#cnblue jungshin drabble
pocket-scenarios · 6 years
Stay Still - Jungshin
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(Admin: Sxng)
“Are you hurt?” Jungshin asks crouching down beside you, you hum moving your hand off of your knee showing the scrape on your knee, “wait here, I’ll go get some band-aids,” Jungshin says softly before pulling himself back up to his feet.
You clasp your hands together resting them in between your legs. You turn in the direction that Jungshin left towards noticing him entering the convenience store not far down the road from the bus stop. You let out a sigh leaning forward stretching your back a little, of course, you would be the person to trip over your own feet on a first date and scrape your knee. You mentally slap yourself for your clumsiness in front of someone like Jungshin.
“I’m back, no one was in there, surprisingly,” Jungshin says with a small laugh crouching down in front of you Jungshin lets out a soft sigh opening the box of band-aids, “make sure you keep it from getting infected,” Jungshin glances up to catch your eyes before turning back to the box of band-aids taking one out of it and ripping off the package for it, “I’m clumsy too so don’t feel bad,” Jungshin says softly pulling himself up once he puts the band-aid over the scrape.
“Thank you,” you mumble softly turning your head up to keep eye contact while speaking to him, “I had fun today, really,” you say sincerely He smiles glancing away from you.
“Me too,” Jungshin says shyly, “make sure you text me once you get back to your home,” Jungshin nods to himself turning back towards you, “I need to get going, make sure you text me,” he says once more you let out a small laugh nodding.
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✧ CNBLUE as Cats ✧
✧ CNBLUE all members ✧ genre: misc, fluff ✧ more parts~
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Jung Yonghwa:
incredibly beautiful long haired cat with tiger stripes
white paws
amber eyes 
seriously you could swear you’ve never seen such a beautiful cat before
always has that chill expression on his face that tells you he’s never thought a mean thought in his life
...or so you’d think
is the kind of cat who will always be at the worst place at the wrong time
got an assignment due in 30 minutes? doesn’t matter, he’ll sprawl out on your laptop anyway
trying to cook dinner because your date will be over in an hour? guess who decided the stove is the perfect place to take a nap on?
if he wants attention he wants it now, and he will get it
try to pick him up and put him elsewhere, he’ll be back to his original position within seconds, ready to unknowingly bother you
needy, but also very silent (he annoys in a different way lol)
*wanders across shelf* *makes sure to knock over every single thing that’s placed there*
when he jumps down he proudly looks at the mess he created and then runs up to you purring, expecting you to praise him and give him chin scratches
pretends to be picky about his food
but also you’ve seen him steal very strange food choices for a cat on multiple occasions
like pickles or bread
loves fish, almost as much as he loves himself
nr 3 on the list of his favourite things would be sunbaths, sprawled out across the floor in the middle of the room of course, so that he can take up as much space as possible lol
Kang Minhyuk:
little grey cat with short fur
big eyes that watch everything with great interest and just the right amount of suspicion
follows you around wherever you go
seriously you could take him on a stroll through the city without a leash and he’d focus on nothing but you
does get distracted by food sometimes, especially meat and whipped cream
if it’s greasy he wants to at least smell it
might try to lick it with his lil pink kitty tongue and then decide if it’s too fatty or if he should go over to phase 2 and figure out how to steal it
very balanced energy levels, despite being super attentive to his surroundings
also pretty simple to please
it’s play time? cool, let’s play!
time for a nap? sure, just don’t wake me up!
I’m getting fed? yay, be right there, just lemme stretch real quick!
sometimes he makes you wonder if you really own a cat or a dog
surprisingly fine with the vet, so long as he’s used to going there
a little shy when meeting someone for the first time
give him time until he approaches you first, and soon he’ll curl up on your lap and let you pet his head and back
don’t touch his belly if you want to still be able to use your hand tho lol
his favourite toy is a little blue bouncy ball that you got him for his first birthday
but he also likes other kinds of toys like little mice or bird toys
very active at night, especially if he’s allowed to go outside
is usually home by morning though, and loves to curl up at the end of your bed to nap for another hour or two, before you get up to feed him
Lee Jungshin:
black cat with short fur and a white dot on his chest
on the bigger side, but very slim
super friendly with anyone
whether he’s known you for ages or you just met for the first time, he’ll excitedly run up to you and smash his whole weight against your legs to rub his body against them
loves pets, but is easily overstimulated and bites if you don’t take your hands off him on time
does he love belly rubs or does he hate them? you really don’t know
will willingly throw himself on the ground and expose that fluffy belly
lets you touch it but also attacks your hand with his paws and teeth
starts whining if you stop petting him ksajdflak
not always in the mood for playing, but when he is, nothing is safe from him
sometimes chases things that aren’t there multiple rounds through your whole living space
just let him be lol
comes to sleep next to you afterwards, but almost never on your lap
if you lift him up to sit him down on top of your legs he’ll most likely get up and curl up right next to you, so that you can feel his body still touching you
sometimes in the middle of the night you hear him meowing loudly, and when you get up to see what’s happening he’ll just be sitting there in front of a wall, screaming at it
as you can see, he does very weird things sometimes, but usually he’s chill
still spends the majority of his day sleeping, just like any other cat
loves doing the thing where he curls up on a high shelf or a platform on his cattree and the only thing visible from below is the tip of his nose and his paws
also starts drooling when you pet his head right between his ears, or when he’s having a good nap
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Book That Started It All
Prompt: #101 + #125 for @noona-clock​ – “Do you want to leave?” + “It’s over!”
