#edits don’t do as well on tumblr unfortunately BUT i’m kinda proud of this guy
mimi-croissant · 1 year
your fist has touched my heart
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jq37 · 5 years
May we have a recap, please? :)
**spoilers for panic at the art show and home for the holidays**
OK people. I actually don’t have a ton of commentary on these two so I’m gonna try and keep it (relatively) short and sweet [Edit from Future Me: Failed Step 1].
Also, iirc, this is the week Dropout starts streaming new Fantasy High eps on Wednesdays which is very dope and I am very excited for. I probably won’t do full on recaps like I do for normal eps because, lbr, I don’t strictly have the time to be recapping these eps at all and it’s pure stubbornness that keeps me from making wiser time management decisions. But, rest assured, if I have an Opinion, you will hear it whether you want to or not. 
Anyway, on with the show. 
Last recap, I mentioned that this ep was giving me Aelwen house party vibes and now it reminds me of that ep in another way: Everyone rolled like TRASH almost the entire ep. It was so frustrating! They barely got any hits in until like halfway through the ep.
(Aw man, I just realized I’m gonna have to remember which spelling of Aelwen is correct again now that FH is coming back.)
I love how Murph is immediately like, “I need to make sure my wife doesn’t die during this fight avenging her fictional husband.”
Isabella also has Aelwen’s trick of poofing around the battlefield which is annoying as hell (ha) for the group.
Siobhan hilariously casts fear on Priya just to be spiteful. I thought she was doing it to help the evac process but no. It was a purely spiteful action. Bless. 
When Kug turns into an ape he, of course, turns into *the* NY ape, King Kong. 
“I roll a nat 20 on an epic shit.”
When Brennan was describing Kingston’s spectral New Yorker Guardians I was already thinking about that one part of Spiderman 2 (the OG Toby Mac version) and then he straight up said, “You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us,” and I lost it.
“Deny the stairs the pleasure of my feet.” Emily is a poet.
I want to know what makes a pigeon spicy more than anything. 
The fact that Brennan killed Ox AGAIN and then immediately looked into the camera and let the audience know the dog was fine because he clearly Oracle stared into the future between eps and saw the entire internet sharpening their pitchforks  was so funny. 
About midway through the ep, Pete tries and fails to send Isabella back to hell and Isabella starts monologing about her plans and connection with Robert Moses (she stole the list from Santa and is/was gonna marry Moses apparently). I wonder if Brennan was like, “These players are for sure gonna murder her without getting any useful info out of her unless she goes full Bond Villain right now.”
And, proving my point, Emily immediately does 56 points of damage, royally f-ing Isabella up. 
This is a really civilian heavy fight which feels weird in a way the FH fights never did. Like, these aren’t even civilians who live in an adventuring town in a fantasy world. These are just normal ass civilians in the wrong place at the wrong time. 
Pete fails a wild magic roll after failing to teleport into the building and then gets a choice of getting really strong (which prob would have let him bust down the door) or to teleport in (which is what he does and exactly what he wanted). Very clutch when the dice rolls play into the story like that.
Kingston lightning bolts Isabella’s hair off which is just malicious but also totally called for.
On her next turn, Sophie gets hurt on purpose to get low enough to activate her ring, lets her hair burn for long enough to shorten it to a cute bob, insults Isabella, then knocks her tf out. 
I love that Emily took one of her teeth (a seemingly crazy move) and when called out by Lou was like, “It’s a link to Robert Moses” (a completely reasonable answer). That’s the Axford one-two punch.  
I didn’t mention it before but, Willie the golem is here, first immobile but then brought back by Misty. Post fight, he says he was somehow brought here by one of the evil factions of the city and says they’ll talk about it later. Also, Misty makes out with him (DON’T KINKSHAME HER).
With a high insight roll, Kingston is able to deduce that the group was ambushed (though not by Priya) and that their victory was a really important one for the fate of the city. 
(Sidenote: The amount that Pete is Over Priya in this ep is so funny.)
Back at Wally’s (which is where Kug is now staying) Wally has gotten Kug a dog bed to sleep in and fancy charcuterie cheese because he and Ricky are the only pure-hearted people in NYC. 
At the same time, Pete and Kingston have a very sweet heart to heart and then settle down at Kingston’s place to chill and listen to jazz. Idk how else we expected this to resolve, considering this is a Brennan Lee Mulligan DM’d show where the sacred pillars are Teamwork, Friendship, Communication, and Making up an NPC on the Fly Because One of Your PC’s Decided to do an Insane Thing. 
Next up is the Christmas ep and Brennan, Emily, and Zac are in sweaters for the occasion. 
Well,actually it’s the 21st and Emily immediately clocks that that’s the solstice. 
Are cookies the good carb?/Absolutely not. But have fun with your life. (I love Ricky’s soft jock energy.)
“I run deliveries,” Pete says to Kingston’s parents, not technically lying but also not being completely truthful. Misty would be proud. 
Going over to Misty, it seems pretty clear at this point (and it’s confirmed in the promo for next ep) that Misty’s fairy business is some kind of de-aging/reincarnation for herself. I wonder how many of these she’s done so far. She said she’s been around for, what? 200, 300 years? Assuming she’s been doing then reincarnations at about 65-70 years old and she reincarnates to around 25? Maybe 6 times? Idk. Just spitballing. 
Saucer of milk to keep the faeries from stealing her (non-existing) children. Faerie lore is wild y'all. 
Did you take another level of warlock?/Yeah bitch.
The fact that since Sophie has joined a monastery, she’s only taken Warlock levels and no Monk levels is very funny from a story perspective. It’s like, she finally comes to this sacred place to be trained to her full potential and she’s just spending what should be her sparring time playing with her cat in exchange for spells. Wild. 
Emily’s cat-like, self-satisfied grin when Brennan is like, “So you just jerry-rigged yourself clairvoyance powers, huh?” is so good. 
And she did it on the fly because Emily Axford is winning D&D. There are no points but she’s winning.
So, uh, Emily does, two things, very in character right after the other:
Thing number one: She send her unseen servant to spy on her family. Her dad seems hardline, “F, Dale. Whatever. Family first. She needs to get over it.” On the other side of the spectrum is her mom who is very upset about the whole affair with her siblings falling in the middle. 
