Primpaw is... gone
As Flashpaw was about to find some fresh, clean moss for the elders, he noticed Slug burst into camp, panting. "What's going on?" He asked. Slug sat down and gave the young apprentice a scared look. "Primpaw, your sister... twolegs uh- trap and uh..." Flash looked slug in the eyes before running to the apprentice den, crying, very angry at her sisters mentor.
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pikaclan · 8 months
Moon 206
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Rattlerun takes on a new mate! He knows Burnetdawn would have wanted to see him happy <3 (though unfortunately Halfmark is fixed)
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New kits!
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SplinterClan hmmm
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Nutmeg has a heart attack (Forgot to roll for Barkpuddle he's intact)
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rapidkirby3000 · 1 year
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During my adolescence, as I got into various Flash websites such as FlashKit and such, I came across a few cool music loops that piqued my interest. FlashSound instantly became one of those.
There were quite a few 'Groove Loops' and 'Music Beds' I happened to really like, such as the following: Techno, Trance Planet, Quiet Earth, Happy, Step To This, Gold Bust, Dark Origin, Old School, Vocoded, Vibrate, Thundering Grooves, Twhack, Shaga, and Ambient Realms.
Unfortunately, by the time around my high school graduation in 2006, whether if it's before or after such an event, I never had the chance to purchase a license to obtain the short songs and music loops in much better quality compared to the low-quality previews.
Also, despite visiting the old FlashSound website through the WayBackMachine, as you can see with this screenshot that features one of its later web designs, it has since been defunct for many years. Sad face, indeed.
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cascadeclangen · 4 months
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Rustfeather and Foxpaw find a loner queen by the border with the Wilds, and takes her back to Cascadeclan’s camp. Her name is Storm Warning.
She dies shortly after kitting that night, leaving her four newborn kits behind. Cascadeclan hasn’t had healthy kits in many moons, and desperately need the new warriors the kits will one day become.
They are given the names Shockkit, Lightningkit, Thunderkit, and Flashkit in honour of their mother.
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The kits are given to the only nursing queen in the clan, Frostleaf. Her own kits didn’t survive.
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Rainypaws worries over something Storm Warning told him…
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Nueronstripe grooms her fur as large chunks of fur come out. Ah, newleaf. The time her coat gets shorter. Perfect for bedding!
Sadly, Lotuskit faded over the course of the moon, never getting to grow up with his siblings...
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However, his siblings are starting to thrive! They've begun being such a handful, that Oleander doesn't know what to do with them!
Flashkit, pricklekit, and branchkit are already starting to play some pranks on the cats in the clan!
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This is much to the annoyance of Robinfreckle, who is tiredly grooming her newly born kits...
She refuses to talk about their father, but cricketshadow can tell something is up. He's noticed so many different scents on her... 5 of them to be exact.... Who was she seeing?... None of them were clan scents...
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Crowdapple, however, has recovered from yellowcough! But Iciclehusk has gotten a running nose... Hopefully it's just the lingering cold weather that caused this...
Cricketshadow has to talk to Teaselspeckle... Maybe he could help her on patrol! Teaselspeckle happily accepts one of the most responsible warriors in the clan, in her opinion, on her little expedition. But there's another reason she accepted.
As they walk, Cricketshadow explains a dream. One about unfamiliar cats circling around him and the territory. It seemed like they were going to do something, but Cricketshadow didn't know what...
Teaselspeckle sighs, perhaps this is her chance to tell somebody about her burden.
"Cricketshadow, I know... I saw it all. I can dreamwalk." She said bluntly, hoping cricketshadow would just accept it.
Cricketshadow faltered for a second, not being able to think of a response.
"Don't worry. You don't have to do anything. It wasn't a horrible warning.. well, I don't think..." She explained, comforting Cricketshadow about the dream all the way back.
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Other than that, the remaining warriors hunt, gaining an abundance of prey as the newleaf weather brings all the prey out of their burrows!
Wrenstar sighs. 12 moons. they had been here for so long... And yet it felt like such little time had passed... She had so little warriors... She needed to step it up.
Year 1 has completed.
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ocprompts · 6 months
not exactly my OCs (characters from a randomly generated game (clangen)) but I have this drawing my computer is HATING (3500x3500 canvas, 3 short of 100 layers (would've been 103 if I had sanddazzle's eyes open))
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flaskit (one with the white tip on their tail), graykit (the one holding a paw out), snowybird (speckled tabby), and sanddazzle (fully gray one)
flashkit and graykit are sisters whose mother died very soon after their birth. snowybird and sanddazzle, who are girlfriends, found them while out and took them.
cant wait to see where these girl's lives go!
the names are so cute!
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phloxclan · 1 month
Moon 78
Vinepaw earns the warrior name Vinepath.
Roachstripe has greencough. Murkfreckle fell into a river and has been coughing since. Squirreldapple is injured saving Snowshadow from a hawk.
Carnation has a litter of 5 kits, with Wisteriaheart as the other parent. However, the strain of the birth and her severe injuries is too much, and she dies. Fruitkit - Brown and white molly with emerald eyes and long fur, sweet, interested in the Dark Forest. Only kit named by Carnation. Fluffykit - Red tabby tom with emerald eyes, daydreamer, interested in herbs. Named by Coppersight. Sorrelkit - Brown tabby molly with emerald eyes, noisy, quick to make peace. Named by Coppersight. Ratkit - White molly with pale yellow eyes, noisy, careful listener. Named by Wisteriaheart. Carnationkit - White molly with one ginger leg and pale yellow eyes, noisy, quick to help. Named by Wisteriaheart.
A kittypet and kits are found at the border and brought to the clan. The nursery is extremely full. Geodeflow - Ginger molly with heather blue eyes and long fur, 121 moons, childish, great teacher, good speaker. Minnowkit - Pale ginger and white tom with amber eyes, 2 moons, polite, moss-ball hunter. Auburnkit - Ginger and white molly with yellow-green eyes, long fur, and a maple leaf, 2 moons, troublesome, interested in Starclan. - When looking at Auburnkit, Weevilsun can't help but remember the dream she had when Phloxclan first formed.
