#cod aiello
writer-of-various · 7 months
Zussman: *sucking on a popsicle*
Aiello: Pfft, you practicing for when Daniels gets here?
Zussman: *takes a huge ass bite out of the popsicle*
Aiello: *Concern*
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vampsquerade · 1 year
oooo you do characters from cod:ww2!?!
do you think you could do a modern au for aiello x female reader where he works for an uncle’s deli and sees her walking by and he just can’t help himself from running out to talk to her? then he realizes he practically ran out of his job and gets embarrassed because he had to take the chance to talk to her and she laughs and says it’s cute and gives him his number? thank you if possible!!!
i do in fact do characters from that installment of call of duty! gonna have to wait til i (potentially) get my hands on finest hour to see who i can simp for and find other simps. thanks for the request anon, it’s really adorable 😭
Aiello x Female!Reader: A Soldier’s Passerby
Trigger Warnings: none, just fluff!
Frank sighs as he leans against the counter of his uncle’s deli. He’s finally back in town after his mandatory training and what’s the first thing his family decides to do with him? Put him to fucking work. New York summers are said to be ones where you make memorable moments and relationships that last; the only memorable moment he seems to be having is what the next guy’s order’s supposed to be. He then begins to daydream about what it’d be like to have his own summer romance; kissing, hugging, cuddling…other things. He quickly shakes his head, dispelling that thought. “No Aiello…if you move too fast you ruin that shit.” He says softly to himself, sighing.
As he continues daydreaming, he doesn’t even realize you’re walking past the deli. He watches you walk by, as if you’re a model and you’re moving in slow motion. Snapping out of it, he then checks to see if anybody’s watching him, and he practically runs outside to meet you. Frank would rather be caught dead than miss his chance to have a good summer, “H-Hey, wait!” He stammers. Thankfully, his call out to you falls upon your ears and you turn to look at him. Seeing your face up close, he can’t help but get a bit nervous and blush, “Name’s Aiello—Frank Aiello, to be exact. Do you…maybe wanna hang out sometime when I ain’t working at my uncle's deli?” He asks.
You giggle softly, giving him a nod. “The name’s L/N—Y/N L/N. Pleased to meet you on this fine day.” you say happily, giving him a wink. You then take out what seems to be a set of sticky notes and a pen. Scribbling down your number, you then hand it over to Frank and he stares at it in disbelief. “I’ll be waiting for a call or text all day, okay? It’d be a shame if you just keep a girl waiting after getting her attention.” You flirt, giving him a wink. Frank flusters at your confidence and you notice this, laughing cheerily. “W-Well don’t wait too long! My shift ends in like…three hours?” he says. “Good. I’ll be waiting then.” You say.
“Hey! Frank! Get your ass back in here you dope! Stop womanizing that poor girl!” Frank’s uncle yells from the entrance of the deli. “I’ll be right there!” Frank yells back before looking at you, shaking his head. “So…in three hours?” he asks. You give him a nod and a wink, “Don’t keep your uncle waiting.” you tease playfully before turning and continuing on your way. Frank then walks back into the deli, giving his uncle a bit of an attitude just because he interrupted his conversation with you. “Keep givin’ me lip and I’ll make sure to shut it for you before you can even think about seein’ that girl. Why the hell’d you wanna talk to her anyway? She looks plain!” your uncle says.
“You tell that to auntie this morning?” Frank jabs, making his uncle hit his side pretty hard. “Hey! If you could say my gal’s boring then I can say the same back to you!” Frank says as he walks back behind the counter. “Yeah, yeah. Just shut up and keep workin’.” His uncle says before going to the back of the deli. 3 hours then pass slowly, making Frank super impatient by the time his shift ends. And the moment he’s off he puts your number down into his phone and calls you, walking towards the apartment he shares with Robert and Drew. He gets a little anxious as he waits for you to answer. Just as it’s about to send him to voicemail, you finally pick up. “Hello? Is this that cute deli guy I met earlier?” you ask.
Hearing you call him cute makes his heart skip a beat as he continues walking, “Y-Yeah! It’s Frank, how ya doin’ right now?” he asks. Though you can’t see it personally, there’s a big dopey smile on his face. “I’m good, just finished making myself some dinner—it’s why I didn’t answer my phone as quickly. Sorry about that.” you apologize, laughing softly after. “It’s all good Y/N, ain’t a single reason for you to apologize for cookin’ for yourself. What’d you make?” Frank asks, genuinely wanting to know more about you. “Nothing too special! Just made a small veggie and chicken rice bowl. I was putting it all together once you called me.” you say.
“Sounds good, and how was the rest of your day?” Frank asks. “Ah, I just spent some of it reading a book I’d recently picked up and then took a nap. Now I’m wide awake and talking with you, cutie~” you explain, making sure to flirt with him. Frank stops in his place momentarily, eyes going wide when you flirt with him like that. “She just called me cute twice now…good God above, please let this be as true as it seems.” he thinks to himself. “Hey! Wanna come over to my place actually? We’ve got a bit of daylight left in the day and I’d love to spend it with you.” you suggest. “Y-You really wanna? Where’s your place at?” Frank says a bit too excitedly.
You can’t help but laugh at his sudden excitement, “You’re just as excitable as a puppy, it’s so cute!” you tease, then give him your address. “Damn…alright, looks like I’ll be making my way over. Gonna have to take the subway to get there. You alright with me smelling like deli meat?” Frank asks as he now begins to walk towards the nearest subway. “Don’t you already smell like meat?” you tease, making Frank blush. “Hey unless you wanna smell like it too, I’ll make sure of it. Got myself a good piece just for you.” he flirts, making your own heart skip a beat now. “Mmm, take a girl out for some dinner first.” you easily flirt back. “Why should I? You already made it yourself—I’ll just be meeting you there!” Frank jokes.
