#coldflash fix it
scarletice · 19 days
god you know barry allen would be listening to but daddy i love him by taylor swift at full volume….he’s at home walking around the house singing it with his whole chest thinking “nobody gets this song like i get this song” and he’s genuinely right
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thatsnotmygunflash · 1 year
Reblog this if you would join a signal ColdFlash group chat
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zemkzone · 2 years
[...] Don’t you think it’s time you go home?
Lyla Michaels to Leonard Snart, Ch1 of That Rare Arctic Thunderstorm (sequel to When Lightning Hits Ice, hitting AO3 on March 20, 2023)
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qlala · 1 year
What is the Lore behind the song going to georgia? I listen to it on your lenny says you need new tech playlist and I like it, but have zero context as to why people in the tags of videos of it getting performed recently are like “he sang it voluntarily??????”
tbh i fully forgot i put that in the playlist, but the mountain goats are definitely up there with fall out boy in terms of bands that make copious amounts of “kinda fucked up relationship” songs that are perfect for coldflash playlists, so i’m not surprised at all
the lore behind going to georgia specially is that the lead singer wrote it like 30 years ago, and at the time thought the speaker of the song was making a big cool dramatic gesture:
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but then after a while he got uncomfortable with really bro-y dudes coming up to him after shows and telling him it was their favorite song, and kept getting the feeling that a certain type of guy was taking it as a real, actual celebration of owning guns and tracking down women when they try to leave you (not what the song says is happening but you can imagine how someone would extrapolate)
so he started playing it less and less, but the thing is the song IS really good, so people kept shouting requests for him to play it at concerts, until he finally said in like 2012 that he just never wanted to play it again
BUT apparently this tour he’s been testing out playing it here and there, never on the setlist but just spur of the moment if the crowd is being chill and respectful, and at least at my show, he introduced it by telling the story of the bro-y dudes making him not want to play it for a long time, which i think is one of the least condescending ways possible to say “sometimes songs tell fictional stories, guns are bad, don’t stalk people”
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coldflasher · 1 year
like a damaged nerve, like a dark bird // by coldflasher
(chapter 1/?)
Inspired by The Time Traveller's Wife.
The explosion at the Vanishing Point gave Leonard the power to travel through time, but absolutely zero ability to control it. His time jumps are totally random and impossible to predict—but they all have one thing in common: they always lead him back to Barry Allen.
Still acclimating to life post-Flashpoint, the last thing Barry needs is an inexplicable connection to a chronologically challenged Leonard Snart. To make matters even more complicated, he never knows which version of Len he’s going to get—the version who hates Barry for making him a hero, or the one who’s fallen in love with him.
Leonard’s time jumps are damaging the timeline, and it's imperative that they fix him as soon as possible. But as their pasts and futures become irrevocably intertwined, Barry finds himself caring less about separating their tangled timelines for good and more about finding some way for them to be together.
Read on AO3
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presentprompts · 1 year
So after watching the first couple of seasons of the flash I fell in love with Coldflash and was absolutely devastated when legends killed Snart off! So with that in mind:
What had started as a routine day for Barry Allen (aka the flash, aka the scarlet speedster) had quickly turned into anything but. After taking on a magic user, beside a grumpy Brit known as Constantine, Barry saves the day…. Or did he.
Waking up in a bed he definitely didn’t fall asleep in last night, Barry finds himself in a world much changed from the one he remembers. As if designed by his and Cisco’s worst theories, in this world the meta-humans created by the particle excelerator all became corrupted by their powers… Even Barry himself.
Barry must now convince his friends that he is not the villain they watched him become, with time running out Barry must try to fix his universe before the changes made become permanent, and he becomes his villainous alter ego. Yet not everything in this world is so bad, his friendship with the rogues and relationship with their cold themed leader is something Barry finds himself enjoying, can he fix his world but keep the aspects he likes?
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coldflashevents · 8 months
Interest Check (Fixed)
Hey, all! Thanks to everyone who's already responded to the interest check questionnaire. There was an issue with multiple choice options not being enabled for some of the questions (for some unfathomable reason, on Google Docs, "multiple choice" does not actually mean multiple choice?) but I've fixed that now, so if anyone hasn't had chance to respond yet, or was holding off on responding, then it should be enabled now. Let me know if there are any issues!
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For two tropes: time travel fix-it or canon divergence?
Hi, friend! Oh, that’s another difficult choice, actually. I like ready both but personally I would pick Canon Divergence because I really enjoy the Domino Effect, the idea that changing one small detail could have changed the story entirely, whether it’s that Barry and Len meet in a different way, or that Len doesn’t leave on the Waverider, or even that he is alive in the post-Crisis or post-Flashpoint timeline. The divergence can be pretty much anything you want, it’s such a versatile trope and you can do so much with it. So many possibilities!