Pairing: Lee Jungshin x reader
World: Next in Line
Genre: university au / cheesy fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: Happy Birthday Becky! I had two options… write Jae or do another segment in your beloved world with Jungshin. I chose your soulmate this time! I hope you enjoy this and have a wonderful day. I love you! <333
Word count: 1563
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“It’s over!” you exclaimed, letting out a long-winded exhale with it. Looking back at the building you had just exited after submitting the hard copy of your thesis, you tried not to shed a tear. You thought you would be excited to never step foot within it again after the gruelling years and multiple exams held within it.
You were overwhelmed by all your accomplishments. You had done all you had set out to do and more. When you started your Bachelor’s degree several years ago, you had never expected you would carry on to do honours and become an assistant teacher during your time as a student.
But here you were after it all. You had survived. There had been times during your studies where you thought you wouldn’t make it to the next term, let alone semester.
And now you were staring back at all those memories with a fond smile. You blinked rapidly to prevent the tears from falling, even wiping at your skin on your face in attempts to settle your emotions. You weren’t really ending anything. All this study had led to a full-time job and it was simply one chapter closing to move into the next.
Still, you couldn’t help the sentimental mood that washed over you.
Wandering aimlessly around the campus you could call a second home by this point in your life, you somehow found yourself climbing up the stairs to the library that stood in the middle of the university. You couldn’t fathom a guess of how many times in your education that you had thumped up and down these stairs. And now it would be your last time.
Your feet lingered on the last step into the building before you took a deep breath, walking through the entrance doors.
This place had never changed. It was the constant to your student life, the hub of all information. Whilst the books were rearranged and the faces behind the service counters might have differed, the feel never shifted. You looked towards your favourite table in the main lobby of the library, your go-to whenever you needed to stop in to study. You had spent many hours at that table, discovering new worlds and facts that had led you to this point.
Taking a seat in the chair you always picked out, you smiled, placing your hands on the tabletop. You would have no need to come rushing over here with a stack of books and laptop in tow, your frazzled state calming once deeply settled into a book. You wouldn’t need to worry about requesting texts that were already loaned out and battling it out for the high demand ones anymore. In fact, you looked over to the department that you loathed and equally loved. Getting up, you approached the section, stepping down an aisle and then stopped when you turned a corner, your eyes soaking in the tall man leaning against the shelf perusing a book.
“Took you long enough,” he said, not lifting his eyes from the text, though you saw the way his lips curled up. “I thought you’d forget all about me in the throes of your internalisation.”
“What am I internalising?” you asked and Jungshin snapped the book shut, shooting you a warm smile. You slipped into his ready embrace, burying in deeply.
It was funny; the reason you hated and loved this section was all because of Lee Jungshin. He had stolen your book and your heart within this small area. When you thought back to that moment in time, you truly wondered how you had ended up like this now. It had been a whirlwind of a romance, something that started within this university.
And although you were certain it wouldn’t ever end, you were a little on edge thinking about the outside world. When you both moved into your careers, would you find yourselves separating slowly? Despite now living together, could things change without the confines of this little campus and daily study sessions in the library?
You sighed, you were just being foolish.
Still, it was easy to have that doubt, only because all you had been a history student for the entirety of your relationship. You weren’t going to be students for much longer, technically you no longer were with all your requirements handed in for marking. And once you graduated, that would end your time here for good.
You buried in deeper, hoping it would help you hold onto Jungshin forever.
He chuckled against you, his lips brushing over the top of your head. “You know, even if I can’t read your mind, I know what you’re thinking.”
“Then you can read my mind,” you mumbled from within his embrace that tightened slightly. You eventually lifted your head away from his chest and Jungshin reached to wipe away the tears you hadn’t even felt yourself shed. “We’re going to be fine.”
“Of course we are.” Jungshin leaned down to kiss you softly before giving your upper arms a gentle rub. “Do you want to leave?”
“Five more minutes,” you bargained and he nodded, taking you back within his arms. You inhaled deeply, stabilising your emotions with the scent of his cologne you loved so much. When you felt the time had passed, you stepped back; taking his hand with a smile and the pair of you left the library and all the books you had learned from behind.
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You hadn’t ended up back home after your departure. Jungshin had driven up into the hills, taking you on a scenic drive that you enjoyed a lot. It wasn’t quite yet dark out, the dusky hues in the sky casting their final light on all things below. By the time the car came to a stop, you had been lulled into contentment.
Jungshin grinned over at you and gestured to get out of the car. You did as you were instructed, coming around to his side of the vehicle and taking his hand as he pulled out a blanket from the back seat. You looked up at him. “It’s too early to stargaze.”
“Really? Then what are you? A meteorite instead?”
You rolled your eyes. “Not funny.”
“Let’s end today doing something we did the first time we went on a date, hm?” Jungshin offered and you immediately stopped scowling, chewing your lip in anticipation. On your first date, Jungshin had brought you to this spot, telling you it was his favourite place. And it had become yours as well, a place where all the stresses of the world back down in the city couldn’t reach to. You always felt so free up here.
It felt fitting with the change in your lives now to come up here.
After getting settled on the blanket and into Jungshin’s side, you both fell silent for some time comfortably. The thing you loved about him was that as much as you sought out his attention, he equally respected your need for quiet time. He was much the same as you, and despite being together, there was something intrinsically beautiful that you could shut him out and think for yourself without offending him by doing so.
This, however, meant you startled when he spoke after some time. “Y/N, the stars are almost up.”
“Really? Hm, let me see if I can find a constellation from here.”