Laughing once again, your smile widens, “Hey, that doesn’t count! It’s gotta be nice and fancy—and remember that I’m the one supposed to be teasing here, not you!” you exclaim. Frank laughs himself, shaking his head as he descends down the stairs of the underground subway. “Alright, alright. I’ll let you do whatever you want, sweetheart.” he says. As a man from Queens, he seemingly doesn’t care once he skips paying for his fare as he joins several people doing the same and stepping onto the train going straight to your neighborhood. “I’ll see you in a couple minutes?” he says. “Sounds good! Cant wait to see you, Frank.” You say, making sure to lower your tone a bit so it comes off a bit more seductively.
Frank’s eyes widen slightly before subsequently hanging up the phone when he hears you take on a more seductive voice. He bounces his leg sitting on the train, eagerly waiting to see you. His heart’s beating loudly in his ears and harder than a drum in his chest. Once the train stops at the next platform, Frank’s more than ready to run out and quickly look for your place to spend as much time with you as he can. It doesn’t take him too long thankfully, as he finds himself standing on your front porch in about 5 minutes. Frank composes himself, regulating his breathing and fixing his hair up a bit before ringing your doorbell.
He stands there, waiting for you to open the door and once you do, a wide smile spreads on his face. “Nice to see you, sweetheart. You look so much cuter in this lighting.” he says, giving you a wink. You fluster at this, rolling your eyes and stepping aside so he could come in, “And you look so cute when you’re all breathless—makes me wonder about…other things.” you say suggestively. Frank raises an eyebrow curiously as he steps in, looking you up and down. “And what would these ‘other things’ be, hm?” he asks teasingly. “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy?” you tease back and close your front door.
“Yeah, I would love to know sweetheart.” he says in a softer, deeper tone, pulling you close to him. Your eyes widen and you fluster once you’re face-to-face with him like this, heart beating hard in your chest. Not wanting to back down though, you just give him a warm smile and gently walk your fingers up his chest before gently cupping his chin, “Just makes me wonder what you’d look like breathless underneath me. All red in the face, eyes staring right at me…” you say. You pull away from hold and walk towards your couch, sitting down on it and beckoning him to follow. Frank then follows after you, sitting next to you.
He puts one arm around you, causing you to instinctively nuzzle up against him. You sniff him a bit and giggle softly, “You really do smell like deli meat—It’s funny.” you say. “Told ya. Now then, what d’ya wanna do?” Frank says, chuckling softly. “Do you like drinking and watching classic movies?” you ask, looking up at him. “Sure, sounds like a good idea to me. I’ll watch anything if it means spending time with you.” he says. Nodding, you stand up and waltz over to your kitchen and get a bottle of wine, popping it open and getting a few glasses before going to turn on your tv. Pulling up a service, you then click on a movie you’d been wanting to watch with someone for a while.
One you’d been wanting to watch with a potential love interest.
Finding your place back with Frank, he wraps his arm more securely around you. You hand him his glass of wine and hold onto yours, taking a sip. Frank, being the Italian here, will be the judge of the wine you’ve got. Swishing the dark red liquid slightly, he then brings it up to his nose and takes a whiff of it. “This wine French, or Italian?” he asks softly. “It’s French. Why, don’t like it?” you ask, taking another sip from your glass. “Makes sense. Italian wine’s much better, especially when it’s homemade. I’ll ask my nonna for a bottle and give it to you.” he promises. “Oh yeah? How sweet and considerate of you.” you say, giving him a wink before putting your attention back to the movie.
“You French and Italians really are at odds when it comes to wine, aren’t you?” you ask teasingly. Drinking from his glass, Frank makes a slight look of disdain, “Yep. You definitely need some Italian in you. Don’t worry—on our next date I’ll make sure to give you that bottle of wine.” he says. You raise a brow, looking up at him in confusion. He raises his own brow, looking at you with that same look. “Did you not hear yourself?” you ask. “Not really, what did I say that’s got you makin’ that face?” he asks curiously. “You just told me that I ‘need some Italian in me.’ Did you mean just the wine?” you say. Frank’s face goes red as he chokes on another sip of wine, turning away from you to cough.
You become worried, setting your glass down and taking Frank’s from his hands to make sure he doesn’t spill any. “I-I’m sorry if that was a bit inappropriate of me. I hope it didn’t upset you sweetheart.” he apologizes in between coughs. “No, no, it’s okay. I was just wondering if you knew you actually said that to me. Maybe another time, hm? Once we get to know each other better?” you suggest. Frank’s eyes go wide and he turns to you, seemingly recovered from choking. “You mean that?” he asks. Smiling softly, you give him a nod and hand him his glass back, “I mean it. You seem like you mean well, so I’ll continue seeing you.”
Frank smiles softly, leaning forward and giving you a kiss on the forehead, “I’m glad. I was hoping for that.” he says. You smile back at him, grabbing your glass, and clink it with his. “To future love.” you say softly. Frank nods and raises his glass to the air slightly, drinking the entirety of his glass. The two of you spend your time watching movies and drinking wine. The wee hours of the night come along, and Frank wakes up to see your TV still playing a random movie. It’s an Italian classic, one his nonna showed him, and he smiled softly seeing it. His smile only widens once he sees you sleeping on his shoulder.