The second thing she does, very casually I might add, is have her unseen servant BURN DOWN HER HOUSE SO SHE CAN COMMIT INSURANCE FRAUD.
Everyone loses their minds and rightfully so. What a wild-ass swing that no one could have seen coming. I love it. 
“I look in my backpack which is now my home[…]" 
I almost forgot that Ricky was a fire fighter who would not abide that nonsense until Brennan decided to cut to him. 
Ricky just dolphin swims across the Hudson in 2.5 mins to go put out the fire that Sophie set. Amazing. 
Ally mocking Emily/Sophie: Truthfully, I don’t know what happened.
"I love John McClane, because he loves his wife.” WALLY
Wally: Oh we’re gonna tell a lie on Christmas.
“This is what winning looks like.”
I would really like to know what trace stuff what on the drugs Pete got from 7 but Ally rolled too low to figure it out.
“I disassociate fully." 
Well it took him a long ass time but glad to have Pete on the selling drugs to kids is bad train. Choo-choo, dude. 
7 saying you can hack in real life in reference to his AK-47 has the same energy as Hardison using the word hack in literally any semi-weird episode of Leverage. 
So Kug goes with Wally to David’s house disguised as a dog and, despite that, blurts out that he’s his dad immediately. Well, he tries to. The Umbral Arcana stops him, unfortunately. 
"I lick my son’s face.” KUUUUG. 
Sophie showing up with a raw goose and hellish rebuking it is so metal and it’s a shame no one got to appreciate it. 
Me when Sophie’s Mom changes into black top in solidarity for Sophie’s mourning: F EVERY OTHER NON-SOPHIE BICICLETA. I RESPECT YOU. 
Kingston is hustling very hard to get his man Pete a job which is a very Kingston move. That’s how guys like that show affection. 
Didn’t mention it before but Kingston’s parents and Mom specifically adopting Pete is very cute. 
Sidenote: Idk what 7 was talking about Pete trying to stay low profile. He wears a cowboy hat (now a ZEBRA STRIPED one, courtesy of Kingston). I think the subtlety train has sailed my guy. 
Esther shows up at the firehouse, carrying presents for her mom and grandma and looking for Ricky. The says that she’s kinda dealing with something and it feels good to be around him (beat) magically speaking. Sure. I’m gonna keep my Hercules soundtrack on hand just in case anyway. 
I think Ricky is the only person who, with no pretense, could give his crush a sexy calendar featuring him.
Anyway, turns out Esther’s mom and grandma are the furies of Tompkins Square and she’s fated to join them or something. 
Esther causally: I defy you, I defy the prophecy.
The fury thing would explain why Esther’s mom would have cursed Kug. They are famously magical punishers.  
Ricky is a magically certified Good Boy but we been knew.
Zac’s restraint to respect Esther’s personal boundaries in lieu of getting a lore drop to stay true to Ricky’s character is amazing. Mad props.
So we slide over to Misty’s Christmas party which Stephen Sondhein is attending and him having a character card kinda killed me. 
There’s a post on tumblr somewhere about playing faerie  incapability for impoliteness against a vampires need to be invited in and that’s what I thought about when Moses and his vamp friends showed up at Misty’s house.
Robert tries to talk Misty into striking a deal with him for protection from Titania. She’s very much not having it.  
“You know Robert, I love a comedy and I love a farce. I’d like to remind you of who it is that started this and it’s not me and it’s not my friends but I can assure you Robert Moses that we will be the ones to end it if you do not. Do you understand me?” Damn. That’s a mic drop from Misty. 
[As I’m editing this, I’m realizing I somehow lost a BIG chunk of text. I’m not gonna write it all up again but the Cliffnotes are as follows:
Between the Solstice and Christmas, the gang goes Grand Central Station to see the clockwork gnomes that live there because trouble is apparently afoot. Some size changing nonsense happens and Pete shoots a dog (with mini bullets, the dog is fine). Lou is enchanted even though Kingston is not (a common theme with him). Ally and Emily are on the same nonsense wavelength (as usual). 
There are dope magical dragon trains under Grand Central Station that go to the shadow realm which is a place I’d like to know about. Kingston has never seen these trains before even though you’d really think he would have.  
Murph says Gnome Rights which is wild if you know what Naddpod is like. 
Anyway, the high priestess of the gnomes passed out the other day and they figure out it was due to pixie magic which is suspicious. They also know they pixies have access to a “time stone” which leads me to believe that it’s Brennan and not Aguefort who thinks that Chronomancy is the most powerful magic of all. 
Sophie and Jackson go to Dale’s grave on Christmas. Jackson explains that the Order of the Concrete Fist is basically a literal school of hard knocks. A counterbalance to all the reach for the stars dreaminess that comes with NYC.
Dale was their chosen one who was supposed to stop the monastery from falling when some unspecified badness crossed over to this side, but when he went to the place where he was supposed to get guidance, there was no one there (clearly tying in to what Dale said to Sophie last time they talked. I wonder what she needs to get to the top of? Empire State maybe?).
Watching Murph watching Emily, his real life spouse, play at grief for her fictional husband and do some truly insane things is so funny because you can clearly see him thinking, “I am married to this woman,” which, in fairness, is probably the main thing he’s thinking when he’s playing D&D with Emily.
I’m probably missing something but that’s all I remember. Back to post-Christmas!]
So it’s opening night at Misty’s show and, somehow, Ricky’s first show ever. 
I love that Don Confetti is there because of Siobhan’s offhanded comment for a handful of eps ago about him being a supporter of the arts.
Anyway, everything is going great until the second act when Titania busts in through the mirror which is *not* is storage as Misty requested but on stage. It’s a theater fight, y'all! And not the West Side Story kind although if that doesn’t come up I will be very surprised. 
“Let’s kill Titania!” –Misty in the promo
Just going straight to 11, huh Misty?
See y'all then!
