#clone rooper
stellanslashgeode · 5 months
Contrasts - Chapter 1 - StellanSlashGeode - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Oh my goodness another chapter in a new fic. This one is half a straightforward Clone Wars arc and the other half Force shenanigans and a Post-Tales of the Empire Barrissoka reunion.
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 3): General Bracket Match 16
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Sky Graf | Identity: non-binary | Media: The High Republic Quest for Planet X
Sky Graf was a young member of the wealthy Graf family. A year before the Night of Sorrow, their father went missing looking for Planet X. To prove themselves to their family and possibly find their father, they stole their older brother’s ship the Brightbird and deemed up with Dass Leffbruk (who had previously made it to Planet X) and the Jedi padawan Rooper Nitani to use a Force artifact to try to find Planet X during the great hyperspace race. The Force artifact brought them backwards through the planets Dass had recently visited, where they face challenges while also trying to outrun Sky’s brother. During their journey, they also had to take the Path of the Open Hand member Fel Ix as a hostage. Fel Ix began to break through his cult programming, and when the news of a possible battle between the Path and the Republic reached the crew of the Brightbird, he convinced Sky to give up the search for Planet X to travel to Dalna. Fel Ix succeeded by appealing to Sky’s connection with their father by pointing out how he was a father himself. Working with Fel Ix, Sky helped defeat the Graf code that was corrupting the communication buoys in the Dalna sector, preventing more violence during the Night of Sorrow. Their brother, Helis, eventually caught up with them. But the siblings were able to talk about their feelings and reconcile. The two of them would fly the Brightbird together and continue to prospect. But Sky would no longer chase their father’s ghost.
Sky’s lifestyle was a combination of the hard and technical life of a pilot and hyperspace prospector combined with the luxury of their family’s level of wealth. They are very intelligent when it comes to science. They are confident, with a prickly exterior. They didn’t connect with Fel Ix the way Dass or Rooper did until the end, not wanting to try to understand the perspective of someone who tried to kill them. When things got serious, they showed a surprising capacity of violence and a willingness to do anything to achieve their goals. They only felt like they had unconditional love from their father, his disappearance driving them even further in conflict with their family. At the end of the book, they are more at peace, but still eager to make their own name separate from the Graf dynasty. Unusually for transgender characters in Star Wars, there is explicit discussion in their internal monolog about how they felt gender dysphoria when they started to go through puberty and how their father got them a binder.
Sabé | Identity: bisexual | Media: Queen’s Trilogy/Darth Vader comics
Sabé, born Tsabin, was a member of a family of musicians who set their daughter on the same path. However, she was only skilled enough to ever have a supporting role and instead volunteered to be one of Queen Amidala’s handmaidens. She became Padmé’s most trusted operative, pretending to be the Queen during the Invasion of Naboo. After Padmé’s term as queen ended, she remained her operative and worked with Tonra, a member of Naboo’s security force, to attempt to free slaves on Tatooine. They eventually made contact with the White Suns, a Tatioone slave liberation movement. When the Clone Wars began, Sabé once again acted as Padmé’s decoy when Padmé was away from Coruscant conducting an investigation. There she learned Anakin and Padmé were married. However, to make sure Padmé didn’t have her closest confidant, Palpatine blasted Sabé’s brain with the Dark Side until she didn’t want to work closely with Padmé anymore. Sabé spent the rest of the war helping the White Suns.
After Padmé died, Sabé founded an organization known as the Amidalans- a rebel cell consisting of Naboo (including some of the other handmaidens), who sought to avenge Padmé. They attempted to assassinate Vader (who they deemed responsible) on multiple occasions. Sabé focused on deception, preventing to work with Vader to find Padmé’s killer and infiltrating Crimson Dawn.  until she figured out that Vader was Anakin. Remembering how Padmé’s last words (which had been recorded) was “There’s still good in [Anakin]”, she decided to actually become Vader’s operative. Her given reason was that the Empire and Vader did bring order to the galaxy, but it is just as likely she is following her queen’s last order to attempt to bring the man she loved back to the light. She remained by Vader’s side even when her fellow handmaidens came to “rescue” her. Her last appearance in the comics was Vader abandoning her on a beach until she could decide to fully commit to the Dark Side (emotionally speaking).
