Who would have the worst death?
Oh boy, I think it’s a tie between these guys
Ratbirch: paralyzed and drowned over and over by his brother
Fennelbur: flesh-eating disease
Doverose: mange (but was happy in the end)
Nettledeer: suffocation from a lack of oxygen while deep underground
Sparrowfall: ripped in half by dogs
Blackdawn: tortured over several days
Alderstar: crushed to death, dying nine times over (assuming he didn’t lose a life before)
Berrygaze: claws, teeth, and ears ripped out
there’s a lot of horrible deaths….
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tricos-here · 4 days
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would you join her shady company if she asked real niceys
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wheatskers · 4 days
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New Jess hairstyle means I gotta draw her again (Jess is @tricos-here's).
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aroacettorney · 5 months
for a character with a reputation of being extremely rational and logical, many of ludger's actions are actually quite emotionally motivated. even when he stays oblivious to his true emotions, there are still many instances where we can see how they unknowingly manifest in his actions and subtly influence his biases. i think ludger's second most toxic trait is that he tends to subconsciously cook up a seemly logical reason to spontaneously cover up his emotional ass because he cannot admit to himself that he feels emotions intensely.
exhibit A: his vengeance for arte's death required him to admit that he had a strong attachment to the kid, so he stated that eliminating the evil and offering solace to the victims were the actual reasons. counter: there were many better ways to deal with delica's incidents if his goal was simply enacting justice. even hans realised that this was a weak excuse to conceal his regrets.
exhibit B: his mercy towards aiden required him to admit his unwillingness to eliminate him, so he covered it up by reasoning that it would be too risky to take a student's life. counter: we know very well that he's fully capable of eliminating someone without leaving a trace if he puts his mind to the task.
exhibit C: his sparing casey's life twice required him to admit his disinclination to kill her, so instead, he reasoned that she was more useful alive and that her excessive pride wouldn't let her easily expose him to the public anyway. counter: strategically speaking, turning her against blackdawn was an obvious blunder. he didn't even need her to deal with them. plus, somehow he conveniently forgot at the moment that casey could still have told her best friend, terinna, about his identity regardless of the matter of pride and subjected him to even worse danger.
exhibit D: his taking owens under his wings and founding u.n. owen required him to admit his emotional bonds to them, so he claimed that he needed a strong fortress for his goals and his own protection, especially against the bretus. counter: considering his op-ness, he had never really needed protection. he also mainly tasked owens with leg work while dealing with most of the dangers by himself. he even ended up disbanding them to confront bretus on his own and telling them to prioritize their lives over his goals.
at first glance, his reasoning might seem sound and logical, but if we look at them for more than ten seconds, they are actually quite flimsy and contradictory. this is not to say he's inherently an idiot or a terrible liar. ludger's capability of reasoning is proven comparable to that of casey. he is also an excellent liar when it comes to deliberately lying to someone. but how does one reason or lie about feelings that they themselves are not even aware of?
my hypothesis:
when his suppressed emotions subconsciously influence his biases and/or manifest into his actions, ludger needs to convince himself that he is still being logical, and thus, without even realising it, he tries to rationalize them and grab onto whatever reason that momentarily sounds in his mind: why was he so dedicated to teaching his students? he couldn't get caught half-assing his job, and he wanted to earn the trust of the president. why did he save esmeralda? quasimodo annoyed him, so he had to step in. why did he delay the first princess' orders and prioritize the students' safety during the attacks on the capital? it was the princess' trusted blade himself who suggested saving the students, and not him. why did he accept casey's companionship during his moriarty's era? it was an act, and he was simply getting into his character.
whether ludger wants to admit it or not, he has always been a person moving according to his emotions. and the actual reason why we see so many inconsistencies and hypocrisies in his actions when aligning all of them together with his own logic is that his reasonings are only flimsy excuses that his subconsciousness makes up on the fly to rationalize away his repressed emotions, i.e. his strong attachments to this world.