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Update Pt. II: Self-Realization and What I’m Going to do with my Old Posts
i.e. You ever experience having Big Fear of saying something on a subject, but being scared someone/something is going to Crash Down on you with a c/o about how Wrong you are? Here’s how I’m dealing with emotions and expectations and Big Fear of Consequences (incase it helps, but its just my personal experience + thoughts) 💕❤️💗
🚫long post🚫
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*this is still just an update on what’s been happening in my life?? So this is literally just what I’ve thought about, processing and dealing with. It’s not really meant to be like - here’s a full-out well-explained educational post with an ending conclusion on the subject. I’m literally just recounting events of what happened and how I feel like I’d do to a friend irl - so I hope you guys can take it as such as well! 
It’s not a big deal but I think it’s good to process, share and talk about overcoming my own personal issues with you guys!! 💕❤️💗
There’s one day where I woke up (when I was still without my laptop) and saw someone comment on my old post. I have tumblr linked to my email for certain notifications - just so I can screen and know what to expect when I come into my inbox/replies.
Basically, it was an old post that I wrote trying to help anon but I was factually incorrect (to the point where I cringed at the first sentence and then shamed myself to bed 5 hours later) This made me realize my Top 10 Nightmare of Tumblr Paranoia had came true (at long last).
It’s probably bad to expect it to happen? But it  happens y know. And I’m actually glad they commented because phew I want to actually make this blog a place where I can actually help people and talk about things more objectively. So heres the thing:
I’m going to go back and clarify parts of it. I’ll mostly keep most of the content intact because I think I had good intentions, I was just Lacking A lot of Fundamental Theory and Boy That’s Not A Good Thing For An Astro Blog NOT To Have.
I want to keep it as a process and archive of how far I’ve come and how much I’ve grown/learnt. I’m? decidedly not that proud of my earlier works - and there’s things I’m still concerned about that I want to go back and address/re-edit so it could be better. But I think it’s low-key kind of fun to see who you are in the past and how present me would view past me now?
It’s like a scrapbook of my astrology journey as well - like yeah I was wrong on things, but seeing me do more research and making actual pieces of work to complement my studies is like a portfolio of what I’ve done, how far I’ve come, how my objectives have changed (if they have/haven’t) what I could stand before but couldn’t stand now, or maybe some inspiration/insights that I lack now that I might’ve had before. Idk? I just think it’s a cool neat thing to not delete or erase, or Big Fear people will come see because it’s. It’s just there and it’s me.
BUT I do think? I should make it Good for everyone who still have access to the past works. It’s basically in my masterlist so it’s available to literally everyone who decides to check. And it’s NOT good if people get the wrong info because I lacked the knowledge and wrote it in a post, and still made the post accessible to everyone. That’s just.. irresponsible? On my part. And how I put everyone else up to it as well bc of my irresponsibility.
That’s Not Good. So I’m gonna do better to scan through past works and hash it out bit by bit, it’ll take some time but I’ll start with the one that was pointed out - and work my way to other ones as well just to check if they’re ok or not ok.
For Those Who Has The Big Fear as well: 
I mentioned at the beginning, this is just me talking about what I want to do about it. I just wanted to share that experience, how I feel (Complete and Utter Shame, that was mixed with Embarrassment and Horror at myself - took me a good 3 days to Process my Feelings and came to that conclusion) -- and just y know --  I’m sure this is not just a Me Thing where you see your past stuff and you Know you’re embarrassed to talk about it. But. It’s not a bad thing. And here’s me living through it.
I think in the future - I’ll continue to be embarrassed by my lack of knowledge because I have a lot to learn. There’s plenty of people - you, me, this new person who seems to know terms you haven’t heard of before, this other person who has very formed opinions on things based on their own knowledge - who learnt things and know things.
It’s? difficult to be on top of it all the time, or know everything if you haven’t learnt about it before. So don’t be ashamed or scared that you don’t? Know everything?
When you’re beginning to learn a subject, I don’t know about others, but me and my friend have this Big Fear of saying the wrong thing or coming off too confident in something that’s Wrong and then someone coming after you/calling you out for it  -- it was a mistake, or a lack of knowledge but you can’t be faulted for that. 
How are you supposed to know something if you didn’t know? That also can’t be shamed. Maybe because we think we have to be accountable for ourselves and our lack of knowledge-- so we don’t offend someone Big who may be more knowledgeable and personally offended by just-- a person not knowing something.
I think we fear the consequences, sometimes more so than talking about it or enjoying the subject in open-ness to each others who have similar interests (there’s also an issue with inadequacy and comparison, but we’ll talk about that later see topic headers below). 
I think the idea that we could get Wrecked and Hurt, Completely Mauled Over by something or someone’s influence/ideas that is Larger than us - intimidates us at a moderately core-level into Not Addressing It (i.e. Not Taking Action/Talking). Because the repercussion seems to be... wild, and Maybe We’ll be a ScrapeGoat of an Unfortunate Event and Thats Not Cool At All Yikes. 
Addressing All The Fears (a Bundle Around This Big Fear Context) 
I’ve talked about it before, like way back earlier in the days. But I’ve always had a Big Fear of this. That’s part of why I get so intimidated when someone I like/look up to follow me?
There’s always the tiny nagging suspicion and doubt underneath my anxiety regarding this topic - like I’m unsure whether they’re going to see how I talk, what I say, what I’m providing for others and cast judgement that it isn’t good enough - like maybe I’m wrong about something and I’ll have to live with it (unreasonable but still, a Fear) and they can See that and Know i’m wrong. That’s a big Shame and Embarrassed feeling for me (i.e. making a fool of myself, which is?? essentially what this is on)
I think throughout my time here... I’ve begun to slowly mend my ideas about that fear. Part of it is because I’ve learnt more, I’m more active in using my skill-sets.
It’s because I have this blog - that I decided I’m going to start it, and it’ll keep me active in learning that I got to build up my skill-set and kept myself in-check from there. I got to interact with different topics and themes, double-check my own understanding of topics/subjects, sure I don’t know anything and everything. All of this is just what I’ve learnt, and me actively learning as I go - and while it was -- Big Fear and Unstable Ground for a while, eventually I learnt to rely more on -- the support system and people who do appreciate you, like you, what they talk about with you. 