Sabé had crushes on a handful of people and even a romantic relationship with Tonra, but her most important was her romantic love for Padmé. These feelings were requited, with Queen’s Hope creating a love triangle where Sabé represented ideology and duty and Anakin was selfish love. As we know, Padmé chose Anakin, but a deciding factor was Sabé’s self esteem being temporarily shattered by Palpatine. Her wider moral view seems to have degraded after spending over two decades focusing on avenging Padmé instead of joining the wider Rebellion. However, even working for the Empire, she hasn’t gone completely evil yet- doing things like pretending to kill a bunch of refugees to gain their loyalty instead of actually killing them.
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weirdo701 · 3 years
All 11 Lightsaber Color Meanings
All 11 Lightsaber Color Meanings [Ultimate Star Wars Guide]By
Arthur S. Poe
/ September 4, 2021
Lightsabers are an all-important asset in George Lucas’ fictional world of Star Wars. They are a weapon used predominantly by Force users, be their Jedi or the Sith, but there are some variations that have been used by other characters.
The fact that they are mostly used by Force users is explained by fact that they are actually very hard to control for people who don’t have a strong connection to the Force. They are not heavy or anything, but total control over a lightsaber requires a lot of skill, which is why “regular” characters usually avoid them, although there have been instances in the Expanded Universe where non-Force users used a lightsaber in combat.
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The movies initially presented three different lightsaber colors – blue, green, and red – but this was expanded as the franchise developed and now we have several different iterations of Lightsaber colors.
We are bringing you a list of lightsaber colors, as well as their meanings and the most famous users. You’re also going to find out a bit about the process of making a lightsaber and how the color is actually determined.
How Are Lightsabers Made?
Lightsabers are an essential part of the Star Wars mythology. We have explained that they are generally used by the Jedi and the Sith, although there are some variations of the weapon used by non-Force users in the franchise. The lightsaber is a weapon used for both offense and defense, which makes it a very practical tool to have when in trouble.
Now, the mechanics behind a functional lightsaber are quite complex and they require a lot of skill to compose properly. This is why there aren’t many lightsabers around.
In order to function properly, a lightsaber needs to draw power from an appropriately-sized power cell. Parts that are usually used to make a lightsaber include modulation circuits and an energy gate. The essential parts are a blade emitter shroud, the emitter matrix, and some type of activator to turn the weapon on and off. Additional, but non-essential parts include handgrip ridges and a blade length adjuster. Some lightsabers also had a non-lethal low-power setting used for training.
Single-bladed lightsabers generally had a belt ring so they could be hung from the wearer’s belt hook, or a wheel-shaped attachment that slotted into a matching belt clip on the owner’s belt when not in use. This way is quite practical, if you think about it.
Some specially designed lightsabers could even use unstable kyber crystals; an example of such a lightsaber was Kylo Ren’s lightsaber, which featured two laterally facing vents designed to divert excess energy away from the cracked crystal and keep the lightsaber stable.
During assembly, it was important to not accidentally invert the emitter matrix; when activated the lightsaber’s power grid would backfire. At best this could cause the blade to quickly short out, but if it was left on, the faulty weapon would violently explode, potentially killing those in close proximity.
What Are Kyber Crystals?
Alongside the complex mechanics, a kyber crystal is basically the essence of a lightsaber as it is its main source of power, the “thing” that produces the saber itself. Kyber crystals are actually rare, Force-attuned crystals that grow in nature and can be found on scattered planets across the whole galaxy.
They were likewise used by both the Jedi and the Sith in the construction of their lightsabers, although the latter had to put the crystal through a painful adaptation procedure.
As part of their Jedi training, younglings were sent to the Crystal Cave of the ice planet of Ilum, probably the most famous source of kyber crystals, to mine crystals in order to construct their own lightsabers. The crystal’s mix of unique luster was called “the water of the kyber” by the Jedi. There were also larger, rarer crystals of great power and that, according to legends, were used at the heart of ancient superweapons by the Sith.