“You always try for the impossible. The naked eye can’t see them at this time of night.”
“Leave me to my wishes, Jungshin. One day I’ll prove I’m talented at this!” you retorted and with a chuckle, he left you to it. You were avidly searching the skies when something came into your view, causing your eyes to go unfocused momentarily.
“Look, I found something,” he breathed and you gasped at the ring he held up. “I don’t think it’s a constellation though.”
“Wh-what are you, oh my God.”
“You once told me I’d have to step up my game to propose to you. That nothing could top what I had done that time in the classroom. I thought over so many different ways, even the cheesy ones.”
“Well, this isn’t exactly not cliché,” you managed through your tears and you felt Jungshin nod beside you.
“I realised after school, the world we knew would be changing. It was the perfect time to do this. I uh, didn’t know I would be proposing tonight. But when I saw you in the library, I figured I couldn’t not try. Will you marry me, Y/N?”
You were too racked with emotions to answer verbally, your head bobbing up and down so fast that Jungshin hand to grab onto it to stop the movement. He leaned in and kissed you, which was hard to reciprocate when you were already out of air from his proposal.
When you pulled away, you realised he had already slipped the ring onto your finger and you marvelled at the perfect fit of everything today. The handing in of your final assignment, the last visit to the place that started all this, and now the confirmation that you and Jungshin would be forever.
You were excited. As you whispered streams of adoration for the man at your side and spent many more moments kissing until the night sky, you were grateful for one thing in particular.
The book that started it all.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Drabble Game Masterlist] | [CNBLUE Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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noona-clock · 6 years
Drabble Game: A Bar
A bar and 1950s au genre with Lee Jungshin please
Of course, anon!! Were you on a mission to make me happy? Because you did. 1950′s AU and Jungshin? What more could I ask for?!
Genre: 1950′s!AU
Pairing: Jungshin x You
By Admin B
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You let out a sigh as you slid onto the bar stool, lifting your hand slightly to catch the bartender’s attention. You thought he saw you, but when he came over... he walked right by.
“Excuse me,” you called out, lifting your hand again.
But still, he either ignored you or didn’t hear.
“Excu --”
“What would you like?” a voice beside you asked.
You jumped a little, shifting your gaze to the person - a man - sitting next to you.
“Oh... um, rum and coke,” you told him with a slightly furrowed brow.
The man, who you could now see was actually quite handsome, lifted his hand. The bartender, of course, stopped what he was doing and came over.
“A rum and coke for the lady,” the man said, nodding toward you.
Once the bartender was on his way, you shot the man a bit of a shy, awkward smile. “Thanks,” you told him.
“No sweat,” he replied, mirroring your smile.
You sat there in silence for a few minutes, your hands fidgeting nervously in your lap as you waited for your drink. And when the bartender finally brought it to you, you wasted no time in taking a rather large sip.
“...Long day?” the man asked with a soft chuckle.
“Long date,” you corrected. “I, uh, just had a blind date at the restaurant across the street, and it... well...”
“Didn’t go too well, I’m guessing.”
“No,” you smirked. And then you angled your body to face this man a little more, stirring your drink with the tiny straw absently. “What... what about you?”
The man let out a sigh, throwing back the last of his own drink before answering you. “Just don’t feel like going home yet.”
“Your wife and kids not letting you get any peace and quiet?” you asked.
“No,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “No, the opposite. Too much peace and quiet. No wife, no kids. No nothing.”
Ah, so he was a lonely one.
“I’m Y/N, by the way,” you told him as you held out your gloved hand to him.
He looked at your hand for a second before taking it, shaking it gently. “Jungshin.”
“So, Jungshin... what do you do?” You took a sip of your drink, raising your eyebrows over at him and awaiting his answer.
“I’m an Ad Man,” he said casually.
“Oh, really?” You tried not to sound too impressed, even though you were. Working for an advertising company had become the hot new thing these days. “Which company?”
“Sterling Cooper.”
“No way!” you chuckled. “My friend, Joan, works there. Do you know her?”
“I think everyone in the office knows Joan,” Jungshin replied with a slight smirk. “She’s kind of hard to miss.”
The two of you spent the next hour or so talking about Joan and his work and your work and your blind date and his lack of blind dates and then, somehow, you were making dinner plans for tomorrow night.
Jungshin helped you put your coat on before accompanying you out the door, holding it open for you as you stepped out into the dark New York night.
“Do you come to this bar often?” he asked, sliding his hands into the pockets of his tailored pants. “I swear, that’s not a pick-up line.”
“No,” you chuckled, feeling your cheeks warm. You weren’t sure if it was because of his eyes gazing at you or because of the two rum and cokes you’d had...
“Okay, good,” he murmured. “Because if I’ve been missing you all this time...”
You hid a goofy smile as you took a step closer to him, your gaze focused on the ground. “No, I actually don’t get out much. But... tonight... I’m glad I did.”
You lifted your eyes to look up at him, just now realizing how tall he really was.
“See you tomorrow?” he asked softly.
You nodded, even though you knew it was crazy to go out on a date with a guy you’d just met in a bar.
But... I don’t know. It just felt right.
“Say ‘hi’ to Joan for me,” you murmured with a slight smirk.
Jungshin chuckled, though he still nodded, even throwing in a sly wink at you. And as you headed off toward the nearest Subway station, you had the strangest urge to find that guy you’d gone on the blind date with. You felt like you needed to thank him for being so boring and sexist and just plain awful. 
Because if he hadn’t, you wouldn’t have needed a drink.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
I will send another ask in later but for now I want to get my request in! Could I please get a drabble with Jungshin + Jane Austen type AU??? 🥰 thank you!!!