On the other hand, I feel like Time Travel Fix-It is so incredibly well-suited to Coldflash that it’s honestly really surprising that there isn’t more of it out there, lol. I know Timeless by Crimson1 already exists and is pretty much the perfect Time Travel Fix-It, but I would definitely love to see more of that trope if anyone wanted to write it!
Put two fanfic tropes in my ask and I tell which I’d rather read.
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moriavis · 1 year
Hey, guys! I'm down to... eight or so prompts for my kiss prompts, and I'm getting itchy for another long work. Since I'm bad at making decisions, I thought I'd leave it up to all of you.
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geekthefreakout · 1 year
Working on a ColdFlash fix (as per my poll) and I haven't watched S2 of The Flash in a Minute.
Can't decide if I should go back and rewatch or just wiki the info I need.
What do you think?
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crestfallercanyon · 1 year
yasssssss love these ask games! there were so many good ones i had a hard time picking ones! but i'm most curious about the following ones:
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
🍭why did you start writing?
💎why is writing important to you?
🎙️which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
+ 1 i didn't ask but you'd like to answer
Ahhh, thank you tea!! I’d love to answer!!
💫 my favorite type of comment or feedback? I just kind of love getting some kind of interaction — I started on original stories which is very solitary, so having people comment on what I’m doing still is so new and exciting. If I had to decide? People get embarrassed about leaving novels but I love when people point out symbolism or what certain things mean to them — I do the same when I comment and I really appreciate the anecdotes <3
🎈my style as a writer — I don’t really know how to describe it! I just know when something’s mine, lol. Very character driven, I suppose. I tend to focus on drama of contrasts at first and then slowly show how actually two people are part of the same gradient, which is my favorite thing to explore. Also, when I’m writing original fiction or when I’m writing like angst I tend to be very visceral, I enjoy writing the “horror” and intensity of things as common as grief and loneliness. Think that’s why crack fic is such a rarity from me, I don’t really know how to do it. My style is not fixed, but the way I write is becoming more “me” all the time. While my writing will forever be influenced by what I’m consuming, I feel like I no longer mimic styles I like but rather take what I like and adapt it to me. I dunno, just thoughts that hopefully don’t make me sound pretentious 😂
💝a fic that got a different response than I anticipated — Shiva from the Flash (coldflash). It got a much more positive and receptive response than I thought. I thought it was going to be very niche and honestly thought I’d be accused of being ooc (which it’s not finished yet so there’s still time!) but it was for me so I decided I’d deal but then people seemed really touched by it which I’m so thrilled by. I love the concept and still want to finish it! (Also honorable mention, The Last Eye to Open, because I was expecting no one to read it and it has been actually quite well received in a fandom that is on what I would call fandom-hospice)
🍭why did I start writing? because I love stories, and I love the art of stories, and there were stories I wasn’t able to find that I decided I just would write myself.
💎 why is writing important to me? Similar to the last question, I love it. Other than being out in nature, it’s my favorite thing to do. And if I didn’t write, well, my head can run away with stories and ideas all day. If you’ve ever played Where the Water Tastes Like Wine, there’s a character — Cassidy — (spoilers) that when you see the true version of himself his head is full of smoke and he’s got pages churning out of him like a runaway fire. I think I’d look something like that if I DIDNT write. Think I’d just be daydreaming all day.
🎙️what fic do I want someone to make an podfic of? Blanket permission on any of them, honestly 😂 but if I had to pick — Look Who’s Inside Again, a TMR Thomally fic about being back in the Glade post-canon. Either that or Everything Must Go from the Flash (coldflash) about Len leaving.
💌 something from an upcoming project that has me excited? I am slowly putting together the spin off of Conflicts of Interest (already have a title and plot and everything) which will focus on Minho and Newt. I feel like I have FINALLY hammered down my own characterization of Newt, and I’m excited to get into his head and root around in it
And then, oooh bless you tea, for my plus one? I could answer this several times but I’ve got something in mind from our last conversation that I want to share —
💘what’s a fic I want to rework? Stranger than Your Sympathy. On the one hand, it does what I wanted it to, it reads like a romantic “dramedy” in its own way. On the other hand… I’m not a huge fan of any of the characterization. Particularly Newt. And while I know how I want to end the story for like, my own soft reasons, I know the best arc for him would be to end it very differently and I don’t know how to reconcile that. If I just redid it, I wouldn’t really have to choose.
And that’s all I got! This is from the Real Fanfiction Asks, and I appreciate you so much for asking! I love these kinds of things and find them very fun so thank you ❤️
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coldtomyflash · 2 years
A question, forgive me if it’s been asked before, is there *any* chance that you might write a sequel to got a melancholic temperament? I was doing a reread the other day and it was just so fosofiakdidkfkdkekfkdicjgkvobodkakfkgkvifidiekdkfivdiddicokspsgkckvoejanamfgogiejdgoocisisodcoxnaj
Ahem. Just casually curious 😎
Less like writing again and more like reading back over my old unfinished pieces and seeing if there's any that still spark joy or require only minimal effort to finish and post 😂😅
I've also been writing this whole time just for supernatural instead of coldflash but shhh let's pretend I never betrayed coldflash
A sequel for melancholic temperament?? I'm genuinely trying to imagine what the plot would be??
