#code x eida
mocchimazzy · 5 months
Eida my Queen 👑💖💗
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yozakurabae · 1 year
i drew code and eida from boruto cuz
1. i saw that the code arc is being animated
2. i had nothing to draw and valentine’s day is right around the corner and really wanted to test out a color palette i made for my upcoming v day arts
3. crackship things
will say, i like how this one came out !! i think it really does scream valentine’s day♡
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do not repost
and for the record, no i don’t really care about boruto. just being on sasusaku twitter comes with stumbling on naruto twitter and boruto twitter for that matter and i end up finding out about it. i don’t mind. i guess it’s nice knowing certain things, but overall boruto as a series i don’t care about. at least not anymore since it’s gotten so bad. i just can’t seem to get rid of the soft spot i have for code and idk why i even have it but yeh xD
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thekingwhereitallends · 10 months
Code:Ada's cheated on me with Kawaki.
Teen Mitsuki:Sarada also has forgotten me and prioritizes Boruto over everything.
Teen Mitsuki:...
Code and Mitsuki:LET'S BE BESTIES!
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trafalgarya · 1 year
How is it like to be in a relationship with Kara members ?
With : Eida, Delta, Daemon, Code, Amado, Kashin Koji, Jigen/Isshiki.
manga spoilers.
aged up Daemon.
brief mention of depression, autism, and insomnia.
SFW only!! i'll write a NSFW part if you guys want it.
i'm not currently reading the manga, so i don't know much about Eida. i'll just go with the flow and with what i know about her.
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Being in a relationship with Eida is extraordinarily romantic.
She'll definitely call you pet names. "Darling", "Sweetheart", "Pretty boy/girl", or simply "My love".
Because of her ability, she's used of everyone falling in love with her. But with you ? Completely different.
She didn't even had to use her power to capture your heart. Being the charismatic and elegant person Eida is, she made an extraordinary first impression without even trying.
I think she would prefer a person just like her, calm and confident. She wouldn't mind an energetic person too, but that reminds her too much of her little brother, Daemon.
She'll act like a mother to you, always making sure you drank and ate well enough, got enough sleeping, being in good health, etc. She'll be very caring with you.
She wants her S/O to be perfect. Not superficially, but more like mentally. She wants her S/O to be the happiest person because of her. She want to please them, to be the center of their life. But in a cute way, not like in a possessive way.
She's into traditional things. Just offer her flowers, dance with her, hug her while she's cooking, kiss her slowly but gently in her neck, and i can assure you she'll be at your feet. She'll be melted by all that.
Her main love languages are physical touch, words of affirmations, and acts of service. She can't help but want to touch you every time. It doesn't even have to be sexual. She just want to hold your hand, feeling your hand around her waist, your lips against hers, your fingers on her hips. She's also pretty eloquent, so she'll recomfort you whenever you are in a bad mood or something. She'll give you plenty of compliments, kissing all your insecurities and looking at you with a look full of love. She also demonstrates her love by buying you something you love, taking you on amusement park, eating ice cream with you. Everything.
She. Will. Introduce. You. To. Her. Brother. That's not even an option. He sometimes insert himself in your dates, just to be sure you aren't tempting to hurt his precious sister. Boy have his eyes locked on you. He already threatened to kill you if you dare hurting her. But Eida reassures him, so he's more and more relaxed with you as time passes by.
Overall, she loves you very much. She's a really romantic and loving person. Don't hurt her little heart who's craving love, she trust you very much.
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Listen, i adore her very much.
And, i was genuinely surprised at her reaction when she understood she loved Eida- She was romantically totally different in my head 😭.
Her love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch, as showed in the manga.
V E R Y C L I N G Y. She will always hug you or hold your hand whenever she can.
She would be so protective of you. If you don't feel safe, wherever you are, just tell her where you are and she'll come at the speed of light. Literally. (considering the fact that she can manipulate light, that's not an hyperbole 💀)
Very clingy in bed, always hugging you.
She's the big spoon tho, i just can't imagine this woman being the little spoon.
I don't feel like she'd use pet names for you. But if she do, it must have my/mine included. "My love" or "My angel" is what she'd use.
She's very understanding when it comes to problems or troubles. Depression ? If she can do something, she won't hesit once. Autism ? Although she's not the best emotion-wise, she'll try her best to help you. Difficulty to sleep ? She won't sleep until you're asleep first. She'll make you feel loved, protected and safe, whatever the situation is.
Definitely showering you in kisses as she's wrapping her arms around you, bringing you on her lap, and kisses each one of your insecurities separately.
Not the biggest fan of PDA, but she won't hesitate to hold your hand or kissing your cheek quickly, often followed by Code teasing Delta for being such a "dovey-lovey".
She'll always keep an eye on you. Whether you're sleeping or just sitting at her side doing nothing, she'll stare at you at each and every moment of your life.
Overall, Delta is very supportive of you, encouraging you if you want do to something, and she's too much in love with you to even considering being close of someone else.
Daemon (aged up)
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Being in a relationship with Daemon is... very energetic...
Bro has too much energy.
At this point, you're acting more like a parent than a lover for him.
Introduced you to her sister two minutes after knowing you. No, i'm not lying.
He attached himself too fast, so Eida isn't surprised when she met another one of his little brother's potentiel love interest.
But, this time, she felt it was different. Daemon loved you very much, it was not like usually. The blush on his face and the big smile he's letting appear while near you, or just talking about you, made Eida genuinely happy. Her brother was finally serious in a relationship. Thus, she'd be more relaxed and friendly with you.