Finally in the frame of mind to write this! I think lol. I’m going to heavily rely on those videos you keep linking me lately, it’s been a hot minute when I’ve done any appreciation reading of our queen’s work! 
Pairing: Lee Jungshin x reader
Word count: 304
Lord Jungshin was easily described as the most unapproachable man within this gathering and you had had your fair amount of attempts sullied by his aloof manner and barely-there responses. The man was insufferable at the best of times.
And yet, he had stared at you all night long.
“Do you think I have offended him in some way?” you murmured into your best friend’s ear, casting your attention to the man. His gaze wavered momentarily and you let out a sigh of relief. It wasn’t long until the man was unblinking in your direction again. 
“Surely you have when he stares at you so intently, Y/N.”
“I wonder whatever for this time,” you mentioned with a small laugh, gathering up your courage to approach him.
It seemed Jungshin had been entirely comfortable with the distance he held you from but when you began to enclose on him, it rendered him flustered, his head turning this way and that, seeking out an excuse to leave. 
You could not hide the smile that tugged at your lips. “My Lord, I feel I may have inconvenienced you in some way?”
“What?” he breathed, blinking several times before looking to the heavens, no doubt calling on them to remove him from your side. He did this often within your company and it always amused you. Recomposing himself, he shook his head. “No, no you have not.”
“Surely for one’s gaze to linger for as long as yours had, it means something?”
“Yes, it does.” He seemed surprised by his answer, clearing his throat.
You smiled as you watched colour invade his neck. “Are you flustered, my Lord?”
“Well, I will-”
“By you, I mean,” he confessed, his gaze controlled as it had been. He even smiled. “I feel you are the finest person gathered here tonight.”
My ask box is open for this week’s Chelle Chats!
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Okay, since I forgot yesterday, I’m going to send this now! I have a request for your next Chelle Chats! Would you pretty please write a Jungshin Drabble where you two work at a retail job together and your boss is being totally unfair toward you in front of customers? No clue why I thought of that but 🤷‍♀️ 😂 thank you!!! 💖
Hey B! Remember this? I was meant to do it last Chelle Chats but of course, my hiatus was brought forward. I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Lee Jungshin x reader
Word count: 300 (I guess I needed extra words to make it up for the delay haha)
Watching the interaction across the room, you balled up your fists in attempts to cool your temper. With every giggle from your boss to Jungshin however, you were certain you were about to boil over. Granted, it wasn’t Jungshin’s fault. He was new to the store and making mistakes now and then was a given. But the way your boss glossed over them and laid into you for any small inconvenience reminded you of the last time the shop had a male employee. 
Serving a customer to distract your anger, you were almost finished with the transaction when your boss moved behind the till to your side. “You took thirty seconds longer than you should have to greet this customer.”
“Oh it’s fine,” the man dismissed but your boss continued to berate you, your cheeks flushing with colour whilst you finished up the transaction and tried to maintain your composure. 
Jungshin cleared his throat, directing his attention to your boss. “Is this how you treat all your staff?”
“Yes, it is,” you cut in firmly. “I don’t even know why I have put up with this for the past seven months but I won’t anymore. I quit.”
Storming out the back for your belongings, you left the store in a hurry, only stopping a block over to catch your breath and wipe away your tears. You felt liberated. For now, you wouldn’t worry over how you would survive until your next part-time job, though you were surprised when you heard someone call out your name.
Jungshin came to a stop at your side. You shot him a look and he chuckled. “It wasn’t going to work out if you weren’t there. Want to go get ice-cream to celebrate being jobless?”
You nodded happily. Your evening was looking up already.
My ask box is open for this week’s Chelle Chats!
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noona-clock · 7 years
Just a Scratch
#72: “You need sleep.”
Ur both so awesome!! Any member from cnblue (u can both choose), 72!!!!!!!!
CNBLUE!!!!! Anon, you don’t know how excited this made me. And since you’re letting me choose, I CHOOSE MY BIAS.
Genre: 1940′s!AU/Fluff
Pairing: Jungshin x You
By Admin B
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You’d had no idea what was in store for you when you'd shown up for work that day. But, then, this was true for just about any other day. Working as a nurse at a war hospital pretty much meant every day was chaotic and unpredictable.
But today would turn out to be just a little bit different.
You had just finishing helping out with a leg amputation - your least favorite, but you didn’t really have a choice - when another nurse on duty informed you a new patient had been brought in to your assigned section of the hospital.
“Is it bad?” you asked, scrubbing your hands with soap and water.
“No,” she informed you. And then a smirk pulled at her lips. “In more ways than one.”
“What do you mean?”
“...You’ll find out.”
You watched her walk away with a very confused expression on your face. What was she talking about? Not bad in more ways than one? If you weren’t about to meet your new patient right now, you would call her back and ask her what exactly she meant.
After you dried your now clean hands, you grabbed your clipboard and headed toward the beds assigned to you. You only had a few patients to look after right now, so you weren’t surprised a new one had come your way.
When you approached the newly occupied bed... you understood what the other nurse had meant. Your new patient was... Well, the only way to put it was ‘extremely good looking.’
You picked up his medical chart, quickly reading his name was Jungshin Lee before stopping at the side of his bed.
“Hi there,” you smiled, tucking his chart and your clipboard underneath your arm. You tried to be as cheery as possible around the patients, but you wouldn’t say his handsomeness made it too difficult for you to smile at him.
“Hey,” he replied, trying to smile back.