You learn to appreciate the systems around you - the ones who interact and likes or ask and talk about stuff. The Fear and Responsibilities gets less and less fearful, because I’ve built trust in others - and it’s a reality check: that not all that’s in my head is good for me. Not even myself and my own thought is as good to me as the reality you live/have around you sometimes. And thats -- a fortunate thing, that’s something to not be taken for granted, and something I have to be thankful for. It directly addresses possible issues I didn’t know I had -- about how much this was weighing on me, by relieving me from it bit by bit as well. 
And that’s what I should note on, because even just a solitary ‘like’ on a social media site-- when you’re scared or unsure of whether you’ve made a right call -- is enough of a support for you to rest a little easier, knowing someone else got what you intended and support you morally as well. 
Standards and Logic: Ideals
I still get Big Fear because of my own ideals - like sometimes I have a mean voice? That just goes ‘you’re an astrology blog - your core/most basic requirement is to KNOW basic facts about astrology’ and then it goes ‘you NOT knowing something about the subject -- something basic, and STILL getting it wrong is absolutely irredeemable’ 
You know what’s the worst part about the mean voice? It’s because it’s my brain, it’s how I reason and logic. This is how I hold my own standards and ideals, and no matter how kind I am to others, my own core self isn’t kind to myself. Fundamentally --- since I couldn’t resolve it, I believe it’s my standard and is underlying in how I treat others too (even if I actively work to Not Let That Happen or Be True, it’s still a part of me).
I don’t want to treat others like that. That’s the scariest part. Part of the reason why it’s so hard - is because we see reason why our mean voice makes sense. To me, that’s objectively the ideal and standard. I already gave it my consent and agreement by understanding it’s logic - and now I fear it.
A part of me just going through this - is confronting this standard issue and my ideals. I think -- all of us who have Big Fear in some ways, understands the logic in just being Good at what you start out to do. Fundamentally, objectively. It kinda makes sense that if you’re going to write about biochem - you should get it right so you don’t fuck up about it. 
But I think you all can tell now - reading it in third person - how you’re allowed to make mistakes? If you’re willing to say that to someone else and understand that-- even if you write about biochem, but you might’ve missed a few marks because you got the answer wrong--- it doesn’t mean you’ve completely jeopardize the subject itself and everyone who’s a master at it. You’ve just made a mistake. And everyone - realistically - realizes how little it matters when you admit or realize you’ve made a whoopsie.
Making Mistakes - Accepting Being Wrong To Not Become an Asshole
A mistake is a mistake, it’s a human error. People fuck up sometimes, but -- we learn from our mistakes. 
It’s just a matter of accepting it in the first place? Being able to accept the mistake is what differentiate being an asshole to actually not letting it hinder you and moving on. 
I think -- just in my case -- I can see why it’s easy to cling on. If you only have your skill-sets to hold onto to, it’s hard to accept any other form of opinions or ideas that challenges it. I think that’s -- ego -- but also defense/offensive action. 
Not -- ‘im offended’ but more like, a tactical offense. I’ve seen people who manipulate others because they only have their skill-sets. Making the audience sway in their narrative and perspectives because they say it’s the ‘truth’ and that they’re knowledgeable or have experiences. I don’t necessarily agree with what they do, but that’s -- not on me, and I don’t care because that’s not something I?? feel comfortable addressing. 
I offered this brief example - because it’s the opposite of ‘well I don’t feel adequate about my knowledge, maybe I shouldn’t say something because I don’t have anything to offer?’ - here’s an example of someone who has knowledge, and is saying something. But is perhaps doing it in a way that isn’t... ideal as well. 
So if you think about the alternative: Which would you rather be? 
We just gotta know how to deal with it and address all the different elements to it as we can (what we’ve touched on earlier: own voice, judgement from others, concrete-starting something and self-expectations, fearful of expectations, not accepting being wrong or making mistakes as an OK thing to do, and how to deal with it kinda)
  Future Embarrassment (Continuous habit of being Embarrassed and Feeling Inadequate About your Skill-sets/Knowledge)
I’ve always thought about this - like how do I stop myself from being embarrassed and ashamed when I can’t fault myself for not knowing before - the only solution I can find for myself is just to do good.
Not suddenly go research and be on top of it with information + overloading myself like That kind of Good-good (‘im good at what I do’ -- not that type of good, confidence in skills doesn’t cover up insecurities and fear, but you can be confident in other areas you can shine light on better about yourself!) 
Do good to me is to chew what I can, say when I can’t, have good intentions and offer the things you CAN give. If it’s insight, clarifications, open-opinions - most people who are coming to you and asking for you are people who appreciates intentions. Just as you expect the same back.
The most consistent thing I’ve ever done is to just be in the mindset of wanting to be good and pushing myself to be good. I’m not saying I’m like -- 100% whole-heartedly a Good Person. But if I just focus on my intent, how it underlines everything, keeping things clear with that intention in mind. As long as I aspire to be good to others, there’s not much else anyone can say to harm me or my motives I think.
Maybe I’m not that good in terms of skill-sets, but more in terms of wanting to do objectively the best that I can, and wanting the best for others. That’s the two things I keep in my mind and goals; in your own heart. Regardless of everything - these two things will keep you going if you truly want and work towards it.
Comparison to others/Inadequacy 
I think that to others - maybe other people who have the same goal in mind; maybe same heart, maybe this would mean to do what they can and perhaps they are capable of achieving skill-sets, overcoming insecurities with knowledge and Not Feel Overwhelmed. 
But I know that’s not for me? Not how I work or the best I can offer - of course I attempt it too and yeah it works sometimes, but my constant and my ideas haven’t been about being right or correct whenever I post or say something (although I strive to try and do it right, as much as I can) -- it’s always been about realistically - what can I do, what can I give that’s 100% me and what’s needed/capable of doing?  
It’s hard because there’s also -- ideals about what IS the best solution. Like when presented with the same problems, same ask. You have two different people who share the same ideals and thoughts - both agreeing that the best way is to do it ‘like this’ - but one does it better and the other watches it knowing they couldn’t have executed it as flawlessly. 
And maybe you’re the other - but that, doesn’t make it any less obvious when you see it in third-person that the other person has their own gift and methods that is just as valuable as the one who did the good execution. They provide and support one another, just have to find their wings and respect, appreciate and cherish (lift up) one another’s skill-sets and capabilities as well.
