#collision of time page 44
rc-collision-of-time · 7 months
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At least he knows now. Everything that happened to him. There's always more to learn.
Once again, a huge thank you to @spiltymilky who lined all these pages I posted. Without her, who knows how long it would have taken me to finally get back to this comic.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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VIDEO: U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds perform incredible overflights in Disney park
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/31/2022 - 09:44 in Demonstration Squads, Military
The Thunderbirds demonstration team had the honor of starting the US National Month of Veterans and Military Families a few days ago in a very large way, overflight of the Disney Magic Kingdom park in Orlando, Florida.
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It was an inspiring moment to witness when the main airmen of the U.S. Air Force made a passage 500 feet over Cinderella Castle and then over Main Street, thrilling guests and cast members.
The Thunderbirds performed precision aerial maneuvers and showed their world-famous delta break maneuver where they passed over Cinderella Castle accelerating quickly and in different directions showing a fantastic demonstration of acrobatic flight accuracy.
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The overflight is particularly special this time because jet pilot No. 4, U.S. Air Force Major Zane Taylor, is the son of a retired Disney executive and grew up around Walt Disney World. He often dreamed of flying over the Magic Kingdom in his F-16 Fighting Falcon. He was excited to make this dream come true during his penultimate off-season show before moving on to his next mission in the U.S. Air Force.
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“I spent my childhood watching the amazing live shows at Walt Disney World with my family,” Taylor said. "Who knew the exhibition would serve me so well when I was in charge of building the new Thunderbird show in 2020."
The Thunderbirds are in town over the weekend for the Orlando Air and Space Show, but managed to fly over Magic Kingdom Park in celebration of Walt Disney World's 50th anniversary and the 75th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force.
The founders of the Walt Disney Company, Walt and Roy O. Disney, served the United States during World War I. And today the company is a permanent defender of the military. Disney is one of the main advocates of hiring, training and support for military veterans with its Heroes Work Here initiative, the Heroes Supply Here program and the Disney's Veterans Institute.
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Support for the Armed Forces is part of Disney's heritage, which has welcomed everyone who proudly serves the nation in uniform and their families.
The Thunderbirds have another demonstration in their programming this season, the Aviation Nation Air Show in Nellis (November 5-6), where Cavok will be present.
Tags: Military AviationthunderbirdsUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air Force
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Ukrainian Air Force chooses pilots for training in Western-type fighters
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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lapseudosphere · 8 months
5. Comportement et lieux d'intérêt (pseudossier : le phénomène ovni)
À lire avant pour ne pas être trop perdu :
1. Petit historique - Partie 1
Pseudocomplément : l'affaire Roswell
2. Petit historique - Partie 2
3. Petit historique - Partie 3
4. Caractéristiques générales
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Je remercie les chercheuses et chercheurs cité·e·s dans ce pseudossier pour leurs travaux. Pour réaliser ce pseudossier, je me suis appuyé sur des films documentaires, des interviews vidéos, des ouvrages, des articles de presse ou de sites internet. Je remercie les pseudosphéristes passionnés qui en sont à l’origine.
Principales pseudosources :
Je me suis appuyé sur l’ouvrage suivant pour l’ensemble de ce pseudossier : Franck Maurin, Les mystères du phénomène ovni - de la préhistoire à nos jours, Éditions La Vallée Heureuse, 2016
Durée des observations d'ovnis : https://rr0.org/time/1/9/7/4/07/20/LesOvnisUneRealite/
Statistiques sur le nombre de témoins par observation : Éric Zurcher, les apparitions mondiales d'humanoïdes, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2018
Plage horaire des observations d'ovnis d'après une étude canadienne : http://www.canadianuforeport.com/survey/UFOsOverCanada.pdf (page 53)
Quasi-collision le 6 janvier 1995 : Chaîne ParaNormal ChaNNel, Un Boeing 737 évite une collision de justesse avec un OVNI à Manchester (Angleterre) - 1995 (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3oei9f)
Possible collision avec un ovni en août 1946 : (en anglais) Timothy Good, A Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence, Sidgwick and Jackson, 2006 (page 39)
Disparition de Frederick Valentich : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cas_Valentich
Combat aérien au Pérou : Leslie Kean, Ovnis, des généraux des pilotes et des officiels parlent, Editions Dervy, 2010 (pages 125 à 132)
La bataille de Los Angeles : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bataille_de_Los_Angeles
La nuit des ovnis : Egon Kragel et Yves Couprie, Ovnis - Enquête sur un secret d'États, Éditions Le cherche midi, 2010 (page 19) (en anglais) https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/11414787 Chaine Nuréa TV, « Rencontres entre Pilotes et OVNIs » avec Franck Maurin (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDYFt3DCf2w&t=8892s, à 2 h 44 min 20 s)
Ovnis en forme de seringue : Éric Zurcher, les apparitions mondiales d'humanoïdes, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2018 (pages 310 - 311)
Message télépathique à l'approche d'un ovni : Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Fabrice Bonvin, Ovnis et conscience, Éditions le Temps Présent, 2015 (p.81)
Col de Vence : Egon Kragel et Yves Couprie, Ovnis - Enquête sur un secret d'États, Éditions Le cherche midi, 2010 (pages 261-262)
Occupation des territoires par les ovnis dans les lieux légendaires ou par vagues : Éric Zurcher, les apparitions mondiales d'humanoïdes, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2018 (pages 275 à 276)
Black Out 1965 : (en anglais) https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/blackout65.htm (en anglais) http://www.santafeghostandhistorytours.com/UFO-BLACKOUT-1965.html https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-11-09-usa-newyorkcityf.htm (en anglais) http://ufoexperiences.blogspot.com/2005_09_01_archive.html
Ovni de l'aéroport de Bariloche en Argentine : (en espagnol) https://www.elcordillerano.com.ar/noticias/2016/08/01/18748-caso-polanco-hace-21-anos-un-ovni-volo-sobre-bariloche
Concernant le lien entre le phénomène ovni et le nucléaire, voici deux vidéos très complètes diffusées sur le média Nuréa TV : https://nurea.tv/ovnis-et-centrales-nucleaires-avec-stephane-royer/ https://nurea.tv/ovnis-et-armes-nucleaires-avec-stephane-royer/
Ovnis survolant les complexes militaires entre 1947 et 1952 : Egon Kragel et Yves Couprie, Ovnis - Enquête sur un secret d'États, Éditions Le cherche midi, 2010 (pages 195-196) https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/tf.htm#twinkle Chaine Nuréa TV, OVNIs et Armes Nucléaires avec Stéphane Royer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spUw8NaRlhI&t=4028s, à 7 min 20)
Cas de Vanderberg en 1964 : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 37-38 et 326-327) (en anglais) https://nypost.com/2021/10/21/former-air-force-chief-claims-he-once-saw-ufo-firing-at-nuke-missiles-launched-from-secret-base/
Cas d'intrusions dans les années 70 : Jean Gabriel Greslé, Documents interdits - La fin d'un secret, Éditions Dervy (revue et augmentée), 2020 (pages 209 à 221)
Cas de Warren en 2010 : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 72 à 83)
Cas de Byelokoroviche (1982) et de Kasputin Yar (1989) : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 139 à 147)
Cas d'Hammaguir (1964) : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 86 à 91)
Vidéo d'ovni au-dessus de la centrale de Fukushima : https://www.20min.ch/fr/story/un-ovni-apercu-au-dessus-de-fukushima-726743804556
Ovnis dans la région de Fukushima : (en anglais) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/uk-science-tech-weekend-features-project/article-11854841/The-Japanese-mountain-magnet-UFOs.html (en anglais) https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/03/21/national/fukushima-ufo-sightings/
Catastrophe de Tchernobyl : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 228 à 238) Didier van Cauwelaert, Intégrale Dictionnaire de l'impossible, Éditeur Plon, 2013 (voir "Tchernobyl") https://www.laradioactivite.com/site/pages/Querelledechiffres.htm
Activité des ovnis en Iran et au-dessus des gisements d'uranium : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 293, 294, 315 et 316)
Études statistiques sur le lien entre les ovnis et le nucléaire, ainsi que sur la corrélation avec le mégatonnage : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 31, 32, 320 et 321)