Moon 79
Clawpaw and Dewpaw earn their full names - Clawspot and Dewglade.
Weevilsun has a single kit. Brush is the other parent. Flashkit - Dark gray molly with cyan eyes, charming, lover of stories. Weevilsun and Brush have not interacted at all and have 0 affection (romantic or platonic), so I've decided they just both wanted kits and decided to co-parent, but have no interest in each other.
Orchard was bitten by a snake but lived!
Shrubfoot confesses her feelings to Flaxwhistle again, and is rejected again.
Moon 80
iPod went for a walk and is later found dead.
Clawspot has whitecough and Cloverdust's tail was injured by a falling branch.
Groveglide comes out as a trans molly, and Flaxwhistle finds maple seeds to wear.
Bluebriar purrs for a long time at Salmon's joke.
Weevilsun confesses to Falconfade, and they have become mates. Falconfade adopts Flashkit.
Sandspeckle bonds with Coppersigh and Sneezekit.
Wisteriaheart ignores Sorrelkit, then bristles when Canopytail scolds him. Clawspot spends time with Sorrelkit.
Jump is found at the border, exhausted but happy to be back! They gather the kits up and tell them about their journey.
Paleflicker finds an abandoned kit, rushing her home and adopting her. Lichenkit - Tortie molly with hazel eyes and long fur, 2 moons, polite, splashes in puddles.
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warriorsseverance · 5 months
ao3 link
Deep in the thickest woods within the valley, it was, more often than not, serene. It was late at night and extremely calm- only the chirping of the cicadas on the tree disturbed the silence, or the rush of the river that marked the end of the forest. Most animals were asleep by now- Except in Thunderclan’s camp.
Tonight, while most cats slept and awaited the return of their friends later, two bundles of fur, one black and white and one gray, were huddled together in the apprentice's den, too anxiety-ridden to sleep.
Their names were Badgerpaw and Slatepaw, two tomcats who were best friends practically from birth. Their clanmates were out, fighting with Windclan over Eastern Point- Again.
The little peninsula was fought over by them practically every moon. Right now, Windclan held it, and Thunderclan was quick to retaliate.
Badgerpaw and Slatepaw would've gone, had it not been for the rainy day where Badgerpaw slipped and sprained his shoulder, rendering him unfit to go to the battle. Slatepaw stayed to keep him company.
His mother, Sablewren, couldn't even suppress a chuckle when she heard. It was humiliating to get hurt and have your mother laugh in front of everyone you knew. She hadn't visited him in the medicine den, either.
His father came in just to lecture him about being more careful- Slatepaw and Skunkpaw had actually come to keep him company, though.
At first, Snowfleck had thought he had broken his shoulder, but it turned out to be a bad sprain. Badgerpaw was grateful- His path to warriorhood couldn't take that much of a break!
Badgerpaw's father, Coalcrow, and his brother, Skunkpaw, had both gone to the battle, as had Slatepaw's parents. The two toms were similar in the manner that one had parents far too strict, and the other had parents who didn't interact with him enough to be strict. They made up for their losses with their friendship, though.
They'd spent most of their time waiting for the patrol to come home by entertaining Mintflower’s kits; Harekit, Redkit, Flashkit, and Fallowkit, but they had since gone off to their nest, herded by their mother, who advised them to get some sleep as well.
Neither Badgerpaw nor Slatepaw could sleep, though. The more they tried, the more restless they became. Both toms were excited to hear about Skunkpaw’s time in the battle. They wanted to hear everything.
Most every cat had gone to the battle, except for their medicine cat, Snowfleck, and the queens, kits, and elders had remained as well.
Badgerpaw was angry that he had missed out. He had perfected his charge-and-pin, but that's what got him here in the first place. He'd slipped on the wet rock, banging his shoulder against the ground.
Badgerpaw hoped to hear that Skunkpaw did something spectacular. Maybe he got his first kill… Badgerpaw doubted it. Skunkpaw didn't really like the thought of killing. He was fun-loving, and free-spirited. Not a killer, even if, by Thunderclan's standards, that was a good thing.
It was getting close to moon-high. Badgerpaw blinked, shifting beside Slatepaw. Slatepaw stirred, and mrrowed, “You think they'll be home soon? They've been gone for a while.” Slatepaw's tone was bright, but it had a faint echo of anxiety- faint enough to where only a cat used to his mannerisms would be able to see it.
Badgerpaw knew his friend loved his parents, and didn't want them to get too hurt, even if they didn't care for him much. Slatepaw had raised himself, for the most part- His mother and father were more concerned with their self-image of being fun and good warriors. They didn't bother doing anything with Slatepaw, except for the times it'd help them. Badgerpaw resented them in Slatepaw's stead, for Slatepaw could never hate his own family.
Badgerpaw could, though. He was full of hatred. Even if he felt bad for it, since for the most part, his family was better than Slatepaw's. Sometimes.
Badgerpaw fluffed out his long fur, turning to Slatepaw, “They'll be home soon. We won't hear the end of it from Skunkpaw for moons.” He grinned. He was a lot better at hiding his misgiving- When you lied to yourself, too, it eventually felt true.
Badgerpaw tipped his muzzle up, ears twitching. “He'll tell us all about how he chased off the biggest, meanest Windclan warrior. I'm sure Coalcrow'll tell us that it was really him getting chased. Mintflower's kits will get a kick out of it, though.” He assured, his tone confident.
It was Thunderclan, after all.
They always won.
Slatepaw seemed somewhat satisfied by his friend's response, and the two fell into comfortable silence.
What felt like moons later, but must've been until just after moon-high, the sound of cats entering camp alerted the tomcat. Badgerpaw's ears swiveled toward the source of the noise. He nudged Slatepaw, who had drifted into sleep. “I think they're back!”
Unease settled in Badgerpaw's stomach like a pile of rocks, but he tried to force it down. Where were the cries of victory? Maybe they were trying not to wake the kits and elders up.
Badgerpaw slid, stiff-legged from not moving for so long, out of the apprentice's den, Slatepaw on his tail, his paws pitter pattering behind Badgerpaw in an eager way, ready to see the warriors that returned.