It’s hard to apply it back to yourself -- that your thoughts, words and knowledge is valuable to anyone or that it’s Not lacking in some ways. What you see of yourself - there’s others who sees it in a more tender way than you do. What you can control, and what you can do best, is to not expect yourself to be unrealistic - but expect to be realistic about what you can provide, if all else fails, anyways. 
Stick to your guns - I’m basically just trying to say that. The feeling of inadequacy (that’s literally the core of it, underneath the shame) is fine -- and yeah. I don’t have? I’ve written alot but I hope this comes through well. 
I’m working through it but I hope, this helps a little. If you’ve read it at all. It’s long and rambly, but I hope this -- helps? Anyone else? Or just myself who’s working through it. But -- I hope this gives strength or support to anyone who needs it. Thanks for reading if you’ve read!!!
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to-write-ornah · 5 years
A/n: WHATS THIS??? NeW CoNteNT??? hey I tried. Be proud of me. Anyways, I found this prompt from @writting.prompt.s on Instagram and immediately thought Jason Todd. So here we are (I’m sure they have a tumblr but I can’t find it at the moment. Maybe I’ll edit it later)
Word count: including the ones you just read, like 3k
Warnings: none it’s just lowkey kinda shitty lol is weak plotline a warning? No? Maybe knives, but that’s it
Pairing: Jason Todd x reader
Genre: badass fluff I guess
You, a telepath, are getting the worst migraines from someone internally screaming next door.
Usually you could tune it out. You almost never heard anyone unless you wanted to. But this idiot, this inconsiderate little shit, had been screaming for nearly three days straight. Not out loud, mind you. Internal screaming. Being telepathic, you had no choice but to listen in on his constant screams. (You could tell it was a he because occasionally he would drop out of his screaming to yell-rant about his father, Bruce. Bruce sounded like a little shit too.)
Today was day three of the scream fest. You’d tried to block it out with music or watching tv, but the only reprieve you’d gotten so far was when you went to the store yesterday. Unfortunately, right now you worked from home. Meaning there was no break. He just. Kept. Screaming.
You rolled your eyes and slammed your laptop shut as he burst into another round of screams, this time about his brother. You groaned, stood up, and made a beeline for the door, ready to go complain to the landlord. The only thing that stopped you was the realization that you couldn’t complain about another resident screaming if, well, he actually wasn’t. Internal screaming wouldn’t get him in trouble, but it would probably get you thrown into some madhouse faster than you can say ‘Gotham.’
You groaned loudly as you shuffled toward your small kitchen, ready to make some coffee, put in some earplugs (which were more or less inefficient, but hey, placebo effect, right?) and try to work some more. You grimaced as he went from screaming to scream-talking. You already had a splitting headache, and it was about to become a migraine.
You got the water ready before suddenly realizing you’d forgotten to buy coffee yesterday at the store.
“Thank the freaking Batman,” you mumbled, heading for your room so you could get ready to go out. If you had to get coffee (aka get a break from Mr. Scream-a-Lot) you were also gonna find yourself a slightly-less dangerous park and hangout for a few...hours, maybe.
It was warm today. Not ‘big-city-humid’ warm, the nice kind that let you enjoy the day. Humming to yourself, mostly to keep your neighbors screams out of your head, you picked out a sundress, some flats, and your leather jacket. It made a good hiding place for your mace, which you always kept with you when you went out. Finally, you slid your garter up your leg, under your dress, and clipped your switchblade to it.
Hey, a girls gotta have protection.
Once you were dressed, you did your hair and a little makeup, excited at the prospect of getting out of your apartment for a while.
You grabbed enough money for coffee and stuck it in your inside jacket pocket before heading out.
‘Bye bye, Mr Screaming Man,’ you thought snarkily, locking your apartment behind your and bounding down the stairs of your building.
You’d managed to stay out of the house for almost three hours. Your telepathy was extra helpful in Gotham. If you payed attention, you knew exactly who to avoid and which streets were safe to walk. It made for a nice day out, and your headache was almost gone by the time you got back to your building. Regardless of special powers, Gotham was dangerous at night, and the daylight was starting to fade.
Your steps got slower the closer you got to your apartment. You did not want to deal with this guy again. You should charge him a therapy fee for listening to his rants and screams. The thought made you chuckle.
You punched it the number for your building and waited to get buzzed in before heading up the stairs to your floor.
Turning the corner, you collided with a human wall, sending you flying backwards.
A hand wrapped itself around your wrist, stopping you before you could hit the floor. You looked up to see a very attractive, very tall boy. Black hair with a white strip, and eyes like sea glass.
“Sorry about that,” he apologized quickly, helping you back up. “I’m usually more aware of my surroundings.”
You couldn’t place his voice, but he sounded familiar.
“It’s fine, really.” You fixed your dress, noticing it had ridden up and exposed part of your garter. You prayed he hadn’t seen it and been freaked out, quickly trying to distract him with questions.
“You’re my neighbor, right? You seem familiar.” You tried not to make a big deal about the fact that he was still holding your wrist, but your eyes flicked back and forth between your hands and his face.
“Yeah, my names Jason. I moved in a few months ago.” He seemed to finally notice his hand on yours and quickly pulled back. You couldn’t help but listen in on his thoughts.
‘Don’t be and idiot, Todd. Why’d you keep your hand on her? She probably thinks you’re creepy now. And she’s cute. And hot. Dammit, idiot.’
You pulled out of his head before you started laughing. At least you knew he thought you were cute.
“Well, Jason, it was nice, if not unconventional, meeting you. I’ll see you around,” You flashed him a smile and stepped around him, heading toward your door.
“Hey, wait!” He called after you. You turned back to see him awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
‘Wait...what was I gonna say? Oh, yeah, ask her on a date! Wait, no, I can’t do that she’ll say no-‘
“Jason, do you wanna go get coffee sometime? Like a date?” You watched in mild amusement as his cheeks turned a light pink color. He crossed and uncrossed his arms twice before answering.
“I mean..- yeah! Yes. Yeah, I’d love to!”
‘Come on, Todd, where’s your confidence? A pretty girl asks you out and you can’t even answer her!’