Daemon would certainly share his meals with you. I think his favourite food is ice cream, so you'll always buy an ice-cream for both.
Whenever he feels bored or tired, he's directly coming to you with that childish tone and this amusing walk.
"Y/NNNNNN... 'am sleepy..."
Rubbing his eyes, he's just too cute for you to say no. He always ends up with his head on your lap or just him sitting on it, his arms around your waist/neck, and a cute sleepy face. Snoring a bit, adding more to his cuteness.
If you're walking outside, except him to be on your shoulders, playing with your hair, a big and innocent smile on his face.
Protecting you won't be a problem. His power can literally reflect any attack as long as it's intended or vizualised. All he has to do is touching you with his palm (he would use that as a pretext to hold your hand btw), and reflecting the attack as he's hiding your eyes. But he's also physically strong, so he would just jump on the person and kicking him until he's unconscious and coming back to you like a flower, as he didn't just beat the shit out of someone.
I think you've guessed it : Definitely into PDA. Always on your shoulders, holding your head, or kissing you.
Definitely using too much pet names for you. "Baby" and "Darling" are his favourites.
Clinging to you when sleeping. Definitely the little spoon.
Eida trust you very much. Whenever she can't take care of Daemon, she won't be as worry as she usually would. Because you're here now.
I don't think Daemon would really have a type. Someone who accept him for who he is is enough.
Overall, Daemon loves you too. He act more like your child than your boyfriend but yeah-.
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A relationship with Code is pretty chill.
Sorry, this part will be short, i don't have too many ideas for him.
Definitely refers to you as "Darling".
When you're outside, he always have an arm around your shoulders, not giving a fuck about what people think of you or your relationship.
Proud to have you in his life and won't even hide it.
Definitely brought you to Delta, and teased her, saying he's loved, not like her.
He's the only man of your life, even if you don't want it.
Like, you remind about how Code wanted to kill Daemon just to be the only man to Eida ? Basically the same with everyone that's a love rival to him.
He'll rant to you about his admiration to Jigen, but also will vent about how much he hates Kawaki and that he should've took his place as Isshiki's vessel.
Want to stay with you everytime.
His favourite type of kiss is the French Kiss. Long, passionate, sensual, intimate... All that.
Not the biggest fan of PDA, but not against it.
Overall, a relationship with Code is pretty chill. He loves you and don't hide it. He's proud of you. "That's my S/O", he'd say.
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A relationship with Amado is the concept of maturity itself.
You two are probably taking breakfast together, and you love coffee as much as he did.
You're smoking together too. I can see Amado smoking on the balcony of his house, with his S/O. If you're not smoking, however, he's fine with just having you by on his sides. And if you don't like the smell of cigarette, that's fine with him too. He'll smoke whenever he's away from you.
You two will talk about everything while he's working on Kara's bodies. If you want to, he'll explain every single step he's doing on his computer.
You're probably in good terms with Jigen, as he seemed to consider Amado as a friend.
He won't be as affectionate as Delta is, but he's sure to remind you everyday that he loves you. Not even compliments, maybe just making your breakfast or helping you with whatever is your problem.
Amado is a great listener. Just tell him whatever is stressing you, and he'll make it his priority. He wants to make you know that he's here for you.
I can see Amado having an arm around your waist as you're walking outside.
He'll let you rest your head against his chest as you two are sleeping. Probably smell like cigarette, coffee or just the man smell. You know, the virility smell. Something like this.
You two definitely have kids. I can see Amado as a great dad, always proud of their kids, patting their head as they bring a great note at school.
If you're feeling sick, Amado's got it. He'll bring you glasses of water in bed as he's putting a little watered towel on your forehead, slowly rubbing your back.
He'd definitely want someone like him, calm and patient. Smart, too. He doesn't care about your body, he loves who for who you are inside, not outside.
Overall, Amado is such a good husband. Always taking care of you and being a good person. He loves you very much and would show it.
Kashin Koji
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A relationship with Kashin Koji is... well... complicated ?
Like, he was always shown with a neutral and reserved face, also frowning. He didn't really showed an emotion through the entire show, except when he was about to die to Isshiki.
He loves you, ofc, and you know it. He just don't really know how to show it.
That'll be little attentions, like keeping an eye on you with his toads, and he'll intervene if the situation become bad. He don't bring about it later though.
I do believe Kashin Koji is flustered whenever he have to hug you or whatever.
If you need calm sometimes, he'll grab your hand and enter in one of his toad with you, either just enjoying the view or sending both of you to Mount Myōboku.
That man is smart, so when you are sad or stressed, he immediately see it. He'd leave you your favourite food or your favourite book if he isn't in house.
I don't have any ideas... So...
Overall, Kashin Koji loves you, but can't really express it directly. Instead, it'll be with little actions.
Jigen/Isshiki Ōtsutsuki
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They're the same person, so just pick the one you want. I'll speak in both of their names for you to interchange.
Anyways, a relationship with Jigen/Isshiki is quite reserved and discreet.
Jigen/Isshiki himself is a discreet and reserved person, so no doubt that he'll prefer someone like him.
He'll let you sit on his lap if you want to, while he's reading a book or if he's resting.
Not into PDA. Sorry man.
If you have to carry something big, just ask Jigen/Isshiki. He'll either carry it himself or reducing it with Sukunahikona.
Only smiling frankly around you. And that's rare.
He'll let Amado take care of you if he can't. He trust him like a friend, so yeah. Oh and, you're in good terms with Amado btw.