“So, a bullet to the abdomen, huh?” You walked to the nearest supply station, gathering the things you would need to stitch him up.
“Yeah... Not too bad, just a scratch, really.” You shot him an amused look, and he chuckled weakly.
You pulled up a chair to the side of his bed, lifting the covers and beginning to take the bandages off his waist. You obviously couldn’t help but notice his physically fit form, but then... he was a soldier. Most of them were in fairly good shape.
“Jungshin Lee,” you said as you dabbed his wound with alcohol. You wanted to distract him as much as possible as you cleaned and sutured his wound since it would be pretty painful. “That’s an interesting name. Where is it from?”
Jungshin gasped, clenching his jaw and balling his hands into fists. “Korea,” he told you. “I was born there, but my parents moved to the States when I was two.”
“Good thing they did, otherwise you wouldn’t be out there fighting for us.” You shot him a little smile, and he returned it with one of his own (though his was a bit more strained). “This is going to hurt, so I’m just going to keep talking to you, okay?”
He nodded, preparing himself for the pain. You heard a sharp intake of breath when you inserted the needle into his skin, and you suddenly wanted to hug and comfort him. 
You asked him all sorts of questions, and he did his best to answer as you sewed and closed up his wound. You found out he’d been in the army for a year now, he had a college degree, he liked music, and he had a dog waiting back home for him (but no girl).
After his wound was clean and freshly bandaged, you pulled the blanket back over him and dabbed his forehead with a damp cloth. He looked quite pale, but even then, he was still dashingly handsome.
“You need sleep, soldier. Go ahead and rest.”
Jungshin tipped his chin in the slightest of nods, but then his eyes fluttered open to look at you. “Will you still be here when I wake up?”
You couldn’t stop a smile from pulling at your lips. “Indeed I will.”
“Guess it’s my lucky day, then,” he murmured before he drifted off into dreamland. 
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
PWYL’s 2019 Masterlist!
We’re a few days out from the end of the year, with two stories to post, but since everything is ready to go, it’s time to share this post with you all! It’s crazy how much I’ve written this year! I’ve made this list for those who wish to browse it and organised it so that some things will be linked and others will take you to the group masterlist (because if I linked everything, the links wouldn’t all work). 
Thank you for everyone who has supported my stories this year!
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Series: (12)
King of Demons (2018-2019 series) - Got7
Beyond the Palace Walls (2018-2019 series) - Jung Jaehyun
Destined (To Love You Forever) - Park Jinyoung
Too Good To Be Wrong - Park Chanyeol
Through His Eyes - Im Jaebum
Could You Marry Me? - Son Hyunwoo / Shownu
The Right Choice - Mark Tuan
Spiritual Connection - Brian Kang / Day6
You Didn’t Let Me! - Yoo Kihyun / Park Jinyoung / Lee Seunggi
The Spirit(s) of Christmas - Day6
Idol Advent - various idols
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Collaborations: (6)
An Easter Collab to Dye For - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
Christmas in July 2019 - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
Puppy Week - with @goodnightkisseu​ + @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
Frightful October 2019 - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
Mistletoe Manor - with @noona-clock​
All I Want For Christmas - with 6 other GOT7 writers (listed in collab masterlist!)
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Oneshot/scenarios: (170)
Ab6ix (masterlist HERE)
Rite of Passage - Youngmin
Spark - Woong
Scented - Donghyun
Love Error - Woong
Astro (masterlist HERE)
Sanctuary - Moonbin
Manipulated - Moonbin
BAP (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Himchan
Home - Youngjae
Compassion - Yongguk
Kiss Me Again - Youngjae
Getaway - Daehyun
Uninvited - Himchan
Lit - Daehyun
BTS (masterlist HERE)
Boyfriend Taehyung
Love Sick - Namjoon
What Happens Next - Namjoon
CNBlue (masterlist HERE)
It’s In The Books - Jungshin
After Party - Jungshin
A Christmas Date - Minhyuk
Day6 (masterlist HERE)
Neighbourly - Jae
The Handsome Stranger - Brian
Existence - Sungjin
Too Early - Sungjin
Her Name - Jae
Join Forces - Brian
His Voice - Jae
That Good - Jae
Just Rest - Brian
Exo (masterlist HERE)
Back for Good - Chanyeol
Different Kisses with Kyungsoo
Be Okay - Kyungsoo
Remind Me - Minseok
Consolation Prize - Sehun
Lip Treatment - Sehun
Be Mine - Minseok 
Challenging Silence - Sehun
Fool of Compromise - Sehun
The Only Choice - Jongdae
Nap Time - Jongin
Destination - Jongin
Buttoned Up - Jongin
Power Suit - Sehun
The Special Outfit - Sehun
Who’s Surprised? - Baekhyun
Perception - Kyungsoo
Clueless - Chanyeol