One of the things I'm weird about with my longer coldflash works is always trying to end on a note of finality, one that makes things feel relatively wrapped up (some of them even get epilogues lol). So it's hard to imagine a "what next" for me because the core conflict and plot points should, in theory, be resolved.
For melancholic temperament... Obviously the age regression is fixed, and Len and Barry are still in this new fresh space but they're both approaching it from mutual understanding, and Len is accepted by the Wests.
There's the Flash detractors as the maybe obvious narrative thread that's out there dangling, and Barry with Mick and the other Rogues could provide some narrative juice. That's the most of what I can think of though?
I like to write around a developing romance because I'm a sucker for it, but in a sequel case, it would be more an established relationship thing? which isn't my usual bag except for short fics. I like to resolve a narrative at the point at which we know the characters are affirmed in their commitment to each other, partly because I tend to see commitment as an "all in" thing, so the tension of "will these crazy kids overcome the odds to make it together" is dispelled.
(not that stories about falling out and getting back together aren't interesting -- I actually really enjoy them when done well -- it's just that that's not what I've aimed for with any of my coldflash works)
But unless the sequel was a heavily plot-centric work, there would need to be some coldflash relationship ups and downs. I'm not a fan of manufacturing drama and miscommunication among characters who ought to be somewhat reasonable human beings, so any strife would have to feel earned and authentic. And I'm not sure how I would go about that?? Sure it's all new and fresh and there's a lot of potential hiccups but at the end of Melancholic Temperament was supposed they were supposed to be in a place where we (the audience) were confident they'd weather whatever came next okay.
And while I could (and likely would have to) tie their ups and downs to the Flash detractors stuff, it feels (at present, without concrete ideas to anchor it) sort of laden-on? In a "Barry can't catch a break" sort of way?
I don't know, I'm genuinely trying to think it through but there's nothing concrete for me to latch on to as a vision for how it would take shape. I could see an unrelated story in a canon divergent setting specifically interested in the Flash detractors concept, examining meta protestors and stigma and the Flash's role as this dual symbol of justice and subjugation, but that would have more room to grow as a standalone than a sequel?
Did you have something in mind for what a sequel would include?
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zemkzone · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Barry Allen/Leonard Snart Characters: Barry Allen, Leonard Snart, Iris West, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Hartley Rathaway, Lashawn "Shawna" Baez, Martin Stein, Ronnie Raymond, Eddie Thawne, Joe West, Henry Allen, Wally West, Mick Rory, Lisa Snart, Sara Lance, Amaya Jiwe, Rip Hunter, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson, Ray Palmer, Nate Heywood, Felicity Smoak, Oliver Queen, Kendra Saunders, Hunter Zolomon | Jay Garrick, Vandal Savage, John Constantine, Original Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, Leonard Snart Lives, Metahuman Leonard Snart, Getting Together, Getting Back Together, Self-Esteem Issues, Protective Leonard Snart, Blushing Barry Allen, coldflash - Freeform, Barry Allen Is A Human Vibrator, Leonard Snart is Bad at Feelings, Lewis Snart's A+ Parenting, Developing Relationship, Idiots in Love, Season 2 Rewrite, Dom/sub Undertones, Light BDSM, The Author Regrets Nothing, Jealous Barry Allen, Top Leonard Snart, Bottom Barry Allen, Barry Keeps Learning Things About Himself Series: Part 3 of Sparks in the Ice Summary:
An accidental kiss. A wormhole in the sky. A voice note goodbye. Six months after the singularity event, Central City's getting ready to celebrate its first ever ColdFlash Day. The question is, will they be honoring one hero on-stage—or two?
Or: In 2015, Barry Allen has gotten used to being a hero, but he still doesn't know how to convince the man he loves that his feelings are real. Meanwhile, Leonard Snart has found a loophole to live his third lease on life with relatively few strings attached. The appearance of a power-hungry speedster and an immortal psychopath complicate everything.
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qlala · 6 months
seeing fall out boy do “just one yesterday” and “hold me like a grudge” live tonight fixed me… those r literally the coldflash songs
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coldflasher · 1 year
like a damaged nerve, like a dark bird // by coldflasher
(chapter 3/?)
Inspired by The Time Traveller’s Wife.
The explosion at the Vanishing Point gave Leonard the power to travel through time, but absolutely zero ability to control it. His time jumps are totally random and impossible to predict—but they all have one thing in common: they always lead him back to Barry Allen.
