#cockles galore
alovevigilante · 4 years
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When you’re italian, christmas time means a lot. Tons of fish, pasta and pizza, cookies, just food galore! But it’s also a time that I love a ton, a time to give.
I’ve learned a long time ago that love is better when shared, and giving is where it’s at for me. When I see someone enjoying something I gave them, it’s extra special, and I get the warm fuzzies in ye olde cockles, all the way through my Netherlands, down to my tootsies! And I’m so excited this year, cause Santa is on it, and he’s got lots of love to give, and lots of joy to spread, and a plethora of people to make jolly just like him.
I’ve always admired Santa, for his ability to give. And I’m a Santa fan for sure, so I try to act just like him. So this Christmas, I will ho ho go to spread as much holiday love as I can to as many folks as I can get to. And the gift I get back? Priceless! Love is so satisfying! And doesn’t cost a thing; a kind note, a phone call, an email to let someone know you’re thinking about them.
The holidays can be a hard time for folks. It can exacerbate the distance between people, both physically and figuratively. But reaching out to communicate your love can be the cure to help you through it. The love, speaks volumes.
Happiest of holidays to you all. It starts with you. Be well, take care of yourself, and the peace you receive will be the greatest gift you can ever give yourself. Mangia the love, baby! ❤️🎄🎅☮️🤘🎁
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½ I am starting to feel Bibros have been right all along. Misha/Cas fans are not even 1% of the fandom. Fans for whom Misha/Cas is more important than anyone else. Misha/Cas fans are mostly Jinsing/Dean fans and wants to ship him with another beautiful man. That is all Misha/Cas is to them. People who want the best for Misha/Cas are truly not even 1%. Jinsing flashed his underwear in Europe. Everything mean he does and says in USA will be excused by Misha/Cas fans because Cockles! the AU Destiel
2/2 Even if Jinsing physically hurts Misha, these Misha/Cas fans will lecture you to watch 50 shades of grey and how romantic it is. Now the same people are even singing new Mishalecki tunes. Jordash punched Misha in the balls. Cockles. Jinsing wants to get rid of Misha. Cockles. Trump tweets Covfefe. Cockles. It is getting embarassing to watch “so called” Misha/Cas blogs trip over themselves for Jinsing but remain Deaf/Blind/Mute/Dumb when it comes to supporting /standing up for Misha/Cas.
Under the cut, for rant extreme, I think this is the longest reply that I ever wrote, so so sorry anon! For the people that don’t like ship criticism, turn around now, don’t read this, I give you a fair warning…
Hello anon. Well I hope you got it wrong on the percentage but it certainly feels like it. And even more, a lot of Misha`s fans that actively defend him are not in the fandom anymore, because they are tired of the same bs. I’m tired of the same bs too. Everything is being justified through the eyes of a ship. I stated this before: maybe is because I’m old? I’m almost forty, and I don’t find abuse or bullying romantic. I don’t find Cas’s death romantic. The romeo+juliet shit doesn’t work on me anymore. Well It never worked for me tbh. And also It’s been years seeing this obsession about ships getting bigger and bigger, to the point of making trying to defend Misha or stand up for Cas, almost impossible. Surely they are still fans that see reason, but they are not in the big numbers. I got second hand embarrassment sometimes. Let me give you an example: Misha posted the picture remembering the victims of Orlando…a lot of people: “yes! now make destiel real!” Wtf?? No respect whatsoever, I have tears in my eyes rn, not kidding. This is not acceptable, what’s the difference between those destiel fans and the most extreme crazy about incest ones? Because I see none. And it’s really sad because deancas was a beautiful ship, a beautiful love story. Now it only brings me, not only pain through the show, but shame, through their shippers.
And cockles ohmygods, this ship! The people of ancient aliens, are taking tips from cockles shippers let me tell you! Everything is justified, everything is because they are sooooo in love, everything is because they are a couple. Tell me if the last sentences can’t also be applied to what bibros think about jinsing&jordash. “But we respect the wives” they say. ok, but do they respect Misha too? Or they only see Misha, again, through the eyes of a shipper? Everyone has a right to ship whatever, but when your obsession becomes so strong, that you start avoiding truths, or twisting them to your convenience, then something is very very wrong. Some people could tell me: “ok, you don’t like it, don’t read/follow/watch! Block!” I truly wish I could do that! Follow Misha and don’t see anything about cockles bs! But is everywhere! In fact It’s really hard to find a blog that is only about Misha and Cas, there must be two or three I’m not kidding. 
