don-dake · 1 month
On what would have been Mr Gregory Charles Rivers's 59th birthday this April 30th, a little post in tribute to him.
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相 ①–②:80年代尾。啱啱嚟到香港冇幾耐,後生嘅河國榮。
Photos ①–②: The late 1980s. A young Rivers, still fairly new to Hong Kong then.
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同太太Bonnie。兩人結婚卅幾年,夫妻一向恩愛。因為太太早有心臟病所以兩人早已決定唔要生仔。河太最終病情惡化比先生早先逝去。河國榮 (根據朋友口供) 哀傷過度,到最後決定跟隨太太。太太過咗身兩個月左右,好遺憾,河國榮選擇自盡。
With his wife Bonnie. The two had been lovingly married for over 30 years and decided not to have children because of Bonnie's heart condition. His wife's illness eventually took a turn for the worse. Rivers (according to friends) was overwhelmed with grief and regrettably, decided to join his wife barely two months after her passing.
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With his rescue dogs. Mr Rivers and his wife loved dogs and at one time had as many as 13 rescue dogs under their care!
喺呢部視頻裏面,你可以聽到河國榮翻唱緊由鄭少秋原唱嘅 《笑看風雲》 (首歌係我其中最鍾意嘅一首,仲覺得歌詞好有意義,我曾經翻譯過歌詞嘅意思,請參考一下)。雖然原片係由一個大陸歌唱比賽得到嘅,本片只得聽緊河國榮唱,冇得睇佢表演。但係有繁體字歌詞可以跟埋。
In this video, you can hear Rivers performing a cover of Adam Cheng's 《笑看風雲》 (this song is one of my favourites, I found the lyrics very meaningful and did a translation before, please do check it out). Although the original video came with footage and is taken from a Mainland Chinese singing competition, this video only has audio, but it has lyrics in Traditional Chinese to follow along with.
I deliberately chose to upload a video without competition footage because I find these singing competition shows' format really annoying; feels like you'll often see more of the audience and judges' faces than the contestant on stage! But if you wish to view the original footage, here it is!
During his lifetime, Rivers's biggest dream was to be a Cantopop star. Although he never did become one, thanks to his celebrity connections, he did get opportunities to sing on stage on several occasions, even managing to organise his own mini concerts with celebrity pals, of which part of his earnings often went to pet rescue shelters.
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titteringturtles · 1 year
告五人 Accusefive - 果然你還是 Guo Ran Ni Hai Shi (Fly to the Flame)
Track 5 of Somewhere In Time, I Love You
Title translation: Of course, it's still you
Kill me quickly, the way you're used to 趕快殺了我 用你擅長的方式 Gan kuai sha le wo yong ni shan chang de fang shi
Each kiss cuts a scar on my heart 吻在心上刻下一把痕 Wen zai xin shang ke xia yi ba hen
I loved you to death and never met someone so spoiled 我赴死的愛上了你 你的腐朽已成奇蹟 Wo fu si de ai shang le ni ni de fu xiu yi cheng qi ji
My devotion was nothing but a slight breeze through the grass 我的絕對不過微風吹撫青草地 Wo de jue dui bu guo wei feng chui fu qing cao di
I am just a fruit fly that's not afraid of being obliterated 我是一隻不怕灰飛煙滅的果蠅 Wo shi yi zhi bu pa hui fei yan mie de guo ying
Facing your cruel heart is truly just right 面對你的壞不過剛好而已 Mian dui ni de huai bu guo gang hao er yi
And that's beautiful to me, something that other people wouldn’t understand 那對我來說便是美麗 別人無法明白的東西 Na dui wo lai shuo bian shi mei li bie ren wu fa ming bai de dong xi
I can see it, your true heart 我看得見 你的真心 Wo kan de jian ni de zhen xin
Pre-chorus x1
Chorus x1
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klqdraws · 1 year
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Chapter 13, huh.