Puppy Love - Suho
Sage - Chanyeol
Do It All - Minseok
High Notes - Jongdae
Plan B - Kyungsoo
Got7 (masterlist HERE)
Drunken Confession - Jaebum
Intrigued - Mark
The Morning After - Jaebum
Your Neighbour - Jaebum
Shower Again - Jaebum
Hidden Confessions - Jackson
Renewed - Yugyeom
Exposed - Jinyoung
Hasty Assumptions - Jinyoung
Biased - BamBam
Chosen - Jackson
Well Played - BamBam
Stubborn - Jinyoung
Mixed Signals - Jinyoung
An Exception - Jinyoung
The Favour - Mark
Tell Me More - Mark
Clarity - Jinyoung
Unplanned - Mark
Under The Stars - BamBam
Revelations - Yugyeom
Relax - Mark
Premature - Jackson
Petulant - Jinyoung
Your Turn - Jinyoung
Take A Break  - Jinyoung
Past and Present - Jinyoung
Touch - Jaebum
Not Just A Wallflower - Yugyeom
As Long As It Takes - Jaebum
Made With Love - Mark
Mistaken - Mark
This Seat’s Taken - Jackson
Hair Attack - Jinyoung
Change of Plans - Jinyoung 
Cloudy With A Chance of Sunshine - Youngjae
The Perfect Match - Jinyoung
Melt - Jinyoung
The Right Sort - Jinyoung
No Spell Needed - Jinyoung 
Back Again - Mark
Three Whole Days - Jaebum
Spotless - Jinyoung
A New Spring - Jaebum
Head First - Jinyoung
Combined - Effort - Yugyeom
Even If I Tried - Jinyoung
Fan Encounter - Jaebum
All I Want For Christmas Is: Chocolate - Jackson
New Predictions - Mark
Ikon (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Chanwoo
Treasure of the Sea - Hanbin
No More Goodbyes - Donghyuk
K-Actors (masterlist HERE)
Still Constant - Hyungsik
Are You Annoyed? - Ahn Hyoseop
Written In The Books - Jung Haein
Monsta X (masterlist HERE)
Everyone Has a Weakness - Kihyun
Romantic Notions - Shownu
Wrong Number - Changkyun
First Kiss - Wonho
A New Formula - Changkyun
A Role To Play - Kihyun
Reap The Rewards - Wonho
A Kissing Game - Wonho
Pawsed - Shownu
Until You’re Better - Kihyun
Worthy - Kihyun
Walk With Me - Minhyuk
Well Trained - Kihyun
Added Extras - Changkyun
Heartless - Hyungwon
What A Dream - Kihyun
Experimental - Changkyun
Could You Remember Me? - Shownu
What Happens After Midnight - Kihyun
NCT (masterlist HERE)
Out of Time - Kun
Valentine’s Couple - Jaehyun
Game Night - Doyoung
Body Conscious - Jaehyun
Who Told You To Protect Me? - Haechan
Sophie’s Moving This Castle - Taeyong
Old Maple - Mark
Put Together - Doyoung
A Not So Simple Answer - Johnny
Nu’Est (masterlist HERE)
We Got Married with Minhyun
Different Kisses with Minki
Change The Date - Minhyun
Dream Girl - Minhyun
Life Lessons - Minhyun
A Dramatic Start - Minhyun
Flutter - Baekho
Defining Roles - Minhyun
Seventeen (masterlist HERE)
The Best Easter Ever - Hoshi
Human Nature - Jeonghan
Kiss It Better - Jun
Shinee (masterlist HERE)
Just Smile! - Onew
Stray Kids (masterlist HERE)
Within - Felix
Guilty As Charged - Chan
TVXQ (masterlist HERE)
Birthday Cheese - Changmin
Vixx (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Hyuk
Different Kisses with Ken
Excessive - Taekwoon
Overheard - Taekwoon
Dance Sessions - Hakyeon
Reconnected - Taekwoon
Legend - Taekwoon
Wanna One (masterlist HERE)
Alliance - Seongwoo
We Got Married with Minhyun
Boyfriend Jaehwan
Different Kisses with Jaehwan
Call The Shots - Seongwoo
Different Kisses with Bae Jinyoung
Warming Up - Jaehwan
Change The Date - Minhyun 
Dream Girl - Minhyun
Best Seat In The House - Daniel
Life Lessons - Minhyun
A Dramatic Start - Minhyun
Test of Love - Daniel
Defining Roles - Minhyun
Winner (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Mino
With A Bow On Top  - Seunghoon
Various Artists (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Zico
Reassurance - Hyunsik (BTOB)
Universe - Hyunsik (BTOB)
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Got7 as Airforce7 reaction
Chelle Chats Drabbles: (377)
Jan - Jun // Jul - Dec
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Weekly Digest 17/2 - 23/2
Key: [O] - Original fiction/scenario [R] - Requested fiction/scenario, [DG] Drabble Game Request [S] - Original Series  [M] - Mature content [C] - Collaborations
A Bad Dream [O] - Youngjae (B.A.P) – challenging words prompt
The Book That Started It All [DG] - Jungshin (CNBLUE)
Compatible [DG] - Hakyeon (VIXX)
Cooking Duties [DG] - Minho (SHINee)
Bonding Session [O] - Kyungsoo (EXO)
Saturday Drabbles: Jaebum | Jinyoung | Jackson | Mark | Yugyeom | Kihyun | BamBam + Youngjae
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Weekly Schedule 24/2 - 1/3
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Welcome to this week’s upcoming schedule.
Scheduled content:
Key: [O] - Original fiction/scenario [R] - Requested fiction/scenario [DG] Drabble Game Request [S] - Original Series [M] - Mature content [C] - Collaborations
Monday: Too Vivid [DG] - Ken (VIXX)
Tuesday: Just An Hour More [DG] - Jungkook (BTS)
Wednesday: Out Of The Storm [O] - Brian (DAY6)
Thursday: An Opportunity [DG] - Ten (NCT)
Friday: Be Mine [DG] - Daehwi (AB6IX)
Saturday: Chelle Chats segment
Sunday: recap of the week
New posts are made at 10am NZST daily where applicable.