The battle patrol was slowly filing back into camp. Brackenstar led them in, missing a clump of fur on his shoulder. A couple scratches were visible through his deep-brown pelt, and Badgerpaw straightened.
It felt off. Too quiet.
Brackenstar’s gaze met Badgerpaw’s for a moment, before darting away, to the apprentice's confusion. “You'd better go speak to Sablewren,” Brackenstar said, tone grave. Badgerpaw exchanged a glance with Slatepaw.
More cats were filling the camp, and Badgerpaw’s insides squirmed with discomfort as he noticed the injuries afflicting most every cat. Urgency sparked in his mind. He had to see if his family was alright.
He shouldered through the crowd, toward the center. He could've sworn he could see the black ears of his mother.
“Sablewren! What's going on?” He called, his normally suave voice cracking, betraying his anxiety. Slatepaw was close behind him, having seen his own parents.
Badgerpaw finally made his way up to his mother, only to see what she was hunched over. Who she was hunched over.
A strangled whine escaped Badgerpaw's throat as he instantly recognized the corpses. Slatepaw stiffened beside him with a wail, but Badgerpaw didn't have the strength to comfort him. The nauseating sight had already taken a toll on him, his mind an awful whirl of emotion.
His gaze was fixated on the bloodied bodies of his father and brother.
Badgerpaw shoved a cat aside, collapsing beside the motionless bodies. Coalcrow's head lolled, jaws parted in a yowl that would never be heard. His father's ear was almost completely clawed off. Meanwhile Skunkpaw's body was in further ruin- Deep, bloody gashes in his side stained and slicked down his black-and-white fur. The worst sight was the awkward angle of his neck… The way it jutted out. It was broken.
No! Skunkpaw and I were supposed to be Thunderclan's greatest warriors. We were supposed to make Coalcrow proud.
Fighting back tears, he wrenched his focus away from the bodies and toward his mother, silently begging for her to do something. To say something. Sablewren seemed to notice his presence then, for she snapped her jaws toward her son, eyes red and angry. Badgerpaw flinched backwards.
“Get away!” Badgerpaw's mother shrieked. He backed away, tail between his legs.
“You should have been there! You knew your brother was too weak to be in a battle alone! You- you should have protected him, so your father wouldn't have to end his life doing it!” Sablewren's voice was trembling, as was the rest of her body.
Badgerpaw stared at her in dismay, his heart sinking in such a way that it felt like it dropped right to the ground. Was that really what she thought? His muzzle twisted- he couldn't handle her behavior toward him. Not this time, not with the smell of his family’s blood in the air.
“It's not my fault!” he shouted, stretching out his neck and puffing out his fur. He was a big cat, already nearly the height of his mother. But Sablewren’s anger was larger than her senses, not fearing her son in any capacity, snarling back at Badgerpaw, her voice low, “It is. Get away!” Badgerpaw jerked back at the sight of the hatred in her eyes.
The crowd of cats had all paused, and were watching the pair, boxing them in like a circle of wolves. Slatepaw stared at them, eyes wide.
“You should've- Should've- I… I hate you! You let them die!” Badgerpaw spat, and Sablewren glared back with a growl from deep within her throat. Being angry was the only way he knew how to process his feelings- After all, he had two fantastic examples of this for parents. She opened her mouth to say more, before Brackenstar and Oakscamper shouldered them apart, letting out furious yowls that just blurred in his ears.
Badgerpaw felt the rage that had enveloped his senses, making them melt away, only to be replaced by a dull throb of anger- and hurt.
You're my mother! Badgerpaw wished to have said, but now it felt like his jaws were clamped together. He couldn't be near the bodies of his kin anymore. They had been so alive this morning- so excited. Skunkpaw was so upset that he couldn't come.
Badgerpaw felt sick to his stomach. He wrenched his gaze away from the corpses and his mother, and backed away.
He turned, and ran out of the camp, not sure where he’s going. Badgerpaw just needed to leave. He couldn't be around them right now. His vision swam with tears, and Badgerpaw didn't stop running until he was well out of Thunderclan's territory, stopping at a small glade. He and Skunkpaw and Slatepaw used to go there all the time to train their moves at night so they'd be better practiced in the morning. For a slight moment the memory fills his stomach with a slight warmth, but it disappears as fast as it appears.
Badgerpaw's chest heaved, and he gazed up at the tree before him, partially stripped of it's bark. He, his brother and friend had all came here and scored their claws through the bark- along with countless others of cats who had discovered the clearing moons before them.
Tears glistened in his brown eyes, looking throughout the forest around him. . Nobody was around anymore. He could let them out now, and did. He slumped down, in the roots of the tree, and buried his head in his paws, thoughts filled with memories of his kin.
What am I supposed to do without you, Skunkpaw?
And Coalcrow.
I never got to make you proud of me.
Badgerpaw's eyelids drooped. The whole day of staying away was beginning to catch up to him.
He thought of Sablewren, and her words.
You should have been there.
He should've. His shoulder didn't even hurt- Guilt swarmed at his insides, but a new wave of anger brought clarity to his mind.
It wasn’t. It wasn’t his fault, was it? It was Windclan’s. They had killed them- They were the reason Sablewren despised him now, the reason for his family to be dead. His brother. His best friend.
Badgerpaw sat there for a while, his thoughts filled his head, until sleep lulled him in, closing his heavy eyelids.
I’ll make sure you don’t die in vain. He promised, and fell asleep.
A sharp prod in Badgerpaw’s side woke him. He hardly even bothered to open his eyes. Leave me alone, Slatepaw. He wished he could sleep forever, or wake up and find that it was all just an awful dream. Maybe any minute now, he’d wake up and remember that he had a battle to go to.
“Hello? Helloooo, are you even alive?”
The voice sounded nothing like Slatepaw’s- Or any cat he knew. Badgerpaw jumped up with a start, his pelt ruffled with sleep.
The unfamiliar cat let out a mrrow of surprise, hopping away on nimble feet. Badgerpaw looked at her sullenly. He didn’t even have the energy nor will to chase her away, as most Thunderclan cats would have done.
“You scared me,” The she-cat purred with amusement, tail flicking through the air, before a slightly more serious expression took over her features. “Who even are you, though? I’ve never seen you here before, and I’m here every day!”