Still acclimating to life post-Flashpoint, the last thing Barry needs is an inexplicable connection to a chronologically challenged Leonard Snart. To make matters even more complicated, he never knows which version of Len he’s going to get—the version who hates Barry for making him a hero, or the one who’s fallen in love with him.
Leonard’s time jumps are damaging the timeline, and it’s imperative that they fix him as soon as possible. But as their pasts and futures become irrevocably intertwined, Barry finds himself caring less about separating their tangled timelines for good and more about finding some way for them to be together.
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sterekruinedme · 4 years
It's been a long time (without you)
on AO3
"You trust him. No, it's more than that. It is worse than that! You believe in him."
Barry was still staring at the door where Snart had just left when Iris' voice cut through him. "Iris-", he tried to placate her, but she cut him off. "He kidnapped Caitlin. And Cisco. And he hurts people! And yet you still believe in him!"
Barry sighed. He was suddenly very exhausted. "It is not like that, okay? We have a deal. He even saved my life!" Barry wasn't sure why they were even fighting about this. It's not like he was teaming up with Captain Cold again. Cold had just been there to warn him of Madon and the Trickster.
"Oh yes, he saved your life! And then he betrayed you!"
Barry sighed again. "Why are we fighting about this?", he asked. Iris's shoulders slumped and she finally uncrossed her arms. The fire in her eyes was still burning, but she seemed calmer now. "I just don't trust him."
Barry could feel his lips twitching. "I appreciate the concern. But Cold put himself at quite a risk to break into the house of a metahuman and a cop, so I'm just gonna trust him on this. Plus, he owed me one, and despite everything Cold has a codex. And he hates being in someone's depth. This is probably just his messed up way of saying thank you for saving his sister's life."
Iris huffed but relented. "He was right about the hot chocolate, you know? It's not the same without marshmallows."
Barry couldn't help but feel slightly smug. Leonard Snart had joined the Legends. Barry knew there was good in him. He knew it! The news made something warm expand in his chest. He inhaled sharply when he realized it was pride. He was proud of Snart for doing the right thing.
"What are you so happy about?", Iris asked from where she was sitting on the couch. For one ridiculous second Barry wanted to hide the postcard he had found in the post from her eyes. But then he reminded himself that it was just a postcard. And this was Iris he was talking to.
"Oh, uhm, it's a postcard. From Snart." He couldn't help but fidget as he watched Iris's eyebrows shoot upwards. "Captain Cold sent you a postcard?!", her voice went high with disbelief, and Barry winced.
"Yes?", he didn't mean for it to sound like a question. "He joined the Legends. The postcard is from 1989, I guess he thought it would be funny." Barry looked down at the postcard again, warmth flooding his chest at the caption: I guess you were right. Don't let it get to your head, kid. Cold.
When he looked up from the postcard again Iris was studying him silently. He knew that look on her face and he really did not like it. "He wrote you a postcard. And it is from the year you were born?" Barry could feel his cheeks flame. "Uhm yeah?" The hand that wasn't holding the postcard was now awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. It was a nervous habit he had wanted to get rid of, but apparently he couldn't. It took all of his willpower not to start fidgeting under Iris's scrutinizing gaze anyway.
"Look, I know you don't like him, but it is just a postcard, okay?" He tugged the offending piece of mail into his pocket and crossed the room to sit down on the couch as well. Iris was still looking at him like that. Like he was a mystery she wanted to solve, a particularly interesting piece of information she had not considered before. She looked at him like she sometimes looked at a piece of evidence for one of her articles.
"Of course, sorry. Let's just watch the game, okay?", she asked but her voice was still off. She let Barry pull her close, but he could tell that her thoughts were miles away.
He had not noticed that Iris had entered the room. If she was back from work already then he really must have been sitting here for a while now.
"Barry? Are you okay?" He hummed and turned to look at her. Something about his appearance must have thrown her off because suddenly Iris hesitated to come closer to him
Maybe he should get up from the floor. His knees were starting to hurt from kneeling for so long.
"What happened?", Iris asked and Barry knew that fear in her voice all too well. She was expecting bad news, the kind of news that would leave him powerless on the floor of their bedroom.
"It's just-", his voice sounded raw even to his own eyes and he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence. It wasn't "just" Snart's death. He swallowed and forced himself off the floor. "Snart's dead."
Barry saw the moment the words registered with Iris, saw how surprised she was to see him in this state over his dead enemy. But he wasn't just an enemy, was he? Cold had become an ally.
"Oh." Iris was staring at him with that look again and then her eyes flickered to his hands. He was still holding the postcard Snart had written him. "Oh", Iris repeated again and something shifted in her eyes. "He meant something to you, didn't he?" Her voice was careful now like he was a spooked animal that needed to be soothed.
"I-", Barry's first instinct was to deny that, but that would be ridiculous. "He was an ally, of course I care if he is dead. Especially if it is because I pushed him to become a hero." He said, his shoulders sagging under the realization that if maybe he hadn't pushed Snart to become a hero, he might still be alive.