Last Week’s Digest:
A Bad Dream [O] - Youngjae (B.A.P) – challenging words prompt
The Book That Started It All [DG] - Jungshin (CNBLUE)
Compatible [DG] - Hakyeon (VIXX)
Cooking Duties [DG] - Minho (SHINee)
Bonding Session [O] - Kyungsoo (EXO)
Saturday Drabbles: Jaebum | Jinyoung | Jackson | Mark | Yugyeom | Kihyun | BamBam + Youngjae
Requests Schedule & Fiction Info:
Another week of drabble game requests and a Brian scenario I wrote a few weeks ago to finish it off as five stories!
Next week is March, can you believe it?! Unfortunately, my plans to start my upcoming series is now on hold as time and life in general has been quite difficult to navigate. Let’s hope I get some time to write more soon so I know where I’m heading next! 
There’s still all the new drabble game requests to keep me busy until then! 
Other information:
Youxidol Drabble Game List I am accepting requests for is HERE
The completed list of drabbles on this game are HERE
My Upcoming Projects can be found HERE
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Weekly Schedule 17/2 - 23/2
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Welcome to this week’s upcoming schedule.
Scheduled content:
Key: [O] - Original fiction/scenario [R] - Requested fiction/scenario [DG] Drabble Game Request [S] - Original Series [M] - Mature content [C] - Collaborations
Monday: A Bad Dream [O] - Youngjae (B.A.P) – challenging words prompt
Tuesday: The Book That Started It All [DG] - Jungshin (CNBLUE)
Wednesday: Compatible [DG] - Hakyeon (VIXX)
Thursday: Cooking Duties [DG] - Minho (SHINee)
Friday: Bonding Session [O] - Kyungsoo (EXO)
Saturday: Chelle Chats segment
Sunday: recap of the week
New posts are made at 10am NZST daily where applicable.
Last Week’s Digest:
Love and War [DG] - Shownu (MONSTA X)
Love Diet [DG] - Bang Chan (Stray Kids)
Fundamental [DG] - Mark (GOT7)
How To Love [O] - Brian (Day6)
Saturday Drabbles: Dowoon | Jackson | Park Jinyoung | Jaebum + Jinyoung
Requests Schedule & Fiction Info:
It’s another week full of drabble game requests with our newest Challenging Words story and an original piece I wrote a few weeks back that kept being pushed back >_< I hope you enjoy all the stories this week! It’s quite a good variety of idols as well! 
Other information:
Youxidol Drabble Game List I am accepting requests for is HERE
The completed list of drabbles on this game are HERE
My Upcoming Projects can be found HERE
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Weekly Schedule 3/6 - 9/6
Scheduled content:
Key: [O] - Original fiction/scenario [R] - Requested fiction/scenario [DG] Drabble Game Request [S] - Original Series [M] - Mature content
Monday: A Role To Play [O] - Kihyun (MONSTA X)
Tuesday: Through His Eyes Part 10 [S] - Jaebum (GOT7)
Wednesday: Body Conscious [O] - Jaehyun (NCT)
Thursday: Who Told You To Protect Me? [DG] - Haechan (NCT)
Friday: Untitled Original Piece/Drabble Request
Saturday: Chelle Chats segment
Sunday: Untitled Original Piece/Drabble Request + recap of the week
New posts are made at 10am NZST daily where applicable.
Last Week’s Digest:
Premature [DG] - Jackson (GOT7)
Through His Eyes Part 9 [S] - Jaebum (GOT7)
Life Lessons [R] - Minhyun (NU’EST / WANNA ONE)
Aerobatic [S] - Yugyeom (GOT7) – AIRFORCE7
A New Formula [O] - Changkyun (MONSTA X)
After Party [R] - Jungshin (CNBLUE)
Petulant [DG] - Jinyoung (GOT7)
Saturday Chelle Chats Drabbles: Jongdae | Mark | Sehun | Park Jinyoung: 1 // 2 // 3 | Choi Youngjae | Donghyun | Daehwi
Requests Schedule & Fiction Info:
Welcome to June! This month I am hoping to write a lot of stories I’ve been putting off or the newer ideas I have, with some drabble requests in between. Since starting this blog in July last year, a lot of my stories have stemmed from requests and I’ve decided to focus a little more on what I want to write. I want to try sharing my content in different ways this month (sometimes with a mini-series shared daily until completed) and some ideas that I’ve been really wanting to share for some time. I hope you all enjoy this approach! 
Of course, I will endeavour to keep variety each week, but there will be a bit of MONSTA X content this month more than usual since a few of my ideas seem to be around them lately! You can still expect the usual of EXO, GOT7, NCT, VIXX, B.A.P and other familiar faces on this blog too! 
Other information:
Youxidol Drabble Game List I am accepting requests for is HERE
The completed list of drabbles on this game are HERE
My WIPs Livestream can be found HERE
[Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Weekly Schedule 27/5 - 2/6
My goodness, it’s the last week of May, where did that go?!
Scheduled content:
Key: [O] - Original fiction/scenario [R] - Requested fiction/scenario [DG] Drabble Game Request [S] - Original Series [M] - Mature content
Monday: Premature [DG] - Jackson (GOT7)
Tuesday: Through His Eyes Part 9 [S] - Jaebum (GOT7)
Wednesday: Untitled Request [R] - Minhyun (NUEST/WANNA ONE)
Thursday: AIRFORCE7 Part 7 [S] - Yugyeom (GOT7)
Friday: Untitled Request [R] - Jungshin (CNBLUE)
Saturday: Chelle Chats segment
Sunday: Untitled Original Piece/Drabble Request + recap of the week
New posts are made at 10am NZST daily where applicable.