You broke something precious ? Don't worry, Jigen/Isshiki already made tons of copies of this object and sent them in his dimension where time doesn't flow. He'll just bring it to you and pat your head. He'd say something like "There, there. You don't have to worry anymore."
It doesn't seem like it, but he's an affectionate man when he wants to. He'll bring you in a soft, warm hug if you're feeling down, just rubbing your back and letting you vent. He'll listen all of it.
If it's because a Kara member, be sure you'll never see them anymore. If that's because someone else, you won't see them anymore too. It it's something else, just leave it to him. He'll solve the problem in little to no time.
Would give you the world if you wanted to. He just want to see his S/O happy.
The only pet name he'll use is "Dear". But in front of others, he'll simply call you by your name in a soft tone.
He'll protect you from every danger. It's not like it's a big deal after all. He effortlessly beat Naruto and Sasuke together. If it wasn't for the Baryon Mode, they'd be dead by now.
Code won't be a big deal too. Even though he's stronger than Jigen/Isshiki, he respect him too much to even consider hurting you.
Little naps in the middle of the day, a plaid between the two of us, his arm around your waist. You couldn't feel safer than in Jigen/Isshiki Ōtsutsuki's presence. You know how strong he is and how much he'd do for you.
Overall, a relationship with Jigen/Isshiki is discreet and calm but loving and romantic.
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christelightlavo · 11 months
Daemon : How much you wanna bet code got a Lap dance from boruto ?
Amado : If that happened, code can drink free tonight.
Kawaki : I don't like the idea of my brother lap dancing.
Daemon : Hey Boruto did you give code a lap dance?
Boruto : So what if I did?
Amado : I guess code is drinking free tonight.
Kawaki : Be right back...
Eida , entering the room: What the f-
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misttiddies · 2 years
i know tumblr isn’t the place for questions about like ‘who would win x or y’ but this is the place i’ve got. i have been thinking about how the boruto crew will be able to beat daemon and eida (assuming they don’t just become pseudo-citizens like amado) and the most obvious answer i have is shino
1. if someone is not in the same room as eida, they don’t get affected by her powers, seeing as naruto and sasuke didn’t have any ill effects when they were very close to her but separated by the door. if they trap eida somewhere again shino could put his bugs in there and drain her chakra if they don’t want to kill her, or poison her if they do.
2. even if he does come under eida’s influence, i think that if he told his bugs beforehand to attack her they could probably carry out that order against his will.
and as for daemon, his reflection powers revolve around intent. things will get reflected if there is an intent to kill. if the intent was to make him pass out by taking enough of his chakra, it might not be reflected at all, or again it might make shino pass out but the bugs could act on their own volition. and as for his taijutsu, i don’t believe even as fast and strong as he is he could squish all the bugs before they have time to take his chakra.
maybe it’s a topic for another time to talk about how much chakra the sibs have, considering they don’t use any ninjutsu but seem to be able to have their dojutsu on for any length of time (assuming daemon’s reflection powers are dojutsu and that’s why his eyes look like that) but i feel like shino could take them out. at least long enough to put them back in suspended animation or whatever was the deal was before code freed them
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lasclstreams · 2 years
Boruto x naruto x sasuke
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Boruto x naruto x sasuke code#
Boruto x naruto x sasuke code#
It's clear throughout the exchange that Code is way out of Boruto's league until the villain is able to coax the young shinobi into releasing the true essence of Karma's power, which involves drawing out the accumulated experience of the Ōtsutsuki Clan over millennia. But because Boruto has come to view Kawaki as a brother, the son of the Hokage follows after his rogue friend and soon stumbles upon him and Code, quickly coming to blows with the villain in chapter 63. Kawaki has finally escaped and confronts the villain Code with the hope that his sacrifice will save everyone, including Naruto. Related: Boruto Villain Ada Flips How Naruto Mishandled Sakura The boy comes to love the village as his new home, and because of that, Kawaki feels he needed to leave because he believes his presence there is putting everyone he cares about in danger. Kawaki was originally meant to serve as Jigen's vessel but defected to the Hidden Leaf Village over how badly the organization known as Kara mistreated him. In fact, Kawaki's adoration of Naruto and the Hidden Leaf Village after the Hokage took him in is the reason why the two boys are in this current mess. As of now, Kawaki has yet to turn on Boruto. In the latest chapter of Boruto, Naruto has inadvertently thrust his son and this manga's version of Sasuke, Kawaki, into the dangerous arms of the villain Code, a follower of the late Jigen who wants revenge for his master's death.īoruto immediately set up Kawaki to serve as the series' rendition of the ever-popular Sasuke by presenting him as a former friend of Boruto who somehow became his enemy. This would explain the scientist's strange behavior, why Kawaki goes bad, and how Konoha was destroyed in the flashforward in Boruto.Warning! Spoilers ahead for Boruto: Naruto Next Generations chapter 63! By scheming to align with Naruto, Amado got his wish, and is now able to infect Kawaki with his own artificial Karma, using Kawaki as a puppet that can even become more powerful than an Otsutsuki. However, Chapter 69: Captive didn't reveal any details that support this theory.Īccording to another theory, Amado needed to remove Isshiki's existing Karma mark on Kawaki and have someone kill Isshiki before it could be replanted. There is also a new theory that claims that the clairvoyant cyborg Eida, who's currently aiding Code, was the true daughter of Amado, and the cliffhanger ending of Chapter 68 incredibly comes close to confirming this theory. While there's no evidence to support this theory, further discussion has generated an entirely new train of thought.īy fusing his daughter's DNA with Isshiki's latent power in the White Karma, it's possible to transform Kawaki into a vessel for his child while also ensuring that he gets the power level of an Otsutsuki. The manga already revealed that Amado had a daughter who died twelve years prior to Isshiki's assault on Konoha, but before that was even confirmed, there were theories that claim that Delta, one of the many cyborgs Amado created for Kara, was designed after his dead daughter. However, why is Kawaki important for Amado? After all, he experimented on various children in order to find the most suitable vessel for Isshiki.Īccording to the speculation, Amado waited for Kawaki to mature then used Naruto and Sasuke to kill the one that would have otherwise possess the vessel (Isshiki). From what we've seen so far, it wouldn't be surprising to see him to this far. The former Kara scientist spent years working under Isshiki, someone he hated, only to gain the opportunity to take him down. There is a theory that claims that Amado wants to revive his daughter, who died twelve years before the reign of the Seventh Hokage. The scientist swears his intentions was only ever to protect the world from Isshiki, and he had no choice but to play along as a faithful Kara member until the time to attack arrived, but there are various clues that suggest that Amado has a hidden agenda.