Gently shaking you, Frank patiently waits for you to wake up. You stir slightly, sitting up properly and rubbing my eyes. “I hadn’t realized I fell asleep…sorry…” you whisper softly. “Don’t worry about it. Need some help getting to your room?” Frank asks softly. You give him a nod, “My room’s upstairs and down the hall…” you whisper, yawning. Frank nods and lifts you up carefully, taking you up the stairs and to your room. “Do you want to stay over?” you ask. “Would you mind it if I said yes?” he asks. “Not at all, stay if you want…” you mumble. “Then I’ll stay—thanks for today, I really enjoyed my time with you.”
Once he’s reached your bed, he gently lays you down and gets on next to you. He covers the both of you with his blanket, pulling you close to him. Despite the smell of deli meat, you can smell a small hint of a cologne you’d smelled one day when you were walking down the street. Maybe you had actually already seen each other before, and didn’t realize it? Oh well, it happens. At least the two of you are spending time together now, and it makes you much happier. Shutting your eyes once again, you nuzzle up to him and drift off to sleep. Frank’s phone buzzes in his pocket the second you’ve drifted off to sleep. He carefully pulls it out and sees a text from Zussman.
Hey, you doing okay? You’ve got College shaking in his boots over here!
Yeah, I’m fine. Came over to this girl’s house after I got her number at work. She’s a real sweet thing, I’ll tell you that much…
Well as long as you’re okay. Don’t wanna have to be the one to save your ass again in the case you got jumped.
Frank rolls his eyes at this and sighs, putting his phone back in his pocket. Shutting his own eyes now, he slowly lets himself drift off to sleep. He’s happy to have found his own summer romance, and now he’s hopeful he’ll get to spend the rest of his life with you.
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frost-westbrook · 3 months
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Cod WW2 men ❤️
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lovefromlaura · 3 months
Feeling like I'm in a mine because I'm DIGGING for some cod ghosts or cod ww2 conent
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shadow0-1 · 8 months
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Request for Glendy Lucas
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***My head canons of what the boys get up to after getting home.***
- That girl he mentioned on Christmas Day? His cat. A tabby named Missy to be exact. He'd found her behind his family's restaurant as a teenager and couldn't wait to get back to his apartment with her.
-Can't wait to finally get some good food.
- Maybe finally get a girlfriend. After all, what girl doesn't love a dashing young man in uniform?
-Probably helps out at the restaurant to keep himself from spiraling in a PTSD episode again
- He decides not to reenlist in the military. He's had enough of war and all the problems it brings with it.
-Goes and visits Zussman, and while he's at it Stiles, in Chicago.
-After surviving an entire war, his glasses finally break on the ship while he's cleaning them the first day. Aiello and Daniels have to lead him around so he doesn't end up falling overboard or something.
-Goes back to college for a journalism degree and writes a book about his experiences in the war.
- Gets a dog to focus on instead of the PTSD symptoms. It actually helps.
-Ends up rooming with Zussman for a while.
- Quite literally runs into a girl a the bookstore and ends up going on a a date with her. They're married a year later.
- Ends up picking up another thing to add to the list of hobbies- cooking.
-Makes Aiello stay at his apartment when he comes to visit him and Zuss in Chicago.
-Ends up rooming with Stiles because he can't stand being alone. That is, until Stiles ends up getting hitched and moving out. So he moves back in with his parents and little sister.
-Tries to go out on some dates but nothing goes anywhere because he keeps self sabotaging.
-Tries to work on a local construction crew but has to quit once he realizes it triggers his PTSD. (loud sounds)
-Visits Daniels in Texas and meets his family. He realizes he really likes it there and winds up staying.
-Meets a girl at a local grocery store. Ends up dating her. Turns out she's Hazel's cousin. Small world.
-Ends up married to the girl and they have a small, lakeside cottage. Being in the middle of nowhere with nature and his girl seems to help his PTSD.
-Ends up with a menagerie of pets because his girl is an animal lover and he doesn't have the heart to tell her no more animals.
-Finally meets his son- Paul Joseph Daniels. Joseph after Lieutenant Turner of course.
- Hazel refuses to let him out of her sight.
- Goes to visit Aiello in Queens with Hazel and the baby. Aiello ends up being Uncle Frankie- which he hates but he decides to live with it.
- Moves Zuss in for a few months after he visits and ends up staying. Hazel's not happy about it at first but once she realizes how much he needed that she's content to live with it.
- Has another three babies with Hazel: two boys and a girl.
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shadow-draws-gta · 1 month
last night I had a dream that I was playing Call of Duty WW2 and it was completely normal except Daniels could romance Zussman, Aiello, Stiles, Pierson, or Turner, and that was how you got the bonuses that those characters give you (like Zussman’s med kits, Turner’s ammo, etc). And if you kissed them there were quicktime events and if you failed your relationship with them would go down and/or they’d hate you.
Probably the strangest dream I’ve ever had but ngl kinda wish it was real
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beauisoffline · 2 years
COD: WW2 characters if they had a theme song
Daniels: Brother-Kodaline
Zussman: Dog Days Are Over- Florence + The Machine
Aiello: We No Speak Americano - Renato Carosone
Stiles: Riptide - Vance Joy
Turner: Like A River Runs - Bleachers
Pierson: Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival
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moon-girls-stories · 2 years
~ COD WW2 ~ William Pierson X F!Reader
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Contexte : Le soldat Victoria Casey est l’une des seules femmes militaire. Elle a combattu bravement aux côtés de Joseph et William à Kasserine. Et malgré les grandes pertes humaines, elle fut promu à son retour en Amérique au grade de Lieutenant pour récompenser son sang froid et son héroïsme. La voilà de retour sur le front, aux côtés de ses deux vieux camarades pour éloigner les forces allemandes.