"Barry, whatever happened to Cold is not your fault. He made his own choices, you know that better than anyone."
"I know", Barry mumbled and refused to look Iris into the eyes.
"Why HIM?", Iris had asked and Barry was asking himself the same thing now. He tried to justify his actions with the fact that Snart was the best thief he knew and that time was running out, but he had also missed the older man. He had missed their banter and the slow drawl of his voice and-
And he knew that he could trust him.
Snart proved him right when he refused to let Barry murder King Shark and he knew that he would be grateful for that when the dust had finally settled. The fact that Snart could read him so well, actually knew him well enough to know what he was planning and to come up with a different plan made something warm settle in his stomach.
Barry couldn't leave him in there with ARGUS agents sure to arrive any second and King Shark still on the other side of the door. No matter how much Snart taunted him, he could hear how scared he was in his voice, in the way it shook when he said his name. It felt an awful lot like he had to choose between Snart and Iris, but he just could not bring himself to leave him there. He had promised Iris he would do anything to save her, but he could not do this.
And Lyla just had to call him out on it, didn't she? She might be fooled into thinking that Barry was just a good person, a hero, too good to sacrifice somebody for his own gain. But Barry was not so sure about that. If it had been somebody else behind that door, somebody he cared about less, he might have left them there. He felt sick just thinking about it, but he couldn't stop. He didn't recognize who he was becoming.
Snart hit too close to home when he called Barry on it as well. He had not been sure if Barry would save him and that cut deeper than it should have. "I see the bad in you", he said but it almost sounded admiring. Almost. But then Snart put his hand on his shoulder and looked at him with that intense gaze. "Call me sentimental, but I think the Flash should always be a hero." Barry swallowed and had to avert his eyes, a private smile playing around his lips.
He suddenly wished he could just tell him. Tell Snart how he would die, save him somehow but he knew that that was impossible. "Be careful, Snart."
"There are no strings on me", Snart drawled and Barry smiled sadly at him. He knew how untrue that was, how attached to his team Snart would become. Attached enough to sacrifice himself for them.
He heaved a sigh and turned away from him, suddenly aching to get back to his own time, to get away from Snart's piercing gaze.
After everything was over and the dust had finally settled, after almost losing Iris, after having thought her lost, Barry felt completely drained. He dreaded the conversation he would have to have with Iris. About who he had almost become. He dragged himself out of bed with a sigh.
Iris was sitting at the kitchen table with her laptop, but she looked up when Barry entered. They had been tiptoeing around each other for a few days now, the air between them always charged with too much tension.
"Hey", Barry mumbled, awkwardly rubbing his neck.
"Hi", Iris closed her laptop and took a deep breath. "I think we need to talk." Barry huffed and sat down across from her. "I think you are right." "Look, there is something I didn't tell you. When Snart and I broke into ARGUS, things went really wrong for a second and I had to make a choice. I had to choose between leaving him there to fend for himself and getting back to you." Barry trailed of and hesitated, flicking his eyes to Iris and back down.
"Barry, I am not mad that you didn't sacrifice Captain Cold for me, if that is what you are worried about. Everything worked out and I am fine", her voice was soft and reassuring, but Barry swallowed hard and forced himself to look at her. "It's not that. I-, if it was anybody else, I-" He took a shaky breath. "I considered it. I considered leaving him there but I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to do it. But if it had been somebody else in there with me, I think I would have. I would have sacrificed them. And that scares me."
"Do you have feelings for him, Barry?", Iris asked after a beat. "Is that what you are trying to tell me?"
Barry shook his head so fast, he was sure Iris only saw a blur. "No, my feelings for Snart don't matter." And shit, that-
That was not what he had meant to say at all. "I mean I don't have any! And that's why they don't matter." Didn't he though? A small nagging voice whispered in his mind, sounding annoying familiar but no-
He would deal with that question later. Not that it really mattered, because Snart was gone and he wasn't coming back and Barry should have warned him, he-
He put his head in his hands and just focused on breathing for a moment before he looked at Iris again. "What scares me is what I would do for you. Savitar only existed because I turned to darkness after you died. I would have killed somebody to save you. Since I was a little kid, I always thought that you would be the answer to all of my problems, that if we would be together everything would be alright."
He smiled sadly at Iris, who was staring at him with sad eyes. "I love you, I do! I just think I was so blinded by the fantasy, so in love with the perfect future I imagined for us that I became obsessed with it and that made me dangerous."
"You love me. You just aren't in love with me." Iris concluded with a bitter twist to her mouth. She had always known him too well. There were tears in her eyes and Barry could feel his own emotions welling up as well.
"Not anymore. I don't know what happened. But I do know that I love you."
"Just not like that", Iris finished for him and Barry nodded.
Iris slid the ring of her finger, the tears were running down her cheeks now. "I am so sorry", Barry whispered, but Iris shook her head. "It's not your fault. You can't help how you feel."