She was a long-furred white she-cat with small little diamond-shaped spots on her fur, and the brightest blue eyes he had ever seen. She didn’t look any older than Badgerpaw himself.
Badgerpaw didn’t answer for a long time, and the she-cat snorted. “Not a very talkative one, are you?” She leaned forward, sniffing him. Badgerpaw recoiled instantly, to the other cat’s amusement. “You smell like one of those bee-brained Clan cats.”
Badgerpaw’s tail twitched. “I am one.” He snapped, his eyes slightly red from the flood of emotions yesterday. He still felt so… Empty.
“That got you going, at least. You’re very grumpy, you know that?” The white cat rolled her brilliantly blue eyes. “I’m Jewel. I live around these woods. I want you to answer me.” She said, tongue sticking out at the end of her words, a playful sparkle in her eyes.
“My name is Badgerpaw.” He grumbled, a bit of his standoffish demeanor beginning to slip away. All he felt now was sad, and lonely. His head drooped, and he slumped down against the ground. “Just leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to anyone.” Not now, not ever.
To his surprise, Jewel laid down in front of him curiously. “But I’ve never actually met a clan cat. Only been chased away by them. Are they all so… Sad?” She questioned, reaching out with a paw to experimentally bap his ear- as though testing whether he was real, or not.
Badgerpaw flicked a black ear, and shifted his head away so he wouldn’t have to look at her. He squeezed his eyes shut.
Jewel scooted back up into a sitting position. “Not a talker. I get it, I guess. My ma’ was like that.” Her mew sounded wistful, as though reminiscent of the past. Her eyes took on a glassy film, and she frowned. “I miss ‘er a lot. When she would talk, it was always so smart. She always said, ‘Jewel, you’ll know all that I do once you lose that sharp tongue of yours’. I was like you when I lost her, you know that? Didn’t want to talk to anyone. Not that there was anyone to talk to,” She added, with a wry chuckle matched with a twitch of her long white whiskers.
Badgerpaw’s ears perked, and he glanced at her. He bit his tongue, fighting back the urge to just tell her everything. Maybe talking to someone would help- She seemed to be in his situation too, but all he could manage out was a quiet murmur.
“My littermate and father just died, too.”
Jewel’s tone softened, and she cocked her head to the side. “Oh yeah? See, we ain’t so different, even if you’re a clan cat.” She held her tongue between her teeth for a moment, eyes glittering with sympathy. “But I know what it’s like- Obviously- but it’ll get better, you know? Just gotta be loyal to yourself. Don’t get lost in your grief- I almost did, and it nearly cost me my life.”
Badgerpaw met her gaze, fighting down a lump in his throat. “Really?” His voice came out far more squeaky than he had intended, but he felt like it was pretty understandable for someone in his situation.
“Yeah, it will.” Jewel said, leaning closer and offering him a toothy smile. “I think you’ll be fine. You’ve just gotta keep moving. Grief’s the price you pay for love, and we all gotta pay the price, sooner or later. But I’m sure they loved you. You’ve got time to move on, and you will.” She assured him.
Badgerpaw nodded, his eyes half-open and glum. However, a. . . Curious look was on his face. Despite himself, the words Jewel spoke gave him some sort of comfort, and Badgerpaw desperately craved that. Sablewren would never give him any solace.
Jewel tilted her head, watching his expression- Seeming to almost read his mind. “I’m not used to being around cats… But maybe if you come here again, you’ll be lucky enough to catch me.” She said, tone teasing. She touched her nose to his, and Badgerpaw blinked in surprise.
And catch her he did.
For moons, and more to come, the two would meet up- Badgerpaw would even bring Slatepaw along sometimes- and just talk. For hours. He learned about how she had been orphaned when she was young, and she’d help him through his grief, and help him when he and Sablewren’s arguments became more frequent, and talked him through her death, as well. She was there when he was Badgerglade, and stayed with him when he inevitably became Badgerstar. She helped him rescue a young kitten, barely a moon old, from a fox.
The kitten’s name was Stag. They couldn’t save his father, nor his littermates, but the best thing they could do was have Badgerstar bring him back to Thunderclan. Slatefox and Badgerstar would raise him, shielding him from the scornful words of the other cats in the clan who couldn’t believe he’d bring an outsider to their clan.
Badgerstar taught him to be loyal, for that’s what mattered the most to him.
The Thunderclan leader would never forget the words of his mother, though. The sting of her tongue would never leave him. He would always remember what had caused his family to crumble, no matter how long ago it was. He even learned the killer of his brother- an older Windclan apprentice named Pythonpaw.
One day, Badgerstar knew he’d get his vengeance.
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spinnysocks · 3 months
making my main clangen cats in picrew!!! part 1! :3
there are uhm. erm. like ~75 cats in SpringClan rn soooo i'm gonna do this in parts! first of all, the four currently living founders! under the cut :)
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Silkstar (formerly Silkwillow). She/her.
Cis lesbian molly. 120 moons old (as of Moon 87). 9 lives left. Insecure and an excellent teacher. A founder of SpringClan, current (second) leader, and former deputy.
Mate: Thunderpetal (deceased).
Kits: Patchswift, Stormcliff, Sorrelcreek (deceased), Boltstar (disowned), Batjump.
Grandkits: Moleprickle, Bogwhisper, Burnetrustle (deceased), Dapplepaw (deceased), Shinefly (disowned), Gleamkit (deceased), Darkwing (disowned, deceased), Flashkit (deceased), Florakit (deceased), Rumblekit (deceased), Dockpaw.
Notes: My girl! I can't believe how long she's been around. She was deputy since the founding of the Clan and has lived to become the next leader. I gave her a frown because life's been pretty hard on her — she became leader right after losing her lifelong mate, Thunderpetal, who was the epitome of deputy material and everycat loved her. She died during an extinction event, and the former leader had also died at the same time, so there was a lot on this poor gal's shoulders. But overall, she's an amazing leader with no intentions but the best for the cats she looks after and peace between the Clans.
That being said, while writing her profile, I realised 7 out of her 11 grandchildren are deceased. Most of them from extinction events. Gleamkit and Flashkit were only newborns too. It's sad as fuck.