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crystalbehindthescenes · 10 months
北の空から Kita no Sora Kara From the Northern Sky
Another track from CMusic! this time for Sailor Moon R! This track is found in Episode 61 of the series Usagi Devastated: Mamoru Declares a Break-Up. None other than the song form the infamous Break Up scene! (infamous if you dont like the arc.)
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Personally not my favorite arc for this season but this scene really does hit hard outside of it, and the music they chose fits so well.
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brendalamour1 · 1 year
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Pink Cadillac plush velvet seats...
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uselessidea · 2 years
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Having released a handful of lowkey limited tapes prior, multidisciplinary artist and producer Cesare Bignotti has found a new path with his output on Suction Records. His work has remained mostly undercover for 20 years, until it would begin to see the light of day with the diligently compiled Acid Hologram and Xa Peh for WeMe and EVES. Two of his aliases were introduced to Suction with a split sampler EP earlier in the year, and his Useless Idea project receives its debut full-length vinyl treatment with Glitch In The Colors.
With this album, Useless Idea curates a series of careful braindance susurrations, containing synths washed in cathedral-scale ambience and beats crashing humbly along with them. The material was recorded over a 13 year timespan, evident in the jumps it makes from the ambling hiphop shuffles of the title track, complete with quaintly sparkling melodies, to the solemn, whispering vespers of the penultimate ‘Bright’. Even with the heavier ricocheting beats and turbulent breaks of the opening ‘Remember This’, there is a breezy attitude in its murmuring, crystalline synths, forecasting the idyllic microbeat worlds that Glitch In The Colors explores.
The blossoming piano cuts of ‘Moon Dog’ form a kind of “happy softcore” beat with blissfully chugging house rhythms and peacefully echoing vocals, meanwhile tracks like ‘Maat (Version)’ carry a darker, more mysterious mood, with its submerged thunking and breathy atmosphere evoking ancient night rituals, or perhaps an alien transmission. All of this is testament to Useless Idea’s versatility as a producer, as Glitch In The Colors makes for an enraptured mix between braindance-inspired beats and worldbuilding melodies.
BUY Bleep: https://bleep.com/format/1148347-glitch-in-the-colors
Suction Shop: https://suction.shop/products/useless-idea-glitch-in-the-colors
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ntgospel · 17 days
Priscila Sotero e a canção “Morada”, um norte para a felicidade
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/musica-gospel/priscila-sotero-e-a-cancao-morada-um-norte-para-a-felicidade
Priscila Sotero e a canção “Morada”, um norte para a felicidade
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Todas as pessoas buscam um lar, uma casa própria para morarem e serem felizes. Entretanto, existe um lugar muito especial, que nenhum dinheiro pode comprar, mas ao qual todos podem ter o direito de permanecer para sempre, sem pagar nada, pois o preço já foi pago. Você só precisa confiar totalmente naquele que lhe oferece este presente inigualável.
A canção “Morada”, que a cantora e compositora Priscila Sotero lança pela Gravadora CMusic e com a assessoria do Gospel Channel Artistas, apresenta esse lugar em letra e melodia lindíssimas: “Essa é uma canção muito linda, uma composição de Jonathan Paes. Ela nos apresenta o melhor lugar para estarmos, onde teremos a paz e a alegria que sempre buscamos. Contudo, para estarmos ali, precisamos renunciar a vontades e sonhos próprios que destoam do que Deus tem para nós. Assim, viveremos a Sua boa, agradável e perfeita vontade, tudo o que Ele preparou para cada um de nós. Muitas vezes, essa pode ser uma decisão árdua, pois renunciar a sonhos pessoais nem sempre é fácil, mas o propósito de Deus é sempre e incomparavelmente melhor e maior que o nosso. Deus, nosso Pai celestial, sabe o que é melhor para Seus filhos.”
Confira o lançamento de Priscila Sotero:
Ouça também em sua plataforma de streaming favorita: https://onerpm.link/Morada_
A princípio, a cantora gravaria uma canção pentecostal, porém “Deus me apresentou essa canção por meio do Jonathan e ela falou muito forte ao meu coração”. Priscila conta que a força dessa mensagem tem raiz no fato de que ela mesma teve de abdicar de muitos dos seus sonhos para vivenciar o que Deus tem para sua vida.
