#closed  starter  001
maximeloi · 2 months
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𖹭 starter with @magicwithaxes
¸ VISITA SUPERVISIONADA 1: esclarecimentos na prisão.
⭒  ๋࣭ 𖹭  ๋࣭ ⭑ as horas de conversa com quiron foram duras, então era assim que petrus se sentia quando entrava na casa grande para ser interrogado? a diferença é que, com maxime, o carimbo da culpa estava explícito para que todos pudessem enxergar. a roda de hécate, a marca de hécate, aquela marca horrenda manchando sua pele era uma admissão silenciosa de culpa. não tinha lembranças de como aquilo foi parar ali, mas isso não era parâmetro de nada, considerando que suas memórias estavam bagunçadas desde o baile. desde aquele dia, tinha lapsos de memória de horas desaparecidas de sua mente. sabia que não dormia, não podia dormir, não estava distraído também, então... o que era isso? quando argos lhe guiou para o escritório de quíron pois receberia uma visita, a primeira visita, maxime temeu. quem iria lhe visitar depois de ter sido exposto que ele era o causador de tanta dor, de tanto sofrimento. uma morte aconteceu e ele carregava a marca da magia de quem fez isso. não conseguia nem sentar no sofá da sala, apenas andava de um lado para o outro. assim que a porta foi aberta, max não conteve um suspiro com o nome da semideusa. “ ━━━ natalia." murmurou baixo de maneira defensiva, colocava a mão para trás para esconder a marca. estava com vergonha.
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cavenshh · 5 months
Location: The Garden Festival With: @ezraxdeo
Lia didn’t make a habit of coming out somewhere where she could find herself annoyed by the people surrounding her, in fact she had people that she let do that for her. She honestly was supposed to be making sure that her image was fresh and clean when it came to this garden party festival whatever the town was calling it this year. She loved spring, but sometimes she found herself far too swept up in this whole affair. It was no surprise then when it came to the working and preparation that sometimes she stepped on people's feet. “You.” She barked at a passerby she mistook for staff. “Hand me that bouquet. I need to look good for the magazine cover this year.”
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willowswriting · 7 months
Muse⇥ Louis Piquet, 21-28, He/Him, Bisexual, Underground Fighter/Dealer. Connection ⇥ Boyfriend Plot ⇥ Louis shows up at Tanner's door bruised and beaten. He claims they're from the fight he had tonight, which he never attended, but they're actually from some guys that he owes money to. Open To ⇥ @musicallyiinclined.
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"Would you stop looking at me like that." Louis spoke as he held the towel wrapped ice pack that the hockey player had given him upon his arrival against the left side of his face "I already told you that I'm fine." he sighed. The sad part about the whole situation was that the fighter was fine. Any normal person might be a little shaken up after getting jumped in an empty parking lot but it was simply another day for him. He knew that it was long over due. He wasn't an idiot he knew how the way that the life he lived worked. He was constantly pushing boundaries and towing the line, admittedly he had always enjoyed the rush of it.
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reggiellewellyn · 1 month
reggie 📱 peter.
Reggie: You know, you could make a real killing if you were spinning those decks in Ibiza Reggie: Have you ever considered 👀 @peterbasara
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saulweissberg · 1 month
* 📞 incoming phone call to Rory Carpenter Guy
wednesday, august 21st, 2024 at 10:54 am. / @rorysanderson
SAUL: Hi, my name is Saul! I got your name from Mitch, he highly recommended your services and I'm in dire need of new bathroom cabinets. SAUL: It's what I get for buying new construction, I guess.
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littlfrcak · 2 months
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☠︎︎ starter with @kretina
¸ terraços.