And mishalecki, well… Let me tell you a story, when I started getting more into the fandom, about 8 years ago or so, I thought that jordash was really cute and kind with Misha. Not as a ship, but as good friends. Real truth there, that’s what I thought at the moment. But then I started to watch some videos, I started to listen to the fucking prank stories, I watched some panels (just the parts when he was talking about Misha). And then that fucked up Phillip Seymour Hoffman tweet that jordash sent, calling the man stupid after his suicide…It was all too much, something was not right there. The last 2 or 3 years have been the worst. Or maybe I’m more aware now idk. He has this dude/fraternity bro vibe that I can’t stand. I see all the signs of a bully, and believe me I knew quite a few in my life. But his fans justify everything. Everything. The doxxing, the mistreatment, the bully attitudes… when some point out that what he is doing is wrong, is because, we, minions, are hateful!
Look, I love Misha, but the man is not perfect, I said this before, he’s human. But jordash fans see him like this being that can do no wrong, in anyway, no sir, he is perrrrrfect. When you see another human being like that, something is not right with you. Nobody is perfect, and all of us make mistakes, the thing is accepting that we were wrong. Jordash doesn’t do that, his fans are this hateful bunch that can’t see anything wrong following his example, and mishalecki shippers, as usual, only see that, a ship. “But Misha was laughing!” Is the latest comment about that photo op, when jordash is kicking his balls, yeah really mature there right? And yes, of course Misha is going to laugh and let it pass, at least in the view of the fans, do you people think that he is going to start making a fuss about that with his co-worker in the middle of a convention? I don’t think so. Another comment that I read; “But Misha rent a house and they sleep in the same room” So? Never have a friend that is a fucking bully? And you care about them, so you try to do the best? It happens, a lot. Even between full grown ups. Another justification “Misha can take care of himself” I have no doubts about that, but sometimes Misha cares too much, and he receives so much hate, that he can’t even joke about jordash career, that they are preparing the torches…imagining him complaining about jordash attitude? Although, sometimes it shows that he is not happy with some things happening on set. Shippers can find what kind of underwear jinsing was wearing, but they can’t see when Misha is really being sarcastic and doesn’t like something. *insert big sigh here*
Ufff this got so long, as usual so sorry, but well I think you know me at this point. And even with so much that I wrote there are still a lot of things left unsaid. Let me close with a few thoughts: I think that Misha is really tired of some of the situations, it showed on jibcon and a lot of people say that they saw Misha really tired on autos or photo ops. Misha does a lot, above all at this time of year with gishwhes, but I never read so many reports of him being really out of it, not even smiling. And you know when I saw that change? After that fucking gishwhes chat and all the shit they say about his family. And when he wanted to talk about his children at jibcon, jinsing kept interrupting him with bullshit. But all is ok, because cockles right?
I’m tired too, I don’t seem to find a lo of people who cares about Misha and all the great things that he does. There are some blogs out there that are all Misha, but also is one post about Misha and 5 posts full of anti destiel hate. I don’t want that either! And I’m in the fucking middle: a big, big Misha blog blocked me because I’m not a full destiel shipper, much less a cockles one. And the full on anti destiel blogs also block me because I’m not hateful enough. Lmfao! I can’t defend the guy without hating on someone, either I have to hate everything that is not Misha, or just love everything that is a ship with him. I can’t being a critic because I’m a hater. The extremes of this fandom is what is bringing it down. I’m going to keep defending Misha/Cas, until I can’t no more, because sometimes is really emotionally exhausting. I don’t know how much bs I can take.
Take care anon!
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onfreckledwings · 5 years
Mmm I can't wait for JIB this year
Cockles galore.
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morallydraconequus · 5 years
Gordon in Wonderland, Ch 4:  Percy Sends Phillip to Gordon in the Middle.
After his trial in kangaroo court - even though there weren’t any kangaroos - and a caucus race, Gordon puffed down the dirt path in peace. He thought that when he grew big, he would require rails again. Gordon did feel more secure on rails, but he did not deny that it would be troublesome to need them when he’s somewhere that didn’t have tracks.
“As long as I don’t knock over, I think I’ll be fine.” Gordon mumbled to himself. Or was he talking to himself? Gordon had a feeling that someone was watching him shrink bit by bit as he travelled. His first instinct was to chuff as quickly as possible to lose them but that would be a waste of water. Instead, Gordon went slowly and listened carefully for anyone. He heard faint rustles in the flora and soon, voices that spoke in a familiar, Scottish dialect.
“Tis yer fault ye scared th' rabbit away.” “Na! Tis yer fault! Cause of ye, we have nae company!”
“Donald and Douglas?” whispered Gordon. “They’ve seen the rabbit? Perhaps they could direct me to him.”
Gordon passed through the bushes and saw the Scottish twins arguing. They were in engine form, to Gordon’s relief. What was different about them was that, despite being like Gordon, they were well versed in moving about in this way.
“Excuse me, do you know which way the rabbit went?” Gordon asked.
Surprised but somewhat pleased, the twins stopped their argument with innocent looks on their faces.
“What rabbit? Na rabbit here,” The twins replied in perfect synchronisation, “Who are you?”