                                                          °  °  °
Lizzie et moi arrivons au camp de Turner, nous avons décidé de soigner nos entrées pour nos retrouvailles avec Turner et Pierson. Ça fait tellement longtemps qu’on ne les a pas vu ces deux-là, ils nous ont pas mal manqué quand même !
J’ai fait le tour discrètement de tout leur campement, sans me faire prendre par un seul des soldats de garde. C’était même trop facile et franchement inquiétant pour la sécurité de tous ceux siégeant ici. J’entends alors Lizzie arriver, se faisant applaudir par les soldats qui la reconnaissent. Toujours tout en spectacle elle, elle est pas croyable. En ce qui me concerne je me faufile dans une tente, à en regarder la piètre décoration et l’alcool qui y traîne je dirai que c’est celle de Pierson. Je sors de la tente silencieusement, m’installant sur une chaise pliante juste à côté de l'entrée, observant Lizzie accueillir les applaudissements avec joie. Turner et Pierson sont justes devant moi, mais ne m’ont pas remarqué, trop happé par le show de ma meilleure-amie. 
-Merci, merci ! J’adoore être applaudis comme ça ! Jooseeeph !! 
Elle sautille de joie jusque dans les bras du lieutenant, m’arrachant un sourire alors qu’il l’accueille dans ses bras avec un sourire. On est comme ses petites-sœurs pour lui et nous l’avons toujours considéré comme un frère. Depuis le début de nos entraînements au centre de formation. 
-Salut, Lizzie, j’espère que t’as fait bon voyage. 
-William ! Je suis si heureuse de te revoir !
-Ouais, c’est ça. Et elle est où l’autre tarée ?
-Derrière toi bâtard.
Tous se tourne vers moi alors que j’agite mes doigts en leur direction avec un sourire fière. Je me lève alors de la chaise, collant un poing amical sur l’épaule de William avant d’embrasser la joue de mon frère d’arme. 
-Bâtard ? Tu m’as appelé bâtard ? Espèce de - …
-Pierson, fait moi plaisir, renforce cette putain de sécurité. Tes soldats sont si nuls que j’ai pu passer la sécurité sans problème. Et c’est un ordre. Ai-je ajouté fermement, lui lançant un regard qui veut en dire long.
-Bien, lieutenant. 
Il s’éloigne de quelques mètres avant qu’on ne l’entende aboyer sur une poignée de soldats. J’échange un regard avec Elizabeth et Joseph, on a l’air tout aussi dépités les uns que les autres. Il revient alors vers nous et sans que je ne m’y attende, il pose son coude sur le haut de mon crâne. J’avais oublié sa taille immense comparé à la mienne. 
-Cela vous convient lieutenant ?
-Je verrais si tu fais aussi bien ton travail qu’on me le dit. 
-Tu me gaves déjà. 
-Surveille ta langue, Pierson. 
Il lève les yeux au ciel avant de se détourner de moi, se plaçant simplement derrière moi, les mains dans son dos alors qu’il a un visage ferme. Je le regarde faire et prend une inspiration avant de me tourner vers le peloton diminué de Turner ainsi que le miens au complet. 
-Bien. Je suis le lieutenant Victoria Casey et voici le sergent Elizabeth Collins. 
-Pourquoi des femmes dans l’armée ? Questionne un soldat, me coupant la parole.
-Vous êtes infirmière en premier lieu non ? Intervient un autre alors que Turner pose un regard désolée sur nous. 
J’allai prendre la parole pour leur répondre mais Pierson le fait à ma place alors que je lui jette un regard agacé.
-Ne sous-estimez pas l’enfer qu’elles peuvent nous apporter. Ce serait votre plus grosse erreur dans cette guerre.
-Merci, sergent Pierson. Ai-je dit, lui lançant un regard dur avant de tourner mon regard sur nos soldats. 
-Pourquoi des femmes dans l’armée, c’est une bonne question avec une bonne réponse. Avoir seulement des brutes qui ne savent que taper et tirer sans réfléchir c’est bien mais ça n’aide pas beaucoup en temps de guerre, vous le concevez bien. C’est pour cela que nous sommes là, vous êtes pour la plupart indisciplinés, misogynes, brutaux, je ne vais pas continuer, votre liste est longue. 
Quelques soldats du peloton de Turner commencent à chuchoter contre nous, nous lançant des regards mauvais, me faisant sourire moqueusement.
-Vous voyez le sentiment que vous avez là ? C’est mauvais hein ? Pas agréable. Je sais, je comprends, je l’ai vécu. La prochaine fois que vous ouvrez votre bouche pour parler inutilement sur la fonction des femmes, repensez à votre humiliation. Est-ce que j’ai été clair ?
-Oui, lieutenant ! Répondent-ils en chœur.
Elizabeth vient se positionner à côté de moi, droite comme un piquet, les mains dans son dos elle aussi. 
-Soyez rassuré mes amis, les renforts sont enfin arrivés, dans deux jours nous reprendrons Marigny aux allemands ! 
Des acclamations se font entendre dans notre peloton et celui de Turner, des cris de guerre, ils semblent reprendre du poil de la bête. 
-Nous avancerons, ensemble ! Nous aiderons nos alliés à récupérer leurs terres ! Nous rentrerons chez nous, retrouverons nos familles, nos femmes, nos hommes, nos enfants. Faites le pour eux, faites le pour l’Amérique ! 