She also has 5 great-grandkits, who are luckily alive and well, which you will see in Patchswift's profile. So that's something happier ^^.
Overall, I love this sweetheart who's doing her best looking after a ~75 cat Clan. I want her to be leader forever. I'm hoping she doesn't lose all her lives at once; I think, if anything, old age will take her.
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Caterpillarfoot (formerly Caterpillarpaw). She/her & ve/vir.
Cis lesbian molly. 97 moons old (as of Moon 87). Charismatic, a den builder and a good storyteller. A founder of SpringClan and current deputy to Silkstar.
Mate: Snapgaze.
Kits: Kestrelstrike (step-son), Sandkit (deceased), Snakeholly, Snailtongue, Kiteblossom.
Grandkits: Thorny (became a kittypet), Spikyhawk, Wrenkit, Cricketkit, Sleekkit.
Notes: I love her. Ve is also a founder and has managed to survive many many extinction events, though she does have a scar and is a member of the Seven Tail Scars group (/silly).
Unfortunately, a lot of the Clan drama trails back to vir, though it's not her fault. I'll explain here: many moons ago, a new molly called Tuftwhisker joined the Clan and caught feelings for Caterpillarfoot, but she was manipulative and tried to convince Caterpillar to leave with her. Tuft's plan didn't work as Caterpillar was oblivious to her advances and very happy in SpringClan; Tuftwhisker died of greencough soon after and went to StarClan. Eventually, when one of Caterpillar's close friends called Plantainstorm died, he travelled to StarClan and revealed Tuftwhisker's inappropriate behaviour towards Caterpillarfoot. Subsequently, the molly was sent to the Black Lake (the Dark Forest). From then on, Tuftwhisker has endlessly terrorised the Clan, including manipulating three cats to commit awful deeds. One of these caused the death of Caterpillarfoot's own child, Sandkit, by the paws of one of vir's own clanmates.
It's really tragic. If Tuftwhisker wasn't sent to the Black Lake, the three traitors may not have been manipulated to do evil. They may still be alive and happy with their families. Numerous clanmates may not have died. But in the end, it isn't Caterpillarfoot's fault. Ve is strong and resilient, stepping into the deputy role with her head held high despite sickness and grief over lost clanmates. She would make a good leader too, though if that is set in the stars, it questions the future of SpringClan due to Tuftwhisker leading the Black Lake and her apparent hatred for Caterpillarfoot being happy...
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Snapgaze (formerly Snappaw). They/them.
Nonbinary bisexual cat. 98 moons old (as of Moon 87). Loving and a keen eye. A founder of SpringClan and a retired elder.
Parents: Rowanstar (deceased), Leafbreeze (step-mother, deceased).
Siblings: Thistlebloom (step-sister, deceased), Roothop, Basilpaw (deceased), Honeypaw (deceased).
Mate: Caterpillarfoot.
Kits: Kestrelstrike (outsider roots), Sandkit (deceased), Snakeholly, Snailtongue, Kiteblossom.
Grandkits: Thorny (became a kittypet), Spikyhawk, Wrenkit, Cricketkit, Sleekkit.
Notes: They're AWESOME. I couldn't do any of their colours justice in the picrew sadly, but I'm not too bothered.
This cat has lost a lot. Their moms were the first leader and the head medicine cat of the Clan, and I think Snapgaze had deputy goals as they were a very ambitious warrior. However, they lost their beloved new sister in a drought, taking a big toll on them. When Snapgaze recovered from that grief, they were on a walk when they became trapped in flames and burnt their paws so badly that they felt unable to do warrior duties ever again. As a result, Snapgaze became an elder when they were just a young adult, but still they experienced many many joys in their life: bringing their son, Kestrelstrike, into the world. Seeing two new litters of siblings being born. Becoming mates with Caterpillarfoot and having two litters of kits with her. Becoming a grandparent to five grandkits. Yet, they still lost more: two of their siblings, with only one left living. Their child, Sandkit. Their mother, Rowanstar, losing her lives in a landslide. Their step-mother, Leafbreeze, falling into ever-lasting grief and delirium afterwards - retiring and eventually passing. Even their grandchild, Thorny, was unhappy in SpringClan and left completely one night. But despite it all, Snapgaze still has a lot to hold on for and be happy about — they are extremely close with their son, Kestrelstrike, and are overjoyed at their child, Snailtongue's, new litter of three :).
They're cool B). But if you think Snapgaze has lost a lot, just you wait for this last kitty.
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Patchswift (formerly Patchkit, Patchpaw). She/her.
Cis unlabelled molly. 91 moons old (as of Moon 87). Ambitious and an incredible runner. A founder of SpringClan and currently a senior warrior of the highest rank.
Parents: Silkstar, Thunderpetal (deceased).
Siblings: Stormcliff, Sorrelcreek (deceased), Boltstar (disowned), Batjump.
Mate: Plantainstorm (deceased).
Kits: Moleprickle (step-son), Bogwhisper, Burnetrustle (deceased), Dapplepaw (deceased), Shinefly (disowned), Gleamkit (deceased), Darkwing (disowned, deceased), Flashkit (deceased).
Grandkits: Downyleap (adoptive), Dappledpatch, Weedbelly, Snowsilk, Quailnettle.
Notes: This girl. Is so tragic. But she has rose from the only kit in the founding of SpringClan to the current greatest, most experienced senior warrior. She was almost picked for the deputy position, but Silkstar decided against her due to that being nepotism™. Patchswift doesn't hate her mother for it, she just hates that she couldn't be deputy, and envies Caterpillarfoot's position.
She has lost a lot more than that, though. She became mates with Plantainstorm and the mother figure to his son, Moleprickle, the first new kitten of SpringClan (I think?). Soon enough, Patch and Plantain had a litter of three together. When their kits became apprentices, they had a second litter of four. Yet, a terrible drought meant Patchswift could not produce enough milk and lost two of their newborn kits, Gleamkit and Flashkit. As if things couldn't get any worse, Plantainstorm and Dapplepaw, who were both working desperately to help Patch, could not survive their own dehydration and heat exhaustion. She was left absolutely devastated. Only a moon later, a fire raged through the camp. Another child of her first litter, Burnetpaw, suffered from smoke inhalation while trying to help save an elder. The apprentice was named Burnetrustle just before they travelled to StarClan. Patchswift's younger sibling, Sorrelcreek, also died in the fire. The molly promised on her life to look after what was left of her closest family: her adoptive son, Moleprickle, her only remaining first litter child, Bogwhisper, and her two second litter kittens, Shinekit and Darkkit.