Produção Musical
Priscila Sotero se emocionou muito quando recebeu a produção desta canção, pois foi um louvor “saindo da alma”. Na véspera da gravação, ela foi informada de que o clipe seria gravado em frente ao museu que, na época colonial, fora um palácio: “A música diz exatamente que o melhor lugar do mundo para se estar não é em um palácio, mas na Presença de Deus.” Ela conta que, durante a gravação, muitas pessoas que passavam pelo local pararam por um momento e ouviram a canção; algumas delas filmaram e demonstraram terem sido tocadas pela unção de Deus que era quase palpável ali. O clima e o local estavam em perfeita harmonia com o momento da gravação: “Glória a Deus por tudo! O nosso Deus trino, Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo esteve presente durante toda a gravação, sem a presença dele, seria improvável que tudo isso acontecesse!”
O single foi gravado no estúdio do produtor musical Janderson Almeida, vencedor do Grammy Latino de 2021. O clipe, em São Paulo–SP, em frente ao Museu do Ipiranga, com direção de vídeo de Elton Brito. O clipe foi lançado no canal da gravadora CMusic da Todah Group.
Confiança em Deus
“Independentemente da sua situação atual, confie no que Deus lhe prometeu e aprenda a confiar e vivenciar o que Ele tem para a sua vida. O que Deus tem para nós é muito melhor do que tudo o que os nossos olhos podem contemplar. Confie no que Deus lhe falou, pois nenhuma riqueza dessa vida vai superar o que Deus reservou para a sua vida: ‘Nem olhos viram, nem ouvidos ouviram, nem jamais penetrou em coração humano o que Deus tem preparado para aqueles que o amam.’ – 1 Coríntios 2.9.” (Priscila Sotero)
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couple2025 · 6 months
Baladas Románticas Videos Mix 5 parte CMusic Dj Robert T
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zanimljivaekonomija · 6 months
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Sjaj Beograda: Tamara Rađenović, svetska muzička senzacija donosi 'Novogodišnju čaroliju' na spektakularnom gala koncertu u Kolarcu
Posle grandioznog koncerta 2022. u prepunoj velikoj dvorani Kolarca, Beograd ponovo dočekuje svetsku muzičku zvezdu iz Londona, soprana Tamaru Rađenović. Mlada diva je ove godine uvrštena na  prestižnu Forbsovu listu 30 najperspektivnijih ličnosti Evrope mlađih od 30 godina u oblasti kulture i umetnosti Forbes i to kao jedinu iz sfere operskog pevanja.
Tamara Rađenović će 27. decembra 2023. od 20 časova zajedno sa renomiranim violinistom Robertom Lakatošem održati gala koncert “Novogodišnja čarolija”.  Na sceni Velike dvorane će uz zvezdu koncerta Tamaru Rađenović nastupiti i internacionalno priznati virtuoz na violini Robert Lakatoš. Pratiće ih preko 80 izvođača, Simfonijski orkestar Belgrade classic, hor Beli anđeo, a to skupa pod dirigentskom palicom proslavljenog maestra Srboljuba Dinića.
Robert Lakatoš će na koncertu svirati violinu Antonija Stradivarija iz 1709. godine, iz privatne kolekcije čuvenog gudalara Vladimira Radosavljevića.
Najavljen je veliki produkcijski iskorak, kako u muzičkom, tako i scenskom nastupu, u svečanom duhu najotmenijih gala koncerata svetskih koncertnih dvorana.
Publika će uživati u brižljivo biranom programu sastavljenom od hitova klasike i filmske muzike. Čuće se nekoliko magičnih obrada našeg poznatog kompozitora Konstantnina Blagojevića. Uz podršku direktno iz Gareth tima premijerno će u Srbji biti izvedena kompozicija Io ti penso amore koju u originalu izvodi David Gareth i Nicole Scherzinger.