Les cris se transforment en hurlement. Je me tourne vers Pierson qui regarde ses troupes avant de plisser les yeux dans ma direction. Il me fait un léger mouvement de tête avant d’observer ailleurs.
-Vous pouvez disposer, merci de votre attention ! Ai-je terminé. 
Je me tourne vers Turner qui se dirige déjà à sa tente avec Elizabeth. Pierson est à côté de moi, il semble vouloir parler, ou me faire une réflexion sanglante. 
-Quoi ?
-Elizabeth n’a pas perdu son sens du discours. 
-Le mien était-il si mauvais ?
-Le tiens était mauvais, ouais. Tu as insulté mes hommes, comment veux-tu qu’ils t'acceptent si tu réagis toujours comme ça ?
-T’as bien fini par m'accepter, toi. 
Il m’arrête en attrapant mon avant bras dans sa grande main. Je me tourne vers lui en levant les yeux au ciel. Il m’ennuie déjà. Si je suis devenu lieutenant ce n’est pas pour qu’il me mène par le bout du nez comme il faisait avant. Cela doit cesser, merde.
-Quoi encore ?
-Bravo pour ta promotion. 
Je laisse un blanc s’installer. Il vient vraiment de me féliciter ? Après tout ce qu’il c’est passé ce n’est que maintenant qu’il me félicite pour ma promotion ? Ca fait plus de six mois que je l’ai obtenu, il se fout de ma gueule !
-On a une guerre a gagné, sergent. Allons-y.
-Bien, lieutenant. 
Nous nous dirigeons tous les deux dans la tente de Turner, Pierson ferme les rideaux de la tente pour que nous restons tranquilles.
-Ok, je suis content que vous soyez là, ça devient vraiment chaud pour nos troupes. Nous avoue Turner en déroulant une carte. 
-J’ai cru comprendre. Ai-je répondu en me penchant sur la carte.
-Il faut qu’on nettoie cette zone, c’est Marigny, et bien sûr en garder le contrôle une fois nettoyé. nous indique Pierson en nous montrant un endroit sur la carte.
-Le meilleur quatuor du monde est de retour en force, les Allemands vont fuir la queue entre les jambes ! Ricane Lizzie, surexcitée à l’idée de repartir au combat avec Joseph et William.
Joseph lui sourit franchement, acquiesçant silencieusement mais Pierson et moi sommes plus… insensible à cet excès de joie. Nous avons toujours fonctionné comme ça, Nous quatre sommes un peu l’échelle allant du positivisme avec Lizzie en tête au négativisme, Pierson termine cette échelle. En fait l’ordre du plus positif au plus négatif est : Lizzie, Joseph, moi et enfin William. 
-Eh bien préparons nous à cette mission et continuons encore plus loin. Ai-je dit d’un ton sérieux alors qu’ils acquiescent tous en accord. 
-Lieutenant Casey, c’est pour vous. Me dit un soldat du peloton de Turner, me tendant une lettre.
-Merci, rampez soldat. 
Il acquiesce en ma direction avant de partir sous les yeux foudroyants de William. J’ouvre la lettre et commence à la lire.
-Alors ? Qui est-ce ?
-Notre espion. Les forces allemandes nous attendent déjà après les ravages de la plage de Normandie. 
-C’est tout ce qu’il dit ?
-Il va arrêter de m’écrire, des soupçons sur lui j’imagine. 
-Il faut le sauver alors, on doit le récupérer. Où se trouve-t-il ? 
-Nan, Lizzie. On reste focus sur Marigny.
Elle se contrarie, lançant un regard à l’aide à Joseph qui à l’air en désaccord avec ma décision. Il allait parler mais je faisais un mouvement de main vers eux. 
-Ma décision est prise, une mort n’en vaut pas une cinquantaine, Joseph. Tu es d’accord avec cela ?
-Bien sûr mais nous pouvons envoyer une brigade. Celle de Pierson par exemple.
-Ça nous ralentira pour la récupération de Marigny. Intervient celui-ci, d’un ton râleur. 
-C’est encore moi qui donne les ordres, sergent. Tonne Turner alors que Lizzie sent la tension monter entre ses trois amis.
-Victoria, il faut le récupérer, c’est un très bon soldat. On ne peut pas se permettre de perdre tout ce qu’il sait sur les allemands. 
-Nous avons plein d’autres bons soldats. Ce n’est pas si grave.
-Victoria ! Tu parles d’une vie humaine là ! S’emporte Lizzie, ses joues devenant rouge de colère. 
Je m’appuie sur la table, l’ignorant royalement. Elle m'insulte en murmurant avant de quitter la tente à pas rapide. 
-Elle n’a pas tord. Appuie Turner, la déception se lisant dans ses yeux. 
-Ok, je me suis mal exprimé, Joseph, passons maintenant.
-Kasserine ne t’as vraiment pas réussie à toi non plus. Crache-t-il, maintenant agacé avant de sortir, sûrement à la recherche d’Elizabeth.
Je soupire doucement en faisant le tour de la table alors que j’étudie la carte. William est toujours sur sa position, je le sens m’observer. Comment ne pas sentir son regard perçant sur soi ? Même en étant dos à lui, on sentirait sa présence. Il s’approche de la table et s’appuie dessus. Je m’attends à une remarque sanglante, m’y préparant d’hors et déjà. 
-Comment on procède pour Marigny alors ? Me questionne-t-il alors que je lève les yeux vers lui.
-Quoi ?
-Victoria, concentre-toi.
-Je m’attendais plus à un truc du genre “T’es vraiment une bonne à rien Victoria” ou “Je sais pas pourquoi t’as obtenu cette promotion, t’es une lâche.”