As if fate couldn't hate her more, Shinefly and Darkwing were manipulated by Tuftwhisker drawing them into the Black Lake. They led an attack against their clanmates - including their own uncle, Batjump, Patchswift's younger brother, among many others - and were banished from SpringClan for good. Now all of Patch's second litter were gone.
She also lost her mother figure, Thunderpetal, along the line. Luckily she hasn't lost any more of her family for a fair few moons, but with recent news that her disowned younger sibling has become the leader of a neighbouring Clan that has been causing them problems, there may not be peace for her truly.
So yeah. All those deceased or disowned grandkits of Silkstar's? They are Patchswift's. Moleprickle isn't her biological son, so her only living biological kit out of seven is Bogwhisper. They're super close, they even share the same petal accessory! AND Patchswift can see Plantainstorm in Bogwhisper such as when he adopted an abandoned kitten called Downykit, just as Plantain had with Molekit :').
Patchswift can be snappy and cold, but I love her. Her story is so so tragic - she can't even get the one role she wanted all her life - but she lives for her two sons and grandkits, and honestly she's an inspiration. I will be sobbing on the floor when she goes </3.
i used this picrew! ^^
if you read this far uhm. i'm impressed /gen & silly
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Shoreclan moons 50-100!
Moon 53:
- Yellowstar loses a life to age
Moon 54:
- Fidgetpaw returns! She’s given a warrior name- Fidgetroar
- Cavepaw becomes Cavemoss
Moon 55:
- Yellowstar loses a life to age
- Ibispelt is expecting kits!
- Coyotepaw becomes Coyotemark
Moon 56:
- Stormpaw becomes Stormpearl
Moon 57:
- Yellowstar loses remaining lives
- Ibispelt has a single kitten- Bearkit
- Yellowclaw is promoted to leader, becoming Yellowstar the second
- Yellowfleck is promoted to deputy
- Stormpearl is lost
Moon 58:
- Caterpillarpeak died of snakebite
- Oddblink is expecting kits
Moon 59:
- Yellowstar 2 brought back 2 kittens- Oakkit and Lizardkit
- Oddblink and Kitekick had 2 kittens- Umberkit and Breezekit
Moon 62:
- Quillpaw brings home 4 kittens- Dawnkit, Splashkit, Juniperkit and Whirlkit
- Quillpaw died
Moon 63:
- Bearkit becomes Bearpaw and is apprenticed to Kitekick
Moon 64:
- Coyotemark drowned
- Yellowfleck is expecting kits
- Swiftspeckle brought home three kits- Tallkit, Slightkit, and Umberkit
Moon 66:
- Yellowfleck had two kits with Curlstripe- Flashkit and Lilykit
- Currentkit joins the clan
Moon 67
- Oakkit becomes Oakpaw, and is apprenticed to Tuftstep
- Lizardkit becomes Lizardpaw, and is apprenticed to Oddblink
- Umberkit becomes Umberpaw, and is apprenticed to Cavemoss
- Breezekit becomes Breezepaw, and is apprenticed to Curlstripe
Moon 68:
- Bearpaw becomes Bearspeck
- Yellowstar 2 loses a life
- Dawnkit becomes Dawnpaw and is apprenticed to Kitekick
- Splashkit becomes Splashpaw and is apprenticed to Bearspeck
- Juniperkit becomes Juniperpaw, and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 2
- Whirlkit becomes Whirlpaw and is apprenticed to Fidgeroar
- Currentkit becomes Currentpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 2
Moon 69
- Ibispelt dies
- Saplingkit joins the clan
Moon 70:
- Umberkit becomes Umberpaw and is apprenticed to Bearspeck
- Slightkit becomes Slightpaw and is apprenticed to Kitekick
- Tallkit becomes Tallpaw and is apprenticed to Curlstripe
- Juniperpaw becomes a med cat apprentice
- Valleypelt joins the clan as a new med cat
Moon 71:
- Hailkit joins the clan
Moon 72:
- Stormpearl returns
- Flashkit becomes Flashpaw and is apprenticed to Tuftstep
- Lilykit become Lilypaw and is apprenticed to Stormpearl
- Saplingkit becomes Saplingpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowfleck
- Melba joins the clan
- Muffy joins the clan
Moon 73:
- Yazhu joins the clan with kits- Bouncekit and Frozenkit
- Fallenshade joins the clan
Moon 74:
- Splashpaw dies via sea monster
- Lizardpaw becomes Lizardwatcher
- Breezepaw becomes Breezetooth
- Swiftspeckle has three kittens- Greenkit, Fidgetkit, and Raggedkit
Moon 75:
- Cavemoss died of redcough
- Umberpaw becomes Umberwind
- Tallpaw becomes Tallfluff
- Hailkit becomes Hailpaw and is apprenticed to Tallfluff
- Bristlekit joins the clan
- Slightpaw died in a flood
Moon 76:
- Odetta and Kitekick drown in a flood
- Curlstripe curses Odetta at the vigil???
- Koba joined the clan
- Dawnpaw becomes Dawncry
- Juniperpaw becomes Juniperfade
- Umberpaw becomes Umberwhisker
- Saplingpaw died in a flood
Moon 77:
- Currentpaw becomes Currentfern
Moon 78:
- Bristlekit becomes Bristlepaw and is apprenticed to Umberwind
Moon 79:
- Whirlpaw becomes Whirlheart
- Flashpaw becomes Flashdapple
- Bouncekit becomes Bouncepaw and is apprenticed to Muffy
- Frozenkit becomes Frozenpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 2
Moon 80:
- Greenkit becomes Greenpaw and is appreciated to Melba
- Fidgetkit becomes Fidgetpaw and is apprenticed to Currentfern
- Raggedkit becomes Raggedpaw and is apprenticed to Whirlheart
Moon 81:
- Lilypaw becomes Lilyrip
Moon 82:
- Hailpaw becomes Hailweb
- Fidgetroar died of whitecough
- Stormpearl and Yazhu are both expecting!
