#colorado is watching the stars and ignoring arizonas story
nerdy-as-heck · 10 months
The Colorado Rocky Mountain High, I've seen it raining fire in the sky
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Friends around the campfire and everybody's high
Except Utah because he volunteered to be a designated driver
Holy crap I haven't drawn in almost 2 years, I forgot how much of a pain humans are (hence the version with no faces because I like that one better)
Anyway I love this song and found it a good excuse to draw the 4 corners + Oklahoma because he's my favorite
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junker-town · 7 years
Predators fans throw catfish. What should fans of other NHL teams throw?
Cultural (and legal) ideas for the 30 other teams.
When a rogue Predators fan threw a disgusting dead catfish onto the Penguins’ ice in Game 1, fans tuning into the Stanley Cup Final might’ve been asking one question.
Yes, that. Thank you.
But I bet some were also wondering what their own fanbase throws on the ice. Surely all teams do this!
Nope. Only a few teams have caught onto this tradition. Which leaves us with the daunting task of coming up with ideas for all 31 NHL teams.
So far, as you’ll see, the three teams who do this regularly stick with animals. So for this thought exercise we’ll try to adhere to a few rules. We won’t nominate ideas:
If PETA is going to get pissed about it
If it’s illegal
If it’s offensive to a lot that goes on
Notice I didn’t say if it’s not possible. Anything is possible.
Let’s do this.
*Disclaimer: Don’t actually do any of these things. SB Nation does not condone the throwing of any of these items. I’m just idea-making here. Ideas are not endorsements. Wink.
Boston Bruins
If we were just going to stick with mascots here, we’d have to suggest a dead bear. But that doesn’t pass the PETA rule or the cost rule.
Simple googling tells me that wild turkeys are abundant in Massachussetts. You’re telling me a fan can’t smuggle a whole turkey into TD Garden?
Even if they couldn’t, you could totally hide a turkey breast or leg. This has potential.
Buffalo Sabres
One of two. Serious and non-serious.
Serious: buffalo wings. C’mon. Easy.
Non-serious: actual sabres. The players are basically wearing body armor. They’ll totally be fine.
Detroit Red Wings
Already figured out.
Florida Panthers
Also already solved in the Panthers’ third season and their 1996 playoffs run. From ThoughtCo.:
The story began during the franchise's third NHL season at the Miami Arena. Forward Scott Mellanby killed a rat with his hockey stick, which had tried scurrying across the team's locker room before the Panthers' home opener on October 8, 1995.
Mellanby went on to score two goals in the game with the same stick in which he killed the rat with. After the game, Florida's goaltender John Vanbiesbrouck then nicknamed Mellanby's feat the "Rat Trick."
Fans caught onto the story and started throwing rubber rats onto the ice after goals were scored. That led to this glorious scene:
So, yeah. No need for a new suggestion.
Montreal Canadiens
Canadians. Literally throw the Canadian next to you onto the ice.
Ottawa Senators
You can’t throw a senator unless you want to get arrested. Ignore the fact I just suggested you wouldn’t get arrested for throwing a Canadian. Just ignore that. Don’t worry about it.
You can, however, throw a gavel.
Tampa Bay Lightning
Unless you’re Zeus, you’re not going to throw lightning onto the ice.
Googling tells me that redfish are one of the more plentiful sporting fish in the Tampa area. So they could throw those.
But we all know that the Florida ecology is threatened. Why not help out by throwing these little buggers onto the ice?
That’s an Asian green mussel, an invasive species that wreaks havoc on intake pipes on ships, marinas and power plants. They also look ugly.
Okay, maybe just save those for when opponents score or something. Throw an alligator instead.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Imagine watching a fan trying to throw a leaf from his seat onto the ice. Hilarious.
But no. I also think that might be insulting to greater Canada. So fans should throw a maple tree onto the ice. Not branches. Entire trees.
Don’t ask me how you’re supposed to sneak that into the arena. I provide the ideas, you provide the execution.
Carolina Hurricanes
If you really wanted to dig deep here you could throw tobacco. Maybe even barbecue.
But Krispy Kreme was started in North Carolina, and it would be absolutely wonderful if fans threw doughnuts onto the ice. Maybe even whole boxes! The fans get a fun sight and the players and refs get an in-game snack. Win-win.
Columbus Blue Jackets
Photo by Kirk Irwin/Getty Images
If you’re going to fire a cannon after every goal then you have to let fans throw cannonballs onto the ice every once and awhile. Them’s the rules.
New Jersey Devils
Devil-based idolatry might offend many people. Understandable. That’s why you throw traffic cones. I hear traffic in New Jersey is awful. A governor once told me that.