Although they all had the same denominator, kyber crystals appeared in different types and, through history, a lot of different types of kyber crystals have been discovered and described. The known types are:
Adegan crystal
Barab ingot
Christophsis crystal
Corrupted crystal
Cracked Jedha crystal
Dantari crystal
Dragite gem
Ghostfire crystal
Ilum crystal
Kimber stone
Krayt dragon pearl
Lorrdian gemstone
Nishalorite stone
Seeker crystal
Solari crystal
Sorian crystal
Synthetic kyber crystal
Tainted Nightsister Crystal
Thontiin crystal
Varpeline crystal
Zophis crystal
Mephite crystal
Mephite crystal
Pontite crystal
As Master Yoda once said: “The heart of the lightsaber, the crystal is.” This short piece of wisdom tells us just how important the crystal is and how it, actually, determines the saber’s nature. This is why there are so many different types of lightsabers based on their colors.
Known Lightsaber Colors and Their Meanings
As of today, there are 11 main lightsaber colors that have been identified in the Star Wars franchise. Some of them have specific subtypes, but the majority has just the base form. The table below is going to present the main colors and their basic subtypes where applicable:
Not what we have given you a brief overview of the colors, we can continue with our article and elaborate what each of the colors means and what each of them actually represents. We’re going to be approaching the colors in the order they are listed in the table above.
Blue Lightsaber Meaning
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In modern times, lightsaber colors really don’t have the same weight as they had in ancient times and the interpretations of each color are based on their historical importance rather than on their modern significance, although Lucas and the other authors tried to keep the symbolism in modern characters.
In that aspect, a blue lightsaber, which is also the most common one seen in the galaxy, represents what was historically known as a Jedi Guardian, the protector of the Jedi Order and a person that embodied bravery and righteousness. Jedi Guardians were fighters and they vehemently defended the ways of the Jedi, and the blue color of their sabers represents those qualities in them.
The two most famous owners of a blue lightsaber are Obi-Wan Kenobi, who is the perfect example of the qualities described above, and his former Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, who turned to the Dark Side and became Darth Vader. Luke Skywalker and Rey had a blue lightsaber for a while, and even General Grievous, who had been trained by Count Dooku, had a pair of blue lightsabers.
Green Lightsaber Meaning
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The green lightsaber has usually been associated with the most powerful Jedi Knights. Unlike the blue lightsaber, which is usually associated with fighters and soldiers, the green lightsaber represents wisdom and skill. It is usually associated with Jedi who have a strong connection to the Force.
Owners of a green lightsaber are experienced and wise, they have a deep and fundamental understanding of the Force and they are usually among the higher ranking Jedi Knights. They value harmony and rely more on their mental skills than their fighting skills. That is why they are usually held in very high regard and are among the most respected Jedi Knights in the whole franchise.
By far the most famous owner of a green lightsaber was Jedi Grandmaster Yoda, who is considered to be the most powerful Jedi in history. Yoda was the embodiment of all the qualities associated with a green lightsaber, which is why he is the best example for this section.
Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn also had a green lightsaber and had it not been for his rebellious and unorthodox nature, he would have certainly been a member of the Council.
Luke Skywalker also owned a green lightsaber later in his life. Interestingly enough, General Grievous also had a pair of green lightsabers, but like the blue ones, they bore no significance for him.
Red Lightsaber Meaning
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History has taught us that kyber crystals had such a strong connection to the Force that they were, practically, sentient objects. With that in mind, we also have to remember the fact that kyber crystals resisted the Sith and there was no natural way for the Sith to control a kyber crystal. The only was for them to do it was to use the Force to subjugate the crystal in a process that was very painful for both the Sith and the crystal.
Since the kyber crystal would “bleed” during the process, the crystal would change color and become red. Thus, a red kyber crystal doesn’t really embody evil, but it does represent pain and suffering, both traits characteristic of the Dark Side of the Force. It also embodies all of the hate a Sith used to make the kyber crystal “bleed”. This is the reason why a red lightsaber is exclusively associated with the Sith since such traits aren’t really characteristic of the Light Side of the Force.
Historically, all Sith Lords are associated with the red lightsaber, with some of them even having more exotic designs, like Darth Maul or Kylo Ren. Darth Sidious is by far the most powerful user of a red lightsaber, with Darth Vader, his apprentice, being very close. Count Dooku, after leaving the Jedi and going to the Dark Side, also used a red lightsaber.