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lesleylycan · 1 year
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Rillumas Blackdawn
Commission Info ☾ ~✧~ ☽ Other Links
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DarkForest Kits - an updating list 
bold = death
italics = born outside of the dark forest
FishDrop (bio FungiChomp, adoptive FadingFlea)
TawnyTrot (bio HornetLeg, adoptive fadingflea) 
AmaranthTuft, PoppyPerch, RosewoodSpring, RaspberryThorn, HarlequinCress, WeepingWobble, SpiceBushTumble, FoxgloveChirp, LavenderMottle, SweetpeaSnaggle, OysterGlow, FennelBones (fadingflea bio babies) 
CypressKit, BadgerKit, PebbleKit (adopted by Doesong and SparkTail) 
FrostKit, MoleKit, BrokenKit, AshKit (adopted by EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
FressiaKit, DoeKit, JayKit, ProteaFang (EmberDawn and GorseHeart bio) 
OwlGaze, LizardTalon, BreezeWhisper (bio WebStripe and DahliaBreeze)
WebFang, LilyClaw, SilkTangle, PetalStripe (bio WebStripe and LilyWater) 
MyrtleKit, AlderKit (bio SwanTail and LupineFrost) 
BlackKit, MudKit (adoptive FernDoe and JackDawFoot
JackDawKit (bio SwanTail and DahliaBreeze)
BeechBlaze, RowanShade, GooseStep (bio WebStripe and LupineFrost) 
CherryKit (possibly kidnapped by Gramps) 
RosyKit (bio PeanutFur) 
CandyKit (bio CrunchSnow)
JellyMoss, PineNutPounce, GlitterKit, StrawberryKit (bio SmokeFleck)
PaleShine, SilverCloud, ThistleTooth (TansyFang x WebStripe bio)
SlugWing, SpiderSpots, HawthornFrost, TansyKit, CarnationLeaf, HawthornKit, FawnHeart (BegoniaLeaf and WebStripe bio)
WaspKit, NightKit (Adopted by FennelBur and SableFleck)
MellowTooth (adopted by Wordweaver and DasiySong, bio WebStripe and WaxFeather)
WormKit (adopted by LoonFur, FallenFire, RoseFrost)
TreeSpall, DrizzleStare (bio AlderStar and HootPetal)
BlazeStrike, HoneyFlower, HawkFlight, StoneFrost (bio AspenRoot, KiteBurn, RookStorm, surrogate ShiverRose)
MoonTail, DaisyPelt, ThrushRun, RedSnail, AntPounce (bio BrownMouse and WebStripe) 
JumpPool, SnipNight, CrabNeedle, MinnowBlink, PranceKit/Ears (bio BrownMouse and NightStar) 
TigerKit (adopted by RoomStorm, KiteBurn, AspenRoot)
SmokeyFlame, BarkTail, SandKit/Spark, DeerTongue, WoollySpark, LeafCurl, YellowEar, EarWigKit, AphidHeart, ClaridaeGoose, bio SmallJump and BasilTooth, SparkTail as the surrogate)
KestralStorm, GoldenDusk, RookLight, CrowPine, RavenCall (bio Jackdawfoot and Ferndoe)
HareTuft, AdderClaw, LarkSnow (bio BirchFlight and GorseHeart)
SootShade, CloudStep (bio EmberDawn and foxfire)
Chukarvole, Pasquelull, Tritoniafinch, Choughwolf (bio EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
StarlingKit, BuzzardKit, AspenKit, DuskKit (GrouseMane and MyrtleWing, BrownMouse as surrogate)
DoeSnap, DaisyHeart (bio Hiverose and SandFoot)
MouseHollow (bio SandFoot and FrostWish)
ThistleHollow (bio SandFoot and Shademask)
OtterBounce, TurtleBreeze (adopted by PoppyHill)
OppossumKit, RaccoonKit (bio SkunkSpots and TangleStar)
LionKit, BirdKit (bio FlickerPine and TangleStar)
CreekKit (bio GhostWatcher and TangleStar)
WaspRib, FallenIris, (Bio MyrtleWing and AlderStar, surrogate TangleStar)
ShrikePaw (adopted by MyrtleWing, AlderStar, GrouseMane, HootPetal)
LightKit, LittleKit, RoseKit, SweetKit, BubbleKit (bio MellowTooth and WillowRuffle)
CardinalKit (bio TawnyTrot, ProteaFang, and doner webfang)
ToothwortLeaf, LilacLight, OrchidSnap, ButtercupBloom (bio FoxgloveTrot and MellowTooth)
AppleKit (bio sandfoot and cherrystar)
AntKit, CinderKit (adopted by AspenRoot, KiteBurn, RookStorm)
LavenderKit (adopted by HillMinnow and BlackDawn)
HootKit, FlareKit (adopted by CricketClaw)
TrillKit, CardinalKit (bio ProteaFang and doner WebFang, adopted by TawnyTrot and ProteaFang)
WoolCarderStripes, AshyToes (bio TawnyTrot and doner WebFang, adopted by ProteaFang and TawnyTrot)
SprinkleToes, SyrupSplash, SkrunklyBelly (bio CreatureFall and SnakeWhisker, surrogate CrunchSnow)
OspreyKit, CoyoteKit, ScorpionKit, IbexKit (bio DoeFire and LilyClaw)
GlasswortSnap, IndigoCloud, SassafrasKit, CeladineSniffle, LoquatKit (bio RosewoodSpring and HawthornFrost)