Koncerti Tamare Rađenović su prepoznati kao najuzbudljiviji događaji klasične muzike za koje se traži karta više. U prilog tome govori činjenica da je sopranska zvezda opersku umetnost podigla na jedan viši nivo. Pored nesvakidašnjih koncerata, koji su spoj bogatstva njenog vokala i fasinantnog scensko-vizuelnog nastupa, princeza klasične muzike je napravila futuristički iskorak u prezentovanju operske umetnosti i u digitalnom svetu. 
Visokoprodukcijski spotovi operskih numera koje Rađenović prezentuje na svojim muzičkim platformama beleže milionske preglede. Poslednji u nizu, spot za numeru Por una cabeza, je za samo mesec dana emitovanja premašio brojku od fascinantnih  2,3 miliona pregleda što je retkost u branši klasične muzike.
Spot na linku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUsCBA2xXI4
I prethodni spotovi doživeli su ogroman uspeh na Tamarinom YouTube kanalu (oko šest miliona pregleda) i ekskluzivno se emituju u kontinuitetu na britansko-kanadskom Cmusic kanalu. Velika Monserat Kabalje je predvidela planetarnu karijeru Tamare Rađenović, koja je bila njena poslednja učenica, a sopranska zvezda već dostiže zvezdane, lirske visine o kojima je govorila španska diva.
Za beogradski koncert u prodaji je ostao još mali broj karata preko sajta tickets.rs
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jayhorsestar · 6 months
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letras2wi · 10 months
Genaiene | Estratégia { Letra ) #Todah #cmusic
Genaiene | Estratégia { Letra ) #Todah #cmusic Letras, Lyrics: Genaiene | Estratégia { Letra ) #Todah #cmusic ▷ SIGA GENAIENE NAS REDES SOCIAIS ► https://genaiene.lnk.to/Instagram ► https://genaiene.lnk.to/Youtube ▷ ESCUTE GENAIENE NAS PLATAFORMAS DIGITAIS ► https://c-music.lnk.to/Estrategia ► https://c-music.lnk.to/FalaComigo ▷ ESCUTE NOSSAS PLAYLISTS ► https://todahmusic.lnk.to/plataformas ►…
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don-dake · 3 months
《天涯孤客》 (Lonely Traveller to the Ends of the World)
《子連れ狼》 主題曲翻唱 (Cover of 《Lone Wolf & Cub》)
主唱:鄭少秋,合唱:珍珍 & 佩佩
(Lead: Adam Cheng,Backing: Zan Zan & Pui Pui)
亞洲電視台 《殭屍道長》 [1995] 主題曲
(Theme for ATV's 《Vampire Expert》 [1995])
作詞:蘇翁,作曲:𠮷田 正
(Lyrics:So Yung,Music:Yoshida Tadashi)
#[女:夜靜更深對朗月 朗月清輝亮
je⁶ zing⁶ gaang¹ sam¹ deoi² long⁵ jyut⁶,long⁵ jyut⁶ cing¹ fai¹ loeng⁶
Facing the clear moon in the deep stillness of the night, it shines especially bright.
haang⁴ pin³ tin¹ ngaai⁴ lei⁴ hoi⁴ gaa¹ jyun⁴ cam⁴ tung³ hon¹ jyut⁶ loeng⁶
Since leaving home to wander to the ends of the world, looking at the moon has filled me with a sense of deep pain.
  何堪天涯回首家鄉 夜夜暗盼望
ho⁴ ham¹ tin¹ ngaai⁴ wui⁴ sau² gaa¹ hoeng¹,je⁶ je⁶ am³ paan³ mong⁶
How can I carry on in the world when I long for home, long secretly for it every night?
