cloverthecactus · 10 months
house husband [miguel o'hara x fem!reader]
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summary: you and your husband miguel recently moved into a new home and due to an unexpected twist, miguel became a house husband.
warnings: none !
wordcount: 1.4k!
not proofread, plug and post
no use of 'y/n' (hate it! can't stand it!)
intentionally written in lowercase with certain letters, words and phrases in capital.
this is drawn out a bit BUT eventually concludes
meant to be a 'short' 1 parter, but if requested will write a part 2 :)
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you and miguel had recently moved into the perfect home.
a large cottage home, just outside the city and was surrounded by greenery every way you looked. in the backyard was a lake that sparkled a sea green colour. your husband (miguel) was a busy man. he was one of the few CEOs who "ruled" brand known as 'the spider society'. he designed sports clothing and called it the '2099 collection'. it became fairly popular in recent years and due to the overwhelming success, miguel finally gave you the ultimate gift, your dream home.
he held you in his arms as though you were a newly wedded bride and kissed your lips. he softly smiled at you and began to walk into your new home.
"oh, miguel, it looks so spacious... so amazing!" you excitedly exclaimed and squeezed his arm. "i knew you would love it" he softly chuckled, setting one hand on his hip as he stared at you, planning where each of your trinkets would be.
you were so distracted by your planning that you failed to notice your husband answering a phone call. you also failed to notice the slight anger and disappointment that fled to his face and voice. only once he had loosened his arm from your grip had you noticed his sudden change in demeanour.
"honey? what's wrong?" your face displayed worry but miguel's displayed anger. he turned to look at you and sighed as he rubbed his temples.
"i uh- lost my job" his tone was confused and no matter how many times you asked why they fired him or what he did to get this punishment, he just replied with a hushed; 'i don't know dear'. it made you pissed that he didn't have the answer and after bickering for several minutes, the two of you made a simple agreement.
you would work extra hours at your job (hopefully get a raise) and he would keep the house tidy. miguel then later dubbed himself as your house husband.
the two of you were able to live a stable life after that. you got a promotion at your job and began to get paid 60% more than before which allowed you to tell your husband to 'suck it' which he misread and actually did suck it...
but besides that, the two of you were happy.
you entered the home earlier than usual today and sighed aggressively as you took off the shoes that you wore. miguel hugged you from behind, littering your face in light kisses. you giggled as he performed his actions doing the same routine everyday as you entered the home.
"you're home early today. did something happen at work?" he looked at you with admiration, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"the paperwork got too much to bear and i had 3 meetings scheduled after one another. i got so stressed that i began to feel sick, so i gave the paperwork to my assistant to complete, rescheduled the meetings and came home." you softly smiled, leaning your cheek against his head.
miguel couldn't have you being sad. not after all you've done to keep your little family financially stable since he lost his job. he loosened his grip on you and turned you around to face him. he was wearing your white and brown frilly apron that was dusted with bits of flour and what seemed like butter and a wet stain you assumed was water or milk. to keep himself busy, miguel began doing small hobbies. he began cooking, learned embroidery, read more and even took a liking to gardening.
miguel gently placed a kiss on your lips, and walked you to the kitchen where he offered you one of the pastries he had just made. "honey, i'm exhausted. could i try a pastry once i wake up from my nap?" a yawned escaped your mouth as you sat down in one of the dinning room seats. "but i just made a fresh pot of coffee and it's my first time making blueberry scones." he pout and kneeled down before you, holding your knee.
"could you try just one? i can give you a fresh cup of coffee and then you can rest." he politely asked, a small smile spread across his lips. he looked so adorable, you couldn't resist. so with a defeated sigh, you smiled and nodded "sure honey, let's try one" his eyes lit up as he stood from his position and poured the coffee into your favourite mug. he dished two fresh scones and with a proud smile he rested the tableware down. "i hope you like it" he whispered and kissed your cheek.
"im sure it's delicious darling. your baking has improved a lot in the past few weeks" a warm smile coats your face as you take a bite into the warm and still soft scones. your eyes widen slightly at the taste which has your husband excited and giddy like a child who just got an allowance. "miguel, this tastes incredible" you chuckle and offer him a bite from the piece you had eaten.
he nods as he chews the scone and gently kisses your cheek. "i agree with you, this is the best sweet treat i've made so far" he spoke and sat alongside you as you drank your coffee and ate the scones.
you yawned, showing the effects of the coffee wearing off and tapped miguel's forearm softly while leaning against his shoulder. "you wanna take a nap?" he asked in a soft tone, looking down at you with a soft smile. you slowly nod and fulttered your eyes closed. "i could fall asleep right here, but then you're gonna yell cause im not getting proper rest" you pout, knowing how miguel got when it came to your well-being. he would get upset when the two of you would go on roadtrips and you would fall asleep with the seat upright, saying you deserved to sleep in a proper way.