At last, Gordon had found residents who referred to him as ‘Who’, not ‘What’.
“My name is Gordon. You two were talking about the rabbit that passed by. You were just arguing about it seconds ago.”
“Why ye ask?” The twins pondered.
“Well, I’m chasing after the rabbit because I have to talk to him about something. He rushed by while I needed a nap and woke me up, so I have to find him in order to complain for an apology.”
“Ah’m Tweedle-Donald.” “An’ Ah’m Tweedle-Douglas. An’ na, we have nae seen the wee rabbit.” “Or was it a big one Douglas?” “Aye, we dinnae know.”
Their answer left Gordon puzzled and annoyed. For certain, they knew about the rabbit who went by in a hurry.
“Fine then,” Gordon huffed, “I’ll try to find him myself. Sorry for bothering you two.”
“Wait! We know where it went. We know about it.” confessed Tweedle-Donald. “If ye stay for a little while, we’ll tell ye which path it went along.” added Tweedle-Douglas.
“I guess I could stay,” agreed Gordon, “But I’m not the kind of engine who gets obsessed with a tree the moment I see it. I prefer sophisticated entertainment.” ‘Unlike Henry.’ He mentally added.
“Well then, how aboot a brawl?” “A fight!” The twins were bashing against each other and Gordon questioned how in the world does that did not hurt. Gordon was a strong engine, but due to his situation he decided to preserve his energy for whatever was awaiting him in the near future.
“Why don’t we just talk about serious things to pass the time? Like gentlemen.” 
The twins were interested in being ‘gentlemen’, as if it was some plaything.
“How aboot a poem?” Tweedle-Douglas suggested. “ ‘The Toad and the Olive tree’. An interesting tale.” said Tweedle-Donald.
“Alright then.” agreed Gordon.
The twins took turns with each verse.
 “The stars all sparkled and twinkled,
Their light upon the moor,
Puck and friends would enjoy,
To dance and sing but what for?
They cheered and sang the tale of,
The characters of the lore,
The sun and moon, day and night,
Though the sun never learned,
Once the sun asked the moon,
‘Why should we have turns?’
So the moon simply said,
‘So creatures won’t wither or burn.’
The lake in the moor barely waved
The moor wearily wuthered,
There was an olive tree,
Because there were no others,
There was a toad,
And it was never bothered,
The Toad and the Olive Tree,
Were very close indeed,
Ever since the Toad was ‘Tadpole’,
And the Olive tree was ‘Olive seed’.
And companions, no matter what,
Was what they both agreed,
The Olive tree obligated to bore,
Poor Toad with tales of bravery,
‘I came through storms and thunder,
I’m a very brave tree, see?’
‘Yes, Mr Olive Tree, I see.’ 
Toad responds politely,
Then one day, a creature,
Alligator came to the moor,
“Name’s Gator, it’s nice to meet you,
Olive Tree’s stories always left me in awe,
Toad, would you like to visit me in the lake,
I too have tales galore,”
Toad, was interested,
In Gator but Toad does mind,
Even though Olive tree’s quite boastful,
Toad shouldn’t leave him behind,
‘Cause if he did, the promise,
Would be broken, were he not kind,
Now when you hear the ‘wuthering’,
It’s the Olive Tree of the moor,
‘If only I was humble.’ he moaned,
Olive Tree withered with grief but what for?
For the Toad visited the Gator,
And didn’t come back anymore!”
“The end!” Announced the twins.
“That was quite an interesting poem,” Gordon admitted.
“Which character did ye like the best?” asked Tweedle-Donald.
“I think I like the Toad the best. Even though he left the Olive tree, he did feel sorry about it.”
“But he still left the Olive tree all sad an’ lonely.” Tweedle-Douglas interrupted, making Gordon changing his mind.
“In that case, I like the Olive tree the best,” Gordon hastily claimed, “He did learn his lesson to be humble at the end, and he did care about the Toad.”
“But tis was his own pride that got him into the mess.” added Tweedle-Donald.
“Alright, I like the Gator the best then. He was friendly after all.”
“But he’s the reason why the Toad left the Olive tree.” Both twins contradicted.
Gordon was left puzzled.
“Fine then! I like them all equally. No more, no less. You two make them sound so contrary!”
“Contrary?” “Yes. Like in the nursery rhyme, ‘Mistress Mary Quite Contrary’.”
The two twin engines were interested in one blink.
“Missus Mary? Never heard that poem.” “Aye Tweedle-Donald. Could ye care to tell us that poem?”
“Mistress Mary,” corrected Gordon, “And sure, it’s a short poem.”
The blue engine drew in a breath before reciting the nursery rhyme which he has heard from the little children at the stations for years
‘Mistress Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells,
And pretty maids all in a row.’
“The word ‘contrary’ makes Miss Mary sound like lovely lady.”