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mocchimazzy · 4 months
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Coeida Fanart 🤧💗
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mocchimazzy · 5 months
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My husband and Ada 😍❤️🤍
Coeida ❤️💙🤍
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yozakurabae · 1 year
okay i read the new chapter (80) and idk why i did so but it wasn’t… sigh…
anyways more of them !!!!! more crackship cuz if canon won’t do it then i have to do it myself >.<
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like it’s so dumb just how fast eida switched up from kawaki to boruto like sis should’ve just went with code fr fr . ability or not mf would’ve treated her like a queen. sure he’s fodder and so far he’s been nothing but a joke villain but at least he’d treat her right T_T
anyways here’s the crackship . enjoy xD
do not repost!!!!!
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mocchimazzy · 3 months
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Lost in Darkness
Summary : Mitsuki returns back to Konoha after failing to kill Boruto,who ran away with Sasuke to another dimension.
Pairing : Mitsuki x Sarada Uchiha
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"What happened?" Ada says,as Mitsuki lands next to her,looking at the child prodigy as he deactivates his dragon sage mode.
"Why weren't you watching me?" Mitsuki answers, not turning his face to left,avoiding eye contact with Ada. "Besides you can see what happened there with your senrigan." Mitsuki finishes the line.
"They ran away..." Ada says,takes a sigh. Mitsuki could tell she's relieved,but why is that? He does not bother to figure it out at the moment. The omnipotent girl's feet detach themselves from earth,as she aims to fly back toward her newfound house. Daemon yawns,sleepy as ever.
"Ada." Mitsuki says,Ada can tell he is tired but it's not coming from the toll that using his hidden power put on him. "Can you give me a lift as well,please?"
As awkward as it sounded,Daemon was disgusted at this request. "Yo,pretty boy! I bet you can move that flat ass around yourself,that's the least i expect from you stupid ninjas!"
"It's okay,little brother. He asked me politely. It's the very first time Mitsuki asks me for a favor,how can i say no to a gentleman like him?" Ada says, smiling. She closes in toward silent boy and wraps her left arm around Mitsuki's tender and yet toned frame. "I appreciate that you trust me,Mitsuki."
"Sorry for troubling you,Ada. It's the first and last time i'll be a burden for you." Mitsuki says it in a way that makes it seem like he's ashamed of himself. Ada can't help but adore the precious young boy,she caresses him on cheeks and holds him tighter.
"Don't say these words. It's nothing,really. Yes i don't like physical contest but lifting 40 kilograms of meat,bones and cuteness doesn't take much strength even for a spoiled teenager like me. I have otsutsuki shibai's genes,remember that." Ada says,laughing.
"Sis." Daemon says,annoyed.
"Cut it off already for god's sake."
"Drop me here." Mitsuki says as he spots Sarada with Sumire.
"Alright." Ada lands on ground next to her girl-friends. Sarada wraps her arms around herself while Sumire is confused the way Mitsuki was brought here. "You two..are you okay?"
"Yeah..." Sarada locks gazes with Mitsuki for a few seconds,feeling as if her heart has stopped,she drops her head and stares at the grass.
"Just give us some time...some of us have a hard time proccessing what's happened...boruto's betrayal and all..." Sumire says,putting her right hand on Sarada's shoulder.
"I'll wait for you in the room,if you are in the mood. If not,then we can call it a day." Ada says,as she heads toward the house.
"Thanks,Ada." Says mitsuki.
"You too,mitsuki. I'd like to have a chitchat with you. You are a cool guy,i can tell that from this brief meeting." Ada says,softly.
"You think so?"
"You're flattering me."
"Get well soon;mitsuki and sarada. It saddens me when i see you in this unpleasant state."
Ada is no more around.
There is nothing but silence till Mitsuki hears Sarada's heart pumping outta the world. He reaches for her hand,but then realizes that Sarada might not want to open up to him infront of Sumire.
Sumire pats Mitsuki on his right arm and nods with her worried look. Mitsuki knows class rep is also sad but doesn't show it. At this moment,he wanted not just to learn the truth behind all this but also give the pair a hug. Yes,mitsuki is not an ideal cuddler,he's never been the type to comfort his beloved through physical contact. But now,it's different.
'Kawaki and Ada gonna watch us and suspect something's wrong. I hate it like this. Damn..!'
"Let's go back to what we are supposed to be doing. Finishing this mission." Says mitsuki.