  笑對朗月 月光光照地塘上
siu³ deoi² long⁵ jyut⁶,jyut⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹ ziu³ dei⁶ tong⁴ soeng⁵
I can only smile at the luminescent moon, as its moonlight shines brightly upon the embankment,
  照著歡暢團敘愉快 溫暖處樂也洋洋]
ziu³ zoek⁶ fun¹ coeng³ tyun⁴ zeoi⁶ jyu⁶ faai³,wan¹ nyun⁵ cyu³ lok⁶ jaa⁵ joeng⁴ joeng⁴
casting out a delightful recollection, filled with warm and joyful scenes.
jyun⁵ cyu³ leoi³ gaak³ zo² cin¹ lei⁵ baak⁶ wan⁴ maan⁵ mong⁶
In the far off distance, separated by white clouds and late-night longings,
  想 想 想 別離後寸心怎會不思鄉
soeng² soeng² soeng²,bit⁶ lei⁴ hau⁶ cyun³ sam¹ zam² wui⁶ bat¹ si¹ hoeng¹
longing, longing, longing, how could one not long for home intensely after bidding it adieu?
  每夜每朝抱愁眠 悲痛流浪
mui⁵ je⁶ mui⁵ ziu¹ pou⁵ sau⁴ min⁴,bei¹ tung³ lau⁴ long⁶
Wrecked with restless sleep day and night, I can only wander sorrowfully,
  故地故苑最是難忘 空盼望
gu³ dei⁶ gu³ jyun² zeoi³ si⁶ naan⁴ mong⁴,hung¹ paan³ mong⁶
old haunts are hardest to forget, just a futile hope in the end.
  啊… 深秋滿地風霜最斷腸]
aa³… sam¹ cau¹ mun⁵ dei⁶ fung¹ soeng¹ zeoi³ dyun⁶ coeng⁴
Ah…late autumn is the worst, the most gut-wrenching time!
女:月亮光光 月亮光光
jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹,jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹
The moon shines bright, the moon shines bright!
  月亮光光 月亮光光
jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹,jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹
The moon shines bright, the moon shines bright!
  陣陣秋風送柳浪 朗月光且亮
zan⁶ zan⁶ cau¹ fung¹ sung³ lau⁵ long⁴,long⁵ jyut⁶ gwong¹ ce² loeng⁶
Sporadic autumn wind brings with it a wave of pleasure, as the moon shines ever brightly.
jan⁴ heoi³ tin¹ ngaai⁴ ping⁴ zung¹ piu¹ lau⁴ ho⁴ cyu³ jau⁵ ngon⁶
Those who wander to the ends of the world seeking where there is land,
  離開妻兒懷想家鄉 異地兩處望
lei⁴ hoi¹ cai¹ ji⁴ waai⁴ soeng² gaa¹ hoeng¹,ji⁶ dei⁶ loeng⁵ cyu³ mong⁶
who have left their wives, children and home, only long for them from a strange place.
  笑對朗月 月光光照地塘上
siu³ deoi² long⁵ jyut⁶,jyut⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹ ziu³ dei⁶ tong⁴ soeng⁵
I can only smile at the luminescent moon, as its moonlight shines brightly upon the embankment,
  照著歡暢孩兒父母 溫暖處樂也洋洋
ziu³ zoek⁶ fun¹ coeng³ haai⁴ ji⁴ fu⁶ mou⁵,wan¹ nyun⁵ cyu³ lok⁶ jaa⁵ joeng⁴ joeng⁴
casting out a delightful recollection, of children and parents, filled with warm and joyful scenes.
男:去 去 去 去家千里夢迴故鄉上
heoi³ heoi³ heoi³ heoi³ gaa¹ cin¹ lei⁵ mung⁶ wui⁴ gu³ hoeng¹ soeng⁵
Go, go, go, to go home in my distant dreams,
bei¹ cau¹ fung¹ duk⁶ lau⁴ long⁶ naa⁵ ham¹ piu¹ bok⁶ ze¹ fung¹ soeng¹
as the melancholic autumn winds makes the journey that much harder to bear,
laang⁵ lok⁶ tung³ sam¹ seoi³ jyut⁶ mou⁴ cing⁴ piu¹ bok⁶ lau⁴ long⁶
as time coldly and ruthlessly crashes on by.
  哪日哪朝鳥倦還巢 春柳岸
naa⁴ jat⁶ naa⁴ ziu¹ niu⁵ gyun⁶ waan⁴ caau⁴,ceon¹ lau⁵ ngon⁶
When will the birds return wearily to their nests? Can't wait for the arrival of Spring!