“Common mistake,” Gordon explained, “‘Contrary’ means that the person is very disagreeable or stubborn. So the true context is, Mistress Mary is very stubborn of how she grows her garden and doesn’t like it when people tell her advice on how she should grow it.”
The twins were in awe of this piece of new knowledge. Not that Gordon minded.
“So, which way did the rabbit go?” Tweedle-Donald and Tweedle-Douglas both stopped talking of the word ‘Contrary’.
“We can say that the wee rabbit went down this path with the marigolds.” The two Scottish engines directed to said path, bound with bright, yellow flora.
“Thank you-” The twins had disappeared, leaving Gordon no choice but to follow the yellow flowered road.
“What an odd pair.” Gordon mumbled. “What’s more odd that I’m roughly Thomas’ size! Oh the indignity…”
Soon enough, the path of marigolds stopped in front of what seemed to be a massive cottage, if it wasn’t called a mansion.
“It has a height of one Cranky and a half!” Gordon exclaimed, still proud of his makeshift  measuring unit. This had brought the attention of a certain rushed rabbit.
“Oh dear! Oh my! I’m so behind on time!” Gordon had finally found Percy, bunny ears and all.
“Well, well, well. Here’s the engine I want to speak to-” “No time to talk! I need to find my parchment!”
Percy rushed into what Gordon believed was his cottage. All sorts of fabrics and little bits and bobs were flung out of the door. One ridiculously large sheet of green silk trapped Gordon, taking away his sight. When Percy had puffed out of the cottage, he took the sheet off Gordon. Gordon was more than confused since Percy was an engine like himself, having only buffers to pull the silk off.
“Oh dear, I don’t have time to put this away! Could you do it please?” “What? But I-” “Thank you so much! Put it back in the highest room and in the cupboard!” 
Percy shunted Gordon into the cottage before rushing out again. To Gordon’s disdain, he would have to pull the door to get out; he only knew how to push. 
“I might as well put this away, since I’m stuck in this one and a half Cranky tall ‘cottage’.” Gordon planned. The not-so-big-but-not-tiny blue engine chuffed onwards for what seemed like hours - even though it was about fifteen minutes, for Gordon exaggerated again - until he came upon the last room.
“How am I meant to reach the stairs?” Gordon pondered. There were two glass doors ajar and they lead to what seemed like a balcony in between two windows, decorated with curtains that had a floral pattern of roses and thorns. He came onto the balcony and was stunned by his current height above the ground. A Cranky and a half, to be exact.
“I didn’t even come across any stairs or even a ramp!” Gordon exclaimed, “This is such a bizarre place indeed! I’ve been shrinking and growing, rained on a bird, thrown to win a race and made another bird dive head-first into the ground and now this!” Gordon did not find the poem exchange with the twins strange enough to fit on his list.
“I suppose I’ll just leave this here.” Gordon fumbled with the silk that was dragged along on his tender. He bumped into a dresser which had a jug of water on top of it, and the pitcher conveniently fell on top of his boiler. It filled it up completely with water.
Gordon felt his body shrinking and growing in an abnormal way, but he wasn't too big yet.
“Oh no, not again…” He groaned.  Gordon burst inside the cottage, breaking on what was supposed to be the second floor. His tender crushed the back garden - if there was one - but fortunately, his face did not pop out of the wall, unlike his buffers. Two windows allowed Gordon to see the commotion outside.
Strangely, Percy was nowhere to be seen considering the destruction of his cottage. However, he did see human figures gaping at him or rather at what abomination that caused this sight before them. Seven of them, to be exact. Gordon squinted his eyes and recognised them by colour and the way they interacted.
The men were dressed in lower-class outfits - by Gordon’s definition of lower-class - and wore respective colours and tags displaying their names.
“Would you look at that?” said the carpenter with the tag ‘Rheneas’, “There’s something hiding in that cottage!”
“Ye 'n' yer silly imagination.” grumbled the one labelled ‘Duncan’.
“He’s right, it’s staring at us through those two windows!” argued Rheneas’ companion, ‘Rusty’. “You always have to complain, don't you Duncan?” “Why, I ought to-” “Gentlemen, let’s not fight. We can all agree there’s something in that cottage. The real question is if it’s safe or not.”  ‘Skarloey’ interrupted.
“Agreed.” ‘Sir Handel’ remarked in a nonchalant manner.
“It could be friendly,” muttered ‘Peter Sam’, “Anyways, has anyone seen Luke?”
As if on cue, their fellow carpenter (whom Gordon presumed to be Luke) rushed  onto the scene, out of breath.
“Sorry guys, I got caught up with something,” puffed Luke, “I ran into this little guy getting stuck in a tree.”
Gordon was not intimidated or amused by them. “What is this? ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’?”
“We’ll never be able to do one rehearsal of ‘Pyramus and Thisbe’ at this rate!” Duncan complained. 