Purple (Amethyst) Lightsaber Meaning
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The story of the purple lightsaber is very interesting, as its origins can actually be found off-screen. Namely, Lucas never intended on introducing a purple lightsaber to the canon, but Samuel L. Jackson, who played Mace Windu in the Prequel Trilogy, wanted his lightsaber to be purple because purple was his favorite color. Lucas agreed and that is how this color was actually introduced into the franchise, which means that it initially had absolutely no meaning.
Still, the Expanded Universe authors retroactively gave the color meaning, stating that a purple lightsaber represented moral ambiguity, uncertainty, and reconstruction; this was due to the fact that purple is a combination of red and blue. What does this ultimately mean?
It means that a character with a purple lightsaber has connections to both the Light and the Dark Side of the Force. Such Force users have usually been quite powerful as they had to endure the temptation of the other side in order to maintain their personal path.
Although Mace Windu, by far the most famous owner of a purple lightsaber, wasn’t really ambiguous – he held the values of the Jedi Order in high regard – he did have his moments and he was far less composed than, for example, Yoda or Qui-Gon. Still, he was exceptionally powerful and his ability to stay on the path of the Jedi despite his lightsaber color proves that. Another famous owner of a purple lightsaber was the Rodian Jedi Knight Huulik.
Black Lightsaber (Darksaber) Meaning
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A black lightsaber, also called a Darksaber, is actually a unique lightsaber; there is only one example in existence. The Darksaber is shaped like a traditional sword and it’s somewhat shorter than an actual lightsaber; still, it is without a doubt a subtype of a lightsaber. The Darksaber is associated with Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian Jedi, who created the Darksaber as a one-of-a-kind weapon.
The weapon represented the Mandalorians’ fight against the Jedi and was a very powerful tool in battle; it also represented the emotions of the Mandalorians (something the Jedi avoided) and their murderous rivalry with the Jedi. At one point, the Darksaber was taken by the Jedi and kept under lock, until it was stolen by the Mandalorians and returned to the descendants of Tarre Vizsla.
The owner of the Darksaber also claims the title of the ruler of the Mandalorians and the only way to legitimately claim ownership over it is to defeat the former owner in combat (i.e., kill them).
As far as the famous owners are concerned, the Expanded universe as well as the TV shows have shown us that it has been owned by Tarre Vizsla, Pre Vizsla, and Sabine Wren among others. The Mandalorian has also established Moff Gideon and Din Djarin as its owners.
White Lightsaber Meaning
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Although not completely unique, white lightsabers are among the rarest in the whole galaxy. The only two notable examples are, in fact, Ahsoka Tano’s white lightsabers. They represent neutrality and autonomy; while they are associated with the Light Side of the Force, they represent an individual who has cut ties with the Jedi despite remaining on the Light Side, and an individual that has no connection to the Dark Side of the Force.
An interesting thing here is that a white kyber crystal, the basis for a white lightsaber, is not natural, but is created by reversing the process with which the Sith create red kyber crystals.
Namely, by using the Force, an individual is able to purify a red kyber crystal, removing the Sith’s influence from it. During that process, the crystal loses its red color and instead becomes white, remaining completely usable. This form of purification also has its symbolic value, as stated above.
Ahsoka Tano is not only the most famous, but also te only known user of a white lightsaber. She was able to purify the red kyber crystals from the Sixth Brother’s weapon, thus creating two neutral, white crystals which she used in her lighsabers.
Yellow Lightsaber Meaning
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Along with the white lightsaber, a yellow lightsaber is among the rarest in the galaxy. It is not certain what this color actually represents, since it has never been explained by anyone, but we do know that a purified red kyber crystal (which was done by Jaden Korr) turned yellow on one occasion.
That is interesting because the purified color was later changed to white, as per the section above. Jedi Sentinels, the powerful protectors of the Jedi Temple, are usually associated with a double-bladed yellow lightsaber, but their story doesn’t really reveal much about the origins and the symbolism behind one of the franchise’s rarest lightsaber colors.
The powerful Asajj Ventress was the owner of a yellow lightsaber at one point, as was Ahsoka Tano. Still, most people will probably identify Rey, the protagonist of the Sequel Trilogy, as the most famous yellow lightsaber owner, as she is the only one among the three to have appeared in the main movies. The Jedi Sentinels, who guard the Jedi Temple, also use yellow kyber crystals for their weapons.
