#combining my two major interests atm into one thing i’m so real
mimi-croissant · 1 year
your fist has touched my heart
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simmygwynny · 2 years
Mega Challenge Rules Part I
The “Mega Challenge” is basically a combination of four(ish) challenges:
Rags to Riches (based on: https://snootysims.com/wiki/sims-4/rags-to-riches-challenge/)
100 Baby (based on: https://snarky-sims-witch.tumblr.com/post/181535303038/tos-i-am-the-original-writer-of-the-sims-4-version )
Lot challenges
Carl’s difficulty/gameplay overhaul mod (here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/carls-sims-4-mod-58183239)
(while not officially a challenge, I’m also using a number of Little Ms. Sam’s mods, including the ATM mod: https://littlemssam.tumblr.com/post/175407172343/atm-cards-and-now-with-real-credit-function and I just want to give a shout out because so many of Little Ms Sam’s mods make the game so much more functional!)
Carl’s Difficult/Gameplay Overhaul Mod Notes: If you haven’t checked out this mod yet, you should!  It does a number of things - but most pertinent to this challenge are the interaction and finance tweaks. 
Relationship gains are capped for the day, and Sims with conflicting interests and traits are less likely to get along.  So when it comes to 100BB gone are the days of meeting a man and having a baby with him same day! You might spend all day interacting with almost no positive gains, or even if you do sync well, your relationship won’t be high enough to try for baby after just one day!
Financially, all regular sources of income are halved, and property taxes are doubled. A small classic painting that cost you 50 simoleons to make and is listed as being worth 70 Simoleons has actually cost you money as it will only sell for 35. This applies to just about any source of funds, including jobs.
Additionally, job progress is slowed...and school is classified as a job for children!  So again, gone are the days of jumping two letter grades in two days and aging up (and out) your kids!
As a side note, as of now, the multi-select function for selling doesn’t work with Carl’s mod (it just gives you nothing!) so if you see me selling things one by one...I do know about it!
Little Ms Sam’s Mod notes: I use little Ms. Sam’s mods a LOT!  One of the more important ones for this challenge is the ATM mod - I’ll talk about that in the RTR challenge.
 I also use her "No gender chance” mod, which removes the effects of food and music on baby gender (determining gender is not allowed in 100BB so if you see me eating strawberries or something, it won’t actually affect the gender bc of this mod).
I also use her babysitter mod (!) again, more details below.
I also have her lot fee mod on the gym, which charges money every day....otherwise it’s too tempting to just stay at the gym all day (so instead I just stay at the library all day....)
Lot Challenge Challenge: So this one I kind of made up.... my sim’s home lot has ALL lot challenges enabled and no (removable) lot traits on.  To change a lot trait (add a good trait or remove a lot challenge) I have to complete a major event and pay a fee in increasing increments of 1000 Simoleons (i.e. to change the first trait will require a goal be met and 1000 Simoleons.  to change the next trait requires another goal and 2000, then next one is another goal and 3000, etc.)
Major goals include: The current Matriarch fully completing an Aspiration, Fully completing a Scenario, getting a top notch-toddler (all toddler skills maxed - potty 3 and the rest all 5), a child completing ALL aspirations, a teen aging up with ALL positive character traits.
When it comes to Aspirations, the Matriarch must complete her first aspiration completely.  She can then select up to two new aspirations - she can only switch after completing an Aspirational milestone (in the case of Aspirations with only a single milestone, like neighborhood confidante, each aspect will count as a “milestone” for this).  Children can switch between aspirations after each milestone.
If the family moves lots, the lot challenge resets (new lot will have all challenges enabled and no positive traits).  The “lot challenge” aims for all lot challenges removed and three positive traits to be on the final home. 
Modifications to RTR and 100BB
Holy Crap this post is getting so long.  I’m going to move these to a separate post.....
Part II
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greycappedjester · 3 years
Me just imagining the epic crossover between Haikyuu @ Hogwarts & After Fall of Olympus...what do you think would happen?
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So, I gotta admit that I've never really thought of those two crossing over before now so this took me a second to think about. I know I did a post awhile ago about which of those fandoms characters would get along the best, but I can't seem to find it anymore.
Hmmm, when imagining what would happen, I think I'd first think of the differences in the two worlds. Like for ATFO, the world somewhat ended/went through a major catastrophic event where the major (story-relevant) institutions had to be rebuilt pretty much from scratch. ATFO doesn't exactly have any adult figures to fall back on. And the ones they do (Luthor, Jay and the Justice Society) often aren't working with them. Meanwhile, Hq at Hogwarts also went through a very long catastrophic war period roughly ten-ish years before any of the characters were old enough to start to understand it. The institutions are in place again but often inherently flawed or broken. If I had to do a one sentence description of both. The Titans had to rebuild their world with their own two hands; but, they also--for better or worse--didn't have supervision stopping them. The Hq at Hogwarts generation were shoved into a world with institutions already in place and--for better or worse--have a very real supervision stopping them (be it the school, adult wizards, or the Ministry).
They are both shaped by the freedoms and the burdens they do and don't have.
Add on top of that, ATFO is somewhat a group always at a very upfront war. They're superheroes; they're at a basic sense soldiers who are always going from one fight to the other (even if it's for good causes and without the strict military system). Even their politics (the motives of Luthor, Jay, Dick, Mera, Helena, etc.) are complicated but typically direct. Hq at Hogwarts is at an uneasy ceasefire between wars. Everything around them typically has some side interest that is being pursued through much more subtle means (which the characters themselves often don't know to be aware about). Simply: ATFO has missions; Hq at Hogwarts has mysteries.
They're two very different stories about growing up and being human.