“Correction, ‘Pyramus and Thisbe’ from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.” Gordon stated. “Might as well be as confusing as ‘Much Ado About Nothing’.”
Gordon’s knowledge of Shakespeare’s works came partially from conversations he would overhear at stations. There were a few productions, but obviously Gordon was not able to see them. A Shakespearean actor had often explained the plots of the plays to his mother, who did not understand them. Specifically, the playwright’s wording. That was imprinted into Gordon’s mind instead of the old lady’s.
What Luke ran into appeared to be a small Diesel engine no higher than the fence in front.
“Phillip?” Gordon whispered. Phillip seemed to be more energetic than usual, and that was saying something. Like the Scottish twins Gordon met previously, Phillip was more experienced of movement without tracks.
“Ooh! Is that smoke from that weird chimney?”
Gordon had no idea how Phillip would mistake his funnel for a chimney and the steam clouds for smoke. Then again, this is Phillip.
The group of carpenters had decided to start rehearsing anyway, without supervising the hyperactive Phillip. As Gordon had predicted, there was a carpenter playing ‘Pyramus’, ‘Thisbe’, ‘Wall’, ‘Moonshine’, ‘Lion’ and so on. Everytime they mispronounced ‘Ninus’ tomb’ for ‘Ninny’s tomb’, Gordon kept muttering to correct them and groaned at their poor use of iambic pentameter.
Unaware to the Skarloey carpenters and Gordon, Phillip had somehow got onto the roof with debris above the hole Gordon’s funnel created. The funnel did not peek through the hole, but Gordon’s sudden transformation had been enough to break part of the roof.
“I wonder what will happen if I push all the broken tiles and dust into there?” pondered Phillip. He had pushed all the debris into Gordon’s funnel with a naive smile.
The gigantic blue engine spluttered at the invasive feeling of the debris in his pipes and smokebox. The curious diesel above moved closer to observe through the hole in the roof. Poor Gordon felt the need to sneeze, and worried that the whole cottage would collapse on him.
After numerous attempts to contain it, Gordon sneezed. Stronger than Henry had when he taught those mischievous boys a lesson by sneezing soot on them, the sneeze carried the debris and Phillip up into the air. 
“Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” screeched Phillip. By Gordon’s logic, Phillip should’ve fallen down... but it seemed that Gordon had blasted him out of the atmosphere! This had caught the attention of the Skarloey carpenters, shocked faces plastered on each of them.
“Poor Phillip.” Gordon whispered as if it were an apology. He doubted that the poor thing had even thought about writing a will, unlike Gordon, who had hastily created his during his flight in the caucus race. Gordon made a mental note to develop on the will at a later date.
“Well, that does it! The creature in that house is evil! It blew that innocent young’un into the bloody sky!” Duncan cried. 
“By the looks of it, we’ll have to make a sensible plan.” Skarloey decided. ‘At least one of them is reasonable.’ Gordon thought. “We’ll smoke the beast out!” 
‘What?!?’ Gordon mentally screeched.
The Skarloey Carpenters all agreed on covering the hole with some of the useable debris and using Gordon’s ‘smoke’ against him. The gigantic ‘beast’ engine didn’t even notice the hole being completed in such a short time frame: they had it done in under a minute.
Plumes of polluted steam poured out of any cracks in the cottage, as well as the windows that were Gordon’s only vision. The dust particles that were carried around by the steam made Gordon splutter and wheeze once more. The Carpenters were far away from the cottage in a safe distance to take cover.
This time when Gordon sneezed, the cottage walls and the roof flew away like the frightened critters fleeing nearby, leaving the engine back to his smaller-than-a-toy-engine size.
He saw the frame of the entrance door, with said door missing due to his sneeze and grumpily ignored the Skarloey carpenters celebrating his ‘defeat’. With slight satisfaction but discomfort - Gordon absolutely loathed the feeling of dust and debris in his system, which should be well cleared - chuffed out the door and into the long grass.
“Oh the indignity. Now Henry can actually justify why he feels so horrible when he was a sickly engine, since the whistles and taking my express wasn’t enough for karma.” Gordon moaned.
Author’s Note:
Again, thanks to @mystarsignisno for editing and proofreading and I would also like to give thanks to @butterfrogmantis for checking the dialogue for the Scottish twins.
You can clearly see that I slowly gave up on the accent and I rushed the poem (The original was really long).