"Right." Sumire nods in agreement.
"Cha..." Sarada's shoulders drop and they get back to Ada.
It's past middle of the night.
Everyone's fallen asleep except for few people.
Mitsuki has only forced himself to sleep so he could come to understand what it means to be truly a human,to see if he can see dreams or not. It's been over six months but nothing has happened.
Waiting for Sumire to come out of katasuke's laboratory,Mitsuki's always been the type who is mostly curious about himself but also a selfless person. Aside from Sarada and Boruto,no one else knows what kinda person Mitsuki truly is.
Sumire comes out of the building,and spots Mitsuki who is sitting on stairs and reading the crescent moon.
'Why is he...it's about Sarada-chan.' Sumire and Mitsuki have barely interacted in academy,and it's been a very long time since they graduated from academy. Yes,they have fought twice but despite the fact that Sumire was willing to destroy and kill everyone to avenge her parents' deaths and all suffering she endured throughout years,Mitsuki was cold and apathetic back then. He didn't have ill thought toward Sumire,and only wanted to terminate her in order to protect konoha. Both Sumire and Mitsuki have changed,but the dark sides still have not vanished. At least Mitsuki has a darkness in his heart,deeper than any shadow.
"Mitsuki-kun..." Sumire says,Mitsuki looks back and smiles with a sad expression on his face,then stands up on his feet. "Sorry for taking so long."
"There's no need to apologize to me. I'm glad to see you are trusted by both Amado and Katasuke. You are gonna be a highly skilled and respected scientist soon. You have a bright future..." Mitsuki bites his lips. "Bright...so foolish. I am so stupid."
Sumire approaches Mitsuki,hesitating to touch him or say anything. She's never seen him like this...being conflicted and pissed off. It does terrify her,but she is worried about him more than she's afraid. No one in the village hates Mitsuki, for some reason,be it a charm or that the reason is he's simply just so chill,no one has a beef with Mitsuki in konoha. It's the same about Sumire. She was forgiven and accepted by all even after summoning an avatar of chaos and threatening safety of the village for her personal reasons.
Two kids who were once one with the shadows. Sumire's hand shake but she clears her mind and relaxes. She reaches for Mitsuki's right hand,and caresses his hand. With her left hand pats Mitsuki on his back. 'He's cold...like a snake...'
"Sakura-san?" Mitsuki senses chakra of his best friend's beautiful mother approaching them. She is nervous,and worried.
"Mitsuki...Sumire...You too..." Sakura stops just a feet away from the kids,with her left hand close to her chest. She wants to turn away and leave but Mitsuki grabs her wrist.
"I know what's up. I'll come with you." Mitsuki says, firm and determined.
"I just...Sarada doesn't talk to me. She is locked herself in the room,and i can feel it she's far from being okay." Sakura says,in a sad tune. "I could only think of you. Sasuke is gone...i dunno just what the hell he was thinking when he left with that traitor." Sakura is heartbroken,she knows she might never see her husband ever again.
Code is plotting to kill him to avenge Momoshiki's death which is what she remembers after her memories have been altered,and the entire world will set bounties for both Boruto's and Sasuke's heads. It's bare minimum one hundred billion ryo for Sasuke.
"I've told you before that whenever you needed help,you can count on me. Let's go..." Says Mitsuki.
"Can i come too?" Sumire says.
"Of course,dear." Sakura says,caressing sumire on her cheek.
Right behind the door to Sarada's room,Mitsuki's standing. He takes a deep breath. "Sarada,it's me..." He holds his temple for sounding so exhausted and depressed,angry at himself. "Mikki." Now,he wants to look like someone who can actually comfort his friend. "Can i come in? It's just that i feel like it's gonna be a long night for us,after such a disastrous day. You wanted to talk to me but i was too busy thinking about ripping that damn traitor's heart out of his chest. It was disgusting,but i'm here now. Would you forgive me,Sarada?" Mitsuki waits for an answer.
'Sarada is smart...one of smartest i know. She knew i come so she's unlocked the door for me. I hope so...at least...' Mitsuki reaches for door knob. Twists it slowly,and the door's opened just as he expected. He turns back and nods,Sakura is surprised at what she just witnessed.
"So she knew that i will ask for mitsuki to come pay her a visit and unlocked the door? And she wouldn't let anyone in her room except for him? But why?" Sakura wondering,then whispers in Sumire's ear. "Is she...you know...does sarada have a crush on mitsuki or something?"
It takes a few seconds for Sumire to proccess all the information she has on two intimate teammates,then a slight blush appears on sumire's face. "For real?!?" She then covers her face awkwardly. 'How could i not see it sooner? Maybe it's for that since Kawaki came,people just forget about Mitsuki and were attracted to him. In the past i thought maybe Sarada too had a thing for Boruto and then maybe Kawaki but aaah... Why would she choose those morons over the angelic,cool and wise mitsuki? He has like every single trait Sarada would want in one man.' She started turned away from legenday medical ninja which made the adult woman pout,and left her dumbfounded.
'I bet it runs in blood. Sarada and Sumire are no different from what we used to be like back then twenty years ago.' Sakura sighs,and scratches back of her head.
"Mitsuki...can you imagine him as your future son in law?" Sumire says,her index fingers tapping each other repeatedly as she's blushing.
"Um...that would be hella awsom-" Sakura realizes what she just heard and imagined Orochimaru in same wedding picture,also in chrismas ever and holding Sakura's grandchildren with his long tongue sticking out while he's menacingly smiling and creeping out both her and Sasuke. "WHAT THE...WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!?