“Great!” You smiled as though you hadn’t just heard him beat himself up internally. “Meet me out here tomorrow at ten. Try not to run into me,” you teased, turning back toward your door and unlocking it.
“Yeah, um, no I- I won’t.” He awkwardly replied, face an even deeper shade of pink.
“See ya then, cute neighbor.” You called, seeing him a flirty wink before stepping into your house and shutting the door. You stood behind it, listening in on his thoughts for a moment.
‘What the hell just happened? What- what just...wow, I need some caffeine....’
You laughed quietly, heading toward your kitchen to make yourself some coffee. Something about his voice sounds so familiar, but you cant quite place it.
——Jason’s POV—-
I’ll be the first to admit I was angry. Bruce was giving me more missions and longer hours than I wanted, and I’ve spent the last three days staying home and being pissed about it. So when I went to make lunch today I realized I have no groceries. At all. I have half a redbull and a jar of mayonnaise in my fridge. Not ideal for, ya know, actually sustaining yourself. I meant to go to the store, but I ended up crashing on the couch and waking up around four. After a very necessary shower and a change of clothes, I was ready to go find something adult-like to eat.
I tugged on my boots, grabbed my phone and jacket, and headed out. I didn’t make it far before my phone chimed. Bruce. I rolled my eyes and pulled it out of my pocket.
‘You’ve got tonight off until 3 am.’
I groaned, shoved my phone back into my pocket, and turned on my heel.
Oops. Bad idea.
I turned straight into someone. She started to fall backwards, and I instinctively shot my hand out to grab her wrist before she hit the floor.
‘Shit.’ Her half falling position made her skirt ride up, revealing some kind of garter with a knife clipped onto it. Damn, that was hot.
I pulled her back to her feet, studying her in what I hoped was a casual way. She had e/c eyes and h/l h/c hair. She was pretty. Like, really pretty.
“Sorry about that. I’m usually more aware of my surroundings.”
“It’s fine, really,” she said. She pulled down the skirt of her dress to cover her knife. The silvery sound of her voice distracted me, and I almost didn’t hear her next question.
“You’re my neighbor, right? You seem familiar.” She cocked her head to the side, which I found adorable.
“Yeah, my names Jason. I moved in a few months ago.” Looking down, I realized I hadn’t let go of her hand yet, and quickly did so.
‘Don’t be an idiot, Todd,’ I mentally scolded myself. ‘Why’d you keep your hand on her? She probably thinks your creepy now. And she’s cute. And hot. Dammit, idiot.’
She smiled warmly. “Well, Jason, it was nice, if not unconventional, meeting you. I’ll see you around.” She flashed me another smile and I swore I was gonna melt as she walked away.
Before I knew what I was doing, I’d turned around and called after her.
‘Wait...what was I gonna say?’ My hand went to the back of my neck (nervous habit). ‘Oh, yeah! Ask her on a date! Wait, no, I can’t do that she’ll say no-‘
My internal argument was cut off by her soft voice.
“Jason, do you wanna go get coffee sometime? Like a date?” She asked. I could almost swear she was reading my mind. I felt my face heating up and crossed my arms.
I stuttered out my answer for a moment before getting out what I think was a ‘yes’.
‘Come on, Todd.’ I scolded myself. ‘Where’s your confidence? A pretty girl asks you out and you can’t even answer her!’
“Great!” She smiled. “Meet me out here tomorrow at ten. Try not to run into me.” It took me a moment to realize she was flirting, and I stuttered out what I’m sure was a very embarrassing answer as I felt my face get warmer.
“See ya then, cute neighbor.” She sent me a flirty wink before stepping inside and closing her door.
‘What the hell just happened? What- what just...wow, I need some caffeine.’ I took a step toward my door before remembering I had no food inside. ‘My hot neighbor just asked me out...on a date...wow...’ I shook my head, heading down the stairs and out of the building towards the store.
~~ Your POV~~
By the time ten o’clock rolled around the next day, you were ready for your date. You’d done your hair extra nice, fixed your makeup, and even painted your nails. You’d put on a strappy black tank top, high waisted black and white striped shorts, and heeled sandals. You tossed on your leather jacket, finding a hiding place for your switchblade in the pocket, along with your wallet and phone.
You were about to head out to find Jason when you heard a knock on the door.
‘Speak of the devil,’ you thought, walking to the door. You opened it to reveal Jason, standing on your doorstep with a red rose in his hands.
‘Woah,’ you heard going through his head, along with a jumble of other thoughts you couldn’t pull apart.
A blush rose to your cheeks at the unspoken compliment as you took in his appearance.
‘Wow. He looks good.’
“Hi. Is that for me?” You gestured to the rose. He nodded, offering it to you. You took it, gently holding it up and smelling it. It smelled sweet and slightly like what you assumed was his cologne.
“You look..amazing,” he breathed out, his eyes raking up and down your body.
You offered him a smile. “Thanks, handsome. You look great as well. Let me get some water for this and we’ll go?”
He nodded, and you quickly filled a tall glass with water for the rose, leaving it behind and joining Jason outside.
Coffee went great. You walked around the park afterwards and talked for nearly an hour. You found a donut shop, and got donuts together, then continued on your walk. Around halfway through your date, you’d listened in on his thoughts enough and realized that he was your neighbor that would not stop screaming. Lovely. At least he was cute.
It was one twenty or so when he asked you to go back to his place to watch a movie. He didn’t have any other motives in his mind than to spend time with you, so you agreed.
Sometime during your date, you’d started holding hands. On the way back to your building, you were holding his hand and walking on the inside of the sidewalk, closer to the alleyways and buildings. You were in an...interesting...part of town, so you tried to keep your mind stretched out to keep you both safe (not that Jason probably couldn’t, the guy was built like Superman,) but you wanted to be cautious. However, the smooth, rich sound of Jason’s voice telling you about his little brothers was keeping you more or less distracted.
You registered a vaguely dangerous thought coming from an alleyway about two feet ahead of you. You instinctively grabbed your switchblade, flicking it open and pointing it into the alley just as you stepped around the corner. There was a man standing behind the corner, holding a much smaller knife, with an expression of shock on his face. He dropped his knife in surprise. The whole thing happened in a matter of seconds, before Jason had time to react. You ignored the fact that his jaw was basically on the floor (and the onslaught of surprised comments and curse words floating around in his head) and addressed the man in front of you.
