disco-vader · 11 years
So, it's been a year since I started talking to an absolutely amazing person.
At the time I'd sent that message out, I wasn't really doing too great emotionally. I'd had an extremely nebulous end to a two year relationship about half a year prior, followed by a mild flirtationship-turned-one night stand which resulted in the person involved deciding "eh not working out" and cutting off contact with me. Add in an extremely brutal fall semester and I was feeling pretty crappy. I don't really hang out too much with folks from school, and I can be a pretty big introvert and shut-in at times (and this was well before I'd even heard of Phillystuck or even joined Tumblr.) The only person I'd previously talked to on a constant, regular basis was the ex that I'd broken up with, and we hadn't really spoken much since then, giving each other space and trying to solidify whether or not it was a "break" or a breakup (it was the latter.) All in all, I was pretty confused, lonely, and frustrated. And then I started talking with Sarah. She and I have a similar sense of humor, and we're both gigantic nerds - she's gotten me into several series that I'd only vaguely paid attention to, and I was sucked in (She's the reason I cosplayed from Fate/Zero at Otakon and why I'm now a fan of DDS, among other things.) She made me laugh and smile and let me rant when I needed to. She's been there for me to chat with and joke around with nearly every day since we started talking in earnest, and we've both helped each other deal with some rough problems simply by knowing that we're there to chat with if we need to. She's the reason I have a Tumblr in the first place - she mentioned she had one and was curious if I did, and I eventually wound up making one so we could follow each other. She's pretty and funny and clever and just in general a brilliantly wonderful person and more than a friend could ask for. Chances are if you've hung around me for any decent period of time you've heard me mention her a few times, going on about how cool she is and how much I care about her. She's become one of my absolute best friends in the world, and I'm dying for the end of the semester so I can finally have the free time to go up and visit her. She's an awesome and wonderful friend, and I count myself incredibly lucky that she decided to start talking with me (and more importantly, has continued to do so.) So here's to you, Sarah. You're one of my absolute best friends, and I love you dearly. You're the best friend a guy could ask for and I can't thank you enough for being as close a friend to me as you are.
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skycompass · 12 years
Damn I thought I had been following Col for longer than 48 hours 8| Now I have to wait until I can send her her role, unless she messages me first....
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tentokki · 12 years
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Here you go guys! I finished drawing up the characters for the upcoming ambidex game~
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kiichu · 12 years
colonel gorgeous
Ah~! We haven't talked that much but I'd love to get to know her better! ouo
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fontechphoenix · 12 years
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colonelgorgeous started following you
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disco-vader · 11 years
I was talking to Sarah, and she sent me the link to this video, and this was all I could think of. I'm so, so sorry.
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disco-vader · 11 years
Got tagged in shiiiiit
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them ***Make a new post with your answers and questions! Don’t reblog this one. Thank you!(:***
1. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?
- Probably any of the times I've gotten into fistfights with people, because I kind of freak out at that point. I tried to choke the two people I fought with pretty hard. I get... mean when I lose my temper. It takes a lot for me to do so, though.
2. Do you consider yourself to be honest?
- Yes. I can't lie for shit.
3. Name three places in the world you’d love to live in you had the money.
- The United Kingdom, Alaska, Switzerland.
4. Pick a language- which one would you want to be fluent in?
- Augh, there are so many languages that I'd love to speak. Either French or Russian takes the top spot.
5. How do you handle bad friends?
- Ehhhh. I'm usually bad about dealing with bad friends. Normally I just kind of stop interacting with them, I don't go out of my way to confront them unless something serious happens.
6. What are you ashamed of?
- How I look (I don't think I'm that attractive), me and sex (I can be quite dirty minded and I like sex/talking about sex, but I'm also incredibly inexperienced and I sometimes feel guilty after having sex and I'm not fully sure why? Also it's a lot more difficult to talk about sex with people I want to do stuff with, which is stupid), and the fact that I'm kind of lacking in ambition compared to my family (especially my mother). Occasionally my being a huge nerd, mostly when dealing with my dad's side of the family. They're very judgemental about that kind of stuff and it always bothers me.
7. Wealthy, stunningly attractive, incredibly smart. Pick two and explain why.
- Wealthy and incredibly smart. I know I just said that I don't think I'm that attractive, but there's a lot of things I want to understand and work with that I'm just plain not smart enough to do so, and I'd rather have wealth so I can get the few really expensive things I want and then use the rest to help out friends/family.
8. What’s your worst fear?
- Spiders/centipedes/most creepy crawlies. Hate hate HATE them. I'll freeze in place or run away from them.
9. You swap places with [insert favorite celebrity here] for a day. What do you do?
- I swap places with Robert Downey Jr. and become both Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes. Life dreams accomplished.
10. What event in your life would you do over again if you could, and how?
- I would go back to the last time I saw my grandfather alive and I would wake him up and talk with him. I will never forgive myself for seeing that he was asleep and not waking him up to talk with him one last time. He passed away a day or two after that and I've never been able to forgive myself for not seeing him one last time.
11. Are you happy with your life? 
- Yes and no. I've got a loving family, I'm on the path to graduation, I've got amazing friends, and I'm really enjoying Philadelphia. But I'm also single and pretty lonely, I'm worried about what I'm going to do/where I'm going to go after graduation, I need to find a roommate ASAP and it's going to be frustratingly difficult to do so, and a slew of other little things.