Moon 82:
- Raggedpaw died of yellowcough
Moon 83:
- Stormpearl and Tallfluff had one kitten! Moorkit!
- Breezetooth is expecting
- Muffy had two babies (some warning would’ve been nice!) Rainkit and Dolphinkit
- Yazhu had three kits! Faithkit, Duckkit, and Boragekit
- Bristlepaw becomes Bristlemoth
Moon 85:
- Yellowstar 2 lost all remaining 8 lives at once
- Yellowfleck has been promoted to Yellowstar 3, and gets lives from: Ibispelt, Kitekick, Odetta, Coyotemark, Sneeze, Caterpillarpaw, Quillpaw, and Yellowstar 2!
- Oddblink is promoted to deputy
Moon 86:
- Breezetooth had three kits! Pearlykit, Dogkit, and Clearkit
- Frozenpaw becomes Frozenlake
Moon 87:
- Frozenlake found dead near Slumberclan border
- Greenpaw becomes Greencreek
- Bouncepaw becomes Bouncetree
- Tuftstep and Lizardwatcher become mates
Moon 88:
- Fidgetpaw becomes Fidgetmask
- Pearlykit died of a claw wound
Moon 90:
- Moorkit becomes Moorpaw and is apprenticed to Lizardwatcher
- Rainkit becomes Rainpaw and is apprenticed to
- Dolphinkit becomes Dolphinpaw and is apprenticed to Bristlemoth
- Faithkit becomes Faithpaw and is apprenticed to Melba
- Duckkit becomes Duckpaw and is apprenticed to Oddblink
- Boragekit becomes Boragepaw and is apprenticed to Currentfern
- A rogue ambush kills Koba, Currentfern, and Lizardwatcher
Moon 91:
- Hazystripe joins the clan
Moon 92:
- Dogkit becomes Dogpaw and is apprenticed fo Flashdapple
- Rainpaw is jealous of Dogpaw?!
- Clearkit becomes Clearpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 3
- Bouncetree has been lost
Moon 93:
- Melba and Stormpearl are both expecting!
- Valleypelt brought a kitten back to camp- Whitekit
Moon 94:
- Curlstripe brings two kits back to camp- Lightkit and Rootkit
- Dogpaw and Faithpaw died in a flood
Moon 95:
- Curlstripe has redcough
- Stormpearl has three kits! Mistlekit, Graykit, and Jaggedkit
- Melba has two kits- Mudkit and Umberkit
- Muffy died of Greencough
- All the death gives poor Mistlekit shock
Moon 96:
- Fidgetmask is killed by rogues
Moon 97:
- Rainpaw becomes Rainblink
- Boragepaw becomes Boragespeckle
- Dolphinpaw died of yellowcough
- Jaggedkit is interested in the Dark Forest????
- Greencreek becomes a med cat
Bristlemoth, Bearspeck, and Flashdapple die in a flood
Moon 98:
- Moorpaw becomes Moorslash
- Clearpaw becomes Clearriver
- Oliverspot joins the clan
Moon 99:
- Fallenshade retires to elder’s den
- Duckpaw becomes Duckstalk
- Whitekit becomes Whitepaw and is apprenticed to Moorslash
Moon 100:
- Lightkit becomes Lightpaw and is apprenticed to Oddblink
- Rootkit becomes Rootpaw and is apprenticed to Umberwhisker
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@residents-of-the-darkforest, @wills-woodland-warriors, @starfalcon555
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cat-aclysm-rp · 2 years
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We have arrived at the last of our adoptables, and this one is a little bit different than the others. Our third and final adoptable is Wolfswamp, Mireclan’s leader. -------------------
Although many cats wish to have what Wolfswamp has, Wolfswamp would argue they’re better off with what they have now.
Wolfswamp doesn’t remember where he comes from, and he might never find out. Found as a young kit in the swamp by the previous leader, Blightswamp, all he has ever known is being her son alongside her biological son, Tinderflame. The two grew up together, little Tinderkit and Wolfkit, and had been inseparable for the longest time. Wolfswamp’s mystery appearance in the territory had never been a secret to him, as every Mireclan cat was quick to tell him he was not quite a Mireclan cat due to his outsider blood.
But, Tinderkit never really cared. To him, Wolfkit was just his sibling, and where he came from didn’t matter. And, despite Tinderkit being Blightswamp’s “preferred kit”, his behavior towards Wolfkit never changed. The two grew up alongside another kit, Flashkit, a bright orange cat who took interest in Tinderpaw specifically when the three became apprentices.
Things would change for the three cats several moons into their training. Tinderpaw would begin acting strange, specifically around the subject of the mothmen that protected them, claiming there was “something else” out there trying to talk to him. When Blightswamp took note, her favorite changed, implying Tinderpaw, now Tinderflame, to be ill in some way.
Tinderflame, Wolftooth and Flashfire would continue to be close, however. Flashfire still showed the same interest in Tinderflame despite how the clan had begun to treat him, although Wolftooth and Tinderflame’s relationship began to turn sour due to Tinderflame’s continued claims about this mystery being.
It wasn’t until one of Tinderflame’s searches for the being in the swamp left the accompanying Flashfire dead, killed by swamp beasts, a brutal death. Blightswamp banished Tinderflame, claiming him to be a traitor and a danger to the clan. Wolftooth did not argue against her.
Wolftooth went on to become deputy several moons later, and quickly moved on to become leader when his mother Blightswamp ate bad prey and passed away. Now Wolfswamp has been leading Mireclan for about fifteen moons, with all the family he once had lost. 
But can Wolfswamp truly be happy with what he achieved when it cost so much?
Mireclan applications are opening today!