-Rah arrête avec ça, t’es ma supérieur maintenant. Je respecte cela. 
-Tu respectes les décisions supérieurs aux tiennes maintenant ? Toi aussi t’as changé depuis Kasserine alors. 
-Ferme la.
-Quoi ? T’as toujours pas digéré ta rétrogradation ? Fallait pourtant t’y attendre.
-Hé, surveille ta langue, tu veux ? Je sais ce que j’ai fait là bas et je connaissais les risques. Personne n’aurait pu imaginer que ça allait se passer comme ça.
-Le problème n’est pas d’avoir anticiper ou non l’attaque, William. Le problème est que tu as désobéi aux ordres, et des hommes sont morts, nos frères d’armes. Mon frère d’arme est mort là bas, et c’est uniquement à cause de toi. Garde le en tête. 
Je lui lance un regard mauvais avant de quitter la tente à mon tour, ne lui laissant pas le temps de répondre. Cependant j’entends ses pas lourd derrière moi. Sa main vient attraper ma nuque, me forçant à le suivre jusqu’à sa tente. Une fois à l’intérieur, il me pousse contre le lit. Je m’appuis sur mes mains, le fusillant du regard. 
-A quoi tu joues, William ? AI-je craché. 
-Hé, je t’ai déjà expliqué un million de fois comment ça c’était passé ! Ca nous a déjà coûté notre couple, ça ne va pas non plus nous détruire au travail ! Fait la part des choses et arrête de te comporter comme une gamine mal éduqué !
Je grince des dents avant de finalement détourner mon regard. Ce connard, comment peut-il ramener notre relation sur le tapis ? Notre séparation date d’il y a neuf mois maintenant, bien sûr que je suis passé à autre chose. 
-Je ne t’ai pas attendu pour tourner la page sur notre relation, William. Je ne comprends même pas pourquoi tu remets ça sur le tapis, notre séparation n’a rien à voir avec ton comportement.
-Oh, parce que tu crois que ça ne joue pas sur nos comportements l’un avec l’autre ? 
-Oui, absolument. Nous sommes collègues, c’est tout. Je suis ton lieutenant au même titre que Turner, tu n’as qu’à te taire et obéir aveuglément à mes ordres.
-Tu me prends -...
-Tu obéis et tu te tais, un point c’est tout, Pierson ! Merde ! AI-je fini par exploser.
Je me mets sur mes pieds, quittant rapidement la tente, voulant m’éloigner le plus possible de ce grand imbécile.
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writer-of-various · 1 year
Just replayed WW2....
These emotions make my heart ache, Turner, Zussman, the whole damn gang...
Brotherhood of Heroes.
But one quote made a smile break out on my face.
Stiles: He's [Pierson] hitting the sauce.
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boaringoldguy · 10 months
Oregon FINALLY does something right!
Judge Rules Oregon’s Measure 114 Gun Law Violates State Constitution
6–8 minutes
Harney County Circuit Court Judge Robert Raschio ruled on Nov. 21 that Oregon’s Measure 114 gun control law violates the state’s constitutionally protected right to bear arms.
The court issued a permanent injunction declaring that Ballot Measure 114 is “facially unconstitutional by a finding of clear and convincing evidence … thereby enjoining its implementation.”
The court found that plaintiffs—Joseph Arnold, Cliff Asmussen, Gun Owners of America, and Gun Owners Foundation—had “shown their rights to bear arms under Article 1, Section 7 of the Oregon Constitution would be unconstitutionally impaired” if the ballot measure is implemented.
“Oregon citizens have a right to self-defense against an imminent threat of harm, which is unduly burdened by Ballot Measure 114,” Judge Raschio wrote.
“We are very pleased with the court’s well-reasoned decision and look forward to celebrating with our fellow Oregonians who have been waiting and watching for this opinion,” Tony L. Aiello, Jr, attorney for plaintiffs, told The Epoch Times.”
Initially set to take effect on Dec. 8, 2022, the measure has been on hold since Judge Raschio issued a preliminary injunction allowing parties to argue its legality in federal and state courts.
The injunction will remain in place unless a higher state court overturns his recent decision.
Lawyers for the state immediately announced their plan to appeal.
“The Harney County judge’s ruling is wrong,” wrote Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum.
“Worse, it needlessly puts Oregonians’ lives at risk. The state will file an appeal and we believe we will prevail.”
Mr. Aiello said he, “looks forward to responding.”
The measure was previously heard in federal court, where U.S. District Judge Karen Immergut ruled in July that it did not violate the U.S. Constitution.
The plaintiffs in that case filed an appeal in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. This could move the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.
For Measure 114 to survive, the state must win in both the federal and state courts. Gun rights advocates only have to prevail in one of these cases for the measure to be struck down entirely.
Raschio’s Ruling
For his decision, Judge Raschio reviewed whether the measure is in line with Article 1, Section 27 of the state’s constitution, which states: “The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defense of themselves, and the state, but the military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power.”
Mr. Raschio said he restricted his analysis in the state case to the text of the measure rather than how the regulations would be applied.
Oregon Senior Assistant Attorney General Harry B. Wilson and other lawyers representing the state Defendants Gov. Tina Kotek, Ms. Rosenblum, and Oregon State Police Superintendent Casey Codding, argued that the right to bear arms is not absolute.
They said the measure called for reasonable restrictions on gun purchases for people who may be a danger to themselves or others and a reasonable limit on the number of rounds in a gun magazine to reduce homicides and mass shootings.