Mitsuki locks the door as he hears Sakura's scream then just looks at the bed. Sarada's sitting,hugging her knees,not moving nor sobbing. She's not changed clothes at all.
Mitsuki approaches the right side of her bed,looks at their three picture frames on top of the white and pink drawer. He spots Boruto in middle of those,which gives him mixed feelings. Rage, Sadness,Hatred,Guilt...and it confuses him.
He turns to Sarada and sits on the bed cross-legged,right infront of her. "If you feel like you have to let out all the pain from your chest but don't want to,i understand you. If you believe this is not like you and you don't want to bawl like a baby,i get it. But hear me out,it's only natural for us to be overwhelmed by emotions in our lives. Even for someone who aims to become hokage, it's not forbidden to behave like a normal kid. You wanna break things,just do it. Wanna yell at someone,just do it. If you want to beat someone into a pulp,you can have my as your punching bag but for god's sake,stop." Not flinching yet. "Yes i know you've never seen me shed a single tear, nobody's ever seen me cry either. But i can't just see you like this,your heart broken to pieces. It hurts...kills me when i see you so sad...look at me,Sarada" Mitsuki says.
Slowly,Sarada lifts her head and shows her three tomoe sharingan to Mitsuki.
It's now bright day. The very first time Mitsuki came to Academy. 'Her memories.' How he came and sit right beside a yellow haired kid. "Impossible."
Then genin exams,when they made it to finals but Momoshiki and Kinshiki invades earth. He saw Boruto going with Sasuke to fight Momoshiki and save Seventh Hokage,with Gokage's help. "No way..."
Sarada shows him everything,but once Kawaki appears,lying on the ground as original team 7 along with Katasuke find him,Mitsuki's jaw drops.
Then it's like that till she shows him what she saw today. Kawaki charging toward Sarada,with the intent to kill him but she was saved Boruto,who lost his right eye to protect her from a cold-blooded kawaki. "Kawaki...would never...do that...you are his oldest friend...how could he...how..." Mitsuki clenches his teeth,then he comes back to real world.
Mitsuki is beyond confused at the moment but more than anything,he's pissed off. He's not regained his love and loyalty for Boruto,but he certainly does despise one man he's supposed to cherish the most.
It all makes sense to him now. Why would Orochimaru and Log let him follow footsteps of such a conflicted boy,and consider him Sun to Mitsuki's Moon while almost all Kawaki can see in him now is dark?
Mitsuki doesn't say a word,just looks at Sarada. Sarada knew Kawaki might spy on them so she decided to show her memories to Mitsuki but she's gotten so proficient at using her sharingan that he wasted absolute minimum chakra to enter his mind,it's like a little more than the amount of chakra spent for breathing. Kawaki won't suspect her.
Mitsuki then takes off Sarada's headband,and wipes the crimson tears with tip of his thumbs. Sarada slowly wraps her arms Mitsuki's neck and starts crying silently. Her body shaking,Mitsuki bits his bottom lip with his "vampire" fang,hard enough to cut it open. He pulls Sarada's legs closer to his body and puts her hips on his left tigh and legs over his right tigh,wraps his left arm around her waist and with the right hand caressing Sarada's cheek.
"Promise me that you will always be My Mikki." Sarada whispers in Mitsuki's ear. "Don't change, Mitsuki." Sarada tightens the hug. "I can't make it out without you." Pressing her forehead to side of Mitsuki's head.
"I'll never let you down." Says Mitsuki. "I need you too." Mitsuki rests his head on Sarada's chest.
Mitsuki's cold body doesn't bother Sarada the slightest bit. His touch is cold,but gentle. Sarada's touch is warm but fierce. She is only easygoing when it comes to Mitsuki,who is overprotective of her. She can now tell that she knows why Mitsuki treats her differently from other friends.
It's so surreal how easy it's for her to reveal her true self only just to him. Perhaps it's for the fact that he's always there for her,and if not then he makes sure to return back to her. Mitsuki is with her always, deep down she knows that. They might part ways for a while but the heart is where love resides. Love keeps memories alive,and physical distance loses it's meaning. Through moon-reading in the dark night,Sarada will always remember Mitsuki. Watching the sun rise in the morning,Mitsuki shall be reminded of the one who dearly misses him.
Sarada runs her fingers through Mitsuki's silky soft hair. Mitsuki caresses her on her arm. "So precious...I want to protect you at all costs."
"With all due respect,Captain,That's my line." Mitsuki chuckles.
"Don't captain me there,kid." Sarada taps on top of Mitsuki's nose and bursts to laughter. "Woah!" Mitsuki suddenly lays on bed with his left arm still under Sarada's neck.
"It's about time for you to go to sleep." Mitsuki says to Sarada,while taking off her glasses and puts them on the drawer as he stretches his arm.
"You know,it's inappropriate like this." Sarada says with a slight blush on her face.
"I don't think so. We are just kids. There's nothing weird going on here." Mitsuki insists.
"You're the only weird thing in this room." Sarada claims,as she taps on Mitsuki's chest repeatedly.
"Perhaps i'm the only exception." Mitsuki says. He locks gazes with Sarada once again,with his warm amber eyes.
"What about you?" Sarada asks Mitsuki.
"Just staying here,looking at you while you fall asleep." Mitsuki says,grinning.
"You don't need to sleep,right?" Sarada asks Mitsuki.
"I don't."
"Gosh! I dunno what to say to you. Do as you want. I don't care anymore."
"Good girl."