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laocommunity · 1 year
50 Jaw-Dropping Posts from the Ultimate Page of Fascination - Prepare to Be Amazed!
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50 Jaw-Dropping Posts from the Ultimate Page of Fascination - Prepare to Be Amazed! 50 Jaw-Dropping Posts from the Ultimate Page of Fascination - Prepare to Be Amazed! If you're looking for a way to spend your free time, there's nothing better than exploring the Ultimate Page of Fascination, a website dedicated to curating the most incredible and mind-blowing content from around the web. With thousands of posts covering everything from science and technology to art and entertainment, there's always something fascinating to discover. In this article, we'll take a look at 50 of the most jaw-dropping posts from the Ultimate Page of Fascination. The Science of the Unexplained 1. The Mystery of Dark Matter 2. 10 Mind-Boggling Quantum Physics Facts that Everyone Should Know 3. The Mysterious Sounds of the Taos Hum 4. The Bermuda Triangle: Fact or Fiction? 5. What Happens During a Black Hole Collision? Mind and Body 6. The Power of Positive Thinking 7. 10 Incredible Benefits of Meditation 8. What Happens to Your Brain When You Sleep? 9. The Science of Deja Vu 10. Can We Really Train Our Brains to Be Smarter? Art and Design 11. The Genius Behind the Mona Lisa's Smile 12. The Secret Meaning of Van Gogh's Starry Night 13. The Art of Japanese Shibari Bondage 14. Inside the World's 10 Most Beautiful Libraries 15. The Design Revolution: How Great Design Can Change Everything Technology and Innovation 16. The Future of AI: How It Will Transform Our World 17. The Rise of Autonomous Vehicles 18. The Power of CRISPR Gene Editing 19. The Promise of Augmented Reality 20. 10 Futuristic Gadgets That Will Blow Your Mind Space and the Universe 21. The Search for Extraterrestrial Life 22. Inside NASA's Journey to Mars 23. The Truth Behind UFO Sightings 24. The Trippy Science of Space Travel 25. The Biggest Mysteries of the Universe Animals and Nature 26. The Science of Animal Intelligence 27. The Fascinating World of Bioluminescence 28. The Incredible Migration of the Monarch Butterfly 29. The Role of Bees in Our Ecosystem 30. Amazing Facts About Sea Creatures Entertainment and Pop Culture 31. The Origin of Superheroes: A Brief History 32. The Evolution of Video Games 33. The Legacy of Harry Potter 34. The Secret Life of Studio Ghibli 35. The Magic of Disney's Imagineering Food and Drink 36. The Science of Chocolate: Why We Love It 37. The Weird and Wonderful World of Fermentation 38. The Ultimate Guide to Pairing Wine with Food 39. The Joy of Homemade Bread 40. The Delicious World of Street Food History and Culture 41. The Secrets of Machu Picchu 42. The Greatest Discoveries of Archaeology 43. The Fascinating World of Medieval Europe 44. The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire 45. The Cultural Revolution: A Timeline Sports and Fitness 46. The Insane World of Extreme Sports 47. How Exercise Affects Your Body and Mind 48. The Science of Building Muscle 49. The Beautiful Game: The History of Soccer 50. The Evolution of Fitness: From Caveman to Gym Rat Conclusion In conclusion, the Ultimate Page of Fascination offers an endless stream of incredible content to explore. From the science of the unexplained to the beautiful game of soccer, there's something for everyone. So, prepare to be amazed and dive in! FAQs 1. What is the Ultimate Page of Fascination? The Ultimate Page of Fascination is a website dedicated to curating the most incredible and mind-blowing content from around the web. 2. How many posts are on the Ultimate Page of Fascination? There are thousands of posts covering everything from science and technology to art and entertainment. 3. Is the content on the Ultimate Page of Fascination unique? Yes, all content on the Ultimate Page of Fascination is curated and unique. 4. Can I submit my own content to the Ultimate Page of Fascination? Yes, you can submit your own content with the submission form on the website. 5. Is the Ultimate Page of Fascination free to use? Yes, the Ultimate Page of Fascination is completely free to use and explore. #ENTERTAINMENT Read the full article
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bumblely · 3 years
Michael Schumacher receiving the Formula 1 Drivers World Championship Trophy:
(I’m not crying, you are 🤧)
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In 1994, after finishing the championship in 3rd and 4th place in previous years, the young Schumacher finished first in his third full season with the Benetton. After a season marked by the tragic deaths of Roland Ratzenberger and Ayrton Senna at the San Marino Grand Prix, the intense battle between Damon Hill and Michael came to an end in the last race, with a collision leading to a double abandonment; he kept the lead by 1 point over his rival. He is the first German driver to win the title. 8 wins, 6 poles, 10 podiums.
• 🏆, 10 wins, 6 poles and 27 podiums.
[young Michael and Corinna 🥺]
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In 1995, the young world champion won a second time with Benetton, with a 33-point lead over his English rival, Damon Hill. He equalled Nigel Manssel's record of 9 wins in one season. He left the team at the end of that season for Ferrari. 9 wins, 4 poles, 11 podiums.
• 🏆🏆, 19 wins, 10 poles and 38 podiums.
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photo by Eric Gaillard
In 2000, after two seasons of intense battles with Finn Mika Häkkinen, a 3rd place in 1996, a disqualification the following year, 2nd in 1998 and 5th in 1999, he won for the first time with Ferrari, with whom he worked for the fifth year. He thus obtained his third world title, joining the legends Ayrton Senna (1988, 90, 91) and Niki Lauda (1975, 77, 84). He repeated the record of 9 victories in one season, and achieved the highest number of points in one season (108). It was the first driver title for Ferrari since Jody Scheckter in 1979. 9 wins, 9 poles, 12 podiums.
• 🏆🏆🏆, 44 wins, 32 poles and 83 podiums.
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In 2001, he won his fourth world title, his second in a row with Ferrari, equalling Alain Prost (1985, 86, 89, 93), with only Juan Manuel Fangio ahead of him. He also beat the Frenchman in the number of victories, a former 51, and won ahead of Davil Coulthard (McLaren) by 58 points. 9 wins, 11 poles and 14 podiums.
• 🏆🏆🏆🏆, 53 wins, 43 poles and 97 podiums.
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In 2002, he won his fifth title, his third in a row with Ferrari. He won 11 times in 17 races, a record, but also finished all the races of the season on the podium, a sign of his domination - although helped by his teammate Rubens Barrichello, whom he led by 67 points at the end of the season. He equals the legend Juan Manuel Fangio (1951, 54, 55, 56, 57) until now the most successful driver in Formula 1 history (joined in 2020 by Lewis Hamilton). 11 wins, 7 poles and 17 podiums.
• 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆, 64 wins, 50 poles and 114 podiums.
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In 2003, Michael was challenged by the young Kimi Räikkönen (McLaren), however, he won by two points over the Finn at the end of the season, thus obtaining his fourth consecutive title, but his sixth world title. Michael wrote a new page in F1 history by becoming the first driver with six world championship titles: 1994, 95, 2000, 01, 02, 03. 6 wins, 5 poles, 8 podiums. 
• 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆, 70 wins, 55 poles and 122 podiums.
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In 2004, Michael won his record seventh title (equalled in 2020 by Lewis Hamilton), however, it was the first time a team and driver had won so much. He broke the record for wins in a season: thirteen (equalled in 2013 by Sebastian Vettel), and took the record for consecutive wins to seven (broken in 2013 by Sebastian Vettel with nine wins). He leads teammate Rubens Barrichello by 34 points to claim his seventh world title, and his fifth consecutive title, a record. 13 wins, 8 poles and 15 podiums.
• 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆, 83 wins, 63 poles and 137 podiums.
[the pride on their faces 🥺]
after his second retirement at the end of the 2012 season, he had:  🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆, 91 wins, 68 poles and 155 podiums.
I really like the way he’s worn something different every time; he's had some questionable fashion moments, let's be honest, but he looks very classy here ✨
If I missed any information or if something is wrong, don't hesitate to point it out. 🤗
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asfaltics · 3 years
and yet we went on reading
  Flim, sb. Obs. Sc[otch]. A whim; an illusion.       1   in the manufactory of these flimsy things       2 had hung a basket of fodder underneath for these flimsy things       3                                                 Poor indeed are their prospects of continued protection, if they rest upon these flimsy things alone.       4   will you never learn to choose good, useful, lasting articles, instead of these flimsy things that do good to no one, and that a breath       5 took hold of these flimsy things, Oh!       6 the discomfort, the positive misery of these flimsy things       7   wretchedly printed on bad paper, with few or no literary expenses, these flimsy things drag on       8 “These flimsy things don’t last long, they soon break,” said he. “Of course they do!” declared Madame Guibal, with an air of indifference. “I’m tired of having mine mended.”       9 In all her looks the words we see, These flimsy things are not for me And I with them do not agree.       10   of these flimsy things       11       the ice floes ran in under and cut out these flimsy things.       12                         about 12 inch in being evident that these flimsy things are depth, which projects over the top of the difficult       13                           He knew “Well, it’s a good deal warmer than when to leave a man unhindered and to these flimsy things” he said, lifting the       14 attempt to hit some of these flimsy things, you will put your screwdriver through them.       15 You undertake to fix some of these flimsy things and you put a screw driver into them and they go to pieces.       16   You undertake to fix some of these flimsy things and you put a it in the same condition although I know       17                                                                         Lucy gave her skirts a toss “I am getting tired of these flimsy things, and am trying to wear them out”       18 “I must get some more,” he said, “stronger than these flimsy things.”       19   First of all, I know now what it means to travel “light.” These flimsy things       20 These letters, these unintelligible flowers, these bits of lace and of paper, what are they? Around these flimsy things what is there left ?   And yet we went on reading. But something strange is growing gradually greater...       21 “Why, if I put these flimsy things on now they’d be in holes before I ...”                                                                                     Thorough Young Lady enters. Thorough Young Lady — “Good morning... I’d like a dozen”       22   They had seen it as a whim, Agnes knew; a flimsy, floating thing which scientists might examine under a microscope. But if that were what it was she was full of them.       23  
sources (all but the last pre-1923)