MY QUESTIONS- 1. If you could choose any superpower to use, what would it be? Why? 2. Name three things you'd do if you won the lottery. 3. Which author has been most influential to you and why? What was the first book of theirs you read? 4. You have the choice between the ability to use magic (but it messes up technology when you're near it) or the ability to get cybernetic implants/augmentations (ala Deus Ex/Ghost in the Shell). Which do you choose? 5. What did you want to grow up to be when you were 5? 6. Strength (self explanatory), Intelligence (How book-smart you are/how much you know in a scientific sense), Wisdom (how street-smart you are/how to best apply what you know), Charisma (how attractive you are/how much you are able to influence people through personality), Dexterity (how flexible/athletic you are), Fortitude (how much stamina you have/how much of a beating you can take). Choose three to improve and explain why. 7. Name one thing that will, without fail, manage to turn you on/make you randy. 8. What's been your favorite movie from the past year? 9. What are two places on earth you would never, ever go to? 10. Your favorite subject in school. What was it?
11. If you could pull a single item from any fictional universe into our world, which one would you want the most? (Assume that it would work exactly like it did in the work of fiction, and that you know how to use/fix it, etc.)
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disco-vader · 11 years
This year was a quiet one, as far as years go, but ultimately a pretty good one.
- Survived Junior year of college and the first half of Senior year, and produced some of my best work ever
- Got to attend Otakon and AnimeNEXT 2012 (it might be my last Otakon, too >: ) and had a wonderful time
- Got to see both Justice and Nero in concert at the Electric Factory
- Mom got a home down in Ocean City, NJ and it's been absolutely wonderful to visit, and it's been a huge relief for us as well (she has been insanely stressed because of her job for the past 3-4 years, and has had barely any breathing time and is always on the road or cooped up at home, so this is a place she can go to, work from, and just be able to relax at that isn't the same place every single day - after she settled in I feel like it was the first time I'd seen her genuinely smile and laugh in years)
- I was able to get a part-time job at Macy's
- I finally got a Tumblr
- I went to Phillystuck for the first time and had an absolute blast with wonderful, wonderful people
And most importantly, I've made some absolutely incredible, wonderful friends. Two of which stick out in my mind.
First off is Liz. You're an absolute sweetheart, you're the first person in Phillystuck that I actually talked with, you've been an AMAZING model for my photoshoots, and you're just an all around awesome lady and a great friend.
And second is Sarah. You have become one of my closest friends over the last year. You've been my most constant contact, and I absolutely love talking to you, be it about good stuff, bad stuff, sad stuff, happy stuff, geeking out over video games and anime; just talking to you at all has been so wonderful. You were there when I was dealing with some really really confusing relationship shit and helped me get through it, and you're an amazing, wonderful, lovely person. My goal this year is to get up to visit you and finally hang out in person, because you've become such a wonderful friend and I seriously can't wait to finally see you.
There have been some downsides to this year; struggling with schoolwork, all the roommate bullshit that has taken place over the past month, dealing with money issues, etc, etc. But overwhelmingly, this year has been a good one. You had a decent run, 2012. Now it's time to head into 2013 and see what I can do.
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skycompass · 12 years
Ugh.... since I just followed some of the participants of the game I can't send them fanmail yet :T Gonna wait till I can to send them their roles. OH, but if any of you guys send me an ask I'll send your role to you. The text is really long so if I did otherwise I'd have to split it into a bajillion parts and no one wants that....
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tentokki · 12 years
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Here you go guys, it's all done! Click through for the hi-res (aka the full size where you can see the millions of errors I made) version~
Hope you all enjoy!
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tentokki · 12 years
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/whistles innocently
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tentokki · 12 years
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And here's acetucker! I guess he's supposed to be like a slightly more hipster version of Dio lmfao;; Ace did mention he was an artist and musician so....
And for icon purposes, here are cropped versions! One for Ace, and one for Col too :)
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disco-vader · 12 years
To all my friends
Today you're what I'm most thankful for. I know I'm not the greatest friend - I can be difficult to get ahold of, I don't hang out with all of you anywhere near what I'd like or should, and you've had to put up with all my weird moods and complaints. But you've stuck around, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.
Liz, you're an awesome person, and one of the first people I got to know through Phillystuck. You're funny and cool and amazing and I can't wait to hang out with you and Marissa more!
Caleb and Laura, you've been my closest friends since middle school. I know you guys don't have tumblers but you've become part of my family, and I love you two dearly. You two are such a wonderful couple and I can't express how much you two mean to me.
Laura, you and your family are wonderful sweethearts! It's hard to believe we've been friends for nearly a decade now - I need to get back across the pond and visit you guys in London again soon!
Kennedy, you're wonderful and beautiful and super fun to be around. You're an awesome photo buddy and a wonderful friend, and easily one of the closest people to my heart from UArts. You're an awesome photographer and a cutie patootie, and don't you forget it, you awesome lady.
Natalie, you're goofy and brilliant and an absolute blast. You're the super-awesome Witch of Blood to my Knight of Doom and together we are a dream team of awesome that no one can best. You're a sweetheart and super fun to talk to and just overall a dynamite gal. Sbarg buddies for life!
And Sarah, thank you for being there for me over these past 7-8 months. You've been an absolutely wonderful friend, you've put up with my various whining and taken it in stride, you comforted me when I was dealing with the confusion from my relationship, and you've introduced me to several awesome games and shows that I never tire geeking out about with you. I can't wait to finally get up to Maine to visit you one of these days!
Thank you guys so much. I don't know what I'd do without you - you're some of the most beautiful people I know, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I've got so many others I want to add here but typing via phone is hard (I think my computer is officially dying or I need to get a new hard drive or something) so I might add some more once I get that fixed. (Somehow got it back up and running again THANK THE LAWD) But thank you, guys. You're all amazing and I love all of you dearly, even if you're not mentioned here.
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