#cole reed
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stories by adambarabas, march 4
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mzradyer · 5 months
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lisichka X the overlord
cecily knight and jeremy volkov from god of wrath (legacy of gods #3) by rina kent
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gaffney · 3 months
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offense 💚💜 defense
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dynamitekansai · 25 days
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WWE RAW (AUGUST 26, 2024)
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xoxoskai · 9 months
Things that got overshadowed in RKverse.
Alternatively, things Rina Kent characters still haven't gotten over completely.
I was thinking about Rina glossing over the very traumatic experience that Cole went through at the end of Ruthless Empire, and it got me thinking. So, I wrote a little something to show that yes, love conquers all, but sometimes you still struggle with battles where you've been defeated too many times.
I won't exactly say these were things that were overshadowed as much as these things being experiences one doesn't simply get over in a couple of months. Experiences as traumatic as the ones some of these characters have faced might take years- if not, decades, to get over and I just wanted to bring them to light a little bit.
Silver can't look at dolls.
Ronan probably used to hide in his closet, trembling and shivering, and hated physical contact for a long, long time.
Cole sells his family's mansion and buys the rights to his mother's books so he can unpublish them.
The marks on Kim's wrists still give her phantom pains sometimes.
Jonathan and Aurora always make sure Alicia's grave has her favorite flowers.
Somedays, Teal feels so dirty that she spends hours in the bath trying to scrub herself clean of the demons of her past.
It takes Cole a long time to be able to enter a pool again and whenever he has a nightmare of his mother trying to kill Silver, he drains the pool out and leaves it dry for months.
At some point, Asher and Reina take their sons bungee jumping but after Asher nearly loses his mind when Gareth and Killian are getting geared up, the family decides to go home and indulge in other fun activities.
Sebastian develops claustrophobia after he loses Naomi for seven years.
Gwyneth makes it a point to hug both her parents as much as she can. She needs reassurance that it won't be the last time she gets the chance to hug them.
Kyle obsessively keeps track of his children after Mia's kidnapping. He has cameras installed everywhere near the twins' apartment and Nikolai's penthouse after they move to Brighton. He knows it's unhealthy, but he does it for his peace of mind.
Knox has days when he's away from Anatasia that he functions on autopilot to repress his demons.
Daniel still can't eat food on selective occasions. He prefers munching on peach flavored lollipops instead.
The first time Lia is teaching Annika different ballet stances, she has a breakdown and curls up on the floor and cries. Yan has to take Annika away and Adrian holds Lia and rocks her back and forth for a while.
It takes Sasha a while to not flinch at loud sounds/noises that are like a prelude to bombs blasting.
Anton has a hard time looking in the mirror because he stole someone's identity and hasn't made peace with it.
Jayden wakes up in cold sweat, scared that his father will finally catch up to him at some point. Once he's of an acceptable age, Daniel sits him down and tells him why his father will never show his face around them again.
It takes Astrid some time to get her driver's license. She mostly prefers to have someone else drive her around.
Xander has recurring dreams about waking up in a puddle of Kim's blood for years on end.
Thank you for reading! It hurt my heart to write this, but it was still exhilarating in a way to shine some light on the not-so glamourous parts of some of our beloved characters.
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mfnstarbcy · 2 months
day 74537352 of begging wwe to give bronson reed a gimmick besides just being Large
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whenlovetriestoleave · 2 months
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lily cole by sharna osborne for the face magazine styling by danny reed, hair by franziska presche, makeup by thomas de kluyver, nails by sylvie macmillan
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nadeshikoshirogi · 9 months
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I have no doubt that Gavin and Nines are Cole's favorite uncles, and for them Cole is their favorite (and only) nephew 🥰💙
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lighthousepigeons · 11 months
Aiden: I thought I asked you to watch them.
Young Eli: I did.
Aiden, points at an injured Landon: Really?
Eli: Yeah.
Eli: I watched him jump off the roof and break his arm.
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 8 months
What I love about Hankcon and Reed900 is that because Connor and Nines would be close, whether that be friends or brothers, it means that at some point Hank and Gavin would have to interact with each other and because Connor and Nines would want them to be friends, they wouldn’t exactly be close but they would be more polite and friendly towards one another.