OakKit, SkyKit, BloodKit, DustKit (bio Motheyes and SnowWing)
ScabKit/Drip, BlightKit/Train (bio BlackFinch and FallenIris)
VultureKit, PoplarKit (bio HoneyFlame and SpiderSpots, doners are SmokeyFlame and AdderClaw)
RhubarbKit, AlmondKit (bio SpiderSpots and HoneyFlame, surrogate HawkFlight)
MallowBlight, JayFrost, LightFern (adopted by EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
GlassRiver, PagrusRose (bio Shallowfig and Banshee)
CoalFlower, PebbleHare, CricketFreckle (bio WebStripe and CloudFang)
AngelFishTooth, FidgetGills, TetraTail, BlueSpore (bio GoldfishFur and CreatureFall, with BrownMouse as surrogate)
RedRuffle, SandKit, IvyPurr, AntlerPaddle (bio TetraTail and FennelBones)
MeowyRibs, SeaNymph, MouseNectar, RosemaryWarble, BullFrogThistle, GingerKit, AmbrosiaWater, CinnamonKit (bio SkrunklyBelly and FennelBones)
EmberPoppy, ParsleyKit (bio FennelBones and CrunchSnow)
IcicleRain, SnowKit (bio FennelBones and FrostStorm)
Dullahan (bio AlderStar, MyrtleWing, and HootPetal)
Mates - an updating list 
GrouseMane X MyrtleWing X AlderStar X HootPetal 
EmberDawn X GorseHeart X Foxfire X BirchFlight
JackDawFoot X FernDoe
FadingStar X FleaThistle 
FidgetGuts X MottleCry
AspenRoot X RookStorm X KiteBurn
Avery x BristleBlaze
BasilTooth x SmallJump
FallenFire X LoonFur X RoseFrost
FoxFlake X ShiverRose
HawkWhistle X Lola 
GustTalon X AshFlower
GremlinPaw X LaughingMoss
LighteningSpring X RedBloom
FungiChomp X SmokeFleck X BrownMouse X NightStar
SwanTail X LupineFrost X DahliaBreeze
FennelBur X SableFleck
WordWeaver X DaisySong
TawnTrot X ProteaFang
FoxgloveChirp X MellowTooth X WillowRuffle
BlackDawn X HillMinnow
SkunkSpots X TangleStar X FlickerPine X GhostWatcher
BlazeStrike X DrizzleStare X KestrelStorm
WeepingWobble X DoeFire X LilyClaw
RosewoodSpring x HawthornFrost
SnakeWhisker X CreatureFall X GoldFishFur
FallenIris X BlackFinch
SpiderSpots X HoneyFlame
ShallowFig X Banshee X FennelBones
SkrunkyBelly X FennelBones
FungiChomp X BrownMouse
GoblinSnap x GremlinPaw/Frost
SnakeFern x SparrowFall
HiveRose x SandFoot
CoyoteTuft X RoseClaw
FleaThistle X BrownMouse
Let me know if I missed anything! @residents-of-the-darkforest @liberhoe @ambitiousauthor @starfalcon555
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dilum2006-project01 · 18 days
Character Details
Name: Daemon Phyonix
Age: 17
Fighting Style: BlackDawn, Dark Arts
Powers/Elements: God of Knowledge, Primordial Flame and Frost, Lightning, and Darkness
Origin: BlackDawn City
God-Slayer / Apprentice of The Blackened One / Phoenix / Leader of The New Foundation Syndicate / The Last Assassin / Defier of Death / A Legend of BlackDawn / Little-Hawk
The Legends of Blackdawn / The Revolution / New Hell / The Old God / The Dead Roses / The Ripper
Once a boy with loving parents, Daemon would've lived a life any average boy would. But hunted down like animals, his parents were butchered in front of his once innocent eyes by an infamous group. After surviving that event, he was raised by Rex Exaris, The Blackened One. 
After wasting his childhood life on training to become a blood-thirsty warrior, he joined Rex Exaris in the revolution war of BlackDawn. He gathered allies and aided factions in the city's underworld. And then he finally hunted down the infamous group but went out of hand in the process- he almost summoned his demon side-
(In BlackDawn, think of it as a Primal Instinct that takes over when a battle-hardened warrior is pushed to a corner or over an edge. Their Demon Side gives them strength, speed, agility, and Demonic Instinct to rival against their powerful opponents.)
-After coming to and realizing what terrible feats he's done, he disappeared. Then began 'the Old God' saga, when a new ally joined the rebels to find Daemon and bring him back. He and this new ally, Valdor Colt, had to join forces as new adversaries have shown themselves- and one of them is none other than Daemon himself. He learns that he was chosen as the host of the god of Knowledge, and his mind has two personalities fighting one another to take control- One is himself, and the other is the god.