The weeks after the break-up were a blur. Joe didn't understand and his team treated him like he was fragile or perhaps going insane, so he mostly spent his time alone to avoid the pity and confusion and awkwardness.
The postcard had somehow found his way onto his nightstand when he had unpacked after moving out. He had used it as a bookmark at first, but now it was permanently residing there with the text facing upwards.
Admitting to himself that Iris had been right had been uncomfortable at best. Somewhere along the line, Barry had developed feelings for Snart. Sometimes he stared at the postcard and mourned what could have been. But he always shook himself out of it, because no matter what he might have felt, he was still an enemy to the older man. So instead, he focused on figuring out his sexuality.
He googled a lot and found some ridiculous buzzfeed quizzes before he found a forum for the lgbt community. The members were welcoming and open to answering his questions and he soon found a label that fit; bisexual.
Coming out was surprisingly easy. Joe simply hugged him tight and promised that this didn't change anything. Cisco simply said "cool" and high-fived him. Iris smiled sadly at him but gave him a hug nevertheless.
Months later Barry found himself at Saints and Sinners of all places. His feet had somehow carried him to the bar. The same bartender who had been here all those months ago was still behind the bar and Barry sat down with a heavy sigh. The bartender eyed him for a second before her face dawned with recognition. "Oh hey kid, Cold isn't here today."
Barry swallowed and tried his best to smile. No, of course he wasn't. He wouldn't ever be here again. "No, yeah, I know." This was probably a stupid idea. What had he been thinking? He could get into seriously trouble with his boss for just being in this bar. Barry shook his head. "I don't know why I'm here, I should probably go." He hadn't even ordered a drink yet, not that it would make a difference, but he left a tip anyway and turned to leave.
On his way out he bumbed into somebody and looked up to apologize only to freeze. Standing before him was Lisa Snart. She was eyeing him suspiciously and fuck- Barry really hoped that Len had kept his word and also that Lisa hadn't figured it out yet. "Oh, you're Cisco's friend", she said after a moment. Then her smile turned sharper and she cocked her hip. "How is Cisco?"
"Fine, he's fine. Excuse me", Barry mumbled and stumbled out of the bar.
Shyla was just bringing him his drink into the backroom when Lisa sauntered in with unmasked glee on her face. "Cisco's cute friend was just here. You know, the one that looks like bambi? Do you think he might bring Cisco with him sometime? Or maybe I should ask him for Cisco's number if he comes back?"
"Bambi? Oh yeah Len, the kid that bothered you a few times last year, do you remember him? He left when I told him you weren't here", Shyla cut in and Len saw the gears turning in Lisa's head. Oh no.
"Wait. Those bambi eyes. THAT kid is the Flash?!", Lisa exclaimed as soon as Shyla was gone. Len rubbed his temple. He could feel a headache coming on. "Yes."
Lisa had crossed her arms, but she was smirking now. "I can see why you were so obsessed with him. He is exactly your type, isn't he?" Len only glared at her. "Does he know that you are", she trailed off and vaguely waved her hands in his direction.
"Back from the dead?", he finished her question. "No."
Lisa frowned. "Why not?"
Len sighed heavily. He swore he could feel the headache intensifying. "Let him enjoy his wedded bliss before the announcement of his nemesis returning ruins his fun", he drawled but he knew that Lisa had always been able to look straight through him.
"He looked really sad, you know?", she said carefully. "There must be a reason why he came to Saints and Sinners. He could have gone anywhere."
Len knew what Lisa was implying but the thought of the Flash missing him was simply absurd. He remembered the last time he had seen the man vividly after all, remembered the fear and betrayal he had felt when the hero had nearly left him in the cell with that horrifying shark creature, remembered the resignation that of course the Flash would sacrifice him for his precious fiance, hell he had taunted him with his ruthlessness just moments before.
He also remembered the bone-deep relief when Scarlett had turned back for him.
Len snorted. "He is probably glad I am gone." He tried to sound cold and aloof, but his voice betrayed him halfway through. Lisa only raised her eyebrows at him.
"He is not married. He is actually very very single", Lisa announced when she strolled into his safe-house days later.
Len had been on the verge of taking a very much deserved nap, but now he groaned and sat up on the couch. "What?"
Lisa smirked. "He is single."
Len sighed. "Ramon? Congrats. Now, if you would be so kind", he made a shooing motion with his hand.
Lisa's smirk only widened. "No, your little Bambi. He isn't married." Lisa sat down on the couch next to him. "He is very single."
Len only gaped at her for a moment, before he exploded: "I'm sorry WHAT?" For a moment he was afraid that something had gone wrong, that Iris had died. It certainly would explain why Barry had been so sad.
"They called the engagement off a while ago", Lisa continued. "So Iris-?"; Len asked with bated breath.
"She is fine", Lisa confirmed and then just looked at him.