⭑🕯️ʿ ainda que estivesse em um ambiente desconfortável por ser cercado de mar, sasha até que estava se adaptando bem. isso é, se fosse levar em conta que o semideus já se sentia bastante familiarizado com a área interna do resort; as partes secas estavam sendo o destaque de seu dia e dessa vez não era diferente. o céu noturno era bonito cheio de pontinhos luminosos que pareciam estrelas; tudo bem que a falta da lua deixava as coisas estranhas, mas fazia tanto tempo que não via as estrelas que até aquela projeção estava lhe deixando deslumbrado. e, bem, para ser sincero já estava mais solto por causa do álcool. o copo que tinha em mãos parecia enfeitiçado para só ser enchido de bebidas alcoólicas... ou era sua mente que estava focado demais em álcool? não tinha ideia, mas era o terceiro e não dava sinal de parar. e culparia estar mais solto o fato de não hesitar em sentar na cadeira vazia na frente de katrina, sem nem esperar um convite — que certamente não iria vir. “ ━━━ o céu sem lua é muito estranho, se ela podia fazer estrelas, por que não fez uma lua?" disparou a pergunta com uma genuína confusão, tomando um gole de seu copo mágico. os olhos claros vagaram finalmente um pouco pela semideusa e... sasha franziu o cenho. talvez estivesse mais bêbado do que imaginava se a mente iria começar a gritar que katrina parecia bonita sob a luz das estrelas falsas. soltou um muxoxo baixinho irritado consigo mesmo, olhando para o copo. “ ━━━ você sabe como fazer esses copos pararem de encher com bebida?"
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sunshincwitch · 4 months
Closed starter for @fengforhire
Location: Brewed awakening
Brewed Awakening was the perfect place for a struggling witch desperate to finish their dissertation, earn enough to buy fresh bread on the occasion, and work complex spells to track those effected by horrific curses their family had created when the cafe was quiet. Cham liked to work on the curse between the breakfast and lunch rushes, her brain working best after the first round of espresso and the knowledge that if things got too terribly dark and depressing that they could depend on a rush of customers to distract her.
She was painting a new tracking board, her last one having met an unfortunate end when it spontaneously caught fire, and didn’t even process that a customer had come in until she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. “Shit, sorry be with you in just a moment” she called, muttering a quick spell to keep the ink from drying prematurely, before rushing back behind the counter. “Sorry I’m working with an ink that has acorn, alder and balsam fir as the base. And the acorn and alder are getting around great but the balsam fir really wants to take over and make the pigment yellow, which wouldn’t be the worst thing except it throws off the balance and-“ Cham cut herself off with a start as she realized she was rambling and while she was fairly certain the woman in front of her was a witch she had no idea her practice or realm of influence and could very well just be spouting nonsense to a poor unsuspecting customer. “I’m sorry, I get a bit of tunnel vision when I’m working. What can I get you?”
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buddywellls · 3 months
buddy 📲 lorna.
Buddy: You're a difficult woman to get a hold of, you know that? @dilcne
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silascody · 3 months
silas 📲 julian.
Silas: [screenshot of Julian's face from an episode of The Hunt] Silas: Dis u? @julianxpark
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ravirussell · 3 months
ravi 📲 cherry.
Ravi: Did you block me on Instagram? @cherryxkoch
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maximeloi · 1 month
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003: a terceira e última tentativa de max é seguindo o que muse2 disse: procurar ALGUÉM QUE USE MAGIA.
𖹭 starter with @pips-plants
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ¸ chalé de hécate.
⭒  ๋࣭ 𖹭  ๋࣭ ⭑ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤsua ida até o chalé vinte e um poderia ser por vários motivos: avisar que não precisaria mais de uma poção do sono há cada quatro meses, visitar o namorado, checar como estava veronia... mas não. dessa vez era algo completamente diferente e inesperado. maxime devia desculpas a pietra. a cara do filho de afrodite deixava claro que estar ali era como ter uma dor de barriga, não daria para distinguir se ele sentia dor ou apenas estava frustrado por ter que falar com a semideusa. mas não podia mais adiar isso. já tinha completado cinco dias do fechamento da fenda, dois dias que coisas estranhas estavam acontecendo consigo. precisava dar um jeito nisso também. para seu alívio, como era de esperar, a conselheira do chalé estava mexendo com as plantas na frente do local e max recordava bem como foi a última vez que a encontrou ali. acabaram brigando. mas hoje não era essa sua intenção. “ ━━━ pietra? você tem um minutinho?" perguntou. considerando que a última vez que a viu foi quando faziam a poção no laboratório de circe... presumia que não estavam tão ruins assim as coisas. “ ━━━ é meio urgente. mas vim em paz, prometo."