"My bad,uchiha-san."
"Okay,okay. Glad to hear it."
"That's better?"
"I guess."
Mitsuki starts yawning,in cutest way possible and when Sarada didn't expect it to the point she sits up. "No way in hell! You did what?!?"
"Hey,i too am surprised." Mitsuki says,as he bursts to laughter.
"That was like cutest you have ever looked-"
"You think i'm cute?"
"Yeah-I mean no-"
"Be honest with me."
"It can't be helped. Who am i trying to lie to? Of course you are cute."
"Tell me more about what you think of me." Mitsuki lifts his head and rests it on his palm.
"You are prettiest and smartest boy i know. very handsome,and a little too silly but adorable. You know the rest." Sarada crosses her arms. Mitsuki pulls her once again and puts his arm under her neck below the pillow. "Can you stop doing that?"
"I'll try."
"What about me?"
"I'm gonna stay awake all the night just staring and admiring the godgiven beauty of uchiha."
"Somethings run in blood. Your beauty is breath-taking,Sarada. I love everything about you."
"Such a smoothie. You have a way with words."
"I know. I've been working on it for a year."
"Impressive. You got my respect."
"I feel honoured."
"Shhh." Sarada shuts her eyes,having decided to sleep already. "Therapy class is over. Mission Accompolished. You won."
"Sweet dreams." Mitsuki says to Sarada.
"You too."
"My god! I didn't know they were this close. I thought she loved Boruto in a romantic sense but i was dead wrong." Ada says,blushing as she's seen what happened with Mitsuki and Sarads.
"How pathetic. So they did nothing there but fooling around making love?" Kawaki asks,Ada raises an eye brow.
"You fool,there was nothing sexual. You guys be dirty-minded." Ada facepalms herself.
"I wanna sleep,Sis." Daemon says,sleepy and tired.
"Why can't we just be like them?" Ada approaches Kawaki and puts her hands on her shoulders.
"Oi,cut it off!" Kawaki shrugs off her hands, disgusted at the mere thought of being hugged by Ada.
"You hopeless coward." Ada pouts,and returns to her younger sister. "Let's go,Daemon."
"WHO YOU CALL A COWARD!" Kawaki slaps one feet on ground and yells.
"SHUT UP,BRO!" Daemon yells at Kawaki.
"Is she alright now?" Sakura asks Mitsuki who just came out of the room.
"She's much better. She's sleeping. Come take a look." Mitsuki says. "Oh,but don't say anything when you see what you see there. Don't even make a noise."
"Uh-oh?" Sakura says,dumbfounded again,looks at Sumire who is nervous.
Mitsuki slowly opens the door,Sakura looks at inside the room above his head and Sumire below. They see Mitsuki and Sarada peacefully sleeping till Mitsuki raises his hand and shows a thumb up but Sarada grabs his hand and lowers it. The door is being closee Sakura and Sumire realize the Mitsuki that is with them is a clone. Sakura grabs Mitsuki and Sumire by their arms and run down the stairs.
She bends over and kisses Mitsuki's clone on his cheek. "You are awesome." Sumire is surprises to see it then she also gets a kiss on her cheek. "And You are a sweetheart." Now,both Mitsuki's clone and Sumire look at each other and take a sigh.
Having accompanied Sumire till she got to her home,Mitsuki starts waving for her but she seems she wants to say something. She looks down at the ground,clasping her hands behind her hips and taps on toes on ground. "Mitsuki-kun...you know...may i...will you..."
Mitsuki understands the assignment and stretches out his arms. "Come here." Sumire wraps her arms gently around Mitsuki's waist,blushing. She's shy,which Mitsuki deems natural. But he can tell that Sumire too is sad. He pats her on her back.
"Sumire-chan. Or simply Sumire. We are not in academy anymore."
"Sumire...how about having a dinner together with Sarada,and Ada too?" Mitsuki says.
"That will be great. But how came you're so interested in her?" Sumire unwraps her arms from around Mitsuki's waist.
"Ada reminds me of myself. No,Ada is like me and i think she's not really a bad person. If we treat her like she's our friend,and i don't mean acting but actually starting to hang out with her and daemon and show them how much we cherish them,i believe we can change them. Like how you and i changed after meeting with Sarada and...Kawaki." Mitsuki was about to frown but forces himself to smile. "Everyone deserves a second chance. Let's see what happens if we do that."
"You're absolutely right,Mitsuki-kun." Sumire takes out the medical spray and puts a little puff on Mitsuki's wounded lip to heal it. "Oh,i forgot this is a shadow clone." Sumire starts to chuckle.
"My feelings..." Mitsuki's clone pouts and crosses his arms,frowning.
"Sorry." Sumire says. "Have we ever talked like this,ever before? No. It's great to have someone who listens to you and understands you well."
"True. As of now,after Sarada,i trust you the most. I tend to make only a few friends. I'd like you to be part of that short list. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sumire." Mitsuki reaches for Sumire's hand,who reaches back for his hands and they shake hands with shiny eyes.
"Indeed,the feeling are mutual." Sumire says.
"Good night." Mitsuki says.
"Good night." Sumire says and watches Mitsuki's clone disappear and leave some smoke behind.
"So tell me Kawaki...do you have any regrets?" A sixteen years old Mitsuki asks eighteen years old Kawaki. Mitsuki has now extra long hair that reach his hips,he wears a sky blue open-chest sleeveless shirt and detached long finger loop sleeves,ninja pants and sandals. He wears Orochimaru's earring and has polished his nails purple. He looks way more intimidating than he's ever been. He's bulked up and has body of gods,standing at 6'2 inches tall and weighs 188 pounds,taller and bigger than the senior Kawaki,who is 6'0 tall and weighs 170 pounds.