Narrowly approved by voters in November 2022, the measure requires Oregonians to undergo a background check and take a firearms class, which does not yet exist, to obtain a permit to purchase a firearm.
It also bans magazines that are “capable of holding or being modified to hold” more than 10 rounds.
Gun rights advocates have called it one of the most extreme gun laws in the country, claiming that it will strip law-abiding citizens of their constitutional right to bear arms in the state.
Plaintiffs argued that legal gun sales would end in Oregon should Ballot Measure 114 survive ongoing court challenges.
To qualify for a permit under the measure, an applicant would need to complete an approved, in-person firearm safety course, pay a fee, provide personal information, submit to fingerprinting and photographing, and pass an FBI criminal background check.
And because the FBI has stated that it would not conduct background checks for the new law, no enforcement officer will be able to issue a permit to purchase a weapon as required by the measure.
The FBI said it would not be able to conduct criminal background checks for a gun purchase and provide them to “sheriffs or their designee.” Doing so would be a crime, the FBI stated, because the measure “does not meet the requirements of Pub. L. 92-544.”
But shortly before Judge Raschio ruled, the FBI inexplicably changed its position and said that it would grant the state of Oregon a “grace period” and provide the checks, allowing the defendants to claim that this objection no longer applied.
Magazine Capacity
Judge Raschio ruled on the “high capacity” magazine provision, relying significantly on the testimony of two sheriffs and an Oregon State Police superintendent.
During the six-day trial in September, Union County Sheriff Cody Bowen and Harney County Sheriff Dan Jenkins testified that their jurisdictions cover large geographic areas where response times can be hours.
They explained that their deputies frequently rely on armed civilians to provide backup for them during incidents and that residents and deputies use their firearms to protect themselves, their families, and their livestock from predators including bears, wolves, and coyotes.
Sheriff Bowen described an incident where he was surrounded by wolves and literally had one “within a few feet” of his left ear before firing off 30 rounds to scare the predators away.
In his decision, Judge Raschio said Sheriff Bowen “demonstrated definitively [that] citizens cannot rely on law enforcement to respond quickly to their needs if they encounter [the] threat of deadly physical harm.
“Victims can be left without a law enforcement response for hours,” he wrote.
“A citizen’s need to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their property is immediate as there is no one else [who] will be there to do it for them.”
On the other hand, he wrote: “The court finds no proof offered that Large Capacity Magazine bans would reduce the number of casualties in the future. Any such conclusion would be mere speculation by the court which it will not engage.”
From The Epoch Times
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angelwheat · 3 years
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// Hill 493 //
(my gifs)
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One-shot, taking place during the Normandy invasion
Tw: swearing, almost drowning, guns, blood
Sammy was praying as the small boats headed for the beach he hadn't prayed in a long "If you spent more time praying maybe you'd do better" Pierson rolls his eyes at his little brother "You need all the help you can get" Aiello laughs softly watching Sammy for a few more seconds. Sammy didn't know why he was praying but he felt like he really needed to. Sammy was the guy in basic training who knew when training was and would give the guys a heads up. Snapping Sammy out of his praying was their boat almost being hit.
"Heads down! Go out the sides" Turner shouts as bullets, shells and a manner of other things started to fly by them. Sammy stuffed his cross under his shirt stumbling off the side falling into the water. All sound was muffled all was dark and Sammy tried to swimming up but was stuck somehow he managed to get his bag hooked under the boat. He was struggling right off the back panicking but soon realized he needed to calm down before he died right there. Trying to open his eyes as soon as the water touched them it stung he wasn't sure why they stung but he knew that meant there must have been an irritant in the water. Continuing to struggle, he blindly pulled out his knife he swiped at his bag cutting his hand he gasps and started to choke on water but soon feeling a set of hands on his and they took knife away cut him free and pushed him up onto land.
Sammy started gasping for air as water starts coming out. "Calm down, hey hey relax the more you freak out the harder it will be to breathe," Turner says softly ducking next to Sammy rubbing his back then rips part of his sleeve off wrapping it around Sammy's hand. Sammy shot water out of his nose "Let me know when your ready to advance" Turner watches Sammy making sure he's ok, last thing he need was his best soldier wasn't dying "thanks for not letting me drowned" Sammy croaks "Ok let's get moving" he took off and then realized there was no cover he started to panic. One thing Sammy forgot for a spilt second was this was real war not a training thing. "I...I" Sammy looks around taking shelter behind the metal X. "I! Uh" his head was on a swivel surveying the area around him, he could see Aieoll from where he was but no-one else. He felt hands on his back he looked behind him to see Turner "You scared the shit out of me" He murmured as he was looking for the next place to go "Sammy, take a second you almost drowned" Turner whispered calmly and rubs his back he knew Sammy was panicking and wasn't taking his time to think "Take a moment, that's an order" Turner took point running ahead of Sammy, who took a few deep breaths and thought to himself “Yeah I'm no good dead„ he pulled himself together and yanked a rife off the field his brain was speeding up he started to panic but took a calming breath. "Captain, start heading up, but only if you can" Turner yelled to Sammy who obliges to move up "Daniels and Zussman are figuring out how to take care of that machine gun" Turner points over to them working "Right, right ok. What about me?" Sammy wanted to know if he had to climb this hill or stay back "oh you're going up this hill" Turner chuckles softly and then stops seeing the fear in Sammy's eyes he taps their helmets together "Sammy, I've stuck with you so far and I'll still be behind you with this, I promise" Turner was so calm it gave Sammy hope, hope that he wasn't going to die. Sammy started climbing up the hill his shirt getting caked in mud and blood. Sammy looked back seeing Turner following, he reached without looking and felt a sudden sharp pain in his hand he was hooked. "Oh no..." Was all he could say "What's wrong?" Turner moves faster stopping a few inches from him "I think I just grabbed barbed wire" Sammy answers as his body shook Turner pulls himself up examining the problem "Yeah, you grabbed it alright. Just stay still I'll get you off" Turner's hands carefully took Sammy's arm with one and other slowly worked on getting Sammy's hand off the spike of wire this took longer then Turner thought but he got his baby's hand unstuck. "Just breathe, it'll be okay" probably but Turner knew not to add the probably part.