  啊… 秋深倍念家鄉最斷腸
aa³…cau¹ sam¹ pui⁵ nim⁶ gaa¹ hoeng¹ zeoi³ dyun⁶ coeng⁴
Ah…autumn intensifies my longing for home even more, the most gut-wrenching time!
女:月亮光光 月亮光光 月亮光光
jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹,jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹,jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹
The moon shines bright! (×3)
  [重複 #,★ Repeat #,★]
女:月亮光光 月亮光光
jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹,jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹
The moon shines bright, the moon shines bright!
  月亮光光 月亮光光
jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹,jyut⁶ loeng⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹
The moon shines bright, the moon shines bright!
Translator's rambles: An oldie but a goodie! Watching “ancient” HK TV series recently has brought this classic to the forefront of my memories again.
I actually love this cover more than the original Japanese, and as someone who first learned of this song watching 《殭屍道長》 (1995) as a kid, I cannot not hear this song now without thinking of 殭屍 (Chinese hopping vampires)! Heh!
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indolite563 · 2 years
Download Yamaha 250 Outboard Ox66 Manual
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Instrumentations Guitar solo (standard notation) (10610) 2 Guitars (Duet) (3575) Guitar, Violin (2032) Guitar solo (with tabs) (1895) Clarinet, Guitar (1478). Developed by Audio Modeling using SWAM-W Technology, SWAM Saxophones combine innovative performance techniques, physical modeling, behavioral modeling, and multi-vector, phase-synchronous sample morphing to create the most realistic, real-time controllable, expressive virtual saxophones on the market. SWAM Saxophones' real-time control of. Taking it's place in the Fender family as the slightly older brother to the Stratocaster, the Telecaster was the first solid-body electric to gain widespread commercial success. Since it's first inception in 1950, there has been no slowing down for the much loved Tele. In most Telecasters, you'll find a neck and bridge pickup (typically a single coil) providing that famous twang, often in the.
"DVS Saxophone" - The best free saxophone VST! - YouTube.
6. Brassinematic Brassinematic. Brassinematic is a powerful cinematic brass machine that uses 4 top-quality waveform oscillators to generate 4 exciting brass instruments emulation: baritone saxophone, French horn, trombone, and trumpet. This free version of this instrument is a bit more flexible and customizable than arguably one of the most popular saxophone VST plugins, DVS Saxophone. As you probably guessed from the name, this plugin gives you access to multiple saxophones, including tenor and soprano saxes.
Free sheet music PIANO - INTERMEDIATE LEVEL - Download PDF.
More Free Options Here is a list of the best free saxophone VSTs. My favorite is currently the Iowa saxophone. DSK Brass DVS Saxophone DSK Saxophones Versilian Studio Chambers Orchestra Iowa Saxophone Saxi Player Saxophonez Conclusion There's a wide variety of uses for VSTS and I hope this list made it easier for you to find some great options. TurboB provides unlimited and fast file cloud storage that enables you to securely share and access files online.
Tenor Sax | Cmusic Production.
Stream LAUNCH NEW VST TENOR SAXOPHONE V20 EWI USB, EWI 4000s, EWI 5000, Yamaha Wx by Music Work Center on desktop and mobile. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Saxophus is a soprano, alto, tenor and baritone saxophone VST, VST3 and Audio Unit virtual instrument plugin that can be used in wide range of musical styles including classical music (chamber music, orchestra), jazz, rock, blues, soul, funk, R&B, marching bands and popular music. Also available in EXS24 and KONTAKT Sample Libraries. Features. Saxophia. Otro de los buenos plugins vst de saxo gratis es el Saxophia de Fanan Team. Este plugin tiene cuatro tipos de saxo: alto, barítono, soprano y tenor. Pero lo mejor de todo, es que viene con muchas configuraciones para adaptarlo a tu gusto como filtros, efectos y otros parámetros. También viene con 12 presets para probar diferentes.
M-Tron Pro® - GForce Software.