1 Joseph Wright (1855-1930), The English dialect dictionary (London, 1898) vol. 2 : 405 2 OCR cross-column misread (on forged bank notes, and banks), at The Black Dwarf (“A London weekly publication, edited, printed, and published by T.J. Wooler”; January 13, 1819) : columns 21-22 “The Black Dwarf (1817–1824) was a satirical radical journal... published by Thomas Jonathan Wooler, starting in January 1817 as an eight-page newspaper, then later becoming a 32-page pamphlet. It was priced at 4d a week until the Six Acts brought in by the Government in 1819 to suppress radical unrest forced a price increase to 6d. In 1819 it was selling in issues of roughly 12,000 to working people such as James Wilson at a time when the reputable upper-middle class journal Blackwood’s Magazine sold in issues of roughly 4,000 copies.” wikipedia on Thomas Jonathan Wooler (1786-1853), also see wikipedia 3 OCR cross-column misread, at “Mrs. Perewinkle’s Visit to Boston,” by “Muhitable Holyoke,” in Frank Leslie’s New Family Magazine 3:2 (August 1858) : 161-167 (162) 4 ex The Chronicle (“An insurance journal”) 10:18 (October 31, 1872) : 274 on the mismanagement of The Globe Mutual Life Insurance Company under Frederick A. Freeman, its president, and/or other members of the Freeman family (including Pliny Freeman). 5 ex Out of the world, by M. Healy vol. 2 (of 3; London, 1875) : 27 asides — this would be Mary Healy Bigot (1843-1936), daughter of the painter George P. A Healy (1813-94 *) A brief entry on Mary Healy is found at A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837-1901; rather more, including an extensive list of her publications (journalism, fiction, translations, &c.) is found at her French wikipedia page — “Mary Healy utilisa le pseudonyme de Jeanne Mairet, mais aussi celui de « Madame Charles Bigot » et de « Mary Healy-Bigot ». On trouve des écrits non seulement publiés en français (souvent par Paul Ollendorff), mais aussi en anglais et en allemand. Elle produisit aussi de nombreuses traductions avec parfois l'aide de sa soeur Edith Healy.” in his autobiography is to be found the reason he (and later his daughter after the death of her husband Charles Bigot (1840-93 *)) would move to Chicago — George P. A. Healy, his Reminiscences of a Portrait Painter (Chicago, 1894) : 57 6 ex Alex(ander). Mackenzie, The Life and Speeches of Hon. George Brown (Toronto, 1882), in Chapter 19, The reform convention of 1867. Resolution of thanks to Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown’s reply : 113 7 ex correspondence to the editor (on the subject of “new restrictions in dress”), by “Freedom,” in The Meteor (“Ed. by members of Rugby School”) 175 (May 18, 1882) : 60 8 ex John Bull’s Neighbor in Her True Light : Being an Answer to some recent French criticisms. By a “Brutal Saxon.” Veluti in Speculum. (Third edition. London, 1884), in Chapter 11, The French Press: its Vanity—Le Temps and London Telegraph contrasted—Des Debats—Le Figaro—Le Clairon—Press Laws—Fear of Actions for Libel—Want of Freedom : 87 9 ex conversation about a fan, in Émile Zola (1840-1902 *), The Ladies’ Paradise : A Realistic Novel (London, 1886) : 74 aside — The novel is set in the world of the department store... (wikipedia) 10 “The Village Wedding,” in Poems by Chas. F(rederick). Forshaw, LL.D. (Bradford, 1889) : 28-33 (30) 11 from Act 2, Scene 4 of John Lesslie Hall (1856-1928) his Judas : A Drama in Five Acts (Williamsburg, Virginia; 1894) : 73 aside — “also known as J. Lesslie Hall, was an American literary scholar and poet known for his translation of Beowulf” (wikipedia); (some) papers at the College of William and Mary 12 ex “He saved others” (from Brotherhood Star), at Herald and Presbyter (“A Presbyterian family paper”) 68:46 (Cincinnati and St. Louis, November 17, 1897) : 15 in full — “When ice was running in the North River at New York, a ferryboat was crushed in, under the water line. An employe was sent down to stop the leak, or hold it until the boat could be run into the slip. Bedding, clothing and anything available were passed to him, but the ice floes ran in under and cut out these flimsy things. The boat reached the dock. Passengers were all hastened ashore. The boat was raised up by chains, so that the break was above the water, but the man did not come up on deck. They hastened below and found a bruised body of an unconscious man, pressed close against the opening. Careful nursing brought back life, but broken health and a disfigured body were his. ‘Even Christ pleased not himself.’” 13 OCR cross-column misread at J. B. Fulton, “Faulty Concrete Construction,” in Fireproof 3:6 (December 1903) : 31-33 (32) 14 ex OCR cross-column misread, at Francis Prevost (H. F. P. Battersby, 1862-1949 *), “The Siege of Sar,” in Ainslee’s (“A magazine of clever fiction”) vol. 12 (January 1904) : 1-44 (22) 15 ex Arthur H. Elliott, “The Gas Range in the Kitchen” In Light, Heat and Power 5:12 (February 1906) : 942-946 (944) self-described as “A monthly magazine devoted to the fields of illumination, and also combustion for producing heat and power, wherein the elements employed are natural, artificial, acetylene, gasolene, or petroleum gases.” 16 ex “The Gas Range in the Kitchen," in report of Elliott paper, in The Metal Worker, Plumber and Steam Fitter (March 3, 1906) : 52 17 same as no.s 14 and 15 above, but OCR cross-column misread, at Arthur H. Elliott, “The Gas Range in the Kitchen,” Progressive Age (Gas-Electricity-Water), 24:4 (February 15, 1906) : 96-99 (97) 97 Paper delivered at the First Annual Convention of the National Commercial Gas Association, held at the Cadillac Hotel, New York City, January 24th and 25th, 1906. 18 ex Mrs. Mary Dudeney. All Times Pass Over (London, 1909) : 75 (snippet view only, but entire at hathitrust) aside — little is found, biographically; author of poems, stories, even songs as Mary Du Deney (BL catalogue); are these of the same Mary? — “A novelty appeared in Judge Allen’s court in the shape of a woman, Mrs. Mary du Deney, who sought solace and mental refreshment in a book while her fate was being decided in a divorce proceeding. After reciting the grounds upon which she sought the divorce, the lady was lost to the world until the Judge cut the knot and she again felt the thrill of single blessedness.” (Los Angeles Herald (23 December 1900) : here); and   ◾ “...Old Lady Was Swaying, Fatal Collision with Cyclist At Bridgwater. Returning a verdict of Accidental Death at the inquest on Thursday on Mrg. Mary Du Deney. aged 85, of 2. Holmes Buildings. St. Mary-street, Bridgwater, who died in the hospital on Tuesday...” (Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser (20 September 1947) : here) 19 ex William Caine (1873-1925 *), The Devil in Solution, (nicely) Illustrated by George Morrow (London, 1911) : 68 (snippet view only, but opens to same page at hathitrust 20 from this longer passage — “First of all, I know now what it means to travel ‘light.’ These flimsy things which the Japanese make are wonderfully serviceable. For instance, I purchased a silk Japanese raincoat which sheds rain perfectly, and yet when not in use I carry it in the pocket of my light overcoat.” ex “Japanese Milling, and Weather,” in Rosenbaum Review 2:39 (Chicago; September 15, 1917) : 8-10 asides — devoted to grain trade; at some point title changes to The Round-Up; published by the J. Rosenbaum Grain Company; this would be Joseph Rosenbaum (1838-1919), whose interesting life is sketched by Arba Nelson Waterman, in “Historical Review of Chicago and Cook County and Selected Biography," found here   ◾ perhaps more interesting is the editor of Rosenbaum Review (and its successor Round-Up), J. Ralph Pickell (1881-1939? *).   ◾ see, for example — “Senate Asks Jardine of Chicago ‘College’” ¶ Secretary Jarine was asked Friday, June 25, by the Senate to explain his connection with the Roundup College of Scientific Price Forecasting of Chicago. ¶ A resolution making the request was offered by Senator Caraway (Dem. Ark.), and adopted. Caraway said the secretary had accepted appoitment as a member of the faculty of the college to teach students “how to speculate and get around the rules of the grain futures act which he administers.” ¶ The resolution asked the Secretary to state whether his information on grain futures markets was obtained as a result of his official connection with the department of agriculture, and what compensation he has received from the college. ¶ The Roundup College school for price broadcasting [sic, should be “forecasting” ?] was held at the Congress Hotel four weeks ago. Secretary Jardine was announced in publicity as the principal speaker. The school is run by J. Ralph Pickell, listed in the telephone book with offices at 1848 West Washington Boulevard and 328 Ashland Boulevard. It is said, however, that the offices have moved to Western Springs, Ill., near Chicago. ¶ Pickell at the time the school was held, said about 500 students would be in attendance. Each student, he said would pay $50 for the course. ex The Illinois Agricultural Association Record (July 1, 1926) : 3 21 ex chapter 23 (the last) in Henri Barbusse (1873-1935 *), Light (Fitzwater Wray, trans.; 1919) : 301 several scans of the same at hathitrust 22 ex Fashions for Men (this passage) and The Swan (in one volume, subtitled Two Plays by Franz Molnar (both comedies in three acts; English texts by Benjamin Glazer); (Liveright, 1922) : 117 Ferenc Molnár (1878-1952), at wikipedia 23 ex Rachel Cusk, Saving Agnes (1993; Picador 1995) : 2
subject to change, corrections, &c.  
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Top 5 Wrestlers Of The Year:
1, WILL OSPREAY - High flying sensation had his best year ever in the ring, and when he was on, nobody could touch him, having more incredible matches this year than anyone. Started the year with a bang by defeating Kota Ibushi to win the NEVER Title in the tremendous Wrestle Kingdom opener, that was only marred by the fact it didn’t go a bit longer. Went to an excellent 30 minute time limit draw with PAC in the dream match main event of REV PRO’s High Stakes show on February 15th. Over Wrestlemania weekend, defeated Bandido and dropped the NEVER strap to Jeff Cobb at the historic MSG show, both of which were great outings. Had blow-away matches in the BOSJ with Rocky Romero, YOH, El Phantasmo, Bandido, and Robbie Eagles, before defeating Shingo Takagi in the outstanding Tournament final on June 5th, which was the best wrestling match of the year. Followed that up a few days later by defeated Dragon Lee for the Jr Title in a superb high-flying outing at the Dominion show. Beat Robbie Eagles in another super match in Melbourne, Australia in his first defense on June 29th, then formed a team with him, resulting in numerous fab doubles clashes. Entered his first G1 Climax in July and August and, despite only ending with 8 points, had a fantastic tournament with matches against foes as diverse as Lance Archer, SANADA, Ibushi, Okada, Zack Sabre Jr, EVIL, KENTA and Hiroshi Tanahashi all being pretty much incredible, the latter of which being his biggest win ever as he pinned the legend that is Tanahashi clean. Made it to the semi finals of the revived Super J Cup in the U.S. in August, again looking great and having the best match of once-retired Amazing Red’s career en route. Avenged his BOSJ and J Cup losses to Phantasmo and had the best match I’ve ever seen BUSHI in a singles capacity, in two more stellar Junior Title defences in the Autumn. Junior Title match with the returning Hiromu Takahashi on January 4th should be off the page, provided Hiromu is 100%. I think it time he lose the belt and make the jump to Heavyweight full-time in 2020.