"You are all bunch of fools. I'm doing all of this so the world could be safe from those alien bastards." Says Kawaki.
"Oh yeah? You're practically doing what a tyrant does,expect from the fact that you are just a suicidal and delusional scumbag who is obsessed with his father figure. You are not gonna save anything and anyone other than Seventh Hokage."
"You son of a-" Mitsuki cuts Kawaki off by grabbing his face,flies toward sky and pummels Kawaki to ground,causing 10 kilometer radius crater.
"I dare you to disrespect my family,and beloved ones." Mitsuki says,then Kawaki shrinks himself and runs away from him.
"You were the only guy whom i didn't want to kill. But now things have changed. How did you end up defying omnipotence?"
"Guess what?"
"Four eyes."
"Usually,i'd kill my enemies with one swift and smooth strike,not caring about the consequences nor feeling a damn thing about their lives. But this is another story. I'm gonna enjoy every single moment of your torture,seeing you suffer as i rip your limbs off your body puts a smile on my face. For you tried to kill Sarada!" Mitsuki activates his sage mode. "This is Endgame! One of us is gonna make it alive,luckily for me,I have planned far ahead of you. Your chances to succeed at killing me is close to zero!"
"Prepare to get fucked up,pretty boy!" Kawaki shots dozens of black rods from behind but Mitsuki disappears from his sight and teleports behind him with a lance made of lightning.
"Sage Art:Lightning Style:Spear of Destiny!" Mitsuki throws the spear at shrunken Kawaki,who summons Black Cubes to protect himself from the attack before it's shot but the spear penetrates it and follows Kawaki as he is running away. The instant he wanted to shrink it,the spear grows thousands of times bigger and scatters into trillions of pieces.
'Shit,i can't shrink all of them if i can't keep track of them!' Kawaki opens a portal and jumps inside of it but then,he gets hit in the face with a kick and shot back at konoha. He forms a giant red sphere similar to bijuu bomb but 10 times bigger than them. 'Game over!' And it explodes.
Mitsuki opens his eyes to see Sarada with worried look on her face.
"Nightmare?" Sarada asks her companion,who is panting.
"I hope so." Mitsuki covers his face with his right hand,lies flat on his back.
"What do you mean from that?" Sarada sits up and just eyes Mitsuki.
"It felt so real. As if it's a vision from future." Mitsuki claims.
"And it's not the first time,right?"
Sarada rests her head on Mitsuki's chest,right where his heart is located. "Calm down,Mikki. Let's hope for the best and throw away all the bad thoughts away. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day. Let us find some peace of mind."
"Uh-hm..." Mitsuki turns to his side again and wraps his arm around Sarada's waist and kisses her on forehead,pulls her close to himself. 'I won't let them take you away from me.'
"Such a drama queen you are." Sarada says,as she closes her eyes. 'I will always be there for you.'
"Code,i ask you only one thing in exchange."
"Spit it out."
"Make sure Sarada will be alright."
"But you-"
"I will have to stand against Kawaki one day. I might die. There's a chance i won't be able to revive myself,maybe no one else could do it at all. So for the love of god,save her from Kawaki and anyone who threatens her well being. Okay?"
"Hm...You know...This unconditional love...is it really a blessing...or a curse? You,Me,Ada,Sarada, Sumire,even that Son of a Bitch Kawaki...all of us suffer for that. Is love neccessity for us?"
"Without this love,i'll be lost in darkness. There's many times i am afraid i'll become what i hate the most. But my love...for her...it's what keeps me from losing remains of my conscience and sanity. It's what makes me feel not like a monster. You understand what i mean,right?"
"I guess you have a point...I'm still trying to figure out if i truly love Ada or not. Am i just a mere puppet of her love charm or my feelings arr genuine and real? That's the only reason why i want to become otsutsuki. To see if i'd still love her or not when i get rid of this so called weak humanity of mine..."
"She'll realize her mistake and regret her decision. Ada will be able to see right through your heart soon...and through Kawaki's soul."
"What's so special about you? We've barely just met and i told you everything about myself. Do you have a godlike shinjutsu like omnipotence too?"
"It's power of serenity and sympathy. There's still some wise men out there,I happen to be one of them."
"Cocky brat."
"Dude,you are so cool. I like you."
"It's Nice to meet you too,Code."
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thekingwhereitallends · 8 months
Ada:What do you think of my relationship with Kawaki?
Teen Mitsuki:Want me to be brutally honest?
Ada:Honesty is good but why brutal?
Teen Mitsuki:You know,Code would've treated you so much better.
Ada:Sometimes i do feel guilty for not giving Code a chance.
Ada:He was so kind to me...treated me like a queen.
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christelightlavo · 11 months
Eida : I like your top, boruto.
Code : I have a name, you know.
Boruto : *sighs* Why. Why are you like this.
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christelightlavo · 1 year
Code :- *points at naruto* Fuck you
Code :- *points at sasuke* Fuck you
Code :- *points at boruto* I would love to fuck you.
Code :- *points at eida* I'd like to fuck you.
Code :- *points at deamon* You are cool
Code :- *points at kawaki* Fuck you. I am out!
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*Ignore the post if you don't want to be spoiled!*
Then let's give you a heart attack😢
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Code loves Eida so much and She has no clue her sweet kawaki is gonna end her life😭💔
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