Webstripe: why do I hear boss music
Martenstep, Nettledeer, Cloverfox, and Clawbear, having just left Myrtlewing's den, on their way to the Steamlands to beat the everloving fuck out of Webstripe:
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Webstripe: they're all so nice, so it's not gonna be a huge problem! right?..................right?
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photobandito · 7 years
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Moats and boats and waterfalls, Alleyways and payphone calls. ❇️@clover.fox #alaska #nikon #nikond5300 #55mm #grain #girl #models #smokebomb #smoke #anchoragephotographer #cloverfox #beautifulgirl #modeling #fatalframes #dark #fashions #winter #AGameofTones #CreateCommune #grainy #alaskaphotograhers (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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partiallystar · 6 years
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Cloverfox Connemara - Letterfrack - Comté de Galway - Irlande Coordonnées GPS:  53°33'12.7"N 9°56'52.3"W)
Lorsque nous avons effectué la réservation, l'endroit portait le nom de Bard Dens Hostel.  Il a été modifié depuis.  
Nous avons reçu un accueil très chaleureux.  Notre chambre comportait trois lits simples, dont deux avaient été collés l'un à l'autre, et une salle de bain avec douche.  Nous y avons très bien dormi.
Nous avions accès à une salle commune comprenant un petit salon ainsi qu'une cuisine complète.  
Le petit déjeuner était compris dans le coût de la réservation.  Il était composé de différents fruits, céréales, pain, café et jus.
Il y avait des tables à l'extérieur pour prendre un verre ou un repas.  Nous avons mangé un club sandwich et il était vraiment délicieux.
Le wifi est gratuit.  Cependant, il n'était pas accessible à partir de notre chambre.  Il a fallu se rendre dans le passage pour y avoir accès.
Nous n'y avons passé qu'une seule nuit.  Par contre, pour ceux qui désirent passer plus de temps dans cette région, cet hôtel est vraiment un excellent choix étant donné sa proximité avec le parc national du Connemara.
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flowersforyourbrain · 9 years
cloverfox said: Um have you watched The Inbetweeners 2?! 
No, but I never saw Inbetweeners 1... haha
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alaskamann · 9 years
THAAANK YOU!!!! I’m back in town we need to hang!
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First Place (short story)
“Martenstep! Nettledeer! Wait up!��� Furzeflower called out, panting as he struggled to catch up to his friends.
Nettledeer simply smirked at Furzeflower as he bounded over the crudely drawn line in the dirt. “Last place again? You really need to step up your game.” he gloated playfully.
Martenstep simply rolled his eyes and cuffed Nettledeer on the ear, earning a yelp from the yellow and brown tom. “Come on, Nettie, go easy on the guy.” Martenstep chided Nettledeer. “Furzeflower’s older than us, and he’s put on a lot of weight lately.”
Furzeflower blushed and looked down at his rounded stomach. He had been growing plumper as of late, but he didn’t think he was getting fat enough for his friends to notice. And it wasn’t like he had been eating more than usual lately either. Come to think of it, he had only started putting on the weight just three moons ago, after his… encounter… with Webstripe…
Furzeflower flinched and shoved down the memories of the silvery-white tabby tom away. No use thinking about him. It was a one-time thing and a one-time thing only.
Nettledeer looked at Furzeflower guiltily. “Sorry, Furzeflower.” he apologized shamefully.
“You’re fine.” Furzeflower chuckled.
Martenstep smiled. “Let’s go, shall we?”
Nettledeer nodded, and the two turned around and began to bound back to their dens. Furzeflower turned to follow them… but then he felt a sharp pain lance through his stomach. A grunt of surprise escaped his mouth.
“…Furzeflower? Are you alright?” Martenstep called out, craning his head to look back at his friend with concern.
“I’m fi-” Furzeflower attempted to reassure Martenstep, but he was cut of by another lancing pain in his stomach, this one strong enough to make him dig his claws into the dirt to keep himself from falling over.
“Furzeflower!” Martenstep bounded over, Nettledeer closely behind him. Both cats’ eyes were rounded with worry.
“I-” Furzeflower once again tried to comfort his friends, but yet another lancing pain shot its way through his stomach. This one was the strongest one yet, and he collapsed on his side with a yowl of pain. From there, the lancing pains became more and more rapid, and all he could do was stare up at Martenstep and Nettledeer in pure terror. They were now talking to each other, but the pain was so strong was that he could barely hear them.
“Is this what I think it is?”
“What else could it be, you mousebrain?”
“But he’s so ol-”
“THAT DOESN’T MATTER RIGHT NOW! We need to find Myrtlewing, NOW!”
That was the last thing Furzeflower heard before he blacked out.
