#new mexico is trying to scare utah with ghost stories
nerdy-as-heck · 10 months
The Colorado Rocky Mountain High, I've seen it raining fire in the sky
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Friends around the campfire and everybody's high
Except Utah because he volunteered to be a designated driver
Holy crap I haven't drawn in almost 2 years, I forgot how much of a pain humans are (hence the version with no faces because I like that one better)
Anyway I love this song and found it a good excuse to draw the 4 corners + Oklahoma because he's my favorite
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missmagicandlight · 5 years
Alabama: look, ghost children deserve to have playgrounds to. haven't you ever seen Casper? also, who are you to judge them for their possible cause of death? they can't help that they're murder victims, susan
Alaska: dude. it's the alaskan wilderness. the bodies probably got eaten by very hungry very cold animals. do you know how many people die in the woods in idaho? alaska wilderness is ten times idaho wilderness with a lot more bears. 1/10 not impressed
Arizona: excellent character design. 10/10. I am still pissed about JK Rowling and her racist statements about skinwalkers and native americans when she was doing the american wizarding school business, however, which slightly ruined it for me
Arkansas: could have been worse, i guess? animal abuse is a criminal charge tho so someone should have called the cops and not just waited till he got busted for pot
California: when you can't decide how to theme your horror canyon so you add in a little bit of everything
Colorado: this is like three episodes of supernatural crammed together i think. same vibes as the above California review tbh. Gates of Hell are a nice touch, if unoriginal.
Connecticut: is that you, Nightvale?
Delaware: i am disappointed. that is all i will say.
Florida: It's bigfoot but he's been sleeping in a dumpster all summer.
Georgia: i believe that catfish part. Catfish will eat anything that can fit in their mouths. 8/10
Hawaii: 10/10 for originality.
Idaho: look, leave my friendly neighborhood jogger ghost alone, she's just trying to do her cardio in peace
Illinois: uh, guess the anti-aging creams worked? possible unregistered saint?
Indiana: exactly the kind of legend i wish to leave behind. you go, Alice Gray
Iowa: overrated axe murder house. boring. Mass, Kansas, and Louisiana all have those
Kansas: i would not be surprised if the devil lived in kansas
Kentucky: yall need to leave baby ghosts alone
Louisiana: very cool. played up vampire hype, very nice
Maine: haunted lighthouse > haunted regular house
Maryland: it's another murder furry. not impressed.
Massachusetts: good.
Michigan: of course Michigan has a hell bridge. of course.
Minnesota: just call it bigfoot and be done with it
Mississippi: very original and unsettling.
Missouri: boring
Montana: this IS a supernatural episode
Nebraska: what is this? a grim bro fairy tale?
Nevada: aliens. x-files theme. the end
New Hampshire: why is it always an axe???
New Jersey: hey, it's buzzfeed dude. all hail the watcher or whatever.
New Mexico: i caught the chupacabra in poptropica. that's all i have to say
New York: ?? what?? weird af
North Carolina: oohhh but it probably was a mountain lion or an eastern puma back in ye olden days
North Dakota: unsurprised there are hell gates there
Ohio: what the hell, Ohio
Oklahoma: this is a whole season of AHS
Oregon: just toss in the eating dogs part, why don't you
Pennsylvania: ☹️ poor man.
Rhode Island: i'm sorry, they did what to her heart???
South Carolina: very nice vamp story
South Dakota: knockoff slenderman
Tennessee: I wrote about her once. very chaotic. 10/10
Texas: black eyed children. i would also be scared.
Utah: don't steal from national parks.
Vermont: oh love a good curse
Virginia: bugs bunny murder furry
Washington: cemetery's bad enough without a gate to hell
West Virginia: we stan mothman okay
Wisconsin: would adopt dog-dino-porcupine
Wyoming: i forget land locked states still have water to put boats in
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