mossmarsh · 6 months
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wife ocs that took the same suffix <3
the story actually begins while they're both apprentices.. but.. lets ignore that
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simbasomba · 7 months
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(Coal is me and @deity-of-moffs oc)
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ghostsong-wc · 2 years
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This cat keeps reincarnating after they die. They keep their past memories, getting them back younger and younger each time. Not even StarClan knows why they keep reincarnating.
Poppy Stem: He was born in the mountains about the same time as Gray Wing and Clear Sky. He spent his kithood playing with them and grew to respect them, especially Gray Wing. When the time came, he decided to leave with the others to seek for a new home and lived in Tall Shadow's camp, later on Wind Runner's camp and then WindClan. One day, after the events of Dawn of the Clans, he was going to visit ShadowClan. He wasn't careful enough when crossing the road and got struck by a car. His spirit never seemed to leave his body and never joined StarClan.
Blaze Stripe: She was born into ShadowClan and lived carefree. In her adult life, she started getting memories of a life that wasn't hers. She convinced herself that she just had a very vivid imagination and ignored it all, living as a loyal ShadowClan warrior. She died in a border battle, when her opponent wouldn't give her mercy.
Slatespot: He was getting memories of two past lives and couldn't ignore it anymore. He figured that maybe StarClan had felt bad for him for dying so young so they gave him other chances. He took advantage of his past knowledge and rose to be RiverClan's deputy quite quickly. He succumbed to greencough during an epidemic.
Hayheart: He tried to live a normal life in SkyClan, ignoring his past memories. He was happy and social, until SkyClan was exiled. It hit him extra hard, as he had been there when the clans were formed. He became severely depressed and eventually stopped eating, which lead to him dying of starvation.
Honeyshade: Born into ThunderClan, she was shocked how nobody talked about or even seemed to remember SkyClan. She became doubtful and cynical of the clans, which only got made worse when Mapleshade was exiled. She vowed to raise her kits as "true warriors of the past" but died during giving birth to them.
Raincloud: She never truly recovered from basically losing her kits and became tokophobic for a long time. She figured that if she were overly religious, maybe StarClan would finally let her join them, so she became a healer. She managed to live all the way to elder age and retired, happy and satisfied. She was sure she would get into StarClan now and died of old age.
Shadepaw: She was utterly bewildered as to why she kept coming back unlike everyone else. She became paranoid and was easy prey for the Dark Forest. She was overly happy when she saw Mapleshade there, as she was the very rare familiar face, but was met with hostility. Mapleshade blamed her for not defending and siding with her during the exile. She eventually died during the Great Battle, where she struggled to pick a side.
Applespot: He was delighted to learn that SkyClan was back and became hopeful of the clans; maybe the Great Battle had changed them. The events of The Broken Code soon shattered that hope, though, and he left ThunderClan when Graystripe did. He vowed to never return and ended up freezing to death during a harsh winter.
Flameshine: He wasn't surprised to be back with the clans but he grew up cynical and depressed. After an accident left him permanently injured, he was forced into the healer's den, deemed unfit for warrior duties. He finally fully understood how the clans didn't seem to care to listen to disabled cats and threw them into the healer den. He became fueled by spite and did his duties as well as any cat. He succumbed to greencough while tending his patients.
Barkstar: She decided to climb up the ranks quickly and efficiently, becoming SkyClan's leader. She tried to change the clans and code that way but the other leaders only met her with hostility. She hoped StarClan would finally let her join them as she had done all she could. She lost her last life to a tree falling on top of her.
Coalpaw: He became increasingly anxious and depressed about reincarnating again and again. He was highly anxious during his entire kithood and the start of his apprenticeship. He couldn't handle it anymore. During a patrol, he saw a cliff and in desperation and hopelessness, he jumped.
Marshtail: Her previous lives had done the trick and she'd had enough of everything. She turned cold, angry and violent and didn't try to hide it from anyone. Eventually she tried to kill her leader but failed and was exiled. She died to a hungry fox attacking her.