“See, guys? I told you he’d be fine! It’s amazing what our bodies can do, really… Oh! Looks like he’s coming to!”
Furzeflower slowly came to, blinking his eyes groggily and looking up as his vision unblurred. Five cats were surrounding him - Martenstep, Nettledeer, Cloverfox, Clawbear, and in the center of them all, Myrtlewing. Furzeflower’s friends looked at him with a mix of emotions clouding their eyes, while Myrtlewing simply smirked at him knowingly.
“Furzeflower! You’re alright!” Cloverfox cried out, surging towards him and licking the top of his forehead. Furzeflower simply took it with confusion.
“Hello, Furzeflower.” Myrtlewing greeted, his disembodied head swaying back and forth. “Did you have a nice nap?” he joked, exposing sharp, bloodstained teeth. Martenstep cuffed the medicine cat on the ear, while Clawbear tried his best to stifle a loud laugh and failed miserably.
“What… happened…?” Furzeflower slurred, looking back and forth in a daze while letting his senses come back to him. His insides felt like they had been torn into shreds, and he could smell… milk??? Where was that coming from?
“You started complaining of stomach pains and blacked out after our race.” Martenstep explained gently, curling his tail around his paws as he did so. “Nettledeer and I brought you to Myrtlewing’s den, and Cloverfox and Clawbear joined when they heard what was happening.”
“I just wanted to play with the kits.” Clawbear pouted, exposing his massive front teeth as he did so. Nettledeer swatted his ear gently.
Wait… did Clawbear just say… kits?!
Furzeflower suddenly registered the tiny mewling of kits and the kneading of tiny paws at his belly. He shifted his body upwards, trying his best to ignore the storm of pain that overtook his body as he did so, and looked down at his belly
What he saw made his heart explode.
Three kits were nestled snugly at his belly, suckling furiously and occasionally squeaking and shoving each other out of the way. There was a dark brown kit with a black stripe running down its back, black paws, and a black tail, a light gray tabby kit, and a ginger and white kit. Tiny, perfect, and undeniably his.
“Congratulations, Furzeflower.” Myrtlewing announced with a giggle. “You’re a father now.”
Furzeflower almost wanted to laugh. It was so painfully obvious in hindsight. But he couldn’t force a single sound to come out of his mouth. All he could do was stare down at his children - his children! - with his mouth agape and his heart threatening to burst.
“I know that feeling well.” Cloverfox chuckled, rubbing her cheek against Furzeflower’s with a loud purr. “I felt exactly the same when I had my little ones.” She looked away, the sadness of memories long passed clouding her eyes.
“I… I…” Furzeflower was at a complete and total loss for words. He instead chose to lean down and run his tongue over his kits. They stilled briefly as the bristles of his tongue touched their fur, before returning to suckling at a much slower and calmer pace, the feeling of their father’s tongue clearly having a comforting effect on them. Once again, his heart nearly threatened to burst.
“Gotta say,” Nettledeer broke the silence, “I wasn’t expecting you to hook up with Webstripe, of all cats.” he chuckled.
Furzeflower finally tore his gaze away from his kits to stare up at Nettledeer with shock. “Wha- how- no- you-” he stammered, his face flushing red. Nettledeer and Clawbear simply snickered. 
“It’s kind of obvious.” Martenstep admitted. “The tabby looks just like him, just a darker shade of gray.” Cloverfox nodded in agreement.
Furzeflower looked down at his kits again. Martenstep was right - the tabby’s stripes looked exactly like Webstripe’s. Furzeflower wasn’t going to let that bother him, though. He’d love his children until the day he faded, no matter what or who they looked like.
“Got any ideas for names?” Myrtlewing asked. “If it helps, the brown one and the gray tabby one are toms, and the ginger and white one is a she-cat.”
Two sons and a daughter. It took all of Furzeflower’s energy to not burst into tears of joy right there and then. He looked down at his kits again, then back up at Myrtlewing. “I have the perfect names.” he announced pridefully.
Truth be told, he had been preparing for this day since before he had even died. He’d never thought he’d be able to get to use the names he had spent so long planning. His friends’ ears perked up in curiosity.
Furzeflower looked down at his kits. “Birchkit,” he announced, running his tongue over the brown and black tom, who purred and snuggled up closer to his father’s belly. “Smokekit”, he continued, running his tongue over the light gray tabby tom, who squeaked in protest. “And Foxkit.” he finished, running his tongue over the ginger and white tabby she-cat, who slapped his belly with her paw in retaliation.
“After me?” Cloverfox gasped, blushing furiously. “Furzeflower, you shouldn’t have!” Furzeflower only had the strength to lightly bat at his friend with a playful purr.
“Great names!” Myrtlewing complimented Furzeflower, before turning to the other four cats. “Now, I think you should probably leave. It’s getting crowded in here, and I think you all should give Furzeflower some privacy. He’s had a long day, after all.”