CoNLL17 Skipgram Terms - Free ebook download as Text File (), PDF File () or read book online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Open navigation menu.
Fanan Team - Saxophia | FREE VST PLUGINS.
Mar 07, 2021 · Saxophia uses 4 independent waveforms to generate 4 saxophones emulation. Each saxophone has its own size and color: alto, baritone, soprano and tenor. Saxophia has full synthesis section, 2 different midi velocity options, a user friendly global hipass-lopass filter, a full section of built in effects (saturation, chorus, phaser,tremolo, reverb and delay), built-in draw-bars system and full. KOMPLETE KONTROL, free effects VST plug-ins, free synth plug-ins, and sampled instruments to. Mar 28, 2020 This is a free saxophone VST instrument from DSK that provides an option to select a saxophone type such as the Soprano and Tenor. It also features an ADSR envelope control, which describes how the saxophone sound changes over time. Instrumentations Piano solo (4880) Keyboard (piano, harpsichord or organ) (356) Flute and Piano (265) Piano and Orchestra (258) Piano and Voice (241).
The 23 Best Free VST Plugins in 2022 - Wood and Fire.
May 16, 2022 · VCSL‘s Saxello as a Kontakt instrument, plug-in, or SFZ with samples NKI VST AU SFZ (none or Github) Solo soprano sustains DSK Saxophones has a soprano sax. VST AU DVS Saxophone… Yes, it’s the Mettaton one. Win VST Solo soprano trills/subtones/slap tongue Philharmonia‘s woodwinds MP3 Solo tenor sustains FreePats Tenor Saxophone SFZ SF2.
7 Plugins VST de Saxo Gratis que Suenan Realistas - MusicaPod.
Saxophone Explorations is a unique sample library for Kontakt Player. Featuring abstract and aleatoric saxophone textures combined with a custom modular effects rig performed by virtuoso saxophonist and artist, Jay Reynolds, It is sublime, evolving and intense. こだわりの家づくりをサポートする、明和地所のリノベーションサービスtukurite(ツクリテ)。表参道ショールームで無料リノベーションセミナー開催。 渋谷区神宮前 4-18-9 ボヌール表参道 Tel.0120-937-938. Saxophone VST instrument – 2 Saxophone types: Soprano & Tenor – ADSR envelove control – Velocity curve selector – Reverb fx included – Available for Windows and Mac... Free VST plugins download DSK Music Virtual.
Dsk Saxophone Vst Free Download - scitree.
M-Tron Pro offers up to 35 notes, each individually sampled. It also supports dual-layer and split-keyboard operation in addition to MIDI Learn. All of this functionality adds up to a wealth of control over its 29 parameters per layer, including ensemble and delay effects; lowpass, bandpass, and highpass filters; and tape-based effects, such as reverse and half speed. Oct 01, 2020 · Step 1. Download the VST plugin onto your computer. This can be from a purchased file or a website. Step 2. In most cases the file will be zipped. Unzip the file using the correct software and store the somewhere where it’s easily accessible. Step 3. Go into your music software and rescan your plugin directory.
See also:
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koreantunes · 3 years
레이 (LAY) - Joker
39 notes · View notes
theestranged · 3 years
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dangermousie · 4 years
This has been my ear worm for the last couple days so I am sharing.
As you can probably figure out, I am fairly indifferent to kpop/cpop but a group on VK i follow linked it, I listened to it and now hooked. It doesn’t help that while I don’t care for boybands/girlbands/dancing, I adore duets and emo intensity so...
Anyway, this is a first for me - it is literally the first Chinese song that is not part of an OST that I am listening to on repeat. Angsty necromancer really is talented, huh? I did not know his voice was that good!
PS The audience peeps are going nuts heh. (My mother told me that when she was a girl, she went to a Muslim Magomayev concert - he was a very famous Soviet singer - and after the concert, women would literally throw themselves under his car to kiss the tires. That was in the 1960s in the USSR. Kinda crazy that people are same the world and time over. Though this isn’t this level of nuts of course.)
PPS I have no idea who Angela Chang is but her voice omg - I am going to look her up.
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