#columbo killer
jazzandpizazz · 9 months
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hayden danziger: columbo murderer #27
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columboscreens · 2 months
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sophsun1 · 3 months
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Columbo – 5.05: Now You See Him
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lieutenant-columbro · 2 years
"hello, sir, i'll have one cinnabon...eh, better make it two actually. i wanna take one home ta my wife and surprise her later! she's a big fan of sweet stuff, ya know, i think it'd make her happy. say....gee whiz, i don't mean ta be outta line, but can i tell ya that ya look a little familiar to me from somewhere? have you ever been to albuquerque, sir? no? well, there was this lawyer fella down there i saw on all the billboards. paul...no, saul goodman! that was it! an' he used ta have all these tv commercials too. funny stuff! didja ever see 'em? it was a while ago. i think he's outta business now. but sir, i could swear you were the spitting image of that fella...."
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passingtree · 6 months
Tumblr’s own Robert Culp fancam maker strikes again…
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lilawithanh · 3 months
I can barely write two pages together for a research paper, but oh boy give me a brain worm involving two or more of my favorite imaginary people and bam 20 pages in under two hours. Somebody please lobotomize me, I hear it makes you more productive.
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It’s so hot when he scratches his head and pretends to be stupid.
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My dream columbo killers!
inspired by @lieutenant-columbro
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yk that time columbo said "I like my job (...) if it wasn't for my job, I wouldn't be getting to meet you like this. And I'll tell you something else, even with some of the murderers that I meet, I even like them too sometimes, like 'em & even respect 'em, not for what they did, certainly not for that, but for that part of them which is intelligent, or funny, or just nice, because there's niceness in everyone, a little bit anyhow" and how in the death note drama they say "I wish we could've met some other way" "This is the only way we could've met". sry i have no idea how big the intersection between these two fanbases so this may just be a Post for Me i just feel like the best inverted detective stories need the killer and the detective to kinda love eachother a little bit. i think they should both be so fucking sad that they cant be friends bcz one of them killed a guy (or a bunch of guys) but one of them killing a guy has to be the reason they met in the first place. i think its awesoem when thjs happens. also hannibal is an inverted detective story to me but i dont even think i need to explain how it relates to this in my mind
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m--bloop · 2 years
Preview for an unaired episode of Columbo guest starring Ben Gazzara, John Cassavetes, Audrey Hepburn, and Peter Bogdanovich
A stylish club owner (Gazzara) murders his competition. Lt. Columbo is on the case - this time, with a little help from another officer (Cassavetes).
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srmxy · 2 months
COLUMBO: There's just one thing I can't figure out, maybe you can help me. You looked at the DM with the video at 9:51 and reacted with a heart emoji at 9:52, right? But the video lasts 5 minutes, so how did you have time to--
KILLER: punches Columbo in the face and easily throws him over a cliff
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lesbiancolumbo · 3 months
electioneering my spotify wrapped this year because they finally added the early alternate band version of joni's dreamland that i listened to a million times in 2023 and was the first thing my wife and i danced to as the clock struck midnight. so yeah that's going to be my number one with a fucking bullet
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peterfalkfan · 2 years
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Uneasy Lies the Crown. 
Columbo meeting the murderer and his dumb BIL at a yuppie bar. His coat gets almost forcibly removed because it’s lowering the tone of the place.
This villain has a great line at the end. “What I did is no worse than what you and your father had planned for me.”
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columboscreens · 2 months
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lieutenant-columbro · 2 years
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chef columbo!! (7.02 - murder under glass)
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bredforloyalty · 11 months
you keep posting about columbo. do i need to watch it would u recommend?
first of all sorry for answering more than a week later... i had a feeling if i just keep on columboposting all alone eventually someone will be like what's going on.. my brain's been like THE KLUMBO!! every day most days for a while now so bear with me for a moment
my answer to "do you recommend x" is always that i can tell you about it, say what i like about it and what's possibly not to like so you can better evaluate whether it's something you would enjoy, yeah? 😳 like in the end it's either for you or it isn't and only you can find out. you know what i mean
um so columbo, the episodes are feature-length self-contained murder mysteries, if you wanted to you could start anywhere. and they aren't exactly mysteries because the concept is that you watch the murder happen and then the clues that lead to the arrest are uncovered gradually and the lieutenant and the killer dance around each other until the latter incriminates themself. usually because they underestimated columbo because he's a shabby little guy and appears to be sort of a bumbling idiot but is actually incredibly perceptive and sharp-witted, and he knows how the (usually rich) self-important murderers see him and uses that against them, as well as his compassion and intuition. that's pretty much it, it's a reverse whodunnit
i think (and it may be obvious) that the appeal of the show other than the crime/mystery is columbo, if you like him that could possibly be the thing that makes you continue watching. so i'll tell you that he doesn't carry a gun, can't stand the sight of blood, or high places, loves his wife. and his dog. simple guy, shrewd though. same rumpled coat and shitty little peugeot convertible all the time. he's very socratic in his methods, non-violent, and i think that's what really attracted me to this show. i enjoy the masculinity without the usual baggage, without the arrogance and the domineering and the posturing, if that makes sense lol.. plus i think peter falk's performance is wonderfully human, stephen fry said this once in an interview if i remember correctly: there's a certain warmth to it. columbo's a humble, virtuous character, yeah he's disheveled, a little all over the place but he understands people and is endlessly curious and dedicated and that's how he wins. and i like that and i think he's a bit of an unusual character because we're far from the macho tough guy cops who intimidate and coerce and threaten And from the trope of the egotistical superhuman genius detective.. he's a little guy c'maahn he's just a little guyy (it's not about him though viewers aren't even supposed to know his first name and it's hard to tell when he's bluffing and his private life is never the focus. so, a mysterious little guy)
TLDR: yes i recommend it if you like mysteries and would enjoy a crime drama with moments of silliness or would appreciate the unconventional masculinity (for his time definitely) i see in this character, and no i don't recommend it if you'd rather watch things that are short and snappy or if you strongly prefer an overarching plot or if you hate the look and feel of the 70s or if you don't like peter falk's whole deal and especially not if your pet peeve is talking in circles. oh and there are some moments and aspects of episodes that didn't age well but they're very few and far between imo. just wanted to mention that, i know nothing is perfect ofc<3
so yeah i do recommend it because i love it, thank you for asking !! :)
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theboost · 2 years
Remember when Columbo revealed to an entire club full of people that they were dancing over a corpse hidden the club owner, forever changing their bond and the trajectory of their lives
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