 After Conquering his inner war and annihilating the new enemy forces, he returned to Rex Exaris, who welcomed him with open arms. 
Then came the saga called the New Foundation Syndicate. This was when the revolution was finally over, Chaos-Walker was finally beaten, and the Corrupted scattered across the city with no backing from their once glorious empire, and when the legends of BlackDawn disappeared without a trace- Even Rex Exaris himself. The young Daemon Phyonix decided to bring together a syndicate that would establish a new foundation for the city and rebuild it.
There's more to this than What I wrote here, so stay tuned.
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Pics of the City BlackDawn(Heterotopia)
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ttibke · 4 years
Not sure what you've been missing? Promo for Black Dawn Chapters 1 - 3 https://youtu.be/PXQZg50q3uM  For fans of #rpg #jrpg #fantasy #dnd #cruticalrole #voiceover #chibiart #dragons #knight #armageddon #blackdawn #retrogames #webseries
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poisonwhiterose · 5 years
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What are you guys doing today on this lazy Saturday morning? * * * * I'm actually not being lazy (for once lol) I'm reading the first book in the #blackdawn series by @authormalmccartney. So far its really really good. * * * * * * #bookstagram #prettybooks #prettycovers #journaling #planner #currentlyreading https://www.instagram.com/p/BuhRry5HYuY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vw5vlbef0dgt
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Cinderkit and Antkit = regret what they did the most and believe their deaths were earned. Adopted by AspenKiteRook
Hootkit and Flarekit = regret what they did the second most, but don’t believe their deaths were earned. Adopted by Cricketclaw
Lavenderkit = does regret what they did, but doesn’t say it, and doesn’t believe their deaths were earned. Adopted by Hillminnow and Blackdawn.
Smallkit = doesn’t regret what they did and does not believe that their deaths were earned. Adopted by Applefoot and Gingerstamp (neither knowing the other was also raising him).
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wheatskers · 9 hours
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This is bc Lydia linked me an always sunny meme and I thought it'd be funny to throw Jess and Hisa into it
Jess belongs to @tricos-here
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kentxsandersxwriter · 2 years
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chloeematthews · 2 years
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Back in November I hosted my own readathon!! This was the LDR-athon (or Long Distance Relationship readathon) where we read books based on prompts relating to LDRs.
I had so much fun hosting this readathon, reading one of my favourite books of the year (can you guess which one?), and can't wait to potentially do it again in 2022!
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Ello! First off, thank you SO MUCH for the work on the kits and mates list, it is Such a great help! You somehow seemed to remember more things than I myself have, lol.
I was wondering if you wanted to add Ex-mates as a part? I'm not sure if there's many, just Snakefern-Sparrowfall and Hiverose-Sandfoot, and they were both small flings I think.
Oh! and since I'm already sending you a message, I don't want to send you more, so here's some updates for the list!
--GorseheartXEmberdawn is now GorseheartXEmberdawnXBirchflightXFoxfire
--Blackdawn and Hillminnow are now mates!
--Mousekit and Thistlekit are now Mousehollow and Thistlehollow; Starling, Aspen, Dust, and Buzzard are now Starlingstrike, Aspenlight, Dustsong, and Buzzardblaze
--Turtlekit and Otterkit (or Turtlebreeze and Otterbounce) are kits adopted by Poppyhill.
I think that's it! It's honestly impressive how much you already had though, dude. I was expecting to also add the new stuff like GorseEmber's new litter, but you already had that. I also saw that Claridaekit's suffix is goose and I just love that
thank you! I’ll add them when my wifi fixes itself (gotta love living in the middle of nowhere, a snowstorm hit and our wifis down… again)
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heavypedia · 3 years
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No dia 15 de dezembro de 1946, nascia o baterista Carmine Appice. . . . . . . . . {Tags: #CarmineAppice #CarmineAppicesGuitarZeus #Cactus #CactusBand #OneWayOrAnother #RestrictionsOtnSweaty #CactusV #BlackDawn #KingKobra #ReadyToStrike #ThrillOfALifetime #KingKobraIII #KingKobraII #PaulStanley #TedNugent #OzzyOsbourne #RodStewart #Appice #AppiceBrothers #Rock #HardRock #Metal #HeavyMetal #GlamMetal #BluesRock #PsychedelicRock #Heavypédia #Heavypedia #Heavycast #NaçãoRoqueira} https://www.instagram.com/p/CI0tnkIhtuF/?igshid=1oa4qylran6i9
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