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lightlyteal · 6 years
i am introducing the aspect of shipping cockles with actually believing they have a thing to someone like
him: “you actually believe it?” me: vicki’s book, a galore of hearteyes gifs, jib panels, fanvids (THE FIRE AND THE FLOOD) him: “oh god” me: “welcome to the dumpster of fire” him: “im gonna go and rewatch it. i might actually end up exploding this time, itll be interesting”
@mashiarasdream did the same to me when she got me to ship cockles are you proud of me mom
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emmapalova · 6 years
Beach treasures
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Life on the beach beats in a different rhythm
By Emma Palova
EW Emma’s Writings
Venice, FL- The morning tide washed ashore treasures galore: large speckled cockles, coquinas, calico scallops, whelks, sturdy white jewel boxes, twisted conches, translucent jingle shells in shades of orange, olive and bubble shells.
The yellowish cocquina and turkey shells were still attached holding on tight to…
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tarots-and-tea · 6 years
Long dark nights, cold grey days, looking at the clock at 8 30pm and wondering how the heck it isn’t midnight.
If you’re a Tarot person, here are seven possibilities for being creative, inventive and studious over the next couple of months. Why not light the fire (you tube can be a substitute), make a mug of cocoa, have a read of this and see if there are any ideas that warms the cockles of your toes in this list.
1/ Get all of those journals out, the ones that you scrawl spreads, tarot ideas, thoughts and inspirations in. Start to leaf through them, copy out those golden nuggets into your own personal, and soon to be priceless, Ultimate Book of Tarot. Be creative – seek out images and stick ’em in, draw beautiful diagrams and illustrations. Calligraphy and illuminated script, collage. Add your thoughts – highlight your Tarot AHA moments. Make it a project for the whole of the winter – or the start of a life’s work – an heirloom to hand down to your seventh daughter who will hand it down to her seventh daughter, who will hand it to her seventh daughter, who will probably use it to line the kitchen cupboard shelves.
2/ Create a Tarot deck – you could start by writing your vision of what you would like to see in the ultimate Tarot deck overall, and then how you’d like the trumps to look, and the pips to look and the courts to look, and the backs to look. What you’d like included in the images, themes and threads, colours and art style. Then perhaps begin to sketch, collage, digitally produce images as per your detailed notes. Refine your art. Refine it again and then – drum roll please – you could produce your own deck. You can go home made or all out and get it printed – perhaps print multiple copies and become a deck creator for the Tarot masses.
You can get your cards printed here – https://www.ivorygraphics.co.uk/custom-tarot-cards or google ‘print your own Tarot cards’ and lots of alternatives will pop up.
3/ Create a spread. What’s bugging you? Do you need cheering up? Have issues that need looking at? Wonder how the winter could be most productively spent?
Have a think about putting a spread together with the perfect card positions, in the perfect layout to explore your issues and answer your questions.
4/ Get to know a deck that’s been sitting unused in the back of the drawer. Don’t just half heartedly rifle through it and chuck it back in the drawer – get yourself a copy of Alison Cross’s Tarot Kaizen, and devote some serious time to getting the most the deck.
5/ Learn that system that’s eluded you up to now – you want to read with Marseille decks? Thoth? Perhaps something entirely different such as lenormand, playing cards, Sybilla or Kipper. There are all sorts of resources on the internet – blogs, you tube, face book groups and books galore to help you out.
6/ Have a go at making personalised pouches or boxes for your Tarot decks, or spread cloths, journal covers or storage.
7/ New fresh sacred space or altar, if sacred space or altars are your thing – a new place, different candles/stones/artefacts/images/smells.
See what other ideas you can come up with – I’d love to hear what Tarot stuff other folks get up to over the winter.
  If you’d like to become a confident reader over the winter, you can take advantage of the Trade Winds end of year offer for bespoke tuition created to suit your particular needs. Five, one hour skype sessions and five support emails – offer available until 31st December 2018. From 1st January 2019 the investment for the confident reading bespoke package will be increased to £277.
Sessions can be booked over any five week period before March 31st 2019. Pay below and contact me via the contact form to book the course and a free pre course call to discuss your needs.
Confident Card Reading
Five, one hour sessions via skype (and five support emails)
    Tarot For The Dark Days – Seven Creative Tarot Pursuits For The Winter Long dark nights, cold grey days, looking at the clock at 8 30pm and wondering how the heck it isn't midnight.
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anthonyherod · 6 years
Cornfield Annuals
You’ve worked hard in your garden creating an area you’d like seeds to grow. Looking online and in garden centres you are stumped as to what seeds to buy. Do you buy this, or that packet of seed? Will this plant grow in the conditions my garden offers? It’s all confusing what with all those different seed packets around.
But help is at hand.
I’ve written this article which contains 10 cornfield annuals I hope you will grow. They are easy to start-off, just open the packets of seeds and scatter around the newly dug garden. They will grow quickly and reward you with masses of colour in no time at all.
One thing to remember when planting cornfield flowers is that they are Annuals. This means they grow, flower, seed and die, all in 1 year or season. If you want to have a cornfield flower patch next year, you will have to sow the seeds again although many will self-seed readily in the garden.