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Sorry for the long wait, here's the app ceremony of Flash and Prim
Flashkit watched his sister touch the nose of slug, he could barely hide his exitement. Birdstar called hil forward. "Flahkit, from this moment untill the day you recieve your warrio name you will be known as Flashpaw, since we lost alot of cats the last years, but got alot of new kits, there aren't many mentors, but I dont't see why Bixby can't mentor you" The leader said before nodding. Flaspaw stepped up and touched her mothers- now mentors nose
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Moon 130
Hailleaf had healed from some minor scrapes and had set foot into the forest, only to instantly have their tail bitten by a fox. The dejected trudge back to the medicine den was met with sympathetic glances and muffled laughter.
Bearrain's broken bone has become infected.
Dewspots and Moletangle have managed to fight back their infections with Moletangle being able to recover entirely.
Buzzardpaw's mangled tail has healed up well.
Sunpaw caught whitecough.
Mallowpaw has had their leg amputated. They quietly pray that they can still be a warrior with one less leg.
Waterkit was almost abducted by a seagull but Grousefleck managed to kill the bird before it took off with the kit.
Riverfin has recovered very well from their snake bite. In fact, the only evidence of there ever being a bite is a scar.
Skyback has caught whitecough from treating Sunpaw. Sunpaw feels really guilty.
Moletangle and Busheye have confessed to each other and become mates!
Mallowpaw's amputated leg had developed an infection. the medicine cats are working hard to preserve as much of their leftover leg as possible.
Wormpaw, Peachpaw and Lichenpaw have all become apprentices! Their mentors are Pondfrost, Whisperpeak, and Splashtooth.
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Waterkit has passed on due to the injuries sustained by the seagull.
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Brushkit was also almost abducted by a seagull but Clamtrail saved the kit before the seagull could fly away.
Slightkit has admitted themselves to the medicine cat den when their runny nose only seems to get worse.
Sunkit and Shorekit have caught kittencough.
Grousefleck was badly injured in a fight with a big dog.
Hawkbit, Dazzlenest, and Riversand have caught whitecough.
Pondfrost fought off a rouge all by themselves and they weren't even touched!
Dazzlenest tried to confess to Conchblaze but was rejected.
Bearrain's infection is gone and their broken leg is now twisted.
Runningcrest, Hemlockpelt, Moonkick, Springkit, Sharphare, Splashtooth, Hawkbit, Fleckrustle, Mantisears, and Thunderfur were all abducted by twolegs.
Dewspots' leg is healed but weaker than before.
Vestapelt narrowly avoided a fox.
Moletangle has also caught whitecough.
Fawnfur is able to walk around again after injuring their leg.
Buzzardpaw becomes Buzzardspike and is celebrated for their energy!
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Sunpaw has recovered from whitecough.
Sootpaw is made an apprentice to Shimmerfreckle and immediately asks about gathering moss.
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Springkit has died. So far from home and so alone. they wonder if Starclan waits for them or if they are too far away for even Starclan to see them.
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A loner decides to join the clan. They take on the name of Pinebranch.
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When on a patrol sent to look for the missing cats Chasingpaw hears the sound of a dog in the distance. When investigating the noise they see a cat being chased around by a large dog. The patrol manages to lead the dog away while Chasingpaw escorts the injured cat the the medicine den. Moved by their bravery and kindness the cat joins the clan and takes on the name of Shellaster.
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Pinebranch finds an abandoned kit on their first patrol out and brings it back to camp to be nursed back to health. They decide to name the kit Flashkit.
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Squidburn and Pinebranch have been infected with whitecough.
Hailleaf's tail is scarred but healed from their wound.
Skyback has recovered from whitecough.
Beetleclaw has caught yellowcough.
Sunpaw has become Sunknoll and is honored for their dedication.
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Mallowpaw is feeling better than they have been in a long time so they start running around camp doing exercises and apprentice tasks so that they can recover faster! However, this has only led them to scrape their paw pads pretty badly.
Heatherpaw begins training with Tumblethud.
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Sunkit and Shorekit have died of kittencough. Shadowcreek knows that if Hemlockpelt finds their way back they will be devastated...
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Clamtrail caught greencough.
Swiftspark and Skyback have caught whitecough.
Primwave was rejected by Swiftspark.
Dazzlenest has recovered from greencough... and then fell out of a tree...
Moletangle and Slightkit have recovered from whitecough.
Heatherpaw got into a scuffle with a fox and came out of it with only a few minor scratches!
Brushpaw and Slightpaw have become apprentices under Shadowcreek and Podarch.
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Moletangle decided to tangle with a large dog and was injured.
A loner decides to join the clan. They take on the new name of Cavewave.
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Some rouges attack a search patrol and kill Wormpaw, Deltarunner, and Sabletooth.
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ok the clan is getting kinda little bit full
also Flashkit what are you doing in the apprentices' den
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cascadeclangen · 4 months
Moon 1
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Thunderkit is curious about the herbs on the highest shelf in Rainypaws’ den. Rainypaws decided to teach her about the poisonous plants, and why they were so far out of reach.
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Iceclaw catches Foxpaw sneaking a bite of fresh-kill before catching something for Frostleaf.
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Shockkit and Flashkit listen in on Lightningkit talking with their adoptive father, Smokestar. She thinks Rainypaws’ full medicine cat name is weird, and makes him sound like an apprentice.
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@ambitiousauthor is this right?
Family: Ivyspots, Scaleears (adoptive mothers), Lilywater (biological mother), Webstripe (biological father), Petalstripe, Lilyclaw, Silktangle, Webfang (brothers), Saltkit, Tinykit, Cloudkit, Emberkit, Redkit, Blazekit, Poppykit, Morningkit, Fadekit, Pepperkit, Dawnkit, Peachkit, Stormkit, Firekit (maternal half-sisters), Thistlekit, Goosekit, Breezekit, Carnationkit, Fawnkit, Rowankit (paternal half-sisters), Silverkit, Palekit (half-sisters), Stumppaw, Bigstar, Shadowkit, Spiderkit, Whisperkit, Flashkit, Russetkit, Mistkit, Cypresskit, Pinkkit, Mothkit, Birchkit, Goldenkit (maternal half-brothers), Slugkit, Mellowkit, Hawthornkit, Owlkit, Lizardkit, Beechkit, Spiderkit (paternal half-brothers)
(putting all their names in the brothers thing because it’s easier)
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