Frosteyes: He understood that he needed to be more careful if he wanted to hurt the clans. He chose a clanmate who was popular but easy to manipulate and helped him rise the ranks and become leader. Frosteyes noticed that this clanmate clearly had feelings for him and used this to his advantage, easily getting the deputy rank. He continued to manipulate his new leader and convinced him to wage wars against the other clans. This way, the leader got the blame, while Frosteyes himself seemed like just a loyal deputy. A rival clan cat figured out he was the true cause of the wars and killed him in battle.
Russetleaf: She figured she could use her previous knowledge of healers to cause true disaster and so became a healer yet again. She managed to poison both her leader and deputy. A clanmate found out and killed her but she died grinning, knowing she had already caused a lot of trouble.
Ghostsong: Having lived 14 different lives, as both toms and she-cats, they abandoned gender all together. It didn't matter to them anymore. They act like a loyal SkyClan warrior but in reality want to bring suffering to all the clans, like they've suffered. They believe the clans need to be destroyed for all the awful things they've done in the past and keep doing. They are unstable, manipulative and have a god complex.
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Her Eyes (Short Story)
Miscarriage TW! -Umbranoxs
Rain crashed against the roof of the medicine den, Swirltail laying on a moss nest covered in rips that she had caused from her anxiety. She came into the den a couple hours ago, not feeling well, and next thing she knew? Kits. Cottoncatcher told her she needed to stay there for the night. She kneaded her claws into the moss again, listening to the roar of distant thunder as she faded in and out of being awake, struggling to really pay attention to anything around her. Was it supposed to be like this?
Next thing she knew, she awoke to mewling and Cottoncatcher, who’s expression made her heart drop. He glanced downwards, and exhaled softly; Speaking the words she prayed she never had to hear.“I’m sorry.. I tried all I could, but.. Only one made it.”
She glanced down, feeling her throat tighten and her body tremor with tears that struggled to fall. Two bodies were still, one squirming and mewling as they snuggled next to her- Their pelt as dark as the stormy sky above. “..May I.. At least name them before they’re buried?” She meowed weakly, voice trembling as she struggled not to sob. “Of course.” Cottoncatcher’s smooth, silver pelt blocked out the light, shadowing over her kits- She gently moved the two stillborns into the sunlight, whispering name ideas softly- Occasionally she’d see Cottoncatcher nod in approval of a name, his bronze eyes littered with mixed emotions; Sympathy, pity? She couldn’t tell nor could she care.
Eventually, the two kits- she settled on the names Dustkit and Joykit for them, -were taken out of the den for burial, and finally she felt herself break. Quiet yet echoing around the den, her sobs filled her ears as she cradled her little survivor in her paws. She forced a small smile at the similarities between them and her friends and family, debating names. So many ideas swirled in her mind- She considered Coalkit after one of her lost friends, but shook her head as she remembered how foolish they all were as apprentices- And his mother was still alive in the elder’s den, it’d be cruel to her to name a kit that looked like him with such a name. Perhaps Nightkit? Was that too basic?
She debated between names for the rest of the day, and through the night. Nobody ever told her naming a single kit would be this tough!Despite this she sighed contently, looking back at her little kit. They were peacefully sleeping next to her, and she finally decided on a name for them; She’d likely discuss it with her clanmates later, to get their opinion. Even if their father couldn’t help her decide, it takes a clan to raise a kit- At least, that’s what she learnt. As she closed her eyes to rest, something in her head prompted her to look at her kit.
And as she turned, her heart dropped again and she froze as a sudden shock hit her, desperately avoiding the instinct to yelp in fear. Their eyes were open, full of curiosity- At least, as open as they could make them, and they were a bright yellow that gleamed in the darkness of the nursery.
The kit had Lunarpaw’s eyes.
This wasn’t that fun for me to write but here, Swirltail being tormented by the horrors! (I haven’t decided a name for the kit lol)
Something bad? Something good, hoping it will ward off ‘evil?’
What if she gave the kit a normal name around others but bad names when they’re alone?
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maplewood126 · 8 months
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Meet one of briarclans biggest pricks in briarclan history. Originally he was the main bad guy before I decided to make Brackenstar the bad guy. He was then a darkforest character before ultimately deciding that he would make the perfect asshole that lives in starclan.