Corn Marigold. This lovely cornfield flower grows and spreads to 90cms during the summer. Their daisy like flower heads are perfect for hoverfly’s and bees. Once regarded as a weed by the Victorians, it is now on the Vulnerable or Near Threatened Status list.
Cornflower. Once a common sight in cornfields, this beautiful plant with its brightest of blue flowers even has a colour named after it. Now in decline, the Cornflower is a must for any cornfield patch, especially since flowers were found around King Tutankhamen’s neck when the tomb was opened. What more encouragement do you need to grow this magnificent plant?
Corn Cockle. Growing to 75cms high with grey/green leaves and beautiful purple flowers, this plant is worthy of being in the garden. In years gone by corn cockle was also called the ‘Bastard Nigella.’ 
Corn Chamomile. With its daisy like flowers with yellow centres and pure white petals, the Corn Chamomile is one of the most beautiful of cornfield flowers, and all the pollinators love it. Another plant regarded as a weed at one point, it’s now on the endangered list.
Corn Poppy. Often called the Field Poppy, we all know and love the bright red, paper thin poppy flowers. Loved by bees, what’s not to love about the flower of Remembrance and to remember our fallen in battle.
Corn Chamomile standing tall
Cornflowers are a wonderful addition to any garden.
Hoverfly on Corn Marigold flower
There are other cornfield flowers which you could grow in an annual cornfield flower patch. They will all add wonderful bright colours to your patch, with insects like bees, butterflies, and hoverfly’s all over them.
Scarlet Pimpernel. A member of the Primrose family, this plant can grow from 1.2-15 inches high. An annual herb, Scarlet Pimpernel has bright red flowers which only seem to open between 8am and 2pm. No wonder it’s called Scarlet Pimpernel.
Night Flowering Catchfly. This plant has been in the British Isles since ancient times where it tends to grow on dry sandy soils. Attracts moths galore with its nectar.
White Campion. This plant can be either an annual, biennial or even perennial. Produces beautiful white flowers up to 3cms across in summer. Can be grown in most soils, full or partial sunlight and any aspect. (North, East, South, West)
Mayweed. Bees, butterflies and ladybirds just love this plant and their white (sometimes cream) daisy like, fragrant flowers which appear in June and July. Grow with the Common Poppy and Cornflowers for maximum effect.
Field Forget-me-Not. This excellent cornfield annual can be grown as either an annual, biennial or perennial. Field forget-me-not have yellow, white or blue flowers often with white or yellow eyes, this plant is loved by many beneficial insects.
I hope after reading this you have an idea as to what to grow in the garden, go online and buy seeds from us at denspatch.co.uk, then sow them in your garden. Cornfield Annuals will certainly brighten up your garden quickly, just remember to let them go to seed, or collect the seed and sow them yourself.
Happy Gardening!
Poppy with Corn Marigold
Papaver Rhoeas seedheads
Wildflower Gardening; Sowing Cornfield Annuals #CornfieldAnnuals #Cornfield #Garden Cornfield Annuals You’ve worked hard in your garden creating an area you’d like seeds to grow. Looking online and in garden centres you are stumped as to what seeds to buy.
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So about that live stream that gishwhes and Misha did where “people”send him death threats and hate galore... Under the cut for anti jj, anti cockles, anti mishalecki, wank, oh the wank, and anti bibros fest
I think jardash fans are the most horrible stans in the world because he is not better to be honest. If he harasses people online, like he does, and never offered an apology, his stans that have 2 brain cells, are going to do the same, no surprise there. He is toxic, the people following him are toxic too. 
The worst thing about this is that he never says anything about the hate, or the incredible sick behaviour of his fans. When they harassed Matt Cohen too, when it was the thing with Nightwing, it got so bad that he had to send a tweet, but that’s it a tweet. Now don’t tell me that he doesn’t know about the hate that his fans spread, he knows. He knows they are bullies and dangerous people, that Misha got death threats from them. But not once, has he come out and defend him. NOT ONCE. So friendship my latin ass (pardon my french). That’s no friendship, or love or whatever. If I saw someone I care about being treated like shit, because of me, I can assure you that I’m going to defend that person with everything I got. So his campaigns can go to hell, because nothing that he preaches he puts into action. 
Same thing for the other one, the silent one, the one who lets this things happened to his “friend”, and you people ship Misha with such an individual? Perspective people. His friend is receiving death threats for himself and his family and you keep yourself on mute? Give me a break! Again: that’s friendship? We have a very different concept of the word if you say yes. “Oh but surely he called him” you may be thinking. So? He maybe called him and? Does it change anything? Nop.
The two of them, jinsing&jordash allowed for the hatred in this fandom to grow, They know it exists, they know the bullies in the majority are jordash fans, but never do anything. They have anti bullying campaigns and allow their fans to be the biggest bullies a fandom has had in the history of ever. 