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JACKPOT ! (2024)
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Dans un futur proche, une Grand Lottery est organisée dans l’État de Californie, en proie à de nombreuses difficultés financières. Cette loterie bien particulière offre la possibilité à chacun d'empocher la cagnotte s'il parvient à tuer le gagnant avant le coucher du soleil. Fraîchement arrivée à Los Angeles, Katie se retrouve accidentellement avec le ticket gagnant. Elle va devoir collaborer avec un certain Noel pour survivre et pouvoir ainsi toucher son prix de plusieurs milliards de dollars.
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baron_tigerrr What an honor to play a couple of songs with the legendary @.anthonygreen666 last night at @.phantompower717 . Not only did I get to sing a few songs, but my son, Rowan, opened the show with his band @.mistermonstertheband . Thanks again, Anthony. More of this coming up soon! -Larissa
posted march 4, 2024
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mzradyer · 5 months
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ma belle x his lordship
teal van doren and ronan astor from vicious prince (royal elite #5) by rina kent
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bookishpedia · 1 year
Ronan: I’m having one of those things! A headache with pictures!!
Aiden: You mean an idea..?
Teal: *aggressively calls the ambulance*
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dynamitekansai · 3 months
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WWE RAW (JUNE 24, 2024)
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veilder · 1 year
Yoooooo! It's been a hot minute since I posted a new prompt, but here's something I've been thinking about for a few days now? Consider:
AU where Cole was born much earlier, back before Hank's career really kicked off. He follows his ol' dad into the police force, joining the DPD the summer of 2035. However, that same year, a freak ice storm takes the city. Hank had been planning to visit Cole in his first apartment, promising him that "the roads aren't that bad, don't worry about it." The next call Cole receives is from Detroit Regional Hospital, asking for a next of kin. Cole rushes there himself, heedless of the horrible state of the roads, to find his father in surgery, a medical android operating. Anxiously, he waits through the night, fidgeting in the uncomfortable plastic chairs outside the operating theater.
He receives the news the next morning. Hank had suffered some serious injuries including multiple concussions, and had fallen into a coma during the surgeries. He's told there's no way to know when or if he might wake. The sight of the medical android leaving the theater with the same placid expression on its face as off of the things haunts him long after that night.
For three long years, he's consoled with platitudes of "it might be any day now." For three long years, he visits his father regularly, hoping to spark some change in the man. For three long years, he throws himself into his work, hoping to forget that this was all his fault. That Hank had been out because of him. That he was laid up in a sterile room for years because of him.
And almost three years later, his hard work pays off. His promotion to detective coincides with a surge in deviancy cases. And Cole Anderson, professional workaholic, newly-instated rookie, who's father's big shoes he will fill or die trying, has a proposition for the captain:
"Assign me this case," he demands.
"This is high profile, rookie. The sergeant will handle it," Fowler replies.
"Sir, the sergeant hates androids. I can work with it. Perhaps even mediate."
"Seem to recall you not being a fan either, Anderson."
And Cole grits his teeth, flashbacks of an android in bloody scrubs running through his mind. But he says, "I'm not, sir. But I need…" And here he hesitates, looking away from Fowler's piercing gaze. "… I need something… substantial… at this time of year…"
And the office is quiet for a few seconds more before he hears Fowler sigh. And Cole knows he's won this. "Alright, Anderson. Alright. I'll add you to the case. But Reed takes lead, you hear me? No going off on your own, kid."
Smartly, Cole salutes, knowing when to let sleeping dogs lie. "Thank you, Captain. You won't regret it."
"But Reed might," he hears the man mutter as he closes the door behind him.
Cole smirks, returning to his desk and the case files he'd been finishing up. Deviancy, he thinks. Perhaps this is the missing link. The key to proving androids can't be trusted in sensitive situations. That his father's condition was a result of malpractice, not routine. That they, too, shoulder some of the blame.
Two days later, Cole meets Connor. And that is when he knows his theory is right.
Or! The one where Hank is out of commission and an adult Cole Anderson is assigned to the deviancy case alongside Connor and Gavin. Through peril and hardship, the three must learn to work together to solve the greatest mystery Detroit has ever known, or risk letting the menace known as deviancy roam free. And meanwhile, tempers flare, worldviews shift, and all three learn there's perhaps more to life than just being human.
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