Coalstar always trained hard as a young apprentice and always seemed to pick fights at the border whenever he had the chance. As a warrior he seemed to mature up a bit, enough to be chosen deputy by the then leader boulderstar. When he was made the leader he immediately sprung into action, scheduling routine battle training for everyone in the clan (besided the queens and kits. Yes elders were allowed to participate) usually being the one to train. He was a strict and stern leader. Any small wrong move would be called out. He along with his warriors invented new complicated battle moves and had been the ones that started the briarclan tradition of wrapping briars and thorns around their paws and claws before battle. He would begin to pick fights at borders again as he had done as an apprentice and attempt, and usually win the fights and eventually grew a reputation of being a strong and successful opponent that you wouldn't want to fight against. Briarclan was soon known to be the strongest clan of his time, winning many battles and coming up with tactical moves. He would taunt leaders at gatherings believing that, in his own words, 'they would be too chicken sh*t to stand up for themselves.' And often times he was right. To briarclan, he was dubbed one of the best leaders in history. To other clans he was dubbed the biggest asshole to the clans.
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onuen · 7 months
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lunathegalacticwolf · 6 months
Here's my made up Warrior Cats clan, SeaClan. Ur welcome.
Information is in the description.
Feel free to share your own Warrior Cats clans with me if you want, idc.
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yes-asil · 1 year
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Never actually read a single Warrior Cats book, but watched enough AMV's and MAP's to have a basic understanding. Excuses to draw my boys as kitty cats.
Basic Plot under the read more for context:
The story is about Coalpaw who has been born with a starmark on his back. The clan assumes because of it, that he will be leader, following his grandfather and his uncle Strawstar in their pawprints.
He however outright refuses, the pressure and fear of failing being too much on the young kit.
So instead he decides to ignore his clan and asks Silentspeech, the medicine cat, to take him on as his apprentice. He won't be able to be both, so if he chooses this path, Starclan has to find a new figurehead, right?
Silentspeech himself had been a Kittypet, who had ran away from his two legs. Coming in wounded, Timberclan decided to help reluctantly, not trusting him and his dead quiet demeanor.
A few days before his planned trip to the Moonpond, right after Hazelnut's untimely death, Silentspeech is announced medicine cat. He can communicate with Starclan perfectly fine, but he doesn't stand behind their choices at all and thinks their prophecies are an utter waste of his time. If he can't change the prophecy, save somebody from their fate, then why tell him anway?
That is why he allows Coalpaw to become his apprentice, trying to see if Starclan can be outsmarted. Or at the least, if they have planned this outcome, to give the poor, young cat a rest from the other clanmates constantly nagging him about his possible future.
He kinda regrets it, since Coal is a bundle of energy and he'd rather sleep, but hey, nothing lost, nothing gained.
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cha0s-boyy · 2 months
coalpaw for TheMurritTurkin
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[ID: a lineless digital drawing of a warrior cat character, framed so her lower legs and rump are not visible. she has thick fluffy fur that is black with dark gray markings around her mouth, chest, and haunches. her eyes are pale green. she has a shaky smile on her face. /end ID]
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prxckedradiolove · 1 year
Ocean - Oceanfang. Just her name combined with her sharp tongue. A slim ginger she-cat with green eyes and a long, fluffy tail. Sister to Coalheart (Noel)
Noel - Coalheart. Chosen from the part of his song, ‘a hooker with a heart of black charcoal’. Grey tom with a black heart marking on his chest and brother to Oceanfang
Mischa - Passionstorm! Fluffy tabby tom with green eyes. He was initially a Tribe cat, but after his mother (Pine tree outside cave or Pine) ate poison berries and died, he ran away as an apprentice and joined CycloneClan. He chose the name Passionpaw for himself, for reasons unbeknowest to everyone else. At a late stage of apprenticeship, he falls in love with a Tribe she-cat, Flower that sways in the wind, Flower (Talia). She had come to the Clan after getting lost during a storm, and it was the duty of Passionpaw, Coalpaw (Noel) and their mentors to return her home. Passionpaw was planning to go with her…but sadly, the trip ended in the death of not only Flower, but his mentor. He and Coalpaw treck home, and sorta fall in love on the way ;)
Ricky - Glowingsky/Star! YEAH THATS RIGHT! RICKY’S THE LEADER! A scrappy tabby tom with a condition in his back legs that made them grow sort of crooked. Despite this, he’s one of the most valuable warriors in CycloneClan, and is the son of the current leaders! He is mute but talks to his clanmates via tail, ear, and whisker flicks
Penny - Lambflight - a mostly white she-cat with a tabby splotch on her back. Honestly Lambflight is 10/10 the most goofball ever. She’s a ‘Chosen’ by StarClan, and a long dead Ancient she-cat, Whispering Deer (Jane) speaks through her mouth. You can tell when WD is talking because most of Lambflight’s dialogue is just. Stupid shit. WD speaks prophecies
Constance - Sugarcloud. She was once a kittypet named Sugar who joined the clan after wishing for more adventure in life. However, she’s pretty clumsy and thought the whole clan had forgotten about her, until a StarClan warrior called “The Amazing Star-Watcher” (Karnak) spoke to her, taking her to train with ancient medicine cats! She’s become CycloneClan’s greatest medicine cat since then!