“No fair!” Clawbear complained with another massive pout. Cloverfox simply chuckled and led the large brown tabby tom out of the den, Martenstep following them shortly after.
Nettledeer started to follow them, but Furzeflower interrupted him. “Nettledeer?” he called out.
Nettledeer turned to look at his friend curiously.
“I may have come last place in our race,” Furzeflower laughed, “but I definitely came first place overall.” He shifted his paw, accidentally brushing up against Birchkit’s ear, who began to wail loudly. Furzeflower immediately pulled his son closer to him and began to lick him, whispering words of comfort as he did so.
Nettledeer watched the scene unfold in front of him and chuckled. “You certainly did, buddy.” he laughed, “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” he called out before slinking out of the den.
Furzeflower’s mind was still spinning at a million miles per hour, but he continued to focus on consoling Birchkit, exhaling with relief as the little brown and black tom relaxed, dozing off in between his father’s paws.
With a chuckle, Furzeflower picked up Smokekit and Barkkit and gently placed them next to their brother, cradling all three of his children in his paws. As he watched them snooze gently, his heart threatened to burst wide open for what felt like the millionth time that day. He ran his tongue over the kits one more time. “Good night, my little champions.” he murmured softly, before lowering his head and drifting off to sleep, happier than he had been in moons.
-Made Clawbear the fifth member of the friend group because I think he deserves more love and also because I can
-Foxkit’s prefix being the same as Cloverfox’s suffix was a giant coincidence! I imagine these were names for kits Furzeflower came up with with either Firetooth or Spottedbark, back when he was still alive, ofc :3
-Hopefully I got all of their personalities right!
okay now that my feelings are out of the way, the reviews:
--Aw Cloverfox
--Myrtle’s evil and professional personalities were perfectly shown and balanced here!
--Damn, Furze was unconscious while giving birth? Lucky son of a b
--I imagine Smoke, as stated, has the exact same stripes as Webstripe and the only difference is there’s some more spots (and/or maybe some of the stripes are broken up into pieces?)
--Myrtle waving his head like a Jack-in-The-Box
--Claw’s gonna be SUCH a fun uncle when the kits are old enough
--Got more feelings to express. Hang on, 
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aight so basically
—Cloverpaw was a huge bitch, especially to Slatepaw
—only became mates with Ottersomething because he would do things for her (like catch prey and everything she didn’t want to do herself)
—cheated with a Thunderclan warrior she actually loved
—Otter caught her and refused to keep the secret
—she killed him
—Thunderclan warrior broke up with her anyway as it was too great a risk before she could tell him that she was carrying his kits
—I know she killed him but can’t remember if it was now or later
—killed his Thunderclan mate, too
—felt really bad and incredibly guilty, so she focuses on her kits
—apologized and became close to Slateshade, former victim of hers
—Being a lone parent with four kits, Slateshade likely helped her care for them + Blackkit was friends with the four
—died in battle protecting her son (fun fact! It was the kit of one of her victims that killed her — neither knew)
—Blackdawn joined the Dark Forest
—So wracked with guilt, if she can make up for what she did to at least one cat, even if they made up later, then she will + repaying her for helping her with her kits while she was emotionally broken
—So, whether or not Blackdawn herself knows, Cloverfox watches out for her to make up for what she did to + repay Slateshade
More detail can be found on her ref, since it’s for some reason hard to find on Tumblr
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Do you think that Cloverfox looks after Blackdawn in the Dark Forest?
she feels guilty for everything she’s done and Slateshade was one of her victims (not murder, but was badly tormented as apprentices and young warriors), so if she can at least repent for one thing by taking care of their child then she will + she misses her own kits, and remembers little Blackkit in the nursery
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Development (short story)
With a thud and splatter, the younger apprentice fell to the muddy ground, groaning as Cloverpaw and the two other apprentices with her laughed.
Slatepaw stood up, shaking mud from her fur. She bristled, her fur standing on end in different places. Cloverpaw looked at her and lifted a mirthed brow. How could something so small and filthy think simply baring their teeth would make Cloverpaw go away?
“Toad-breath!” Slatepaw hissed.
“Yeah,” Cloverpaw chuckled, glancing at her companions. “From smelling you!” Mocking laughter followed. Cloverpaw raised her head proudly as she continued to gaze at Slatepaw with disdain.
Her torment wouldn’t be so bad if she had followed the older apprentice’s orders, and by not doing so, she made herself a target, and still she refused to do anything Cloverpaw wished. Foolish she-cat!
“What’s happening?” a deep voice asked. The trio whipped around to see the twos’ mentors a little ways away. “Stop messing around, we were supposed to be patrolling before Quakefur’s hunting party left, but we couldn’t find you.”