Last Week’s Digest:
Through His Eyes Part 8 [S] - Jaebum (GOT7)
Puppy Love [R] - Suho (EXO)
Take Flight [S] - BamBam (GOT7)
Relax [R] - Mark (GOT7)
Chelle Chats’ Saturday Drabbles: Park Jinyoung: 1 // 2 | Sungwoon | Key | Jooheon | Jeonghan | Sehun & Park Jinyoung| Kyungsoo | Minseok
Requests Schedule & Fiction Info:
This week we will see the end of AIRFORCE7 and the remaining two May requests! It’s all a little bittersweet! May has gone by in a blink of an eye, and I had so much I wanted to do this month! I’m very proud of all I’ve achieved so let’s wrap this final week up well! 
I have some great ideas for the fictions this week, and I’m excited to share them all with you! 
In June, I will be writing whatever I feel like with drabble requests in between. I have decided not to reopen my requests for the time being and focus on writing content that I want to. Drabble game requests are unaffected by this decision.
Other information:
Youxidol Drabble Game List I am accepting requests for is HERE
The completed list of drabbles on this game are HERE
My WIPs Livestream can be found HERE
[Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Weekly Digest 27/5 - 2/6
Key: [O] - Original fiction/scenario [R] - Requested fiction/scenario, [DG] Drabble Game Request [S] - Original Series  [M] - Mature content
Premature [DG] - Jackson (GOT7)
Through His Eyes Part 9 [S] - Jaebum (GOT7)
Life Lessons [R] - Minhyun (NU’EST / WANNA ONE)
Aerobatic [S] - Yugyeom (GOT7) -- AIRFORCE7
A New Formula [O] - Changkyun (MONSTA X)
After Party [R] - Jungshin (CNBLUE)
Petulant [DG] - Jinyoung (GOT7)
Saturday Chelle Chats Drabbles: Jongdae | Mark | Sehun | Park Jinyoung: 1 // 2 // 3 | Choi Youngjae | Donghyun | Daehwi
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Weekly Digest 11/2 - 17/2
Key: [O] - Original fiction/scenario [R] - Requested fiction/scenario, [DG] Drabble Game Request [S] - Original Series 
Consolation Prize [DG] - Sehun (EXO)
Too Good To Be Wrong Part 5 [S] - Chanyeol (EXO)
Forever [M][S] - Jinyoung (GOT7) - final in Destined series
Valentine’s Couple [O] - Jaehyun (NCT)
Lip Treatment [DG] - Sehun (EXO)
Different Kisses with Bae Jinyoung [R] - Jinyoung (WANNA ONE)
It’s In The Books [O] - Jungshin (CNBLUE)
Boyfriend Taehyung [R] - Taehyung (BTS)
Chelle Chats’ Saturday Drabbles:  Jimin | Park Jinyoung: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 | BamBam | Daehyun | Sehun: 1 // 2 | Taekwoon | Jaebum: 1 // 2 | DK | Jongdae | Choi Youngjae 
[Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Weekly Schedule 18/2 - 24/2
Wow is it just me or is February just flying on by?! I can’t believe that next week the final week of this month! 
Scheduled content:
Key: [O] - Original fiction/scenario [R] - Requested fiction/scenario, [DG] Drabble Game Request [S] - Original Series
Monday: Birthday Cheese [O/DG] - Changmin (TVXQ)
Tuesday: Too Good To Be Wrong Part 6 [S] - Chanyeol (EXO)
Wednesday: Warming Up [DG] - Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
Thursday: Be Mine [DG] - Minseok (EXO)
Friday: Everyone Has A Weakness [O] - Kihyun (MONSTA X)
Saturday: Different Kisses with Ren [R] + Chelle Chats segment
Sunday:  Different Kisses with Mino [R] + recap of the week
New posts are made at 10am NZST daily where applicable.
Last Week’s Digest:
Consolation Prize [DG] - Sehun (EXO)
Too Good To Be Wrong Part 5 [S] - Chanyeol (EXO)
Forever [M][S] - Jinyoung (GOT7) - final in Destined series
Valentine’s Couple [O] - Jaehyun (NCT)
Lip Treatment [DG] - Sehun (EXO)
Different Kisses with Bae Jinyoung [R] - Jinyoung (WANNA ONE)
It’s In The Books [O] - Jungshin (CNBLUE)
Boyfriend Taehyung [R] - Taehyung (BTS)
Chelle Chats’ Saturday Drabbles:  Jimin | Park Jinyoung: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 | BamBam | Daehyun | Sehun: 1 // 2 | Taekwoon | Jaebum: 1 // 2 | DK | Jongdae | Choi Youngjae
Requests Schedule & Fiction Info:
There is only three requests left from the original batch! This week I aim to fulfil two of them and then the final will be on the last day of the month! I’m so excited to have them all completed and I thank all those who have waited forever for them to be done. 
For future requests: I will be opening my requests from the 25th of February until the 28th. I will not be accepting scenarios requests this time around, sorry. I am only accepting ten requests as well so please be prepared as it will be first come, first served. A post detailing the requests guidelines will be up later this week.
Chelle Chats:
Thanks to everyone who stopped by this weekend to participate in Chelle Chats. I really had a LOT of fun writing drabbles and answering your asks! It will be back on this Saturday NZST so those who missed out, come and join in then!
You can find the drabbles I wrote that day up in the digest list.
Other information:
Youxidol Drabble Game List I am accepting requests for is HERE
The completed list of drabbles on this game are HERE
My WIPs Livestream can be found HERE
[Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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