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These are kinda bad lol i hope i can draw them better in the future maybe BUT OMG THIS IS SO GOODOODODODO
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fallenclan · 8 months
coalpaw is so autism I love her dearly
can we see her and her siblings' sprites, as well as toadbelly's?
they're all so silly <3
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dailybeastarsthings · 2 years
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Come, Join Me
Artist: Coalpaw on Furaffinity
Source: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49672325/
I do not own any rights of the fanart. If you are the artist and want this post to be removed, please message me and I will remove it immediately.
I hope you have a nice day! :)
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simbasomba · 8 months
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Doodle of characters + me and @deity-of-moffs oc!
Characters in order:
FlintPaw (GrayPaw)
CoalPaw (OC)
Ferretpaw (LongTail)
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ghostsong-wc · 2 years
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Ghostsong, surrounded by the corpses of their past lives.
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Dark Forest Resident: Squirrelscar
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Aliases / Nicknames: Killer, Stain of WindClan, My Love, Papa, Best Mate in WindClan, Squirrelstar
Gender: male
Sexuality: heterosexual
Family: unnamed mother, Branchmoss( father), Shimmerwhisker (stepmother), Sloebeak, Strawfreckle, Stumppaw (sisters), Wheatpelt, Peat (mates), Scorchkit, Treeblaze, Rosykit, Birchsmoke, Troutshine, Tigerpaw, Brindlekit, Daisypaw, Coniferpaw, Oliveshiver, Silkstar, Dahliatooth (daughters), Caterpillarsplash, Bravekit, Nightkit, Coalpaw, Honeyfern, Patchkit, Adderthroat, Boughmouse, Oakbubble, Stoatquiver, Lightningshimmer (sons), Elmpaw, Olivekit, Pinepaw, Fleetkit, Drizzlekit, Siltstalk, Blossomkit, Lightkit, Irispaw, Brokenthud (granddaughters), Whisperacorn, Bigdapple, Canopykit, Poppykit, Nutdrop, Canopyember, Butterflypaw, Weaselkit Fishpelt (grandsons), Mothpaw (great-granddaughter), Burdockpaw, Branchkit (great-grandsons)
Other Relations: Bayheart (mentor)
Clan: WindClan
Rank: leader
Characteristics: loving, brave pathfinder, good teacher, has exceptionally shitty luck
Number of Victims: 2
Number of Murders: 2
Murder Method: tripping, throwing onto Thunderpath
Known Victims: Foxash, Treestar
Victim Profile: warrior, leader who constantly reminded him of his first crime
Cause of Death: 1: badger 2: whitecough, old age 3-9
Cautionary Tale: ??
Honestly, the Clan had no idea how he pulled it off. Killing a full grown warrior as a newborn kit? Without help? Who in their right mind would believe it?
But believe it the Clan did, and so he was treated like a criminal for the first full-season cycle of his life.
After that, things settled down, but some things never changed.
When he and Wheatpelt welcomed a litter of three, he went to his family to tell the good news, only for his father and step-mother to tell him to get out of their sight.
Unfortunately, his good luck didn’t last.
His Scorchkit, his baby, dead of kittencough! He wailed and cried over the little body for hours, then redoubled his care of his remaining kits.