New York Islanders
Photo by Stephen Chernin/Getty Images
You have to celebrate Long Island’s seafood. Lots of options here. You could throw Blue Point oysters. You could throw clams.
But you could also get away with throwing Long Island ducks. Duck farming is apparently a big thing on Long Island, so nobody will get mad if you buy a duck and decide to launch it into a hockey game instead of dining on it.
New York Rangers
... blue shirts?
I’ve got nothing.
Philadelphia Flyers
My Philly coworkers tell me the food is good in Philly. Sure. I’ve never been, so I can’t disagree.
I almost put hoagie down for New Jersey because that’s where I thought it was from. Nope. It’s from Philly. So congrats, Flyers arena staff. You get to clean up after launched hoagies splatter all over the ice.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Awww. You can’t throw dead penguins onto the ice. That’s actually pretty disturbing.
But what do you associate most with Pittsburgh? That’s right. Bridges. Fans should throw a bridge onto the ice. Failing that, throw something made of steel. That’s safe enough. Probably safer than a bridge. Probably.
Washington Capitals
I’d say throw a swamp but that’s been drained, right? I was told that was drained.
I think it’d be a nice way to honor one of our greatest presidents by throwing top hats. Save your generic, normal hats for hat tricks. Top hats only come out for playoff runs.
Or throw a politician. Either one.
Vegas Golden Knights
Dice. Duh. Moving on.
Anaheim Ducks
Well. Ducks have already been taken by the Islanders. I know. This is confusing.
But fans can still honor the Mighty Ducks tradition by throwing Mighty Ducks action figures. Way better than real duck corpses.
Arizona Coyotes
Photo by Jared C. Tilton/Getty Images
Cacti. Are you kidding? Cacti. This was way too easy. Next team, please.
Calgary Flames
Throw fire.
Just kidding. No, throw lassos or cowboy hats or cowboy boots. Alberta (and Calgary, in particular) has a neat rural, ranching culture. And Calgary also hosts the Stampede, Canada’s largest annual rodeo festival. Embrace that and toss some rodeo items.
Like saddles! For the Saddledome! Perfect. Throw saddles.
Edmonton Oilers
Throw first round picks away. Wait, they’ve already done that a few times.
This is a deep cut, but stick with me.
Throw milkshakes to honor one of the best oil boom movies ever.
Los Angeles Kings
Crowns. Duh.
I guess if you wanted to throw something related to L.A. culture you could throw ... red carpets? Money? Flashing lights? Movies?
Wait. Yes. Movies.
Throw DVDs onto the ice. Boom. Forget the crowns. That was dumb.
San Jose Sharks
Too easy. I bet you could buy a shark at a market, right? A small shark, not a fully-grown one. Though if you can manage to smuggle in a whale shark then more power to you.
Vancouver Canucks
Another coastal town. So let’s go back to fish. And let’s go with a readily available Vancouver staple: salmon.
Or monkey puzzle trees. Because they sound and look funny.
Chicago Blackhawks
Lots of food-based options here. But I like the idea of smuggling a deep-dish pizza into United Center in your coat for two periods before frisbee-ing it onto the ice.
Colorado Avalanche
I have family members who’ve lived in Colorado and told me stories about being late to work because they had to wait for a herd of moose or elk to cross the road. Antlers can’t be too hard to acquire, right? You could totally toss antlers, as long as they weren’t all sharp and stuff.
Or mountains.
Dallas Stars
As a Dallas native, I feel uniquely prepared to answer this. Dallas fans should honor their city’s traditions by throwing corporate buildings onto the ice.
Kidding. Kind of. Dallas is way less “Texan” than you’d imagine. Cowboy stuff wouldn’t fit too well. But as the only Texas NHL team, they have to represent the whole state.
So, fine. Stars fans should throw cowboy stuff. Maybe hats. Maybe boots. Maybe horseshoes. Let’s go with horseshoes.
Minnesota Wild
Apparently there are a lot of lakes in Minnesota. And gophers. If you don’t mind offending some fellow fans by throwing a dead gopher on the ice, then go for it I guess. But if subtlety is more your game, go to your local Minnesota lake with an empty water bottle and fill it up. Toss it on the ice. Hope somebody gets the joke as you’re escorted out of the arena.
St. Louis Blues
What better way to celebrate the blues tradition than throwing saxophones?
Winnipeg Jets
Again, you could go moose antlers here. Or plane tickets.
But I like the idea of low-tech references to your team name. So make some really cool paper airplanes and toss those.
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