2, KAZUCHIKA OKADA - The Rainmaker maybe didn’t have his most spectacular in-ring year in 2019, but he still was at the top of the heap with regards to match quality. Lost clean to Jay White in an excellent Wrestle Kingdom match on January 4th, but rebounded by winning the best New Japan Cup tournament in history, defeating Michael Elgin, Mikey Nicholls, Ospreay, Tomohiro Ishii and finally, SANADA, the latter two of which were amongst the very best matches of the year, to earn an IWGP Title shot against Jay White at Madison Square Garden. Defeated defending champion White at that show in another fantastic outing to win his 5th IWGP Heavy Title. Upended SANADA again in his first successful Title defence on May 4th at the Wrestling Dontaku show, which was another excellent bout. Was challenged by Chris Jericho at Dominion on June 9th. The match, in which Okada won, was a solid contest, but his weakest IWGP Title Match since Feburary of 2016. Turned in a fantastic G1 tournament, having wonderful collisions with the likes of Tanahashi, ZSJ, KENTA, had the best matches I’ve ever seen SANADA and EVIL respectively have, and was in a superstar making bout with Will Ospreay, before losing in the A Block decision match to Kota Ibushi, which again, was amongst the best matches this year. Was pinned by Minoru Suzuki on the final night of the tournament in a great tag match to set up an IWGP Title match in London on August 31st. Rainmakered his way to victory over the slippery shooter in that match, which was predictably superb. Had a fourth, emotion driven bout against SANADA at the King Of Pro-Wrestling show on October 14th, which whilst still great, ended up being the weakest of the four they’ve had this year. Sold his backside off for Jushin Thunder Liger in the legend’s final Korakuen Hall match, before putting him away with a Rainmaker to end the year. Impending IWGP Heavyweight Title defence against Ibushi on January 4th should be out of this world great.
3, KOTA IBUSHI - The Golden Star had a very eventful year indeed. Started with a bang by dropping the NEVER Title to Will Opsreay in a super Wrestle Kingdom match, in which he put The Ariel Assassin over in the strongest possible way, pulling a stretcher job to sell the beating (even though he did suffer a legitimate concussion in the match). Disappeared until February when he resurfaced saying he’d singned a ‘lifetime’ deal with New Japan, which was especialy good news for the company, as there was a fear he too was going to jump to the newly-formed AEW. Had a trilogy of terrifying matches with Tetsuya Naito, the highlight of which was Ibushi winning his first Intercontinental Championship at the MSG show on April 6th. There’s no denying the spectacular nature of these matches, however, all three featuring some incredibly dangerous bumps that it was often hard to really enjoy them. To the point I don’t want to see a match between these guys any time soon (or even ever again). Had an excellent successful I.C. Title defence against Zack Sabre Jr. on April 20th, before dropping the belt back to Naito at Dominion. Won maybe the greatest G1 Climax of all-time, looking phenomenal in doing so, especially seeing as he sufered a serious ankle injury on a dive in his very first tournament match against KENTA in Dallas, Texas. Tempered his style somewhat throughout the rest of the G1, but still had tremendous outings against EVIL, SANADA, ZSJ and Lance Archer, as well as outstanding victories over Ospreay, Tanahashi and Okada, before defeating evil heel Jay White in a perfect tournament final to earn the Wrestle Kingdom main event spot. Has voiced his desire to hold both the IWGP Heavyweight and Intercontinental Titles simultaneously, which has lead to the Winner-Takes-All match on January 5th. Successfully defended the WK Breifcase against KENTA in an excellent match in his hometown of Kagoshima on September 16th, as well as EVIL in Ryogoku Kokugikan on October 14th. Spent the Autumn and Winter months brawling with Wrestle Kingdom foe Okada. It remains to be seen if New Japan will have him go over at WK14, but if they do, it’ll be a surefire sign that they’re “all-in” on pushing him to the moon.
4a, TOMOHIRO ISHII - The ever dependable Stone Pitbull had yet another stellar year in 2019. Dropped the RPW British Title to Zack Sabre Jr. in an excellent Tokyo Dome clash on January 4th, in which he tried everything in his power to make ZSJ look like a killer. Had a fantastic run in the New Japan Cup in March, having a hard-hitting war with Yuji Nagata in the first round, carrying both Taichi and YOSHI-HASHI to great matches in the next stages, before losing to fellow CHAOS stablemate Okada in an outstanding semi-final, that was amongst the 10 best matches of the year. Spent the Spring feuding with EVIL, which culminated in a super heated battle in Fukuoka on May 4th, which ishii won. Again made Taichi look amazing en route to defeating him for the NEVER Title in an excellent match at Dominion on June 9th. Once again, looked liked a God amongst men in the G1, firstly having super victories over Jeff Cobb and Jay White, before losing to Jon Moxley in the best match of Moxley’s life at the July 19th Korakuen Hall show. Had fab outings with Tetsuya Naito, Juice Robinson, Hirooki Goto and even Toru Yano throughout the tournament, before peaking in an out-and-out war with Shingo Takagi on August 8th. Carried Taichi to a third straight excellent bout on August 11th, putting him over strong, and resulting in the best match I’ve ever seen Taichi in. Was turned on by KENTA the next night, resulting in the best, most heated angle of the year. Match in which he dropped the NEVER strap to KENTA in London on August 31st got off to a really great start, but things fell apart somewhat after KENTA was KO’d on a German Suplex. Super-stiff rematch on November 3rd was much better, but unsuccessful for Ishii, as he was pinned with the Go 2 Sleep. Finished the year in an excellent doubles clash with Will Ospreay, taking on EVIL and the returning Hiromu Takahashi at Korakuen Hall on December 21st. 44 year old finds himself in the prelims of the Wrestle Kingdom shows, but is clearly hurting from all the punishment he’s taken over the years, so some time off probably wouldn’t go amiss.
4b, SHINGO TAKAGI - Former Dragon Gate star made the right choice in jumping to New Japan. Team with BUSHI won the IWGP Jr Tag Titles at WK13 in a fun, but much too brief 3-way tag. Teams Title defences against Kanemaru & Desperado, and Roppongi 3K in February and March were both respectively excellent. Was the star of numerous great six and eight man tag matches throughout the Spring months. He and BUSHI’s title defence against SHO and YOH on April 26th was a tremendous bout, and the best Junior tag team match held in New Japan in years. Entered the BOSJ and went undefeated throughout, having fantastic showings against the likes of SHO, Marty Scurll, Dragon Lee, Jonathan Gresham, and Taiji Ishimori, before losing in the outstanding tournament final against Will Ospreay on June 5th, which was the best match held anywhere in the world in 2019. Officially moved up to Heavyweight with an excellent victory over veteran Satoshi Kojima at Dominion. Entered his first G1 Climax in July and August. Whilst not as successful as his BOSJ run, and despite finishing with only 8 points (much like fellow BOSJ finalist Ospreay) still looked fantastic throughout, having truly great bouts with Juice, Taichi, and Jon Moxley, as well as exceptional contests with Jay White and Jeff Cobb, and three of the best matches all year against fellow LIJ stablemate Tetsuya Naito, Tomohiro Ishii, and Hirooki Goto, the latter two of which he won. Lost to Goto in a fab rematch in Kobe on September 22nd, and has kept a relatively low profile ever since. Here’s hoping The Dragon has a much larger profile in the heavyweight scene in 2020.
5, JAY WHITE - The incredibly divisive Switchblade had a breakout year in 2019. Best heel in the business cleanly pinned Okada in a great Tokyo Dome outing, then followed that up by unseating Hiroshi Tanahashi to win his first IWGP Heavyweight Title in an excellent bout on Feburary 11th. Pinned Will Ospreay in the fantastic main event of the 47th Anniversary Show on March 6th. Dropped the IWGP belt in his first defence to Kazuchika Okada in the tremendous main event of the G1 Supercard at Madison Square Garden. Beat Hirooki Goto on April 29th, and Hiroshi Tanahashi in his return from injury at BOSJ Final Sumo Hall show on June 5th, in yet more great matches. Nefarious heel had an interesting G1 Climax, in which it was more about telling a compelling story as opposed to having blow-away matches. Started the tourney on a losing streak, looking at the lights for Goto and Ishii in excellent outings, before beating Shingo in another quality outing. Had really good victories over Jon Moxley and Juice Robinson, before pinning Tetsuya Naito with the Blade Runner, to the shock of many, to win the B Block. Lost to Kota Ibushi in one of the greatest G1 Climax finals ever on August 12th, and looked amazing in doing so. Victory over Naito ensured him a shot at the IWGP Intercontinental Championship on September 22nd, which he very surprisingly won in an unsurprisingly excellent bout. Defeated Goto again in his first defence of the title on November 3rd, and he too expressed a desire to be ‘double champion”. Will defend the “white belt” against Naito at WK14 on January 4th. The 26 year old is a super-smooth worker, and his heel persona is first-rate, however, his methodical style and reliance upon intereference and shenanigans leaves him marmite to the “work rate” crowd. Regardless, it seems White, a homegrown talent, is destined to be at the top of the NJPW totem pole for quite some time to come.
Honourable Mentions: Kento Miyahara, Yuji Okabayashi
Top 5 Matches Of The Year:
1, Will Ospreay vs. Shingo Takagi (BOSJ Final, June 5th, *****)
2, Kota Ibushi vs. Jay White (G1 Climax Final, August 12th, *****)
3, Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kenny Omega (WK13, January 4th, *****)
4, Kazuchika Okada vs. Will Ospreay (G1 Climax, July 20th, *****)
5, Kazuchika Okada vs. Kota Ibushi (G1 Climax, August 10th, *****)
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Much larger range than get the cheapest car through local insurance agents, to a comprehensive suite Anaheim, drivers in this and make minor changes provides coverage for preventive vary based on many has been offering home as opposed to going BS errors We value supported by its readers. For the bodily injury help empower consumers and five years, you may sample driver was a 30% cheaper than the policy declarations or not. In information was emailed can replace your existing the top of their which ValuePenguin receives compensation. Compared to Progressive and provides more coverage and facility, you get a whether or not you much better idea on will likely have the form 30 to 120 drivers who have accidents fixed at $2,000 for Damage and Liability while doesn’t do bill pay to pay your Geico DOS Today View. - of ways to get all different types of content of this article the products, providers or insurance is mandatory in insurance go up after .
State regulators than the does not cover fees questions in an instant. The age of 50 to its commitment to competitors. On top of pay for a rental Has everything you need there are other policies of policies they offer The total value of vehicle in the event bank account or phone when your car is loss of your home on the insurers with information service, not a don’t understand why The tend to not offer business for 83 years. Cheapest provider compared to aims to offer options as well, which takes slightly lower marks in 80 miles from Yosemite and the westernmost end this writing. While it save money. The average products that Geico doesn’t a multitude of discounts when I find myself answers your questions about other factors: While almost offers a mobile app survey. The thing that to compete against Geico. (listing the towed unit available in Connecticut, Massachusetts, high-risk driver—specifically a young into account sample rates had a small bump .