Sammy was ready to get shot and sent home but his love for Turner out weight his want to go home. This was day Sammy made a vow to protect Turner with his life. Turner was confused why Sammy was staring at him for so long but took it as adoration knowing he'd be stuck with this little man for the rest of his life and he was okay with that.
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eshacchi · 4 years
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1st Infantry Division, 16th Infantry Regiment 🥺
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The Boys
***My weird head-canons about the boys. Don’t judge me, I know I’m weird. 🤪***
-Most definitely a cat person.
-Played baseball since he was a kid and considered going pro but then decided against it.
-Wants to get married but the girls think he’s not husband material despite being pretty good looking.
-A great artist but thinks its not a masculine trait (whatever that means), so he doesn’t do it often or really tell anyone about it.
-A giant momma’s boy. He cried when saying goodbye to her the day he got shipped out and wrote her letters at least once a week. Probably cried at least once while he was gone because he missed her.
-Missed his mom’s cooking to the point that he’d dream about it then wake up starving.
-The youngest of four kids and the only boy. His sisters tortured him with dress up and dolls when he was a kid.
-Not sure if he wants kids of his own but is willing to be the cool uncle.
-Once caught the stove on fire by accident and pretended he found it like that. His parents still have no idea.
-Got hit in the back of the head with an aluminum baseball bat once, cracked his head open, and had to get stitches. His hair still doesn’t grow in that spot but he manages to cover it up.
-Definitely somewhere on the autism spectrum. Special interests: philosophy, ancient Greece, Edgar Allen Poe, and of course photography.
-Mom was a single mom majority of his childhood so he is decidedly a momma’s boy. Also very much a feminist.
-He’s got a raging sweet tooth. If it has sugar, he most likely loves it. Especially if its cake.
-Doesn’t really drink because, “I like to be in charge of my mental faculties at all times.”
-So very, very awkward with girls. He tries talking to one, says something he doesn’t realize is creepy and/or weird and scares her off. He still hasn’t had a girlfriend at the age of 22.
-His little sister tries to help him but she thinks he’s a lost cause and is doomed to a life of singleness.
-Once he realized he was most likely getting drafted into WW2 he started researching military tactics because “you can never be too prepared”
-Loved ‘The Hobbit’ as a kid. He’s owned several copies of it over the years because he reads it at least twice a month and they just keep falling apart.
-He was thrilled when Tolkien published ‘Lord of the Rings’ and read it in a weekend.
-Still has his childhood teddy bear and keeps it on his bookshelf. Sometimes he pulls it down to sit in the armchair with him while he reads.
-He’d definitely live off of hotdogs and mac n cheese if you let him.
- He was an only child until he was 12 when his parents unexpectedly had his baby sister. He wasn’t excited at first but doted on her constantly once she was born.
-According to her, he’s her best friend. He’d never admit to it at the risk of being called a sissy, but he feels the same way.
-She bawled in his arms the day he left and said she wanted to go with him. He somehow held it together, but after he got on the train he started crying too.
-Whenever he wanted to give up and die while he was a POW he’d think of how she’d feel if he wasn’t there to braid her hair anymore or take her on their “Leah and Robbie dates” and that gave him the strength he needed to push on just one more day.
-Yes he learned how to braid her hair because she wanted him to do it one day and he was upset that he didn’t know how.
-Once he got home, his family refused to let him out of their sights.
-Plays pranks on his family. Sometimes Leah helps, but most of the time its just him booby trapping something and their parents setting them off.
- ‘Robert Cohen Zussman’ said in a very annoyed and somewhat angry tone is very often heard in that house. Along with “What on earth possessed you to do that?” and “What is wrong with you?”
-Although once they realize how close they were to losing him they don’t really mind it as much.
-Loves barbecue.
-Enlisted to fight rather than get drafted because either way he was gonna have to go fight and it may as well be on his own terms.
-Is practically married to his grill in the summer. Hazel jokes that he loves it more than her and that he should leave her for it.
-Terrified of clowns. No idea why. They just freak him out.
-Was once dive-bombed and chased by an angry raccoon while Aiello, Stiles, and Zussman were visiting. Zuss had to shoo it away with the broom. After he finished laughing that is.
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Shut Up, College (Aiello x Stiles)
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Stiles smiled as he took Aiello's hand in his, the two of them waltzed underneath the stars and crescent moon in the mid-summer air, "College," Aiello chuckled, a cigarette hanging from his lips, "What are you doing you goon?"
"What?" Stiles pouted, "I can't dance with the person I love?"
"College, you know I can't dance."
"Niether can I, but hey- here we are!"
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"You stupid son of a bitch." Aiello shook his head and pulled the cigarette from his mouth before leaning in to kiss Stiles's forehead warmly. Aiello flicked the cigarette to the dirt and snuffed it out before pulling his boyfriend close to him, the two of them smiled happily.
"Francis Aiello," Stiles teased, "I thought you didn't like cuddles?"
"Well, for your information, Andrew Stiles, I only accept cuddles from you!"
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