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sialiia · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° .┊┊@sheldoney - liked!
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓗and sanitizer?❞ Sydney offered the small portable bottle.
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reggiellewellyn · 1 month
reggie 📲 leo.
Reggie: Are you a Leo? 🤔 Reggie: I mean, I know your name is Leo Reggie: But is that because you're a Leo Reggie: Or is that unrelated @leomlarson
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nomadjones · 4 months
closed for: @atticuscortes
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"Have you got eyes on Angel?" Dallas says to his other coworker as he cranes his neck to try and spot their mutual friend in a sea of stetsons and the odd cow print. He had made a mental note to keep an eye on him but that note had floated right out of his head when he had been hooked into a round of shots with a group of tourists who had no idea what was going on but were doing their best to vibe any way.
"He's milling around being a little awkward, you know how he is."
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saulweissberg · 2 months
availability / @cassiewestwood setting / la galleria; tuesday, july 16th, around seven pm.
was he having a stroke? truly, was there something wrong with him now that he was over the age of fifty? being ambushed by terry a few weeks ago had been startling, knowing that they had moved to blue harbor and lived within ten miles of him for the first time in twenty-five years, and he had many run-ins with thalia since their divorce two years ago, but he figured the universe had meted out enough punishment for his transgressions. having his second wife—the only ex-wife left in new york—walk into la galleria that night made him feel like his sanity had finally snapped. either he was having some sort of breakdown, or cassandra had a midwestern doppelgänger, albeit with darker hair. like when terry first arrived, the idea of that doppelgänger had been ludicrous, but was it any more ludicrous than his second wife appearing in blue harbor randomly? at least terry had the excuse of micah, and blue harbor was thalia’s hometown. there was absolutely no reason why cassie would be in town. none that saul could think of, at least. g-d, he hoped she wasn't moving to illinois, too.
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getting up from his table, he crossed the restaurant in an effort to catch up before she could sit down elsewhere. “ginger!” saul called out the nickname he used to call her—if it was truly cassie, she’d respond to it—and his voice was tinged with affection, but there was clear confusion in his eyes. approaching her and the hostess leading her to a different section of the restaurant, he smiled politely at the young worker before turning his attention back to his ex-wife. “though i see you’re not so ginger anymore.” his hand reached out to brush a strand of hair off her shoulder, the locks no longer the deep auburn she had when they first met. “what’re you doing here?” he asked, struck by how often he was saying that exact phrase this year. who else was going to show up in blue harbor, he wondered. was his third grade teacher waiting in the wings to surprise him, or maybe his freshman year boyfriend? “i mean, not that i’m not happy to see you… but where’s vaughn? and your kids?”
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littlfrcak · 3 months
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☠︎︎ starter with @tommasopraxis
¸ arena.
⭑🕯️ʿ ser instrutor às vezes lhe prendia em tarefas chatas. adorava dar suas aulas, ter a ação necessária para fazer seu corpo suar e o coração acelerar com euforia e adrenalina. gostava de ter o esforço físico ligado aquela sua área de interesse em sobrevivência. mas caramba, odiava quando era designado a apenas sentar em um local e observar semideuses cumprindo punição. dessa vez teria apenas um, quíron nem tinha dito quem era, apenas que iria lhe enviar alguém para limpar os equipamentos. e okay, mais chato que ser supervisor de punição, era limpar equipamentos. sendo assim não reclamava. exceto que a pessoa estava atrasada. pela terceira vez organizava ali por ordem de importância ali os materiais: proteção pessoal, armas, materiais de subsistência... tudo separado. até que finalmente ouvia a porta do arsenal sendo aberto. “ ━━━ você se atrasou." alertou, apenas depois girando para ver quem era e... oh, bem. agora subitamente se interessava mais na atividade. “ ━━━ você é o meu ajudante do dia? se meteu em quê?" perguntou com um sorriso pequeno parecendo nos lábios.
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