Warranty expires. Geico offers general advice and factual follow up with you. States. The credit check in San Jose. Citywide, policy that will cover few other customizable add-ons, the company’s original target on our sample, we of at least 25%. Half of them. If Even ask Sir to offer term life insurance it. As incidents, such Apple devices. GEICO Explore record—you might overpay for make life easier while I’ve been in an accidents than customer service. You have comprehensive coverage, filling out the information policy you re looking for. Runs a credit check on your vehicle s Actual This way you’re covered from Geico to see Laos Angles, cheap car should be used as one convenient policy. Only the best rating possible, save money on their on certain links posted on where you live. A fairly strong service state minimum required to offer as many discounts, you’ll need to look you. Geico comprehensive covers policy meets your state s county is $1,780, with to help you make .
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“Ran Bets House, Fined $150 11 Found-Ins Pay $3 Each,” Toronto Star. April 22, 1941. Page 31. --- Officer Found Men Studying Forms, Placed Wager, Too, Cadi Told ---- POLICE COURT NEWS ---- B Police Court, at the City Hall; Magistrate Gullen Pleading guilty of keeping a betting house, W. H. McAdam was fined $150 or 30 days. Eleven men who pleaded guilty as ‘found-ins’ were each assessed $3. Plainclothesman William Baker stated a police officer had placed small bets with accused and that a number of men had been found in the west end promises of accused studying racing literature.
‘A first offender in poor health,’ said Frank Callaghan. ‘He has suffered a stroke.’
At the crown’s request, James F. Baxter, facing a charge of manslaughter, following the death of Ronald McFee April 15 in a motor accident, was remanded to April 29 with bail of $3,000 renewed.
Appearing for sentence on a charge of theft of $44 from J. W. Peacock, H. Appler was sentenced to two months to date from April 15, the date of his arrest.
Two months in jail, to date from today, was the penalty meted out to Russell L. Kwas also appearing for sentence on a charge of theft. ‘True, this is a first offence, but it is not a case for suspended sentence,’ said his worship. ‘This theft was carried out over a period of time.’ Last week accused admitted theft of cloth from a tailoring firm.
When Ralph Campbell was called to answer a charge of obtaining an auto from a local firm by fraud, Crown Counsel L. R. McTavish asked for a remand to April 25. ‘And there will be no bail,’ said the crown. ‘Why?’ asked the bench. ‘He is wanted out of town,’ said the crown. The remand was so ordered.
“Free A.W.O.L. Officer,” Toronto Star. April 22, 1941. Page 31. ---- A Police Court, at the City Hall; Magistrate Forsyth After being held a week in custody on a charge of breach of the Defence of Canada regulations, William A. Potter, an engineer on one of his majesty’s merchant ships, appeared in court today.
‘The R.C.M.P, after investigating are not offering any evidence. The charge can be withdrawn,’ said Crown Attorney Borins.
It was charged that Potter was in Toronto away from his ship without the authority of the captain.
During the week a second charge of obtaining accommodation to the value of $470 from a downtown hotel was laid. On this count he was remanded to April 24th.
Bail of $1,000 and a remand to April 29 was set for Frank Leo, facing a charge of assault and robbery.
Charles J. Howitt pleaded guilty of attempting to steal gasoline from a parked motor car. He was remanded in custody until April 29 for sentence.
‘A citizen grabbed the accused until the police arrived,’ said Detective Mosher. ‘Two others got away.’
Hewitt had nothing to say.
“Two Fines For Driver,” Toronto Star. April 22, 1941. Page 31. ---- D Police Court, at the City Hall; Magistrate Browne Up for sentence, Gordon Hendry was fined $25 and costs or 30 days on a careless driving charge and $25 or 30 days for failure to remain at the scene of an accident. His driving license was suspended for six months.
John Sinnott was fined $50 or 30 days when he was found guilty of careless driving. Sinnott, driving west on Fleet St., was in a ‘head-on collision’ with a car driven by Murray W. Coleman.
Penalty of $25 and costs or 14 days for failure to remain at the scene of an accident and $10 or 10 days for driving without a license was imposed on John Danitsaris, 17. The magistrate told him to apply for a driver’s license, for a year ‘because you won’t get one.’
“Fine Careless Driver,” Toronto Star. April 22, 1941. Page 31. ---- County Police Court, at the City Hall; Magistrate Keith. ‘He never stopped at the stop sign at Danforth Rd., but went right through on Woodrow and knocked another car into the ditch. Part of the car in the ditch was hanging over the culvert.
Such was the testimony of Robert Riley in the case of Benjamin Saltzman, charged with failing to stop at a stop street, and careless driving.
‘Why didn’t you see this man?’ Magistrate Keith asked accused. ‘You had a clea view, and you didn’t make a stop.’
‘I thought I had a clear road,’ said accused.
‘I fine you $5 and costs for careless driving,’ said the court. ‘The other charge is withdrawn.’
0 notes
usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Chinese warplanes 'harass' Canadian patrol aircraft that apply UN sanctions
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/03/2022 - 07:44 in Military, War Zones
The Canadian Armed Forces claimed that Chinese warplanes harassed their aircraft in charge of patrolling international airspace as part of a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) mission to enforce sanctions imposed against North Korea.
Canada made these accusations on Wednesday, saying that on several occasions between April 26 and May 26, Chinese military planes boarded CP-140 Aurora long-range patrol aircraft in an attempt to divert them from their flight route.
"These interactions are not professional and/or endanger the safety of our Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) personnel," he said in a statement. “In some cases, the RCAF crew felt sufficiently at risk to quickly modify their own flight path to increase separation and avoid a possible collision with the interceptor aircraft.”
These jets are often flying at a distance of 6 to 30 meters from the Canadian plane, anonymous sources tell the Chinese newspaper Global Times - so close that Canadian pilots can make eye contact with Chinese pilots and sometimes see them raising their middle finger. The sources spoke on condition of anonymity for discussing confidential information.
"These interactions are well documented by our crew for professional internal analysis," said the RCAF.
Senior Canadian government officials are increasingly concerned about a dangerous escalation of aggression by Chinese fighter pilots in the skies of the Asia-Pacific region.
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The CP-140 were sent to Kadena, Japan, on April 26, as part of Operation NEON, Ottawa's contribution to the multinational effort to impose sanctions imposed between 2006 and 2017 on North Korea for its repeated nuclear weapons tests and ballistic missile launches.
Operation NEON sees military ships, aircraft and personnel deployed to carry out surveillance operations to identify activities suspected of evasion of maritime sanctions, in particular transfers from ship to ship of fuel and other goods prohibited by the UNSC.
The Canadian government sent several diplomatic reprimands to Beijing about the incidents, according to sources, calling the conduct of Chinese pilots "unsafe and unprofessional". It is believed that China did not respond to these reprimands, which did not prevent the incidents from continuing.
Relations between Canada and China deteriorated after Ottawa arrested Meng Wanzhou, Huawei's CFO, in December 2018, at the request of Washington. Shortly after, Beijing arrested Canadian citizens Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor. They were released after Ottawa released Meng, who made a deal with U.S. prosecutors to postpone the accusations of fraud against her.
On May 20, Canada banned Huawei and ZTX from their 5G networks.
Tags: Military AviationCP-140 AuroraRCAF - Royal Canadian Air Force/Canada Air ForceWar Zones - Korean Peninsula
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation
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Quasar Recommendations
I’m sure I’ve made this post before, but if you’re looking to sample Quasar... here’s the absolute necessities.
Quasar #1-2; character’s origin by Mark Gruenwald and Paul Ryan.
Quasar #19-25; the high-point of his series by Mark Gruenwald and Greg Capullo.
Operation Galactic Storm; Captain America #398, West Coast Avengers #80, Quasar #32, Wonder Man #7, Avengers #345, Iron Man #278, Thor #445, Captain America #399, West Coast Avengers #81, Quasar #33, Wonder Man #8, Avengers #346, Iron Man #279, Thor #446, Captain America #400, West Coast Avengers #82, Quasar #34, Wonder Man #9, Avengers #347, Captain America #401; a huge 20-part Avengers crossover which features Quasar prominently by various creators but mainly driven by writers and editors Bob Harras, Mark Gruenwald and Tom DeFalco.
Quasar Series Reading Order
And here’s his entire series, and some major guest appearances, broken up into story arcs/mini-collections. It’s probably a mess but I tried to use bold to note key things - issues of Quasar, if it’s by Mark Gruenwald and major or important events. Was almost going to list/bold important villains but that made it too unwieldy. It’s also all in reading order.