Len couldn't help but feel irritated. So he had risked his life to save Barry's precious fiance and then they hadn't even tied the knot?
"Are you okay?", Lisa asked tentatively. Len looked at her flatly and forced himself to smirk. "Peachy."
Maybe he would feel better if he checked on Barry, saw the situation for himself. It's not like he was worried for the speedster, he just wanted to know what had happened. One little visit to Starlabs surely couldn't hurt-
No. He had promised himself he would stay away from metahumans and heroes. He had no desire to get himself killed again.
"Bambi is here again", Shyla announced as she entered the back room where Len was going over some plans.
"I told you to stop calling him that", Len grit out but the bartender only looked amused. She had known him for way too long to feel threatened by him and they were both keenly aware of it.
"I think he is looking for something." Shyla's tone was poignant. "He isn't going to find it here", he grumbled.
"I wouldn't be so sure of that. Something keeps him coming back. Or someone." Len ignored her raised eyebrow and glared at her. Shyla glared right back. "He doesn't know I'm-", he gestured vaguely, "back."
"Back from the dead, you mean? Oh, that's right, because you had a second chance at life and you spent it hiding away and planning small robberies you never actually go through with. What are you so afraid of?"
Len gritted his teeth. "Thank you Shyla, that will be all."
In the end, Len couldn't stay away. He had never been good at denying himself the things he wanted and he wanted Ba-
He wanted to see what was up with the speedster.
Looking back he really should have known that following a metahuman -and it wasn't stalking, shut UP Lisa- would be a bad idea. Barry had him pressed against the alley wall before Len could even register what was happening.
"Who the fuck are you? Why are you following me?", the speedster hissed, making Len raise both eyebrows.
"Now, now Scarlett. What a very rude way to greet an old friend." Len smirked as he lowered his hood, but he was wholly unprepared for the sound Barry made, a choked gasp followed by an angry, feral growl. "Do you think this is fucking funny? What the fuck are you, huh? A shapeshifter of some kind?", he sounded breathless.
"Hey, Barry, it really is me." Len made sure to keep his voice gentle. This certainly was not how he had imagined their reunion. Not that he had imagined it.
"No, you died. They told me, you-" Barry sounded as breathless as Len felt.
Barry narrowed his eyes at him. "Prove it. Prove that you are him."
"I wrote you a postcard. Sent it to you from the year you were born", Len said quickly, still pinned to the wall by Barry, but the other man only scoffed.
"You could have just broken into my apartment and seen it there."
For a moment Len was speechless. "You-" He swallowed. "You kept it?"
Barry's grip on him loosened some, but he was still eyeing Len suspiciously.
Len sighed. "Fine. The last time I saw you, I told you the Flash should always be a hero."
Barry's arms fell lifelessly to his side and he stumbled a step back. "You're alive", Barry whispered and Len laughed because duh-
"And you're not married. What happened there, huh? After I risked my life for your precious fiance...", Len trailed off. He had not been able to keep the venom out of his voice.
Barry flushed and ducked his head. Len observed with great interest as his blush spread down his neck. "Yeah, Iris and I didn't work out."
Len tilted his head to the side. "Mmh, it's a shame really. The least she could have done after you saved her life, was not break your heart."
"She, uh, she didn't." If anything Barry flushed an even deeper shade of red and Len needed a second to catch up with what the speedster had implied.
"YOU broke HER heart?", he all but yelled. Then, forcing himself to calm down and not get his hopes up,"Oh my, it seems like we have a lot of catching up to do, Scarlett."
Barry couldn't believe it. Leonard Snart was alive. They were sitting at a table at Saints and Sinners of all places. Snart had ordered them both a beer, although he knew that would not do anything for Barry, and there was a plate of fries on the table. It almost felt like a date. That thought made Barry want to laugh just a little hysterically. After all, they had been in this exact position before, and that had definitely not been a date.
Snart had suggested this bar to "catch up" and Barry hadn't even thought about saying no. But now the older man was just looking at him, studying him, while Barry felt like vibrating out of his skin. "How did you-, When-, I mean how long have you been-"
Snart smirked at him. "Breathe Barry."
If he heard the way Barry's breath caught at the use of his name, Snart ignored it. "I've been back for a while now", Snart said, but didn't offer any other information. "And you never thought to mention that you were alive? We all thought you were dead!"
Snart levelled him with a cool look. “Why? So I could let myself be dragged into the superhero life and die again?” His voice was controlled, but there was an emotion in his eyes that Barry could not decipher.
Barry shook his head. “No. Just so that I could know you were alive. I was sorry to hear that you had died.” He hesitated. “I missed you, Snart.”
Snart snorted and shook his head. “I know you are a hero kid, but even your heart cannot be so pure that you missed your archnemesis.” There was a playful lilt in his voice, but the same indecipherable emotion was still in his eyes.