“I hope we’ve learnt a valuable lesson about not mugging people in weird alleys.” You raised a brow at him, giving him your best ‘disappointed mom’ face. He nodded hastily before backing away and running down the alley.
You casually flipped your blade closed, bent down, and collected the would-be muggers knife from the ground.
“Here,” you offered it to Jason, who had finally managed to close his mouth (kinda) and was now staring at you in awe.
“How did you know he was there?” He questioned, his expression shifting to confusion.
“I just knew. Did you want this or am I keeping it?” You offered the knife again, but he pushed it aside, releasing his hand from yours. He placed both his hands on your shoulders and turned you to face him. His eyes searched yours as his thoughts became loud enough to hear.
‘Okay that was kinda hot. But how did she know he was there? I didn’t even know he was there and I- no. Maybe she planned it? But why would she plan something like that?’
“Jason,” You said firmly, holding his face in your hands and forcing his thoughts to quiet. “I didn’t plan it.” His eyes widened. “I knew he was there because I’m telepathic. I heard his thoughts.”
He pulled away from you, stepping back. You tried to read his thoughts but realized that he somehow knew how to block them, and was doing so now.
“Please don’t be mad,” you said quietly. Telling him was a huge gamble. There was a fifty percent chance he’d freak out and have you hauled off to Arkham, and a fifty percent change he’d be fine with it. You were seriously hoping the result was the latter.
“Mad? Are you kidding me?”
You braced yourself for him to freak out, already planning which way to run in your head.
“This is so cool!”
Every scared thought you had flew out the window.
“Are you serious?” You quirked a brow, propping a hand on your hip as you studied him.
“Um, hell yes! Wow, that’s so badass! You definitely have to meet my dad.”
You had no idea what his dad had to do with anything, but you went along with it, relieved he didn’t freak out, and actually seemed to think it was a cool thing.
“So you’re not gonna flip out and have me hauled off to Arkham?” You clarified. He stepped toward you, hands going to your hips as he pulled you in and pressed his lips to yours. Your body relaxed as your arms wrapped around his neck, but he quickly pulled away.
“Shit, sorry, I should have asked.” The distressed look on his face made you laugh.
“C’mere Todd.” You chuckled, pulling him back in to you and kissing him. He relaxed against you and kissed you back.
He pulled away with a mischievous smile.
“Does this mean I get a second date?” He asked, smirking.
“Only if you ask this time,” you teased, hands playing with the lapels of his leather jacket.
He gasped dramatically, pulling you closer to him. “That was a low blow, sweetheart.” You pressed a quick kiss to his mouth.
“I’ll make it up to you. But only if you make it up to me first.”
He cocked his head to the side. “For what?”
You laughed. “Honey, I don’t know if you’ve realized this, but you’ve been screaming internally for about three days straight.”
“Woah. You must have the worst migraine ever.” His face blanked. “Shit. I didn’t accidentally tell you I was the Redhood did I?”
“Tell me you were what?!”
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kae-karo · 6 years
knlalla’s fics of 2018
hello dears! now that the year’s coming to a close, i wanted to round up a quick post of all my fics from this year, please enjoy! i’ve highlighted my personal faves/the ones i’m most proud of :’) it’s been a wild year, so thanks so much to everyone for all your kind support!
Phancakes (x) 1k (g) - the bois being domestic on pancake day (look okay we don’t have pancake day in america i have to live vicariously through dnp), insp by this tweet and the iconic vid no tw! just domestic fluff
did you make me a video for valentine’s day? (x) 1k (g) - Dan has a tradition, every year on Valentine's day he asks Phil the same question... no tw, minor angst
my talents include... (x) 1k (g) - Dan's whiny because Phil won't pay him any attention, so he sends out a passive-aggressive tweet. shoutout to @daliensgrandads​ on tumblr for bugging me to write this (instead of my current wip whoops) no tw, unless whiny!dan counts
Days like this (Security) (x) 800 (g) - Some days just aren’t good ones. tw depression
Balance (x) 1k (t) - Phil wants to post the bunk bed insta story, but Dan just wants to sleep. no tw
i missed you (x) 1k (g) - basically their history as told by dan no tw
the way you look tonight (x) 1k (g) - dan has a vid to edit. phil has other ideas. you have to listen to the way you look tonight by frank sinatra (youtube, spotify) whilst listening to this okay no tw
Chan (x) 1k (g) - insp by the anon that sent "demon hc: phil just chuckling fondly at dan thirsting over chan, while chan searches the bus and they’re both stood outside in pyjamas on the canadian border. idk, it’s just the kinda fond, secure bde that phil exudes these days" no tw
morning coffee (x) 1k (t) - inspired by the lovely anon who sent me "I dreamed Dan posted an insta story of Phil drinking coffee in bed and he was laying on his shoulder and I kept trying to show people how cute it was but no one cared, and when I woke up I remembered that you would care, and I realized it was a dream and now I’m a tad disappointed in my subconscious for trolling me." no tw
doing nothing often leads to the very best of something (x) 2k (g) - based on this (x) and a lil imagine i wrote (x) and expanded on so thanks to the lovely anon who originally sent "that pic phil posted of dan for his bday i think where dan is making a funny face and theres a nearly empty wine bottle in the background hhhhh that makes my demon heart drop" and to the lovely anon who asked for more! no tw
The House at Pooh Corner (x) 1k (g) - insp by the anon that sent "Full demon mode: Im just finishing up the Undertale series for the first time and all I can think about as Dan and Phil talk back in forth in their different character voices is how #blessed any future child of theirs is. Just imagine them snuggled up with a kid on each of their laps, reading Winnie the Pooh and doing voices for all the characters. RIP my heart." and the anon that sent "I've been having a really bad day. And something that I find really cute is imagining what Dan and Phil would be like as parents. (noting that you don't have to have kids ever to be a fulfilled human, just that people being good parents warms my heart). Hypothetically, what do you think it'd be like? I bet Dan would surprise himself by being a good dad. b/c he'd want his kid to feel free to be themselves and we all know he can be very protective when he needs to be." no tw, parent!phan