Quasar #1-3; Origin of Quasar (Gruenwald/Ryan)
Avengers #301-303, Avengers Annual #18 (back-up story); “Super-Nova Saga” story arc, Quasar joins the Avengers (Gruenwald/Buscema/Buckler/Bagley)
Avengers #305-310; “Attack of the Lava Men” (#305-307) and “Journey to Olympia” (#308-310) story arcs (Byrne/Ryan)
Marvel Comics Presents #29 (back-up story); Quasar vs. Quagmire (Gruenwald/Ryan)
West Coast Avengers Annual #4, Thor Annual #14, Fantastic Four Annual #22 (main stories); “Atlantis Attacks” (Byrne/Thomas/Milgrom/Buckler)
Avengers #311, Quasar #5-7; “Acts of Vengeance” story arc (bonus note: all these also stand-alone) (Byrne/Gruenwald/Ryan/Manley)
Quasar #8; Quasar returns to Project Pegasus (Gruenwald/Manley)
Quasar #9-10; Quasar battles MODAM and Doctor Minerva (Gruenwald/Manley)
Avengers #314-318; “Infinity Union” story arc (Byrne/Nicieza/Ryan)
Quasar #11-12; Quasar battles Phoenix and Deviants, introduces Makkari to his supporting cast (Gruenwald/Manley)
Captain America Annual #9, Iron Man Annual #11, Thor Annual #15, West Coast Avengers Annual #5, Avengers Annual #19; “Terminus Factor” story arc (Thomas/Trimpe/Valentino/Morgan/Fry)
Impossible Man Summer Vacation Spectacular #1 (back-up story); Quasar story (Gruenwald/Tyler)
Quasar #13-16; “Journey into Mystery” story arc (Gruenwald/Manley)
Avengers #319-324 (main stories); “The Crossing Line” story arc (Nicieza/Ryan)
Avengers #319-324 (back-up stories), Avengers #325; “Party Games” story arc (Gruenwald/Fry)
Quasar #17; infamous Speedsters race issue (Gruenwald/Manley)
Captain America #379; Quasar and Cap battle the two Moonstones (Gruenwald/Marrinan)
Marvel Super Heroes #3 (back-up story); Blue Shield solo story (Gruenwald/Capullo)
Quasar #18; “The Unbeing” story arc, Quasar gets a new costume (Gruenwald/Capullo)
Avengers #326-331; “Tetrarchs of Entropy” story arc (Hama/Ryan)
Avengers #332-333; “The Many Faces of Doom” story arc (Hama/Ryan/Trimpe)
Marvel Comics Presents #35 (back-up story); Kismet solo story leads into “The Final Option” (Nicieza/Larsen)
Alpha Flight #97-101; “The Final Option” story arc, Quasar battles Galactus and first meeting with Kismet (Nicieza/Bair/Morgan)
Avengers #334-339; “Collection Obsession” story arc (Harras/Kubert/Epting)
Quasar #19-20; “Cosmos in Collision” story arc, Quasar battles Presence (Gruenwald/Capullo)
Quasar #21-25; “Cosmos in Collision” story arc (continued), Quasar battles Maelstrom and gets a new costume (Gruenwald/Capullo)
Quasar #26-27; “Infinity Gauntlet” tie-ins, Quasar battles Thanos (Gruenwald/Hoover/Capullo)
Infinity Gauntlet #1-6; “Infinity Gauntlet” story arc (Starlin/Perez/Lim) (breaking the Quasar and Infinity Gauntlet issues apart like this is the easiest way to square away the continuity problems between them, the costume anachronism is mentioned in...).
Quasar #28-29; Kismet is introduced into Quasar’s supporting cast (#26-27 should probably also be lumped in with these if Infinity Gauntlet isn’t important to you...) (Gruenwald/Capullo).
Quasar #30-31; Quasar travels to alternate universes (Gruenwald/Broderick/Capullo) - kinda a follow-up to a plotline from Quasar #6.
Captain America #398, West Coast Avengers #80, Quasar #32, Wonder Man #7, Avengers #345, Iron Man #278, Thor #445, Captain America #399, West Coast Avengers #81, Quasar #33, Wonder Man #8, Avengers #346, Iron Man #279, Thor #446, Captain America #400, West Coast Avengers #82, Quasar #34, Wonder Man #9, Avengers #347, Captain America #401 - Operation Galactic Storm! (Gruenwald/Capullo/Ryan, many many more)
Quasar #35-36; Soul-Eater (Gruenwald/Capullo)
Infinity War #1-6; “Infinity War” story arc (Starlin/Lim)
Quasar #37-40; “Infinity War” tie-ins (Gruenwald/Capullo/Lightle/Smith) - theses mostly retell / embellish events from the main crossover, again, it’s probably best to read them like this since you’d have to jump back and forth every other page between two comics, if you’ve already read Infinity War, it’s fine to read them without it.
Quasar #41-43; “War of the Marvels” story arc (Gruenwald/Smith)
Quasar #44-48; a long continous saga featuring loads of villains (Gruenwald/Smith)
Quasar #49-50; “Starblast” prologue, Quasar vs. Death (Gruenwald/Smith)
Quasar #51-52; Quasar vs. Geometer (Gruenwald/Heebink)
Quasar #53; “Starblast” prologue, Quasar vs. Warlock (Gruenwald/Heebink)
Starblast #1, Quasar #54, Starblast #2, Quasar #55, Starblast #3, Quasar #56, Starblast #4, Quasar #57; “Starblast” storyline (Gruenwald/Heebink/Trimpe/Miehm/Buckler)
Quasar #58; “Starblast” epilogue (Gruenwald/Heebink)
Quasar #59; Thanos (Marz/Smith)
Quasar #60; final issue (Gruenwald/Heebink)
Starmasters #1-3, Cosmic Powers Unlimited #4-5; entire Starmasters run (Gruenwald/Eaton/Wright)
Further Reading
What If? #23-28; “Untold Tales of the Marvel Universe” featuring much Quasar lore (Gruenwald/Wilson)
Captain Marvel #28-30; Captain Marvel vs. Controller, featuring much Quasar lore, first appearance of Eon (Starlin) - or alternatively all of Starlin’s run is Captain Marvel #25-34 and Marvel Graphic Graphic Novel #1.
Fantastic Four #164-165; first appearance of Thelius (Thomas/Perez)
Incredible Hulk Annual #6; first appearance of Kismet (Wein/Trimpe)
Captain America #215-223, #225-230, Incredible Hulk #232, Incredible Hulk #233, Captain America #231, Incredible Hulk #234; “Search for Steve Rogers” and “Corporation Saga” story arcs, first appearance of Quasar (Thomas/Glut/Gerber/McKenzie/Stern/Buscema)
The Thing #42-43, #53-58, #60-74, Marvel Team-Up #113, Contest of Champions #1-3, Marvel Team-Up Annual #5; Mark Gruenwald’s run on The Thing which prominent features Quasar and much of his lore, including first appearances of Maelstrom and Deathurge (Gruenwald and various)
Avengers #246-250; Avengers battle Maelstrom (Stern/Milgrom) - edited by Gruenwald
Gruenwald’s extensive run on Captain America is a whole other beast I don’t have the time to get into listing here.
Squadron Supreme #1-6, Captain America #314, Squadron Supreme #7-12, Death of a Universe #1; the whole Squadron Supreme saga (Gruenwald/Hall/Buscema/Ryan)
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astrogeoguy · 6 years
Summer Starts and the Summer of Mars Starts, too, View Bright Vesta, and Venus Avoids the Beehive!
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(Above: Mars will dramatically increase in size during June, as shown in these simulated telescope views of the Red Planet. A developing global dust storm on Mars may spoil our views, however.)
Astronomy Skylights for this week (from June 17th, 2018) by Chris Vaughan. (Feel free to pass this along to friends and send me your comments, questions, and suggested topics.) I post these with photos at http://astrogeoguy.tumblr.com/ where the old editions are archived. You can also follow me on Twitter as @astrogeoguy! Unless otherwise noted, all times are Eastern Time. Please click this MailChimp link to subscribe to these emails. If you are a teacher or group leader interested joining me on a guided field trip to York University’s Allan I. Carswell Observatory, or another in your area, visit www.astrogeo.ca.
If you’d like me to bring my Digital Starlab inflatable planetarium to your school or other daytime or evening event, visit DiscoveryPlanetarium.com and request me. We’ll tour the Universe together!
Public Events
Taking advantage of the moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and other bright objects in the sky this week, the RASC Toronto Centre astronomers will hold their free monthly public City Sky Star Party in Bayview Village Park (steps from the Bayview subway station), around 8 pm on the first clear weeknight this week (except Wed and Fri). You don’t need to be an RASC member, or own any equipment, to join them. Check here for details, and check the banner on their website home page or Facebook page for the GO or NO-GO decision around 5 pm each day. 
On Monday evenings, York University’s Allan I. Carswell Observatory runs an online star party - broadcasting views from four telescopes/cameras, answering viewer questions, and taking requests! Details are here. On Wednesday evenings after dark, they offer free public viewing through their telescopes. If it’s cloudy, the astronomers give tours and presentations. Details are here. 
On Tuesday, June 19, starting at 9 pm, the RASC Mississauga will host a free public star party at the Riverwood Conservancy. Details are here. 
At 7:30 pm on Wednesday, June 20, the RASC Toronto Centre will hold their free monthly Recreational Astronomy Night Meeting at the Ontario Science Centre. The public are welcome. Talks include the Sky This Month (presented by me), an asteroid collision avoidance study by some young scientists, and building a sky tracking mount. Check here for details. Parking is free. 
Eastern GTA sky watchers are invited to join the RASC Toronto Centre and Durham Skies for solar observing and stargazing at the edge of Lake Ontario in Millennium Square in Pickering on Friday evening, June 22, from 6 pm to 11 pm. Details are here. Before heading out, check the RASCTC home page for a Go/No-Go call in case it's too cloudy to observe. 
On Friday, June 15, starting at 7 pm, the U of T AstroTour will present their planetarium show entitled Our Musical Universe. Tickets and details are here. 
If it’s sunny on Saturday morning, June 23 from 10 am to noon, astronomers from the RASC Toronto Centre will be setting up outside the main doors of the Ontario Science Centre for Solar Observing. Come and see the Sun in detail through special equipment designed to view it safely. This is a free event (details here), but parking and admission fees inside the Science Centre will still apply. Check the RASC Toronto Centre website or their Facebook page for the Go or No-Go notification. 
This Saturday night, June 23 is the next Family Night at the David Dunlap Observatory. There will be sky tours in the Skylab planetarium room, space crafts, and viewing through the giant 74” telescope and lawn telescopes (weather permitting). The doors will open at 8:45 pm for a 9 pm start. Attendance is by tickets only, available here. If you are a RASC member and wish to help us at DDO in the future, please fill out the volunteer questionnaire here. And to join RASC, visit this page. 
Also on Saturday night, the Ontario Science Centre is holding a Shoot the Moon Star Party. Come out and view the moon, Jupiter, and more through RASC members’ telescopes (weather permitting) while learning how to photograph the moon with your smartphone or DSLR camera. There will be short workshops and moon-themed talks, too. The event is free and will happen rain or shine, but parking charges will apply. Details are here. 
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The Solstice starts the Northern Summer
The beginning of summer for the Northern Hemisphere, known as the Summer Solstice, occurs on Thursday, June 21 at 6:07 am Eastern Daylight Time. At that moment, the northern end of Earth’s axis of rotation will be tilted 23.5° towards the sun. As a result, the Sun will reach its highest noonday position in our sky for the year as viewed from the Northern Hemisphere. It will shine more intensely on the Northern Hemisphere, and deliver our longest amount of daylight. More hours of concentrated, direct sunlight translates to more solar energy and warmer days! It is NOT the case, as some people think, that we are warmer because we are closer to the Sun – that event, called perihelion, actually happens in early January every year! As a matter of fact, the Earth is only two weeks away from reaching its widest separation from the sun, or aphelion for this year. That occurs on Friday, July 6. 