Orange Lightsaber Meaning
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Due to it also being extremely rare, we don’t know much about the orange lightsaber. We know that it was canon before the great Disney purge and that it has appeared in the Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order video game, but there isn’t actually any precise theory on its origins or its meaning. One theory states that it is a rarely used color because it is owned by those who have sworn not to use their weapons unless absolutely necessary.
This would mean that the orange lightsaber represents pacifism. Another theory, on the other hand, states that it was used by the Sith in the early days, but that practice has since been abandoned. Connected to this is the theory that an orange lightsaber contains a partially purified red kyber crystal which still contains traces of its original redness. The game guide, finally, states that an orange lightsaber represents a character with a void inside them, doomed never to be filled.
Whatever the correct theory might be, we’ll have to wait for it, as the current canon doesn’t really tell us much. Yaddle (the female Yoda that had a cameo in the Prequel Trilogy) had an orange lightsaber and it is also associated with Cal Kestis since Fallen Order came out.
Other Colors
As for the other colors that are mentioned in the table but have not been addressed individually, the reason behind that decision is because we have no story to tell. These other colors, as well as some non-canon ones (like gold or bronze), have appeared in the franchise, but the stories never really revealed much about them so we have no clue that they represent. There are certainly going to be more colors in the future so we’ll update the article as they appear, but this is everything we know about the current canon colors of lightsabers in the Star Wars franchise.
Thank you for reading, please follow me and send me a message about you favorite color or which color is yours!
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kyberled · 7 years
❝ Lucky for you, I’m an excellent shot. ❞
He manages a wry smirk as he peers over the edge of their cover, the Storm Troopers’ stark white armour standing in vivid contrast to the grungy slums they patrolled. He ducked his head back down as he adjusted the grip on the blaster in his hands (heavy and unnatural; he ached to use his sabers again).
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“I’d sure hope so, for our sake - I count at least seven of them that I can see. There’re probably more around the corner, if I’m reading the Force right.”
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weirdo701 · 3 years
Death Tropers
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Death Troopers in Star Wars: Who Are They and What Happened to Them?By
Arthur S. Poe
/ March 3, 2022
The Imperial stormtroopers are a very intriguing bunch if you give them a chance. Not that they are as interesting as the Force users of Lucas’ Star Wars franchise, but they had a lot of different units and stories behind them that give them much more depth than what people initially think. One of the most interesting units of Imperial stormtroopers are death troopers.
Death Troopers were an elite unit of the Galactic Empire specializing in extermination operations and guerrilla tactics. Among other things, they were used as protection units and as bodyguards for high-ranking Imperial officers. Soldiers were trained to become Death troopers using performance-enhancing drugs. This made the Death Troopers powerful and resilient soldiers, prepared for any conceivable scenario.
The death troopers are, as you could’ve read above, one of the most dangerous elements of the Imperial Army. This is why they deserve a standalone article, in which we are going to tell you everything you need to know about them, their story, their abilities, their reputation, and more. This is your ultimate guide to the death troopers of Star Wars.
Who are the death troopers?
Death troopers were an elite variant of the Galactic Empire’s stormtroopers designed for stealth, espionage, and assassinations. Operating under Imperial Intelligence, they served as custodial protectors and bodyguards for important Imperial officials and members of the Tarkin Initiative, as well as special assignment commandos.
They wore black suits of full armor and specialized helmets with voice encoders, micromotion sensors, and head-up displays with data on enemy and friendly positions on the battlefield. The death troopers were trained in close combat, heavy weapons, demolitions, improvised weaponry, guerrilla tactics, and marksmanship. They were experts at covering their tracks, leaving little to no evidence of their missions.
What happened to the death troopers?
Nearly six years after the rise of the Galactic Empire, a squad of Death Troopers accompanied Director Orson Callan Krennic to the planet Lah’mu. There, they apprehended scientist Galen Walton Erso to complete the design of the Death Star’s super-laser. During Galen’s capture, one of the soldiers killed Lyra when she tried to kill Krennic.
The squad then tried to find Jyn, the couple’s daughter, without success. During the early stages of the rebellion against the Galactic Empire, a squad of Death Troopers served with the Seventh Fleet under Grand Admiral Thrawn. They assisted the latter in the capture of Kallus, an agent of the Imperial Security Bureau spying on the Empire on behalf of the Rebel Alliance.