“Coming!” the pair said in unison. 
When they left, the sound of squelching mud returned Cloverpaw’s attention to Slatepaw, who was rubbing mud from the fur on her face. “You know, Cloverpaw,” she said, glaring through her, “you keep up this look of the uncaring bully, and you will grow to realize how alone you are.” 
Cloverpaw rolled her eyes, faking a yawn while turning her back on the black cat. “Whatever that means,” she mumbled before prancing away.
“Shhh, it’s okay.” 
“No, it is not okay!” 
Slateshade’s entire body was trembling, her claws sheathing and unsheathing, tearing up her bedding. “I didn’t protect my kit. I didn’t keep her safe. She was attacked by a hawk, for Starclan’s sake! She’s traumatized!”
Cloverfox pressed against her comfortingly. “But alive.”
“Alive and terrified.” Slateshade shook her head vigorously, as though a tick stuck to her ear. “I’m a terrible mother!”
“No,” Cloverfox said firmly, placing her paw over Slateshade’s own to still it. “You were away from her for one second. It was bad luck.”
“Or was it logical? Of course a hawk would attack a kit when their mother isn’t watching the–”
“You shouldn’t have to watch her at all times!” Cloverfox tried to keep the growl out of her voice. How could Slateshade even think she was a terrible mother? The love she held for her daughter was clear the moment she first held the tiny bundle of fur in her paws. It had been a long process, passed mostly by Cloverfox comforting the queen while her older kits were in the elder’s den. “There were how many warriors in the camp? Did any of them stop it either?”
Slateshade opened her mouth to respond, but Cloverfox beat her to it. “You were the one that leaped half a tree-length to pull that hawk from the air. And you were so busy checking on Blackkit that you didn’t even notice the praise surrounding you! And,” she added, holding up a tail when, again, Slateshade opened her jaws, “you followed that kit straight to the medicine den while your Clan got to share a feast from something you caught. This is the first time you left her side in nearly a moon!”
Slateshade broke a small smile. “I feel so guilty about it. That feels silly now.”
“If you want, we can visit her now.”
Slateshade’s ears pricked, and she looked ahead. Cloverfox joined her to see their five collective kits scamper toward them, eyes bright. 
“Mooooooove! They're coming after me!” Pricklekit squealed, his tail sticking straight in the air. Flashkit, Whitekit, Reedkit, and Blackkit chased after him, their little bodies quivering in inability to keep their excitement contained.
“See?” Cloverfox asked her, quiet enough so that the nearing kits wouldn’t hear but loud enough that Slateshade would over their noise. “Five perfect, healthy little kits, and two awesome mothers.”
--I remembered that 1) Cloverfox was once a mean girl, 2) she was Slateshade’s bully, and 3) she and Slateshade became friends while queens in the nursery (Slateshade is the mother of Blackdawn)
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Also I think Cloverfox, Tinker Bell, Oreo, and their kits should be called the Riverbed Family!
And Oreo was conflicted over her feelings of Clover so only wanted to be with TB
TB wasn't having that and told her to either respect them both or leave, so Oreo finally admitted her feelings. Clover understood the conflict she was going through and, well, being a murderer wasn't helpful.
They trust each other now!
Clover and TB or also in a weird position cause they're friends with Ferndoe
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Houndroot sounds nice! maybe the last member of the litter can be named Flashpool, to represent two of Cloverfox's other kits in life!
ooh yes!
I was also thinking that they could have a water den, like a small island or beaver-like den in the middle of water difficult to swim through. Cloverfox can do it easy because of her Riverclan background, and maybe Tinker Bell's Twolegs gave her lessons at some point.
Maybe that's how they met. Tinker Bell entered her home and Cloverfox was like "I would be mad but you are so pretty"
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Since Tinker Bell was raised by dogs, I think one of Sapdew's littermates should have the prefix Hound-
suffix is up to you!
Houndwater? referencing Cloverfox's old home
Houndspot or Houndroot, after her sons in life
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Waspbeak’s mate and Cloverfox X ??’s kit, Sapdew!
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Their kit, Redmask!
refs by turukhan
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If Cloverfox has a kit, I think it would be really cute if it was friends with Blackdawn’s, since Clover was queens at the same time as Blackdawn’s mother and Blackkit played with her kits.
Speaking of, I imagine Blackdawn didn’t want new kits (she really regrets what she did and doesn’t trust herself) but the child would NOT STOP FOLLOWING HER. 
You ever see those videos of a kitten following something around insistently? That’s what happened.
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Finished Cloverfox’s design
honestly not a huge fan of it, but that might just be because ibis paint was being a massive bitch (ironic timing), so I was annoyed the entire time making it lmao
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