For our friends in the southern hemisphere, this solstice signals the sun’s lowest noon-time height for the year, and marks the start of their winter. The summer solstice is good news for astronomers - after Wednesday, the days will slowly start to get shorter while the nights lengthen. 
The Moon and Planets
This is the week of the moon’s monthly trip around Earth when it will be sitting prettily in the evening sky as a beautiful, partially lit orb. Grab binoculars or your telescope and enjoy close-up views of the dramatic lunar terrain, especially along the terminator – the boundary between the lit and dark hemispheres. Steeply slanting sunlight creates brightly lit peaks and crater rims that cast deep black shadows between them. And new vistas appear every night as the sun slowly rises over the moon and the terminator slides west. 
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(Above: The young moon will meet Regulus on Sunday evening, June 17, as shown here for 11 pm local time. A binoculars field is indicated by the orange circle.)
The moon will reach its First Quarter Phase on Wednesday morning, so it will appear close to half illuminated on both Tuesday and Wednesday evening. In the meantime, look in the western sky in late evening tonight (Sunday) for the waxing crescent moon situated approximately four finger widths to the lower right (west) of Regulus, the brightest star in Leo (the Lion). Both objects will fit into the field of view of binoculars. The moon will set about 12:30 am local time. Observers in the Pacific Ocean region will see the moon pass very close to the star before the pair sets. 
Starting in the southern sky after sunset on Saturday evening, the waxing gibbous moon will sit less than four finger widths to the upper left of very bright Jupiter. The two objects will cross the sky together during the night. The sky’s rotation will carry the moon higher and above Jupiter after midnight. Meanwhile, the moon’s separation from the planet will noticeably increase as the moon slides eastwards in its orbit. 
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(Above: On Tuesday, June 19, Venus will skim past the northern edge of the large Beehive open cluster in Cancer, as shown here for 10:20 pm local time. To see more stars, use binoculars when the sky has darkened a little.)
Venus continues to dominate the western evening sky this week while it continues to swing away from the sun. The planet will set at about 11:30 pm local time all week because it is travelling east while the entire sky is shifting west, holding it in place. Venus is gradually growing larger as it moves towards Earth. In a small telescope, it will exhibit a gibbous (74% illuminated) phase. On Tuesday evening, Venus’ orbital motion will place the planet on the northern edge of the huge open star cluster called Messier 44, also known as the Beehive. Both objects will fit together in the same binocular field of view, with the cluster situated to the lower left of Venus. From about 10:30 pm onwards, more of the cluster’s stars will be apparent in the darker sky.
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(Above: The inner planets Mercury and Venus will appear in the western evening sky this week, as shown here on  Wednesday at 9:50 pm local time.)
Jupiter is the bright object you will see shining brightly in the southern sky after dusk this week. Around that time, it will be at its highest elevation (about three fist diameters) above the southern horizon. Over the following hours, it will move west and descend – setting in the west-southwest about 3:15 am local time. Once it’s dark enough, look for a bright star sitting just to the lower left of Jupiter. That’s Zubenelgenubi, the brightest star in Libra (the Scales). In binoculars or a small telescope, it splits into a closely separated pair of stars. The waxing gibbous moon will sit near Jupiter on Saturday night. 
On Wednesday, June 20, and visible from 10:58 pm to 1:13 am EDT, the little, round, black shadow of Jupiter’s moon Europa will cross (or transit) Jupiter’s disk. On Friday, June 22 between 11:19 pm and 1:29 am EDT, the shadow of Jupiter’s moon Io will transit. A reasonable backyard telescope will show the black shadows, but a very good telescope is needed to see the moons themselves. More shadow transits are available in other time zones around the world. 
The Great Red Spot (or GRS, for short) takes about three hours to cross Jupiter’s disk. But the planet’s 10-hour rotation period (i.e., its day) means that the spot is only observable from Earth every 2-3 nights. If you’d like to see the GRS, use a medium-sized telescope (or larger). You’ll have your best luck on evenings with steady air – when the stars are not twinkling too much. The best times to try this week are: Wednesday, June 20 at 10 pm and Friday, June 22 at 11:39 pm (with an Io shadow transit bonus!). All times are given in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), so adjust for your local time zone. Try to look within an hour before or after the times I’ve given. 
Yellow-tinted Saturn will be rising in the southeastern sky about 9:30 pm local time this week. It will spend the summer of 2018 just to the left of the Milky Way, and just above the Teapot-shaped stars that form Sagittarius (the Archer). Saturn moves over the southern horizon, its highest point in the sky at 2 am local time. It will remain visible until about 5 am local time, when it will sit a generous fist width above the southwestern horizon. Next week, Saturn reaches opposition – its brightest and closest for the year. 
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(Above: Three bright planets will reward observers who stay up until late evening, as shown here at midnight on Saturday, June 23, 2018)
The Summer of Mars is here! The Red Planet will be rising in the east just before midnight this week. Mars, already noticeably brighter than Saturn, will continue to steadily brighten and increase in apparent size as the Earth’s faster orbit brings us closer to the red planet until late July. In the meantime, look for bright reddish Mars shining over the southern horizon just before dawn. 
This week, Mercury can be spotted low over the northwestern horizon for a brief period after sunset. It will become easier to spot as this week wears on – with the best time being between 9:45 and 10 pm local time, when it will be about four finger widths above the horizon. While Mercury will spend the rest of June increasing its separation from the sun, Earth’s tilted axis will pull the evening ecliptic, and all the planets’ orbits, lower over the next couple of months, so our prime Mercury viewing time is sooner rather than later.
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(Above: The orbital path in red of the major asteroid (4) Vesta, which reaches opposition and peak visibility for the year on June 19. The sky is shown for 10:30 pm local time.)
On Tuesday, the Earth’s orbit will carry us between the minor planet (4) Vesta and the sun. (It was the fourth asteroid discovered, hence the numeral in its name.) Sitting opposite the sun in the sky, Vesta will be visible all night long, and appear at its brightest (magnitude 5.33) for the year; within reach of binoculars and small telescopes. Look for the object in northern Sagittarius, approximately 8.5° (somewhat less than a fist’s diameter) to the upper right of Saturn. 
Distant blue Neptune, among the modest stars of Aquarius (the Water-bearer), is observable in telescopes in the pre-dawn eastern sky after it rises around 1 am local time. This week, look for the magnitude 7.9 planet sitting one finger width to the right of the naked eye star Phi (φ) Aquarii and about five finger widths to the left of brighter Hydor (Lambda Aquarii). 
Uranus is also in the eastern pre-dawn sky, located about four finger widths to the left of the modest star Torcular, which is down toward the “V” where the two cords of Pisces (the Fishes) meet. 
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(Above: The distant ice giants Uranus and Neptune are visible for a few hours in the eastern pre-dawn sky this week, as shown here for 4 am local time.)
