reader by: @rowansparrow NSFW
Freakshow - Crosshair x F!Reader by: @nahoney22 SFW
To Belong - OC. Dune, OC Wraith and more by: @ladysongmaster SFW
Happy Birthday - TBB x Reader HC`s by: @zoeykallus SFW
Rex Thots - Rex x F!Reader by: @wild-karrde NSFW
Crosshair x F!Reader thots by: @wild-karrde NSFW
Fives x F!Reader by: @wild-karrde NSFW
Tech Thots - Tech x F!Reader by: @wild-karrde NSFW
One Moment in Time - 99 x F!Jedi Reader by: @zoeykallus SFW
No Need to be Afraid - TBB x M!Reader by: @zoeykallus SFW
@imabeautifulbutterfly@chaoticvampirejedi@hellothere-generalangsty@cyroku@reluctant-mandalore@uponrightful@zinzinina@saradika@galacticgraffiti@ashotofspotchka@dindjarindiaries@dinbeskarbaby@djarrex@djarinsbeskar@rowansparrow@photogirl894@rigelmoonshine@rigel-the-moonstrider@nahoney22@loth-wolffe@neon-junkie@bobafetts-princess@cyarbika@charnelhouse@zoeykallus@kin-rokku@jgvfhl@honestly-shite@here-comes-the-moose@dindjarindiaries@firstofficerwiggles@fictional-men-ruin-lives @ladysongmaster @lozalot @moonstrider9904@lorjukka@m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @rain-on-kamino @monako-jinn-stories @middimidoris @wild-karrde @cross-my-heartt
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uponrightful Β· 3 years
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Phantom Squad
My OC Clone Commandos: Part of "Coriolis Effect" Timeline
From top to bottom:
Omen: Detachment Commander <18A>, Big Brother Vibes, "Boss".
Wraith: Detachment Lieutenant <180A>, The Natural Soldier, "War Machine".
Ghost: Pilot, Poetically Minded <18C>, "Baby Brother".
Revenant: Heavy Infantry Specialist <18Z>, Loves Physical Affection, "Strategist".
Specter: Communications Expert <18E> , Highly Overprotective, "Man of Few Words"
Batch-brothers specialized for shadow-ops missions. Highly trained in information extortion, government-facilitated assassinations, asset protection, and anything else the Republic doesn't want anyone to know about.
All GAR mission-data on "Phantom Squad" is either falsified or completely redacted due to the sensitive material included in reports. A conclusive mission total is unknown, as is their completion percentage for said assignments. Their CT/CC/RC numbers are also redacted from Republic reports, and little else of their identities are know as fact.
"Phantom Squad" was officially decommissioned at an unknown date, leaving questions -amongst the few who knew of them- as to why such a proficient shadow-ops teams was demilitarized by the GAR.
If you want to learn more about Phantom Squad, read Coriolis Effect here. it's a multi-part Crosshair x OC fic
If you want me to write more on Phantom Squad as a stand-alone, drop me a message or leave a comment of what you'd like to see! I have great ideas for these boys, and I'd love to share my love for them with you
(a little) Taglist: @taz-107 @cagrame @catbustours @queenquazar @lackofhonor @saltywintersoldat @justanothersadperson93
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