Barry swallowed. “You know you were never my archnemesis. That was Thawne”, he said, aiming for playful but missing. “I’d like to think that we weren’t even enemies, at the end.” Barry stared at the table, fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat. Maybe that was all that Snart ever thought of him; that he was his enemy, the annoying metahuman that always thwarted his plans.
“What would you call us then, Barry? Friends?” Barry didn’t have to lift his eyes to know that Snart was smirking unkindly. His voice had hardened. Barry didn’t know what he had done, but he was certain that he had pissed the older man off somehow.
Still, he swallowed nervously and said softly:” I’d like to think we could have been.”
Snart scoffed. “Wake up, Barry.”
“Don’t treat me like some dumb little kid”, Barry growled and finally looked into Snart’s eyes again. He had enough of the older man acting like he didn’t care. “You’ve been calling me Barry all night. What’s up with that?”
For a second Snart’s carefully crafted façade broke, before he was back to smirking at Barry.
“That is your name, isn’t it?”, Snart asked innocently.
Barry huffed. “Yes. My first name. No ‘Scarlett’ or ‘kid’ or even ‘Allen’. You’ve been calling me Barry since we sat down.”
Snart glared at him and shifted in his seat. His gaze flickered across the room, before landing on his beer. He shrugged and drained what was left of his drink in one go, before turning back to Barry. “You really want to go there today, huh? Alright, fine, let’s go there. Tell me, Barry. Why aren’t you married?”
That wasn’t a conversation Barry was ready to have, not with Snart, and definitely not sober. He sighed and looked sadly at his beer, wishing desperately that he could get drunk.
Len didn’t know what he had expected when he had suggested that Barry and he should catch up, but it certainly wasn’t this. Barry looked like he wanted to drown himself in alcohol or run away. Or both. If Len hadn’t been feeling like things were about to spiral out of control, he might have enjoyed this. Still, he couldn’t help but fluster the speedster just a tiny bit more. “Oh, and call me Len”, he said and winked at Barry.
For a moment Barry just stared at him, opening and closing his mouth as if unsure how to even begin answering Len. Then, he dropped his gaze back to the table and shrugged. “Iris and I just didn’t work out.”
Len snorted unattractively. “The love of your life? And it just didn’t work out? Somehow I find that hard to believe.”
Barry blushed and mumbled something that Len didn’t catch. “I’m sorry, what was that?”
He could see the speedster’s jaw clench in frustration, but then Barry finally raised his gaze again and stared straight at Len. Oh, how he had missed the fire in Barry’s eyes. “I said she is not the love of my life.” He shrugged, but levelled Len with a smirk. “I figured out that I wasn’t in love with her. I was in love with this perfect idea of her, but she deserves better than somebody who is obsessed with this perfect marriage because he saw it in a stupid time machine.” At Len’s confused frown, Barry shrugged. “Long story. Anyway, you actually helped me figure that out.”
Now it was Len’s turn to be speechless. He stared at Barry, waiting for the younger man to explain what he had meant.
“You know when the door closed and you were locked in with King Shark, I really scared myself. For a moment I hesitated. If it had been anybody else I might have left them there and-“ Barry sighed, a frustrated and helpless little sound, and raked his hand through his hair, before catching Len’s eyes again. “That is just not somebody I ever wanted to be. It put a lot of things into perspective. Made me re-evaluate a lot of things.”
Len had barely heard the last part of what Barry had said, his mind going in circles. “If it had been anybody else?”, he blurted out, hating how breathless he sounded, but unable to stop it.
Barry smirked humourlessly. “Told you we could have been friends.”
Friends? Maybe in a different lifetime. But Len knew that there was something else between them, something else hiding at the edges of their complicated relationship. He leaned forward, suddenly driven by impulse and desire. “Is that what you want Barry? Do you want us to be friends?” Without his permission, one of Len’s hands reached across the table. Barry gasped softly at his touch, but he didn’t pull away. “Is that really what you want?”
Barry shook his head and pulled his hands out of Len’s reach. In a blur, he was standing beside Len. “I don’t want us to be friends”, he panted and the next moment Len had a wide-eyed speedster in his lap.
“Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think that is what you want either.”
Len gripped Barry’s hips tightly, keeping him steady and secure in his lap. “You’re not wrong.”
Kissing Barry was nothing like Len had expected. Not that he had thought about it often. But the meta-human kissed gently but deeply, hungrily but never demanding, claiming him but also making him feel cherished.
Len knew that he could easily get lost in Barry Allen. After all, he had done it before, had gotten lost in his obsession with The Flash. But now things were different. Maybe it would not be such a bad thing to get lost in this Barry, in the Barry that climbed into his lap and kissed him until they were panting for breath, the Barry that had followed him into Saints and Sinners without a single complaint, the Barry that had missed him, that was happy to see him alive and well.
Yes, it would not be a bad thing to get lost in Barry Allen.
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