The capture of Kallus led to the discovery of the location of the rebel base in the Lothal sector. The Death Trooper squad then accompanied Thrawn on the ground assault to capture the Rebel leaders present such as General Jan Dodonna and Captain Hera Syndulla. However, the rebels managed to flee when a mystical creature called Bendu attacked Imperials and rebels.
On Thrawn’s orders, all Imperial forces present, including Death Troopers, fired on the Bendu, wounding it and causing it to crash to the surface of the ground. A year before the Battle of Yavin, a squad under the command of DT-F16 escorted a massive Kyber crystal and several technicians aboard freighter 2716.
After leaving Faos station, DT-F16 and his men were attacked by the leader of the Supporters, Saw Gerrera as well as the two Specters Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren. DT-F16, his men, and other soldiers were unable to evacuate the freighter in time and were killed by the explosion of the Kyber crystal so powerful that it also destroyed Captain Slavin’s Star Destroyer.
A Death Trooper, DT-L21, was stationed in Jhothal. He was tasked with commanding the Stromtroopers sent in pursuit of the Specters when it was discovered that the latter had returned to Lothal. With his probe droids and men, DT-L21 pursued the rebels through the city sewers but failed to capture them.
Death Troopers accompanied Grand Admiral Thrawn and Governor Arihnda Pryce to an Imperial airfield to witness a test flight of the new elite TIE Defender. When Ezra Bridger revealed his presence, Thrawn ordered to secure the starfighter. However, Sabine Wren stole it before they could reach him.
Several Death Troopers assisted Governor Pryce and Rukh, Thrawn’s bodyguard and sworn assassin, in pursuing General Hera Syndulla when Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus rescued her from the Imperial Compound in Capital City. The Death Troopers were unable to capture Jarrus and Syndulla. Several Death Troopers were in the service of Minister Veris Hydan when the Empire and the Mining Guild embarked on the excavation of the Jedi Temple on Lothal.
They helped Hydan when the latter interrogated the Mandalorian Sabine Wren by punching her in the face. The young woman, however, managed to knock them out when Garazeb Orrelios and Hera Syndulla came to her aid. Sometime later, the Specters and the Lothal Resistance attempted to free Lothal from the Galactic Empire by infiltrating the Imperial Complex.
In order to prevent the exfiltration of all Imperial personnel from Lothal, Rukh and several Death Troopers went to the generator room and deactivated Lothal’s planetary shield. The Rebels stormed them and managed to regain control of the generator.
Shortly before the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War, Director Krennic was still escorted by Death Troopers when the Empire conducted the initial Death Star tests on Jedha. They were deployed during the Battle of Scarif and confronted the rebel forces who wreaked havoc on the jungle surrounding the Imperial security compound. The squad was wiped out entirely shortly before Krennic’s death, thus bringing an end to them.
Still, about nine years after the Battle of Yavin, a squad of Death Troopers served in an Imperial remnant led by Moff Gideon. The soldiers opened fire on a cantina on Nevarro, killing “the client” and several stormtroopers while also trapping “the Mandalorian,” Greef Karga, and Carasynthia Dune inside.
The standoff was broken shortly thereafter when IG-11 arrived to help the Mandalorian and his comrades. As the group fought its way out of the cantina, a fierce battle ensued, with two death squads moving into hand-to-hand combat after being disarmed. While the fight raged outside, several death squads circled the cantina, attempting to drive Cara Dune out of the cantina with heavy blaster fire. The remaining death squads escorted Moff Gideon, who gave the order to “burn them out.”
During the Cold War between the Resistance and the First Order, Agent Terex of the First Order Security Bureau was in possession of a Death Trooper helmet aboard the Carrion Spike, displayed alongside the helmets of an Imperial Royal Guard, a AT-AT pilot, a Coast Guard stormtrooper, and others, along with a custom set of armor. The helmet of Trudgen, one of the Knights of Ren, included part of a Death Trooper helmet, indicating that he had defeated one at some point.
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How skilled are the death troopers?
The Death Troopers were elite Stormtroopers within the military forces of the Galactic Empire. Candidates were selected from among the best Stormtroopers before being sent to a training camp on Scarif where they were trained to evolve in exotic environments. Each soldier had to meet very high-standard physical criteria, including weight and height, and ideological criteria.