Those two kits grew into great warriors, and he and Wheatpelt soon decided to have a second litter, which blessed the couple with six kittens!
Unfortunately, StarClan was not feeling kind that Leaf-fall. Not only were two of his precious kits stolen from his life, but his sisters to boot!
A mere two moons later, Rosykit, on the eve of her apprentice ceremony, died of yellowcough.
Then Coalpaw, lost to greencough.
And then, the turning point.
He approached Treestar to ask for something, and the leader sneered down his nose, and said:
“You will never be able to outrun your guilt.”
His world stopped.
He wasn’t strong enough to protect his babies, barely strong enough to protect himself, and this rotting maggot had the audacity to bring up the crime he had committed before his eyes were even open!?
His long-lasting temper was starting to fray, which was worsened when Patchkit died of a claw wound. He once again went to Treestar, his idol, only for Treestar to say ‘The blood of your victim stains your paws. I hope it haunts you.”
Distressed, he spoke to his firstborn son, only for Caterpillarsplash to say that he never found Squirrelscar convincing as a warrior.
When he went to his Wheatpelt, his love, his one and only, she turned away in anger, saying that she could’ve trusted him once.
And then it clicked.
They thought he murdered his own son, his own precious kit.
Much like the murder that tarnished his infancy, how he didn’t snap then was a mystery.
But eventually, he couldn’t stand the backhanded comments about the deaths of his babies.
Treestar was found on the Thunderpath with his lives stripped clean out of his pelt.
Much to the shock of everyone, and in a move that probably made Treestar do flips in his grave, Crouchstar promoted Squirrelscar to deputy!
He never expected to go so far, so fast.
Suddenly, he was no longer the Clan pariah. He was respected, honored even.
His kits had kits, precious little bundles of fluff nonetheless afflicted with his cursed luck.
It was rare for his kin to make it to adulthood, but something else was about to change dramatically.
Crouchstar died, leaving Squirrelscar--now Squirrelstar--to take over the Clan.
His lives ceremony was… something else.
Coniferpaw, his daughter, gave him a life for happiness.
Ferretglide gave him a life for sympathy.
Mapledawn, his son, Adderthroat’s, mate gave him a life for clear judgment.
Magnoliawhisker, a former medicine cat, gave him a life for duty.
Almondacorn gave him a life for courage.
Springdapple, the mentor of his son, Boughmouse, gave him a life for strength.
Jaggedtuft, the mentor of his grandkit, Butterflypaw, gave him a life for endurance.
Siltstalk, his first grandkit to reach adulthood, gave him a life for friendship.
Finally, Crouchstar gave him a life to overcome his fears.
Through his lives ceremony, he should’ve been happier, but he kept looking for his lost family. Where was Wheatpelt? Where were the rest of his babies?
He moped, but was soon distracted by his new responsibilities.
Until Peat, his second love, died, birthing their last litter of three.
He started slipping after that, dozing off from reality as the Clan seemed to fall apart.
When Oakbubble died, rather than promoting a competent warrior, he promoted his own daughter, Silkspeckle, to the position instead, letting her run things while he moped in the sun.
Many would later say that he died of a broken heart.
But others would say he was haunted. Many would claim to see a dark tabby figure lurking beside him, whispering poison into his ears.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor
--I think I mentioned on another post where a newborn kit killed a warrior that it's probably some luck like the warrior went to see them and just so happened to have an aneurysm when they entered the nursery or the kitten touched them, or they died the same day--but the Clan is super stupid and superstitious that they believe the baby caused it.
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boyhowdychaoticghost · 9 months
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Last picture taken before a disaster.
Coalcreek is my Shadowclan cat in our warriors trrpg server. He's a bit of a dick and was on his way to villain status, but he is now in reform. He's learning to get over his hate of half-clan cats and outsiders with the help of some friends. (Whixh is ironic because he's half clan but is to dumb to figure that out)
Coalpaw(creek((far right apprentice) and his family. Older brother Wildtail (large black and white on the left), mother Jaggedback (white molly on the right), sibling Cranepaw(mask ((black and white cat center)), and brother Cedarpaw (path ((brown tabby on the left)).
With no father known the three siblings were raised by their mother and older brother, but unfortunately their mother died shortly into their apprenticeship.
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