waffles (x) 2k (g) - phil goes to the 24hr diner with the hopes of seeing his favorite waiter (insp by me seeing a cute waitress at a diner. unfortunately none of the rest actually happened to me lmao) no tw, meet cute
it’s not living if it’s not with you (x) 800 (g) - dan and phil in bed at phil's parents' home, briefly reminiscing no tw
if we stopped shipping phan (x) 8k (g) - what would happen if the entire phandom just...stopped shipping phan? insp by this post about not shipping phan for a month cause they'd freak out. Happy Valentine's day, @phantasizeit​! no tw, friends to lovers
sleepover in the moon room (x) 6k (g) - It's a tradition they've had for years (Note: this was written with the intent that it can be read completely platonically or non-platonically, whichever you prefer. It's not written to imply one way or another.) a platonic fic sorta lmao
printer error (x) 16k (m) - Dan's a fanfic writer who's desperate to meet the AmazingPhil, but one printing mishap could bring him closer to his idol than he ever anticipated. no tw, strangers to lovers with a bit of fic commentary
everyone knows that (x) 5.5k (g) - They fight more often than they don’t, but that’s just how relationships are. Everyone knows that. Phil bakes when he’s worried, especially when he's worried about Dan. And Phil bakes quite a lot. Dan hates that he's the cause of Phil's nervous baking, that Phil's always so stressed because of him, but Dan has a hard time feeling too bad when the outcome is a plate of warm cookies. no tw just some angst
The Seven Deadly Insta Stories (x) 7k (e) - A collection of seven short fics based on the seven deadly sins, as told in the form of insta stories dnp didn’t post. as a prompt from @phanfichallenge to post a fic every day this week, have my tour fic twist on the seven deadly sins!! no tw, tour fic(s)
i’d do anything to not be alone (x) 16k (t) - I don’t know why I bother waking up. It’s one of those nonessential activities, like eating or drinking or breathing. But I do it, because if I don’t, then nobody would water the plants. Phil left and Dan doesn't know why. But he has to take care of the plants, because Phil would be so disappointed if he came back and his plants had died. no tw, just lots of sadness n a bit of angst but it does, as always, end happily i promise
dark purple sky (darkness comes out to play) (x) 4k (e) - It’s not that he hates parties, it’s just that- well, no, he hates parties. And costumes. And showing up to parties in costumes, and showing up to parties decidedly not wearing costumes, and all the mumbled judgements that come along with doing so. And he hates sweets - really, the only things he does like about Halloween are the autumnal vibes and the cool weather, and experiencing those certainly did not require his friends dragging him out to some abandoned castle grounds for a half-assed late-night party. Or the one where Dan gets a blowjob from a complete stranger in the middle of the forest on Halloween. no tw really, strangers to lovers?, mostly just pwp
Properly (x) 10k (e) - Dan's been trying to take advantage of the all-hours pool for a late night swim, but some guy always shows up before him. no tw just pwp and some strangers to lovers
Demons and Diners (x) 65k (m) - A broke Dan, on the run from his previous life, finds temporary shelter in an abandoned diner...for the night? tw depression, some blood mentions, but happy ending as always!
What day is it? (x) 32k (t) - It's the first day of the semester, and it's already gone to shit: Dan's late to his first class, finds out his mortal enemy, Phil Lester, is the TA, and gets rejected by the girl of his dreams, but at least tomorrow's a new day...right? Aka the one where Dan and Phil are stuck reliving the same day over and over and can't figure out why. no tw except some major angst, uni au, enemies to lovers
Axiom (x) 31k (t) - Axiom: a proposition that is not actually proved or demonstrated, but is considered to be self-evident and universally accepted. Dan's out for the umpteenth time at the bar for its weekly speed-dating night (not that they'd actually call it that). tw depression and a really cliche plot twist whoops but a happy ending, always
one second (x) 41k (e) - When you spend your life getting glimpses of a myriad of possible futures every time you get a little emotional, you tend to lose sight of reality, of the present; a bad day turns into a bad week because all you see are the worst-case futures. You get a little excited about something, things start to go your way, but then all you can see are the realities where things are even better. Life tends not to measure up. Or the one where Dan meets Phil on a plane, and maybe reality starts to become better than even Dan could predict. no tw really, strangers to lovers
slow-closing doors (x) 44k (t) - SECRETS, DRAMA, BETRAYAL (okay no betrayal dw). Phil's agreed to be an RA for his floor this year at uni, and he's determined to be the best RA ever - after all, this is these students' first year, he wants them to have the best year ever. Loosely inspired by Freeze Tag by Caroline B Cooney. tw minor violence nothing graphic just a lil scary, uni au strangers to lovers
Peter Phan (x) 37k (m) - Phil's woken in the middle of the night by a mysterious guy at his window who's intent on dragging him off on an adventure, and for some inexplicable reason, he agrees. Dan's stuck - quite literally - in his own head, and he's desperate for anyone to help him escape. Maybe, if he's lucky, that person could be Phil. He hopes it is. tw depression and suicide attempt, implied/referenced non-con, lots of angst, but definitely a happy ending, strangers to lovers
angel boy (x) 22k+ (e) - for the anon that sent "Oh fuck, now I need a smutty fanfic with twink!Dan taking it from behind with his angel wing tattoo (or real ones for that matter... actually, yes please, real ones. And Phil has a kink for being a bit rough with them... maybe Phil's a demon... fuuuck, someone write this for me?)" Aka the one where angel!Dan goes into a demon club looking for a bit of entertainment. no tw, my attempt at pwp turned into porn with a plot lmao
Sea Glass (x) 58k (t) - Phil arrives on the Isle of Man to house-sit at his family's cabin while it's repaired and sold. Except the cabin's in far worse shape than expected, and Phil's got to find somewhere else to stay no tw really but like i updated this a few times this year so i’m counting it
Exile (x) 172k (e) - Exile's a fucking bitch. Dan finds himself kicked out of town and searching for literally anywhere out of the rain - somehow, he must have just enough luck, as he stumbles upon a seemingly abandoned house in the middle of the forest. Except it isn't abandoned, and the resident isn't exactly...normal...
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