During their training, they were enhanced with a battery of classified medical operations, making their abilities almost superhuman. They operated most of the time in small groups where each soldier was specialized in a specific area. Among their different skills, the Death Troopers were thus trained in unarmed combat and the handling of heavy weapons. They were also skilled snipers.
Death Troopers were known to wear black armor covered in reflec and a helmet incorporating numerous sensors allowing him to be constantly informed about his surroundings. Additionally, they were equipped with the SE-14r light repeating blaster, the E-11D blaster carbine, long-range blaster rifles like the DLT-19D heavy blaster rifle, and C-25 fragmentation grenades.
How tall are death troopers?
As we have said, death troopers were selected among the best stormtroopers. These stormtroopers had to satisfy a lot of criteria to be selected as potential death troopers, and height was one of them. For comparison, stormtroopers have a common height of 5′11″, while a Death trooper usually stands at an impressive 6′5″, which is a significant difference.
What are death trooper armors made of?
The death trooper armor was covered with a special material known as reflec, which made them more resistant to attacks. Reflec was an aerosol polymer that deformed the most common electromagnetic signals used in passive sensor arrays. The armor worn by Imperial Intelligence death troopers was coated in reflec, giving it a black finish and making the troopers harder to spot. In that sense, it was similar to the stygian-trypsismatic polymer that covered the armor of shadow soldiers.
Are there female death troopers?
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And while we do know that there are female stormtroopers, have there been female members of the Imperial Army skilled enough to meet the rigorous demands to become a death trooper? There have! Well, there has… we know of only one such case, but she is probably not the only one. We shall now introduce her to you.
DT-F16 was a Death Trooper commander who was tasked with her squad to guard a massive Kyber crystal while transiting on freighter 2716. About a year before the Battle of Yavin, DT-F16 and her squad transited aboard freighter 2716, an unmarked Imperial ship, where they had to keep a large Kyber crystal that was to be delivered to the Tonnis sector.
During a stopover at Faos Station, the freighter was infiltrated by rebels Saw Gerrera, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, and Chopper. DT-F16 and her squad discovered their presence when they had just found the Kyber crystal stored in the ship’s hold. The rebels used smoke grenades to confront the Death Troopers. During the fight, a blaster shot from Gerrera hit the crystal prompting DT-F16 to command a retreat.
However, she was the only one to escape. DT-F16 went to inform Captain Wells of the rebels’ presence and asked for reinforcements. The captain entrusted her with four Stormtroopers and ordered her to take back the crystal. DT-F16 returned to the hold where she discovered that the Rebels and the Crystal had disappeared.
Wells informed her that they had lost contact with the engine room and she decided to go there. Upon arriving, Gerrera, who had turned the Kyber Crystal into a bomb, fled after freeing Ezra and Sabine. DT-F16 and her men prepared to fire but the crystal electrocuted two Stormtroopers. Understanding that it was necessary to evacuate the freighter as quickly as possible, the Death Trooper sounded the retreat.
DT-F16 joined cargo hold 12 where a T-4a Lambda-class shuttle was waiting for her. On the spot, she discovered that the prisoners of the freighter had been freed by the rebels and were boarding the shuttle.
Before she and her men could open fire, Ezra and Sabine reached the cargo bay and managed to subdue them. They boarded the shuttle and fled. Realizing they were doomed, DT-F16 fired her blaster at the ship. The Kyber Crystal then triggered an explosion that killed DT-F16.
Can death troopers talk? Do death troopers have their own language?
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This is a question that might sound weird, but if you’ve ever heard death troopers communicate with each other, you’re probably going to want to know the answer to this one. Death troopers can talk, as they are simply regular stormtroopers with some enhanced abilities, but their communication sounds very strange.
Death troopers do not have their own language, but there is a reason why they sound weird to other people. Namely, they talk in code! The death troopers are an elite unit that has been trained for strategic warfare. In that aspect, tactics and covert communication are certainly something that gives them an advantage over their enemies.
This is why death troopers use a scrambled code to communicate between themselves, as it leaves their enemies baffled as to their next moves. We don’t know how to decode that communication, as an official guide has never been published, but that is the reason behind their odd way of communicating.
Are death troopers zombies?
We don’t know where this actually came from, but we’re not going to beat around the bush – death troopers are not zombies. And no, there are no zombies in Star Wars. End of story.
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