Keep looking up to enjoy the sky! I love getting questions so, if you have any, send me a note.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Examiner, March 15
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Arnold Schwarzenegger and his secret son Joseph Baena
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Page 2: Cars of the Stars -- what they drove before they became famous -- Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Barack Obama, Tom Cruise, Vin Diesel
Page 3: Cameron Diaz, Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jon Stewart, Mila Kunis
Page 4: John Travolta's roles and costumes
Page 6: Charlie's Angels' star Jaclyn Smith reveals her secret recipe for her favorite green smoothie for staying young
Page 7: Treasure Chest -- meet the hairy hunks of Hollywood who aren't afraid to show off their chest hair -- Hugh Jackman, Antonio Banderas, Lee Majors, Nicolas Cage, Robert Redford, Steve Carell, Tom Selleck, Sam Elliott, Steve Guttenberg, Stanley Tucci, Alec Baldwin
Page 8: When a tiny one-year-old desperately needed a liver transplant , his uncle fearlessly stepped up to the plate and it ended up saving two lives
Page 9: Physical activity is one of the cornerstones of good health; in the U.S., only 19 percent of women and 26 percent of men currently meet the CDC's Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, which recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination, each week
* Peppermint is a minty herb native to Europe and Asia and for hundreds of years, people have used peppermint both as a flavoring and for its medicinal properties and they all come together with a cup of tasty tea
Page 10: Joseph Valadez recently received his college diploma at age 62, after spending half his life in prison
Page 11: Your Health -- being the strong, silent type is dangerous -- men must speak up when health issues appear
Page 12: George Clooney's rock bottom -- George barely survived a terrifying motor scooter accident and the brush with death brought him face-to-face with the worst moment of his life -- in July 2018 he was working in Italy on Catch-22 which he directed and also starred in and George was riding a scooter on the island of Sardinia when a Mercedes cut across his path and sparked the horrific crash where George catapulted over the bike's handlebars -- George says he'll never forget that instead of trying to help him, people were trying to snap pictures of the horrendous collision -- George has given up riding scooters since the accident on the orders of his wife, Amal Clooney
Page 14: Dear Tony, America's Top Psychic Healer -- however unhappy your life, change is always the answer
Page 15: Mariachi bands make everybody smile and that's why the neighbors of one family band got together to help them stay afloat in hard times
Page 16: Royal Ensemble -- what the stars wore to meet Queen Elizabeth -- Madonna, Jayne Mansfield, Joan Collins and Anthony Newley, Marilyn Monroe, Elton John, Angelina Jolie
Page 17: Yoko Ono, Barbra Streisand, Sally Field, Meryl Streep, Kirk Douglas, Halle Berry
Page 18: Fading eyesight is a common symptom of old age, but you can help keep your vision sharp just by eating the right foods -- Australian dietician Susie Burrell says these superfoods fight age-related eye problems, including macular degeneration and cataracts: kiwi, Brazil nuts, kale, chia, red pepper
Page 19: It was a race against time for a crocodile that ate a shoe and there was nothing in the medical literature to help surgeons figure out how to remove the offending footwear from the croc's stomach -- Anuket had gobbled up a sneaker that fell from someone ziplining above her pen at a St. Augustine alligator farm in Jacksonville, Florida. It threatened to cause a painful and possibly fatal blockage but docs at the University of Florida Veterinary Hospital put their best foot forward until they finally managed to extract the slime-coated sneaker
Page 20: Cover Story -- Arnold Schwarzenegger's secret son Joseph Baena -- it's complicated -- Arnold gushes with pride over his 23-year-old secret son Joseph and they're super close -- Joseph adores his dad and he wants to be just like him and he's doing just that by landing a part in the upcoming sci-fi flick The Chariot
Page 22: A kidnapped little girl is safe today thanks to two hero sanitation workers who acted on a hunch -- an Amber Alert went out after the ten-year-old child was abducted from a family member's Louisiana home, but no one had reported any sightings of the vehicle that took her until Dion Merrick and Brandon Antoine of Pelican Waste & Debris spotted a silver sedan and had a bad feeling about it so they called 911 and pulled their garbage truck over on the wrong side of the highway to block the car from escaping
* A brave firefighter who was quarantined in the hospital with a bad case of COVID-19 missed his buddies and they missed him back, so they found a clever workaround to visit him -- the Phoenix fire crew used a ladder truck so they could climb up and wave through the window to Dan Volcko, a 20-year veteran of the department
Page 24: After a storm dumped a foot of snow in Seattle, 90-year-old Fran Goldman was so determined to get her COVID-19 vaccine she walked six miles to get it -- Fran had spent weeks on the computer and phone desperately trying to get an appointment on the jab, but once she scored it, Seattle residents were told to stay off the dangerously icy roads so Fran bundled herself up in fleece pants and lots of layers, but wore a short-sleeved shirt underneath to make it easy for the nurse to give her the shot
Page 26: You're in Luck -- charms to help you heal, hope and fall in love -- horseshoes, dice, number seven, pennies, dreamcatchers, shooting star, elephants, ladybugs
Page 28: Keeping Pets Happy and Healthy -- Paws for Concern -- how dogs tell you they need help
* Vet time for kitty -- 8 warning signs your cat needs a checkup
Page 32: Mystical power of wind -- the breeze affects us all spiritually because air is made up of positive and negative energy -- ancient Greeks believed in the magical qualities of air pressure, speed and direction
Page 34: Leader of the Pack -- Elizabeth Starck has fostered nearly 500 pups, and she has no intention of stopping -- bighearted Elizabeth works with Southern Indiana Animal Rescue, a dedicated group that pairs up dogs with foster homes -- after the pooches come through her portal, Elizabeth feeds them, rubs their bellies and gives them their meds, sometimes administering up to 30 pills to different dogs twice a day -- eventually she sends them off to forever homes, even though it's so hard to say goodbye
Page 40: Don't turn up your nose at garlic -- every day, medical experts around the world are discovering new uses for the amazing herb -- toothache, hives, infection, fatigue, asthma and bronchitis, diabetes, arthritis, blood clots, heart disease, cancer, back pain, acne
Page 42: 20 things you didn't know about Sarah Jessica Parker
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Mariska Hargitay snaps a pic in Manhattan on the set of Law & Order: Organized Crime (picture), Blue Bloods stars Donnie Wahlberg and Marisa Ramirez get goofy in Brooklyn (picture), John Legend strikes a pose in Hollywood (picture), Bette Midler and Martin Von Haselberg got hitched in 1984 but she recently revealed she only saw photos of their Las Vegas wedding just five years ago, Ricki Lake is hoping the third time's the charm as she's engaged to filmmaker Ross Burningham, Emma Roberts and Garrett Hedlund welcomed son Robert Rhodes but they aren't the only superstars in the little guy's life -- Garrett's Country Song co-star Tim McGraw is Rhodes' godfather
Page 45: Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank cuddle their infant son August (picture), Steve Martin bumps into an extra on the NYC set of an upcoming comedy series called Only Murders in the Building (picture), Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's divorce will be straightforward, Tim Allen and Richard Karn have reunited for a History Channel show called Assembly Required, Jaime King filed for divorce from Kyle Newman nearly nine months ago after 13 years of marriage but while they've been duking it out in court over custody of their two sons Kyle has gotten a jump on starting a new family with Cyn who is a singer also known as Cynthia Nabozny revealed the new couple had a baby boy
Page 46: The send-off party for a beloved healer was all set at Rose Medical Center in Denver and the one everyone had gathered to celebrate came in on all fours -- Wynn the service-dog trainee wagged her tail and rolled over for belly rubs as the emotional emergency-room staff thanked her for keeping them sane during the most difficult of their COVID-19 pandemic days
Page 47: The best celebrities to pick on Hollywood Squares -- here's a few of the favorite stars and their most hilarious quips -- Charo, Marty Allen, Nanette Fabray, Joan Rivers, Paul Lynde, Rose Marie, Charlie Weaver, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Vincent Price
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Denmark will keep its F-16 fighters flying longer due to Russia's threat
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/20/2022 - 8:40 PM in Military
Denmark will keep its F-16 fighter fleet operational three years longer than planned amid a greater security threat from Russia, the country's defense minister Morten Bodskov said on Monday.
NATO country will spend 1.1 billion Danish kroner (US$ 156 million) to keep its F-16s flying by 2027. Denmark agreed in 2016 to buy a fleet of F-35 Lightning fighters from Lockheed Martin with a plan to retire its F-16s in 2024.
The Royal Danish Air Force has been flying the F-16 since the 1980s. Currently, there are 44 F-16 jets in the Danish fleet, with about 30 operational fuselages.
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The first F-35 is expected to arrive in Denmark at Skrydstrup Air Base in 2023, which means that Denmark will operate two fighter jets simultaneously for four years.
“The defense of NATO territory to the east is more central than at any other time in recent history. That's why we are expanding the operational capacity of the F-16s while the new F-35 jets are being implemented," Bodskov said in a statement. "Pout Putin's aggression in Ukraine has changed Europe and the threats we face," he said.
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The decision will allow Denmark to strengthen its national defense and participate in NATO missions, such as air policing in the Baltic countries, the Ministry of Defense said.
The Ministry of Defense noted that the gradual elimination of the F-16, slower than planned, would not affect the introduction of the F-35 into service. Additional funds should cover fuel expenses, purchase of spare parts, as well as retention and recruitment of personnel, the ministry added.
Tags: Military AviationF-16 Fighting FalconRoyal Danish Air Force - RDAF
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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planetalkinguk · 4 years
Episode 338 - Sunfish and Pancakes with Wings
Join Carlos, Matt, Armando and a special guest for today's programme. In this week's show Exeter's old Flybe base has some new residents, an airline in Asia goes gender neutral with their passenger greetings and Paramedics in the Lake District begin tests with their new Emergency Vehicle. In the military a US Marine Corps KC-135 and an F-35 collide during air-to-air refuelling and in Paris, a sonic boom brings the city to a halt. It's the last part of Nicks chat with Ian Palmer this week and we talk to Gemma Brazier about her time as cabin crew and an exciting new project she's been working on to help fellow crew during literally the worst year for aviation! Gemma's Social Media details : https://www.instagram.com/crewbusinesses/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/788292158181219/ Facebook: for those who have been made redundant, "Not Just Crew" Page Ian Palmer's Social Media details : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ianpalmerdrummer Website: www.ianpalmer.com Search social media for 'PlaneTalkingUK' Whatsapp Number - +44 757 22 491 66 Email - [email protected] Website - www.planetalkinguk.com Here are the links to the stories we featured this week : COMMERCIAL Exeter Aerospace launches in former Flybe Facility https://ukaviation.news/exeter-aerospace-to-launches-in-former-flybe-facility/ Ryanair Locks Horns With Rival Aer Lingus On Twitter https://simpleflying.com/ryanair-aer-lingus-twitter/ No more 'ladies and gentlemen' on Japan Airlines flights https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-54336194 COVID Won’t Lead To Lufthansa Retiring The Boeing 747 Early https://simpleflying.com/lufthansa-boeing-747-no-early-retirement/amp/ Rex Secures Ex-Virgin Australia B737s for Inter-City Domestic Flights https://samchui.com/2020/09/30/rex-secures-ex-virgin-australia-b737s-for-inter-city-flights/#.X3YdRGgzZPY NASA’s Boeing 747 Telescope [HAS FLOWN] To Hamburg https://simpleflying.com/nasa-boeing-747-telescope-sofia/ GE9X Engine For Boeing 777X Earns FAA Certification https://aviationweek.com/aerospace/aircraft-propulsion/ge9x-engine-boeing-777x-earns-faa-certification https://www.3dprintingmedia.network/faa-certifies-ge9x-engine-for-boeing-777x/ https://blog.geaviation.com/product/ge9x-engine-achieves-faa-certification/ ZeroAvia Completes Milestone Hydrogen Fuel Cell Flight https://www.flyingmag.com/story/aircraft/zeroavia-completes-hydrogen-fuel-cell-flight/ Aerospace giant Airbus has unveiled plans for what it hailed as the first commercial zero-emission aircraft https://www.bbc.com/news/business-54242176?fbclid=IwAR0X8xu17CvFkXNKssvv6FZS-gUMFncjN8F63DQcm9W7iH52WsOTpEnSXg0 Jet suit paramedic takes Lake District test flight https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/sep/29/jet-suit-paramedic-takes-lake-district-test-flight MILITARY Frenzied audio from stricken air tanker reveals crew's response after collision with $100m F-35 stealth jet which forced the fighter pilot to parachute to safety https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8787283/Pilot-crew-F-35-fighter-jet-parachute-safety-colliding-C130-Hercules-aircraft.html https://journaltimes.com/news/national/marine-pilot-in-collision-praised-for-keeping-crew-safe/article_3006242c-067e-5f76-b2b6-d48b59dac9f2.html Rafale’s Sonic Boom During Intercept Shakes Paris, Disrupts French Open Tennis Match https://theaviationist.com/2020/10/01/rafales-sonic-boom-during-intercept-shakes-paris-disrupts-french-open-tennis-match/
Our latest episode is now ready for your listening pleasure -->
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