"want me to carry you to bed?" he asked in a warm tone, moving his arm around you. you shook your head 'no' and insisted you walk up those long stairs to your bedroom. "fine then, if i can't carry you to bed, i'll help you there. i know how you get when you're sleepy" he scoffed and helped you stand, slowly guiding you to your shared room.
he helped you out of your work attire and into something more comfortable. he then tucked you into bed and kissed your forehead. "miggy?" you groaned and opened your eyes.
"hmm?" he replied looking down at you
"im no longer sleepy." you spoke in annoyance with your body and guilt as you made miguel do all of this for you to be wide awake. "i'm sorry" you apologised with a pout to which miguel just chuckled and sat against the edge of the bed.
"honey, it's okay. you are exhausted but you just don't want to sleep." he rubbed your leg that was under the covers and smiled
"i know that... i can feel the exhaustion, but i just cant sleep" you whined and rest your head against the headboard. miguel sighed and took off his apron, dusting himself off and climbing into the bed next to you. "i will cuddle you to sleep and once you're asleep, i'll make dinner and the wake you up with a surprise." he spoke reassuringly and opened his arms to engluf you in a comfortably cuddle.
"thank you miggy, i love you" you mumbled under his arm that you stuffed your face under. a light chuckled escaped his mouth and he kisses your head
"i love you too, dear"
the two of you laid in comfortable silence as he tried to cuddle you asleep, which you had discovered was not making you as sleepy as you thought.
"honey?" miguel called, knowing you weren't asleep. you hummed a reply and opened your eyes. "i feel like something's missing" he spoke unsure which caused you to look up at him in a daze of confusion. "elaborate please?"
"with you working almost nine hours everyday, it gets so... boring. dont get me wrong, i love this easy life i have, but i feel like i need something more." he sighed and looked down at you.
"i understand the jump from working almost every day to being a house husband. there's a lot you did at your job that you no longer do and it's frustrating" you replied in an understanding tone and moved your hand from his back to his cheek.
"cooking, cleaning, gardening... it's just not the same. it feels like something is missing, and i feel like i need more"
"what are you implying miguel?" you asked with a raised brow, fearing the worst.
"i want to have a baby."
you exhaled deeply and displayed a tentative smile. "oh thank god! i thought you were gonna ask for a divorce!" you laughed giddy, holding your hand on miguel's chest
"no, honey, i want a baby" he chuckled and kissed your forehead. "i can wake up at random hours of the night or morning to take care of the sucker and when you're so tired you want to cry, me and the baby will be there to cheer you up. think of the memories and challenges we will face together!" you bit your lip in thought
"miggy, i dont know. if i got pregnant that would mean i need to take maternity leave which requires me to spend around 2-3 months at home. where will the money come from? not just that, baby food, baby clothes, equipment. we would have to renovate the guest room to a nursery and–"
"calm down, love." he softly spoke and rubbed your back to soothe your mind from the worries. "what if we adopted? it would save the time wasted on maternity leave and we could renovate the nursery on our own. it could be a fun project that we can do together"
you had wanted to do more things with miguel and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. you had your doubts and issues with having an infant around, but if it made your husband as happy as he makes you, you wouldn't mind.
you looked up and made direct eye contact with miguel. tapping his chest softly and nodding you softly spoke; "lets adopt a baby"
you had never heard your husband squeal and you swear that if he was any higher he would have cracked a few glasses. he kissed your lips passionately and chuckled as he let go of your lips. "we're going to have a baby ! we're going to be parents !"
all you could do is smile. you had never seen miguel this excited in a long time and you savoured the moment for as long as you could. your husband had not wasted time on planning. he spoke about when the two of you would begin renovating your child's room, what colours the walls should be painted and what name your kid should call you.
he really liked 'papa'.
you were grateful that your husband rants about a topic once his invested, or else you would have never fallen asleep. you awoke hours later. the sun was setting and his colone lingered in the air. you opened your eyes and looked to the left to see a pink tulip and dinner with a small card along side the plate. it read:
to my darling wife, thank you for staying with me through everything. may this new chapter of our lives be as exciting as the last...
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cloverthecactus · 1 year
Assistance [Peter B Parker x gn!reader]
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summary: peter and his wife split after having their first child, mayday. peter has custody of mayday and comes to her daycare teacher for guidance/help/assistance
warnings: none (purely assistance for peter and mayday)
word count: 1.7k
not proofread, just plug and post
intentional use of lowercase letters with capital letters being used for certain words, phrases and letters.
no use of y/n (me no like fanfic with y/n)
it was kinda, sorta hard to write as peter so bare with me.
this is not exactly a relationship type of fic
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it had been a long day of peter sitting at spider society headquarters and doing nothing but bothering miguel while he worked. peter only bugged miguel because it was the first day that he had been without mayday.
peter and mary jane had recently gotten their second divorce because of peter's carelessness of where mayday is and isn't. because of this, peter enrolled mayday in a nursery so that he knows where she is at all times and so that she doesn't become as stupid as her father and learns something.
an alarm went off in the main building of the headquarters, indicating that day-spiders swapped out with night-spiders. (like shifts)
"well, miguel, it's been fun chatting to ya'. i have to go pick up our child from kindergarten." peter snickered, standing up from a chair placed on the platform in miguel's 'office'
"just leave, peter. AND what do you mean by 'our child' ?" miguel raised his brow as he turned to face peter, annoyed at the male who wore a pink gown to work.