Maybe because they are bullies too, especially jardash with his doxxing, then, it`s a normal behaviour for them. And tell you what? I want Misha far far away from people like that. Lets be real, stop the shipping thinking for one second and tell me that they are defending Misha from the haters. Think about it. It’s going to be sad, but it’s reality. 
When you let hate grow, it spreads, like it happened in this fandom. You could say: “but you are hating on them too with this!” . Nop I’m stating facts, I don’t send them hate, I don’t follow them on any social media, I don’t say that their families are fake, I don`t wish them to die ffs! That’s what his fans are doing with Misha, and sometimes with other people too. But everyone stays silent. And everyone shouts: “spn family”! “Mishalecki” “Cockles”!! Yeah sorry guys, but nop. Not for me, I don’t defend bullies.
I know I´m gonna get a lot of unfollows and blocks for this but I don’t care, I can’t be blind, I’m here to defend Misha you already knew that. You can ship whatever, I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but also please if you love Misha and what he does even a little bit, accept that his “friends” are really not there for him at all. And the hate continues.
There went my vent, I had to do it, sorry. 
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Jibland 2016 - My first Supernatural convention. The solo adventure. 
Sunday 22nd May 2016 – Jibcon7 last day.
Only a paranoid person scared of any flight delay like me would book 2 days in advance to stay at the hotel convention, so naturally I caught the tail end of Jibcon7 as a spectator with a do-not-pass-go.
I arrived at the Hilton Rome Airport hotel around 9am, tried to check in but it was too early. The lobby was thick with Jibcon7 attendees, with tension all around high and the energy was dense. Everywhere I looked I saw flannel shirts, skinny jeans and biker boots galore, Samulets dangling on top of their AKF or YANA Ts & singlets. I was definitely at the right place.
With hours to kill I approached the Jib registration desk to get my passes but was advised to come back tomorrow, and so I exited the con area which were secured by two handsome security staff in black suits, they were super friendly looking but you just knew you’re not  getting through without the correct pass.
Out of the blue, I heard a roar of screams mixed with cheers of excitement, went to check it out and when I saw who they were in the distance my chest ached. In a good way.
It had been time for the Cockles photo ops, behind the restricted line, I spotted Jensen (in THE FLESH) smiling as he entered the photo room, he was too fast for my fumbling hands around my ‘Destiel’ Canon SLR camera, whereas Misha (*internal screaming*) left my view finder with a blur as he casually strolled close behind Jensen, chewing gum I think from where I was standing at least 7 meters away behind the lines. That first glance of the glorious Caticorn only hit home I was where I was. The Mish-Mish was here with us now. Deep breaths.
So behind the literal side lines I watched as girls came shooting out of the exit door of the Cockles photo op room. It was extraordinary. Their reactions ranged from a trembling broken smile before tears had broken out, some jumped high into the air screeching sounds of exhilaration while others collapsed into their friends’ embrace having waited for them on the other side. A few others just fanned themselves cutely shimmying out. These lucky fuckers. It was fascinating and moving at the same time to watch them loving the same thing I love. It was rather special to witness.
An hour had almost passed and it was nowhere near to check-in time for my room so I thought I’d try my luck with capturing the Cockles on their way out, at the same trying to shrink my presence as much as possible as to not get in anyone’s way but eventually we were asked to leave the con entrance  as a non-attendee. It was a fair call I must say (no point in antagonising anyone when I only just landed) and so I resigned to mope somewhere else in anticipation when I’ll get my very first SPN con experience in two days time.  Patience!
As a cherry on top for the last day of Jibcon7, I had to endure the roaring sounds of cheers vibrating from my room floor from below, checking the schedule, it was the Cockles panel, so close yet so far it was like a stake through the heart. In before why did you arrive so early to go through all this pain? In short, I was accommodating Murphy’s law with the flights.
 Monday 23rd May 2016 – Registration Day!
Still another whole day to go before I see Misha but at least we can get the ball rolling. Later I would meet up with my roomie Maria from Spain that afternoon.
At the registration desk, I was served by a chilled looking Jib staff man, he had a brown envelope with my name on it in his hands containing all the bookings I’ve made for Jibland. When I was in the queue, I met other con goers who happened to be Jib veterans, it was the perfect moment to ask them about their con experiences and they were friendly, informative and downright inspiring. The photo ops saved on their phones were evident trophies marking their devotion to the SPN cons. They were con superstars. The thought of aiming for the same flooded my mind, though in saying that, 11 years of SPN had already passed and I was pretty late to the show. Literally.
Then again, it would be redundant to wish to be part of this fandom earlier since I would never be able to make it to any conventions due to the financial constraints at that time in my life. But still, the thought of missing out on the many years of J2M is regretful.
But with my passes and vouchers now obtained, I was feeling pretty gangsta slow-mo walking back to my room, but not without a cappuccino in hand first.  
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