How would those work in combination with each other? I think both would find the other world stiffing for different reasons. The Titans would find the lack of freedom in acting very frustrating whereas Hq at Hogwarts just do not have the training to go from one conflict to the next (atm). I think they could hep each other a lot. I have a lot easier time imagining ATFO landing in Hq at Hogwarts than the reverse. Some of the ATFO characters would be a lot better at intel gathering where others would be very direct in calling people (like the Minister or the headmaster) out for authority abuse. Whether that would turn out well or likely just lead to further fallout is debatable.
Who knows? Tbh, I'm just so excited that there are people who are interested in both my big fandoms :) That's legit so cool to me!!!!!
For the concept, it's a cool and fun thing to think about. It's admittedly difficult thing for me to fully picture. So, please, feel free to tell me any ideas you guys have!
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puppyluver256 · 5 years
Okay, so since I mentioned it, here’s some ideas I’ve for for an SFM x Persona AU.
Flower Kid’s the wild card (going by the rules for P3 and onward for this as that’s what I’m more familiar with), meaning they have the contract with the Velvet Room and can use multiple Personas.
Most of the Persona users are gonna be the kids (some of ‘em aged up so that they’d all be in the same school, not for any weird reasons), with only one adult I can think of atm who’d have one and also be on the protag team.
There’d have to be some finagling with social link/confidant assignment because there are 22 major arcana and 24 viable SFM characters counting FK and Habit, but thankfully P3 FES and P4G provided some extras from non-standard tarot decks to make everyone fit yaaaayyy
Storyline ideas: FK is sent to live with a friend of their mom in a small town for a while for as-of-yet undetermined reasons. That friend is Kamal because I both want him to be heavily involved in the “main” plot and need someone to pass on the details of a certain event that unknowingly kickstarted the story’s major conflict.
Apparently a few years ago his former boss (and budding love interest) just...vanished without a trace. No one had any clue where he went and it was the talk of the town for a while after, but the disappearance was never solved. Kamal believes he’s still alive somewhere, even though hardly anyone else thinks so given the timespan between then and present.
First night they’re staying at Kamal’s place, the TV in FK’s room acts up a bit. Starts playing this weird late-night puppet show for some reason? (yeah you can tell where most of my Persona love is funneled here, Midnight Channel homage combined with the PSAs hehehehe but that’s as far as it goes, we’re not jumping into TVs here)
FK goes to school and meets two of their classmates, Nat and Trevor, and Trev immediately starts getting into the conspiracy theory stuff while Nat’s tryin’ to get him to not overload the new kid. Though even she has to admit this town has had some weird things happen, like that old couple a few months ago who disappeared only for their dead bodies to show up again days later, teeth gone and flowers somehow growing from their insides? And someone else has gone missing lately, some real estate lady that no one liked. Guess who shows up the next day in the same condition as the old couple? Whu-oh.
One thing leads to another and this trio somehow stumbles into an alternate dimension of sorts. The “other world” in this AU consists of gardens that find a person with serious pent-up emotions and target what’s really eating them inside and bringing them down in order to, well, prune those bad feels for lack of better phrasing. The shadows there believe they’re making people happy, but you can probably guess that ain’t the case
This is where they get their Personas! Idk what Personas they’d have (except I think it’d be funny if Nat’s was Alucard because vamp fam jokes and idk if he’s this way in anything else he shows up in but the one I vaguely know is half vamp too) but regardless FK, Nat, and Trevor are the first three of the Persona-using protag team.
In a vein similar to P4′s floating cards, P5′s masks, and *ahem* P3′s method (not describing for reasons of suicidal imagery, even though there’s no actual death involved), the Persona-users in this AU get flowers that appear on their chests while in the gardens. And yes, the flowers I imagine they’d have are the ones I’ve been putting in the backgrounds of my Habitician illustrations. :3c
There’s this weird long-haired kid that keeps showing up and only FK can see him for some reason? He seems to know things about the gardens (which he collectively refers to as Eden) and gives them advice for a while. He’s very protective of that potted plant he carries around, too...
Social Links abound! So many Social Links. Everyone gets a Social Link!
Igor remains unchanged, because he’s friggin’ Igor that’s why. The Velvet Room assistant this time is a more human-looking variant of the Carlas, specifically the fortune-telling one. Her hair would start off the same color as every other Velvet Room assistant sans Marie, but at some point she’d wanna get it dyed the same color that her original SFM counterpart’s is. I imagine she’d be a lot like Elizabeth in that she’d not just have fusion requests but also want random items or to visit the town with FK for funsies.
Oh yeah, I should probably talk about Habit in this AU, huh. Well...let’s just say Kamal was right about him still being alive and kicking. ;-)
(spoilers he discovered Eden as well, started calling it the Habitat and set about making it his own in order to make people happy, or that was his intention and now it’s just spiraling all kinds of wrong)
FK’s ultimate Persona and Habit’s? Nearly the exact same. Think Yu’s Izanagi vs Adachi’s Magatsu Izanagi, except Habit’s version of this shared Persona isn’t even close to being an Obviously Evil Duplicate. Just slightly altered aesthetic, maybe a shifted color scheme, nothing too drastically different.
If anyone has any more ideas, especially for potential Personas the characters could have, feel free to throw ‘em at me! I really wanna start thinking of what arcana they’d all be too, but I’m confident enough in my knowledge of tarot to figure that out pretty well on my own. As both a NiGHTS fan and Persona fan, I probably know too much about tarot than anyone who doesn’t actually use the cards reasonably should. (and yeah, if anyone’s curious about the NiGHTS thing, fan favorite boss Jackle throws tarot cards atcha and that’s how I got interested in the subject XD)
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