"well, you are always taking care of her..."
"because you always bring her to headquarters and leave her with unreliable people... LIKE HOBIE!"
hobie, who was standing on the floor of the wide office, crossed his hands over his chest and watched as the two men descended with the platform. "i'd have you know im actually a decent babysitter"
peter chuckled and over exaggeratedly pointed at hobie as he said his statement.
"okay, i get it." miguel rolled his eyes as he stepped off the plaform. "now leave. mayday is waiting for you."
peter sighed exhausted and said his goodbyes to the team, opening a portal and changing out of his suit before picking up mayday. he couldn't have people know he was spiderman... especially after the divorce was such a huge thing because of MJ's reputation.
he sighed as he drove to the daycare. his depression and mental health had rapidly decreased and he knew that if he didn't get his act together, it would affect his relationship with the one he loved the most...
peter inhaled a deep breath and forced a red smile on his face as he entered through the door. the jingle of the bell on the door woke you up from your blanked-out state. you held a quiet and sleepy mayday in your hands and peter walked in a bit amazed as she has never been that quiet lately.
"hey mr parker. i was afraid you weren't going to show" you joked, standing with mayday and walking over to the front desk, reaching over to give him mayday's bag and her sign-out form.
"yeah, sorry about that." he chuckled, rubbing his neck as you slowly bounced mayday in your arms and he signed the form and took her bag
"oh no, don't stress about that mr parker. if you feel as though you're going to come fetch her later than normal, just call ahead." you smiled and handed mayday to peter. a loud cry erupted from her mouth as he landed in his arms. he tried to lightly bounce her quiet but failed and the small girl in his hands began to reach out to you again. he looked at you and nod, indicating it was okay for you to take her again.
you held the girl in your arms again and slowly began shushing the girl, bouncing and rocking her back and forth in your arms. she slowly stopped crying and smiled as she laid against your chest.
peter raised a brow at you and gestured for mayday to go back into his arms, and when you gave her to peter, she burst into tears again. peter released an exhausted sigh and bounced her in his arms as you did.
"oh, let me guide you" you smiled and took mayday's bag from his hand and set it on the desk. you stood behind peter and guided his hands underneath his daughter and told him where to support her in order for her to feel comfortable. once he held her the way you told him to, you began guiding his movements.
"okay, now slowly rock your arms back and forth while tapping your hand against her back softly and at a rhythmic pace." you spoke softly and stood aside to watch him do what you had instructed.
mayday slowly stopped her loud cries and stuffed her head into peter's chest, and stayed silent. she closed her eyes and began to fall asleep. peter looked down at her and up at you, amazed by what had happened.
"how'd you do that?" he asked with a genuine smile on his face.
"when working in childcare for years, you pick up a few tips and tricks" you softly chuckled and turned off all the lights and electronic devices.
you were the only one left at your daycare. you sent your workers home when the daycare closed and you had to stay an hour longer because peter showed up late.
"i do apologise about being late. the hours at work are a bit harsh and with my ex-wife not being able to take care of her-" peter sighed and took back her backpack from you. "its just a lot of strain on me." you smiled softly and offered to walk the man and his daughter out. "it's alright mr parker."
"call me peter" he returned your soft smile and accepted your offer. you lead him out and turned off all the lights before locking the door and putting on the alarm.
you walked peter to his car and helped him set an extremely sleepy mayday into her cat seat. "now cover her with her blanket-" you spoke softly and looked over his shoulder as you instructed him. he put her teddy between her arms and shut the car door to talk to you.
"thank you for this." he extended his hand to shake yours. "its no problem at all. i know all the struggles of being a single parent." you chuckled softly as you reciprocated the greeting.
"you have kids of your own?" he raised a brow and looked at your hands, seeing if there was an indication that you were married.
'no rings. they're a single parent too...' he thought, reassuring himself.
"oh, no. many of the parents that leave their children at our daycare are single. i helped them with taking care of their kids because it gets tough with work and extra responsibilities. that's why i never had an issue with you coming later than expected." that reassuring smile crept back onto your face which made peter feel more at ease.
although you never knew the struggle of being a single parent, you understood and was offering the help that peter so desperately needed. he glanced back at his young daughter and back at you.
"if you have time, would you mind helping me take care of mayday?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders nervously.
nervous that you would say no and that he would have to struggle alone
you nod your head and smile wide. "sure peter. i wouldn't mind helping you." you pulled out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote down your name and personal contact number. "just call and I'll assist or i'll be right over" he nod and pulled you into a gentle hug. you were a bit startled, but you understood the relief he felt to have someone helping him again, so you hugged him back with equal energy and smiled as he said:
"thank you".
after a few minutes of talking to peter, the two of you bid a farewell and went your separate ways.
turns out the house you had recently moved into was directly opposite peter's. this made your job of helping peter with mayday easier
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